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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
4" r THE ' OREGON DXlLV JOURNAlU PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. FZDSUARY . 7. . ItZX I i . C1TI IOTIOU. :ions Atmmni roa nmorx. un or lua mm. - Notice W hereby 'veai that tt AHIfcr of tke Olr of portlaad haa prepared a pro poned aaimaemiat for tlM Improvement of Main tre. trow tha weet Hue "t Froet mwl to the urea. Dm of Fourteenth mw end haa aerevtalned what ha deeme luat apportion event of cost at tbe laimwml In aconrdaBce witu lb special (wl peculiar bena-ftta fcrtwj BV HA HKH Ot ISM Bno SB" Br wcv wlrhln , the iwmmiI dUtrirt. and bee ee nrUooed the ml for aald laprovenaeut'lu the imta aet wwlU each parcel of Isnd end tot- ar part thereof a lu aaara al each proposed SBaroaacnl. - . ' ; Any objections to the apraartloninent of roet for aald Improvenaeiet mart be mad tw la t CouarU and with bn Auditor wlthla 1ft daya from the data of llcatlou of this notice, and aatd objections a-lll he beard and determined by tha Council before Id (manage tb ordinance aasoalng tlx mat nf said Imis-nventent. - ' . PORTLAND BLOCK a. . T' firbmeer. HO OT; rU al lot 3. Maria J. Baker. (18: asath of tot A l-hartotte Mofratt Csrtwrlght. tlbO: V . Feedlnend - Health Ueies of. (8.28: undivided U at lot a, frank J. staieoa, sas.oi junoi vTded V. of tot ft, Ferdlnaad C. SmIU Estate. Helra al. AHM. BLOCK II. lot 4. J, lsrta l.we Estate. Holra of. (23.M: tot a. ob" a. .Devlin. (138; lot . Una L. Hawklne. (AM: tot B, Leeoder U Hawkins. 4J T. HUN K 24. tot 4. Agnes H, Itrbnmau. (ion; tot I. Mary lUth Hawklim. (a28;tot A J. V.udV. Cook. a4; toe i. W. and V. .. a- '.k. dt A FLAt A-MAtcK KL analh 100 faat. Otf of . Nrtlaad. fl-M. -. ' ' k rOkTI.AND HI-OCK M. W 4. llaltaomaa Coanty. .: lot S. Maltaoaut Mnir. M.S4; lot d. Maltaoaiah (Migr. KM; W a. alaltaoBMh toantr. 3.l. a im-m.h Hawlnn a Imi HortaUr. "- $23.T0i lot 3, OarnaB aawlaga A Urtjr. a.!: lot a. AbMa U Arwaoa. ; r. rn: 181. lot 4, Cataarlnr A. Daly. 14.1Ti aoalk H , Cathorta. A. Waly. 2.; iwrtk 4' or lot a. wry jii ' " ' w a u.ra A Rnrka. E4 UH' lat ft. MarT A. . rJiirka. $114 0. BliHTC . lot .4. Uwla rMOKC tatata. Holra of. ftM.a: lot ' loula Vlrlarbaar Eatata. Hrlra (. ht a. Loala tVlartaa EaUta. U-lra af, -"3; ft, Laala Flrlarhacr Kaiala. Helra of. ftLI. FA KK BLOCK f. lot . City of Portland, 2 aj; lot ft, City of Portland. tiW. . hivn.iviL.MJk'C m kt a., nimora Tar, roll, ai: tot ft. Henrietta R. ftO.1V; lot . Oosrca Alnalay EaUta. Hotra of, ftNO.ST: lot ft. Oonrva Alnalry EaUta, Balra of. 10a. BIXK'k Itft, lot 4. Annla a Mrkola. ftl4t.TU; lot ft, Annla B, Nk-haM, ' ftst.M; north 80 f art af tot d, la Bslk-nlc. ftS.HT; aoatk JO fact of tot i. A. C. Hlkr. us. t- a a n VHkA. ai9i.ti." BTM'K il, tot 4. Joaaphtna a ChlM. 106.(MI; tot ft. HanrlatU U BiaJth, Hl.M: aaat S at lot . Hanrlatta U SnrHh. 40.ei: aaat V, of lot ft. Hanrlatta U Kmlth, fTS.T; north fort of want at tot d. Pardlnand -C. . Hailtn EaUtc, Helra of, 4.M; aantk 44 fort af waat U af tot d. BattU U Martin. , :.!; wat H af tot 6. Board of Srbool Traataaa. 143. OS. BLOCK P. lot 4. Brrtha Koba. 90.6: lot ft. WtlUaa R. Sawall. . HUM' as faat af lot a. WtlUam R. . Hawaii, I.S4; aaat JB faat af tot ft.. Bartba , Koba. SM.T0i north HVof want TS faat af tot 4. Acm SpiUnun., EM.dO; aoutli af waat TS faat of lot d. Ladwig Wllbam. M.'JA an- aaat ataraat af. waat Tft faat ot tot . ft. African Mount Eton Char?b. . tTl.3&: waat 40 frrt of tot a, Arnraa Mount Kton cnnrrn. - no :tt SLACK M. tot 4. Albert T. Rmith. - lot ft, Albert T. Hmltb. til TO: aaa 4 tact or lot a. ualla surinara. a.-i.oii aaat 4 faat af lot ft. Cella Bnrkhard. t.X , north 1ft faat of waat M faat allot ft. Barrlat Uambartr- ftA.TiV: aoatb m faat. of waat ft. .'. foot of iot 4. Jacob Kanam. 2l.4n: waat-M , foat af lot ft. Jh fttnai . A" trarf af land lylnft batwran tha waatarly linn af Potntaanrlr atraat and a Una 1K faat waatarjy tharaaf'and parallrl tharawltb and - ' hatwrau , tb- northerly and . Ilara . .m Main airaci li aairiamu -oin iia preani onaraa. . Jaeob . Hints ft224.40. - J BUK'K T, nndlrtdad H Of tot T. Mary Aoa Cottlo, ft4 IS: nndtrldad t( of lot T, Ada Paul Oottla.; wndlTiaad U of tot T. Blanrh B. Cottla. IX.Od; n1lTldrd 1-13 of lot S. Ettaahatb D. Marar. $3.Hli; onrtlTlrtad .' 1-lft af bit ft. Estbar Mill, fta.86: undlTldad . 1 3-1 & or tot ft. Tyler wooawara. .av.iH. - BIjOCK 10. tot 1. Dow Shada. S3S.T4; andl Tided H of lot SV Lawia Lore Batata. Hrlra r of. ftl.TO: aouth H of lot 2. "ti-phaa Maada Kutata, Hrtra of. ftl.ddi lot T. Joaanb N. Teal and Am rraoe.; lot B. iovpm n. Toal and Laa rada. : 10. BTXK.K Sft. ' ' lot 1,' Kami H. Andaraon, SS.n3; lot S. - Km ma H. Aadaraon. ftn.SM: tot T. Ella M. Kmlln E.Uta. Hetra of. S0: lot Xila - M. Smith -Batata. Haifa of. tl.42. . rLAEABLO:K 64raortb 100 ft, . City ft i Portland, SS.fta. PORT1.AKD BIXMTK Vt, tot 1. Maryf' Roth Hawblna. SZT..i1 t 2. Mary Rath Hawklna. ' (3.4: aaat S?. faat of tot , Mary Rath y -Hawhlne. fll.bft; aaat W. "at of lot T. -a-Mary Bath Hawktna.-tt.TO: waat MVi faat 'fif.tot 7, Martha J. MaGnlra. . S.T; waat f04 faat ot tot n. MarCh J, MrOulrr. ftap.ll. -' ' KlJOCK lftS, aaat Ott n feat of M U H. 4 - M. Cake and Oearew W. ATary. llS.ST. north Id foat of aaat 1-S faat of tot 3. H. M. Cake and Ororne W. Avary. tO.&S; waat 2ft 1-ft faat af aaat 40 1-S faat of aoatk . 1A faat of north H of lot S. H. M. Caka and - aorfa W. Aaary. SO. S3; waat IS 1-ft faat ot eat SB 1-S raat of aoatb V, or lot s, H. M. , Caka d Oeorce W. Aaary, ftO.26: aaat 40 faat of aontb 40 faat and waat Id-frat at arwth S5 faat ot aaat ftd faat of tot 2. Hanrfc A. Popplaton. ftl.ftl: wrat SO S-ft faat of lot 1, Edward 1. Pinch, Sd.dl: waat SO S-S faat of lot S. Edward 1. Pinrh. ftO.04: tot . T, E. O. Baraoa and Lamar B. Baalay, 34 BS; ' tot . E. 0. Barnaa AV Lamar B. Baalay, ' ' IU BTyOCK 1HA. lot 1. Amanda W. Read. " 2-0; north faat ot lot 2. Hanry Soula : . Kauta.' Halra of. to SO; aoatb 4S feat af lot , 3. Hanry Hon la Batata, Halra ot. S4.M: aaat ' ;' Vi of lot T, Hanry Taubeobalmer, XSS: 7i aaat H of tot S. Hanry Taabanhalroar, SM.7A; .' waat H of tot T. John at. Hodaon. S2.80; wwt H of tot ft. Job M. Hodaon, tl.t.M. BLOCK ' anT. lot T. Marti a Wlnrb. ftlA4.SS; tot 2. Martin Wlnrh. M.26: lot T, H. i. Vorhatt , Batata. Halra of. tot ft, Rndolph v Barker. - n.m. - FARK BLOCK ft. lot 1. City af FarUnnd, iiftd; tot 4, fit of Portland. $2M. PORTLAND BI-OTK B. tot 1. William LeddV ftO.21; tot 2. Wltllaa Ladd. ftO.02: tot 7. Wll- .,')laia Ladd. H0.20; lot ft, WlllUm Ladd, . f 100-S2. BLOCK 24T. tot 1. Richard Krerdlux, " 152TS; tot S, John aVrbeoree, (H2.ftT: tot 1, , KUan Halllnn. t41; tot ft. Elian Halllnf. , $1715. BLOCK 2S2, tot 1. Umm P. Pallia.. . fO XT. lot 2. Jamas P. Paillnn, S40.2T; tot T. Carolina SalUaf. 0 SO; lat ft. Carolina Baniog, (140.42. BLOCK E, tot 1. Bath laraal Coaereaattoew, 12.U; lot 2. Bath laraal Caanrracarlon. STO.Oft; Jot T. Bath laraal . .. Concraaatioa. ftu.77: lot-lOBath laraal Can ftTacaUan. ftllO.W. BIXM-K K, lot 1 WlllUm .i BawaU. 1T ; north 23 faat of lot X .WUUaa Hawaii, ftl.SS; BKith 28 H faat of lat 2, Anna 0. Qimakanhnab. ft..02; aaat 04 -, faat af tot T, Thomaa Mann. ft1272; ant On ' faat af tot ft, Thomaa Mann, Sn.; waat 84 faat af lot T, Jacob Kama, tR 74: waat 34 faat af Jot . Jacob Kamm, I10S.1S: rtebt of way at Portland Ooaanlldated Railway Coaa- nany, (U4.1S, Total. H .. - THOS. C. rEVU!C. . . .. , . .. - Andftar of tha City of Portland. ' Data af Bret aeMlrattoa AbrnaU7 27. 1UU6. R0POSXD mrmrnrr .,T0B nmtOTK- , ; imti or iait Twxurai irmxR. " KoHna In beraby rtran 'that the And! tor af The City of Portland baa prepared proponed aaaeaament for tba lmprorement of Eaat Twelfth atraat.' from tha aooth Una af Mnltno ; nab atraat ta tha aontb Hon af Tillamook atraat. and baa aarartatned what ha deems a jttet apportionment at coat of tba Jmproaement la accordance with tba aparlal and necallar bene fit a darlTed by each parrel af land and tot or Krt thereof within the aaaeaament dlatrlet. and s apportioned tha eaat far aald Improvement In tha amonnta aet appnalte earn parrel af land and tot ot part thereof aa Its share af Mch Aar oblactlaaa an tha aonnrrlnaniant Af ana for oaM Imprarement aaat be made la writ Irk to tha eoancll and Hied with tba Auditor wllbln ) daye from tha data of tba flrat pnbllraUoa of tbla notlcd. aad aald objecttona wlU be heard aad determined ay tba council before the naa- aaav of tba ordlnnnc aaaraaluf tba coat af eaid-1 lmproaeaant. - . A parcel af land bine, between tba aoatb Una , af - Mnltnamah atraat and a Una Hat feet , aontb there from and parallel therewith and between tba aaat and waat line af Eaat , ' Twelfth, If attended anatberly In Its preaant enneaa. City of Portland, aft. 74, HolJADAT n 'ADDITION TO EAT PORT LAND BLOCK 14. lot ft, Oracon Real Katata Company, fto.Ofl; tot 0. Oreirea Real Katata (wniinnr. Snofi: tot 7. Oracon Real P.atate ; (Vmipany, ftfl.nO; tot ft. Orecon Real Katata l-mnpanr. num. - HIXM.-K i vv lot a. Oreoa : Real Katata Company. SO "ft lot , Oregon . Real Katata Compear, So.nft; nt T, Oregon " Heal P.etate Company, (noft; tot . Oregon . Reel Batata t'ompanr. (o.oft. BLOCK 134. M ft. O. A. Rltaa, fto.nft; tot ft. O. A. Rita a. evnft; tot T, Oregon Real Katata Company,; ht 0. Oregon Rear Katata Company. . t.t. BfOCK 2IO. Bonth Sft OT feet of tot ft. Mltla R. Haslltaa. (3d. AS; north 14.SS feet ' of tot ft, Jamaa Andaraoa. SIS.dT: tot ft, James Aadeeaua. S42O0; tot T. ,Jaaee An- drann. lift SO; tot ft. Jamaa AndVrhnn. ft.11 . in. ' HUN'. 124, lot II. John H. MttrbeH. S120, IS Vt 4. Jabn H MltrnelL (07 4i) tot T. Jrki H. MttrbeH. T 1ft: lot ft. John M. Mitchell. . ne.tiS. BIjOCK 2nd. lot ft. C. V. Thoraen. Sift.7: tot d. C. V. Tnoreoav (15. 7ft; tot T. C. T. Thoeaon. (40 IB; lot ft, C. T. TBorann, rrTS. BIM-K S7, tot ft. Barn hard Retlly ratate. Helra af. ftlSS.Ift: tot 0. Barnkard Retikr Route. Halra st, SOTtft; lat T, Maria A. Haiti h, 14 an. WKUT IvW.ittnBLOCK 124,' lat (, Julia U KAana til U - rioU.ti.AYn A DmTTON TO P.Arr'POBT . l.ND-BI,OCK 13. at 4r Oregon Real Karate , lHupaay . tot 3, Oragnn Real Katate I'tvmroaii 0n; tot t, Oregon Real Fstarte ' r.aaoaar, (aoi; tot I. Oregon Real Folate Uaaaaaar, U X BLOCK 1 Aft, tot 4, Orajaa cttt vonczft. Real Batata. Company, SO.Oft; lot S, Oraina Real Katata Company. fn.uA; b.t 2, rirrax t Real Ratal Company, ftu.116; tot I. Oregon Real tntata Company, fi.uA. BLOCK 1ST. tot , 4. Oracon Real Katata Campaay, 40.06; lot S. taraaan itaal Katata tvmpaay, aim, tot a. Oraam tteal Katata Company, ait.oo; lot 1, . Oragon Baal Eataia Company' ftn.ia). BLOCK 912. tot 4, Charlae P. Prahn. flW.W; kt ft. Charlca P. Prahn. 48 25. BIVCK S. tot 4. ' W. R. and Ruth E. I'oaarr Batata. Hatra r. S.1l.ft0; lot 3, W, S. and Rulh K. Canary, Katata. IMra of, .; tot 3. Joeeph H. Thatrbar. W W: lot 1. Joaanb H. Tbatrbrr. BUXK 2T7. lot 4. Oraaon Ileal Katata Company, S4T.2: nt a. Ih-eaa Real Batata Company. S47.1!A; lot 2. J. J. Plta- awalrt. ST. no: lot 1. J. J. rltacerald. (120.1ft. BLOCK aW. tot 4, Cbarlea Rred Katata, Helra of, ftlSR.Iftt tot S. t'karlaa Read Katata; Halra of. 7 5: tot 2 J. A. Hrrtaman. 4.tta, WKKT IRVINRTON BLOCK I2A. tot ft- J. H. llTtaman. (4ft.4: tot 4. Virtue A. Aaary, (Ot.ftO. , Tnul, (2,370.04. . , v . . THOg. ft, DKVMJf. t '. Aadltnr of the Cky of Portland. Data af ft rat publication. Prnraary ST. ,1016. PROPOSED ASSrSSMXlfT TOR IMPROYX- MZVT OF EAST MORRIftOB STREZT. Notice la nearby rlraa that the Aadltnr of the lite a heflani haa aeaejarad S nrenoaed aaaeaament tor tba Improvement at . Kaat-I Morrlann -street. from tba raat , Una of Eaat Thirty-eighth elreet ta the weat Una at Beat - Thirty-ninth , street, and has ascertained what he drains n jset apportion meat of cost of tha Improvement In accordance with the epedal aad peculiar bene ftta derived by each parcel of land and tot or Cart thereof wltbta tba saaeanment dlatrlet. and aa apportioned tba coat for aald imprarement in the amonnta af opposite each parcel of land and tot ar part thereof as Its a are at enca proposed naaeaaaent. . Any. objections to tha apportionment, of east far ssld Improvement rnnat be made In writing to tha council and filed with the Aadltnr within IS days from lbs data ot tha flrat publication af tbla notice, and said objections will be beard aad determined by tba council before tba paa aaga of tba ordinance ssaaaalnf tha cast f said Improvement. BAKTttCH PARK ADDITION TO BAST PORT . LAND BLOCK ft. tot T, ' Agnes Kohaoa, S:i8.4ft: tot ft, Agnes Robann, 48.!4: tot 8. . Agnes Rnbsea. ftM ST: tot in. Albert Bartsrb. (42.4T: tot 11. Ottilia Barter.. 440.74: tot 12. Ottilia Bartscb. SWlftS. BLOCK 4, lot 1, ' Jeaate E. Robson. (31.D2: lot 2. J. K. Scott, - (M.00; tot S. Annie Welae. (44. 2K: lot 4. Joaeph K. 0111. (rT 27". : tot 6.' MalrtaC fJrorga, (40. T4; tot ft. Melrin C. George, ST3.0T. ToUL (olft.00. , '. ' -J-r " - : ' Andllnr af tba City of IVrtland. -1 Data af Srst nnbllentma, Pebrnsry 27, i-UO PROPOSTD illlllirnt TOR OtrKOTXV - xxvr or imEDi itur, , KoHcs. la hereby given lbsiha Auditor af tha City of Portland has prepared 4 proposed aaaeaament for tha Improvement af Upshur atraat, from tba aaat Una of Twenty-atxth street to tba waat Una ot North Portland, and baa asaartalned what be 'dee ma a just apportionment of cost af tba Improvement in accordance with the special sad peculiar bene fits derived by each parcel of- land and tot ar Krt thereof within tha aneeeement dlatrlet. and a apportioned tha coat tor aald Improvement la tha amonnta art opposite each parcel af land and tot ar part thereof as Ha share of such proposed aaaeaament. Any abjeettsaa to tba apportionment af coat for aatd laprovaaent aaat ha Bade In writing to the council and filed with tba Auditor withla IS day a from tha data of tha Brat publication af tbla notice, and ssld objections will ha heard ssd determined by tha council before tht pea aaca of tha or dl nanca assassins tba cost of ssld Improvement. - - . ' - NORTH IRTTAKrfipCf")-"tot 4. Jacob Mayer. (3T.: tot S. Jacob, Mayer. (10.47. BLOCK 14; undivided' H of tot IT. B. M. Lombard. (150(d: undivided 1 af lot 10. B. M. laMaasrd. (18.SS: undivided -t, of tot . 1A. B." M. Lombard. (S3. TO; undivided U at r nnV 14.' & M. Imhard. (03.41 ; .irsdlvidcd H of eaat 13. S3 feat at tot 13, B. M." lannbard. (34. fW; andlvtded H of lpt IT. H. K. Noble. SlnO.OS; nndivlded H of tot Id, H. B. Noble, ' ilS.ns; undivided H of tot IS, H. K. Noble, Sfa.Tl; nndivlded at tot al, HETTtobla. ' (03.40; nndivlded of eaat lft.SS feat at lot 1.1. H. . Noble, (24 S: nndivlded Mi af west S8.0S feet of tot IS, Charles K. Henry, , SAS.2B; nndlvidrd H af:bt Cbariea K. . Hanry. (T7.6- undivided of tot 11, Charles ' K. Henry. (00.04; nndivlded H f lot 10, .Charles K.' Henry, (101 .07: nndivlded tt of lot ft. Charles K. Henry. (124.40: nndivlded ,M of west 00.03 feet of lot IX. David Utcb--.tenthalec Eatsta, Heirs of. (oft.Sfl: undivided' H af tot 12, David Lltchtoatbator Batata, Hairs of. (77.58: nndivlded, H ot lot 11. David Lltchtenthsler Katata, nelra ot. (AD M; na dir ided V, ot lot 10. David LltrKlentBaler. Ha ute. Heirs 6f. (101.07: nndivlded1 i ot lot- w. tmvia l-iicnicatttsjer eatsta, neirs ot. (124.48. BIOCK 21. tot 2. David Utchten - -thaler Otatc. Heirs of, (.1S4.NR; north ftO feet af lot L Dsvld IJtchtenlbaler EaUte. I Hales af, (71.5S: lot S. David Jiitchreothaler isiaiff, neire nr,; ot a. - uariu Iscbtenthaler Katste. Heirs of. (171.11; lot - ii. David Li tab ten thaler Batata, Helra .of, ; (1SS.A2: tot ft. Peter P. Fageav (101.09. -RALCH'S ADDITION TO THB CfTV OP POBTLANAe BLOCK 322. north S B faat of tot 4. J. a. Mack, (2.01; north 12 feet 'af tot ft. J. O. ' Mark, (2.04; north 14 feat of .aat feet at tot 0, J. O. Mack, (0. TV. north 14 feat of aasCSl.T feat of tot 4, J. Q. Msck, (3.10. . -' . - KORTH PORTI-AXD BLOCK ft, Jt 4. Everett Fan ton. (34.08; lot 8, Kveraft anton. fts, 10, , BLOCK IS. tot 1. Jacob Mayer, (2U0.60; tot 2. Jacob Mayar. (32.21: lot ft. Jacob Mayer, (140.1ft: tot 4. Jacob Mayer. (168.40; tot S, Jaeon- Mayer, lW.TSKt . Jacob , Mayer, wna m 7 rr, fiei. IKJH O. leifl. BRJWmw wwv v mch wi ie mw vi rwUH, (142.07: west H ot lot T. Mary Mattie Lar-prertlfled by a reaponalble bank for aa amount aea. (TT.00: aaat a. of tot T. Annla Codakla- aoa. (74.00: lot ft. Jacob Mayer. (20T.04: tot 0. Jaeob Mayer. (230.01. BLOCK 20. tot I. Mark A. Mayer. ft.142.BT: tot 2. Mark A. May or, (07.01; tot "3, Mark A. Mayer, (133.78; tot 4. Mark A. Ms.Ter.-(17l)7: tot B. Mark A. Mayer, (101.08: tot ft. Mark A. Mayer. (102.20. Total, (0,340.82. . , THOS. , C? DEVUIf. . Auditor of tba City of Portland. -Date of tret publication February 27. 180ft. PROPOSED - ASSXSSMXn-T FOR ZXFROTX- ' .icnrx or east rare street. . , Noticed la hereby given that ttab Auditor at tba Cttyf of Portland baa prepared a proposed aaaeeemebt for tba Improvement of Kant Pine a treat from tna aaat line ot Eaat Fifteenth atraat to tba aaat Una of Kaat Eighteenth atraat. and baa ascertained what be deems - a Jost apportionment af coat ot tba improvement In accordance with tba aparlal and peculiar bene fits derived by eark parcel of land and tot or Eart thereof within the aaaeaament dlatrlet. and aa apportioned tba cost for ssld Improvement In the amossta art appoutta each parcel of land sad tot ar part thereof aa Its aaara af such opasea seeeeemcnt. Any objecttona to tba apportionment -of coat r aald improvement must be made In wrtrtrig to the council and filed with tba Auditor withla IS days from the data of the 4 rat mihltcattoa af tbla notice, and aald objections win be. heard and oeter m Inert try tna council before the paq saga of tba ordinance aaaesslng tba- coat of aaJ improvement. AIKEN'S ADDITION to East Portland BLOCK MB. lot 4, Tbenphllna aad Aranlmta A. Hemphrey, (02.TO; lot S. Tbeophllue and Aranlmta A. Hampbrey. (.3; lot 8, K. H. Ioh man. SlO.tW:' tot ft. K. II. Lnhman. SAS.&2. RICHOUWN'S ADDITION to Portlaad Oregon FIJCK 8, tot 4, W. T. B. Nicholson. S58.87; tot ft, W. T. IB. Mcbnlann, (8.T2: lot 8. W. T. B. NlcreSleon, (t3 82: tot I. W. T. B. Nlcbotomv (H6.04. BLOCK J-tot 4. W. T. B. Nicholson. (03.80; tot 3vW. T. B. V Nicholson, :I4.74;- eaat Vi of lot 8. Dan B. Evans. (23.01 : esst V, ot tot ft. Jaanes T. Cblanock. ftoS.ft': weat H of tot . W.' T.. B; Nlcbolaon. (18.80: weat W of lot ft. W. T. B. Nlcbolaon. (43.4ft. '. W. McOriRK'S ADDITION to the City of Portlaad BLOCK 2, tot S. Amanda ,W. Reed Eatnte. Helra of. (30.38: lot ft, Amanda W. Read Katata. Heirs of. (34.24. AIKEN'S ADDITION fta Beat Portland BIvOCK X3U, lot I. William T. B. Nicholson, ftde.87; tot . Wnilanf T, R. Nlcbolaon. 49.0B: tot 7. William T. B. Nicholson (11.08; lot (. William T. B. Nlcbolaon. San ta. KICHOLeVON'S ADDITION. Portland. ' Oregon It 1AM K 4. lot 1. William T. B. Nicholson. (01.38: tot 2. William T. ft. Nleholaou. (0.30: tot T. William T, S. Nh-holaon. (34.KT BLOCK ?. William . T. -B. Nlcbolaon. (01.83: lot . lot 1, Wllllar T. . B. Nlcbolaon. (08.00: tot 2. WlllUm T. B. Nlcbolaon. (.'tfUM: tot T. WiilluM T. B. Nlcbolaon. (21.04; let ft, William T. B. Nlrbolann. ST4.I4. ' W. W. McOClRE'M ADDITION la tha City of Portlaod PIX1CK 4. lot T. Amanda W. Reed Karate. Helra of. (44.04: tot 4, Mary 8. Burke, (31.41. Total. 1.S44.0A. THOS. C. DKVLIV. ' Aadltnr of tba City af Portland. Date of Srst publication February 27, 100ft. PROPOSALS FOR SXWXR WORK.. Sealed nrnnaaahf wtll be received at the office of tba Auditor of tha City ot Portland until Friday, March -8. istn, at S e clock p. a., for the otaastrnrttotiT ot n newer . in' '34" atreet fronr , 'tb4 aontb liar? of Ver eteeg'a addition ta tha aewer la Menial treat la the ma aaar provided by ocilnaeee Ne. 14.461. subject ta tha provisions of the charter and erdlnanaaa of the City of Portland, ana) tba eat I mate af tha City Kngiaeer, on 8le. H . Rids tnuat be strictly In ncaordanea with ..printed bias a. which will ha furniahed on I I II -I A. tk. Mea m ftta lal,M a W. City of Portlaad. And aald aewer anat ha enurnteted a or before SO daya from the data af the , atgnlof of tha contract by tba parties thereto. Na propoeala AT bids will Be eanatdfrnd unleaa accompanied by a ' certified check nevable to the order of the Mayer at tba Cltv efjaPortlund, certified by 4 reeprmeible bonk for an amount aqnal to In per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right ta reject any and au bum a hereby Br eerier avr the KiecTfttca Board ' , -' ,: ' THOS -C. PRTMN. ' ; ' Aadltnr of tne City of Cortland. ParUaad, Oregoaa Fahrnary as, 180B, : CTTT VOTIOZt, fcananyahsnwhsyjnft PlOPOftAi TOE SEWIR W0UL , Sealed proposals will be received at tba afftee of tha Auditor of tha City ot Portland satll Prldsy. March 8, lftuo. at S s'ctock P -tn., for tha aenetmrtlon of a aewar In . 2SS4 atraat from tha aonth - Una af Ver-ateeu-'g sddllloa to tba aewar In Nteolal a tract In tba aauner provided by ardinaac No. 14,440. auhjeet to tha nrovlatons of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, and tba eetlmate of tba City Engineer, an 01a. Blda muet be efrtetly In aemrdaaca with printed blanks, which will 'tis fnmtebed on application at the office of the Auditor of the City af Portland. And aald eewer muet ha completed ea or before 30 daya from tha date of the Burning-o tha eoa tract by the parties thereto. A no uVfnWBl a Viae will hv cmwi . i inm. accompanied by a certified check parable to tba order af the Mayor of tba Cltv of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bask for 'an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. Tne right to reject any and all pms arreoy Bv order af tha Rxerarlve Board. : - - - THOS. C. DTVMN. ' Auditor of the Cltv af Portland. Porttaad. Oregon, rebruary 2ft. 10B. . PROPOSALS FOR SEWXR W0RI. , RAled sroDoaala will be received st tha afflca of tba Auditor af tha City af Portland until Prlday. March S. inoo. at s a-riorg p. a., tor tha eonatrnetinn of a aewar In Twenty-fifth street f-om tha aontb line of Verstneg's addi tion ta the newer In Nleelal street In tba Ban ner nrovlded by ordinance No. 14.450. aoblert to the previa lone of the charter aad ordinances of the City at Portland, and tha aatimsta of the City Kngtneer. on Ilia. Bid must bo atrletly In accordance . with printed blanks, which will be furnished OS application at tne pi rice at ue Auajior oi ine City ot Portland.. And .said newer punt be cemoleted on ar before SO dare from tha data of tba ilgnlng of ,tha cos tract by tba part lea tbereta. No prapoaabi ar blda will ha considered unless accompanied by a certified cheek parable 'to tba order af tba Mayor ot tba City of Portland, certified hv a reepnaatble bank for an amount aqoal to 10 par cent af the-segregate prnaoaaL Tha right to reject any and air-pion la noraoy By arder af lbs Eserntlve Board. THOS. C. DETLIlf. , Auditor of tha Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oregon. February 26, lOOB, ' PROPOtAXl FOR SrWTX W0RX. Bested nrnnossU will ha received at tba afflea of tha Andltar of tha City of Portland until Friday, March ft, loon, at s a ciocg p. a., tor tha annstrucllon of a aewar In Eaat Twenty 4 rat street, from 100 feat north of north Una of Oregon atraat 4a tha newer la Eaat Irving atraat. In tba manner provided by ordinance No. 14.4RT. subject to tba proviatoas of tha charter and ordinances of tba City of Portland, ad the cellmate of the City Engineer, on die. Blda Bust be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnlnbed on application at tba office of the Auditor of tba City af Pvwtland. And said aewar ; anat ha completed an or pe tore bo aaye rrora tne data af the algnlng of tha contract by tba parties thereto. No nvnnnasJa or bids' will ha coo ai dared unless accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of tha- Mayor of tba City of Portland. certified by. reaponalble bunk for aa amount hernial to 10 par eeat of tba aggregate pronoaaL j no nsnt to reject any ana tu niaa a greeny By order of tba Exaratlea Board. .,-' THOS. C. DETLIlf. N -' Auditor of tba City af Portland. Portland, Oregon. February SR. 1B0B. - aiAauiTl wciw avnwa wnav - . . propoasla will be reeatved at tba afflca of tba Auditor of tha City of Port land until Friday. Marcs a. iutK, at s a cjoek p.. a., for tba . improvement of Vancouver avenue from tha north lino of Morrla street to tba aontb Una of Fremont street In tba Banner provided or ordinance No. 14.404. subject to tba provtalooa of the charter snd ordinances ot tba. City -of nrtsM, and taa esumaie of tns city s,rfgl- er. OS In, , Bids must be strictly ' ta nccordanca with printed blsnks, which will be furnished on application at tba office of 'tba Auditor of the City ot Portland... And aald Improvement Bust be completed on or before 120 daya from tba data ml tba signing of tba contract By tha partlee tbereta. " .No propoeala or blda will be eonai dared nnleas Accompanied by 4 certified check payable to tba order ot the Mayor of tba City at Portland. certified nr. a. YeenoBNlbls bank for SB amount! atjnai ta iu per rent or ine -aggregaTe proposal. Tna rignt to reject gay sua til bios a hereby aewed. - : - ' . , . By tba'.Eiacntlva BoarB. THOS. C DETLIM.. . Auditor of tba City af Portland. Portland. Oregon. February 25. 180B. PROPOSALS FOR STRUCT WORK. , Sealed propose la will be received at tha office of the Auditor of tha' City of -Portland until Prlday, ' March 8, 100(1. at ft o'clock p. a., for tha lanruvemeat -ef- eiay street rrora tba north Una at Oavdsmitb street to tba aouth Use of Knott street In tha manner provided by ordi nanca No. 14.455. subject to tha nrovlalona of 1 Lilt charter aad ardlaancaa of the City ot Port, .nrtb..r,in,r una. i on die. ' , - Ride must be etrtetlr In accordance with printed blanks, whlrh ' will - be tnrolahed on application at tna err tee ot tne Anaitor or tne Cltv of Portland... Aad said Improvement -moat be completed on or, before so daya from tha dale ar tba aigaing or tha contract by the PSrtlea thereto. v , No propoasla or blda -will be considered aniens accompanied by a certified check parable to the oraer or tba Mayor ar tna uirg ar rartland. aqnal ta 10 per cent of tha a (gregata proposal, all blda la hareoy Tna rignt la reject Uy ana By, -order af tba Executive Board. ? V., - faiZe - - THOS. 0. DETLIN. -AwHtoe-nf tba CltJ af For Hand. Portland, Oregon. February SB. 4006- AMMXmaMT, SO KXTXNSI0X L0Y EAST Notice la hereby gives that tba aaaeaament Bade by erdlnanca No. 14.414. entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report af tba view era In tbe matter ot tba propoeed opening, widen ing, laving ant and eetabliahlog of Eaat Twen tieth atireer jrom -rna aouta una or IHvlaton atreet to tbo north una ar Clinton atreet. ask lag aa aaaeaament ot tba beneflta and damage!! aet forth In aald report." approved Jaaoary 18, lsns. hss been entered against tha aereeal ewnera af and persons. Interested In tha land herein described aa being eeverelly .liable there for. In tha Docket ot City Liana, which aid a as ca acuta are made duo aad payable at tha afflca ot the City Treaanrer, In Cnlted, States (old aad enter coin, and anlcaa paid before March 4, 100(1. tba aaroe will become delln qtient and atech proceedings will ba taken tar tha -collection of tbe name as are provided by tha cnarter or tne tier ox roruanu, sale gaa acuta being as roiiowa, to-wit: Lea be Adillllon to tba city of Portland-. Blk I. all that portion ot lot 2 lying ' jtaeest of the proposed west lire of Kaat Twentieth atraat, Joaeph Cere- ghlno ....,... ....ft T8.00 Blk 1. tot S, Irenna Remenea , fts.oO Blk 1, tot 4,-Ireass Semenaa. ....... . SI. BO Blk 1, tot ft. Lores eo Hamanea. ....... .' 81 .AO Blk 1. tot 8. Lorenao Semenaa., BfiOO Blk 1, all that portion ot lot T lying waat of the propoeed weat line sf Eeat Twentieth atreet. Lorenao Sea- enea . . . . TC.00 wik a. an tnat Bnriion oi-mt s tying ' .. west of the proposed west Uns of Leabo T8.00 Blk 2, Jot 8, Charlotte Leabo.:........ - Bo.oo .1. e l . A rk.,brfla laahA II ba Blk 2. tot ft. Rmlly Hosier. ........... 31 SO Blk a, lot n, r.miiy osier............ u.UO Blk S, all that portion or tot t lying weat of the nropoaed wast. Una of Eaat Twentieth atreet, Grace Leabo Meedowlaad -Blk I, tot 1, frulaeppo Da Bendettl... Blk 1, tot 2 Jokn C. Alnrworth...... Blk 1, tot T, D. P. Josapheon. ....... Blk 1, lot S, D. F. JoaepbeosT. '.T.. Blk 2, tot 1, D. P. Joaephsea. ....... Blk 2. tot 2, D. P. Joaephaoa..... Blk 2. tot T. Fmroa, Andaraoa. ....... T8.00 110 00 - 80.00 110.00 110. 00.00 40.00 110.00 Blk 1 kit A, Kmma Anderaaa... "Total - THOS. C. DEVLIN. r" ' Aadltnr of tbe Cltv of Cortland Portlaad. Oregon, Data af Flrat. PubUcatloa February 83. . 100a. . PROPOSE CKAJI0E OF OKAS! OF SOIXAV f bat Arxrn. Notice la hereby given that at tha meeting of the ftounrll ot tbe rity of Portland. Or., held oa the Iftth day of February, 1000, tbo following reanMriott waa aaopxeu ; Reeoered Tbst Us Council of tbo ' City of PnctMsd. Cresvm. Mpime It expedient and purposes ta change tna grade or iioiladay ave nue at raa canter uns oi wrssa avenue I pom 134.8 feat to 124 ( feet: - At the renter Una af Kaat' Tenth atreet from 134 8 feet ta 1SS.4 feat;- . . Al tbe renter line of Kaat Twelfth afreet from 1 S feet to 18.3 feet, and to eetabllea tha grade la Holladay avenue at the weat Una st Eaet Tenth atreet at 1.13 feat, and at tha aaat Una of Eaat Teath atreet at 103.4 faat; At the wan Had af Kaat Twelfth atraat at 138. feet; At tee east line ar Kaar TweirtB an eat at 138 feet above tha base at city gradea. Thai tha Auditor af the City of Portland be and be te hereby directed ta give notica of the proposed change and establish ana at of grades aa provided by tbe charter. rWasianatrance a gal net tbe above change af grade may ba ft led la writing with tbe uader- lined withla daya from the gets of tba Srst publication af tbla notice. ...' By oraer or lha CeaindL THOS. C. nPTUN , Andltar of tha City of Portlaad. Portland. Oregon. . Data at farat tntbUastlaa. February IS, ISOB. ' CITE V0T10EB. PROPOSED IlIPROTXsfIRT OF ' XEX0STI TERRACE. Notica ta hereby given that at tba meeting oa us vonaeii oi tna .4ly or rortuno, uregou. Ben on taa iota day of February, n fallowing raaolulton waa aiViotad : Reaulvad. That the Conacll ot the City of Portlaad; Oregoa, deema It aaprdlant and pur, Pees to Improvs Helgbla terrace from tba weat . Ilaa. , u Lownada la atreet to the aaat Una af block 40, Carter naddltion, la tha ful towing meaner, to-wll: First By grading tna atraat to 'tba proper frade aa shown by tba etahee aa aet by the Ity Eaginear. '. Heconrt By bringing tha arface nf fha atreet full width with full Inlrrsertioaa to tba eauh- uaneg grade with eaareaaa. Third Hr roaatructine aldewalka In ac cordance with tba City Kngtneer . plans, aped ftcatame- and aatlmataa. rrwth Hv sneatruetina eaoaawalka IB ao- ror dance with tba City Engineer' plana, apane ftratiiaia and eatlaatea. Fifth By aonalrivlkia eteaa auttsra la aa- enruance wira toe Ity CDglseer a puna, apact ftcatlons snd eatlmatia. ellith Br eonetrurtlaa elevated aldewalka la nnrorauBce win ine (it Knsiaear a aiann. aperl04-utloaa and aet I ma tee. Heveath By cona true tins gnsrd fence In 4e cords ace with tba City Engineer's mlaaa, apecl- ami aeiiBiaiea. Klghih By eoaatrnetlafl - wooden Cur ha 44 own by cat! ma tea. bald Improvement ta be Bade . In accordance with tha charter aad ordinances at tba City af Portland and the plana, aped Oca tiona and eatlaatea af the City Kngtneer Stod in the offtce of tha Aadltnr of tba City of- Portland an tna tilth day of February, I80A. Intoned: --tiiy Kagineers plana ana specincatieaa tor tha Improvement of Helnhta terrace tram tha weat Una of Lnwaedala atreet to tba east Una of 'block 4i),. Carter'a addition, and tba esti mates of tba work to be dona snd tba Prob able total cost thereof." Taa coat of aald 1 in prove men t to be lajiiwi as. provided by tba city charter upon the property e peel ally and neeullarly- beneftted by aald Improvement and which la beraby declared to pa aa roiiowa: ixtta l, s, a and tna aaat tt of tote T end., block 40: nil of block ST: Iota S and 4. block 3ft; tot ft, block Sd: all In Carter's, a edition to tba City at Portland; aad all that nortton of block K tying waat of tha weat Una of brraraedale atreet If. extended northerly In Its nreeent course, and eouta of a Una 100 feet northerly (ma and parallel with tna northerly Una af tietghte terrace: and lota 1, a BBd-ft. Mock 302. In tha City ot Hortlasf: snd s'.l thst portion of land lying between tba north Una af block ST and tha aontb Una of block 34, Carter'a adldttoa to tna -City of Portland, and between the aaat Una of Seventeenth atraat If extended northerly In Its present course, and a Una SO feet weat of and parallel with tba west Una at Sixteenth atreet and aU that portion Of a parcel of land lying between lb westerly Una of Helghta terrace aad a Una 100 feat weat nf and parallel with tba weat Una of Seventeenth atraat If extended northerly In Its pre mat course, and between the aouth Una of block SB, aad the north Una of block 3s. Carter'a addition to tha City of Portland. ' ' - Tba Englneer'a eetlmate of tha probable total cost for the Improvement of said Heights tar race ta (2800.00. . . . The above Improvement 'la ta be classed as a macadam improvement and aba 11 he main tained by tba dry for period of four years, provided by the uwnota of a majority of tba Inopci ty benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petition for 4 new ar different Improvement before tha expiration of aucfe period. The plans, apariftcatlons and agtlmstea of the City Rnglneer for tba improvement of ssld Heights terrace are hereby adopted. -, -, Resolved. That tha Auditor af tba City of rorvtaou oa ana si m asreoy airecteej to give or tna nrppoeea improvement or aald recti aa provided by tba city charter. . Reafeone trances against tbo above Improve ment may ba. Sled la writing with tba aader signed within 20 days from- tna data ot tba Srst pabllcatiea af tbla notica. Bp order oftha Council. 1 . - . . V THOS. C. DBTLITt. ' Auditor of tba City nf Portland. - Portland. Oregon, Data ot Srst publication, February 18, 1(06, , . , , . . . , noroszs-3 rxpROvrxxnT of hooxxr " ;,;. - ;. btxixt, r', ; Notice ! hereby given that atAthe meetf( of tbe Council of tbe Ctty-of AWtlsnd, Ore-' gen, held on tba loth day of February, lti, lbs following resoluttoa waa adopted:. Resolved. That tha Conndl of tha - Cltv af Portland. Oregon, deema - It expedient and. rurpoaes to Improve Hoekrr atreet from tns aaat Ina at Third atreet to tbe weat terminal Use of Hooker street, IS . tha following manuee, to First By grading tbe street full width with fall Intersectiona ta tha proper aubgrade. Second) By bringing tna sot face of tba atreet full width with full lateraectloaa . ta grade with macadam. ' . - Third By cuaatructlng; ' WMUdaa aldewalka In accordance with tba City . itnglnaar a plana. atanriMi-aciviMa ana nunHiej. r ourua liy laying -oroeawalkO. t Fifth By constructing atone a-uttera. Sixth By constructing elevated wooden eide- waixa In eceordance with us city atnglnui Plana, specifications snd eatimataa. of Portlaad and tha Plans, apeclncatjona and esnaatea or tne t.ity Kngineer Died in tha of fice of tha Auditor of tba City of Portland on the 13tb day af February, 1U0S. , ladoraed: "City Kogineer'a plans' and apectflcatiana for the Improvement of Hooker atraat trans the eaat Una of Third atreet .to tha weat terminal Una af Honker street aad tba eatlaatea of the work to ba dona and tns probable total east thereof." - . The east- of aald improvement to ba aeaesaed aa provided by the city charter anon tha property apaclally and - peeuUarly benefited thereby,- and wblch la hereby declared to ba all tha lota, para thereof and pareela of land lying between tbo west terminal 11ns - of Hooker street extended north and aoatb In Its present course snd a Una 100 feet eat of and parallrl with tha eaat Una of Third atraat aad between a Una 100 feat north of aad parallel with tha north Una of Hooker atreet and a Una 100 feet aouth of andparallel with tha aonth Una of Hooker atreet. and also a parcel of land lying between the north and aonth lines of Hooker' atreet extended westerly in mem preeeni course ana between tna weat terminal Ileal of Honker r atreet and a. line 100 feet westerly therefrom and parallel there with. -' v. - - i . 'a mgliiaee'g aatlmata of the nrobahle total coat for the laprovaaent af ssld booker atraat a fi.irai.uw. i The above Improvement Is to be -eta Seed aa a macadam lmpreveroent and abaU ba maintained by tba city tor a period at five years pro vided that the owners ot a majority f the property . neaeuteq or aura improvement say portion tbereor anall not petition tor a new or different improve meat before tba as piration of Burh period. The ntana. aaeciflcatlorat and eattmarea of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement af aald Honker etreett are hereby adopted. ' Resolved. That the Auditor of the City ot r or r la no na ana na la oereoy aireetea to give notice of 'the pro pes ed Improvement of said street as provided by the city charter. Reaonatrancea against tha above Imnrnva. ment may ba Sled la writing wiu tha on der ate nea witnin zu aara rrnm ua data ot tha ftrat nohllcatlon nf tbla notice. . . . .N Be ansae of the Onunell. . ' THOS. C. DETLIN, Auditor of tha City at Portland. Portland. Oregon, pita of nrst nubUcatioa reornnry in, luuo. RKASSlSnTIirT FOR rMROTIXENT OF EAST SSH FEET OF RTTZR STRUT, - In compliance with a resolution adopted' at tba regular Beeting of the Council, held au the 16th day nf February, 10ns, declaring tha dlatrlet benefited by tbe Improvement of tba easterly 28U feet of River street tram tha aonth una or Aioina n venue to iw rent aoatb of the aooth Una of Albtna avenue, aad direct. lag tna Auditor af tha City at Portland to C enure a preliminary, aaaeaament wnon tbe ta, blocks and parcels of land withla Said dlatrlet. c Now, therefore, notica Is hereby rtvsa (bat ench aaar m ment la 'no cm (la in tha office of tbe Auditor -erf tba City oS Portland and that any objecttona tn sncB ajeaeeament Baat ba Sled In writing wtfth 4 be Andianr within 10 daya from the, 7th dxr tMfavh, ltevj. the last day of rrcirrcstlri,BlCW'fk)tlcv. sad aotlcg Is further given tbstTneid 'sbjetfiona will be heerd bv tba Council nt -a Beetles to be bald on tba Ifttb day of March, lien, hod all per aona aggrieved thereby or interested therein muet be preeeni at ssia meeting, and are warned not ta aepart rnererroa until gnob reaaaeeemrnt naa been coapietea: ... THOS. C. DBVLIN. . Andltar of the City of Portland. Data of (rat publication February 24. lOOS. iiiiitiinrnt for rsCTROTnmrr of EAST TAkSUl STREET, la compllasca with a reaoratton adonted at the regular meeting of tba Conner), held February ilk. lOnc.. dedarins tha dlatrtrt bene fited by tha improvement ot Kaat . Yamhill atreet from tbo eaat curb line at Ftifi Water street to the weet Mae of Union. Yvenne. and directing ha Auditor, of tbeMlty of Portland to prepare 4 preliminary assessment wnon the tots, blocks and parcels at laad' within aatd district. f Now, therefore, notica M hereby rives that eh asaeeeaent ' la now on Sle In the ofOcVnt tha Andltnr of tha City at Portland. J aaa rnax aay oniacxnana en onea aaseesment moat be Sled In writing with tba Auditor within 10 daya frere tbe Tth day of March. 1S06. taa hurt day of pnbllcstloa of thta notice, and aatice la further aivea that aald Ahnvetlnaa III tie heard by the One net 1 at a meeting ta be held en tba Inth day nf March, lend. end all perenas aggrieved thereby or Interested thereto nrsst ba nreeent at eald meeting, and are warned not ta depart therefrom until aach rreasewuseut baa. beea cemnleted. THOU- C. DFVTIN.. Andltnr nf the City of Porttaad. De-ef -Srst naAlicuthsn PetBraary 24, 1S0S. CTTT NOTICES. ASgyMRXVT AND REASSESSaTtirT FOR THE UtPROTEAIENT Of MULTNOMAH . STREET, BROADWAY, 1 EAST THIRD -8T1FVT. RRAJID ATXlTtrE ARB OUTER " STAUJCT, Notice la hereby given that tha Council at ine tuy ei l-ortuud, Oregon, al meeuug held oa tba loth day af February, IBuft, de clared tba assessment by the aduntlon af ordi dance Na. 14.444. tor the Imnrovvaieat of Mult nomah atreet, li roadway. Eaat , Third atreet, urend avenue , aad haa ear atreet, upon ears lot. part or lot and parcel of land, whack are specially and peculiarly benefited, ta be as toimws, via i Blk Hal. tot 1. Tha Oreewa Baal Eatsta Company , , ( m.M (tig nu. lot 4. Tnd oregoa Baal Eaute Company , Blk I lit, tot ft, Tba Oregon Real Batata Company . Rlh 134. tot 4, Tha Oregoa Real EaUta , Coranenr 14114 142.1 144.(7 Blk 134. lot &, Tba Orego Real EaUta Colnpaay Blk 13, lot 4.. Tba Oregoa Real EaUta Company . Blk I .Hi. lot ft, Tba Ortgon Baal Estate ComoaDr . 144. ST 141.TS 14I.T8 141 TS 14LTS 141.TS 141.TS Blk 134. tot 4. Tba Oregon Real Katata Company Blk 104. tot ft. Tba Oregoa Real btllt Campany .- Blk 130. tot 4, Tha Oresoa Real BstsU Comnanr Blk irv lot S. The Oregon Real Batata tsmpaay Blk S3X tot 4, B. B. Bobbin. 1-4.41 1148 Kaat . Portland . Blh TN'lot ft. H. C. Nesfeldee... ...... Blk TO. tot 4. K. C. Neutelder... 124.8) rruih s-oaaara Addition ta Eaat Port. land . ' ...... . Blk 4, lot ft, JnUus Logus Batata, Heirs of . Blk 4. tot ft. Jallna Lssna Esuta. Hairs , at , ....... .,....... .. lSKM Kern's Ajilt'loa to Kaat PortUndA' ' Blk K. tot I, Victor Land Company.,.. 14. TO ma r,, w j, victor leiad Veapaay.,... . is ot Hlk K. tot S. Rubv A, Knott . 18.44 Blk K. lot 4. Huby A, Kaott. ,. 18.T1 Central A bins Blk SO, lot 14, 1. E. Scott. 43.84 Total . . . (1278.48 A . aUtement of a ft a nee id aaaaaanaent baa bean entered la Aba Docket of tha City Liens and Is now duo aad payable at tba office ot tbe City Treasurer. In lawful moaey at tha United States) and If not naid withla SO daya from the data of this notica aach aroceedlaga trill ba taken for tba oslVeettoa ot tba Sams aa are nrovlded bv tha charter af tba City af Portland. - ine above aaaeasmant will : bear Interval 10 dara after tns flrat nnbUcatlran af tha notica. . .-. TnOS. C. DETLIN. ' Auditor of the Cltv of Portland. Portland. Oreeon. Data of Firsts PabUca Hon February 23, 1806, AAWEMUOarT ' FOR EXTENSION. OF EAST SATIS STREET, ' Notica la hereby given that tha aasaaament ads by ordinance No. 14.410. entitled: "An ordinance adopting tha report of tba viewers In tbo Batter of tha nropoaed open lag, laying out and establishing of Kaat Da via atreet iron tha aaat Una of Kara teas addition to taa waat Una of Eaat Twenty-eighth street. Bak ing an naaeaaaent of Ua benefits and damages set forth la aald report,'- approved. January 18, 10IB. baa been - eotered against tha several owners ot aad parsoba Interested In tba hud nereio aeeerioea aa being aevarauy liable there for, la tha Docket of City Liana, .which said aauessmeBts are made due and parable at tha office of the City Treaeurer, In United ftta taa Eiia ana eiiver eois, ana unless paid ha tore arch 8, 1800, tba seme will besoms delin quent and aach proceedings win, ba taken tor tha eollectloa of tba same aa are nrovlded by tba charter of the City of Portland, aald law Bants being aa to) Iowa,, to-wlti A parcel of laad lying between the north "" line of Baat - Couch atreet aad a Una ' 44 feet aorta thereof and SamUel therewith, and between tbs aaat Una -of Keystone addition, aad tbo weet Una c , of block ft, Wynkoop villa, and Its as- " tensloa southerly in its present course , sate ssd except Ust portion of said . parcel of laad dedicated ta tha pnbUe by deed for- atreet purposes, - leatah Buck mas el.... X. .,....,.( 80.83 Wrnkooo Villa . T ' Blk 4, all that portion of lot 4 lylag north of tha nropoaed north, line of. ' - I Kaat Davla atraat. Carolina A. Gotahall 2B.80 Blk 8, tot 1 Frank II a B. Turner........ 4100 Blk B alt that sorties -of lot ft lying north of tha Mirth Una af tha nropoaed East Davla atraat. Use tare Krlraeua . . 82,80 out o. mm tant portion or lot 4 lying BRana oi ins botib line c in prBBSuasHf v - r, I, - - - mil. nu... 80.20 ftlOO 6100 Port- Blk ft, tot ft, Leorecht btraebe.,., , Blk 5, lot ft, KllssbeU K. Wynkoop.... : - - - - VI.,. " , 1 1 - ... w - Blk 10, aonth H ot lot H A. J. aad D. - la Barter I... Blk 18. aouth H of tot 11, A, J. and D. law Klrker ., .b. u, ,ur,,At; ...... Blk 18. north H of tot 1JL Eman F. Turner Blk 14. north Vi of lot 11, Emms F. Turner Blk 10. lot 10, R. 0t Brooke...-. ; Blk 10, lot 8, John P. Sharkey........... Blk 18, tot 8, Once H. Hlmea. ......... - Blk 18, tot T. J. M. Dodsoa ... Kali. UA t tOIW arw . . -a . ----- - 181 JO d.80 .BO 17.00 IB. 00 1100 11.00 1181 aft at a ayuo, etv r tUdi w UJUaT aasy SasaSVenia, . , 9 Blk 17, tot 1 Mike aad Hoaa Uenrlck- 10.00 IT.00 1100 1100 11.00 - B OO T Mt S.00 4.B0 100 '2.00 . 100 Blk IT, lot S, Bertbi Jspnen. .......... Blk 17, tot 4, iaan S Satsoel Blk 17, lot ft, Ernest Haaaamavyar. ....... Blk IT, totft, K. L. Hand. . Blk 18, lot 1, Mary Heltkemper. ........ Blk 18, tot 1 Mary HeltkeBper.. Blk 18. tot 1 Mary Heltkemper. ........ Blk 18, tot 4, Wandle Hachelbacber.. ... Blk 18, tot ft, Wend la Kechelbacher...., Blk 18. tot 4, Weadls Kacbclbschsr...... Blk 1ft, lot T, Frank Heltkemper........ Blk IB, lot- 8, Prank Heltkemper...,..., Blk IB, tot 0. O. H. Heltkemper Blk IB, tot 10, 0. H. HelUampar ....... Blk IB, lot II, Hanry Swlnt Blk 19. .north ft ef tot 11 Mrs. Q. A, Taylor . Blk IB, aonth tt of lot 11 Frank S. - Bennett ......,,..: 8.00 4 60 10O T.BO 4.80 ''' 4.B0 Total ........ a....... (ft 71 84 THOS. C DBVLIN, ' Auditor of tha Cltv of Portland. Portlaad. Oregon. Data af First Publication February 33, J IK. ,. PROPOSED DtPKOVXlfZaTT OF SKXDM0RE -. STREXT. . Notice la hereby given that at tha assarting of tha Council ot Ue City of PortUad. Oregon, held on tba 15th day of February, 100B, Ua following resolution was adopted : , Reaolved, That tha Council of fha OHy of Portland, Oregon, deems It expedient and piirpoeea to I rn prove Sk Id mora street from the eaat una or w mums svsnua rs tha Weet line af in lea avease in tba following manner to-wit Flrat By grading tha - atraat fall width with full intersections, tot he tekeotaa gat 9W ma miy ugineer. . 1 Second By coostrsctlng wooden sldewslka. Third By laying wooden eroaSwalka: , , . Fourth By eoaetructlng bog auttsra. Said Improvement to ba made ta accordance W1U the charter and ordinances of Ua Cltv af PortUad and the plana, eaacltl cations and eetlmates of tbe City Kngineer -Sled In tba office ot tne Auditor ar tne cur or Portisad on tbe 13th day of February. 1808. Indorsed: tsty Kngineer a plana aaa epeeincauona tor the imorovement or nxiamore atreet rraa the eaat line sf WlllUma aveaoo to Ua weat Una at Union avenue sad tba eatimataa af Ua work to ba dona and tna probable total cost Uereot." The mat af aald Improvement to ba laimil an a ajelAa he t Ka el t . aha. Iab ainAA tha - rerty apeclally aad peculiarly baneBted thereby ana wuicn- is oereny ascwrea to no au tha lota parts thereof and pareela ot land lying between a line 140 facts. north of and parallel with tha north Una of Bkldtnora atreet and a Una 100 faat aouth af - and parallrl with tba aouth Una of Bkldmora atraat and between Ua eaat Una ot Williams annua and Ue weet Una of ITatoa avenue. ' Tha Knaineer a eetlmate of tha Probable total cost for tha improvement of eald Skldraora atreet As eft .280.00. r Tna puna, epecincationn ana eavjaates or tha City Engineer for tba Improvement nf aald Skldmore atreet are hereby adopted. Beeolved. That' Ua Andltor of tha Cltr nf Portland ba and ba at hereby directed to give notica at Ue proposed Improvement af - aald atreet aa Provided by Ua city charter. KeBranstrances against the anove improvvtnent may ba filed In writing with Ua undersigned within 20 days from Us Oats ot tba BreS- pub- aceiioB OI WW DOXIfW, By order of Ua Council. ,. - THOS. C. DKTLIN. . Auditor af tha Cltr nf Portland. Portland. Oregon, Data Of Srst publication, February 11 1008. PROPOSALS FOR SEWXR WORK. Sealed nrenussU will be received at the afflca of tba Auditor of tha City of PortUad until Friday, March ft, 1800, at ft o'clock p. a., for tha conatructloa of a aewer la Twsaty-altth atreet from tbo aontb Una nf Verstevg 1 addt- Uoa to the aewer la Menial street in ua aaa ner BTovldod by ordinance Na. 4.4ftft. eableet ta tba prnvlatona ot tbe charter aad ordtBancaa af tha City of PertUnd. aad the estimate af the City Kngiaeer. on Ola, Blda anat bat strictly Is accordance with printed bUnka, which wlU be farniabed on application st Ue afflca ot the Andltor of the City af Portland. And aald newer aunt be completed on or before 30 daya from the date at tba algnlng of tha eea tract by tba partlea thereto. . . No prnpoaaia ar blda will ba eaeaddered ualaas accompanied by a certified Chech payable to tna order of tba Mayar of tba City ai Port lend. certified by a reaponalble bank for aa a meant equal ta In per rent of the aggregate proooaal. Tba right to reject aay and aU hide Is hereby reeerve4. ' - By, order Of tha greenrive jjnord. '. .. '. . THOS. C. DKTLrN. . Aadltaf ot the Oty of Cor Usual " rvtlsad. Oregon. Pebrnarj 16, 18UB, . CTTT aTOTtCTn, issEBSMEirr for txnorxmxn of frosit ' ' ' ' ' STRUT Notice ta berebr arlvea that the CaubcII of tba City of PortUad. Ore eoa. at a meeting held aa ine jac oay or Feoruary, loot, oeriarea u aaaeaaaieat by ardiBsnca No. 14,42. for Ua la. Brovruteut of Front atreet. from 08 feet eoatl ot tha euutk Una af Laae a tree I to 100 fart porth w.. um awia una oi tJina atreet, in toe awe' ner prorviea By erdl nance No. 13.641. upon . tot, part of tot and parrel, af laad, which, are specially and peculiarly beaeSted. to besa toi towe, vis: . f PORTLAND BLOCK loft, lat 1. Henry Wels- . hard. S100: tot S. Hears Weinhard. S'A.00: tot Jt llcurr Weinhard, 12.00; lot 4, Henry Weinhard. 10U) lot ft. Henry Weinhard.; aot a. uenry Weinhard, (Z.uu; loa l lenrr Weinhard. 12.0U: tot A Henry Wei a bard. (100. BIXKK 100, Smith A Wataon Iron Works. (8.1ft. BLOCK 17, lot 1, Smith A Watana Ires Works, (200; tot 1 Smith . m mraei iron . Works, a.0"; lot B, nmuu A Wataon Iron Works, (loo; lot 4, Smith '. A Wataon Iron Works. ( tot ft, Smith A Pialaoa Iron Worka, (100; tot ft, Smith A Wataon Iran Worka, (loo; lot' T. Smith ' A Wataon Iron Worka. (2.00; tot ft. Smith A Wareoa Iron Works, (100. BLOCK 120, . lot 1, Oregon Company, fci.00; lot 2. Oregon . . t -"" lot a. irregon insaiir. (100; tot 4. Oregon Company. (100: tot ft. ' Frank... Hornet rota., Borth 14 tot Sopliia HaU, (1.00; aouth M, lot ft, John Ralascber. (I. Oil: lot T. U. Wllllaaa. (3-Oui lot 8. R. WllUama. (3.00. BLOCK 121. north 10 feet af lot. 1. fuiale M. Parker. (0.20 north 20 feet of weal 20 feet of tot 1 HmI. U b. k aa ... . ' aa . - ' - " a.. . . -I , ami ow aar. , wva. 4.1 feet of tot I. Beekla Oordon. (O.SO: eeat , SO feet of weat 40 feet at tot 1 Back la tioraoa., (0.80; eaat. SO feat of tot V, A, Baamgardner, (1.1&; north 18 feat af aaat . 0O fact of tot 1 A. Baumgardaer, (0.4a enuth 1 foot of north SO feet of eaat 00 feel of tot 1 Marie Dake, .(0.10; aouth SO feet of-tot 1 Marie lake, (1.1ft; tot S, Maria , Iake. (0.(S; lot S, Jacob Mayer, (0-10; tot ft, Jacob Mayer, (l.OOi south 30 feet of tot T. Jacob Marer, (1.20; north 20 feet of west . au leex oi lot r, rtenry ai. Mcuinn, 00.00; wrat SO feat of tot S. Henry K McOlnn. 11.40: north 20 faat of aaat So feat or lot 7, Sucte M. Parker. (Q.1B; east 20 feet of. tot , S. Sects M. Parker. SO. 40. BLOCK 122. lot J, M. uaie, (2.09; tot x, Joaepn Bimon. ivusieo, ax.'ar, ut 3. ona t isyion. aa.yv lot 4. Bavlnga A Loan Society. (1.80, A triangular tract e( land lying between tba Bontherll Una af lot A black 121 Portland. taa Bortb Ilea of block 10, Carutheni' addi tion, ta PortlaaA ' and a Una 100 fast weet. - or ana parallel with ue weal use ar rifsi . fxreca, aosa uisyiuai, au.10. A -tract at sand lying between taa eoutherly Une-ef- Ie4-ft, block 121 Portland, and tha M-aaetsefly Una of block 10, CaruUera' addition to-PortMnC and between tba aaat una or ' Second street aad 0 Una 100 feat aaat of and ' parallel therewith. Havings A Loss Society of Sea Fraaclaco. ftl.ftn. i ' - Dd OTr . V-r aincr .aa i-. s A I . a, T , ooeiety or Ban tlanctaco, 43.01 tot o. asvingu at lxaa noeiety or aas rTanciaco, a, T, Bos well B. Laroaoa, (100: Jot S, Boswell B. Lemson. (2.U0. -BUM K 121 tot 1, John A, Devlin. 43.00; 101 a, Jobs A, Devlin, ax.ou; . . 1 u , . m 1 . a,,. ava e, wvtbbabi oavuibs aa M"n oww., f lot 4, tisorga H. Chanos, (200; tot ft, Kata Henderson, (100) tot 8, Orris and Margaret b. r-euog. -mx uv; 10c 1, iirvin tvaimg. ai.mi; tot ft.. ids U. Oleer. (100.. BL IXaTVBC J 130. tot 1, Isct X Dodd Katata, Heirs of, (2.00; tot 1 Lacy A. Dodd Kettte. Helra of. 4100; tot 1 tieorgo H. Cbanca, (100; tot 4. Uourge ti L-nauce, ga.uu; an o, Biepneai maaoe an). tate. Helra of. 8100: aouth 40 feet of tot 4. Stephen Meade jmtsts, Helra of, (1.80) north 1 roet or lot n, u. v. cieweeatie, au.i; weat vo teat at lot T, V, c ptewcaatie, weet 00 feet of lot 1 C. C. Neweaatle. (1.80: aaet 10 feet of lot T. Lacy. A, Dodd Estate. Helra of, (0.16; eeat. 10 feet af lot 1 Lucy A. Dodd Katata. Helra af. (0.15. BLOCK 1ST. lot 1. JoacDBina A. Ktoatermaa. 42.UU: at 2. Josephine A. K luster man, (luo; tot-l-Ahrn- naa nurger, a-uu; wt a, eosepa tray, (i-uo; lot ft, Thomaa Splllaan, (2.0t; tot u, At, L. Kay, Flou; aoatb 18 S-S fast of tot T, . K. L. Ray, X8U: Borth 81 1-8 feet of tot T. aj.,M B, . .k I, . 1 AS, la A u. , wf aaj a.nramA, e.av, a, aa am Ar buck la, Slou. BLOCK 1:. all ot west lis) feet of block except north SO feet,' Ar gnmenlo Tbartow, (0.20; all ot eaat 100 feat af block except Borth 40 faat, Josephine Sullivan. (2. IB; noHh 80 feet of waat loo feet of block. Hattla Ooldsmith, S1.0S; aouth 30 feet of north 00 feet .of weat 100 faat of btoaka Llsale A. KIchards, (1.80; north Bn feat ot oast 100 fact of blocs, Oecar Mthaua, (100, BLOCK 138, lot -1, Pater J. Mann. 14 H; tot 2. Peter J. Maun, (t.Ow; tot 1 Pater J. stoUB.-41.Tft. tot 4. Msry Roblnnon Katata. Hairs' of, (0.10: lot S. Marr Boblnaoa Eatau. Halra or. (1.80: tot 4. John W. and llaleu Mae Curran, 12 00;, tot t. Pater J. Mann. (100: lot 8. Pater J. Mann, (100. BLOCK 140. lot 1, At' Ii MaadanhaU Hatata. Heirs-of. 4X00: kit !L Louis . F. Chemla Ksute, Helra of, (100; av u. aamie v , vai wia , avaMM, on wt. (100: tot 4. Loula p. Chemla KstaU. Halra ot,, s.uu: iot a, jtentoa txiuea, s.uu; ni a, H. H. Burnhnm. (100: tot T. J. M. Watts. B3.wi; at n. s. m, wstta, gz.uu ULAn-av mi Lt 1. ttaorre H. Ray. (100: lot 1 Mlcbae! - J. Gclat. (100; tot a. Cbarlea L, Parker, (10o; lot 4, JaoaM - S. Johoatone, . (2.00-, 1 a At afh mat aslala J -- - AV. U.IIIai O CaTa. . AsVtr la VFs Asm. eatSa!! U ftEStfJ sBarrnwasj m as, ojaaWW, aonth 48 feet of tot A O. M. Smith and Be no A Ball la. (1.86: north I. feet of tot 1 . Mary Frances Hurley. (0.10; aanU 34 feet of lot T, Mary r ranees uuriey,; norta 14 feet of lot T, Annla H. Hark Ins. (0.00; lot's, A aula c uarkiaa, sx-uu. CARTfTHERS' ADDITION TO PORTLAND BLOCK I. tot 1. Tboaas U nines n, (110: tot , 1 Thomas (Jataaan, (1101 tot 1 John Camp bell, 42. lu; lot 4, John Campbell, (iio; a BWllUam Droack, (110) tot ft, Wlllla Droock, (110: tot T, Mary K. Wilson, (111 tot ft. Mary K. Wllaon, (110. BLOCK 1 h ' 1. KsUaaa River Boom Company, (2.10; north H af lot 1 Cbarlea Walter. (1.06; aoaU ' H of lot 1 W. J. FOUerton, .81.08; tot 1 KaUasa River Boom Company, (llw; 1st 4, - Thomaa Mann, (110; tot ft. Tbonaa Maaa, xuii rn a, 1 nomas axasa. u.iu at 1. , ibomsa Mann, (110: lot 8. Kalama River Hoom Comnanr. 42.10. B1X1CK 8. hat. 1. Rodney li lias s Eatsta, Helra of, (110; lot l lAodney Ullsan Katata, ' Helra of, (110; lot 1, Rodney OUaaa Katata, Halra of, (110; tot A Ketber Senofahy, (lloi tot ft, Albert . tiuber, 42.10; 101 . a, a ouueuaa Cettal, Sllw; lot T, Collate If. Fraaar. (110; lot ft. Collate M. Praaer, (110. , BLOCK 4. tot L Cbarlea", la- Pa her. 8110; lot 1 Charles Parker, (110; tot S. John Lackel at al, " (llo; lot A -John Lockal ot al, (110; lot ft, -e B. w later aorra, ba.iu wt u. William A. . Oroaaea, (110; lot T, Sarah J. Stanabarry, (110: lot 8, Thomaa Uulnesn, (110. BLOCK ft, eaat 100 feet 01 at A, Maria Raker, (2.00; weat Aft 'feet - of tot 1. WiUlaa Filed ner. (O.lo: weat Aft feet of tot 1 WiUlaa Flled- nee. B0.1O: weat S.S reet af lot a. Wlllla FUedasr. (0.10; aaat 100 faat of lot 1 J. W. Baker, (100; eaat 100 feat Of tot S, Parry U. linker Eatsta,' Heirs of, ( (2.00; tot 4, WiUlaa Fiteaner.; mi o, wnuaa Filed--ner. (110; lot A WUlUm Filed ner, (lie; ' tot 7. WUUam Plladnar. (110: lot 8. William Fliedner. (2.1A . BLOCK 4,tot. I.1 John i Perry, $110; lot S. Delpblna Whalea, (2.10; 7 lot aT Rebecca Hacbteld, (110: tot A William Fliedner. IX 10: lot a. v 1111am r Uvaser (2.10; tot 0, Charles Prltscb. (110; tot T. Lydla 11. Tajior, sa.ia; est a, l-yaia H. Taylor. 42.10. . BIAXK 7, lot 1 Clara Gold stein. (110: lot 1 Alice F. Taylor, (210; weat SOW faat of tot 1 Peter Taylor, (0.B0; aaat bv veei 01 an a. irviun w. a-rnix,; . lot 4, Peter Taylor. (110; east (ft feat of 3 tot 6, Peter Taylor. (010; eaat ft feet -ot tot 6, Peter Taytor, (0.10; west loo (art of tot B, Canadlaa A American Itorigaga A ' Tnnt Company, Ltd., (2.00; weat 100 feet of mi 0, Alirei 1. larnw, ss.uu, jog 8, I. w. Hickaaa. ea. iu. A tract - al land bounded . aad ds acrtbed aa follows: uemmrnciug at a point In tha aaat Una of Second atreet, aald paint . being B0 faat aonU of tba Intaraectlaa ot tba aonth Una of Sbaraaa atraat wlU tba aaat . Haa of llemnd atreet: tbeaea aouth alone tka , east Una af Second street to a point 10J feet south Of tba aooth Ilaa of Bbertnua street; thence east Tl.ll reel a loaf a Ilaa . joo leal eoa in ot ana psreuei wiin ua soutft Una of Sheraaa atreet : thence north sa.t -feet along a Hoe 71.71 feet eaat of aad Srallel wlU tba aaat Ilaa of Seeond atreet: enea north ftd degrees Sd alaataa weet 15.1 . feat; tbe ace waat 8 feet along a Una 08 tort south of and parallel with tba aoatk Hoe of Sheraaa street; thence north IS feet atong o Una 6101 feet aaat of aad parallel with tba eaat una or aeeoaa atreet; ineace went alonk a Una B0 feat aontb oi and parallel ' with tba neuth Una of Sheraaa atreet to Ue a Place af beginning, J. W. Hickman, (1.30. .A traetvof land boonded aad deecrlbed as follows: Coaaaaclns at tba northneat cor- , aar of tot 1, block T. Carathar'a addltlsa to Portlaad; tbeaea eoeth along taa waat Una of, tots 1 aad 1 block 7. Csratbers' ' addition to Portland, to a point loo feet eepth of aoatb Unefef Shorman atreet; Ueace weat 84.81 feet etong a Ilaa- 100 feet aouth at aad paraUel with Ua aoaU Una af Sbar aaa treet; thence Borth S3. 1 (set a Brag a Uss T1.71 feet eaat at and perallel with , tha aaat Use of Second atreet: Ueooe Borth B4 drgreea 86 alnatea weet IB S feet; thence weet S feat along a Una (S feet aouth of aad , parallel with tba aoatb Una af Sberaea . otroet; thence north along a Una Slpl teat east at and parallrl with tba aaat Ilaa ef - Satnad atraat . to its Intaraeotlon. wlU tha aouth Ilea ' of Sheraaa atreet; Uencs aaat atong the aouth Una af Sherman atreet ta piece of begianlag. Walter S. Hufford. 41 as CARUTHSB8' ADDITION TO PORTLAND RUM K ft, tot 1, Rodney -tillsaa RXUta, Heirs of. (110; lot 1 Rodney Olleau Hatata, .Helra of, (210; lot 8, Rodney Gllaea Hatata, Helra of. (110; lot 4, Lola May Cot tel. 110: Bnnm 01 iot n, urn aay voiiei, . I. 0S; II. 04: M at I, vaariea w. Cottel, tot A flodney Ollaea Batsta, Helra of, (2.10; tot f, Rodney Ollaaa Hatata, Hairs of. (110; tot 8. Rsdacy Olaaas NataU, Helra af, (110. BLOCK . lot I, Ssrsh J. Btaasberry, (110; tot 1 Sarah I. 8 tana berry, (110: tot 3. Snrah J. Btraneherrv, S1IO; lot 4, Sarah J. I I ana berry, (110; 1st 4, Sarah J. Stana berry, flOi tot ft, Sarah J. Stanaharry. (110: tot Sarah J Staoebarrv. (1 10; Ira) A Sarah Stanebarrv. (110. BLOCK 10. tot 1, Mary B. Duffy, (2.10; tot 1 B. t. HyUnd. (210; .'tot S. Mary L, Tllton, (110; lot 4. Martin Sena oa, (110; lot 8. Charles hi rehear and aXaSavS, . 4a.Wj S4 a, eoaa aasr;, CTTT IRITI0F1. JttO! lot T. J. If. ' Walcb. (110; tot A The Title Oaarautee A Trust Coaipaay. (210. . BLOCK 11, at 1, George and iarah Uum brt. (110; lut 1 Joaeoh Shauk. (110; aaat -T7 feet of tot 8. Mar tna A. Cuolrdge, fl-oft; ' rant ' B feet oi lot 1 Uaakell Brown, (nj; JTiV t tot A.HaakeU Beown,, . JV fi raat TT feet at lot 4, Fred Neubanrr. .1 l.fto; 4saat -m feet of - tot A Alfred J. rumes. (i.sri; eeat 33 feet af waat WO fee. . j tot B, Ion nemlar. vftn.OS) aaat ft.t cat . f". ?' lls-kell 11 rows, (O.10; esat ft ? feet . of totyi. Ueaketl Hrown. (0.10: west lot feet -v Jf A Ary Augusts Sauvaln. (100 tot 4 J li.. Jotf,k. Kciueraayer. (110: tot ft, f 2,te.uRuihehlla! W-IO.' BLOCK 12. tot 1. ' Adolph Cotoon, south It" of tot 1 v Dorai A, Norman. (1.00; tot , 1 Mary L. 2?Yf,towI. V-14 M L Henrietta Htranaa, (1101 tot B, Anthony f. Csrrpll. (llo; tot A Anthopy r Carroll, (110; tot T, John ZTZTc- ft 10! M Kmcry, (A. 10. , WF.?!."- ' " 1. William . 2? Lo"1 p, Bene, (0.4A; east 4U.ft , feet of west 43 feet ot north ft feat of lot 1 t"''.' os, (010; south 1ft foot of east A'B feet of tot 1. Loula P. Bono, (0.(0; ' S'iI'L ' .f f kt I.-' Oohile BarelL (O.I0: north S& feet of eaat . ft. .'.T' " 1 tioldla BarelL. (0.00; waat 43 feet of aouth 4B feet at 1 tot 1 Roaan Catholic Arcbhlabnp of tbs Dioceaa . of Oreawn, (w.IB; weet 41 feet of tot i. fcamaa t'sthollc Archbishop of the Diocese -of lfon. (0,00: north 48 feet of eaat 83.S ; feat of tot-.l, William Ball la, (1.30; north'. 20 fret of eaat Sl.ft feet of tot S, LouU P. Bene, (0.4ft; eaat 0.1. ft feat ef-eorth SB feet of lut s, Roaan IS I hollo Arcbblahop of tba Dioceaa of Oregoa, (0.H6; tot 4, Roman Cats- a ollc Archblehon of Ua Dloeaao of Oregon, -PL 10; lot ft, Roman Catbollo Arcbblahop ot ' -the Dioceaa of Oregon. (110; tot o, Raman " ' Catholic Arcbblahop at tha Dloceee of Oregon. ' . ea.iv, i, aioman vatnoita Arrnouhop or . tha Dtocsss of Oregon, (110; west 8.4 feet -at aaat xi feet of aonth 11 fant of lot a. hVxnaa Cajbollc Archbiabon of tba Dioceaa . of Oregon , (0.10; weet TA B feet ef south v II feat ot lot A Roaaa CathoHe Archblebep -1 ? tb. Dloeoae of Cttegon, 40.3B; eaat 2a. e4 1 feet of lot A William Bailie, (0.44; wrat ' SSLBd faat at north no feet of tot A ienuta ' Belcher, (1.30. BLOCK 14. tot 1. Pratt Whitcomb, (llOt lot t. Pratt Whltcomb. (llo; lot 1 Pralt Whltcomb, (110: tot 4. -' lease Haaa, (llo; aouth lb- of lot ft. Will ' Um H. tirenffil, . (1.0B; east 2.B feet at ' north H of tot . WUlUns. H. OrenfelL (0.20: west 80- faat of aorth H of tot. 6, Stephen Prldeaux. (0.TB; tot A Anthony P. JCarrolL (llo: tot T, Aatbony F. CurrelL , 110; lot A Kiln L. Wjmdweed, (2.10; BLOCK " ft. tot 1. (Jeorgo Langford.. (110; lag 1 '. George. Langford, . 8II01 bH 8, Parker p. Moray, (llo; lot 4. Darby O'Toolo. (110; lot 4. Tbomaxlne P. Scott, (IMI: tot . A ' . Thotnaslna P., Scott, (llo; -tot T. Maud U. . Hudson, (110; lot 8. Maud 0. Hudaea, (110, -BLOCK 1A tot 1, Harriet M. Klemaa. (XI0: ' tot 1 Harriet M. Klenvxn, (2.10: totS, John i B. Lata. 8110: lot d,, At. t. Pratt, (llo: ' tot A Wltlry B. Allen, (llo; auuth W of tot A.WIlley B. Allen, (1.00; north 4 at lot A' Moresa Barde, (1.00; aaat H of lat' -T. Charles L. Parker, (l uS; esat ft af tot 8. Cbarlea L. Parker. (I. OS; waat H of tot. T, Klloor 0. Hare, 106; weat af tot . ...''. Elinor O. Hare. (LOB. BLOCK IT, lot 1. Mary D. L. Raruhart, (110; Twt S. Mary D. ' ; L. Bambart, (110; east 100 feet of tot A -' Charlea U Parker, doo; weat A62 feet ol V t aouth U of tot A Mary E. ArbuckM, (0.10; . tw (.82 faat of north H of tot 1 Beoson .. B. Arbackla, (0.10; aaat 100 faat of tot 4. WlUUm K. Puffer. (100; weat IBS feet ot -: tot 4, Mary K. Smith. (0.10; tot ft, Mary K. . Smith. 8110: aouth U of lot 8. Marv K. ' Arpoekle,; (LOf.: north S of tot A Benaoa -. . B. A-abuckll. (l.Ofti tot T, Joba J. and Anals ri la rnnie.. Sim: mr o. Joaa and Annie 1 r Fable, (110. BLOCK 18. lot 1. German Sav- Ins i Loan Society. -(1J0; tut A. 8c th L, 'r Pope, (llo; lot 8. ChsrlA E. Parker, (110; IassV A. . aAa.a.l- M DaiakAa M 1ka - a. i. auvuj tg, a,aaaii ru-ss mm, g ag mvw t a. a vw UaPb ssns of lot A Babaol T. Hlnsds. (1.00: aaat BAB feet of lot ft, Joba Barbey, (1.10; lot A Bea SrlUng. Trnatae. (110; west H of let 7. John Oeorre Beed, (1.00; aoutb 2 feet of weat of tot A Joba George. Bead. (0.10; north 48 feet of treat H nf lot 8. Mary Seed.: (0.8ft; cast, H of tot T. WllUaa H. aad Fred erick 1. Joyce, (LOS; east V oftot A Will Ua H. and Frederick J. Joyce. (I.IA BLOCK 10, tot I, Fraderk D. Matthews, dlor lot 1 Frederick 1). Msttharws, J110; lot A Kdgar Poppl4ton, (110-J lot .4, J Edgar Popplaton, (110;, lot A Mlnnla Varwig. (110. aoatb SB 1-S ifret of atot A CHrtotlsB Keller. (1.35; north Teet of tot ft. Daniel and Cath. erine AT KeUy. (0.70: tot T. Daniel aad Cath arine A. Kelly, (110; lot S. Urabaa Glass, Batata Helra of. 4110, BLOCK 90,. totl. Peter J. -Maaa. CLIO: tot 1 Urabaa GUaa. Estate Heirs t, (110; Jet 3, Graham Glaea, Eatsta .Helra or. all. 141: lot a, Jamaa J. AU tord..Sl0iJiT A BlU D.Beechreat, (3,ltrrrtT- wt a, w. . rlarmar. Si-io: jot 1, jonn-w. . Curraa. tot A Peter t. Mann. (110 CARITTHER'S ADDITION TO CARVTHBR'S .-Jf: ADDITION TO TUB C1TT OF' PORTLAND : '. BLOCK A. aU cf north 44 feet of tot 1. ex. ' cept weat 22 feet, Ssrab J.i McKltrlek, (1.00;. 1 - , aouth 4 feet of aaat 80 teat of tot 1,' Albert N. ' Foedick. 80.1ft: weet 22 feet of tot 1. Oreaoa .Furniture Manufacturing Company, (0.4ft: west . 22 feet or lot 3, treaxa rurnltrrre Msautao- - Starring Compssy, (0.4B; all of lot S except ' west zi reet. Ainart n. t oeoics, gi.aa; au of aortk af lot A except weat IS feet. Cbarlea B. Hail, ,(1.20; all of aoaU U ol '. r lot S except weat 1 faat, Nettto A, A Bea :- 'ton. (L20; waat 18 feat oi lot AO. Cords no, .. 1 ' (0.30; all of north y, of tot 4 except weat . 81.18 feat, T. B. Illge. (0.80; aoatb SB feet of tot 4. G. CordanoIJO.00; weat 81.18 teet '. of aorth H f t AlTordano, (1.08; wesf 80 feet of tot ft, DimlnVck- Lagrand. (14W) . -weat (0 feat of lot A Margaret Coegrove, .. w (1.80; eaat- 10 feat of lot B, U.- Cordaao, . .1 (0 15; east 10 feet of tot A G. Cordsno. (0.15; lot T, Oregoa Fsrnltura Manufacturing Caapany, (100; tot A Oregon Furniture Man- , nfactnrlng Company, (2.00. BLOCK B, north 22 feat of tot 1, V. W. WaUlna, (0.80; south ' ; 28 feet of lat 1. Liaxle Applestona, (I. IB; -lot A Jullue aad Csrollae Walter, lloO; ' north H of tot A PurtUnd Traat Company of Oregtm. .11.00; eoutn M or lot a, a. Hock reiu, ai.w, mn v, eaat la af tot ft. l.oo; lot 4, William u. uoortney. wane weal U of lot A Cbarlea A. tot A Parry 0. Baker, Batata waat H of tot T, Thomaa James f. Davlas. (100; lot A D. Marx, (1.8; tot 10, Stephen Meade, Batata Helra af, (Lftft;-: aati a ax iox i. a aeon ri tot 11, Perry u. Raaer, as rare- neira ar, - A. AA. t .4 B ,1 Rakae lAal. H-l-a ' of, (i.80. BLOCK C. lot 1. Perry G. Baker, ' Batata rietre or, 4a.uii; tot s. rerry u. trsxer, EaUta of. (100: tot 1 William Waecber. 1100; tot 4, WlllUm Waecber. (100; tot A Ilea Wrlht, (100: south H of tot 4, Archie aad Cartotta RtobsrdSon, (VOO; north of ' tot A Gngllelemelll, Ksuta Helra of, (1.00-. south 30 feet of tot 7, J. A. I'srenti. . ' (1.15; north 20 feet of tot T, Emma and Jennla Kafka, (0.80; lot A Kmtaa aad Jennla Kafka, (100. BLOCK D, waat K of lot 1,. A. W. Cheney. (1.00; west of tot A A. W. Cheney, (1.00; eaat H of tot 1, Heritable Security A Mortgaga lareatment Company, il.Oo; eaat 44 of lot 1 Heritable Security ! ' .Mortgage lnveetmeut Company; (1.00; tot A Kmlly J. Schneider, (100; tot 4. Rally 1. Schneider. (100; tot A Nlcholna Sebanan, . (10t; tot A Philip New, (100; lot T,' Hose a C. Bntlrr, (100: tot A Joaeph Fink, (100. . ntyu'K K. undivided 14 ot tot 1. London A 1 4 San- Pr a act ecu Bank, (T.OO; andivlded V, of , - 'lot 1 iMdoa Saa Franclaca Bank, (1.00; . sndtvidad H of tot 1, Dundee Mortgage A , Treet Investment toenpsny, um., ei.'u; un divided H of lot S. Dundee Mortgagw A Trust V Inveetment Compaay, Ltd., (1.00; lot A Carl AbendmU. (100; tot 4, Carl Abrndroth, (2.00; . west H of tot 5. WlllUm H. Saytor. Ii.oo; . aaat Vk of tot ft. Fanny Barry, (l.oo; iota. .:. Fannv Barrr, (100; aontb of lot T. Fa Ay , Barry, 81.00: aorta of tot T. Jatnea Barry. , (LOin tot A Jamaa Barry, (loo. BLOCK f. lot 1, J. C lexekeL (0.T0; lot J, J. C. I-nckeU (0.TO; lot 3. t. C Lock eL . (0.00; toT 4. J C. LockeL. ftO.80; tot ft. JT C. , . . Lackel, (0.40; tot A . C. Lockel. 0.Sf - tot T, J. t:. . fcocnei, au.v. w a, t. v. William Montag, su.zoi unuivioro or mi of' tot 227 Henry Cleave. (0.3B; WllUaa Montag. au.avj; suaivioea 14 nndivlded of tot 23, Henry Cleave, S0.2B; nndivlded 14 of let S4, rtenry x.tasvs,; nnoivioea 2 of tot . Henry Cleave, 30.(0. BLOCK ff. tot ' 1. Isabella B. and W. A. Uwla, (l.Sft; lot A labelln B. aad W. A. Lewie, Sl.ftB; raat B0 feet ef weet BS feet ot lot i Matilda A. Baker. (1.00; eaet B0 feet af weet S feat of tot 4. Matilda A. ' Bakes, (1.00; all at tot 8 except weet 53 feet, Rdannd B. Hill. (0.M; aU af tot a aveant weat BS feet. Kdmuad R. Hill. ' (0 80; undivided W west S fiet af wsat BO test at tot (. Lorxios A Ban . Francisco Bank. Ltd..; nnaiviaea M or weet 8 feet of west B0 feet of lot 4. Loudon AV .Sen Franclaca Bank, Ltd., (0.10; uadlrided la of weet ( feet of weel 60 feet of tot . A Alliance Truet Company, Ltd., (0.10; nndivlded at areat ft feet af weat (0 feet ot tot 4. Alliance Trust Cofflpasy, Ltd., ', 80.10; andivlded H of eaat 4T feet af tot S. London A Saa.ErsnciAco Bank, Lid., (0.40; '. nndlrided H al aaat 4T feat of lot 8, London . dt Ssn rrsnrteen Bank, tA6., (0.40; un divided H at eaat 47 feet of tot ft. AllUnca Traat Company. Ltd., (0.40; nndlrided 4 of eaat 4T feet of lot A Alliance Trust ' Company. Ltd., (0.40: weat A3 feet ef tot ft, Mnruud B. Hill. (1.00; weet ft( feet of , tot, A Edmund B. . Rill. (1 00; weat 2ft feat . of lot f. John H. Lewie, (0.40; west SB feet af lot 8. Jot.a H. LewM. (0.40: east TS feet of tot T. laabena B. aad W. A. lwis. , 81.00; oast TB feet of lot a. lee bells B. had '. W. A. Lewie,. (1 00. riicr H. lot I. Clemees Caeeer Katata. Hetra nf. (1.B5: tot -t., Cleniena. Caeaer Estate, Hetra of. (I SO- . tot A Ann Slnnntt, (1.80: tot 4. Ann Sis nott, (110; lot S, Ana Slnnott, (1.00; aaat - fast of Ant , Clathaas Smt Katata, Lacked. (VkMl lot A . . fee-aj, M(, T.'., tot 10, J. C l.uckel, 80.80; tot 11, J. C. ' LnckeC 80.80; tot 12, J. C. tockel.; , . lot 11 10, Lnckel. (O.TOi tot 14. J. C. backet ftO-TO; .lot lft J. a LackeL (O.TO; tot JA JV C. tockel, (O.TO: .tot IT, Augueta ,' Marks,' (0.801 tot 11 Aaguata Marka, 40.00; ' lot 18, Augueta Marks, (0.80; tot SO, An- ,r eata stark a. (0.60; lot tl. John B, t SO 00: undivided H of tot 23, WITtlam Uoa tag. (0.36: nndivlded H of let 28, WiUlaa Montag. (0i nndlrided H ef lot 24. ; 1 'aa- ' X i '. . .