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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. FSSRUARY 7,' ,1CC3. Batared et the i aaetofBce BT peruana, tbrougk Un Mil as far treasportsuoa ISwUr fur single t: For aa 10 e J page paper, I cent; 14 80 pagee, 8 easts, u pages, nut. rdlterlal Itxw.,,. U " FS OfBee FOBXJOB APTMTIBUro IPlWT'Tj-Yraolaod-Bengamla Special A 1w tlrl f ; 1M Kaaaaa "street, Wew TorbJ Tribune , . lac CtUcage, . . imoumoi bath. The fully ImtmI, with Baaday. I F K en. run. , i . . . . ' i ne inuiy The Dally The Dally J am tmny joanuL memos : " - - str. rwn. . , ... a 1 month., .no The Dally, per week, tollvered. Ssadsy Included : Boa Dally. Bar week. - delivered. Booday juerpted .- . i Terms sy.nuui. , with Snncay. 1 FBJ..n-g" ! wttna'irtay.'s'nMaOM 8.T8 The Dally Jnrrael, ion iaiiy joaraal, . i mm i 1 1 J s-nwraai. WlID neiraar, w , . Tea Dally JoaraaL montha.... flZ The Dally Jnarnaf. with Bandar. aaontba. lao The Dally Journal. 2 month...... S Tha Dally joaraal. wit a Snndsy. 1 ssoath.. Tha Dally Journal, 1 month. ..,...... Tha Bandar liwmil-1 imp.... .-? Tba Sunday Joaraal. months . ...j 1.00 Tha Seml-Weealy Jeomei. Tha fUail-Waaklr JoornaL. I to II pages each laaaa, ulaetrated. (alt BJerket re port. 1 yaar ;-iL"'JLX Bamlttancee Bona id ha made By oraiw, etas, express orders ana small amounta .,ara acceptable UllM Mai 1 JOuiiAl T. O. Box ICl. Portlaa Ornoa-. .VBZXI TO nVMXXL HAT H TQXTTD. Tba lavwl Ml ha foao tm..mto 1 boiKK. IOAUU H. Bailer A Co.; w. B. Me- CHICAOO-Poatotflca Nawa company, ITS Daar- OBNTRB. COLO. Kandrt Bank Btatoiery maapaAT, 12 Bawnteanth a tract; J. Buck, KiitrratB ana arua irri TTNKMUIB, CAU J. WrOarw-Ua. JUNRAU, AI.ABKA Paatofrica Bamk ra. - LOS ANGSLES- B. T. GardoM. 2. Booth ttprlnr atraat; OUrar aV Balaea. HOB Boatk tlNNRAPOUS hC J.. Karaaaagh, BO Booth Third. - t ' NKW JTOtUC CITY Brwrtioo'a, TJoloa aqtiare. OMAHA Millard Hotal nawa -atand; Math Btatlsnwry rotnpany- . ALT LA KB CITY Kenyan Hotel ewa atand Barrow Brae., 4S West Beraid atraet, Boath BT. LOUI8 Philip Border. 81 Locuat atraet BAN rBANCiaCO f. W. Pitta. Palaee Hotel newa atand. and lone Market etreet; Gold ' amlU Bros.. 20 Batter etreet, and . Balnt BEATTUC K. Inter Grand Dwa tand; EMtera rrOKANK, WASH.John W, Oraham Co. ' TAOOMA. WASH. Central Nawa company VICTORIA. B. C Victoria Book Stationery company. - 'yADcnoK aut TOKoamow. ' , By X IT. Wllaoa. 1"0 Hrat atraet, at I p. m. ftM! Of ladlre' tallor-maae mmiM,, By Oeorrr Baker Co.. Jark and Alder treetaat T6 a. m. Aartlo aala of eoatly raraltare. jeoraje paaer oi t.. ariwwrn , WZATHTE BETOXT. ralr, pleaaant'waatherrontlBnea ' In tha Borky moantala and tha Partttc eoaat atatea. jnni (" -. . - VHaao.. and aome anew haa orcorrea dnrtnir thf..t U houra In aaatern Boath Dakou and .il. i iiImI, Klwkm la the atatea aaat or tha Bock j SBonnulna.fair waathct haa pra- ' The temneratmre eaatlnaaa aboea tha anraaa . n i. - il .1 -A tkfMrhMit I'm ii fornla. At Portland the agaxlBium teklperatara waa 6B deareea, which eqaala the highest tenperatarr em rrmroed at thai autlok o ur ine ine moDia- ot rrvrwj. Tha lnrtlcatlona are fur fair weather la thla district' TiieafwTi eicept akina; tba ImmedUta roast, where abowera are probable. . Weddlaa- Carda. . V. X. Smith Co.. WaaV rearU and WasMaitaa ala. Inrton blof-. aor. .BIBIHB. BrRDF.S Feoroary 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. garden, of MonUrllla. twin, (aon and daacbter). ' IJV'IMiaTON Febroary 23. to Mr. and -Blra. WllUam A. LlTlDgstoa, B3S Ms I lory arena. riluTTTnW rehrnar .. to Mr. ansVMra. Alriandrr B. rord Uamlltoa. 3D Braaea a street, a danfMer. . I RIKWC February 22. to Mr. aad Mrs. Leopold rrlede, 2ta Twenty -flrat atreat; a eon. ... ; COHTAQIOUi DISEASES. BKALEY rehrnary IS. Mlaa Healer, S23 Hal lory arenoe, measlee. SMITH 'ebraarjr X: Fred Smith, 500 First street, typhoid ferer. ' .- 4' DEATHS. CLARK rettraarr 1. Fred Clark, aaed BS years, at OUfornla hoaae; came, carbolic acid poisoning (eatdde). , Burial at f'uor " rrm" - Oral tori n a aa Oregen City ear line, near Bellwood; modern, aclentiflc. complete. Chargea . Adults, $.(&; children. 5. Vlsltora a. at. to 6 p. aa. Portlaad tematioa association, l'ortlaad, Uragoa. . ... The Bdward Holaiaa ladertaklng roainany. (net. Pboaa 00T. J.' P. Flnley A Boa, funeral directors and e-iulialBiera. corner Third and Madison streets, tlface af coaaty eoroaer. Telepaoaf Mala a. Faneral wreaths and eat flowers specialty at Bom City Greenhouse. Twenty-eecoad aad . R. aott and wife to M. F. Man ning, tot i, block aa.-Woodto,'S I Park Land eampany ta B. U. MeTlaln, kta , B and 10, block TS, t'nlTeralty . Park ....... : i.... Jf. p. Watsoa aad wife to T.'-Hralea, loU IT and 1. hloek Ik. Point View ...... BOO 300 Alice E. Helcoma In li, Heieomn. lot a. Mock ; 2, Bprlngrllle, and , othrr , arop- ',1 Mrrtle Lni 'and 'hiishsnd 'ta'c. C.' l'ler. ht . blork in, Willamette'...., Iff B. M. Lombard aad wife to T. Buck- man. Iota It and , Block 1H. L. Buck- un a addllloa ' 1 tf. Ooyes and wife to J. M. lireea and alfa, lot U, btack 1, .North Irrhig- ton ................. . 1)300 Cera M. Klernaa and ktishand" To J. H-lm, - tta- av tRebulee, block lo, March. awnt srtdltWm' ....................... (M Wr T tlan aiul Wlfj. .A M tknl.n.1 et al.,' Prrir Inclaslre, John- ( L . . M MM.h.wl.' lnHMlnw.1 A-' eTntHt MHI1,.f Johnson Creek Park 10 Oaley t. Fredentbal et al. to J. Bnhlln, fe- iitaauawrthwesl aectloa M, towa- ship I soathr-rerire 1 east M0 Tertland Tmt enmtwny to t. L. Band. .HVmltw) feet beclnnlac Ktu feet west sseec i.raiion ana wire ie iiae M d. block 2. WIIIUata-ATeaae add! tloa Re. 2 i 2.SM A. - Konnii ta I. . jnnea. aonn H 4 . Meek 42. Jamee Johns' addition lo ' t. J.rfmss lota.l. 2, aad 3, black Tt. I nleerelty Park i BOO Bernard llagedora an wire to H. r. t'srsteaa aad .wife, tot 8. block .r , ' Mirum . r , aeo PTaM J. atretMg atMl wire to K. nereen, nareel land Kdward Long dnnatloa Uad claim fcXa) Tltie ;aarsote At Tmat company to T. Hean. lot AS. axaes im, aaanyara Third addition .A IV lend ramoany ta R B. Young, lota 4 and . Mock IB, Plrland Bile inter and nahaed to J. C. Han ken aad -wife. 1 acre aectloa IS. towa- 1.130 eii- I aoath, ranra 2 eaat 1.100 K. Unas and wile to F.. Frleadrlrka. . . tot: a bWk . Voadslark --BO Arteta lnd I omnanr ta K. I. t B. block , Arlru Park No 100 -mu C. Isarke to li. w. watc kt 4. . Meek 14. l-artlaad Hoaieatead ....J... 1.0M Be a,og. traslee, et si., ta A. H. - , i:m.b U. 11IS I I 1- klMk X .. 1 K.w Park , ..s iflO at aan aaa hii ta j. at. fieernnii are. tot t. bl k X Cloeerdale Anac n . H'UtMjt X, FaUltl at at. U I D, laU a n .loarail, wita ennasr. Joaraal, nantha .......... f , iomrmi with Sasday. 8 asoatber TODAY'S MARKETS COHPLAINHIADE ON HOP PICKING Herman Klaber Says That Eng '.'J" lish Buyers Ae Protesting ' About Oregon Crop. ARBUCKLE COFFEE IS FIFTY CENTS L0W4T0DAY Dressed Veal Dull Hogs Firm. f ' Chickens Good, and Eggs ; Slow Oranges Up. Front Street, Peb. ST. The prladnat featurea of tha 1 "art land wholraala ' uarkcu today are: i, ; : j . Arborkle coffee la down a half. ; lg market weak but a or hanged. Poultry market ho I da at top. ' Oranawa will ahow aa sdrsoce. Celery market looking higher. Dressed real dull; hnga firm. . -. : Complaint an hup picking. . New asparagus comlug la better. . . B9 Karkat b Dull. Tha hop market la dnll, bat tba torn la good and a lionet arery dealer la willing to bay at preen ut qnotatmna. A few sales are reported front conn try points at practically tba printed oootatlooa, bat growers are not earing ta Bell aa mock, aa they were abort tlm ago. Complaint ef laet Tear's Picking. Tha Journal la la receipt of tha following eenuauoleatloa from-Herman Klaber ft Co. of Tacoma. which should be carefully noted by arery grower and dealer la tope Itr thla etate: "We addreaaad a communication to yon aome time sro on tha anbjaet of poor ptchjlBg of the Oregoa bopa (aat aeaana and quoted extract of letter from, one of tba mrgeat firms of factors' ta London, and at nee then at hare bad aereral further commsatcatloaa from Lon don oa tba earns en eject. "For the benefit of tha Oregon hop growera wa org ta repeat the-Tamable sdrlce and auggeatioaa of one ef tba Terr largeat bonaea In England. Messrs. Wood. Field ft llanbarr, who are one of the principal tMiyera of ParlBe coast hops aa tba other aide. Thla firm hand Ira eyery year Urge quantities of Oregoa hope, and their suggestion, therefore. Is eseeallally of the at most Importsnce. and we therefore un hesitatingly confirm their adrlce to the growei Si The letter . referred to la of data February t, aad rasas aubstantlally aa follows; J- :v. toadoa rirm Xloks. Tfi fcara to write you an a aery Important mtter aa As thw-futare trade here for larlfte eoaat hope. Wa. refer to the picking and pack ing ef a Urge proportion ef tba Oregon crop thla saaaon. In which a large quantity of lei res, sterna and other extraneous matter could be found.. There haa been complaint on thla account, and can aay that as much aa 10 per cent pf eitraneoaa matter baa beea found perhaps S per cent on aa average, or probably 'Oar brewers la England object eery, much to this, and unless next year'a crop la much better-picked and handled- wa can aee'that It will prejudice our buyers hers against your Oregoa bops. - v-v'- . ' 'We BBderstand thai 'tha chief eanse of this his beea that a great many- rf the hops are roatranteaV for tn advance at afflacd price aad that conaeqnen'tle the growers hare no Interest In Bering that they -are well plcked.--bnuld thla system of picking and Mllng prevail la future seasons, the Oregon growera will donht leaa find It Impossible to Interest Cngltah boyera ta their product, and tha objectlona named should be made knows to all parttee con cerned In thla matter. We Shall certainly In future refnee to accept any bops which are sot mora carefully picked. , 'We bare bad a cause to complain of Waah- rngtoa bona the peat season . and nnleaa tba Oregon growera are more rarefnl Waahlngtonrf win Be doubt find iireferenc with our brew- Beat Fished Bast fries. ' Z ' "The adrlce which we aara, quoted a bora Is aelf-Plplanatory. benea we hare nothing far ther to add safflce It to- aay that It hebooree erery Individual bop grower of Oregon to be guided by tba suggeetlons named. HoretoforaJig,. eiah. IB daya; maple, 14 W loo per lb. OreroeT hops ksre. alwaya found faror with tha Kngllah brewers s od otvn command higher prices than any other bopa exported to that market, bat aoleee taa Oregoa growera elimin ate the lea rea. atema and sweepings from their bopa. the reputation of Oregona In the Loudon market will be greatly Impaired, and It stands your growera la hand to nuraa the London buatneaa, when It la considered that wit boat the eupnort from England tba paat aeaaoa oar bona would wot have beea worth mors than JlMilJe.". j,. AreaeKis vaitae u waw, With the wavering of prices la the raw coffee market durlnj: 4ta paat few weeks. Arborkle ft Co., one of. the larger manufscturcrs af aarkage eoffeeai today notified the local trade ef a decline af SOc per hundred jnunda la the price, Ne other rhangea are noted In tba market today, but It la quite likely tkat other coffee roasters will meet the cut. Tbla move- meat waa -predicted exclusively by The Journal during thefpasfweekr ... Er( Market Weak Bat Tackamga.-; The tone of tba egg market continues weak. but prices ahow aa changes today. The receipts continue Just aa neavy as vunng ine paai but the retail trade ta purchasing in larger lots In anticipation of tha beginning ,f general cold storage opera t lone. ... PeaJtiy gUrket Bolds at the Tap, ' Tba noultry market la very firm. Tha re ceipts are fair, bat are not far abort of tba demand at present ranee. , lame geeae con tinue dull, and lifeless -snd prices have to be shsded . la order to move the consignments. Wild gaaae la hard ta obtain aad tha few ar rivals bring top prices. , " Oranges Will Skew aa Advance, ' rronf art sent Indies tlona the prleea la the orange market have practically reached the low level and prleea look higher . tearing tne paat few dare quotations st primary points bare ad vanced 20c per bos. Celery Karkat Hawing ta Firmness. ilnnA Mlerv at not Bo nlentlful aa of late ssd the market la being held firmer with the neobabilltr of an early advance. Two cars of orangw. t we care of mixed vegetahlea and a ear of sweet potatoes were the receipts from the aouth today. The tone or. the produce arket la general M good. Dressed Teal 'Dull aad Xegs Active, . . Dreeaed 'aeal rta not finding so., ready a aala ad the retail trade doea not buy an readily aa during tba former week, Prleea are weak. The eaiwiky of Boss Is only fair and tba tone ef the . market te excellent with arrivals selling st the to.T - - t Today' wholesale quotations, as revised, an aa folluws? -e-.. .Orals, wot aad Feed. WHEAT tit sad red. BTOWe: blaaetess. Wot valley. Mr. , . BARLBI reaa,; roiiea.; Drew- conn waoie, . ee-ooi ve ou 'per ton. . . - BYE 11. RS per cwL ' T' k ; llpe Iota B-1B. Inclusive, block 10, ' Marebmont addltloa '.... River View Cemetery aaeortstloa re R. J. Berdaa et al., lot 32, aectloa 4, ' Rlveevlew cemetery '....,...; Merchanta' Inveatment ft Treat snmpany to C M. Pierre, lota 11 and 12, iamar gent' Heights , U It. Phillips ta C M. Klernan. Iota B-IA, Inclusive, blork 10. MarcbBMBt addl tloa 125 : f BOO Get roar tnsarance , snd shetracte to real eatatalfrom the Title ttsinnr w . iraat eea paay. Chamber of Commerce balldlag "A. - BVTXSTBw TEMnTB. -; IfTIR Tebenarr 2B. D. bthie, dwelllrlg. BaMeb between Tweaty -ninth and Thirtieth streeU; (Wt 9et Sou ' KKHILIc-Fetveary SB. R. MerrlTI. addltloa ta ; dwelling, Twenty-third netweea Thcrauta aad " Vsnahn H reels; cost, IWO. .t- STAI U February . H. II. Btaab. , excava tion, earner tEaet Twenty-toartk aad Yaathlll stre,.(s: enatr I50. BKARY Febrnarr 2A. . IT. PVsrr. enttsge. Wllllaaa) aeeane betweea Cats aad Preacmt atreeta; enet. pro. FBARV Fehcuiry Bl. t. H. PTsry, eottaga. Jrearot atreet betweea Wllllaaai arenoe and rievelimd etreet; ewer, pasl. CTMI.IIh;K Febrnary XA. Mlea I,. A. Coolldee. eottoge. Raer Plae ae I wee a Beat Tweaty-atitk ba4 Wt lata ij -sat uaU stretii Ml. f'AM, TODAY'S PRICES IN , THE WHEAT-MARKET d May Option. d d ChlcRirr) ............ II. ISMi d San Kranrtsco.. ....... l.tlTa ... d Minneapolis. Ill1 A- Duluth ,T. 1.1IHB 4 d New York 1-KWB d d Bt. Louis. 4 d Kansas City.','.... 1044 ' d MHwaukce ,.,; UIB aaV . " Par cental. - J' . ' ' OATS Pred Beers' prleea Be. 1 white, I2S.00 ersr MM 1 B r.aeirro Oregoa Patente. 14.03; atralghta. 7: talley. f4 in; graham. Ha, M.oii; Hia. It 46; e.. Bfla. fi.00; balaa, fits. BIILiXt I t re nraa, miw.w er w.j ild dllnga. fis.oo; . sberta. country, 922.00; chop, H AX riNIUI'Vls pr.cT loe'inr, nuiinmiv lley, fancy. $l4.0Cla.OO; ordinary, lUOOO VI is on esstera Oreroa. SlS.uiMxld.00; Bilixi, 12.00O130O; clover. Bit .on12.0; grain. tll.uuu 12.00: rbeat. Butter, Iggs aad Poultry. BrtTTF.H FAT Bweet. 81c; sour, 24c. ' Bl'TTEu City creamery, beat. t2r; second grsda,TVic; outside fancy. BOe; ardl. eary, iff fee; California. Sue; atura, ltdjlSc. K;GH No. 1 freak Oregon. 17Me. t'HKKBK New Full cream. twin, ISet Young America. 10 fee; aaatern. IsdklAthc; Cheddar, lfce. J Pol'LTRY Chickens, mixed, lSUe per lb: bens. LiHerMc per lb; roosters, old. 12V,ire per ir; young, l.iajiiic per in; oruiwra. iie per Ibr fryers, like per lb; ducks. SK.U0AIO.00 per dna; g-se, 4fyftc per lb; turkeys, IIUXH per lb; dressed. WiulB-fee per lb. WILD GAME Teal, $1.7S widgeon. $2.00; mallard. tl.&O: canvaabacka. B4.aOeS.00. Bopa. Waal aad Hides. HOPS Con tracts, IPOS. ISillTe: 1004 crop. IlltHte for choice ; 2424the for firms aad medlunta. WOOL Contracts 100B dip. laejlSc; valley, coarse to medlunv JSttlTe; haa, llgjlar: ast am Oregon, Inc.- . - . i MOHAIR Nominal, 2SS2V. 8HKKP8KIN8 Uhearlug. loelJfle; abort wool, 20tj3oc; medium wool, SOtJSUc; long wool, wwtl.OO each.' TALLOW Prime, per lb. 485c; Me. t sad gresse. 2i2He. CHITTlM BARK 4o Pat lb; baying price. HI DBS Dry hliiee. Ne, 1, IS lbs snd BO, I0tzl8e per lb; dry kip. No. 1, B to IS lbs, 14c; dry calf,- No. 1, under S Iba. lglcL dry salted hldea, "trees. Bound. SO lbe or -ever, 8fcf He; BO to 00 lbs, sazMHc; under so lbs and cows. Battue;' slage-and balls. Bound. f7c: kip, IB to 30, lba, Ue; eoand. 10 to 14 lbs. fiftt Vsc; calf; sound, under' 10 lba. BVkxrllc; gTO,. (unaalted). Is per-ib- Ires; culls. 16 per lb leaa; hone hides, - salted, each. fl.25Ql.TB; dry, each, gl.004jl.ft0; colt hldea, . eacb, ' 23 SOc; goat akina, common, each. lO&lic; .Angora, with wool on. each. 2Scx$1.00. . Itatts aad TsgstkUaaV " ' POTATOES Beat Oregoa. SO9SL00; buy ers. 75tOc: aecond grade, BOc per sack; buy ing price, OOitVBc; rweeta, beat fl.60Ql.Bu; crated. fLBB; new California. 2HQJc per lb. ON10N-2.Tn3,OfrrwTesB-prlsea, country, t2.SB: garlic, Bi)0c .par Jb. .. . FRESH FBV1TS . Appiea. extra" ' fancy, 1.80 fancy Oregon; S1.0 i)r Im; cheap ersrtes,. 75c pea- -- bosr . oranges, aavat. fl.2502.2S per box; aeedllnga. fl.60 Mr box: . tsnaerlnea. - Si. 75 Der bnxt Jaa orangea, an65e per box; Nnanaa, Be per lb; Irmona, ciioire, fX.OO per box; fancy, $2.73 per box;" "limes. Mexican, one per iw a Pi bb! ilea, 2.26; cranberries, rsitsrn,, f 11.00 par vrirTARI.ra Tarnlna. BOe err aark: car. snt. imc doa bunchea: beets. 60c dns bunches: Oregon radishes. 25c per doa; cabbage.- Oregoa, 11.75 cwt; California, fl.25; lettnee, hothouse, $1.25 crstMJ green peiipera, 7c per lb; chill peppers. iac rer in; ceue-v,. oosrooa par oob; (omatoea, California, $2.00- pi ran I pa, . T5rt l.2J; egg plant, lil'ic per lb; string bcaoa 12c; cauliflower. fl.Tofe2.00 per crate: DuttAV beans. Be; pumpkins, leper lb; horseradish 70So par lb; aprouts, Be; artichokes, 1.00tl.29 per dna; peaa. Hie per ID; cncuniDeTa. vsiitaraut fcoase, Sl.Tn doa; green onions,. 45c . par . doa; ssparagtia, 20c per lb. - DRIED JrRClTS Apples, evaporated. 7e per lb; aprlcoU. Pai.Tc per lb; aacka, Via par lb leas: aeacbea. N)l2c per lb: pears. per . R; prwiea. Italian., A14KV4 per lb; French. -- 8W4We per lb; CaUforaU Black ggjidHo pee4bi California white. - per lb: pluma. pitted, per Tb: dates, golden, oc per lp; tarda. fl.SO per 16-lb box. . - 7 , 'Crreoarlas, Buts Ete, - - - gnflAR tuck hills Cube. SB. SO: Dowdered. fS.ltt; fruit graaulated. S0.05; drj granalated, id. 05; beet granulated. fS.HS; extra C, 0.56; golden 0. S5.45; bbla. lOe; V, bbla. too. anxea, our auvance on sees oasis, leae mum cw HO Nt Y 14 U. St 15a. COFFEE Package branda,' f 14.M0 18.38. SALT Fine Uales, 2a, Ba, 4a. fis, 10a, 1.00; Uble, dairy, Boa. fll.OO; 100a,- 410.75: Im ported Liverpool. Boa. flT.00; loon, SIS 50; 224a, flS.oo; extra Bos. bbla. ba. bs. Bs, 10a, f 4.50415.50, bulk. 820 lba, f 4. 0000.00,. sacks. 50a. osesse. , HALT Coarse tlslf aeonnd. -100s. Der tea. fT.Oti; 60s. per ton, f7.6n; Liverpool lump rock, 18.50 per ton; Bo-lb rock. f7.00; 100s. 4.75. (Abovs prleea apply to as lea at less taaa ear lota. Car lots st special prices subject te Burt national GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, fS.TSQS.OO per 100. BICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 4fce; No. 2. 4c; New Orleans, head, . SVk0Sc; Adjsx, SHc; Creole. 4c. .... BEANS Small whits, 4c: large white. 8 He; pink. He; bayou, SVsc; Umaa, SKc; Mexlcss reds 6jc. NUTH Peanuts; TUc; Jumbos. Oe per lb; rsw, BCJlOc per lb; malted. t cocoa nnts, SoMSOe per dna; walnuta, 14aiBe per lb; pine nuts inesl2Ue me lh: hlckorv nuta. 10e nar lb: rheetnnu, esstera. 15ft lor per lb; Brasll nuta. loc per m; bibeera, jnvjiue per id, mbpj paeans, 141Re per lb; almonds.' naiBs per lb. Faints, Coal 011a, Etc ROPE Pure Manila. 14c: atandard. lf. Steal. 10 r: Istle brand Hlaal. e. - COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases, tie Tier gal; water white, troa bbla. UWe per gal; wooden. 17e per gal; headlight ifo-drg. cases 23c per gal; Iron bbla, 16Wc uer gal. LINoKKD OIL Cure raw in on is. one par gai, sea Sle per gal; genuine kettle boiled, esaes aft -owe esl. hhla BMe oee aal: amend Cake, ear loU f 2D.00 pa ton, less thsa car lots fJO.00 per ton. ' CASOtm B SA-deg. cases Me per gsL .Iroa bbla 2nc per gai; stova, eases 24 Vie per gal. Iron bhla ISc per gal. " . . RENZINB 83-deg, eases 2Se per gl troa bbis, lRUc per gsL TCRPEN'TINBh-Ib caaea. 85c per gat woodea bbla. 81c per sal. Iroa bbla. TSa per gsL 10-lb r. J"lt?r' .Ski. '.... . etllTs L.KAU lon lots. Ta per in, wvi. lots. Tie per lb; leaa lota Be per lb. ' WIKK KAILS Present base at - Keats, Pish aad Prerlaloaa. FRESH MEATSrPront atreet Beef, steers. 4Q3Hc per lb; pork, block,. Tl8e per lb; packers. -TiaSe per lb; bulls. 2Vc per lb: cows. Xi34e per lb; mutton, werbers and lambs. Te: ewes. Be: veaL extra. Til8e per lb; ordinary, Ktjoe per lb. , ' HA fern, BAtun. giit;. rortiano paca tmip kima. 10 to 14 rba. 12"ae per lb; 14 to 10 lba, 12ic per lb; 18 an 20 lua, 1214 per lb; eotUga, Be per lbt breakfast bacon, l2IBo per lb; picnic. 8 He per lb; regular abort clears, en smoked, B4 rer lb; amekrd. 104e per lb; clear Backs, ansmokeq, . ac per in; . amoaea, -. lb; Union bulta. 10 to IB- lba. ummoked, as smoked'. 11c per IM smoked. 12e par lb. ik. . .1 a. km n.. i . ft. .im .a 1 LtCAL LARIJ Kettle leal, luaj; wl per lbfoe. loue oer lb: BO-lb tlna. lOHc per lb; etch rendered, 10a. 0c per lb; Ba, B He per lb; tuba. OTkC per id; one, n-e per id. CANNED SALMON Celnmbla river 1-lb tails, ft. aft; 2-lb tails. 8250; fancy l ib flits, 82.00; Vk lb faacy Hats, fl.25: fsncy lib ovale, $2 75: Alaska talla. pink, SSjOOc; red, fl.60; aomlaal 2a, tall. 82.00. FISH Bo Rock cod, .Te per lb: flonnders. Be per Rt: bailout. 6c per lb; craba, 8L25 per doa; striped haae, 10tjl2V,e per lb; ratflsh Tc per in; salmon, olnmbli river, cninooa. dy,r; ateeUuwda, lOe per lb!" frcsea alive raldea, Te per lb: herring 5e per lb: enlea. Be per lb; Bhrlmpe. lor per lb; ahad. dreaaed, per lb; parch, E per lb; shad roe, per lb; ahad. Be per !h black cod, Oe per lb; Oorhmbta river smelt, ne per ip: aiiver im.ii, oa per hi , lobetera, t2V4e: fresh - mackerel. Be per tt; erawBah, 20c per xloa; Soandars, off per, lb; aturaeon, Tc per lb. OYHTERH Sboalwater nay. per gai. sz zn; per aack. 14 On aet: Olympla. par rack, fa. 28. fT.AMB Hard abetL par. box, 18-00; rasor rUma, 82.00 per box. '" - . T t , B0ST0H COPPER ST0CI. ' Boston, Jreb. 2T Offtclal copper eloalee: Bid. . Bid. tale Roval .If 25 on i Phoenix .nexy .f , 2 50 Adventore ... B.TS IQulncy .... KKJ. 00 Alenaa .... z.i. irinannon o.isi Atlanth 15.73 AM no A ax no TO s, .lH.zft Trlnlty ...... . .... 1 . J ... eB- Calumet ..,, rtopper Mt... IJopper Range, rom. Coal FrankHa ll. Hlreene Copper 28 on . Psly Went ., aiaaa jzza - I tah L 42 m hlgae ... n7 Mohawk M T5 fild Domlaloa. SUM Oaceola B2.ISI lYIctnrls . ..... 42 OA IWInooa !' IBolvcrlae .... lilt. 50 Preferred Btock Canned Coots, MAY WHEAT GETS SEVERE-SETBACK Bears' Force Market Two Cents Lower After Open- v1 SEPTEMBER OPTION IS ! i v OFF A HALF CENT : ' - July Closes Seven-Eighths Cent , otf Whole Market ' :.. . Weak. . ' ; TODAY'S WHEAT 1IA1EET. Opea ' Today ..fl.lS -.. 1.01 .. .V2. 'lose - Cloaa- Lass , Today . Bat. Today, fi.ii4 f .oa Mar....... July........ i.'S'HO J.niB ."A au amil isiil Bept....... B2 . Mm ""7S (Furnished by Over beck. Starr ft Cense Co. ' Cblcaso. Feb. 27. There waa a aenaatlonal decline of 2o la May op Una of wheat today and the entire market la lower. The market opened a fraction lower and early bad a very amall gain. -Xoon after It became weak and continued in thki condition all day.- At the closing today July Is down fee aad September 71 TOI. . , Loess ft PJrvBB aavt The wheat at cost Ion la about anehaaged. with the. aentlment about equally divided. There are btill re porta that the recent ball clique la the wheat baa t Broad Its attentica to corn. The actio of corn the laat few daya shows very good strenath and seems to hold Its advance. There . seems te be plenty at Payers ea sny setback; ,-. v-... xooay s oiocial market: ,. i- . . WHEAT. - Onen. Hleh Tw fTn4. .92 Uy.... 1.1 f 1.1R4 f 1.14 Jury.. l.oii l.oi v ,00' Mrpt..... .02 ..flj'k tCOBN. J0 Feb May July Bept...., .4ATA .4HU .484, .4okA r.454 .4 .4814 l.45, OATS. ,4TU .SrVTl .29)4 May..... July Bept... A .2i eew MESS 1'OBK. Feb.. May. 12.4B 12 2 . 12. T 2 ': 6.RS ' 6.T0 t.i ; -SBO- S.TT - S.SO " I2AA 12S2 12.72 LARD. 12.4ft 12.55 July..... 12.07 Peb... May.. July.. Bept.. a. 06 T.0T 7.1T T.0S 7.12 a. on T.02- SHORT "BIBS. "V Feb.. May. Jul. B.T0 6,85 S .TT .B0 B.T SUDDEN DECLINE EAST ; HURTS 'FRISCO WHEAT f Furnished by Over back. Starr A Oonkq Co.) --Han 1-Tonclsco. l'rb. rt K. F. Hnttna A Co. aay: The wheat market today showed con siderable weakness, which was caused b the sudden - decline In tba eaat and the local re ceipts, which have bean muck larger than they have been for some time paat. May was very active' snd orders early were plentiful. De cember declined from Batarda.r. turicy waa quiet on account of the amall demand from local buyers. . Export demand uontlnuea good and It' Is this that keeps the market steady. 'loasy s uineiex n :sn a. u. market: t WHEAT. . . Open. High. Lew.t . Close. May..-. fl.44 t.4i fl.4Bta fl.4lk liaeember..... 1.27? 1.27 1.2TS . L2H4 BARLEY, r . . - Msy.. ........ l.tV l.lPli 1.1 1.114 December..,.. .88 " .88 j .88 .88 ij CHIOA80 CASH WHEAT. Chicago, Feb. 27. Caih wheat: Today Rat. ma. Hid. No. 2 red ...f1.1T No. 8 red 1.12 fl . i.i No. 2 bard. ...... .-... 1.1.1 i 1.18 No. 3 bard.......n...' I.(M .. 1.1ft No. '1 northern..... 1.1T 1.18 No. 2" northern 1.1.1 . 1 19 No. B aprlng LOT LOT PRIKABT, BHIPKEBTS ABP CLIABABCES. Chicago, Pcb. 27. Primary receipts: . inoay i ear Ago Bush. oen. ruw.ono 850,000 Wheat ..j, Corn ".T.e...,. ........ Hl.ftftf 745.000 Khipmcnts: - Wheat .... 102.000 Corn 202.000 2B1.00O 241.000 Clesrancea: Wheat and flonr. On, 100 nnsheli; cora, 500,000 tmahckt: oata, T.000 basbels. . ' . AXXRICAB ORAIB ; TISTBLC CTilcago, Peb. 27. Americas grain risible UW"7: - . Dee. Ba. Wheat ..a.-w-rsM) Corn .-r.,,'.k H22.0O0 oau .a CKICAOO 0BAIB CAB LOTS. , Ckksge, Peb. 27. Ore In car lota; . , . - Cera, tirade. Pet. 1804. Wheat 25 .. 21 48 Cora .i .572 ji" 2 . 8XT Oats v.., 2W8 59 222 .'-... Liverpool Orala ' Market. ' Llverponl. Feb. 27. Clone: Wheat March. Ta d. Wd op; May, Ts fed, apt Jaly, Ts ltd. Hd up. Corn March 4s 2d, y,i ap; May, 4a 14d, Ud up. HOGS WEAKER, BUT ' CATTLE REMAIN FIRM Portland Union Stoekyarda, Feb. 2T TSa bog market, la aot so firm today. Tha re ceipts are ebowlng ap larger. Ne change ia Prleea todaa, Receipts of cattle quite heavy, nt the demand la good st present Taloas. Sheep are quiet with receipts liberal. Today's official tt restart prices: Hogs Beat eastern Oregon, 28,60; light blockers snd China fae. f6.O0eB.TB; stackers snd feeders. f4.6oaB.00. i'sttle Rest eastern Oregoa eteera, 4.0ne 4.35; - light and medium steers, fn.Bocr.t.n; rows. S-1.0O4J3.2K: medium cows, f2.60ifi2.7B; old snd light rows,; stockers and feeders, f2.00t226: tjulla. fl.80t2.oa Hheep Best fiacy sheep, f4.2Bi4.B0 ewes, f4.00, ,, ... CHICAGO H00S STEADT.' ' Chicago, Feb. -17. 1J restock receipts: , , Hoga. Cattle. Sheep. Chicago ,,...42.000 . 28,000 25.000 Kansas City ......... S.000 T.f 8.000 Omaha : . B,00r) 4 000 ' 4.600 Hoga . Opened ateady .with T,000 left over: receipts a year ago were 6X000. Prices: Mixed snd butchers, ft 8504.08; good heavy, S4.Bntf 6.00; rough beery. 84.8664.76: light, ft.OOU 4.85. . tittle Steady. - . , Sheep 1 Steady. COTTON IS SIX TO 'i ELEVEN POINTS DOWN ' ' a ' . - r ' (Pnrnlsbed by Overbeek, Starr ft Cooke Or. New York. Feb. 27. Cotton fatorss cleeed I te 11 pnlnta lower. . Today's efBdal cotton market Open. High. Lew, Close. February 724 724 724 Tl20 March ..... 724 727 TI2 7iean April .., ... ' T2ni2B May ....... ........ 711 T4 T2t 7' JS June Tl TS3 TX1 Tr:io Jaly 718 TIB T72 . T24t.t0 Augvart 740 T4n 727 ' TTOS4 September T4.1 T48 714 T874I.10 October 1... 747 - T48 TW 7424148 NaWmkee T4B T4B T42 T404J4T rJenrmbefj... . 748 TBS 744 , T4S4f 60 BXsV T01JC 00TTEE KARXZT. ; Nw Tort. Feb. 27. Coffee cloelBg: Bid. ..Ask.) " Bid. Aik. Fehmary ...86.80 1 XI Angus t ,f6.8 March ' B.0 S 45Heptember .. T. f.18 April 6.4.1 B rmiOctober ..... T.nft t Mar 6.55 B Art! November ., T OA f .lfi June 8 85 S To December ... T.20 f 25 AUV. A..X- i 8.eO;aauatX W. IJ T.9Q English Brewers ami- Buyers Make Com-, plaint About Picking of Oregon Hope During -Last Season and 8ay t Worked Against State. BEAKS RAID Hi PACIFIC BULL CAf,IP . - . Jr.'. .-. Fall on , Necks d Boosters and Price Drops After . Ad-' . vance. SALES LARGEST SINCE - LAVVSON BEGAN WORK , I. Southern Pacific Very- Strong. Had a Good Upward Move ment Today. . STOCK- LOSSES. ''., ' '-. Amslgamatad ..S .B2mont. ft Went ...f!.124 Sugar . i. ...... .124Poaaaylraala .-a .87 hi Smelter ....... ,82rilOas -12S4 (otorado Fuel ., .82 1 1 Keadlag, com .. .12U Kt. Paul .12tulHp. Hteel, com 1.S7V, c. ft N. w Pea RteeL Bfd.. t.00 Canadian Pae..J .12K Rock isiana ... .' Krle. com B2V, IKoutbera Kg ... .zo .50 ' 1.25 ST 14 Great West .... .STti Tes. ft Pa.. Ilia. Central ...2.28 U. P., com .... Norfolk ft West JtT! Leather, cess ., A.. central., .id i STOCK ADTANCBB. Ateblsoa f .8714 Bait, ft Ohio... .25 Chess, ft Ohio. .1214 Mex. Cent ..... .87 H Pad Be Mall ... 1.00 Alton ;.r..r.TH Erie, 2d pfd .v.. . .87 Mies. Psc 25 iHouthern Pee ... 2.87 V4 Teae. Coal. .... Hteel. com .... .82V4 KL L. ft H. W.. .8714 leather, pfd .,. . Brooklyn L .... 1.29 HtecU pfd 1314 (Pnrnlsbed by Overbed SUit ft Cooke Co.) New York. Feb. 27. The transacUons oa the atoek exchange today were the ares test of any aeaaloa since Lawaon began his cam paign a gainst ths market The aalea to. me noon hour amounted to 1.181.000 shsres aad the total asles for the days 2.000.800 ebaree. The bears . raided the ramp ot inn una Peci&e bulls sfter that stack bad received as early advance and tba price waa hammered fl.2fV'hrwer than Saturday's closing. , Ths losses were not general and Bouthara Ps Hfle'ceauaoa bad a boost of fM-Tbe steel US s were itrong, I'nlted States Steet com mon adrascing point. Tennessee Coal rose fl.87 ea good bovlng.- Today's official stock market: DESCRIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co Amal. Copper Co... Atchison, com 100 7w SI t do preferred.'..... l'HH rAm. Car ft Found, com. 8514 oo pre rcrreo Am. Sugar, com.: Am. Smelt., com do Dee f erred 4 14 145! 14414 00 1184a It V4 011. llMAalllKW Baltimore ft Ohio, com 107 1108 do preferred pa 84 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian PaclBc. com... Chi., ft Alton, com Chi. 'ft t. West., com. Chi., Mil. ft 81. Paul.. Chi. ft North., com... Chi. Terminal -Be...... Chesapeake ft Ohio.... 83 V. 1404, 140 41 I 2m, 1TU (2411, 1T84 S48 B1 Balk w 87 V4 02 Colo. Fuel ft Ironveem. j Colo, South., .cem..... oo za prrterrea do 1st nref erred...... Delawsra ft Hudson..... 10.-1 I). at, U., pid ....... Erie, com do 2d peef erred. ,.. do 1st preferred Illinois Central ......TZ.. Loutavllle Naahvllle.. Metro, Traction Co...., Manfraftaa Blevated. ... Mexican Central By M.. Bt. P. ft ta. M.... . do -prof erred". ......... Misaonrl, PaclBc. ........ M.. K. ft T.. com..,.,. do preferred .......... New York .Central.....'. Norfolk ft Western., e.. do preferred....,.,... North Anetrieaa N.- Tf;-Ont ft Western Pennsylvania Rr...J.. P. U. L. C. Co. Preaeed Steel Car, coo. do preferred.. ........ Pacific Matt B.-A Cm. Reading, common do aecond preferred. , do first preferred-: rr: 88 47 8614 BOTi Hkl1 141ll W10 122 lain HI 172 2414 118 171 231, 111 100 1U0 .....I 85 'A tfOO 66 161 I 158 a 83 02 8 02 HU1VI 100 85V4 64 Rep. Iron ft BCceL "com 21 TR4 86 i 3S a prererrea Rock Island. do preferred Sontberr Rr.. 80 r 08 n do prefrrrea Sontbrrn PaclBc v do preferred... .... .Ci at. I- A. R. F.. 2d nfd. T2 "? 26 a i14 04 86 55 118 70l St. L. ft S. W., common oo prercrreu Texaa ft PaclBc. . 81 87 02 86 Tennessee Coal ft Iron Toledo. - St. L. ft W e do preferred Usloa Psclfla. nana . 1o preferred 13Bllo4 t, 8. leather, eommonl 121 do preferred........... V. S. Rubber,- common do preferred. ...... ... 0. 8. Steel Co., com. . 42 118 86 oo preii 1 1 u .......... Wheel, ft lke Erie, 1st Wisconsin tjentrai, do 'preferred. . . ,. W. fl. Telegraph. v Wabash, common. . do preferred 0:1 2:1 American lee . ,...; do preferred . . . . Money, 214 Pee cent. a Total ssles for day, 2.000.800 shares. v SAB PBABCISOO LOOAX. TOCKS. San Franrlsca, Feb. 27. Ldra storks eioaioa, iu;ju a. m.s . , Bid. Ak. 46 88 88 1814 , Bl . 8714 B0 8 87 28 82 115 -10 Contra Costa Water v...",;ki: Spring Yalley. Water 1 ... 44 ... 8714 ... 88 ...12 ... 60 ... Bl3 e rrH f We v 2114 tentrai ugnt Mutual Electric ParlflcUrhtlng San Francisco Oas ft Kleetrle ... (ilsnt Powder Hawaiian Sugar Honctkea Sugir , Iiiitchinaon sugar .............. Kllaneau , Makawell Sugar . W14 : 24 . 83 . PT . 81 , 8,4 'lWK rrnomee sugar t cic... Paankaa Sugar Alaska Packers 1... ...... California Frultcanners ., California Wine Oceanic Steamablp Pari nr. Ooaat Horar PaclBc States Telephone... L- SAB FEAT CISCO BOBTB0 STOCXB. ' Baa FTSnHaco. Feb. 27. Official RilnlRg clos ing, gMxraing sesama: run . 1 rttn. ....rPaBeTJS-. Bnllloa ........ Belcber .27 Savage .14 1 mn.1 ......... Con. CaL-va 1.88 rnlon Coa Ophlr ......... B.6214lYeliow Jacket Caledonia ...lo... 5 lEicheqner Mexican 1.B0 lll.le ft Norcroas 1.1 TONnpAH STOCKS.. Bid. Bid. . .f2.i ... ,.40 ' .. .14 Adams 8 .10 Columbls Mt .. .BOA noid. Anchor .. .65 OoMSeld .77 Mohswk 21 Jim Belter -tnT" Jumbo ..p .71 - Jumbo Fx tea .28 MrNamara 62 Bay O'RrteB ... .08 Kendall - ....... .88 Ball -Free ..... .48 Montana . Red Top ,77 Helmont .1 1.00 Nevada ...M.. .11 Too. Rrtea .... 4.75 (lold ,Mt .16 , North! Star 58 Midway L121A (Black Batte .... .41 1 TEW T0RX STTaOULlT. Tork. Frb. x7.e-Amerlcis stacks New In taailna are now snout to point below parity, a. Amalgaamted will anon Issue, a fall reaoet c tha proper rty. The oatbjok la geatifvlng to the trades. Thirteen mada far the third week ef Fenroary show sa Brers re gross Inereese ef 2.60 per cent. West sen bank, are now buying sonde and were heavy Bayers htat week. Twelve IndnwtHakt nWuaasd .08 per cent; 20 active Industrials decreased .86 per cept. . x -' 1 " v -" " ' . ' '. Starling Bates, , r New York. Feb. 27.- Sterling demand, 488.79 &UH; das. 464. SOil 484. tie. 'it - cm xortoxj. PROPOSALS TOE SEWEB WOBX. ' Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor ef the City ef Portlaad an til Friday. March 8, IPOS at S e ctock p. .. for the cobs traction ef a newer la Bellwood atraet from 120 feet west ef waat Una of MkaalaalPSi aeesue to the sewer In Delay street la the ssanaer pmlded by or d I macs Aa. 14,481, sub ject te ine provtatona pt tne e nance ana wrai nances ef the City or Portland, aad the esti mate ef the City Enainoar, oa Ble. Blda meat ba . atrletlr la accordance with printed blanks, which will - be furnished en application at tha office ot the Auditor of ths City ot Portland. And said sawar most ba- eoasnleted on or before 80 4sra from the sets ef tba aigalag of the coatract BP 1 nartlea thereto. No propnaasi or bids will bs considered aaless accompanied by s certified cheek payable te the order of the Mayor of the City ef Portlaad. certified by a reapnaelhle beak for aa aasoeal equal ta 10 par rest ef tba aggregate proposal. Thejlght to reject aay aad all bids Is hereby By order Ot the Executive Board. . , , . ' ... TUOB. C. DBYT.IN, A editor of the City' af Portlaad. Portland. Oregea. .February 29. 180B. PROPOSALS FOB STREET WOBX. Sealed nronoaaki will lie received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland antll FrMay, March a, IPOB, at B e'ciock p. m.. tor tha luwrevement ef Oreeer etreet from tha eaat Una ef Front atreet to tba eaat ' line of Hood atreet la the manner amlded by ordi nance No, 14.458. anhjert ta the prorlawns of the charter snd atrdlBaaces of the City of Port land, aad the eatunete oc taa city K&giaear, oa Ble. Bids arast be strictly la aeeerdaaee witn printed blanks, which will be furnished oa application at the effiea ef the A editor et the City of Portlaad. " Aad eald Improvement most be completed ea or before B0 dsys from ths dsts ot tba signing et tba coatract by the parties thereto. No propose tr or bids wfll be leasldersd wnleae accompanied by -a certified cheek payable te the order of the Mayor of the City ef Portland. certified by a responsible bank tor aa aamant eqnal to 10 per cast et the aggregate proposal. i ae ngni ta reject aay ana au waa la aareoy By order at tha Executive Board. ' , , THOS. O. DETLIrt. A editor ef the City ef Portland. Portland. Oregoa. February 28. 1005. PIONEER Of 1865 AT Funeral of Mrs. Melissa Scott " Held Under Auspices of. T Local podges. ,.. , '.; ' . MRS. J. H. YANSCOYAC DIES' AT SPRINGFIELD ;f' Numerous ". Cases of , Scarlet "Fever, ; Diphtheria : and ; . . - Smallpox Reported.- - (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) . nunwi. vi, f du, ,i.viio wu.v. Mra. . Mlllssa Scott, who died at her home In .this clty7 Saturday, waa .' In terred fn the. Masonic cemetery-. Bats Sunday, afternoon..: Tha funeral was held under the auspices of tha local lodges of 'Women of Woodcraft and Ladles of the Maccabeea, of which she waa a member. , : u Mrs. Scott was -born In . Putnam county, Missouri, December 12. 1868. In 1865 she came .to Oregon with her par ents, David Boers and his wife. She waa married' on October I. 1S7B, to Sidney Scott, who survives . her. ""Sine .their marriage they have resided in Eucena, except two yeira spent In Arlxona, They moved to -that country in nopeat -gnat Mrs. Scott's health 'would be benefited, but .there Was no" material chance and they .returned to Eurene about a year ago.-, Consumption wa the caum ot death', " "' . ''- - - . " " . Besides her husband, Mr Scott leaves a daughter, ' Ixirane, aged about f II years, four brothers snd-twO. slaters, as follows; ' Leon and WtUlam Bossa of Harrlabursr, JCramett Borrs of Mohawk. Ray Beggrs of Monuments Mrs. Xlwilda Hayden of Hitrrisbtrrir and Mrs." Etta Thompson of CoquilWCity. ' r ' TJeatB of BCrs. TasueBOjee.''.' -Mrs. J. H. Vanscoyoo died t her home In Springfield Saturday st the age of 14 years, 11 months and Is days. She had been In poor health for several years and had been conOried. to her bed for.the- laat three monttaa. - She was bom at Huntington,- Pa., In 183L . Bhe came to Oregon in 1888. She leaves four grown children. The funeral was held Sunday, with ""interment iJiv the Laurel Grove oemetery.; .--' .'' .,'. ' ' SCorB OontagiotU Dlsasats, Besides the several cases of scarlet fever aad smallpox now existing In Pair mount, a suburb of Eugene, two more cases of scarlet fever and one of diphtheria have Just, been discovered there. Miss Myrtle Lines has the diphtheria. - combined with - follicular tonsilitia, and the young son and daugh ter of A. V. James have the - scarlet fever. ' , , .;..' - MLS awSTtval Closed, ' : The big. revival meeting which. bss been held at 'the First Christian church of this city for the last three weeks, came to a close last night The meetings have been held by Evangelist Harlow, one of the most successful revivalists In the Christian denomination. There have been more. than 100 conversions during the meetings. ; Rev. Mr. Harlow leaves here Tuesday for Jacksonville, Florida, where he will begin a revival ss Boon as he arrives. ' - " SHOULD CLOTHES BE SOAKED BY Av CLEAVER 7 , "If a man takes a suit of clothes to clean it, hasn't he the-right to soak itr This wss the query of Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald thl morning In the police court whert John Davis came up for trial en the charge of stealing garments from R. A'Treston, a drug gist. The evidence .-showed Detectives Snow And Kerrigan had caught Davis trying to dispose of the clothes to a pawnbroker. . - Judge -HogTia' thought the matter over very seriously and Deputy District Attorney Haney, who had drawn up the complaint, waa nonplused. AS the evi dence waa weak and' the query of the deputy city attorney waa so hard to an swer, the charge against Davis wss dis missed and one of vagrancy substituted. On the second charge Davis will be tried tomorrow, .- tlO Reduced Rates jtQ California. The Southern 'Paolflo company has placed on sale round trip tickets te Less Angeles at the rate ef fit. limit 18 days. This affords an excellent oppor tunity to visit the many baautlfal win ter resorts of southern California, Bt a moderate oat. . rata a BtrwBTS. . (SpeeJat Dlspatrh te The Joaraal.) .. Downa. Wash., Fb. ST. Fire thought EUGENE OVERBECK, CTARR & COOKBCO. - asBi syin uerBi vvicesfxv sT3JBmru wa a omAZBT, BaVovinoaTa, ootbtbia.stocxs ajtb bobtds. ' A y .. 181 Third Street, McKay Building. Portland. Or. , - .' WB SO A BTBXOTZiT COBUBTtBgaOBT BTJSTsTBSS. '- CoaUnuoue l4rkets by Private Wire.- Quick Service. REFERENCES Xadd A - XUlon, ba&Xaxs! aa4 Walled, tales BUoaal BsBk at ForUand, AFIF Villi With your grocer or the quality of groceries he serves you? Jf so we should like to have you "try us out'' YouU find our service, meats, groceries and prices all one-could desires Specials t : ''.'' ''.'. ' ' : . .!- v I packages Malt Breakfast rood. ;'-'.v' -v.; 40 , Gallon Choice Table Syrup (bring pad)- Gallon Pure Sugar Byrup. ; ' 8-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. -. , awahwass b3. pan. . v - as aes. aa sn 1 iitibi rii 1 irrn i sibbm , . -Bsais p 4 aaewaej ow-VUBPel vr amfriffcafe 2ftaa. ' lean twiari or onirsrdeiirs Cocoa, Pound Good Gunpowder Tea, t ' ;' Y . ' so k:- r'T-i - PoandBlt cWon Blend Tee ' IT lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar. v Si. Fellows GroceryCo. nofee BtBta SSM S74 W-eSiUxictoa Bt, For Reasons of Its O wn THE HUB Mill aprinr ityles of Packard Shoes for $2.50 ' I. ' rV". ' Ask the . shoe man.' to ihow' "you the new sty lea - :-.'' POSTXAJID XXUST VOWTAWT VT gUVBg, . . '- Ve. 10B THIBD 8T, - . . aho AUaaS Tiwt Bmsus la n.sBno CAFTTAL,-8808,008. . Wa anadnct a general. banking We reeelve as rings denoaita. We laaaa oa. eer- mmA 'earttftcstsa Ot e JMalt HnM, enna 10 daya- ralU 'SO daya' call or SO daya call, wltb latereat at 8U ssd 4 per cent per anneal, raenecrlvelv. fll or aecd for ear bonk ef . II L0STBATTOKS. BBNJ. T. rriHKK......,,. ......... ...rreataont H. ti. PltTOTTf.".'.....,. ..Vtce-Preaident B.-LEB PAflBT., .S-creUrr t. O. OOIVTBA... Aaalavsat SWeretarr OBDOV AViBAB FBABCISOO BABX. . , - J- 1 ' XJBIIX&O, . . --r .,.'4 Chasten, ef Bafldlaa. TUrd asf Btaxk Btrseta, ... Weas OfSes. BS Old Broad Street, tmrlea. ' This bank transacts a general ba-nklng bod. neea, BMkea loene. dtaeoanta Wile -ana,Jsenea letters ef credit available tor travelers and for rhe Merhflse of wierehandlae tn ana cltv of fho. world, rteaw In forelrn and dorneatle exchange. Interest paid m all-time denoaita. - -' . . , "WA ISArBAR, Mansaw. , MeBCHABTS' WATTOWAT, VaIoc ' , FOBTTABS, OBEOOV. , J. rBArtar WATSOH.,...... .Ptaeldent R, t,. prtxtaiAbt Tier rr lOent B. W. TTOTT ..raattlee OBOnnB W. WOVT..1 -lAaahrHnt rasbler fJrsfts and ,It of rVeciit taa-e-i Arallsble to n Parts of oe World. , , . . ' Ootlectloas a BpeclsltVj fcj--. e0TBTTt SaVTrTOB TTtTTST OOimABT." O BBS Kerelseo. H.. FWetlaad. Or. Tiaasai ts a Oeaeral Baeaine nsinasa. , SAVTBOS TIEPABTTBT. Interest Allowed en Time end 8. vines fjoBastta. Acta aa Traetee for Brtates. Drafts sad Letters of Credit a vails bio ta 111 Parta ef tba World. , . fl. F. ATtaMS ...Frealoeef U A. I.swis. ............First wae-Prewlelen A. Th MfTTJl ......... ..Beosndr Tlce-Pyealownl R. O. ' JTrBITS tilt 9CwVb1 fTr IITTTID fTATva wsrrrtHST. wt U, - ow wersTT awn -oprnoir. wOVTsrwrsT cx. Tirrn awb oaw m Tlaaaarta a OeoeraJ PMrWng Bnalaaae. T RAFTS ISSrPTt. AvalUhle tn Alt ritlee of the TTntteA States v - aad Barope, Bong Kong aad Manila. rvitwfiTIOirS XASX 0 Fa.VAHTW aerwaraj t liaiueBV. v. fiBarne-rri Vtee-Praaldent. W. B. 1TT Ckatiler B. W. Stimtth Assl.tant raabler ......A. r. WBIOHT LABS si TTXTOV. BABXZB8. tgaeaWiaked In !. . aBgaees a eaeral Baaklag Bsstassa. Collectlnna made at ell points .en faeoesMo terms. Letters of ereMIt lesned avallenw taj Borooe and sll points In the Hottee) Stnrea. Slant Fxenenee . snd Teleeranble Trios fees sold se Bew Tork.- Waehtneeon. rhleage, St. 1. rii . nMMs. n. m smm.i. i. - , atemtana aad British ConnnMa. Bxchsnge sold en Iodon, Parte. Berlin, Frankfort, Beag Kong, Yokohama. Manlls aad HoaoiaiB.- . Fran iiattowai babt . . s OF FOBTLABO. OBBOOW. Doalgnatad Deooaltore and Financial Agent ef i the Catted States. vaoiriBat' :....A. T. vn.ra Cashier .....J. W. B BWWTwa. Assistant rasnier ...w. . iivrntn Seoand Aaaletanr Cashlee B. V. STBTByR Letters 'ef Credit leaned Aeellshle la Xorope Sight Rxchange en.1 Taleeraphle, Trsnarer sold on Raw Toek. Beatna. Oilearo, St. Tionls. St. Faal.' OmaSa, San aneiae aad the nrlnetnal notnts In fie Nialhaeal. Sight and tlnwi Mils deewa tn enee to en It oa London. Perla. F-v11a. . Fraakforta-the- .,.. n wmtm IW.k.M Pkrlstlsnla. Stockherea, St. Petal ahni g. hfaa. eow, Bnetc. ll""hihi. tJBUeecicne auaw aw iwas, - MIRBTS BBOS. eWBUTKBSBB, 122H First aHraat. Fertlaad, Offer eH.dsw Taestxaea fa teMaat Sal aiirssa xesnaB, wnw or vail. MORTQAQB LtOArVS - Oa Fartland Baal Batata at Leweet Batsa, ?ltlaa Zasnrad.' Akatraeta Fnraiabsd. IT LB wUABABTKS at TBU8T OO. ; a. ess mass at psmmtissi- T. stjwBTTjro. xorxm m co, - (Established lilt.) . . . e ssfsiBiaaa karri ! wmnv-trsiaL BVooas 4, Oroand Floor. ' rrwaaa-aw OF OOBfSCBimOa. to be of Incendtarr origin broke out In the rear Of Cupple's department store yesterday evening. It was - discovered and extinguished with a small loss. ' ' ' " .' I : - .-. 1 . . .. - t - ' . a- V.'-