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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1905)
: . . . - v v . ... . . , I v r-e. COD EVENING. V ' . ' Th Weather. "' ,','V ' Tonight ' and 'Tuesday, generally fair; yariabe , winds, mostly east- VOL. m. NO. 807. PORTLAND, OREGON, "MONDAY EVENING,- FEBRUARY" 27, (1P05SIXTEENTAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS. LOSS IS I 4 .' I 1 M i'i pp....... - . . i ii. i. i. i -p it. IB T J I X a A. D".. a. BJJ fcaT g T w al w aw, pr k TV BF 1. sr SSI W MM . . a. ,- . 7 1 ".Tl ' SB v i a lili flew Orleans Waterfront IStiU In flames at ( -t,s- BURNED DISTRICT IS V , . A WILE IN LENGTH - .--.. .4 Terminalt of Illinois Central Are - Wiped Out-Magnificent Ele ' . vatort ' Destroyed Thou ' I sands of Cars Destroyed " (Joalntl SimcUI UrUrn.) ' New "Orleana. Feh. 17 Th loaMy ,.th flrs which swept tke lUtqola Central freight termlnala last nit! Is now -!. . tlinated at oloae upon SW(VP0. At soon the Dames are still swfetinr.a dls trlot It block Ion ,upoa the river) front ' -t but are under control.?: t : , Thousands of cars of Brain, more than . I Sl.000 bales of cotton, lf.000 barrels -of , sugar, s, dosen' wharves of freight and 1 g-rain sbeds, two large grain' elevators f aad vaat. quantities - offrteght were "burned. r-vrrv it '. - In the Stuyvesant-docks more than - tOO.000 DimheW of corn .was destroyed, f The docldt extended : from " Louisiana ; avepue to Napoleon avenue in all about ' one mta of docks was wiped -MU The wharves between these two- points were ' covered with miles of trackage and steel and iron sheds ran the whole dlatanoe. Six department Ura-Jtorses were killed, - a. number of ' flreinen- and employes In jured, houses, belonging to the laboring !tclaases were destroyed and the steam Ship Royal Indiana jraa damaged to the . extent of S5t,060. J. i- There is no loss of life known and the - Jl'ltnols Central announces-' that- wilt rebuild tha dock at -once.- ; '.-- -i V .The : fire- was--r discovered abeal tfolack last evening- and -despite- the- ut--. ' most efforts otlthe Are 5rprtmnt -raged BerpeTf - througlwo-1Se"- nlgTiCmw caused by a Journal whrCh had not been " ". sutricleaUy -oiled. Althoagh tha " whole plant was equipped with water nlants ' and . fir exttoguiahlng apparatus j ,th - blase Instantly got beyond control, com- V munlcatinr through" tha 'conveyers to f the lower elevator .'and some of the sheds. Harbor tugs hastened to the wharves and rescued the vessels moored . there. Thousands of cars loaded with ' freight were drawn- pa points above the ' terminals before the fir reached Ahem. "A stiff wind blowing down -the river I fanned the flames,, which -spread with great rapidity. By o'clock the lower elevators and sheds and wharves from ''"Amelia street .to Ltoulsiana .avenue,, a distance,, of six squares bad fallen in. Here the fire was checked from spread , Ing further into the residence section. i Within . the district, however. many ' cottages of the poorer class were de Tstroyed. the occupants losing all th-y . poaaessed. . ,T.he efforts of the Are department wer concentrated in an effort to save : the upper elevator between Auaterlits ;nd Constantinople streets, but thouch -' the men worked heroically tha lire grad' . ually awept past the elevator and at It o'clock the big nteel structure burst Into flames snd within half , an hour was a ' complete wreck. ' The blase waa Of inde scribable fury and a strong breese car ried brands great distances, driving back the crowds of sightseers. Pieces of corrugated tron were torn from the roofs and earried through the air as If . tbey were feathers, dropping in every ' ) direction and constantly endangering . the lives of. firemen and-'-apectators, of . , whom there were at least iO.OtO watch ' Ing the progress of the Are. ' i All the railway property, " wharves, aheds. and elevators were of the most . "; modern construction, being built within the laat five years. The cars destroyed contained thousands of bales of cotton, great quantities of cottonseed oil and oil . : cakes, thousands of barrels of sugar, lumber and all varieties of freight ' The larger grain elevator had a ea- paclty of 1,000.000 buahels of grata and the other slightly less. Both wars of recentj construction. THE DALLES SUFFERS ' r FROM. CONFLAGRATION i: (Speeitl Mapatca te The leareit) f ' The Dalles. Or., Feb. 11. Firs' whlclr started in tha basement of tha Vogt block yesterday- evening caused a loss .approximating f 12,000. Tha principal dsjnaga waafcaused by smoke and water. ' The losses Were as follows: - . : , Vogt bloclf, tS,000; A. E. Crosby, drug !: rlst,-ft,000; H. Herbrlng. dry goods, 11. 000; L. Rorden, crockery and grocery, tl.000; K. of P. hall, 11. J 00. The flames gutted Parkins' musle store to the ex tent of 11 80 and tha- damage to offices and books will exceed 11,000. Insurance . adjusters will "finish in two-or three '--days. - . ' .. ' v..i- SALOONS 0E DALLAS - .CLOSE ON SUNDAYS , ; ' . 8pecUI Dlipatrk te Tke J"it-nL) ' Dallas. Or, Feb. 27 Dallas is now a . closed tow an Sunday, no saloons be ing allowed to hsve bark doors j open.. A drunken brawl a week ago in one of the saloons led to tha closing up on Sunday. ... I. N. Woods, the Southern Pacific de - . pot agent at thla place, la back ta re sume his work agaKn from an extended trip through California.. He reports Tiavfflir a most enjoyable .tlme-vlsltlng most sll the Important places in Callfor . pla. Ills trip Issted more than a month. '..His wife and family, also accompanied sua.. . f. -i .1 et af V ' Queen Alexandra- of ! England, J Princeas Victoria -to Her, Right, Princesa POLICE END ROMANCE OF I . -! ). TSTV r 4Jeriil Special Scrrlt.) v j '.' "wrndsor, Feb. (27. Court, goesipa are eagerly discussing the latest - phase of the romance of Princess Victoria. . the king's unmarried . daughter, and ' her lowly . admirer,- Frederick . Robert Nay lor, a leather gilder, whose wages are It a Wekv He has been 'placed in an insane asylum on account of the 4pve letters which he has addressed to the princess during the pnet eight years. Eight years ago Naylor, enraptured A BELMONT'S PROFITS Stock Market; Has Hugely ln creased the Mufti-Million-' -aire's' Fortune. ' ' ' - , ' (Jooraai Special IUrUe.l New Tork. Feb. 87. If , "WaU , street is right In Its Information, August Bel moot Is making money faster than any man In America, with one or two excep tions. Financial gossips, place the In creese in his wealth from $12,000,000 to 1 18,000,000 n the last year. This is a little more than $1,000,000 a month. At tention' has been directed-to Belmont largely by the sensational riae In Inter borough rapid transit stock. A; little more than a year- ago -thla stock sold as low as or S. Within the last two weeks It ' touched -3, a rise ef 140 points within, a year. . Belmont and his friends have made a . vaat fortune. Young Cornelius Vanderbllt Is' said to be $$,000,000 better off aa a result of the rise. ; . " : - . AUSTRIAN COUNT JILTED ! BY AMERICAN GIRL - (JooAiil BpccUl Rmtre.) Boston. , Feb. $7. Society was sur prised yesterday to learn of the sudden withdrawal -of Invitations to the wedding Of Miss Minna Twombley Jones of this city and Captain Arthur Kamler Ed lee Baron von Saarberf) of tha Austrian army. . '-r - - , The wedding had been aet for. next Thursday. Suddenly, without explana tion. SH invitations were . recalled snd the wedding gifts returned. - It Is said that Miss Jones found she did not went to merry theAuetlan and broke off the engagement. Mies Jons la the daughter of Mr. "Frank tv: Joticm. Through -the mother she Is related to the Twombley fanjHV of New - Tork. She Is Just over 20 Of New Tork. 6 he U Just over :0. ' . : ... AN D i i ' ... v ") with the beauty of the princess,! wrote her: the first of a remarkable series ef beautiful, letters, and In pure womunli nees thrf princess .. answered it. -. Her condesoenslon brought another, and with the . passage- of - time the corre spondence i continued between the strangely assorted pair,' and -to the let ters Naylor added poetry, finally having printed for her,' between - dainty- and elaborate covers, a volume of .verses, bound by .his own hands. ; - i?. So far as can be learned, neither aver SENATOR CLARK'S j WIFE VERY ILL Recovery From Operation - Slow and : Her Life Seriously . , "4- :. MenacedJ";,Vu' : .' . (Joaratl Sperlait flwrlce.)' . New York. Feb. Mr. WIUUmA. Clark, the young wlfa of Senator Clark of -Montana. ' has been a patient In a surgical hospital "here 'the Jaet three weeks. Shortly after her return from Paris she was taken there by order of Clark's family physician, and an opera tion performed. The highly nervous condition of Mrs. Clark has made her recovery slow. - The doctor said Mrs. Clark " could he removed' to her home some time this - week. Mrs. - Clark's nerves were shattered, when - she ar rived in NewYork. elrly In -January, and it was thought Ore! operation would cure her. During hef '.Journey Mrs. Clark was constantly attended by. the ship's surgeon. She left her baby daugh ter In charge of nurses In Pari. The Herald says that Mrstf Clark's Ufa is seriously menaced.' :f . ' Mra Clark was Anna L Chappella; daughter of a family whose benefactor Senator Clark waa He sent her abroad to study muslo and married her secret ly more than two years ago. ' The mar riage waa announced after tha birth of a child., . . - - ' JURY DISAGREES IN v BRADY DIVORCE CASE ' .'. (JoanMl gperiat rW.) ' t New Tork. Feb. fT.The Jury In A divorce suit of Mrs. Brady against Dan iel Brady, the wealthy rat I wary supply manufacturer. In which -Gertrude Mac kemie, the comle Opera act reus la co reapondenL has.dlgreed. Mrs. Brady Is the granddaughter of tfie 1aleTac Singer, inventor of tha Singer sew in f machine, , - 4 1 4.-" Ill 3 - Louise to Her Left. S "j i WO R KM AN rmade an effort - to ', see. the. other, the affair.' being carried on. entirely in an impersonal and idylllo way. s - News of the secret correspondence leaked out just before the operation for appendicitis which- was performed on the princess a few weeksago, and the police 'immediately took action. 7Naylor was sent to an Insane asylum. -"'The outcome of. tha affair will prob ably, be .that -.Naylor will be quietly re-, leased on promising to destroy the let ters bf the -Princes. , - -- GOVERNOR VETOES CAPITAL REMOVAL Mead States That Needless Ex ; ' penses; Would "Fu'rther . Increase Taxes. 1 (flperlal Ditpetrb to The' JoernaLl Olympla, ; Wash., . Feb. $7. Governor Mead today .vetoed the capital bill, glv Ing as reasons the extra expense to be Incurred ' snd the apparent coercion In forcing the passage of- the bill In both house end senate. -He held that taxes were high enough to offer, new people, and that any extravagance should be curtailed. , He gave - the lobbyists who worked the passage of the bill a, hot roaat for attempting to hold up leglsla tion unless the .capital bill was secured passage. . , -The senate received the message with disapproval and ' Immediately . Senator Raker of Klickitat' moved to- pass over the veto, the vote reaultlng It to It, He then Introduced a concwrreht resolu tion covering, the same ground as the bill. Olympla people are Jubilant over the veto. ...... The railroad commission bill resched the senate Just before adjournment for noon and a motion to place It on the calendar passed, 17 to t. The bill wss made), first - business of the afternoon hour. This bill passed the house Satur day by a vote of 7$ to 11. , The veto also covers' the removal of the supreme court to Tscoma. . -, - FIRE FOLLOWS EXPLOSION MANY LIVES ARE LOST (Jeemat Srerlal girrW.) - Welch, W. Va., Feb $7. It Is reported that the mines of the United Ststes Coal company, eight miles ,ear of where the exploeion occurred yeeterdsy at Wllcoe. are afire. - The rescuing patty has been forced to abandon; ita work Fifteen bedlee have been reeevered. hut It Is feared the total death list will greatly exceed this, ' - 1 Mrs. William A. Clark, Wife of the. SUPREME "HITSTHE TRUSTS! (Jooraai Special Berelee.) rr. . Washington. Feb. 27. A glgantlo blow was dealt the truats today by the su preme court of the United States when it upheld the anti-trust law of Texas. -The decision banded down today dis poses of the esse In which ths stata of Texas sought to enjoin the National Cot ton Oil and Southern Cotton; Oil com panies from tratisactllng business in J'exas. on the grounds that the nature of heir business ' was such ss could . be considered a combination intended to regulate prlcea- and irregularly ' stifle competition.- i -." AFTER fMIIEVS? Editor Lays His Senatorial Fiasco ' to Marshal and Wants His Scalp. ; WaahlDftao rto ef The Jooraai.) Washington. - Feb. i7. Evidence Is accumulating here that a concerted, movement is afoot to get the scalp -of W. F. Matthews, United Spates marshal for Oregon. Offensive partisanship is in tha air J as one of tha chsrges which have been? lodged against him and. the presence in Washington at thla time of Harvey Scott, editor of the Oregonlan, Is thought to lend color to this theory, for Matthews Is said jo have Interfered With Scott's political ambitions. ,. The story goes that when Scott was a candidate for United Statea senator two years ago, Matthews gave lilm the double cross and while outwardly sup porting the -editor he was , secretly working' against him. Scott was de feated and ever since he has been wait ing for' an opportunity for revenge. ' - But there are rumora of other and mora serious charges agalnat Matthews and soma transactions-in public lands In which r he wss Interested - are ' sup posed to have attracted the attention of Lthe Interior .department, - As Senator Mitchell's political lieutenant Mattnews has naturally -- been under suspicion ever slnoo tha indictment of bis chief. Still another story current Is that the charges lodged sgainat T-Cader Powell, recently appointed marshal for -Alaska, may Involve Matthew. , with .whom Powell was . closely associated in poll tic, i It would cause no surprise if Matthews' . tenure ot office should ncovel short. , - - T; . . '.. Frank Baker, chairman- of - the 'Re publican state . central . commlttea of Oregon, may be here in , Matthews' In terest, for the latter stands In need of a friend at court.. Senator Mitchell, hie former patroa,"no linger has the ear of the president-end Senator Fulton Is ac counted unfriendly to him." . ' - Fmra underneath ! the mass of shape less Junk thst was onca the Republican machine,- Jack Matthews - has crawled forth--aryj announced that he has "re signed the management" of ' the ma chine. "'' . ' ' , i Of the wisdom snd discretion of this decision 0 there could be no question, even without the significant news con tslned in the foregoing Waahlngton dispatch. With nothing left of his ma chine to manage, -It la Just ss well to resign the management of It. - Upon tha excellent authority of the Republican newspaper organ whose columna have been placed at hi dis posal, It. Is learned that this Idea' haa definitely dawned upon the mind of Mr. Matthews snd that. though badly shaken up by the wreck of the ma chine, be. Is still sble to think clearly enough to see t .e unwisdom of trying to run a machine when it haa been re duced to a scrap heap. - No sooner had Matthewa decided to resign a.ien he determined to Insert a "want ad" In the Oregnnlan for a suc cessor. The first ' publication brought no results, so sppesls were- sent to a number of prominent Republicans who had traveled with the machine before the wreck. Only two took the trouble to reply. Judge Carey 'and' Whitney L liolat ear h came forward, took a look at tha scrap heap that had once been the machine and, each declined tha Job, IS I1ARYEY SCOTT mm .,' - '1 " 1 t A i r . Tv. '''ft . " Senator From MonUnaf She Is The state1 "court of Texas rendered -a decision enjoining the companies from further carrying .on of business in the state, having found them guilty' of vio lating the . anti-comblnatlon statute. The corporation immediately carried the case to a higher tribunal, and a, decision wss today rendered giving tha state of Texas a complete victory. r : , ,. Justice 4Mc Ken na read the (decision. wmcn .noma that tha atatua ot the de- clelon.of the. Texas -courts Is entirely proper, and the enactment of euoh an act aa the anti-eombutauoa statute is with in the legitimate -.'powers ot the legis lature. .-,. . - .- . t RICHES TlfJG THEIR WAY TO PflORliOUSE Another Aged Ward of the Coun ty Finds Much Wealth - Awaiting Him. The third Inmate of the county poor farm to coma In to the possession of money is Thomas Rowan. S years old, a veteran of the civil war, who will soon receive from Washington, D. ' C. f 1,200 back pension money, and here after 175 a month. - Last November, Thomas Johnson, "'a poorhouse inmate. . found that he had 1 1,200 of back pension money to hi credit st the national capital, and waa entitled to a stipend of tit a month as long as he should live. Then Isst month Lorenti Herman llelner, (0 years old and - consigned to the poor farm, ' wasa placed In possession of $1. 200 In the' form of a certificate of de posit which had been in hla trunk for Zp years and forgotten by Helner. fiowan. the last to be apprised that tha government stands ready to provide for him, has been at the poorhouse for the greater part of the time since Itts. He was a member of Company M, Ninth Rhode Island Infantry, and waa mus tered out on special order of President Lincoln, when 'all soldiere were dis charged who did not wlah to re-enllat. Rowan cams to Oregon from- Idaho in 187. Ha, was a native bt Massachu setts. . - ,- .-. lat October, Dudley , Evans, of the county board of charities, spplied to the department In Waahlngton for a pen alon for Rowan, and was Informed that no record could be. found that Rowan ever had aervedF'ln the Ninth Rhode Island regiment Today, however, cam a letter from J. I Pavenport, acting penalon commissioner! saying that Row an record had been discovered, and that hla claim would be paased aa soon as the depsrtment could atteiid to the necessary, details. THIRD. DESTRUCTIVE . FIRE, VISITS COLFAX (Special Diapatrk to. The JoaraaL) . Colfax, Wash., Feb. 27. The buslnesa section of . this city waa vlalted? by the third fire In three months at- midnight last night. D. Hoeppner's drug store, a building owned by Julius Llppltt, a Japanese restaurant. Burns' photograph studio and a building owned by Phil Wllman were burned. Loaa. 1 10,090; In surance, 18,000. The firs started In tha rear of tha drug atore and the cause is unknown. The buildings burnea adjoined the site of the old bowling alley that 'was burned In December, and, directly oppo site tha scene of the t3S,000 fire of laat month. All the burned structures will be replaced with brick building. TEN MEN ARRESTED FOR GIRL'S MURDER . i . ii (Joeraal Spatial SttW.) . Peterson. N. J- Feb. 17. Ten laboring men hsve been arrested In connection with the death of the unknown girl whose half-clothed body wss found In a railway ditch south of PateraOn Sun day. It Is believed the girl met her d'ath In the same manner as Jennie Boaschtctcr, having been held captlva by a gang of men 111 a hut on Garret moua- By Party Vote; Senate ' Refuses to Impeach ; . j Florida Judge, i , FAVORS OF RAILROAD NO . CRIME IN SENATE EYES X: Understood That the Judge-Will , Immediately Resign Post . Now That His Reputa- ' tion Is Cleared. X (Jooraai pei gertlca.) ' ' ' Washington, Feb. 27. By a partisan vote today- tha United Statea aenate ad Mdged Judge Charles Swayne, federal Judge of the (District of Florida, not ullty in. the Impeachment proceedings brought agains.( nimby thehouae ot rep- reaentatlveaw- ? -,- Tbo first charge voted -on was- that Swayne had collected 1230, expenses at tlO at.daor.for holding cdurt at Waco, TeX., when hi expenses wera in reality much leas. ' By a party vote of 40 to S3 senate adjudged him not guilty un1 charge. , v . .t.. On articles -tto I. voted separately upon, including the chargea ot using a, private car, by a almllar vote Swayne: was declared not guilty. . ' ' Similar results followed on articles t; to 12. and a resolution waa immediately adopted declaring Swayne acquitted, and;, the senate, aa a court- of Impeachment,1 adjourned slne dle. -, r . . ' During the balloting tha galleries wera, crowded and every senator was In hla seat. Swayne impatiently paced tha lobby, awaiting the verdict, which was carried to , him ' Immediately after the -final vote. ; .--' .: A majority, of the senators regarded the charge -agalnat Swayne as trivial. . Tha . testimony, plainly . showed that Swayne waa guilty of gross Indlscretiosi and, that he does not possess a Judicial , temperament.- But . the sepata is con- vlnced that, the Impeachment- proceed ings were a mistake, and Instigated by personal and political enemies. . If Swayne had been convicted of ml demeanor in pocketing the tlO a day for , expenses, nearly avery, federal Judge would have deserved the same punish-.-ment for few keep accounts of dis bursements, but put In vouchers for tha' entire amount of their allowance aa Swayne did. The second article charg-' lag him with riding around in private cars and accepting favors from railway; managers Is not an offense In the eyes of tha senators. . . - . - . , ! The charge of Impropriety In hearing a case in which hla wire Had a pecu niary Interest while rendering; Swayna the object of much deserved criticism! was not considered sufficient charge by the senate for Impeachment, neither waa the acceptance of railroad passes. 1 The feeling that tha Swayne lmpeach ment proceedings wss a partisan mova1 Instigated at the behest of the Demo-; cratlc legislature of Florida Jn re-j tallatton for the punishment of election frauds by Swayne many years ago. In fluenced In no small degree tha action- of tha annate today, a did a feeling of reaentmeni against tne noua or repre sentative's for imposing upon tha sen ate' the tedloua trial during a ahort term when so many mora Important questions were to be legislated upon. ' i - It Is understood thst Judge Swayna' will send In his resignation to the president without delay.- i i WOMAN FORCES YOUTH ,r T0 EAT COMIC VALENTINE -. . (Bpertal Dispatch to The JearaaL) t Kara lab. Idaho. Feb. 27. Some amns-i Ing sequels to St. Valentine'a day ard coming to light. An aged and much re-i speeted woman of this vicinity received a comic valentine which greatly of- fended her. Being desirous of an Op-1 portunlty for retaliation, she said noth-' . Ing, hoping that tha offender could . bo located. ; .... - In a few daya a. young and verdant' youth made It known' that be had sent tha valentine. When thla confession reached the woman ehe took from the wall an old six-shooter that had not -been leaded since the bloody battle of Shtloh and. with tha weapon In one hand and tha valentine In tne other, she mad j her way across tha field to a point . where tha young man was working. Sha told htm she had come to requeet him to eat the valentine, and had brought the gun along an a persuader. She-then tore the ' valentine Into-small .pieces, which she gave him on by one as ha began to eat. When the valentine waa about half eaten tha young man suggested that h waa thirsty snd that he ought to be per mitted to visit the spring,! This re quest wss refused, however. When the valentine had been consumed tha ladw returned to. her home. The young man came to; town and sought tar reach tha 1 valentine with an emetic, but It was too late.--"- - ' INDICTED BOODLER IN CUSTODY OF SHERIFF- . (iaaraal gpeetal garrUw.t Sacrtmrnto. Feb. 17: Senator Bunk ers. Indicted for boodllng.' surrendered to he sheriff this morning for the pur pose of securing a writ of hebeae comus to go before tne supreme ceuri. in writ is prepared and 'the r-cr J 1 probably take Bunkers to el afternoon. - ' i r I iu ix- in v (Joaraal li-etli I I Cape Town. T . !T. steamer I.- Me A If I and. It U I . . ... . . . . ,. .. , , .. .11. i . Jv . .. . . . K ' -