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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
THE OREGON -BAILY JOURNAU, PORTLANb. SATURDAY" EVENING. FEBRUARY 3, 16C3. ATTACHED IM COURT ' Injunction Suit Brought Against 1 County Clerk intended to 1 - , Nullify Law. CITY ATTORNEY PLEADS ' IN NAME OF N. A. KING Would Prevent Further Prepara- i tions for Completion of Reg--' ' Istration for Election.' f An attack baa been mad on th dlract primary nomlnatien law fcy-th Mine of an Injunction suit in toe name Nahum A. King by City Attorney MeNary. to pravant County. Clark T. 8. .yields from continuing preparation to complet the reistrtion, of voter ror the IM -city, lctlon. ; At' th .nfl moment when tht "city attorney wa fllins the paper,' a pw plan of apply .tea; the law to the 10S city election 'waa under consideration, that would re duce the exDenae from ii,o; urst ihouaht to be necesaaxy, to $200. It la understood that, to obtain standlna; In cour .In auch a ault, lb 'petitioner for Uienjunctlon ofdar must show that ha WIU be Injured materially bfifit expenaimre vf mu contemplated by the proceeding which It is Bought to enjoin. In the event,th preaeat plan wer.. to ba adopted to use the old books and . merely correct and complete them the groun would be removed from beneath the objector who baaed ble protest on the payment w mikllA mnmv far the filifDOM . mn ' ' - - - v. I . 'tinned T: - (J1 ' In the oompUlnt flled by City At torney McNary. the allegation la made that the county clerk la about to pur chase books and employ deputies for . which the ezpensa will ba about f l.tVOr As a. matter oi fact, the county clerk had already canceled hi order for new books, and decided to use the books In . which voters registered last year. H had ordered 10 books. v He Intends now to use 'none of them, and only to print blank and employ two or three extra clerks to attend to the business. ays Xr Sees Wot Apply. .. ' Th complaint ,aUeges that tn direct primary -oomtnatlona law doea not ap ply to . the 106 city election. - The understanding; Is ithatth four circuit court Judges will oe asked to hear- the fcase en banc, and decide .rt next week. It la believed that. If tha court' h,er decides that the law is - applicable to . 4his election, that win ba accepted aa Anal,, and thai no appeal will ba taken to the supremo court. -, T, Vi.-L City Attorney McNary' complaint . - give In detail the preaumptive Inten- tlon of the county clerk In carrying out - the work of preparation for tha regis -tration of voters. 'After a mass of technical details, tha complaint sayt:r -. Allegattona U Oomplalak. ; "The plaintiff and other electors. It Is averred.-. , desiring to vote t general state, county and city elections before those held In the 'year 1HI, did hereto- fore and. prior to tha; general etecHon held on June , 1104, reglHter. upeo the , regtstration books under the laws of the - state then force, so aa to,1 entitle tthem to. vote ,at election thereafter iuntll the rear -liot, . and h. and all - 'others so registering prior to the elec tion of June , lo, are qualified elec tor and voters at. the municipal elec tion to be held In Portland on Jun a. M0,' and all persona desiring to vote -at the city election on June S, 100S, may lawruiiy vota at said election ' upon their said registration In the year 10, under the law providing for auch reg istration In tha year 1801. J "That the said act,- known as In direct primary nominating election law, : does - not apply to said election to ba held June . 1J0I. "for tha purpose of .electing , municipal" officer, and said J election is not held at by virtue of any of tha provlsiona of tha said primary . nomination election law, and that the expenditure of monry about to ba mad for tha purchase of ' registration books and for ths registration of voters In tha city of Portland la unnecessary and tin lawful." -. . . -v. , .. District Attorney Manning will repre sent the county clerk In Insisting upon application of tha law to this city elec " tlon. . . ,. .,- i v -.. Charles ' E. Lockwood. who was one of tha committee of ,11 v who drafted . the law, will offer assistance to the district attorney In defending It. ,-, . . 'V v . BOOTH SAYS GIVE. EX-CONVICTS A CHANCE Mra ' Balllngton Booth addreued an audience which completely filled the Temple last evening' on i" After orison," he made a strong plea for -charity toward the ex-oonvlct, and described the great difficulties experi enced by men who come out of the penl ' tentiarias and the little encouragement they receive to lead better -Uvea.-' "We do-not ssk that these unfortu nates, when released, be treated like , -said th speaker, "but we do ask that they be given a chance to re gain the narrow path. , Give them the same opportunity that Is afforded' all American- elttsens who have not been convicts. If they show a willingness to ui i uif vTvr Bsain. stray- snouia oe en couraged." - - .- . , ' -i Julius Kutner ha been released from th charge ,of stealing a purse contain- . Ing t29 from Jacob ,Reaa last Jsnuary. District,' Atrortnr 'Manning returned a not tru. bill, i'-yf .'. NO SUBSTITUTE has yet been found for cod liver oil: There are so-called extracts, wines and cordials of cod Jiyr.oil that.are said to contain the active principles but not the oil itself. :rThis is absurd on its face. You might as Veil extract the active prirv ciples of ;heat:' and- make bread with them.1 The best orm of cod liver oit thafcan be digested and assimilated nost easily, is Scott's Emul. c:; .- - ;.. mi f a wapl aea. -rtrrTOWM. raariMrasl. Me Trk fJASKED TUB id FARMER'S WAGON Battalion Chief tioiden and w Harry Wright Collide With ' Rancher on Bridge. VERY NARROW ESCAPE FOR i THE GALtANT FIREMEN One Falls in Front' of Hiev Horse and Other Mingles With f i - Vegetables. K 5: tv. Battalion Cnlef tee nolden and Harry Wright, of. the fir department, had a narrow escape from death .while re sponding to' ths alarm from, boy 207, at First and East Taylor atreeta, yester day. .When; they reached, th Madison street bridge they aaw black smoke atis Ing from tha vicinity of th Standard Oil company warehouse. :' A - fire of that sort admits of no delay, so Chief Holden laid the lash to his horse In a way that made Harry Wright hold tightly to the buggy. When near the. center' of th bridge Holden saw a farmer ahead with a heavy wagon. He -rang bis gong and abouted. ' r Th farmer,- nndsed. to excitement. stopped his team and turned around to sea what tha racket was, by. gosh.- Hol den saw It was too lata to turn aside. and told hla companion to make ready for th collision. It waa an earthquake. Holden was thrown about 2 feet for ward, and fall directly in front of his horse. Wright maabed .the .turnips In the farmer's wagon. Tha horse stopped suddenly and Holdaa was not trampled upon. -. Both men were stunned for a few sec onds, but . picked themselves up and started for tha fire. The chiefs wagon waa badly damaged. - "a.- . The -fir proved, to be In a tar tank at-th Marine Iron. Works, a short dis tance from the Standard. Oil company's warehouse. Klremen prevented the spread of th flames to adjoining build ings, jnd the damage waa alight. . CURIOUS LIGHT Z"Ji HER GUIDE '5 Rev. Mr. Jones Recounts a Sin- gular Story of a Religious f; U Worker In Wales, v ! i According, to. latest report .tha revival in Wale progress -with . unabated power. i In-a alngl week lately the con vert numbered about 11,000, and th number from th beginning muat be near 00,000 by this time. It la a moat won- derf hi manifestation of divine power. A remarkable -vinddeat occurred at Duffryn, near Banworth, .north Wales. X flaln, simple, religious farmer's wife, y- nam ox airs. 4onea, uvea mere. , sne iSs been Intensely religious since girl hood;, but seven years ago she losUher llttl boy. and four years afterwards lost her only sister. . And she felt her heart hardening against the providence of Go , until she lost sir Ut 'for church, 4h Bible and -prayer. On Sun day evening, about a year ago, while at home "afone-th rest - having gone to church she asked herself waa there any book in th house that would bring Joy to her soul? Bb found "In HI Stepa," by Sheldon. Sh found the light. And from that time. "What would Jesus dor waa .- her leading tnougnt. She bought aom Walsh cople of th book and gave them to her neighbor. Bb be- wcam a more faithful church member than aver. And when th news of th revival In the aouth cam ah aaked the deacon to announce prayer maatlng In their own church. Th first, on a Mon day evening, ' chilled her very heart Another meeting , waa announced on Thursday, and from that wonderful meeting there waa no hesitation about having meetings every night And-in two weeks, in that thickly populated part of ther country, there wer 61 con verts. ." . ,v - " t, ' " ' '; This woman unconsciously became the leader of thes meeting and waa called to vlalt other surrounding churches, and the spirit Is with her everywhere. Wher ever thl woman goes at night there I a kind of light leading her. ,- Sometimes like a star, sometime Ilka a cloud. One night she wss driving horn- from a neighboring village, after an evening meeting, when a deacon and other per son met her. Th light was with her. And they aaked her if this wss the light so much talked about, and she an swered. "Tea, thl 1 th light" r On night th light appeared over some house towarda th bills, as a sign for her to go there. And sh asked is It possible that there I some unsaved per son up-there? Bh found there an old woman In' great concern about her soul, and she was brought -to -the- Savhrar. On night when she went to a meeting th light appeared Ilka-four stars. Indi cating, as eh thought there would rj four converts that evening. . Three came forward, and sh said there are to be tour; li waa 1010. mat an in cnurcn were members except those three. But ah r-1 seated there must ba rour. . And whan the door of the vestibule wss opened a woman came In trembling tha fourth! Thla extraordinary . light must be tlther optical Illusion, natural phenom enon, or upernatufat right ' It la not optical illusion, for If waa seen by many sober-minded, reliable, practical, shrewd persons. R. M. JONES. STATE SOCIETIES : . MEET AND MAKE MERRY ? , ; , ., , , v Natives ot New Tork met at the city hall last evening and. organised th New Tork 8ociety of the Lewis and Clark cen' tennlal. Mayor George H. Will la ma was elected president tr. Simon E. Josephl vice-president, R. C. Wright second vlce preeldent C. T. Tinker aecratary and treasurer. Mra. H. U. Vail registrar. An exectulve committee of sis wss appoint ed. The second Tuesday -of each month waa chosen aa the regular time of hold ing meeting. Thla morning a register Wss opened for new .members at tha of fice of R. C. Wright 04 JDekum build ing, and the society' wsnts the names of all Nsw Yorkers to appear' thereon. All who pay the nomlnal'entraac fee within 10 day will be considered charter mem bers. . j . v . The Ohio society engaged In a night of frolla at the Knlghta of Pythias hall. In the Marquam building, last night at which a musical program and refresh ments wer feature. V wXJLZi XKFBOTS liaaus. The rltlmens of Montavllla and Cen ter addition have determined to Improve Villa avenue. Th Priflo Brldg com pany has sgreed to do the work for tlM rents a cubic. yard, reducing tha esti mated cost 'one half. The board of trad ef Montavllla and Center addition will aak th county eommlasloner to accept th offer. CITIZENS DEB, THE RIGHT Of VMY Great Gathering of People Unan imous for Abatement of Draw " rflrldge' Nuisance. - WILL ASK COUNTY COURT TO GRANT CITY RELIEF Showine ' Made That Public ' Could Have Freedom of Travel Morning and Evening., Citizens who ar interested - In the movement to stop prcaant abuses at ths drawbridges b' oloslag them aa hour morning and evening for th accommo dation of tha general public, mot at th courtroom. ; cOrnar of Kaat Morrison and Orand avenue. last evening. Th room was packed with representative men. In all line of business, and with th exception of : two' or three repre sentatives of river Interests, th meet' Ing was unanimous In th opinion that th publio should hav two hour of th 24 In which th bridges could be crossed without interference and delay caused by opening the draw-spans. ; .. Joseph . BuchteL 'chairman or , in brldse commute of th Kaat Bid Im orovement association, presided.. H told of prevloua contests for fair deal ing at tha drawbridges, resulting inva riably In defeat for th public and urged the people to prosecute th fight to a finish now. H said past defeats meant nothing, and that alnca new forces had com forward to assist ther aood chance, for th publio to win th recognition It had long con tended for at the arawDrrages. i . . Committee Appointed. After thorough discussion th follow ing wer appointed to lay th matter before tha county court: Joaeph Buch tel, Whitney U Bolaa, George W. Hoi;, comb, Edward Newbegln. C J. BuraTc1Iasfecommanded. the council to re- bel, D. J. Malarkey, Francl L McKenna, K. M. Brannlck. H. U, Newhall. Dan Kellaher. Jay Smith. O. M. Scott R. U Babln, J. J. Boa. Herman Wittenberg, L. B. Chfpman of St. Johns, and W. J MAIniMl nf ITniversltv'Parkl n. n. In man of Inman. rouisen t'o. - . k attended" th meeting In th Interest of the rafting Industry. Although th meeUng waa all in favor of tha closing movement ' Mr. Inman was invited to state his aid of th case. ' H toW-how rafu ar brought up th river, and aald It was Imposslbl for a boat to hold a m in tttm atmam end wait for a Uraw- brldg to open, i He said It waa also Im- posslbls'for a raft captain io esumaie accurately -his time of atrtvaV - ' .Herman Wittenberg described some of th difficulties the 'public encounters at the drawbridges, especially during rusn hoars of travel morning -and. evening. On a recent visit to Chicago he (observed how th' troubles wer avoided, to som extent-In that city, ana ne 101a now the Local aoverament -managea io aa- commodate the- publio and- the river t raffle The bridge across th main river were kept closed-two hours in th morning and. two hours In th evening, and at-n4.1m during-the 24 hour Is a drawbridge allowed o remam . open more uwn w - , ' ? Valr AO Ooaoeraed. "v. muat be fair to our river trafflc," i B said. "and. do nothing that will toa seriously inconvenience tn ooata. am of the opinion that oh hour morning and evening tna araworiagee snouia on closed for th .accommodation of th nubile" . - - Edward Newbegln.. who stationed a man at tha brldgea to keep a record nf the number and sort Of boats that nasaed throush th draws' between 1:16 and 8:1ft a. m. and 1:20 and 0:10, p. m.. aald that h. Ilk other qtiisens inter ested In the growth of tha city, did not wiah to. do anything that woma mer- ously hamper river commerce. But h believed1 th brldgea could b closed an hour moraine and evening for aocom- fmodatlon ot the public without Injuring the river business.- He cited tn iact hrouaht out b 9Tb Journal that boat chedule provide that all but on of th passenger boats leave Portland at or before 7:11 o'clock a. m. .With this idea in mind, ha bad stationed at th bridges, who would remain ther two week, and be Deuevea matm rec ord would ahow that If th draws wer closed morning and evening very 4kiio inconvenience would be eausea to tnt boata. Hla watchman began nts auties yesterday morning, and during the hour named not a single Doai passed inrouu the draws. During the evening hour only on boat passed through. - Boraltloa rrom Ooart, W. I, Boise, C. J. Schnabel, Ellis a Hurhs and other mad atrong pleaa In favor of the proposition that the county court should recognise the rights of the nubile, to trans-liver trairic Mr. isoise ssld Ji believed that fully aa much frala-ht crossed the bridges in wagons ss osssed through th draws In boata, and ha was certain, that - many- thou- am more naasenger crossed ; th bridge than went'tbrough the draws. He moved th appointment ox a com mlttee to lay th matter before th county .court and ask that th draw be rinsed one hour morning ana evening. The fnbtlon' carried unanimously.' ' ' Th new rules for masters and pilots, drmwn bv a committee of river men, to regulat th manner of boat algnallog and- passing-througn - in arawonages, were submitted by Capt A B. Graham vesterdav to Major LangTltt. Tor nis consideration. Captain Graham also ad dressed a letter to Major Lengfltt pro testing aa-alnat ths movement -for clos ing the drawbridges an hour morning and evening. , The river-men say mat the war denartment will Intervene and prevent such action on th part of th county court ' A anaraaSeed Oar fo mi. Itehlnc. bllsd, bleedtasar protreSlag enaa Tear drasflat will refns Mr If Pas out swat (alia t ear ye le te 14 day. 00. MRS:HITNEY!S BIG : : HIT AT PARSON?' HALL ' Parson' hall waa filled to auffocatlon lsst evening onth occasion of th ben ef It under th auspice ;Of . th ladle of Trinity church for- th organ fund. Th program . oonalated of solo. Jy Rosemary a loss Whitney and Dr. -SV$l- laitj M. Campbell, - th presentation of th ' one-act farce, "Bog and Cos." .and dancing. !' ' Mrs. Whitney's beautiful vote veri tably carried tha houa away. , At th eonclualon. of her encor Toetl's "Oood- oye.- which- sh sang - with - xqulslt pathos and dramatlo fire, th applaua compelled her to go to th piano and Ing to her wn accompaniments. Rare ly has a singer made so eotrtrta eon quest .In one hearing. Mia IxMjIxe Meak-k waa the aocompaniat ' Robert O. Mftcraoken, Oeorg A. Eastman and Ixmls P, Bruce played th fame. They are now popularly known a th Prune brothers, having backed the Cherry: sla-N tern oil ue stags. "U IV jwJllV "I hav Vm atlnf raaaraa fa IsaesiBla wltk kick 1 kT (was a0lM4 forever tvaatr 7rv and I aa aajr is Chmtmi feav. (1a a stera rallwf thfta any otbar KniedT 1 Sare .T.r tries. I thall ertalatr rcoasmad th.a) tm sty ww sty masoa i betiig all pSay re ntrapv4. Oillarf. Ilgls, m, 1 neaaaaa. FslatasM. Potest, taste Good. Do OeadV tmw Blak, Waakea or QHv, Ue, aWTfe. w main bbik. th ffciui Hum aiaaii aaraataifl t eare er yea stoaay sask. Sterling Remedy C., Chicago or K.T. gay cnm.xLE.Tcit:uii:a cons DELLO FRANCHISE GETS ATTENTION Automatic Telephone Device May Be Used in This City in the Near Future; COMPANY AGREES TO PUT ' i UP LARGE CASH BOND Council : Abandons Junketing Trip, and ' Rights' May Be Granted Without Question : ' The street commute of th city conn- fer the petition of Charles E. 8umnr, representing th - Empire Electric com pany of - iiO Angeles, for a' franchise for an automatic telephone system tn this city, to th executiv board to fix the valuation KOf the proposed franchise. At th. meeting yeaterday afternoon Mr. Sumner notified th committee that to show -the good faith of his company h would deposit JJo.000 cash bond In local bsnk until tha company began work, .-when a surety bond ' to that amount would be furnished. This prop osition was' satisfactory to th commit tee. '', ' ,- --. ' .t . According to. th proposed -franchl th wire of th. system within the fir limits of th city hav io b plaoed un derground. Tne maximum charge for phone, service was placed at it for of fice and-14 for residences. Mr. Sumner stated that th company may, never charge th maximum rata Th commit teemen believed that competition ; be tween th new and old companies would tend to reduc th rate.. . . Mr. Sumner assured th committee that his company would put In an auto matic system, but It did not want to be bound to maintain auch a system during tha entire life of th franchise.- Ha said new Inventions might be mad which would be superior to th automatlo sys tem, hi which case the company might desire to make a change. ; From an indication tna majority or the council is in favor of th proposed franchise. Their trip vto Lo Angele ha been abandoned, and th council will consider th franchise without see ing th automatlo system In operation. - NEW INCORPORATIONS ! SET FORTH OBJECTS -. 7- The Northwestern Mutual Benefit as sociation wad incorporated yesterday by th following .trustees: Arthur Lang guth, C U. Weston, JC XIunda and Jj. A. Smith. It is to be a fraternal herder with a supreme lodg governing subordinate lodges. T. C Sharkey. A. Orvllle WaUer. George B. Ames and J. X Mitchell hav Incorporated th Alaska and Klondike Mining Exhibit company., to ereot a building on th exposition grounds and maintain therein a demonstration of the manner in which placer mlnea ar oper ated in Alaska. Th capital lav to be f 10.000. Th Olsen Lumber and Bhingi com pany has filed supplemental Incorpora tion articles, changing its nam to th ITnlveraUy, JUimber and Shlngl com pany. Hoosier Society Budding. The Indiana society bids fair to be come on of th largest societies in the city. Judging from th way they ar registering and th -amount of interest each member is taking. ' ' ' Th register Is open to mil Hoosier at Jaeger Brothers Jewelers), 290 Mor rison, street -wher every on hatliug from Indiana M welcome to enter their nam and when a aufflcient number, have been entered, steps will b taken toward a permanent organization. - - Those who ar most actlv In forming th society hope to effect a complete or ganization shortly and. contemplate , en tertaining Vice-President Fairbanks dur ing tha Lewi and Clark fair. zs son, Rowena Peppin has been , divorced from ' Solomon E. Peppin, and Lydia Waggl from Tyler Waggl. Desertion lo alleged In each ease. ' Judge Frazer granted both decrees. . ... ' 1 XTAJfCnXXST .tzcbbv ' Evangelist Charles Weigl and' his wife will hold special meetings tn Penlal mission " (new . hall, First -atreet). Saturday,. Sunday, Monday nd Tuesday, at 7:J0 p. m. and Bundayr afternoon-at t .lO o'clock, ' r aim opeiio re verv often attributed to biliousness. and the stomach la treated tar cathartics. That s wrong. Paint snells ar often accompanied by biliousness, but you will si no notlcs shortness of breath, asthmatic breath ing, oppressed feeling In chest weak or buncry a Delia, which ar all early ra tome of heart weakneaa. - Don't- make the mistake of treating the atomacn when the heart la th source of th. trouble, .. . . New Heart : Cure - will atrengthen the nerves and' muscles of the heart and the fainting spells, to- einer wits ail outer neari troubles, will isappesr. Vour year ago t was very low with esrt trouble.' could hardly walk. ,On sy I had a fainting spell, and thought would die. Soon sfter I becan uaine Dr. Miles' Heart Care,' end after taking three bottlee I feel that I am cured. " MRS, JkfFia CLOUGH.EUawortn rail a Maine. -:. - The first Ttottle will benefit If not, tha druxtist will ratura. your monag. 1 XLZy The Bowel a (Uiraoveinsal; Steel Their Construction. Wlut They Do, and v . bbsbbsssbsbssbssssss '' m 'Jm ' a ' ' ., i t'..:i:, t"x . .-... ,, -f'U ibt I!t Ainu hr fn Stcd Ftraatct isttt'i Cfit Paruc (laru . fJf iM Cfpirt Ct rnr A lrlAt ' Either Cl or WoaaJi Noort't Jtetl kai jt a4 Cook Slow. ;..t , . i I4M4J rllSl JU, Z0Z tWln i free VithlVant Ads f ll VkJtALSarON::' eMEA'tTHlioAv5 C R I S P "A Touted Food Ready ibSwve.V : A package of Ralston Health Food with '.every paid Want AcL, Daily or Sunday.' This is an Acme Mills prorjuctr ' Sells for 4 ; 18c or two for 25c at any grocer. . ; 'f This off er. U made simply to still more 'widely introduce the wonderful results ac-J. complished by useful ' "want - ads." .''An;'--; ; enumeration of their many daily duties and .'' performances ' would entail great v . space. You know how it( is when y6u; . want to rent a room or house, when you f.want . to buy something unusual, - when -youve lost something why, youtimme- . diately look at the "want ads." Thou sands of people read them eyery day you- : can talk to. thejjn t the rate of 21 Words for 15c ; Patronize HOME. Industry SMOKE, ONLY- - Thoy Havethe gUALITY His:! The Man I7UUIIOI Who tries -to mix bta own . MlnU-our paint 1 thoroughly ralxed'iy jnachlii' ery. 'of pur material. cheap aa ytm can mix our , Bay Stat mixed very convenient. Fishrj-Thorsen fi Co. " ntOVT AJCO 3X0X3XSOV 1(67011 Ijlll a in . i Iimin.i.- First The body. of the Range is made of. the best extra f heav7 polished , cold rolled steel,' strongly riveted. , , - i Fire box is adapted for : f. or soft coal or wood. Detachable reservoir with cast iron casing. Extension fire box for wood, cast iron back flue, ; top end shelf, high closet, elaborate nickel finishings. k , 3 ''-!-. -','! V " .-'.;. ' ' '''.-:'..";..-"..'";',:?.,, . i . ' s : ii . ! . . r - .i - , i oeconaiy .-. universal V the universe for their extraordinary baking excellence. In these ranges is embodied . perfection itself in manu r . factureconsequently their baking capabilities are corre :vfporKJiry'Mauprior.yAny housewife who has a Uni- r v 'versal will tell you she is PERFECTLY satisfied. V 'i1 Thirdly -The Universal '- f EX'the habit of nsing wood for IT tah vYou save money by do- in tr ia. The V4t aa4 ma "scIM easily kindled and gives lull heat valnev. Try u wittf'an order. .; BANFIELD -VEYSEY FUEL CO. Phcne Main 3S3 - 80 Thlr i St i.:...eOV 1 V tl..an4H sold m4 i-ViL' x CS: x it yourself. Try T ZAV" I palntathey r ;'fjCg f TrTJ 'MJ v' ' '' ; JmtCt 'I'twiTe ; IKainiaes Who Sells Them burning all kinds of fuel, hard rtanges ara Known xnrougnoux Range is handled exclusively by ..... :iv o-U:i . r. - . .-, , , ' ' . ' '' " You order a ton of , ; 'i you getj; 2,000 pounds of j 'good clean, coat-dirt, ' slate or . other foreign siib- " stances are. weighed ip. v'lf ' . satisfaction and . ' rtlney saved means : anything to ; yougive us your coal busi-j 1 'ness.-' I Mfw-' - Bsasca '' , ' 1 4 ' '-; , . ' '.' Rock Springs: V Coal Company. , --O. M. DATTS, Kaaas-er. " rhonaast 1S4. S9S B. atorrisoa. D3. Gu:::rs: - ..' IMPROVED .11 ' ' LIVER FILLS f , ONLY ONI rom A DOSS ' 0US MKADAOHS -.,'. ' - by removlnfr the cauM ., . -COM eiLIOUSMISS . ; by aiding digestion , OLRARTM(COMstBXlON" by purifying the blood tltl PILL CJI IWTM Wr DOLD T ALL PttQaOISTS.OH ITKULM aaoxirror rajva, u. rsaaoi SKMOMAMt rO 'III SAMPLK BOX OR. BOSANKO CO, PHIUOtLfHIA, PA, U. . A. l..:. iv;::icv;f3 ton "1 bT ttmtooa ot Knth-n tnf tr &uuar.i wail TthJna foe ever Fifty TaAra. It aoouia In ebiid, aohan the sua, siwra all pva. enre wlat eauo. SB41B to baa m t-STT-viva tmi a serm.k. 'if: WmM. "SI I ' 1 7