The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 25, 1905, Image 7

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    f. -
1 - ' - '' ' ',
- Manager Parks of the Treasure
jn California Studying Plants'
t 1 i ... .. of Great Capacity. , ' :
Treasure Admirably Situated for
, Doing Economical Min- ;
':?. Ing; and Milling.'',;.;-'!
. ISmcUI Dlssitrh te .Tk Jeenel.) '
r-Blu. RhrerXOr., Felt. . Charles
Parka, manager of the Treasure mine,
"of this camp, haa been In Baa Frspclsco
aevaral days studying milling plants.
Am stated laat fall. Mr. Parka tntanda to
tut a large milling plant on the Treasure
thla spring, lie wanU a mill with great
capacity In handling a son gaogue,
"Which la nlghly esldlsed and ylelde val
uea readily. Btampa that have trlpla
or quadruple discharge Wtterlee. light
tahd capabla of ahort. quick, drop,' sem
to ba In favor, although tha present visit
I to California will Anally determine tha
' queetlon, Mr. Parka aaya that tha mm
- ha wlU erecrthla yaar will ba in tha na
'.'turn of ea - experiment, and when ha
prorca he haa tha right principle, ha will
put up ona of tha largeat mill a ever aaen
in Oregon, and nay araot a plant of (00
'or mora tona eapaolty. Beonomlo con
ditions are. admirable for low coat op-
; oration. ..'.-' i, i .'
.' 8eodal Disss tob ta The JoaraaL)
Pralrla City, Or, Fab. tS Tha Dlxla
Meadow maeagetnent Will resume mlU
Ing at an aarly data, aa tha rim for
tha Huntington and tlraa needed for tha
rolla have been, ordered. Eroaloa baa
bean mora rapid than tha manager ax
poctad whan commencing - work. and
preparation for such an emergency aa
arose laat week bad aot been made.
Thar la' an exceedingly hard blue
quarts In a part of tha higher-grade
rock of tha Dixie Maadowa shoot. This.
whan mlxad with liberal quanUtlaa of
tha heavy tale on tha footwaU, preaanU
a milling problem not easy to over
' eome. Tha 0 to TO per cent of values
- carried, la sulphides further compli
cates tha eaaa by arguing agalnat
stamDSV Whan, tha management - first
opened with tha roll mill, aroalon Of tha
. tlraa waa alarmingly rapid. ' Tha duty
af tha roll plant waa eut down, and tha
. Huntington put below toe nnianuig aet
) to bring up tha tonnage, but it la found
.that tha Huntington also guff ara
heavily from Dixie quarts. ,,
' ' (Special Wepetea ta The Joaroal.)
' OranU Paaa. Or., Feb. SI. The larg
est grrastra operating In. tha atata has
' been In steady ' commission, fer soma
A time' at the Mt Pttt- property., near
here -It Js the double-tab affair eom
pleted soma tlma age) by Manager A. C
Hoofer, and which has been milling aa
' much , ara. aa-: aa . ordinary nva-atamp
mllL vTha axftellent reaults secured la
token to insure a modern plant soma
, tlma tha present year.- ' " .
' Southern Oregon 'Is1-nnlrna for -Its
" quaint milling devices. -"vBtaidea the
, half doaea or -mora usa,
' ' every tfthar milling device convenient
to- ths prospector end - easy t trans-
portatlon. Jias been tried here. Dr. i.
V. Rfddy of Jackaonvilla has a quaint
! little hand-power mill., which eeaetata
of a big wooden mortar block, a trench
therein, granite block in tha bottom,
and an. upper block of tha aame hard
.rock plaoed with hinged connections so
that It WILL work back and forth on the
"T""1iethar stone. Borne prospector built
. .this $o Jake, tha place of a hand mortar,
and Dr. Roddy secured It for exhibition
T at Portland during tha fair. :
' (Special Dtoaetrh e Tha leeraaL) " '
Vancouver,; B. C. ran. 21. It Is now
believed that tha Guggenheim Explora
tion company, which la identified with
.the American Smelting and penning com
pany, ona of the atrongeat financial con
cerns inrthe United States, waa behind
. the examinations recently mada by . M.
M. Johnson, M. E., of tha propartlea of
tha Montreal and Boa ton Consolidated
company. Boundary district, and tha pre
diction la mada In tha aaat that tha Qug
gf nhnlma will shortly take a large In
terest in tha company as a result of the
' examination. ' With tha Guggenhelma In
.: control of this company an effort to
rival the Oranby company In ' copper
output is expected. Tha Montreal and
Boston company haa good mines, well
" equipped, and a amelter with two) fur
naces, i - 'a !. . '.'-.. '-. .
(Speetat rOtapatear ta Tka jearaatl .
't V WoodvlQe, Or., Teb. 28. Raumptlon
at tha Homeataka seems an actuality at
: last. . The ',new Superintendent, Franx
Trowbridge, haa taken charge and Is pro
(taring to place a good working craw,
flteam power will In all probability be
'y: dispensed with, and electrto energy from
4he Qold Ray Una taken when, , the lln
. jla completed by thla jplace en route to
-..JQrairts- Pass. "Mr. Trowbrtdga glvea
very assurance that development will
v ba prosecuted -during the year with a
- . -JTuJI force of man and, tha flva-atamp mill
. will ba kept la ataady commission. .The
, paoperty Is owned by the Enterprise
T - Mining company, .of which J. U-. Cun-
Bingham, formerly af Bompter and Baker
L L -.. .
The Herpicide Habit.
Osrend see4e i
M a aaty e ase
sua .Leallsias
a eoaJp sntatyaiae, ee It li
.aae mas aaaen
aaaSraff mm i T-ka
neln easUty u4 nWu tramere
ef NewWe BerparMe ajales ttrts tr"
RaryieMe W01 Save It. .RseataMs Will
fit ajraB,M im Bje.stoe.aa. M imcitl CI-.trsL l,Mrasi.rv-a i, (
. amiointiii a FBwamrsjrT ksasn thuft. ...
City, was manager. He euapended work
last October, since when there hag been
a change in the management.
. . v -
" (Special P Up toil te Tbe Joaraal.) -
Grants Pass., Or., Feb. St. That the
Oregon Belle property. altuated near
Jacksonville, la to have a stamp- mill
thla year la assumed from the fact that
plana fe,nd specifications f(y tn8 aame
are being prepared. Managers Foater
at Ounnell hajee made no public state
ment aa to their purpose In, this respect,
but the work dona at the ralnr, th ex
perimental tost wun me om nuniingxon
mill completed and the lateat develop
ment in the preparation for a stamp
mill seem to assure a plant this sum
mer. 1 '.-... 4,
Since the power 'plant was Installed
on the Oregon Bella, development there
haa been on a large scale. Two drifts
have been driven on ore. and the show
Ing in both is said to warrant a re due
tlon" plant.! - v- ,. y -
great Northern r. r.
(Special Oipatrll to The Joornal.)
Vancouver, B. C. Feb. 15. Laat week
tha Great Northern Railway began' haul
Ing ore from Phoenix to Grand Forka.
Tha company baa erected enormous ore
bunkers and la using steel ore care.
At present about 100 tons of Granby ore
is hauled dally. . All of it comes from
No. t tunnel level, of the Granby, and
la hauled to the bunkera by three eleo
trio locomotives recently Installed. ' The
new giant ere crusher will be ready for
use In about three weeks, when sblp-
manta from ' No. I tunnel - will be-1 la-
creased. - .:,-., , ,
ainmro wuaum
(Special Plspsteh ta The JoarnaL) :
Roseburg, Or., yeb. It. v. h. Stew
art baa filed In toe clerk's office an op
tion for mining property located in the
Myrtle creek district. The grantors are
John Hal L Jamea Hall. John Rice and
F. M. Cummlnga. The consideration is
$S5,000, 121.000 of which becomes due
August If. ltOf. Tha land Ilea in tha
north H ot northeast and lota "3 and
4 of aeotion townablp 10 south,
range t wast.' comprising lflVa acres.
Parent Locks Daughter i
Court Orders Release'
, Daddy Pays Costs.
tfearaal Special SenrlceJ : '
Mankato, .Minn, .Feb. I J. Through
the Ingenuity of Justice of the Peace
Graubart, Terranee Flannagan out
wltted the tather of hla fiancee, Heloiael
CToble. today. CToolo objected to hla
daughtera marriage and kept her locked
In the bouse. Flannagan applied to a
justice of the peace for a habeas corpus
writ, to obtain possession of his )ady
love. He was Informed by the justice
that ha had ad authority to iaaue such
writs. ( The - justice decided, however,
to Issue a writ of replevin for tha lady
as the property of Flannagan, wrong
fully "detained from him by her father.'
Constable Langbaln had to break the
"door down to get then girl, but Under
authority or the writ did, ao, end ear
rled her off to court. OToole ruabed
Into the justice's office and demanded
his daughter, hut m was informed the
only way to obtain Iter release was to
Supply bonds to the oonstama. -
He tried to get bonds, but the sym
pathy ol tne neighbors . : was against
him nd he returned dejectedly, to
court, confessed Judgment, released all
claims on hla.. daughter and paid the
eosU, II.TS. Justice Graubart then
performed' the marriage ceremony. ,
Statlies of Stephen F. Austin and
r Sam Houston Are Un- ;
: veiled. . :
(Jearaal Special Serrlee.)
Washington, Feb. 25. Members of
eongresa and a-multitude of - visitors
filled SUtuary hall of the capltol today
and llatenad to eloquent -addressee ex
tolling the deeds of those two heroes
of the early daye of the southwest -Stephen
F. Austin, tha flrat aucceeaful
coloniser of Texas, and Sam Houston,
commander-in-chief of the little army
that achieved . glorloua victory at San
Jacinto, twice president of the young
republic. United Statea aenator from
Texas for many years, and governor of
the state of Tex$e. ' .
The occasion Jwf ' the ' demonstration
the formal presentation of tha Aus
tin and, Houston atatuea the two .con
trlbutlona from, the lone Star atata to
the national hall of fame. .Senator
Bailey and .other- eminent repreeenta
Uvea of tha state delivered addresses
and - there - waa a - large representation
from the- Daughters of the Republic of
Texas, which aoclety took tha Initiative
In the erection of . the memorials.
Both of the Statues are the work of
Elisabeth Ney, a sculptor of renown In
Europe, but for many years a resident
ef Texas.. . ......
rornro tbi
(Speetal D1 -patch to The JeoraaL) -
Troy, Ida. Feb. 25. Marshall Wood
ward la scouring the country with a war-
ranuor tna arrest or ira-lieyde, who is
acoused of stealing a horse from the
livery barn of Harry Toung. He -took
the horse to Moscow, pawned It for 111.
later stole the animal back and returned
under cover ot night to Tongs barn
nera ana maae nia eecape.
"km the
sana a all
la WJeaOv
that the "ReeateMe BaMf
a aairarar mat aises
ia MalarMy. , Dettsts the laotes T W
lag the kelr Hafct aa4 Sariy an4 ky gtvtas
It a sllkea glaas. Oarae aaaararx, stove
falHag kair,
sattofaeMea e4 eseltaa
Itektag Isstaatly.
SaM If L.u tm Rerpietaa,
Manager McCreedie Says That
Russ Hall Should Know What
Was Doing When. He Sold.
In Case Doyle Does Not Come
Portland Will Have' First
. Class Initial Sacker. J i
The manager la arranging to leave for
San Francisco tomorrow .night. It IS
hla Intention to atop at the Bay City
long enough to have a conference with
President Bert, after which he will go
to BakersAeld - and complete arrange
ments for 4he Quartering and training
of hla team.: '
Manager MoCreedia li net worrying
over tha denials from Seattle regarding
the JayHughea deal and' statea . that
he belle vea Ruaa Hall I new what he
waa doing, and. had the eonsent of Pres
ident Cohen when he accepted Portland's,
proposition for the pitcher. , j .
On the recommendation of ' 81atar
Davis and Buck Keith, the former man
ager of the chainplon Omaha team. MO
Creed la has signed Charlie Coa, .a tall,
rangy young- flrat baseman, who has
made quits a record in the western and
other leagues. - The local manager haa
signed thla man - to protect himself
against ths loss of Doyle, ahonld that
worthy continue to balk at coming to
the- coast -Both Davis and Keith aay
that Cos Is a star, and aa he la practi
cally a beginner, hs has all the ambi
tion of a youngster snd will give his
best efforts to ths club, lis Is over
feet In height and weighs over . tot
pounds, and is ' remarkably fast for a
big man. .
The local manager has not stopped
with the signing of Coo. but Is still
negotiating with Oeorge Tebeau - fur
either Morris White or Jerry Hart, both
of whom are star flrat-sackera In tha
American association.
. In addition to these men, John Mo
Lean, the big catcher secured from St.
Louis, Is capable of putting up aa good
a game at flrat base, as almost aay
regular flrst-sscker la the business,
From this array of talent it will be
readily aeen that the local team will
not be ahy a first baseman In . case
"Scrappy" Jack Doyle maintalna hla
present attitude, and refuses to come to
Portland. . v.,
Twelve Racing Associations
Meet and Formulate Plans -
r-fot New Circuit.
.f ' : Oearaai Spuria! Service.)
New Tork,. Feb.' 26 Representative.
ef the ii light harness racing associs
tlona have organised at Pittsburg what
Is to be known ss ths Pittsburg, Monon
gahela and Ohio valley circuit. - Kacn
track will have four days racing, with
three regular eventa for each day. be
aides local races,, and no purse will, be
less uian ., ,-xne secreianea wui
have their full programs ready before
May 1: The datea assigned for 10 are
as follows: . ;
Dawson, bu.H- to SO: Johnstown.
July 4 to 7; Greenaburg, July 11 to 14
Monongahela City, July II to II: Pitts
burg, July 25 to IS; Beaver Falls, August
1 to 4; Warren, O- August I to 11:
Balenvl O., August IS to II: Sharon,
August 29 to September 1 ; East Liver
pool, September i to I; Wheeling, W.
Vs.. September IS.-to II; Job na town.
September is to ZI, and imperial, Sep
tember zt to so. ...
Eleven men toed the foul line In the
tryout games last evening. . Some of
them msde -very . good, scores; others
we ee slightly out of form and did not
do so well.. The scores were aa follows:
Kruaa 217, 14, 214. 171, 161 111.
Capen S2, 11, 11, 172, 141 828.
. Van Horn 141, 11. 17S. SOS. 1(641.
Schonenback 10. 14S. 141, 11. 16 114.
Ball II. Ill, 174, ISO, 21412.
Kneyae ltS. 17, SS6, 10, 112.
Schonenback 14. 11. 14S, 172, 16 8SS
Schonenback 1(1, 17S, SOS, 267.117 S
Hoffman 147, 144, 14, 170. 165 S1.
Schonenback 174, 161, 22, 1(4, IS SIS
' Van Horn 14(, 171. 17. SOS, 177 S7S.
Chriatlan 12(,-1SS, 165. 111. 150 710.
Case 10, S2S, 11, 177, 171061.
Ball 177, S21, IIS, 115. 204 161. .
Hanson 141, 171. 172. 114, 111 104.
.Kneyae HI; 150, 203, 14, 14 IIS.
ualllara ill, iift 76fc
. The next games In the tryout will ba
rolled next Tuesday evening, February
2. '!. . , ' .4
Mrs. Keating r averaged 1S6 for six
consecutive games while rolling on the
alleys laat evening. -That Is going soma
for a lady.' . "- . t---. i,
i . . " i ,i ; -i ,
"' tJeoraal apeeial Sarviea.) . ;"
Corrallla, Or.. Feb. 25. The Corvallla
glrla' basketball team goes to Albany
thla Saturday evening to play a retarn
game In that city.- The O. A. C girls
are crippled by the absence from their
team of Mlsa Myrtle Harrington
and Miss Sweek, both of Whom are star
players, but who are suffering; with la
grippe. A change of date waa asked by
Ot A. C, ef the Albany manager, trat the
request ..was .refused. - A specisl train
leaven Corvallla at 4:1 0 thla evening fog
Albany, and bealdes the W. O. W. dele
gation who go to the big Woodman af
fair in Albany tonight those wishing to
see the O. A. C-Albany basketball game
will have opportunity to go. . ;
- oobbbtt AJrt
. Jeeraal Bpeetal Serrlee.)
San Ftanclsca Feb. SS. With Only' a
few daya remaining before they are
called Into the ring. Corbett and Nelson
are working like beavera to get Into con
ditlon for ths fight which takes plsoa
February 2 Si Corbett Is already InTgood
shape, but Nelson Is having some trou
ble in getting to weight Betting has
not betrun, hot Nelson will undoubtedly
be the favorite. . ......
' Jaeraal gperial gervke.)
Philadelphia, Feb. 25. Only wa email
audience witnessed the bout between
Bddte Han Ion aad Abe Altell at Indus
trial hall fast evening. Tha bout waa
a tame affair In which AtteU seemed
to excel big opponent.'
" 1 1 , -
Inspector ' McCarver Has. Been
' Pusinjf a Tip Amonj His ';
Railroad 'Friends.
. The foltowlng' atatement). made by a
wall-known eltlsen ef Portland, makes
It plain that a word to the wise should
be sufficient, ta thla ease at least?. " -
. H. R. McCarver, of HI Cherry street.
Inspector of freight for the Trans
Continental Company, a man who la
very well known among tha railroaders
of. Portland, Bays: Doan'a Kidney
Pills are among the few patent remedies
which do sll that Is claimed for them,
and they have my thorough confidence.
I flrat got them at the Laue-Iav1a
Drug Co. a atore, at Tarahill and Third
atreets, and uaed them for backache and
other very marked symptoms of kidney
trouble, which had annoyed me for
months. I think a cold was responsible
for ths whole trouble. It seemed to set
tls In my kidneys. Doan'a Kidney Pllla
rooted It ML! It ia several months since
I used them, and up to data -there haa
been, no recurrence . of the trouble. I
have recommended tbem to a number
of the boys about the freight bouae, and
I know If they gave them a fair trial
they certainly muet have been pleased
with the results.'' ., , ; ' , -
Tor .sals by sll dealers. Prion 10
cents. .' Foster-Mllbovn Co., Buffalo.' N.
T4 sola agent for the United States. , :
' Remember the name ' DO AN" 8 and
take no substitute.
Favorites Are Few; to Win.
. , Oakland and Ascot Park
V"t Other. Tracks.
, i.
(Joaraal spirts! gar-ioa.)
Ban Francisco, Feb. Si. In tha 'prtnej
pal event on yesterday's card San
Nicholas scored aa sasy victory. Dtvtna
captured second place by It lengths.
Mogregor, who was a winner en Wed
nesday, came through again yesterday.
Half mile Roman Gold won, Ramona
second. F. W. Barr third; time, :41ft.
Futurity oouisa Mogregor Wiv my
Order seoond. Atone third; time. 1:11,
Mile Andrew Mack won. Follow Me
seoond. Flaunt third; time, 1:41,
Mile and one eighth Ban Nienotaa
won. Dlvina second. Barrack third; time.
1:64)4- -
Six and one half furlongs Mounte
bank won. The Volt second. Matt Hogan
third; time, ldt -
Six furlongs wnoa Bui woo. uauop
Off seoond, Kectof third; time, 1:14.
Los Angeles. Feb; 25. Only two favor
ites won at Asoot yesterday. Summary!
Six furlongs Lady Nlnora won. Chalk
Hediick seoond. Kitty Roark third;
time, lilt,
Seven-' furlongs Corgaletta . won;
Borgnesl second. , Orchaii . third; - time.
Blauson coarse K. M. Brat tain woo.
Lo Loads seoond. Cotillion third; time.
1:10. . .
MUe Fustian twon, MoOrathiana
Prince seoond. Head Dance third; time.
l;4li.. - ... . ... .. "
. Mile : fill i . sUtcenth Varro w
Capable ass end, . Bronas Wins; , third;
time. .1:4. .-. - . . t
J Six furlongs Bailey won. De Brarn
mont seoond, -Maggie Macksy third; time,
1:15 i, , .'... .- 1
' ' 14 ' 4 1 eaaesssassBw-sa-' . )
At ate ssinfs.
Hot Springs. Ark., Feb. 25. Taeter-
day's results at Oaklasm trade:
Four furlongs Jean Lee won, Eva
Jean ' seoond. Strategy . third; time.
:IS -.
Six furlongs . Nannop won, Hrema sec
ond. Golden Age third; time. 1:1 S-4.
' MUe Allen won,- Baikal second.
DoMnda third; time. 1:41 4-5. .
Biz furlongs Schoharie won, Dewey
second. Canaioharte third; time. 1:14 S-5.
Three and ona half furlongs Donora
won. America XI second, Balmer V third:
time, ;45. . v .. '
Mile and ona quartet" Ebcoentral won.
Falkland second. JOclectlo third; time.
s:it. : . r
New Orleans, Feb. 14 Crescent City
MUe Frank Rice woo, Fits BrUUar
second, Evelyn Klnaey - third; .time.
1:41 4-i.
Mile Sanction won, Balaam an aeoo-nd.
Blennenworth third; time,, 1:44 S-4.
MUe and a sixteenth Tristan Shandy
won, Catallna seoond. Lady Free Knight
third: time. 1:62 S-6.
Six furlongs Tom Manklna mmo, Red-
mm seco-od, - Antimony - third:- trae.
1:01 4-fc ....
Five and a hair rurlonga -Vf lturler
won.. Cardinal JWolsey, seoond, Baddnoe
tnirai time, i:ie.
Mile and 70 yards Favonlns won. St,
Sever, second. Homestead -third; time,
l:7 -. 4
' JeeniaI Special savtea.)
New York, Feb. 31. In a handicap
wrestling match, whereby he agreed to
in row nis opponent twlos In one hour,
Frank Ootch the - American champion
eatch-aa-catch-oan wrestler defeated Jim
Parr of Wlganr England, before a large
auaience at the Han am River casino.
The first fail was secured In SI min
utes and (I seconds, and the second In
IS .minutes aad SI seconds, making the
total time consumed la defeating bis op
ponent 4 minutes ana seconds. .
.. .. ' - i m t ,i ...
stOBKmnnsr soomzs nroozoirr.
(Jesnal Speriu Sarviea)
Walla Walla- Waalu. Feb. 24. In the
second round of what waa scheduled te
a stx-round boot before the Walla
Walla Athletic club last evening, Joe
Robertson knocked out Frank Blanken
ahlp with a light to the law. Robert
son weighed 10 pounds and Blanken
ablp Its. i
(Jeeraal Special lerrlce.) t '
Milwaukee,- Feb, 15. Charlie Neary
of Milwankee received the decision over
Maurice Thompson ef Butte last even
ing. The bout want eight- rounds,, aa
scheduled, and many of the spectators
thought it should have been a draw.'
' '., ,, i '
pig ' Intercollegiate and Athletic
Club Indoor Meeting' at ;
.:; the University. . r
aaetaal Bpsdal gerviea.) '
Washington. Feb. 26. Lovers of ath
letics will have aa excellent opportunity
tonight to see some of the beat collegiate
performers ef the country la competition
at tha eighth annual carnival under the
auspices of the Georgetown University
A t hie t to association. . Tale. Columbia
and Cornell have aent their track men,
and In addition there are a boat of en
tries from smaller institutions. Promi
nent among the stars are Archie Hah it,
the University .ef Michigan sprlntet;
Torrey ot Tale, and Charles 'B.' Beits of
Georgetown. . - -
There will be -open handicap and
scratch races at various distances, and a
large number of relay racea. besides ths
usual , field and novice contests. In tha
relay races the greatest Interest center
In the match between 'Tale and George
towi. with ths Columbia-Cornell race a
Clogs seoond In general inter-eat.
Among the near-by institutions
have sent their crack men are John a
Hopkina unlvaralty. Randolph-Macon col
lege, Jacob Tome Institute, and the
Maryland Agricultural college. Bealdes
the colleges a large number of athletic
clubs will be. represented. V.
(Jeeraal special Bervtea.)
York, Feb. St. Owners
trainers who ' have
wintered .'their
stables in and about tha New York
tracks are complaining bitterly ef the
long siege of bad weather condition
that has prevailed. There la not a horse
at either Graveaend or Sheepehead Bay
that has been from under the ahed dur
ing the, past three weeks, aad the open
ing of the racing- season in, the east-la
but weeks away.. J,.
It Is said at the tracks that unless
there waa a very anddea change In the
existing weather conditions, there
should be an unusually largs exodus to
Washington within tha next few daya
The season Is getting to a stage now
that trainers are particularly anxious to
get their charges out In the open aad
beg-In the real work of patting racing
edges on their horses. Tha conditions
at Benninga are generally much mora
favorable for. early training than on the
local tracks, and many of tha prominent
stables en the eastern turf wlU pre
pare for the coming season at the UtU
Washington track. v
i Aomzos.
' (Josraal Speetal terrlea)
Salem. Or, Feb. 16. The Willamette
university basketball team defeated the
team (pom. the Oregon Agricultural col
lege la a hotly oooteatad game here last
evening by the score of II to la. .Th
lineup: , j , , ... . ,
WUlametta. VPeautlons. O. A. C '
Miller, Kader ...R. w ,'. , jfoorsa
Judd i.....T, Swan
PpUard .C. catss
Simpson. MiUer...G. Rinehart
.Whipple -,.0...-.... Stiver
Referee 8haw. Umpire Matthew.
(special Dlspeteh la The JearasX) '
Butte, Mont, Feb. 26. Mrs. Vesta
uooureiiow, wits or Arthur Good fellow.
rormeriy county assessor, and one of
me peai-anowsv saloon-men la western.
Montana, was arrested yesterday after
noon.' She is said to- have encouraged
Mabel Be well, a pretty 16-year-old girl,
to commit suicide when she became
aware that the girt had been involved In
a snaaaai, u is alleged, with Good f el
low, who la also under arrest. Mabel
Bewetl alleges that Mrs. Oood fallow
plaoed a bottle containing a dark colored
liquid en a table before her, taUing her
the easiest way waa to take A swallow,
die and end ths scandal. . Gifellow"U
we girt s guaraiaa and years old.
. "Old Heidelberj" at ColamHa.
Asset all that tae swlaHl af rnHh
Pe kaow ef "Old Ueloelbarg." which wlU epea
at the Oetamhla toasertow afteraaoa, asd raa
ii an wotb, is uac it was played here ao
suae ace by Richard Mam a id. gaata te that
weuutueei esst smbsuiids Ib tn aMrhhwhmS
vr a weak'e aalary. aad that hi tha ariaelnal
wa war wn but rsewsasas ara ana aa
eoeveraaat with the details of the atory aad
mmmair oi turn Biar. It will bb alffB,.
eat site the eoeaiag week, thoaa 4t waa the
aw ia im aapM ana Baa rraaelaee aad
im the arat POTtormaaee br the auun
stork rompa&lr la those cities the taaatM
ee ot larce eaeesk to aceDmaiadatB alf
ine paepte wee tnroeswe MM IM prodortkoa.
Watek the Otthuabta tlMatre aext week Uataa
to what paapie aay aaeet Old Hetoelberg"
m nn ia awry w suspw.
C. B. Hanford as "OtheHo,-
"OtHeDO. With ltl WoaaVrfal aj-altB m.t
eenoa. paanoa ana patBos. Is aa ltapnrtsat
iBacare or mt. uaanra's itpwu, which
wui prses at at the Marqaam Orsad theatre
east Tbanday aiskt Mr. Baaford kas aa
S'bibm aa vumat away udmb ea pieimue tears.
ana baa foaad areueeBted favor with- both
preas sad ptiblle. alias Uarle Drarasb has saw
reeaivea eataeaiastte coaiaMBdatlea la the part
ef DeBseawaa. rraak Haaals elan tha aart
ef Iago, sad Mas Besale Uaater HltUt the
part . af ' BaMlia. The adnare sale of saata
wui sees aext Teaeoay auralng at 10- retook.
"Uncle Tom" gt Marquarn.
BtatSBB's fTTnela Tea's Oabla' la taa tltla
et a reauy eig ceamay, wklch la to aseaar
at the Marqaaa Hraad taeatre gatareay after-
I aaa aJnt. atarea 4. at barsala sad aopa
prlcea. The oaatpanr eanDrlaaa (O aaoala.
laoladlag a sosaa aperlaity artists, two awar-
lata, a aopert ereheaus. and away caamd
eesMdiaBS. Watch for the bl( earade. 01m
advaaee sale ef seats will enea Tkaraeay aora
lag, stsreh 9. at 10 e'ektck.
Brandt-Bgume Enjtgemeat
Tnnlaht (Will ekae Sea af tha asaat
fal eaxacMneats la a loral tkeatr. The I ta
pir has njny4 twe waefcs of eaeeUent heal-
Tbe ailiury play. Narthva Uchu."
pleeaM ewryeae that has . wltseaaM tha
plradld predaeUoa. The battle arvae ia the
but aet la a awninceat spertaele, with 00
auiioaawe ia tarie aM siiirman
COmort a Last Pcrformanc.
The last serfraaaee ef "Taa Mmnwv a4
the Hommlna Bird" will ha slvea tonlsht st
taa Maraaaai Oraad theatf. Paal fill ail te
grrtag the aame anlabed paramo era aa Isst
yoar aad la saiiaaao4 by aa easabla a eea-
peay. -...' - ,
Th Star's Trombong Man.
Derlrare as the topawet aeta of a vtntla.
true as a raeiag fork aad elear aa a ailv ball
Ib tba twiBabaas atayias ef the aaniar BMaihor
ef tae grai of Beaty aad Prira. playsag t 4 ho
Star theatre that wek. Tea raa only boar blai
today aad teawmtw. far ea Moaaar afteraeea
m arw pregraB starts. .
- - - i , , a
. Tt)e Lady of Lyons' Tonight
The last aerfonasont mt targ T.rrtaa'- In,
tlfal bve elaaatc "The ladv of Lim '1 art! I
he given at tba OelaaMa fctjleht. The play
a ran an wet at tko big eptnwa tboalf. aaa
aa prowd a aoorre of enatlneoaa Banaare tar
a af thai jsjalm bawaa.
ttb. . , . . rm M. m
Or Given Away Free
$3.00 h0 '
yoot own
worth of
'I w jout own
. 25cr5
:v Given .Away Free ' fc .
Teas, Coffees, Spices Baking PowrJer, ;
AlscvFree ;with'-:,: .;;
China, Crockery. Glassware, Enamelware ):
see our prices .. ; : , ; . ;-.-
Great American Importing Tea Co.
Our 100 Stores Help Us to Help You .
31 WastOagtoa Bt, ass First at,
. . Oregoa Otty, KaU
- ' ').: " '
The Ideal Complexion Creator
Made in White, Flesh and Cream Tints
IP Yoa Are Hiring Trouble
CeQ end See Us. 'If Not,, Come Anjruj. . . f '; ,
Straight Erastcra Stock
pull mbasurb. , ' -; RiaMir pRicn
RASivayssERi & ca
Phone Main 1771 !, ; vN. E. Cor. Second and Taylor
TYlaat fsMsToftgrrflll lstBafly nSMBtflove ft C1IT all
Wsak Memory, Loot of Era la
NtfhU7 JCmlscioM. Nenwiefei,
mmnm aff ttha?e eatMMi
tnkoeee, oplaa or stlmulaata whlck Irad te Infirmity, Coaaawptioa ee I
sanltr. Caa be carried In rest pocket, S a koi ae I fee SB k sail aroaakC
Sold b all araggiata. Ak tor It: take ao other. Masafactaree' by Ba 1 .
Parle. faar. Laae-Dorla Drag Co glawlbatlag . af eats. XfcM as laaa.
kill stiaau. rertuad. orrcoa.
; You can get a govern
ment position by joining the
civil service class, con
ducted by W. D. Shaw, Jr..
(a teacher who knows how
to put you through)''. Every
Monday, Vyednesday and
Friday nights from 7 to 9,
at the ,.-:V
; BehnkeWaiker-'
Business College
xa xosTOJum.
Uoarasl Sperlal Barvks.) . i.
New Tork. Feb. 15. Cornell men will
gathei In force at the Waldorf-Astoria
tonlaht at a dinner to ba given In honor
of tr." Andrew D. White, former reak
denl ef toe university, fenator Pnraker
will be among the rpeagera and Jr. I-
dent has aent a r to ae
read.' Blx eras. " i 1 t --
cefte tae) iar.';'. t ; v
t .
free $25.oor;
free $10.00 r.
i ' '.' .. .
rree - " $5.oo
free $2.50
free - $1.00
ao m. irhith it.
i '' . . ' "' ' ' i
With . .
FUGuAruid. PHemt $MO Up. '
Com and Consult Our Export.
Laue-Davis DrofJ Co.
y alaf Bs. Tsssava's
htna Fw aaui
ailty rmm. J
Pv-mt. HtMetacb, VikttilMM,
a a 4 reins, iosa o pmwr
arerieruoa. ratajii
fWarer V r..-..yl-. I
sJWrVSawaaSaVtV- "
J.V ', trouble, I
They are PraaMenta I"
McCraeken of fa
York. Flut'er of t "
C'olleoa of t
-r of (
laat Mn awl.
Snttn Oe
oMa aaa of
i VavH