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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
1; ; n ... t ! TIES' .OliECON' DAILY' JOURNAL. rORTLAJTPf "SATURDAY EVENING, FfiERUARY'; , .1805 CTtT NOTICE!. 0XTT VOTIOXB. CTTT BOTICTB. CXTT H0TICXI. (UTT VOTIClas. UlT I' i BonexB, &AH.B0AB TUU" ... Ir- f-- T I willlgor X Joha W. Langoon and wife. If. H. Bareett H4 tfr, -).?0; tot IS, John W. Lengdoo f " . . . u. war,,,, uiiiwia Wiivi IN Jnh W f .,..1... . . W J :.. .Ramelt and wife, 40. vo. BLUUk ft, lot 1, Joka w. Laagdoa aad wtfe,. W. H. Barnett . aad .wife, ftu.ev; tot It, Job W. Laagdoa aad : wife, W, M, Harnett aad wile, 80.70:' lot 0, John W. Langdoa and wife, W, U. Barvlt and wife, $u.7o; . kit a, John W. Lengdon . and wit, W ti Barnett aud wife, $0.70; t lot Bi John yr. Langdon and wlte. W. H. Burnett aad wife, $o.J0 lot u, John W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wifa, ..tftu.Ju; lot T. Juka W. Langdoa and wifa, ,' W, H. Barnett aad wifa, $u, IV, lot ft. Joka W. Langdoa KM 1wlfe, W. H. Bomelt aad . . wifa. susb. . , , ... . . , . rEBWILLlQER HOMESTEAD BLOCK 1, tot 1, Tvrwlillgar Laad Company, o.I6; kt a. Terwllllger Land Company, 10.10; lot a. . Trrwllllaer Land Uiauir. 11.00: tot 4. Tor. alUlger Land Ceiapajly. IO.Tu; lot , Terwll- Mgrr Land Company. $010: lot 4, TerwUllger ' Land Company. (6.10; , fet . T.. . ierwtOisr , Laad Company, ay. lot . lot 1 TerwWla . Land Company. 10.76, V ..... A. traet of Uad lying ketweea kleeka t and . Terwllllgsc Homestead, aad keterees tba '. uoutk Una of Seymour imw aad the aorta Una ( Admiral avenue, TerwUllger Land Oone. f Peay, 91. aft, . ' . TEBWIIX10ER a0at8RTEAl BLOCK 1 lot 1. Ttrwllllaea. Land Uomoanr. S0.T0: lot H, TarwllUr Iaad Compaajr. Sd.Ti; lot S, , Terwllllver Tarwllilgrr Tarwilllicar - Land Compaajr, 0.T0; lot 4, Laad Company. .iu; .TO; lot a. lot . lot T. Landi Oompan', Land Company, lrwtlligi irwilllger Laaa uomuaay lot a. iwiuhit um Dcnpauy, I0.TU. BLOCK 8. u - i, -jorwuugar lAma Compaay, 10. To; tet .2, . lot 1 a, lot ; Tarwilllgar Tarwilllaer uina :.Laad Laad . Laad : Laad Land Laad Compaay, Oompaay, Company, Coatpatiy, Compauy, Compaay,' Company, Compaay, Company, Company, Company, I a6t I o.To; i O.TO; I 1.16; i 1.00; : .T0; I 0.70; 0.H6; i; I o.7o; ! O.TO; Torwlllliii lot S, Torwllllinr ,-TorwUUgr 7 . r0rwllliirr Jnt 1 , ,trwllllr " ax v. Terwiuizar 'Land lot 14, Txrwllilger .Laad. .lot. 11, TcrwIlUirw land lot' 12, TwwIMIgar'Xaad lot la. TantUlucr Land Company, VO.70. lll,m'a: 4. lot 1, TcrwllUgcr Land Company, 1.06; lot X. TwwiUlgor Laad Company, O.H; lot . TrwlUlger Land Uompany, $0.86; tot, 4, Irrwuugnr. Land company,. lot ft Tarwuuger . Land uoupany. Tvnnillger Ttrwtlllgrr Terwllllg Tn-wUllgor: , Tnrllltgr Tanrtlllasr una jomgaoy, Iand Oomuaay, Laad Company, Laad Company, T, : . kttr id, lot 11. I lot 1. flliOCK Land Company, Land Company, TtrwUllgar 'Land '- Compaay, k, lot L TerwtUlgr Land Company, t o; lot 1 TwwIUlgw Land Oompany, to.eo; t t, 1Trllllgr Land Oompany 10.0; TarwUllnw " Tarwllllcar ot 4, " Torwllllgrr a.' Tnrwtlllgrr T, TwwHUgor. . '. Torwtlilaw lot lot lot 1pBl trrwllllgMr -' ' i larwuiigor uanq many, w BLOCK T. lot 1. Tarwilllgar Laad Oomp m z. Tmraujer tana uompany. i tov . a, . 1 nri in fr MM lonpuj, 4. TarwIIUner Land Oomaany, lot B. Torwllllgrr Land Oomnasy. fO.TO; lot . TmrlUlgar Land Oompany, WTO; lot T, : TorwU Ugw Land Company. $o.T0; lot , Tkr wllltavr Land Company, tO.TO; lot . Tor rllllgar Laad Compaay, Q.70tot 10. Trr wllllgrr Laad Company.' io.TO; lot 11. To wllllmw Land Compaay, io.HO; lot 11. Tar wtlUger Land Oamiauiy, $0.00. BLOCK & lot 1, Tarwllllm Laad Ooapaar, $.70; lot t. . Tvrwllllfw Land Compaay, $0 70) lat S, Tar- iwwiiuin lana wompaay, au.iu; iat a, wllltgw Land Company, .$0.70; lot 4. wllllgrr Land Campaarli o 70; lot 8. wllllaw land CompanVr fO.TOf lot 4. xr-Tor-Tcr- rlllaror land Company. fo.TO: lot T. Tor- wllllaor land Company, Io.TO; lot 8, Tor- rl Haw La nit. Comoaar. $0.70. BLOCK (. lot I. TwwIUlirer Laad Compaay. $0.70; lot 2. Trrwinigrr Laad Oompany. 0. 70; lot 8. . -iTrwiiugrr Lana uompany, ao. ru; m a, tot. winiger tana company. TO; lot S. Tar T0 Jot a. Ter- wllhgcr wllligar wllligar . wllllgpr wllllgw . WHIIgrr wtlllaar ' Willi r lnd twmpaay,,' land Compaay, , land Company, Land Company. i.70t lot T..Tor .T0; tet . Tor .70: lot . Tor- land Company, land Company, Land Company, ' Laad Company, Land Oompany, land Oompany, Land Comoanv. lot 10. Tor lot tet lot tet tet 11. 12. 13. It. 15, Tr. wiuia tet 18, tet IT. Trr- Willlger Land Company, wllllgcr- Land Company.. Ter- lot 18. Tor- wuiiger ina company, BLOCK 10, lot f. TVrwilUnw Land Comnanr. tO.TO: tet S, frrwilllcor Land Company. $0.70: lot 3. Tfrarinigar Laad Company, I0.T0; lot 4, Ter- wungor mho uompany, willlgor land Company, willlgor land Company, wllligrr Land 'Company, I. TO: lot 5. T. M.T0; tet . Trt- 10. TO;' tet T. Tor- 0.T0: lot 8, Ter- $0. To; lot . Ter- 0.T0; tot 10. Trr- wllilgrr Land Oompany, . wllllgcr land Company, uiigrr Lira uompany. 0.TO. BIJOm 11, lot . . TorwIIUrw land lianuf. BOnftv-btt n. frwiiiigr lam uompany, iO U: lot a Trrwllllgor Laad Oompany, $6.B0; lot 4, Tnr- wiiiignr land company, ao-wv; lot o. Trr Trr. Trr wiuigtr . Laaa company, wllllarr land Oomaany. fO.60; tet d, $1.20; lot T. it.OS; tet . 11.00; tet , O.gR; lot .10, ioTft: lot 11. trllligor Land Company, wllllgfv Land Company, willlgor Land Oompany, Tor-Tor-Tor- : lot .4, Tarwiiiigrr Laad compaay,; 1 ' k' S, Tarwllllg Laad Company. t0.T0; " lot , . TarwIUlgar Laad Company. fO.To; i lot T. Torwllligrr Laad ' Company, fo.Tff; lot , . Twrllllgar. Land Compaay. 0.T0; lot . Tarwllllgor : Land Company, , 10.70; , lot 10, TerwllUgar Laad Uompanr, aT0. . BLOCK , lot 1, TwwIIUgar Laad Conwaay, ' f.6: lot 1 TrwllUgT Laad Company, 10. TO; r lot d, Tarwtlllgor . Laad Compaay, S0.S0; r' lot 4 Tcrwllllgar Laad Oompany, fO.Mi; - lot a, " Torwllllgrr land Compaay, 0.f 0; tot' a - Tnrwllllnr land Company. : S0.T0: land ' Compaay, , $0.70; Land Compaay, to. TO; Land. Company, , M.Tu; OV. IV, 0. TO: ' wllllrrr wllllgcr W1III(T v willlgor l , wmim Land company. TVr- land Company, aO.TOj tet 1. Trr 13. T lana Company, Oompany,' Company, Compaay, Compaay, 0.T0; tet fO.TO; tet 0.Tli lot io.TO; lot Land Laad Land 14. Tor- 15. Tor Id. Tr- willlgor Land willlgor Land wllllaw Land $0.T0; tet 17, Tor- Compaay, Oompany, aii.Tn; lot in. Tar Io.TO: tet 1. Ter- wlUigor .Laad Compaay, willlgor Land Compaay, wllligar Land Oompany. 0.TO; lot 20, Tor? io.Mj lot 21. Trtv io.5. BLOCK 12. lot Tcrwtlllfvr Land Comnanv. an. HA vt z. Torwiiiifor Land comnanr. ao an: vt a. TrrwUllgrr laad Company, $0 TO; lot 4, Ter- wllllg-r land Compaay, willlgor land Company, wllllgrr Land Compaay, WIIMgrr Land Oompany, willlgor Land Company, willlgor Land Company, willlgor Laad Company, willlgor Laad Company, willlgor la nd Comnanr. Wllllaw Land Comoaar. IO.TO: lot IB. If Bwlxurt, $0,T0; lot Id, M. B. Swlgrrt. IO.TO; tet IT, Tarwllllgor laad Company, $0.$8; lot !, M. R. Hwlgort tO.U. BLOCK 13. lot 1. Torwllllgor Land Company. IO.TO; lot 2, Tar- wiingor la na oompany, bo.tii; lot a, willlgor land Company. IO.TO: tet 4. Trr-T-Tor-Tor- willlgor land Company, lo.Tn; lot B wiiugr lana tvarpaay. wllllg-r land Company, - wllltger Land Compaay, wllllgrr laad OHnoaay. 0.T0 tet tet T, tet I. I0.T0; io.TO; Ter- Trr-Tor- IO.TO; lot S wllllgrr land Company, IO.TO; lot in. Trr- riuigrr Land tvmpany, ao.To. llai BLOCK 14, lot f, TorwIlUgor Land Compaay, IO.TO; lot a. lorwiiugrr lano company,; lot , irrwiiiifor Laad Compaay. no TO; tot 4, Tar willlgor land Company. $0.70; lot B. Tar. wllligar laad Compaay, IO.TO. . tet 6, Tor wtlllgrr land Oompany, fo.TO; lot T. . Tor- wild Land company, Company. TO: tet I. Tor- willlgor wtnigor willlgor wllllaor Land $0 70; tet . IO.TO; tet 10.' Tar. Tor Laad land Company, Company, Company, Company, Oompany, Company. I n.TO; I O.TO; I 0.T0; I0.T0; io.TO! I O.TO; : O.TO; io.TO; lot II. Tor- land lot 12. tet 13, lot 14, tet 1ft, tet Id. Tor- arllllgor land Wllllaor land Tr. Tor. willlgor land Tor-Ter-TVr-Tor- willlgor wllllgrr wllllgrr trlUlaer Land Compaay. Laad Compaay, land Compaay, tet IT, tet 1. la an vampaay, fO.TU. BIK:K IB. . lot 1, Torwllllarr Land Compaay. $O.T0; lot 2. Torwllllgrr Laad Company. IO.TO; tet 3. Trrwllllarr Laad Company. in.TOi tet 4. Tor- wl nigra taml Company. Io.TO; tet B, Tor wllllgrr land Company. V.ti tet d. Tor- wllllgrr,' land Compn,T"T lot T, Tor ' llll.-rj Jand Comoan:-io.TO?-lot I. Trr. wllllaar land OomDant. 10. TO. BLOCK Id. tet J. Trrwllllgor land Company, IO.TO; tet 2. Trrwllllgrr land Company. id.TO; lot 3, Torwllllgor Laad Compaay. 0.T0 tet 4, Trr wllllgor land Company, $0.70; lat , Trr. wllllgrr Land Company. $- To: lot I. Tar willlgor Land Company, I0.T4; tet t. Trr wllllgor Laad Compaay, I0.T0; lot I, Trr. Wllligar land Compaay, IO.TO. BLOCK IT. lot 1, Trrwllllgor land Compaay. $0.70: tot I. Trrwllllgor Laad Company. fO.TO; lot a. Trrwllllgrr Land Company. io.TO; tet 4, Tor- wiiiigrr ian company. wlllli Land Company, -Company, . Company, Company.' Wllllgrr Land Willi! Laad rllligrr laad Willi. gar land Company. wllllgrr wllllgrr wllllgrr wlHlrrr Land Company. Comnanr. land laad Compaay, Land Company. wllllgrr laad tmnpany, wllllgrr Laad Company, wiiiigrr Laaa I'ompony, willlgor Land Compaay, wllllacr Laad Comnanr. tet f. Trrwllllgor Land Campaay, $0.70: tet 2, Trrwllllgor Land Companr. $0.70; lot I, Trrwlllterr land t nivorrv an TO: Ina a. Trr, wllllgrr Land Company. $n.70; lot I. Tor- wllllarr land Comnanr. an.TOi lot . Trr wllllgrr land Oompaoy, io.70; tot f, Trr wllllgrr. land Oompany, io.TO; tot 8. Trr- Willi Land Laad Comaaay, Company, ,T0t-1otJ.Trr Wllllgrr O TOI lot 10, TOT. iitTO. BLOCK 1. Willi Igor Land i ompaay, tet 1. If. K. BWIgrrt, lOkO; lot X If. E. fwlgrrt 0.m; tot a. 14. K. wwarrrl. io.tu tot 4. M F.. Pwlgrrt, wllllgrr land Company, wllllgrr land Company, wllllgrr Land rnmpaay, wllllgrr land t'oatpaay, wllllgrr Laad Camaaay, wllllgrr Laad Company, wUUgtr Laad Compaay, n.TO; lot S, Trr- JO.JOf o.To j tot . Trr tot T. Trr- ao.To; lo.Toi tot S, Trr. tot t. Trr f0.70 OT0 io.70; lo 10. Tor tot II. Trr. tTO; tet 6, Tor- 70; tet T. Tor- TOs.lot i. Tor- T0 lot . Ter- 0.T0; lot 1Q, Trr- IO.TO; tet 11. Tor. I0.T0; tet 12. Tor- O.TO; tet la. Tor- io.TO: lot 14. Tor- r'.ni mi o. . irr- K. an to: lot a. Trr- io.TO; tet d. Tor- 10.T0; ' tet T, Trr- 0. TO; lot I. TW- io.TO; lot . Tor- 0.T0; tot 10. Trr- IO.TO; tet 11. Trr- io.TO: lot 12, Tor O.TO; 'tot- 13. Trr- ioTo; lot 14. Trr. Si.TO; tet IB, tor- io.OOt lot Id. Tor- I.T0; tot IT. Trr- ).T0; tet 1H. "Tor- . 70. BLOCK !, wllllgrr Land Compaay, 10. TO; -tot 13, Tor wllllgrr Land Company, $0.70; lot 14. Trr wllllgrr Land Company, 0.7u; lot IB. U. B. Hwlgort, $U 70; tet la, W. K. BwlgrK, IO.Tu; tet IT. at B. bwifart, 0.W; lot U, Mr K MwlgrrL IO.T0, BUBOI VISION . Or FART 0 BLOCK 8 MUHKUIIU 1 AND 4, rtLTOA fAKa. BLOCK 2. - autfdJTlaloa i of tot V, rails ; of tot 1. ' aubdlrlaloa auodlrUloa aubdlrlaiva - aubdlrlaloa ubtllTkUoa riodley, ' $U.on; aubdlrUloa 1 ao.aU BLOCK 4. of tet A. H. M. Long, $0.u; of lot A, li. of tot A. M. U, Long. $0 oS; M. Lang. $o.oo; U..Loog, auaft; H. Long, $o.oa; B. laug. $0 S. of tet A. U. ot lot A.. H. of tet A.- H. auooiTiawa CAUoON UK1UUTB BLOCK 33, let 1, A. araua katat. Holra of. lot a. KUaa A. Carauii aaUta, Holra of, $o.afi; lot 3, kllaa A. Carava Kauto, ttolra of, Su.Ua; tet 4. Kllia A. Caraoa buu. Urlra of. It.Ml tet ft. Y Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Ulra of, $U 36; tet 8, r-una a- uaraoa aaiaw, xirira or,; h i, .JCUaa A- tar.. a katata. Holra of. au.aft; tot 8, EUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Urlra of, $u.3B. BLOCJt 84. tot 1, Bllia A. Canon Bauto, lioira of, 10.30; tet X, Kllaa- A. Caraoa. ka. talo, Btlra of, V.3B tet a, Kllaa-A. Caraua Kauat, Uelra of. lo.ak; lot 4. Kllaa A. Uaf aoa BaUto. Ualra of,; lot . Bllaa A. Caraoa Batata, Holra of, lu.So. ' BLOCK 116. tet 1. Ellaa A. Caraoa kaUlo, Uelra of, 30.T0; tet S. Kllaa A. Caraoa kvauta. Hi-Ira a(. U.Tu; lot 3. aMIaa A. Caraua Batata, )!$ of, $0.70; lot 4. Kllaa A. Caraua katata. ilrlra ot. au.TO: lot B, Kllaa . Caraoa batata, Hoira of, $o.T0; J lot 4, Kllaa Caraoa Kauta, Urlra of. O.T0;l ,bo x. "mm m.. vonow laiau, nrm oi, fv.ii hh a, a,iiaa a. laxaon Mutia, uoira eo au.iy; lot I. Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata. liMra ol, au.iu tet 10, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Ilrlra of, -TO! lTO; lot 11, Kllaa A. Caraua buu, ll.lrn of. lot 12, Kllaa A. Caraoa Batata, lirlra of, fu.TU; . lot 14, Kllaa A. taraoa Katata, Helm at, IO.Tu; ' lot 14, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Uatra ot, $0,701 tet IS. Koaa at. Bturgla, $0.70; lot 14, Host ' M. HtorgU, Io.TO. BLOC al 3d. tet 1 BHaa " Au Caraoa Kauu, Helra of. $0.70; lot 2. Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta. Helra of, U.W let 8. Kllaa A, Cmraaa Katata, Helra ot; $u.o6; tet 4. Kllaa . A. Caraoa Kauta, Holra at, $1.33; tet I, Kllaa . A. Caraoa Batata, Helra ofv-u.70; tet 8, Kllaa " A, Caraoa Kouto, Helra of, 3O.T0; tet T, KUaa 1 A. Caraoa Kauta, Helra ot, $u.7u. BLOCK 37, lot 1, Kllaa A. caraoa Kauu, Helra of, $o.7u; lot 2, KUaa A. Caraoa Kauta. Uelra at, $O.T0; tet 8, Kllaa A- Caraoa Kauta, Holra at. $u.70; tet 4, Kllaa A., Caraoa Kauta, Helra of, ao.70; tet B, Kllaa A. .Caraoa Kauta, Helra of, $0.70; ' tet o, KUaa A. Caraoa BaUU, Uelra of, $U.T0; tet T, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Helra of, tu.To; lot 8, Kllaa A. Canon Kauu, Uelra of, IO.Tu; lot V. Kllaa A. Caraua Katata. Uelra f. u.oo; tet 10. KUaa A. Caraoa Katata, Helra of, $0.&3; tet 11. Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Helnof, $o.u; "lot 12. Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta. Uelra of, io.80; tot 13, Kllaa A. Caraua Kauu, Helra of, 10.70; tet 14, KUaa A. Caraoa Kauu, Uelra of. 4U.70; lot IS, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauu, Uelra of. So. TO; . lot 14, Kllaa A. Caraoa kauu, Uelra of, So. TO; lat 17. Kllaa A- Caraoa Kauta. Uelra of. $o.T0; tet 18, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauu, Helra of, So. TO; lot IS, KUaa A- Caraoa Kauta, Helra of, io.TO; , tet 20, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta. Helra of, 80.70; tet 21. BlUa A. Caraon Kauta, Haln of, $0.70. BLOCK 33. tot 1. Kllaa A. Caraoa Eauta. Uelra of, io.70; lot 3, KUaa A. Caraoa Ka .. UU. Uelra at. IO.TO: lot 3. Ellaa A. Caraoa . Kauta, Holra of, I0.T0; tot 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa katata. Uelra of, L05; tet ft, Kllaa A. Caraoa Katata, uelra ot, f l.uo; lot a, suaa a, uaraoa Kauta, Helra af. $0.70; lot T. KUaa A, Caraoa , Kauu. Helra of. $0.70; tot 3, KUaa A. Caraoa , KoUla, Holra of, $0.70. BLOCK 38, Kllaa A. .. Caraoa KoUta, Helra of, I4.TU. BLOCK 40, tet 1, Ellaa A. Caraoa KaUta. Holra of, 0.45; lot 2, Kllaa A- Caraoa kauu, Helra of, 30.46; tet 3, Kllaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Helra ot, fo oo; tet 4, Kllaa A. Caraoa KaUta, Haira of, iJi , lot 8, KUaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Uelra of. $00; tet 4, Ellaa Aw Caraoa Kauu, Helra of, $u.M; tet T, Ellaa A, Caraoa Kauu, Helra ol, 80.80; tot a, KUaa A. Caraoa Kauta, Uelra of, 80.70. BLOCK X. tot L Kllaa A. Caraoa Karats, Uelra of. $8.40. FUSS I; Karl Walck. 112.10. CABMON UKiaHTS Lot T. Ellaa Katatar Uotra or, lot , aiiaa a. uaraaa Batata,. Main of, 10.26: lot K Biloa A. Car aoa Katata. Haln of. $0l6; tot a, KUaa A. Caraoa KaUte. Uelra of, B0.2B; tot T. KUaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Haln of, tu.a; lot 1), KUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, $0.31; tot V, KUaa Av Caraoa Kauta, Urtra t, lu.fto; lot W, KUaa A. Caraoa Katate, Uelra of. 80.3a. A trlaagalar traet at tend lying batwaaav tba aaat Una of tho Portland A Willamette Val ley Kaliway cojnpaiiy'a right of way aad taa line ot a Uaxrlaoa atraot wltaodod aaatr erlr la tta preaeat eouraa aad taa aorta Una . af r In Ira Caratacra. daaattoa land claim, W. K. Bmttk, - ( - A traet of land koanded and deeerlbrd aa ; followa: Commenting at tba tnteraectloa of tba north line of 1 Intra Carutbera donation land claim wltb tba oaat Una of Ijood atraat; tbeaoa eaat along aald donatloa land claim to tba waat bank ot tba Willamette rime at low water aaark: thence aoutherlr along tba waat ' bank at Wlllameita river to a point 4a.48 -fart aoatb of tba north Una of tba aald do nation land- claim; tbenco went otio feat; tbaaoa awrtk along a atralght Una to wbera tba -aamo would be Interaected by the norib 11 aa of Lincoln street It extended oaaterly-la - Ha : fraaeat coo roe; taeaca waatany aiong - aald e I teuton .of the aortb Una of Llacola atraat to a point 100 fret aaat ot tba aaat " Una of Hood atraat; tbeoea oortb lull feet . atenf a Una 100 faet eaat of and parallel .wltb tba aaat Una of Hood atreet; LUence waat alone a Una 100 teat north ot and nar- allel with tba north Una af Llacola atraat If . egunded oaalerly to tba weat Una Of Hood atrrrt: Uwoia nortK alone the aaat Una OBy Hood atreet to place of ; beginning, PortmadSi Lomberlug Klanalactarlng Company. 341.40. A tract of land lying bemreo two Uaaa ra ' aoactlealy BO feet and 100 leet north af aad parallel with tba aortb line of Lincoln atreet . extenaea eaateriy anaTociween urn aw iwo of Uood atraat aad a Una 100 feat aaat thereof and parallel therewith, . Annie and Edward Cola, ' 30,70. - . ' . A tract ot land lying between tba north Una of Lincoln atreet exumled aaaterly and a Una ' BO feet north thereof and uarallel then with aad between taa aaat line df UooaVatroot and a Una loo fart aaat at and parallel therewith, fortlaad Lumbering -alanufaclurlng Cocanaay, 10.70. 1 A traet of laad bnanded and deacrlbad aa fol- lowe:. Commencing at a point on tba left bank af tba WUla matte rlTec 10 feat aoath of tba aoatbeaat corner or too pumping -noune; thenca weal 100 feet: thaaoa north 2wO frtt; tli race ' eaat :to taa weat bank of WlUamrtta rlrrr at : tew water mark; thence up tue weat bank ot aald rtref . ., , A, -I.M nf K Innlna' .hawa mmmt to nlaca of beelnn Inf. AtoO I caruia rlgbt ot- way 10 feet wide extending In a aortbwaatarly direction from aald tract to tba eaat Una of Hood atraat. City of . lanri AA ML A tract of kind ooonded and deacrtbod aa fol . Iowa: Commencing at the . aoatbeaat corner ,' Af taa Rllaahrth Caruthora. donatloa land claim; tkaaca weat to the anotboaat corner at Carataere' Addition to tho City of Portland aa laid out ky tba ttoulh Portland Real Katata Aaaoclatloa; the ore aortb on tba aaat Una of aald addltloa to tho aortboaat corner ot aald addlttoa; thenca waat to tba aaat Una of ' Macadam atreet; tbaaoa aortb along tba eaat - Una ot Macadam atraat to tta Lnteraecttoa . wltb the -north Una ot Lincoln atraat If ex ' tnded-caaterlyl thenca eaat ateng aald ax , trnaioa of Lincoln atraat to lu interaacttea wltb Iba waat Una of a traet of land erav narrf hr ka. U. Burrell and wifa to Uie Port' land Lombrrtna- Manafactming Company by dead recorded la book 33. page 11h, Korord f Deeda, Multnomah County; thence aoutb to tba aoatbweat corner ot a tract coaeayed by taa Moath Portland Beal Bauta Aaoocla : tioa to tba Portland Lam beting Maaufactar ' lag Oompany by deed and recorded la book iu u io. htacord Df Deeda. Multnomah County; then re oaat ta the northwest oornar of tba Water Works tract, aecttoa 3, townahlp 1 aoutb, raaga 1 aaat, Willamette meridian; thence aaat to taa WUlaamtta nvar at low water mark; thenca aoath along tba meander fnrs af aald riser ta place of -beginning. aaM aad except tba right of way at tba Portland A WUla me Ue Valley Railway Company and ' a tract owned by Warwick. Oregon Hallway Karl ratten Company. 8420.00. a, tract of laad lying bet wee a the weat Una af taa Portland A WlllamrtU Valley Ball road CanSpanya rlgkt of way and tba Wil lamette rtrer aad between tba aoatk boundary ' Una of a . tract owaod by tba Multnomah vk Varanr. aortton 10. township 1 aoutb. ranee 1 east. Willamette Meridian, and the J Main Una of a tract of land aaat of tba Port. ' land A) Willamette Valley Hallroad Company's rlgbt at way owned by Aatboay Roy go aad Blchard Btorp, altuated la ercttoo lo, tawa al io I aoatk. raaga 1 eaat, . WllUaaetU Martdlaa. Maria Arnold. Traeteej 80.10. a rart af laad Irlna batweea two tinea spec tier ly 88 feet end 4.1.38 faet aoutb af '. aad parallel wltk tka aouth Una of a , tract Of land erarned ky tba Multuomah Trunk rai-torr. aeettea 10, towuablp 1 aouth, range 1 east. Willamette Mrrldlaa, and batweea tba aaat Una ot Macadam road and tba west lira ml tba Portland A WlUamrtta Valley Railroad Company's rlgbt at -way. ktarle Araold, 10.38. A, trmrt t laad bounded ard deaerlbed aa fol tewoi Commeaclng at tba inttrarcttea af tka north Una of Trrwllllgrr donation laad claim wltk tka weat Uao f Macadam road: thenca aoutk 330 fret; thenca weat 800 feetj thence north 3.10 fret; taeaca aaat raw fret ta place af aeglaalng. City at Partlaad. ' 120.00. ' A treat af mad hounded and tVaerloed aa foltowa: ' Cammaadag at the Interaacttea ' vtmm aortb Ilea ot tba Trrwllllgrr donatloa lead claim with tka aaat llaa of Macadam road thence aoutk 88 dgrra aaat 121 feet tkenea aoatk tSL degrees went 1.40 tneiue; tbrnca north- 88 degrera waat 321 feet; tbeaot north 3S4 uagina eeat 1.40 chalna ta plaaa nf hrelnnlna. JobB Kirk ley. 1.1.11. A tract of laad koaaded and SeareTbed ta follows: Commencing 103 fort aouth ot the - IwlnercrWa at tho eaot-Hao af Maradam road with the north Una af tba Tarwllllger " etonatlna laad claim; tbeac aon Ik 88 drgrrea ' oaat xn feat; thanca north 27 fret; thenca eaetrrky to westerly bank af WlUamrtta ' rlrrr: tkrara aor threat 'along aald rlrrr IT, fret: thrncr north ks) degra 642 rert; thrnea aouth 2 drgrrea IB mlawtra - mmmt SI A tmrnf. thenca OfWlk a drgarra WSSl , 821 fort: thenca aoutk 100 4 fret ta alaea at hrlnalad, ttaaaarl O, aad Jaavaa Q. Daaraa an fkh. ' A tract af huU rMandM-tvd aVaerfbud Sd BaV T Iowa: . Comkneaclag 103 feat aoatk ot iatae asctloa af eaat Una of Macadam road wltk north Una at TerwllUge donatloa laad claim; Owui-e aoutb at) degreea aaat 821 feel; .thenca north 21 feat; Ibrma aoutb 38 degreea aaat ta West bank of Willamette river at tow water mark ; ttarnea southwest along the waat bank of aald rlrrr 143 feet; theuce north 88 de greea waat DBS faet; 'Ounce north 100.TB feat to plana ot beginning, Char lea , P. Baooa KaUU. Hetn af. lloJO. A tract of land bounded and dsaerlkad aa fol lows; Cuuiiucuclaa at a pout la the aaat Hue of Macadam road 23S.TB faet aoatk ot the' Interaeclioa of tka aaat Una at Macadam road wltb the north Una at TerwIUlgac aa aatloa laud -claim; tkcaea aoatk along aaat Una ot Macadam road to tka aertkwaat ceraef ot "J. AMterta'a thnr-acre tracts" recorded to Book U. page 2S3, Baaord et- Deads. Multnomak Coaatyt thenca aoutk K degreea aaat 10.33 ohWlna ta want bank of Wlllaaaeua river at tow-water aark; theaea aurtaorly ateng tba waat bank af aald river ta tba aouth Hue ot Charlre P. Baooa kaUU, Uelra af. Tract, eactloa - 14, lonraablp 1 aouth, raaga,, 1 aaat, Wllatmetto Mortdlaa: thenca west aloaa tba aoath tuna of tka aald Charlee P. Baooa Bauta, kaara at, tract, ta Place et beginning, Mnllaamsk Xnuat aaa lory. tULOO, , ys A tract af laad rylray kutwssa tka aoutk llaa of kUiltaomah Trunk raetorr araca, eaa ttea 14, towuehla X aoaifc, raaga 1 aaat, WUl anwtto Meridian, and a Una SB foot aoatk thereof aad parallel therewith, aad be twee u the aaat Una ot Macadam road aad tka west Uao f the Portlaad A Wlilaaaatta Valley Baiiread Cooanaay'a rlgkt , ol way, Jouaa. aau7T. ' . A tract of land rrtrm hetweea t reapactlvaly 43.3B feat aad 83JB tact aoutk of and parallel with taa aoatk Una af . 'Mult nomah U'raak faauary tract, .section 10, toara ahip 1 aoutb, raaga 1 . aaat. Willamette MorldUa, and ftetweaa the eaat Una of tka Macadam road and tba waat Una at tba Part laad d Willamette Valley Railroad Coaipsay'a rlgbt af way, Louis Obarte, u-80. -A tract bt land lying ketweeg two Baas re spectively 83. 3S foot aad 12L3B' faet aouth at and parallel wltk tba aoatk Una af - Multno mah Trunk factory tract, aectlon 10, toarn ahlp 1 south, range 1 eeat, WllWnietU Martdlaa; aad betwaoa tka aaat Baa of Mae adam road and tba weat llaa ot Partlaad A 'Willamette Valley Railroad CoanpaAy'a right af way,- Clara Itobarta, $0.Bu. A tract af land lying brtweea two .Uaaa re spectively 131.38 feat aad 1411 -2o fee aouU of and parallel with tba aoath Una ot Mult nomak Trunk Paetory tract, eactloa 10, town ahlp 1 aoutb, range 1 eaat, WtHaraetU Bxrrtd laa. aad betwaua tba aaat Una af Macadam road and the weat tine af tba Portlaad Wit la matte Valley Hallway Company's flaKt af way, Katharine k'slduaa. tuM. A tract af land lying beta eon taw Baas ra apectlvely BU6.38 feat aad 140JB faet aoatk at aud varallet with tba.eeuLh lkat at Muit- Trunk Factory tract, aeettea 10, towe rs age I aaat, WUlanvatta roerkt reao tba aaat Una of Macadam r.lan. aad between road aad tba waat Una at tba Partlaad WU- uoMtu Valley Hallway lam lien) a rlgkt at way. Peter obarle. 81.O0. AU that porttoa at a tract at hud lytag waat at taa riant at way at taa raruaaa wu lamette Valler Railroad Oomoaov hoomdea aad daactibad aa faltefrai Cotuiueocttig aa tba aaat Una of Macadam road at tba northwest corner of s 3!-ecre tract aoM ta BobUUat aL, recorded In book M. aaaa 23L Record ol Uaeda. Multnomah Coaaty; thauea aoatb 88 degraaa 38 aalauus. aaat B.TB chalna: aoutb 30 dee; rata, weat 1.08 chains; tbeaoa north 88 degraaa S3 axuataa. wwet AM cbajna; tbaaoa north 13 dsgrssa m Inn lea, aaat LOT chalna, ta Place at laaflaai aiu A tract af laad boundad aad daaerOmd aa tot. Iowa: Commanding at a point la tba waat Una oi um ruriii at way or ua i-orxaxno et rt u lankatM Valler Bhilroad Company which ta IB last aorta of taa ntaraectioa at tba weat Lae at aaM right at way with tka north Una af a ana-aera tract rouveveu to Beda Kub- tor, racurded la book 83, page 808. Record af Deeda, Multnomah County; theaea north an de greea IB minutes, waat 168 feat, to Macadam roaa; . taenra norm ojovjg xoa eaat una ea Macadam read B3 faet: thanca aoath 88 degraaa 88 mtnutea, aaat ISO feet, to tba want Una at tba aforesaid rlgbt at way; thanca southerly along tba aald riant, ac way to place ot ginning, sntnoay Rugga i aad lUokard 1. Btorp, : A tract at laad kanmdad aad followa: ' Commencing at northeast earner of TerwIUlger donatloa land claim; tbaaca north 88 decrees 34 mlnaua. wrat 14.8 chalna: thanca aouth 8 daa-reea it mmutaa, west 1.40 chalna; thence aoutb 2 degrees, weat 8.0B chalna; thenca aoutb 8.16 chalna; thanca aoatk 4 degreea. Weat 8.11 chalna: thenca aoath ad degreea 38 minutes, oaat 8.TB chalna. aa place of heelnhlnr: thenca north hd deareea 35 mln- ataa, weat 385 feet, to aaat line of tba rlgbt of way of the , Portland Willamette Valley Railroad Company; thence southerly along aald right ot way 383 trot; thanca aouth 83 degreea 83 mlautea. east 254 feet; thenca Berth 20 de grera, eeat 2.U) chalna; thenca north 22 . tT"H ' "r,a S'VK.l'raS-Tlof aald river to south. Una. of M ary P. Greea A tract ot la ml Bounded ana aeecrioea tral-t ot follows: , Commeaclng 314.1 (set north. 13 arora 21 minutes east, of tba north wrat aa of the' Pae-aa two-acre tract, recorded la O. naaa 3u8. Record of Ueeda. Multnomah Coaaty; tkaaca aaat Tft diigrasa, T mlaataa aoutb. to went line of Tight of way of tba Portland Willamette Valley Railroad Com pany; thence north 13 degreea, aaat 80 feet. mora or leaa, so arivewey; uience norm no w greea, 35 minutes went, -along aald drtreway to eaat Use af Macadam Toad; thence aouth 13 degraaa, 37 ulnutre weat, to nlaos at begtn alng, Emma L. Cola, $1.00. A tract of land bounded aad daaerlbed as followa: Commencing at north weat comer ot tba Pagan two-acre tract, recorded la book O, ?aga 303, Record of Deeda, Multnomak County; hence north 18 degreea, eaat B0 feet;, tbence south. 88 degreea 35 mlnatee. aaat 1MX.5 feat; thanca aoutb 13 degreea, waat BO faet; tbence north as degreea 36 mmutaa, weat 188.1 feat, to place af beginning, rred Moble, $1.00. A tract at Sod bounded and described aa followa: Commencing B0 faet north. 13 de greea ST mlnutea aaat, and T12 feet aoath, ba degreea 13 mlnutea eaat, from northwest cor ner at the Pagaa two-acre tract, recorded la book O. pags 303, Record af Deeds, Multnomak County: thence aouth a degrees 13 m Ins tea, aaat IITJI feet; thence north 18 degraaa. eaat 8N-3 feet thenca north 7 aniens l minniee, weat 11X8 feat: theaea Booth 10 IB mlnaua, waat ad.T feet; thanca aorth greea 60 mlnutea, waat ST tact; thanca eoata 13 degreea 27 minutes, weat 10.8 feet; tbeoea aoath 78 degreea 3d mlautea, eaat 87.8 feet: theaea aouth 10 degreea IB mlnutea. weat R-3 feet, to plaaa af beglnaiag, Carrie Berkley, A 'Sct of laad aoaaded and deacrlbad aa foa lows: Cooimroclug 13 digrsss 27 mlnutea eaat 80 fart from the northwest Corner of the Pagan two-acre tract, recorded la book O. page 303. Record at Deeda, Multnomak Coaaty ; tbence north 13 Octree 37 mlnutea, eaat BO fret; tbaaca aouth J dr greea 3S mtnutaa, eaat 87.4 faet; thence aoatb lo degrees If, mln utea, waat S8.3 feet: tbence north 88 degress 13 nUaatea, ' west 71.3 feet to . place of be- Jlanlng, Jobs Mler. 10.88. , tract of tend boanded sad last l ined sa fol tows l Commencing 137.8 faet aorth of . northwoat ooreor et tba Pagaa two-acre tract, recorded In book O, page tuS, Beeord af Itoarto, Multnomah County; tbeoea aorth 13 degrees 27 mlnutea, aaat 44.B feet; tkaaca south 7$ 'de greea T mlmta, eaat 83.4 faet: tkaaca sdutk I degraaa tftfeiinutea. went 40 feet; tbence north i degreea 6 mlnutea, waat SB.B feet, to puce et beginning,. Charlea J. . Helswartk, A tract af land ooonded and deacrfbrd aa followa: - Comnmnckif 110.8 feet north, 13 de greea IT mlaataa eaat, from northwest earner of the Pagan two-acre treer, recorded la book O, page 303, Record of Deeda. Multnomah County: thence aorth 13 degreea 37 mlnutea, aaat 2tt.T fret : thenca anath TO denrees 8 mlnatee. eaat ' vB.8 feet: thenca south 10 degrera IB mlautea. SS.T feet; tbence aorta s oegreee -ou a. araat 87 feat, to place of neglmamg, Louis Obarle, $0.20. A traet of laad boanded and drecrrbed as followa: Cemmaecbig at tba aeribweet oor nar at the Ooodaough Clark four-acra tract, w wded la bonk P, page 4ST, Record of Dreoa, Multnomak County; tbence north 25- degreea, eaat 8.07 chains; tbence ranch 88 degreea 38 ailaatas, weat T.28 chalna, to the waat bank Ol me wuiiani vm , i . . m mrvw " ' ' , thanca sp tba weat bank of aald rirer chaloa; tkenea aartk bo 4rrrera gs eanvatae, waat 7.14 chains, to place at beg loo lag, Cath erine Pagan, .88.40. , I A tract ot land boanded sad danrrthed as 1 followa: Cammeackig at nortbaraat earner at - the Ocodnough Clark foar-erre tract, ta- ; corded la book P. page 487, Record a, uoroa. atuiiaoman unair unaw mm u ' . weat 8.34 chalna; tbence aoatk 81 degreea 30 m In a tea. eaat 8 83 cbatna; tbence north 23 degreea. seat 4.28 ehataa; tbence BortkM 1 greea 80 mlnniea. waat 7.14 enema, to piece ' 1.1. nlnr Hlaalnarr A W.. ilOJO. A tract of land bounded and dvafrPJed aa followai Commeaclag 8.34 ehalns aoutb, 34 aw grrea wrat, of aortbweat enrner of the Oood m.mtmm A Clark foar-aere tract, records 4 la hook P. page ewT. Beeord of Deeda, Multnomah Oouniy; thenca south 24 mt greea. waat 1.14 ekalne; tbence anath H2 digraee. weat .HI . chalna I tbence aoulb TB degreea IS mlaatea, eaat 4 S7 ahalna, to the waat bank of the avuiaaartta rivari chance atooa ike waat beak ef aald river nortk 29 degreea. eaot 1 40 ehalaa; thence aartk 80 degreea 40 m bra tea, . weat d.ft chalna, te pises ef beginning, Louis nnnwma SS.3A. A tract et laad koaaded sad drecrrhed aa fol- ' Xm mm . . - - earth 13 deareea 97 min- ' ntea, aaat 1H3.1 feet, from northwoat comer of the Fa ran two-acre tract, recorded M rae O. a. page 3U3. Record et Deeds, Maltaomah Comity: threes anath 78 degreea 7 atlaalea, eaat liB.I fret; tbeace nnrtbwreterly 34 feet along the ' west line of the rlgbt at way of tba Port lead A Willamette Valley Railroad .Company ; thenca aorta Tft ib-ireen T arlentre. waat 471.3 feet; rhenca aouth 13 digtiea 81 mlnatra, weat 84 feet, to place af arflualng, v. A. maaica, sa aa . A i-mmt aa immA mrmmiiAmA aad duel I field SS 141- ' towe: Cnmareacrng st the anathweat comer et the Oondnonah A Clark four leva tract, re mu in fcnnk r. am SOT. Rerard of Deeda iMultoontah County; tbeace aoath Tk aVgreea l. mlnatra, east T 14 ehalns; tbearw aorih is aagviis 4ft mrmtra. oaat IBS tee: tare north Tfl inrm IB anaua, weat 8.87 rhajna; taeaca seat 12 uaarssa. west 0J.a4 test, to plaaa af bagraaUtg, Portland Truat Oompaay at Oregoa, fto.30. . A i tract af bumf boanded sad daacrihad as' fol towa; Cotnmeaclbg sv the aouUwaat lamas' at tba QcaHt inrush . A.i Clark - f our-acra tract, ra- corded In book V. paasv 48T, Beeord of Veada. Maltaomah County; laianea'soath 14 degraaa 3U emuiuiaa, aaat 7 .ho ctiaiaa. ta tba WlUeovetta river; tuanoa aoutb 4 ugreee, weat 63.3 feat; tbence aeeth Tft acTTnek, hu laatas waat, to aaat. Itea of Maeauaat road; thooca north 81 Sag rasa 47 mlnutea, aaat 47 feat, mora or leaa, to place of beginning, Charlea Delta. $XHU. A Uast of land Jwuoded aud daacrliied aa fol towa: Ooniaieutuig at a stake In tba aaat Una - af Macadam road SB lluka southerly from tba aoatbweat earner af tba Brick lard tract, aeeiloa) 18,i4owoahlp I aoatb, range I aaat, ' Willamette meridian; thanca aouth A degreea, 80 mlnutea aaat, parallel with aouth Una of aald Brtck Yard tract, tUft ehalaa to wast bauk at Wiilamatta rlvec at tew water mark; theaea along waat bank at aakt river aouth 40 daaisus. waat 03 lines: thence north IB da- arise, au mlaataa weat. parallel with aoutk .' Una ot aald Brick Vard traet, 8J14 chalna ta taa aaat Una of Maeauaat road; tuaaea aoru M0 aVgreee, eaat 84 Unka, aloaa; aaat Una af Macadam roe 4 to. nines at aeglnniad, Joha JUaraaa, I1U0. A tract ot Uad boanded aad dwiffial aa foV towai Commencing at ' aontbtast corner af block 0, Portland Homes teed; theaea aaat to weat Una at Macadam road; thence aortharly along aald areat Una of Macadam road ta lu Interuectioa with tba seat Una at tba aid county road; thanca southerly ateng aaat Una af old county road to tka place at beginning. Unknown Owner, 10.10. - - . ' A tract at toad bounded aad described as fol towa: Commencing, at tba eoathweet corner at Joha Klemaa tract, recorded In booh 38, page 4IW, Barnard ei Ueeda, MuUaamsh County; thanca aoutk SO uegreaa, wrat . 160 .foeti thanca aouth IB degreea 30 mlnaua, aaat to waat. beak ot Willamette, river at tew water, mark;, thanca along tba waat bank af said rtoac north 40 degreea. aaat to eoath eaet corner af aald John K tern an tract;' thenca north 7B dagreaa 80 mmutaa, weat along the aoutk Una of ' aaldV Juka - Klernaa tract to place af beginning, Hiram TarwUllger, 18.30. A tract of land buuaued aad described aa fol lowa: Cosuneaclog la tba aaat Una ot Macad am read whom annua InUraaata tba Westerly axtanakm In Its preaent eouraa tba north Una af tba Keller Wymaa one-acre tract, rn enrdad ta honk O. naara 802. Record of Deeda. Multuomah County; tbaaca ateng aaat Una af Macadam road north 31 degrees. 30 mlnutea, weat 134.4 feet; thenca aorta 14 degreea 10 mln aua. weat 184.4 feat; tkaaca north 1 degraaa 80 mlaataa, waat T.8 fret, aa tba place at be ginning; thanca aaat T08JI feet ta- weat bank af Willamette riser at low water mark; tbence north along taa waat bask of aald river Mr? feat; thence areat 73L7U faet to aaat Una at Macadam read; tkenea aoatk T anaraaa 80 atee, eaat 108.44 feat, to pates af begmalng, John W. laugdoa, $11.00. . ' - . - -A traet af land boanded and diatirThed as faa- lowa: CommenclDg ta tba aaat Una of Mac adam road where aama ht toteraeetad by the aorth Una af the KcUrr A Wymaa ons-acre 'tract, recorded to book O. page 3u2, Beeord ot Deeda, Maltnomah Coanry; tbaaca aortherly ateng aaat Una of Macadam road as followa: North 31 degrees Q mlnaua, waat 138.4 feat: tbaaca aorth 14 degrees 10 aUnaua, waat 14.4 feet; thaaoa north T degraaa 80 mtnutaa, waat Bud feet: tbaaca north 3 degraaa ft mlaataa, waat 8048 feet aa tba' place- at beginBlng; thanra aaat. 700.44 feat ta areat bank of Wil lamette river at tew water aaark; tkenea aortherly along tka weat bank of aald river Butt.8 feet; tbeaoa north IB uegiaaa 10 mbv bus, saat 110.T feat, more ar leaa, to aoatk Una at Moffett tract, section It, township 1 seatk, range 1 aaat, WUlaasetU mark! tan; vJaanak weal along aoatk Una ot aald Moffett tract to tba aaat Una af Macadam road; tbence snath ateng the aaat Una of Macadam road to place ot begtunlneV TsrwlWgsr Land Coas- pany. aw-av, A traet of laad boanded sad luatrTkal a - lowai CoouneDClna In the aaat Una af adam road wbera same to Intersected by the north Una at Keller d Wymaa one-acre tract, 1 reloaded In book O. Baca 302. Beeord ot Deeda, Multnomak County; thenca aortherly. along aaat Una of Macadaat read aa follows: North 31 degreea 30 mlnutan, weat 138.4 feet; thenca north 14 degreea 10 mkratea. areat 104.4 feet tbeaxa north T degreea M mmstoa, waet ITB-kt ; teat as place et beginning; tauace eaat to weat bank af Willamette river at tow water mark; tbence northerly along weat banlrof said river , 84.13 feat; tbence weat to eaat Una of Mae Sdam road; thenca aoutberly' ateng east llaa af Macadam road, aouth I degrees B mine tea, aaat sua feet; tbence south 7 degreea 30 mlnutea, eaat 804 feet, to place af beginning, Mary F. Oram, I7.T0. -A tract of land huuaded sad deacrlbad as fol lowa: Commencing at a point to the eeat Una of Macadam toad where name la Intersected by north line of Keller Wyman ooa-aere tract, reMrded In book 0, page 802, Record of Deeda, Multnomah County; tbence aorth along the eaat Una ot Macadam road aa followa: North 21 degreea SO mlnaua. weat 138,4 feet; thenca aorth 14 deersea 10 mlnntre. weat 113.24 feet ae tba place of beginning; tkenea eaat to areat bank ot Willamette river at tow water mark; tbence northerly along waat bank t; tract, recorded In book 234, page S8, Beeord ' alone; aoutk Una ef aald tract to aaat Una of .Maoadanf road; tbence south along east line of Macadam road to place ef Beginning, Anna XT U...H , apt an A tract of land boonctoot and described as fol lows: Commencing at a point In eaat Una et Macadam road where same Is, Intersected by the aorth line of; the Keller A Wyman one-acre tract, recorded in book O, page 803, Beeord ef Deeda, Multnomah County: tbence north 21 degreea 30 mlnaua, waat 188.4 feet; thenca aortb 14 degreea 18 mlnutea, weat 113.34 feet; thenca aaat ta wset bank of Wil lamette river at low water mark; Uience aoutberly ateng the wrat bank eft aald rivef 8B8.4 feet;tbencs wrat 467.04 faet; thence north 23 degreea, wrat SB foot; tbence weat 100 feet;' tbeace north 23 deareea. west 136.38 feet, to place af beginning, Una Fletcher, 128.10. A tract of land lying between tbe south line af Boundary atreet and a westerly exteantoa ot aamc in Its preaent course and a Una 131.44 feet southerly from and parallel therewith and between tba araat line of Macadam road and tba division Una between seettoae 18 and l.v Vna, i, whin 1 anufh... renew 1 eaat- 1 eaat, wtiuun- etu meridian. B. W. Bingham and Emma L, aoo an . T A tract ef land lying twit a-ee n two Unas aa-L, enectlvely 1.11.46 feet aad 443.k8 feet eootST - ot ana parauet wita aoata line wi oonnuary street aad a vreaurly extaaaloa af amme la Ita preaeat course aad betweea the weeterly Una ot Macadam road and tba Slvlaloa Una be tween aerttona 1 and IB, townablp 1 aouth, range 1' aaat, WUlamette mar kllaa, Joha B. Bingham, Traatee. 154.00. A tract of ' land lying between two lreee re spectively 443.18 feet and ma).W fart aoatk of. -end parallel with aouth Baa of Boundary atreet aad a weeterly extension af same ta iu preaent course and betweea the weeterly Una , ef Macadam road and tba d I vie tou luxe be tweea.eerttoBS Id and IB, townablp 1 aoutk, range 1 ekst. tVUlametU aaaridlaa. taarUids li Smith- saS-SO. A tract ef land lying 111 twain two Hi enectlvely 490. ft ft and rJM.8. feet south ot ant naralutl with the aoath lbxa et Bounder v street and a weeterly extension af aama to Its preaeat coarse and Betweea the weeterly line of Macadam road and the division Una be twrna eecttooa 18 and IB, township -1 aoath, range 1 eaat, WUlaantto meridian, Anns U. Barnett, IST.30. a . A traet of land lying brtwrrm a line 828.8 feet south af and parallel with aoatb line ef Boundary street and a' weeterly extenalon .thereof la IU preaent -Course and the aouth boundary Una of the ' TerwIUlger donation land claim, and bet worn the weat Una of Green's Addltloa to Portland and the dl vlalon Una between Bret tone 14 and IB, towa ahip 1 aouth, range 1 east. Willamette nerld . Ian, John W. tangdon, $44.70. A tract of laud koaaded aad daeCTfbed SS fol lowa: Commencing iat s point in tba seat lute ef Macadam road where tka same M la 1 teraected by tba aouth Una of Keller ' Wymaa one-acre tract, recorded ta book V, Dare 304. Record of Deeds. Multnomak County; tbence aoath S3 Bear era, weat 2ft feet; thence south 8k) degreea SO mlnatea.' eaat 100 feat; thenca north 23 drgreea.1 arret 80 feet: theaea north 8B drgrrea 30 mlautea, eaat 108 feet; thenca north 38 degreea. -wrat SO feet; tbence north 88 drgrne 30 mlnutea, waat 100 feet; tbence aouth 33 degrera, eaat 28 fret, to place ' et beginning. City ot Portland. $0.BS.. A tract of land boanded sad described as fot ; Iowa: Commencing at a point In the waet ' bank at WlHaasrtte river at low water mark 1 1 ix. 24 faet aorth of em In line of lev Willi doaatioa toad claim; tbeoea aorth fa degreea : I mlnatra, weat to eaat line of Macadam road; thence north 13 eVgme. areat 864 fret: tbence ; aortb IT drgreea 4 mlnatee. weat S4S.B4 feeti tbeace north 21 degreea 27 mlnutea. weal . 470 aa teet: tbence aoutk 88 drgreea 18 mla a tea, eaat 100 faet; tbeace nortk 21 degreea . aT mlautea, west SB feet; tbenoa anath si 4e ' greea 18 minutes, eaat 461.8 feet te place of keglnalng. joha naiary aonea veannany, eae.uo. A tract ot land boemded end deacrlbad aa fol towa: Comaimcrna at the anntheeet earner ef tka Terwlllltrrr donatloa land claim; thence et 9JA chaloa; tbrnca aorta 14 oagreas so mmataa. east l.d r ha lea: tnence eaat I.3S rtiabja to weat bank of Willamette river at tow water mark: thence south 14 degress mlaatea. areat I.I chalna to a lace of bei Slag. Louis Obrrle, $.10. a traa mi land bnumlrd aad deal rtrad SS fol team: Cowimrnckig where the north Una ef Tnoanaa aurnbaaa donation land claim later- IS the weat sbbs at v Manama rrver at water mark: eneaee west s.u cnams theaea awlh 1.1 deal lea. east 4.83 Chains . tkenea aaaterly 8.47 rhslnar thenca aortb 4 (14 ' chalna te place ef beginning. Save and except .3 acre daaerlbed ta booh 2H0. page 73, Record ef Oaeea, Maltaomah Oeoaty, Leal lata A tract af land koaaded and dmcrlhrd ssTnt towa: Cemrnractng at a paint ! rrrt anuta- erly frnm where the aoatb line W TerwIUlger dooatloa land claim In l meets the east Una ef Macadam road, sad theaea res Icily 14 .ft feet . at rioht anabe aa tba niece of bra Inning tbence enatherly ft feet parallel wltk Iba ra.lrrlv lira af Mneariam road: thence eaat' - erlr nd fret to wmt line ot rhrtt ef way of ,K. IWII..4 A, wills narMa Vallr Reltooad .. Company I h race nnrinaely M fret aVmg aald right ef way; tbence weaterly to pUee of ke- gtnnlngl John areola, si. on. . a - mi nai - and dsesvlhrd BS fnt- . tow- Coenmaarliig at anutkweat corner of iaois Axanad UacV ssctlaa la, towaskto a aoatk. ra'aaa 1 aaat. WUla met ta thanca souk It degrees, eaat 2.ZT chalna; thence eaat ft cbatna to areat kaak at WlT 'lauette river at tew water mark) tbaaca aortb 10 dagreaa. waat 3.35 chalna. tbeace waat ta ptoaa of beg laiilag, WUl lam sad Bustaa Oel-gvr7$4-0. A tract ot Uad bounded sad daaerlbed as tbt tewa: ' Commencing at southwest corner of the William and-Baalaa Oetget tract, eactloa 13, township 1 aoutb, raaga I eaat, WUIan etu rarr kllaa; thence areat 8.08 chalna; thence south 14 degreea 30 mlautea. aaat 1.70 chalna; tbeace east a 04 chalna; tbeace nortk 14 de grees 88 mlnutea, weat t.70 cbabaa, to place of beginning. , California Pewdat Warka, A tract of land lying netweaa tka want Una of Macadam rued and too eaat Una af blocks 38. 3T aad X Boalbara PortUad, Oregoa. and netweaa tea aonthera boundary et the TerwU- Ugar donation land claim and the north line ef ktorfce 26 aad 34. hou there Portlaad. Ora- r, aad alee nortk lias af Canllaa aueet, B. TkoBUMon. 11U6.SU. A tract ot land lying between the wast Una of Macadam road aad the eaat Una of lota S. 7. 8 aad 8, . block 8, Ureoa'S Addition to Portland, and between the south Una of the TerwIUlger doaatioa land claim aad the eauta Una ef tou ft and 8, block 8, 0 roaa' a AddlUoa to Portland, School Dlatrict No, 1. ftt-BA. A tract ef laad lying between the weat llaa ef Pulton Park aad taa division Una "sections 18 and IS, townablp 1 eoath, raaga ' 1 eaat, Willamette meridian, and batweea the south line ef the Hlavla roast ana ue norm luxe et block IS, Polioa Park, Pulton park Land Company, 810.80. ,f ' A tract af laad lytog betweea tba weat at vwitoa rark ana tin arrtaioa una net' seetlaaa 21 aad 32, toarnablp 1 aoath, raags 1 eaat, Willamette merlduux, sad betweea the aoath llaa ot Perth atreet sad the aorth Una of the atreet aa tba aorth able ef block 24, Pulua Park. Pulton Park Compaay. $6 SO, A tract af land hounded and elancrlbad aa fol lowa: Commencing 10 chains waat aad 1-82 chalna north. 1 deareea wool, of aorfkeaat ear ner of block 1. Pulton: t brace eaat .3.80 ' chalna; tbence north degreea. araat 1.1 ehalaa.- theaea -areet also south Una of Ne vada atreet to s point north 1 degrees, areat 2. 10-chalna, from place ot beginning; tbeace aouth T dagreaa, east 2.10 chalna. te place et oegtnaiaK. bate a. mngaaax, aa.aa. : A tract of land bounded and deacrlhed OS fol. towai Oommencing 10 chalna waat af north east corner ef block 1, Pulton; tbence aorth T degreea. -araat 8.03 chalna, te aoath line ef Nevada at rert: theaea went atoast aoath I of Nevada atreet to eeat line of right ef way ef the MetrouoUua. Railway Company; thenoe southerly along aaat Una ef aald rlgbt et way to north Una of block 4B. Falua Park) tkenea ' east along nortk luxe ef Pulton Park to place of beg Inning, U. W, Corbett JSstaia, 85S.S0. . . w.i- A traet of toad bmndad and fusi idilt aa foa- teara.1 Ouoimeocing at aouthenet eorner of' . block 4, PBlton; ibaaee aaaterly stoat aartk Una 'of Rlvervlew Uemetrry, srrtioa 33, town ship 1 aouth, rings 1 eaat. WlUsmetta aertd lan. to waet Una af Macadam road;' tbeaot northerly along weat lbxa of said road to nortbeaat earner et block 4, Pulton; thence enatherly along the eaateriy Una af block 4, Pvltoa, to place of beg Inning, ttaorga X. and -Mar kf. Rnahaa. II. SB. A tract of tend bounded sad laataflnd aa fat . lows:, Oowtmenclng ILSO ehaJae weat and 9M chains aorth ot son threat or ear ex tnomaa Ktenheaa donation land claim: t bears aorth . TO degrees, areat 24 3-8 rods; tkaaca aartk 20 ' dagreaa. east ta eaat Una af Caaby street; . thence eaat to eaat Una ef Hood atreet! thence north to aoatbweat earner of tet L stock I, Pulton Park; tkaaca aoatk TO lugiinx, seat 4 . chalna, more ar leaa, to weat luxe at Taylor's Ferry road; theaea- aoath 36 degrees, weat 6.03 ehalns; thence nortk TO degreea. areat 18 ehalaa, to pktcs af knaatng, Uarasaa kteta ger, I14.T0. - A tract of laad benaded sad oaacrtbad as fal. . towa: Commencing at nartoeast asraar lot ft, ' block 103, Pulton Park! tkaaca nortk 80 fast; - theoca nortk 40 degrera, aaat 84ft feet, to a . stake 80 feet south from south lbxa af tks M stager tract, aretion 33, .township 1 seats, ran I aut. Wlilaaaatta martdlaa: tkeam eaateriy paraiiel wltk aouth Una ef aald Meta eer tract ta a stake ia araat Una at Taylars Perry mad; tbence aouiherly to eaat lbxa ef " block Ma. Puhoo Part; tbewra north 100 faet to Bortheaat comer of said block 108: thanoa weat 100 faet to place, of beginning, Paa-tlaad An trrerular tract' ot land lytag kit a ass tks south una or mocc a. ruiton, ana aa aaeteriy enteawtoa. af the saaxe In lis preaent sou ma j,. and taa want Una of Macadam road, the ; -north Una of Hector Campbell donation land elaim, weeterty luxe ef Mars dam road ene ' the easterly Una of Taylor's Perry road, Blv - mu ram,iw a,i,iina. tint rwv . ' A tract ot land lying betweea tba aartk line of Hector Campbell's donation land claim and 4 t,a aalh .haiular, af tha fit v of Portland and between the weat Una of taa Willamette river at tew water mark and the-weaterly line af Bcono'a Perry mad and Taylor's Perry road,. s&ve and except plot 1, as abowa an the map et Portland, Oregoa, no bitched by The Title trasrsntee at trust inupany, negavurrra, i.o. 75. Hlvervtew IV meter V AaaoCiation. 1378.80, . A tract ot tend" bounded and deecrlbed aa fol lows r Commencing at the intereertloo of the north line Of tract aaacrinea at noon a, pa aw BM, Record Of Itoeda, Mifltnomah County, with . eaat Una of Tavter'a Prrry road: tbence aorth erly along aald road 200 feet; tkenea went otj frnm to aant Una of Macadam road: thanoa south 200 feet; tbence eaat to place of be ar tuning. Security Hayings A Treat Campaay, II 40. A 'tract et kind boanded sad dcecrlord as fol towa; Commencing 80 feet aouth and SO feet weat at aouth west eorner of block Mi Pal - ton Park; thenca eeat 2H0 faet; tbeace Booth 80 feet; tbenoa arret 130 feet; thence aouth . 20 feet; thence weat 130 feet; thence north ' 800 feet to place af beginning, Byron P. CayaV twall Katate, Helra af. tM. A trait of fcuid koaaded and dasmfuad Be fot , towa; Commencing at tka tats meet 1ou af the ' north tine of Liroeraua tract, morded bx book I. page 83, Beeord af Deeds. Maltnooxak Coonty. wltk the east llaa af eld Taytor Parry road; tkenea nortk along said road 300 feet; -i tkenea eaat to WlliametU river; thence follow ing the mranderrsea af said rrver to the aortb Una ot aald Lleberman tract; tkenea waat to the place af beg ton tog, Henry B. Dxpoot, iio fto ' tract ef land rioaadrd and dean Iked sa fol- Uommeaekig a eaama aaat ana e canine aoath of north wrat earner at nortbeent smarter af aeettea 22, towaahip 1, aonta, range 1 eaat, WllUotette merldlas; etishaa fhenea aouth S dear eoaina; tnence areat anr enanm aw wa af Macadam road; thence aortharly along eaat line ef Macadam road to place ef beginning, Becnrltr Ravings A Trust Company. 110.20. A tract st laiidfcosaded and deecrlbed as fol lowa; Oooi i mating at aorthwret enrner of , Mock B. Pultoa Park; the nor nortk TB feet; tkenea aaat to weat bank ef Wlllaaeetle rtrer , at tow water aaark; thence along the areat bank af rrver to northeast earner et ktork D, paltaa Parki tnence waat to plsss af ksgfcv BUrg. Char Ira lAebarnmn, 14.20. . A tract et tend boanded and dtanifbsd as fol towa: Omtajenclng at aoatbeaat earner of tot 4. btork 1. Pultnu; thenca aoatherly " along areat Una ef Taylor's Perry road to s point 18 feet northerly from aortbraet corner " if btork T. Pulton; thenca aortkerb- along a Una paxaTtol with aortharly Mas af block T, Pultoa, to Its totrreecttoa with the soatherry line of. tot ft, btoek 1, Palton, H. 1. Belgsl nxen, fO.M. . , . , A tract of land nrayndrd asd denertbed as fol- Immrm- fViaimaifllia 32.1a ebalDS BOTtk Snd cbllne weat of eon threat corner ef Thomas Stephens donation laad claim; thenca north TV drorerat eaat 8.08 chalna. te weat i bank t Willamette' river at tow water mark; thruce ateng weat bank of aald river, aortk 40 dearreee,- aaat 1.40 chains; thenca north a BA mmntra. aaat .AH chain: tbeace ' arret T.ll chalna: tbence snath 4 oVgrees 80 mlaataa, eaat 2.88 chalna, U the place at ne- ilantng, Pnnclare Bchmltt, $4 SO. tract ef land boanded and dencrfhrd as fol towa: rvtmmrnring at three-mile post to Mae- sdam read: tbence eaat to weat bank of wa lamatta river at tow water mark: north atone the areat bank of aald rlrrr. to - mthaaat mm eg bloeh M. Palton Park: thence weat along the aoulb line ot blocks xr mmA n awirnn park, te Macadam road: tnence aoutk to place of beginning, Theodore : a' tract' otiarid raaaded ssd ftoecrttwd sa fol- imh,. rwaaarnetna aortb . 18 degrees 2.0.1 ekafcxa. from eon threat enrner af Tkeanaa Btepkeaa donatloa land claim; thence treat 8.T4 chalna; tnence north 33 dsgri is 30 mlautea, ' wrat 2.23 chalna; tbence north-BS Sgvsa 15 , mlnatra, weat 1.08 chalna; thenca aorth 4 dawreea 80, mlaatea, weat .84 cbsln; tbeace orta a drerrrn 30 mtoatee. west 2.50 chalna tbence north 21 degrera. Wrat 2 chains) tbeace north 28 deareea. west 4 chaloa; tbeoea aorth 43 dtgrsse went 2.24 cbalna; tbence anath i tot A, mrtmm. eeat cbalaa; thmce south . J8 degrees, eaat 4 87 Sbaina. to place of atsalng, Joseph and Frank Wrber, $20.30. 1 trMi mt kai bonndad aad fltatrlksl aa lews: Commencing at a point la tba eaat Una af Macadam read where same to ietev- mmmmmA ha Milk Una. af Txaau BUnhena do natloa land etoim: thence north I degrees 80 mmataa, areat l.TS rkalas : tbew' aorth 83 ' drgreea 30 mlaatea, west 1.22 chains; tbence east , parallel with the aald draiattoa land rMtnrt Una 8.T4 r ha toe ta weat bank ef W 11- XaMAfta rtvae at knw water mark:- thence aoutb erly 13 deguik. eaat along tba weat sank of , said river, 343.3a frrt: taeare wear aaraiari wim and ISA feat aoutk ef the Booth line af ' the Thomas Stephene donation laad claim to . the aaat Una ot Macadam mad; theaea north along eeat line of .Macadam read to the place at beginning, Roderick U Mactoay. I. 40. ' A tract ef ' land boanded and fleeti fhrd ss foltowa: ftonuaeartng at soetneeat earner ot tot 30. block la, rVmlheni Portland: thenca weat 214.8 feet; tbrnro oetilh ft degreea 30 Si Ina tea. raet te north Una af Nevada atreet tbeace eaat along aortli line ef Nevada street " to waat Una of Macadam read; theses aorth along waat Una ef Macadam mad to place -e4-kasiaBlas. Jaaapfc -Weber.. I0.0. A tract nt laad koaaded snd dearylradas .foltowa: Coaimeoclng at tnleraretton et vreat line ef Macadam mad with anath line ef Ne vada atrrrt: thence areat 314.8 feet along soutb - Vine of Nevada atreet; throes aoath 8 dssi in a $0 m Ina Ira. eaat B8.2B feet; theaea eeat 214.8 fret; thenca north 8 degreea f a Ina Ira. arret 54.38 feel, te place et brgraalng, Melchtor Taaator, II.8B, i - A' tract at toad rauxsdev) snd l" iBli ok - foUowai Caaxaxascinf lo-Ul Icat north. a greee 80 mlrnrtea seat, from a Ikasat eorkar of blerk 1, rultoa; taeare aortherly along the weat Una et Macadam read 806 .lex feet lOmeee west 314. fret: theaea norib 45.86 feet to aoatb llaa af Nevada atreet; theaea want 37X0 feet: thence aoata 130 feet; thence eowu. 2 degreea BS mlnutea, aaat 341.88 feet tbence greea 30 mlnutea eaat, and J .33 ene lna weat oi aortneaat corner ot niocn i, "' . weat 103.48 feet: thmce north 8 degreee, areat to aouth Una ot Nevada street ttavaca aaat 183.48 feet; I hears aoath te place ef bil'antog, Cbartoa D. Sad KUaa tltriatrnaan. A tract ef land koaaded aad daeerlbad as followa: Commencing at nor I beast cornevof ktork 1, Pultua; tkenea waet 10 chsltie thewce aorta T aegriis, weat a.aa nansi "r7 400.73 fsat; theaea. aoatk 8 ntna. Ammt 111 M faet: fkei dearsaa oo mm n aartk 88 de- 41 mlnaua, mar sii-w iew. son tk ft degreea SO mlnutea, eaat 121$ foot, to place ot beginning, P. KUanocge. $10 on, A tract af land boamdad and daaerlbed Ss followa: Cemaurnclns at aouthaeat eorner M Wl k. m-J J v.1,-. I', rk ' thraca WCBt 31M1 feet to eaat line of Ptret atreet; thence BOrtk 800 feet te aouth Uao of Logaa atreet: kenea eaat t7 northwoat corner of said mock 1 thence eoutberly a toad areat Una af aald block to place jf bagmalng, rultoa rare mas ,v r " ' V" . . ia - ' " a.4 'daanWltd SI ajiM. raamMHa at aoatheaot corner of block S7H. (niton Park; tkeaea west 200 feet . tmmmm. mi ImI? thrneO OBat " feat " thence aorth 80 feet to place ot Beginning, Buath Portland Baal hllU Coaapaay, 33-30. A tract of laad boanded sad desrrtbed xe followa: 'Commeaclng at a point 80 feet sooth aad 80 faet waat of aortkweat corner af block 73, Pultoa Park; tbence noatk lap rset; . - sma Amrnt tkava .north 150 feat; eaat 300 faet to place of toglaalng, Ooogrega. ttoa fletk laraal. , . A - I t,,,mmAmmt and dam I Mad a.ii.. -- au feet aouth aad 30 Z-,nt anrnar of btork 73, rultoa Park: Jhrnce eeat 7W feet:-thrnce -.ty .jr IM mf poplar street with went line of Eighth venae: thence weaterly to Blevanth aveoue; tbsoee aorth to north Una at Borneo street: h"7V .4rer' thraca aorth to a point 80 feet aaat of Bortheaat earner at Dior a oa. ' ',1V; tmmm mt hu feat: thaaoa north 80 faet; ItmmAA aaat Sao faet: thanoa aouth 30 feet to -i.ZT mt kuinl,, Vincent Cook. ftoiSO. A traet ef toad bounded and described aa , fottewat- (tommenclng at sortnaaajraraerof tet 8, btork 103. Pultoa Park; thanca aortk , 80 faet) thenca. north 40 degrasa, esat4 feet, to aoutk Una af Metagec trntloa aa, townablp 1 noatk. range 1 eaat. WlUam- - wVtoU JTb? M-STxracT tTSrg Pultoa Park: toeare aoath to nxwtkweet car aeraf said block 103 ; thanca eeet O0 tret to . place ef beginning. Vincent Cook. $10-80. ' A tracT aHand Umg katwaaa tba oa.ur ttoa ef kocond atreet if extended aoaU ta Ua pree ... mmA tea ajruuon line betweea aat I. . Tee - 1 mrmtth. raace aaat. wrilamatu aaarldlan. and betweea a Una t 30 feet aoatk et and parallel wltk eeatk . of ktockaftoTftt and ftV Pultoa Park. rT,Tr- vi, ax tka nnrtbaaetarlr north weaterly lines ef block 7$, PaUoa rack. . Henry riackaaatala, $13.35. luh,!.. eM ml land rvtrar tka aoutk Uas ef Taytora Ferry road.. - ii - ni mi. gaat mad Bad ffr li:. nartlo-a 21 sad 2 towra.blpTa.mth. "njt I atrkajti. Meridian CaasTregattoaal Beth Israel, $4.04. Xtract ofland lying between fibs Una ef Beymoar ivetrae aad the snatk Una Boundary atreet exteaded vrajtarto to tto , nmnent eouraa aad betweea tba Went Baa iroacondEwet and the djvjatot. faa .s ' aaettoas IB aad 14, xownablp, t aoath, raaga 117vxrill.naa MraMlam. Bare Bnd CSCept - ih. inAaaaaabla tract katow described. Tec- . willaiar Land Oomwany, OT;Tf -i A tract of land bounded and aaecribad u i faK ' L. . rVrnunenclna oa aaat aids of BtoTin i rarrlaS" dm ttoa toad claUn. where same to, lirtaraacted ,.b, the dlvtote. Am kotw fast 88 daaraes 50 sxtoatos eeat dfta:S faet; . tkenea north SI degrera 10 stlaates saet 2u.T faajl TZmZ. nartS BH atoaTaes 10 mlnutea waat to the southwesterly Una et the kbrvia. eaonty max: thanca Bortbwaat 81 degrees . IV ntas waat 200 $ feet; tkaaca aouth S0agreaa 4B mlaatea waat 43.4 -faet bx place ox aagiaf nlng. (iottlleb . Indrrmahie, se.tu. ' A tract ot land bounded snd daaerlbed' as fol. ?! r- 4- . nnrtkwrat eornrr ol bUsVk 148T CaratbaTa' Addlttoa to the City of . uV2.i..t imiA ant hi the Boatk Portland Beal KaUte Association V balH south fret: tbeace weat 400 feet; thanca north 300 feet; tbeace aaat 440 feet to place of. begin- II a IfmaM Arialr.. 843.T0. A tract of laad 'beeaoed aad. deecrlbed SS to. Iowa: Oommencing at aorthwret eorner of bteck 148? Caratbera AddlOon te the City of PaVtiandaa laid eat by the Boatk Partlaad . Baal 'Batata Assorts tioa; tbence weat 80 -feet l atent the aouth Una af Curry street It extenaea 'wesirriy in r- - ... .t. m-m Imm narnllel with the 1 Ilea af Pleat street; thanca aaat te tne south. areat eornrr ot aiocg law, vemuivm UoB to the City St Portland ss laid out by the Routh Portland Beal KaUte .Association; thence aoutk 330 feet to pUea st beginning, aa'lllUm M. Orrajory. $3.86. JM thir land uaed and occupied by the Ore goa dt Oallforola Railroad Company' fur rigkt ef way pmpuaes. except where aald right of way Is tocatrd In streets. lyWtvraea tka aortk lias af Plaice fara there' donatloa tond claim- and the southern boundary et the City if Pad. and ketaraaa tkweat kaak at WlllaWtte river at tow-watoV mark and tka dlvtotea Uaaa between sacttona 4 ssd It I and 110. IB sad 18, 21 snd 32, townskla i mtk, raaga 1 eaat, WUIamatU MeHdlaa, Orron A California Bsllread Caauatay, Vn the oapls tad land lylag Wtwees "tka ssatt line of P. (araUaidonation toad aad the aoatk Una at Elisabeth Caru there' aana tloa land claim aad ketweea toedlvtotoallns betweea sections ft snd 10, tawnehlp 1 aoath, reBga 1 aaat, WlUasaetto Msrldbxa. sad the west Baa et first atreet except two parcala af land owned by Mrs. B. Owens Adair and William kt, Gregory. Ocrgott Hallway Navigation Company. I5.18.u0. . . . A tract ef land lytag brtweea aa eesrarly extensloa ef the north Ura of Carat torra street and a Una I M feet north thereof and parallel therewith sod ketweea tka aaat lias of Water atreet and s Una 88 teet eaat thereat and parallel tkarewltk, Jeraxiak ; Wyktof'tfy', Ore-oa Okllfarato Baihrsy Compaar. I441.T0. . ; . . 'V "''.'X TotaV llrv724.V ..... a aratwmrnt nf aferossld ssat mmant kas keen ea tared la tka Docket af City I .leas, -and la new daaSBd I pay able at tka office of tka City Treaaarer, la lawrai mewcr vanum Btatra. ssd If wst pa" r! traT, the date at tkto aatlce. sack pvocredlnri wlU i. tka anllrrtJaa at the aama ss are provided ay tka skartor et tba City "of Tka a knee i ii i Ska I win beat Intnrret 10 days after the Orat psbl lea ttoa st thia 1 tiea. ' :, ' racAt e.JwTisnyljt ' Aadltor ef the City at P itlssl, Portland. Oregon. Penraary 24. 1806. PBOrOBKD CHAB0B 0T 4) BADE Of HOLLA. fmMrvmm. Notice ta keratry riven that at the mrrting ef fhe Council of the City of Portland. Or., , arid ea the lBtk day ef Pvtiruary, - - mrmm aaurfM!! , AWIM BdnVBy ttUyUW SaaJJ n-t-d That the &mncll of the City ef Part land. Crraoa, jttoema It exprdlent and purposes to cbangVthi grade of Holladay .ve nae at tks eeatrr Une of Ursad BTaaas tram 134.8 feet to 1241 fret: & At the center line ef East Teatb atreet from WA? tcVntrf llJ Ttoat Twe1fT arrret from 13B.8 feet te 1.18.1 feet, ssd to eeUbltob the grade ta Holladay arcane st tka west line of Beat Tenth atreet -at 133 feet, and at the east Una of East Teatb street at 133.8 feet: At the wast Una af East Twelfth street st '"a? tne' eaat llaa of Bast Twelftk atreet at 138 8 tret above the baae ef rlty gmd-a. That tka Aadltor at tka City of Portland k4 mmA mm ta hwahv dlroetrd to aire notice of the pfupassd change asd aaUbllshmest ef mmmAmA aa nrovtAad br fke ekartar.' . Rrnroaetrance against- the shore mm-Am av ha 4 led in writing wltk the sadrv signed wltkla tdava freaa the date at tks ant puhiicstioa ar tnie oo tice. : . By order et tka Council. ' ; . v -. Ttiod. f. DEvXtit. ' . - V.Aaititne af the City of Portland. Portlaad. Orrgna. Data et Srst puhllntioa. pva-wary 18. laos. Every I7cr.:n BltoMisliI and shoald knevy about ine weaoartai IsUimMralM avftvPM Tka BOW Tagtssl S iksi. rxan, he. ansa a-iilkf If to ran-oi savply tka 4SIV at- aaerot aa ether, but aaad stamp for ilinatra-ad SmmsX mill Ita f II uarurulere and dirw tiora la, luahls to ladlsa. MAk-bva1 asanas Bew kerwk . CREE LATiD OnEGC'I I In tne richest rrahx, wuit kad etack axcrioa la ftn . . i - . . . . . . east ef krlrarjan. Deed eirect fn Stan ar Oiavas, WIT TO-0AV. tt XIT anal MAP TX.Z2. r-kB tW-atk -' nssyvaJB-lft-l north n aegreee 41 mlnutea, ran " ta place at arglanlng, Roaa Rohae, ftT.48. 'A tract ef laad bounded and deecrlbed aa . ,. mi d,.iu nth. B de IS'.iVi V v aat-MoM cow lent. rOktr- " ' fa. wl " TTvarw avaxavj f a j J Trains lo the East Ddly 3 Tnraaark Pelrmaa staadard and toawtot ssann. ' lag ears dally to Omaha. Chicago, Beak; tourist sleeping can dally te Baaeaa f. y; through Pnllmaa toartot aternlng can (a ally conduct rd ) weekly to Cbtcaga. B i j eaab? ears-(seats ireei ax tne anas aauy. UNION DEPOT. Laavea. Anrlw CHICAOO-PORTLAJtD BPECIAU t 18 a.m. lr b. m. Bar the Eaat vU Boat. Dally. DaUy. . Ingtea. BPOKANB PLTBR. Por Baatarn Waarilnff tea. Walla Wills. Lew. 8 :18 p, 3S. Dally. 144 a, Sa. latoo, Coror d Alone and Oreat Nortkarn Daily. points. r , ATT-AWTK) rXPRFTRJ! TrlBa-to. For tks Eaat via Hoat 8:18 p. sa. Dally. tngtoa. Dallyi "Oeiumkia Blear Prrannxs. BOB ABTORIA aad wayl 8M p. sa. pmno, eaaneeant; witniiaxiry. atmr. for llwsco aad ra. 8enday. Nortk Beark, atr. Has- Hatarday. sato. Aan-at, dock. 1 10:00 p. ax. "TTmkill Blear Bewby Boon, nv POft DAYTON, Oregoa CHy aad Yamhill River Bolnta. atmra. Both aad T-doa, ax. Dally. T40B.8S. Dally. - Monoc. Aan-at. dock. (Water pw milling.) Blear POR LBWI8TON, Ida..aa, I49f ax. Dairy. eg. Priday. Bpokana and Lewigtoa. I- nCKBT OPriCB. Third and WasktaaTtoa. TaV f, a "ne auw I la. I - . W. ariTNfna, City Ticket agaat. a xa, taaiu. wewerai EAST SOUTH f TTNTOrt UHOC OTBRLAXD tralaa. Bar Bstol r. . Aahtoad. ta. Owdra. dan- Pram etoea. Block ton, Lrar nl geisa, aa i-aao, new .ua" toana at W Aal l exreeat ' fawn. Sk with .train rar ms. Angel, flllaartea. Mka.. Brownrtnir, Ittltl field. Weadiuc sal Natroa. Albany ussai ugag eaaH nects at Woodlnira with 4Bbx. T: ti'm. ld8.aB incssn. ta. 8:28 a. m. ML Angel sad BMrver ton local. ; Corvallla jimiagir. Bhexidaa paaaenger. 4 .50 p. m. At wj4jtkws ' 4 ft , onalry. HDaUy, except Kaadsy. . Pstilaixi-Oswaga ftubnrbaa aervloa sad TasakiO ' Drrhuea. v : :' Depot foot of Jetteraoa street. Leers PortUnd dally for Oevreyo 7 .30 k. to. I H:B0, 2:06, 3:28, ft:20. 1:48. 10 10 p. to. - Dolly (einpt Banday). BJJ0. 4J0. 8.38. 18;M a. ax.; d:00,.llUk p. sa... Baaday saly. ..V Retara1n trom Oewrge arrive ,lorttoad da 8:80 a. m." 1M. 3:06. 4:36. 8:1ft. T:iB : (. . liTioji. sV.ltoJly texaapt today ij ,.fj j 5:30. 10:20. 11:46 a. m. Bxcent Monday, IS -a p. m. Bunday only, lOtOO s. m. taaraa from same depot for DaTnS sard radar. . medlatt polnta dally (except Sondayj 40 S. as. Arrive Portlaad 10:20 a. nv ,, , . The Indrpendencr-Monrooartk If otnr llaa opera tee dally to Monmouth end AWte, con necting with Sentbera PaciBe company's traass . rirst-clara fare from Portlaad te asd. Baa Praadaea 120. krrtka at; tare 31, srcewa-clasa bertha 13.60.. . nmmim ta Knatarn BorntS and 1 Jape a, Cklnai HAaatars and AwtraJkv , Caty Ticket Offtee coraar TWrd Bad towkaa arrsata. Pkaaa Mala 713. - C. W. rrTTNGBB. 4 . B. 58IbJ. City Ticaex agwnrs.- 5v TIME -CARD OF ; TRAINS Portlands CNIO DBPOT. Limited. Per Tbcbbxb. BeatUs, OlTTnnU. Boatk Bend ltra. ax. aad Cray 4 art nolnta. North Oeaat IJmrtrd, for 11 ram a. eaat tie Butte. 8L IwaU., f 'H Bra no 11 a. Cnleagn. New1 Taw, sk. terk, Bnatnu and aatatai aat ana aoatnsaex. Twla-Orr Einreas. far Tacoma. Brattle, Rpo-I kane. Hetoua, Bt. Paul, Mteoeenolla CMcage. 11:4b. mi T40 4. gA, New York, Boston snd all porara Bast- sad Sowtbeaat. Paget Bread Ksw Ctty-St. Loohl Bpocial., for Tneonrx. Neat tie. Rnokana. Butte Blllluaa. Dearer, Omaha. Kanaaa Cltr. St. Loala and mill 1:20 B.BV T.fa,a points East aad Boats -4 eaat. Alt daily except ea A. D. CHABl.TOrt, aartrtant ffteaeral Paneeairw Agsaxt, - Morrtoaa st,. ear. Third. Portlaad. Or. Astoria&Columbiai s River Railroad Co. TJNI0N DEPOT. 10 8. m. Dally. - vgen. Its 11:18 S. BU DlU..,t Clatakaaie. Wsstr-wx. Cllftoa. Aatornx, War-I renton, PlkvaLr. H atoari, rort Orarbert Part, Astoria, sad daDy. TV 04 a. Sk. ;4s. av TDaily. v,' Astoria Exprtas. .,.. ' 5 ' '- 1 ft klATO,. . ' '0. sad P. A., Aatorta. Or. 0.A. STBrTABT. Camnarrctxl Agent. Sal Alder Phone main I: :iv Ttoket OAoa IBB WM BV aCJ aaa. Trriat3ontlriarit8I - '. TraalruB DsmJIy -aO 'FAST TIME Daylight trip through tba O-" and Racky knouBtAlns. 'hf 1.1 I larav rates, IWara, sttw saii t ; l lrf YHrt I rjrane, JN ' - araaaaaaaannannarWiniaA . . jejnr.AL vvrrr