The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 25, 1905, SECOND SECTION, Image 14

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    ,t , j , , . ' mlv-m I CITT atOTIOa. " ' CTTT 1IOTICM.' , .' I .Law.
. - CITT OnOM. - ' I , i - ' - - -- - .,. -.t
n ri i i T v a - .
4 (Vneny-g right enf way. J",rf,
,.iw: north 42 feet .
,f aubdlrtaioa U of lot I. fhw M,
y, $1 15; north 42t feet of Mil ,83
, of aabdlrtlon Q of lot 1. !
I j California Railroad Compeer 8-'right
; war. Clerenve M. IMIIey. o.l; south
- , (col ot subdlrtaloa ' of tot 1. C. W.
. $1.16; south 42i. feet of MItII
. of lot 1, C. W. Leick. fl.U; orth 4JJ4
teet, at nubdlrtelaa of lot 1. eicept Ore
r .0 ft (.'aurora It Railroad Company s right
of way. Rtchar C. Prince. o.t5; eobdlrtalon
A of lot 2, Ann Fran. M-T&, aubdlrtalon B
of tot A Robert CaHHC M T5; eebdlrtetoa
C of tot 2, Portland Truat Company jot pre,
r-.-,4 80; If W 8-rt.u."d
,wrt Oooma.r of oregoa.; "M 'Woi
K of lot 28. Mnrhatrto, 4.30; nU rtetoa
F of lot 2. 8. MUcblteln, $4.30; BubrtlTWtoO
O of tot 2. Ward c. Wetoaore, $4.76; eyb
tIoo H f lot . Ward IV TVetmoee. f-J
eabdlrtrtoa A of lot A JV,, K. Ijec. SS.TO
NbdliMM B of tot 8, . If. ???;
anbdlrtatoa ! of lot 8, W E. lier. $35
aubdlrtaioa D .f W.I, K.
II of aabdlrtalon B of ' tot 8 ,
. crgob California , Eellroad Com
TatJ'i rtaht of - way. W.-' A. Hurrte.
ill of aubdlrtaioa l" ef k,t I t rf (Wf
- California Railroad Coanpeoy rtrtt of
' n;7w. A- Otirrte, M-6; U of oaoTUloB
O of lot out of 'oo CHformUI KH-
m4 Otunpmoy'o rlbt of J . A. Omff.
AH as; .11 of bol.lon r ot !
. Onwoa California Kaltn4 Coaipony rUbt
- of way, Kato Bometro. all of ub-
diTtaloa O of lot A rt o Orojoa A Call
fwnla Railroad 4MnMr'a " .-I
. Kow-B. Hi.SR; abrtllrton A of M . H.
R. uihha. 4 auMttalo H of lot 4. U
R. Ulboa. 4.8(l: abUTl(oi of tot 4,
. lm AraoM. M.; aaboiylaloaj P of tot
' a & u a:Mfk:- all-off aobdiianaj
' IE of tot 4 t of Omroa Calltocmla KalWj
: md Company rl-M ol "T. 'rV" w a
mora, tl.Kt aU ol VihdWl.toa of tot
.t otOrotoa A tHfoaaU RallroaaTOaaa
pany'i rlflit . of way. avard I- raaro.
ll.; all of anMlTlXoa K of tot 4 aawt of
ArxM A CaNlterxla Railraa Copy a rtt
ofW7y, C. Vk. Il. -I0; tUW-Mlrt-'
ao P of tot 4 mat of California
. Rallraad roaapany'a rtht of way, t-. W.
trick, 11.1ft: all f aabafrtaaM Oof to 4
" oiropt Ontaa Ar California ajtoa4 -paay
a rtat of way. rrmwcr M. KW-rrn
fTVll; all of MIlloo H of tot 4 wort of
Orcaroa rallforala Uallroad Company a ritbt
ofway. Kranora U ISwwoa. Wi all ?f
auMlrtsloa H of tot 4 at of Or Calt
foraia Rallraail Compaay'a rlBt of r t.
of tot I. oaot of Ortoa Callforota JUIJ.
road Coa.panPiht of way.
.1.5: aoutb o fwt of aortA foat af-tot
J. ,wi oOima California Railroad 0n-
paay'a rtht f way. Blaatr B. CWwoll. 5.10;
aoatli JO foot of tot I. oaat of Omroo A CaU-
foraia Railroad , fambaay'a Tlfbl .ofway.
Mary A. Clarke.! tt.W. all of tot 1 waat of
ttraana A CollfarnU Railroad Company a rtrtt
' ofway. Uura A. Bacb. 4.IW; aabd1rll.m
A of tot B. J. u. noyar. .oi'w. .""
, it tot . J. H. Bow. W.T&; anbdlTtalo. C
of lot E. C- Jon.tara. I&.60; anbdlTtokm
V D of 'tot . Kato B. Monirmary. 3.: jaortb
. lb tMt of imbdlTlatoa H tot 4 'rr -a.
i Clarlta. 1: aoutb ..M',n!
B of lot S. Roaa A. Toonf. 3 Bi nortb M
foot of aubdlrtaioa) P of tot 2. , BuaanM.
Oppenboft. II ! aooth 1T 'ft of aobdlrt-
aloa K of tot X rVo r. Boody.
am fort of woat 1M1 fort of tot . Jd IT.
Hoortr. f.: north 0 fort of oaat 30 fort
of tot a.8aan M. Opponboff. l,iv t""'
. ab
:irWfIb 40-fortf aSVir
- . tot 2. Jobn A. Hooek. ,j-'?""',iV.,r:!
. ' of aoutb 110 feet, of tot 2, , 8-' Anatlo. H0;
waat 127 fort of aoutb -140 f aet ot tot i.
Iula AmMd. 41 : aoiith. l art 4.
Iurn A Bock. 435.05; woat 42, .fort of eart
- 1 .1 ha of tot 4. William
M.lBodmaa. 44.30; Weat, 424 feet of eaatl
" ltrrai iortb U fort of tot 4, Barak
j. lodaO. tdjtvf-.-- .. - ; f.. I
A tract Off land lying orioera loo oi-nia 1
ii. .nn. and a Una 110 feet aoutb
thereof and parallel therewith and brtwe-ri
, tha eaat Una of Front atrert and a Una 28B I
foot weat of and naralld with tba weat lino of I
' Corbatt atreat, Tbomaa Bcbaeider. $1.40. I
' tort , Of tot l. Aramiuio
r r .l ttn , intL.l. Oraca L. Bronaucb.
f Aii'is; avSdlrUloa A of tot 2, Ella U Wyn-I
koon, auooiriaion o oi oa,. I
1 . " 1 '. : . ...... . . . n I
, dlTialon H of tot 2. Janiea coiiina, 4-10. 1
mrtb TO feet of enbdlrteloo O of tot 2. L. I
1(1 f anhrilrtaloa U OI lot A 1 .
-WynkAop. 40 K6; nortb T 'ert of auMlrlaloa
aa . ii a i. w Wmkono. tl.nS: aubdlrt-
alon A of lot 2. Geort-e Kler. 44.30; aob
dlrtaloo B of tot 2, John Knapp. 44.301 ; aa.
dl'lainn C of aoc . lare. r. r.
auMlrlalon I) of tot 3. Tbomaa Ikhnelder,
. a... ,kisiaino to of lot 3. Anna K. reld
man. $4.t: aabdlrtalon- V of Tot 3, Anne K.-1
Frldman. 44.T3.. aiibdlrUlon u or lot a. ate
llsd K MorffiA S4.T6; ao bdl rtrt on H of tot 1
Rlomaiter. f-a.rm. biati a, . 1
C. Luckel, 41ft IO; lot 2. oreiton at vauiornia
Railroad 0ompany.-S35.88; tot 8. Oregon A
t .iifnrnla luilroad Mmpaay. AtS.ttt;- aub-
dlrtrton -k- of la 4, Ueorrn H. Hprlngmeyar
J antwMalalno A of lot 4. Mary Bprlnl
meyor. Mbdlrlrtoa C of lot 4. Newton
L- Gitbknf. $4.3"; aubolrtaton D of tot 4, Carl
fNrTOaVr$4T5rlrt.X ?
Rleralnaer. aa. .a: auooiTnuon a, mm -
" -i a-1 M A.a4lnk UntMfllAn Utt! 444 tff I
UKV 4Jlra. MIVl A,arw vm. n..
.TTw ,ri. ofwil Crw li.
McKay, 40.T5; aubdlriaion H of-tot 4, Cyrua
M. McKay, A. TO. e. uiwj.uiwn ai
' of lot 1. Mary K. Johneon. $4.80; aubdlrtalon
' B of tot 1. Mary k. oonnaon. aa.u; norta it
' of aubdlrtalon 0 of tot I, Mra. P. J. Uaner,
- t i'.- Mih u of aubdlrtalon C of tot 1.
, 7 , ' i , , , x . k.nii n A 1
. lawta aianT. aa.-w, mw-,, v
B. M. Miuobam, 44.; aubdiTlataa K of tot
- 1. Jamea B. Aapeawaii caiate, neira i.
' ti n: anhdlrtaioo P of tot 1. JlttWW fe. Aapea-
'- wall Katate. Metre of, 44.75". north 12TV feet
' off aubdlrtalon ii of tot'l, ewton L. Ullbam,
" ' 88 451 aoutb 42.5 feet of aubdlrtalon U of
, . . ... . u u III...... ai.lA.' nhitlataii 1
H oi tot 1. Judith H. Hlnmana, $4.T5; aah
. "' dirtaloa 1 of tot 2. Cbarb-e R. Templeton,
Trurtee, 42 HO; aubdlrtaioa 2 of lot 2, Charlea
U. Templetoa. Truatee, $3.30; aubdlrtaioa S
- - of lot 3. t'nariea . K. 'inai"wa, itoibb,
di an: anbrflTuiloB 4 of tot 2. Charlea R. Tern-'
- niinai, Truatee. 41.40: aubdlrtalua 6 of tot A I
Cliarlea A. Templeton. Trnatee, $24; anb-
' ' " dirtaloa ot lot x, v aarira ak. xempanoa,
' ' Iruatee, 4240; aubdlrtalon 7 of tot 2. Charlea
R. Templeton. Truatee, 4275; aubdlrtalon
' of tot 2. Charlea at. Trmpletoa, Truatee,
82.75: anhdlTlalan of lot 2. Cbarlaa K. l'am-
. nlvton. Truatee. 42.T5-, aohdlrtalon 10 of tot!
5. Charlea R. Templeton. Truatee, $3.T6; anb-1
alrtatoa 11 oc tot a. t aariea. n.. -lampieioo, i
i. hv.m kV Tfti anhdlalaliia 11 of lot !L Chaalaa
R. Templetoa. Tmatee,-$24lli auudlTlaton 181
off lot A cnara m. eaapa;,
$3.40; north 22ft feet of weat 80 feet of north
U of lot A Uertrada Mark. 41.86; aoutb xi
' feet of north 4ft feet ot weat 80 feet of north
S of tot 8. Janiea earmark, 41-06; aoutb H
of tot A Mary Pinch. $14.90; aoutb 23ft feet
- ofjanrtb PA tret oi weat oit, icet ot north
M of lot A Mra. R. A. Uaniaoo, $1.16; aoath
23 M. feet of aoutb 46 feet of weat blu, feet
! ot north H of tot 3. Mra. R. A. Oairiaon,
$1.15; weat 2SH feet of eaat -45 feet dt
norta 46 fart ot aorta of tot A Kmma
- J. Vaceon, $0 90; eart 3V fort af north
' 4.1 ffet of north of tot A Leaore (j. Urei-
" i oryi eaat 45 feat of . weat 126 feet of
- , . north 46 feet of north v, of tot A Leaore H.
;re(ory, $1.80;. eaat HV feet ot aoutb 46
' " ' feet of nortb H of lot 3, Lenora 8. Ureaory.
$4.40; tot 4. Oregon A California Railroad
CMnpany, $35.hS. BLOCK 10, tot 1, Orecoh
A (allforala Railroad Company, $36.85; aub-
drrtaion A of tot 2. Joba Andrew, 4:1.33; aah
i i dlrtrloa B of tot 2. John Andrew. H.fc5: aob.
dirtaloa O of tot 2, Joba Andrew, $3.IS; aub-
i dirtaloa D of lot 2. Jobn Andrew, A'l.Mn; aub-
dirtaloa Fi of tot 2, Joba Andrew, $3.M6; aubi
dirtaloa P of lot 3, Joba Andrew, ft.KS; aab
' j dletatoa fl of tot 2, Joba Andrew, $3.; aub
- dirtaloa H off lot 2. Joba Aadrew, Ai.Sd; aub
. ' dirtaloa I of tot A Jobn Aadrew. 83.86: lot
' "' A Bpenrer H. Cooper. 436.40; woat '42 ft fort
' , of aortb 110 feet of tot 4. Arnold Boaafer-
. boht. $3 85; all of eaat H8 feet of lot 4 tyintj
i north of Orecos A Callforaia Railroad Cotn-
, i naay'b ttyht of way, W. A. Lewla, $10.00.
, A tract of land lying between tha eaat Una
, of (Iblo atreet and a Una 42ft feet eaat
, off and parallel rarrewitn and oetwoea a II
114 faet aoutb of and parallel with the
aoulh Una of Hamtltoa arenuo and tba
north Una ef Oregon A California Railroad
. company a ngni ot way, . Samoa ajtelaar,
' $L80.
' A tract of land between two Uaea reanertlrely
1 42W feet aad 86 feet eaat of aad aaralL.1
with tha eaat line of Ohio atreet and betwoea
'-v a Uae 110 foot aoath ef aad parallel with
the aooth Una of Hamilton aeenao and tha
north Una of Oregon A California Railroad
- (amaaay-4 ngbt ui way, w. a. Law la.
ni-eo, - - -
42 w fort of waat .(O fort of north 110' faet
of tot 4. Haairy P. Hlldebraad, 44.15; all of
; tot 4 aoath of Oregon A California Railroad
, . ... i. wi " -. a . u in ' .aanrapi-a
1 Caaawanr, AVM. Bt0CK 11, tot 1. Jnaaph
1 A. Mmrwiuge Katate. ttaira at. A a; lot
' 't. Joaenb A. tnwbrliUa Katate. Helre af.
tl.40; tot 4. Joseph A. Mrewbridge Kautr,
Irtra of. $31 00; north SO feet of lot S.
- - Tknaaaa Miiaaider. 44.75: aoath 80 feet of
artrth W foet of tot A Antoa Blarbofben
r.74: aoath n faet of north 120 fet ot tot
Alexaader Kteae, $8.84: weot 86 feet of
mark 110 feet of lot A Joaepb M. Nlrkom.
Avon; oaat W feet of aoath 110 feet af hit
2. Klavan 8telaer. Uv f BlM'K 12. lot A
. Marleay Katate Company, 436.40; eaat 84
feet af eutrtlrtatoa A of-' lot A Sadie A.
' Wmkle. $ rant V fat af aubdlrtaton
B af tot X Kente A, Wlokle, $1.80; weat 4C
. faet of enMiTVatoe) of tot A Joba H. Pwa
' rear. 42.35: weat an fart of aubdielaloo A
af tot A Job U. Pomeror, Ft tt; aubdlrtalon I
r of M X l-ecrr If. Birth, $4 j; auhdlrtalon I
,'- it af tot A Tttc H. KljUt, 44.30: aubdJrtaloA I
K of tot's. Parry H. Blytb.. f 4.T5: mMMalos
bf tot 3. l-orcy H. Blytb. 4.T!V; aubd rUloa
U of tot 3. faroy U. ULvtb. 44.TB: aubdlTlaioa
"i, tot C wTlllain B. acboloer. J IW;
ortk U fort M tot 1 C r. Baal, 0r; wat
'AU fort of aouil 170 fort of tot 2. 1 . 8aal.
,. i nortb 42 H frt of nnat "' ot
a.wtb T0 fort of tot . uaorl A. Poowroy,
.;' nortb 4H fort of aart U0 fort of
L..L ijTu fM of lot 1 J. P. atamnoL
4.B0; aoutb to. fort of aaat iiw ", Ti
' 1,.. UoahUfKU 71V? .UlnWti-lStoa
.."" -TT-ir lor A alSa M. I
J'Tirr'aPV... Ta.f tot A WllUa
Ho. TO; all of tot 2 nortb and waat of Orrfoa
bnoannnr'ai nataVbaS abr IVBT
k A II rnaf-ntak MA 1 1 mimlfl AOaallalaU A aAAua, av I
way. J. A. Marloy. 418.70; alio noulbj
1 Of tot 2 aacapt Orojoai A California Railroad
tyMBpaay-a ria oi way.
vT n v. aitao- all of aaat V4 of
" .W' Oragon- A CallfornU Mallroad
Company'a rlcht af way. Joaepb A. Utrow-1
J brulaa. r.. ntal. tinra oi. aiJi
, 42 S fort of raat SS fort. of irtA luj fart
ot tot A Orl Kilaa Hanfurd. .f3.W0i aaat 42tb
fVVb-iS U w f lot 4. mi.
ford Katala. Halra ofi S3, n at 40 fort of
V woat frot of aowtt 10 fort of tot 4.
Thoanaa R. Waat. aaat Aft fort of aaat
ao tat of waat 1W fort of aoutA 10Q taat
f tot 4. Anat Wrylor. S3J0. - I
r vimir.iv'i ui umviHlON of a part of lota
1 ud 2 of btor A in Portland Homaataad--
.DUK'k A. oat ot aw . uu" , 'w ?
a,u. a tukio. ta.nO: aaat W of lot A
u. V. aaal WUda LAahln, 1LC oaat
4A fort of waat H of tot 2. Paulina Jiarwa-
Clio: annoiriaion i oi
tot 2. Kata A).
doaatoaa. 42-M6: aabdlrtalon 2 of tot 2. Kata
U itoaaloaa, 4 u; aubdlrtaioa of tot 2, Kata
' - u i u ao. MiiwIlwIohM 4 'of tot 2.
Kato M. Sosaloaa. S4u; aubdlrtaioa i af
tot 2. BoAono A. .a.tona. aubdlTlak
of lotA, Eiwona A. Itoaatona. 4IWJ; aub
atnatoa T of tot X Busma A. Aoaaloaa, 43.40.
aton A of tot I. Northern Couatlaa laroatnifnt
traat. Ud-. S3.36; au bdl rlaloo B
w j ud I Uailacber, tJ&; aubdlrtaioa
COf tot 1. Wllttam A. WalpoU. S3.35; aub
dlVuloa U ol tot 1. Jacob Mlcbol, 43.3S; aob-
dlrtaton of tot , Tbomaa " "
wort ltd feet of tor 3. Menry BeauoU, 4.7fti
aU of tot 1 eaeept waat 04 feat. WUflam K.
Walpolr, 41&.IO; nortb 40 foat of weat H
r. VT i mik . an 4&: oaat of tot
Ji;r-V. "Lankln.; aootb SAT feat I
- o? woat H of tot A Jxoa D. Kennedy, 4.ld; I
.lot 4. Jobn 1. Krnnedy. 414Ui tot jionn
I. Kennedy. 418.36; tot 4. John D. Kaonedy,
4IT.OO. BLOCK C, tot 1. Mary A. Park,
. 430.60! lot 2. Loula lSlmiiierman. $10.20. tot
'3, IMP Hlltork KaUta. Halra of. S13J0.
FULTON PARK BLOCK 14. tot T, Kltoa Part
ijuhi vompauy, ao", j. - -
laad Coajpaay. u.&ft; tot 6. Pu ton Pnrk
Land Company, 40.T0; Jot 8. Pulton Par
Land Company! 0.T0; tot , Palton Park
.anil ( amwUT. ao.iu; a a, -
.KE.WW Company. 4070;
tot 8,1
Pulton Park Land Company, 40.70; tot 8,
Vnli.. Park Laad Company. $0.70; tot 10,1
.PultoirJPark Land Company. JO.TOj tot IL
t niton raru ui m,v,j, T, r i?
Ls.i,,- l-.rk Land tmuany. 4.70- BLOCK
T-.i. as ,, -I lot 14. A. W. Tobln. I
i.T; norU W reel 01 "'- I
tot 14, William and Cbarlaa H. Hathaway,
Kinnov z. aaitcaeii. aw.,-,, w 1
ma a... 1 11, mi Park Laad Company,
80.80 tot 8. Eltaabeth Ktrt. 40.90; toll ,
Kllaabeth Knart, 40.00; tot lo. ISUaabeth an Z,' L 1 1 KUxabotb KMort. 40.00; I
lot 12. Bllaabetb .Ef ert. 40.80. BLCK 28. lot
IS. rulton Park um Luuipauj, ai.,. 1
AS, tot T. B. M. Lombard, 40 7o; wt . . .
"".tT rw'l' V5:-i lot 11.
f..''f -V a-.-TZ a. a 1... a.. 1f llmaaAk 1
VWfArl. 0.7 O. sVlaiUCIW W. W. J, OSMH TV,
aoTtT-fLioi 2. tuiM w , , soi
ailhA, Mat Ml TOOK OX WOK MW W w " I
L, nuuiiiiia. A Loan AaaocUtton. So.35; eaatl
foj Jcrtt'k0.80j 1
Hucbea, 40.TO; lot a. mary na, oy.,y, 1
Vw.Ttk Vtuahaa. 8o.7o: tot . Kim Hall.
an Tu. Lit T. Purr Jobnaoo. SO.TO; tot 8,
i JiaUn . Olrrla. o.T0i tot II. ColUn C. Glr.
via, 40.56; tot 10, a. tiurai, avi a.
. . . . l' 1. ail aa.' u. t .- k. aa. una. I
.a an 711: Lit IX U. M. AaHnbard. S0.70;
tot 14. O. J. fMvkar, So.TO tot 16. Mary
Koonta, 0.T0. tot 14. laary KooaU, 0.TO;
tot 177 Mary J. Ooanatork.. S0.70.. BL0t:K
tot li, aiar, .. j."
w. at. atariaau, fv-iw, a?a o, t.
u , , ' "a., r,,'. h! lo. William Mackln-
toah! Uroatee. 0.7; tot II, Klale M. Crabb,
an 7... tot 12. William ' Halmlnc. AOitHi.
'BLOCK an, mi n unam naynv.r ,,
I bar lea 1L T bom peon, $0.70; tot 2. WlUlam I
Hathaway and coarwe a. inompaon,,
l.i x U'llhaia Hathaway and Charlea H. I
Thompaon, u.a6: tot A William Hathaway
.-dHrTlLp. S0.; totft. Will.
- " . .'. . . a, 4r -Ji. l..a P
S.7U AOl D. tVrin4l nSStrnVSl. 4PV. I Va (Vt 4,
Ctrlna Uantwa. 0,7-a. . UUKK 4, Jot I
H Carmine. AO.To: tot 1L aland Bewell. I
$0.70; tot A Clara v. carmine, a.,; mk a,
i i.r. v l amilno. 80.56: tot ft. Edward U.
em.1I tot A Edward U. Bewail. 80.70:
lot 7. . Cuba K. Culileoa. $0.70; tot 8, Cohn I
K. Culllaon, $0.70. BLOCK 4T. lot 1. Maria I
mrir-kuian. Su.70: lot 2. Maria Btockman. I
$0.TJTjt 2. Henrietta Popptotoa, 80.70; tot)
4. ' W. 77 Uramba. $0.65; lot ft, William H. I
Warren. nu.oo: lot A wiuiaai a. . narran,i
$0.70; tot 7. Pre O. Buffum, $0.70; tot A I
U. .fiaiiURB. eo.lii. KBtAivit. au a. I
Wmaa l am nam. kO.lo: lot A Emma Mar
quam, $0.7o; tot 3, Joba P. Coyne, 40.70; tot
4. Alice W. CaaweU, $0.70; tot 6, C J. I
Ueckar. 40.70: tot A v. a. tiecaer. au.iu; ui
T 1: 1 Decker. 10.90: tot 8. C. J. Iiecker,
SO.TO; tot 9, TWlOJeji-A, CUrka, 10.70; tot
.JOa.. Valerie Bogera.i $u.70: IoJlJJI Valeria
uns-aiai. aii.nAi- iot-ULa eierte noaara. aw.oo:
tot 13, Valerie Kogara,' $U70; tot 14. Tbomaa
A. Clarke, ao.iv; tot 10, 'lnomaa a., wiarae.
an 7ft: lot luu. Kra P. Btcel. $0.80: tot 17.
Walter a. t-reaion, au.; vi u,. nnai
BteTona. 40.70; tot 19. Alice W. CaaweU.
an 7i- krt 20. Jobn P. Coyne. SO.TO: tot 21.
Jamea Blake. $0.70; tot 22. The Title Ouaraa-1
tee A Truat Comnany. 40 70. BLOCK 49, lot 1,
Era Steel. fo.7; lot A ra r. otaei.
10.70; tot 3, J. A. Bcott. fu.iu; lot a b
ftrott. SOTO; tot 6. Hiram W. Riley, 4O.T0;
tot A Hiram w. Alley, po.tu; mt 1. Alia r,
Prrklnaon. 40.T0: tot A Oacar P. Oleea. 40.70;
, . . a 11.1 an 911. Ia m & ta
lot . aia o. ,i.w, .
Francla, SO.TO; tot 11. Era P. Meet. $0.70;
tot 12. Era P. Hteel. $0.70. . BLOCK 50. tot
1. William Macklotflab.-$0.4; tot 2. William
Mackintuah. $0,501 tot 3, William Mackintnah.
4u.a; tot 4. Mary A. Daney, $0.70; tot 6.
W Ilium H. imney. r1 i o. v. t ieo
ford. 40.70: lot 7. Joaeph Blmon. Truatee.
40.70: tot, 8. Karifa J. PaiUug, S0.T0; tot 9,
Karifa J. Falling, S0.T0; tot 10. Patrick
tiiia-hra- 40.70: lot 11- Patrick Huchea. A 1. 70
kt .12. Pultntt 1'lrk Land Compau. Al.TO.
i BLOCK M. tot 1. "Joaeph Blmon, Truatee,
so.ttu; tot A joaepa niroon, -lruataa. ai.uo.
. IiUH:K 62, tot I. Patrick and'Mary Haghea,
tt.Tn; tot 2. Patrick aad Mary Hoghea, $o.70;
it 8. Katharine Bcneuermana. 40. TO: tot A
William Luaar. 10; tot o. William Henry,
50.70; tot A William Henry. 40.00; tot 7,
no Ryan, $0.70; tot A Henrietta A. Pon
pletna, o.T; auc w, nennena a. rnppieton,
A0.70-. lot 10. Faltcn Park Land Comnany.
$0.70; tot 11. Lou H. L'pdejtraif. 8" 7"; tot
13. LoJ B. L'lKlrgraTI, ao.iu. HMH.K on,
lot 5. B. M. Lombard. 40.50: tot A B. M.
Iiombard, $0.70: tot 7. Ansa McQuillan, 40.70;
lot 8. 8. l. Crowe. SO.TO; tot 9. 8. I). Crowe.
, $0.70. BLOCK 84 tot 7. B. M, Lombard
aad Pultoa park -Land Company, 40.70; lot
. 8. B. M. Lombard and Fulton Park Land
Company. 40.701 tot .9, B. M. Lombard aad
-Pultun Park Land Company, $0.70; tot 10,
B. M. lyimbard and Fulton Park land Com
pany. $0.70; lot 11. B. M.l Ixamhard and Pul
ton Park Land company. 4U-o; tot 13, B.
M. Lombard and Palton Park Land Company,
til Til. RlXrTK 46. oVbooi Dlatrlct No. 1.
$8.80. HIOCK 64. tot 1. Bjrroo P. CardweU
Eatrte. Hrlra of. $8.70; tot 1 Byron P. Card
well Eatate. Helre. of. SO.TO: tot S. Brmn P.
CaxdweU Eatate. Helra of. $0.T0; tot 4, Byron
I , larawait Miata, neira or. no. fu;vjot a,,
Rma p. rardwell KaUta. Helra of .A0.T0:
tot A Byron P. CardweU Eatatej Hrtra of,
SO.TO: lot 7. Brron P. CardweU Eaf ata.7 Heira
of. 40.70: tot 8. Brron P. CardweU Eatate.
Helra ef. $o.T0; tot 9. Byron P. CardweU
Katate, Helra of, 40.TO; tot 10, Byron P.
CardweU Batata. Helra ,- ot. $0.70; tot 11,
Byron P. CardweU Eatate. Helra of. 40. TO; I
lot 1A Brmn p. CardweU Katate. Helra of.
SD.T0. BLOCK 4T, tot I. Fred Btaiyer. 80.T0;
lot 2. Fred Btalrer. 40.70: tot 3. H. M. Bnah.
Sfl.M; tot 4. IL M. Buab. 40.70: tot A-Alice I
Kremar, no.TO: lot A Alice Aremer, 0.70; I
lot 7. Ann'a Kilaa Starr. $0. TO: tot A Amelia
p and M. J. Moraa. 40 TO: tot 8. Prlea Wank-
ni ii a, au.To: tot iu, William it. rarria, an. ,o
tot 11. Jobn Twit. SO.TO: tot 11. anna Tway.
$0.70, BLOCK 87ft. lot 1, Pultoa Park land
Comnany. 40.55: tot 2- Fulton Park Laad
, Company. $n.T0; tot 3, altoa Park land
Company,, 40.90; tot 4. Fulton Park Land
Comnanr,L 441.101. Mt 6. Pultoa Park Land
Company.. ;.0. BLOCK 8, tot 1. Ioalaa
Frteae, 40. TO: lot 1 Lnnlee Prieae. SO.TO; lot
A Mirroa raar ana aiding,; lot a
Chrtet Ilanarn. SO.TO: tot ft. John B. Meaalrk,
SO.TO: tot A Charlea A. Dneber. 40.70; tot
7,. Charlea A. Dueber, 40 70; tot 8. Charlea
A. injeoar. an. T; lot 9. rnartoe A. iwener,
40 To. tot 1A Tlca Von Itoltoa. $0 TO; tot l.
Ilararto it. nnl
tot 1A Horatio
R. Holmea. SO Tik BUH'K a. Int 1.vJaaepkl
p. I. and Jtadie a. -wrinkle, out": lot a. i
Jnaenb P. ft. and Kadie Wrinkle. SO.TO; tot
t, Addla Parrta, $0.70; tot 4, Addig rartla, 1
, .. ,
I4.aii; aoutb o. fort Of . "." i' ia K.iihio (kMiutlaa laraatBaut Tmat, nudlTldrd of lot S. W. K. norriat a".ou,
i? Thoodora Brai-kar and . Wlntorboldor, j" J .Utor, , BaarV.IO; tot , tot 4. Alloa Barry Na.a, tO.TO; totT. AUra
7.4i aoat t of tot B, t barton K.- Uadd. , "a. 40. tot aid sT. 40.7U; , Barry. Nunn. fj. TO: undlrldod H of tot .
I7.IW; ea.tT, of tot 4. Chartoa K. Udd. ."V ',,17.2 tUTOi tot'O. E U , M. O. MorrU, 0.i6; nndlrldod f of tot
ilT.HO. BLOCK 14, aubdlrlaUai A of tot t. .."ajrt'i" . J7 o.To; T. M. 0. Morrla. AO. SB; odlldod "ft of tot
WUllaa A. Morrow. 44.30; aubdirlatoii H I of i YTii Cbaia7 SO To tof aSVMaurtoa ! W. R. Morrla. 40.3ft; undlrldad H 1 of
tot. 1. Wllllaoi A. Morrow. 4.3o; aubdUlato. tot f."!. 1 nnT National lot T. W. U. Morrla. 0.6; tot a. B.
l of tot 1. 1'ro.toa W.illlatta, S4.Su ; aab- k iiioaon. bu TO tot IT, kraal B. RWIm-na t Tn
S li,:LSffllL rS: SmWi Wa, M-ranA.M. .rr. "VTrtTt TTnd lyln, bat.oa. a lno 40 fort
Sfat; ouhdlrlaton of tot Albart yjw0- Jo TO. BUM. a. TO, lot 1, Vincent ontlk ot and paraltol wltb tha aoutb Una
W TO; lot 5. gylraais C. . Arautafo,. fO.Tu; i
tot , Aaorew HOiaiaa, a.i. " .. I
, dlonrtnry. .(: tot . Buirra of the Holy
. v. .V iL.... M. r au.iu: tot u. Lwt
ltoucbayty, w,TQi tot 10. Joaopb Boat, u.!u. I
tot 11CoUu 4J. Olrrta, o.7u; tot liUoll
C Glrrln, 0.70s tot IS, ylanua C. Arvl.
. o. HvivaiMio 11- Armltaaa. I
U.70! lot lA, Houtbwaat Portland Raal Itauwl
trapan. XU6; tot 1. Nurtfiora Couotloa I
era Countloa luaeatntcnt Truat, Ltd,, f-'O,
Cook, $0 7i; tut ft, Ferdinand A.
tot 4. WlUlaaa Barea.4o 70; tot I. u. J. ana
Maraarrt V. Alton. 40.7U; w. ., w. --r
a . .'. I .7 ' ,A,n. i... a Hinh
10. Maria Watertord.
k nwda an Tu: tot 13.
BLOCK TL lot 1. Vln-
mi Oook. $0.10; iot 2. Vlncwt Cobsoo.
tot 3. Vlnoant coon, au.iu; a . ' L T..: I
S'aJKa-J-"J???, - irr&raK
. S. "V,i,.'iTa tWohardlne Waat-
pahL 4O.T0; tot .' J. & Vu. 40.J0; tot
Vo. Jala Wall. 0.T0i lot U, Vlncant Cook,
0 70 Tlot 12. Vtaceni Cook. M.70-" BLOCK
12. tot 1. Vincent Cook. SoSo: totS. Vincent
Cook. So.TO; tot S, Vlncant. Cook, 40.70;
lot 4. Vincent Cook. u.7tt; k,tu;V"!Yi
.CLi. an in. l a vimnt CooR,i0.7u4 tot
' T, Prank and Mary uaranry, T
taiora uacanay, au.iu, in " " V. 57
40.70; tot 10, Vincent Cook. SO.TO; Mil,
TT.J.. w.k ana: tot li Vincent Cook,
Su.70. BL0t:K T3, lot 1. Henry Mecken-
wteln. 41. to; tot , noary iwro,, .-w.
l HanrT Pleckauiteln. 41 tot 4. nVlau.StdbarallBX Aa I Xtl I ' MM ' V. AA3A M
teckan.UU. ):. H"ZI!S.
. . . . a . v Uwaanataln. 40.40.
r,7.,'u- iV n..r. i.'i..4,Mateln. 48.00. BLOCK
iV li .' viw,.i.ln ALAS. BLOCK 74.
tot 1. Henry Plockenateln. 40.36; tot 2. Henry
Land Company. 40.6S; lot 4. rulton Laad
Company, 40.50; tot T, Pulton land com'
4., TiT. Lr a miton Land Company,
A0.1o'; tot 8. Pultoa Land Company. 40-70;
tot 10, rultoa tno uwpaii, .ex-Vf
rulton Laad Company. o.7o: tot U pfltoa
1 r..nn.n ail 71L HLaJCK 82. lot 1,
rultoanuod Company, Sl.lO: tot 2, "ltol
Land Company. 41.00; lot. 4, Pulton Land!
Company,; jot
SO.wTitot 4, Pulwa Land. Company, 40.46.
BLOCK na, tionry -raacaou.vy.ij "
hi ivi'a; ivi in a V. Cook. 80.65: tot A
v ook. 80.TB: tot 4. V.. Cook. 40.70; tot I
A. V. Cook, 40.T0; tot. T, V. WW, eu-.w:
1.. B V AWklr nui All Kl AH IV l. MK A.
v cook."A0.4u:" tot' 2. V. Cook. 40.10; lot
8, V. Cook. 40.BO: tot 10. v: cooa, fv.iu;
1.. 11 v i-Anh an 711. HI.IH.& m. ioa a. I
V. (look. 'A0.M6: tot 2. V. Cook, 40.TO; -tot
8. V. Cook. SO TO: tot 4.' V. cook. , jo. jo
tot l'. V". Cook. io'.85; lot 8, V. Cook, fo.TO;
tot 8, V. Cook. $0.70: tot 10. V. Cook. AO.;
tot 1L V. Cook. 40. TO; lot 12. V. Cook.
n. a v 1 .k ai Tn- k
tot 14., V.I
ov.iv. I '
Cook. SO.T0: lot IS. V. Cook. 0.T0; tecit,
Cook. SQ.T0; lot IT, V. Cook, SO.llT;
tot 18. V. Cook. 80.T0; W llyv. ,"
$0. TO; lot 20, V Cook. ' SO.TOt tot 21. V.
; an m, tot 25 V. Cook. SO.To: tot 23,
V. Cook. O.T0; tot 24. V, .Cook. SO.TO; tot
33. y. cook, au.iu; io (,- , ,"
S"a Ba,t?S: lot' 3'vVCook.j.To: to!
4. V. Cook. JS,-.V. -t.'yA. SO TO;
tot 8 VV CooV4albf T. . Cook. io.To;
tot 10. V.- Cook. So. To; tot 11, V. cook. 40.70;
tot 8. V. Cook, SO.TO; tot V, V. Cook. 40.70;
l.; iiirw -bins. BLOCK ON. tot 1.1
V. Cook. 10.711: lot 3. i cooa. au.iw. m
a v v.k snTn: lot A V. cook.
tot S. V. Cook. 40.T0; tot 8, V. Cook, 4O.T0;
tot I, V. Cook, ao-io; rot a, . tjooa. au.iu.
tot V. Cook. S0.T0; lot 10. V. Cook. S0.T0;
tot 11. V. Cook. SO.TO; tot 12. V. Cook.
$0.70. BLOCK W,' Wt 1, T. Cook. SO.TO;
tot 2. V. Cook, So.TO; tot 3. V. Cook, SO.TO;
tot A V. Cook, SO.TO; tot 6. V. Cook. 40.T0;
tof 4, V. Cdu. ao.iu; tot 1, v. vooa, au.iv,
iXI V l n,,k tn TO. BLOCK 100. tot 1
v. Conk. 40.70-. lot 4. V. Cook. $0.70; tot I
ft. V. Cook.' $0.T0: tot 8, cook,;
lot T, V. COOK, bo.tu; mi o. a. una, a.i,
lot 8. V. Cook. . $0.70; lot 10, V. Cook,
aiiTn, !.. li VV ivw.k SO.TO: tot 12. V.
t ooa, au.oo. ; auuva m, awv a, t. wi
7, PorUand Vlay Company, $0.70; lot 8,
; Portland Clay ComiHiuy, $0.35. BLOCK
104. tot I, - . Iiecaer,; mt a v. a.
Decker. 80.70: tot 3. Edwin C. Johnaon.
40.70; lot 4, Joha Paney,.- $0.70; tot A
T. i J ... ij ii .i - t, at vlii
1 'a t iu t, . iiwrua, " " . w. . w...
Park Land company, gu.iu; wt i, riuion
I ark Land Comnany. 40.85: tot 8. Kmma
Marquam, 80.70; lot 8, 1. H. Jackaon, $0.70;
, tot loPulton Park Land Company, $0.70;
tot 11, W. J. Uramba, 40.10; tot Ji w. 4.
tiramha. SO.TO: lot IX Alliance Truat .Com-
vomnanr. aitu. av.o., , k. 1 1, nvwa,M,ii
tsroa.,; aoc in, awinaruiiu na. -viu,
tot 17, J. M. Churra, ao.iu; lot in. r. .
i-hnrch. 40.55: lot 19. J. M. Church. 40.70:
tot 20. I. H. Jackaon, SO.TO; tot 21, 1 H. 1
Jackaon. SO.TO: lot 22. Minnie ttlmon. ftO.85;
tot m, jcaaie s. mra,. fo.iu; lot a, 400a
Uleblah, $o.T0; lot 25, Joha Olebiah. $0.70;
lot 2A Al co Mackennle. 40.70: - lot 27.
Alice Mackenale, Hit xa, a ace we
kenalA $0.70. BLOCK 106, aoath B0 faet
of block 1(0, Byron P. Cardwel! Ellate.
Helm of, $2.25; nortb 120 feet of block 106.
City Suburban .JUUwey Company, W.4U.
nijW'K A. lrt-IT?Ktta Wllllama. $1.06:
lot 2, Etta Wtlllanm, SO.Snr lot's. Pultoa
Park '. Aaad company;; tot a, r.iia
WllUtma. $0.90; tot 8, Chrtatlna Pleckea-
ateln. $0.T0; tot 0, Cbrnttlna Fleegeaateln,
an an - ntJM-K b. tot l. ru too nrt- laaa
Company, SO.36; tot 2, Pultoa t Park Land
Company,,; toe - a, uiion r,n aainu
aoc . ruiion ran Liano
, 4-I.45;
T $0.46;
. $0.50;
lot 6. . Pultoa ' Park Land
lot A Pultoa Park Land
lot . 7. Paltoa Tark Land
t-omuanv. ko.65: tot A Pultoa Park Land
t Company, $0.65: tot 9, Pulton Park I.and
UOtnpaUr, a-"'" V, wu I UIWW
lnrk land Company, . 40.40;i totf 2. Pulton
Park latnd Cnmoany,
Park land Company,
lark Laud Company,
Park land Company,
Park land Comnany.
n.4ft; tot ,3, .Pulton
0.60; tot A Fulton
10.66: tot ft. Pulton
0.70; tot A, Fulton
0.75; lot 7, Pultoa
O.DU; lot 8, Pultoa
Park land Company. 40.00;
Park Land Company, ao.uo
In da. 1... o I
Park land Company, $1.00. BLOCK D, tot 1.
Pultoa Park Land Company, 42.25; lot 2,
Vultna Park land Comnany. 40,70: tot A
Pultoa Park land Company, 40.70; lot .
I- .W 1 MA 1 Vwiiiu n V tA 7,1- Int R
tb-egon ft California Bauroaa company , i. jo.
BUCK E. aoruTtt of lot 1. Clara Finney,
$0.30; north ft of lot 2. Clara Finney, Jo.:;
of lot 1, Mary L. White,
af tot 2. Mary L. White.
lot :L Charlea P. Tlrard. 40.90. BLOCK r.
mi J. rto i.ararr, o".v. w m, r,i -
ley, $0.45; lot 3, J. K. rwott, au.oo; mt A
Peter Curley, $1.00; lot ft, Rotbcblld Broa.,
$1.15! lot A RotbchUd Broa., $0.9ft; lot 7,
Kotbchlld Broa.. ftO.eO; tot A tmtncnua Braa.,
an 75: lot B. Rotbcblld Broa.. $0.80; lot 10.
Rotbcblld Broa.. fo.70. BLOCK O. tot 1,
f 1 rwackae. 40.U: lot 2. C. J. Deckar.
$0.45; tot A C t. Decker, ou.wi; ant a. jaary
D. Onormly, o.7o; lot n, a. u. inompaon,
$0.70; tot A B. I- Tnompaon, $0.80; Int 7.
: E. L. Thorn pana, $0.4tl; lot 8. A. J. Eowera,
$0.55; tot 9. A. J. Powera, $0.80; lot 10, A.
T ' ,. a. u aiL an an.
j . r-owara, a". ' io a, w. u. " - it m,
lot 11 P. H. Marley. $0.80. BLOCK H. tot
-1. F. A. Walpote, $u.60; tot 2. P. A. Walpole,
40.7O-." lot 8. Ana B. NIoa. $1.20: tot 4. Aaa
weat 86 feet of tot 8, J. R. Cnllck. 40.4ft;
..t m hat of tot T. J. B. CnUck. SO 4ft;
all of lot a Irlna aaat of waat 8ft faat. Rath
W. Decker. $0.: all of lot 7 lying eaat of
weat 85 feet, Ruth W. Decker, SO.TO; lot
, n. Maura A. enara, ai-m: . aioaa a,
,., II 15: Int 10. Aameo Buttenmuller.
$1.06; tot 1, Llabeth H. (urtla, 4O.90; tot
1A Patrick and Mary Hagbea, 40.TO; tot
13. Patrick and Mary Rughea. 40 80. BLOCK
Itot 1, Anna B. Nixon. 40.90; tot 2, Anna
. E. NUon. 8O.70; tot , Anna K. pi i too.;
tot 4. Anna C. Klaoa. 'S0.Tft tof 5. Anna R.
Nlxon, 40.80; lot A Harriet Dunham, $0.75;
w T ttarrtet Dunham. 81.55: tot A B. M.
Iambard. $I.2S; lot 8.', Anthony Krppeeb,
i a&. BtVrK J. tot 1. Byron P. CardweU
. EataU. Hrtra of, $0.70; tot 2. Rotbrtilld
Broa., $0M); lot A Bouirniia Broa.,;
la tot A Rotbctiild Broa.. no.TO lot A ryw'
waat Pnrtlaad Heat Eatate Comnany. 80.60:
Int 4. Rotbcblld Broa., 80.60: tot 7. Manrtea
Onodman. S0.T0: lot A Rotbctiild Broa.,
$0.95; lot 0. Rotbcblld BroA, $1.40; lot 10,
Rotbcblld Broa.. $1. 36; tot 11. RotbchUd Bran.,
$1.20: tot 13, Botbchlld Broa.. ao.nn; tot la
RotbchUd Broa.. tot 1A RntbcbUd Broa.
"in an lot IS. Rnthchlld Bma,. 40.46. BLOtTK
K. tot L Rotbctiild Bma., $1.20; tot 1 Rotb
chUd Broa.. 80.T6: tot S. Rotbcblld Broa..
$1 on; lot 4. Rotbcblld Bma... $1.15; tot ft,
Rothcnlld Bma., $1.16; tot A Rnthchlld Broa..
$1.05. bi,x:k
Fultna Park land Coaa-
pany. 44.30. block at, f aiioa I'ara Land
( imp
moany. 43 25.
tot--1, R. RlegelmtBA I
SnTO: tot 2. R. Rlrgeigiana. $0.80; tot A R.
an an on. l-i . if em,, I
bo AO: , lot II. R. Rleaalmana. $0 56: Int A I
A, Kiegrtatiaa, $0.40; tot , K. Kicgilaiaaa, 1
BLcK so tot 1. rfultoA . Land Company. H. Blytb, $1.10: tot S..P. a. Blytb, .'o,
kJ ltoapLand Company. 40.46. to 4, P. ,H, felyth. Sl.lOj tot .5 P. H.
MlJw IC il lot 1 Pulton Land Company, c Blytb. $Llu: tot 8. P. . H. Blytb, 41.10,
Sf lot rulton Land OompanyT 4oi70; lot T?pi H. Wtb. JLMjtot 8 P. A. Blytb.
tot 81 rultbi l-ud cliiiny" 470; tot . 4. -S1.10; tot , P. 4 Blytb, $1.00; tot JO.
iVS ' RrorK ISt'lot 1 Cook ttttV ' 1-3 StotJ?' J K Wiiioi io.50 Andlrtded
fit A VOook SOTO- tot oTv" Coot: 1 of tot IS; J P. WataonT o.45r nndirtded
STo!" ' tot o.: JaToJ- tot" Bv: jl of tot 46; J P. W. .ndirtded
VSillot V VCoot SO to'i -Ydl'rt'dedV.'of Tot1
llvtk&'tZriO. n Cook $040; t-ndlrtded 1 M of i
VS3t jS5h?t i. CooV. Saw ; Maaon, $.10; tmdirtded I 1-S I of tot 1 J. P.
w ;'L &.$2i -r.sfHrded its t
r .40; tot . R. RlffeUnaaa. iO.W. BIaJCK
Robort Hatwa Katala, Halra of.
ts.40. BLOCK a. all of block
laradam road. Aaroa Walt. 43.40; all af
btot-k S aa.t of alaoadaai road, M. Baotoa
Wllllana. 40.10. BUM kl aTbo Kin ".'
A1.0A. hlK'K A Trior Woodward, A...
jHUX'K I. AJaxandar Kloaol, o.oll. B.OCK
Tldad H of tot 2. M. U. MorrU. .3o:
dlrldod H of tot A M. U. Morrla. 40. J:
undlrldod t ot lot 2. W. K. Morrla. 40.A5;
liM of bUxk i. rlto, and. Una o."?
waatarly from and Parauaiwiio --w
una ot Diocca a ami i. niu.
portion of aald tract oecuplad by tba City A
Suburban Railway CatnpaDy'a rlabt of way,
M. U. Morrla and W. M. Marrw.
le. nndlrtdad of tot .
w n ui.' an nr.- andlalded U of tot 3,
M. . Mri: io.. udlalM S. of Wt .
M. U. Morrla.
1.35: nndirtded
of tot A
ot tot ft.
of tot A
M. U. Morrla,
M. O. Moarla.
M. 6. Morrta,
M. U. Morrla,
M. U. Morrla.
W. R. Morrla,
W. K. Morrla,
W. K. Morrla,
W. R. Morrla.
So.36; andlrlded
40.36; undlrlded
fo.IlA; nndlrldod
0.36; nndlrdtd
40.36; nndl Tided
40.36; nndirtded
of tot T,
of tot 8,
of tot J.
of lot 2,
30: undlrldod H of tot 8.
nadlaldod 4 o: i
l.:U; undlYlded Vt of tot 0,
w. K. atom a.
an; uodirioea 1
W. R. Morrla,. jo.Sb; undivided H ' l J
W. R. Morrla. 0..I6; -undrrtded H
of lot 8. W B. Morrla. '?;?:
BLOCK IT. lot V M. "j ' -i"rIr
Katate. Hem of. 40T0: 101 a, t. ."2.
brtt Katata. Halra of, 0.70: lot S; Abfrew
W. rroum. SO. 70; tot 4. Andrew W. rTau"-
S0.70; lot 5, R. J. rreumJ40.TO; tot o. m.
V JT Prenm, 40. TO; tot I, H. W. Corbatt
lie Ira or, Vl"i tot a, O. w. tvoraaia
Halra of. 40.70.
P. Blytb. $0.45: aoutb 27 faatjof tot 11.
H. C. BreadrA $0.65; tot 12. H. c. Breeaen.
$1.26: lot 13. M. C ureoorn, ni.iw;
H. C. BroedcA $1.10! lot 15. H. . Breeden,
$1.25; lot 14. H. O. preeden, $1.80; lot 11,
, H. C. Broaden, $L80; tot 18. H. . Breeden,
$1.70; tot 18. H. C. Breedea, SLJfWi w ju,
H. C. Broaden. $1.86; tot 21, H. C. JSreeden,
$2.00; tot 22. H. 0. Breeden. $2.40; nndl.
Tided 2-3 of tot 28. . Hannah Maaon, $1.36;
nndirtded 2-S of lot 24. Hannah Maaon,
$1.36; . undlrtdad 2-3 of tot 23. Hannah
Maaon.- $1.88; nndirtded 2-8 of tot 2.
Hannah ataaott. $1.85; nndirtded 24 1 f tot
27, Hannah Maaon. $1.35; nndirtded 2-3
of lot 28, Hannah Maaon, $1.85; nndl
rtded 2-3 of tot 2. Hannah Maaon, $l-i
nndirtded 3-3 of tot 80, Hannah Maeoo.
$1.26; nodlrldad 2-3 of lot 31, Hannah
Maaon. $1.26; nndl rtded M cl tot 82.
Hannah Maaon. $1.66; nndirtded 2-8 of tot
At. Wannab Maaon, $1.25 ; nndirtded . 1-3
of tot 84. Hannah Maaon. $1.25; nndirtded
2-S of tot 86. Hannah Maaon. $1.36; un
dlrlde 2-2 of tot 88. Hannah ...Maaon.
II IR.T 'uiuIMamI 2 of ' lot 37.
Uannaft Kaod; -$-ttwUrMed 2-S of
tot US, Bairaah Maaoo, $1.35t mUrtdod 2-S
of lot . Hannab Maaoo. 41-35; nndirtded
2-S of Iotw40, Hannab Maaon.;
aided 2-3 aof tot 41. Hannab Maaoa. $1.25;
nndirtded 2-3 of tot 42, Hannab Maaon. $1.15;
ndirtded 2-S of tot 48, Hannah Maaoa, $1.10;
nodlrtded 2-3 of tot 44. Hannah Maaon. ii i.,.a M L an Hannah Ma
aon, 21.00; nndirtded 2-S of tot 44. Hannah
Maaon. 40.96; nndirtded 2-S of lot 47. Han
nah Maaon, $0.30; nndirtded 1-8 ot tot 23,
j F Wttr W.; -."UrMrt 11 of tot
24. J. V. Wataon. $0.70; undlrlded 1-8 of
tot 25, J. F. Wataon. $0.70; nndirtded 1-S
of tot 28. J. V. Wataon, $0.80; nndirtded
11 of tot 2T, J. F. Wauon, $0.80; nndirtded
11 of tot 28, J. F. Wataon,
1-8 of tot 29, J. FY Wataon,
1-S of tot 80, J. P. 'Wataon,
1-S of tot 31, J. P. Wataon,
1-8 of tot 32, J. P. Wataon,
1-3 at tot 83, J. P. Wataon,.
1-8 of tot 34, J. P. Wataon,
1-S of lot 35, J. P. Wataon.
1-8 of tot Ho, J. .P. Wataon,
1-S of tot 3T, J. P.' Wataon.
1-S of tot 38. J. T. Wataon.
1-S of tot 39. J. P. Wataon,
1-3 of lot 40, J. P. Wataon,
1-3 of tot 41. J. P.. Wataon,
.60; undtrtded
00: nndirtded
.55: nndirtded
55; nndirtded
80: nndirtded
i.tto; UDaiTineo
D.AOi undlrlded
il.OO ; nndirtded
.eu; nnainaea
i.80s undlrlded
oo: nndmaea
o.4o: nndirtded
00: nndirtded
D.60; undlrlded
1-8 of tot 42. J. P. -Wataon,
oo; umnnaea
J. F. Wataon. $0,101 undlrlded 1-3.. ot lot
4, j. r. wataou, go.iu. biaco. a. uuoi-
andlrided 2-3 of tot 2, Hannah Maaoo, $0,40;
undlrlded 2-3 of tot A tianuan ataaon.
$0.40; nndirtded 2-S of lot 4. Hannah Maaon,
in an, nnntatded 2-3 of lot ft. Hannah Ma
aoa, $0.40; nndirtded 2-S of lot A Hannab
Maaon. $0.40; undlrlded 2-S ot lot T. Han-
. T" ,n .... --AllAmA 4.1 o lot H
Hannab Maaoa,' $6.40; nndirtded 2-3 of tot
, k n an M. nmtlatnao ft.a f
tot 10, Hannah Maaon. $0Sj; andlrtded 2-3
of lot 11. Hannab maaon, eu.ov; nmunimi
2-S of tot 12. Hannah Maaoa,; nnai
ua .a off lot IX HannaA- Maaanu 80.35
nndirtded 2-S of' tot 14. Hannah Maaon.
an Aa-. uiwlMibil AS of tot 15. Hannah Ma
aon. 40. 20; uadlrtded 2-8 of- tot 1A Han
nah iMaeon, 80.46; undlrlded 2-S of tot 17.
Hannah Maaon, $0.10; nndirtded- 2-$ of tot
ta Uaonah Uaaoa. 80.45: nndirtded 1-S of
tot, 1. J. F. Wataon, $0.20; undlrtdjrf 1-S
r tot A J. P. Wataon. $0.2il; andlrtded
i 1-S af dot S, J. F. Wataoa,, $0.20; andlrtded
11 of tot A 3i P. wataon,.; omununi
11 of tot 6. J. ,r.- wataoa. au.xu; nnni-
aided 11 of lot 8. J. P. Wataoa, $0.20
andlrtded 11 of tot , J. P. Wataon,
nndirtded 11 of tot 8. J. P. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 of tot 0, J. F. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 ot tot 10, J. F. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 of tot 11, J. F. Wataotv
andlrtded 11 of tot 12, J. F. Wataon,
nndl Tided 11 ef tot 13. J. P. Wataoa.
andlrtded 11 of tot 14. J. F. Wataoa,
u-t.wi i.a of lot 15. 1. F. Wataoa.
, andlTldod 11 of tot 18. J. F. Wataon,' $0.20;
andlrtded 11 of tot 17, J. P. Wataoa, $0. 10;
andlrtded 1-8 or lot is, a. r. niian,
BLOCK 8, andlrtded 21 of lot 1, Hannah
Maaon, $0.46; undivided 2-S of tot 2, Uan
. nab Maaon, 80.45; nndirtded 21 of tatJL
' Hannah Maaon, $0.45; undlrlded 2-S if lot
- 4. Hannah - Maaon, 40.46; andlrtded 2-S of
tot 6, Hannah Maaon, $0.45; andlrtded 2-3
tot 8,- Hannah Maaon, $0.45; nndirtded 2-3
of lot 7. Hannah Maaon. $0.43; andlrtded
2-3 of tot 8, Hannah Ma an a $0.45; nndl-
rtded 21 of tot 8, Hannah Maeon, $0.56;
andlrtded 2-3 ot tot 10, Hannab Maeon.
. $0.66; undlrlded 2-3 of lot 11. Hannah Ma
. , an as: ndirtded 21 of tot 12. Hannah
1 Maaon, $0.46: -undlrlded 2-3 of tot 13, Han
nah aiaaon. $0.45; nndirtded 21 of lot 14.
.Hannah Maaon. $0.46: andlrtded 21 of lot
i in u.m.1 Uaaoa. ao.4fi: nndirtded 21 of
tot 1A Hannah Maaon. $0.46; nndirtded. 2-8
ot tot 17. Hannah Maaon. $0.48; andlrtded
2-3 of tot IS. Hannah Maaoa, $0.45: aadl-
: rtded 11 of tot 1, J.. F. .Wataon. $0.2
dlrlded 11 of tot 2. J. P.. Wataou.
andlrtded 11 of lot 8. J. P. Wataon,
i a nail Tided 1-S of tot A J. F. Wataon.
andlrtded 11 of tot ft. J. F. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 of lot A J- P. 'Wataoa,
nndirtded 11 of tot 7. J. F.-JWataoa,
andlrtded 11 of tot 8, J. F, Wataon.
nndirtded 11 of tot 9, J. P. Wataon,
andlrtded 11 of lot 10, J. F. W ataon,
andlrtded 11 of tot IL J. F. WataoA
i nndirtded II of tot 12. J. F. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 of tot 13, J. P. Wataoa,
andlrtded 11 ef tot 14, J. F. Wataoa,
: andlrtded 11 of tot 15, J. F. Wataon.
andlrtded 11 of lot 14. J. F. Wataoa,
, andlrtded 11 af tot 17. J. F. Wataon,
nodlrtded 11 of lot 18, J. JT. Wataoa,
' rJlAeVBl BBOI.nil , MMmuBa
, Maaoa, $0.85; andlrtded 2-S ef lot 8, Hannah
Maaon. $0.86; andlrtded 2-S of tot ft. Hannah
' Maaon. $0.36; andlrtded 21 of tot, 7, Hannah
. Maaoo. $0.35; uadlrtded 2-S af tot 8, Hannah
u.JT in an: nodlrtded 2-S of tot 11. 11 a amah
klaaaoa, 80.35; andlrtded 2-4 of tot 1 A Hannah
Maaoa. $0.35; andlrtded 2-4 ot lot' 16, Hannab
Maaon, $0.86; andlrtded 21 of lot 17, Hannah
Maaoa. $0-35; anaiainea i -a ot am i. . r.
Wataon. 10.16; andlrtded 11 of lot A J. F.
Wataoa )16; andlrtded 11 of tot S. J. F.
Wataoa. 80.16; andlrtded 11 of lot 7.-J. F.
' Wataon,; anoirineq i-o oi an a, a. a.
W.SoS To iS; --dirtded 11 of tot 11. J. F
Watana. $o.lft; andlrtded 1-S of tof 15, J. F.
' S.TZZr In id- nodlrtded 11 of tot 17. J. F.
ar.tMa ,, in: amniTiora a-a vi w i ... a. w
ar..JT in in. int A KmI A Peroneal Batata
- Compaay, $0.50; lot 4. Real ft Paraonal EataU
Company, $o SO; tot A Reafft lVraonal Eatate
, Company. 40 50; aon lb 11 of tot 8. Real ft
i reraonal EataU Company. $0.15: north 2-3
p off tot A Hannan maaon, e"-"o; a i". a,
Maaoa. $0.85; lot 1A Hannab Maaoa, 40 70:
, V,t 14, Hannah Jlaana, 40, TO; lot IA Hannah
Maaon. Ao.70: tot 18. Hannah MaaoA$0.TA
.JILX'K 5, nndirtded t-S ef tot 1. Hannah
Maaoa, Sn.ttl; andlrtded 2-S of tot 2, 11 a aaa h
i. . ; naajTineor se oi wn o, n.aiw.
Mil ganirinea s-a or iot. i, nannata
.1ft- nndirtded 2-S of tot ft, Hannab
40; andlrtded 2-S of tot 11; Hannah
35; andlrtded 2-8 of tot 13. Hannah
$n.35; 1
40 M; '
$0 35;
ndirtded 2-4 of lot 15. Hannah
nndirtded 21 of tot IT. Hanaab
Maaon, $ -W; undllnd 1-n r lot 1. J.
Wataoa. $0-18; andlrtded II of tot A J. F,
Wataoa. 40 )6: nodlrtded t-S of tot ft, J. F.
Wataoa, ftO.lS; andtrlATd 11 of tot 7. t.
Ilia SUA I . " . . ' i l l.a, Alaak ' aAaAbat
I KAnraaftW : MarTiHIl " ftRPr.OPf RIVKR
Maaoa, a
Maaon, go
Maaon, f
Maaoa. 40
0TTT MOTICZaV ad 1Ri andMaal 1.1 of lot A I. F.
- Wamott. 80.16; andlrtded 11 at tot 11, J. P
Wataoa,; wouiviaaa s- ot ioa id, a. w ,
Wataoa. 40. IA; uadlrtded 1-8 of tot 16, J. t,
Wataon, 40.16; uudlrtded 11 of tot IT, J. P.
Wataua. 00.16; tot A' Kmatlat Bcboennechler,
40.70, lot 4, Eruatlno oU-boenbu-hlur, P' 7o:
aeuth W t A JohA BcbreubMiler, 40 . 16
north ft of tot A Krneatlna Peppat, $0.35:
tot a. liannah Maaon, nu.7o; tot JO. Hannah
Maaoa, 40.86; lot 12. Hanaab Maeon, go.10;
tot 14, liauuah Maaoa, 4U-7u: lot 10. Hannah
Maaou, 4u.7u; lot 18. t'barioa W. Hlgglna,
40.TU. BUK'K A undlrlded 2-$ of tot 1
axoapt Oreguu ft California Railroad Com
pany'a right ot way, Hannah Maaoa, $0.35;
undlndrd 11 of lot 1 excapt Oregon ft Cali
fornia Railroad Company'a right of way,
. Real ft Perauoal haute Company,. $0,161
tot 2, W. B. Baker. $0.70; unuirlded 12-3
.1 kt 1 'Maanab Maauu. 140.36: Uadlrtded
i a - l,.. ii m,,i a. I'rannal Ha lata Com
pany. 40.1t; lot a, Hauaan aooa ci,i
tot ft. Martha M. OrowolL 40.6Oi t a,
Martha M. CroweU. $0.T0; t 8. Amelia
Barralb.40.Tu-, all of lot T except Oregua
laHfornla Railroad Cotnpany'a right of
way. Amelia Becrclb, 4u.5u; all of tot ft
oxcept Oregoa ft OaUfornU Ritflnaid Com
pany a right of way, Martha-. CrowalL
BKMj lot lo, Martha M. CrowalL $0861 aU
of tot 11 axoapt Oregoa 'ft California Rail
road Company a right of way. Martha M.
CroweU. $0.6; tot 12, Martha hi. Crowe U,
$0.70; all of lot 13 oxcept Oregoa ft CAllfor
pla Raliroad Company'a right-of way, . Mar
Ua M. TowelL $0.60; tot IA Martha M.
imanil an to-Int 16. Joba P. Ward. 40.80;
tot IA John P. Ward, $0.70; tot 17, John P.A.
.Ward, $070; lot 18, Jona r. warn, au.iu.
BLOCK 7. lo-l, KlUaboth Toung, 0.70;
tot 2. -Ellaabacb Young. $0.70; tot 9, Ella,
abetb Young, 40.70; lot 4. KliaabeU Youug.
$.70, tot 6, Charity H. Neldermeyar. $0-7o;
L.I a , afara- V. Adama. XO.70-. lot I, Delia
M. ScJiroeder. $0.70; tot 8, Mary F. AdamaJ
S0.TO; tot A P. a. Wreajor. av.oo, mn. ao,
Uotttrtod Metalnr. $0.86; tot 11. Annla 0.
Bcnmaer. a.iw, m a i
40-70:' tot 13, Joaeph Beat
Joaeph Beat, $0.70; lot 15.
$o.7o; lot 18, l. W. Hoe
Bchmaer. u iu; lot j auia v. oci. ,
Xieat, fv. IV, mi a-a.
jo, ii, w. noeioma,
Hoelbina. So.70t tot
17, Boplila JaVeugerber, Salo; tot 18, Bophla
Welagorbor. Su.70. BLOCK 8. lot I. tiuy
mihau. AO.TO: tot A Gur Baanatt. $0.7o;
tot A Bennott, 0.7o; tot 4. Uuy Ben
nett, au. iu; ast A rerey a. oiyao, r"i
t An if math. SU.TO: kit 9. Percy H.
i Blytb. 4".Tu; tot A Loulao H. Bmlth. 40.70;
I tot A LoViao H. Bmlth, 40.70;, tot 10. Har-
rlatt B.. Ciliacn, ou.iv. au aa, vjawaw -Vaughn,
$0.66; lot 13, Ueorga H. Vaughn.
SoJSTbLOCK 8. tot 1, Albert Deluxe, 4O.70;
JotS. Albert Demke. 80.V0; tot ft, Jacob
Beaach.4u.7u; lot 7. Jacob KelacA $0.70; tot
9. Jacob Balacb, $0.6$; tot 10, Jacob Uelacb,
$o.u; tot A A Inert Demke, u,7ut lot 4,
lh Ikamka. XILlU: kit A C P. OakOX.
au.70; tot A O. P. Onkaa, $0.70; all of tot
11 lying aaat of weat Xb tart of aald tot,
C. P. Oahaa, $0.66; all of tot 12 lying eaat
of woat 3A teat ox nui m, y.
80.80; weat 20 feet of lot tl. Oregon ft
California Railroad Company, 40.1b; J8eat
. 3d loot of tot 13. Oregoa ft CalUomla Kali
road Onmpanjf.lo.16. BLOCK 10, lot 1.
t,wo uuihaar. 'fruatae. XU.7U: lot A Party
lienahaw, 'iruatoa. 0.70; .tot 6, Edward
Hugnaa aatala, iielra oi, ao.Tu; tot , hKiward
i Uugbea kaute,, lleira of, 40.70; tot 8. Edward
' Hugura Lata la, Helra ot, ftuba; tot 11. Edward
uugbea aauta, neira o, fv.ou, -ward
Uugbea Katata. Helra of, Su. 00; lot A
; Joel W. Orocker, 40.70; lot. A, Joel W.
iwhaa. -nn.7u: lot M. tlnoraa Zrtler. SO.To;
tot A Olira Mccarty. 10.lw: tot 10, OUra
:. McCaity, 40.8b; all of tot 13 except waat
Alex Kaaael. $0.46; all of lot 14
oxcept weat 43 teet, Alex -a-eaacl,;
weat 42 feat of tot 13, Karl itanaenbach,
xu.AU : weat 42 feet of tot 14, Karl Baa
nenbacb. $0.30. BLOCK 1L tot 1, Mary C. Burt.
: 4U.1U; tot 3, tiearge h and H. L. Bwpheuauu,
au.iu; tot B. a. w. jxriumn, r.,,
' u. . a. Meldtna. S0.7O: lot 9. Cora N
HeUlUg, 80.86: tot 11, W. D. Bolding, $0.86;
lot 13. Henry A. ueioing, au.oo; i 10,
Lmiw iT aoir. Ai.SS: tot 1A kallt C Paur,
? ; tot 2. Emaat P. Doach, u.70; lot A
Mrneat P.' Doach. 40 70: tot 6, H. A, gad
A. . W. Belding. 4u.u; tot a, anu a,
- W. Beldlug, go.To; Waat 28 feet of tot 10,
. tregon ft calUurnla Railroad Company, 40.36;
, aaat 34 feet ox lot 10, aia a. raraw, ev.w,
lot -4 2, Kra J. Parker, $v-T0i tot 14,W. U.
'Belding, $0.75. BLOCK 12, tot L Joaeph
V. KUy, $0.70; lot A Cbarlaa We llruacbei.
- $A7o; tot ft. A. C. Lohmire, ..$0.70: tot 7,
aT C. Lohmire, $0.70-. tot 8. H. A. anu A. W.
Belding, au.oA; tot 11. Martin Winch, $0.7u;
tot 18, Mary P.-rlacb, 4U.70; tot 16, Mary
P. Pinch. - $0.70; lot if. Rudolph Becker,
', $0.76; tot IN. Rudolph Becker, u.75; tot A
w 1' McMUlaa, Su.70: tot A W. C Mc-
' Milua, 40.70: tot A W. C. McMillan.. SO.To;
tot 8, W. C McMillan, $0.70; lot 10, Alicia
: J. Kate, $0.86; lot 13. BUaa Jarad. 80.70;
- lot il Kilaa Jared. 40.70: tot IA Mary P.
liochT SU.70.- BLOCK 13, nndirtded ft of
lot 1. V. P. Hrandea. 40.36: nndirtded' ft
of tot 1, Melon A. JoaeA 40.35; tot 8, Janm
Humphrey. 4U.70; ot 6, Jamea- Humphrey,
ao.70; tot T, Jamea Humphrey, $0.7u; tot 9,
Robert Jacocanu. 40j; tot 11, Donga Ed
- ecu, tad, 40.70;' tot. 13, Donga , KngehUaA
Zn to: lot 15. W. A Ward, tot IA W.
B. Ward, $0.90; lot X Real ft pereoaal EataU
Compaay. 4U.7U; lot 4, Real ft Peraonai Ea
taU Company, 4U.7U-,, lot A W. H. Uamaa,
; $0.70: tot 8, W. U. (iamoA $0,70;, lot 10,
1. W. Welnhoff, $0.86; tot 13, Albert L. Albert-
' aoa,; aua aa, .vaaiw awwwu, aw'-t
- tot 17, Michael Bullut. u.0; tot 18, Michael
Builut. 40. UC'. . blam- n. 1 A a i. ' rea o.
. . . . lil-k k 1 1 n aal T...
ailMf, au.v. an o, a,ui awiuwuw, T"- u ,
-tot b, Joaeph DeMartlnl, xo.70; tot , WlUUm
i p. Burrell,, Truatee, 4O.70; weat 28 feat of
- tot 9, oregoa a cauiornia taaiiruau uaapaa,
' an tft. ..u u Mt of lot 9. W. K. W ataon.
' S0.46; tot II. BopbU Welagorbor, $0.70; tot
j iA Bopbla Wetagerber, ..; tot lo. Ueorge
y.lttznayer, ao.iu; lot it, aamea ia uarawau,
$0.70; lot 18, Jamea L. CarawalL $0.70;
tot 2, Anna B. Kaene, $0,70; tot 4, Anna K.
Keene, $0.70; lot A Anna K. Arena, $o.7o;
tot 8. Anna H. Keeeo, SO.TO; lot 10, Anna E.
Keene. 40.86: tot IA Anna B. Kaena. 40.70;
"tot 14. Anna E. Keene, $0.70: tot 18, Anna
K, Keene, $0.70;- tot 10, Dartd M. Watklnom,
. 40.73; tot 20, Pred Bpogeto, SO. 7 A BLOCK
16. lot 1, Jamea U Carawell. $0.70; tot 2,
- Jamea U Carawell. $U.7U tot A - Jamea L.
o.m.11. 40.70: tot A Jamea L. Carawall.
: an Til, Lit a. Jamoa I- CaraweU. 40.70: tot
. 5, Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; tot 7. UUlaa
Carawell. 40.10; let a, a-amea n. -taraweii.
, 40.70; tot, 9. Jamea L. Carawell. $0-84; tot
. in -Jkmea L. farewell. $0.85: tot 11. J
1 raaaaall. 40.TO: lot 12-Jaaaea L. Carawell.
$0.70; tot 13, UlUaa Carawell, 80.70; north
: ft of tot 14, Kate Ourray, $0.35: north ft
of tot lo, Kate Curray, $0.33; aoutb ft of lot
. . . . a., R. mh.U I; , I...
ja, r.iMxi u 11 , fvv. Ta
IA EUen Mc.Nulty, $0.:i; lot 15, Hannah Ma
aoo, 4U.7U; lot 17, Rudolph Becker, $0.90;
tot 18, Rudolph Becker, $0.90; tot 19, KaU
Corray, fUaj; mt L anieu aacnuiij, av.vv,
RIAICK IA ton 1. Joaeph and E. Weber. 40.70:
tot 2, Joaeph and aV Weber 40. To; tot A
Joaepb. and fi. Weber. $0. TO; tot A Joaeph and
h Wohor. 4O.T0: lot ft. 'Joaepb and K. Weber.
an Tn tot A JoasDh and E. Weber. 40.70: tot
t, Joaepb and B. Weber, $0.70; tot A Joaeph I
1 1, aoaepa aoa a. nnm, fv.,v, 0, wro.
' and K. Weber. $0.70; tot 9. Joaeph and A
. Webef. $0.85; tot lOeaeph and K. WeberVT
$o.85; tot 11, JoaepfiaSl E. Weber, $0.70;
tot 13,. Joaeph and 3L weoer, u-u; mt 10,
Joaeph and K- Weber, $0.70; tot 13, Michael
Taasler, 80.70; lot 14. Michael Taanler, 4U.70;
tot 14, Anna Stock. $0.46; tot 17, Pultoa
Halted Artlaaaa' BoUdlng Aaaocmtlon, $1.0U;
tot 18. Br neat Hon to, 41.06; tot 19, Anna
. Btock7 $1.1; tot 2u. Joaeph Weber, -80.30.
- BLOCK 17, tot 1, C. N. McLeod, $o.T0: tot A
a N. McLeod, $0.r0; lot 3, C. N. McLeod,
$0.70; tot A C..N. MeLaod, $0.70: tot ft. C.
N. McLeod, $0.70: lot A C. N. McLeod.
an m. lot 1. C. N. .McLaod. $0.70: tot A
O. N. McLeod. $0.70: tot 9, Flora E. Crit
tenden,; lot -iu, r mra m. la-iiteuoen,
. . , ., 1 an an. i.. . , .
ao.nn; mt ia,. v. awi, fw.,w, a,
K N. McLeod, $0.76; tot 18. C. N. McLaod,
. fti.TO; lot in. V. N. Mctodr 40.70: tot 11,
Hannah Maaoa, $0.T0; tot 13, Hannah aiaaon.
$41.70; tot lo, uinnan maaon, e. iu; mt it,
hanaab Maaoa. 40.70; tot 19. M. McNulty.
$.M; lot 21. M. McNulty. $n,T5; tot 20,
' Elian and Joha A. Keller, S0.85; tot 22,
1 Kilaa and Joha A. Keller,-SO.TO; --lot 24,
ui,u and John A. Keller. SATO: tot 23.
Alphonae Laaolr, 40.70; tot 28, Alphouea La
jMirT 40 TO; tot 26, Arnbonaa Lenoir, '40.T0;
Sot 27, Hannah Maaon; $0.70; lot 28. Hannah
Maaon. 40. 7n. BLOCK 18. lot 1, Clara N.
Mclaod, $0.70: tot A Clara N. McLaod,
go 711; tot 8. Tha Hibernian Bannga Kank,
1 Tn: lot T. The Hibernian Barlnra Bank.
afiTiiTlot 9. LndaHe Wllbelm, S0.86: lot 1L
. Led wig Wllbelm, SATO; tot 13, So In men
Relaa. $0.70; tot 15, Bnloooa Kelaa, 40.70
- it if Marr 1. HedreA 40.70; tot 19. Mary 1
HedgaA $0.85; tot 21, Hannab Maaoa, 4 T0
tot 3.1, Hannan. maarm. ao.i; ac an, uannai
. aiaano. xo.TO: tot 2A Hannab Maana. SO.TO
lot A Marianne Vandeleur, $0.70: tot A Mar
' i..a Vandelenr. 40,70: lot 4. CMra N.
- w.i aaat. 40. TO: lot A WlllUm - and Anna
Benta, $0 70: tot 10, W. P. BurraU, Trua
tee, $0,854. tot IX Wi P. Barren, Truatee,
. an in, tot la. R. H. Rnbhlna. 40. TO: tot IA
' Jaawa 8. Jobnetone. 4O.T0: tot ,1A Jamea
H. Johnetnnc, 40. TO; tot.2Dv Nnrthera Countlea
Inveatment Truat. Ltd.. $0.86 lot- 22, Carl
O. Anderaoo. 40. TO; tot 24. W.U. and Llllla
C. VigaWaTfO.TO; lot 27, W, A. aad Llllla
CI. Vlrrara. io 70; tot 28. W. A. and IJllle
0. Vlagera. $O.T0. BlXM'K 19, tot 1. W. P.
BurrrU, Truatee. $O.T0: tot 2, W. P. BarrelL
Trnatee, gu. iu: lot a, w. a, narreu, inw-f.
aU.IU; mt a, w. r. na-rwi, irwm a", iu,
tot S. Clara N. McLeod. $0.70; Int 4. William
Frledlander. 40.70; lot. T. William FrteA,
i..i bm TO: tot A William Frledlander.
tO.TO: lot 8. William Prledlander. $0.86; tot
0, William Frtedlander. 80 85; tot 11. United
Btatea National Bank, fo.TO; tot 12. J nlted
' Btutna National Bank, 40.70: Int 13. United
Btatea National Bank, SO.TO; Wit, Vntted
ltataa National Bank. $0.T: lot 15, t'nlted
ttetaa National Bank, 80 7; tot lA fblted
Btatea Natlorol Bank. S0.T4: lot 17, H. M.
w at. tab a. go. TO: tot 18, H. M. and W,
. M. Cake. S0.T0: tot 19, Arthur - W. Oraham.
' Son; lot 20. Hannan - maaon. au.ns, mt
, u.-.L Uaaoa. BO TO: kit 21. ETerett
f Bmlth, $n.Ti: lot 23, Johanna Irrtng, SO TO;
' tot 24, Ula and Cera - N, BcMlna, 10 TO
tot 25, Meat and Cora N. BcldlBg, $0.70
tot 28, lJaale ,aad Cor N. Belding. SO.TO
lot 97. A. Wi and H. A, Belding. 80. Tn
lot 28. A.. W. , and H. A. Belding. $0 TO,
. BIH'K 20. tot 1. W. F. Borrell. Trurtee.
$i.T0; tot X. W. F. Bnrrell. Trnatee. go. TO
tot S, W. F. Barron. Trnwtae,, tot
W. P. Burrell, Troateg, $0,701 fc ft, W. F.
Burrell, Truatee, $0.T0; tot 8, W. F. Bnrrell,
Truatee, $o.To; tot T, W. F. Burrell, Truatee,
io.70; tot 8. Alice P. McCarthy, $0.To; tot
ft, W. P. Bnrrell. Truatee, $0.85; lot 10,
aiiva r . mm army, gu.eo: lot la, auoa ,
McCarthy, go. 70; lot 11, Edward W. aad
Helra M. tiaaaett, 40.70: tot 13. EraMay
tiaeeett. $0.7u: U 14. Jeaala E. 8. Fleck.
8U.T0; lot 16, Jeaala K. tt. Ptoih. $0.T0;
tot IA Jeaale E. M. Fleck, $0.7U; lot IT.
Jonala E. 8. Ptock, $0.70: tot 18. Jeaala R. 8.
riecn, gu.iu, tat im, aeeaie au m. aieca, ev.ou,
tot 20. Jeaala K. 8. Klerk. $0.86; tot 21,
Jamea 8. Jobnatoaa, $0.70; tot 33, Jamea
U. J nana tone. go. To; lot 25, Maria K. Hoxaie,
80.70; tot 28, Maria B. Hoaaia, $0.70: w 22,
Hraalnger ft Co,. Truaua. $0,70; tot 24,
Beaalugea ft Co., Trnatee, 40. To; lot 27, Bea
alnger ft Co.. Truatee. $0.70. tot 28, Beaalngor
Co.. True ten. 40.70, BLOCK SI. tot L
J. M. Thompaoo. $0.70; tot A - JM. Tbompnoa.
SO.TO; tot A Llaale MorrlaoBv 40.T0J tot T,
Deloa D. Near, go. TO; tot 9. Deioa D. Near,
$u.&; tot II, Jobn A. Joonatua and Jmaa
OhwA $0.70; tot 18. Joha A. Johnaloaand
Jamaa tjlaen, $0. TO: lot IA Ulbarula hartnga
nana, au.iv; aut n,. atinernia naringa nana,
So.TOt tot 19. Hlaernla Barlnga Bank, So.86;
lot 21, T. W. H tit 0.TU; lot 23,
Bernard U. ' McCarthy, 40.70; tot 28, Nellla
M. WarA So.7u: tot 27. Cbarlaa P. Utile.
80.70; tot 2. Herman Blaeg. $0. TO: tot 4, Her
man xueeg, au.iu; tot A nermaa mieag. ou.iv.
tot a. A. W. and H, Belding, $0,10; tot 10.
Pannia A. Curt la, $0.86: tot 13, NetUa U.
Oradoa, $0.To; tot IA Nettle O. U radon,
40.70; lot 10, Roxaiuw Courtney, $0.70; tot
18, WlUUm P. Courtney, $0.70; tot 20. Jeaale
BttUlraa. 40.00; tot 33. at. L. Tatum god
J. J. Bowen, 80.70; tot 24, Bajmour C
Prlaadly, $0,70; lot 34, W. P. BurraU. Trua
tee. au.701 lot AO, Beaaia Eimmer,- au.iv,
BLOCK 22. tot 1. Alliance Truat Company,
Ltd.,' $0.Tu; lot A U. aud laulaa Lack me lr.
Su.TO; lot ft. Albert Krumrey. . $0.70;
lot . T. ,Jenaia Bower. ' SO, TO: lot A
Jeonlg Bower, $0.86; tot 11, Pred A Miller,
Su.70; tot -43. Prod 8. Miliar, $0.70; tot 16,
WllUmetta Tribe No. A ImproVad Order of
Red Men, $0.TU tot IT, Willamette xnna
No. A ImproTOd Order of Red Men. $U.TU;
lot 19. kitUo E. Bmmona. $0.86; tot 21. Mary
B. Hoiala. $0.70; tot 23. Mary K. HoxeU,
80.70; tot 25. Mary K. Hoxgia, $0.70; tot 27.
Llxxlo Balding. 90.T0; tot A ueorga lacn-
nuauw. bo.iu: lot a., ueoraa Lacnmeier. au.iu;
lot a. Barak K. Kreraon, $0,70; lot A Barab
B. Ereraoo, $0.70; tot 10, H.-B, imng. $0.86;
tot 12. li. h. Lone;. 40.70: lot 14. H. It. Loag,
$0.70; tot IA klcKinley Mitchell. $0.70; tot
IB, axcAiniey Mitcneu, au.iv: lot iu, w. u.
Belding. 40.HS; tot 23, A. aad A. W. Belding,
$0.70; tot 24. Llxxle Balding. $0.70; tot 20,
Mary JL Hoxale, 40.70; lot 28. Llaale Belding,
au. fw. BlMia ao. j. aaar aa ,
BOvZO; lot A Maud W. Wonlfolk, $0.70; tot
6. Darld OaodaaU. $0.70; tot 7, -Clara B.
. . . aoa-,,. o Vi . an tan..l, an iai.
lot 11, Calrary rraabytertaa Cburcb. 40.70 J
tot 13. Calrary preebyteriaa cnurca, au-iu;
tot IA Boaaanah Elmmeraaa, 40-TO; tot IT,
Buaanna Aimmertnan, gu.vo; tot la. Buaanai
Blmmermau, $o.86; lot 21, Buaanna Klmiaar
man. $0.70; tot S3, Bnaaana Summer man
XiLTO: tot 2A kniaanna Elmmermaa. $0.70
tot 28, Buaanaa Klmmerman. $0.70: tot 2,
U. M and Dena Bobler. A0.70; lot 4. . M.
and Dona Bobler, $0.70; lot A Bruno K.
tiunther. 80.70: lot A Joaeiih ' Plnka. 80.70;
tot 10, IiU Lowaaaoa, 40,86; lot IA (ieorga
Wright Pnet NaiJ. O. a, al., fO.Ju; tot 14,
John Matthleaea. 8S.T0: tot IA Sofia R
Iaurenoa, Xu.70: tot IA A. W. JoBOB. 40.70:
tot 30. Maggie W. Little, 80.86; lot 22.
Maggie K. aunaa and Mary a. cooiey. au.iu;
lot H4. Michael lion lor. gu.70: tot 27. Wllhel-
mina Vabl. 4x7o: tot 2s, Chrtatlna -Johaaoa.
40.70. BLOCK 24. tot 1. Hannah Maaon,
40.40U lot 2. Hannah Mbbba $0.70; , let A
Hannah Maaoa, $0.40; tot 4. Hannah Maaoa,
40.70; tot 6, Hannah, Maaoa, $0.40; tot- A
Hannah Maaoa, $0.10; tot 7. Hannah Maaoa.
f0.60; lot 8. Hannah Maaoa, 40-70; tot A
lanuah Maeon, 40.00: Int 10, Hannah Magna.
$0.86; lot 11. Bannab Maaoo. $046; tot 12.
Hannah Maaoa. SU.70; tot IA Hannah Maaon,
$0.66; tot 14. Hannab Maaon, 4O.70; tot 16,
Hannah Maaoa, $0.80; lot 14, Hannah Maaoo,; tot 17, rtannin maaon, au.ou,
tot IA Hannah Maaoa. 40.70: tot IA
Hannah Maaoa, 40.85; tot 20, Hannah Maaoa,
80.46; lot 21, Hanaah Maaoa, 40 70: tot 22,
Hannah Maaoa, BU.7U; lot 33. Hannah Maaon,
30.70; tot 24. Hannah Maaoa, 40.70; tot 25,
nanoaa aiaai, av.ii'. ava aaa, nauaw awa,
4O.70; tot 27. Hannah Maaoa. - $0.70;
tot 28, Hannah Maaoa, : $0.70. BLOCK
2ft, lot 1, Margarat MacAay, $4,851 tot 2.
Margaret i Markay. $7.40; , lot , A Margaret
macaay, ao.oo; 901 a, aaanraraa aacaai,
ST.4U. BUICK 2A aabdlrtalon 1 af lot' A.
B.A- I Al ...V. 4A 4feVa. HBA.44aa.lanAa 48 .aC 1.A
If MWIIUi awa. U, fUaUA xaaaugg m xajy
A. Maggie Murphy. $0.70; . aubdlrtaioa l ot
1. lot .A, .&1U R. Dale, $o.T0: kubdlrtalon 4
10I lot A. M. aaa a. . amaxweu, bu-tu;
Bundlrtaloa lot lot a. Margaret wnita, gu.Tu;
BubdiylatoB 8 of tot A, Margaret White,
$0.70: aubdlrtaioa T of lot A, Margarat Whita,
$0.70; "aubdlTlaioa 8 ot tot A, Jaanla Currla,
Bu.TO; kabdlrtalua ft of tot A, Jennie Carrta,
40.85: aubdlrtaton 10 of tot A Jennie Carrta.
$0.84; aubdlrtalon 11 of tot A, Jennie -Currie,
0 To; auuulrtalna 12 of tot A. ' Uuader 1.
Rnmrnlna. 4O.T0: aubdlrtaton IS of tot A.
Margaret White. $0.70; aubdlrtaioa 14 af tot
A. Margaret White, 40.70; aubdlrtaioa of
tot ' A. '. Hanaen. $0.T0; aubdlrtaioa 14 af
tot A, TIOlo P. Cornelius. 40. TO; aubdlrtaioa
IT of lot A, TlUie F. Coraeliaa. $0.70; aub
dlrtalon is ar tot A. M. J pottar,;
aubdlrtaioa 1 of tot B, Wealey Millar, 40-TO
aubdlTUlon 2 of tot B, Wcaley Millar,
aubdlrtaioa 3 of tot-B, JUtla Marquam,
aabdlrtalon 4 of tot B. Julln Marwiam.
anbriiTialon ft of -Int B. Gnnder J. Hum mine.
40.70; vabdlrtaloa 4 ef tot B, Mary B, AdamA
4O.T0; aubdlrtalon 7 of tot B, W. P. Burrell,
lrwaiev. iu.iv, wikiiiimb a "i m a, n. a
, Burrell, Truatee, $0.70; aubdlrtalon 9 of tot
B. w. r. Burrell, -irwaiea, av.oo; .euouiTunnn
10 of lot B. W. F. Burrell, Truatee. $0.86;
aubdlrtaioa 11 of tot B, W. F. BurrrtL TPrua
toa. 30.70: aabdrrtalon 12 of lot B. W. P.
Burrell, truatee,. $O.T0; aabdlrtalon 13 ot
tot B. Mary E. Adama. 40.70; aubdlrtaioa
14 of tot B, Mary B. Adama, $0.70; aubdlrta
ioa IB of lot B. Mary B. Adama. SO TO: Bun
dlrtaloa 19 of lot B, Jamea w. Brandt, ao.fu;
' aubdlrtaioa IT of tot B, U under J. Bumming,
40.70; anbdlrtatoa 18 of tot B, W. F. Burrell,
Truatee, BU. iu. BLtrun, ar, lot 1, aojea n
KcboUboni Katate, Helra of. $7.40; tot 8
KUeti H. Bchollhorn Kauto. Heirs of. 47.40
aubdlrtalon 1 ot tot A. C. M. BoaaalL Truatee.
S0.T0; aabdlrtatoa 2 of 'tot A, C. M. BuaaalL
. Truatee. 80.70: aaMlrtatoa 3 of lot A. O. M.
RnaaolL Truatee. $0.70; sabdlrtatoa 4 of tot
A, C, M. RuaaeU, Truatee, 40. TO; subdlrtstoa
ft of tot A, C. M. Buaaell, Trnatee, SO.TO; anb
dlrtatoa I ot lot A, 0. II. RunaelL Truniee,
$0.TU; aubdlrtaioa T of lot A. Moy Back HIA
ii, 71,: aubdlrtaioa 8 of tot a, W. F. Burrell.
Truatee. gu.70; aubdlrtaioa 9 of tot A, Moy
Back kiln. Bu.TO. BoooiTonon w a at 1
W. P. rwrreu, iTUBiae, bu.tu; auoamaioa
.a n u T li., ,f lnaaaa.hillvl.lna
of tot B,' Hong Cues How. 40. TO; subdlrtaloa
S of tot H. w. M. aicaraowney iu J. t.
taonard. 80.70: - aubdlrtaioa 4 of to S. W.
, F. Burrell, Truatee, Su.70; anbdlrtatoa S of
tot B, W. H. McKioowaey ana . T.-Leonaro,
SO.TO: aubdlrtaioa 4 of tot B, C. M. RqaaeU,
au.iu; auoniTunon i ot avs a, rt, aa. aaaw,
SO.TO; aunillTlalon S of tot B, Moy lack Hln,
SO.TO; rubdlTlaioa ft of tot B, W. M. Law,
: 40.40; aubdlrtaioa 19 of tot B, Moy Back
inn. So. 40. BLOCK 28. lot 1. Jeaala and
. J. M. Belcher. 47.40; lot 3, Jamea 8. Pol-
Demua, auoaieiaioai l in i, wiiuam
aiut Hoaina oelaer. subdiTlaioB 2 of tot
' 2, WlllUm and Roalna Oalger, 40.40; aubdl-
., rtslcn S of lot 2, WUIiam and Roalna Gelger,
BO.00. snbdlrlainn 4 af lot 2. WllUim and
Roalna Oelger, $0.80; anndlrUton ft of tot A
William and Roalna Oelger. $0,40; aabdlrtalon
of tot A WllUm and Roalna Oelger, 40.1);
" aubdlrtaioa 7 of tot 2, WlUlam and Roalna
Oelger, 40.80; anbdlrlrtoa 8 af tot A WlUlam
and Roana Oelger, $0.40; aubdlrtaton 9 of
. tot 2. WlUlam and Roalna Oelger. $0.80;
. aubdlrtalon 10 of tog. 2, WlUlam and Rortna
iirieer. 40.80: anbdlrtatoa 1 of tot 4. Mrs.
M. J. W earner, $0.64; aobdlrtalon 3 of tot 4,
' Mrs. M. J. Waamer, $0.60; aubdlrtalon 8 oi
lot 4. Mrs. M. J. W earner, $0.64: anbdlrtatoa
4 of tot 4. aira. at. a. waamer, a,,. iu, anoni
rtalon ft of tot 4. Mra. M. J. Weanjer $0.TO
- aubdlrlalnn 4 of tot A. Mra. M. , J. Weamer,
' an in- aamdlrtaioa T of tot A MrA M. J.
Weamer. $6.90; aobdlrtalon 8 of tot 4,- Mra.
M. - 3. weamer,; aunoiTiPKii, vi pja ,
Mrs. M. 3. weamer, au. tu. niiuta aw, a
1 Uarearot H. rienhnlm. 41.06: lot A Ma
aaret 11. Denbolra. 41. M): lot- A Margaret
H. Denbolm, $1.10: lot A Margaret H. Dea-
knim. 31.10-. lot 5. Mara-Bret H. Denbolm.
.$1.10: Int 8, Margaret H. Denbolm, $1.10: tot
t Mara-aret H. Denbolm.
.7 . . ,. ,, o,,. i... a, aa,Mu, tjr
raret rra.iiennoiw, ai.w, .
1. , i - , no, L.a to u.,...a U IW.
holm. 40.00. BLOCK 30. aubdlrtaioa 1 of tot
a. Emily li. aon jamea uwrraa. au.wi;
anMl rtalon 1 of lot A. - Predertck E-ert.
a,. OA, anhdlTtakra 11 tot A. Fraatorlck
Kgrert, 40.06; aubdlrtalon 4 of lot A, Prad
erlck Ertrrt. $0.86; anbdlrtatoa ft of lot A.
Frederick Eggart,
lot A. W. . P. Bun
dirtaloa 7 of lot A, Jenklna ft IHeranA
. $O.T; auhdlrtrtoa 1 ef tot B, W. F. Burrell,
Truatee. $0.90; anbdlrtatoa 2 Of tot B, W.
F. Burrell. Truatee. $0.6$. ' "
a . tract of 1 Uad between tba aoath ltaa of
. Vermont atreet and tha . north Hna
, of aubdlrtalon T of ' tot A at ptock
. Ml Honthern Portland, and balaaea tha oaat
line of Pennsylvania atreet and tba westerly
line ef tha Oregoa and Callforaia Railroad
. Comnany'a right ot way, Martha at. crowsu.
a M'f of 'land aatwaaa tha annth Una af far
meat atreet and tbo north Baa of
-aubdiafaton 1 af ' Vt B, 7 Mortt So.
Southern Partiaad. and batwiua tba waat ltaa
of Cainectlcnt atreat and tba easterly Una
of the Oregoa and California Railroad Coax.
, may's right of way, a F. Crowsll Bitata,
oitwaTD'alcMrianat.iwn - naavvinr.ltTaVThT
SI. lot 1. ftnlomoa Belaa.f $0.46; tot t, Boto-
. nma Relaa. 40.46; tot A nnmmon aviaa. an ao;
lot 4. Hnlnaana Raiaa SO.TO: tot A ImtoBMl
Relaa. 40.70; lot 4, Hototnoa Rrtaa. $0.43; tot
T, HoMllN Kataa. u.aai 101 o, aaaaai oaiaa,
$n.0; lot ft.Boioanoa Relaa, 40 no: tot 10,
Botomoa njotaa, 40.45; tot IL ftolomoa Relaa,
1 go 40: lot 12. Botomoa Relea, 40.40; tot 13,
Botomoa Relaa, $0.90; lot 14, Botomna RetoA
40.55: lot 1ft, lolomoa Rrtaa. $0.80;, tot IA
Kolomna Rrtaa, 40 70. BLOCK 33, tot 1.
Hannah Maeon. Sft.Tft: Int A Haanah Maaoa,
Bn.iai, Bun a oa, aianiTiapia a vi aw a.
James 8. Reed. 40.70: anbdlrtaloa 2 ef tot
aa-JaaMB B. auod, , 4u.Tv; aaaaiTuioa g
lot 1, Jtmea B. Reed. fO.Tr.: aubdlrtalon 4
of tot 1. Jamaa B. Bred. 40.70; ubdlrtetoa .
ft of tot I. Janira 8. Bead, $0.40; .,
enbdlTlalou 4 of tot 1. Anas 8. Blokmin,
$0.40; aulrtlrlatoa 7 ot lot 1, Anna 8. Btok- -
nau., au.iu; aubdlrtaioa 8 ot tot 1, '
Piiklugtoa and A. W. Wright, 40.70; aub.ll- .
rtalon 9 of lot 1, 1. N. Burt. $0.70: aubdlf
rtaliw 10 of tot 1. J. M. Bart. $u.70i' aub
dlrtaioa 11 af tot 1. Anna Olaon, $0.nlj
nubdlrtaton. 12 of tot 1, J. B. PUklngtoa and
A. W., $0,711: aabaUrUton 13 of tot
1. J. B. I'llklnatnn and A. W. Wright.
$0.76; subdlrtaloa 14 of tot 1. Joha T. Cook,
80.7bi sandlrtaloa 1ft of tot 1, Joba T. Cook.
$0,76; aubdlrtaton 1 of tot t. Cells M. Frleg
and EdwU U. McCllney, $0.75; - aubdleniloa
2 of lot A CeUa M. Frier and Edwla B, ,.
MeCMncy, $0.80; aubdlrtaioa 4 of tot 2, Cells- .
aa. rner ana anwtn b. atct uncr. 00.01,. .
aubdlrlaloa 4 of let 2Tft'lla M. Prior and .
Edwla B. McClIaey. $0.80; aubdlTlaioa ft of
tot A lOUa M. iS-kar nod Edwla 8. Mo-Cllney,-'
$0.80; aubdlrlaloa i-T of tot 2. CeUa
M. Prior. aad Edwla A McCVncy, $0.70: sut
dlrtatoa T of tot 2, CaUA-af. krlar and Rdwia
8. McCllney, $0.70; aubdlrlaloa 8 of tot 2,
CeUa M. Frier and Edwla B. McCUacy, $0.-70:
aubdlTlaioa 8 of tot 2. Calls M. k'rier and
Edwla 8. MoCUncy, $0.70; aubdlrlalon 10 of -tot
A Cella M. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllney, .
$0.40; aubdlTlaioa 11 ot tot 2. CeUa M. krler
and Edwla A McCllney. $0.70: aubdlTlsloa
12 of kt 3, CeUa M. Frier and Edwla A,
MeCUncy, 40. TO; aubdlrtaioa 13 of tot 2,
Cella M. Frier and Edwla 8. McCllney. $0.70:
aubdlTlaioa 14 af lot A CaUa M. Frier sad
Edwin B. MeCUncy, 40.70; gubdlTlatoA 15,
ot tot 2, CeUg kl. rrler and Kdwtn A Me
CUncy, $0.40. BLOCK 34, aubdlrlalon 1 of
tot C, KV C. Broaaugb, $0.35; aubdlTlaioa
ot mi w. m. xinwiBugUa av.oo, auaaiTiaioa
$ ot tot U, B. U Branaugh, $0.36; aubdlTlaioa
4 of tot U, K. C. Bronaugb, $0f:i6; aubdlTlaioa
6 of lot U, K, 0. Bronaugb, 140.86; aubdlrtaioa,
4 of tot O, K. O. Bronaugb. 4U.36; aubdlrtaioa
f of tot ii. K C, Bronaugb. 40.36; aubdlTlaioa
8 ol lot O, E. C. Bronaugb, $0.36; aubdlTlaioa '
9 of tot ii, B. 0. Bruuaugb., 40.36; subdlrtaloa . '
10 of tot u, K. C. Bronaagh. 40.X; aubdlrtaioa v ,
11 ei lot U. E. a Bronaugb, SO.86; auudlTlaloa
12 af tot O, K. 0. Bronaugb, 40.36; aubdlrtaioa
18 of tot U.'K. C Bronaugh, $0.36 aubdlrtaioa 3
14 of tot 0. K. C Broaaugb. 40.4ft; aubdlrlaloa
It of tot U, B. C. Bronaugb. $0.60; aubdlTlaioa
1 of lot O. K. C Bronaugb, $0.35; aubdlTlaioa ..
17 of lot O. B. 0. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlrtaioa
14 of tot O, Ik C dtroaaugb, $0.35; subdlrtaloa '
19 of tot O, E. CL Broaaugb. 40.36; aubdlrlaloa' ,
20 of tot U, E. C. Bronaugb, $0.35; subdlrtaloa
21 of lot O, K. C. BrosaugA 4k36; aubdlrtaioa
23 of tot O. K. C Bronaugb, 40.36; aubdlrtaioa .
23 of tot 0, H. C. Bruaaugb, $0.36; subdlrtaloa .
24 of tot it. K. C. Bronaugb, 40.35; subdlrtaloa
26 of lot U. B. C. Bronaugh, $u.36; aubdlrtaioa '
24 of tot 0. K. C. Bronnuxh, 40.36; aubdlrtaioa . V
27 of tot O. K. C Bronaugh. $0.35; aubdlTUlon - ,
28 uf tot 0. K. C Bronaugh, $0.36. BLOCK
34, sabdlrtaloa 3 OI tot ,.. v. Bronaugu. ,
SB: sabdlrtatoa g ot tot tt. b. u. nronaoxu. , .
.35; aubdlrtaioa S of tot H. A. C Broaaugu, .
1J6: aubdlrtaioa 4 of tot IL, B. t). Branaugh.
.35; subdlrtaloa ft 01 tot M k.c rronauau. ,
3b; BUDdlTlaloa Ol mt n, r., , uiaaiaia, 1
.15: aubdlTlaioa T of tot H. E. C Bronaugh.
1.36; BobdlTiaioa 8 of tot H. H. 0. Broaaugb, 1
auH.1 IHWUinHia . w e' , . " - - .'
$0.36; aubdlTlaioa 10 of tot H, K. C Bronaugb.
iu.33; subdlrtaloa 11 of tot H, B. C Bronaugb, ,r
go.85; subdlrtaloa 12 of lot H, B. C. Bronaugb, -1
an no: .ondiTlaioa 13 of lot H. E. 0. Branaugh.
, $0.35; aubdlrtaioa 14 of tot H, B. C Bronaugb. ,
on IA- .oKnlvtaloa IB of lot H. K. C. BronBUX'h.V
Jft; aubdlTlaioa 14 of lot H, B. C. Broaaugb.
ia; autKUTuuno 11 ot mt n, au annm
86; subdlrtaloa 18 of tot H, E. 0. Bronaugh.
i, .oMiTiaioa lft of Int H. K. C Bronaugh.
'aa- auhdiviakia no of tot H. M. 0. Bronaugh.
$0.36; aubdlTlaioa 21 of tot H, K. C. Bronaugb.
go. 55; aubdlTlaioa 22 of tot H; E. 0. Bronaugb. i:
ju.ift; subdlrtaloa 23 of lot H.,8. C. Bronaugh, .
BO.OO; BUOOlTiaioa aa WI avt a. .
$0.36; anbdlrtatoa 25 of tot H. K. C. Bronaugh,
$0.35; aubdlrlaloa 2lf tot H. K. C. Bronaugh.
$0.35; aubdlrtaton 87 of lot H, E. 0. Bronaagh.
$0.36; subdlrtstoa 28 ot tot H. B. U, Bronaugh.
go.86. - BLOCK 36, aubdlrtaioa 1 of tot A. -
Predertck Kggurt, $0.70; aubdlrtaioa 2 of tot
A, Predertck Kggert. $0.70 : aubdlrtaton S of
lot A. Predertck Kggert, $0.70; aubdirtatna 4
It tot AVPrederlck Eggert. 40.V0; aubdlTlaioa
ft of tot A, PrsdsrlcA Egg ert, $0.70jaubvl.
"istoa 4 of lot A. C. M. BnaaeU, -S0.70;
aubdlrtalon 7 of tot A. Frederick
Bxgei't, $0.70; aubdlT talon 8 of lot A, WU
Mai Laabs $0.70; aubdlrtaioa of Tot A.
W. W- Logan, 40.T0", anbdlrtatoa 10 ot tot
A WUllant Labba, 40.T0; aubdirtakm 11 tt
tot iL Aiguata AJfSd, $0,70; subdlrtaloa
12 of tot aTo! M. BuaaalT Truatee $00; -aubdlrtalon
13 of tot A, C.M. Raasell. TrnaJ
ir0.n:, subdlrtaloa 14 ot tot A. C M,
RaaavJj, Truatee, $0.70: aubdlrtaioa 1 of tog '
iW. Q. hL aad at. -A, Hays, $0.70. -aubdlrtaton
2 of tot B. Sarah A. Brown,
S0.T0; aubdlrtaioa S of tot B.--C. M, Kwaell.
XO Tu subdlrtaloa 4 of tot B, ArtboT Mather.
Jo.70 abdirtaloa ft ottot B-'.Moy Back
HlB, BO-tO; BUOOlTiaioa a vs w a.. . ..
BuarclVTruate $0.70; aubartaloa Y of tot
S w T. Burrell, Trnatee, $0.70: north ft
S lit t, ' tuZSZtt. CrcareU. $4 INi BLOCK
S tot I. Prsnk H. Oruob, ' $0.75; tot ,2.
Katbertao U Treeett. $0.76; lot 3. Sfygaret
H Denbolm, $0.76; tot 4, Margaret H. Den.
hhAk; lot ft, Margaret H. Danholm.
$S,75! fci 4 Maxwell N Hamilton, 80.T6;
tt 7. Maxwell N. amiUor to a.
t U ThmMlwwlm. Bhll
MTiubolm. 75Ttot 10, Jamea r. bell.
VBat, IU. gava aw, aaa axa fa a a
$0.76; lot T 11. Jamea P. BeU. $0.75; lot 12,
MargareVH. be-hoUa, J0.76; lot 13, kargarat
H Danbolm, .S0.70: tot 14, James P. Bell,
SA70Y tot lo, TD.' i. McBrlda. $0.46; tot IA"
orn Btanbouee. $0 40; tot 17. Own 8b
hoaua. 40.76: tot' 18, Donald B. McBrlde,
$S76; tot li: ivmald B. MrUrWe, S0.76: toi
K Donald B. McBrldAO.76: tot 5 d D.
Nairn. SO. 7ft : tot 88, Donald B. McBrlde,
80 76J tot Ia.M BWHSl, !
it, d D. Nairn, $0.75 lnV'26. Robert JUT-,
tncrtooe. $0.76: tot 28, liobert Urtngatone,
giTtot 27. Wert Urtncatooa, $oJji tot
2A Margaret B. Denbolm, $u.7A BLOCK ST.
hJLVhZ $3Lla, LO 38. oaraA
A UaT.BlA.IO, - '
C KEEN '8 ADDITIOW BLOCK. 1. tot 1,'Jobll
W. Lsngdna, aad wife, W. IL Barneti in
WltO, BU.7U: ,a0t A ooa w.'a -a
wife. W. H. Barnatt and trlfa, $oTfo; tot 3, v
Joba W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baraett
and wlfA 4uTo; lot 4. Jobn W.- Langdoa and
wlfA W? H. Baraett and wife, BlXKJb,
A tot 1. Joha W. Langdoa and arlXa. W. H.
Itemett and wife, 4U.7U; tot l
Langdoa and wIIa w. H. Barnatt and wife,
$u.7o; lot 3, Joha W. Langdoa aad wife, W.
H Baraett and wife. tot A Joha W.
lancdoa ahd TVlfe, W. H. Bsrnett sad wife.
$; tot ft. John W. Langdoa, aad wife.
W. iL Barnatt and wife, $0.80; lot A Joba
w Langdoa and wife, W. H. Baxnett and
wlfA $0.70; tot 7. John W. Langdoa And Wife,
W. H? Baraett aad wife ftaTu; U John
- W. Langdoa and wife, W. H, Baraett and
r.a. Kof HiAVnhT A lot 1. Joha W.
, langdorT and wife, W. H. Barnatt and wife,
e gaAarA. R.a a lAk V ImMlVaa sftlmfl Tori f ft.
V?. it Barnatt sad wUs. $0.70; tot A Job;
W. Lanadoa and wife. W. H. Barnatt and
wife, So.70; lot 4, Henry I Jobnaoo, 4O-80;
lot ft. Joha W. langdoa aad wlfa. W. H.
KrnVtt and wffA 40.80: lot aToBb W.
langdoa and wlfA W,;H.
3U. To; tot 1, Anon w. miwaraa, I't" "
Ii. Harnett had wife. $0.(0; lot 8. Joha W.
Langitoa and wife, W. H. Barnatt and wife,
' 40.7U. BLOCK A mt 1. Joha W. Langdoa ana
wltej W, H. Barnatt "M.wua. giyio, a a,
t Joha' W. Lsngdoa and wUa. W. H. Barnett
sad wife. . 40.45; tot ft, Joba W. Lsngdoa
and wife. W. H. "Barnatt ana wira, au.or, ;
W. H. -Barnatt ana wits, BU-on;
hn W. LsngdoB and wlfs, w. H.
nd wlfA 4O.80; tot A Joha W.
lad wlfa. W. H. Barnett and wife.
.. tot 4. Joha
Barnett and
" 1 ...ib, a an
$0 70; tot A Joha W. Langdoa. and wife,
ti u.Jl.t .od wlfa. 4U.701 lot 7. John
W Lsngdoa and wife, W. H. Bsrnett and
wlfA $5.70. BLOCK , t 1. Joha W.
. langdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and wife,
an au- tot A Joha W. Langdoa and wife,
W H. Barnatt ssd wife. $0-! toJA Joha
-W.i Lsngdoa and WlfA W. H. Barnett and
.wife 40.75; tot 4. Joha W. Iamgdna aud
w ffe'f tV p. Barnett aad wlfa. $o.95 tot
J John W. "Langdoa "4 wife. W. HVBaraett
and wife, 40.40: lot A Joba W. langdoa and
- wtf-TW. U. Barnatt and wife, $0 86: lot 7.
JohrvV. Lsngdon and wlfa. JV. H Barnett .
and wife, $0.70; tot A John W. Laordoo and .
wlfa. W. S. Bariartt and wUe $0 66: tot 9,
' Joha W- langdoa and wlfa. vW. H. Baiwett
a 4a ' aVi ttaii In IA John W. aiiartirm -
Tnd-wlfr'W. H? BaWt and wif
13? iohr W. langdoa Bod wlfs. wT U.
Barnett sad wife, 80.T0; tot IA Joha W.
' Langdoa and wife. W. H. Barnett and a-tfe. -
iooortot 14. Joba W. Langrton and wlfe,-y
wVb. Baraett and wlfs. 40JW. BLOCK A .
tot L John W. Lsngdon and wlfs. W. H,
Barnett and jrlta. $0 90; tot, A lydli . A. ,;
MUM, So.Tpi tot S. Lydla-A. Mlus, JWiTO; J,
Za . Jofta W. Unrdoa and wlfA W. H. .
Baraart and wlfa. $0.Tfl; tot A Joha W. -
' Iaingdoa Bad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife,
S0.70: lot A Joba W. Langdoa aad wife,
. W. i Barnett and wlfs, $0?T0; Int 7. Joba
W. latngdoa aad wife. W. H. Barnett aad .
wlfs. Su.70; tot 8. Joba W. lanrDon and
WHa. W, H. Baraett sad wife; tot A ,
' Joha W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett
.-,1 arifA 4 -3ft; tot 10, Joha W. Langitoa
and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfA 40.85;
lot 11. John W. Lsngdoa and wlfs. W, H.
Barnett and wife, J0.T0; tot 12. John W.
langdoa aad wife, W. H. Barnett .and wife.
SO.70; tot IS, - Joha W. lanadon and wife,
. w. H. Barnatt sad wlfa. $0.70; tot 14. Joha
W. Lancdcav and wlfa. W. H. Banhett aad
arlfA 40.70; tot IA . Joha W, langdoa and -wife,1
W. H. Barnatt and wrfe, $0.70; lot IA
' Joha W. lanadoa and wife. W. H. Barnett -aadaWlfA
S0.T6. BlOCK 7, tot 1, Joba W..
Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife.
' $0.90; tot A John W. Langdnaj.and Wlfa.
W. ft. Baraett Bad wife. 40. 70; Jot A Joha
' W. Langdoa and wife. V., H. Barnett and
wife, $0.70; tot A Jobn W. langdoa and wife, ;
- w. h' Barnett aad wife, SO.TO; tot 6, Johft T"
W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. ' Baraett and ' '
wlfa. $0 70; tot A John W. tangdon and wife, , -W.
H. Barnatt sad wife, $0.70; tot 7. John
. W. latngdow and wife.. W. H. BarneU aad
wife. 40.70; tot S. Jnba W. Lanrdoa and ,
' wlfA w. H. Baraett and wife. $0.U; lot 9, V
joha W. Langdoa and wlfs, W. H. Barnett
and wife, $0J6; tot lo, Joha W. Lsngdoa
and wife, W. H. Barnett and wlfs, $0.70;
"tot 71. John W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. .
raraett aad wlfa, 40.70; tot 12, Joba W.
angdoa Bad wife. W. 11. Barnett and wife,
. $0.70; tot 13. John W. langdoa and wife, '
'. W. H. BtrxeU . gad Ua, $0.70; , tot 14,