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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
Va- . jvi; vczxLAiibi tUTUTJDAY tTOmja TCeiuAnY 4:cx I .. I 1 1 ." 3 crcc:i dai v Ren- ef, ar .80; weet tS feet af tot Perry O. Baker tat. Heir of. fl.ox All of BMH'K I, Carutker' addlttoa to Care there' addlttoa. except westerly M.I feet o( Um soatberly 64.6 feet. J. if. Lsrkel. $XTX ." A tract af land bounded o4 described ' follow: Cokimaaaleg at Intewcltoa of east . , Una ef Hood street with aortk Una of Baker street; tbeaoa eaetsrly ea north Una at Baker . " Barret 84.6 taati tbsoaa Bart bar 17 Basalt , wit west (Ma Km af Mood atraal 46 . .. feet; tbeueo westerly parallel wltk Bortk Una of Baker treat to aaat Una af Bond Croat; tkenre aeatherly oa aaat Uaa af Hood street ta beginning, lienry Bckeelaad Eetae. H.Ira of. II.M . omrtifEriB' Annmoif to cABtmtrfRs' . ADDITION to fb City of Portlaad BLOCK J, William Oronrk. HIM. BLOCK K. Maria ' J. Bakat, $15 36. BLOCK U Howieopathi ' ' Hospital 154 Dlepeneery of Porttoad. lis 04. BLOCK M. HonaaopaUie Hospital aad Dle . Beaaery' ' fnrtktM. $1X06. BLOCK N. .,' Homeopathic Roaplul and Danaaaary at . . , Portland, IllM. BLOCK O. Boeopathle ' Bospiul 4 Diapeassry of Portland, (1A.M. Block P, undivided V af lot 1. Ibex Land Company, $.oo; andlTlded Vt of tot X Ibex Lead Oemsany. 11.00; nndlrldrd tt Of tot X , na Land Compear. $1.00; uadlTlded to af tot 4. I bet Und Company, $1.00; undivided I.'- M I, Ibri Und Company. $t.00( aa dlrlded H ef tot X Ibex I-d Company. L00; aadtvlded H af tot f. Thex load Company. $1.00; aadJelded H of tot X Ibex , Usd Oompeny. $1.00: undivided to of tot 1. ... Abba B. ConneU 61.06: undivided (a af tot 3. fa B. Oenneli. $1.06; undivided to of tot '. i. Ana B. Canaan. $f.00t aadlvtiled H of lot ' 4, Abb B. Caoaall, $1.00; aadtvlded '. 6, Abbs B. $1.00; andirtded - X A am B. Oeoeell, $1.00) undivided , T, A Biik B. OoBBall, $1.00; odinl4 I. A ana IL CmtoalL 11.00. BLOCK Clara Ball. t3.00t anrtk taa. of lot ' BolL 10..V): aoatk 41 faak of lot 1. ' . Bartnta Ul SaHatr, $1.M: lot $, GoYbmb kaTlnca A Laaa Bortatr, 11.80; lot 4. OarBua Bartn( i Laa foetal, il.70; lot S, Oarataa Bartnca Loaa Bnalatr, $3 00; lot 4. (aim ' Bavinaa Lea a Boelat, $2.00; north faot of traat SO foot af lot T, Uarmaa Bataf - Ims Boriaty, $0.10; MM to 41 foot of lot T. .' Oaraiaa lartaf Lot a &oHetj $t.00f Borth fort of aaat TO faat of lot T, Clara Bollt " $0.W; aaat TO faat of lot I, Clark Ball. ' tl K; waat W faat Of kt S, r. OaUaliBaUL fOM. BLOCK B, Oaraiaa Barlaa Laaa v BorWtr, $10.00. -T A tract of Un4 trloa Wtaraaa tba aootk Baa ; of Maada atraat aai tho ortkartr Um of ' kktrk a, OaratBar Mldltloa ta Caratbara' addttloa. , ts ikotra a, tbo mmp at PortUn4 BaMlakad . bf tba Tit la Ooaraata Trot 1 ennpaar, 100$, 14 batwaaa tka rat Uaa of - Hood atraat and a It a 40 faat aaat af aad . aafalial wltk tha aaat Uaa tt Cor bait atraat, - AT l. Sail Lb, riSO. - . CART7TRBR8' ADDITION TO CARTTTRVRS - ADDITION to tba City af Portland- BLOCK - B. waat 40 fart of imrtk M faat of blork i. . Haaaak Caabaa. $1.M: vaat 40 feat of aoatb faat of klockTB, & U. Hnwood. S0.4O. HKK T. Tkoaua B, Cdwaroa, lllO. BLOCK M.laaaa Aaatla. I10.S5. BLOCK 40. lot 1. V. H. ParkarJr.lO; lot 1 B. H. Parkrr. i no; imj, k. a. rarkar, 41. so; lot 4, E. H. raraar. .10: aaat 4.2 faat af lot ft. Parker. .10; aaat 4 1 faat of tot 4, E. 11. .10; aaat 4 Jot T, K. R. .Parkar, n i raraar, ao i Parkar. $0 CampballT faat of lot 101 aaat a.i laat or lot. a, E. ft. 10: waat Hi faat ar lot .tl. $0.50; waat II faat of aoatk IT 4. D. W. CaambaU. On. IS' waat faat of aaat aft.l faat of Lit loha B. tl T I. kUaa. $0.45; waat 35 faat f aaat t I - , i rot of aoata H lot a, goba K. asd T, I. : , Maaa, $0.20; aaat 24 fart af kreat 51.$ fart . af lot 6. taaorc Notkaacla, $0.50; aaat 20 , faat of waat 61.$ fact of aoatk 1T.I feat of ma. .uanrt notaaafW, ao.ia; aaat 25 fart of waat T. faat of lot B. P. W. DaHaff. $0.45; aaat 35 fart of waat 74 1 faat af aoatk Vk of lot 4. P. W. DrRnft $0.20; waat 101.2 m , r. w. oanari, o.xo; waat 101.1 of aortk U of lot 4, Oarawa BaTtna Boeiotr, $1.00: aortk $ faat of woo? H tb H of lot , Oariaaa Sari of aj Loae xaai or Bona . Loaa Hoi " of aoatb ' f"tftr, $0.15; waat 101.4 fart of aoatk H of aortk 101.4 fart of aortk H af lot T. feirah ; L. Ckfoaatar, 11.00; lot . Ornaaa Baiiaa ;" ow'7. au. niAtvm L aaat 13 fart . tot I. Jnba I. and Laara K. Lants, $1.60; . waat $2 faat of lot ti W. and W a in.ait! . tot 2. Tboaaa R. BadU, $2.10; lot $. Lowla . 2: ' ry""i Bi.jur-t , Mra. a man import. . tilO: lot T VrMA di,a.tnK a i. 1! f 4. 8. J. and, B. U Urur. $110: aoatk 4 faat of tot T.'Loola P.TBrno. - $2.00; aortb --" L -0 ,ot T Caaadlaa Betttora' Laaa - $0.10; tot , Caaadlaa lt- I!rM.J, vo block , 43. tot 1, X. af. Matkkofe. $2.10; tot 2, J. M. , .Matkkak. $2.10r tot 8, joarpk Pollrki. $llo; o! Poll Tka, $110; tot 6. Frank PoltTka. 42. 1lt ut a avank aii-k. aa ' t Tf Wtharlaa Habal, $2J0; lot $, Catbarlna naari, .1U. BUH, S, 9t J, A. ti. Hm " fat0?" "-.-A Him moo a. $3.10; ? ?! JnllilLr H.aood, $Z10; Wadanaa i aad Jnlla E Raaimond, $2.10; : lot 6.-A. a. Ramnaad. J alio- a I n "... RamaMad, $3.10: oaat faat of lot T, A. o! . RamnioBd. a M r u a V O. Ranuaoad. $0.10: waat 60 faat of tot T. Tkrjdoro Haaa. $1.0: waat 60 faat at lot o. Hiaoojoro aaaa, 1 on. A trart of Und katweaa blnrka 4$ and OS. Caratbara1 Addition to Oaratbaaa Addltloa. r brtwaan tba aortk Una of Portar atraat - r 4 a Una M0 faat aortb thrranf aad aaralltl '. A -tract a land fcatwakn blork 43 a 4 4ft .' ' Caratkora' Addition to Canthara iaH Vs- ,D1 ko'warn tka aoatk Una of Bonk or atraat .... a oo a una ran aoaia tnarrof aad aarallel T-thrrawltk. Tkaodora Baaa, tl.40. .- r"" ADDITION to tha City W Portland BLOCK . Mat oO fart of waat 100 .faat of lot T, TL. -ni. 1TVh' -1(?;-,'"t M frt if wo4 100 faat of tot- a. W. O. Bailtk. $1.00. BLOCK . Btmnnarwr, 43.10; lot 2. lofca Bpltbarrrr. $2.M; tot M. Braaar. (2.10; lot 4. Catkartno ". Thrrkal P eon. 22.IO; tot . Joaaf fratarka, $3.10; "tot 2. Hlrkaal Bartnlalt. $3.10; lot J. A. ; Crw-kar, $3.10: tot $, . A. Cmrkar, $110. tot 2. Haorr B. Baaft. $3.10; mTm ' 172!";. f-10i k, J" $3.10; tot , , Ahaaall J. Bartoa, $3.IOt tot 4, Abamti mt I . jhoaeait n. narton. oA.iv, aw i, aana nraiaa, 42.10; tot 4. John Bedlak. $X10. BLOCK 4T. wait U - - J1 Darla. $1.06; waat H ef lot .' , ' -1 nn; aortk 20.46 faat of ' . 7f " . inoinna Mnnoara, BO.Bft ' W I. Tboaiae Mrlnbarc Jl ..aootk .2S faat of aaat 14 of tot 1 pat Hrk atarrar. 40.40; tot $. luaabath Mori.. 42. lo; waat 66 1$ faot af aaat TO 2.1 t. , o4 lot 4. Aana. B. Oratko, $O.T0; aaat IW 1-1 . . J"' -nario a, Harwaoo, ao.TO; ' tot 4. Roorrt and Mari L ."" 0f! tot t MaUaaa It. Hu 7 , $3.10; lot 4, MaUaaa B, Baa, $3,107 tot T . Malllaa m. Uoraan. $3.10: tot I u.iiZ ' rfl"'. WJ- BLOCK 44. aaat 100 frt of ' naraa . IrtiUirM, 42.00; . waat 4 feat of tot I. r. if i ik 71. 41.1-1' ; $0.10; waat faat of tot 3, P., M. Ucbtaa- . tot 2. W. C. Rnftonart, $1.00; oaat 100 foot " Hl"f Dodlay, $1.00; toe 2, Jnka .Dndlr. $3.10: tot 4, John Dsdlrr ' K 2- JT" J1" Lean porlatj. ... $2.10; lot ,rnnaa Sarliia Loan BorlatV .43.10; waat Tl faat of tot ,T. at. B. Urbtro- 5. ZJ' t . r' or lot s. M. R. I urnmunar,; aaat ai raet af tot T. 44. aoatk H Of tot 1. Rank Walater "$16; ,: aortb S of tot 'l. Andraw . Hanaoa. hTos. . A trart of Hn4 lrtof betwean twa line roneetlT1r 300 foot aad tan k faat aortk j of and naraltol wltk tba aortb Hna of Artbar ' atraat and paterae the wret Una af Water i atraat aad a Una 104 faat waat thereof aad CARl'TRRRS' ADDITION TO . CABrrfnoo .. I-ADDITION to tba Cltr of Portland BLOCK .' 40. tot 2, J. W. Bakrr. $X10; lot 2, Bdward . Maadeahall. $3.10t tot 4. Kdward Mandrsbalt. $3 H; tot 5. Rlrhard Martin, $3.10; tot 4, , Hannak Martin, 43.10: lot T, Han LarsriT . $3.10; aoatb H of lot 4. Han Larara, $1.05; aortb 4 of tot a, Belinda Dolaa, 41.04. , , 'A tract of land lrlok nrtwaaa twoUnae ra. , aoartlaaty 200. fart and 320 S feet aortb of i ana naraim amn tn aortk line af Artbar . errart and aatweaa tha eat line of rroat aerrat aad a Una 104 feat aaat of aad - pj Hwrwiu. nauoae unao. en. an. A tract af land between tn llnea paae ; tleal 320.8 feet and 241 fort aortb of aad aarallel wink tha aortb Una of Artbar afreet .-d between tba weet Una of Water atreet one e rme iai reet wen TDrr : . . naraltol tbarawltk. onbto Brbad. 80. v A tract af land lrlnc between tea llaea m- epaetlTelir 330.6 feet tad . 341 feet aortb af ana eeraiwi wita norrn line or Artanr atreet . and between the oaat llna of mat 'treat and a Una 104 feet eaet tbarmf and aerallei taara with. Jbbm Bama. 40.00. ' . ' A trart of land lrlae; betweea two linaa f ., aoectlrele 230.5 feet and 241 fart north af and ' parallel wltk tba aortb Una af Artha atreet and between tha went Una af Front atreet J"4 rMt Una a Ph-at atraat. WUUaat ruenar, et.iob A trart Of land WWie neewaen wa Iha ' anectfcelT 200 feat and 220a feet aortk at ' and parallel with tba aortb Una af Arthar - atreet and between tha weet llna of rroat erreat and tba eaet Uno at rtrat afreet, Ore (oa Rallwa A Narlaatloa Oeoroear. 41.T4. CARITHBR8' ADDITION TO CARCTTHKRR ADDITION to ta Cltr ft Partlaad BLO K . 40, lot I, BopM Bckad. 41.10; tot 3. ftophle ' Brkad. $ll0 tot 2, Boob la Jtokad. $2.10; lot a. nopeie araaa, 42.10; tot 5, Jama BamMa, f?1?: - fi Marooaaj. $3 .10: tot T, H. B. Brtairr, $X10: lot 8, H. B. Braaiey, -ft. .a 19. BLOCK 61. tot 1. WUllint PUedner, lOi tot 2. WlUlaa PUedner. U lti tot 2. nrr. $210; tot 6. Wlhl.m PUedner, $2.10; tot 4. WlUlent rUednor. $210; tot 1, William Pllednar, $110; tot M, Wllllaai nirdaor. 22 IO. BLOCK 63. lot i. Oregon Batlw Nartrttlo Cntnoanr, $l1w; let 3. Orafon Railway ft NaTivee Cemnan. $1.10; tot 2. oref-oa Kaliwaf a f - - -oi "any, ftlO; tot 4. (irera 1 , - r m V- U . S, ey 4, v-v i . H of lot H of lot iZ Of lot H af lot Q. tot 1. X Clara Oaraiaa I., . .. .. err nnat, - iKaeientlaa Pomaaar. lltOl tot 4. ( iimBf m riarifaiiua uoaipany, 42.10; m 1, rayua BaJlw A barlgatkoa Oonpaajr, $X10; tot a, Orratui Beltway A Narlaattoa U Saay. $3.10. BlXX'K 64. lot 1, Albert Wrkjbt, llu; kit 3. Julia H. Harr, $1.10; tot 4, Wllllaai P. D. Moroar, $3.10: tot 4. Ida B. Itarrer, $110; tot 6. Brron V. Boone, 43.10; ' oeulb H of tot 4, V. WUdU $1;05; norU W of tot 4, John T. Laakin, 41.05; tot T, Arnold. $2.10; tot a. I4la Arnold. $2.10. BLOCK 64. lot 1, Prank Ua Drake. $ilu; tot 2, PraakUn Drake, $2.10; aodl.tded H el tot S,;)Clla Xrlaoa, 21.06; andlTlded W of tot m. nwji tt . pwaa,, wj e. fmvuw kialihaaif. 23.10: tot 6. Marr Tarlar. $2.10: tot 4. Mary I- Iterl, $3.10; weet hf tot T, Mernilna Herb lea. l.o weal t of tot t. neraiina aiaeniea, ai.uoi aaat at lot , Kaania B. Tayton $1.0b rent 4 of tot Naaaln B. Taylor, $L0. BLOCK 66. tot Dlatrlrt bo. 1. 23.10: tot 1 School rnaarlet Ka. 1. 43.10: tot S. aVkonl Dlatrlrt Ne. 1. $3.10; tot 4. Bcbool W.trtct he. U 63.10: . lot 6. aVnool IXatrlrt . 1. $340; lot . Bohoul -Dlatrlct ho. 1, 63.10; tot T. Bcheol inacrlri No. 1, 4X10; lot 4. acaool JUtrlrt K. 1, $XI0. BLOCK 60, tot 1, Beth L. JNa, $3.10; tot 2, Balk L. Pop, $X10; tot 2. Praatoa W. 1Uetu. $110; lof 4. 1 atollla Buaford, $2.10; tot B, WllUata B. Jrilf. $2.10: tot 4. WUllaat B. Jolly, 4X10; totT, Mania nVhede, $X10: tot 8. Mart la Brhedr, $3.10. BLOCK 67, tot, J, 0. P. 8. Flammer, $3.10; aortb H of tot 3, O. P. B. . Plnmawr. $1.06; aoatb W af tot X A. Otia-to, $106. aortk U lot $, A. tjulrto, $1.06; aoatk U of tot X Roll la Abjer, 41.06; tot 4. uuu . Alter, 6X10: tot 6. Jaa L. Joba- atonn. 4X10: lot X Janea L. j 6X10: aoatk- $6 feet of oaat 4 5 fret of tot T, Ahbto O. Jana, 60.10; waat 60 feet af aaat 66 faat af tot 1, Abble 0, Jone, $1.00; . waat 60 Jeot of aaat 64.6 feet of tot 8. Abht - a J ear, 41.601 aortk 26 foot of aaat 46 feet ef tot T. 0. t. V. Phunmar, $0.10; aaat 4.6 . faat of tot X O. P. 8. PlaauRer, $0.10; wret 60 feaV of tot T. Kaaal 2. .Taylor, $1.00; weet 60 feet af tot X Nannie 6V Taylor. U0O. BLOCK 68. tot I. Boole C. Poet, late, Relra of, $110; lot X Buala C. Pt, Batata. Relra -of. 2X101 tot X Ot telle Bartaek. ,22.10; tot 4. Ot telle lUrtnek, $3.10; tot 6, PklUlp and Jnlla A. Lawtoa, $X10t lot 4. iMary Akara, $3.10; waat 43 feet of tot T. laiauaaal Bapaat caorea, 11.201 weet 2 . faot af tot 8. laianinaef .Baptlat Cborrb, ll.kOl aaat 44M faat ot tot T. Baal 0. Peat. Batata Hrlra af. 40.60; aaat 44 Sb fart af tot 8. Baala C. Poet Haute, Hrlra of. 6040. BLOCK 66. went 21.6 feet of north 25 feet of tot 1, A. P. NeonerU $0.25; aoatk 25 feet af art 1, A. r. neonort. 41.00; oaat tb loot of north 16 feet af tot 1. Umry Walakard. 60.T5; tot X John Wldaiaa, $X10 tot X C R. lAaanenoa. $X10: tot 4. Emily J. T. kfeare. 43.141 tot X Joha florkiah. 8X10 tot ' 0, Bdward 1. Hart $X10; went H of tot xT, Paeale R. rHearlch. $1.05; went of tot . 8, Pami T.. trledrtok, $1.08; aaat U of tot T. Loula One, $t.06t rut H of tot 6, Lanl riehn. $1.06. I BLOCK 40. tot 1. Jamaa . Hamphray, $3.10; tot X JaaeM Romporer. 2X40; ff-t X A. P. Neonort. 2X10: tot 4. , aniaaaowini Aak laxoff. mm. i'r. fjamai aaar-a . Loot C Baoeao. $1.15; aaat 00 feat of tot . X Loala C. Bhomo. 41.14: weet 44.0 Tart of :. tot 5, laabella Bottler. 40.40: waat 4X6 feet of lot 4. Iaabalta Bottler. $0,661 lot T.tMoy Bark RIB. 6X10; tot k. Moy Bark HlB. JXld BLOCX . tot 1, Michael MrcalTett. Batatn ' Relra of. $XJ0: tot X Oermen naTtara A laaa Bortoty. 12.10; aortb, 25 feet of tot 3. Oermen Baring laaa Society. 61.56; aoatk 15 feet of tot X Aaraeta MarkaTj0-! tot X Aanata Mark. 4X10; tot 6, W. A. and L B. Lrwta. $X10; tot X W. A. and I. B. Lrwta, 23.10; tot T. Wllllaai laenoea, $X10; tot X WlUlam leenaer, X1. r . A tract of land between twa ltnea raaate Mealy $00 feat aad 230.6 taet north af aad aarallel with tka aortk Uaa of Artbar atreet end between the weet line af'rlmt atreet and - a llna 100 feet weet thereof and parallel v loerewita, eamea rjampnrey, eo.ev A tract of land betweea two tare reapertltely 300 feet aad 330.6 faat north af aad aarallel ' wltk tha aortb Uaa of Arthar atreet and be '4a at a tha aaat Una of ftacond atreet and a line leu feet eaat thareof and aarallat Ihara wltt, Moy Back Bin, $0.60. ' A tract of land between twa Una ' re: ., epeettTcly 220.6 feat and 341 feat north of and . aarallel wltk tba aorth Una of Artbar etreet red between ' tba weet Una at pint atreet ' and a line 108 feet waat of and aarallal tbarawltk.- AacoaU Mark, 60.60. A tract af lend between twa Mnea iimr tleely 220.5 fret; aad 341 feet north af and ' parallel wltk tba north Una of Arthur atreet - and between tka aaat Uaa of kecond atreet ana a line ioa inet aaat thereof and parauai therewith. W. A. and L B, Lamia, $0.80. -A tract of land betweea twa llnea nPt tteely 230 Jl feet and 841 feet aortb at and . parallel wltk tka north Uaa of Arthar etreel and betweea tba weet Una af ' Serond atreet and a Ikva 106 feet waat thereof aad aarallal therewith, laabella Bottler. 60.60. - -A tract af land betweea twa llnea loaaeo. tleely 230.5 feet aad 341 feet aortb af aad naraltol with tha north Una of Artbar atreet and betwean thai aaet lino of Third atraat and : a Una loo faat eeat thereof aad aarallal there- . witn. nanry una, . . A trect af land between twa llnea reaan treely 300 fact and 330.6 toet north of nnd parallel with tha north Una of Arthar atreet ana peine tn weet line or a conn atreet and a Una 104 faat weat tbarmf and aaralle therewith, Edcar Poapletna, $0.60. A tract af lead trail between two linaa re aper tire ly 200 feet and 3203 feet aortk af and ' parallel with tba aortb llna ot Artbar -atreet . and 'aetwoea the eaat Una of Third atreet aad a Una 104 faot aaat thereof and aarallal therewith. Aatnn Blarbofbargar', 60.40. CARrTTtBRS' ADDITION - TO -PA atlTrtHBir ADDITION to tha City of Portland PLOCK 1 63. tot I, Kdward Brady, $X10; tot X Bdward - Brady, $X10: lot X larael Madwad, 8X10; tot 4,- laabella Bottler. 6X10; lot X Henry - Tinim, 4x10; anwa V, at art a, uecaiia Tina, SI.0R; north H of tot X Anna C. Baanlcke, t.okt lot T. Edward Bradr. 2X10: tot'8. . Clara M. Hantlnc, 4X1X BLOCK 4S, - lot 1. Bdfar Poppletoa. $2.10; tot X Bdcar Pon : ptotaa, $X10; tot X Kdfnf Poppletoa, $X10; eaet T6v feet of tot X Patrick Korray, 81.66: weat 20 feet af tot X Oearee P. Rot. , tier, $0.55; wont H of let $. J. Reary Wol trlnr. $1.05; west H of tot X J. Henry woitrinin tl. on; east i 01 lot a. owtoa BlerhoPierirer, 41.08; east of lot X Anton Bwchofbercrr. $1.05; tot T. Thenphll Billet or, 1X10; nnatb 40 feat of tot 6. TkeopbU Bllle ' ter, 'II. To; aortb 10 feet of tot X Anton ; BlerhnfWrer. $0.35. BLOCK 64, north U 'of tot 1. Char Ire f. Hnerker. $1.05; aoatk H of tot 1, Katie P. BaVnetok. $1.06 1 tot X Katie P. rUheaetrk, 8X10: tot X Joha r, t.ante.; lot e. eoaa r, vwpiea, $2.10; west M feet of tot 6, kflka Ptpatrta, west Ad feet af tot X Mlka Eaateln. .' II. bo; eaat 1044 fart of tot X Anna B. Wol- trlmr. $o.l.1 eaat 101 feet at tot X A an PI. Wet trim, $0.16; tot T. Ansa B. Weltrlne, 1X10: tot X Anna K. BLOCK on. lot 1. aoaia b. marray, a 4. I'M m a. Addle 11 llarray. 2X10: tot X Praak R. ' Or. IX 10; lot X O. P. R. Pbmiw, $X10; eaat 8 4-4 feet 01 lot 4. I. B v. Tnoaipaon. weat T3 1-4 feet af tot 8. Jane abort, l.COl cent 32 6-6 fort of aoatk V af tot X J. R. C. Thorn peon, 60.30: west T3 3-6 feet , of arena M m t jamen anort, ' ..k u. o le a Addle Wnreee 41 OK tot T. Addle B. Marray. $X10; tot . Jooapk Pink, $3.10. ' A tract of land bormded and dw r1ua 44 fot- ' Sow: CmiaetKhur at Intare. rttoa of weat Una at Berond atreet with aoatk Una . of Honker7 atreet, thaacr soatberly ta aorth line - af Woona tract, thence weat tn aaat line " ef rlrht af way ef Orecnn 4Y Callfnrala Rail way Company, thence northerly aloof the eeat Una of said Tight of way to Its Interaectloa with tb enrrth Una of Ranker atreet. thence eaet to beginning. C. E. Baltk. $46.00. CARTTTRPR8' ADDmON TO CARCTHRRfr ADDITION to tka City of Portland BLOCK 57, all af tot 4 irtpr waat or uregan e California Ballread Oempany'a right of way, Jerenaltb Wotlck. $1.00; all of tot I lying weat af Oregon California Railroad Com pany' right of way. Jaraailth Worlrk. $l.ft6l ill of Ink T trine weat of Orrenn 61 California ' Ballroad Coapany'a ftekt of way. Ellaabetb MBanmtartnrr, $1.15; ail of lot 6 lylnr weat of Oregoa A California Railroad Company' right of way, uanriei naunigwtarr, eu. in. . wtrinr as , aeat as feet ef lot 1. J ran I a Hug I .ee. ,$1.T0; eaet 45 feet of north 20 ' feet of tot X Jennia Ro Lee. $0.55) weat 1 a ... of tot 1. Albert K. and Klala B. Wright. $6.26; waat 21.6 feet ef north 30 reet ot ml e, a inert e. ana mmim n. wrejirc, to lit . eentb SO feet of tot X Melleaa B. Hag. $1.25; north 40 fret ef tot X Melkua PL Rnr 11. TO: aontb 10 feet of eeat 60 feet of lot X Albert B. Wrtrht. 60.30; eaat 40 feet or tot X Albert BV wnght. 41. is; anata 10 fret af west 4d4 fret ef tot 3. Mr I laaa B. R6. $0 6: weat 46H feet of tot 4. MaUaaa B. Hog. $1.06; all ef tot 6 eirept i the Oreaea A California Ballread Comnaay'a right ef way. Mrlieea E. Hag. 60 06; all af tot 4 aacepl the Oregoa California RaUroad Cooinaar'a richt af way! Melleaa B. Rag. 21. M; aoatk 80 feet af tot $ eait af Oregoa A California Railroad. Caaaneny'a right , of . way, Meltasa B. Rag, $1.00; aortk 20 fret af tot I eaat af Oregon CaUfnrnla Railroad Coatpaay rlgkt ef way. Albert B. and Elale B. Wright. I9.T4; all af tot ' 8 east of Oregoa A Call for la Railroad Cem- . saay'a right ef w, Albert E. and Blale' K. Wrlaht, 21.83. BLOCK OS. let I Oraaon Railroad Narlgatioa Company, $3.10; tot X oregoa Raiiroaa 41 aaeigatloa company, $XK; tot 6. Oragna Railroad Narlsattoa .Company, $X10; tot 4, Oregoa sUltosad 4 KaTtgattoa-Company. $3.10; tot 6. Oram Ballroad Naalgettoa Cempaay. $3.10; Hiet . a. Oreaoa Ballroad X Narlsattoa Comoan. . $210; lot f, Oregoa Rallrsad Naelgattoa Company. $210; tot $. Oregoa Ballroad X Narlgatlao Company, $310. BLOCK TO, weet f feet of tot 1. Joaeph Oohn, $0 10; weat t feet of tot 3. Joaeph Onhn, $0.10; aaat 104.6 feet of let 1. Boss Weber. 83.00: eaat 104.6 fret of tot I, Boss Weber, $XO0 t X Beaa Weber. IX 10! tot X Boea Weber, LKl: aaat 8 feet of tot 6. Boss Weber. $0 10; eeat I feet af tot X Boa Weber, $0.10; weet 22.6 fret of eaet $4 6 feet of let 5, Mar 4a km I R. Marlaoff, $0 46) weat $2 8 feet of east M.I fret af let X Mag da lent P Marlttoff, 64.46; waat TO feet ef let 4. Be baetlan aa4 Le-ifla Matcher. 11.44; weat TO fet af tot 6, lehaaUaa and Lydla Hatrker. i $1.46: aaat H ef to T. Joseph Coke, $1.05; apet k of 1st 6, Jesesk Oshs. tLBs, wast H Draaoa 0TTT V0TTC7XX 't- lot f. WUhslmlne Maebtor. $1.46; weet of tot X WllhelaUaa Maehler. $1.05; north $ fret of block 70, Vokuowa Owner, 40 45. BLOCK Tl, weat SI faat of tot 1. Barak,' A. Ban. $0.40; west It feet ef tot X Barak A. Barnes, $ east T6.6 feet af , tot 1. Bona H. Waber. $1,601 eaet T6.6 . feat of lot X Boss U. Weber, It. no; east 1 fast at tot $. Boaa H. Wtber, $I 6V; weat 26.4 feet ef tot X Patrick Murray. 50.60 west 36.6 feet af tot 4, Patrick Murray. 60.6O; . eeai mi raet of tot 4, Laaa Apple, . eaet 6 feet of tot. 6, PatHrk Murray, . a a l., , . u, .l. u - weat tret et waat 100 feet af to X Patrick Marray. $180: weal Ml.5 feet of ,tot 6. Ureal Tapfer, IX 001 weat 101.5 feel or aoaia .a I art of tot X UraaM XSpIrr, $0.16iast' ef tot T. Mary Jarobe. 11.00; eaet 4 at lot a. alary Jaeoba, 11 ll.Oft; weet to 11.05; weet U $1.06; aoatk I i an t, aire, Mara o Nail, I of tot 6,. Mra. Mark O'KeiL ' feet of block Tl. ITaknoam Owner. 40. CARUTHRR6' ADDITION TO OAROTRBRr AUDITION to tka City of portlaao BLOCK TX east 80 fset of aortk 100 feet af Mock. '. Balfour. Oatkrla Co., $1.15; weal 60 feet ft eaat 60 feet f north 100 feet of kteek. Ml Trammer, $3.00; west SO feat af aaat 140 fart of aortb 100 feet af block, IsjoreUa Naat. IXkOt weat 60 feet of east 180 feet . of btorfc, Theresa Plea. 8X5 aortb 43 feet of aoatk 63 feet of eaat W feet Of stork, Mary Jar beetle. $L4B; west 60 feet af aaet 1M0 feet af aoatb 60 feet ef Mock. Mary Jaekeatieh. 41.00; eaet T4 feet of aoatb 60 feet ef black. Rattle Johns. $1.60; west 34 feet Of aaat 1H0 feet mi enath BA feet bmcs. victor ueotrrey. 40.00; weat 61 seat .-af aaet ISO feet af aortb 56 feet af south oast 6 fert af aortb 8 feet af aontb 1H fret . of block. Henry H. Matotar. $0.35. BteOCK TT, eon thwart U of block. Joseph Simon and vyru a. Deipn. 44.20 aorthweat 14 af black. - Wis Held T. Btepbeos, $4.26: aortk . H of aennese a at sioca. Mo l ua Stanford, 4X10; ootk.M. of nortbraet u at Mock, twamo . MtokoL 1X10; aorth W af aootbaaat U ef Daara, narraa a. rr a 1 tare, niu; aoati of soatbssst of block, B. I Celd 1 $X1X .. , ., wej A tract of lad boosded and lasutlbed a - foDow: Oommenclng at Intereartion of aoatb . Ilea ef Portrr atreet with tha west Una of Oregon A Cattfnrnia Ballroad rjoatnaay right ef way. these weat 68.70 feet,- tbenre aoutb . 100 feet, theace eaat B6.36 fret to west Une of Oregoa California kUllread Company's right pf way. tbeaeo north westerly to begls alag. L era tla Mast, $X3X A. trart of toad boanded aad dsauluat as louoerai tjom massing at rersrrttoa of aoatk Una af Porter atreet wltk eaat lias of r nnrtk frost, ben o seat oa aoatk Una of Porter atreet T4JIS feet, tkeace aoatk at' lie tit ' KMfJm Porter street 10 feet, theeea west - 60.03 feet aad parallel wltk Porter atreet ta aaat Una af Ponrtk atreet. tbanr northwest oJfJJjjUaj. Heary Thompson Estata, Blr A tract af land boondSd aad daorrfbed a foltowa: Cornrascrng at lntrreertjoa of aortb 1 hie of Woods atreet aad aaat Una of Poortk aiie, nawg sw rant anata and 40.22 feet eaat af . aoatbwoat aernsr of blork tn. rntherr Addlttoa 4a Cerstbere Addittos, tbenc aaat oa aorth line of Paorth street 64-40 feet, tbesos north 100 feat t rbrh! aagtoa ta Woods etreetT' Qienes weat and Krallel With aortb lias sfWaod street. . OUear O. Holme. $X80. - . A tract of Und bendd aad eeorrrtied at foltowa: Commoaetsg at labunsettoa of . north Uaa of Wood street aad weet Ito of Oregon A Oallfaraia Ballroad Oompaay rig lit of way, thence west sa aortb Ua ef Wood street 63.T feet, t be nee aorth at right angles ks Woods atreet to a point 100 feet aorta of , aortk Una ot Woods atreet. thanes aaat aad G7." 7'! aorth line of WoadS strsst .14 test jo point on weet line of Uregoa Miiiwwa imiui".. wiawuiT naat or way, Ihroce oatheaatrly tOiUgbolag, Lonto hi. A tract ot tone) boanded aad dreci-Toed as follow: Commencing aa aoatk Une of For. t car iuwi ai toe wiereeciioa ot roartk street ; tbencn weet on outk Un of Porter' a treat $7.62 feet to weet Una of old Poortk street ;4tenaea eoataarly; tkesco aoatk 60 feet . en ww una w ora searta street extended soatberly: tbenre aaat aad naraltol with aoatk Una of .1 Porter atreet 10X16 fast to weet Uas of Pourth atreet: Uesea aortbwestsrly a Kaetnelne Si 1m t , . A tract af land bounded and described sa follow: Commencing at point oa aaat Uaa Tot reorth street 110 feet aoutb and 64 feet ' east ef eon th weet corner: of block 67. Cnr ; atbera' (ddltton to Carotheta- kddltlon; tbenre wees reet to weat une 01 old Fourth atreet erteaded eoatherlr: thence mm. oa feet on weat llna of old Ponrtk atreet -. tended; thence rait 11X83 feet to west line ,1 of 'oortb street now ssUbUsbed; tbenre northwesterly to heglnnlng, g. -DeBansdsltl w Eatate, Hrlr of. $1.10. TA tract afi.Um.' bJandr4 aad described a foltowa: " Commenclag at a nntnt en am Une of Ponrtk atrort, ld point being lo , . . ww Buu iwuw rr uk v. aoqiawOSI corner of block 47, Carather' addlttoa to CaruthereM sddttton; the oca weet and parallel with aoutb line of Porter atreet 11X44 feet ta weet line of old Ponrtk atreet extended eouthrrty; thence north oa said west 11ns of " old Fourth street 39 feet; theses east 11X83 reet m weat line or ronrtn atreet: thence ; eoatneriy to Beginning, aarry a. QodskalL A tract ef land boondrd and described s4 rniiow: commencing at latereectloa of north Une af Wood street and wret llna of Pottrth - street, ald point being 240 feet aoatb and sn.m irr eaat or eouinweat corner OI Jllock - 47. Caratbara' addition to Carntbera' addition: , tbenre weat 130 feet oa north Una of Wood . street ertredad weaterly to waat Una of old reorth atreet. aoatherly; thence north 100 feet eaet and., parallel, with eonth llna 0 Porter . treet jiaeu reet ta weat una of roorth street; thence southerly to. beginning, Char la - Jenka. $4.60. A tract of land lying betweea tb north Una rf Woods atreet and tha aontb Una af tot 'X block "V Caratbara' addlttoa to Car- . tbera' addition, aad tba weaterly line nf 1 1 Hood street sad a line 100 feet westerly from and parallel therewith, city of Port land. 61.40. CABIITnURS' ADDITION TO flAROTHBRfl ADDITION ta the City of Portland BIOCK 81. lot I, B. L. Bay, $X00; tot X Pardlnand . Oundorpb, $1.80; tot X John Mulr. . $3.00; tot 4, James U. Banter, II.6S; tot X John ellr, 41. so: lot s Hortnaa Heitkcmpar, 42.06. BLOCK 83, lot 1, The German Bar , lags A Loan Society. $3.25i north 61 fed pf lot X Tb Germ a HaTiaga 4k Loan Ho- ' rlety. 12.05; eontb 8 feet of tot X Prank P. C.llh.m, 80.10; tot X Prank P. Oilbam. 8X00; lot X Freak K. Ollham, 1X00; tot X I soaa a. tmriei, fs.zo; ax a, Benaatiaa rly male, II. MO; tot 7. Oeorge W. flordoa. $1.65; tot X The Oennaa Sarlnes A . uu Society, si.oci, blak ha no, lot 1, orth sra ConaUe Ineestment Treat, $1.40; lot X Northern Ooonttee laeeataieat Truat. 1X25; tot X Northern Cnanties Inratrtment Trnt, A2.40; tot 4. Prank A. Tell. 11.10; tot X !esnk A. Tell. $1.40; tot X Prank A, TeH 81.20; tot T, Mary C. WttShxf 42.6r; tot 6. . Preetea W. Gillette, $X0O; lot 0. Carrie PI. Wand, $2.00: tot W. May D. Ingall. $3.00; . norm a m 11. woai . ana tirea Utoea, 11.00: aootk U of M 11. Ooetaf A. anil Caroline Cartoon. $1.00) tot IX Hlla C. Babin, 8X00: tot IX Prank A. Tell. 6X0X CARHTHKXR' ADDITION td tha City of Port . land, as told oat- by th Booth Portland Krai Ratato Association BLOCK 100, tot 1. Ore , Railroad Naelgattoa Company, tl 00; tot 2. uregoa Baiiroaa navigation company, 1100; tot 8. Oregoa Railroad Navigation Company, $3.00; tot X Oregoa Railroad A . NsTigatloa Oompaay. $3.00; tot 6. Oragna . Railroad 61 Naelgattoa Company. $3.00; tot a. oregoa Ballroad rtangatioa Company, $300: tot T, Oregon Ballroad 61 Naelgattoa 'Oompaay. $200: tot 8, Oregon Railroad - Kartritlon Company. $3.00. BLOCK 101, lot 2. I'nlted Btatea SaTlrera A Ijatn Comnany of Mlnneeota. 12.00; tot X J. B. Scott, 12.00; tot X Ibea Lend Company aad Robert R. Thompana, gz.uo: lot 4. ihez Latnd Uomnany and Robert H. Thorn peon, $X00; tot 5. KreroV . log h Parrall. $2.00: tot X J. E. Bcntt 13.00; lot M. X Scott, $3.00; tot 8. United Rrate , ttovtnga ft Loan Company of Minnesota $X0O. BLOCK 103. tot 1. Mula C. Welle. 12.00: tot 3. Mary Pre ore ITurley. 1X00; tot X Mary rrnree nnriry, aiw; mi a. urars 1, BronaagD, 3.0o; tot 6, X J. t France. 13.00; , tot X 6. J. La Prance, $300; aaiilrided 14 of tot T, Ibex Lead Company. 11.00; an . dlrided H of tot T. Ansa R. Connen, 11.00; tot X J(Mb Ioall. 1X00. BLOCK 103. tot 1. Peter and F.lale Breaer, 1X00; tot X Peter and Elals Brenar, 1X00; tot X Oregoa Mort al re Onmpasy. Ltd., $3.00; tot 4, Lottie Trapp, ixoo; tot n. Moine BMnrora, 52.00; loa A Mollle Rtanford. 1X00: tot T. Mnllle Btanfie-X 1X00: tot X Molli Itanford lioO,. BMH.K lt4. lot J. Ibex lent company, w $3.00; lot X Ibea Land Company, $3.00; tot . 8. lost Land company, 2.w; lot . inet Land Compaay. 13.00; seat 50 feet ot tot 6. Ihei land Company. 11.00; aaat 60 feet ef lot X Ibei Land; Compaay, $1.00; all of pit I except eaat nu trot, r. v. wbitb, su.wi all of tot 6 except rssl 60 feet, P. O. Welch 60.40; tot T. Ibex Land Company. 6X45; tot 2 Ihez Lead Compear. 61.06. BLOCK 105. lot 1, nregoa Railway e rtarigauoa in pny. $3.40; tot 3, Oregon Railway Nr. . gat lea Company. $X7o; tot X raoa Rail way m ftaeigauoa cempaay, ee-euj mv . e, Oergna Railway NaTigatloa Company. $XI5; lot X Oregoa Railway Naelgattoa tV.o- Ilea Oompaay, ITOo; lot tT Oregon Railway . Naelgattoa Comanay, XX 00; tot X Oregoa Railway Maeigatfea Oompaay. $3.00. hi ftrK Inn. tot I. William M. Greener and J. V. Becb, $2.00; lot X WlllUm U. Org err aad J. T. Beach. 12 00: lot X William , M. Gregory and J. T. Beacb. 1X00; tot X William M. Oregary sd J, V. Beach, 1100; tot 6. William M. Gregory sad i.,V. Beech. . at a&. ut a William U. nree-orr aad J, V. Beach, 1. TO; tot T, WlUlam 66 Gregory, and J. V? Beach. 11.65; tot X Wlllla Greaary aad J. T. Beech. 11.25. BLOCK 10T, Oregoa Railway nangatioe compeny. ioio, nuicic (M. to 1. Themss nnrnanaa. 1X651 to X Them J. Cottel. Balat Hair af, 6X25: lot X Richard B. Celllna. $2.05: tot 4. Richard R. Collins. $1 60; tot 6. Portland Trnet Company of Oregoa. 1300; tot X Pert- ( lend Truat vnmpany ei uregoa. w " m u m 1 v I ...a aSttd ao an I west $$ 1-3 Cast ef tot X lemsjsrd Bckad. fJITT B0TIOZX $4.41; east 66 13 feet af lot T, Joha Lewy, 1J16 aaat 64 1-1 test ot 1st X Joha Lewy, 11.46. BlOCK 108. tot I. A ante B. New some. IXOO: aortk IT to feet af tot X stobsrt Williams, 11.60; south 124 feet of tot X Victoria Ptcblger, $4.60; aorik ef tot X Victoria Pledger. $L00; south & of tot X Prank aad Victoria Ptoblgar. 1 1. 00; let X William King. 12.00 f all at tot 6 eioept Aregos gt California Railroad Company's right af way, WlllUm King. 60.60; all af tot $ except Oregoa A California Ballread Umn nanr's rlaht af war. WlUlam , Ktna. 60.l: aU of tot T oseept Oregon A California Rail- wm C O l.k On wtt. ,11 I.. 6 irept Oregoe California Ballroad Com pany a ngat or way. warm v. amiia, 62.00; all af tot 4 except Oregoa A CauV fornla Railroad Cwmpaay's right ot way. . Chartos a 6ml th. 63.00; til of let T oseept VnW m lnu ,1. .aruo w-mi " ot way, Charlea G. BaUth, I1-S6; all af lot 6 except Oregoa h California . Railroad Ceanpany'e right of way, Chartos C. 6ml th, $l.64BUCK 111 tot 1. Pred Rebsest, i OA, In, a rai aoSnrat. 4a.00l tot X Nnrtharm Ooantlea laeaatmest Truat. . Ltd.. ' $3.00; -tot X Vara Haynaa, 4x00; tot 4. vers - ileraea. 1X00: lot X Northern Ooantlea lo- ' eostaisBt Trust. Ltd., $X0O; tot T. Prod He aorat. $2-00; tot X Prod, atobarst, 13.00. BLOCK 11X tot J, I. Bweek, BsuU Heirs . ef, 13.40; tot X J. 6 week. Batata Hair of. $XO0; north 40 feet of tot X J. Bweek, Es tata Hetrs at, 41.00; aoata lu rt i m s, M. W. Bmitk. $0.65) tot X at. W. 6ml th. 12.00; ' west 45 feet ef tot X Rermaa H. atotnaeth anan. aaet 66 feet of tot I. P. L. Wright, ll. 10) tot 6, J, W. Rweek, Eetato Hrlra at, 00; lot T, J. W. Bweek, KeUta Helra of. $2.00; lot 8. J. W. Bweek, Estate Hair of, $3.00. BLOCK 114, tot 1, George 11, Wttklne and B. D. Rood. 1200; tot Ororr D. Watklna kad E..D. Rood. 1X00; lot X Prankoa Drake,. 62. 00n tot 4, Pranklla Drake. IXOOt waat to af tot 6. Columbia In vestment Company No. X $100 weat of tot X Columbia laeestmem emmonny , s. Ii.ofii aaat U af tot 6. kfarr Lents. 11.00: seat H ef tot X Mary. Leats. 11.00; an diTlttoT 4-6 of tot T, Ilaanek Bloom, $1.40; - andleided 4-6 of tot X Haanak Btoost, $1.40; ' aadleldcd 1-6 of lot T. Mathilda. Jenula Mary aad B. Bloom, 40.30 ; aadirioea 1-0 o la a Mathilda. Jenoie. Mars and R. Bloom. 10.40. BLOCK 11&, Ut . 1, Toe Norther Counties Inreatment Trost. Ltd.. $3.00; tot - X The Northern Conptlee Inreatmrat Trust. Ltd.. $X0O; tot X Kllashelb A, Thomaa. 1 2. 00; totTX EllsabrU A, Thomaa, 12.00; weat 40 reet af tot X laaas await, gt. 10; eaat ew ' faat af lot $. Theresa Brown. $0.80; soath 4. af tot X T. B. Roger, 11.00; north H of tot X Prod L. Riga and Btalla at Rlggs. $1.0o: tot T. Byroa P. CardweU. BUto Helra of, $3.00; tot X Byron P. CardwvU. but Heirs of. 1X00. BLOCK, 11 6. tot I, Joha H. aad Mary D. aUddlstoa, IXOfr: tot X Ney CbarcbaaB, 1X00; tot X Amaad W. Rerd, Betate Helra of. 83.00! tot 4. A stand -W. Reed, Estate Hrlra ef. 1200; lot X Margaret C. railing. $X00: tot X Margaret C. Palling. 6X00; tot T. Mary A. Bulllraat. X00; tot k Brldeot aad X D. Kennedy. Estate Heir of, $3.00. BLOCK UT. tot 1. Mary Franco Hnr ley, X00; tot X Georg w..crwi 42.W; a T u bbs.. ifld ores fli. v.. a A lot a, mary srancee aerj, eo.w, e'. , mary STncee jivrey, ee-w; e. w, .",- 'r. Bprsoar. 6X00; tot X Dora nprauer. iii; . ' M , . . , h . 1.. a tr,ll . sit 1. weorao euDoectte. ekiw, o. o, . ' " ' Flndlay, 6X00. BLOCK 116. lot 1. -Ellen , Murphy. $X00; lot 1 Oeorge Batowsky. S2.w; m n. iwrrm nimer, twt Gear n Selkirk. $2.00: east of tot 6, Annie M. Jscobberger. $1.40; eaat Hof, tot X Aaale M. Jexobfcarger. $1.00; west U of tot X Cstberlaa Ana How. $1.60; waat H of tot X Ci Ann Howe. 81.00: eaet nt lot T John Klrktoe. 81.00: aaat U lot X Jobs Klrkley, 41.00; west mt T, Fred L. Wri4kt. $W0O; west U of tot 8, PVed L. Wrlaht. 61.00. BLOCK 116. tot 1, Mamie C. Walla, 1X00; tot X LkBle C. Walla. 82.001 tot 2. J. R. MeAlDtn. 1X00 lot a. J. n. mcaipio. a.ion -evi v. oviijaBiin ',eV'and Phot be -J, Johnson, Benjamin P. ssdf Phoebe J. J HI UnxT cTWella. 1X00; CWella, 13.00. BLOCK 130 F.'and Ftot be -J. Johnson, Au; lot o, jonnaoa, BZ.011 : tot X Lis! 130. - tot 1. Ore goa Railroad Narlgatton Oompeny. $2 00'. lot x, tregon naiimea m nartaaiion ,in,--pany, $3.00; tot 3. Oregon Railroad Narl aatloa Company. $3.00: tot 4, Oregon Rail mad A Narleatlon Oofnnanr. 2X00: tot 6. h Oregoa Ratb-oad - NaTigatloa Company, 12.00; tot 6. Oragna Railroad A Navigation company.' .42.00; lot 7, irregon oauroaa m Narigatloa Oompaay, $100; tot X Oregon Rati mad at NaTigatloa company, 12.00. BLOCK 131. tot 1. Oregon Ballroad Nal satloB Gomnanr. IXOO: tot X Oreaoa Rail. ...road Narigatloa Company. 13.00; tot 8, cwegoa maivoao at nangatioa inmpeny, 1X00; lot 4, Oregoa ' Railroad A Narigatloa Company, $3.00; tot 5. Oregoa Railroad A navigation Ammpen t. s.uii; ant o, uregnn ' Railroad A Narigatloa Company, $2.00; tot ' T. Oregon Railroad A Naelgattoa Company, 2-0CT; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A NaTtgatton Company. $2.00. BLOCK 133. - lot L. Ore- Eia RallroaeA NaTigatloa Comnany, $240f t X Oregoa RaUroad A NaTigatloa Com .Dane. 22 00: tot X Oregon Railroad .A ?Cn- gatioa Company, $X00; tot 4, Oregoa Rallol road A Narigatloa company. 42.00; mt 4, Oregoa Ralboad A NaTigatloa . Oompeny, ' $X0O; lot 6, Oregoa Railroad A Karlgatloa Compaay. $2.06; tot T. Oregoa Railroad A NaTigatloa eompsny, 13.00: tot X. Oregoa Railroad A Narlgatlon Company, 42.00. BLOCK 133, tot 1. Laura M. Gammon, $XO0; -block 2, Laars M. Gammons. $X00 tot X , Preston W. Gillette. $2.00; tot 4. Praatoa W. Gillette.: $2.00) tot X Artbar 0. Cbarch ley, 1X00; tot X Arthar Q. Church ley, X00; tot T, In re tore' Mortgage Reeortty Company, . Ltd., IX 00 1 tot X H. L. Trmplaton, 62.00. ' BLOCK 124. kt 1, Caroline Vantina, 1X00; tot X Caroline Vantlne, X00; tot X Amanda W Reed IMtfts. Helra of. 1X00; tot X Amanda W. Reed Eatate, Heirs ot, XX00; ' tot 6. Caroline Vantlne, $XO0: tot X CaroUae Vantlae, 1X00; tot T, Carolina Yanttne, 1X00; tot 6, CaroUne Tastier , $X00. BLOCK 126. lot 1. A. J. Gleey. $X0O; lot X A. J. Gtoy. $3.06; aortb H of tot X Josepk Nell sea. $1.00; aoatb H af tot X L. Ooldenbarg. 61.06; tot 4. Ada aad A. R. Paano. 62.00: lot X Oregoa Mortgage Company, 1X00; aontb lot a, Alice a., nowea, i.w nono lot 6, Charles Houghton, 11.00; tot T. and Plor O. GerarelCb. IXOO: tot X Cora B. snd Lilltoa A. DrLlnd, $3.00. BLOCK 12. tot I. Julia M. awrger, .uu; lot X Id M. Brrger. 1X00; tot X George B. and Minnie IJTlngaton, $3.00: 1st X Martha Ren akaw, $XO0; tot 6, A. to Upson, IXOO; tot X Prod R. Pierce, 12.00; eaat 57 feet of lot T. Germsn Raying A Ixma Rocirty, $1.10; - east 57 feet ef tot X Geraua Rseiag A Loan Horlety, $1.10; weat 46 feet of tot T. J. H. Brtetow, $0.00; weat 46 feet of tot $. J. H. Rriatow. $0.60. BLOCK 127. tot 1. Wlirtam tl Drtokell. $3.00; tot X William B. Dtiakeil. $X00; tot 3, Perey H, Blytk, $X00; lot 4, " Prank d Loelae . R. Rnmmelin, $2.00; tot 6. William & Drlakell. $5.60; tot X William B. Driabell, $5.10; tot T, Jeess H. Bottle mler. $6.00; tot 8. Iasa OeTOrte. 66.00. ' BLOCK 138. ssst 75 feet ef tot 1. Leuls Msrntt. 14 TO: weet 26 feet of tot I, Hannah L. Hardy, 61.15; weet 35 fast of tot X Han nah lo Hardy. $1.16; aortk 4 ot raat 76 feet af lot X Mary Colemaa, $2.26; aontb H of aaat T5 feet of tot X Brldgt Kennedy and Jao. Kennedy Eat ate. Helra of, $25; lot X CUP ot Portland, $5.60; lot X Con aunco Snd Fred TtUmaa, $5.60; lot 6. Msrra Raedy, 12.00; (oath H ef tot 4, Karah Coho. $1.00: north H of tot X M. J. Maes, $1.00; tot T, Fourth Preen y ter la B Church, 12.00; tot 8. Fourth Prrabyteriia Church, $200. BLOCK 12B. tot 1, Fred Bpageto. $1.00; north 66. feet of tot X Leroy J. Nwltilrr, $1.45; aoatb 14 feet et tot X Joha Mulr. $0.55; north 43 fert of tot X Jks Malr, ' 81.46; wrath 8 feet of lot X Mart R. Boyd. $0.20; tot 4. Marie B. Boyd, 6X00; II of tot 6 except Oregon A CsUfornis Rail road Company' rlgkt af way. Nannie M. Btarr, $1.36; all of tot 6 except Oregoa A California Baltooad Company , right of way, Naaal kf. Bfkrr, $140; aaat H of tot T. Haaaak McCarthy. $1.00r'ea4t H of lot X , Haaaak . MqCartky, , $1.00; . wast H of - tot T. Mrs. , Martin A. lifers. , $1.66; weet tfc st tot 8. . Mm. ' Martla A., Rlfers. $1.00. BtiOCK 130, sll of tot 1 except ' Oregoa Uk Callforala Railroad Oompaay'a right .of tray, Charlee Cardlneil, $I.64T to X Pred . Pfdn, $3.00; tot X little M. Btark. $300; tot X Kittle M. Rtark. $2-00; weet' H ef lot X Alloa R. Wrlater, 81.00; wret ef tot X A II re R. Welster, $L0O; east tH of tot I, Robert 1 LlTlngatene, $1.00; east 14 Of tot X Robert LlTlsgatnna, $1.00; eaat H of tot f . larael aad Mary Da toff. 11.00; eeat H sf .tot X - lersel snd Mary Dautoff. $1.00; waat Vfc ef tot T. P. A. Daly. Trustee, $1.00; wea U of tot X F. A, Daly. Truatea. 11.00. BLOCK Ml, tot X P. Bran. $3.00; all of south to Of tot I except Oregoa A Callforala Railroad roaipaay'e right ef way, Oeorg N. Weldra, $0.60; all of aorth H ef tot X except Ore- . ana A Callfnrala - Raitoaad Companr'a rlabt - ef way. Polly M. Ford. $0.66: an sf kt $ sseopt twegoa at taurornin aaiireaa ttnn. pent a right af war. PklMa lee too. $1 so; . all Of tot 4 except Oregoa A California Rail road Compeer's rlgkt ot way, Philip Lawtoa, 11.46; eut 46 feet of kt 6 e leapt Oregoa r California Railroad Coarpaay't right of .way, Eatell 8ml U. $1.00; oaat 46 feet af aoatb 3" feet of tot 6 except Oregoa A CsU foral Railroad Compaay right of- way. Ratella kmltk, $0.30; weet 61 foot ef tot 6 except Oregoa A CaUfornl Railroad Caes- rly 4 right of way. William M. Gregory. l.OAi Weet 61 feet of south 20 feet of tot 6 taaipt Oreaoa A Can torn la Railroad Coia- ,ny a ngnt et way, wnuam at. urognry. .461 BertA go aB4 01 tot a esoest wregoa vTL sTXT .Ti J L sZvlia fiLZZmi! William Tarant. 42.00; lot 4. wiuiam tjeJr.' oV1 llon'tot' rrWH "- "'X' K 7. dluti S Jlf. V.'. !'. iT v.n?L tiSn' lo? M- tloderwood. $X00r tot X Adallne U. LfiLJi EZrr?i- MoSl'xerdl , I'ndorwood, XX 61 tot X Kancy AUInsoa unvJdisaV 7,. sir ;i"tot.t &KnrSlu!e . iatorr'j. V,'br & lot Vr. Si Kf V-JLH "aiilntef LeoSrrrUht '. $3.00; tot T, WlUlam C. liarmer, !?.fe CcnIS2ir. aiHth kPaVeJTot fXOO: tot 6, WlUlam C. Urmr. IXoo; t asnt tkmaeS if i UUCK 13BT aaat to Of tot 1, , Prank Y. rold0fmo.nV7PrlrM KSC 1 oZSltf'S? to.' i' WlUUm K fZVWor.V'if IT pta i glda. LOO f 8 H -Jot . . K. Lj ll . I. I.OmJ nAOM,' . kt of V. I ' I CaUfarala Ballroad Com assy' right ef way, Jofca H, MMdtolsa. HO0-, sir of tot T oseept. Oreaoa Cell ten la RallrakeVUtom. assy's rlgkt af way, Joha H. Middle too, $1.00; ail ef tot $ except Oregoa Calif oml Railroad Compaay' 'right of way. 0lg4 M. Lug. $r.05. "ULOCIT 183, tot 1, Lar Faulk, 411.76; lot X Orant Pbrgley, 81LI6; tot X Alice J. Plimpton. 111.76; tot 4, Altos J. Plimpton, $11.76; tot 6. Anna C. Baroft, $300; tot 4. Ids R. Gore, 43.00; tot T. "R. P. Btrsn. $100) lot X R. . Btraaa. 1x00,1 hixk k wa, mi 1. rrrtj UU, 42.00; lof X, Bred A, LIIS, 4A.iai Wl W. UIMiu 4.1 no-, tot 4. Daniel W. Horl r.. n.TT . a 11.. a,.ll Saiait V.HB. fW, U, VI ' -, K kiwwww... . lot X Georg Bunrcll. $X0u; tot 7. Atoxsnder X Psttulto, $300: tot 6, Atosssder B. Pst tallo, $X00. . BLOCK 136. waat 26 feat of tot 1, btarr J. Nelmea, 60.40; eaat T4 feet ot ki L, Aana Herrall, $1.66; tot X Ooila C. Uimo, 13.00; tot X ki. W. 6ml tn, $3.00; tot 4. M. W. rUalth, $X00:'not 8. U. W. Bavltb, 4X00; tot X H. W. BmUh. X00; WaHDBaU-lla IaVvVi JPLAV-lsh 4 a sv a, ass. W. amlth. $3.00: kt X M. W. toith, Jti tot X M. W, smith, 1X00; tot 7mV" V. imltb. 1100,' to6, hi. W. amltbi $X0O; tot X M. wV kmlth. 4X00; kt T M. W. 8mltk .' $X0O: lot X 1 m. w . Bmttfe. 13.00, B1A1CK 138, tot 1, Oregon Railroad Natl- lUos Company, 62.001 tot X Oregon Railroad 1 Narlnttoa Comteuiy. IXOU: tot X Ore goa Railroad Narigatloa Company, $3.00;, tot X Oregoa Ballroad at NaTigatloa Con peay, $3.0o; tot 6. Oregoa Railroad ak Narl : gattoa Compaay, $X0u; tot X Oregoa Rail mod. A Moaleaiton Comnanr. 82.0U: tot T. Oregoa Railroad NaTigatloa Company. $2.00; lot X Oregon, Railroad NsTlgsttoa Osm pnsy, $XUU. BLOCK 1, tot 1, Oregoe . Railroad A Narigatloa Company, $3.00; lot X Oreaoa Railroad A narigauon uompnnj, 430u: to a Oreaoa Railroad A Narlg tlna.Ommai. 42. Qui tot 4. Orerea Railroad ) A ItaelsaUoa Comssay. 13.00; lot X Ore- V goa Raiinaid NaTigatloa Comnany, $XO0; lot a A n. Railroad St NTla-Uua Company. Mlkll t.m T ItAllmait A Noeleatloll '' Company. 6X00: lot X Oregoa Railroad ai.- .. . ee un at , u'lf ia,i - tot li Oregoa Railroad Narigatloa Company, 6X00: tot X Oreaoa Railroad harlgatioa Comnanr. 63.00: tot X Oregoa Railroad A .naTigatioa compaay, s.uu; mt e. uiavn Railroad NaTigatloa Company,- 13.00 lot 5. Oreaoa Railroad m naTigauoa vwmpany, II no- lot a. Oraeon Railroad A NaTlgattoi Comsaay, $2.00; lot 1, Oregon RaUroad 'A Railroad A Narigatloa Company, fxoo. ' ttif-V At 0 1 IU STallrAod -A hloet. '' gatloa Company, kxoo; tot X Orrgoa Rsil- roaa el narigaiMia uompejiy. tawi mn e, iwoeea Raiwoed- Av NaTieatlon Comoaay. $3 00; lot 4. Oregon RaUroad A Naelgattoa . ,, AO. I. . . I.. . BllnAS A .'NaTigatloa Oompaay. 1X00; tot 6. Oregoa ' Bsuresa nsTararioB tompany, itwi en i, Oreeoa Railroad A NaTlaatloa Comoaay. a $3.00; tot , -Oregon Railroad A Narlgttton : tympany, $2.00. BLOCK 13, tot 1, Richard and Ella lank, 6X00; tot X Rlrhard and Ella rank. 83.00: lot X Martha Mary Taylor, 12.00; tot x Manna Marr Tartor. $2.00; lot 4, i'red Bnasela. 12. oo: lot f. John Mulr. 63.00: tot X Jobs Mulr. . 62-00. BL0k 143. tot 1. Oregon Rgllroe A NarlgaUo Company. $3.00: lot X Oregoa Railroad A KaTtgaUea Company, $3.00; tot -3, Oregoa RaUroad A NaTigatloa Company, $X0O; tot X Oregoa Railroad A NaTtgaUoa, Company, $X0O; tot 6, Orrgoa Railroad A Narigatloa Company. 1X00; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Naeigatlon Compaay, $3.00; tot 7, Oregoa Railroad A NaTigatloa Company. $X00; tot X Oregoa Railroad A' NarlgaUoa Company, I2.0U. ItUH-.K 144. waat H ot tot 1, Peter Olbonl, $1.00; waat H at tot X Peter Glbonl. II. oo; eaat H ' ht 1. B. M. Bmitb. 11.00; aaat 14 of lot X H. M. Smith. 11.00: aaat U ot tot 6, John Kerrulab. $1.00; east H of tot 4V Jonn harrown, fi.tai; waat w or. lot a, , Jeka P. Hartmen, $1.00; weat, H of tot 4, 1 John P. Hartmaa. 11.00: tot 6. Marr B. Mlddleloa, X00; tot 4, Mary X Mlddtotoa, X0O; west ta of tot T, ignore a. liregory, il.Oii; t H of tot T, Badl A. Wrinkle, 41.00; eaat to of - tot 5, Kadla A. Wrinkle, $1.00; waat t of tot X Abram Dlltoy. $1-00. . .,s.ttr , . t nm. . , UkIIb o M. V , I . pioFvai ,, wtn . , , , . ttua mo.ww n gatloa Comnany. $2.00; tot X Oregoa' Kali road A NaTlgittop Company; 1X00; tot A Oregoa Railroad A NaTigatloa- tympany, . 6X00: tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A NTlgtlba Company. $300; lot 6, Oregoa Kaiiread A Narigatloa compaoy. let a. vrrgoa Railroad A NaTigatloa Company,; $106; tot T. Oregoa RaUroad A "NaTtgaUoa lltimpany, $2.00: tot 8, Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa twmpany, ax w. ntAiin. iwt tot i, . tllda Randatona. IXoo: tot X MatUda Sand atone. X00; tot 6. Matilda Handstona. $2 00; tot -4,-Matilda Rand lone. $2.00; hit 5. Ore gon Railroad A Narigatloa Compaay $IT.65; lot 6, Oregoa Railroad A NaTigatloa Company, -117.65; kt T, Oregoa Railroad A 'NaTlga Men Company, $17.65; tot 8, Oregon Railroad As Nrlgtios Company, 17.66. BIOCK 14T. tot 1. Loula M. A.plnwall. $1T.o5; tot X - Ha rah V., ' Kdltb and Bamuel L. Csjnpbell, I ll.Oft; tot X Rarah V., Edith and Bamuel . Campbell. $17.5; tot 4. Barak t., Kdltb nd Bsmael L. Campbell, $17.65; tot X H. J". Tbompann EUto, Heirs ef, 1X00; tot tm, j. Thompson nststs. Heirs of, I $3.00; east V, of tot TV Adam Catlln. $1.00; P east H of kt 6. Adam Catlln, $1.00; west of tot T, Alliance Truat Company ot Duo da. Scotland. II. oo; west H of kt 6. Al liance Truat Company of Dundee, Scotland, $1.00. JtLOCK 148, all of aaat H of tot X except Oregoa A California Ballroad Cam. paay'a right of way, Abraham Dlliey, $0.00; II of waat M of tot 1, eierpt Oregoa A ' California RaUroad Oompaay'a right of way, Cyrna Culpan, $0.00; all of aortk V, of tot '3 xrept Orrgoa A California Ballroad Com pany right ot way, ltarrry B. Green, $0.65; ' all of aoutb H of lot 3 except Oregoa A CaU fornl Railroad Cnmtiaay'a right ot way. - Lawrence Strand. $0.66; all of tot $ except Oregoa A California Railroad Company a ' right of way, Lswreaca Strand, $0.40; all ot ' tot 4 except Oregon A CaUfomla Ballroad Company' right of way, $0.76; tot X lawrence Strand, $3.00; lot 4, Lao fence Strand. $3.00; aoath Vk raet of tot T, lawrroc Strand. $0.50; north of eaat to of tot 7. Harrty R. Green, $0.50; - weat 60 fset ef tot T, Rartry M. Green. $1.00; naat H of tot 6. Cyrna Culpaa, ll.oo; west H of lot X Abram I HI fry. 81.00. BliOCK 140, tot 1. Joha F. Copies,' $2.00; aorth tt of tot X John P. Capias, ll.mi; ' eoutb H of tot 3, WUllam H. Ha r lor, $1.00; tot X WlllUm H. Baylor. 1X00; tot 4, A. U MIU. 13 00; out T of tot X Pred R. Strong. 11.00: eaat to of lot 6. Fred' U. Strong, $1.00; weet H of tot 6, Chrl.tophrr ' Kanfma. $1.00; wrat u of tot X thrlato pher kaafmao, $1.00; tot T, Mra B. A. Owens Adair, 14.65; tot X Mrs. B. . A. Owens Adair, $4 ISO. BLOCK 150, tot 1. Pro tea W. Gillette, $23.55; tot X Mary O LUette, $23.55: aortb 40 feet of lot X P. D. Matthtlra, Tmatee. $1X85; aoatb 10 feet ot tot X Walter Klrtts. $4 75; all af tot 4 except Orrgoa A California Railroad enmpeny'a right of way, Walter kletts, $31.16; all af tot 8 weet of Oregoa A Cali fornia Railroad . Compaay right of way, J. i nror, $2.00;'all of tot 6 aaat of Oregoa A California Rallroed Company's right sf way. Walker Xlett. II JO: all of tot 6 weet ; ef Oregoa A California Railroad Company a right of way, Adeline Wild. 60.45; all of tot 7 west of Oregoa A California Railroad . Company right of way, John B, Wild, 80.30; aU of tot T eaat of Oregoa A Callfor- . nln Ballroad Company' rlgbt of way, Jose phine G. Orerend. $1.65; sll of tot .6 oast of Oregoa A CaUfornl Railroad Company' right ot way. Josephine G. O tor and. 82.35. ' BLOCK 161. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A NaTi gatloa Compaay, $4.66;., tot X Orrgoa Rail- . road A . Narigatloa Company, $4.55; tot X Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company. - 64.54: tot 4. Orrgoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa ' Company. $4.66; tot X Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa company, va.oa; tot , Oregon Railroad A aaTigation company, gzs.M, lot T, Oregoa Railroad NarUatlon Cm- peay. $23.66; lot 6. Oregoa Railroad A Nari- rttoa Company. $33.56. BLOCK 152, tot Edward K aow lea. 64 56; Knit 30 feet of kt X Arthur K. McBreea. $1.60; aorth 60 feet of tot X Josrps c. tnyrr, ill.i, eoutb 28 fMt of north 17 feet ot tot X Joseph C. Rayer. $360; north I feet ef tot $. Arthur E. McBreea, $0.o: aoatk 13 feet of tok X ' Peter Habklrk, $1.16; tot 4. Peter Hobklrk, ft 55; tot 6, Tke Title Gaaraatr A Truat ompaay. $4 55; tot 6. - The Title Oaaraates A Truat Company, $4.66; tot T. Joseph ('.. Bayer A Peter Hobklrk. $4.65; tot X Xoeepk C Barer A Peter Hobklrk. $4 55. BLOCK 15X tot 1. Victor K Strode. 84.65; tot X . Kate Strode, $4.50: tot X Peedtsssd BarteM. r.66: tot 4. Perdlnsnd Rartala, 64 66; lot Oarer aad Lory Hkatturk. $4 6j tot X Oaear aad Lacy Shattack. I 55: tot f. Prank aad Mary Rarkeney. $4.55: tot X PtillUp Geearta, $4.65. BUJCK 154. tot 1. Bllnabetb A. Tkomseoa. 64.66; tot X Kllsanetk A. 1 Some ana, $4.65; tot X Jam B. Tbeeaoaoa, 44.44; -lot 4. James R. Thorn neon. 44.65; tot X Hannah C. Steeart, $4.5A; lot 4, Hannah C. Stewart at AO; ht 7. Kilaabetn A. I noma a, $4.56; tot X EUasnetk A Thomaa, 64.M KLOfTt 155. tot 1. Jobs 0. Rnffmas, $4.55; tot X Rana J. Schemer. $4.56; tot X Blla C Babin. 64.55! tot X EIU C Bahla. 1X55: kt X Jnba Malr. $4.56; tot X A a too snd Boa rtuloweKT.' 44-00; lot T, sons mmr. 64 65r tot 6. William M. tadd. tea $4.0 4. d A .-l o 1 i-v'wr ua 1 . , - 0 . Um. A gatloa Company. I4J66; tot X Oreeoa Bo - rna nTigtiaai company, se-so: et Oreena Railroad i NaTlgattoa flmw B4.6A; tot X Oregoa Railroad A Nan Cesapssy. 6464 46 6, 01 Tf V0T1QZB. IDI CITT voncM. Karlgattoa Compaay. $4.56; - tot X Oregoa Railroad A NSTigaitoa Company, 64.66; tot T, Orrgoa Railroad A Naelgattoa Company, $4.56; tot X Oregoa Railroad A KaTlgattos Cumitssy, $4.66. BLOCk. 15T, tot 1. Oragoa Railroad A Narigatloa Company, $4,661 tot X Oregoa Railroad A MaTlgattoa Compaay, $4-66; tot 6. oregoa Railroad A Naelgattoa Company. $4A5; tot 4, oregoa Ballruad A NaTigatloa Company! $4;66i tot X Oregon Railroad A Nfcrigalioa Company. $4.66; tot X Oregon Railroad A NTlgtloB Compaay, 64. lor tot T, Oregoa RaJIreed A.RaTigactoa Company, $4.65; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad A Nartgsttoa Compaay, $4.6X ULOUM 16a. tot LOrrgea RaUroad A 'NarlgaUoa Oompaay, AAx LSr 2. IWoana Ballroad A NaTigatloa Cempaay. $4.5i; to4 a, Oregoa RaUroad A NaTlgsttoa Compaay, $466; tot 4. Oregoa Rallaoad A NaTlgattoa Company, $4.56; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A KatigaOoa Uimoany, ?4. 56; lor 6, Oreaoa Railroad A NaTlgettoa ompaay, $4.65;. tot T. Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Compaay, 44-66; tot X - Oregoa Railroad A Natlgafloa Compaay, M-o. BLOCK I5U, tot 1, oregoa Railroad A NaTi gatloa Compaay, $4.66; tot X .Oreaoa Rail road A NaTigatloa Compaay, 64.64; lot 6, ftooenei Uaiirood A Marlaatton Compaay, $46; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad A NsrlgaUon Compaay. 64.65; lot X Oregon Railroad A NaTigatloa Company. $4 66; tot X Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company. $4.66; tot 7, Oregoa Railroad A NsrlgsUoa Ovmpany, 44.U; lot S tleeeon Rallroed A NaTlgattoa tympany, $4.56. BLOCK, 140, tot 1, Albert Prhreabach, $4-56; tot X Albert Jrehraabach. V Albert a'ehrenbacb, 64.56; tot X Albert FsrUBek. .of; tot a, Aioeri rearweoere, $4.56; tot 7. Albert Pekreaback, $4.66; tolX Alhoot 1'ehraaluoh. 44.55. BLOCK 141, tot 1. Catherine W, Owens. $4-66: tot X Cath erine w. .Gorans, $4,661 tot X Ktona Rkerwaod. 84.56; tot X Etoas Bkerwaod..$4.66; tot 6, Itenre Heeke. SA.55: tot X Jobs Ptobuch. 64.661 tot 7. Joha Ptobacb, 64-o6; tot k. kpleoopai Fund of tbo Protestast Epiaeopai Church of the Dtoceaa Of orrgoa, .rueue, $4.66. BLOCK 14X tot 1, Ferdinand Bartolle. SA.AA. lu Ferdinand RartaUs. 84v46: tot X Corlnns K. Wood, $4.56; tot X Usrino E Wood. $4 65; tot 6, Jacob Ksmro, $4-M: lot 0, 4Coa MSB,, sa.oo; I, ouveiaa i amj. ko UUi L.t M HuOhlS Button. 64.A6, M die kt no. The Homo, Klo.60. BLOCK ylW. tol 1. The Boms. 64,66; tot X Th ' Home, $4-66; tot X Tee. Home. $4.66; tot 4. ' The Home, $4-55; tot 4. The Home, 41.65; tot X Tba Horn. 44 M: tot T, Tbs Uonis. aa.5&! tot X The Rome. Xa.7X BLOCK loo. ail et tola 1 and X waat at Oregva A OaU-J fornla Rallrosd Company a ngni a wey. Ink. ! Horeora uviid. 4X75: all of tot 1. lying east of Oregoa A CaUfomla Railroad . uonipany a ngat ei way, eriiwaaa ao wae, SU.UU; all or aoetn no feet of tot X lying ssst sf Oregoa A CallfornU Ral Ireed Coia . pany' right af way, WUIIam U Graea, $04"-. ' all et aouU 30 feet at lot X lying aaat of Oregoa A- Call form Ballroad Comsaay's right of way, Leoore 8. Gregory. 60-46; all ot tot 8, lying weet sf Oregoa A Call (oral Railroad Company's right 61 way, Joha and Barbara WUd, $1.66; aU of tot 4, lying west of Oregon a CsUfarala Rallread Company a right ot way, Joha aad Barbara Wild, 62.V6; lot 6, Jamas N. PulUtoes, $4.66; lot X Jamas N. raliltove,; tot 1. , r. reuasr 1 mt X saeoa uagor, ee.oo. aun.s iw. kit 1. I. Ross Kamiaeky. 6-55; tot X kaotlookv gau.atl: tol X J. O, Roffmas. $2.40; tot 4WillUa P. Bolat, t2w.40; tot 5. Matthew .Reldt, $4.65: tot X ' eWph Bsner, 64-66; tot T. Poriisnd Trast Company, east V of tot 1. J. C Alna worts, 63.80; ssst H 44 tot X J. C Alnswortk, $3.25; sreat Ak Of 104V 1, ner courenmaa. u.e va SL of tot X . Ney CtMarckmai I ,.T ao. .it .a i. a a. i ' . 1 1 e ai, i. w, mum m r - v..iw wm - , i - . nia Raiirssd Company a ribt of way. Al liance Truete tJosxpsay, $4.20; ail of tot 4 . except Oregoa A Callfnrala Railroad Com pany a right af way, Joha A. Bluet, $Xo6; - oil of tot 6 oseept Oregon A CsUfornis RaU road ComnaBT'a rlaht af way. William 4. 'Xewia-h. Retain Helra af. 630.40: aU of tot 4. . lying west of Oregoa A California Rallread ' tvimuanr'a rlaht of war. WlUlaa J, Route Heirs of, 110. : all of tot 6. lying aaat af Oreaoa A California Railroad Gem. paay's right af way, AiUanos Treat Cenv lainr. 60.50: aU of lot 1. lying weet af Ore. "goa A Callforala Railroad Compaay' right ot way, WUtUm J. Lehigh, KaUte Heir of, 1 $1.66; U of tot T, lylag aaet of Oreaoa A - callforala Rallread Company a right ml way. W. K. Wtrgand, $7.10; aU ef tot I axerpi Oreaoa A California Railroad CsaoaaVa rich of way, W. P. Wlegand, $X1X BLOCK 148, tot 1. Preston W. Ulllette. 64.66: tot X WlUlaa H. Churchill. 64.66: lot X MeUada K. Moraaa. 64.55: tot X Mrllnda R. Morgas. 64.66; tot 6. Mrllnda B. Morgan, $4.65; tot X Mellnda B. Morgan, $4.66; lot T, ITestoa w. uuietts, se.oo; Kt a. rrosua w. uuietta, 64.65. BLOCK lov. tot 1. D. C. Peltoo. 64.65: tot X f). C. Peltoo. $4.65; tot X Catherine W. OWan, $4.55; lot 4. Catherine W. Owens. 64.551 tot 5. David Stearns. 64.66: tot X Dsvtd a. . .1 l v iiu , pany of Oreaoa, 64.65: tot x- PorUsad Trust - Lompsay of Oregoa, 44.66. - BLOCK 170, 'un divided A of tot 1, Clsatlaa and Lydla Rod ney, 8X45; undivided of tot X ClemUne nnd Lydla Rodney, $Jti5; aedlvidrd of lot a, utnuM wmin a.yaia noaney, .i.eo; sa divided . oil tot X Ctomtlne and Lydla Rod . ney. $X46t andlvldoa of tot 1, Hannah R. Mofrla, $l.lO: andlvidcd 4 of tot X Haa- nsB K. atom. i.iu; unaiviura or lot Hannah R. Morrla.; undivided 14 - tot X Haanak R. Morrla. Il.lui tot 6. G7 W. and Marsaret V. Alien. 64.56: ondlrldod SI T of tot X CtosMntlns snd ljdl Rodney. 8X45; snaivtoea w ut i, t, irmenllne aad Lydla - -Rodney, $3.45: undivided of tot X Clemen tine and Lydla Rodney, J 80.46; aadlrtded of tot X- Htanak R. Morrla. 41.10; andleided H of lot T. Hannah R. Morrla, $1.10: oo dlvldrd -A Of tot 6, Haaaak R. Morrla, $1.10. BLOCK 171, tot 1. 'Oregon Rallrosd A Nvt gatloa. Company, $4.65; tot X Oregoa Rail tread: .Narigatloa ttootpaay. 84 AO; lot X Orrgna Railroad A 'NaTigatloa Company, $4.66; lot 4. Oragoa -Railroad A Navlgattoa Company, $4.66; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad A 1 NaTlgattoa Compaay, $4.66; lot X Oregoa Rallread A NaTigatloa Compaay, $4.66; let T. Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company, $4.66; lot X Oragoa RaUroad A NaTlgattoa Compaay, $4.56. BLOCK 1T3. tot I. Oregoa '' Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company. $4.55; lot - X Oregon Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company, 64.66; tot 8. Oregoa Rallroed A NaTlgattoa . Company, , $4.66; lot 4, Oregoa Ballroad A NaTlgattoa Compaay, $4.66; lot 6. Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company, $4.66; tot 6V Oregoa Rallroed A NaTigatloa Company. 44.56; tot T, Oregoa Railroad A NarlgaUoa Company. $4.56; lot 6, Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Company, $4.66. BLOCK 1TX tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A Naelgattoa Company, $4.65; tot X Oregon Railroad A Navlgattoa Compaay, $4.66; tot 2, Oregoa RaUroad A Narigatloa Company, $4.65; tot 4, Oregoa Hal lr d A Navigation Company, $4.65; tot 6. Oragoa Railroad A Narigatloa Comnany, $4.55; lot X Oregoa Railroad A Navlgattoa Company, $4.65: tot T, Oregon RaUroad A NaTigatloa : Company. 64. $6; tot X Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Compaay, $4.65. BLOCK 174. lot 1, Oregoa RaUroad A Narl. ' gatloa Compaay. $4.65: lot X Oregoa Rail road A NaTigatloa Company, $4.65; tot X Oreroa Railroad A Karlgattoa Company, 64.66! tot 4. Oregon RaUroad A Narigatloa Company. $4.65; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad A NaTlaatloa Company, $4.66; lot X Oregon Railroad A Narigatloa Compaay, $4.66; tot T. Oregoa Railroad A Narigatloa Company, 14. 56; tot 8. Oregon Railroad A NaTlgattoa Compaay, 84.5X BLOCK 176, tot' I, Oregon . Rallrosd A Narl ration Company, $4.65; tot X Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Itompeur, $4.56; tot X Oregoa Railroad A NaTlgatton Cempaay, $4.56: tot X Oregon Railroad A Nangatloa Company, $4.66; lot 6, Oregua Railroad A Navigation- Com pany, $4.36; tot X Oregoa Rail road A NaTlgattoa Compaay, $4.65; tot 7, Oregon auuiroaa narigauna company. ; 64-56; ; eat 8, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Oomnanr. 44.45. BLO:K 17X tot 1. C. E Buell, 64.66; tot X John Mulr, $4 56; tot X Joha Mulr. $4.66; tot X Joha Mulr. $455; tot R, John Mulr, $4.55; tot X Jobs Mulr, $4.65; tot T. Jobs Mair. $4.56; tot 8, C. R. Basil. I4-M- BLOCK ITT. tot 1, Ida McCShe Tamil. 64.55; tot X Jda McCsho Tagwell, $4.55; tot 8 Jobs Mulr,. 44. 65: tot X Juho -Mulr, $4.65; tot X John Mulr- $4.65; - tot X Joba Mntr, $4.55; tot, f, Joba Mulr. E; lot X itoorgs TaaweU. $4.5X BLOCK andlTlded -H sf tot 1, O. ,0. Oem-,-$X30: andirtned H of tot X G. G. (iammona. 13.90: amllvided H ef tot 8, U. G. HtanoH, $2 80; undivided H of tot 4. G. ;0. Gamrsoos. 12.60: undivided to of tot 6. O. G. Gsmmoos, 1130; snUivlded H of tot 60. 0 Gsmtnene. 62.60;oodlvldrd V4 of tot T, G. lie. Gammons. 3.i: undivided t , of tot S. V G.' Oammona. ll); andlTlded u of tot I, James snd Edllh Oammona, lilto: andlTlded Ik ef tot X James ssd Edltk Oammona, $2.60; andlTlded Sb sf tot X Jamee ' aad Edltk Uammona. $XM: aadlrided H of tot 4. Jamee and Edith Oammona, fx. 30; an dlTlded H of tot 6. Jamea and Bdltk Gam mons, IXaO; andlvidsd to of -tot sTUaBMe and Edith Gammooa, 6230; undivided 10 of tot T. Jamea and Edith Gamame, $3.30; andlTlded of tot 6. James ssd Edith Gm- . mone. $X30. BLOCK 170, tot 1. Hamoei R WrenX 44.55; tot X J T. Csaa, $4.55; eoeth . H of tot X Annie A. - Brock. $4.65; Borth " H st kt 3. Asnle Brock, 64.65: lot X Annie Breck, 84V66; tot X Themss Bcbneldre. $465; aortb of tot X Josepb Boat, $X60: eeatk to of tot X Th- B. Onnt ktaroaam. 12.60: tot TT Thomas BoyX $4.36: kt X Thomaa Boyd. $4 64. BLOCK 10. all of tot. I lylag eaet ' of Oregoa A CaUfornl Railroad, Cornpaay a " right at way. I'nknowa Owner, 12: all ef tot 1 lying weet ef Oregoa A California RaUroad Company a rlgkt of way. Praatoa W. GUIetta.-$0.20; all of tot t lying weet ot Orrgoa A California Railroad Corn paay'a rlaht ot war.' trreetoa W. GlUetta, $ 1. 45 u all of tot X lying weat of Oregoa A Callforala R!lroe4 Compter s right ef way. praatoa W. uiltotta. $3-4: ll sf tot 4 lytn; weet at brogoa a Cell fornla RaUroad (em near a right of way. Proa too W. GKtotta, $ve6; tot X Preeto. W. GUtotto, o4.65 k-4 X Preston W. OHIetta, 123.65: tot 7, P-v v vr. .."'ts, XolM; tot X Prootna V. t -1 a. v . BIXVK 1. b-t t. 0. 1 .. I 4 55; tot X 0. R. T l t . o. r -w W. S'tlet'O, a . , "tart. I : ' .Y k-t X ' , a.U Uaa. U I oriT so. X Chss. rtoaakas, t" lsX let X t m. tot X. Ckartos B. X Weed, I ..i i Ckarto B. X Wood, $1Xjv It ( B. X Weoa,; bH T. I. ar i Wood. $4.66; tot 6. Char We E. 4V $4JkX BLOCK M$. lot X, Asuada Vf . kauta, Helra af, $4 66. tot X A as . Read Ealala, Heir of. $466; lot X A. 1 W. Reed Ksute. Heirs ef, Ui. 1 . Aaat ads W. Raed'aeUU, Helra of. $ - tot 1, Amaod W. Meed Inula, bWl a, $17 70; tot X Amaod W. Reed 1 - . kslrs st. HT.70. RLtH K 14, tot 1. Pr. a W. GUIette, $4.56; tot X Prsstoa W. i.r tot to. $4.66; tot X Praatoa W. GtWe, 64JI0; tot 6, Preetea W, Uiltotta, $3..; 1.-4 7. free too W, Ulllotia, $3.K: lot X rTeatoa W. GUIetta, 44.06. BUM.kVrl6. lot I. Frank sad Mary . Hackery. $4 55) tot X Prank and Mary Hackery 64 56; tot X Praak , aad Mary Harkaey... Xl.lo; kt X Prank aad Mary Uackaey. a,0; let f . Praak aad Mary Heckaey. 44.66; tot 6, Irsnfc . sad Alary Haeksey, 61A6. BLOt'K loA, tot 1, Joha Mulr. $4.66; tol X Joba Mair. . e.6R; tot X J"ha Malr. $4.60( tot X Jeaa air. -$4.60; lot T. Joha Malr, $45; tot X Joha Malr. I4.6X - BLOCk. 167. tot L Joka Malr., 64.56; tot X Joha Malr. $4.65; lot X Joke Mulr, la. 00; tot X Joha Malr, 11.60; tot T, Jeka Mulr. 64.661 tot X Jeha luhr. 44.55. BLOCK Ins, 1st 1. Orasa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company, $4.66; tot X -.Oregoa Rallroed A NarlgaUoa Company, $4.66; tot 8. Oregoa Rallread A Navigation. Compaay, $3.6v; tot a, Oraasa 8 a Urea d A Navigation! Company. $3.60 i tot 1, Oregoa Railroad A NarigaUoa oompaay, $46A; tot, 6. Oreaoa Railroad A KaTtgettoa Company. $4.55.. BLOCK I'M, tot L Orrgoa Railroad A NaTlgattoa Oompaay, $4.65; tol X Oragoa ballroad A Navlgattoa Company, $4o56; tot X Oragoa Railroad A Navlgattoa Comoaay. . 13.00; tot 6. Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.60; tot T, Oregoa Railroad . . NarlgaUoa Compaay. - $4,66; tot 6. . tlregea "Railroad A NaTlgattoa Company, $4.66. , PI HUT STREET TEK RACES, City of Port- , toad, Oregon BLOCK A. tot 1, Thanma v. Jeukln, $4-10; tot X' Thomaa W. Jenkins. , 64.55; tot X Thomaa W. Jenkins, $X55 tot- 1 , 4, Taomaa W. Jenkins, $8 55; tot 6, Tbossas ' W: Jenkins, $4.66; tot X Taumae W. Jankls. $6.66; tot T, Tkomaa W, Jenkins, 65.15; tot 6. . .Thomas V. JankUi. $5.6w; tot 6. Thorn. a W, Jaoklns, $5.6o: tot IX A. D. WlUsughb, $5.10; tol lI7 Tbom W.- Jcsktns, 65.40. B1XX.K 8. tot I, Mary Jenkins. $XW; tot X . Julia K. Clark, $4.46; tot X Ida R, Btokra. . 64.00; tot 4, Tbomaa W. Jenklna, 64Ju; tot 6. Tbomas W. Jeakina, M.kv; kt X ' . . U ' I ..I ml U, f, ' ' . IUUU WW . ,rn,H, Vll WW, . . W wiwrmt j, .Ckarfesstsr, $4)6; tot X M, B. Hmltk, 84.10; - lot , au n. aaitn, - aiia u an Na thas Coy. $3.60; tot X Nlba.Cy. $4.10.' BLOCK D. wast 31 feet of lot 1. Homer V. Woodwortb. $0116; weat 21 feet ef tot Roeser V. Wood worth. $u.t6reaal 1 137 feet ef tot t, Thomaa bVhaeider, $5.65; . eut 137 fret of tot 2. Thomaa Bcbnelaer. $5.66; tot X Thomaa Rchaelder. $4.66: tot 4. Tbomaa nVtanelder, $X66 tot 6, T. T. Rurhksrl. 64.65, A tract of tondf lying kotween two Haas reap eel aad pa Urrly 6v feet and 140 fret eeata af T" parallel wita aoaia oaa at iswtii areaee aad Betweea two Uaea iwapecttrely .100 fret aad 137 feet west of sad parallel with weal Uas of First atraat, Thomas Schneider, IX 10. A tract of toad lying betweea tba aooth Una af Lowell areaas and a Una 60 feet ssath ; , . of. tad paraUrl therewith aad betweea the , wast lias ot First street sad a line lo0 faat -X west ot snd aarallal therewith,, X. J. Boat Bar t, 13.45. . . AU at Iota I aad T. btoek D. Flrst-Btrsat Tor- . race. City f PorUasd. Orogaa, lying ksath of a Boa 66 faot ulk of sad parallel wltk tbo aoatb Une ef LewoU avenue and weet of a Uas 137 feet west of snd parallel with tbs west Us of Pint atreet, Aioisof V. WeodworU. IXT0, - FIRST BTBEET TEBRACXS. CTtyf Port- . land, Orrgoa bluch. if, lot a, memrr v. Woodwortb. $7.66; lot I. Homer V. Wood worth. Id. 10: lot IX Boater V. Woodworth. $4.4ojTot 11. Homer V. Woodwortb, -14.10. nsyv,aw sax. al 41 or 4 qeeawsm annas awe ne.p"t . $3.45; tot X rrederlck A. Wolpnl, $iT05 tot X Frederick A. Wklpoto. $3.60. BLOCX F, kt 1. Prodorlck A. Wsiaoto. $XSf; kt X Frederick A. Walpole. 6X60; tot X rredertck A. 1 Warpoto. $X16t kt X Fred erick A. Walpela. $4J0 64 6. rredecick A, Walpole. $4.00. . .. PORTLAND HOMEHTBAD BLOCK a, asaUt 86 feet of norto, too feet ot tot 1, Thootee MrNaasre. $3.65; 'sortb 116 feet af tot 1, I nl ted Btatre FldSIIty A GosrsatsO tjosapany, ' $10.10; aorth 104 feet of south 154 feet ot tot 1, A. Gertrada aad Jolla R. Marks, 66.75; aoutb 60 fret of -lot 1. Jamee aad Kate B. .Peterson. 4425; eaat TO feat of tot 3, JanoQbHlna, $10.06; aorth 60 feet et soaU 100 fret of west 100 fset of tot X ; - Ida R. Stoke. $46; toalk 60 feet of west 100 feet of tot 3, Leu tea M. Foe ter, $4.66; aorth -56 fort ot wrat 100 1 fast of tot X sir. V Wlonreeht. 66.10: tot X JoseDhlao i Crocker. $24.10. BLOCK 3. tot 1. - Rachel 1a, Ray, $15 40; tot X Portland Truat Coav T, paiiy of Oregon, XI4.60; tot X. Portlaad Treat Company of, Orrgon. $35.60; tot 4. School ' ru.k.. V. t o ut an . nfV-IC a. mihrii. elatoa 1 of tot 1, WUUaa T. Nntrlng, fvoo; . aabdlviatoa 8 of tot 1. Aaala Nutting. 85.00; -i snbdlTlstoa 3 of M L AV Welf. $X65; , , aabdiTlatoa 4 af kt 1. J. Schmidt, $X56; .. i-a L.e. t v v sinwu a aA .aabdlviatoa 4 of lot 1. V. K. Mtroas. $X66;' oabdivtaion I at lot L EdssT R. sad As i hi P. Coursca, $6,76; nhdivtotoa 8 of lot 1, Edgar E. and Annie P. Coureen, $6.76: sab. division t of tot X J. Hnry Hcbsds, $5.00. ' aorth Vi of ubdlvllon $ of kt X CsroUno . Rimer, $X 55; aoath of enbdrrlston B at tot X Verona Bollinger, $3.65; aubdlviakMa 3 Of tot X Michael Bullut, $3.45; aabdiTlatoa : 4 of -tot X H. B. Noble, $3.45; suhdlrlaloo, 6 sf lot X Caroline Rimer. $3.66: euhdlvlsloa, 6 of tot 2, Albert Thompsoe, $3.66; subrtl rtotoa T of tot X C. K. BueU. $4.65; ouo ' dlvlaton $ of tot X Fraacss L. Mace. $4.65. MOXER'S Sl'BDIVISIONS OP LOT -kV BLOCK. psrtlaaa nomesiraa ciaah , eiMI. vlato 1 ofJat X Suess C Butler. 1.73; 4.T51 eabdlvistoa I of tot X Marx Allatock, sabdlelsloa 8 af kt X -Loola K met tear, 8J.75;, aobdivbitoa 4 st kt 6, oh alier. 4J-;i ubditistoavS of tot 4, Joaeph Urbaark. 63.46; iibdlTtotoa 4 ot tot X Joaeph I'r. be ark, $X65; ankdlvletoa T ef tot 3. Josopk I'roeock, 6X60; suMlrtotoa 6 ot lot 8, Jootnb . Crbaock, $2.60; eubdlrlstoa ot tot 2, Loula Kreettaer, 1X8.'.; eubdlTlstoa 10 of tot X Florence P. Cook. 62.85. PORTLAND H0MB8TBAD ttL'BDmSTOPf AU Of tot 4, -XT- w. Bartcb. 64.60; oabdrvaltoa, - B of tot X Bra W. Bartcb. 64.80; snndlrhrtow C of tot X JolU A. Ulrica, $4.30; suhdl. via ins D ef tot 4. FVsra J. Do tone, 84.50; oaiidlvlatoa of tot 4. Jslla lllrtch, $4.76; . eabdlvtotoa F of tot X. Jolla Tjk-lck, 64.75 aabdlviatoa O af tot X ktra W. Bortra, $4.75 i subdivision H ot lot 4. Era W. Bar ten, $4.75. BLOCK X aoath 60 feet of eabeUvtotoa A of tot 1. Cyroa B. Howtott. $0 40; aoatk 60 fort ot eobdlvhiloa B of lot 1, Cyrue K. Hoarlett, . $X46; aortb 80 feet of aabdlviatoa A ' tok 1, Caarlea W. Cattail. $0.10; aorth. 86 fart 'af aabdlviatoa B ef tot 1, Char Ire W. Oot tell, 6X36; wool 10 fart of a4idrrlilia Q , af tot 1. Charlea W. CottolL $0.36; aaat ' ino feet af anbdivistoa 0 sf lot 1, Mary E Marsbell, $3.66; aoatb 6 feet of west 10 took of oubdlvtstoB O ot tot X Cyras M. Howtott. $0.10; norU 17 to feet of west 10 feet et sabdlttoloa C el tot 1. Ckartos W. OottalL $0 10: aorth Tto feat at east 100 teet ef nbdinmoa D of tot L Mary E. MarehalL 10.70; aoath 66 feet ef eeet 106 feet of . ' MbdlTtotoa D of tot 1. WlUlaa J. pny... $3.35; aubdlTleton R of tot 1. J. R. Jeakl aaSV-H, Maadertlle, $4.80; Snhdlrlsloa p of tot 1. Prnh Schwrkooh. '64.40: weal i ao) , feet sf ubdlTlla G '-of f tot 1. Patrick t Murray. 11.45; eaat 20 feet Wf wrat 60 fro t f Mbdlviitoa.O of tot I. kf. BvsreoX 60-60; esst 60 foot of OBbdlTiatoa G of tot 1. i. t. w..ra e-ia. ww so V . .e - urueviiHr v. 1 , . -t. - enbdlvieloa 44 Tf tm 1. uraeviiie -j. r 8X46; west 60 feet of sukdlTlsoa tot 1. Ma Roe mitt, $1.66: tot t, Ben I '. XI8.00: ubdlriatos A of tot X San I H ef RoUtng. XI6.00; subdlriatos A of tot X Baroh . aed B. W. Plaher, 1X08; eukdtvleloa R e . kt X Rarah W. and R. W. Flaber. 6X06, Booth 20 feet of anbdlvtotoa B of kt X .Barak W. aad B. W. Flehrr, 11.45; enath 30 foot of ubdivldna 0 of tot X Sarah, yv. snd B. W. Ptober. $LI6; north 6 feel of sabdlvlsioa B of kt 3, Alfred r Boar. Jr.. $t.0; aortto,6 feet Of auhovtaloa . Q af 'tot X Alfred F. J6e.ra Jr.. $0.80; aaadto vision C at tot 8. Alfred P. SoarvJr $L70; snbdlTlstoa D of tot X Alfred 'r- Jr.. 81 TO; nbdlvleton R et tot X 1-enlee R. . Prssp1. 11-70; eabdlvistoa P of tot X ttoargo , WT Watte. $1.70; .alnllvlbtoa G of tot 6 Oeorge W. Watte. $1 TO; autotlrlsloa H of lot X Josephine K rat tiger. $1.70; anbaielatoai I of tot X Jeeephine KrntUgerv II. 70; snto alrlloa J ef to X C. W. Lelck, ll.Tm snb. dlvietoa K ot tot X C. W. Ltlck. $1 To; nbdlvistoa L of tot 6. George W. Watt. 81 TO; eubdlvlaion' M Jet i. Oeergo W. Watt.. 61.70: aandlvtotoa N ef tot X Loataa K Prsan, , eabdlvtotoa O of tot X i Alfred P., Jr., 61.70; seroltTtotoo P of tot" 6, AlfresSi P. Resrs. Jr., II JO; hcn Ttttoa A of lot 4, Merrkaot Nattoaal Bank of Portlaad. 6X36: aeodlvlotoo) B of tot 4. Merchaot Ninoaai nana ev i - T' ' , eniMllvlalea C et tot 4. f. kt Rmltk, La.. wbdlvtotoa D ef tot 4. 0. M. a.tih. II., ki.,o m of tot x f. M. Smith, 9 sabdlvtotoa P ef tot 4. ftora T'sraih. subdlvistoa 0 of tot X Dora Xnratk, anbdlvtetoo H ef tot X Rmll Krattiawr, aabdlviatoa I ef tot 4. Rail kratu -r. Bobdlvtoloa I of tot X BoxU Rrati w. aabdivtolea K of tot XJoha i -el 1-1 1 ii : i T-n 17-1 ( 1I $l.7o; enbdivtatoa L of kt 4, Ja I beckrr. $1 70: auhdtvlatoa M of tot X le. too. L. Ullkam. $1.70; aatoitwleloa N of tol a KeWhaa L. OUhaOV. 41M: . Qe ' - 0 af tot X Merrbaet Nat' al Pt land. Truat oa, l .;, e n , Marrk t ha1' ' . - ef 1 .