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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1905)
w. ' , i ; .: ' THE OREGON DAILY "jOURNAi; P6l?TLAND, SATURDAY y 'CVSIIKiG, TZTSUARY S3, , .4 ..' V i - I ' - . cnt vofioUi cr nxifVEXB-t votios or balx or i -XL rxorxxTT rox Bnntmi as- . Nettae At hereey glvea that tM Aadltor Of tM Clt of I'ortlaaA has transmitted t ma Mat ef Ue 4ellnqaeat umumi for the laterortag of lut SItteeoU elreet, from the aoath llaa of Belmont street to tat north (Im ef Heat Tutor atreet. a ad tkat pursuant : fa mmm 412 at the charter at tha Ctty of Port leas, I . will, oa moaday, tha lath day of h-aren. lan at tha a., at 10 o'clock a. a., at tha was door of Ue City Hall, la tha OUT of HwtUad, Oregon, offer far aele at public auction, to tha hlgbeet bidder far cash, eub- jeet. la reoemptleu. tha following . aeai parcels at real property. tawH: A tract ef leaf tying Between tba north - Aide Una of But Tmjkw street aad tba aoath tods llaa ef bloc 1, Paneke, and between tha rut aide Una of Baat ' bitteentb atraat Bad a llaa 100 feet eeeteriv therefrom, und. 1 aaraual thare- 'with, Mary RoWtaoa........ fSO.M Bach Ptecs ar tract nf lend will ha aold arparataly aa fnr aaa Bet leee thai tha a np 14 aaaimmrat thereon aad Interest a "4 mat af advertietng and ak, If mere thai aaa k4 la offered tba laad will ba aald to tha bidder offering to take tba aaaa for tba leant amount ar penalty ana internal uowpeu Una will ba: ' First Etna the nasal tr fnr tha Brat period. evened t'pon the penalty for tba suet ending panooa. , 1 ' nty Tiaaaa in af the CUP of PurtlanA . Portlasd. On (an, February 11. 130A .-. rxoFOEALS rox txwxa woxxv Sealed propoeeJai "will ba reraised at tha office ef tha Aadltor af tha City of Port had antll Friday. March A 190ft, at 1 a'ckx p. m., for tha aoaatraeUoa af a aw la mat rna tha- . aaoth lltw of Tar taat'a aoWiioa ta tha aawar la Mlenlat atraat in taa inaur franax ar orouaaea n. J a. aw. ' hahlart ta tha vrarUlaM af tba chartar and ' ardlnaaotw ar tba at; of Portland aod tba ; aatlmata af tha City Btiffloaar. aa Ate. Klda Boat ba atrtctlr la accordaoca wttb printed blaaka. arhlrh will ba famtaord aa arnUeat1oa at tha afflra of tha iodltor of tba ntf af Partlaaat A4 Ml 4 aawar anat ba plm oa ar brfara-M dara fmm, tha data of tba atfnlaf of tha oatract .txf 1 ' aortlaa tharatau . Na prapaaab ar blaa wTfl ba roaaMrrad Tmlaaa armaipanlad a rartlflad rhark parabla to ba order of tha Mint af tba Ctry at Portland. rarttftad b a raapoaalbbn haak far an aamnt aooal to Is ear rant af tha aarrtrita prupoaaL . Tba rlfht ta rlat aa aad all blda fa harao It v af 1W KtmHm hVMrd. ' THOS. C DfTUW. - ' ' AoVHtor af tha Cttr af PnrUaaal. T'arttaad. Orrcoa. rrbraar tt. 1806. . r ' rmorouxi ids mm wouc. v. Ikalad ropeaala will ba raaalaad at tba afflra - of tba Aadltor of tha Cttr af Portland aatll Friday. Marr t, look, at I a'ctaek a. m for tba aoaatractloa f a aawar ta Twaotjr -fifth atraat frea tba aaath llaa af Varataac'a addl- tlaa ta tha aawar la Nlcalal atrart In tha Mi ' aar naildad by ardlaaara Na. 14.4laVab)aat ta tha wubileua of tha chartar aad ordtnancaa of tba City at Port la a4. gad .tha aattawU at tba City antlaav. oa flkt. Mda aat ba atrlcUy ta aaaardaara with ttrlntrd blaaka. wblrh wfU ha rulahad anr-Uoatloa at tba afflra. at rha Aadttor. of tba rty af Partlaad. - Aad aald aawar Biaat ha eannlrtrd aa ar kafora M daya froW) tha data af tba akrolac of tba cao tract by tha partlaa tharata. Ka pmanaala ar Mda wtfl ba fCTirldarrd anlaaa arrnfnnaalad by a aartinarl ehartt nayabla ta tba ardar of tba Marar of tba Oltr of Partlaad. rartlflad by a raavoaalhkr bank far an aatoant aonal to 10 aar rant af tha arrrartta aroooaal. Tha rt(ht i ; a rajact aay aaa au bias u aarapy Br ardaf af tha liaratlva Board. tho. c. nrrt-nt. Aadltar af tba City of Portland.' Portland. Orrroa. rabraary U. IBtS. - rsorotAxa roa inn wotxt. ' Maalad arrtpoaaJa will ba rewind at tha afflra at tha Aadltor of tha City of Partlaad aotll .: Friday, hfarrh i. 10, at I a'rlock p. am., fnr tba eamtntetlaa of a aawrr In TaMatylxtk atraat froaa tba aoartk Bat W Tarawa a; a aodl ttoa ta tha aawar la Nlrolal atraat In tha (nam . aar prartdad by trdlnaaea Na. 14.4S. aabiart to tha ymrlaload of tba ehartar aad ordlnanera of tba City at Partlaad. aad tha aaUmato of tba City Ktmiant, aa 41a. ,- . , - Rlda araot ba atrVtly la aaaardaara with ' printed blanka. which will ba ' fnrnlabad' on anoUcatloa at tha affhea of tha Aadltor of tha City of Partlaad. . Aad aald aawar Boat ha aaaialrtad aa ar before do daya fma tha data of tha ahraiaf of; tba roa tract kr tha aartUa thareta. - . . Ko proonaala ar Mda wtll ba roaaldrrad aolrM aeeaaapaolad hy a rartjfird check parable" to ; tba order of tha Marar of tba City af Portland. . certified be a raapoaalbia bank for aa aaaaont aanai to m par cant or ta ascraarata nronuaai. Tha rlfht to reject aay aad aU bida la hereby - By ardor af tba Kiaratlra Board ' ) ; ...... TH08. C. DETIJIf. . ., r , - Aadltor of tba City at Partlaad. Partlaad. Orraoa. Prbraary . 1S01. . . noroaixi ros iKwxm woex. ' Kealed propoaala wtll ba raeatoed at tba afflra of tba Auditor of thp City of Port land aatll Frldar,. March (. ItMa. at i a'eloch p. a., for tha aoaatractloa of a aewar In Eaai Twenty Arat atraat, from infll feet north at north: Una of Arcana atraat to tha aewer la Eaat Irrlnf a treat. In tha Baaarr pmMrd by ordlnanca , No. 14.-t.17, aahjart to tba prartatona af tha charter and ardinaacca at tba city af Portland. , aad tha eatlOMta af tha City Knctnaer, aa tla. Rlda aaaat Jbt atrlctly ta aeaardanra with printed blaa7 which will ba furntabed oa annllcatloftar' tha offW-a of tha Aadltor af tba City of Portland. And aaM aewer anat i completed on or before SO daya from tba data of tba alffalaa; of tba contract by tha partlaa t hare to. , Ka propoaala ar Mda will ba roaaldarad anlaaa : arena neaied hy a certified ebecfe payabta to tba order at tba Marar of tha City at Partlaad. certified hy a rraponathla bank for an amoant aaital to 1ft per cant af tha anrraaata propnaaL i oa rajai reject aay ana au bios la acrcoy By order af tM.Etacnttra Board. T1108. C. DUTLTIt. Aadltor of tba City af Partlaa. Partlaad. Orrroa. pabruary SB. 1Mb. rBorotixa ro inm vobjl Sralad propoaaJi wtll ba racalaod at tba afflra of tha Aadltor af tha City of Portland aatll V Krldar. March . 1906, at I 'dock p. a., for tha fmproraBMnt af flrarcr atraat froia tba : eaat Una af Front (tract to tba eaat llaa of . Hood atrart In tha manaar provided by ardl- nanca No, u.M. rabject to tba prarwtona of . - tha charter and ordlnancaa af tha City of Port land, and tba aatlmita at tba City Knaiaaar, aa ale. ' Mda Baat rba atrlctly la accardaara with printed blaaka, which wtU ba farnlabad oa ' anpllratlon at tba office of tba Aadltor of tha City of Partlaad. And aald improvement aaat - ba completed oa ar before to daya from tba data of tha alcolnt of tba contract by tha -partlaa thereto. . , Ka propoaab) or Mda wtll ba aonaldcrad ntiteaa i j accompanied by a certified chea-k parable ta the order af tba Mayor nf tba City at Portland, certified hy a raancalhl bank for an amoant , yaajnal to Id Oct rentfof tha arrraaato propnaaL Therlfht to rrjecpany and all bida la hereby a' taerTTed. " By order at the Kiecntlre Board. , THOS. il. DlfUK, Auditor of tha City of Portland. Partlaad. Orrcoa, rabraary 25. 1Mb. pmopotALi ros tXKfXt VOEX. ' Scakrd propnaaM will b recarrad at tha afflra of (be Aadltor f tear City if Portland antll Prlda. March S, 19i. at 3 o'clock p. a., for tha improrement nf Vancouver arenne fma tha narth tine of Morrla atrret to the aonth noe ef Frrnont afreet In tha manor provided ? ardlnaaca Na. 14. 4M. "abject to the pravtalona of tha charter and ordlnaacea of tha City of Part land, and tha ratimata of the City Eaai- ,. Bida owlet ba atrlctly la .acenrdanca with printed blaaka. wbtb IU be fnrnlahed on appucaiion at tna orrit or the Au1ltor-f tba City of Portland. Auc aald Imprrement annP , ne ooBMjieteQ on or netote 12U daya from the data of the ebrnlaf of the ronuact by the parrtaa dhiaala. Na pranoaa or Mda will be rooaldered (niece eeroapaaird hy a certified eWr payable to tha order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified hy a reerooalhle bank for aa amount oqnal to 10 per cent ef tha acrreate propoeal. oej npi o rcec( aay ana an uiM la bereliy By order of tba Kiamtlre Board. -. THW. C. IiETMN. Aadltor of the Cltr of Portland. Pari land. .Orefoa. Prbraary lauo. . nopotAU roa rbezt wokx. ' Scale, aropoaala will ba raretred at tba eflre of fba Auditor af tha City or partlaad antll Friday. Marria t. lano. it I a'rlock p. ai., for the laamerment 6f Palay atraat fraa the north Una of Onldantth atrret to tba aonth line of Kantt atrret In thA Banner provided hy eetn t banco Ka. I4.46d, aah)ect ta tba prortslotia of ' tna charter and ordlnancaa pf tba City of part, laad. aad tba aatlmata at, tba City Enclaeer, aa flla. ' ptde Braat - Be -atelcUy ... In acearttaBc pith 1 printed blanka, which will be ftlrnlaned oa appllnatloa at tha office of tba Aodttor of tha City af Portland. Aad aald Improeeanent Boat i ba eeauiieted on or before P0 daya from tha , data of the atcalmr of tba caairart by tha . partlaa thereto, i- . Na aropeoabi ar Mda Will ba raaaldarad anlaaa eeoeanaated hy a certified check payable to the order of tba Mayor nf the City at Partlaad. certified hr a raeaoaalblo bank for aa amoant oonal to to par coat af tha acrreaata propoaal, The ricbt to reject aay aad all Mda la hereby aerrea, , ft ereer af the (teotlee Board. ' THOU. iRTT,1?f. ' Aodttor of tba fltr of Portlaa rartaaad, Oracoa, fata-oary is, 1MB. (lit! VOTIOXaV aaiaajeaei mm'. e,.w cjtt TxiAixrxxa'i boticb or bau or - BZai rxorarr roa jxzuvxwt a naMZBTB. - i NafJre la hereby (iven that tha Aadttar af tba CHy ef Pertlaod haa traaaalttcd to pie a llat af tba delinquent ameaaaaata ' tor tha Improving of Kelly atraat from the aonth Una af Hamilton a venae to the aortbweetarlr lino of Macadam road, and that purruant to eertloa 411 of tha charter of the City of Portland. I will, oa Monday, tha STthrday at rebraary, !, at tba hour ar 10 o'clock a. Bj at the weat door of tha Ctty Halt, la tha City of Partlaad, Oreeoa, offer tor. aala at pabUe and toe to tba hlahrot bidder fof caah. rahiaot ta redeaptloa, the follawlad daaarlbad aeroele of real property, bwltl . . TeraXIUarr'a Hoanaatead " hlk I. areat a MS fee ( lei 1 TewtTlleer laukf Uaapany II0B.B1 Rlk I enet a OA feet af ka A Tararllllee j laud Company. , M.Oa Bit 1, all of lot lying between tha . aaat line of Bally atraet and n etralfkt i llaa eitendlna from tha intaiaatllon of , ' tba eaaterly line of Kelly avert with , -. tha . northaraatarly Ilea af Macndaa road to a point la the Berth Una of aald block I.' TararllUaer Homestead, aald point brine enul-dlataat between . tha eerier Ly Ilea of KaUy atraat and ..the enrihweaierlr Una of Macndaa 'mad. Terwtlllyer Land Company,... 170. tt ' Bubdlrtnlaa of lota 1 aad t, black , . , Pwtlend rtoaaaaiaad Blk S. aabdlrwloa 4 af lot I, J. BchaMt - .14 Blk I. aalMUvlatea a af lot X, Oarullaa j , . Rlaaar , ' Barb piece ar tract of laad will be Bold aapnrataly aad far a ana not me than tha anpaia aaaeaameni tnereoa aaa miarao cotmi met nf adreHtaloa? and aala. If mora thaa one Md la offered tba laad will ba anld to tba bidder oferlrar to take the aaam for tba leaat amoant at paaalty aad lataraat. . Compe tition will bat - ' lrat Upon the penalty for tha tint period. Second I poe the penalty tor tha aacoaeolnf Brrtoda. " . Third Cpea the rata of Interest. T . . . f City Treeanrar of tha City of Partlaad. Portland, Orenoa, Jaanary M, 1B0C, CTTT TJOABirBXB'B V0TICI OP BdXB Of . - BK1X PlOFEETT IVB BXLIXBTXVT AB IfaBaTTnTB. ' h , Kettca I hereby rtvrn that the Aadltor at rba City af Partlaad haa traaamittod to ma' a list of tha dellaaaeat aaaaaaaaaato tar the lanrerinc af Macadam atraat tram the aaath Haa at 0 rover atraat ta tba aontb llaa of blaaka IBS aad 1ST, Caratbara' Addition to tha City af Portland, aa laid oat by the loath Portland Beal Batata Aaaat la Boo. Bad-that par. neat to eertioa 413 af tha charter of the CMy of Portland. I wl.ll, an Monday, tba ISth day of March, IMS. 'al tba boar af 10 o'clock a. m.,' a the west door or tna city nail, la the City of Portland. jOreaoa, offer for aato at paMIe aaetton to tha ktfbeet bidder tor caah, aahjact ta rodamptloa. the follnwiaai daaarlbad pa roe la ef real property, te-wlt: Carathsr'a Addition to tba City af Partlaad aa laid out by tba Baath Partlaad Baal BaUU Blk 17.. Jot I, Atlltoa W.' ftmlth......fl.Sn Blk 1ST, lot 1 Mlltoa W. Hmlth Pa M lilt Iff, lot , Mlltoa W. Smltlr...... M.M BUt 1ST. In 4, Mlltoa W. Bmlth laATT . Kacb niece ar tract af land wtU ba aold eaparataly aad far a earn Bat Wee thaa tha anpaM ammaamil thereon and lataraat 1 aad coot at advarttelaf aad aala. If mere thaa one bid la offered 'tba Mad will be aoM to tha bidder efrarlaa ta take tba eama for tba meat amaaat af penalty aad lataraat, Comprtltiea will bat - Ftraa fJpoB) the paaalty tor tba Brat period. necooa i poa taa paaalty far the aarraidliii paciooa. , Third Cpoa tba rata of lataraat. ' -i e ej. - T. mirt i .,, City Tteaantei ef tba City of Port Portland. "In-efoa. rabraary 11, 1006. Portland. . OTTT TBBABTTBXB'B BOTICB OF BAOX Or xxAi norxxTT to DXLDtaTrt ab- Notka la hereby (Ivea that tha Aadltor af tba City af Porflaad baa trasamlttrd to ma lief or ow aviinonant aaai aauaaiitn. the imtfrovlnf of Bawaell atraat from tba areat Una of Baaa atrret ta tha weat 11 do of Oaa tenbeln areaoa. and that Baraaaat to eertioa 411 of tha chartar of tha City of Portland. I will, aa Monday, tba tTth day at rabraary, 1B0&, at tba boor of 10 a'rlock a. m., at tha treat door of the city Hall, la tba City of Portland, Oreron. offer fnr aala at pabMe taction ta tha blrkoat Mdder for cash, eab- ect to redcaptton. tha foilowlne deacrlbed parceia or real pioporxy, aa-wit; AJhlndti- ' : " ' Blk as. went 90 feat ef lot IT, Joha . . Prtre Bautr. ' Helra at , . t.M Blk 4S, weat 00 feet of lot 18 Joha P. ; Price Batata, Balra of....... 11. On kieaob pleca or tract of land wlU ba anld renarately and fnr a nam not laaa thaa tha an paid aseeeemeat theraoa aad Intoraat and emec of adrecttalns and aala. ' tf - mare thaa aaa bid to offered tha Innd Wtll ba aold to tha bidder sfferlmr to- tat tba name for tha leaat amount, of paaalty and lataraat. Oompe tltlon will ba: - . Flrat Upon, tba pamUy far tba flrat period. Becond X'poa tba penalty tot tba eocceedjef period. '.... ., . Tkird-Cpem tba rait af Intoraat i. B. WBHA.BI1. ' - ' City Treaaorer of tba city of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Jaaaary IS. 1006. - city TxcAitra.rB'1 voncx or balx or bxal rBorxBTt roa DxuBfttrnri ab. BEBIafXKTB. otire la hereby giraa that the Aadltor at tha ;ty of Port land haa braaamlttad to me list of the dellnanent aaaeaamrnta ' for tba lot oraine af Baat Datla etreal from tha aaat llaa of Eaat Twenty oaeoad atraat ta tha weat Una of Bent Twenty-fourth e treat, aad that rmreaant to aection 413 af the chartar of tha City of Portland. 1 wilL en Monday, the tTth dny af rabraary. 1M, at tba bear af HI n'rloek a. Ba., at tba weat door of tha City Moll, la tha Oltr of Portland. Oreroo. offer for aala at public taction to the hlgheat bidder Tor caaa. auDject an reoempuon, ua roiiow- iar deeerlbrd pareeki of real propart7 ts-wU: Dana a Adtutma ta Rant Portiand fllk I lot H Frank H. Bmlth. Blk P. aonth 100 feat of lot a. r.rntn m.w Bach plana ar tracts of land wtU ba aold rparataly aad for a anna net Iree tba tha Krnta nnoald aaar cement theraoa and lataraat and or anvomeituj ana earn, ir aaare innn bid la afferad tha laad wtlf ba aold to tha bidder offer UK to take the eama for tba leaat amoant ot penalty and Internet. Compe tition wtll ba: Flrat i'poa the penalty ror taw nrrt pane a. end Upea tba aenolty for tba aawaadlm pttioda. lairo t-poa aaa rata aa inrerrax. J. B. WBhVLBIIf. i-, City Treaaorer of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oresoa. Jaaaary BS, lOOft. CTTT TBXAITBXB'B BOTICB Or BALX 07 xxai, raorxxTT rox DtLnrTnprr ab- ISSMXXTB. Natlca to hereby ctvea tkat tba Aadltor of tha City of Portland, haa transmitted to ma a . Hat Af tha dtllaooant -naeeeamenta for tba mprevlnir at Kaat Tairty-foarta atraat from lae aoath Una of Hawthorne arenne to tbo-i north Ilea af rNvfcnoa etreet, aad that pnraaant to eertioa 41 af tba ehartar af tba City af Portland. I will, ma Monday, tba 17th day ot February. 1000, at tba - hoar 'of 10 o'clock a. m.t at the weat door ef tba City Hall, ta tha city or Koctleno. ureeoo, orrar for aala at pabllr auction to tha k la beat bid der far eaah, aab)ect to redemption, tba fot- rlng dcacriocd parcala of real propert, to- wlt! i . Tract of land lytn between weet llaa af Eaat Thlrry-foarth ntreet ana a una , 100 feat weet thereof and parallel tberv2 with and between two llnea respectively " XM.8T feet and 234. AT feet aonth of and parallel with tha aonth llaa af Stephens atreet. Owner Unknown 119.41 A tract of land lying between eaat Una of F-nnt Thirty-ronrth atraat ana a una . . IfttV feet eaat thereof and parallel there, with and between a Una I.S72.64 feet aonth of and parallel with the Booth line of Hawthorne a venae and tha north line of block A, Park View extended, Owner I'nknowa IT.Sd Keck piece or tract of land . will be aold erparatrly and fnr a ana not Iron thaa tha eapaid aeeeeement tnereoa aad tntereat aad coat of advertising ..tad aala. It more . than one bid to offerrd'tbei Innd Will be anld to the MVW -offerrns to -take tha tame f -r .the leeet amoant ef penalty aad lataraat. Comae tltlon will bet rlret I pon the penalty for the tint period, fterond I Don the penalty for tha aacctadlns prrinda. intra i poa taa rata or tntereer. . t. E. WKRLRIM. .. '. City Treeanrar of tha City of Partlaad., ' Portland. Oregon. Jnaoary 38. IflOa. PBOPOdAXB FOB BXWXX WOXXe Peeled proooaall wtll ba received at the office of the Aadltor of tha City of Port land antll Friday. March 1. tM. at I a' dork n, aa.. for the eunatruetloa af a aewer ta Bellwood etreet frata 130 feet weet af waat llaa of Mlataetnot avenue to the newer In Delay atreet la tha manaar provided by ordinance No. 14,401, sab. ret to the provlaione ef tbe charter and ordl. naaeea a tba t'lty ar Portland, aaa tae rate Bate of tha City Engineer, en dla. iaaBuat M- atrlctly ta accncnanco tnra printed blanka. whl k will be ftlmlehed oa aopllcatloat at the efflco of the Aadltor of the City of Partlaad. And aald eewvr Boat campieteo on ar Before au aaya mta tna data ot the- ait i log af tha contract by tha part ice thereto. - No prnenenta ar Mda win ba cartel de red aalaaa tcroBnanled hy a aartlfled check parable to the order of the Mayor of tha City of Partlaad. certified hy a reonooelhle bank for aa amount eonal ta 10 per cent of the aggregate propeaaL "e ngnt is reject aay aaa au mob la aereoy By order M tbd Etacntlva Board. , THOU. c. DETf.lw. Aadltor of tha City af Portland, raftlaad. Ortaoa. Fabrnary 4B. 1Mb. CI I f vonuEB. rxorons EOEorrnunrt or ExnntOEX BTaVux. Notice la heretiy given that at tba meeting of the Oanacll of the Ctty of Partlaad. Oregon, held aa tba 15th day of Fehmary, lOud, tha toltotrtng rtoolotioa waa adopted) Revived. That tha tMtacll af the City af Partlaad, Oregon, aeeam II aipaoicnl ana atirnnaa to Improve Mid more atreet from the eeat Una of Wllllama avenue ta tba waat Una af talon venue la tha following manner to-wlt: ' Flrat By grading Ua atreet full width with full Interaectieaa to Ua . ataka aa aat by Ua City Baglaeer. , Pentd fty cooatracttng weodea el down Iks. ' Third By laying troodea aroaawnlka: Fourth By conetractlnf bai guttara. , Paid Improrement ta be made la accordance with the charter and ardlsanora ot the City ef Partlaad and the -plane, e pec tttcat loan and aattmataa of tba City Engineer fljed la the efftce of tha Aadltor of tbe. City Of . Portland an tba 13th day at February. ItOA. ladoreed: "City Bngteeer'e plana and apecMratioaa for tba laanroeemeal of nsldmoro atrart . from tba aaat llaa af WlllUma avaaaa. to tha waat Una of Union .aveeue and tha aatlmatee af tha woch to ba doae aad tba pcooabia ptal goat The anat af aald Improvement to ba aaaamod aa provided by tba city charier noon tba prop erty eoectally and peculiarly benedtrd thereby aaif which la hereby declared to-be all Ua lata, oaete thereof and Barcele of laad lying ; bet ween a line 100 feet north at aad parallel with ua aorta una ot Baiomore eireei ana a Haa 100 feet aonth ot and parallel with tha aaath Una af Bkidmarn atraat aad between the eaat Una of Wllllama ajrvaue aad tha woat Una af Catoa avenue. Tba Bnaiueer'e aatlmata of tha probable total mat foe the Improvement at aald haldjaora atreet la H.2W .04. Tha plana, apaddcatloaa aad aattmataa af the City Kuglaeer for tha tmpuwanmut at aald Pkldmare atreet are hereby adoptod. Baaolrad, That tha Aadltor af tbe City at Portland be aadft4a hereby directed to give notice of the Airepaaad Imprneament at Bald atreet aa provlOed by the city chartar. Kemonstruaeen against me nnova isnvwnaut may be died I n writing with tba aadaenlgned within 30 daya fapm tbe data af tba Brat pnh-Ucntloa- of tbla nioce. . . . By ardor af fee Chworft - lliw Aadltor af tba City af Partlaad. Portland. Oregon. Data at Brat publics Uoa, Fahrnary M. lOOf. CTTT TXXABUXXXf BOTOX OX BALX OX xxai. rxorxxTT rox ssxxMivxrt as- bXsbsIXXTs. ' -Natlca to hereby rtrrn that tba Aadltor of tba Ctty of Port toad baa transmitted to ,me a urt of the delloaornt aaaeaamenta 1 for the Iraprortrut at Baat Twelfth (treat from tha eoutn una or rowtll atraat ro in. reet nortb ot tba north Una of rrederlra street: and that naraaant to aectloo 411 af the charter of the City of PortUod, I will, on Moo day, ua TTth day nf rahronry, 1MB, at tha boor of 10 o'clock a. m., at tba weet door of Ua City Flail, la tha City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aato at public anetioa to tha highest Mdder tor caah. sabtoet to redemption, tha foUowtnf . da at rl bed pa ret It of real property, to-wlt: Oaten Add! thm ta Baat Portland , 1 Btk 1, lot 8, Oenrta Blckafnoaa ,irf,4T Blk : wwth AO feet af ka a. Chrtat. . Netdanthall BOOS Bach piece ar tract of land win ba aold eeparatety and for a aaa not tees thaa tha an paid aeetaament thee tea tad lataraat aad anat of advert lalns and aala. Tf enore than one bid to offered Ua land Will he aold to tba hi Oder affartmr to taka rae aaaa for tha least amoant ef penalty and lataraat. Otimpa Utroh wtll be: . rtrat i:ona tba Bensltr for tba flrat nertod. Berood Vpoa tba penalty for tha anoeaadlas parioos. ... Third Cpoa tba ntonf fnterent ' J. B. WKBLEIrf. "Cltr Traanarar nf Ua City of Portland: PmniaaA. Oregon. Jaaaary 28. 180a. OBTT TXXABtrXXX'B X0TICX OF BALX X0X ' XXAL rxeraxTT rox pxlixovxxt ju ' baWXCKXTB. . 'Netlda'ls hvrehv aiven that tha AadTtnr af the City af Portland bag tranomlttad ta ma a 'liar-oc rae delinquent ateenameate - tor tna Improrlna; of Water .and Hood streets, from Ua aaaU Una ef Clay atraat to 100 feet aoath of Ua aouth Una of Caratbara atreet, and taut pursuant to aection 413 ot tha charter af the City of Portland, I W11U- oat Monday. tna lath aay or Marr-n, jbdb, at tna Boor ot 10 o'clock a. m., al tba weat door of Ua City Mall la Ua City of Portland. Oregon, offer for aala at public auction to tha btgheet bidder described parcels of real property, to-wlt: A. tract ai una lying Between tne enatn, , lino ot Clay atraat and- eaatarly as-' tenaloa of eama and tba- aontb Una . af Jet feraon atrart aad eaatarly exten , a Ion of' aa me and between Water. atreet and waat bank of Willamette . ' river at low water mark. Portland A '- Wlllaaaetta Valley Railroad seen piece or paroai si- una wiu no soia arpnratoly and for a nam not laaa than Ua aopald aaneaament thereon aad tntarvet aad coat of advcrtlalng and Bale. '-If more Uaa one bid to offered the toad wfll ba anld- to Ua bidder of ferine to . take the earns for tha leaat amoant of penalty asA laureat. Compatl tlaa wtll ba: Flrat Cpoa the penalty for tba drat ported. Pernod Upoe tba paaalty for tba aopceeding pariods. t .. Third Upon tba rata of Interest. . I. B. WBRT.BTN, City Ttaeiaier af tba City af PcwtUnd. rortlano, uregoa. Febroary 11, ibod. -r CTTT TXXAsTTXXX'f V0TT0X OX BALX 0T - xxal rxorxxTT rox sxuxaTxarr ab. RUUmUTTn. . Nolle to hereby glveo that tba Aadltor af tba taiy ot fur r la en haa transmitted to a Hat ot tha dellnanent aaaeaamenta for ooaatractlag the aewer la Kerby atreet from tha. aonth Una of Praecott atreet to the aewer to Kerby atreet at Masaa street, aad that nnreaant to uectlon 412 af tbe charter at the Ctty ot Pod Una. I wilL aa Moaday. tba 27th day ot February, TPtsV at tba boar of lo o'clock a. a., at ua weat Soar of tba City Hall, la tbe ,0ity of Portland. Oraana, offer for aala at public auction to Ua htgbeet Mdder for caah, euh)ect to redeaipttoQ. Ua folio trine; ojraryioea norcem ox rani property, ve-wu. Central Alblna Blk , lot I. Amhroaa B. OaBtenhala......2.IM Blk S, lot 3, Amhroaa B. Uentenbeln...... 30.80 Blk S, M i, Ambross B. 0antanbcta.eV 2A.80 Blk 4, lot 9, Amhroee B. Onntealiela M OO Blk 4. tot 8. Ambrose B. Oantenhcln 1MIW1 Blk 4, lot 7. Amaaoae B. Oaatanbein 30.00 Kacb place or tract of laad will be anld aapnratal.v and for a- bum not laaa thaa Ua anpaia aaneaament tnereoa aaa Interest and coat of ad vert tains and aato. tf mare Uaa one bid to offered tba laad will be aold to the bidder offering to take tba aame for the least amoant at penalty aad lataraat. Compe tition win aat Flrat Upon tba penally for tba flrat period. (Wood I poa Ua paaalty tor tha incest Blag perioda. Third Cpoa tba rata af interest. . . . J. B. WERLBIlf. . , City Treaaorer of Ua City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. January 38. 130a. - . 0TTT TXXAETXXX'B X0TXCI Or BALX OX xxal rxorxxTT-rox delxxow-xxt ab. BEBBBrXBTB. Notice to hereby given that Ua Auditor ot tha City of Portland haa transmitted to Be a Uat af tha dellnanent . aeaeeements fnr tha Inrprovlnr of Baat Twenty eecrmd atreet frora Ue north Una of Dunn'a addltloa to the north Una of Baat Bnraalda atreet, aad Uat pursuant to laectlon 412 ai ua charter or tha City cf Portland. 1 will, on Moaday, Ua 17th day of Frbraarr. 1006. at tha boar of 10 o'clock a. m., at the. weat dooc of tha Ctty Ttall. la the city or Portland. Oregon, offer fee sale at Dahlia auction to Ua bit heat bidder for caah, jenbject to redemption, the following aeeertDea percent ot reel property, le-wu; , Duna'g AoditMa to Kaat ronmno-c Brk A. lot A. Atlaa Milling ComoaDr....! TA. M Blk 8, lot 3, Atlas Milling Company. 101.20 Blk A. lot 1, Atlaa Milling Company . . . HAAS Blk p. waat i4.a rott ot, lot a, a uaa Mlllinc iwmpany ,.. iiti Each piece, or tract of land will be anld -para trie and for a anm not laaa tbaa the unpaid aeeeeament thereaa and Interest and coat of advcrtlalng and aale. If more tbaa one M1 ta orrerea taa tana wiu no noia ro the bidder offering to take tba aame fnr the least amoant of penalty aad Interest. Compe tition will bet - , Flrat Upon tne penalty ror taa nrat penis. Pernod - I poa tba paaalty for Ua asceeediag P: . . iniro pan tna rata or mrereex. 1. X. WRRLNIlf, City Ttnaanrag of tha City nf Per Hand. Portland. Oragon, Janaary 3, 1B0S. . fxopobAlb rox txirxx woex. v fc all d nrnnnaala win ba rauafnd at Ua office of tba Andltnr of tha City of Partlaad antll Friday, Marr a, iw. at a e cwca p. at., ror the eovtracUoa af a aewer . la . H4 atreet from tha aoath Use ' of Tec leer't addltloa to the aewer la Nlcnial atreet In Ue manner provided by sciMnanee Ka. 14,402. subject to tha ncovletoes of Ua (Charter and ordinances ef Ue Cltr of Portland, aad Ua aatlmata ef the City F.nglneer, oa file. Bida most ba atrlctly la accordance with printed ' blanks, which will ba f nrnlabed on a on licet Km nt Ua office of tbe Auditor af Ua Ctty of Portland. And aald aawar anat Be enmpletea on or nerore. su aaya rrorn tne date of the elfnlaf at Ua eon tract by tba partlaa thereto. No prnpoaahi or btno will ba eooatderad vnlesa accompanied hy a certified check parable to the order of Ua Mayor of the City af Portland. certified by a ree possible bank for aa amount aonal to 10 par cent of Ua agrregata proposal. The right to reject any aad all bida ta hereby By order af tba Iterative Board. , r, XHOB. C t)tTt,w V Andltnr nf tbe Cllv ef PoelUnA, PartjAnd, Crtssa. Fsbruarj 33. lfMb. , OTTT V0TX0XB. rxorotrjx . nmoTXJixxT Oa BXXBBTtj ' J ' nxXACaV Natlca to hereby ' given that at fba masting Of toe OsnncU at Ua City ef Portland. On beid'oa Ua 1SU day at Faaraary, 1800, tat follow ug resolution waa adopted: Rcsoired, That tba Uouacll af tba City ef rartiaaa. orewoa, see me it azpedleat aaa aar eoeee to Imprera Heights terrace from Ua waat Una of teviurfala atreet aa the aaat Uaa of block 40, Csrtag'o ad allies. U Ua tu$- Ft rat By grading the atraat ta the - waooer trade aa abowa by tha a la nee aa set by tba riecoe Hr bdnains Ua aorfaea af tha full width with full lnteraeeUaaa to Ua aatab- bed raM laird Br with amosoaaa. By aaaan ucttnar aldaaralka la ae aardanra wltb Ue Ctty Aoglnear-a piasn, aaact icatlona and ee time tea. . Fourth By conarrnctlng riuaaaalka ta aa eardaaee with Us Ctty nulaam'g plaaa, spsd. Bcatlona and estlmataa. fifth hj aoaatractlng etaaa gnttsra Id ac cord a a oa with ua City Bngtaaar'a plaaa, apacl- acsiioaa aaa eeumatrs. Blith By cosetrorting e Mm ted aide-era the la accords a. a with Ua Cltr kmllkiatl plaaa. apeciAcatlaaa aad aatinulaa. Seventh By roaatruciing guard fence la ae aardaaca with tha Ctty Koglnecr'a plana, epaeV Bcatlona aad aatlmatee. Eighth By ranutractuui wooden ' enrha a abowa by aatlmatee. hsid laaprovrmaat to 'be made la accordance WIU the charter seat ordinanaea ef the City of Portland and the piano. epaclAoatloaa and veiinanies oc inn uiry Bnginecr niea in we offet of the Aadltor af Ua City of Portland en tba UU day of February, lftOb. iBdoraedt "CUy Eaatnaara plane end epeciaeatlena for the. Improvement of Heights' terrace from tba set, llaa af Lownedaia atreet to the aaat Una of black 40, Carters addltlea, and tha feati matoa of the work to he doas aad tba prob able tout coat thereof." The aoet of aald Improvement to ba aaaaaaad aa provided by tbe ctty ehartar Bona Ua property npsdslly aad paealtarly assented by aald Improve me at and which to hereby declared to ba as folio wa: Lota 1. 3. 3 and Ue aaat H af lata T aad S. block 40) aU of block 37: tola 8 aad d, block 86; lot 8. Mock : nil la Carter's addltloa to tba City at Portland: and nil that portion of block B lylaa wast at ton waat Una af Lownadala street If extended northerly la Ita areeent Mures, and south of a Una 100 feet northerly from aad parallel witn ua northerly nan ar Heights terraee; and tote 1, aad 8, block 803. In Ua City of Portland! aad all that portloa at laad lying between tba north Una of black 37 sad Ua aaaU Uaa of block 38, Oarter'a adldtloa to tha City of Portland, and between Ua aaat Una of beventsenth atraat tf aaaaaaad northerly ta Ita present course, aad a Una 80 teat waat of aad parallel with Ua waat Uaa at Sixteenth atraat and aU Uat portion of a parcel of land lying between Ua westerly line of Heights terrace and a turn 100 feat waat of aad parallel with tha wea llaa af Seventeenth atraat If attended northerly la Ita present earn at, and betwasa tha aoath Una af block 88, and the BorU Uaa ef block 38. Cartar'a adaUtlaa to Ua City of Portland. Tba Kogiaeer a aeamete at tna probable total coat, for the Improvement ot aald Heights tor race to 83.800.00. - Tha above Improvement la to ba claased aa a macadam Improve meat and antll be talaed by tbe city far a period of four year, provided by tha own era af ama)or1ty af Ua property benefited by aald Improvement or any nortion thereof, shall not netitloa for a now ar different Improvement before tba Stparataoa af eueh parted. . - The plana, snectneattoaa ' aad srttmatea at toe i.ity nnniDeor lor tne isrpi e Bala Belghts terrace are hereby adopted. Kesolved. That the Aadltor of Ua Cltr af Partlaad he Bad be to hereby directed to givt notice at tba proponed lmorovcmeet of aald atreet aa provided by tbe ctty chartar. Kemona trances act Inst tha above laaprota aant aay be a led la writing wtU tba under timed within 30 aaya from tba data at tba Brat pabUcatioa af this notion. . . . By order of tba Council. , . THOB. C. BBTTJTTt. . Aoditor af tha City of Portland. Porflaad. Oregoa. Data at flrat publics tioB. rabraary 18, 1308. .- . rxoroBzo 1 zxnoTxxxsTT or X00XXX ' BTXIXT, Mottea to benny given -tkat at tba Bmwtlsg af Ua Cos sell of tha City of Partlaad, Ore roe, held oa Ua 16th day of February, IPX, ua following reaomuoB waa aoopcea: Resolved, That Ua Coancll at Ua City of Portland, . Oregoa, dee ma U expedient and par puma to Improve Hooker atraat from Ua seat Una of Third atraat to Ue weat terminal Una ef Hooker atraat, la. tba following manaar, to- First By grading tha atraat fall 'width with fall tnUrnecttona to-tba. proper aubgrade. feacond By bringing the eartace of tba atreet fall width wiu full laleraeetioea to grade with Bmcadam. Third) By constructing weadea sidewalks la erroraance wiu ue uity ting l near a BiaBB, apeclflcationg and eatlmataa. , , . Fourth By ' toying oroaawalkA. Fifth Br eonatrocttng atone a lit let a. Slits By oeea true Use elevated weodea side walks la accordance- wrKb tha City Bnglnsar'a pans, apacucauoaa and eatlmataa. Paid improvement ta ba Bade la accordance wlU the charter aad ordlnancaa ot Ua City af Portland and the plana. speeineatJoaa and eatlmatoa of Ua Ctty fcngineor Bled In tha of fice of the Aadltor ef the City of Portland oa tne iota aay al genraary, iwua, laooraea: "City Encineer'a plana and apecUlcationa far Ue Improvement af Vlaokar atreet tram tba eaat Una of Third etreet to the west terminal Una At -Unefce ! I I AMI Uka Mtimefta al tka work Jo be doassnd Iba probahia total aaat Ulereei. w - 4 , The root of said lamotaarat .to t aa provided -try the city chatter ansa Ua property apeelally aad peculiarly honed ted (hereby, and which to hereby declared to ba all Ua tots, parts thereof and parcala of laad lylag be twees UoT west tarmloal Uaa ef Hooker street extended north and aouth la la present eonree and a Uaa 100 test east at aad parallel wltb tba aaat Uaa of Third atreet and between a Una 100 feat north at and parallel wlU tha narth Una af Hooker etreet aad a Una 100 feat aaath af and parallel wlU tha aouth Una of Hooker atraat, and a lea a parcel of - land lying between the north and eooU UnesKof Hooker atreet extended westerly In their areeent course aad bet sea a Ua waat terminal line of Hooker atreet and- a ' Uaa 108 feet westerly therefrom and parallel tbere- The Kntineer"a estimate of tba probable total eaat tor tha Improvement af aald Hooase street to 11.820.00. The above Imwonmcut la to ba efaaaed aa a macadam Improvement and shell ba maintained ay tna city, tor a pertoa ot nva years, pro vided that tba awaaia of a majority of Ue property neneatea By asm improvement or aay portloa thereof obeil not petitioa tor a new or different latprornaeat bsfara tba ex pire tkm of each period. The plana, apedftcatlona aad aattmataa at tba nty Engineer ror ue imprawomai Hanker atraat are hereby edoeted. of aald . Reeorvsd. That Ua Aadltor of tba Cltr of Portland ba and ba la hereby directed to aire notice af tbe proposed lmpraeamiint af aald treat aa provioeg ny taa ctty marker. Heme oeli tetee agalnet the above Inrnrova ment may ba filed In writing wtU Ua under. aigued within 30 days from Ua data at Ua tret publication of tbla notice. By ardor af tba Coancll. THOS. C. DlvTIW. Aadltor af Ua City af Port la ad. Portland. Oregon. Data af flrat pubilcatioa rrbraarB .18. 1908. XTAiiTaanrnrr rox naTXOvTarxxv or east BtH nrr or xirxx btxxxt. la compliance - with a Maoratlaa adopted at Ua regnlar aaeeuag of Ua Ccaufcttncld oa the 1ftta day nf Fabraaryi 1806, declartag tba dlatrlct naneflted by the Improvement of the eaaterly US feet of River atreet from Ue aoath Una of Alblna aveeue to 100 feet aouth of tha aoath line of Alhlen avenue, aad direct In tha Aadltor of Ua City of Part lead to prepare a prellalnary aeneeameap epos, the Iota,, blocks and parcel of toad with la aald ltatriL 1 - , Now. therefore, notice to hereby glvea fhatQ aaeb aeeam men i is now oa aw la tna erare of the. Aadltor of Ue City of Portland and that all AGTeettona to each aeeeeemeet must be lied Id MitiM wtU tha Aadltor within 10 daya f rant, the 7 A day af March, IP", the toat day of atnsireatiod ad 4hia Botloe. aad notice to farther given that naW selections wtU ba beard by tha Caaartl rat aieetlag to be held oa the 16tk day 11 'IBOa, aad all per- aono atgitered thereby nsteresicd therein must be present at aald meeting, and era warned not to depart uererroa aaui aach rsaaesaaswnt baa baaa completed. - THOB. C. DBTLTN. Auditor ot tha City ot pertlaod. Data of flrat pabuentlaa rebraary. 34. 1801. itiMimaim FOB ''im or EABT XAJUUU, II1UT In eomnllance with a leeidaltna tdaarad at tha regnlar meeting ef tba Council, arid Fahrnary 18. lPOA, declarinw tha dlatrlct bene fited by the Improrement af Bast Yamhill atreet from tba eaat curb Una af Baat Water atreet to tha weat Una af L'atoa avenue, aad directing Ua Aadltor af tha City af Portland to prepare a preliminary aeeeeament aaaa the mta. bleaks and parcala ef laad wlUtd aald dletrict. Now, tnererore, notice ra a error given uat anrh aaneeaiBent to bow oa lie la Ue efnea of tha Auditor ef the city ef Port lend, aad that any ohteettoea to each aaaeeemeat amat no Plea in writing wita tna Aadltor within 10 Clara froa Ue Tta day of March. lanA the lest day of pabUcatioa ef Ute notice, and aortca to farther glvea Uat eatdeb)erttona 111 ba beard by tbe council at a aeettng to ba bald oa Ue 1Mb dey of March. 1A. and all persona aggrieved thereby or Interested therein moat ba present at mid meeting, and are warned not ta depart therefrom aatll garb reimiienmnit baa Bees eeennieted. . ' TTIOO. C PmvTillt, Andlrnr af Ua City ef. Portland. Sat ti flrat BaiBcatio Febraary 34. isot. Ull'l VOTIOXS. AaBfttlBf BT. AJTB BBAB8 B13B KJfT FOX asmorxxxxT or btoxxxomax XXOAirtrAT, XAATf TKTj ITXXXT, CXAXB ATXXTX AXD BXATXX Notice la bersby glvaa Uat tba Con sell ef us urry ex faetlaad, orewea. al 8 meeting held on Ua 15th day of February, 1805, de clared the ate, aa glut by tba adnpUaa of ertU daaae No. 14,444, foe- Ua Improvement af Mult nomah atreet. Broadmny, Eaat Third atreet. Umnd a venae add Bbarer atreet, - apon each tot part of lot aad parcel of land, which are aneclaliy aad peculiarly beaalited. to ba aa Blk 106. tot i. Tba Oregoa Baal Batata Compear BUt lie, lot 4, The Oregoa Baal Bbtoto Cootpaay But HO, tot 3, Tba Oregoa Baal Batata Company , But lit. M 4. The Oresoa Bssl Batata -Csmpany . Blk 184. lot ft. Tha Oregoa Baal Batata 143.08 143.14 143.18 144.8T 144.87 Blk leV. lot 4.a6reeRearEataU Company , 441.78 Blk iw. tot ft. Tbe Orrgoa Baal Batata 1 caanpaay...... sTTT...... .. ML But 104, nt 4, Tba Oregon Baal Estate Oempaay .,.......-. Blk 164. tot 5, The Oregon Xaal Batata Company BUt ISO. tot a. Tbe Oreron Baal Batata Compear But lis, lot 8, Tha Oregon Baal Estate Company . 14LT3 141.T8 141. T8 141.T8 Blk 2esf lot 4, X. H. Bobbins... Kaat Portland .'- - , Blk T8, lot 8. B. O. Nenfelder 186.81 -1148 124,80 Blk T8, lot 4, B. 0. Naufelder , Fruab'a Sonera Addition to East Port- Blk 4. lot 8, JmUm Logae Eats to, Balra af But 4, tot 8, J (Una Loatat Eataht, Balra . TO. IS 188.80 ex ., swa e awutm ve met rwtune. Blk 1. tot 1, Victor Laad Company.... 18 TO ma n, lot a, victor Lao a torn pa ny. Blk B, tot 3, Bnny A, Knott 18.64 18.04 18.11 Blk B, tot 4,- Ruby A. KaoU Caetral Alblna Blk 3D, tot M, 1. B. Beptt.., ...... .4. 41.84 Total .174e A atatomeat ar aforaeelo a meatmen! aaa been ealerad la Ua Docket of the Ctty Liene tad la aow due and navable nt Ua aftlcs af tbe City Treaaaat. la towtal money af Ua Ualtod Its taa and .If not paid within au aaya uaa ua ante ar uta Bouee anea praceedlns-a will bo takes for tbe oollectloa af tha aaam aa are provided by tba ehartar af tba Clt vi of Portland. The abovw imimannl wtn near ts tares t 18 daya aftac tba first pabUcatioa at tbto .,,-', C '.'--.' 'I'- THOB ft' .BBvXIlt." ' AnAttew af the Cttv e Pvstlesel Portland. Oreeoa. Hate ef Flrat PnhlLna tioa raornary s 18UQ, - , K - .mrmnrt rox xxtxxxiox , or ear , , BATJB .BTXXXT. a : Notice la hereby given that tbe a meatmen t amde by ordl aa are No. 14.418. entitles: "Aa aroUnsaea adopting Ua report at tba viawera in ua mailer or tae pro Quae a opening, laying tat And Mtsbllabimt of Eaat iMvia atraat froa the least -line of Keyttooe addltloa to tha watt' Una af Baat Twenty -eighth street, nuk ing an assessment of the benefla and 4a mages act forth la naid report," approved Jaaaary 18, 1MB. baa been entered aaa tne t tbe several owners ef and paraona tetereeted la tba toad Berain oescriDeo oa neing severally nana tnare for. to the Docket ot City Liena. which 414 aaaammrata are made due aad sarahee at the office sf Us City Treasurer, la Lulled States gota ana auver rota, ana unless paid before March 4, 1806. tha aame will become daiin oaaat and ancb proceedlnga will ba taken foe the collection ef Ue aame aa are provided by the ehartar af Ua City at Portiand, aald imam aaaoto being aa tot Iowa, to-wit: paroai at and lying between ue Berth Una of Eaat Couch street aad a Una 420 feet botU thereof aad parrel lei laerewiia, aaa netware tna eaat una - of Keystone addition, nnd tbe west Uaa ef block 8, Wyukoop villa, aad Ita pa teaaloa aaaUarly la Ita preaeat course. : : aare and except Uat partlaa ef aald . paroai at laad dedicated to the publla by deed for ntreet faslah .. fiackmea .....4 86.82 vryasoop viim Blk d. all Uat portlaa ef tot 4 lylag north af tha Brenoaad north Una of Eaat Davla atreet. Caroline A. (lota hall XI OR Blk 8, tot A FraakUa B. Turner 42.00 Bin a, an uat portion at tot 8 lylaa; aorU of tba nortb. Boa of the proposes Baat Pntia atraat, tluttavs krlckaoo . . 33-80 But a, au uat portloa 01 tot 4 lying , - north of the north line at tba nraaeaad - Kaat Davla atreet, Til la Oldham...... 80.10 Blk 8, tot 8, IWrracbt Btrachn.. - 62,00 Blk 5. tot 6, ElraabeU K. Wy stoop 6X00 Haw thorns 'a. rirat Addltloa to Bast Port land .. . 1, But 18. aouth H at tot 12. A, J. aad D. U Klrker All Blk 18. aoaU H ot tot 11. A, J. and D. U Klrkar a 8.H Blk 10. aortn h at lot 12. Eama F. Tome 8.80 Blk Id, north H of lot It. Emma F. Turner ' 3.80 Blk Id, tot 10. B. 0. Brooke. ........... '17.00 Blk Id. tot 8, Joha P. Bharkeyt. .......... 16.00 Blk 14, lot 8, Uraca H. Himea.. ........ 13.00 Blk 16, tot T. 1. M. Dodnaa 11.00 Blk IT, lot 1. The Hawtharna Batata. .. . ; U.tll Blk IT. tot 3. Mike and hVoae ttoarlok.. eon 13.00 Blk 17. tot 8, Bertha Jensen.. ..1 1T.00 Blk IT, tot 4, Rnaaa 8. Uaroael ,. Blk IT. tot ft, Emeet Haaeumayar....... . Blk IT, lot 6, K. I Hand.e.: ... Blk 18. tot 1, Mary lUltsempar. ........ Blk 18, tot 2, Mary Heltkemper. ........ I ft . 00 1E00 11.00 8.00 t-60 4.60 BOO run m a, mary iieiiaempev. Blk 18, tot 4, Weadto ecbalbacber..w Blk 18. tot ft. Wend le Eachalbachar.M Blk 18, tot 0. W asdic Kechelbecbar..... 3.00 Blk 18, Jot T, Prank Heltkemper. .. : 3.00 Slk 16, tot 8, Frank Heltkemper. (.v.. a - A00 Ik 16. tot 8. 0. H. Heltkemper..; 4 60 Blk 16, lot 10, tf. U, Heltkemper , Boo Blk 16, tot 11. Henry Bwlnt T.60 Bin is, norta n m u, ara. u, A. Taylor Blk 16, eeaU H e! tot IE Frank B. AB04 Boaaatt 4.S0 Tacat ...e..M..... ................ 36g.3l ' Aadltor of tbe City of Portland Portland. Oregon, Sato af Flrat Fab 11m Hon rcoruery 23, APua. .... r rox xxTxxBioB or east .,4" XWXXTXXTX BTXXXT, - Xotlca to hereby glvea that the 1 mminl made by ardtaanoe No. 14,418. entitled: "ti todlnaaca adoptind tbe report of Ua view era la the matter af tha proposed epanlug, widen ing, toying eat aad eetabUehiaf af Eaat Twen tieth atraat froa the aouth Una af Dtvtaloa atraat to tba north UoaVof Clinton atrart. Bath ing aa aatetameat at me nenellta' and Oamagea aat forth la aald report." approved Janaary 19, 1005. haa bees entered agalnet the several owners of and paraona Intonated la Ua lead berain oreennea aa oeing nerereiry liable there for, la the Docket of-City IAsne, which said aaaeaamenta ara made duo Bad Da cable at the offloa of Ua City Traaaarer, ta United Mtatea CM- and all rot coin, ana anteea paid before arch A 1806. Ue earns will become dalle. and such nrocardlnaa will be takes fne tne collection 01 ue aemo ae ere province By ue cnarxer ot tae tiiy ex rnvuaso, aaia el. he In. as roltotra. to-wlt: Lee he Addltloa to tha City of Portland Blk 1, all Uat portloa af lot 3 lylag . west of the nropoaed waat Una of Kaat TwentiaU a tree t, Joaeph Cera- : gblne ,.... rs.m Blk 1. tot 3. Loranns Bemenaa. ....... ; 86.00 Blk 1, tot 4, Loreueo henMasae. ....... .' 31.5a Blk 1. tot ft, Lereass PBansa....M.. . 31.80 Blk 1. lot 0. 1-orenao Bamcnea........ 86.00 Blk 1, ail taai portion at mv. 1 lying at of Ue ptoposed weat line ef Baat TwentiaU atraat, 1 111 1 aat Bern- . BlkE all Yhat"port'etot"3'toi wast af Ua propeatd treat Una of " Kaat Twentieth . atreet, Charlotte , laaho -........... ......... ... .. ftlh 2. tot 3. Charlotte Laabo.. ........ TS.00 TA 00 66.00 Blk E lot 4, Cberratte Lrabe..... Blk 2. tot 8, F.mlly Dnster.,....... 81.60 21.60 68.00 Blk 2, tot B. Kmuy uoaier. ...... ...... - But E all that portloa f tot f lying west of Ue proponed waat Uaa at Eaat Tweattoth etreet, Uraee A. Lesbo - Maadowlaad . Blk 1, tot 1, Oaltoppa.rte Bendettl.,. Plk 1, lot 4 Joha C AlneworU...... TEOO 110.00 , 80.00 ' 00.0.1 110 00 110.00 80.00 8000 110.00 Blk 1, lot T, u. r. ioaepnaoa.. Rlk 1. let r. Blk 2, lot 1, P. F. Joaepbana.. Blk E tot E P. F. Joseph ens , Blk E tot T, Erama Asdevonau....... Blk E tot ft. Emma Anderaoa Total .31.S3S.00 .. THOS. C. -PBTLiji, , Aadttu? ef Ue Ctty ef Portland; ,' Portland. Oregon. Data af First Publication Pebraary 23. laud. s. - CtlbLPLXTIOX AJTB AUUU 1ABTJX 0T BXWXX Ot DELAY bTXXXT AJTB OO0X ATEBTTX. Natlca to hereby glvea that Cbartee Wtaaar. Cltr Bnainear. bee filed In 1 Ue office if Ue andrrntgned, antleo that Dong lea A O'Nett, eee tractnra for tba esnstractloa of a aaaei la Delay atreet. Cook avenue, and ether ttreeta, ander Ua nrvrrknoaa of Ordlaaaea No. 14.227, have eomptetrd aald aewer. Bald ecreptaaca wtll be eonal dared Hy tha Et acutlve Board at 4 e'rkick. aa tba 3d day ef March. 1806. And oh lections to tha acrootanee af aald aewar, ar aay part thereof, may ba 11 lea in toe ernes ei ue aeoereigsea at say lime prior thereto. , . TUB XXBCrTTTB BOARD, ' By TnorJj 0.-PBVTJw,-i"' - Aadltor nf the city of PotUand. retfetad, Jh-taroa, rabraao 20. ISO. OTTT lliriULaV e. infue. iaiee, 3MIMBUT rOX laTXOTEmXXt Ot XX0XT ' sTXXXT. tstlse to herahy gives that tba Coaartt af tba City of Portisnd, Oreeoa, at a BwaUag bold aa the lat day of February, 1304. declared Ut emaaameBt by ordlaaaea be. 14.4A2, lor Ue 1m- proveaaent or Front atraat, from o fort aouio af tha south Una af Lean atreet ta 160 feet north ...... l 11 . . I . il. Hem. Bar nrevioeo py ardumnea No. 12.881, anoa eaca tot. Part of tot and nerval mroat.or lano, wuca apeelally fad peculiarly baaefltod. to ba atjol- lowe vla ' : POBTUiND BLOCK K, .lot 1. Hanry Welo bard. AEOOi lot 2. Henry Walnhard. 8E00; lot i Heary Walnhard. tEOO; lot 4. Henry Welnhsxd, Eoui 1st ft. Hanry Walnhard. 8X74; tot A Kaary Walnhard. $200; tot t. Henry Wetnbard, (E08; tot A Hoary Wain- bard. L 82.00. BLOCK I OS Bmlth A Watooa Iron Worts, 88.16. lot. tot 1. Bmlth : A Wataoa Iroa Warka, 8E0O, tot 3. Bmlth A Wataoa fraa. Works. 100 1 lot i. Smith A Wataoa Ires Warka, 32.00; tot 4. BmlU Wataoa Iron Warka. 82.0U-. tot ft. BmlU WiUM Iroa Works. 12.00: tot 8, Bmlth J Wataoa Iroa Works, 12.00; lot, T. hmlth Wataoa Iron Works. 8200; tot 8. Bmlth A Wataoa Iran. Works. 320O. BLOCK 120, tot 1, Oregoa Company, loo; lot E Oregoa " wiopaDj, B4.0"; 10c a, uregoa unpauj, 32.UU; Jot 4. Ocecos Company, 12.00; lot ft. Praak Hornatrom. 8E00: north VA lot . . Sophia Hail. 81.00; aoath H tot a, Joha Belaachar, 11.00; tot T, at. Wllllama. l00; tot E H. WllUama, ftEOO. BIAN1K 121, nortb tv teat ot sot 1, Bnaia m. rnrnar, eo,av, . Berth 30 feet at west 30 fast of .lot E i. Baste M. Parktr, 30.16: east 80 feet of weat 40 fret of tot 1. Bcckla Oordoa. 30.80: aaat 30 feat of waat 40 feet of 4ot 2. Beetle . Oordoa,, $0.80; aaat 80 feet ef dot 1, A. Banmgardnar. 11.16; north 18 feet af aaat 80 feet of lot E A. BaaBtgardnar, fa46; aoath 1 foot ot north 30 feet ef eaat 80 feet , 1... e u ao in. BO C of lot 2. Marie Pake','; tot 8. Maria iaae. pu.o; lot B, JaoaO ktaysr, pu.iv: tot u. Jaeob Mayer. 31. bo; aouth ao teat pi n f. Jaooh Msrar. 81.20: u nu reet ex wee . 80 fset sf lot f. Heart K. McGinn. 80.08 . - waat .80 feat af tot E- Hanry B. McGinn. 81.80; north 30 feat ef eaat 30 feet ef tot T, i Bade M. Parker, $0.16; eeat 10 fret of lot ft. Bade M. farker, 80 40. BLOCK 111. lot 1. U. Gala. 32.00; tot 1 Joaeph ftlmon. Trustee. Z00 lot 3. John Clayton. 32. 0U; tot a, Bavlnga Loan Society, 81.80. A trtangalsr tract of laad lying betwnea tba aoetberty Una af tot 4. block 121. Portland. .- tha north linn Af block 10. OnrnUara' addl tloa to Vortlaad, aad a Una 100 feat weet ot aaa parauei wita ua waat uaa an sunt atreet, Joha Claytoa. 30. IB. . A. tract of land Irina between tbe aoarberly Use pf tot A block 122, Portland, aad Ua mn-Uerlr lino of nlorh 10. CaruUara' addltloa to Portland, aad between Ue eaat Una of Second atreet aad 8 Uaa 100 feat aaat at and . parallel therewith, pavings Leea Booeiy of Ban Fran Cisco. 81.86, BnbTi mrt bit rw toe a b.m. A tn Society of Ban FraBrlaon, 82.00; totft. tarings Jxaa Bocieiy ot Baa rranenco, aa.w; f, RoawaU B. Lamson, 200: tot ft. btoawaU B. Lanwon, $2. 00. ulocE 123. tot 1. John A. veyiin. 31.00; Jot a, dona A, uaviia, aa.w; tot S, Otrmaa Pavings Loan boclaty. pxuo; lot 4, Oeorrs H. L'aanea, 2.0p; tot 6. Kate tienueraoo. suu; wt a, urvut ana stsranret E. Kellog, 32.00; tot f, Orvta Kellog.t2.00; ' lot a, Ida a, aioay, 32.00. buuck loo. tot 1, Lacy A. Podd Batata, Helre of, 8E00; lot E Locr A. Dotld Katnte. Helra of. 3E00: , tot ft, George R. Cbancs, ftEOO: tot 4, Oaorga H. Chance, ftEOo: tot ft. Staph Meade Kn- . tato. Hclrt of, 32.00; aouth 40 feat of tot d, Btepoaa Mead Katato, Helra ef , ftl.feAj aorU 10 feet of tot ft, a a NtwcaeUc, 80.40; waat SO feet ef tot T, ft a Newcastle, 8140; Wtat 80 feet of lot a, U U. Baarcaetie,; eeat 10 feet of tot T. Lace, Al Dodd Batata. Hairs ef, 30.16; east- 10r feet ef tot 3, Lacy . A. Dodd Estate, Balra of. 80.16. BUM)K 137. tot 1, Joaepblno A. Kloatarmaa,' 82.80; lot E ' e-oeapnine A. Kloatcrman, axuu; lot a, sora ' haa B- Barfer. 82.00: tot 4, Jonrpb Pay. -S2.ot; tot ft, Toomaa BptUman, 82.00; tot 6, It. L. Bay,. 3E0b; aooU 18 3-3 feet f tot T. R. LT Kay, 0.80: aorth 81 1-8 teat of tot T. v. o . 1.1. a, qe., 1. . u.r Artuckle, 820. BLOCK 138, all of vest .100 feet Of block except BorU 80' feet, Ar snments Thar lew. 33.20: aU of eaat 100 feet of v block except north 80 feet, - Josephine Belli tan, 82.16; north 80 fret of want 100 feat of block. Tlattie OolOAmlu, 41.00; aoutk ' 30 teat af aorth 60 fart of weat 100, feet of block. Usnto A. Bleharde. 81.80i Berth ; SO feet nf aaat 100 - feet ef block, Oecax , Mlhaoa. 8208. BLOCK 188, lea, 1. Fetor J. Mann. 82)0; tot E Peter J. Maan, 32.00; ' tot E Peter J. hUnn, f LTS; tot d. Mary Koblnaoa Katate. Helra of, 0.10; lot ft, Mary Boblnsaa Estate. Helra af. L: tot A ' Joha W. aad Helen Mae Currsn, 82.00; tot T, Pttar i. Aiann. tiuu; 111 a. rater 4. Maaa, 33 00. BLOCK 140. lot 1, . B. L. MaadeabaU Estate, Helra of, 8E00: lot 2, . Loula r. Chamla Batata. Helra ef, 32.00; - tot 2. Loala F. Cbemln Eatats. Htb-a of. ' 3X00: tot 4. Loula F. Chemln Batata, Helra of, 11.00: tot Bentoa hi lien. 82.0U; lot a. H. K Bnraham. 82.00; tot T, J. M. Watts, .: aeh aWkT a. as g KA AEf .sas 4 fail ' shJoT 141 KtJVi 301 BB, , TT BlhJP, Bfaptramj BleVVa. llli 1, Oaorga H. Kay. 32.00; tot .3. Mlchnsi 4. treiet, Aa-ov; lot e. .cnaries a. rarnar, - 32.00; lot 4. Jamea B. Job aa tows, 82.00; tot ft, O. M. BmlU aad Bene A BeJIta, 12.00: . aouth 48 feet ot tot A O. M. BmlU aad Beno- A Ballla, 8188; BorU feat 4 tot A Mary Francca Hurley. fO.10; aoath Eft feet ' at tot 1. Mary Frsnoea Harlay. 81.4ft; north 14 feat 01 lot, 7, Annie at. narauat, fv.nv; lot V-Annle X. Harklns. 32.00. CAKCTHEKr ADDITION TO PORTLAND BLOCK I, tot 1. Thomas tiulnsaB. 8E1U; tot 2, Thorn aa Oulnaan. 3210, tot 3, John Caap balC 82.10; tot A John Campbell. 22.10; tot 8. WUUaa Droack, 8E10; tot A William DrebcaTftXlO; tot T, Mary K, Wilson, 32.10; tot A Mary K. Wlhwa, 8210. BLOCK 57 tot I, Bauma Hirer Boom lorapany, 4Z.10; north a. Li 01 fet 2, uiariea v titer, fi.uo; eauta af tot E W. J. roller toe- 81.06: tot A lama River Boom Com near. 42.10: tot A ITbomsn Mann, 3210; tot 6, Tbomaa Maan, . ax 1111 lot a. Tnomsa aim. as.iu: lot i. Tbomaa Maan, 82.10; lot A Kalama bMrer Moom tosipaay,. a.iu. oiAva. a, lor 1, ' Hodney Ullaaa Batata, Helra af. 81-10; lot E Kodney ullaaa Katate. Heirs of, 3210: tot It, Moaney Ullaaa Katato. llatra ef, 32.10; tot A Katber Beaotsky, Xio; let ft. Albert , Hnber, 32.10: lot 8. L. Oulhooae CetteL 32.10; tot T, OalUu M. Fraaer, 13.10; tot A Jollata M. Fraeer. 32.10. BLOCK A tot 1. - Charlea L. Puker, 8X10; tot E Charles L. J rarsar. e'.av. ee . muii w si, 8X10; tot A Joha Lackal at aL XI0; tot ft, B. W later Morris, 32.10: ot A William A. . Uroomee, 2E10; tot T, Barak J. ISLana berry, 1X10; tot a, Tbomnt Uoioean, 32.10. BLOCK , eaat 100 feet of tot 1, Maria Baker, 3X00; " waat A3 feet of tot ), William FUettnar, 80.10: wett AS fort ef tot E WlUlam Flled Ber, 30.10: weat AS feet ef tot A WUUaa Kllednar. fO.10; eaat 100 feet of tot X J- W. Baker, $E00; east loo fact of lot 8, Parry U. baker Batata, Heln ot, 32.00; tot A William Hied ocr, 32 H: tot ftl WllUaa KUcd nar, 82. 10; tot .- WlUlaa Flledner, 82 lo; lot T, wnuaa ruooner, aa,iu, jot a, William Fllednor, 1X10. BLOC Jen, a. tot 1, Joha Parry, 110; tot 1 Pelpblne Whalea, 82. 10; tot 8. Baorcca Hochfeid, 32.10: tot eTwiuiam Flledner. AX 10: tot ft. Wllilam Fuedner. 8X10; tot A Cbarlrs. Frttach, X10( tot T, lydla H. Taytor, ijIlO; tot A Lydla H. Taylor, BLOCK T, tot 1, Clara Gold stein, lllo; lot E Alice F. Taylor, 3X10; weat IW feat of tot 8. Peter Taytor, 8a 60; aaat 8u feet of tot A Irving W. Pratt, il.ntl: . tot A Peter Taylor, ftE10: aaat 8 feet af lot 6, Peter Taytor, 310l 'aaat H feet ot tot 81 Pater Taytor, 80. 10;' area t 100 feet of tot 6, Canadian A AmeelcnA Mortgaes A Trust Company, Ltd., .3X00; west 100 teat of tot 6. Alfred J. reyaery 3X00; lot A t. W. Hickman, fElO. A tract of land - bntraded Bad da acrrhed aa follewa: Commencing at a point ' a Ua eaat Una of Second atreet, aald point lining 80 fast Booth of tba Intersection of Ue aoaU Una ef rwersaaa street wtU tba east Una ef Second atreet; thence aouth along the eaat Una ef Second atreet. to a point loo tret aouth of the aontb Una of Sherman street; thence eaat TLTl feet a long a Una u0 feet aoath af and parallel wlU the aouth Una of fiber man atreet: thence Berth la 1 fret along a Uaa T1.T1 fast eaat af and parallel with tba anal Uaa of Second atreet: thence north 84 dtgraea 3d ml as lee wont 16.6 - fast; Ueoee Waat feet along a Uaa 88 feet Booth ot and parallel wlU Ue aoath Una ef Bhermaa atreet; thence north 18 feet along a Una 62.01 -feet eeat of end parallel with Ue east Una ot ftiooad atraat; thence Weal along a Una 60 feet aouth ef end parallel WIU Ua aouth line ef Sherman atreet to the place of beglairluf, J. W. Hickman, 31.(0. - A tract ef lead bound! a and described aa folio wa: Commencing nt tbe northwest cor. Bar of tot 1, block 7. Camthev'B addition ' to Partlaad; theses aaath atone the weat - line of tote 1 and A btoek T. Caratbara' eddfttoa to Port la ad, ts a point 100 feet aaath ot aaath Use af Bhermaa atraat; theses waat 34.81 feet along a Hoe 100 feat aoutk ef and parallel with tbe aouth Una ef Sber bmb etreet; Ueaae north 33.1 feet atong a Uaa 71.71 teat aaat at aad parallel with the taat Una of Berond atreet; theses north tnenea of aad Shot aaa LO! tmmt of and parallel with tba eaat llaa af itreet to Its inarrasettoa with the snath line nf Sherman atreet; tbtace eaat aloes tba aoath Una or Bhermaa atreet to place of beginning. Walter ft. Ha f ford, 31.88. CA RLTHBHS' ADDITION TO FOR TLA it D BLOCK A tot 1, Rodney 01 laaa rotate, Helra at. 32.10; tot E Rodney Gllaea Batata, Helrt .' of, 32.10; lot A Bedney Gllaaa Batata, Helm af, AX 10; tot 4, Lola May Cottel7 3X10; aonth 1 1, of tot ft, Lula May CnttrL 1 I.0S; - Berth, H sf tot ft. Char ha W. CotteL 1.06; -tot ft. Kodney Ollai Batata, Helra ef. 210; tot f. Rodney til lean Fata to, Helra ef, 3.10; M 8, Hodney BUaaa Estate. Helra of, IEIA ' BLOCK , tot 1, Sarah J. ftttanefrerry, iklO; tot E Barak J. nHananerry. 32 10: tot A Barak J. taraberry, 8E10; tot A Barab J. , Branaberry, ftElO; tot ft. Barab t. iTanB harry. - 32.10; tot A Sarah J. 8tnn nervy. 8X10: lot t, Barab I. fttanebarry. 32 10: lot A flarhb J. Btanetierrr. 8X10. BLOCK 10, tot 1, Mary B. Daffy, 32 10; Mil.. Hylaad. 8EIO1 tot 8. Mry I. Til tna, 31-10? tot 4.- Marti a Bees da, rrtO; lot A Char lea Klrtmper and Jarmr Kaaae, ftElO) kit JoAm ebswry. xonoxx. rUOt tot T, J. U. Wales. W W: lot &e Title Ouaraatee A Trust Company, 3210. . rtiuur 11, lot bcrt, 32.10; tot 1. Oeorae aad Barak tfanv E JoaeoE Shank. 8X10: eeat - 11 ice 1 or lot went 28.3 feat I E Msrua A. Cooled e, fl.66 Of lot A Baakell Brewa. ' West Mm.a Immk a In, . 11 ... .11 - RroWS. ' t.' ' II feat of tot A. I'rvd BeubauctV , 3IAS; west AB fart ef tot A Alfred J. r.!f,'.J : toat 33 test of woat 100 feet of tot 6, Lean bernler, o 86; aaat 6 6 feet of tot ft, HaakeU Brewa, 80.10; east A6 feat of tot ft, he.aell Brown, fto.10; anat 101 fret ot tot d, Atary Aaeuata aaurala, 3X00; lot If.. .r:. Ncwermaycr, 3X10: tot A Otto fcothchlld, 32.10. BLOCK li tot' I. MJIf"5 !-.Coiu-2 f-"i H of tot j, Adolpb Colaoorll.U ; aouTh U ef tot E : L?,.A- Norman, 31.06; tot Mary U Thurtow, 32.10; tot A Hasriatto Muaaae, 8X10; tot ft, Anthony . Carroll. 32.10; tot . Aathorr F. Carroll, 1X10; tot T, Joha Ernerr Alio; tot A John Emery. 8X10. BLoCt fa. wast 8.8 feetTpf tot 1, Vullaa alll. east 33.6 feeTer west 43 feet of tot 1. Lcala P. Beno. 80.68; eaat A1.6 at of weat 42 fact at- aorth ft feet ef tot E Ifi" .f h? O10;.eouU 18 feet ef aaat Aft feat of lot X Loula P. Beno, 30.88; "".'Jf K ""i rtt ef tot 1. . Ooldie Barall, 30. lo; aorth 3ft feet at eaat utA fret of lot 1 Ueldia Rarell. 30.80; treat 42 feet of aoath 46 feet of tot E . Roman Catholic AscbMabop of Ua Dloeeea of Oregon, 80.78; weet 43 fret of tot A atomaa Catholic Archblehon of tha luoceea pt Oregon. 80.80; norU 40 feet of aaat UJ feet ef tot 1, William Ballla. 8LS0: north . 38 foot of aaat 63.6 feet of tot A LouU W. , Beno. 30.89; aaat Al.ft feet of aoath 26 feet of tot A Borneo Catholic Archblenop of the Plecree ef Oregoa; o to; lot e. Komaa Cats- ' Olle AMhAop sf Ua Dtoocaa of Oregoa. .,3X10; tot-ft, Boaaa Cathollo Archblahop af the Dlocaae of Oregoa, 32.10; tot d. Uomaa - CetbeUc Arcbblahop of the Bloc aaa of Orrgoa, . 3X10: lot 7, Human Cathollo Archblahop at tbe Dlocaae ef Oregoa, 3X10; Weat A4 feet of eaat .22 feet of aouth 11 feet ot lot A . Boaaa Catholic Archblahop ef Ue Diocese Of Oregon, 30.10: west 74.8 feet af south : 11 feat ef tot A Reman- Catbollc-ArruMebop ef the IHocene ef Oregon, 30. 26; aaat 32.88 feet ef let S. -WUllam BalUa, 30.46; weet :, 82.64 feat of north 30 feat ef tot ft, Jcnnls B-lcner, 81.30. BLOCK 14. tot 1, - Pratt Whitcomb, 3X10; tot A Pratt W'hltcowb, 32.10; tot A Pratt Whitcomb. SElO: tot 4, Inane Hamm. 8X10! aouth w sf lot ft. Will. - mm B. Ureofell, 81.06: Mat 38.3 . fast ot north M of tot ft, WUtUm H. Oreatell, fto.fC; weat 80 feat of north U of tot A BtetdMB Prides ex, 80.16; tot A Aatheuy F. Carroll. 3X10: tot T, Anthony Y. Carroll. 3X10; tot ft, Klta U Woodward. 31.10; BLOCK Oaorga lAngfoni, IE 10; tot A Parker F. ' . Mora. Xlo; tot 4, Darby O'Toola, 8X10; - tot 3, toomaalna P. Scott. 82.10: tot A , ThomaalDs P. Bcott, 3E10; lot T, Maud CJ. nuosoa, xio; lot , Maud U. Hudaen, fXlo. iA.s. in, ni i, nnrriet at. itismas. u.iu; lot E Harriet M. Klemaa. ftXlo; tot A Joha X Lata. 3X10; tot 4. K. V. Pratt, 32.10: tot 6, Wllley B. Allan, 3X10; aoutk H ot tot A Wllley B. A ilea. $1.06; north W of lot A atotaaa Werde, 31.06; eaat H of lot T, Char lea L. Parker, 81.06;- eaat ll ot tot ft. Char Ma L. Parker, 81.06; weat Vt of tot 1, a,iiaor w. tiara, gi.uo; weat ya ot tot a., Elinor O. Bare. 31.UA BLOCK 17, tot, 1. Marr D. L. Barnhnrt, 3X10; lot S, Mary D. L. Barnhart, 8X10; aaat 108 feet ef lot 8. Char lee L Parker.- ftXUU; west A (3 toat ot aouts ft os ai a, aaary a. armKlnv alio; . want 3 53 teat af aorth H of tot A Benaow B. Arose k. is, 30.IO1 eaat 100 fast of lot 4. WUUaa B. Puffer, tXOS; want Aftl feat of tot 4. Marr b. Bmlth. 80.10: tot 8. Mary B. . erniin, pxio; aoatn a oi wt a. stsry b. Arbackle. 31.06; north k of tot A Bom - B. Arburkto. 31.06; tot T. Joha J., and Annie L. Fable. 3E10, tot A Joha and Annie U , Fehla, 3X10. BLOCK 18, lot 1. German Bat ing i Loaa Boclaty. 32.10; tot A Betk L. " FtTpe, 3X10; tot A Cbarlas X. Parker, ftXIO; tot A Chsrtoa K. porker. 82.10: waat 60 feet of lot A BahmrJ T. Hlnxds. tl.Ov; aaat 64.6 feet of lot 6, John Bar bey, 3L10; tot A Bra SeJUng. Trnstse. 3X10; went nf.tot 7, John Oenrge Heed, $1.06: aoaU ' 3 Tart of ' weat H ef tot A Joha Oaorge Bred. ftO.lo; north 48 fret of waat U of tot A Mary 8000.' 30.86; eeat H of tot T, WUUaa B. and Fred. ertck J. Joyce, 31.06; aaat H of tot ft. Will, taa H. aad Frederick J. Joyce, $1.06. STOTIC 18, lot 1, Frederick D. Mat tbe we. fElO; tot. E Frederick J. Matthews, 32. 10; tot A Edgar Popple too, lElOt lot 4, Bdcar Popple too, 8X10; tot ft. Minnie- Tarwlg. AX 10; aontb ; 33 1-3 feet af lot A Chrhulas KeUssV ftl.36 north 18 3-3 feet of tot A Daniel and Cath erine A. KrDy, 30.70: lot T, Daniel and Cath. erine A. Kelly, $2.l6; lot A Graham 01 aaa, Katato Helra of, 3X10. BLOCK 20, tot 1. ' Pete J. Maaa, fl.10; tot E Graham Glaaa, Batata Helra of, 8X10; tot A Orahaa aieaa. katate Helra of. 33.10; tot 4. Jamea J. Al Urd, 33 10; lot A BUa D. nVacbraat. $Xlo; tot A W. ft Harm sr. EE10: tot T. Joha W Curraa, $2 10; tot A Peter J. Mann. 3X10 CARCTHKR'S. ADDITION TO CABTJTBBB'X lADIilTIOMTO THIS CITT OF PORTLAND . BLOCK A, aU af aorth 46 feet of lot 1, rl . cent wtat S3 feet, Barab J. btcKltrtck. 31.80; aoath 4 feet ef eaat 80 tret ot tot 1. Albert N. Posdlok. 80.16; weat 21 fact ot lot 1, Oreeoa Furniture Manufacturing Company, 30. AS; west 13 reet of tot A Ore roa Furniture . hlannfac I luring Company. 30.4&; all of tot 3 ruept . woat zi reel. AJnert n. resales,; . au tarlea X. Ball. $1.30; allof aouU H oi tot 8 except waat 13 taat. Kettle A. A flea ton, ftl.20; waat 18 feet of lot A 0. Cordann, . ..1 n .11 . .k . x. . a. n . 81.18 feat, r. K. Illge.;" aoaU SB feet of tot A 0. Cordtno, 30.00; weat 61.18 tret of north AA ef lot A O. Cardans, 31.06; west 80 feet ef tot ft, Dlmlnlrk Lagraad, 31 -AO; west 80 fart ef tot A Margaret Coea-rove. 81.801 east 10 feet ei lot 6, O. Cardans, 80.16; eaat 10 reet of kit , U. COrdana, 30.16: lot T, Oregoa Furniture Msnafsctarirai Company, fx. 0O; lot 8, Orrgoa Furniture Maa nfactartnff Company, IX 00. BLOCK B. north B fort of lot 1, F, W. WatUna, 30.80; aonth pa feet or lot j. umt appicetnna. 81.16: tot a, U.J '. sow , , u ' . 1 v" . ,uv, aortb U ef tot E Port laad Troat Cempany ef Clrciron. 31 00; aouth Vk of lot A A Hock feld, $1.00: tot .4, William H. Court aey, 8X00; ' east H ef tot ft, Jane K. Job na tone, 81.00; weat H ef tot 8, Charles A. Walter, il.00;. lot A Perry 0. Baker. Katato Helra of, 32.00; wast H of tot T, Tbomaa P. Campbell, 81.00; east 44 ef lot T. Jacob HUMer. 31.00; tot A James F. Davlcs, 3X00; lot 8, D. Mara, ll.te; , .-tot 10, Stephen Meade, BBute Helra of, I1.6A; lot 11, Ptrry U. Baker, Esute Helra of. 810; h 11 Perry 0. Baker. Katato Helra of. 810. BLOCK C, let 1, Perry O. Baker, Batata Balra of, $E0ft; tot E Perry U. Baker, ' Katate of. $1001 tot 8, William Wanrber. ' J 2.00; tot 4. William Wanrber. 83.80; tot A ilea Well. 3200; aoath H of tot 4. Archie . 4 r.riniis Hlchardaoa. 81.00: north 44 of ... . . 1 ... ,1 m.-. 1 an m.. tot A B. Oagllelenjclll, Batata Helra of, .' $1.00; tooth SO feet ef lot T, J. A. Pares. tl. 81.16; aorth. 30 feet f tot T, Emma and Jennla Kafka, 30.80; tot ft, Kmaa aad Jenala . 1 v.rv. iUl BLOCK D. west ef lot 1. . . W. Cheney. 31.00; eaat H of tot 1. Heritable Becnrity Vrortgaro Inveatroent Companv, - 31.00; aaat V, of tot E Heritable Security ' A Mortgage In vest merit Company, 81.00; tot A Emily J. BchneMer, $2.00; tot 4. Bmlly ' J. BehncAder. $2 ( tot A Ntcnolna Bcbanan, 3E0t; lot 8, PhlUp' New, JtXOi); tot T. Suaaa T 7. . . m . I. e iMMh B4t Bon.. BIXX'K M, andtvided V ef tot 1. Leaden Ai Baa Frahctece Bank, 31.00; undivided J4 of tot E London A Baa Franctaco Bank, $1.00; andtvided hi of lot 1, Dundee ' Mortyige Trust Investment Company. Ltd., $1.00; un divided H of tot A Dundee Mortgage A Troet Investment Company, Ltd.. 81 no; lot E Carl Aneodrotti. $2. 00 tot 4. Carl Abrndrotb, 3X00; . waat of tot ft, William H. Sartor, il.oo; eaat J of tot ft. Fanny Barry. 81.00; tot A Fannyrry, 33.00, south of tot T. Fanny Barry. SI .06: north H of tot4. Jaaeto Barry, 1.801 (Jot A James Bnrry. 8Eon. BLOCK I tot X J? O. Lackel. JO. TO; tot E J. C. I.OCS.L 30.70; tot A 1.. imckel. 80.80; tot 4, J. 0. Lockel, 80.80; tot 6. J. C. ; Lackel, eO OO; ; lot A 17 C. LackeL io.ftn; to! T.' J. C. Lockel, 80.80; tot A JT C. Lackel. 80.8SI tot 8. J. C. .Lackal, 80.60; to, 10 dL.'i f"' FJ!' LS' Lockel 8a 00?) lot IE J. C. Lackel. ftO.ftn; ot IE y-rJ Lackel. 80.TO; tot 14. J. C. Lockall 80.70? tot 18, C. lackal, r).T0; ot lu. JV O.; Lackel. ftO.TO; tot IT, A.jruata Marka; ( tot 1A Aaa-nata Marka. $0.80; ' tot 19, Aogaata Marka. $0.m); lot 10. An. - rata Marka. 30.80; lot 31. John B. Elrgler. rftOAOt undivided of tot .32, WllUam Mon-, tag, 80.86! antunaea-w ox an xa, nuiiam -: Moatag. 80 26; andlvtded . H ef tot 24. ' WlUlam Mon lag. 30 26; undivided 4 of tot 28; William Moatag. 30.30; aodlrlded H of tot 22. Henry Cleave'. 30.36; undivided H ef lot 2S, Henry Cleave, 80.26; undivided & at tot 14. Henry Cleave. 3o.2Aj atdlvlded V4 of lot 29. Henry Cleave, 811. 30. BLOCK (7. tot 1. Isabella B. and W. A. Lawla, -.M. W. a T.lull. a mmA W A tl. $1.86; rear 80 feet of west 68, fact oi tot A Matilda A. Baker. $1.00: eaat 60 feet at weet S3 feet of tot A Matilda A. , Baker, (l oo; all ef Tot 3 except weat M feet. Edmund B. Bill. SO 5j .u ef tot 4 nrset weat A3 feet, Kdmasd B. Bill, 30.80; undivided H weat 3 Jcet of treat 66 feet af tot A London de Baa Franetara, Bairn, LtA, ftO.10; andlvtded VI ef weet 3 feet of weat 60 feat of tot 4, London A Baa Franctaco Bank. LtA, 80.10; eedivided u ef weet 3 feet of weat 80 feet ot tot 3, Alllam-e Truat Company, Ltd., 88.10; undi Tided ef treat 3 feet of weat (0 feel of tot ' A Alliance Troat Com near. Ltd.. 8O.10: BBdlvided V, ef eaat 47 feet of lot A ' ininn a mmm .'.' .,, aeio., r WI BBdtvtdad H of mat 4T feat af lot 8, Leadna A Ssa Franctaco Bank, LtA, 80.40; an ' divided H ef .east 4T feet ot tot 8. Aillanea Troat Company, Ltd., 30.40; undivided 14 ef aaat 4T feet nf tot A Alliance Treat CeBpany, Ltd.; 30.48: waat 83 feet ef tot B. Edmund B. HllL 31.00: Weal u U .. tot A Rdmend B. Rill. 31.00; weat 19 feet af tot T, Joha B. Lawla, 80 40; weet St feet af tot . Jotn H. Lewis, So. 40; east TS feet ' of tot T. laabella B. and W. A- Iswla. $1.80: eeat T6 tat af lot 8. laabella X. aaaT" w. A, larwia, ai.ou. nixiCK II. lot I, Clrmesa Career Bsata. Helrt of, 31.8A: lot E Ctoeaena Cneaar latate. Helra af. 31 0; tot A Ana Blnoott, 3t.8; tot A Ana Bin. noti. 3E10: tot A' Ann Blanott,' tl.80: eeat. 04 feat af ba tVC imito Caeaaf sAtaatu 2 I.