The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 24, 1905, Image 8

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..jaiuiTEAR .
.. . .
. . .rvf!
! - -' i),
'M mm claim
j Til Suit and Seek to Enjoin For
;' ett Croye Officials From Is-,
' ; - suing Saloon' Licenae..
Alleges That .Half Interest 6
-One Moan Has Been Pur
' , , chasecTby Company. v '
will unable to ." ; 1
. ' - - -f ' 4 - ' . '. - , . . , . ' ;.. - ...
Land, Originally Donated oh Ex
' - oresS Condition That No
r . ,. .; . :
Liquor Be Sold.
' V ; ' (Special inapafc to fee Joartul.) -
Hlllsborp. Or, Feb. J4.Tht trustees
1 of Tualatin academy apd Paelno unl
' veralty yesterday filed a autt In the
circuit court of. thla county against C N.
Johnson, mjror of tt city of Forest
Grove, B. H. Laughltn, C.W McNamer,
" Joan Cornel lus, W. R. Harris, l I. JHol
', linger and 8. B. Btarrett, councllrhen, H.
1. Kins, recorder, and Albert O. Watson,
asking an Injunction to prevent tha .U--
Biting- of a saloon llcenao to Wataon. -,
'. Toe complaint seta forth that at the
J time of 4th establishment of the uni
1 versify Harvey and Emeilne Clark eon
"veyed to thv institution tot acres of land
upon Um express eondltlon that -no In-
. toxicatlng liquors should b sold upon
" the premises or vicinity, and that other
" person had made .donations with the
same conditions. -. . .; :r. . ;
, With thla understanding many -people
tare alleged to have purchased' property
and settled at Forest Grove to educate
..' their children, and more have.xpreaaed
4 their Intension of doing so In the near
- future, and that If saloons are permitted
la the vicinity the Institutions will not
'only be unable to obtain future endow
meat funds, but the number of students
. will be reduced, the property of the in
stitution will be damaged 1100,000 In
value and the loan of donations and
', property' already 'received will te threat
eaed. '' ' . , i
'It la. alleged that the charter, does not
give the mayor and council the right to
grant a aaloon license, and an Injunction
ia asked to prevent the Issuance of the
., license for Watson's aaloon, which will
be within 00 feet of - tht university
'gates. . ! . . -. : !. '
Papers were served laat night at For
est Orove upon the municipal ' of floe re
and Watson.. Answer must be .made
within 10 daya. -,; ... t ;
- (Specie! Inapatea te The eoaraal.) .
.M Seattle, Wash.. Feb. ?,' Customs of
' fleers: swooped down on the We Chong
: building yesterday afternoon and gath
ered in IS alien orientals, who bad been1
smuggled across tbe line w4thln the. past
' few. weeks.- ,,( '.. h
. At the time of the raid a gambling
game was in progress - and so anxious
were the players to get away that they
forgot to gather up their coins. ,
This la the largest catch ; that has
been made here In a year. It la known
. that many aliens are being . landed In
and about -Seattle, -and- to the end of
stopping the Immigration IS Chinese
watchers have been added t . the ser
vice. , Their identity . Is not known and
they -work "among their countrymen in
' the -Chlneae -district an Inform the cus
toms inspectors. Through thla medium
It la the belief of the local officers that
they will Vxm be able to rid the city of
' all unlawfully here... - :
, Hig "Immediato Procesa" Accom
. ; pliaheg Remarkable Kesulta. ; .'
W. Augustus Pratt, B. 8 M. b the
' Inventor otjhe .celebrated "immediate
. prooeaa." for renjovlrrg .deformities and
' facial -defects, - 1s . now in Portland at
Madame Vaughn's parlors, ts Selling
Hlrsch building. - Dr. Pratt la a very
. busy man since his arrival in Portland.
He doea not claim to be a "beauty doe
tor,' but corrects any faclaj -deformity
; or exaggerated expreaaloikr , ,
- The methods employed ty "Dr.' Pratt
and tbe results he vccomfttlsbea are re
markable. A person with a deformed
nose can. have it corrected within two.
. minutes. Hy years ef study and chem
ical research Dr. Pratt solved the prob
lem of building up tissues. He has gone
: further than any one else In prote-plaa-taatio
science. It Is by this that he ac-
; eompllshe -euch . wonderful reaultev
There ia - absolutely na- -' pain in Dr.
' Pratt's treatment, but the most remark
able thing is that, --while it represents
the moat advanced steps et kurgery, no
scars are left. By Dr. Pratt's "lmme-
- dlate process" a person can leave bis
office five minutes after entering K with
a remodeled nosw or an exaggerated ex
pression removed. Dr. Pratt will be in
' Portland several daya.
Portlanirs Greatest Book Store
One way to
Make Money
is by saying
your receipts
" Buy one of oar-
303 Files
A We are 'offering them at
tac k few days regular price
'- Is 35c. See the window. " "J
, -:Mi
J. K. GILL CO. j
' T)wlssanTlah ahtl ' . ?
-' Stationers --
CrfJtnin it LlttUPrkti
Then Stockton Owners Speak of
Suit' , for i Stoping on
v -f f Their Ground. ,
Monday of next week final evidence
will be submitted- in the suit -of the
Badcer MlnlnaT com Deny aaralnst 'the
Stockton company, both1 owning prop
erties in urant county. Before a mas
ter in chancery a hearing has been in
progresa for several weeka, and Monday
the- rebuttal of the Badger company
will be put. in, consisting of the test!
mony of K. W. Bradley, Buperintendent
Kennedy and 'Others. A decision 1 not
ruutdMf tt mnmm tlmai. there.f tvr
JTbe Badger company soaks to, satab-
llsh its right-to a half interest la the
Btockton claim," the principal property of
the Btockton company. This claim ad-
joins the aide line of the Badger claim.
the vein or the utter and also or the
Bull of the Woods property cutting
through tbe Stockton. The Badger com
pany alleges that it haa purchased the
righta. of William Moran, who several
years ago bought a half Interest In the
Btockton on the condition that ha wsta
to do certain development work. ' the
Btockton owners state that Moras drove
a tunnel, found, nothing, and abandoned
his In teres ts, - which were later pre
served from lapsing to the government
M E R Ames, A. ' J. ' Simmons ' and
aasoclatcs. It la aald that the affida
vit of Moran baa been secured by the
Btockton management in defense of its
title, while on tbe other hand, tbe Bad
ger company exhibits a deed from the
same Individual, .....
The Badger, owned by an allied com
pany te the famous Bunker Hill A Sul
livan concern of Coeur d'Aleno and
Alaska fame. Is, one of tbe best mines
of eastern Oregon. It ia developed to
a depth of T0 feet by a" vertical shaft
and exhaustive drifts, and la equipped
with a 7-ton concentrator, compressor
plant and mine machinery. It ha pro
duced for several years a remarkably
rich grade of galena gold ore, and ia
aaid to have on the 709 level the heat
grade of ore yet opened , In the mine.
While . the worklnga St , the Badger
were only to' a depth of to feet the
Btockton management secured an order
of the federal courts for permission to
examine the underground workings. - At
that time the surveyors ' found that
the S0 level drift was up to the Stock
ton line, but there did not seem enough
evidence for the beginning of a suit.
Tbe surveying party report . that a
rich Badger shoot waa pitching toward
the Stockton, The laat year the Bad
ger management sank te the 700 level,
where remarkable galena has been
mined.' Quickly on - thla ' development
came the report that the company had
bought the old Interest of Moran. and
would establish its UUe, ( This. ult
la the-reault. ! ,.( ' .
Owners of the Btockton express their
belief- that the Badger haa found the
maitr shoot pitching into their ground,
snd that thla suit ta the commencement
of an effort .to get control - of the- ad
Jacent property ao aJ toTrtilt mining
therein. . U. U. Ames, one or tne prin
cipal owners; - whose -broths, H. . H.
Ames, the local attorney, la conducting
the defense, waa here and gave his testi
mony recently. He brought some of the
ore that waa aald to come from the 709
level of the Badger, proving that it la
exceptionally high grade, - Mr. Ames
also aald that a rumor ' waa .current
to the. effect that the Badger on the 700
level bad gone across the line and waa
taking out Btockton ere. But until the
suit for title Ja adjusted no new order
for -an examination will be asked. How
ever, when thla litigation enda, U ia the
extrreaaed purpose of tbe Btockton own
era to determine If the Badger la en
croaching, and If ao, to demand a-settlement
and accounting.
. O. O. Ames appears for the Btockton
company- and -RA," fcelter ia the local
attorney for the Badger people. .-. ;
(Dpertal Dtapsteh to The Joe real ;
Baker City, Or, Feb. 14. The anowa in
tbe altitudes east and west of here where
moat of tbe early spring hydraulicklng
ia done, are moving off rapidly, and pro
diction ta made that the season will be
short. - Outside men who own little prop
ertiea are warned to come to work them
in the flood period. The aeaaon will un
questionably be from four to six weeks
earlier thla year than In 1001.
Up In the Greenhorn rang where
some likely placer claims were worked
laaUgummer, . the snowfall thla year
haa not been - one half as great aa It
was the preceding season. Reports are
to the effect that snow la melting rap
Idly already. M. N. Mallory,.one of the
beat known placer dlggera In these parts,
aaid he haa several daima which It will
be hardly worth while to even try work
ing, because of the prospective shortage
of water. '
j - ". - '
(Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) .
Glendale, Or., Ffeb. 24. Business Inter
ests of thla place continue aggressive for
the Improved road between Qlendale and
the Greenback's new road to' Wolf Creek,
and else for better comnunlcatlon be
tween Qlendale and the Mt. Reuben dl-
trict.- 8lnce a committee waa, chosen to
investigate the ' probable eoat of thla
work and report back to the cltlsans.
Interest haa grown materially, and there
seems every assurance that the work
will betdone, if the expense "jrs not too
heavy. - 'There la asaarance -that the
Greenback would do much of ita bank
ing business here if communication were
direct encouraging the establishment of
a 'bank- for that purpose. Mt. Rsuben
mines need better roads, and Qlendale,
the nearest Important distributing cen
ter, is naturaly looked on aa the most
available place to seek thla help.
r annmrcr ovnoirssoa. '
' (geeelsl Dhvateh to The iearasL)
- Bpokane, Wastu, Feb. 14. Reports
from Bnoiwaboe mine, near Llbby, Mont,
la -which : Bpokane men are interested,
la encouraging- The company baa de-
elded to sink H0 feet deeper. One hun
dred and fifty men are at work develop
ing the group. : Deeper work waa started
to determine the full worth of, the ore
body, . and. If if - proved to be a mlo
the property la to be further equipped
with machinery. '
V ' 1 T --- '-
' Spokaaa, Waab, rb. IC Paulr. Ova,
69r7l-73 Third Street, Dctvccn end Pino
' .'.1- ' "
And this grand unpwaUded Seven -1 Cents Ser$l
;:; tlothing history. . If 8 tui opportunity ;;few men can afford to jtnlss.; I j
!; - from in fully 25 styles sizes 34, to 42. As the enfi of. this sale approaches, the time shortens .fbrj-., '
I; ; ' you to secure a high-class, tailor-made, all-wool or tinion worsted , suit for half its regular value. ' . You i ; 1 ; I
: : t iwffl further your best interests : - " .?-'o.;v;;'' -; - -'-V" -'s- ? j , i
t Contains some grand price,
advantages in; Odd' Knee
Pants, Caps, Shirtwaists,
Underwear : and ; all other
fittings that boys require.
r - a.
the' millionaire mine owner of thla city,
has gone on a tour of Inspection to the
Kootenay Bella mine, near Salmo, B. C
whrre he la working under bond and
lease;- Be wiU also Inspect the Queen
group, adjoining, on which he haa a
slyjrt.oiitioa. Thla Is Mr. Clark's first
trip to these mlnea. Hi future action
In regard to the Queen mine will depend!
on the relult of hla Investigations, aa the
option-haa not much longer to run. The
Kootenay Belle Is worked steadily. A
jwm won a laying up
t KSsSita with tho Baby?
Hid eoaw distrMSlag ekla ateetlear I
W e lb Uou ef aespx atotaecs sally see
Martina Soap
in vanra asta. Bins eisraa eersMtra
BnwdllT .nara irrttatloa ef vain .kla.
ladom rfeifni sims. Kwps Way set sna
taraltky. To faeae, ebaflna, evnii, serefala.
Itcklns, all Skis
M truly wooJrfol. What It 4m for hab It I
unri.ia suir
r tee.
will eo for ;
n a tae BMat aMtDina see ,
aaUafyln f te
teDeV. hath- a OS aeraerv soap.
Ko animal fata MedlratMl. Antlat1e, Ds
eeertalag, aWraabiag. lUallag, rrarraat.
A Emit el Flat BaUaal U Crery Cak(.M
Try It. Tea'il seeoavtaved. tatrpe HceakM.
Bos, l eakra, oSe. Unmtata. lirfw eaaaiU
tatae. Me ao,. leswillratMl Ilk. Hartlna.
TIM CO.. NKWARg. X, J. Zako awtMaf
ogand a-ltsOTit tkia slgaarare ' v
W 'J eefeide
, . , , 9s)4 WajanUfraena - -
- .
--' - ...---."''
Sevew More .
Double and single breasted sack and cutaway designs, in pure all-wool, domes
tics and imported Scotch tweeds, cheviots, cassimeres, : choice union fancy and
all-wool clay worsted. The materials artj all of standard and high class manu
facture, in oyer 23 separate and distinct colors and styles of pattern, black,
gray, stripes, plaids, overshots, check and neat mixtures. : Crbuse .. Brandegee,
Cahn, Wampold ft Co. and Kofin Bros, are the wholesale tailors that pro
duced these suits. They were made to retail at $12, $15 and a lion's share at $18.
They are unquestionably the grandest bargains we have ever offered. But The.
Chicago can always be depended upon to give the greatest values on the coast.
We can fit you as there are all sizes from 34 to 42 bust in regular, also stout
and tan men a special shapes, but not all sizes in every lot-
Choice of about
200 pairs, In all
wool and union
worsted,; 30 to
44 waist, broken
lots, '., worth i to
$3.50. j ;
shaft haa been sunk 4 feet, the last half
of which la in good ore. - '
, StaCTeTtl TMX9MVMM tin.
. Hpeial Dtspateh te The Jourmal.)
'Qrants Psa, Or .i Feh. i4. Manager
M. C. Amentr of the Golden Drift, Is
placing the pressure pipe between the
big centrifugal pump -and the placers
on the hill. Three carloads of this
piping, with three giants and other
equipment, arrived recently and the
Ml,tl ky BARriNA SOAP t elassae seals,
InKaally areaets saaarag, kills inaia. stess kais
falHng, fwiaaaaia growth tkkk, Isatraaa self
ef l ha rKh rolor and beaety of yeatb. Dee
Bairaealth wttk Hartoa Boas. U
tars. SO, bottle srartlsts. Take aetsls
Witaeat Faue Bay gsattslUes Oe. sigastore.
Fr:3 ::? C::r
Sirs tkla takeT. any ef following gratglsts Mid
get sor. bottle Halrbealtb sag Sae. eak. Harrln.
Meotrated Boan, botb for K.: teatilar arte. T. I
or mt br Phile Utt CO., Jtowara, K. i, pra
aaM. tar sOs. sad tbls a4. -
aire anaa eoc ems or araann witaeat taia
tstlra ser. asd 80c for Bslrbealta. .
m m aaar aswa.. . m as. aaaa.. w ajpsw-
W009AB9.. OXABaTB k OO, fetta
g4se WaalnsTasaai
'"' '
. ' . , ' ... ' ,
A": regular picnlv-for-pants
buyers ; ovlfcr .500
pairs o choose from, in '
form-fitting ; and I peg
top shapes, tailor-matfe,
$3 JO to $4.50 values.
-,r-. 5-1
MM 4
management proceeded immediately to
place it. When the pipe la in poeltloa
and the battery of stent, stationed
where washing la to commence,' the
Oolden , Drift 'will bo ready to open
full blast - with the -.first big placer
pumping .plant of the state, and the
largest equipment of thla type known to
the facMo northwest. ' ; ,
v H !. ' 'i .---i -. ...;-'.;
(Special nsaatek a The JoaraaL)
-Rosaland. B.Cb. 84. Mining men
of thla camp are not content with recom
mending to (the provincial legislature
change of the mine tax' law, but Wilt
press repeal of the S per cent groaa us
by every meana possible. AC the meet.
Ing just held, the unanimous sentiment
of the Rosslahd district was expressed
la favor of a change. - If one half eeat
groaa toanaga tag cannot be had, local
mine owners will accept the net profit
tax suggested by the association at Nel
son. Tbe difficulty of arriving at a cor
rect estimate of net profita la advanced
aa.a reason why thla ahould not prevail,
and tho ease with which a tonnage tax
la collected la one ef the government
arguments for the present system. '
In the discussion - at the Boaaland
meeting, K waa shown that for a produc
tion - of approximately 14.000.t09 m
the province, the present tax produced
laat rear but I7S.0OO. which Is lews than
one half of one per -sent If one half
of one per cent groaa tonnage is loa-
noeed. local operators believe total re
cerpta WIU not. be reduced, materially,
and may be increased through , more
beneficial operation on large, low grade
mine. . .
Ixoal mining organlcatlona have sent
strong protests to the provincial legis
lature "against "the eight-hoar law that
has been Introduced In oehalf of smelter
employes. Ttfey argue that If this were
enaetad.thereductlon Industry of Brit
ish Columbia would be seriously Injured.
. BOfTwaT TBXXOW gACatST. ''
(Hpeelai tMapateb a Tks loeraal.)
.Spokane, Wash., f b. 14. Spokane
boa have closed a, dca) for the Tallow
f;:;.'t;.'v;;v,'-;yc:.-: '' 4
:.V )..r r , t
- ft lilt . I
m 'r ' . ' . '. seat, ... - ba r sa . '
BOYS iill23 .l UKS
v ; $4, S54.50, 05;
3uits: in BiwnsReiffi Ngillci and
plain Double-breasted styles.-- This ele
gant offering: contains more v than a
xif i styles in: sizes
not complete m all
Teeth Free All This Week
Boston Pelnless Dentists
Are cutting prices again, ' and now Is
the chance of . lifetime to have your
dental work done by these world-re
nowned speclallsta. at low prices. ,
AM This VVek wxw
Extracting ' EiautJons
Silver Fillings ..:...35w nnd 50
Gold .Filings......... T5 and $1.00
II. 00 and 110.09 Gold
Crowns '...$3.00 to $5.00
III. tO and I30.04 Sets of .
Teeth ......fS.OO to $10.00
' Come in at ones and take advantage
of low ratea. All work guaranteed for
10 yeara, and done by our painless sys
tem, known and used only br : v
Boston Painless Dentists
Ow aWas m n k aa4 OU
Hours l:tVs m. to t p. m. Sunday, a. m. to U.lo p. m.
Be sare rem are la the lft slaoe.
Jacket - group. P.nd d"Orellle district,
Idaho.- The property. waa bought out
tight by J. A. Wllsoni Frank Ansl.y, A.
B. Rallton and C J. Johnaon. --
This group Is ronaldered one. of the
moat promising properties in ' the ' dis
trict, a ledge Ave to aix reef wide having
been opened, carrying good galena. - It
ia the Intention of the new owners to
start development work at once, and ship
as soon aa navigation opena
fababca nroaa.
Washington, Feb.- J 4. The Panama
canal eoramlasloar today appointed Con
sui oudger of Panama a Judge of th
canal sone. Jn place ef Judge Kyle, who
Is oa an indefinite leave.
mm m.m
from 21 to 14,
lots. 7
Gives you choice of oyer
600 pairs of extra qual-
. ity tailor-made Pants,
in the most desirable' of :
merchant-tailor styles':
splendid $5 to $6 values.
IVintry Blasts"
i f WiH have no terror
for you if your coal
tan is ' filled with , ' !
. i ..
. A, ; - v . , (-'. ' , r-1 ; '
Why pay money for the kind1 thai
anuses treuble and vexation, when you
are certain aura of satisfaction by pann
ing your order beret t ,. ,' ;
r -v - '; '
Rock Springs
Coal Co.
S9S B. Ztecxlaom Bt . aTaomg Sag ISeV -
7 i r-r.'