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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
7-vj TH3 C-CC:i DAILY JCUIUIAL, rctjTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21.' 18C3. '" i Loadlrur 7. ConsrM Stor, vy;,:,'on tho f - mm . W Til Quality Chop.; -J - PORTLAND'S FOREriGST STORE OF LARGEST STOCKS AND DEPENDABLE MERCHANDIS3 I PUBLIC y TEA ROOM Second ' ' floor, " auspice .Portland Y. W. C, A. 1 Saturday, , February 3. Tea 'Coffee Chocolate Milk; served in Bottles -4" Bouillon - ' V Fish Salad v ; fa V' Ham ' Sandwiches' . Boston BrownsBread Breaf and . Butter ' Tea' Cakes i SATURDAY I A Satoday Annotmcement T, Brimful bf IntercstingValucs for All , vcr opting lunvuauuu vuiun uuvjiwk tit stcijt ujr .cvcijr CAptcoo. cycijr train that cornea thundering overland brinea Drecious freight for Portland's - best .y'--', .V store to diatribute among its great public and thouaanda of bargains. Overatocka HOURLY 'of stapleayand all winter merchan&se left & being crowded out. That's why. on every floor, In every department of this BIG "DIFFERENT STORE" you may "pick., up" so many bargains tomorrow in the goods just now in greatest demand, and for which therell be demand for weeks to come. Those .-who have the "bump"-of economy well developed will take advantage of the exceptional offerings that go to make up Saturday's sale. Many of the special values are selected from the newest, latest Note-pieasc That the Until 5 p. m. The Store Closes at 6 p. A'! result or t e a. vote .-... AT 0 A. M. 1 -Reginald "' Carter, T bell - boy The Norton.,.. ..11,171 Arthur Taylor. M. and A. ShogTan .......... t.ltl Mao Hugqes. . Knight Shoe Co..., I.IIl Charles Adler, Woodard- Clark S.TI7 Ouy De Pue. Portlaad, - Delivery Co,-....-.'.... 1,74 Esther Carlson. Mason A Ehrman 1, 107 Fred? Murphy,' Weetem Electrical Co......... t.U4 Janet Clark, Meier A Frank Co............ i.010 P. H. Battlfc, Wauham "A Kerr Broe... ...... 1.141 Ralph Holms. Ladd A -TUton'.- Bank.. ....... 1.100 Scattering . .......... ,T1 4.471 , " Total.;. ............. .11,131 Som? stores place self-interest and a miserly greed of gold above the finer instincta of humanity and a feeling' for their fellow man who has to work or starve. And auch atores regard themselves sometimes -in print-p-jn a c lass with the "trains and telegraph.'' The public "places them, however," in their proper class, as mere phantoms of a "one-boss chaise" and a Chinese junk relics of the past and a charnel-house of decayed ideas. v , - "SHALL WE GO TO SEE THE RELICS OF THIS TOWN?" Shakespeare. ' . ;; . - ; . .. ' ; ' '.: .-. :i;. : ,-';T - . . . Vlf so, go to.the stores that keep open aftefB p. m. THIS STORE ' IS IN THE MODERN CLASSItHAT CLOSES WHEN THE DAY IS DONE AT 6 P. M. ; - - v ;- v fa " Hourly Sales Satiinia Millineiy Siale CohtM Saturday 9 to 10 a. mi -25c Children's Hosiery Pair. 'I' ' FIRST LOOR.i Z ChHdrena Verjt Fine Ribbed Black Lisle Rose, seamless, ex cllent' nntsh. - This la a new ': stocklns and well -worth' 15e : special, pair ' . t .;: 10c Chamois, 6c . ' FIRST FLOOR. Toilet or Kace Chamois, with pinked dxes, yellow or pearl, . rea-ular Talue 10c: special -. each ' titt a - . . i ' $2.00 Muslin .Underskirts V: 4 ; for $1.19.1 - v , SECOND FTJ50RANKfcX. 1 ' ladles White Muslin Underskirts of good quality, made with deep ' flounce, trimmed - with .-cluster of tucks and - -lhch' rufrle or ' ' embroidery,- dust - rufHe under , neath, rea-ular 13.00 value; spe .; elal for one hour only . at 91.10 Corset Cover Embroideries , ""'-"Reduced. ; ;"r ,' ;v . first floor! 1,000 - yarda Embroideries , tor Corset Covers, the greatest bar ; ' gain of the season, - elegant patterns In nainsook and swjes, regular widths, value: 40f to . $11S; speelaU 25 3TH and . 4Sg yard. . ; 10 to 11 a. m. Boys' Regular $1.50 School Shoes Special at 98c Pair.'. , FIR8T FLOOR-BIXTH 1 ' 8TRTCBT ANNEX. J ' Women's $2.00 Kid Cloves, 44 .:l 'listen u Women's - 1-claap Kid Gloves 'tn black colors" and ' white, sisea - lar values ta $t.00; special for one hove. only. pair.. . .. ,50 $1JS0 Staple Black Taffeta; 1$ . $147 per . Yard. FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET -lnch Arf. Pure 811k Black Taf ' .fea, excellent 'color-an wear ing, quality, our regular 11. I per yard quality; special 10 to 11 a. m. only.- yard. ...fl. IT 50c Dress Goods 41c Yard. FIRST FLOOR FIFTH STREET .. -W i ANNEX. . ' tf-lnch New Ail-Wool Volls Ktamlne, full color aasortment, ' regular 10c value; special .10 to .11 a. m. only, yard...... .41 11 am. to 12 ni i5c Bathasweet, 16c 44! .. VntST FLOOR, Bathasweet, a perfumed . luxury for the bath,' softens the water, .' . ' better .- - than perfume, xegular - value lie; speeTat, lxa.v.16 ' 85c Clocks, 60c '4: "V- THIRD T-TOOR. . t - , ' 10-hour Alarm docks., regular value SSc; special, each... 0 -, i ' ', .- Women's, 35c Hosiery, 20c -f Pair. -. ' ... . . .-' FIRST , FLOOR.'. - - I, . - , Women's Black Cotton Hose with white sole,, finished foot, double ..' sole, 15c Value; palr.,....20 $2.00 Outing Flannel Gowns v.;,.;fo$i.09.;, BECOKD FLOOR , AtTNEX. Women's"" Night" Gowns, "made"' of best . quality domet ' flannel. some - with rolling . collar and cuffs, other with -. V-shaped T neck, trimmed with embroider ed flannel, ribbon and lace, our ",$i.0 value; "special for-one hour only at 91.09 12 rii, to X p. m. 25c Box Writing lpCT, 12cl .-. 4,44:, .first floor.- -try Box Real Irish Linen Writing - Paper, white, 14 sheets' and 14 envelop, regular value 2Sc; sgecUJ, tox ....,.......ia " - Men's $1.25 Golf 4 Shirts, 79c ; . FIRST FLOOR- SIXTH .; STREET ANNEX .' i- A very swell line of Men's Oolf Shirts la broken plaids, entirely -' new; a regular $1.25 value; ..spelajjor one v hour only "ajt,' each V, . , '. ........... . . 70 20c Shoe Laces, Wide Back Silk -Shoe Laces for .. low shoes. SO. Inches. long, regu ' lar value 20c; special, pair. 12 1 to 2 p. m. $8.50 Blankets, $6.85. FO0RTH FLOOR. ' ' White Blankets," with plntr. and blue borders, finest selected " fleece wool; regular value IS. 50; special, pair .............96.85 Children's ' 50c and rons-'for-39cr 60c :Apr ' - SECOND FLOOR ANNEX., Children's sleeveless Aprons., made of blue chambray or linen, very nicely made, with bound edges, ' la slses for children from J -to ,, years old; regular SOo aad fOc -valuesr special for (one. hour at; each . .. ... ... ........ . .S9 Shelf Paper,: 10 Yards 7c - 'I"'.: FIRST FLOOR. f : ' , White Shelf Paper, 10 yards in . piece, eatra heavy," smooth' rf In ' ish, lace edge; special at the piece of 10 yards. 35c Bead Necklace,. 19c. , "t '. FIRST FLOOR.'"""' r- ' Pearl and Turquoise Bead Neck . laces, graduated sise beads; reg- ular value I&c; special, . each t....t.u...'.....,19d 2 to 3 p. m. " ,''J'. ' i '! '4 1.' An Attractive Hourly" '. from the Art Shop 4 1 . t .- , . - . ..SECOND FLOOR. ' l 30c Doiliea, 16c Mexican drawn work Doilies, with fringed edges,- splendid . SOc value;'sepcial for one hour only Women's $3.50 Shoes, $2.75. ! SIXTri STREET ANNEX."".. FIRST FLOOR. , . Women's lace Shoes, - patent colt ' ftktn (not patent leather): reg , ular value IS. &9; special for one .. hour only, pair ........9,75 50c Serge Suitings, 41c Yd. FIRST FLOOR SOU TH" ANNEX. X-lnch. - all. wool Black Serge, splendid , wearing grade, - un equaled -value at our regular price, 60c per yard; special, to - ( p. m, only, per yard....41d "T$U5 SuTcs, 89c Yard. : FIRST "FLOOR SOUTH ANNEX. l-lnch White India and Habitue - Bilk, good weight end all pure V silk, for waists and gowns; -ejir .' regular $1.16 value; special 1 to S p. m. mly. per yard 89 3 to 4 p. 15c Flannelette, 7c Yard., t nR8T FLOOR. .;' 4,000 yards double-'Width Flannel. ette, light gTound with figures. ;dots and striped effects; regular value 16c; special, yard.. .. .74? Persian Bands, 10c ! ' FIR8T FLOOR. ' Persian Bands', one inch wide, an . assortment of pretty colors; . special for one bout only. yard ......10 Women's $2.00 Wrappers 24 "v.; 69c .J- SECOND, FLOOR." GRAND - .::..'-. -; SALONS. Women's ' Wrappers, percale and ' flannelette. In red, blue, a-rar. black and white, pink and white. .and mixed colors; values to .13; 3 special, each .............439t Women's $3.50 , Hats. U23. SECOND. FLOOR7 HILLINERT - -r" . ,;; , . SALONS, . N .,- ) New Spring Hats, the latest shapes In toqaes and Dumont - turbans, suitable for all faces, ' made up In the best Neapolitan braids, chiffon, fancy gold or naments and bows of velvet in black onlfH regular values S2.K0 and IJ.60; special. each.91.X9 4 to 5 . p. m. - flOc Lawns, 20c r FIRST FLOOR.' - ' '. Fancy. lce striped- . embroidered . Lawna, for waists and bouse dresses; regular value JOoJ spe- 204 . cial, yard Women's Corset Covers . . : .Half Price. , ; FIRST FLOOR KNITWEAR .. AISLES. Women'k fine imported - lace ' . trimmed, , Swiss ' ribbed Corset Ccrrerm. - Tbhi la en elegant line. W1U give an opportunity to se- leet from same for wiie.hour -at ............ v. prios Glass Fruit Set for 30c ',' 44'. THIRD FLOOR."; T-pleca glass Fruit Set. Consisting of bowl and saucers to match. . fancy cut glass pattern; special at, the set . .., ........ . . .304 $7.00 Portieres, $4.95. FOURTH FLOOR. . ' Heavy T.apestry Portiere, fringed top ' and bottom, plain colors; regular value 17.00; special PHf 94.9B The Monster Scason-dpenih Silks Suitinp: CONTINUES SATURDAY . In the Dress" Ooods and Silk. Stores South Annex First Floor. ' )-!'' - . - .' - - REMARKABLE AND MATCHLESS VALUES." IN . SPIC-SPANi NEW FABRICS, FOR SATTRDAT SELLING. - - -.' - - - - ;, - ft. . - - : r . ' '. - . i 01SCK Tartetaa, raaicajiy, reuucea ur oaiuruajT- iv.uuv yarua in uiiirrrpt widtKs to choose from . .,." j ; . . ,v ;V;..,:? n .. , , - v ,;. ll-lncb sll pure Silk, Black Taffeta, .the best dip and finish, mads In America. 'V ' good -dependable silk; our -regular' Tte grade; special for-Saturday only, per yard r. B94 5 11-Inch all pure Silk Black Taffeta, absolutely fast dye and the best wearing Silk made In America; our regular. SSe grade; special for Saturday only,' per- yard. ' Sl-lnch all pure Silk Black Taffeta, splendid color and finish, excellent grade for Shirt Waists. Suits, Bktrts-and linings; our regular IL00 grade; special i' , for Saturday only, per yard. ... i. ...... . . ,,tvt it-Inch all poaesllk -Black Tff eta; our regular l.l4 quality; special for Saturday onjy- .4. ... . S7-lnch ll pure flUk Black. Taffeta; our regular Sf2S quality; special for ; . ' Saturday only . ... jv. v ...... ,.....,, .984) J4-lnh all Pure" Bilk Black Taffeta: our regular 11.10 quality; special for ; - Saturday only, per yard . ...... .-. .... t .......... .. .. -91.21. It-Inch all pure Silk Wat erette eV Shower Proof BlacKTTaf f eti. will hot spot .and sheds ram. Juat the thing for Coats,' Wraps and Drop Skirts; our . regular IJi per yard quail); special for Saturday only, per yard.. 91,48 $r2 BLACK" TAFFETA c-s-Tardi wldel black," all .pure Silk Taffeta, with " deep, rich,- luntroue eolor, an eicellent' wearing grade for Skirts, Suits ;' : and linings,' the very same quality called cheap by one of the would-be V Silk stores-at per yard, but our regular tl.Ji , value; special for : Saturday -onlyj ' yard ; , . .. ..r.. . .,-. .,,..,,., .984 DRESff'v OOOS i SECTION i8PBCi"AL ; BAROAIVS ; FOR SATURDAY : 'J'":- .',' . THREE -ORAND -SPECIALS. '- ,- 1 , .".'-,.:."'.!.' ''":. ' t : . " ' NEW 41-INCH SILK AN.) WOOL CREPB DE PARIS Very dressy, with rich silky finish, In following color: assortments cream, pink, cell, hlle, . resada. hunters" snd myrtle -green, Una, blecuta,, champagne, .' modes, , browns,-. foa. - copper, ' cardinal, mole. - royal.-peralfal ' and liavri unequaled .value at our' regular price, 1.10'; special for Saturday only. i .yard .. . .1. ..... i .... V5 . -. . j .......... .. .91.19 TAILOR SUITING. Sl.Ot New 14-Inch all wool'Tilier Suiting! tn a grand , . arsoriment of colors and all in neat, mannish effecu; splendid fabric for street wear," special for Saturda; only,' yard. .T. ......... .91.09 SOo TAILOR SUTTINO, 41e New hard twisted Tailor Suiting, In neat striped ' and Checked effects, all the swell street .colors In the. assortment, splendid - 'value at tfur regular price of ' lOq yard; , special for Saturday . only, yrd vv... j.. ..;..;;v........,.. ...4ia All:jDay Saturda LiesV Neckwear -'"rV-Ui.-,.;'., first floor.': ..,-":;. : ; '-r- Ladles Linen Embroidered Collars and Buster Browa- Embroidered Collars, on huc.ser linen or on fine batiste or lawn; regular values lee and Tc; specisl, each 3& Most Sales Last Day Saturday of the ; Sensational of All thie Suit in Ever Hell JThe Most Unprecedented Val ues Ever offered by Any House in America! Actual $28.50 Values ; in Women's "Street Suits SATURDAY ONLY FOR.. ... ... -Portland MBl: ; r, 'A'ltAaT rjECTSrB CLEAN-UP THE. AB80LUTET.T FINAL SALE OF THE SEASON ' : SUITS FOR NOW, SUITS FOR SPRING. AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OF THE " ' " SKIRTS WONDERFUL. SENSATIONAL, ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS- '-r- --AND REAL VALUES SEE 'KM IN LA ROB D1SPLAT WINDOW. - ' . Wa lose sbout thrice, what you pay on every suit, but it's our way of cleaning up for the season. The loss now In a lump ALL NEW SUITS NEXT SEASON That's OUR way U the MODERN way. Each season must stand Ita own loss and. these suits are good for Lall spring wearyes, for vacation wear,, for wear neat fall and winter; but tomorrow T we clear them out POSITIVELY LAST CHANCB-or .-94.87 THIVK OS BtlTINO A l!l tO TAITORKn StRKET SUIT AT THE OLDS. WORTMAN . A KINO-STORE FOR S4.S7! , . " - j Tnen come nere tomorrow ana realise-your anticipauons. hiii sairapenpie ana mmra on band. Three elevators. Second Floor.' -Women's Street Suits worth $:.S0 for 94.87. Women's Finely Tailored 8ults. In Homeswins. Barges. Cheviots and Fancy Mixed Ooodn; . oolora blue, brown, black and gray. Stylish suits, and all good values up to 120.50 the greateet Economy Special ever -offered atthe suit. ... u jr.s- ft. Last Day Saturday of the Great WindUp f fa ; v Sale ofM '.' ' '' ' ,ie s b c o n o r lo o r: - a n M b x":': "T"'". r ---vr - , -' ', . . ', V . THRONGS ARE BUTINO ARE YOU HARINO THE WONDERFUL VALUESf ,V ' All Ready-ttWear Hats at Merciless, Sacrifice to Qose. ' . . . COST AND VALUED LOST SIGHT OF! - . '." ; f J Prettily Trimmed- Turbans .and French Sailors. - splendidly made and , in all the newest coloring, embracing brewn, caator. navy and black, . amartlr trlmaied with, gold buckles, quills and velvet ribbons, etc ' The product of lesdlng designers some from our own splendid work-' 1 rooms. REGULAR 11.50 AND IJ.Tf VALUES. Cnoico lor Baturaay amy, jor orasuo ciosinsi.., ...jj t t...,, .,,,. . ..... .....- Every Trimmed Hat ; in the House Must Go FOR HATS WORTH UP TO t.0A A perfect csrnsgel - A big. generous -assortment In the choosing, embracing'' velvets. Camel matr. Felt, and Feather Turbans, handsomely and elaborately trimmed In lateat effects and newest materials fancy breasts, pompons of silk ribbon, flowers and plumes, etc. In colors to match any gown, and every value from $5 00 to 10.00 Included, at the ridiculously out-of-proportlcn price TAKE YOUR CHOICE for . .".. t ' e ee e a fce t e e at e a e e, es a a s a fceaa.a e- - rft ti i ill t i i I 91.40 A SALE WlTHOtTT PARALLEL IN THE ANNALS OF aflLLlNERY-SELLINQ IN THE WEST i SECONJ) FLOOR , . V ;4. ' "' . "'';.'.' NrtKX 8ALON&''.- ' -" " 44 'v . ' - .- . EXTRA SALESLADIES AND WRAPPERS ON HAND "a'.f MM New Knitwear for Matron and Miss Also Hosiery Novelties . Soeres of aWmartabla Taluss rbs Floor. SPECIAL NOTE : The Famous "Merode" Under, farments Are Ready for Spring Inspection - WORLD FAMOUS "MERODE . KNIT Underwear for both women and children Every, quality and style. Hundreds of our patrons who have, been waiting-to supply their wants from these -Jtneslrwlll ball' to day's news with pleasure. A boat of rare bargains in' the knitwear, section. Examples: - . . - . WOMEN'S HOSE FOR 10c." U "" . Women'r Fine .Black Hose, fine ribbed Hale; an immense - seller at ttc; special at, the pair. .. . ........ . ..19d ' WOMEN'S HOSE FOR 121jC. '. " ' Women's Black Cotton Hose, seamless, with double soles; our 10c value; special at, the pair...!..: ...,12d . WOMEN'S WORSTED HOSE FOR lSq, -Women's Black Worsted Hose, seamless with gray "heel. and toe; our t6o value; special at. the pair........ .18d WOMEN'S HOSE FOR tie. Women's Black Cotton extra stae Hose with finished foot . and double sole; our 40c value; special at the pair. ,2Se) CHILDREN'S HOSE FOR Mq. ; Children's Black Worsted Hose, seamless, with double . knee-: bla values ud to Stc: special at. the pair... ..184 JMffffOnA CHILDREN'S -HOSE FOR 10c - VllllUI'ni Jiea. Sk. .-v ..vra uo sse IMICH a V S U'SJ SIITJ to t7r; special at the pair......;.. 10 WOMEN'S COTTON UNDERWEAR - .- - . FOR It CENTS, i Women's-- Winter Weight - Fleeca. .' Lined . Vests and Pants, cream' tlnted;our SOo value; special at ? each ...7..7.;7".T...V.."....i.33a WOMENS VESTS FOR 0c -Women's White Cotton Vests. Itght-r . weight, long sleeves; extra -slses. 7. amr-; -tir-He- value; special at. the grmept ......... i:..80) WOMEN'S LISLE PANTS FOR 0c. Women's Heavyweight Cream Tinted" , Lisle- Psnts; big 7io value; spe- 39 FOR clal at. the pair WOMEN'S MERINO PANTS ... i 71 CENTS. . Women's Swiss Ribbed Merino Pants In white and silver gray; our 11-00 value; apeclal at. the pair.... 724 WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR FOR c. Women's . Balbrlggan . Vesta . and lanta: useful all the year around; our SOc value; special at earh.32e CHILDREN'S , UNDERWEAR FOR It CKNTS. Children's Swlsa Ribbed. Cream Col-' ored Veats and Pants; good . .weight tn all slses, .from -to 14; big value at. the garment. 194 The Great Sale of Corset Cover Em broidery Continues Tomorrow triRlT FJ.OOR , A fortunate ' purchase, at away- . under . price by our 1 buyer. Who is just home from New York. A lot f embroideries found, on aa Im porter who waa "long-' en the goods f -rriiii' ann -snort, or casn. we iiueq nia irtr57 cakh" waht" and he' turned ever nearly twice tne emhroiqenes to us in eicbange tbat war eould hare boush; In a regular way for t ssme amount of L'ncle Sam's gold. Ae la our custom, we share f-w f tune with the store's patrons and. turn- over the bargains' to y-i t this ways - The greatest embroidery valuea Portland ever 1 . ' Nainsooks and Swisses sll splrk. a pan snd new as the s dainty, patterns la the blind oropen English embro!--"-Startllngly reduced . . 40c ',mbroMeries lor, the yrd , 4c " f'. rd 7Jc t i .i . ,i ?, t,e y-l