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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
... ' THE OREGON DAILY JOUIAU rC.JlND. PHIDAY EynIO, rZZUARY CX ,r. CF GRATiD OLD HEN 5 "If Wants Unanimou Con- wilt to Killing Me t Object," v ; Save CannonV v ; . HENRY CLEWS. THINKS- PAST FORTY'S THE PRIME OctofirenafiaiY Senator Pettus Saya That Hia Best Years ' ; - Are the Last Thirty; (jnoraal'Spertel Bervlrs.) ., -. New Torn. Kb. ti. Professor WHV 1a.m. Osier's declaration that ; a. : man ' . above 49 ia practically useless, and on ' : g. (a so utterly- worthleaa that It ' -' tollman for done of chloroform to bt administered la declared a false theory by many. gojne vlewe expressed are es fallows: - - I .... Dr. Nicholas Marry Butler, president ;of Columbia: "Dr.-. Oaler himself la 'much beyond 4 and hla work today ia much better than ever before.-' Henry Clcwa: "It erems to me some thing tight to be dona to a m Ilka toaler. No man fit for great work In the world. until after bo la 40." ' A abeetai to the Herald from WuV 'tag-ton ears that veteran statesmen make Interesting comment on the remarkable statement or IToreoeor, ueier, aa iat lllI! J. - " -' : 1 Speaker Cannon. aged "I have .reached .three aeora years and some thing over and am still frisky. IP Oaler re quires unanimous consent to put his re- markabla theory Into active operation, I object. : A man la aa old aa Jta-Xeela, : ;and T. am ft and fnaky every day In Hh year." - Senator Pettga..o: 'Whr. bleee your my aoul, the beat work J ever did In . life waa after SO." Senator Teller, sed Til "I have more BPrloue"matters to consider than tHe utterances of Oaler." Representative Payne, axed It; "1 hardly concur in Osier's statement that in .man la not worth- much after 40. would suggest that .Roosevelt, who la ' . B . -.111 . k. . . 1 ' ;e, in luu wvrui m. im u'i. . ; Senator J...C, Burrows, aged II: 1 think anyone who saya that a man ahould be chloroformed ' when .ha is 10 aa reached the point where 'ha should ' be chloroformed himself, and without ..delay. . -i. i Allen I wis' Best. Brand. SUED FOR, VIOLATION !. - v I OF A HOP CONTRACT f' - (SpeeUlIstopatck te The loarael.) " ..' :'- Salem, Or., Feb. 14. CaUin Linn, ' -.hop buyers of this city, yesterday filed damage auk against .8. W; Jones -of Brooks, in the sum of 12,025, for vio lation of-av eontmct for the delivery of : .16.000 pounds of hops last Tail, The .contract price was 17 U cents a pound, . but by the . time the bops were to be - ' delivered the price had advanced until. . It la alleged, they- were worth It cents. ijones- failed - to - deliver at -the time ""iT;spectnd and the suit la brought to re- coveftha total amount of difference be- jtween the contract price and tne market .value, which. It la alleged, la 12,02ft. Worry Goes ; : I f To The Stomach Teandown the little Telep-ap Lines ; .'.that Operate and control tbel ; ' Digestive Procesaea. ' How To Repair These Tele- I Wffl Sladly CHve Any Itrnkek Bmf fmr a ratt ItaUar's Worth ef Hy'SeaMay Vive te Try. . ? - ae seeaiity. Dotbtuf to per. eltlier Any itoaut nfrcrer who Ouee , There le ootbing te rMi Dothi '. saer er Mtr. at know sir rrowdr may keve a fall oolUr's ..worth tnr. If h axvely writM d4 sake. I wllUnlr auk this liberal of fw kua. Sr. , JUMop'e kalmlln la not aa erdlaary etoauch rrmr4j. It dvca hot. tndard, treat the a to ouch 1 ;tarlf. It eoce haread It treau the imvtm that i enntral ana oprralr the atonarh. The nrrrra ; that wear eat and brvak aowa and CAIJUI i I atoeiarh troobla. Vvt atnaiach trouble la really T1- of! J . a sramtoiB that tara la ' ; traeblt laalep. That la way erdiaary rraMdlfe . . , all. That Is whr mt rmlr aacrrvaa. That la i -abr I raa afford to asaka this offer.. 7 . Yrt da sot -Bleuridrratand aw whB t ear . '"rrTaa." I do am awea tba arva ytm erdl aiilf talnki-rahml 1 awaS'taa aotoawtlc i.'ui. . m, , , wtt WTO-Tfa laine aaa m ' avatrol. I tare not the apace hare to eiplala te rn now id ei " aoairoi im aisaurh. or how 't - m.t I 1 will mn4 roe a book wktck will stake - i tbaea BobiU rWr Hat thla aaark la --ttm ; ' ; alllnf mtth rana all foraia of aloaiack ' traeiiwnt wladr that. So ethr rasM-dy thaa - ii. raoop a uaaaoMtre evea qui ma u reach ' , .' thaae Dfrrre. "s , What alia the etinaarh narvaat 'Worry." pre .C: ' bablr. alafital aaanlaai rinlnri thlv tin. Ak. .ana tears dowa tat. talrarash llsrs wttbuut - which tha atoeiarh baa ao ator aalf marmi tkan ' 'i ' hahlta will o It. OrercaUBS til do It. lMaai. . - '. H 1 1 n Ht I. . tk. - I. - - ' .' J i -atoeiarh falhira. ' ( ' No aaattrr how thaaa eantaa barerea ImDairrd a. , 4. I. know a way to rrhulld trnlh to at.we tr thtot. it m a ramadjr whlrh took whJrk a ma eomn)lt).e la eaora than a atilllea . hoawe aa lir-ooop'a Haainratlr. If roe bar atemarh trouble aod hare orrrr ! trld my trmntf. mtmlj writ aad aak. I will -a4 toe ae eroar en your drnaelat whlrh ba -twin erept aa (ladlr aa b Woald awept a doi- n. win ma jam inin nia aaeivra a atand 'tblrt raara of tas fife to parfact a raBMdf la eow Knows ta more than aftr tbov- Ur. 1 erd ataad bottle of my nnarrlutionT and ha will V -. Aend tba bill ta bm. That of frr la mad only te 'trans-ore te air r.modT. Tboaa who have aeon '. twd the ItrataraUr Be aot Brad tbta aatdeara. , There era Bo eoodlttoee ae rrenlrrawnta. It -. ' : la enee and frank aad fair. It la the enprtme - - teat of sty HmilffMi baHaf. - an that 1 aak .'Um to do le te mrUa write today. ' Faf S fraa erdar for . a faU dollar bottle fas weat addrvae r. Sbaop. Hot h STt. jianae, wia. etate Konk 1 ee Booh I ee tba Heart Honk ae the Kideawa. Book 4 for Women. Hook t for Men. .wklrw book yea wast. Bank ea kaoaaaatlaa. . MIM ran ere eftea eared by a alnsle bottle. ; roe aale at forty Lkowaaad dreg sueea. DfeShoop's SHERIFF BREAKS IN ON ; ! i BOISTEROUS SUITOR ' r ejajiBBtnwannnBja ! . . UearDBt Special Service.) ' -San Bernardino, Cal.. Feb. '21 thirr P. Thomas. Jd In JaU at Riverside, havtnav attempted with a revolver to frighten pretty Mlaa Clara vVa.Ua, an instructor ofttctn in the public schools, into marrying- him. M las Waits appealed ta tha aharlnTn office. and-the rlty marshal, for protection earing that Thomas' was making Ufa unbearable by forcing his attentlona ODon hen The aheriff and marshal con coaled themselves in the young lady'a room" and It was not long .before Thomas entered. Taking a large i re volver from. - hla pocket and 1 laying il apon the table, he reiterated mand that she marry him.. ' Do you sea that gun." Skid Thomas. "I am desperate. I lova you and In making thla matrimonial offer I am In earnest." The Officers were so- close behind the thin curtain that they could almost touch his shoulders, but not wishing to causa a arena in the young woman'a preaenoe, they let him rant. Finally hs picked up the revolver and ex claimed: "V ' ' '-'' '111 give you three days to decide If you'll not marry me; . .we'll dta . to gether." -'.' ' - - ' - Then he left; On gaining, tha street, ha waa arrested. , ...; .. , . . NO EMERGENCY CLAUSE ' . IN NEW SCHOOL LAWS . (Special DlnpaUk te Tha JoemaL) Balem. Or.. Feb. 14.aProt 1. H. Ack erman, state superintendent Of public Instruction, has been flooded with let ters during tha last few day Inquiring about the now school lawa and whan they would go Into affect. -, : -He announced today that none of tha hills relating to schools bora emergency clauses and he ace will not go Into effect atil May Ik. He Is now preparing a circular, which will contain all tha. lawa, which will bo ready for distribution to all achool cfKoara before that data,. Multnomah Hat fort 905. 1 ertrntlla Mum Kan kaaa vorflnal change la tha "Multnomah'- soft hat, the derby baa remained about tne same, ex- oept thla year it has a full, round crown, , with a heavy, three . quarter D'Oraay curl. Tba most popular dimen sions will be it crown by 1 or 2 brim, medium flaVaet." said Mr. Prank Waters, who ' has charge of the 'hat department for Samuel Rosenblatt at Co., whose spring announcement ap pears on. another page of thla Issue. Mr. Waters is not only a hat salesman but a practical "hatter, having learned tha trade-thoroughly In the factories of tha east. - The "Multnomah" .' hat la made - especially for this Arm and ac cording to. their Ideas of what a bat ahould be.- v ' -. . "; . "Kvery hatter." aaid Mr Waters. "ahould have a fair stock of light color In sufficient variety to meet a demand which la aura to exist this Season. . The lateness of Baster thla year will help the spring; trade generally, color trade la particular, -by apreavdlng the early trade over longer period and bringing the Easter rush at a time when brighter head wear will harmonise with the sing ing tiirda ana the swelling of - green bads." v.- .. .. r WASHINGTON COUNTY : - WOMEN'S CLUB ACTIVE - ' (SpVeiai IHopateb at The Joarnal.) S. Forest Orove, Or.. Feb.. It. Mrs. Hogs and Miss Frank Ballsy, who were appointed to coaaplete. the rrangements concerning the place for the exhibit of Waahlngton county with the authori ties of the Lewis aad Clark fair, have eeeored a large speoe' trf the -Agricultural building. ,t The women ef the Lewis and . Clark club are very active not only at home but- are organising ether clubs. Boms of the members of - the Forest , Orove club, have been Instrumeritat In organ ising a. large dub -at Gaston. Tbeee oluba expect to furnish besides good hlblt . all kinds of - flowers and bouquets, and looking toward Xhls end the - women are furnishing many , va rieties of seeds t. the people. The 1 university authorities have a photographer - from Portland at - work getting views of the -buildings and campus which, with the specimens of the worsvwlu be part of the aohool exhibit .-'.-.- , FIREMAN IS KILLED 4 !N PLANING MILL FIRE . (Joernel Special serrlra.) , Milwaukee, Feb. 14. Fireman Wil liam Morgan waa killed aad Ave others Injured by a fire which today partly de stroyed the planing mill of. the Interna tional Woodwork company. .-. The - loss waa ISO.eoo. -A.- .-t .?, ... PBxrAmrjra oatboxibm. - (Jesrsel SpeeUl Servioe.) j.. - Cincinnati, Feb. 34. A number .of the moat prominent . Methodlata, North and South, are in Cincinnati today attending a meeting of the catechism commission of the two Methodist Episcopal churchea. i ne wore or tne commission, is tba crea tion of junior-a nda senior catechism and an order ef worship to be -used by the Methodist churches North and. South. The northern members of the commis sion are Bishop John M. Walden-of Cin cinnati. Blahop 8. M. Merrill, Rev. Dr. J. W. Jennings of Omaha,. Rsv. Dr. W. V. Kelley, .editor, of tha Methodist Review; O. -W. Harrla. superintendent- .pf the Jacob Tome institute, and Frank Brown of Brooklyn. - v - The southern. Methodists of the com mission ore: . Bishops W. W. Duncan and A. Ce Smith. Dr. J. J. Tlgert of Nash ville. Rev. J. O. Wilson of Greenfield. 8. C Rev. J. R. God bey of Arltanaas, Prof. O. E. Brown of Vanderbllt university, and Prealdent R-'K. Blackwell of Ran-dolph-Macen college.' ' "r' MX8UI tanpjn mabomw rjrsxsnoxf. (Joareal Bpaetal Sarrloe.) . ' Jackson. Miss., Feb. 21. The most lm portant matter te be conaldered and acted upon by tha Masonle Grand Lodge of Mississippi, now in session here, is the' selection of a location for the Ma sonlo home, for which funds have been In process of collection for some time. A number of the principal cltlee of the state are desirous of securing the home and a spirited contest la looked for be fore a final dedaton la reached In the matter..- Among tha placea mentioned aa posalble location . for the Institution are Jackson, Vickehurg. Meridian," Blloxa ana mciora. I. covrmcna' uisirx. a. SestoMive - Uearaal gpeeUl ial iltp.) Oshkosh. Wlsw Feb; iM The stalAl convention of . the Wisconsin Consumers"! league in session here today has attracted club women and others Interested In the objects of the leag-ue from Milwaukee. Aahland, Baraboo, Oreen Bay, Madison. and a number of other places throughout the state. . At the business session this afternoon, Mrs. B. C. Oudden of this city presiding, reports were presented show ing s gratifying growth In the eon turners' . lea true 1 movement during the past 111 months. Miss Mary McDowell of the Chicago University settlement, will address the delegates this evening.' . . "':'.. 1 si'- . ' - . - 1 ' 1 ' ' . . . -'' -'J' ' THERE ARE ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS OF THIS SALE which was , Inaugurated to Introduce to the public the NEW HOME of the "OLD RELIABLE RED FOiNTand we hope to tZl ftuf ia cf nstv customers In these days to those added during FeLre-ry, end it hozitst v ' goods and methods at a reduction' cf front t. a. i V .- ". V ,. t v r - - ; .- 1 .' ' o 2 aw e 'Uil'raCa: will get your trade we will have j Itnot-only i during t!:r;a fsw days; but always. There are ; hundreds of good bargains bft. clthcuh ilip sale Is near Its end. No trouble to show goods.' : Cuylng net ntcesary. ; Money refunded If goods are not satisfactory. ' , N .t : - v ;-.a. if. -;i ".. " .-is :. a. I 111 All our $12 and $15 values, lat est styles and highest class ' 'tailored garments for only Men's Extra Fine All our values from $15.00 to $2&50. The highest perfection of work, by union tailors. , Quality of goods the best, styles the latest, for Men's i All our $15 to $20 Overcoats for Men, in Blacks, Blues and Fancy '"Tweeds," ' at " Men 4 The best values on earth for the money., Some ' good sizes left. Possibly we can fit you. All our X n : ' ' - $30, $4.00 and $5.00 1 Pants : :k-- -p- r( .:,-r, -..--.-J' : .:KS ' Boys' -SiilllS t., "'.:- . " ' - ' i : . i '.':, , '. r "; 'fv' ;'. f ' h---.h'-r .v;ic. '.s ' " t 6 Great ' values in Boys Suits, the land . that wear and give satisfaction. V - ,05d;,a ;;-.fof $uoto.$j.oo .vaiu 91.25..... .for $2J85 to $3.00 Values ? 1.50; .... .for $2 60, to $31 Values And many other tempting bargains in Boys' doling and Furnishings. ':' i1 ; ' '''f ' ' ' ' ';"' ' ' '''''' liled ' Fpoiafc Hat iNever in the hlstoiy'of the Hat business has so :itnuch quality and style been put into a Hat as is shown in the ."Red" Front : Hat? Only during .tbis aale '.'-'',-':'':.' ' Y.. MEN?SURNISHINGS 0 I iliiii ' I I II . - -f . Men's Celluloid Collars 3c op 2 for. .. 5c Men's Derby Ribbed Un- Crt derwear, 50c vaL for ...awO V Golf Shirts, all sizes, 50c Value for.. a. a e4ta e a e e a Red Front Stiff Bosom Shirts, 'J C $! vaL 3 for $l--each SHOES See bur stock of Shocs late Spring Styles from . . . i:. . ; 52.50ta $6.50 TOBACCO len who want the qual ity of Tobacco we handle must come here. Years of handling Tobacco enables us to maintain a reputa tion for quality, quantity and low ; prices. .Call at the Red Front for 'your ' Tobacco. - -'-'..'.;? ill iiJ iimiiN tT75 Clothing' arid Furniohinrto A. ROSEN3TEIN. Prop. 226 MORRISON STREET TOBACCO AT COST " ' We advertised our stock . of .Tobacco would be in March i. That was ' wrong; it's here now. Every well known brand, . which we " sell st , cost prices. Ho profit asked (here. It's our way of get ting acquainted. ' r v AT THE THEATRES. Las. Clasoa Xslaotte, tee raaeaUc aa4) earing Mlaa itrnnaTl admlratlea .lor tkaee two aapaVar tmdlns people pul Gilmore Tonight. t ' Tonlfht at tbe afarqsam Oraed theatre the 'lever rooa actor. Pani OUaMre. will basis as ensasemaBt mt twe nlfhta with a apaelal price SMtlnae tnnafVow'ta Joba Draw's fnnwa iin.n. -Tne Muawnr and tha Humming Biro."? Mr. Ollmor. la (be rok ef dlrnltj ana raaarve, aad a la natnralnaaa of manner, le swat ena. Tiering sad ImpraaalTe. In the tblr net rapaetallr tbe erene batweaa the Mummy and tba Hamming Bird le a Strang and BMat'tm prrealve ena... It-la ee randerad by tkeidlgnltr and pow.r at tba actor, togatber with hla artletie Intfrsretattna. Thaa agala tba eeane In the Aral art bwaea the etuaimy nsd tba Organ Orlndrr le Ukawtee moat axwllantlj raae ared. -. - - -- ' i 1 . '.it. ."Old Heidelberg.' N.Tt Waab Witt: bn- aha .grand nsueseluii ef aarttriaae for andlanrae at tbe Columbia. Blrb ard btanaflald'a complete nrodnrtton ef tbe moat baentiral Oarman play. "ild Hrldalnerg." will. Is the hande ef tbe Cetasbla start mm pany. raralve s nrodnrfton ef fnr mora than aaoal braaty. Tba ebarmlng atory, dallgbtfl rbaraetara aad grneral atawaipnare ef atadant Ufa will farm e plrtnre king ta be remambarrd. "Old Hrldrlbrri'' will epea Sunday aUsee; Good Company's Last Nights. CapaHty Jaiuai a win Be daobt graat tbe pope la r iwaedt-Haueie rampany jat the tbraa ra matalng tnrrformanrae ef ''Northare Ugbm" at the Empire theatre. Tomorrow nlcbt at the eonrlnalon ef' the nrrformence tbta organlaatloe will Iran fo rV-attlr, wkere thaf will play s aaeaon ef arvrral war a. .Tba aiitfiae tbby bad sere- bae anrourasrd htanarrr Hart b a long araaao. Tba Basal etardar matinee will be tiarn n npertrd. ' Tbe seenee batwe Howard Oeald loeng kppral el lever, and Oeabtlas. If te the OnlemMa aa Panlle. patron, wboae Inrreaaas aa tary are seas Is each aew Uy. in aaaiinae loanorrew will ne . one at s events. r Retuni of Hanford. ' : :' Charlaa B. Ranford will araeer Is" "Othellb' at tba atarqaam Urand theatre Tboreday, Marrk X. Mr. Hanfbtd has hara a waVama vtaltor eraaoa after eraeen for Biaur yaara and has sever fallrd 'to give s performanra whlrb gratlsrd the critical aenee and deUgbted tbe auditor who seeks tbe theatre (or as erasing' ojTeranaa; ' - ' The 8tars Offering. . $ At the Star theatre that weak Hartal, the great npalde-dowa danrer. Is ana king his Sret appaaranrw ee a Portland stage. The bill laelndae Bratrlre abd Price, akatrh tram artiste! the three Vol tana, greet ecrobets; Arthur Jneh Soa, barltaa atngar, aad the BroarUiaropei . Baker Attraction. The "Cycle .Dannie" eenaatloaal set st the ' Bakrr Is erratlog S sanaattos. as It. I the rat lima oa the- eaeet tbel a woamaa aa at. trmptrd thle faatare. There are alae edaw tar faataras on im WH. - - - . s . -I . e, . ,, . y -At the Lyric" . .'. "Bamnd .' the KerClae b.I aiade s nit With the Lrrh pstrone and tbe honen le perked at evrry parrormanee. -The Dalaaryv do a rlrvrr ram batwarn arta. "The Lady of Lyons." , The drllghtfnl ravlvel af lord I.yttoa'f fasioes slat. "Tha ldy ef l.yena." it the Cniamhla le prsmlslng eras mora ef a saw at thaa was ns. w;::lc b7S :3Tn::3 sth:? f Himoes of Moaawra foe I eolMran while Taathloa for era fifty Yearn, ITeootees tbe ebiM. eortaas the gum, aliar ah pain. earM wind eaUe. and M baa beat TwaaTT.riva ckvts a. errrtt. mffmffJmiymtmtmfmJfmtml Free With VantAds RALSTON HEALTH CRISP 4 rA Toasted Food Ready to Serve ' - A packapt of Ralston Health Food with every paid Want Ad., Daily or Sunday. wThis is an Acme Mills product Sella (or j 16c or two for 25c at fny grocer.. ' . ' Thla offer ia made simply to still more ' widely introduce the wonderful results ac complished by useful "want ads." An enumeration of their many daily duties I and performances would : entail n great , apace. ' You know bow it is when you want to rent a room or house, when you want to buy something unusual, when you're lost something -why," you imme-' diately look at the "want ads." Thou ' sands of people read them every day you .can talk to them at the rate of ' 21 Words for 15c t,' . L'-i . ' r- .