The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 24, 1905, Image 5

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lUruaB Grind. ... . .".,... . ,
"T.U Mvuj aai tb Hamming Bird"
Jfmalr "NorUiera Uhte'
Lrrlc .. Himi the Kurkix'
K(a v i
; Results' of government irritation fro-
jacui in - aeveippment or th Faclf lo
. itbrlhwost are being closely followed by
, the Harrlman rail war lines. The Oregon
, Short Una baa let a contract to the Utah
.Construction company .for the first
miles or a branch from Minidoka, Idaho.
' acroaa the Snake river . to , Twin Fall
. City. The ilne has bean traded and
track laying baa .begun. .It travaraea
lands that wlIT be put under Irrigation
thl year by the government, and by the
' Twin Fall Irritation' company. , The
Southern Pacific haa authorised thereon
structlon, of a road from Haaen to
Churchill, connecting the Central Pacific
'and the Caraoa Colorado, and passing
through lands that will be brought under
water thla year by government lrrtga-
; tlon worka in the Carson basin.
' Mlsa martha Ideeen of 411 Russell
: . atreet,. who had bar leg broken in the
.. Morrison street bridge accident a yea
.j ago laat July, la so grateful to Dr. B. N.
Crockett for the service he did her that
ahe haa Just presented him with a ,cush
Ion worked by her ewn hands. The
' ground pt the cushion la white cloth and
. t in various colored silica are worked some
v 100,0 different hinds , of stitches, in
;w-cray work flealgh.-' The immediate ree
. aon for Mlaa Idesen's gratefulness taking
this material form I that Or. Crockett
"l Instated, against the wishes of some five
. ' - or sit other' attending physicians, that
T the limb abould not be amputated.-- She
. . has completely recovered, retaining only
', a alight limp and a lifelong devotion to
Dr. Crockett. --. 4, ,. t. j
, A piece t oak -et "from! the walns-
. - oollng of the room in Kilmarnock, tcoi-
.' land... occupied by the Maaonld lodge te
. which Robert -Burns . belonged la in
' possession of Charles Coopey. .It la be
ing cut Into smaller pieces and dle
; trlbuted among members , of tho fra
' ' ternlty. Burns belonged to what ' la
' now known as the mother lodge of Scot
land, which la designated as No. 0.. To
V thla lodge go Masons of,- the United
. Kingdom to take the degrees. . It la sal J
". that tbey go to Kilmarnock from Aua
tralla. Kngland. Canada and - other
parts of the, empire. Portland Masons
who have received pieces of the oak
. prise a them . highly.
A. L. Craig, general passenger ageat
of the Oregon Railroad tz Navigation
company, -is distributing Oregon's big
' yellow applea on tne island or xaniu, in
' : the south sea, and finding amassment In
, ; "watching the expression-of the startled
native who- sinks his teeth into tha lus
.-' cloua fruit for the first time. Just be
Yore Mr. and Mrs. Craig departed on their
long voyage they received the apples
' from' Oscar Vanderbllt of Hood River,
who reaueated that they .dlatributeaom
" of them, on 'the Island and" tell people
- there thai, tbey cams from Hood River,
At a meeting of the executive board of
-' the Oregon Prisoner s Aid society, Bu--v-
pVrlntendent St Pierre's report showed a
discouraging state in regard to rinancea.
v It ia hoped that Mrs. Booth s vlalt to
. Portland will arouse Interest in thatdl
rectlon. It Is "said that the state's pro
.' vision ot clothing for prisoners is inad
, . equate, and that during tbe cold, weather
. a number- -of "the - older men Buffered
. greatly, although cltlsensl and business
. houms contributed generously , to the
comfort of the prlaonera.
.Mich haa decided to build a, handsome
. residence on roruana neignia inia
' , spring. Tbe building will be in rococo
colonial style and will coat about 10
000. The structure will be entirely nre
"proof. The outside of tho building will
be finished In cream colored glaaed
tiling and the roof will be clay tiling
Instead of . shingles. Captain W. W.
Goodrich of Goodrich A Goodrich, archl-
; tecta, la preparing the Pt0'
The fourth of a aerlea of dances by
the . Ancient . and Accepted Scottish
Rites Masons waa given laat night at
the - Maaonio cathedral. ' Morrison and
. Lownadale streets:. Music was ' fur
nlshed by Paraons . prcheatra. The
committee on arrangements consisted of
. B. 8. Jackson, chairman; w. C Fran
i, ,W. C. Knighton, C K. Rumelln, E.
. B. .Col well, : J. B. WerUin and F..C
' Waanerman. - Tbe last dance of the a.
, rlea will be clvenrAnril X7.
jtr l ernpiv unn iera-ji--wvra w
m Ministerial Critics, .or. Litwaona lor put
T; pit and Paw From the Life of -m-Great
' preacher," la tha aubjeot.of the address
to be -given by Dr. Stephen 8. Wise
. thla evening at o'clock. The addreaa
will be In the nature of a reply to the
question, i 'enau we nave a living or a
dead pulpit T Strangers are conflally
: weloome. : ,: - ', '". '. .
mbusly called to the pastorate of the
'."piedmont Presbyterian church. At a
- congregational meeting last night L. L.
poiniea to present m cu iu inm run
land Presbytery. Tha church la being
repaired and-will be opened for service
. . March . .. :- : :-y . '
Richard Malone haa been released
' fmm euatndv. a not true bill hsvlna
' been returned by the district attorney
'for pasalng a forged check on J. I
Clark, a aaloon-keeper. Clark was In-
lone belongs to a good family In Sioux
cur. . -- v , '-
If you are a shaving man and want
a rasor that i guaranteed to give satla-
faction, call on Albert Barn!, tho drug
. gist. Second and Washington .and ask
to see his "Lewis and Clark Special."
' All shapes and else, with money back
, If not eatisfactoryi " . v..
v Decker's ' moving 'pictures, : with 1 the
' hew camera grmph. Flicker ; obviated.
. i'oralo. Instructive, exciting. Tf. M. C
A Saturday. February S&. p. aa. Ad
mission II cents. Matinee, p. nv, ad
mission 10 cents. -L' i
" Maro. the prlno of maglo. musician,
artist, ahadowgraphlst and entertainer,
, will appear with hla company Monday
night. February ST. en the T. M, C A.
' auditorium. Fifth number oo Star 'course.
, Reserved seats. Is cents, .
- Elegant new steamer Nome CTty. aails
. direct San Franclaco, Frfday, I p. m.
. Cabin, lit; steerage, tl. jo An rale,
cabin, tU tO; steerage. $11. Meala and
.berths Included. C H. Thompson, agent,
,'121 Third street. . ,'- . ,
-Odd Fellows of
eon vacampmarfte
lomorrOw evening
campment of he
utallatlon will be
' Beckwlth
Ooldext Rale and Kill
will go to 'Greahara
to institute a new -en-uniformed
tank. In
oonducted by H. M.
We elean a no p
ireas year elothee and
j shine your shoe
for per month.
Co, 147 Washington.
Unique tailoring ail
Main 14-
" u. 8. Haana. a hoetier of Porrat Oreve,
haa filed petition la the federal court
cc:.;i in ra souti
Newefut - of Eith CJrtct
. Hit nzsideel in Oregon for
. ' Twenty, Year.
Samuel White,' recently made judge of
the .new ' cirquit court district known
aa the eighth and consisting wholly of
Baker county, waa born In arlffln. Oa.
September . II, 1M0. lie, waa educated
at Meroer. university, Macon, Oa then
took a post-graduate course In law and
literature in tho University of Tennessee
at Knoxvllle.. June I. 1885, he. reached
Grants Pass and. there hung., out his
Samuel White.
shtngle' as attorney. For -two years he
was fairly auoceaaful but. the mining ac
tivities of eastern Oregon showed op-
portunUtee and' there ho went and since
1187 has been a factor In, the legal and
political life of that part f tho atate.
tie- was elected district attorney for
Baker, union and Wallowa count lea In
June, ,l(t8 and held the ofllce 'for six
years.- - In tbe campaign of two years
ago he was chairman of the Democratic
state central' eommlttee, . which , elected
George Jo. Chamberlain governor.
He la captain of Company A. O. N. O.
ofnhlo city. -He la married and baa two
sons. Hia wife Is the. daughter of thr
nan. a. . crown, wno was state treas
urer of Oregon from 1171 to 187S and
now a resident of PortlandJ ; --.v
CPaopIe of the growing city of ' St
Johna are determined that tho Piedmont
transfer nuisance ahall be . abated - If
reason and perseverance count for any'
thing. They have repeatedly petitioned
for relief, and they say the Portland
Consolidated official have hot treated
them fairly. Their last petition w
pigeonholed, they say, and the St Johna
Commercial club-lastnlght took action
to appoint a committee of II Peninsula
cltbena "to 'watt upon the management
of he company and aak that the Pied
mont transfer be abolished, and that
through' cars be run, from- tbe city to
Sti Johna. - ';.'
. Action was taken at the same meet
ing in favor of constructing and main;
talning-a-publio dock on tb Willamette
river -water rront at at jonna. - '
The club' haa now about Tl members.
and much good work la being-done to
advance tho interests or St Johns. . In'
dorsement was given a petition from the
Ladles Civic league to the city council
asking that tho question of keeping
cows within bounds be put to a rote or
the people. . ',:
"How r to Cultivate ' Concentration'
waa discussed by Dr. -e.R, Johnston of
Portland academy at a meetlng'yf the
Home .Training association yesterday at
the T. M. C. A. ' To secure concentra
tion of a child's-mind Its atudlea muat
be pleasant and -attractive as well .aa
Intellectual., aid .he. believed a . child
could be taught while at play. He
thought there waa no use giving chil
dren a foretaste too early In life of- the
self-denial and bard work that muat
come later. -A11 r young . things - were
meant to be happy, be said, and a joy
ful yoath. was the best ; preparation for
useful manhood. ,
Rev.' H. Wyae Jones, who Is conducting
meetinga at the Calvary Baptist' church,
corner East-Eighth and Onant atreata.
will deliver an address at that church, on
Sunday afternoon at 1:10 o'clock to men
only. The subject will be,' "Heavenly
Arithmetic' - . v '
Mr. Jones wlU endeavor to ahowvmen
how to live pure; and mahly Uvea and
make-the ' best out of them under the
present conditions He apeaka the truth
in a clear, fearless and manly way; and
impreases all with his earnestness and
sincerity. The Chinese male quartet
will sing. , , t..n.r.
for bankruptcy Immunities, alleging that
his liabilities are 1X40,- and he haa til
In personal property ,whtth la exempt (
Judge Soar today' denied F. B." Jones
divorce from Carrie 8. Jones on the
ground that the sharges bad not been
proved. The plaintiff alleged desertion,
and 'the 'defendant answered with a
charge, of commission of a statutory
crime.- Th .court held ' that neither
charge bad been sustained.
Whist party and - supper at Bickner's
all, St Johna, Saturday evening. Febru
ary IS, under auspices of Ladles of Holy
cross parisn. ' a . good musical jprogram
arranged. Arfmlaslon tickets, 14 cents .
An interest can be had In qnei of the
beat paying propositions In the country
WiOiout costing you one cent Inveati
gate thls at ones,. Address K 14. Jour
it ' ' - . " -
B.'ft S. Cough sad Croup flyrtrp The
great children's remedy. - la vh over -10
ears -Always ' reliable) Bronchial
troubles. - For sale by Knight Drug Co.
B. A 8. "Cough and Croup Syrup The
moat fseful ' family medlotna 'Keep It
on hanjd for emerawneles. Colds, ooughs,
croup.' 'For gale by Knight Drug Co.
M. A. Folsotn was this morning ad
mitted to practice In tho federal courts.
HI petition was Indorsed and presented
by(C J. Schnabel.-1 - - - y ,
, - .
a. H, Grober, laWyer. 117 Commercial
blk., will give prompt efficient service.
Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar.
-y - '-
Scald head la an arse-ma of the seals
-very severe sometimes, but it ran- be
cured. Dnaa'a Ointment, snick and per
manent In Its results. At any drug
store, 10-cents. - -
More' Rumors About Steamer
That Has Been at Dock'
':' for a Year. -
In Connection With Kamm Line,
Would Be ValuableAcquIsi
"tion to Service. 'y'! ':
Rumors are again afloat about the
steamer Telephone, which has been tied
at tha Haseltlne dock ever alnoe she was
built more than a year ago. It Is re
port ad that ahe will be placed in com
mission tho first of next month between
Portland and Astoria, .and will bo run
In connection, with tha Kamm Una of
steamers. It is also stated that ahe
will make regular oails at Kelso .on the
return trip and take on shingles rrom
the mill at that place. ;
Another report says that when spring
opens the steamer will go on the upper
Columbia river In opposition to' the
Regulator line of boata. There haa been
more or less-talk Of this sort ever since
the vessel was launched. A short time
age.the atatement- waa- mad that aha
would run as far- aa Tha Dalles, and
that at that point ahe would connect
with a steamer plying from there to
Dewlston on the Snake nver. it waa
pointed out that thla would be a splendid
route for her juat aa soon as the portage
road waa completed, wblon will be in too
early spring. ' .
,The Telephons haa been an enigma to
team boat men tor more than, a year,
All of them have spent much valuable
time In an effort to figure out to their
own satisfaction just what the owners
Intended to do with , her. Captain
Cochran is-perhaps the only man In
Portland who cau supply tho Informa
tion, but Juat at present-he la uncom
munlcative on tbe subject The captain
la the managing owner of the vessel. ,
If the report which was placed in cir
culation this, morning la true that-ahe
will be operated: - In conjunction with
the Kamm lino of steamers, the people
of Portland will have splendid steamboat
service to tbe city by the sea, as she
haa splendid passenger accommodation.
Although ahe has never been given a
trial .It la generally belleyed that ahe
will prove to bo the speediest cost 'that
pile on tha Willamette and Columbia
rivers. 6h haa powerful engines, and
tbe owners are confident that ahe will
bo capable of making II miles an hour.
Baford aad
WO Cake Soldier
ZiUsabev Proas aotlnnaV '.'
Official notice has been received by the
chamber "of commerce that tho united
State transports Buford and Sheridan
will arrive at. Portland early in March
to carry soldiers and lumber to Manila.
The Nineteenth Infantry, now at Van
couver barracks, will take passage on
tbe Buford. whloh wUV be supplied with
lumber here.- It I probable-that the
Sheridan . will take .the balance of tbe
shipment from the Portland . Lumber
company' - yaeee Heretofore when
soldier left the Columbia liver poet for
Unci - Sam's Island possessions they
have gone by ran to San Francisco, For
several years - past - tha - commercial
.bodies and other Interests of this city
nave enoeavorea . to inuuc. tne aepart'
mant at. Washington to send transports
direct to Portland, and they ' are now
congratulating themselves that their
wishes have at last been , granted. The
supplies-for .the, Buford and Bhorldan
will probably- be purchased In San
Francisco. One of tb transports will
return to Portland with the Fourteenth
Infantry. : ' . - .
In tow of the tender Heather the Co
lumbia river lightship left for Astoria
yesterday. Aa soon aa the bar becomes
smooth she will be taken - to her told
station off the mouth of the river. Capt
1 C Hellner. lighthouse Inspector, for
the district, waa a passenger, and will
Inspect the buoy depot and other gov
ernment work near the city bjuthe sea
before he returna. - -- v
Schooner Mabel Gaie cleared for San
Francisco yesterday with 100,000 feet of
lumber. . , - ,--.,.,'
Lumber laden for Takn, China, the
German ship Carl moved out Into the
stream thla morning from th Victoria
dolphins. She will leave forCThe sea
Sunday.' - --
Schooner, Mahukona left down thla
morning, bound for San Pedro, with
II0.U7 feet of lumber.
Schooner W. F. Miller sailed yesterday
for San Francisco with frO.OOO feet of
lumbar and 1,000.000 laths.
Steam schooner Nome City left down
thl afternoon at I o'clock with a lum
ber cargo for San Pedro. Shs will atop
at Ranter and take on a imajl additional
Acting under Instructions from United
State Inspectors Kdwarda and Fuller.
th owners of th ateamer F. A. Kllburn
were fined 1500 at Astoria thia morning
for tho alleged carrying of more passen
gers than th license of th craft call
for.- When she reached tb mouth of tb
river from. .Sam Francisco and way porta
It Is claimed that ahe had 01 passengers
on board. - She haa pao for tbe aoeom
modation of only 41 passengers.
Advices from Saa Francisco thla morn
ing atate that th repairs to tha govern
ment dredge Chinook will be com plated
next month In time for her to reach tbe
It joa are looking for legiti
mate investment or steady
employment call at the Mack
Hardware Cot, at Second and,
Morrison Streets. .
. , ' ' k " 1
For Rent s
, opposite the entrance
to Fair Grounds.
mouth of tb Columbia river by April 1.
The engineers are rejoicing this morn
ing over th passage of th' river and
harbor appropriation bill by th house
yesterday. Tbey state tbere la no Ion
ger doubt that funds will soon be avail
able lor prosecuting the- work at various
points on the Columbia and Willamette
which was- so suddenly abandoned -six
weeks ago. By the first week in March
they are confident that the needed monjy
will pe available, and Immediately after'
ward' -t he work on the various govern
ment projects will , be resumed . with
vigor. Attention will be given first to
dredging operations and the extension of
tb jetty. m r
Astoria, Feb, n. Left up at I a- m.
schooners Oakland and Polaris. ' A '
Arrived at and left up at -10:80 a. m.
steamer F. A. Kllburn- from Saa Fran
cisco and coast ports. -
Arrived at a, m.. ateamer Acme from
nan jrrancisco.1 , -
San Kraaclsob. Feb, tt. Arrived at
1 p. row steamer Oregon from Portland.
Arrived at 4. it n, bl. steamer Redondo
from Portland. -
Astoria. Feb. 14. No bar report: eape
nne sown. : . ". ; .i-.
On March 1 tha mln Pa-H.iiiI!
begin1 the work of digging oat a channel
in front of tb dock Wtuated Juat above
th Madison atreet bridge and owned by
tne vregon water power a Railway
company. - The vessel will be operated
by the Port of Portland, to whom ah
belongs, although the iwork will be paid
for by th company. When th river
la deepened there it is probable that
other owner of waterfront property
will make arrangementa to secure tbe
dredge for a similar purpose. The main
cnannei-'Of the river, it is claimed, is in
the best condition It has ever been, but
there are many shoal placea In front of
tb docks. . - . !
National Bank, and Biz Manu
factory Among Proposed Im
provements to Be Made.
St. John will nave a national bank.
Capitalists from Saginaw, Mlclw have
been looking over the territory and have
.aecMea to establish aa Institution In the
peninsula city- with a capital of 1100,-
Recently Charles A. Wood, -who Is
tha principal promoter of th enterprise.
waa ' in Portland. Before he left - for
the east be stated that tb people whom
be represents would erect a large build
ing in Bt. Johns thla coming summerjuul
that the bank would be opened as' soon
aa necessary . arrangements could - be
mad.- It Is understood that the pro
posed building will be located at Ivan
hoe and Broadway. streets.
Another enterprise which will be lo
cated at St Johns will be a sovelty
manufacturing company. Capitalists
from Waterbury, Meridian, Hartford and
Bridgeport, Conn, are Interested In' th
company Their agents have been In
Portland - for several weeks, and have
returned to Cleveland-O... -where they
win oroer in material ror tne building
and machinery. ' The structure will be
of Iron. . It Is said tb company has
secured a sjte on tb water front below
the woolen mils.
The agents reported that work on the
proposed factory would be started at an
early date..- Thebuiiuing will bo- made
In Cleveland and shipped to Portland In
sections. It will take bat a few Weeks
to put tha structure; together after the
material arrives.
The Federation Board of Women's
clba of Portland will hold a social con
ventton tomorrow afternoon,, at t:li
clock, in the Belllng-Hlrsch build Inr.
when a general program will be rendered.
Henry &. uoscn. director of exhibits of
th Lewis and Clark fair, will apeak on
Modem Expositions. , Member of all
clubs affiliating with the federation will
be weloome to attend the convention.
Male and
WtBy ttaxrti
thro' Journal
Want Adi
Ever-tried, ? '
them? ,
Words for
FiTtcca Cents
Two ; Uttlo ; Dream, - jaunted
Chaps Leave Home on Wealth
' Finding Mission.
Only Twelve - Years Old, But
, . Sturdily Follow theH Light
' That Led Their Fathers.
To get the pot of gold waiting for
those who find .the way to th and of
a rainbow, Krnest, Berger, 1 J years of
age, left hia home yesterday In company
with a lad of equal years. He proposes
to follow th bright, elusive hope-symbol
until he roaches its end, and there be
Intends, todlg antll ha finds the wealth
that nursery rhymes told him should be
there.-' . T .- , .
Until yesterday the lad lived with hia
mother at I2 Corbett atreet. Many
times he had expressed, a desire to see
the big world.' and often he had longed
to follow - the rainbow to Its end to
find if the marvelous things he bad beard
were true. - :...
MtUe attention waa paid hia childish
talk, as no one thought action would
follow hia words Yesterday, however,
he and the lad who had diacaased the
affair of the pot ot gold In detail, began
silent preparations for tbe trip. They
got together a few dollara and aome
clothing, and disappeared. Their ab
sence waa not noticed until later In the
day. Th parents and neighbor Joined
In tha search. Friends sought tha aid
of the police, but all efforts to find a
trace of -the missing lads have been
without avaU.
Bo far as can be learned, they are
still aearcblng for that bright, myster
ious arch at whoae very end lies tha
pot of gold that baa aroused their child
ish imaglnationa. -
"Emit Waldman of fhls dty, who. Is
making tha aound districts at present,
wrote to a friend here tbat ho find
the Lewis and Clark exposition the
toplo of general discussion there, and
that great preparations are being made
to attend. - Tbe following from the
Belllngham Reveille, showing what tbe
high school plans, ha says, la 'indicative
of the general Interest:
"If tbe plan yesterday outlined to the
senior class of the Bolllngham High
school. is carried out, th regular order
of' graduation exercise will not be ob
served by th class thia year, but, in
stead, the members will be given a trip
to the Lewis and Clark fair at Portland
in a private car. Superintendent Hughes
presented the' plan to tb board Monday
night. '. The matter waa discussed by
them Informally, but no action will be
taken until It ha been ascertained what
the opinion of th clasa is on th sub
ject. The question was Introduced yes
terday afternoon, and from th expres
sions of pleasure on every hand it is
safe to aay that the plan will meet with
the hearty approval of tbe entire gradu
atlng class. The parents will be - con
sulted,' and! if they are willing that auch
a plan should be adopted, the board, it
la understood, win give ita consent, it
is generally conceded thaX. atieh a .trip
would be of great value as an educator.
At present th proposed trip la tbe main
toplo of discussion among the members
9f the lucky , clasa"
K." Or- Caspary, " for " whom babes
corpua proceedings were instituted to
prevent hia being taken to St. Louis to
answer a charge of forging a railway
ticket, waived further hearing thla morn
ing, and consented to accompany De
tective F. McKenna to-Missouri Th
habeas corpus writ had been ordered re
turned thla morning at 1:10, before Pre-
iwi juage ueorge,-Dut oeiore inai
time Caspary waa beyond -tho Jurisdic
tion f the court and speeding eastward.
having left on the :15 o'clock train.
Although hia client had left for the
east, R. C Wright, his attorney, insisted
upon taking an order from the court re-
lng the prisoner because there had
been no return on th writ. This order
was granted by Judga George. Mr,
Wright intimated tbat he might aak that
proceedings instituted for contempt
of court In that Caspary was not pro
duced in court according to tho order
made yesterday, afternoon.
Caspary stated before going that ha
expected to return soon to Portland free.
He - had- lived here alnco December,
bought a home and had been engaged in
the real estate business st 101 Wash
ington in partnership with H- A. Teatard.
' . M, '.. ...
On opening the door of her home, at 431
Mansanlta avenue, laat night, in re
sponse to a ring on the door bell. Mrs.
John Springer, the wife-of a street car
conductor, was asued by a roughly
dressed man it her i husband was at
horn. Receiving a negative reply, the
man covered Mrs. Springer with a re
volver and forced her to precede ' him
Into tha house, where aha was obllsad to
hand hef purse to tha robber. -It was
empty; and tho man hastily, left the
place, after warning th victim to make
no outcry.
The man wore no mask. - Hia language
was polite, but his voice trembled and
his nervous action '.indicated that he
was a novice In the holdup line. . j
Police Captain Moore, waa notified of
the robbery by telephone, and utapatched
Patrolman Circle to make an Investiga
tion. Tho only clew to- th ldenJRy of
me rvDoer is nis npeoripuon. - r- s.v- -
. m v
Sincerity in Business.
The fundamental principle of success
ful store keeping is absolute sincerity.
Half hearted or matter-of-form method
are alow poison to a healthy business.
Absolute - sincerity mean ' commercial
pride;, proud of the merit of th goods
old. 'Confident that no atone haa -been
left unturned to make prices the object
for the public to seek the -store. Lax
business statements, either by salespeo
ple or In the advertisements, ran nine
times out of t bo traced jo tho mer
chant who has not studied the details
of hia business or who could Justify th
appellation- "faker." To be succeaef:il
in any honorable calling publle approval
of honesty- must be coupled . with a
store's name." The Chicago, (t-tl-,3
Third street. Is a critertpn for iftif
thoughtful merchant, -No other policy
but sincerity 'could ;ever; have placed
that -establishment at the head of all
coast clothing stores.. Its 'volume of
bualnesa each day ,1a probably equal to
any two clothing storca In tb Pacific
northwest. "T - ' ,
Arbor Day PlannecJ, When Each
i , May Set Plant or Tree '
-. or Fjower. ;.;"'''
Yards ' Should Be. Cleaned ' and
Portland Made to Look
;-.- Garden That It Is. ri..'
The plan ; to hold an arbor day haa
been suggested by cltlxens who are en
thualastio In their effort a to beautify
the city for the exposition. The purpose
Is to-make it an occasion In which not
only the public school children, but all
the people, of Multnomah county may
participate. ' -'" T" '' "J-''" ""
Thla Is said to b th best plan to rid
the vacant lots and unimproved aide
walks of weeds, grass and brush, to
trim unkspt hedges and shade trees. CoJ
operation of all th eitlsena in tbe move
ment for a clean city ia desired, and it
ia argued that all arbor day ia tho me
dium by which It may be secured.
State Superintendent of Schools J. H,
Ackerman will name a day ia April to be
observed by tho public school children of
tbe state In planting trees and flowera
and In beautifying tne publio -school
grounds.-- It la desired to make thia a
day when business men will lay aside
their duties, .when studenta will leave
their studies, when peopie in all walks of
life will lend their assistance In a cam
paign against everything that tends to
mar tb appoaranc of tb city.
Such events are frequently held In Cal
ifornia, and in many counties arbor'day
I on of th greatest occasions of the
year. - People gather on th streets and
in county roads with plows, wagons, boea
and ahovela, - :- .
: Bemovo tke mnbateb. -
Tree and plants are planted, vacant
yards and sidewalks are cleared of weeda
and brush, hedges are trimmed, and ail
aorta of work la don to lend sweetness
and light to tb community.
A mas meeting of th cltlxens may be
called In tb near - future to consider
the proposition to hold some such event
in thl county. While It 1 said it Is
not necessary to plant mora trees In
Portland, It la suggested that on thla day
every cltlsen shbuld devote hia time to
improving the appearance- oi nis prem
ises. .'-: k;' j
Tbe movement for a elean city "Will
be supported by tb municipal govern
ment, which will enforce th ordinances
now in effect and. if necessary -pass
others, compelling property owners to
keep their property free from weeda and
sraaa. An ordinance waa passed in 1Q3
providing.' for uie-r removal - ox graaau
weeds and Drusn zrom aiaewaias si jeasi
twice a year. Tb duty of enforcing thla
ordinance falls upon thaojty engineer,
A state law saya that" all municipal
corporations ahall provide for. tho ex
termination of canaaa, unioes ana nus
elan thistles and dagger eockleburnr
within the corporate limits An attempt
will be made by tb city authorities to
prevent vacant yards ana- siaewaias
from, being overgrown with these ob
noxious weeda. ;-.-.''
-' Make City a wardsa, . --
A lar fores of mew-will be put to
work by the atreet cleaning department
aa soon aa tb rainy weather ceases.
Streets will be cleaned of ail mud and
debrla and repair will be-. mad where
necessary. ,, -Th
city engineer's department will
make special effort to see that aldewalka
are kept In repair and that th ordi
nances, re sardine - tb obstruction of
street with building material and, debrla
is enforced. ' - -
Mayor Williams ia In hearty accord
with tha movement to Improve th ap
pearance of the city. - - --
"I would bo glad," aald be, "to ee the
city put in first-class shap before tb
fair opens It will, mean much to Port
land to have the lota and streets looking
neat and -clean. I nave been trying io
bave enforced the ordlnancea providing
that aide walks be kept clean, and I am
going to make a more determined effort
this spring to see tnat i- ia aono.
What la regarded as on of th most
novel folders and effective Oregon aa-
vertlsements ever Issued has Just been
published by the Oregon Railroad te
Navigation .company advertising de
partment, at tbe Joint- expens of tbat
road and the Southern Pacific llnea ia
Orekon. '.!. ..
Tb folder la entitled "wmi r-armers
Have Don In Oregon. Washington nnd
Idaho, aa Told by Themselves." Tbe
'contents constat of brief letters, relat
ing their experience in tilling Oregon
solL and their financial successes sine
coming to these states. On every page
are on or more pictures of faemera and
their wives, inv email hair-tone engrav
ings. -The statements made by writers
of tbe letters all of them reliable and
well-known ttlxens-re calculated to
make the eye off easterners open wtth
amaaement. R. W. BelvaQ of the
Palouse connrry writes that ."people of
Nebraska and Illinois will fall over
themselves to come here when tbey And
out -eow much better the climate and
advantages are -than tbey are in the
east." ... ' . - -
Katherlne Kan haa sued Joseph W.
Kane for divorce, alleging that he, re
ceives 1115 a month and refuses to
support her. They were married June
11 1107.-- .
from the Classified Columns
If personally you've failed to rent' a hous or ' flat see the "iror
Rent" man at II. K. Edwards'. lSt-ltt First street If he hasn't what
you want at present he'll bear you In mind when something present
dx'av'eceiMl-had wheel for sal. See ad. In Tor Bala Miscel
laneous column. " y "V . . . ....-- -
Ujt W. Traver. the real esUte 'broker' -of . til Washington trtt. I
' advertising "Lota for leas at entrant- -of Lewis and Clark fair
ground" under the heading "For-Sale Real Estate." Keep your eye
open for new bargain h ffera. . , . ,' ,
.' "Nloely furnished bedroom In modem cottage, very convenient; term
reasonable, and board If desired. " This Is, an- Ideal' place for you lo
locate. See the sd. In classification Tor Rept Furnished Rooms" and
get th addreaa. .'
i - Run ho risk when hiring new help: a Journal "Want A4 " win rrtr
'Just what you want every time. And th rate la "IS re-ta f t tl
""Housewives who hsve so much, trouble trf,t foor sprv..,.. ail
an efficient way lo get a good' one.
Dainty aSlippcra
Fresh new goods on new
models,' just from the
makers. - Exclusive ' and
winsome styles for house
and dress wear. ' - , r
1 1 Pr JJJ2. 25 Palr .
; Opp. Hotel Perkins. ;
Numb e r '
bag a tnelr niastrate
i a ta grsas eetrtsnnlsl Jmst
th thing to send east. Xaay
news axtioles, tea geod short
stories, clever vers aad later,
atlng; mlaoenany. Tlgoroos
work by eatertalnrng wxttsrs.
' Sold by All Newsdealers
A. H. BALLARD, lessee and. Maiisgsc.
rearteeatb and Wasblsgtoa gts.
IbaigBt, Tes-arrsw- Matinee sad Wight, Las'
i'-rturaUBcca . ....
. vvw w mm mi m Biwa 1 " mT r M Wl X ,
Ia splendid revival ef tar JLo-ttoa'e faaieaa
"The Lady of. Lyons"
EvealBg...... ...S0e SSe. foe. IB
MaUnee.... ........ ...........;.t8c. JSe. 10
Downtown box of fire sll day. R2T M
Fboee Mala 110. Knalng at tneatra.
Next week. sUrnag Soixlay amtlnee. grang
prodaetioa of Richard lfsufield'a -
Tanif ht . and Tomorrow : Klrht. Bpsclal Price
atauaeev tomorrow. .
itm. adx eiLitoax
Tke Xamay aad the HsasUag BW."
Eveoins. nrices Paraaette. tl.&O: h-uH,
elr-le tl; baloony. I6e aad 6oe; gallery. JC
aad sSe; hues aad logea. 110,
MaUoee prices Lower floor. l and TBcJ
satire baleonr, eoe; gaiierr. H8e aad 8Ac
rear seats br Pbene- Mala 11T.
crowdea sot times reateroay.
' Toola-bt, Tomorrow Matinee -and Nlrht,
rareweU ef Portlan-1 favo-ltee. Leoise Brand!
. .. -. '- . aad Edgar Baame, .
In the stirring war play. v ,
- - , .- vosTaxvsur uaxm.,
rrlrea All ma tl noes, 10c, lSe, SJc. KbrBCs,
ISO. SBe, S3o. ftOe j -
Port land's raablonahle Tanderllle Hr.. .
" ' ARTKITR JACKSOsT. ' - .1
lor ' to any arat: . rearraed boa- seats, Saa,
Oaaflnnuao Taaoerllte. 1:20 to 10 JO p. aa.
Savaath sad AMar Streets.
- Bvary af tmeoa sad evealsg, ' , ,
, , . la the- sessattoscl saaloarasM. V
Beyond the Rockies- "
r-r- BpeeiaKlee betwaea arts '
rwUaiaiae "at 90, T:S0 aad g:1S B, Sk,
Uaoal prlee ef aesUaaton, 10 easts.
Thus and Yanklll st. Kaattos a riaed. Mgrs. .
Lara eat vaudeville uonae In America.
eaACErcx oaoHS--4
J. W. WOOD. t '
1 ' THE RTOOR-APK. ' ,
Admlaeina 10c- rarlorauaces at 1:30. TJ
sad 1 p. m. .-v .J
, - A Baperk Skew.
' Tl-: Ot. ALF BOHNCR. .-i
anilaaiaa to aay seat, 10a kas seats, see.
' asTeW -w