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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
Tirr: c-.ri. daily jouhnal. tcztwmd, Friday evziiino. rzrrUARYi4, i:ci -a i r KM C:iliiiii., ILtm SiicuiFf u . 3 AS LITTLE mm COSY DAY Another Modern, Fire-Proof Makes Investigation of D.i. Mrs. Ballington, Booth Arrives to , Find Immense Amount of , V Work Awaiting Her. I r Bin .Cyiidmg Promised Portland in Near Future. .V House and Declares1- Con ditions Better Than Before -TO BE BUILT TO ORDER WHOLE NORTH END VASTLY TALKS OF LABORS AMONG THE STATE PRISONERS V OF MINNEAPOLIS MAN IMPROVED BY CRUSADE And 8. H. Friedlander Is Talking Says Chief Hunt's Department Effort to Find Places , for Men Who Have Served Their '. '..'VvX Terms. v . ' About Constructing' Best y',' r- Playhouse on Coast. ; ' . - Should Enforce Laws They : ; Find Violated. - i r . 1 . ' ' : " . -f - ' A SRAM. ESffllir Th best evidence that Portland is to " hav a, new theatre Is In the hands of , a prominent local architect who' received . a Utter, yesterday from Dick Ferris of . Minneapolis.; He .Instructs use arcni tect to prepare set of plans for a mod- : steel and terra, cotta, be . absolutely iireproox, imea wun asoesios curuin, I etc. and of dimensions larger than those Of any theatre In Portland. : About 4 week- ago It was announced ' from M Inneapolla that Mr. Ferris, pro prietor of - the -Lyceum theatre there. - wouia include rortiana in a cnain or " seven houses to be occupied by stock' ' comDanles. the comDanles ' chancing 1 from house to house at Intervals of tour T or five weeks. ; Mr. Ferris Is anxious to slafrt-work as early as possible. No site ' lias been definitely secured, but negotla- tlona for a. dealrabla DIMS of around are SiH progress. ..- Ferris 1 a well known stock manager and has made a fortune In the business, i Although- the subject has often been dis cussed by managers of less daring, it ' has remained for the Minneapolis man ' to attempt a- "revolving stock" propo ' altlon. If his plan goes through and Ath.p ttiMtrlnal ltarHta An what thv aa- ' pect to do.v theatres In Portland will be ' aa numerous ss hops in Polk-county. 8. H. Friedlander has declared that un " less he buys -the Columbia theatre he win uuiid m now . cichii. lh j ituu ' here, believing the town can Stand such a one, while John F. Cordray has been . uiKins- di m new umii. iui tumnM . months. V ""' ''.".'. ' . '.';. pointed question; u PROSTRATES WITNESS - asked relative to her responsibility for the suicide of Ed Duffy's wife, who " swallowed 'carbolio add, Minnie Ander Ron IUIU WW mMuimvmvm avn ,iwp wimwm chair into the' room occupied, by Fred rnorn'nic. - Duffy was charged with living with the Anderson woman by Patrolman . "Isn't It a fact that Mrs. Duffy pel ' soned herself a-year ago because of the relations her husband sustained toward you r demanded . Deputy City Attorney , Fltsgerald. - The woman grew white as a sheet and falterlngly replied that she did not be lieve sucn o oe l" case, uimr xuw tirtitM were aaked. with the result that Mr. Fltsgerald announced he would clac a charge of vagrancy against the woman, Bhe was In a half fainting con . dttlon when' led', from the stand to the room of the clerk of the court and a pnyaician, nsa -.aii .w wt ,.. . her. i, ... -.. i , .,v- - t. - -yi'iy, CITIZENS JOIN TO U- Representative business and profes sional men interested in both east and west Portland will meet this evening at the court of Justice Seton. corner of East Morrison and Grand avenue, .to take U J7 in. qimiiiun wi .... ....... bridges across the Willamette river an hour morning and evening for the ac- -oommodatlort of tmrimbtlc." . .1 ; These men are In favor of giving the public uninierruptea rigm vt .way w the bridges two hours a day, They say 69,900 or mode daily passengers should have this concession. - A committee of abouT: wen will be appointed to lay the matter before he county court, and ask for an order cloa-. ing all the drawbridges from 7:11 to 1:15 a. m., and from t:S0 to :S0 p. m. rrillDTCKICY-'C TCDll ? .EXPIRES NEXT JULY - Mayor Williams has decided that A. A, Courteney's term of ofllce aa a mem- v. m , k a .1-11 ..rvtA MunmlHlnn fna hot expire until July 1. He was' ap pointed immediately after the city char ter went Into effect two years ago to serve for two yesrs. - ... " " J-''t 'f. t ..1 v., i1, I - ' ' ' - T Inspected the Paris -' house last night, said. Sheriff Trord today, "and without hesitancy declare false all state ments to the effect that the place la in worse condition than it was before I closed it and compelled the taking out of the bar and the cessation of the dis graceful scene, that used to be wit nessed there. - .'" . "With a number of my . deputies. I made a' thorough" Investigation of the tough' portions of-the town, in north Portland and south Portland. I say pos itively that conditions are better than when I mad that Paris house raid. There Is less violation of law, and the women are not so much In evidence. ' -So far as the statement of .the police department is concerned. I wsnt to call attention to the fact that they have only criticised me, but have not done anything themselves to better the conditions.' Is it not Tight to expect that a police de partment, charged with enforcement of the law, guardians or the peace number ing several times the men I have at mv command, should rather cloae.up places utey claim are Dad tnan waste words try Ing to. discredit me before the people.? Is not their statement merely confession of guilt ttn their part In falling to act when they have knowledge of the infraction of .the law? - , "However,' I want to know 'the facts. I propose to act in accordance therewith, too, and not to wink at law breaking. - "I will say that it never was my. policy to attempt to close up all houses in the city, or even to make a general crusade against them. . I believe thst conditions may be bettered. To do what Is possible and strive all the time to make the -city a, little better is the policy that appeals to me as rational and likely to succeed.'' NO BOX-MAKERS' TRUST . KNOWN OF IN Cin It is reported : fnjm 'flan Francisco that the' box manufacturers of the' Pa cific coast, including California, Oregon and Washington will form a trust and advance prices season.' , . The , Northern Bo "Manufacturers' agency- of this city. Incorporated with a capital of $3,000,000 and representing 14 box factories in the Pacific north west, practically "controls the business In Oregon and Washington, ' and also does st Urge volume of business in Call-; fornia territory. ' A. A. Courtney, man ager, aald: "I have had no advices to Indicate that an advance of prices by 4 Pacific coast box factories is intended. The trade in California at present is in bad condition. 'V- and - : price demoralised. Manufacturers In that territory have got the worst competition with north ern factories. I will not - say . that ' a trade 'agreement Is not 'talked of, but I know of no" combine that- contemplate taklnr ttvtr the factories. ' The Cali fornia factories are represented by ear incorporated agency, as is ' this agency here for the northwest, and no change is contemplated. " , ' BELLBOY'S EVIDENCE WArCONVICT WHITE a w. White Is on trial this afternoon far larceny. Frank Thompson, bellboy at the Selling-Hlrsch building, plesded guilty -to simple larceny and turned state' evidence. His evidence was taken, after which White went on the stand In his own behalf. - Thompson Is understood to have been a partner with Whit In the alleged theft of a' gold watch, three rings' and other pieces of Jewelry from roomers In the Selling-Hlrsch building. ; - Fathers are Invited to a parents'' sally at Calvary Presbyterianr church .the evening of February 'tS.. Addresses will be given by Governor Chamberlain, Dr. Woods Hutchinson. Secretary H. W. Stone of the T. M. C A., Rev. Stephen a Wise and Rev. William S. Gilbert. What's the secret of hanov. vla-oroua health? Slmoly keen4ng the bowels, the stomach, the liver and kidneys-strong snd active. Burdock Blood Bitter does It. WeHajje Received and Now Have on Displayr ;; :. Our Spririg Line of 11 1J . I i .. , . - . 'Jl VAUlLllUllICUl S3 :-XZ LEADERS T STYLE, AND QUALITY J;" All Styles in Both Soft and Derby ' ' : ' osenblatt ..; .i -. - ... . . .. , V Truth Is lost by too much contro versy," Is an . ancient Italian proverb that Mrs. Balllngton Booth, wife of the commander , ot . th Volunteer. '.of America, ha adopted for her Ufa, text In. the language of the army of her fol lowers It mean "do much and 'talk little." ; ,.'.. ;v', r. . 'v v . She put 4t into execution Immediately on' her arrival thla morning at 10":1 o'clock; SO minutes later ahe was shut up in a room at the Imperial hotel pre paring report of her work and outlining the' details of her invasion of Portland. - Mrs. Balllngton Booth la on an annual trip of inspection of the Various posts of the Volunteers of America. From Portland she will go to Seattle, and it Is likely that the inspection trip will be completed at that place, and she will re turn to New York within five week. Mrs. Booth visited the Oregon state penitentiary at Salem yesterday. - She declared the work -4a th prison was ex tremely "satisfactory, and that every en couragement was given convict by th warden and hi assistants. Before mak ing the (rip to Salem she visited the prison at Folsom, at San Quentln and Canyon City. - 'The prison work is not my regular' line." she said, "but I take a great deal of interest in it, and have Visited a good many prisons on this' trip! The Volun teer prison work is accomplishing great good. We have the following sources of Income: The money I receive in my lecture Work, : the monthly and yearly donations of thoss who have Joined the Maintenance league, the gifts of friends by donation and legacy and the collec tions from time to time gathered at church or drawing-room meetings. "For " the benefit of "those , who are not yet acquainted with the work I will add that the Maintenance league is com posed of those who will donate or col lect $1 a month toward the maintenance of the work; ofrif they prefer,: ia a year in a yearly payment. ' : "The work on the. outside of prisons of starting men proper in th new life I going steadily forward," she says. "When a man leaves prison he is-often so unnerved and out of touch with the world that he is quite unfit to take up the struggle for . existence, and fre quently, without -aid. Is forced Into crime. It is to assist that kind that the Volunteers are atrlving. -, 'There are hundreds of men who have left, the prisons and who do not need our homes," she said, '"but who have been just aa truly helped and held by1 the Influence of the work as .others. Hardly a day passe -that I do not re oelve letters, full ot the cheering record' of battle bravely fought, and success following the sincere snd faithful ef forts to keep straight ahead on the right roao. s-y r ;-:- d- : . "There are a few women , In state prisons," aald Mrs.. Booth, "but a my work doe not - take me into the jails or. places of lesser punishment, I have not been brought much into touch with l women prisoner. Where they are in . ml ..H -.V Tl.l.V .iil u. ui. u u w . u . them Some of the girl that have come to us during the last, year hare don splendidly." -. - . - - Mrs. Balllngton Booth will remain In the city if or seVeral day. Today she was th guest of Dr. Stephen 8. Wise at lunoheon. She will speak at th White Temple this afternoon and evening. HELD ON CHARGE 0FI . PASSING BAD CHECKS (Special Dispatch to The Joernal.) . Pendleton. Or Feb. ' 24.- Preliminary examinations were given Maud! Baney, Robert Baney and Otto Hocklnsmlth yesterdsy afternoon In 2lthe "Justice, court. : The ' trio were ' arrested by Sheriff Taylor, at Olympia, Wash, a week ago on a charwe of having passed bogus checks on Pendleton merchants a few 'week previous. All 'waived examination this ' afternoon and t their bonds were fixed at 11.009 each, ' Not being able , to furnish ball - they ' were returned to Jail to await the next ses sion of the circuit court. ' ; Hats RUSSELL STREET ; - PROTESTS UNHEEDED ' If the Southern Pactflo Railway com pany desires a franchise for a spur to the large warehouse on East First, be tween Kast Taylor and KaSt Yamhill streets, it will have to pay annually the sum or 1200 to the city. .- .- r ' . , The street committee of the city coun ell refused to consider - the remon strsnces of th property-owner against th Improvement of Russell street with vitrified brick pavement. City Engineer Wanser stated th concrete was . laid according to specification; that -th bricks, although of poor quality, reached requirements., but that the grouting wss poor. He aald thia defect was due to the. specifications, which required the brick to be placed so -close together that - the grouting could not ( run be tween them. He -was of the opinion thst the property-owner had a much better, street than they thought .they had. ' - .; - - ; ., v ' -'-i - . George 8. Palmer of Montavilla has sued-for divorce from Elsie Palmer,-al leging that she deserted him In May, 1888, la Woodstock, Canada. He sent her money for two years following, but she refused to come to him. They were married if) llTS and have three children, aged 11. it and It year respectively. r1 .. 'z L V ' I-'-, tu " t 1 17 S. ' ' ' Co. 01 Doys and YouttlS, Suits and Misses' Dresses . and ? j . . ,.. . Coats for Spring of 1905 . . . ' Boys' and Youths' Suits in handsome y. , patterns of grays, tan and dark mix tures which will only be shown by this . great clothing house. . . . Greater values and ysweller" models could not be pro- " - duced. " " Misses'Coatsand Dresses about sixty different patterns notover two""" . or three ot the same effect The most -exquisite garments in Portland.. ' DGPECTI0M mVlTED The Greatest Clothing l RAILROAD COMMISSION IS LIKELY TO TO Expectation Ts Now That Wash- - ington House Will Pass the Measure by Tonight y ; (Special Majta tea te The earsatV Olympia, Was 11. Feb. . The house entered into a atrenuou debate over the railroad commission bill Just-before th noon adjournment. ...This afternoon a bitter fl?ht Is being waged against th railroad supporter' amendment which are being trcked upon th bill. It look a-though th biU will pas without devitalising amendment before adjourn ment thw evening. . . - - A netltlon la being circulated awing th leaislature to sit tomorrow for the first time on Saturday this session. . JAPANESE ADVANCING TO SOUTH OF MUKDEN i (Joornal Blwclal Serrlee.) ' . -Mukden Feb. 34. Russian raiders. under Colonel Slenamldt, completely de stroyed th bridge at South Hat Chang, on February- 21,- blowing up TO feet of It dlsDatch from Huan unan states that the forward movement of the Jap anese to th south of Mukden contin ues. Russian joutposts are falling back. MISS WILSON CHOSEN TO CHRISTEN WARSHIP ' (Joeraal SeerUl Serrlce.) ' Washington, Feb. 4.Th navy de partment announces th selection .by rmvernor Mead of -Washington of Miss Helen ptewart Wilson, daughter of for mer Senator John u. vyuson. as sponsor for the new armored cruiser which will be launched at Camden, N.'J on March CHARLES TR AUNG BACK AMONG OLD FRIENDS Charles Traung. president of the lith ographers' association, of United States and Canada, visited old friends in Port land, his native city, today. He Is' on his way .to Ban Francisco, where 'he makes-hts headquarters.- ; Traung has Just returned from New Tork. He will be entertained this even ing by th local lodge of Elks, of which he I a member, - CALIFORNIA CHOOSER ; . HER ADMISSION DAY - Governor Oeorge C Pardee" of Califor nia. Is th first state executive to desig nate a stat day at the exposition. A not to Secretary Reed from the gover nor this morning announce th selection of September t as California day. It wss n that date that California was admitted to th union, and th observ ance will be general aniong Callfornlan visiting the fair at that time. . rrr- wrfimJi oournosTS. A. J. Browning waa conTlctut of lar ceny this morning In a trial before Judy Fraser. He collected $: belonging 1 Adda Parish 'and refused to deliver I t kef. i . House in the Northwest 4. PORTLAND BUSINESS .. MEN SHOULD GO ABROAD H. M. Cake, presidentof Jhe Portland Commercial club, who aUniedIhe an nual meetjng and dinner of the Forest Grove board . of - trade, has - returned greatly Impressed with th good work done by th Forest Gray organization. This; club, and others throughout, th state, are thoroughly alive and are lo cating many new people and business enterprises in their communities," he L . I wsnt to be quoted as saying that 1 T nelleva Portland bualneaa man make a mistake by not getting out over the stat more frequently. They will be surprised at the good work carried on by th organisation in th Oregon Development league, and they will also be gratiriea to find that Portland busi ness men can do much good by visiting customer, and friends outside of Port land. -.Many new people are coming Into the i state, and are being looked after by local organisations. The -growth, of FOregMi's population thla year I already very apparent by the many new people seen 'in various communities, i Organ izations In. the smaller towns, as well ss In Portland,' are doing great Immigra tion work." . , PORTLAND MUSICIANS " AT FOREST GROVE ' (Special Dispatch to Tea loaraaU Fores Grove, Or4 Feb. 24. A must cat entertainment will be given under the ausptoes of the 'varsity baseball club on March t by Portland musician Mrs. ""Pope, Miss Msry K. Conyers snd Dam Zan, assisted by Mrs. .Williams and Miss Shannon of Forest Grove.-- - A Fine Automobile. Th latest. In automobiles Is the new side door. The Cadllac Model F. brought to th city by Cory Riddle, I th first car in Portland with aide door. This Arm ha on th -road one of the Oeorge N.- Pierce is-hors power - cars, value $3. 50, which is the finest csr evet brought, to this city. Mr. Cory of. thia Arm ay that th Oeorge N. Pierce Co. ask no odd of anybody here or abroddr when It come to making . flhe automo biles, and say prospective automobile buyers-should see the Cadllac and Pierre machine before buying. Their piece of bualneaa is Fifteenth snd Alder. Don't Heck and Bark TOLU-FIR WiUCureYeu- wood ARb; rARKEO,CO. -1 I ? f Dr. We Norton Davlie IN A-WEEK W (Ml irra ftillr'alj tm ' ana ebreole dlaraaea BMh; alae kloo. atoaaek. heart. llTer, kliiuey aeu thrat tnmblea. We care BY PHIIX1H (wltbiM swrcnir) ta iu rnred forever, ia SO la SO dare, we reawre n-klCtUBB. vlthoat eptratloc t pals. U If ear. " Wa atop dnlas. the" remit ef eelf-ekea. Imawdlatalj. We eaa restars taa sexual visor t maw sms aadar BO t nf local tnat- mtmt aaeallar te eoraalvei. r r WCure Gonorrhoea la a Week The doctors ml tkla' iMHtata are all rarnlar rradoatea.. kave kad saaa yeafe' esparWaea, sava bam known Is Portlaad fov IS yaars, ears a npatattoa te sMlnuia aad will aaear take se sue saleaa eartaia eare eaa be e feeted. ' . Wa naraara a eaia la mr eaaa we aaasv- taka or rkaree as fee. Comlytitlna free. Let ters eonSdeatlal. ItwtnetlT BOOK fOg UmH Balled free Is plala wrapper.4 If roe aaanot rail at otara, writs foe eaaa saas. am treanscat Offlce' soar t 5 ad T to . laadara and DoUdaya. 10 to 13. . The, hedlag peet1Uta is the NorUwaat, 4 ' KaUkUaked 18B9. , Dr. W. -Norton Davis .6 Co. Taa Vey Hotel, a. . Oar. Tfclr esd Pise Sta. ruiibuj uuttua ITS A TOSS U? often with the hardware bver ' to where he enenoa hia mo - If he's In aoar.-h of value ' ' 1 expendiiure thts Is to 1. sariy cail here. . - I L ."ii BasaBBaBSBBBaaaaBBaasasSaWSBBBaBBnsSBaaaaar-