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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
Tin: cr.rco:i daily journal; Portland, Friday evening. febrijary sti., ices. 7. r., . . .- . - ii- Jcurnal "Want Ad" Rates vrnn art CT.AsinoATiox umii "k,t..tiea WeatodJ' al a hut. ' bUtuATIOX ' V1VTIS deertleenxsata' , either Mai er riMlt, lutnt ene" t i time free. Daily e laar. : .WIMIT RATE T Ineat-ei (meludtne; :. Bee Sunday ieae M Cull for Um Peg nd. ... , . . KOXTRT.T tin (Madias all Banmap: ' lautMi CXXTt far lias na nasata. iBmnimiTi mast be m Jeuraal . .. kwlMN efSo by 1 'leak vreah - t aad by 1$ e'oleekBrtejdeF eaa . lag to, eoare alasaliaatlaa, - x b. r. Kxuzvoxt mat ' .. mihI "waat ad." eaTet. Air ; them your ad. iMn ratee end M ." will W delivered to Tee ImimI ef- las without farther eeat to r' . you all boa eg ahaae Wwtors Imaa, Item m. . ; 5-AGRE TRACTS Price SIZSO Each : For sale oo : installments VV $I(X) dowd and $15 per; SYroontlj. 'r :.r , ! Convenient to street' .care. ' ; .A. chance for ft' home In '" : .. , the direction., of the city's v ' growth. Apply to ' 1"'" - j, 'j' ,. ; ,':. B. m. 'Lombard ' 514 Chamber of Commerce U ITHfllLAX XOTICX. ' - '. All members of the Woodmen of ths World sre requested to meet at W. a W. hall, oorntr Tenth - and Washington streets, Sunday, Febru ary I. at 1:1 o'clock p. m-, for the purpoae xt attending the memorial aervlce to our lat head-consul, r. A. Falkenburr. to be held In Taylor Btreet M. E. church at : p. m. A. K aBarbar, (rand marabaL jronca. BnKRirr'B BALB Notice la hereof tiara that ' by rtrroa of a nmrtfajre on the at earner Lla " He, aiade by T. B. Taykw to Mary Taylor. '' ' dated lieeember a. 1904. aad recorded la the office nf ethe fnlted -Statee collector of caa- .tmna for th dlatrlct of WllUmetta, Port -of ..Portland, joa aald 'date, la -Liber "O" of - Morteaaee. aad eandltlone of aald-Bwrtaan -' barlna Jieea hrokeo and there . la apw .-dee ; (Mas. 67. Now. therefore, by etrta of aatkor- .'ttr to ma duly (tree -or aaia Bxx-nra-ee, I .-.will expoae-fo aale at public-auction and -. aell to the hlfneet bidder for cab, oa Batar ' day. the Kith day of Fcbrnary. fans, it the ! hoar cf t:0 o'clock a. m. of aald day.-at . the fontyef Colombia afreets lit the city of - Portland, eoanty -of Multnomah, etate, of Orepnn, aald eteetner I4aaie. toaecnar wita all her apparel aad aapurtcnancea, - T. M.' wosn. . , - ' Wierlff. ef 'Molrnoajah. Onenty. Oraana. ,- k Dated at PortlaadV Orafoa, rebraary ,14, .. ;iaoa'. i ' t -.'- . - KOT1CR Tbla la to plra notice that I will ant be reaneaalhla for any bllki . enntraeted by - -my' wire. Mm. . Bra M. Woedbary;-.after thU '. data, Febrnery B4, 1806. - A. Q. WOODBrBT. ton ajts Fonnv TOO cad aaore readily-Bad a 4net artlet . tbniarh The Joaroar ctaaelaed eohtmaa thaa oar etber way. la ceae coa Bed aaytblnc, be boneet and adeertlaa tor the awaee .be . - fore elalmtna aa roar ewa. .... . j rorND Two lady' ambrellaa. eaa for boa. one pair lady a floraa aad one hat. Apply B. J. Kebll., O. W. P. office. , T LOST Batardey. A earn II pold aeeklaea, with . . aold ball peadaat. Reward. . Pkoae Mala , 2800. Betara BTS 83d at. north. , , POUND Punch of keya. - Owner eaa hare aame i by paylna adrertlcuu chaxfra et Journal t ofdee. " . . - . KELP WAjrTBr-MALB. ' I'ader fbai elaaalneaUoa, adrartlatmenta will be InVertrd eae time. "IS eeat for fa worde." A ralnable premium will be iree wltk each d.. Daily ar Sunday. . WEN We reach the barber trade la the abort eat aoaalbla ttma at amall axpoaae aad 1 ruaraatae poaltlona; writ for catalogue. . Moler Byatem collnfe, Baa rrandaoo. . WB.waat 4 epetimced mea for raaataf aaah- - makln machinery. Bee aaaa Sprece- Lamber Beaalde. pr. , ' , , ' ' - WAWTBD Maa to tenreaent Viaa company call ' . 10 to IS a. a., moot 17, Labba bids, tZlhi waaninaroa a. - i .-, . .-., ..-1 wAjrrxiwTo mm. BOOMS Inf -all part ef the city, faalabad. Apply 120 Coodnoeab bias. " ' BXP0BIT10K T ACCOMMODATION B0BBAO. ; ' Cade tUractloa ef the Lewta aad Chut Pak . t. Corpora Uoa. , ; . , ,,, neaa'Mala ' BrltP WABTZS TXM ALB. ' MQNTAVILLA . WANTItn nirl for fcaerat booaework. Apply ".' fill Monteomerr at., betweea a and 11:80 a. m. .'KMPf)WBB wane Ude dealraa ennnimate rf l aoclable dlermamnn. Addreaa K Jit Journal. -. . . . i. i BTrVATIOBd W. afAjrntp- tbJU ikj', Per the benekt ( tboka who deaua poaltlona, ; adTertlaemeoU will be maerted andcr thla 'hradlna ane tin abaolutely tree .of coat. Ad . dltloaal Inaertloaa "Id cant for 21 warda." 'WANTED-By a refined, eompeteat lady, pool . tloa aa auaalnf boaeekeepW; na ebleetlona " to leerlnf city; beet of reiarencaa, . Addreaa It ,. rare Journal. - 'JT ABTP.t By - widow, altaatJoa aa werklac ' honarkeeper; eompeteat; refertneaa. Apply at f atH Third at., room id. , UOon eonb wnta place te work la amall board , Int-heuee.. Mlaa Ltaai Lawrence, 40d riaa ' dera at. Phone front 821. -TANTBO Work la etna 11 family by k raapect I able mlddle-aeed woman, rkaae Wert 8181, 'LAOT with-bey of a vanta aoattleaj with food : -family aear achonl l-hoee Prent 804V WABTKfV Poaltloa aa aowaeheeper for widower , or bacbelor. - Apply U 80, can 'Jnoreal. WABTKIV Chamber and 'dlnlna-enom wark la ; prleate boarding nnaae. - Mam men. WABTID BBAL XSTATX. WAVTKP To buy or rent fnralabed farm, Addreaa O 1 care Journal. ,.-a. , "ii . , ... , i ta ' .WAJfTIDPIBABOIAL. , $)jn wanted no good eeurlty: private party , arafarred. Addreaa K p, car JouraaL, UTV"1 WA1ITKB AL. rr Mm aBtt of tasaa wk ttmn pcaltlo". rtlMBMiiu will Iuru4 endor tau k-lli( am Umm atonlutaLjr tnm ml. Ad altloBal iuaruona "1 onto tor XI word." wit J f NfllNCRB, wltk ftni-elaM UreoM aad (nod 'feraa'a, wt ((Mdy Job; all-around ma a la all ehx-trU liar at plant. Oaear aUldar , braadt. Bnral drlWar, clgr. KXPBRIKNrrKD alderlr (ardaBer' vanla aoal tlua on arirata plaoa; mbt aad wllllna tn do ether work, xaapl koraaa. Addrcaa X 11, eara JdaraaL -. TOI'KO aiaa, wrll ednratad. wltk beat at refer enrea, deelMe poaltloJ anllrltor tor wbolraal feed 'or or (roearr Una. Addraaa K 2, eara ouraaL . . . - WANTKD ltnaUoa br thnroocbly einarlaiieed , kotal BMBjacar; reapooalfcla and aoker; "dtr or eranvji preeatae or aalary; bead If ' raailNd. Addraaa J n, Joaraai. TOnNO aaaa will da any kind ef work for reaaonebM waava.. Addreaa B. W. Murphr, Wloebaatrr koaae, nr. Third aad Baroaldai HANOI maa aad wife, rnlorad,' would anrpt work alUer In dtr or eouotrj. Addreaa T. J. Jobnaoa, b6 riaadar at., or pooaa rroat (21. WAKTKO By yoana maa atrletly temperate, . any kind of work; eiperteare a eleratur and janitor. Addreaa K f. care Journal. MIPDr.B-AGEI Oermaa man. ateady and eroald like lob la raauuraat or hotel kltrhea at waahlna dlahea. Addreaa I 17. Journal. - - -! ncrxoTiujiT unaB ' JOrTM AWDBRnftN aVandlnarlaa-AmeHeaa Km. pwrmentrwnirei raai- aeute; roomlaK koaaaa . and baalaeaa abaapea our aeedalty. -311Q Bora- Ida at. Mala 0S8. - tkCind CAAT BMPT.OTMBNT AGBNCT Benored to UH , North oeoend at. -, rbooe Bad 101. - : BAMSBM'B BhTPtorvlBNT OfflCt aM Je aw50Ol St Phoaa tfaa IBS. AXPINI KMPLOTMKNT BT'RBAD Help far Blahed free. fU 15B rtrat at., or shuoe Mala 1T. . " v ' ' PIOMBBB BafrXOTMBNT OA. laaor eoetrae- toret kelp ma to amployara, - Xlt BBLP wanted aad aapnlled. mala or female. a.uui. naaniBatoa n. tnay aaa. WAWTm,arricrrxt ATBOOB, MMKHINa DOI3IO . i f . - at the . ' KTBTLAK!) ACCT10I BOOMS, m rtrat at. Pboaa Mala OdBeV liaaan they pay the hla-beet price la eaak , for any kiad of raeaelpn,- TfAWTlCP -km aprayrac .and Vbltawaakraai the ealy aaaallna nmmaaaad air apraylaa aotflt oa tka eaaat. M. O. Moraaa Co.. Wit Mllwaakl ct, rboae Bart JS1T. I BUT office fJrtarea - aad faraltara of all klnda. r. Z. Clark e auctloa koaae. oZTV a28 Waahlna-toa at., op a. old xpaaltlew bids. Wl BtULD new ar fix roar old home very rea aeaahle; food city referenrea. Call or write . H. Wahl. New Weetera hotel, m 0 Ilea a. WANTED .Beonad-hand boaaehalit aoeea, toola. anytklng you don't wmaf, htabeet price. i ileal . mm roarvn. rnoao maia owl '4h WANTKD hToraa for hla board! beat efrcare taken; Joet eaoark work , for exerdaa. Phone Front S04B. --v.- r . . . 8HOBT OBDBB PBINTINO H008B Byder A Baeaoll. Heaoad aad Waahhiatoa ata. Pboaa viay WAKTRD Bacead-baad.!- Btedlam-eteed. tob printlnt preaa; ebeap for eaeb. M.. ptimaa . hotel. WABTZXe-AaXXTa. AOBNTS WABTED Article Bella at ' !ht; lar arodta; aeod atama for partlcalara. . Cbartee O. Marshall, 880 Palmer are Oraad Baplda. Mick. 3 Ooon plctnre agewta; arw pranoalrlon; big wooer for right kind of men. Portland Art -- aaudio, aua Taira at., room -a. - LADY aolldtora wanted; plaedld taatoeemebta to right parttea; f to e per day. Addraaa t. 14,. eeareai. . . rox Jxuounxxxxwrjre xoomb. PrBNIHBED honaeteeplaa aad eUurl rooma by the week' or-br month; gaa, bath aad pnene. ari snira at, - 0NB large room, faraaib'd complete for bnoaa keeplngt ennrenlent and central; free, pkone. Calf at t2 Elerenth at. 827 THIRD ST. Large front room, faralahed for light honea keeping; ala alecplog rooma; reat reaaoaabl. S8 SIXTH ST. Well faralebed booeekeeplng apartmeata; agni rroat rooma; largo ri'RNlgRED honat keeping aad tingle noma; bath and pboaa; good location. 300 Sereath. CUPTON. aMVj Ptrat at., ear. Co lam Ma Bui tea 82-15 par weak aad aa. .tv . t -. X0OXX An BOAXS. TOUNO aaen. If yon .want to board aad room In. a parawaeet and lirat-claaa kouac, where . - retre are exceedingly low, aad win remain toe aame next Bummer aa they are how. call .at the Aater Rouae, SSI Bereath at-. -eorncr ef Madlaon. Tel. Maja B281. TUB LIN DELL New family hotel. Market at., bet. Third and Ponrtk; ateam beat, electric light, nnreelala bathe ; elegant oatatde rooma wita nrat-eiaaa Boar a; twe peepia, a-to-IoO-8SS mootk. - .' . ROOM aad board la private family for elderly lady or twe yonnt bullae; rafee raeaoaabl. ' Addreae P. O. Box 8. Mount Tabor. POX attxr rrXansxxa xoomb.- . Cader tbla elaaelncatloa aaVcrtlacmeata will ta Ineerted. one time "1.1 eeat for 21 worde.' A valuable- premium will be glrea with eaeb ad.. Daily er-Bandar. TUB 0ABLAND -djSf Waaklngtoa at., - betweea lerh aad SOtb sta. A permanent aew aed modern apartment bouae. Parnlened rooma slngl aad ea aalte. Parnace, electric llghm, pboa. large bay . wtndowa la each room.- Ratee aomiaaL ". UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Hotel Rlehlllea Kui nana plan; elegant; farnlebed moma, alngl and eevaulte; ateam beat, bath. M nfe . and bar ia ebnnectloa; a alee, eaiet. . bomaUke place; traaaieate aollctred. i. at. BUetNB. rrop. NICRLT faralahed front bedroom In modern . cottage! every convenience; teraat reeaonahle: Wd If deal red; other - room. J38 Nertb Berenteeath. THB DRXTBB, 124 Twelfth, corner Waablng ton. entirely newly rnralahed nnar ef THB riiTii annr;a. 'Bow reeay xor eecupaacy. ri BLEOANT aalalde enema, ateam beet, poreelala batha, drat-claaa board; twe people $40, ku, tno month. Linda", kotol, Market, bet. Third aad roarth. - TWO camfertabl fnrnlebed rooma, epnnatte . plana park; free pboaa aad electric lighta; board can be gottea claac by. Call at 224 Third it, - .j MABQOAM BorSB. 1481 Sixth at, Boon ea ulte er Maglet koaai haaplnw tnrea, batt aad electric ttshtai aol tatted. tra aatea ta NK'BLT farnlabed room for eae or two, wltk , ee without kltcbee; with private faaally; went aide, walklag dhttaaee. 481 Market at.' THB BARLB, - niH Tmin, roB. tatir. PCBMI8HEI BOOM. TBAMaiBNT. POB BENT Elegant front rnnm: prlvani fam ily; rent reaaoaable; geatlamea ealy. 2TV poarteeanb at. - - e POR BENT Elegant rreeit rnemt prreate fam ily; rem reeeouaBie; amiicaera only. 270 roerteeath -et. , "7 CAMrYIBNIA Ix1einrai brick aMe.i for tranetanta 8M and Bp. t (North Third. CUBA PEST aad beat hMOted rawme la Partiaad. $1 week ea. Oilman, piiat and Alder eta. POR RENT 1 comfortable fnralabed man, Enquire at 41 North ftrtk at., ear. Our. THJ 0RANP. anuj North 'Third at. t y9tv bdg.: geeitleiaea eely.- $!. per week. RPTWLT ferulabed'. anlet. tr anal cat i fourth at. fkaat Red 8888, 184 FOB, BBa-T-LATa. MonBBN.cjur.iioai i flat, yard aad baaeoaent. ia. eve aoaaey eee.. eoi 8-BOOM faralahed flat for llxkt boaeekeeptnA, gia per mootn. an Boat are.. Borta rom xm-omoi Botubv orncB BOOM. Inquire elmur atora 840 rtrat at. POB BZJTT TAXXB. POB RKHT- acrea rich aardea, land, e-raam bnuM, bare aad outhulldlDKa, oa car line. 10 per aioalk. Addreaa J. ' L. Pattereoa, Gondnouah bids. Pbotio I'nion 4084. POB ITl i. faBMB kotVACRB farm, beach land; 40 aerea la ealtl- ealtoa, Da la no aaallj claarea; H aniaa aa railroad -and level county road tn depot. t an I lea. Tfcla lead eanaot be et re I led for aro ' durttoa: aood orchard aad email frulta; aood. i larce a-raoai koaae aad wood koaae aad all iwreaeary bulldlnga:a lante bar at pleea well fenced ki Itarti well wataewd; will be aold a rear terna; $3,000; caaaot be eaeaued for aotatoaa. fralt or (rain. . . W. W ' KSPRBT ' . Sooaa t, Hamilton balldlnc. Third. batwaaa I i . ,. t Waahlna-toa and Alder, - j il !- BtHOBN A a HELTON, Coadon. Orcerna, Bare ' lanta 'and amall wheat raarbaa for i aale. Information cunrraiiy ien; ci apoodence aollatted! . baraaiaaalgav laraai e, A. BDcitoa, eoanty iniair. , 183 ACRES near Macfcabart. Clackamaa cawaty; . 8d acrea cultivated and In (rain; new notuM and fair ootbulldlnaa. 83,000. , i Dtauek Dlmlck. Orctoa City. Or. 1M .. . i . i 'Hi III 1 ' vox xxxxweovaxa. - AMNOUNCBMItNT BXTRAOBDINABTI - " PO-rnom bouae." oppoatu mala entrance to erpoetttoo; facllltlaa to atlllae apace for PO -beda more;, electric Uckta, batha. etc. I ronma well ppt tocetber; la eeejoacttoa a laraej dlalos room aa lower aoor eaa be obtained: we hare the larfeet .Hat of ontenanted .1 dwclUna boaaea In the city. Came aad aa. . . . H. B. KOWAJUMV - .-. . w:-. -,' . 1S6-1M rirrt at,.. ..,-'.'. ' ri'ltVITOUB of a-room hone tn vary 'beat location, weet (tde, new aad finely ornlabed, pnreelala balk, .not and cold water. - S'a. electric llrbt and furnace, rooma Mrs aad well arranged, large attic, back yard and poreb. worth f epllt wood Included; 'owner romnelled ta anil; 8B78 if taken lm mediately; $9uo eaab aad balaaee ttma. Pboaa ' Mala 884i. . j! 0NB booae. 834 fnioa ere., and one at 87 Beat lath north; both new. Addreaa or aa M, H. Carter, Pealaeular atatloai dty. -' . -: 830 NBW T-room koaae. with modern laepreTe . awBta, oa Lower Albino ear Una, aeax rail . road abope. d38 Mlaataalppl are. i FOB tAT.t BTiTi XaTfATS. . , v Under thla elaaalOcatlna adTertlaraMnta will be Ineerted owe time "16 ceata for 31 warea." A valuable premium will be glrea with each ad.. Dally a Hunday. , WHT PAT HIGH BBTTTt . v , t Hew a-room' cottage, and choice - bit, one block from atreet car and 94 mlaatea' walk . from heart pf city. 8360. Term. 0BE0QM AMOCIATBO XXCHAR0K. . .- 888 J, Waablnftoa at, . ( t-BOOM cottare: bath and toilet. 87150. 4-room cotuge; X2A0 down. (IS per. 6-room cottage; 8200 down, $18 per. , a-room boaae. $1,100; $5oo down. $18 per. " a-room, modem cottage; an complete; bath, toilet, full beeament, wood doer plantar, bet and cold water, Urge lot and abada treeat 81,100; 0 per cent off for H eaab. Bee owner, 'Joe Kaeb, In the white booae at NaehTllia ', a tat Ion, oa the Moant Scott ear line. POB BALK New booae and BH acre, $1,000; eery seat term. B acre. 833S. 10- acraa. . 8600. See agent; .8rat booae aotitk 'Oatea' lag. Take Xatacada ear, o. w. r. uoa. CHOICE fractional lot In Stepkeaa et., bet. .Eleventh and T.enta. $3oo; will dqim I to pqrvbaeer, ea tnatallmeata It aired. W. U Morgan. 873 McKay blag. A GOOD nnkioBV bolldlng la the tenter of beet mining town ln Oregon far aale or exchange ' lor Portland property enienoia epput taaity tor aalooa man. Call 10TM Third t- 1 rOR' SAXB 1 acrea oret-elana timber ta Padflc eoanty, - - mlK from tide water, Addreaa X. Job neon, J2d8 frank U a are.. aatorta. . . . v . rOR SALE S am. 8828: boaae end S -aerea. 8AB0; eaay term; e agent, flrat bouae apath , Gate tiuaalug ea O,. W. -P. electric Una, 10c Tare. - . GOOD Invaetment. corner 1st and koaeal wrll . located on car line, rented for $2o per mouth. Price $2,600. Apply Job a Beta. 234 Stark at. $3,oon BPT8 three 8-mnm bovteaa, furniture, . land and water eletern; rented now for $8T per moatk. J. Landtgaa. 184 Rberman at. A BARGAIN 3 corner and 8 Inalde Iota. Lower Alblnai very sightly; afreet, aewer and tde- walke. can owner, raoae main Xill. 8P00 6-ROOM cottare. baaement. B"-foot lot. ' aear Baet Ankenr car barna. Inqolre ef owner. 14 Bart Slat at., aoata ef Ankeay. 8-ROOM. modern fcnaae,. very Sne lot 80x180, . verv choice location, clear hi. east aide, $3,000. - Samuel Weldon. 14&H Third at. . LOTS to lease at the ee trance, to Lean and Clark fair ground. R. W, Travar,- real estate broker, Ta waemngtoa at. POR aale or trade for etty m unci H . 120 land, with boaae and barn; fruit traeai $800. J. P. Buford, Xetao. Wash. NEW -room bona aad 10fnt1Onfeot bit, BTO Prescott st. I tbla la a beaatual aoata. Take Wood la wa er Veroee car. - Ktv tena boaae. larae bath. raa. lot Mr 12. aa car Ilea. Beet Glleaa St. $3,160. POR SALE Six-room cottage, full tot, twe .ki.w Imm tf mc kl.aOOi- mmrt Md. - 1m- -oftlre $18 Maaoa at. POR SALB 20 aerea. S mike from Vancouver; no fruit trace, new booae. 827 Beeelawa - v. HO t. barn, fruit til a, awod abstract, $000; walking dletaaee. I 18, Joomai. 8-ROOM bnnee, S arte 100x100; price $1,80. Inoalre BST But Sixth at., aorta. . POR SALB Grocery store, st fm Caloa eve., north ; good location. Call around. POR SAXX-aTJSClXLAJtXOTTS. Under thai elaeelOcattou advartlacmenta -will be Ineerted one time "16 raota for SI wore,' A valuable premiam wiu ee givea wita eeca ad., Dally or Sunday. - - ONE la rye, mamlflrrnt decorated etalned glaaa window, suitable eitnee tor ruurca er pnvnte reeldeuce; aleo mantle .of hand-carved, pot labed oak, with futures aad tile for aame; wall eaar of verVwa alaee, gaa fixture with Bay number of bnrnera. - Call at P.. X. Clark 'a auction bouae. 27H-a2 Waahlngtoa eC, ea poalte the eld expnalttea balldlag. MIKT aell barber' chair la good condition-, oiw, bath cabinet. In ftnrt claea order : almoat fT new Immeetlc aewtng machine, cheep, for caen; aleo s-nay cmcg wita repeater gang. Call at 368, Alder at., or phone Front . BILMARD AND POOL tablee far reat et tar eale en eaav evnent. THB BBUN$WirK-BALKB C0LLRNDXR 00, . et Third at.. Portland. POOL TABLE. POR SALB Braaawtck-Balke with - etaod. coantera, etc. Apply 88 Prat rt. aad SECOND-HAND band mnelc. I edrture macblne. Alma aotig aiidca. Jew loarnv aidg... geennd and Taylor. Call ansa ar evening. Mala 8780. WB print your nam oa SO calling card. jiup.. aiae ana eirir. -. t-erqa, it. Browa At Schmale. S2 Plrat. Portland. Or. POR SALE Block ef. Artackahle Ball Bearing nil twmpanr ernru, neon, atuwiau avag aaa, Vaaeouver. Wash, . 1n rORPS See ar wood wa bank rlvee' at rioinraon luv mw w, u .-n. aaurriaoal ua. BahHoe. POR SALB Grain elevator. capacity 48,008 , Walla, Or. ft OOP geaeral family row- giving milk. Cktl at aenn or evening at aaa aast Market av. , PRMtH milch gnaia and kid the aale for bib lea, M and etch people. An -floMemltk at. POB SALE flood aecmad-band ladle' wheal. HO 804 Berth Tweagr-foarU (4. . ; CXABCM. ROOkUNU HOI'PB UBADQUARTBRB. TArr ca I2S-8 Ablxajtoa Rluca. . Phone Mala 158, "We 'make a BPBC1ALTT OP ROOMtNO BOCaBA, aad bare maar of tke MOST IaV BIRABLS lArCATIONS that are (or Bale, Hood nrattoea ar going faat. Note ear partial Hat below ef both large aad amall aaaa. If tkeae dea'd Mit .you. aall ia. tt BOOMS Moat elegantly faraUked apartmeat . .., pouee ia ta ell; bow clearing jumui jj0 per month; mat only $12b; ' . Caa be bad now tor 84.100. . U BOOVH-Ncw. moeern building, aewly for rlabed. ewell location, every room taken; rent only $8V 8 paara leaae. A plck- - p for $8,8U0. jV, Id ROOMS Good location, well formabed. cheap reat, leaae. Thai la Barely a V , goad bay at $1.800. , .. . . . U R0OW8 Tery finely fnrnlaaed; a well lo ,, ratloa very reaaoaable) guod iDcome. - . Thla U xclnalva. per parUculam call. WR RAH MAC! TERMS BN ART OP THB ABOVE. , ALL TTTLEB flrARAWTBRP. R0TRBS PROTRTTEO AS WELL AS SELLERS, - WB WANT IS ALSO 30 TO 40, TO ll-RO0ht , BOOBESl TAPT A) CO. J23-S-S AMaatoa Black. , 10H Third St. BT. WriS BBOKFRA0B f0, i ' : ROOM 803. 84 SIXTH ST. . - PAIR OROfNP OPPORTTTNITT. ' ' Per Leaae Space for booth. Some ehnjaat . eppartaalUea. . Par Sale Reataarant, aear entrance to fair; ; leaae Bald op to Jan. 1: at a great bargain. - . , St Iaula Brokerage Cn,. . vr. . : Boom j3 Jlath U . Par Bale R fee want a enap take thla jnom- Ing-boeaa. 8 rooma, well farnlebed. dowa tnwa location; fail ef good paying iwaan; $800 take It. at. imu ifroaeraae i .X X: -'" Koom 803,84 Blxtb at. .' ' , HOTEL MRN. HERB TOO ARB. i tot. Bale 60-rnom hotel, withle 4 block! f , depot) plendidly located foe tranalent trade; . newly fnralabed, large apacloea dining-room. Tbla I a grand opportunity at a living price. , St. liOula Brokerage Co., C - ; 808. 84 Sixth t.v Pot Sale Reemlag-koeae, 38 rooma, nicely far . Blahed, fall of good roomara; cheap reat,. good : leaae. , Aa exceptional bargala. . St, Loaui Brokerage. Co., "7 A .-. r . Hoom 803, 84 Sixth at. '. If yoa want to bay a baslaeaa et any bind call : and ace aa, , W bare many See bargain. ., i, - . St. lioul Brokerage Co., Rata a outa at. ' :, Pibrata. s: - , i Expoaltlna . r f 1 Coareaaloae. POR SALE..- Bl Batate , ... lOf all klnda. - ' ' : . . I Rooming Hoaaea. ,. '; i 1 !" y vBualneea Chaacee. . ; Anterlcaa Brokerage Co., ST Waahlngtoa bldg.. 4tk aad Waablagtoa. , B EST A nl A NT 1a vary beartai dty? big mooey--. maker; moat aeU. . $380. , . . . Many ekegenBln bargata.' OREGON ASSOCIATED EXCHANflR. - i8 Waahlngtoa t. t-.t, BrSINBBS CHANCER. 3.000 PABTT with- thla amount to Jera me with my 88.000 la my eoejeeeelon at the i expoatttoa graunda; I will give yoa boaae real - eetate aa collateral and y. latereet la tke . profit. Addraaa H. 14. JonraaL PREB LANDS IN ORBOON. , -Perttle otl. pure water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, apple aad clover. . Per fun - Indermaaoo ddree -the Celumkla Son there Irrtgatloa Co.. BS9 Worcetter bkack. Portland. $200 PIRST-CLASS cleaning aad dyeing eetab llabmeat; Sne boalneaa location; etore aad S rooma: rent 820; lea S year; owner In other heal eosa raaaoa xor aeiuag. - uui i a wia. WANTRD Partner with gljor for half lnter- eat In general atore and mining ea Colvllle . leaervatloa; Beat or reiareuoae.. sea jo, ' Meteor, P, 0.,' Washing ton. WANTBP Maa. ,teady and eober, with a few hnndred dollar to Invert la the hue! uses ef manufacturer la a line ef furniture. . Ad . areas H 80,. care JonraaL TTT! If IDinnN REAL ESTATE COMPANY ha Improved firm, city and ruber boo prop erty, and longing anaie; anytning yea went. Sua aiaoiBoa n, rrovv joi. FOR- SALB rirat-rlaa restaurant: good lore' tlon; doea la re eat bnslneaa la city. For fur tber particular addreaa Bex 84, Salem, Or. WANTBP Namee ef iwiauna ' who want real SSTaxe awsinees; f can neip yoa ncceeeT. R. W. Tracer. 288 Waahlagtaav at. BARBERS On account of dteabtllty my shop Is for sale ebeap. Inquire C P, BUTton, Lent, or. FIRST-CLAB aatooa, doing good hu aloe as: see fnr youreelf; beat keatlon la dty. Call 47 North sixta at, - GOOD baatneaa maa with capital to Invest In blc paying la minuet; a koaaa. Alexajider, 1M Mornaoa at. WANTED Sober an $160 eaab for legitimate beat a -j xar Joaraai. ' TEAM and wee-oa: aood bualseea; makes to $18 day) will sell eeparaU. I 18, Joarn POR SALB CHEAP flood paving restaurant, with leaae. - Inquire St First et. HOURS FOR RXaTT FPRB1TUXR POR RAX COOP futalfe of nlae-room boaae ' far aale cbeapt rest fm. II taken Before tke . 10th of Mare, aoareaa T norta niatn at. POB SALE MORSES AND CARRIAGES. A SURRRX carrlege ef the beat ateke, aa good new, eaa se boognt tor a thira er what It coata aew. Joka rVboger. 1R1 Seven toeath. POR RXBT BUBOII T.ABXOTJR. POR RRNT A large aamptaoae ar hR. top Sear. Apply elevator maa. teaMaoegk bang. PERSONAL. AN TON R knowing the wlmraaboate of my 18- y ear -old eon, Kd. u Leary, who recently tan away, will confer a favor to hi father aad mother. Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Learr, of Sara week.. Weak., by Bay larormatiea caa corning hla. - THB baet eeldent policy, tke "Anniversary Legacy,"- written- only ay the Preferred Ac eldest Insane iii a Compaay of New Tort. Thomaa P. Thorn Com. general agent, SIT Chamber ef Commerce. Pboa Mala 784. r WANT tka eeeualntaara ef a middle-aged , mdy about 48 to 80 pears, with (boat $1.8(10 to bxcbjo, aaoeey ta atart a eosineas sad bare a good home after euarrlaga. laqulre D 17, MANLY, rigor netored by Dr. Roberta Narva ' eiobuiee, oae saoora e treetraeut, gs, . g Bjouttas, ) aeot eeasrahr eealed by man, AgsBta, weooaro, uiaraa a uo., rertuad. Or. THB "Mltrlmoelal Register," prfc lor, de scribe uvanr reaidenta ox Oregon who aeek emagental 1 1 rev enmpankma, lateretate latro daetng Society , Boa 1078. Portland. BASTMBN gentlesaaa. 8d atrsagar. good look- log una nesKBV. vrouia lias 10 meet BOBItBy, good loefclag lady: object autrlmoay. Ad dreae I. 1, JeurnaL .,. . WANTRP Baalneaa genttema 84, good ap pearance, wouhi use uv vnevi ranv witn Borne capital; oeleet, partaer. Addreaa H is. ear Jooraal, THB BOOK OP NATTRk.' "Boeg f Ufa. "Mabel OraV." Story of Slave. "Nana; eatalegeae free. A. Achate le, $28 Pint at. WANTRP Oeetlema from the eaat, employed. vrouia use i anrei aiivi isote. piata may; Meet. frWadaklp. Lock Por t!), dty. RPTAURANT aad coffee keoea opea day aad aimt. ave rirui at. a. ureeuriarg. pv fa alak labor, help, day er -week. free. TOUB pteatilnrVnaa er anwe sn si slaty sad issassbiy ailea t araeers rkarmarr. 327 giuttoea t.. bet. Fbai end Bunad eta. PBTTY reaintry girl, ben net te, age ee, baa e'" win inner i r mnca more, wianea to marry. Cama. 1243 Wsbssb. rklrage. -THBBB YEARS IN-ARKANPAW" beam sH W AloW eT . f. BICTCLX BXAXXXS. COLfTMBIAj TBIBUNR AND CR1WCBNT. SPORT1NQ OOODS. BXPEBT BKPAIR1N0. I. P. P. KCKNAN, 2U8 TH1HD ST. -. ; BETWEEN TAILOR AtiD SALMON. BARD UfSTXirMEXTS. ci fe CHAR R. YORK A Ca, I04Vi Plrat Repairers, plater; York A Son and DeOur Instrument. AXPKALT PATIBO. THB Trinidad Aapkalt Paving Co, ef Portland, , OfSce 85ft W or eae tee blh. CX0CXXXT AJTO SIJLSSWAXX. WHOLE8ALB crockery and glaaa ware. . PraeL Begele A Oa.. loo to 108 Ftftk. ear. Stark st. BIRDS. bird are th very beat; they are a A good alugrra; the price la reaaoeabla. Mr a. S. M. Prlta, SO Oraad ave. BLABX BOOK MAJnTTACTTTXEXS. HOWB. DAVIS A XlLHAM, 108-111 Second at. Blank book manufacturer; agent for Joan Improved looee Leaf ledger; paper-ruling, bookbinding. COAX AXD WOOD. GREAT WENTXRN COAL CO.. 441 'Boyt! ear. Eleventh Producers and mlaera ef waabed lump aad aat eootleea boa eoala; tamp 88, , aut $S. dellvarad wlthla I - mil ef yardat aatlsfactloa gaaraatoad. Pkoae Mala 848. WESTERN PEED A POEImCO., cor. Proat aad , Hoyt street, dealer la doaiestla and steam coal, blarkamlth - eoaL , cbareoal and auk. PhoBO Mala 1018. - STAR. COAL CO Dealer la foreign, and do . aaeatle coakt; we have the- beat Wytmlng eoaL Of flee 333 SUrk. Phone Mala 1818. ALBINA PCBL CO. Dealer la cordwood. eaal aad grate, aad dry alahwood. B,; R. and Al blna ave., 3 blocks eaat of ferry. Raat 674. RUPERT PURL CO. The beet -dry wood la town. Don't target to Phono Eaat 1403. 2&6 Bart EUhtk at., cor. Madlaoa. C. B. TEUN, flrxt-rleea wood and eoalt- efnc 88 Atblaa ava, sees ferry. Dry ale b wood. STEEL BRIDGR PURL CO.. -dealer la coal, cord wood aad dry elab wood. Pboaa Eaat 484. COLUMBIA Wood aad Hawtharae. A Coal Yard. Eaat Pboaa Beat 2087. Eighth OREGON PURL CO. i all kind of aval aad 844 Morrlaoo. Phone Mala 88. KIRK HOOTOR. 818 Wtter at, wood aad eaal. Phone Mala dAwS. CA4PXXTZXS ARTS B0TXDIX8. A. 7. AUTHORS aad R. R. WOOD, carpenter and- builders repairing and Jobbing; etoea nd OfSce Sutures bellt. Baog 3uS Colambla. Phone Clay 1861. - BOPP A TYSBNtf building and remodeling; atore Sitaraa a speeUlty.' SB2 Plrat at, pboa CUy 834,..' , . . OATXS. BRICKSON'S RESTAURANT Merebant'a lunch 11 a. m. to 12 p. m. ; ander new auaagemeat. O. B. XTANS. proa. Roeead aad Bumalda. THB OPPICR 3U Waahlngto at. Phone Mala - T7L Pickett A Igaeeax. , oh: TAdf XT BWKJEP. , - LOOK OUT rOR FIRE! t PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEP, D. D. WOOD. Bea. pboaa Scott SSM. Leave orders st Avery A Co. hardware atore, 88 Third at., phone Mala 1172 - CIOAKS AXD TOBACCO. KSBER0-GUN8T CIGAR CO. - Diatribe tor ef PIMR aOARa Portland. CLAIRYOTAXT ABO PAXhtlST. MADAMB - JOHNSTON Clalreevant,- palmist. card reader; I give facta reliable aad Im portant on all affair of reel life. Reading ' bov, - aj neveata ex.. aear ueg. '. OEMXXT C0XTRACT0XB. CHAS. B. CARTER CO., formerly Oarter A Rll; cement contractor. 674 Tar cart. Pkoae Bart J87. AU work guaranteed. - CAXXIASX AXD BACK COKPAJflXS. THE UNITED CARRIAGE CO. Cardagee. tally-ho rlga end carry-alla. 18 Eleveoth at., cor. Mornaoa. Phone Mala 222. '- OOMMISSIOat hTXRtTHAXTR. BVEBDING A PABBEIjL. produce aad ion mereaBBta. i great au, roruaaa. or. ataia lia. DXZSSaTAXZBS. MRS. McKIBBBN. artlatle ttreas amklng. 861 Morrlaoo aC aad cloak- UP-TO-DATE dreeamaklng; satlsfaetlon guar a Bleed. 686 Kearney at. DREItSMAKJNO Strictly ap dedgaa.- 4SS Clay at. to data; Mtaat STxrxa axd clxaxtxb. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANIN0 A DTEIN0 Werka; practical batter la eoaarctlev; fcatbar boaa aed plume cleaned aad curled bv aa ax part. All Fourth. Pboaa Clay 704, CLOTHES cleaned and priest a $1 per aaoeth. Unique Tailoring Co.. S4T Washington at. W. TURNER profeaelonal dyer and dsn Bar. 60S Jefferson St. Peons Main 8518, DOG AJTO H0RSR HOSPTtAL. PR. a S. BROWN. D. V. S . P. C M Dos noep:tl. sos Win, none Clay 1674 B. Bast 3raS, DR. 8. J. CARNEY. D. V. R. vrterlnarv ear. geoa, resaseed to Zsa aiiapa at bet. reartk and Fifth ate. .FOREST RESIXTX SCRIP, FOREST BE8EBVB SCRIP FOB SALE A, areved, anrsstrlcted, ready for Immediate eeei hweet prices. B. F A F. R. Bllsy, 80S Ohambaa af Cemmarce. PttXXITUXX FACTORIES. OREOON farultsro Mamfactadng Company . MaaufadBrers ef faraltara for the trade. Portia ad. Or. FURNITURE maoafactudng aad apedal oraer. a naveasay- rarnitare rsetory. 90 rreol ex. 1XXCTXICAX WORKS. PACiriO . ELECTRI0 CO. Enrloeera, con- tractora, - repairer, - electric wiring end ann Piles 850. ua llrat, cor. Stark, fkoa Mala Rr H.'-Tate, mgr. . . P0RTHWRST ELECTRICAL BNG1NEBRINO Cosapany. SOP Stark at., Portlaad. u. K. for everything' ta the electrical haw. Phone Msla I1. FIXAXCTAX. ANDREW L CHEEFM, . ! 27 Waahlngtoa Uldg.. Portland. ea General la Boelaeea. flfiaBelal agent for l aloa Central Life Inanraacu, t'om- reny. Cincinnati. Ohio, for Oregon. Loane oa proved rarest Throughout state. InVeeta Piivete Moaey Saeir. Tea Yeara' Aetlva Rxparlaaeue Pbeee Mala laWO. . -a- - Mala laao.. CHANC'K for Idle Blooey Income hearing prop erty paying nee s per cent on a2.ieai can be bad for t-li o!. Lech box Vi city. 4 , . Pu-XXACXS. BOYNTON warm-air furnncea ear fusL J. C Bayer rarnaee vompaay , 2ot BecoaS at. Mala 441. 8X0CXXB. ' WAPHAMS A CO., wbolaeale wbolaeale -gietaia, aaaaa. lesion aaar ca ante, fourth metarara aad aed Oak ata. ALLBN A LEWIS, twmmleetoa ed produce atee. eeeaae. rroat aad Da via sta., rortUad. Or. R-tJMAX BLAIB ROLLS. J. J. BORO, maafr. ksatee hair rolls. 498 B. sua, raeae seat xxil. stare. Boa Morrlaen t. HOTEL Paadlatoa. l-eadietoa. Or. P. W. Walla, Mgr.-- ,.- I- HOTEL Portland. Amararaa pua; $8, 88 per dap. HOTEL St. George, Pendleton; leading hoeal RBLTRDEBE; Buropaaa plaa; 4tb aad Alder ate. i. yswrrcxxs for saxr. SWITCHES made, combing bourbt or 'made to order. 84 K. Twelfth at. - Phone Raat 171, MOXXT TO MAS. ! - THB STAB LOAN. CO. Aay salaried employ, wags as rear. an gat ea ata.aote. wiiaout aaortgage , Moatk. H Month. Week. mouTU. ea pnoeto. weaa. to na 81888 er 84.48 et 88 88 to ee 8 4. 08 or 83.88 er 81.88 to us I 4.08 or It. 00 se 11.00 gw napey 00-Renay .00 Rcnar i lit McKay bldg. 1.1 V E nee cent mener: . we build yoa .'or ban you moner cn your prerty. monthly 1 bar mental Investigate: apen Saturday evea- Inge. Room 14-17 Lebbe bldg., 2AT Waah Ingtoa at. , MONBY TO LOAN m reat persosal aad col lateral aerarlty; pectal attention to chattel mortgagee: Botes hoaght, C W. PalUL 804-4 rentoa bldg., 84 Sixth et, - Htom,Y reapectabl place where Mdlea and geala caa borrow moaey oa dlamonda and : leweiry. Collateeal Lean Beak, 309 W ' Ingtoa st. Pkoae' Black Tl. . SEE the Dune-Lawrence Co., real eetate and . Snaneta agenta; money to loaa ea mortgage . aeciirltlea .it low rate In tame from $3U0 n tlO.000. leSV, firet eg. .... MONET ADVANCED aalarted people, ta . etc.. wlrhoat scurltyt ess; parmeu - eat bnatneae In 40 principal dtls., 228 Ablngtoa bldg. - , taeBaataru. ta; larg- TalBMa, tniTri. loans in lammx ranging rrsm aae to $8 000; roontlag-hnaaae pecialty, r New mum ue iraii . m M- mmem' MONEY TO LOAN la large or amall amount an good aacurlty) lewaat- rataa. wuuam w. Berk. SOT Falling b'dg. - LOANS at lowest ratee any eecurltv uotea mtr SuulTfanv. Iaa uWasV i gaatara ayoaa efSee. 448 8 bar leek bldg. MONEY TO LOAW on Improved dty proneTty, In sums to salt Parrlak. Wttklaa A Co.. 1.10 Alder at i THB .CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Selary . loan. .from three to lz moatk; eeeSdeatlal. ill oregoalaa. - - - . M0NTY TO LOAN au neck a aaaa eeamtr tanda. B. F. aad P.. B RlUy. SUA -Cbamber ef Cee, PORTLAND SEAL ESTATB I-OANS, 6 AND 8 per -cent.' .Wm. Denbolm. BS rauiag aiag. MONEY to loan. S per cent. 210-211 Commercial block. Northrup A Xing, TO LOAN 8100 to $2,600 by Cbarlea HlrataL 88H Third at., room S. M0NBT to loan 10. 000 at S pat eaat en etty propariy. ara ntara at. MONET TO LOAN Apply to Robert A. Miller 80S Commercial block. XX 8URAX0X, ' UAA0 L WHITX, ; bldg. ., $00 Dakam JA8. 3fcl. WOOD, employera' Uahillty aad la- dividual aceioenr aurety Boa oa es au ataoa. rnoae 4T. ma attnay aiag. H. P. BARTELS CQMPAMT Fire lnaaarance. . es anerioca aiag. uregon raoae uay aaa. PIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A Com 331 nqeriocs aiflc, raoae maia jane. BIT I I 11 I i 1 I , , I I " ' ' I "KCAX, SELF -PLATING rIANOS Ceclllaa aalf-eUy' Ing piano pronounced th best by leadlsg musiciaaa; io t-'eciiiaa piano ptayara, xu u. Wllla Muale Houae, 880 Aider at. SECOND-HAND marlnl - InatTumeota ef all klBda at lowest prlcee, eaak er lBataDmanm. Plaber Made Co, 1B0 Third t. MB. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, bant. Iln. guitar Inatroctlos. Mala 3088. ITS W. Park WANTBP A ' Abaarlcea Baaatr Par- lora, new Alder, scalp and face maaaage, FRENCH ladle give path and nmassg treat- . mm. eoa 1 . w - a u.i. laoa v . KAOXXTI0 XXALTXO. -J aoiBi mm m cnuuiai . .1 k i Naahrllle. Meant Scott eae line, cares ali bad taablta. Pkena Union X68L PaatofSce laiata. Or. - MRS. L. A. BABT auceenfalty treat all dto ' eaaeei - method taught. 'New Tueaght" raedlng-eones. Ill Toarap Ikldg. , Mala ulTS, 0VZXAXLS. BOSS OP THB' BOAD OYER ALLS and aerrbaa Ica' emtklng; tieloa Beads. Meaatadtar Brea, maBnracturara. roniaBa. tar. PIAX0 TUXTKO. GEOHOB ANDERSON Expert plane tuner. aid repairing. nesaqaartera rianag muaae uo. Phone Bed B3. ' PXX8S ITIJpwrjffJS. MA KB M0NBT I CStT PBBSS CLIPPIafOSI bl.a Me B 1 , , A - - - covering every town ta Bay ar all eaaai etate; dally w aaa an gee serrloe; sd vases re- norts a all Partiaad efAet log Second St. PLATIXu. R ASTERN; PLATING C0 ailvar, eopper, nickel ' Jewelry work specialty. 348M Alder Oojd. aad kraaa patting. Phone Mala Seed, THB OBBGOM PLATING WOBKS. 481 Waea- . Ingtoa at. Pbeae S6TS, PeUablag. puttag ana laequeriBg. r" i 1 1 i ill PLUMRXX. KK rev I DECK A WATKINDSV Plumblag and gaa arong, sot intra atreet. rhoae avaia aiun. DONNERBERG -A - RADEMACHEB, aaattary plumbers a roarta sr. rota POX A CO., sanitary plantber. 2X1 BC"nd bet. Main and Salmon. Or rue Pkoae Mala tool. PRixnxa. BU8H0NG A CO. Front and Stark sta.. arte, lag. Htboarsnblng. bleak hooka sad a face supplies; work done on tlm; most complete printing fnce I the wwt. Mala ISA ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, prtntlee. ntnogranbing, euak hooka, raooa aula IT. SOS Alder at. PAIXTS, OS AXD SLABS. P. B. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Oo eeinag tb beat things made In palnta aad general kalldlne material: wlndow-lam and gladag " a epedalty. 188 First at. Phone Mala 1334. RASMUSSEN A CO. eaab aad doaru. u, paints, au. glaaa, aaa Taylor. i RtTRRKS, 8TAJCPS. w n eeaB uvcoara , aaa, . i. MelnX10: rubber etampB, eale, ateaclla, bag gage, trade check: aend for aatalogue, "koorrxA. TIN ROOriNO, gnttedng. repsldrg aad loewiBg. s. -oan. sin aeite R0PX. PORTLANP CORPAOB CO. Corner Peartoeetb ssd Noethrap sta., Portia ad. Of. hrnpw SHOWCASES AXD FIXTURXB. SHOWCASES of every deeerlptlou; baak, bar aad atore axtarea made to arear. Tea Mtke Manufacturing Co.. Portlsud. BATXS. 8-INCH thick walla, art fireproof; repair gen era 117) excoanged aaree. oargaina la laeas; Canton steel eel Hag: Ptebold wark, 1ochu., g aHa; Investigate. J. H. Davta, SS leird M. 1 .1 , 1 aa-TT7 i' i Ja siov pArjrrnit. J. P. S1RN0IEREU SIGN p ..- II JW Wahlnnn, . L , a aA rRPNS L- j 1 i. YERUNN. II" tiat. taone bd k r - SAraa. ptaaaa a-4 I- ready tor chlpag a . guaraateed; bue. warnoe e rr a ,,- . M. - HtkMbtl. I O. PICK, afuce 8$ F at., b Ind Oak sto.;boad 8W; ptseee a. end vwt enu secssaj rar skeaiejl sta, .- f" ' a ' sb am v axt miemv-ui gra twvu; it vr wt-rr vt. ttviwimtii rvsnpfxay. TTATRXR. I HAVB rhde pr'f timber Med te snathe A uregon roe sale raeae. a a, oearaai.. FOR HOMESTEAD!, timber rlalaai tad act J apply to wm i-ommerciai aetca. TXAXgFXR aVXP lUBTJS), OREOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 Mnetb SI'-. Pkoae Mala 89. Heavy healing aad aauraaa. POST SPECIAL DBLIVRBT. Na, 800 n Wa Ingtoa at- Phone Mala Sua, T0WXX StrppiT. CLEAN TOWSLS DAILY Tomb, branb. $1 per month. Ltwrenea Bros.' Towel SuptKa - to, roajriB ana vonce, rnene - ' TIPXWRiTXkS. ' ; TOST TIPRWRtTBR BEADQCARTSRR 230 Stark Street. -' ' Wa rent, repair, aelt exchange Ivueeillaanv All snppUesioor all BMehlae. Btaadard ameblnee 128 and ap to $10A . i De yoa waat a ateaograpber ar tysastf v - W have list ef good ppUeaaia. . ' - ......Pboaa Black SbTl. ... Vi", ;S BLICKENSDERFER typewrlieiat suppUe aad repalrlnx. Boa A Roes. 38$ Stark at, ifhon 1 Mala im. - -, . ITTOLIXS.' J. A. WESOO. vtelln maker and re pe tree; all . work Srat claat. Moil I sua. . 88 Raaaeu tidg. gourta ana WAXUPATIR. MORGAN WALLPAPRR CO.. 184-14 rt bet Taawlll aad Taylor. Portlaad. -;vf.-. .' -tf aTIXAX'OlAX. ' JOXTLAXT) TXTTSt fJOBTPArT OP 0XXO0K. Be. 108 XXORO BT. . The Oldest Trust Compaay la Oregon. CAPITAL. $800.00$. ' Wa conduct a general banking bnelniaa. We reeclve aadnga aepoaiti lita. We fcaaue ttaae err tlOcatea aed etrtlOeate ef -depnalt payable fcWWaU pnCaa WlltMUli i B Art. A 1, A Cent CeP-B. -ee. , ' -Tei Bins - - - - v R A A - A ing A Ceaew epoa o day eau. to aaytr eau a so Sayr ' call, with Interest at , 84 aad 4 pe cent per annua, respectively. Calf or Bead fox ear ' book of ILLUSTRATIONS. ; BENJ. T. COHEN lreenV1eu . H. L. PITTOCK. ........ Vloa-Preelout , . J R. LIB PAGET Becraury . J. O. GOLTBA ...Aaatotant Saeratary ' 0XD0X A SAX raABOaop BAXX. bar ef OemaMra BwOdlag. Taxed and .-'., v - altarB Straota. . . , . Bead Offlca. 88 Old Broad Street, frsdea Thla bank trauaatta a geBeral banking aeaaV Bees, makee tnsas. dlarognto MJla and biama letters ef credit available tor travelers aad Aa tke purcbaae ef BMrehaadlae la aay dty ef the world. Pea Vt la foreign and domestic axoliaage. Internet ald en all time depoatta. . W. -A.-- MACRAR. Maa M1 ERCKAXTS' NATIONAL BARK. - POXTLAXD. OXXOOX. fa KaatA H iC 1 ATSON A rw p 4 a 4 e . e a tT9Vvvlwt B. L. DURHAM ..v.o..,.,Tlo Pr.aldi a': R, W. HOYT ..-rr.. .raatiler 0EOROE W t0YT...e. Assistant Cssbaaf Traaaaeta a Oeaeraj Baakiak Buslaees. '.'-:. Drafta aad Letter of Credit lsmed AvaDabaf to All Parts ef the Worid. CoUectiona a Specialty. , SICUXITT SAYTXeS A TRUST CO MP AXT. . ' SSt Mevriseei St.. Pevtleael, Or. -- Traaaaeta a Geneva! Raskin TmIbbb 8AYIXOS DXPAXTMIXT. ' tatoratt -Allowed' on Time and Saving Depodta. Acta aa Trustee for Xatates. Drafts aad Letters ef Credit Available ta AR Parte ef the World, a P. ADAMS. ........ e... ., WTslmt Ia A. LRWI. .Firet vtr-rrloent A. L. IKir.'J. ........ ..ucosg vie R. G. JUBITB U gli'XJ) STATWS WATTOXAV. BABX v ne rnerj o. oFvear, . XORTaTWXST COR. TRTRD AND 0AX tTR. , Tnasaeta a aenerai Bearing amain aaa. - DRAFTS ISSUED, Available In All citlea of-the VferWd gf ; aad Europo, Hong Kong aad bUnfla. , .. tmT.wtmOXB BADR. 0V PATORAWTW -TnTPuraj . President ..J., 0. . AINSWORTH Vlc-Ildent.....r..Me....W. ,B. AYFi Caabler ......i,,.....R W. SfltTMree; ' Aaatetant Cashier... A. M. WBIGAT ADD TUTOR. BAXXXRS. rXatabllahad ta ISM a Sanmal Raaklng lone naade at all potato ea favorable Lettara of credit leased svslIaMo ha Europe and nil pomtw in me i nitod rates. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold en New York. Wsablnetoa. Chicago, St, Loul. Denver. Omaha. Sea Fruaciaco aad Montana aad Brttlah Onhimbla. , .ri- Bii'hssge sold ee lymdoe. Part., pjarrfi. Frankfort. Boag Keag, Xokobaam. lfaxdla aad Honolala. 1 FtRST BATI0XAL RANK OP POXTLAXD, ORIdOW, . e- "" bM-toaT" X Preeldeat... oi tn,. A. L. aTTLL Caabler.... , W. NBWKTR Aaalatest Caebler .-..W. 0. AIYOPP . Second Aaaletant Caabler. ... :B. P. STXTRMR Lsttsra ef , Credit Issued Avsllsble In. Korops and the Eaetere States. i "V. . Bight RTcbaag aad Talevrspbla Tiaaefen old on New York.' Boetoa. Chic re, St. Lauta, St. Paul, Omaha, San Freaetece and tan-, principal palate la twe. Nartoweet. Sight and time bills drswa la aame te eatt en London. Parla, Itertla. Frank fort-ee-tbee Msln. Hong Kong, zokonama. tvmeuharvu. Cbrbrtlsnls.' nTocaBoiea. ax. earn aaa 9 W9P aars - VofaTf 1 fxlVe ' Oalleetloaa Made an Faveraala 1 MORRIS BROS. A CHR1BTEBSXB. UJH llrat Street. Portland. tV Offer Orlt-Ydae Taveatasent In Tlwaletnal aal Ballraad Beuda. Writ er OalL MORTGAGE UOA.TSS Cm. T..I1 fj-ol Xatatta Titian insured. Aastracm asiiisinan. - illLX GUARABTER A TRUST CO. i 8, Chamhs at JURY FINDS KOATZ INNOCENT OF BRIBERY c ' (Joarntl Special Servtoa.) : ' 1 Butler. Mo. Fab. J4. The Jury In th ' caac of Charles Kratx, charged-' wllhv . boodling while A member of the SL Louis cltp council early- tht morning rm- turned , verdict pf not guilty. ' - Juror Evllalxcf saldr wa louna tor , the defendant principally because) wa dlj , not plao much credence on the testl- -mony of the state's wltneaaes and be cause of the good reputation- given Krnts." ee.- , n, . -. -v ' ' The circuit attorney eroreaaed .groal surprise and chagrin at tn outcome) st the cans. . - 'f . .-. :. : r ' ' i . ozTsm vr rotanow. ' ' ".. (SpecUl Mapalcb to The Journal., v--- McMlnnvllle. Or Feb. 14. Mlaw ' Blanche Robeson haa , been forced) to give up her poaltlun ta inatruntor of elocution here aad return t I'ortland, where her mother in aerlouajy 11L Miss I Robeaon waa on of the new members , of the faculty, thin betcig her flrat year. B he has given up mucin or her time to training th ttudenta for a play, by. ; Mhiok ih,v timsMl to ea In funda fnr 1 ha - aprlng alhietloe. )he had to leave this wont, only nan muanvi. Reduced Rates' to CC'zxxl The Routharn Pnolfts eomr-ep t " placed on aale round trio t Lm Ana-eiee at the satt ef t'V 1 days. This affords an tunlty to vlalt the r ter raaoTts of aout a modarat sect L A t V.