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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1905)
J. T THEi ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.: PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1. 1C3. intnnu www vfvi ratared at th paoturBra of ra. 0" traisauai UUm through the Hlk as semo l " Butter. rustase (or or alarW .ordeai Fur aa 6. 1 s l T paper. 1 ceeti 1 te SO P-aa. 1 "Ui t a pease, oewm. . . , . : -- rom Aorxsmora .dr--ncBTAT-Ti. TwM lMliali Special Advertising ' IN Nssaae street-2er Xor.;;Trilaa .Bulla tec ChieM. ... '..":;. .'. '. 7 7 . irrBtcurnov WW- : - tm by OBrrmt. ' TH rrtiT Journal, with Sunday. ... TM,"'1S Th Dully Journal. rn' .;" J-S? Tha rxilr Journal, with Sunday. Bmotbe. J " Tb Pally Journal. mouths f " Ta Dally Journal, with Sunday, smBtA. The Dailr Journal. month lb ti.Hr JoaraaL wit "noder. I J-; w UII7. per Wee, BCUVBlm,.. - w. .'.ill . Twm Dully, per delivered. . touday Tarme Vt lfaBe- Tbe- nally Journal, with RD!a7. 1 7 The Dally Journal. I year.......... ycsr.-i.tT"" m Pally Journal, with Sunday, s 8.78 271 Th Dally jours!, month MJ .' T D.ur Journal, with Sunday. swatt Tb Dally Journal, 8 montha. - Tt Dellr JrMrn.l with Suadar. 1 BMOth .IB Th Dallr journal, 1 month. ....,,.-. The Sunday Journal, 1 year. ......".. The Sunday Jaarnal. month. .T... tut- .60 too 1.00 The Bami-Weekly Journal. -Tha BaI Watly Jiftraal, to M aafaa - Sit' lw";..?.,.,..ri.Bo kailtUBra iVal4 a. by aVafta. paaUl Hta, aapraai ardcra aad amall aaxwifita ara .amatahto U I a-d Sal 9 ' P. ! Bex 1M." rartlaa4. Omou. ' WXATKXM UWlt.. , Qnlrt waattar 'arMalla la all arrtlona af th CaitM 81a tra and tha taaaparafaras. axcapt la tba aaat gull aad AUaatla autaa. ara aboT Ucht'raia'haa araaTtd la aorthweatara Ora- a. waaUra Waahlnatoa, Ariaona. naw atrxie at a faw widely aeatured placea aaat af Utr Barky BMaatalna. ... Tha ladVatlona ara for fair waathat la ain dlatrtrt Hatorday, atrawt In w.eatra Oragoa aad waatarm Waaktactoa, whan afeewara ara aiXTXI. ItrTH A ns rhrory Xt. ta Mr. aW Mr. Arthar J. Richard, a aoa. CI la.t.T reftraary SI, to Mr, aad Mr. Jaha i art. 1T1 Oraea araaaa, a aoa. K B Tahraary 21. ta Mr. and Mra. IiaM M. RI-ir6RD rVbrnary 22. to Mr. aad Mr. Na l. taaa T. Radford. WfiW NarU Nlawtoana atrL a dattaatar. TI'CJkF.R -hrir . to Mr. aad Mrs. Alan C.rTarkr; Jarfcaoa atraat, a aoa. W OXIPtl February 21, ta Mr. and Mra. Iota ' M. FhlUlpa. , KB Ban Aasaay atroat, 'fOnHBIifi rrttraarr 1. to Mr. and MraT Bd ward C OaraaU, - Ot atolnaoat atraat,' a . . daachtcr. ' ' Waddraa- C a.'. JWittt Oa.. Waah- laataa btdc.. Foajrth aad waahtaaTem ata. r Oorasioits sonuau. : M T8WTW. r.btaary 30, Bra WUUaaaS aranaa. aUpHtlMrla. Melrwta, ' BW DEATHS. HF l t,T avhrtiarr ao. Mary Healy. aaad reara. KM L'aioa araaaa, N. ; raaaa, rarrbraf baaaorrhafa. . itarail at St. Mary a aalitary. TRKY'kftSO Fabraary , Jaawa Trararaa, ad W yaara, at Bt. Vlarant'' boaplul; caaaa. phthiala pnlmoanlla, , Borial at Mk l.rr aamatan. WAJLCOTT rabniary IS. Joaaph Waloott, ad 8a yaara. at nood aamaantaa nnapitait cauaa, paaoamua.' Bunai at rir eaaanary PA PAH brorr 22. Wllllaa Paaaa. an 25 yaara, at Btutraa, Or. : aaaac, paralyala. , Rnrlal at Tana rtr tnm.. .. i AitBaKT Tabrnary 22. Ueary Albarl aad 4 . yaara, 1M North Fifth atraat; raaaa, raaear or afoaaara. ' nnn.l at ia. raaaavery. JKNSK-N Taaraary 21. HaraMa Juan a. ajrad au yaara, at aortax Parlor aanitarnm; raoaa, hrart dtaaaar. Bmial at Lnoa Fir rematery. . BRKTTKIJ- Trbraary 30, Mary A. Brattall, agra av yaara,. aiaat roarxa airari carcinoma vf , lrar. . Burial at raavtary. ....).. KRIBH-. rabraary. S3. Wlthalmtoa Krlba, accd M year, at 7M Irrlna atra:1 . mlnwaary ardnaa. Burial at BJrerftew ranv arcnr. . . HWKNSOM Tcbraary 22. L. ana. ard T2 yaara. 1W WIIIIaaM a raaaa, lnflncnaa. - Bortat at tawa fir Oraaaatatiaai a Oraana City ear Baa, Beat ellwand; modern, arleatlnr. eaaaaleta. Caaisaa Adaita, aaa: raiiaraa. w. vanur w a. at. -to t a. bb. Portlaad Craaa I- rorliaad, urefoa. Tba Bdwird rfolwiaa CndertaklaaT ratouaay. faaeral dlrartora aad aalbaliaar. aueet. Fbeaa 607. . . . inn I. f. Hairy Hon, faaeral dlrartora aad embaln. eeraer Third and Mad)aoa a treat. Ofaca af ceaaty earanar. Tatopttoaa Mala . . . .faaeral wreathe aad eat. faiaaia a aiieailallf at Beae qta-flreaahiiaai. Twenty inaaa aad Eaet auarlaoa. app. eaaaatary. . ' v - UU IBIATB 'rXABaTIBa. ' Branka laiaalinaiit rompany ta 0. M. - Corwrll. Jot t block 24. rlty. ..... ..5,280 . C. U. Bnyatna aad wlfa- te L. Boyntoa, . ' Iota M aad 27. block 1J8, Cnireralty ' ' i Park 1 Rianrrlrw Cemetery aaaerlatioa-to H. M. Mrmna, mt 28.- aectlaa a. RlTerTleW crmrtary 12 Portland Maaonlr Cemetery company td -H. Uranaa, Jot 3d, arctloa 8, Urreaweod ' reaaetery - W I. B.- 8rot and wife ta T. Lebaa. lot 1. block int. Woedetork -. t I Faaaie J. Hart let t to Orefoa Harlnaa . bank, iraatea, krte-jB and a. block 26. "r ": rlty .'. , ;. 1 Theodore Woika to O. K. Wolka t L, lot 2, blork 4, Bartark'- Park- dOv BJchard WllUama la U It. Kindred, lot in. hkvk . wtlllana addition ISO . K. frott and wit to O. W. I'attcrana. lot II. blork 15, Crorerdala Kstenaloa y - No. 2 .r..,...j l Henry T1in and wife to D. B. Kelly, let 1 hleek Si, Cartrr'a addltloa and at era property aiclnnln( north rait ror-, ' are lot 2, block 37. Carter' addltloa to " rlty .-. 20 ' Felot View Real KaUte mmpaay to H. l. Wlnura. Iota H and . block 21... ' 170 , : Wllltam t. Kln and wire to T. -Hoaner, , 20 acrea .la aontaareet arrtloa 22, , tow entile 1 north, ranee 1 arret, aad other property B Waablnrtoa coanty.. 2.228 Martha J. Whitney to K. A. rarln, lot - 2, blork 4, aoathwtat Ronnyalde 1,060 ' Roy tie lane to Title Gnarantce A Treat i rampany, tot 1.-block 4. Pea-era' tract. . 1,000 Frank S. Beaaett. treat e.' and wife ta . , R. A. Wllklna et al , lot v btort 10, l- Maecly Hlaklaod addltloa ...7. 1,700 ' T. M. smith to K.-A. Jerkeon. KM 1. , 12. U. bmrk 24; Vla 1, 2. 4. bWh 2B, , -areat Pert lead, and trtber property..... If . Carrte I. Miner and boasand to J. W. ilT ! JjtJ- 'V blork la.' ' Kaat Portland Hairbta 2.000 ,.,Oor(la t. Praaer to J. O. Knirreea, . lot a. block U. Irnnitoa addition 600 'Portlaad' Land rampany to tj. Koaarta. . avm, ui.riwi rir ..... . Fanny Malay aad baaband ta .C. V.ui.b. . .4 W-1I. blork ..Moant Tabor Villa..!:? at a,- mora iwv i nireraity park ITS lr M. faonld. lot d. tract f, Orerton Park. . Carrie W. Batkmlae end hoaband to '. F. Adan. east 2 fart went 1 feet tot 13. block 22, Klnf t Srooad adi- ,140 W0 Hr K render to I. B. 11. waodatork F. A. Kaapp and wife to A. O. Hataer. 1 acre arctloa la. towaablp 1 aouth. ranre 2 aaat 1.000 Martha 1. Wllret and btaaband to W, K. - Kictmaa rt al.. kite 1. X , 14, 1&, aad la. Mack 1. Laata goo at Toe laaanne and ajaiani to raal eavata vroai uae inat uaaraniee at 'Trent l. aa niaar ac f. - " . BTnUIBS iiriBsnT. . , I 0STF.R A BLE1SER rmwanry" Fnatee j kleTr. two-etary brick balMlna. earner JC , errti aad Fifth atreetei cost. B18.00O. ' MORTON Vvaruary 23, W. H. M-wtoa. ewrtl- . , . lag Bast M-erlaon .between Kaat Thirty - Mg'a aaa aaat iniriy-aiata atrreta; coat, A Bl.Mk MARQIAM eVhraary 22, Mr. J Many, flats. - Reventli netware . t lay aad Market eireere; cewt, B4.. . KRFTVRi-rarnry 23 C. It re tare, three dwrllinga. enraer (teat Main aad Aaat Thirty, fnorta atreeta; met 81. ""O . H.l.f-avtawarv 2X. O. H. Maea-te. dwvlHnc. Math bet a as daeAass sad Unjcofa e tree la; ' reet. ft TODAY'S MARKETS EGG MARKET IS HARD 1 Prices Have Reached Eighteen i Cents and Cold Storage : ; May Now Begir). , DEALERS TRY, TO COAX . li CHICKENS TO MARKET New Asparagus in From Cali fornia Beans Higher. Again -Veal Declining. :- ' Front Street Fab. 24. The nrtadpal feitaraa of tba Portland erholeaai avaneta nodar ara: ntTae-fllac aroaod tba bottom. Poaltry aiarket la bold drnwr. - J Kaocy putatuca acUra aad Bra. , . ' Onion tnhn. bat rery Ira.' " .' 1 1 . ; : New aaparacn la aurket. ' , Beda market la higher aftla.; , ', ' ' II Idea aad hope ire quirt. . Pteaty at , apple la atarkeC , ; r tpji tracgUatr Aravnd the Battaat, The til Market took - another droa lata yeaterdayafteraooa and today atocka were aUln( Km(,Fraat a tract aronad lie, with an oc- eaaleaal aal lo hlyhar. . The racelpta coo Una to ebnw aa Inereana aad Macka ara sow piled up la all tba boaaa. At laa ware not 4a cold a tuTU. but rear and tbla aaav - albly ' be tba atopjilnc- point of tha . decline thla aeaaoa. There -will be a bla demaad fur acs durln the Conine year aad dealer are tomg ta Da prepared rue It. some af tha Orma tay that they will not be la to a tor aattl tba market rearbea lac. -bat a few will brain to -lay la up plica for tba aft aeajonfe.1 onoa. it In yat a trtUe early, fur th nae eaaafat a tori at- of egf. oprratkaia anally be(laaln tba for part of March la tela arc tloa. la tba eaet openttone tecoan yaaaral abeat April. - ' - Jfealtry Markat la KU Flrmar. '. ' Tba poaltry market m batac bald Sraear. Th aappllea today were fair, but thla I th day that there -la tba bearlaat demand of the week and there were not half uaaafh arrlvub) to en poly the want ( the trade. Tarn f'aaa eoatlnae to hold dragilnf , too aad a drop la price la probable, wild fame la practically out of toe market, tba law eoav alftnoat brlatinf the rery top price. V ' Fancy rotate Astir and. Firm. Fancy potato are la deawad and today daahrra war willing to - pay 80fie par hanarod poand -at coautry hlpplg point far the rrj heat eterka. There la a armar tone . ta the market la California tor fancy putatoea. bat ordinary grade ara weak. Na change la price. The earns markat heida arm aroaod the top. luahin ara aot baying. - ' Vaw Aapamgaa is market. Alpmeals of new aanarsjre la - tha aaarket today... la demand wa only fair around JfiOc per pound. Tba mark eta ara now well (applied with Cali fornia freak vegetable af all kind. Applea ara la plenty aad prices earthe rhwapar grade are aot aa nrm. . - .-- Market la Kicker Agam.' to -tba growing crop af beana laat aeaaoa la OaUfornla brttrtllBg aiarket TaJsa aad today prtcca recntred their toco ad adraara wlthla tha week. Both Umaa -and Mezleaai red ara quoted Ka hlgbar. : aTar salaMB Being Oaaght, ' ' ' Laat night waa a god aoa tor hah lag la tba CMambia and renoris rraaa today aay that the, catch waa fair and that tba Indication ara that tba run will bow became quite henry. Herelpt la thla market 'ara .sot yet large enough. BMlneaa Is ihowlag Inarana. ' . The Bwrd fa rare bla weetber la baring -a boaatlng effect apoa bnatnea along tba a tract and dealer are saw moling ror a goes rraaa. Rrtallera report collection aa better tba for asm time and. this tiara la ten tba buying to a great axtrnt. Bay Wheat la lmmaged. A resort from Walla Walla any that tba wheat la that eectio ha area damaged quite materially by the recent ' cold enap and that ao roe greaera aay that rbetr deld will bare to be replanted. The damag waa nrnegbt abeut by.' the wind blowing the enow "off the araand aad lea Ting the deld bar. Tba wheat saeket tndar u aerr ouu. . . raver ancnanaea. Today wboleaale quotation, as iwriero, ara aa follow: - ' ' ' . ' wraK,. aoar aoa reea. . WHRAT Tlnb aad red, e7essei bloeeteni. 02c; raltcy, sse. " - .f.' . BARLEX feed, 222.60; tolled. 24.00; brew- COBB Waoat.; sracsea. f2.M per TlTB dl.BS per ew, ".f ',''-'-OATaWrodacera' prices Na. 1 whit. 128.00; "ri!oHB Rartwa Orraoa Pi testa. '24. OS: etralghta. 3 T5j valley. . (4.10; graham, Va, M OO; ina. $4 48; rye, 80a. 25.00; batea. 22 ?&. MIlXTrFPsV-Braa, tlO.OO per Ina; mid dlings, $23.00; abort, country, (22.00; chop, 21. 00. .' . HAT Predncera oric Tlmotliy. Willamette valley, fancy. 14.O0ai6.0O; ordinary. tlAOOf) 14.00; eaatera Oregon, 31B.0naiia.0O; mliad, 21200018.00; "Clover. ill.0t)12.0u. grala, fll.00l2.oo; cheat. Bll.OoeJlloo. t f Batwr, eggs aa raunry. BTTTFR FAT Sweet. 81c; sour. 2Se. "M" BCTTKal ty creamery, beat. .... 22He; ecood grade. '2THc: eetelde fancy, iOe; orjl- aury, STHc; talirornia. sue; ntore, J4J1B, yxiOB No. 1 rreen uregoa. inc. CHUKKIt New Full cream, twla. IBc: Tonog America, 10 Vie; eaatera. uaiBvvc: rtiet.r t!W. POI'LTRY murk ene, mixed, IS He per Tb; llV:r14c per in; rooatera. eld. IZHOlar 4c per lb; rooster, eld. IZUAllc per lb; younc. iail.Ha per lb: brollera. 17 We per lb; fryers. IKc pe lb; dork a. B.0OetlO00 per doa: geeae, ffte per lb; turkeys, -JiOlSc rr IO? Ml I WBI . SiWBr pFT id. WILD O AMR Teal. 21 75: arldaeoa. 22.00! Mllard, S3.80; canvnaback, .84.60410.00. Hope, Wool and Hides. nOPSContrart. IS0B. I4xl7c: ion em' S4t2c tor choice; 24 for firm and mediums. r uuic-jooirariB iww cup. aaagiac; valley, rae to medlam, lBtjlfc: fea. iTutlaet mmmt. era Oregon, 10c. - . . , . . MOHAlK nominal. xoJ2kc. ' BHERPSKIN8 Shearing. loelSOel abort n.1 tDitMc: medium wooL SOalSue: lona am BUri8I.OO each. TALLOW Friaae, par IB, 4QQc; Be. S sad greaae, 2I2VbC. t Mi l iim nana, ac per in; Buying price. r HID KM Drr hide. So. 1. Il lla - . lwIS per lb; dry kin. No. 1. B to IB lbs. 14c: dry calf. -No. 1. under B Iba. 1811 Ac? o salted hldea, a terra. Bound. 00 lbs er aver, BVas He; Bo to so Iba, 8"4c: under 00 lbs and row, aORVjc; atara and bulla, aund, 0CT7c; kip. IB to 80 Iba. Or; sound. 10 to 14 lb. Bt Wc; calf, enuad. sorter 10 lha, SVifllle; green Innealtedi. 1 pee H .lean: call. Ic per lb lees- aoree nioes. saiieu, earn. si.zr1.70; dry. eecb, tl.ooei.fto: colt hide, rare, SBaaoc; goat akin, common, eerb . OftlBc; . Augora, na wwa wm, t ' rrana and Tagetablaa. - POTATOES Beat Orrgoa. BOOtl On- ' bo.. era. fAmor: arennd grade. BOe par aark: buy. ing price. OOafTrtc; rwrete, beat, tl.0ugjl.d0; crated. BLOB: new Callfornl, 8xjc per b. iiimuov-iiii.iii; aureia- price, coaatry. I2..10; grllc. l 1(11 pry .lb, . FRESH FRL'ITS Aantea. axtre 1160 , fancy Oregos. 21.0 per box; cheep - gradea. TBe Bee Box; enngaa, navel. tl-25x2.n per box; BeedUng, 8 i M per box; tangerine, tl.78 per boat Jan orange. Oo6c per box; ha nana a. Be per lb; leaaeaa. rnoli-e. ! Of) per box; fancy, 82 TS per box; 1 1 men. atei Ira a, 06 per 100; pine apple. 2.2B craaberrtea, eaatera, til. 00 per obi. " (.VBOETARI.RS Turnlna. Mr per aark: car rota, our do boachea; lieetu. BOc doa bonchee; Oregon radiehe. Zc per do; cabbage. Oregon, 1.7a cwr: caiirornu, ai.zn; lettace. notnoeae 1.25 crate: green nenpare. 7c per Hi: rhli penpern, 15c per lb; ceir, 6A4Me per doa; lotnttora. raiitnrnia. Kmi.iurw, , 1 1 1 1 , Ti i a, . & m . , , i,. inrs Bl.xftegg plant. I24c per lb: atrlng beaaa. tar; caaliBower. 81-75 g 2.00 per ru: batter beana. 8c; pempklna. Ic per lb: horaeradmh 7A0c pee lb: aproatvi arUchohe, 8 !.) I 25 per do; peaa, Inc nor m; re comber. California hot house. 81-75 doa; graea euiooe, v 4-rc per due; aepararoa,' 2rtr per Pa. , - - DRIED FRriTS Applea, avaparated. TfyKc per lb; apricot. per lb; aacka, m per lb lees; peaches. .ll2e per lb: pear. per n,: prune n. ItaHaa. 404Hc per lb: RevewteeSjith between laoe tgif Uiery and Hall atreet; coat. 84.0" KKKTi'HKM February 23, Jamie1 Rerfebenr, dwelling. Sprane between Keat tTlfleenlh aad Kaat Beveatersu street; coat, l,s0. STRUGGLING TODArS PRICES IN ' . THE WHEAT MARKET - Mjr Option. d : Chicago I1.18T4 d 4 8an Kranclaco 1.4 1 . d Minnaapoiia 1.16H d d Dtiluth ............ .i. . 1.1H , 4 St. LoUIa .j. ....... L16H - d Kansas City 1.0(4 '. d WUwaukea fcaBTa-.r-ap 4 New York ............. 1.17V4 - '. I . par. psntaL .' ; "...,.? ' d '.' -1 , -,..'. f French. -Hj4H per lb; CiUfornU" bUck. BfieHe per lb; Callforala white. per tbi plama, pitted, per lb; datea, goldaa. Sc per lb; tarda, 1 par IB-lb turn. .' . t. ' Oiaaariaa, ITata, . . Bt. ''. ' '. . gUOAR Sack baa la Cnb.- B8.80;- nowdarad. M.IS; (rait granaUted. .00; dry greaaUted, fd.03; beet granulated, . 15.84; extra. 0, $4.54; goMea C? S0.40; bbla. loe; H bbla. 2&c; box ra. Vie advaac oa aack basla, lew 3f wt for raah, IB deya; maple, 141 Ida per th- . . .- HON KT 14 Hit! 13c. rh - COPFKB Package bread. 1e.3S, . SALT e'lae Bale. 3a, a. ea. Be, 10a) 1.00; table, dairy, Bun, 111. DO; loua, 410.78; lm Krted Urerpool. Bo. 17.0V; 101a. I1A50; turn. 218.00; extra sa. bbla. ha. ta. 6. lua, J4.40ftS Oo, kala. 220 Iba, B4.lACtA.(ib, aacfca. Oa. sot)8de. -SALT Coarm Half ground. 100a. per too, (7.U0; 60a, per ton. 87.60; Llrsrpool lump rock. BIS.OO per ton; 60-H rock, 7.oo: 100. d.TB ' ( A bora price apply to Bales of lea thaa ear Iota. Car mla at special pricae . subject la Burtuatlona.t GRAIN BAGS Caleatta. BS.T5AB.00 per 100. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1. 1kc; Na, 21- 4a; New Orleans, bead, Btttfdcl Adjaz, SMi Creole, 4c BRANS Small wblt. 4c; Urge white. SH; pink, "Scl aayou, c; Umaa. Sac; Mexican reda Se. . . i K UTS Peanut. Tile: fambo. Stta par lb; raw, oejiue per lb; roaatrd. ; cocoaoat) o&trooc ber dug; walnut. 14018c per lb; pin aula. lOfcttKe per lb: hickory nut. 10c per lb; ebaetnota, eaatera, 15 lor. per lb; Braall aau, i-lc par lb; Siberia,.. MOide per lb; fancy eecaaa, 1 4k) 1 3c per lb: alnKnaa. l.aioc per.ut. Paiata, Coal 0U. St. . R0PB--Pur Manila. 14ct sUodard, Ui Slaal. 10 r: lstle brand Slaal. 04 a. COAL OIL peafj er Astral ajaaas. tl par al; water white, lroa bbla,.16VaC par gal; wooden. 17o per gal; headlight, 170-deg. oaae per rat; iron Don, lswe per gea LIN8EICD OIL Pur raw in bbts. la BM. DOC e par gal. raaea Sin Dee aal: aenulna kettla boiled. 83c per gal. Cbla Sao per gal; ground csk. car lota 2v.0S per toa, laaa thaa car lots t.00 per ton. . .......... , - GAHOLINE SB-deg. enans S2e per gal. area bbla 20s per gal; tova, eaaaw 24 ( par gai. Iron bbl lPe p,r gli, . BBNEIKB S3-deg, cases BS bar gaV fees bbl. lHHc per gal TVBPENTINB In raaea. 8N- per gaL wosdee bbla, 81e per gal, lroa bbla, TPs per 81, 10-lb cue. lota 84c per gaL .:'' . WHITS LEAD Toa let. TVte per Tb; BOO-lb lots. T4e per lb; lee lota Be par lb. WIR NAILS Preatnt baaa at UB0. ' Meats. Flak aad ftwrialoae. ' '' . FRFJTB MEATS Front atreet Reef, etarrs, 44S,e per lb; pork, block, Tt8c . per 'lb; packers, 7iSe per lb; abulia, 2.We per lb: rows. 823Ke per lb; muttoa. wetaer aad lambs, 7c; rwea, Se; veal, extra. Be par lb; ordinary, Tar7c per lb. HAMS, BACON. BTC Portland pack (local) sama. 10 to 14 Iba, 12Via per lb;-14 to 10 Iba, 1214c per lb: IS to 20. lo. l.c per lb; eottag. Be per tb; Breakfast baceo, lJryloc par lb; picnic. BHc per lb; regular abort cleara, aa smoked, per lb; amoked, 10VC per lb; clear back, anamoked. Be per lb; . amoked. loe per ttt; Union batta, 10 to It Iba. ansmukad. Be per lb; amoked. Oe per lb; clear .bellies, an amoked, 11c per lb; amoked. 12c par lb. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, Ips. 10 par lb: B. 10 He ear lbWlb tlna,10wC per lb; team ra adored. 10a, sn-e per lb-.sBa, t par lb; tuba. 8A per lb; BOe, S per lb. - fiAN.NBiu BAUitiN Columbia rtve 1-iD ran.; 2-lb telle, 82-50; faacy 1-lb Sata, Wl.O 11 I W . , a Oa . . ik. ... ia .a, 7,-,w WWT a . a. . , . , i.a v.ap., a.,.. Alaska Ulls. ptok. WOOOi;; red. ILBOi aomlaai 2a, tall. 22 00. FISH Rock cod. Te per lb; Sounders, Be per lb; halibut, Be per lb; crab, tl-20 per doa; trlped baaa. 1012H per lb; eataab, Te par lb;' salmon, Columbia river. - cb I nook. 12Vc; (teelbead. 10c .per .lb; . fronrn airrersldea, 7c per ib; Berring oe per id; awa, aa per 10; arimp. loe per is; anao. ay aaat n per in; Dereb. f nr-s !b: ah ad roe. ore Tb: aha 4. Be per lb; black cod, dc per lb: Columbia river amen, ee per; tr-; miver emeu, nc - per . in; lobster,- 12er freah mar karri. -Be pee lb-, crswBsh, 2uc per dee; Bouadera, Be par lb; mrgeon, ic per id. OxSTERS Hhoalwater bar. Bee a-al. 22 25 per nark, MOO Bet; Olympla. per aack. tB.SB. CLAMS Hard eheU, per bug, 22.00; raaor ciama, 4-uu par box. HOGS AND CATTLE V REMAIN AT THE TOP 1 Portland t'nlon Btcckyards. . Feb. 24. Both bogs and cattle , continue , firm. Suotod very quirt.- Today receipt 100 'bogs aad 200 a beep. - ' , Official rullns urW today for fteaetock Hoga Rear eaatera Oregon. 2 SO; light blocker and -4hlna fata, t-UU-SB-tO; Blockers aad leeoera. st.hiMrro.uo. . Tattle Beat eastern Oragna ateera. td.00e d 35: llrbt and medlnm ateera.. At.5n.x-1. 75: row, .'liiw; medlnm! rowsT 826iy2.T5; old and llgburows, t""1: rtra-ketji end feeders,! 2.25: bulls, tl.no422.00. "" Sheep Beet fancy (beep, M-26H4.50; ewea, . ... ..- .' : 7"' i. CTTICAflf HOPS LOWliL Cklenaa. . Feb. S4r Llveatncit receipts: - -i. Mora Catlla Pheen f-hieago . .......... S2.000 ' . 8,000 Kaneaa City...... l.lno J VX) Omaha .'. : l gnn s.nno inas opeaea se lower wita ii.ibbi icrr over. Receipt . year ago -were U5.w. . Price; Miaed. 4.arnt4.90:- rood. t4.86tS4.BB: roach. t4,AT.4.75; light, 84.5544.80. t:ttie nteaoy a no airong. ' Bbeep Bteady and strong. ' , COTTON CLOSED THREE r . Tn firht pniwTS hp 1 fFnrnlalied by Orerbeck, SUrr New York. Feb. 24.rCotUa t to S polnla higher. . - , . A Cooke Co.) futnree cioeed iouay viuciai wanrn Ones. Rich. tow. 720 ' 73 7.T1 T41 '7-n T4 .'.. 753 751 . 755 TOO v Close. 7T1WM 734 M 7r41 T42r34 7444.40 T7J4I 75afM 75.1154 7ii". I 7M'1 762 .05 Fehruarv - March ............... TS4 Tl Aprll 7 7' Uae 731 75 June 7 1'J 742 July T.9 T50 ' Aarnstr : ,.v.v.-..Tr.r ina Setilember 752 , 752 - October ........... 751 T 7l . November 75A .. 75A Drcember-;.. 758 703 ' V1 - Uverpool Oottoa tawnr. '. TivevBonl. Feb. 24. Cot toe futurea cloaed S te S polnta lower. ...... .. - vzv tou oorm iubut. New Tnrk.' Feb. 24. Coffee future 10 to IB polnta ap. . . Today elucMi cor re maraei: Bid". : Ask. I , Bid. Ask. February .. .td-SO t 0Ji August 27.20 27 Marca ..... e.nfi e on nepremuer T-;o i.; April 8.75 d.NHKlrtoher ..... T." 7 40 Mas-. ...... 6.00 .ft5!November .. T.40 745 June ...n.. 7.KI 7.iViIecemoer ... t M 7 55 July T.10 T.lfilJnaary,-lOt. 7.50 .7.00 : law Yerk ' Cash Caff. New York. Feb. 24 Ca.h coffee: ' Na. 7 Rio, Site; So. Santos, SlaC . , HOP MARKET BEGINS TO CHANGE ITS TONE d (Unecial Dispatch to Th Journal.) Woodbiipn, - Or... Feb. J4. d -Horcaav Wolfs, Jeaaup ami Bhuck aa Ina- have orriera to rxi v hnna and ar out. In tha growing sections. Jrsaup makes a flat offer of d 2t4 cenla for good prim hops.. d Tb news of llie English pool,; d according to a cablegram received 4 here, hhs gen holders murh rfMe4rra,-n(L.they . pro still d holding firmly. ," , ; -r mm CENTRAL HITS HIGH SPOT!) Advances Eight Dollars and . jvQuarter After Sensational . ' Session.7 . .V;. . . ... ., ... . ..j '': .- ... J' ' UNION PACIFIC COMMON - -MOVES FIVE' DOLLARS Entire .List With But Two Excep tions Closes Up- Losses Are Small; i ' -rl STOCK ADVANCES. Amalgamated .S1.00 Norf . A West. .1 . N. Y. Centra)., t Oat. West... 1. Peanaylvaata ... 1. .8Ti .35 MM .73 ,02 V4 Mli 2V. 1-0 12H 00, 25 3B 50 .23 . 24 B7ti Atanlsos . ...... .00 Sugar .......... .82M Broogiya i .... ju Bait, A Ohi..., 1.00 Coin, Fori .... 1.50 Oaa . .... . Heading., com... , Hock fa., com.. ., Rock la., pfd.'r . Sootbera By ... 1. I' A N. W ......2.25 rbea. aV Ohm.. .50 Erie, com ..... .rj7a Eric, zo pia.... .to trie. IkI pfd... .78 8. P., com 1. U. P.. com ...VB. V. P. 4 ft. Wabash, cam ... . Wabash, pfd .. 1 Ureal Weatars. .12ti in. txatrai .... g.uu Loala. Naah. 1.00 Manhatun .... .11 Tena. Ccel .... Steal, com . Steel, pfd Mex. Ceotral -. ...62S Missouri i'ac ... .tu Mafiir Tisav smeieW ......... .srmu. P pfd ...... .SB ( Fur 1. bed by Overheck, Starr Cooke Co.) New York, Feb. 34. It baa bees predicted In aorne quart era- that Union Padfte would easily teach IM, and tba market today -was very ravorabaa ror sues na outcome. 1 i am com mon Block today had a Bet gain of 85 a abara, while the cnuverUbto four cloaed 84.25 up. New Turk Central waa verv wild aad aenaa Aha-ail aad cloaed t8.2S higher after heavy fluc tuation. Ilifnolu Ueatral cloaed with a gala of t while rtilcago A Northweatern bad s rise of 83.2B. The entire Ilat. with practlcaily two cr three axceptlona, waa higher. Today A orncisi atoca xaarae.; - 'DSatCBiraOrt Anaconda Mining 0s...inTH Amal. Copper Co... 75" 10SH 77 107 107 T 80 TU H jiurnisoa, cotnmoQ nf do nreferred 1102I4 SOTk 102 6 144 2 ' 110 101 102 Am. Car A roaodry,. cf 36V JS 04 , uo prererreo. - ...I wo . Am. Sagar. common. ..1144", 4 144 144 Am. .SmHtri common...! ut44 Wr IW4 oo preierreau......... uu 118 ,118 Am. Ice, com .1 5 6' 40 5 do preferred... ....... eO"i Baltimore Ohio, cocollOOV 40- 100 106 loo do oref erred.. BT Brooktya Rapid. Tranalt ! 83 2 Canadlaa ParlBe, com. 187 140 137 l: coicayo a Aivon, com. I - 42 82 x:s 2 82 1 t 82 23 'ok. orcierreo c a A b. W-. common...! 23U tBI., Mil, A Bt. .. ITS 170 242 177. 178 C. A N. W-, commas. ,1237 Chteamr Terminal Rv...... ail (31 15 Cbeaaacake A Ohlo...... 60 Colo. Fuel At lroa. com ti 'si 63 B0 62 60' 62 Colo. Snuthera. common) 25 20 B7 ii 88 40 26 Wl 20 do aerued preferred..! aay, ' do tint oref erred -v. ,1 fwlawar A Mudson... IHIJ, 101 102 . D. A K. 0..-Brtrred. tut tut S 40 6 S0 Erie, common. .........J 45 45 do aecoed orererred. .1 sou oo no h do first eref erred... .1 S014 80 Tlllnota Central .rSH6l 160 im IxniUTiiie m nanviBe..ii,w Met. Traetioo ... .I..)'J0V Manhattan Klevatedu.. 171 C Mexican CenUal Ry...: 23V. 140 121 172 22 120 ia" 171 171 XI Minn., Bt. P. A cle. M.H'T do Brafevred..........1l0 11B 101 10T t IK 158 107 'iS, Mlaanuri Paclflc... ..... 108H M. K. A T.. commas...) do preferred I 0K 108 a B 05 V4 New York Central 111. 15514(I66 Korroia neatars, com. 4 North American Ilnl. 84 03 K3 102 11 64 130 ss 5? 04 N. Y., Ont. A West.... I MS, Pennsylvania By ll.Hi"k P. L. A C. Co....... 107 65 141 ITiaaca sirei car, com.i m do oref erred Ml 47 06 Parlflc Mall Steam. Co,. I 47 Beading, com..........! 03 do 2d preferred . .. do lat t referred. . Rep. Iron A rtteel, com J 21 22 HI 21 ' 7B do oreferred vi Kit Rock I aland, con. ...... I 4Va do nreferred I 81 e. 35 Sl 34 85 "1 fM Soutbera Ry.. com 25i4 do prefarred I H Boutheni Pacloc........ wv -do preferred 111". 80 T ll 118 70 St. UAH. r., Sfl ptd..i to Tl 20 St. la, A S. W., com.!.. 30 -do preferred .V . .. Tax A ParlBe ....1 27 Teon. Coal A Ires j 02 H BW 30 65 T., Bt. at w., com..i .n ' do preferred......... 55V, Colon Parlor, com...... IMOVh 91 66 130 . I3tl do prererree .....lit" 100 TJ. 8. Irather, com..... 13 13 12 do preferred..'...,.... ion D. S. Robber. eom...... 43 do nreferred. .. .. .....1113 105 104 4.1 w 421. 113 I121112 TJ: S. Steel Co com....! Mil M SB 24 M 23 5.1 84 "ii"; 03 23 do preferred. ...I tM W. A L. B.. 1st pfd.. ....:.. Wtacooein Central, eom.l 24 do nreferred-. ........ I, ... . Wratera l!nloa late.... mv, Wabash, com.. I 23 A nreferred .......... I 47 4T 47 Atchiann. common, ex-oivtoena or per tent. Total aaics rt aay, i.v,.uu aaares. Money, 2V4 per cent, . ; bab rBABcisoo inBTBO meu Baa Frsaa'lace, Feb. 24. Official anlag quo-' mtionn cioaing. morning araaiou; , Bid. 1 - 'r i -i Rlrl. Bulllna Belcher ...... 8b. CaL-Ya.. pblr ........ Caledonia .... .1 .2B -Jsvage A .30 .' .14 Bntoal ......... ,1tr .1.10 Union Cos .nT . 4.75 Yellow Jacket..." .20 . .00 lCxeaeouee .48 Mexicaa 1 00 IIIaleA Norcroaa. 1.89 T0NOPAH BTOCKB. IB. .i Bid. . BIAV: Adam ...... Coinmbl Mt . Hold. Anchor. Ootdfleld .... Mohawk . .... ,. .20 Moetaaa ;.....g2.l . .BAA Red Top ...... .67 1. 1183 , Reacae .,.. . ,14 .. .78 Hands tnrm ..... .78 ,...20 I Belmont, ...... 1.12 Jim Butler ... Jumbo" ..rr... , .no imeraoa ... j.ioa .- .04 (Ton.- Kites .... A 75 . .30 Hold atount .... .17 . .' I North Btar 2 . .08 JMIdway ....... 1.124 . I - ,. v Jnmbo Rites MrNamara ... Ray o Brian . Kendall SAJT TBABCIBCO LOCA sTOCXfl. . ' Sas Franrlace, Fro, 24. Local 10:00 a. m.1 . stocks ctMlag, - Bid. - Ask. 44 .. t7 88 .. 12 4 .. .. 82 " 62 . 05 , , . .. 80 80 22 - 28 .. 17 18 ..87 88 ... 25 ' .. ... 84 -,.. SO . ,82 .. 6 .. ..102 110 Contra Costa Water ............. Spring Valley Water Central Light llntual Klectrie-.. , San Franclaco Oaa A Electric..,! tilant i-owaer Ilawalla Powder Honnke Sugar Hatrhlneon Hugar ............... Makawell Sugar ................ I'aauhaa Sugar ,M i Ala.ka Parkera. Callfernla Wine ................ Oceanic dteamahlp I'arlOo State Telepheae ........ BOST0B OOFFYB STOCXl. -' : Boatoa,. Feb. 3 OfSclal copper closing: ' rin. Atlanta ......t 18.75 Rlngham 3:1.00 Calumet .... 87- 00 Ceatcnnlal . . Hid. Qnlncy lthon. Island. 2 12 FSa H4 4 aPuB attlt S.ZO .11.75 . 42.50 -B.26 110.IS) 25.50 27.00 03.00 26.12 Trinity ....... Copper Range., 70. 78 i taa ,, Vlrtnrla Wolverine Isle Royal ... Italy West ... Oreen Copper Maaa ..,... Mlrhlgaa .... Mobawk ..... Parrot .' Phoenix ' 28.02 127 14.25 54 60 2 oo 278 Oefl IVimlnias. Oeceoia V. S. Mining.,: lx-diridcVtl JTbO. ' Shmaad tarUng. -tfow-" TflTYr Fahrar' 24. DemaadT aWllag, t7; 80 says, . ' ' ... FOKTLAJTD BABB tTATPKBT. Clearrnga "... Balancra .....tfOT.Iwt.To 79,21 l.W r BturFeon mors numerous-doom '-tho river, tnan msi jrosr. ' Egg Market tryck Very Heavily at Eighteen Cento '- Supplies ColUnue tyirlh Exceta of the Ruling Demand. V; " V ; , VIIEAT S!iOX'5 ADVAftCe TCDAV Opening ,of MarketTIri Chicago W l Practically the Same V ' as ). ALL RISES ARE SHOWN ' AT END OF. SESSION May Moves Up Three Eighths ; and July a Quarter Sep r i v tember a Half Up. V-'""'' ' ,, ; V ' TODAY'S WHEAT MARKRT. .'w.; i Opes " t'Voee - -Close ." Gala looay Today ' Tbu. Today May. .tl.18 tl-l8Atl.lBBf .00 Jnly. 1.01 - l.oi'is 1.01 B .(' Sept.... 412 . .3A .82 .00 00 00 (Farnlahed by Overheck. Starr A Osaka Co.) Chleaa-o. Feb. &4.- .Tk. ehMl Mi.ea.a .bameA blgner today. From the working of tb mar ket today If look a na If the big Interest I selling It May on th eutet end In going more orariiy ia in juiy, wnit-B nt thla time eeeoit the best liivtfetment to the general trade. Tbe.opeBlns of the Mav thla aaornlna waa BBChanavd from tha ekMlnar nt vaa.le.dav .1 tl-18. The tone waa quite dull for ome time titer aaa taen there was a decline to the low mark at tl-18, A recovery cam about the middle of tba aeaaloa and thla toae waa con tinued antll the laat of the aeaaloa, the market rloalng nt the high point of the day at tl.18. Thla enow a net advasos of from the pre Tlou day's cioaing. sVstember ts Hare Aetrva. ' Tba Beetamber notion la aboarlaa ave. aMlv. Ity and at the rloalng today It showed a oat rise of Ve. the mrgeat of the day. Tba Jaly waa s strong fee tare and a bowed a larger vol me ef trade, it cloaed e higher St 11.01. brokerl'V;" t. U Rrporte on winter -heat are ley tbe mala favorable, bat other are that Ih crop I now Ib seed of protection. Trade la Barrow with tba market aonerentlr In much the aaaaa rat Tba bearish feeling i atill raaipasW :- ;. ' Hew Oaah liamsad.' ", " " ' la Cora Out eaie dlattnrtlv unf.voe.Kle fearnre la tba alow shipping and cnab deamad. We continue to feel ,IM avast Improve to bring about and sustain higher Briers. The cash all- nation show some Indication of getting oat of Ita rut, but. that the surket will abow ls- rrreaaent i. nntantrut.-. a- la prorleleoe hog receipt ara ander thai eettmate, not ara still liberal. There la noth ing la alght at the moment likely to bring about anatalned high price. - souey b oinciat markets: . WHEAT. - One. High Lew. Close, Mr.....t l.i8 July..... 1.01 $ 1.18- li CORN ' : .48 .48 -OATS. . g 1-18 B1.18 II 1.01 1.111 Bept,.... y 412 .! . .d7A .46A .48 Vs .SO .31 B . .81 My.... July..... .46 c472 Sept..... Pes...... v..... . .80! July....t ., ,3n .20 Bept,.... 1 MBSS PORK. 1158 1X70 12.80 12.72 LARD: si - . T.pO 12.45 1AS2 1168 12.66 Jsty.. ... May.. 6 TO M 6.86 . AOT ' t.10 Tl 8 82 186 AW ' . C.02 July.. Bept,. SHORT" BIBS. ' May..... fsly..... S.70 A 82 A70 - ARB A86 - 07 6.80 "A82 WMPAT WA5 fJTRnWft tj V i mB B BT ey Uagy W WaM - DESPITE SHIPMENT ,, . .. -- ..' fFumHiliad try Ovva-beck. Starr A Conk Co.) Baa FraacJtco. Feb. 22. K. F. Hutton A Co. say: Tba wheat aaarkefwao bows, notwith standing the largo Argentine ahlpmenta and the weajkaeaa rbown In Liverpool future. The new that Ranala will prolong th war reused a firmer feeling am Bag the large long In terest. " , M Barley ei porta to the orient are ever 60,000 rentals, which Is very large when Compared with the receipts, which ara a little more than b.oov rental, 'ina export aemano ntlll continues good and aeUere of the May option are scarce. The local attuatie. remain un changed. ' , , Today's -BfflcUl 1 : a. m. market: . - . .' ' WHF.AT. . Open. High.' I-vw. Cine. May .....B1.4 tl-40 t! 4A Jlecerober l. 120. . 1 . 1.2 BARLEY. : May:.'....... 1B0 l.m 1.20 l.jn IsMeaabar.,... Jt .89 . .SB . J ''VS- CH3CA8Q CASH WXKAT. '!J,.' . Caiirago, Fab. 24 Cash wheat:' .. '.- , Bid. Ak. No., t red ,..t120 No. 8 red 1.14 -' 1.18 No. S bard............ ,.1.18 ' 1.18 . No. S bard .7..... 1.10 '1.16 No. 1- northern 1.18 1.21 No. 2 northern........ 1.14 1.10 No, I spring.. ...... .......... 1.01 1.00 "' UveiTAol wrala Mark. ' ""- . ' Irevpeel. Feb. 4. Clone: WB eat March. Ta. d lower: May. ta Ud, d lower; July. 0 Ud. d lower. . . Corn March, 4a, ld, oschaagedi llgy. 4s 4, snchaaged. 1 '. ' AraaxttlaS wrabr Eblpiate. - Chicago, Feb. 24 Argentine grals rilnnevrt Tbla Week. Laat Week. Last Tear. .. Bushels. . Bushels. Bushel. Wheat Cora . 4,300,000 8,34.1.000 340.000 ,734.0110 454,000 ' BOt.000 GORKY TO BE BAILED ,1 OUT' OF PRISON '; (Journal Special Servlc.) (tt Petersburg, Feb. 14. It Is . ro ported tost Maxims Gorky, too author And reform leader, will be releaaod to day. on 1,000 roubles" bslL- - ; rasiisd StoeB OsAiiod Oooda. ; Allan At Law la' Bast Brand.. . ' atF lJa. m-a4s m' - Am. ..- - BaL. H ' J3 aaaaBaad ' ai H Res Price 4 . . Spoc Pries lVtC , Can Corn, 3 cans. . . ,7. . ,7. .... . 25 -Idc Can Tomatoes, 3 cans. 7 ....... . .25 20c. Dozen Oranges, 2 dozen. 7 . .25 122c Package Raisins, 3 packages. .. .7.25 10c Can Van Camp's Soups, '3 cans...... 25 ,5c .Can Deviled Ham, 6 citns,1. ,25 5c CanVDeviled Ham, dozen, cans.. ..,45 15c Mince Clams 7. . . .'. .7 . . . . ... '7.l6 35c Package Nabisco .Wafers, packageS 15c Can Fruitvale Corn, 2 cans........ .25 We wish to call your attention to the fact that quick tales and small profits la the basis on which we work if your dollars are worth aa much. as your neighbor's call on us. . .( F.7H7EEVECuFf NORTHEAST CORNER TWELFTH AND WASHINGTON STREETS. Mention This List When Ordering. V WaiVo Your Grocer Tis. to bis hoped it is Fellows, but if not you evidently must be exceedingly well satisfied. The quality of Fellows', meats and groceries aqd th service, he gives is strong competition fof the best. ' Specials for tomorrow r .. t packages Malt Breakfast rood. ; . Gallon Cholco Tabid Syrup (bring pa ID . -;-:.C0;-.:.':'.;..;. t . Gallon Pure 8ugra Bynip. ' J-lb. if a a Solid Pack Kaatern Tomatoes. . t tuna Sttvndsrd Tomstods. f ..,::.:;.:-:25f;:- . ' '' t cans Tsbls Peavches or Apricots. , : Can Bakefg or GhirsTdalll's Cocoa.' - -,-.:5o-. -;:v:- ' Pound Good Gunpowder Tea, ' ;';:'V:5df;-r,Jf;t' V Potind'Best Ceylon Blend Tea.- : ::''; "? 91.00 : ''', I-. IT abtulDry Granolsted Sugar. , . .: - ' ' . ' . , a -. V ' : ' Fellows Grocery Co. ruu maib bsm . ; tr VBaiti3brtoa at WASIIIf.GTOW MARKET lit Fire treat, Bet. WaeklagtsB aad Stark.. v;. . Fhaae Mala 2410. I Prime Rib Roasts .15c Slrlola Steaks ..v......12e TeederVola Steake .............15e Porteraouaa SteskS .................12 to 15 Roend Steaks 12 Plala Steak. I lb for a.;.....'....., .14 l-g Muttoa ,...,..12c Ieg Lamb .. J. .......... .i...... ......... .llli Muttoa Chop. 8 lbs for ......... ......r... 26 Lola or Rib Cbee .12Ue. to 15 Shoulder of Mattoa ................... ,6a to 8c Mutton Stew .... .......p. ,.... ...6c Pork Roaats ........................10 to 12e Pork Chops ...........12 Veal Roasts 12 to 14 al wrs......w.......,,...iaHA to 15C Ssaaega Meat, t Iba for ...t5e Hamburger, t Tba for '.. ...,.....25 Sugar-Cured Breakfast Bseoa ..........revise Beat Kaatern Boa-ar-Oared. Baam .......vT..14e Rest Creamery Butter BOe t S3 Freah Ranch Rgg ., .....'IS Bread. 2 loavee for ..,...........8e Chick ana 18c ts 17 TAFFIB aOATtie. rieps. ,: v Standard Market SBABOH MAR KIT Oil BAIT- BTJBBKDE. - . Phase East TS. ATI trlepbon orders promptly attesamd to. Ranch Eggs, 2 Doz5c Chlrlcn " tfH x.B .Its v9- Creamery butter ....... .. noo sna c Best cremmery butter ...... tOa And too Renovated buUer ....... ...45o and too Eggs, par dosen ......... sad 3xi Best sugsr-cured hAms ........ ...lie, Picnlo hams . ................... ,10o . .................... ivo :on ;i4o and lio .........Sc. ltd and llo rtrsaarut amcon Choose. r. . Swiss eheesA too tea for,-per pound .............lOo Java-Mnrha coffee ,10a Arbuckle's Lion coffee,. 2 pounds for .ic LA GRANDE CREAMERY BM TAHmTLIi tTUlT. ' ALLOW US TO SSOASBX TOtTB sT-fTT.IttL We can do It If you'll let uk be your butchers, One . naturally smlleej (Inwardly, if not out--wsrdlyV when he or she beseats themselves at the dining table. We'll positively make yu wreath your faco with "jtladn" If you Rv-t your mests. fish or fowl from Central, market. t ICindorf Droit, v 130 OnuU Ays. t rhOM Bast 418. MBtllH. mOPIUJf ft'OOo,' . (KatAblUhad Itta.) v " - 4- . an noes mnoma. '. J 4. Oromiid Plaa. - , ' OP CO-ttt BttOB.-' s-f KEMAM WKni. . Ue Big ts ferSBBntaral dlacharga.latmmloaa. IrriUtieae er nleeratloM ' of siitn msmbra. uwaiBni. - geat er pmaaaea. 1 hMtr , at aaal lm aJeia I aaa. Br npna, eras Id, fag 81 e. or bottles. Tt. deavlar aaat au raanasa. m us mtm WM sHftmwma. 1 1 V . i OVERBtJCK, GTARR COOKErCO. ;'V- -.;'.''...-- Members Chloase Board of TradA ' ' ,- max. PKOTXBIOHB, OOTTOBT, BTOOXB AJTO SOITSa, .. " . " - 1 Third Street, McKay Bulldlns. Portland. Or. , f ' vs so A BTmioT-aT oomaoaanbm bubtjtbb. ' Continuous Markets by Private Wire.''' Quick Service. REFERENCES IAdd A Til ton. bankerA And Vnlted SUtes National Bank of Portland. j" maaanw- 4 "' Rs Pries , ; r -V- j K-1 v- ' '- v( , yV , . Spec.' pries ' 15c Can Fruitvale, Beans 2 cans. ..... . ..25 25c Package Figprune or Postum, pkg; .20 45c Broom ................ . Pv. . . . '. .35 6c Lb. Rice" (good), 32 lbs..'.,. v.....91.00 5c Lb.'French Prunes. 15 lbs. .......... 25 40c M. & J. Coffee, lb....... ...,25 20c Mackerel, each . . .............. 15o 40c Gal. Home-made Sauerkraut, gal.., .30 40c Gal. Knight's Dill Pickles," gal...... 30 $1.45 Gal. L. C. Maple Syrup, gal. .: ...$1.20 7c Lb. Best Italian Prunes, 5 lbs...t7...25 SPECIALS FCH SATtipDAY 18 Lbs1. Sugar!, V. A..'.',11. Royal Baking Powder; J-lb.y, i' : , Can ........ -.'tf . , , j awV? Shilling's Baking' "Powder, -lb. cws a..'.'.-;, ...:.S04 i Corn Meal, per sack .'.-. . i. 5 Ranch' Hggi,y2 doz.. .'. i, .55 ' NapthaSoapVV... .5 Crbsse & BUckwell's Oil, ; .65. Best Hard Wheat' Flour . .91 JMi Shrimps, per can. ... . . . . .' .10di v Table Peaches,'2 xans.J...'.a5j V Table -Apricots, 2 cans . .', .2547 Petite Prunes,J5 lbs.'. .V, ; i25 ' Cream, ; 8 cans. ; . . ; . .'; . , 1 .257 , . Ghiradelli's Cocoa . .7. . ..',20. Corn. 3-rans . .... .' ' . 21a Tomatoes,- ? cans... . a ; . . ..25 Tomatoes, per doz ,v. . . i . ; ; ; , 85 W I Lipton's Tea. J. .5. .'.30b Best Raisins and Currants, ' : '.' -91h"e.eefeaie.a, ' .' at v-.wfl .tnav; ...awaaaep Wholesale and Retail Corner Eleventh anri - Morrison. . Phone Main 2287. 7 East Side Delivery Tuesdays ; and Fridays. T0WNSEND-& VAN SCIIOONUOVEN ".7 NcvYorliGro&ry . WXOtlSAUt ABB aXTAH. v -' v7 Aid . F ''l Groceries and Provisions Now Btoro 14T First St., bet' Morrison , ,,in. Aider. . Phono Main 12IS. fatter isd E&s a Speciality "77 7 Our groceries and Drovlslona are al- ' ways 7RE8H. There Is somethloc -la - Western Di'O. Sugrar. pr sack..,. fS.M On sack Bood hard wheat flour. .. .$1.00 8 pounds aood rice boo New tcron ttrv Drunaa..nev lh.. .. .. . - Be) I pdhnds Italisn prunes........... SSo I pounds seedless raisins. , SS t pounds best cleaned currants ...' BOO New crop tomatoes.' standards, :. .1 cans . ?.-......... lfO)- Toms toes,. Solid Park .... 10e Two 2-lb. pkss. Oold Dust BSs One t-b. pks. Armours WsAblns; Powder1: Ti. ISO , Fels-Naptha-sosr 6w It bars Royal Satoit soap ,.'Bo bars Baby Elephant soap SSo t bottles Snider" s Catsup SB) . lb, new crop Knsllsb Wainuls. , , loo , A -ID, wnit. nontry .,,,.. ....... aw 10-pound pall pure lard., ......... , 6-pound pail pure lard....,...... BOO flood Ore gnn cremmery butter ..... 69o , t cans Primrose Cream ........... ISA lb, Rnsllah Breakfast Tea. .rvr.. xo . lb. Gun Powder Tea. ........ v. ; BBel t cab Bsked Bean. .. 1. ... .i . .,.: 6o Two t-lb. cane Hominy ; , . . ,'i ... : Mo) "cans Corn. Peas or Ftrinif 'Besnsa ' 26s ' 1 pks. Postum or Flit Pruno Cereal. Boo , Freah ranch orbs, Z dOA 46A ' BaaYt Uo BallvAry TAasday abA PrUay. .-' -- ..'"-'.'.'U ... ... Aiil. FARMER Wholesale and Retail Grocer "Third and Jeferson You cab say. SO per cant by dseUlnB with nt S pkss. Grandmother's Mush. ...... t So S cans corn i. .... ......Sfio 1 package Bcotoh Oats ... ..loo- lArge Navel Orsnses, doien .......l5n. Ksncy lemons, doa. .. t .......... . .IOe Fsncy Kvap. Peaches, lb. .......... ,10o Potatoes, sack .......... t. ..... .;.1.10 1 lb. Bchilllnrfa Baklna; Powder... . .150 . Smoked Balmon. lb. ...wl.Ho finnan Haddie, pound .l&o bar Naphtha Soap.. ...... ........ to JS bars Royal Bavon Soap ........ .SKa -bars Bahv Elephant Soap I'o 1 Coaobs Honey ...... . ............ t5o ; I bars Owl Coup ... i ............. . . l.Vo 10 lbs. 8a go or TapiocA ....a.. 360 " 1 lb. trooe English Breakfast TeA....15o Best sugsr-cured hAms, 1 lb. ..,,..13 1 lb. Ounoowdsr Tea .............. .25o , t cans Piimross Cream ......... .IBo,; 17 lbs, D. Q. Butrsr ............... tl 00 1 sack beat 1 O. Bugar . .11.80 -1 sack sood Kard-Wheat Flour, ... 1 1-! . 10-lb. pall best Lard 11. 00 10-lb. pall purs Leaf Ird ........ tl.00. l-lb. psll pure Loaf LArd ........ .too 1 bottles Snldsr's i-o ..,.16o 1-rsL csn Table Syrup ... ...,40n ' 1 lb. new Soft-shell WslnuU ......Uo 1 lb. Rico Popcorn .. i ............. 6o ' K IbA fsncy ItallKft Prunes ........ tKx - 1 lb. !rnon Peel w, ....... ... . ,1R ' 1 lb. Orange Peel ........... .., .. .l&o . '- Deliveries on . East Side. Tussdsys and KridayA ,, ? .- j.. ,u ... : JOURNAL WANT ADS ' 1 i f;7 BRrNG QUICK RESULTS V ;!. Telephone 1831. - , - -i