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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
1 THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PCr.7LAJID, THURSDAY i i . inwi'iK n,a.t.iwi'wlltw's ' mrmfltJl&WW'.'y '. 1 " ar' v ?lf . ' . mm II ' r . . - - ' . r 7 1 1 " 1 " ' 1 ' ' " ' ' 1 ' - ' " " " . i : .. . . i 7 u . I J -f i t ' . 4 "''1 - T . I , ' I y ' . '".,.. .... Ll. I Can M Antomobilt Raa Mil ia 87 teconda? Some SItctrical Enfinecr 'Handle a Machine Goinfat That Pace. Artist Herrima Here Qires J It Can Corer the DisUnce iiii Vf SwoaiM.'-. ' COJEBIA TIfIS 'Varsity Lads Capturs the Silver Trophy From ths ,y. M. C;A. PAN KELLY PkOVTS . I " TO BE STAR ATHLETE This Pfomising YoUng Man Won i Five Out of Seven :?.;.:r:Events;'hrK'"' ' ' Before . imrsa crowd .of their ad- Blrrs and many ' supporters of tfielr ' oppoooata, .'tho Columbia university track sthMea defeated the T. M. C A. Jada In the dual meet aftfa Columbia , crmnaelum yeatarday afternoon by the ; aoora of II to ZK ' - -' "'!" Dan v Kelly, the crack athlete of the ' veralty,. wa . tho.i prlnolpal factor' In ' Cklumbla'a victory, - for ' la . the aevea ., evenU la which he participated Kelly "Won five of them and nniahed aecond in one or the other two, and individually : jtcored it of Columbla'a 61 points. : - , . Thle .promlalna; athlete , halla from . eaatom Oregon', where he sained dla- tlnctlqw aa-an athlete while a member. , of the Pendleton .high school team. - t :'v,r:: yxeny Takes nres'sren. " The first event on the card, the lo . yard daab, was. won. by Kelly in the . fine time of S 4-i .seconds. ' Roe of ' Columbia-tools Seeond plaaa- and Mor row of T. It, C 'A. was third. The . next event." the ' runnina; .high : jump, was also. captured by Kelly. . Menitt, the crack printer f the T. If. C' A, increased tbe hopes of the ; supporters of the aasoclatlon team by ; capturing the '44-yard dash and' the ' mile run. which brought his team to al . most a tie with Columbia in points, but - Kelly 'Won tbe broad Jump, and then , with Rlnkle took flrat and second Id the Sje-yatti dash, i which again gave, the 'varsity s commanding lead. - , BaUey and Coe of T. M. C. Ju added islght points to their score by taking Urst and seoond places Jn -the shot-putting cootrst. V; . The neat event was the SO-yard . hurdle. whtch"waa easily capture jby Dan Kelly. Iighty. the crack little athlete of T. 14. C tied with' Roe ' for. second plac and they decided to run of f the tie. In which eighty was --t: an easy winner. .'' ; " . .. v Joe kUngold came to the front and T ' won the pole vault for Columbia, mak-. . ' log feet Jncbes. Keily and Jlghty failed at this mark ' and by mutual - s4rreemeat, both teams L divided tbe points for seoond and. third places. , , f-'ii e Feasoae Sveaaa. - . 1 ' The mile run, and the relay race were ' the most: eicltrng events on the card. .-,; In the former little Webber of Colum ,:' ' , bta had acted as pace-maker -and was . followed by aferrttt, T. M. C A., who buggwd him all the way. Aa Starter Jack King called the last lap tbe little . Columbia .man started a spurt' which , came too soon, for ha could not Stand 1 ths Strain, and? as there were none of - his teammates left on the track, he had ' : . to try his best .foe a' place, but was . not equal to theUSk, and tbree ass. ;' elation men capUurnJ the places. Web -ber raa a game race and Is entitled to credit, evea though defeated. Harrison '. and Backus dtplayed considerable en ". ' durance 4 la the relsy race Bradley, who started . for.T, Vx C A., took the lead but was t rabidly 4varhauled bv Kay Hlnkle of uoiumDia, wno was nrst to his relief man.. Bingham and Cole made a pretty : raceTef their portion. Joe Mangold ' -'maintained the lead during his 'lap and v started Kelly off In the flnsl Up' with a - - gooa leae over Merritt. Kelly dashed "' . ,." around the track and acquired such a '' lead that be slacked up at the wire and .. '. - . walked Jn a victor. Merritt is a better ' v . -. man In tbe distance runs, where he wilt v prove a, formidable contestant. Iaf any The Colombia university hut done a SINFUL ' NEGLECT v - ' ' How 1ft' It possible for a sane man 'With good teeth to destroy them , through nartleaa neglect) 803M3DONT Is po. tlvely beneAclaL It has made the tooth brush habit a real pleasure. :'. : t. ' .. , : , , .v. .' SOZODONT the natural complement of SOZODONT Liquid, la a beautiful polisher, abso lutely free from grit and acid. Are m nelng St t Teu ought t be. 'aXOBJUii UQVU. rOVfPEH. PASTS, great deal for athletics In this, city, as have. Toung Men's Christian association. and any svent that is fostered by either club should he heartily supported by the local public. ; - , . , ; - Yesterday's meet was held In the 'varsity's monster gymnasium which Is capable , of accommodating a regular game of outdoor baseball In addition to the seating of the spectators. ,. .,, , . Sine Vraek to 0yaa, . ,:.!- .' The dirt track Inaids the gym U a, fairly good one. - The track Is IS Saps to tbe mile, from which an Idea may be gained of ths slse of thle building. On the outside of the track the seats for tbe spectators extend around the arena. Yesterday's events decided ths owner ship sf tbe handsome silver cup that was put ep for the meet. The eup had been secured for a dual meet last year, but owing to the Illness of soms Of Co lumbia's best men. ths affair was post poned until yesterday. : - . 1 -. Although defeated, the T. M. C.. A. boys are entitled to ; a great deal oi praise for their excellent snowing, wnen ths fact that they have no opportunity for outdoor nractloe is known. All their preparations for an event of this kind have to be done on a wood floor, which handicaps the best of athletea. ; . . ex Summary of yesterday's events: . a j.ktfaiiv rvilnmhlal first. fkoe vColumbla) second. Morrow (T. M. C. A.) third: time. o:o e-s. : Running high jump n.euey oium bla) first, Foster and Backus (T. M. C A.) tied for second; height, I feet SH inches. - r Ji;'- !. 4frard dash Merritt (T. M. C. A.) first. Manly (Columbia) second. Back US' (V. M.C A.) third; time. 0:5 1-5. . Runnina- broad lump Kelley Colum- bla) first, Wilkinson (Columbuvaecpnd. Lalghty (T. M. C X) third; distance," SI feet S u '-Inches. ' ' 1 Mile race Merritt (T. M. C A.) first. Harrison (T. M. C. A.) second.. Backus tTr M.-C A.) third; timet S2-yard dash Xelley (Columbia) first, Hlnkle"- (Columblafv seoond Arm strong (Columbia) third; time, e.ltl-a. Puttina -ahot Bailey T, M. C. A.) flrst, -Cos (T. M. C A- second, Qulnn (Columbia) inira; cisiance, ss Inchea. - " - . . . . - to-yard hurdle KeUey (Corumbla) first. Ixighty (T. M. C. A.) second. Res (Columbia) third; time, o:e -. .- - --. oi. v.nlt Manrold .(CoIumblaV first. Kelley (ColumbU) and llghty (T. M. CA.) tied. for. second; helght,;S feet 4 '"Rrtsy tciBlnWe,.VBlngham. -Mangold and Kelley (Columbia) first. ... n.t.m Irrank WsfMns; starter. Jack King: field Judges. Kerrigan, Shep arUPetraln; finish judges. Long. Ben nett. Hutchinson; timers, nn, mle. Mclaughlin.. - - , ; .r .,' v ENGLISH GOLFERS USE ONE: COURSE r All Championship Matches fn ; Great Britain Are Played on -Same Unksl . -: --'- Oosrssl SpMsal Serrtra.) : ' 3m Trk. Feb. 2X.Great Britain has nrst-clasa golf links wblch meet every ..HiMmant of a champlooshlp course. and the amateur and open championships are never ' played on any suier although there are many other fine It- hole courses throughout -me During the 10 years llfs of the United States Oolf . association, the amateur chatopionshlp has been held on 10 dif ferent courses, aa follows: . Newport. Shlnnecock. Chicago, Morris county, On wentsls, Oarden i City AUantle City, Blen View, Nassau ana cuuiusroi. -Th tints seems - to ns coming, .-now- ever. whe tae Aatnni w'" follow m Jthe footsteps sf Oreat Britain, and settle upon half a doasn of the very best of -the ehampionshlp. courses. In fact, they have already-shown a ten dency In that direction by selecting the Chicago Oolf club course at Wheatoa. 1U, for this years amateur, cnampion ship. It is one of the very best courses In the country,- and on a. par with such nrst class championship courses ss My opia. Garden' City. Olen. View, Nassaa sod BaltusroU when It ta at its best. These courses are all up to aate, ana the time may et corns that the-amateur and open events will only be. held oa these six courses. .., ' . , " . r .- ' ' saBSBMBMawMMrsBwaBVaMi - BOOS BOUTS Vdearsal SfMelU Servtee.) - J -Detroit, Mich. . Pb.' SS. Some good honts nromlsed tonight at the open- Ling boxlhg show of the Detroit Wheel Fmsn's club. ' The headline event will bring together-Harry Cobb and Charley Coffev In a It-round mill. A number of promising fighters of Detroit end vicin ity will be seen in the preliminaries. "' ' (Jesrsal Sstelal Serrlea.) Oiemawa, On Feb. SI. The Hole-I n-the-WaU basketball team has arranged a came with ths deaf mutes to be played Saturday afternoon. The teams are evenly matched, w -. :' Belicrc That This I Possible, Provided a Mas Can Be Found Who Can. a Picture of an Electric Motor Racer, Whose Inrentor Is Confident That ' '' ' ;--;.'-)V:';-;;;: DR. LEG60 CAPTURES x CALIFORNIA DERBY Feature Event at Emeryville Vt Coes to the Winner, of , ;r"the Ascot .Derby. r:h if' '. (Jeamal SpMlal Snvlea.) . Ban Francisco, Feb. SS. The Califor nia derby,, which was run , yesterday, at Emeryville, was won by Dr. Leggol ths winner of the Ascot derby at bos An geles, last Saturday. Summary: Three and a hall furlongs Lady King won, Semi-Luna - second. Iaabeau third. Time. 0:44. - .U. - . Six furlo&gs Mogregor won. Fort Wayne second. Dora' I. third. .Time, lilt.. ;:' ,-.'.-,, x, - - Seven furlongs Hulford " won. Bud Wade second, Mercorlto third, i. Time, 1:10. - . : vi.;:'' - Mile and a quarter, Callfornla"derby, S,00 added Dr. Leggo (ISt). Bonnes, l to 3. won: Ara (1171. KnaoD. is to L second; A.-, Muskoday (117. Alarie, 10 to.l, thlrtU Blg Beach, Hooligan, Sal able and Down Patrick also ran. Time, Milea nd 19 yeards Ethel Abbott won. Expedient second. Dr. Bhorb third. Time. One mile Ishlana won, Kigrette aec ond. Judge third. Time 1:4JV - y V-f',.'4 f ;scet Fark.-''. r:- Los Angeles, Feb. St. Kahallan won the Santa Anita handicap at Ascot Park yesterday. Ths race was run over the Brooks course, which Is 7S yards short of a milk and a half. . Results: ' One mile Skeptlcl won. 8 In lead o see ond, Oleeman third. Time, 1:4 S 54. FourTurlonga Ala Russell won. Ila second. Wee Olrl third. Time. 0:49 K. Six ' furlongs Princess , Tltania won. Head 'Dancf second. Tint Hurst third. Time. 1:1! fc. . - . ,.S?:i,. :, Santa. Anita handicap. Brooks course Kehallan won, Borghesi second. Pasa dena third. Tims, t:03H. :.'. Slanaon coarse Fire Ball won. Bmithv Kane second. Witch Hasol .third.. Time, Mils and 70 yards Clnclnnatus won. Padua second. Dutiful third. Time, t:a.' - ,r-'.-r.: fr J..'.V .-J7- ;: .- 7 ?"'- : 6 ' ' a ' '' '" ' ' . OMeeean) tJtsy steaaiVv ' New Orleans Feb. S3-Crescent re sults: ' '. ' : ,f- f ;. Six furlongs Dapple Obld won. Lord of tbe Valley second; King Rose third. Time, l:iai.C- . ' Four furlongs Little Rose won. Blue Grass Lad seoond, Gray Dal third. Time :-. -.. - -rv - ' - ... ' Mils and . an eighth Rainland won. Brooklyn seoond. Joe Leaser----Third- Time, S:0S 4-s. . - ... . Half mile. Martha Washington handT- cap Anodyne -won. Bertha E. second, inspect Olrl third. , Time. 0 Jit 1-1. v- aiue ana tnree rurlongs Caithness won,, George Vivian, - second, Plautus third. ;. Time, S:3C . ' v . ... Six ahd a half furlongs Queen Jtoa won. Swedish- Lad second. Bannock Bella third. : TIme-1 AT -. . - !T GAMBRINUS TEAM " DEFEATS PIN. KNIGHTS ' . ; - i Kruse, of the Losing ; Team, Bowls for the Splendid Av ,'erage of One NinetyThree t.a- . ; .... - . 'The Oambrinns bowling team took two out of three from the Fin Knights on the Portland alleys last evening. Tbe Pin . Knights put up a game flghtrend gave them a hard light, but the Oam brinns boys used too much team work for them., Captain Kruse of ths Pin Knights had the high average. Its 8-S. Busaa and Schonenback were tied .for" the. second highest, with 1V0 1-t each. Kruse lit d the high, single game, ? IS. -Manager Keating, of the Baker thea tre, and wife bowled many Interesting) scores on the alleys yesterday, after noon, , Mrs.. Keating making the good score. of IT in one of her games. 'The match game this evening will be between tbe Bankers and All-sure. The scores of last evening match were:- -v --- Pin Knlgbts (1) ii) (S) . Ave. Busan . ....... .111 19T llUlHI-l Maliett . ........HI 1ST 111 171 1-1 Christian. ...1SS Hi 17 141 1-1 Ollphant . ...... HI 171 131 140 1-j Kruas ...HI .114 SI 111 $-4 Totals ' -Oambrlnus ; 1) (1) t) Ave. Kneyse . .141 Il6 lt 171 1-3 Hcboneobeck . ..171 lit SO 110 1-S 111 i 1 . 110 1M 1-S 1SI ; 141. 14 110 s-I H.- Ooeset. . BaU . .H4 111 111 IIS Totals i '. W'.'.Lu: "'sTt- Hs' , I Srteok Oaaaed Sieda, JLllsev e Lewis' Best Bread. . : CfalKG BATTLE HARD TO PICK Young ; Corbett "Has ' Trained : Faithfully for the doming v ,i Match With Nelson. DENVERiTPS "CHANCES ! i ' ARE GREATLY ENHANCED "t i i'' " ' -., v , Nelson Is Equally Confident of Again Being Able to Master.' M: the Former Champion. V '. - (Joaraal Special Bervke.) '-s: t . San Francisco, Feb. J. "Young Cor- betr and Battling Kelson have nnished their training and will do only enough' work to keep In the pink of condition until the gong calls them Into the arena .night, Reports .from the training quarters at Ban Rafael are to the effect that Corbett Is in ths best possible-. shape and ready to put up the light of bis llfs.. Gossip about the Nel son cam is of an equally rosy hue,, the lUUe Dane telling all visitor that, be la confident of winning In easier fashion than he did when he laat met the man from Denver. , . . ' It'sjsurs there will be no extra ounces Of flesh roosting upon Billy Rothwell a ribs When he stepa to .the center and opens fire upon the lad from Hageawlsch nexWweek.- He will be full of strength, energy and desire to fight. Instead of the' overfattened bulldog, burdened by huu own surplus of the ' weight that comes frora luxurious living, 'Wtm lea aeen an athlete of terrier-like activity. of snappy eye, of clean frame and sound muscle and of s rattlesnake abtHty. to , uncoil and sting 'whenever anything , like an unguarded? point - Is presented. . . . . "j ... Nelson has always taken excellent care of himself, doubt will be very much in this battle until ths fight Is done. . He will have to drill hard all week to filter some of the meat awav from his body. But work and iBat aret along very t nicely. He doesn't know what fatlaua means, aiul .1)hw. tan't m may beat In his pulse. ' Her thrives oia 40 pounds It would be safe to assert that he would be found at the post ready to give five furlongs er five. miles and to keep up with any pace set. . corbett realises this la bla chance to renin noma . at ths nreatlM bar lost through defeats at the hands of iBrltt and Nelson. Hs knows that If bs falla before th. Dans a second time It will be bartending or something at se muchJ per. for the man who was ones a cham pion. . He has many admirers,'' who. in spite of his reverses, hava never-tost faith in him. These will empty their wallets as soon as ' the poolrooms be gin to take bets. The boxer has col lected a little sum, which he will place on himself. . He Is absolutely .aura that his engagement with Nelson will bring him back his reputation and his dollars. uin is equally certain uie in graph', is to- be for him. He looks upon tbe coming encounter as ' last a little stone te be : turned to make clear ths pathway to a second - argument with Jimmy Brltt. Bat won so easily laat ttms , he - cannot ' be mads to Imagine there la a possibility of ,.,a verdict against him this trip. - . -.The near approach of the date, to gether with the general belief that It wilt bs ths last big fight the Oats ettv will witness In many moons, has served to intensify the pub! la Interest and the club expects the . big pavilion to be filled with a crowd or record-breaking alas. t" , - ' . j -. . CTAall CV Tfl TDRItil -1 Wlrtlll.k.1 IV I It Ml II . TEAM IN, SPOKANE (Josrsal Sseeial Sen let.) J . ' Spokane, - r.b, SS. Manager Mat Stanley of the Spokane baa. ball team. announces that the - Indians will ds their training this spring la Spokane In stead of going to soms other locality. as has. been ths custom heretofore.- Ths team will be ordered to report here the flrat Of Aprit - Stanley believes that the training of the team-here will do much to arouse enthusiasm . In . ths gams.' He says the outlook for a good team In Spokans la good. - He expects Ferris, Holland, Dammann, Murdoch, Marttnks and Hewlett of laat year's teem to report for worn. -. - ' The amateur teams In the city will 3 ' v; snendlsh aTsjrertss ' " is "often,, caused by sorea.' alcera' and cannera, that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell, ef nt Rock, Mich., says: "I have usediBockJea'a Arnica Salve, for Vloers, Ho fas and Cancers. It ta the host healing drew frig I ever found." Roothes . end heals cuts, burns and scalds. . ' 15c at Red Crosa Pharmacy, fllxth and Oak atrwKa. on the wax ta tae ieoetoAce; guaranteed. TV,'n .Vii' nVi nt th naat Odd Costs. Coats and Vests, stc. In order to clear them out quick jwe have ivided them-into" .h;yfff. f -:; iv.'.l'M lots, as. f ollows f i.pUdrrfx a f:?:.k i . bARGIN:Nb;;i :':; ; ;:DARGAIN Ko. 6 : - -V . a. . 1 aa tj SUitS.hi?, io ana vsiuys, win jjv ' at .' ;' V. ...'.'. ' ; i .' fTi'V ' V . ' t There ars all sues ta this assortment from SI ."c?y;-:DitoGAINT46i;.2 - - - " . '. : Ll 'it. i t( vve"Coais, worm iv to yxo, ; 5 at .... . 4 1. . ' Slses 14. II, St, IT., 4 sn-i only,; IB grays. The bargain of the season, i " BARGAIN r'-sfei rA Vfei ftm 1 K tH Ssvva . -0e eeve fS , T . - ' Suits, wUl go at. ,, . . , .V ii , , . .$3.50 tou must see them to eppreciste; their value, ,,-4. : BARGAIN No. 4 - Odd Coats from $12.50 to $20 Suits, for, $1.45 -There are about SI of these, almost any slse roe want The linings are wortH more the we ask for the coats.; ':SDiAlNVNo::;vS '50 Pairs of Shoes, Worth $2.50 and $3.00, AM slses from te' it?&L'Si'; i.ZSi 'X ffc J VU. 2 t; .. . f. ",:" v,::... ,.L;;.-.LT" ,. , ;? ;f -v ' L j ;L' t i y. 7',., -v M . - '-a.-' 1 1.. Is. -JiL .a.a.J a.asa aeelet I VtN eejill wSws4 Wek1wae ekSSSl WW mmmWA VrUT Til1? MXm OULe PillI(tU eUUJl ? 5 Store OPENS .;.:i'at.w 7; AIM. Cor have a good chance to play 'games with i i laatinn ' riaamstsi will ' bA in IOCS SMeevw rrnce4 Witlr th S. A. A. C OonW collect) and wltft mm urrounarnii wwns, ORGANIZES KEff r "BASEBALL LEAGUE i - - . . ' , . VY. H. Lusas Elfcted President of the New International League Formed Yesterday ;'i ' ' . ' . : Seersat pseUl"Serrlee. '' a .,1.. . v.k enia Intarnational Baseball league was organises in the SeatUe hotel parlors laat svenlng te Include- Victoria.' Vancouver, ; BeUlng ham. Bverett, Spokane and a .-; Joint Walla Walla and Pendleton club. Representatives sf the different cities, as stated yesterday ta The Jour nal, were present W. H. taioas.- wae elected president. - It was agreed that th. . aaJarv -Jlmlt shall be S 1.100 and each club' will deposH- $1,000 as a guarantee It will remain in tne organ isation for the whole season. John J. ItcCloakev will - pronaoiy manage the Vancouves- ieam. Ths peo ple of that city think so wen oi tns project that they havs taken en option on a f SO.000 tract of land ta the down town part of the city and propos te erect a perk . with .grandstand on .tne site Belllngham is after Dugaaie. oat what the bur fellow will do hs has not yet determined. Billy Nash will look after Spokane's interests, while Fred Bchock will take charge or tne 'Jsvereit team. - Th balance ef ths '. managers h. nt hn selected, but will bs at another meetings to bs held In short time. ' ' ' .,..! " '! As Jt Is not possible to "have Sunday games In Canada, that day wUl be put In on thle aids of the Una 1 . -f .' ;.' E;B. f0NGUE WINS ; HUNT CLUB RUN --' t, i - - ''ww Va.i. MMMmtaA ft ft Oresan Kid. won the Portland Hunt club's seoond run for ths Mis Anne Bhogren cup, in ons oi the hardest rides in ths history of the local club. '- - ' r i . ' -' The run started at the Seven Corners, on the Section Une read, and finished on irn avanna. The course) wss eight mUee long, and there ware seven lumps on the route. The time of ths race wag tk,. 1A MlnutM .. This is ths second time nr. Tongue hs isnoea uttiwti jwia wmn-i r F. W. Leedbstter, en Rockefeller, fin ished sseond. end T. T. Strain, on Bag dad, waa third. .'. , . ' ' - t ' ' y O. Downing ana . v "" en as haree. , .- - FoUewtag e a list of the'riders and horses: ' " . - - 4 -. r K. B. Tongue. Oregon Kid: F. W. Lead bwtter, Boekefeller: T. T. Strain, Bagdad: . . . . in w l.i.m. 0 11 OHIl AjmtAm, .hhwuv, u. mm. . - ... Soobls, Jerry; jeogs a. u. jinmr, j.n- ner; T. H. Mdaratn. uytan; i. t. vitvm. Rollick; Henry Metsger. Cricket; S, T. Cbas. Zadoe. i -. .. , . - . . '- (loaraal Sutlil Sarvtet.)- ' - amwankaa.' Fesv-M The OwntbarS No.' f team ef bowlers from Chicago are the winners of ths first prise of I4t In .the bowling tournament of Bve-men teame which was eonoluoed at vi:at o'clock thle momln . Sevarai squads in tne two-men teams few rlnxrs Narsi Viave'scmmnlaterl a .:n "V ' 4 tvu, wiaiiiuic xsis, i ww ui, fMiAjy aiiu m.uv,' 4 . von- need a 'Hat aatu you do. for t ...:n 75 All-Wool Undershirts, wortl $1, go at 23 , M ' DARGAIN No 6 - . -50' Soiled ' Shirts, worth' $i;00' and $L50, ' ; go at ;.. ...... V. i . . .25e ' ". . BARGAIN No.9 1l 27 Suit Cases, worth $3, will go at... r. 91.20 wiu go, , I. . .p3.S5 blacks, blues sad 7 - ; ;. . No. 3 9nr1 $20 ft - : . 50 Pairs of Pants, worth $1.50 snd $2.00, - k go at d r ; . . . -.... ; r . . . .... . 89 : BARGAITJ No. 1 1 200 Pairs President Suspenders, go at. M10 . BARGAIN No. J3 , 300 Pairs of $1.00 grade Men s Knobers,' v W1U1 YUU IUU tuuic vi ajrt e wws T hir4 and Burtid; are Vet to bowk ,f' Jteyer ami Peterson of Chicago made a score - of 1,1 It, which -ties them for -second place.. ; j- BERGErT TO TEACH - " s s V PHYSICAL CULTURE (Jearsal Special Servioe.1; . ' . San Franciscov-Fab. 2J. Sammy Ber- ger thinks a . well-regulated physical culture end boxing-taught-bnre instltii- tton Is something Ban Francisco needs and he will hang out his shingle In e eouple of weeks. - He says: '' ? "Boxing and physical, suitors .schools are doing well in. all the large eastern. cities, and I n sure I can make a success In ' this line here The thing' has bevn attempted here only in a cheap way. I will have a well-appointed gymnasium, with plenty of space and fresh air." Sev eral thousand dollars will bs invested. There will' bs clssses tor men, women and Juveniles.. .1 will havs staff of in structors of reputation and I feel 'sure the Institution. wUl be weU patronised. osursra ; Th Hawthorns baseball tea hi forfeit ed ths gam scheduled for yesterday to tha North Central school team by a score of S to.0. The game was to last five in nings if there was rain, but at th end of ths- first .half .of th second Inning ths Hawthorns team gava up. Th line up ef both teams wss: " North Central. Position. Hawthorne. A. Mundell ....... c. ....., Montague Uatman. vp... ....... Blakney Holden ,....,. ..... Lawson Thomas lb. ......... Graham McOulre ...;..,..3b.. Harold-Tounger Tauacher ..V.f. .Sb. ........ .. Palmer W. Mnndell M...,.lf.,,. . miim Thobnrn Cox ...... .j...,. icf. .......... Dingle Marias .......... .rf... Ktnkate SOVTM - nOBISa 4JrOXJT TOtnUTBT. ' - iiearsel Sperial Palm Beach. FU, Feb. IS. -The South Florida championship golf, tournament waa Inaugurated auspiciously here today and will oontlnue through the remainder the week.-" Walter I. Travis, the amateur 0 I7N - 'Tr'fK . : I Why not make your apptraftbe as it shoold .be by ; ' wtarlng the high grade Fxxrnishings we sell and save money by btrybig at our prices. If you psy less than we ' vV, v .;.'..-. uk yott get less style, less quality. Vv:7P1-, ': ,:-r'';.;'; : - .' - - ' -;'. ::jr o bins bca c; ; v l Hotel Pcrldfis Udg. ' ; ' - 2S3 WaahingtorT Street. : lot of odda and imds in Suits. - ? moL bettararst oner anil kaan it thinler) finding 'apt. - j .. . -DARG-IITJ f,'o. 7 - BARGAIN No. 10 niu tuiu mmj wrjs-vu. ppen Evenings Till ; '. "i Ots. I. t ' a . . . . ' " At obamplsn, Is defended nls tlt,l nkalnst a numoer ot'uis craca piayers.wno nave been doing the southern-tSarniments this season.'-1- -r--r-T.;: ? LjJe . OOXJVSa 'SXAT tar The men's open handicap at Waverley golf links yesterday , was won by Wesley Ladd with a score of IS. The heavy rain that prevailed most f. the' afternoon marred good scoring. ,., 3 , " R.- U- Macleay and Miss 8lbson won th mixed foursomes with 4 score of St. BIO. TRACK MEET f OEi I f &.v EASTERN WASHINGTON A.-: ri--' ' ... j s ' ; Uooraal Sseeial Servke.) , , f v Pullman, Wash., Feb, IS. May 13 and ' IS all the high schools ef eastern Washington- will compete In a track meet end an oratorical contest at Washington Ag ricultural college. . The etblette contest will cover two daya, Friday and Satur day, May IS and IS. Snd the oratorical contest will be held on. the evening of May IS. --v.-.,-. '--p - Th expenaea of tHre men from each, high school to, from and during th meet ara paid by the college. , The prises for both oratorical "and athtetlo contests will be furnished by the college.' Th prises are eupe. medals and ribbons, and will be worthy of the meet. - The athletic events include pole-vault. 100-yard dash. 120-ysrd hurdle, mil run., shot-put, hammer-throw, Milgh Jump, 124 yard dash, half-mile run, SSO-yard hur dle, 440-yard run, bread Jump, relay race, .;' 1 .oerflrsao ' mmm . baxsv ' tbam. ,1 . (Snaraal SaeHal sWriet.) Or, Feb. St. Manager H. W. Koehler of the - Oswego baseball ; club announces his lineup and claims to have th best amateur team . In Portland of vicinity. Th lineup la aa follows: O'Brien, Kleer.. pitchers; Croissant, catobar: Jameson, first base; JR. Haines, second base; Todd,1 third baae; Houston, shortstop; Worthlngton, Chuck and Van Northwick, eutnelders, and C" Halnet, eubstttute.k -v. .. .; . , be judged by the kind of y b uf 'w e a r; t