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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
:rLA::D. tiiu-day . tvz:n:;o; fzs-uary 3. i::j. A Zzz.zzzz.lZi Err-:.. footWeai; 'TA1R-WAT" 0HOB BTORK i- 1- ' . ' r, a . ' ' ' ' BtXTK STREET ANNEX riRST IXOOR. . ... . . WOMEN'S STORM Rt'BBRRS 40 , , Woman's Storm . Rubbara.'' beat I' K . .., , - . : . , . Sv G$ &Washli&tca Sts: ros and T, M C.' , ' CpfJee. Ct Ut.' s . . aervedla ilea. ' , ' , zJiA ft ! y. i . t, ' ' . - i L . ' i r4 7 Clam C wder. C b B; " I Patt. 4; Foigjxs Tdwichw V Hot! RoUs. , Bread and Butter. . i, v. Tea Cakes,' ; ,''' l . ... , r 1 f ?,.o. - . Portland's .:' ' : '. ' .Largest," . Forcrnost . .Store ' quality mtdtum narrow toaa. (ta A 1H. I. Stt. . . T. T k , and ' spacial aw pair t..S4a ' 1 ' I ' II 1 1 t 1 11 1 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 . 1 1 . 'I .. . ' 1 . " RAR3 .VALUES FRIDAY :jLig:;o;-TH3r Women's aWa .. . a. f i J. W -iJa..: .... 4avW ' V . . i - . . ' . A'Mf lof Jst racalvad by i "A 1 broldered Buatar; Brown oo vJ--Cr Li" J t V -Wnan., ,wWaf . and colors; apraa !m- Butcher pacta!. ' 1 ""V HtmatH'ohod. Wtolta Turaorar Unea C6I ' V V'I i Jars; apaclal, aacb ......v......50f) J .;:?T ' . . Mm aoaolaL' aaoh ... .T ...... . ABa) ' - a C01VLARS t5o etlk .mbroldarad Turnover Collars, with Eacllsh ambroid- , oiTt asaortad colors, ra. vat (cj spoolat each. .".'.. .'.....,....,,..85, " ' ' ioBJSOTVER KMR01tE3WB. r '';:'."V' ;' .r Ona thousand jrards Flna Nainaook.'' Swiss and Cambria Corsat-Covar Embrold- :, : . .'. . ,.v ;..tartea,,dfyided lnto threa, lots. ;r :j LOT 1 Valuas to 40c; special, yard.... ...'..SSa) LOT Valaas too: spaoUl, yard. .:"..r,.:... ,..,..'........ ...37Ha LOT a-rValbes to $1.85; speeMl. yajU.'...4 ...".. . '.... ....r... 484) VjVLHNCIBNNE LACE AND INSERTIONS 3S FOR ONB DOZEN TARM. five hnadred doaaa yards White-Valendennes Laos and; Insertions' A: lot of . pretty pattarna. to IK Inches wide, soma round and aqua re meahea. other . i dotted' pattarna, . vary popular, thla season, tat Artmmtna; underwear and la- . dies' and child ran' a wash dresses., every piece Is new, resv vaL'lta,' 40e and diea' and children's, wash dresses, every piece Is. n,aw, re a. vaL t&c,. 40e,' EOe ' and Ite; special for, one doaen yarda... ... ........ ... ........ ..25a)' Sillis Suiting M ';jn the Draas Goods and Sttk Stores Soath Anaax first' Flo. j.. RXM A RKABlB ! AND" MATCHLESS VAXOTS. W SPIC-SPAN. - NEW FABRICS, FOR TWO PATS' SELLINO FRIDAT AND, SATURDAT. ; Black Taffeta, radically rreducedr for Friday and Saturday, 1 MO yards Jp v imwi Mt iw a piwim. Tfnw i : ... . IVIach aji pare Silk BlackTaffeta. the beat dip .and finish, made In Amertea, 'sood dpea4aAla at(k; our regulat t Ic aradaj speeial for two-days, only. f r.' M.J . . ' - i . . . .KOJ rjja-Ah all para Silk Black Taffeta, absolutely faat dye and the beat wearing ' t na ae ia ,Amancarwar niuir "Iui fTO, wr'ji par ard-r.t .4 .v.V. .' -.-v j ; r .!. .. ,1 ..'..w. . . k. .894) fmpara.thla wKip other o TaffeU al!iwrr4, by email fry silk; stares.). , Sl-lnch'aU pwra. SifaTtolaek Taffeta. apla8id color nd finish esoelient grade . for Shirt Walata. Suits, Skirt and llnins; our "regular 11.00 crade; aperlal tor two days mtyi9jr'ttTiriti'9&tT9f 4-tneh all pure Uk Black Taffeta; oar regular f L ouallty; special for two . Hays only ......84 7-Jneh all pure Silk Black' Taffeta; our regular quality; special for two rays only .........84 tl-meh an pure Silk Black TaffeU; our regular f l.M. quality; special for two days only, per yard , ; ..... ........................... . . . f tt-roek n pure Sflk Waterette or Shower Proof Black Taffeta, will not spot and sheds rain. Just the thing Tor Coats, Wrapa and Drop Skirts; our ' regular flt per yard quality; special for two days only, per yard.. f 1.48 ' JIM BLACK TAFFETA lie fTard wide! black, all pure Silk .Taffeta.' with deep, '-rich,' Jimtrou excellent wearing grade for Skirts. Sulta ' and linings, the very. -earner qualtty called cheap by. one of the would-be ' . silk stores at' per yard, but our regular value; apoclal for two days - only, .yard ... . ...... .4. ..... . 884) DRESS OOODS 8ECTIOK SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY - AND . SATURDAT THREB GRAND SPECIALS. y . r " ( v NEW 41-INCH SILK AND - WOOL CREPE ;DB PARIS Very dressy, With rich silky finish. In following color assortments cream, pink, cell, nlle, l reseda, hunters and myrtle green, tana, biscuits, , chaipnagna. modea. browns, ' f ox. t oopperi cardinal, mole, rdyal, parslfaf and navy; ' unequaled value, at -pur 'regular price,; special for two daya- only. ' yard ... V. 4 .. (- jr ....... ....... ....... 81. 18 . ' . , ... -' f . ' . ... . ,f. v. ., ... TAILOR SOTTING. 11.91 New ltmeh all wool-Tailor Suiting.-in a grand V, assortment , of colors and all in neat, mannish effects; splendid fabric for street wear;' aoeclal for. two days only, yard. ....... .......... ..81.09 Ite TAILOR SUITING, 41e New hard twisted Tailor Suiting. In neat striped k and checked effeqta. all the swell' street eolora in the assortment splendid ', vahiea at our regular price of Itc per yard; special for two daya only, ' yard ..7.;.. .41a), In the Man Shop SIXTH STREET ANNEX FIRST FjbOtta. ' Y MEM'S HANDKERCHIEFS. (.TWO FOR t8o-i-A 'llne 'of man's extra ; fine' mercerised white hemstlUhed Handkerchiefs; special, two for ....... 25 MEN'S ENGLISH SQUARE'S, iOo A line, of Men's Entltah. Squares, all the newest patterns; special, each.. .7. ...................... . ,.50r' MEN'S (So HOSE lie A llna of Men's Fancy Cotton Hose, 'extra quality;. regular value He; special, pair....... v.......... ,1....19V T i The Grca: Sale of . -. Gorset Cover .-. 1 Continues 4"- mm a- :.x r"''.',i, first' floor. . THB M08T ' SENSATIONAL SELLING OF NEW, AND FASHIONABLK ' .: EMBROIDERIES- EVER ATTEMPTED , IN THE ; CITTI . : A fortunate - purchase ' at away- under nrlce-by our barer... who Is rJust home from New Tork. A lot of ambroldarlea found oa an Jm- norter. who. waa Ions' on tha- aoods V and "short of cash,-We filled -his ,, -caah' want and he turned , over nearly twice the embroider lea to as f tn esehangef that we, could have - bought in - a regular way for j the earns amount of Uncle Sam's gold. As Is our culture, we .share good for tune -with the store's patrona and turn over tho bargains .to . yoa Friday' this way. The createet embroidery values Portland ever knewl Cambrles, Nainsooks and Bwlsaaa all spick. Span and new.aa the morning. . Beautiful dainty petteme la the blind or open English embroidery . now - so popular.. Surtlingly reduced ; , ;.., i ;:...'. ' 4DC- fcmbrolderled(for, the ysrt.....4,i....,..,.i'.........i..XS4) s- lo Embrolderlea-for,' the yard. . ........ '........! . .STVw ' l , tU to 1131 rBbrolderlea for. thard......i... ...... ..45. a V'. V Vw. " i. The Different Stored February Sales The. February. sales, as, conducted b-e, are glorious advertisement - This month stands like a" gujuc wicjt,uaa-jyua- pyiumig uva- iu vn mic uiulijt uuuincu paui iiiai, icaus uvcr win , ter's. moors,, and ahead toward-! springtime's- flower-sfrewn'' court. Advance openings of . newest merchandise are hejd dailywhile the money sacrifice on seasonable and staple goodaisvery greats Those-who come here to pnrchasejare finding wonderful everyday advantages in the " beauties, Vrichnesexclusrveness and Iqw 'prices 'of the big OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE. We j hame many'yery jterapting;bargains;inth!s;annomicemeht but conldn't begirt. to te.ll of them all' . in. a space a hundred. times sj:large. iFrankly there would not be so many reductions on staple lines in February if eTeiybodyi'prefefrerl to "buy during.this month. But buying is naturally slow, and 'the special sales are the whip and: spUrs)w"e apply, to quicken the February flag's jg-ait. No - other investment ays dividends so great as. the; money you spend here now for .goods. ' We .' create a busy inomh of ' it bythe ;gathering-of.surplus lots offered by foremost manufacturers at 'tremendous sacrifice, andturningT'eni over,to'y6n at a trifling -profit for brokerage, nd by re- ' ducing prices on the maior part of our ireguJar.stoclc. t;Everytbmg is of the same high standard ' 'ofqualitysold'hereall the year; 'round. While the point is to concentrate the heaviest possible 'I' sellinginFebTuafry, on request we. UI hold any goods you may buy, now, for later delivery.' ' Thfe" especially applies to goods bought by the spring' homemakers. ; We print below the- extra '' special bargain offerings' that . Friday brings. T '. , f. ' .- : r. Most Sensational r: Sales Ever Held of All the Suit in Portland v ; 1 The Most UnpriK-edenterf Values .EyJ0ered by AnyHouse in America ! f. . j'Actiikl $2W0;Val - CI ,JJJ 1 4 A.-LAST DECISIVE CLEAN-UP THE ABSOLUTELY FINAL SAL? OP THE SEASON .SUITS FOR NOW. SUITS FOR SPRING, AT LESS THAN THE PRICE OK THJf f . ... SKIRTS-WONDERFUU SENSATIONAL ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE BARGAINS ' w:vAHDlRBAL-VALUESr-41EE"EM IN,"LAROB DI8PLAT WINDOW. ,.We loao about hrcawhaf you pay On every suit but It's our way of cleaning op for. the , r'season. ".The loss now In a lump ALL NEW SUITS NEXT SEASON That'a QUR way .:-the MODERN way, Haeti seaaon unit stand It own loss and these suits. are good for 'ail spring wear yea, for vacation wiser, for wear next fall and winter; butomorrow and ' Saturday wa clear them out POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE THINK OF BUTING A J8.B0 TAILORED STREET SUIT AT THE OLDS,-WORTMAN .Then, come here-tomorrow, and reallsa your anticlpatlona. Extra saiespeople and titters on hand. 'Three elevators. Second Floor.' Women's Street-Butts worth I2S.S0 for 84.87. - Women's Finery Tailored Sulta, In Homespuns. Serges, Chevlota and Fancy Mixed Goods; colors blue, brown, black and army.. Stvllsh suits, and' all aood values un to 128.50 the Vi graataat Economy. SDeclal ever offered at. thai ault. ,......a4.ST The - Great Final Milliriery Sale of . the Season SSffi - i ; -: '. a e c ok d floor- a n n e x. . u, .; ; THRONqS. ARE BUTING ARB TOU SHARING THE WONDERFUL VALUES t , All Ready-to-Wear Hats at Merciless Sacrifice to Close ' C08T AND VALUES LOST SIOHT OF! ". ; '-'.'; - Prettily Trltnated Turbans and French Sailors, splendidly made and in all tho newest eolorlngx, embracing brown, castor, navy and black, '' smarUy trimmed with gold bucklea, qullla and velvet ribbons, etc The product of leading designers some from our own splendid work ' room a .REGULAR AND I3.TS VALUES. Choice for two mora - .. J . ..I. ilH.tln pin. n V V . . 52c Every Trimmed Hat in the House Must Go FOR HATS WORTH UP TO A perfect .carnage! A big, generous assortment in the , i choosing, ambraclng. Velvets. Camelshalr. Felt and Feather Turbana, handsomely and elaborately trimmed la latest- off acts and. newest materials fancy breasts, pompons of silk' ribbon, flowers and plumes, etc. In colors to match any gown, and every valua from IS.Ot to $8.00 included, at the ridiculously out-of-proporttc price TAKE TOUR CHOICE FOR . .. ..... ..........v. i.. -.!. 49 A SALTS WITHOUT PARALLEL IN THE ANNALS OF MlLLDfERT-SELLING IN THE WE8T,4i SECOND FLOOR . . I ,' : ", . , . ANNEX 8ALONS. . .' " , I . ' . : r.h--!"i v EXTRA SALESLADIES AND WRAPPERS ON HAND ' ' , " S1.49 ... . ism ML ''ST Economy in the Wardrobe Salons r . . . . Second- Floer-Ann ex. ; , .;'.''. ' '"t V '.-PETTICOATS WORTH IfhM AND IS.T5 FOR 2'A.. '"" ' , 'Ladlea. Petticoats, of fine Italian Cloth and Gloria Bilk. lack Rh smair white dote, .. . made with circular and Spanish flounces, trimmed. with small ruf flan, and knife plalt . I '' iryr, the newest of spring styles and extra values at. the regular prices Of and i.7lr special Economy Sale price, each ...83.Q8 ; : v Coats jfor the Small Tots Only $1.98 for: Coats Worth' $4.50 I r" r COATS FOR THE SMALL TOTS-ONLT IMS. FOR COATS .WORTH 14.14)., "i Kf '" ' with round, or square, capes, soma trimmed with fine braid, others with brass but Vl '' .. " tons, tn sixes from I td I years, good I4.M value; special Economy Sals price at 8198 Women's and Children's ' - Knitwear Hosiery Reduced for Friday o X r : I 1 ' v' Ji . '. FIRST FLOOR. v ' '' ' i Women's 'fin white Imported Cotton Corset Covers, the Zimmerll make, high aeck; long sleeves, -ifi.M quality, earh.. ................ , Dr. Dalmet linen maah .Veeta and Psnta, 1 1.10 quality, for. each.... 81.T5 Union Suits of same. for. suit. .....( ....-. A.t.t..88.80 Women a fine Imported- Vtack Llsm Hoso. with white double- sols, tlo quality, 1 pair .... m. i . . . ..arc . Cblldran'k fina imported Black Cotton Hosv double knee and white double h 'sole;-regular prices tw it ' "I - - f- .' 4 -' "', r '' ''- .'lle'',4oc... 4ae...v-4S loo -Spertafprle..T.rr:;T...T....,19 . SO .SSd S84 904 Infanta- white Merino Vesta, long sleeves; aa exoalleat lio quality;- sperta. eacsj ..,..v.........,n....,...........,i..,....l4 'i , i, ,i i - ' ' ,; - Result of LC School Scholarship Contest at 10 avrn. Today Arthur Taylor, M. 4. A. 8HO- GREN ... l.tU : Reeinald Carter. BELL BOT THE NORTON T,H ' Mae Hughes, KNIGHTS SHOE IX) . i... ,ltl Guy TV Pur, PORTLAND DE- L1VKRT CO. 1,114 Chaa Artier. WOODARD CLARKE t.441 Esther Carlson. MASON A EHR- M AN 2.llt Fred Murphy, WESTERN ELRO- TRIC Co. s..--...,. i.m - Ralph Hotmaiv LADD at TILTON BANK . 1,711 Raymond Smith. COLUMBIA ICK 1"0 1.711 P. H. Rattln. WADHAM A KERR- J BROS. M . . i4 tn 1.701 "'Tout vCttt. rr. . .v. .'.v... ..7 Scattering . ...... ....v.... 1,711 ' Grand tota ... Needful Notions BARGAINS! i0) eo troiaing twTin- y' used on lamp with j. indlea, reg. vat , lOci I . , FIRST FLOOR. , n A Small Wared sale to be headed by .. these mindful - of little oconomlea that grow to big savings. (Ike a little snow, ball rolled down over a hill covered with fleecy, freshly fallen flakes. JSo ALUMINUM COMBS Ho Aluminntn Dressing combtw wlU not tarnish or .break, reg. val. tic;' special, aa. 18s) 11.41 HAIR BRUSHES 1.0t Large Slsa . Extra Long ' Bristle - Hair Brushes, black bocks, reg. vaL 11.46? special. ... each.... 81.09 11.00 HAIR BRUSHES tSo Bristle Hair , Brushes, extra quality, hard rubbef backs, warranted not to warp or split, reg. vaL 11.00; special, each.... 65 w lto CURLING IRONS to Folding Curl ' - ing Irons, can ba out burning band lea. special each SO bKA rtlHIt bhuk uttjw so Men s . : and Boys' Leather Shoo Lacea, reg. , yaL le; apeclal, pair, ........... .3a) 1 lie SKIRT BINDING to TARD Skirt Binding, combination braid and val. vetoes, tailor finish, black only, rag. -val. 12c; special, yard.. 64) lie TOILET PrNS 42o Dull Head Toilet Pins, on cubes, reg. val, ltc special. ' " CtlDB - a t 4 4 i ' e t t t 4 'a 1 eaeeosae 'ea 1 .. 1 a a ' a 134 SAFETT PINS Ic DOZEN 8 maH Sixo Nickel Plated Safety pins; 1 doa. on card: special, card ..r.... .......... .24 fie BELT BUCKLES lie Fancy Gilt and French Gray Belt Bucklea, girdle . .. effect, largo else, reg. vaL' JSo; apeclaL each.. ..................... .19a lie BEAUT T PINS lOo Gold and Stiver Beauty Pins, reg. val. iSc; apeclal, , pair . . . i .' .200 MEN'S WATCH CHAINS ILtt Men'a Gold Filled Watch Chains, beet quality, warranted, reg. val. ILTI to 12.00; special, 'each ......,..8189 1 45c SIDE COMBS 'Ito-Sherf Bide Combs, mounted with gold, band, reg. vaL ic; special, each .................... ,..........394? CHILDREN'S lie PURSES 10c Children's Purses, with chains, smalt slsa. all - colore, reg. vaL lie; special, each IO4 PLAIN CEDAR. PEN HOLDERS Reg. val. Ic: special, each,.-. ,1 (. unnin. ivniiM ROOKS a-.Vaat Pocket Memorandum Books, red leather covers, reg. val.. Ic; special.' each lr a)" le ENVELOPES c PACKAGE Cream Wove Square Envelopea, smooth finish, large slsa. reg. vaU Ic; special, package V..... I.. 3a lie WRITING PAPER. I0c PACKAGE One-pound Package White WWtlng Paper, containing 120 sheets, parchment finish, .reg. yaL ISc; special., peck age ..... . ' ,204 2Se WRITING PAPER 14o BOX Box Writing Paper, white, linen finish, plain or ruled, reg.-vaLJS5c; special, box....... ...........14 lie .TOOTH BRUSHES to Tooth Brushes, extra vquarlty briaUea, large slsa, reg, vaL 10c; special, aach.............'........... ....844 .Itc POCKET COMBS to Hard Rubber Pocket Combs; la slides, reg. val. Itc; ' special, each . . ..,.. ' '......,' f ..... ,84 For tr Women Vtiv Spring Sewing A Housebolci Herlpei: v at a Bargain v; ;,'v " .FOURTH .FLOOrV.NV'.V'1'-.t:'v:C;!.: OLD& WORTMAN KINO SEWING MACHINES Three drawer, box top. v high arm. bail bearing, oak cabinet, gtmranteed for It years; regular valua?; special, .each.,,. ....... rv;.f . ....... i.. ..... ...... 818.88 Same aa above, five, drawers, box top; regular value 111.11; speeial. 1 1 each t . . . . ivf i .... . . . -9 18.25 14.40 COUCH COVERS 11.11 Heavy Tapestry Couch' Covers, fringed atl . around. Oriental pattern; regular valua 14.00; special, each....'. ....82.95 Great Friday Bargains; in the Big r'-:I.::-;:-lThird MlMiseMm ::r"-.Sli V."' FRENCH CHINA DINNER-SETS.' ..V;. '..V.1 ' V ".' V 40 piece set; regular value fll7lt special, set. .............. 834.58 100 piece set;' regular valua 141.71; apeclaLset...i.,...........8S4;30 111 piece set; regular-value 141.40; special, set...... ........84T.50 ' 1 ' ' J.'. .LIBBET CUT GLASS. ; ;:' lT;- : . ":. 'V-1 Sugar and Creamer; regular value 11.10; special.' pair. ........ 849 Water Bottle; regular valua I.I0; speclaL each. ........ j... ........ .849 , Y."' v.;,' " J PLATED SILVERWARE. ', ".. '" :'' j. "Ci "''' ' '. Teaspoons: regular value tle.set; special set ............v.'. .V.. ...... 48e Desaert Spoons; regular valua 11.11 aetj special, set.... f Table Spoons; regular value-tl.ll set: special, set. .94141 Forks; regular value II. 1 seti special, set....... ........ ....... ...... -9414) Quadruple plate Salt and Peppers; regular valua 11.10; apeclal. aet. ... .. .850 Quadruple plate, TtxJthplck Hofde'rsrtr'gular value ISc; apeclal, each, . . . . 59a Genuine Blssell Cyco -Bearing Carpet Sweepers; special, each.. ...... .-.83.25 Brooms; regular varus lie; special, each... ..................230 Water Palls', regular value Itc? special, each. .. f ..-,110 Scrub Brushes: regular value 10c; special, each. .................... TO 4-foot Step Ladders; regular value; apeclal. each'..... ...'t. .... 980 txll Mirrors: regular valua lie; special, each :..... ..180 Repa Ir Knives ; special, six f or V. .1 . 50 HatrheU: regular value I601 special, . each "'290 Ironing Wax: specUl. package 10 Wire Soap Holders regular valua Ic; special eaan. ..................... .30 rxnti Tirki: aDeclal. Dackare. .'...10 ting Irona (set or tnree); regular yaiue; special, set.. af special, package. V. ' . . . .. .. t . .. '. ... ,....; 40 :s; special doaen..... ...40 Patent Smootlng Picture Cord Picture Hooks A ROUSING' FRIDAT SPECIAL' FROM v.- I ,- Tho JL lib Shop L. . '.. SECOND MTAJOn. ....- . ' CUSHION TOPS WORTH TO lie FOR lto Cushion Tops, made ef art denim, linen and canvas, with pisln backs, stamped and tinted in floral and rmv ventlonal designs; regular values to lie; special Economy Sale Price. ..'" each '.. 180 k , - . t A PAIS ' OF PRACTICAL ECONOMIES IN TUB 1 ' .J.. 47.141 '"- "-first floor. tl.ll TABLE DAMAS1CH 14-RtehsrBoon,t fine f atn T "i yards wMe. exquisite patterns; rular valua 11.41; sp rrrrsBADS. . i r::da p -a' . jn l- r'-ed d '-"- 1; r r t ?e 11 1 ; f 4. '. ' .. f. - , - -v x.:,.4 i. ,,! ' " w . . . ,7 v . -:. ; ... : .1.- , -,- - . ....... V ;.r - X'.