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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
the oregoh daily. j6oniJAu rcr.Ti..y id. Tiiur",v, rr.OAT.v cx t::- RACES DEPEft'D Oil; -CITIZENS Of SALEf. BV'TIIE. MILLS TO RESUME r r O "J I) r ms(e inn (ox Law for New, Deaf Mute Scrioo Suislaw ,Cuntry--AgairiBe' i-,a-ir!,s:'a."l d. State 6oard -of Agriculture De , : Near Salertt Killed by -V ,' X. ; v, Executive.. ' . ; cide to HoldfVleet If Fund ' Cutranteed r1 ! ? ' rid of Quiet i. PORTLAND MEN BUY MANY MEASURES NOW , TWELVE THOUSAND AS o o ! I i s; APPROVED AS STATUTES BIC STORE AT EUCENE PURSES TO BE OFFERED ... n- ! . ' ....- RETURNED SOUTHERN OREGON ; GOVERNOR rmwm Twenty-Four Billsf BearCharri berlain's Sienature'and Sey- ignati ' enty-Nine Do Not. I, (Sped. I Dwpetca tm Th Journal.) SaJem. Orti Feb.'SJ Governor Chun - ' . bertalo reiitnUr nln4 r ht eu on house bill No. 77. by the ways' and ' 'means committee, providing for an ap - proprlaUon of 1 70,000 for the location .. ' 'and erection of a new deaf-mute school "..nearer this city than . the present aba ? stating that the amount appropriated would he wholly: Insufficient .'. House bill No. 295i which provided " that all auostloa regarding tha running ' 'at Urge of sheep and (pats be submit ted to the vote of the peopla, was sleo , vetoed an the ground that It was with- 1 ' out uui mH uinriofi wiiwhwj vu uvuai, .. Another bill upon which. , Governor ; Chamberlain placed his veto was house a bill .No. SIX to establish; tha Rogue 'River road district. The . reseat;! ven a r nurelv oonstltntional! Tweaty-f our- bills wera returned by . ' the rovernor bearing his signature and 7 1 without his approval, .They are as .8. B. 1. by McDonald To authorise county courts to dispose of lands used ' by counties tor poor farms and of other , real property not In vM foe county par- - poses. ,.'...''- H. B. 111. by JPierea For compulsory ; education .of Indian children. ,t .... a B. T,.by Smith To regulate prac- . 'tics of veterinary medicine. 8.. B. 2, by Coke To license- hunt- ' era. .' . - - -i:,-,'i. ' 8, B., -243. by-Colsan To relinquish : rights of state In certain sowers in the city of Salem. .: r- .. i i. 8. B. by Ran To license ped . diets.- hawkers and Itinerant .Vendors.. v. 8. . 221. by Malarkey-To Incorpo rate West Seaside. Clatsop county. 8..B. 22t. by Avery To Incorporate - Philomath. Benton county. - & . 0, by Oosbow fa Incorporate : Rossbura. ' 8. B. 110, by Malarltey To punish - fraud on travelers. ' 8. B. US, by Tuttle To regulate con j atructlon of county roads. s ,, 4 i K. JJ. 24. by Cooper T Incorporate TnffofMtndencA. .''...'" H. B. lt, by ShookTo amend act '. relating to1 Southern Oregon Agrlcultu ral mociety. ' k ' ... ' - '''.. - - .v ' ' H. B. 3i0. by Bailey To amend child ' labor act. 1 '7' - . ' . . U. Bv J2. by Capron To regulate aale of foods and drinke.'and to raise aalary nf dairy and food commissioner to $2,000 ' : a year. v. - ' ' U. B. 0, by eornett To amend school ' , laws. -1 : - ' ' . H. a li. by Jayne To amend charter o Mood. River. . i i , H. . B.' a4, by NewaU To- .prohibit . floating bawdy bouses, . 11. u. tit. bs'waya .and mean com mUtee To pay claims, for expanses In curred in nursuit ot xracy ana jsexrui. H. B. S, by Capron-To rahw fee for ,i H. B. -l0r-br -fifngham T .axamnt . v certain mining companies 1 from annual - earnoration tax. ' -" ' H. B. t. y 'Shook To provide for deputy hire of Klamath county oinciaia, j H. B. 25S, by Dobbin To fia aalary Lot oountv ludtte of Wallowa. - - " H. B. 2f. by Cooper To fix salary of county judge of Lincoln. ' . M 174.. br wars and means com mlttee To pay sundry claims galnst the sUte. M. B. let. by Welch To declare the , time when tax lew shall be made. H. B. '1(0, by Hermann To amend tha law on exemDtlon of earnings of ' Judgment debtors as to bousehdld nec cxurlaa. - r- '- - -; , H. H. 12. by Hudson To amend code :. aa to homestead exemptions, H. B. 28, by Jayne For county fruit : inaDectora.'-' ; v- H. U. !, by Jtuney To prevent llye ; stock running at .large .in Sberman 'i county ' . . . -:'.' . ' v;: .KB. ttt. by Hermann To relinquish ' lands condemned for vounty foads. when i " lands are not used for such purpose. ; H. -B. US. by. KUllngsworth Eor ex- change? of freight cars between tall roads.' . v ;.; r i-j.. H. B. Ill .by West To erte water commission for Tillamook city. , ' H. B. . by .Miles To protect forests from fire, . 1 H. B. si, by Colo To promote irriga tion. , j , , H. B. 270, by ways and meana com t 'mlttee General appropriation blU.. SEATTLE TO ENFORCE TF, , , - THE EIGHT-HOUR DAY ' ', ' - 1; A. - (gdedsl DUpatck ttt Ts rwmjLV V ' Seattle, Feb. 22. From this time dttl eight hours will const I tuts m dy s rork on all city contractstThe boafd of pub lic Works haa taken this stand ahd . notices have been Issued toJI conj ' tractors that 'their contracts will be an ' nulled If more than this time IS workm ,. ' . Bonding companies hare been notl 'd that where a contracr is' canceled : for working morr than eight hours they will be held on theli bonds' to the city lor all- loss or damage by reason Of the . ; city taking over the won. . , ,' mmi TO . yiS.T WXUAlEBTTa. WJoarnal SpeeUt a-rrW.) Dallas. 'Or., reb. 22. The crack Dal las college first team of ' basketball will meet 'the Willamette university of Sa lem on the Dallas irollege gym floor Sat urday night ... . .... pim DaadraC sepa ralUssr 2fal, Bellsves Ttoalag. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDJ The OmiaisTAX. resnedy that kin tha 2asdrnn fUnx." ' . OlNGil GOING'!! GONE !U . rISIi Will A A a PUBLIC TOOTH BRUSH ": 4 owwatalagM T" Th Haw te - Wa aa aaeteriltaed aatiU WIT will ke as' rate as sab tante " The mm Is that 4UV tm W -rmuglaiie alei m ssraid am4ntt, d trw gassrant srwfc) UsrcULM. BsrsteMeVU sae It. V leaf Mr, Sum a, m lEtPKUe CI., fttsf. I. letralt, Mks., far ! MOATTOWSJ AT fSQuHHT BSBWrra) fvOM, gWTT.IO Prope.rty Known as Ax . Billy De partm6nt store Sold by . p. H. Ingham. j''41.-. (RperUl Piipatrh t Te JeonuL) Eugene, Or., Feb." 82, Reports come from tha lower SiuSlaw -country that All the big ''sawmills on the river, four In number, will resume .operation . early next month, after. having been Idle dur ing the entire winter. The Haubert.mlll at Acme, which has been Idle for two years.. pasU Is, being1 plaoed In shape to run-; again. Tha other mills are . the Sluslaw Lumber company's. at lAcmo, the largest on. the river; Hurd'S. at Flor ence, a new plant, having neea ouui in 102. and the Sprue Point mm. below Florence, owned bv Kyle Sons. , - . E. H. Ingham, proprietor of one of the largest stores In Kugenev known aa the "Ax BlUy Department Store," yes terday completed a. deal with J. D. Flelda. Robert Gano and Frank Tillman of Portland, whereby the latter became owners of the store, and tbey will take charge In a few days. Mr. Ingham haa been In business hero for about 1 years and has made a good-siaed fortune In that time. He will now devote his time .to the Ingham V Zlmmea vinegar factory, of wMeh ha ia half owners it Is ono of the largest plants on ure coast. ANNUAL BOARD Of i TRADE ' . '." ' v :. . , v. , , . i . ;. Prominent "Orators Address Gathering of Enthusiasts .:-r at Forest Grove. ' (Special' Dluwtca to The Jooroal.) Forest Grove. Or- Feb, 22. The sec ond annual banquet of the board of trad of thia city was held In Verts' hail last night. ' One hundred and thirty persons Dai-took of the magnificent spread. ' The tables, three In all. wereprofusely decorated, as was also the hall, with Ore gon grape, ferna and palms.-. At the door where the guests entered was the Araerl can flag arranged as a coverlnsTfor the archway.- .' - - ' ' ''-. ' An Informal reception-was held in titt hall llwltfi from s to Sria o clock; In Ins evening, when it was announced, iby the president of the board, Benator . W, Haines. that the guests, repair to the banquet , ball. ; 'i-, . Isttm of XegMt After the courses were finished the president began tha program by the sub ject. "A Few Words, " and besides, mak tns m short but enlhusiastib address,, be introduced the toastmaster., vol. Marry Haynes. ' Mrl'Haynes in a few -well ehoaeB words-announced that. Judge W. H. Hollls, secretanr of-the board of di rectors, would reaa toe letters ot regret from the-, out-of-town soeakers, who could not fee present.' Letters from the following were read: Hon. George Holm, mayor of Tillamook, and Hon. BV I. Bddv of. tha same city. Hon. William T. Mulr of Portland, Hon. Ki L. Smith of Hood River, W. E, Cciman and Tom Klcnardsoni The latter was unable to attend on account of sickneas. A long and enthuaiastio telegram waa read from Governor George 13. Chamberlain, also a letter front United States - Senator Charles W. Fulton. The next subject discussed was "The Prettiest Town In Oregon," by Walter Hoge, editor of the Forest Grove Times, Ho took his subject from the remark made by President Hayes, who with Mrs. Hayes was touring the country and paid the high compliment Just related. . Mr. Hoge a remarks were along the lines of growth, and comparisons were also drawn which were surprising in the ex treme. .. Washington. County at the Exposi tion," Jwas the subject ,of Hon. W. K. NeWeiTs address who ' dealt" af some ten gin on Ida possibilities or the county and what was being dene to make Wash ington county's exhibit a winner. - Jadfe 2sVJgt- Oak Speaks, . The , most prominent speech of the evening ,was that delivered by Judge It M. cake; president of the Portland, Com merciai ciun. Air, cake is a pleasing orator ana soon had his audience thor oughly awake to the possibilities, proba bilities and necessities of the Oregon country. Hs made comparisons and gave tatistics of surprising magnitude, and suggested plana of carrying on the cam paign in the Interest of immigrations On tha subject of "Words of Wisdom." by unnamed orators. President Ferrln of the university Spoke, as did Rev. H. W. Boyd, pastor of the Congregational church. -' '.! The affair 'Was a success from begin ning to and, Walker's orchestra fur nished the music, and the assemblage was dismissed by singing In concert. "J Love to Tell the Story.". - ..i-. v- - ' . JLA OXAsTOB BUCS' BAsTQUXT. ' (SpeeUa Dla tcb t" Tke JowaaL f ?' t Grand. .Or., Feb.: 22. The Brand annual ball given by the L Grande ldga of eiks. No.j4S2. last night wss attended by hundreds of people from all ' parts tf I'nlon county, it was a great' social event and. the banquet waa one of tha most el borate over held- in thia city. . -.' y.K -: J,."'.,.. - - -,,'. save It T Lsts far JUrplslsa. that will. Mm er liter, eaaw heldm . A wrttrr la U41ral Biw of Hrw, eya: "rheoi ekusrea eseeli ka that It eiry k m uMW i balr nraea " nimtmft KrptrM r4m jrua" n siirtie sarailMe bf Ststrartag (be easdrarr artmk.' A erllghtral hair oraMlaf.' UMS ti nil reeniu. . J BANQUET Grounds and. Building of State Fair- Grounds Are Badly in M asm4 'Xf DamaIm 4.' - jfr m ' 8(Mclal tbpateh to The Jearaal.) 1 Salem, 'Or Feb. 24. It is now -up to the aualneas" men of Salem to dedd whether or not there shall be a race meet at the state fair grounds this faliLi At a meeting held by tha state board of rlculture yesterday afternoon it was de- ddeii that If the people :ot Saiem would raise a guarantee fund of 22,000 and place It oa deposit la some bank, tot the protection of the fair board against loss, the latter would go ahead and carry out tha racing program' as bad been planned for the aix days' meet, September 11-ls. At : first the board was , Inclined to abandon the 'idea of holding a meeting altogether, since tha members have no funda at hand with which to neat any deficiency, should one occur, and was disposed to turn the matter over en tirely into tha hands of tha Salem peo ple to conduct the races, pay tho ex penses ond reap the benefits of any profits which might accrue, ' ' , .Secretary if. 1. Wisdom, of the Pa cific Northwest Racing .association, at tended the meeting, however; and urged the board, on behalf of the horsemen of tha coast, vino are anxloua that the meeting dutea should be filled at Salem, and tho board finally reconsidered the matter and decided to hold the meeting as arranged, if tha Salem public, which would reap the greatest financial bene fits from the undertaking, would agree to stand its share of the expense, r ""It is proposed tto put. up tha same purses as .were, hung at the last state fair -meeUiUh which aggregated approxi mately 2l200. v i.. Tho 'board will hold another meeting two weeka from yesterday, - when a de cision oa its part will be reached in the mttr niu wav np'anathK Before ad journing yesterday tho members of the boards took a -trip out to the grounds to look Up what Improvements are most necessary. . r' The legislature set aside an approprla tlon of 114,000 for the making of exten slva Improvements at tha fair grounds this year in lieu of holding the annual fair, and the board is as yet undeciaea ss to where the money can bo expended 10 the best advantage, , Among the Improvements found neces sary are the betterment of the sewerage system, a new wing on the pavilion, en largement of the banquet hall." an addt tlon to the north end of tho grandstand. new floral hall, fencing, ditching, tllr ing and painting of all the buildings with a now coat of white. - ' President Downing says that tha SIS, 008 will not go very far toward making the improvements necessary, and that it would take. at least twice that amount to put tne grounds ana ouuaings m first-class condition.: There is also a Question whether the board, must expend all of the sum appropriated within .the year, as provided by tha act, . Tho item which appeared , la yeater day's loeus of The Journal with refer ence to the arrest of-Fr-J. Boatty at Ban Fianclsoo- ' caused much Surprise among ' Beatty acquaintances in tnis city. - When Attorney I H. McMahan'a attention was called to tha article also-expressed surprise' and said ho had nothing to do with the arrest tnat Beatty had recently repaid him the 6 which he .put up. for tall in tha mu nicipal court at Portland, and at-the aame time settled another bin wnicn ne owed him. He further stated that about week ago his client notified him. by letter that he Intended going to San Francisco, but that since then be bad not heard from him. , 'v- 1 PROHIBITION CLUB - MEETS AT ALBANY Officers Elected and Name of Organization Changed Amid Much Enthusiasm. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Albany, Feb. 23. The Unt ' County Prohibition club held ita annual session In thia city .yssterday-afternoon and changed ita name to the Una County Prohibition alliance. - Interesting and enthusiastic addresses were delivered by President W. P. Elmore, one of the leading. Prohibitionists In tho state, and other members of the organisation. The alliance elected officers for the coming yeax.-aa follows: President, W. P. El more, Brownsville; vice-president. T. P. K. Hackleman, Albany; secretary-treas urer, uyrua . waixer, a i Dan yr c nap lain, Vbbe Peters, Brownsville; mar shal, A. T. Powell, Shedd. Many new members Joined the organisation and the Prohibitionists are enthusiastic evsr the . results of the last year following tneir work. , . The CoryaJlis Sk Eastern . railroad Is rebuilding many of the bridges on the lino between thia city and Tadulna 'Bay and 'the entire line is being put in the best possible, condition for the work of Jhe coming season.- The long trestle at tne end or the drawbridge- In this city Is being rebuilt, a force of 20 men being, now engaged with the plledriver in strengthening the structure so th will stand the heavy traffic of tho coming season. Other brldgea are being rebuilt between this city and 8urmmat1 ana ine roaaoea is neins strengthened wherever it Is found necessary.;- . IVASHINfiTflM PI I I w - w s - . w s w sjsjsasigvw , f . ADOPT CONSTITUTION ' '(dpeeUt Dsipatrh ts eenaLt Beajttle, Wash., Feb. fl.-Thls morning grratsr number of' rtia. dtilesataa in tne -mks State Assoolatlon convention returned, -to their Homes after two davs of JoJiMcatlrm. At the banquet last evening Charles ;0. Bates, past exalted ruler jbf Tacoma' lodge, waa toastmas ter and toasts Were -responded to by John t.1 Wilson, Spokane; , George O. Mills; Olympia; Walter C. -UcFarlane. Oray' Harbor; Rev. W. Dt Slmonds, Sesttler Clinton' W. Howard, Belllng ham; J. H. Schlvely. Seattle; Harry Bal linger. Port Tpwnsend; John V. Fletcher. Taroma.' .. ' - -- . . (- The new' constitution adopted ' ftxee e membership of the association at one delegate- for every 22 members. In addition to exjUted rulers, past exalted rulers, past presidents hod officers of the association. Tho revenue of the asso ciation ore to" b 'do rived by asaeasrasnt of members, 2V"ech and a per capita tax of 2a cents -Of member, chargeable lo the different lodges mnklng up the mem- arnhlp of tha ' assnclatioa to be paid be! ore AprU 1. 110a. - ' vj 2 3) The Kind Ton llare Alwajs in use for ever SO years, J-- 1 tuta has Defminstdennaes1 Us per r y;A wonal supcrttslon slnee Its bifiuaer AliowiioonetodeodlTeToalntitiav ' u Att Counterfeits, Imitations avnd - Just good are bat ' ; ZSxperlments tht trifle with and exMUng-er the health of Infant and CaOdrei Ebnperie2toe agadast TSxpttmmm,' What 16 CASTORIA .... . J,.''.-'.- j--. ' - " Oaatoria. Is a barmles snbttltate tor Castor Oil Faras gorio. Drops and Boothtng- Sj-rops. It Is Pleasant. It .V, . contains iseilher Opfaun Slorphine nor other Xareotto . ' : wnbstance. Its age is Ita guarantee. It destroys Worms rnd allays Fererlsbness. It cores Diarrhoea and . Wind Colic. ItreUeTM TeetJiliigTtxNiblektet and Flatulency. .It asirimllatea the Food, regulates the .. Btoanaeh and Bowels giving healthy and natural sleeps t She Children's Paweej-Tho Mother's Frtond A; ; CBNUINE CASTORIA AUWAYO Bean the The M Ton Hayo Aluays Booglit i In'Uco For bver 30 Years; ir ; "-'. i . if s-iit JOURNALVANT. ADS PAY.D coir SotSnLj ttad Ktlch haa hum ' has borne, the ftgnataro cf tr r mm of Sift 7S r-i V. . 1 '"l"' irrf Trl vr Onlv For This ' Bllk-Uned Ladies' Slippers, convenient to " wear around the house, regular price lio a ad c; special. palr rT..; .i.......2T ' Men's Cloth-Line ' Slippers, Jus the thin ' ; for an evening at home or to slip oa with a .bath- robe, regular price 26o; - '- .: special. v pair . ............ . . . ... .19 Ladlea-- Japaoea. Slippers or Sandals, all de signs, pretty ones. too. sell regularly for 2to; sale pricey pair....... ..,...lBe Remember, too. we are tke largest ' Carlo , Dealers in the city, and .have aa ane all tha latest aad newest goods.. . - , . v ' . , .'. . ' ' " '" '.' ..'-- ,.l --. ;. sssisaB - ' Thi iTsterii Inipcrtinji Ca nrta treat, op p. old Postoffloe. . aa St 2Caa, aaav Sirs.' 1 1 m T & A :-1 II otferb) 1 City Breyer bajcg-aot aa Btaa Oosxplete '" - Brewery ta taa sTortsweeli BotUdd Deer a Spedslty sra. rs. .. - - Ottsa istk aa r r POBIXAirrx ORBXrQH . - i Raven Nut Coal delivered. at pantos ........ A. tavaa juump ucax asurareo. at par ton .............gCUiO Beaton Lump CoaL delivered, at ion ; 2JTO0 Austraiiaa CoaL detrverad, at I . par ton ; -ndCTJED Carbon' UUI CoaL aeltvared, at per ton BTJUI noes Bpnan Wj wsuveiwai Wf . acreesea yon s-qu waisata, VULCAN COALCQ orrica phonto ttxm mi. vHa sts PYnCGHAPIlY class ia all annlleaHftna af : tTta art convenes each Tuesday aad Ttrars day afternoon from I ta s e'eioek. . , Hum ked lT6t' -' rbrtlsaA. Or, MwMSaossM a as l e- rT sm2p TV ie ier imi MTwesS as- e. V-..'' " t I', Win have no terror for you if yew coal hin Is -filled, 'with GOOD CLEAN vox a Why pay moowy for tha kbsol eausser trouble and vexation, when Jrea srs certain sure of sattsf action by plao. ins your ardor baraT- f ( - '. ., i Rock Springs Coal 'Cm a Sk BAYXS,' CiMi 14. Shopping to do r:oowet-';:- r'ln on ntf ts- Use ttcPhoue; i . , i i - . . . . r. JOHN L SAB IN Praaidant , ... v ' LOUIS QLASS Vlca-Prsa. and Oari. Up. TO Wintry Blasts COAL wi itmsJL ' , that ' ' -e ' f I'l . 1 . 1 urn -. -t , a v" m ia a i w 1 1 T' ... .. ;. ,-. .-r. '.; 1;-. I K r - 1 1' ' t r ; 'V-