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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
"CI J DAILY 'jC'JT'TAU rcrVLAia). TIltnDAY. CVCIYINO, FZSnUARY ti ii :.ii-T- a --. ' r- ' - - - ! TonaxT l AXTT 3Ta, . - . . : roiuwbu...-. ........... ."Tb iMr ef iry I.rrlc.....i?..... ."Bujee 4 tiM Bo, Ire ' y." irsd ........... Vu -Ti i ( Htsr ,........,...-. .., .. ( V.v IUM ...............,..-.. V -wTliX ' ) V Grand ivtnue btwei Eqet A.orrlsoa '-. and Eut Burnside.. streets, may remain - closed for many months. The property owners affected by the-'-proposed Im . -provement -entered a f remonstrate against a district ssseaslnent which da- ; v ; foated It. The Portland Consolidated -'has finished -U portlo of the trealle - " between bat Stark and ' hiaat Um atreeta and replaced the oM track with -heavier iron. The trestle t will not rx planked until -the property owaen Im .. prove their portion of the street. "Guard .' rails, similar to those on the Morrison -I street bridge, have been laid along the v' V outside of the double tracks. Business , -v houses south of Starx street art pre testing over, the clewing- of The thor . oughfare. as all the . traffic la thrown , ... to , ynloa avenue. ;. -.. - .,- r,. ;''' E. B. Dufur, a pioneer lawyer of Port- : land, alter an absence of many years during which he has practiced law In " ' v ,The Danes and discovered a placer mine 'near Oold Hill In southern Oregon, has ' returned to this elty, and will resume . - his practice In partnership with a. it. '. Rlddelu . Mr.. Dufur . was county as , aor of Multnomah county In the early - 7 O'a. He removed to - eastern Oregon ' ' ,., many years ago, and founded the town of Dufur,. later gotng to. The Dallas. ! Several years ago he went from .there ' . to Oold Hill, and began prospecting 4a ;.' the moantalns of that district, finally locating a deposit of placer gold. ty The - entertainment of St 'Mary's eathedral parishioners at the Armory last night was eminently sneeessful and was attended by TM persons. A supper was served between f and I O'clock and .'-was well patronised. During the even- ' lng an excellent program was rendered. . , Dr. A. C Smith delivered the opening '; remarks. Among those who sang were Mrs. Walter Reed, Miss Agnes Watt. 4 Mrs. Lota MacMshon. . Miss Kathleea - I-awler. Mrs. Jot-dan nmne. -Mrs. Bertha -ttcimea, Mrs. Byron -K. Miller .,, and . Mrs. Lulu Dabl .Miller. , '': V Frank' James, who violated the eondi : , tlons of the pardon granted by Governor ..Chamberlain, was taken to Salem yester- , day to begin the service of his five-year . . sentence. . James was paratmed with the ,,. .understanding that he-wotiki leave the country on a ship going to Australia. ' but Instead went to Tacoma. where he held up a Chinese 'and robbed him of , 117. overlooking t0 which was hi his . . victim's pocket. James' sentence In the ... courts her was for robbery In aa Al , '. blna saloon. - a J Many unique teatures' for the school exhibit for the , exposition - are being planned by the rural schools. ,r The Mount Tabor, pupils . will describe the Bull Run pipe line from the city to the head works, and - many photographs of seenes along the line and drawings Illus trating - the - Portland -waterworks will be placed on exhibition. .The St. Johns school will describe, the different manu factoring- establishments la the town. - . Tho Eruilees of - Portia fidTodge In 1J B. P. O. E., will receive bids for leases . upon the basement. first and , second floor of their; new building now under construction on the corner. hf Bev ' enth and Stark streets, either ad a Whole or In part. Address Sll oommunloatlons to "Board of Trustess JJ2!eJ Washing ton treet, rooms A and e-i; . ; i A George Washington birthday party was given by Rev. and Mrs. Burkholder, of 16 Nebraska street. Fulton. An ad' dress was given on Washington; Sev eral young men of the T. M,.p- A. spoke of the opportunities afforded by. the as sociation, and -games wars' played. Miss Grace Gilbert Bang. . , ' , .' . '' Professor 'Eaton's dancing achooL Classes Monday and Thorsday evenings it Arton halL Beginners taken at any t!ma.J Six assistant teachers. . Private lessons daUy at halL Spectators Invited. 'Phone West 0if. ..; .f f ... . ;: Decker's' moving" pictures, 'with .the ' -new- cam en graph, n Flicker obviated. Comic, Instructive, exciting. Y. M. C A.. Saturday. FebruaryjlS. I p. m. Ad-mission- 16 cents. Matinee. n. nv, ad mission It cents, v -; - , r. .' i '"' 1 ii Elegant hew steamer Nome City sails . direct San Francisco. Friday, ( p. m. , Cabin, 112; steerage. i. Los Angeles. ' cabin, 121.60: steerage, 118. Meals snd berths included. 'C H. Thompson, agent, ' lit Third street ' .-- :. : Whist party sid supper at Blckners " . bell. St Johns, Saturday evening, Febrn- ary ti, under auspices of Ladies of Holy ' Cross parish. A good musical program arfanged. Admission tickets. It cents. -"S At I orlock last evening WflbeW mine F. ' KrUji. wife of Frederick A. Krlbs, the lumberman and capitalist. died st- their home, T-Irring street, ; ' after brief lllneasi-, - -v., t An Interest can be had In one of the best paying) propositions in the country - - without costing you one sent Investi- gate" this st once. Address K 14, Jour- naL . ; ' .. ' .. V ' B. eV S.' Homeopathttt - Cough " and . ' Croup Syrup. A specif to for colds os ' the chest Keep It on hand for emer ' geneies. .For sale by Knight Drug Co. . ' Have you seen the fine line of buck ' rkln money' belts carried .In stock by ' Albert Bern 1. the druggist Second and I Washington? The safest way to Carry I PROFITABLE ED UC ATI 0TM- ' Kvery mibleet tanght In ; the . Holme Business College has a money - earning value, and the course of Instruction promote the highest interests of young mta and .women.- , s t. , rtVAOTIOAXi . BaMi sate: VOVOS TTwarsrBXTrjra. MtAOTSOAS mAI CaXCUXTZOaT. . Send for . the handsoma new . , ...... - Ji , -. ,,., , 4 roijiB t5si:tss ccutcr f Y. ti.CA.tM. PliotMtlafaiSn J ' V'1 T. REMARK i ir.CREACS,: X $1 r'CEIPTS THI3 YEAR OvyneiV pf . Raal Estate Should Uervd in ineir- rreprty " "No 4 one owning property In Mult nomah county will be permitted to leave aa I O U in the cash drawer for 'his taxes,' said Chief Tax Collector ' Fer guson today. This Is the positive or der of Sheriff Word and will be obeyed with favor to no one. . Furthermore, no reoatewiu oe aiiowea - on taxea mat are not paid before March If. This rule Is absolutely Inviolable, as Is also that which requires that It per oent penalty and Interest be added, to all taxes not paid on or before the first Monday In April. . "A rebate s allowed on all taxea paid In lull on r Derore narcn is: taxes become delinquent after the first Monday In Aprils when the penalty and Interest are added, unless one half of the tax be paid before that date. It this be done, time is allowed on the balance until the first Monday In Octo ber without penalty or interest Up to Saturday night tM7.i had been collected. Last year in the same period the collections were 1111,411. The exoeas this, year over last Is ttt.l7i.t. I expect that IJ.OOtt.Mo will be col lected before March 1." said Mr. Fergu son. - The people appear to have plenty of money with which to pay their taxes and they are coming In with it more readily than In the oast The tax money collected is now turned over to the county treasurer every week, Up to .Saturday -night $171,180.11 had been -receipted f or 'by County Treasurer Lewis. ' w.' - .-.'.: t It is believed that the strict enforce ment of the tax 'laws as to rebates and, Density ahd Interest . hss been In part tho cause of the liberal payment of taxes this year, Methods have been adopted that ere . similar to those In vogue in the conduct, of a bank with dally balance sheets and monthly trial balances showing exactly the status of the ' varieua funds. Knowing that no favors will be extended to any one, the property owners are coming in promptly and securing their receipts. I Demity Ferguson urges property own- rs to send in lists or their property, in order that statements of taxes due may be mailed to them.. - "PeoDle should not wait until, the flhai rush." said Mr. -Ferguson, "when It will be difficult to handle the business. It wiU be to the interest of property own era to ' act with expedition and avoid omlng too late to be served before the expiration of tho period when remues are allowed." .-..-.... MIJ6ESOISTRICl3i n ri I rnKNhi IN MAIc j - Clarnc Crawford, Born at Day- f. ton,' Wash., and Is Twenty- Six Year Old. 5 .7 Clarence Crawford.' who has been ap pointed to fill the position of district at torney lor tno team ' juaiciai auiirici. oom prising the counties of Union snd Wallows,, is the youngest -district atrcr- fx r-': Cburenc Crawford. J- nev In the state of Oresoru-rf "fie was born la 17, and Is. therefore. Jl years of age. ' He was born In Dayton, Wash but has spent the" greater part 'of h la life In Union 'county. - Mr, Crawford was a menfber OTw class of 1I0S of the Stanford university. your money and protects agai from pickpockets and "hold-u B. & Cough sad Croup Syrup,". Two- generations have been; brought up on It As goof now' as ever. Prevents croup. rorsaie ny jungnt Lwag ua, v. - - - v Coughs,' colds and la grippe speedily relieved by a, few doses of our Cough and Cold Cure. Albert Berai, the drug gist Second and WaaiUngon. , , , . Grand "mask - ball ' Tliursday evening. - February IS. at Woodward's ' dancing academy; Burkhardt's hall. Six. prises will be awarded. . ' - : - v Try a meal without meat at the Vega- uu cyi,iv. bum (trMi. ' Ask your grocer for Golden Cheddar. MISSOURI SOCIETY JO J. ENTERTAIi.FRIEp$ BaturdaV even lag the Missouri atate society :win estartalit member of sll other stats societies of this city 'at the uiignts ei rytnias nau, atartruam baud ing. when a literary program, la to be s rendered.- President ' W. D. Fen ton. of the Missouri society.' baa Issued invita tions for the event which - stats that something is to be considered for the sld and advsneement of the Lewis and Clark exposition,.- ., - .... , . ' i , Mlsswari -cltlsens . of Portland were among the first to organise a state so ciety. They have been Mthualsstlo In regard to the work, especially since the exposition ., unfolded Oregon's oppor tunity 'to interest the nation. - The line of effort that will doubtless be adopted Will be to arouse, cltiaens of Missouri to tske the Udp snd arrange -for their entertainment when they ceme- to visit Uw;fsJr...:v - Y . v-1 N;;oTbRi20.;.V: v:- . ROOMO; ; 't -'-i:i. '-. ' ''' ' . . K ' Fcr Htst S'-' . ..,; V,V-., 'V-tb'lir Qrocndi. ; a Li .. V, ''l ' ; . FirJ' l i; .... ... . : 311 COLTMEHCIAt BLOCS 1 Charles E. Marchand Arretted for Holding Up Threo Men , t " - in Hoeff t Saloon, " SUPPOSED VICTIM SAID TO CE AN ACCOMPLICE Robber Talked to Police Who Had ' His, Description In' ' ; Their Pockets. :, In the arrest of Charles K. Marchand the police feel certain they have placed behind the .bars the man .who held up: and robbed three' persons Tuesday night In 'Albert Hoaft's saloon, at 7S Hood street- P. R.' Treau, one of the men thought at first to have been held up, is also under arrest-on the charge of being an accomplice of Marchand. .Hoeft and Finley positively identify Marchand as the robber. ,.' .- The ease Is most peculiar, an extra ordinary feature being, the spy ears nee at police headquarters . yesterday of Marchand and his wife, who claimed that some clothing' had: been stolen - from their rooms at the- St Johns hotel. .At this time detectives carried a desert d- tlon ' of the highwayman in . their pockets. .The theory, for this bold act is that Marchand desired to satisfy him self thst he was not under suspicion. .- The arrest was made by Detectives Hartman and Vaughn, -who say that this morning they discovered Important evidence tending to . clinch the ease against Marchand. An automatic re volver was uaed by the robberi iand the detectives - assert they have discovered thai. It was purchased some time ago by Marchand. .,.-..- -.- Both men were, taken IntaUhe police court this moraine- an clum'tr as sault and, robbery and being armed wtftrl dangerous weapon. Tho preliminary examination was postponed to Saturday morning. Treau appeared nervous and 111 at easel but Marchand waa -cool and deliberate In word and action. . Tho bond of each prisoner was fixed by the court in the amount of ft, too. Attorney Murphy said that bail could not be furnished by Treau, and" March and also confessed his inability to pre via e so large, an amount Neither of the men will give' the po lice a definite statement as to whether Of not he was connected with the crime. uaaer ine service or lawyers tnev amv what proof they .have of their -innocence will be furnished at their trials, and not Derore, .. .. . ,, Marchand hits been In the city ' five years. Treau lias spent only a short time here. Thmen say they met at Kelso, Wash., ' where they agreed to form a copartnership In the laundry business.- Marchand la aged It years ana Treau z years. . . - some bobt or Hepentance That Need Not Be Re pented Of, will be the subject of the evangelistic address at the revival ser vices tonight at the; First Christian church, corner Park- and v Columbia streets. This la the fourth of the se ries on "God's Part and Man's Part in Salvation." The Penitent's Plea" Is tbs subject of the special duet' this evening. Song service begins st T:I0. V. , Card of Thanks. Robert T. Led Ingham and family wish to express their thanks to the Caledon ian club and ladles auxiliary, the Southern Pactfio ear-shopa employes and their many friends for their' kind sym pathy and assistance daring the sick ness and death of the wife and mother, and also for the beauUfal florai trib utes. - Camas Prairie, Umatilla ounty,''nens are not in the hen trust have laying- liberally -all wlatasi ,. .Wedding or V Antalveriary Let Us rally to your aid by placing at your disposal one of the finest Unas of jewelry snd : silverware In the Pacific? north- west Our - goods Jar from v Only the well-knows and lead-' - lag manufacturers and bear ' the stamp of taalrhy.v Whatever you may buy from Wrighfs you may rest sasured there Is aaaltty In your por- , Cham;' and then, too, you nave . bought aa cheaply as you fed ' right about . ANWniGHT- Z93n0BRIS0N-ST CUT EiJLUSIASTIC I) a , ' ' Mrs. Cnia4- Lanphere Comes t9 ; Organize . the 4 Retail - Clerks of Portland. CELIEVES THERE 13 GOOD : FISLD FOR LIFE W0RIC ria No Quarrel WKn Citizens Al fiance. Which Is Her Very ' " vCood Friend, f ' : 1 -. At the -Perkins hotel Is a comely, un assuming guest firm of purpose and" en thustuUc la her . work. On tho hotel register is Mrs. Emma L. Lanphere; on her card and In the labor world Iq which she wields Influence she haa the high-sounding title of International Or ganser of the Retail Clerks' Protective association.- ? Mrs. Lanphere Is here for the purpose of uniting the f .000 : retail clerks of Portland into a mutual, fraternal organ isation for their aaal stance and Improve-- ment "'"Portland, I think, off erg splendid op portunities for our work." she said this morning. "It la a. great elty and. as I am Informed, baa between . T.000 'and 1.000 -cleraa eligible to membership' In ii, Mrs, Emma L, Lanphere. Our association. Of course I can't ex pect to Induce all to become members, bnt out of that number wo should se cure a good share."-- - - ' v Branches So Sfot norlah.J f The Retail Clerks' Protective associa tion was nominally In existence la this city before the arrival of Mrs. La phere. An organisation waa effected several years ago. but has not advanced as becomes a read, live, branch chapter. according to Mrs. Lanpberec It has pos sible Z0. members. - . . "I don't know why It' Hasn't more members," she , said, . "but every- one knows that branch organisations, if left (A- themselves, will not. flourish- like the green bay tree.- They must be cul tivated and nourished." --.. i, Strange as It may seem. Mrs. Lan phere and the Citisens" alliance are fast frlenda The name of the international Retail Clerks' association may not sug gest It but just the, same it is a union snd la conducted along the lines of the most approved organisation. "We havo never had any trouble." she id. In whatever towns I have been we have worked harmoniously. Thev seem to understand that ' tbey-Them- selves are an employers- association juat we i are an employes' association. They have actually helped me in my work, -and we consider each other very good frlenda . Blames ts To Bet Barmoaisa, In her work in Portland Mrs. Laa- nhere has encountered -a v Droooaltion that requires much of strategy wad cun nlnr mneralahlo. 8ha haa discovered that here, as everywhere else, thJglrta in dry goods stores don't get along very well .with their - brothers in , clothing. shoe, -furnishing . snd hat stores. "Whenever two factions do- net agree or get along well together, we organise separate chapters or, branches. "That Is what I-hope to do here." Mrs. Lsnphere eontlnued. ."But I don't mean to say that there la any real difficulty here. But It la a rula that has been prescribed by the International and must be fol lowed.1 ' i i -j . Mrs. Lanphere belled aa that those who employ labor have the right to say how long their places of bualness shall re main open and at what hours. ' "It is pretty generally observed that the best houses close st f o'clock in-the evening," she said, tut we have no ob jections to their remaining open as long as they please. , .We have the right to ssy- how many hours we will work and for how much -money wa will work.- If the employers want their stores open longer than that we offer no objections to their securing extra asslstsnce." 1 There will be meeting of th retail clerks of Portland next Tuesday even ing. At that time an organisation will ba perfected and Mrs. Lanphere hopes to -complete her labors in this city in two weeks. She -sme from San Fran cisco,; where she' had phenomenal suc cess. ' . . ti-i 1 j ' vv.; ' . M.I , ..t I. . CAM AT KABJCABT FABJC . After two weeks st Oearhaft park la July, the entire National Guard of Ore gon ' will -probably . go Into camp fo three days at the Lewis and Clark fair grounds. 'Tce camp at Oearhart park haa not been definitely decided upon, but n Is said th trip will very prob ably be made. , . y . ii-"-' i , - - . Freef the -Wag is SHU ' Oa. y. ' . '"Why do you' Insist that the war Is ot overT" v . t (- . ; ."Btcauae." 'answered .the Rmwlsh, confidently, "we. have some, ships they haven't yet sunk," .. - -' I ;-! . .1. , s . 1 ' i x f .,.V - it -i : ' f "i I. .....-........'...K..i... .,,.'.r., .'y. ,...1 -1 V NEED HELP? v A JOURNAL Warit Ad w21 :i Hyar needs -RATE.; 3 1 WORDS TOR'' 15 Cents . ' n : STBS POLICE FORCE TO ACT Civic Federation Will Want Help i From Hunt and His Men. .'-; MERCHANTS MUST KEEP THE SIDEWALKS CLEAR Instructions Are Given Patrol men to Cause Arrests If V,.; Necessary. Chief of Police Hunt this morning an nounced that because the Civic federa tion has turned its attention to keeping sidewalks' cleared of obstructions, po licemen will hereafter be obliged to see thst the city ordinance is respected. This instruction was given the men after a conference with General Charles P. Beebe, police commissioner. . General Bfeebe was at the police sta tion early this morning and waa closeted with Chief HUnt In the tetter's private office for a half hour. At the expira tion of that time Chief Hunt walked out And facing the policemen Jo Jlpe, said: .. i. "The Civic federation haa taken la hand - the cleaning up of - the cltya streets and sidewalks. Hereafter you will be required to do your duty in this matterand to- make arrests where ob structions are not removed from side walks sfter you have given Utaersons M.nMi.lht. - ml.. ' , I Numerous complaints 1 1 loagea, with the police oy xiusens -ior some time on account of business men crowding sidewalks with wares so as to make' It inconvenient and awkward work to' pass, their stores. Contractors are said tobe the worst offenders In this ManMh 1m' man.' Vn.fsnM. . Mmnlri.l blocking the sidewalks and leaving them in such condition long after the hi sltv for it had nasaed.. - ' Members of the force ssy It Is Impos sible to-keep sidewalks unobstructed on aceount of the "big territory which each has to cover. A few days ago four or five- men were, taken off beats and placed in plaint clothes by the chief. In the effort to stop the epidemic of crime now raging In the elty;' This leaves the city In worse condition ss - regards a patrol system than it was previously. It Is a fact that yesterday only two men patrolled the district bounded by Pine street the river rrontFUlton park and Fifth street One man bad t patrol the district Included between Jef ferson and Glisan streets and Fifth and Twelfth streets. Tho whole territory north and west from TwelftB and Glisan streets is also patrolled by one man. Three fourths tho burglaries of recent Bate have occurred In residence . dis tricts practically no-patrolled. A -warrant was issued this morning for the arrest of A. J.' Bingham, a build ing contractor, on the charge of ob structing the sidewalk In front of the bunding occupied by the, Union Meat company. .. . .''. TRINITY CHURCH HAS . CAPITAL PROGRAM - Trinity church has long been famous for Its delightful entertainments which figure prominently, in the social life of Portland, and the affair tomorrow even ing at Parsons' hall promises - to keep up the - high standard. The program will begin promptly at I o'clock. The management Is fortunate In securing Rosemary Gloss Whitney for a number on the program. Mrs. Whitney's splen-f' did soprano easily won her favor at the Mary Adell Case- concert Monday night and soma, will attend the entertainment tomorrow merely to greet her second appearance In Portland. - .; r; . j. Jf -y I Dr. William m. uampoeii, well Known to many Portland audiences, will also sing. - The program will conclude with the - laughable farce "Box and . Cox" Robert McCracken will Impersonate Box, and George Eastman, Cox. ajr-. Bouncer will be- sustained by Louis t. Bruce. These men have experienced In greater or leas degree tho sen sat lopf of r1a wak ing to find themselves famous." the morning after the Multnomah club' am-' ateur theatricals. , Their names islone are assurance enough that the perform ance Willi-ba dellclously funny. Danc ing wjll follow the program. The pro eecdaardtto be devoted to the organ fund of -Jrlnlty-church. - Thompson Automatic Window Screen': nBcui3 wanted to sell exclus ive rights in territory1 or to sell this screen W.J.COOK i 1; At-Muck Hardware Oranpajty. Cr4afieMt) and Morrlaoa atraeta, Fori Or, S . I m i . . .' rrfiin"nifc'Trv v. WUIJLU LJAuL lllld .VFV. . . A CITY BEAUTIFUL 'I Business Men Give Time to Dis '. cuss. Needed Improve-' f ' ' ' ments in Portland. 1' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE V :4 HAS HOUSE WARMING '. Carripaign for Betterment of Conditions Will Be Carried ' . on by Members. " AtTayhouae-warmlng given In the new home of the Portland chamber of com merge last evening, a civic Improvement campaign waa Inaugurated by the ap pointment of. a committee of seven to formulate plana to arouse' public inter est;! to divide the city Into districts snd organise improvement clubs; to crests a law eommlttee that shall, secure en actment of needed ordinances and 'look after their enforcement 'and to regu larly retain a paid attorney to prosecute offenders." .. , i Speakers made enthusiastic addresses In support of this plan. - President W. H, Wheelwright in a welcoming ad' dress to the guests and members of the chamber, outlined tbs policy to be fol lowed in the movement to clean up and beautify the city. He said that no clt lsen could fairly feel pride la a city for which nature had done so much, so long as ltst residents were content to leave nature to do It alt The people of Port land were' eloquent in praise of the city's wonderful -natural beauties, but they were extremely slow to Improve and embellish those feat ores that nature had supplied with a lavish hand.' He praised the Individuals and societies that had in the past made herolo efforts to beautify the city of Portland, but whose work had been rendered Ineffec tual by the apathy or Indifference of the people, who seemingly-were satisfied to drink in the grandeur of ' distant views, white overlooking unsightltness closer In. He proposed to work a change in these (Conditions by revolu tionising public sentiment This work, he said, could be dona through the chamber ot commerce. ,. - C.-B. S. Wood seconded Mai. Wheel wright's suggestion, and said ha could see in his mind's eye the proposed city beautiful, wbosw Inhabitants, departing to the heavenly shore, would make in vidious comparisons on arriving at the pearly gates; and who. on looking about at the gold-paved streets and eternal mansions, -would Involuntarily exclaim: rwhy. this city Is not aa well -improved as Portland." ' ; He discussed industrial conditions and denied the. right of railroad monopolies to make arbitrary rates for transpor tation. Economic justice and freedom, be said, were the center of gravity around 'which all human advancement has revolved throughout the. history of the world. . Charles A. Emory, attorney for the San Fraaclsco Citisens Alliance, tpoas on the work of the alliance. He said Its purpose wss not to disrupt union ism, but to correct its abuses.' and pre- the Liiimiv-ww n wim". en gendered In- the Industrial wona. tie said that by. reason of their avowed character and purposes unions lacked mnumtlim ' and balance, and ; were Aftn nnrMsbnebte aod arbitrary in their demands, restricting the right of individuals to WOW wnere ana unaer such conditions ss the individual had a right to chose for himself. 1 He said there were two forms of monopoly one of money and the oilier of labor union ism, and that each waa as aangerous as the other. -.He cited recent occurrences at the exposition grounds as examples Of unjust' demands by organised labor. MORE BUILDING THAN , CITY HASSEEN BEFORE Scanning - Plans and Specjfjcft tionsjnterferes With Resarj -Duties- of Fire Chief. There la greater activity In bonding now than ever before In th history of the city. This is shown by the number of building permits Issued by tho city auditor, which have averaged a dosea a day this month. Architects and bunders have swamped the fire chiefs office with plans and specifications forv proposed buildings -to be Inspected, ajd Uvfhief and his three assistants are at ' work -onthem every minute they can spare from their du ties in the department but they are unable' to handle all that oom in. Chief Campbell is very anxious that the .city council should pass the ordi nance providing for toe appointment of a building inspector to inspect the plans and specifications or - Duuamgs, and to see that ine nuuuing rauuw Is enforced. ' -it la tmnosslble for us to take care m.r tki. work." said he. "Our Urn should be devoted-Jto our duties in the depart ment Instead Of Being spent looung over plana and p-0ca t loos for build ings. If WO OO mis wor,w nave u neglect somethia else. There la enough work to keep one man Inspecting these plans snd a pec In cations. If they ap point an inspector, in our travel through the city we will assist him in enforcing he ordinance." .- - Few permits sre issued for large business houses; nearly all are for cot tages and residences, averaging in cost about UOO each. The largest number are being ereweu on ajMuvn rnrXiTfOarr srxonr. - Kdward RVme. ' proprietor of -saloon at lit North Tenth street was attacked last night by unknown assailants,, -us declares he was' in his saloon when a large stone, burled through th window. Thursday's W&pt Ad News Ad under "Help Wanted Female" this evening says, "Employed yrong lady desires room mat of a social dUrpoeAtkm.". Address answers to K. 1, are Journal. y . ' i - , .'. ,v v ' For sale nder heading "Baslness Chances, "Bar with stock of two pool tab lea, permanent boslneoa; eight blocks from fair grounds, during wtjk'h. It will be a menev maker.". Sea ad for address. - .( Rihorn and fiheltoa of Condon.' Or, say la their ad In the Tor Sals Farms' eoluam thst they will cheerfully give any Information aa to the large wheat ranches they have for sals. Writ them, they'll likely have what you're looking foc!a the farm line. The Journal "Want ad" News Is tbs talk of the tow. - . See that yoej make It a point, to read about these ads- regular, as you r r some of the rare bargains spoken of, , t - ! tl rent; "New T-roem bouse with modera Ibbw - blna ear line; near ear.abopa; (11 Mteslaalppl av ally low rent for such a stae modem house. I , at it or you, may be too lata. SECO FLCCT j juerotea -to trie most ex- pensive display of tBe best earincrwdvinost stylish v . ... i , . . JUVENILE SHOES S: In the " city.: JSee display J jn winaow. ,:. ; ' KNIGHT S Opposite Perkins Hotel OrejEpn'd ition SUWSET MAGAZINE March : Number 3 Sold by All Knrsdtalcrs AmUSJUaJaaTPs. Columbia theatre: A. H. BAIXABD. raBrteaotb aad Waastsgtsa Its. . Fvar sasre pttjaaiaheai. auitlBae la aohadid Ival of Lord Ittoa's The Lady of Lyons" isenlng..... A.. ......60e. ate, xSe. IBs, Matiase.. ....,..-..JBe. lie, le Dewatawa box effles ill v. 1ST Mi.iIi. Xaxt- Btsrtinc Indir aistiass sisaS "olb irgmn.iTgg." - UiDfllUU eaAJTO I. aa1a. la. Mm. THXAIU . aBe JUis SM rrieay. aad flatnrday Nlgbta. Feb. S4-X, laos, , . Bperial Price Mallnre mitiirday. ' :, ' . MS, ABX . aOMOMX - . , '- "tht Haausy aad the -f W. vealng Pt1rs Psrqnette. tiAOaUtDsraestia elrrle. Si; kalceoy, TV sad BOe;, gauerj, 3b aad SSe: sous and locea. 91C f Bfatmoa prtoto tower, floor, fit and tact, entire laloofir. BOe; gafMry4 x5e aaoLaae, - .. SKATS NOW HKLLiHaT U1P1RC TKEATCt gecare 'rser seats by Phoae htaia MS, -- - Crowded both Una yesterday. .. OITLT rOC MORB PERrQBMAlTCBS. -UBOULAK alATINKg 8ATUBDAT. eek. Braadt-Baasje Cmapaay m the powerful military play, rOBTSCBX UOKTS." ' n aatlBaea. 10e.Ue.JBe. ITIsmta, Ue. SV, SBe. ooe. N0.34-JCUSNAL CCUPCr-j. Star Thbatro ., Friday Xaxiaea, Febraary S4, ; . This coapoai and to entltlea holder to one admission when presented at office. -; THE LYRIC THEATRE tea NSW LTKIO STOCK OOMPaXX, la U saaaaaeeci Beyond , the Rockies awares st X SO. T-so and arrs p, av Uses! setae of ai DAIii:i THEATRXL Third aad Taaaklll sts. ga vsiKieniwi a ni irrrrrr okors raTBogrxta xAvnxx, PENOT ASD WAEO. '-. ymuxAg AID CLAAKX , JtOLatlA SJTD HOLMES. " 1. W. WOOD. r-t- THZ BTOOBAPaC ' ' Admhslon 10c Partorawaeea at M. IM and :! p. BW,,- - ' ' -SXaBam BKOS. OOMCBBT BTB8T MR 4.s BtiKKama. struck him on the head. He reported to the polios that he was slso robbed of a small sum of money last night ; i Reduced Ratas trt cuiforrxaL .. . . , The Southern Padfle- company baa placed on sale round trip ticket to Los Angeles at the rats of tit. limit days. This affords aa excellent oppor tunity to visit the many beautiful win ter resorts of son thorn California at moderate ooet .- i ' , . tbs thing ' to 'semtSMaT Mmmv . ajurgasa, soa goog shmt wexk syi"i'aiw?niniuieaa! i : .A- - -5