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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905) DAILY JCUrJIAL. PCrsTLAl.TJ. tHUESDAY EVENING, FE2HUARY 3, 1CC3. C"TT I M'.CiO. CITT irOTIOXH. CITY X0TICU. CUT' B0TICX8. Crr HOTlCUa, ,CTtTV JfOTICM. mAixi s " ... - T.. Twr A wifo, 0.I0; hit 15. Joh W. lAhgdou aod - (Ha, W. 11. Barnett aud wll, $V-0) lut ID. John W. Langdua and wtfs, W. li. Buhii - aud wU, u.i. xxaKK. 1, lut I, Job. W. ..." Langduu end wit. W. li. Barustt dud-wife, ut 3, Julia W. Langdoa and wife. - V. 11, Baraett and wife,; lut 6, Joka W. tAiigdoe aad wife, W. 11. Bsrnett and ' j, wife. o.o; kt 4. Julia W. Langwou aad wits, .-) V, 11. huroelt and wile, $u.lO lut 6, Juan W. Xangdoa and wt(, W. 11. Beroutt aad , wire.; kit 6. Juan W. Laugifea and wife. 1 . NV. il. Barnett aad wife. $; lut I. Jubu W. Langdon and wife, W. li. Baraett aod ' ' wlf, $u,7o lut ' 8, John W. Lauguun aad wit. W. 11. Harnett aad wife,; lut a, " Joha W. . Langdua aad wife, W. 11. Baraett - and wife,; lut 10. Julia W. Langdua -' aud wife. .W. li. Banwtt aid wife, a7o; , f- lut 11, J-jhn W. Laugdoa and wife, W. 1L 1 Barnett and wife, u.7ii', lut IV, Job a W. Laufdua aad wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, i $o lu; lot 13. Joha W. Laugdoa aad wife, . U.lH. Baraett and Vlfe, $0.70; lut 14. Job W.' Langdon. aad wife, W, U. Baraett and wife, 80.I0: lut 16. John W. Leuadoa f aud WUe. W. H. Baraett and wlfa, 60.70,4 aut ae, iodq w. unfiui ana win, w. xi. V. Baruett aod wife, u.w. BLOCK. $, lot 1, s-eViha W. Langdon and wlfa, W. H. Baraett and wlfu, $u.ko; lot -a, Joka W. Langdua and ' r 1 ... 1 I . . . I ., . . . .... I... n d, . v stsrawtl uu wue, au.iv.wfc w, John-W. Jjngdon and wife, W. II. Barnett aad wlfa, $u.ll; , kit 4, John W. Langdoa , eud wife. W. H. Baraett aud wlfe,3u.T0; ... kit 6. John W. Lsugdon and wife, W. M. 1 , Barnett and wife, u.T0; lut , John W. Lsugdua and wife. W. H. Baraett and wlfa, 60.701 lot T, Joha W. tAugdoa and wlfa, W. 11. Barnett and wife, $0.10;. lot a, Juaa " W. Langdon im! wife, W. U. Baraett, and wife, u8. , , ,. ,v.m tERWILLIGKR i HOMESTEAD BLOCK" 1. . kit 1, TerwIUlger Land Ooaiuany, u.7; kit -' 3, Serwllllger Land Compear. U.1U lot , ' V Terwtlligvr. Land (Juinpan, fl.00) lot i, .Ter - wmiger Land Cempauy, 0.70; lot 6. TerwU ' liger Land Company, 0.ui lot , Terwllllger '. Laud Companr, , $0.10; : tot. T, TerwIIUgar Land Cumpaujr,' o.7o; . kit , ' U'erwlllUfer -Land Coatpanr, 97u. ' . n A tract of laad lylnc between' block 1 Aad 3. TerwUllgef - Bumeatead, and between the . i erntb Una of JSejrmout annua and tba aorta line ef Admiral avenue, XerwlLUgee Laad Unn- Pnn H.W.- . , . . ' - - i'. .r. TEHWtlJJGEE ROliESTKAD BIiOCK S. lot 1, Terwllllger Land Cotnpaaj, gu.TV; Ml g. Terwllllger Land ; Cempanjr, IU.70; lot Terwlliuter Land Cowpaor, , It-rwilltKee. Ind , Couuanir, Terwilllgcc Land Coakpany, : Terwllllger Land Company, Terwllllger Land- Conioaur. - tu.7o; lot 4. u.7; , lut iaTO; ''lot' 0.7uj ' lot e, , T, S. U.7tl - lot TerwlUlgY;Ind Oompan, fO.TO. B lLOCK S, wt i, xerwuiiger jaaa Comaaay, Compear, Company, Company, Company, Company, ; lot lot 8, Terwllllger land . 3 Terwllllger' Lead ,.' Terwllllger Xaad . S, 1 Terwllllger 7ad4 lot lot lot kit lot kit lot lot 6. TerwlUlger 7, Terwllllger h. ' Terwilllavr um Land Land compaay, 1 Comoaoy." ll. Terwllllger luV Terwllllger 11, Terwllllger 12. ' TrrwUllger Laad i Compear, Land Company, Land Compear! Mad Company, .lot lot Mr A Of inn Uelfvrr - a-iiw wuipuif , ayv. BLOCK 4.' lot 1, TerwIIUgar Laad Company, la, ' TerwUllger Land Company, gi.iw; lot S. TerwIlUft Land Comn 0.90: ut 3, TrwllUgfr Land Company, ft Ut 4.' Terwllllger Land Company, . Comoaaf . lot lot lot lot lot Terwllllger Laud 'Terwllllger , Land Company, Company, Company, Company.-: Company, Compear. Terwllllger Terwllllger Terwllllger Laad Land Laad Land Lend lot 10, Jot Jl. lot 12. Terwllllger Terwllllger Terwllllger Land Company, BIKK 5. lot 1. TerwlUlger Land Oomp rw; lot 1 Terwllllger Land Company, 'lot ft Terwllllger Land Company, Company, : , itompeay, lot "4, . Terwllllger J .and ' lot 5, Terwllllger lot , , I Terwllllger kit. 7, Terwllllger lot 8, "Terwllllger lot . Terwllllirer Land Laad Land Land Land I'ompany, . Company, : Company, company. Lkt ' 10. Terwllllger Land ' Co in Da nr. ' (0.70. BLftrK . lot ,1. T.rwllliger Land Company. U.S: lot t. Terwllllger ind Oompany, I .tw; lot , 3, Terwllllger lna HDpeay. Vt 4 Terwllllaer - Laad Company. lot ; 8, ' lot Terwllllge lad Company, I Terwllllger . una lonipeiiy. ' . v kit VT, Terwllllger j I And (Company, I '. 1 o.7o: kt fU . Terwllllger Ind Company, fo.TO; kt. 0. Terwllllger ' liad Company, lo.To; lot ID. TerwllUgwr lnd .Compaay0.70. HLOCK T. kt 1. Terwllllger. Land Company, ' 10.09: lot 8. TerwlUlger Land Company (0.75; lot S. Terwtlliger Land 4'ompany, . fi.70; lot 4, TarwllUger Land Cuuipauy. 10.70; lot S. TerwlUlger Land Company, .0.70 kit . TerwlUlger- Land . Company. $0.70 lot T, Terwllllgea Land Company. 0.70; lot 8, Ter. 'wllllgrr Land Company, $0 70; kt ,. Ter . wtlllger Laad tympany, )0.70; kit 10, Ter-i-wllllger lad Company, fO. 70;' lot 11. Ter wllllavr Land- (Yimoaar. to.): lot 11. Ter wllllger Land -Company, tOM..' BLOCK S. lot 1. TerwtlUger l-ead Company. 0.70; lot 3. TerwllUger .Land Company. 0.70; lot 8, Ter- wllllger wllltger. : wtlllger wllllger 1jd company Land Coupamy, Land Company.. Ind Company, . lot 1.. TerwlUlger Land Company. C0.70; lot r wi wul '. iv. . . t.v a. .v. S, Terwllllger Land Company, 0.70; lot 8, TerwlUlger Laad Company, fo.TO; lot 4, Ter wllllger Laad Company, 10.70; lot 8, . Ter Wllllger Laad Company. 80.70: lot , Tar- wllUger Land Company,. fo.TOi lot 7. Ter wtlllger Land Company, gu.TU; kX 8, wllllger -iAnd Company, wiuiger laoa uompany, Willi Land Laad Land Land Lead Company, Company, Company,, Company. Company, Company, Comaany. - Wllllger wllllger wllllger wllllaer Wllllger Laad . wllllger Land wllllger Land wllllger Land Companr. 80.70; Comoaar. 80. 70, BIjOCK .10, lot 1. Terwllllger Land Company. 80.70; lot 8, Terwllllger Land Campany, 80.70; -lot 8. Terwllllger lnd Compaay, 80.TO: lot 4, Ter. wiuievr Laad, t'omptoy, fo.70; lot B. Ter Ter. Ter-Ter- ; Wllllger wllllger Wllllger 'Wllllger WUIIger lAnq iwmnany, Land'Compaay, Land Company, t. in; 80.70; 0.70; 80.70: lot 6,. lot T, tot lot . kit 10. Land Company, Ter-Ter- Lend ' Compaay, 80.70; Ind Company, 80 70.. riiuger BLOCK 11. lot 1. TerwlUlger Land Comoanr. M: lot 3. TervlUlger-t Land Company. 86.60; lot 8. Terwllllger Land Company, 8O.M1 lot 4. Ter wllllger Land Company, 8o.8a;- lot 8, Tee- La no tnrpany so. on; Laad Company, '81.20; . Land . Company, 8 t.txv; Ind Compaay, 81.00; lot 8. "Ter lot T- Ter wt 8. Ter lot . 'Ter- uaiM comiany, y,. 80.5; y, 80.75; y. 8.70; lot 10. Ter- una toaipany, lot lot lot lot lot lot lot 11. Teiv Jer 14. Ter 18.. Ter 16, Ter 7. Ter- l4t no ivmpaoy. Land Comoanr. 80.70 Land Company,. 80.70; Land , I'ompany, Land Conioeay. -80.70; I.7U: Mnd Company, Land Company,- fuind Company, Laad Company, Land Company, 0.70 0.7ol kit l"v Ter- p.7; lot j. Ter . TO! lot 20., Ter. .6;., lot 31. Ter. Lana tompany, lot 1, Terwllllger lnd Compaay. 80.85 lot t. Terwllllavf Lnd Comnaar. 80.NA: lot 8. i Terwllllger Land' Company, 80 TO; kit 4, Ter- wiuiger juaaa tompany, vu.tu; 10c n, , 1 rr- rllllgeT rlllliftr ina tampaay,. fi.70; jot a. ler. Iod- Company, 80.70; kit T, Ter Land IVimpaoy, 80.70;, lot .8, , Ter liad Comnaayi 80. 70: lot 0. Ter wllllger Wllllger Wllllger Laad Comuahr. 80.70: lot 10. Ter. Wllllger Land Company 80.70; lot 11. Ter Wllllger Land, Company, 80.70; lot 18, Ter wrlligan.Lad Company, 80.70; let 1M. Ter wllltiier Uad Comuany,v 80.70; lot 14. Ter wllllger Land Company, 80.70; lot IB, M. K. Bwlgert, 8O.70: lot 19. M. B. Bwlgertr 80.70; lot 17, Ttrwtinger;.j4ind Company, 80.88: kit 18. M. K. flwlgert. 80.8S. BLOCK 13. lot 1, TerwtlUfer. dad Compaay, 8O-70; lot 3. Ter. linger Land t'ooipany, lot . Ter. Illlger Laad Compaay, 80.70; lot. 4. Ter- fb.7rf! ;.. 8. ' Ter- 10.70; lot , Ter. io.lo; 'lot 7. Ter- M.70; lot R, ' Ter- Ter- 80.70: lot .- Ter- 80 70; lot 10. , Ter- 80.70; lot 11, Ter- io.70; lot H, rer- 80.70; lot 13, Ter- 80.70; lot 14. Tr- 80.70;, lot 18, Ter- 80.70; , lot 16, Ter-' 80.70:, lot 17. Ter- kt l8. Ter- wiiiiffe Wllllger wllllger wllllger wllllger wllllger 1 wllllger 1 . wlllger . wllllger -Wllllger wllllger '; wllllger wllllger ' . wllllger : wllllger . wllllger Wllllaer ' wuugrr wliir - wllllger - . wllllger Wllllger wllllger Land Comoanr. 8.T0:. lot . Ter- Land irompeny, 80.707 lot -6. Ter- Land Qnmaany, 80.70; lot , T Land Uampaay.. 8.70; kit 8, .Ter Lend Comaaar. ' 8o.70r lnt- Ter- 1 nd Cnmpaoy, fo.7"; kH 10. Ter- ' wiuiger Land Comoaar. tO. 7(1. BLOCK 14. ' kit i. TerwIHIger Land Company,. 80.70 ;. lot . a. lerwiuiger Land txtmpaay, au.iu; 101 a, . TerwlUlger Land Company, 80.70; lot 4, Ter- - wiuiger inq company, .wllllger' Land " Compaay, , "wllllger1 Land Company, ' Wllllger .and Company, wllllger' Lead- eoipanyi wllllger Land Comin,t,' 1 wllllger Land Compaay, wllllger Laad Cemoanr. lot 10.- Ter- 8470; lot t II, Ter lot ll Ter- aiy.Ttt; - wiitiger la ko , Wllllger Land wllllger Ind .wllllger Laad wllllger Land , wllllger Land wllllger Land Company,; Coaipaay, Compaay, Campany, Con Deny. lot 13. lot 14. kt 15, lot 16. lot 17. Ter Ter- Ter, Ter- Ter- Company, 80.70; Comaanr. . to. 70. kit 18, 1 Ter- BKOCK in, lut it Terwllllger Land Comnaar. 80.70.' lot a. lerwimgiY mm tumpanr. bq.tii; , kt a, Terwllllger Land Company, 80.70; kit 4, Ter wllllger Land (VMnpany, 80 70; lot 5, Tee wllllger Land Comoanr. io.701 let .. Ter wllllger iAad-Oompany. '.80. 70:' kt T. Ter wllllger Land fompny0.70:kt-8v Ter wllllger 1M Company, ,80.70. BLOCK 16, lot f. Terwllllger 1a od Company, 80.70: M t. Terwllllger Land Company. 80.70; lot 8. Trrwllllger lAad Compaay, 80.70; kit 4, Ter. III! I And Company, 70; 70; lot 6. Ter. .wllllger SrllllreT Wllllger "Wllllger wllllger Wllllger Und lAnd 1a nd I And lAnd Laad company,, Compaay,, Cnrepanr, Compaay. Company. kit 6, Ter- 1.70; 1.T0J 1 to? lot T. Ter lot 8. Ter ft. Tee- 80 70; 80. 70; M. 70: K 10, Ter- Company.' Company, lot 11. Tee-1 . Wfllll lAd mt .18, Tee- bu.tu; jot o, ler. 80. 70. lot 6, Ter- 80.701- lot 7. ,.Ter- 80.70; lot 6. 1 Ter- 80.70: lot 8. Tar. 70: g. -lerwiuiger Land oirapany, ao.7n; lor . Terwllllger Land 'Vimpeny, 8O.70; lot 4. Tee-. wllllger. Land Comrani80 TO; lot 6. Ter wllllaer Land Comoanr. 80. 70; Jot. 6. : Ter-. I Hirer Lend Compear, 80 .70; lit T. Ter wllllger lAOd Company, 80.70; lei 8. ' Ter wllllger 1 And I mp.ny. 80.TO. ' BLOCK 17. kit f. TerwlUlger Land Oompany. to. lot kit tif wllllger lAnd Compeny. t-1 7"; , I WUUger Laad Company, U.Jj; lot Ter. lrr-- Land Company, Laud Couipauy, Laad loiuuany. Laud 1'oniuauy, 0.T; lot llT,Ter. 80tlo; kit W. Ter. 80 70; lot 17, Ter- 80.70; . kit IS. T- wuuger u.7u, BUM K 1H, kit 1. Terwllllger Laud Comtainy. to. 7(1 i; kit 8, TerwIlllgHT Land Company, ao.7u; lot 8, TerwllUzar Land lumnaay. tu.TO; lut 4. Ter . wiuiger - uih,b u , wllllger Laud t'owpauy, wllllger LaudConipaay, wllllger Laud Company, wllllger -Land Compauy, o. W; lot 6. . Ter. u.7u; lot Tia 80.70; kit T, . Tvr 0.70: - lot 8. lar- wllllger Land;, lot. 8. .Ter wllllger lAua Luwpauy, bu.iu: mt iu, r ier wllllger Land Compauy, 80.70. BLOCK 10. lot 1. U. B. Bwtgert, So.aU) lot 8. U. K. Bwlgert,; lot 8, kL E. Uwlgaru So.'iV; kit 4, M m. nwigert, 8O.70; lut 0, Ter- Illlger Land company, Compauy, Company, Company. 0.70; 0.70; mi.iv; 80.701 kit . ?tr-rr-Ter ; wllllger Laud wllllger 'Land " wllllger Laad ' wllllaer lAud lot T. lut 8. lot V. lot HV Ter Ter Compauy, au. iv; wllllger Land Compauy, wllUger Laud Company, wllllgar Laad' Cvmpany, wllllaer Land ' Compauy. 8o.7o; -lot llfc Ter 80.70; lut 13, Ter-80.70t- kit 1. - Ter- 80.70; lot 14. 'Tar f wllllger Laad Company, 80-70; lot 16, at. K. Bwlgert, auuiu; uii lu, ja. a., nwigeri,; lut 17, at. E. Bwkjert, 80.70; lot 18. H. H- Bwlgert, 80.70. , ' BUBI11VIHION , OF PABT ' O J1 BLOCKS ' MMBKUK0 AND 4. FliLTON l ABk BLOCK 3. auUdirUlo 3 of lot D, rail! - irindley, 8u.a; . gubdlytalon 1 of VX l. U. K. Laaa, fd.SO. BLOCK . , ubdlruioa. uudlrlalum ubdlrtelo. 1 of lot A. H. U. Long, 80. 8 of let A, 60.o; 80. 85; 80.80; 80.00; or lut A, n. a. 4 of lot A. -U. K K. Long. aubdlvlaluo, aundlTlaloa eubdlrukia 8. Lung, 6 of kit A, H., B. Long, 1 ki 1 mm iu. CAKMON UElUllTS BLOCK 8S, iutl,' EUaa 8" on. . A. caraun aatata, neira ox, av-ao; wt. a, . EUaa A. Caraun Katata, llelra of, 80.&S; lot 8, , Kllia Jl. Caraoa Knute, Helra of, 80.H6; lot 4. EUaa A. Caraoa EataU, llelra of, 40.35; lut 8. EUaa. A. Canon Bauta, Helra of, 80.83; lot 6, EUaa A. Cureon Bauta, Helra of, 80415; lot 7, EUaa.A. Caraoa. Eatate. Helra of, 80.88; lot 8, 1 EUaa A. Caraoa EataU,' Hi-Ira of, 8O-S8. .' BLOCK 84, lot i, Eliza A.' Canon Bauto, : Helra of, 80.80; lot 3. Ellta A. Canon, Ke- tate, Urlra f, 80.85; lot 8, EUaa A. Caraoa Batata, Helra of, 30.36: lot 4, EUaa A, Car ; aoa EeUte, Helra of, 80. as; lot 6, Ella A. ; Caraoa Eatala, Helra of, 80.80. BLOCK 88, ' lot 1. EUaa A- Caraoa EataU, Helra of, 80.70; lot 1. EUaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Helra af. 80.70; lot 8, Ella A. Caraoa KeUM, Helra-ef, 80.70; lot 4, EUaa A. Canon KeUtt, Helra ef, 80. TO; 1 lot 6, EUaa A. Canon Eauu, Heura of, 80.70; lot 8. EUaa A. Canon Eaut. lleln ef, 80.70; ; lut 7, EUaa A. Caraoa KaUU, Heln ef, 80.70; tt 8, EUaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Helra ef, 8O.70; t 8, Ellaa A. Caraoa EaUte, Heu-a. of. 80.70; lot 10, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eatata, Heln of, ao.70; lot 11, Ellaa A. Caraoa BeUte, Helra ef. 80.70; lut 13, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eatata, Heln of, 80.70; lut 18, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Heln ef, 80. 7u; ' lot 14. EUaa A. Caraoa EeUU. Heln ef, 8O.701 lot 18. Bone bf. Hturgla, 80.70) lot 18, Bote at, Btargia. 80.70. BLOCK 84. kit 1, EUa - A, Caraoa Eaute, Helra ef. 80.70; lot 8. Ellaa ! A. Canon Eauta, Heln ef, 80.58 r lot a. Ellaa ,, A. Caraoa EataU, Hetn ef, 80.86; lot 4, Ellaa A. Canou Eauu. Heln of. 81.83: kit 5. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Heln of. 80.70; kit 6, Ellaa ' A. uireea Kauu. llelra 01, gu.To: nit T. cilia A. Caraoa EaUta, Heira of, 80.70. BLOCK 87, I lot 1, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eauta. Helra ef, 30.70; , lot 3, Ellaa A. Canoe Eauta, Heln of, 80.701 kit 8. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eauu. Heln of. 80. 701 '. lot 4, Ellaa A. Caraoa Bauu, Ih-lra ef, 80.70; loro, Ellaa A. (Arson Eauta. uem or, au.70; lot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa Haute, Helra of, 80.70; .. lot T. 'EUaa A. Caraoa KaUU. Heln of. 80.70: i kit 8. EUaa A. Caraoa EaUta, Helra ef. 80.70; lot , Ellaa A Umn Eaute, Heln of, 80-30; - lot 10, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eaute, Heln of, 80.66) lot It, EUaa A. Caraoa EeUU, Heln of, 80.40; lot 13. Ellaa A. Canon Eauu, Heln of, 80.80; t lot 13, Ellaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Heln of, 80.70; 1 lot 14, EUaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Heln of, 80.70; "lot 16, Ellaa A. Caraoa iBeUU, Heln ef, 80.70; ; lot 16. Eliza A. Caraoa EataU, Helra of, 80.70) : lot IT, Ellaa A. Canon mute, Ham of, f(H7U; kit 18. Ellaa A. Caraoa KaUU. Uelnef. 80.70; ') lut 18, EUaa A. Caraoa Eauu. Helra ef. 60.70; ' lot 20, EUaa A. Caraoa Eaute, Heln ef. -61.70; 4 lot 31, Ella A. Canon tWuu, Heln ef, 80.70. BLOCK 88. lot ' 1. EUaa A. Danoa' Eaute, ' Heln of, 80.70; lot 8, EUaa A. Caraoa Ute. Heln of, $0.70; lot 8. Ellaa A. Caraoa EaUtOv Heln of, 80.70; lot 4, Kltaa A. Carson ' Katate. Helra of, Katata, HMra of, Kauta, llelra ef, . It.uD; 10c o, r.uaa A. lAreon 11.03; lot 6. Ellaa A. Caraoa to. 70; lot 7, EUaa A. Caraoa o.70; lot 8, EUaa A. Canoa FAiaie, neira ui , , Katata, Urlra af 1,, niiiTL.- eo aii a (at sua EaUU. Helra of. 84.70. BLOCK K ( k 1, Ellis A. Tamon iAtate, Helra of, 80.43; lot z, EUaa A. uraoa uun, mm 01, au.4s; lot U, Ellaa A. Caraoa luauu, Heln ef) 80.60; ; lot 4, EUaa A. Caraoa EaUU, Heln of, 80.A6; lot 0, EUaa A. Caraoa Eauu, Uein of. 80.68; ' lot 6, EUaa A. Caraoa EaUU. Heln ef, 80.36; ' lot T, EUaa A.' Caraoa EaUU, Heln afr8-O0 ' lot 8. EUaa A. Caraoa Eaute, Heln of, 80.70. BLOCK X. lot L Ellaa A. canon 'Eauu. Heln of. 88.40.. PhOV 1, Karl and Jacob Walen. tlilO. CARBON HhUUHTS Lot P, ' Ellaa A. -Caraea . EsUU, Heln of. 80.30: lot tj. Ellaa A. Caraoa a muu, tiejn or,; iou aw aoiaa a. wr eon EaUte. Heln of. 80.86: let 8. ElUa A. Caraoa Eaute. Heln of. 80.26: lot T. Ellaa ' A. Canon HataU. Heln of, .80.83; -lot- U. - Kttaa A. Canoa EaUte, Rain ef, 80.26; lot - V, KUza A. canon Eauu,- uein ef,; ' lot W. Ellaa A. Caraoa Eaute. Heln of. 80.26. ., A trlantrnlar tract ef land lying between tee - eaat line ef tba i'ortlaad A wlllametu Val ley Baliway Company' right ef way and the center jiae or starriaoa atreet exuaoea east erly la lu present ooorae aad the. nortk line ef riaaop Cantaera doaatsoa land elmlia, W. K. Bmltb, 16.60. ' '. A tract of land bonaded, aod deacrlbed aa i follows: Uenuaeoclaa at tbe teunacrioa of Uuortk JUe of r lnloe Carntliert donation . land claim wltk the eaat Una of Hood street; theace eaat along aald donation laad claloj to Uie went bank of the 'Wlluuuatu fleer tt low v water aaark; theace aoutaerly along the weat bank ef W Ilia met u rlrar la a potot 48.46 feet aootb of the aortli Una of Om said do-. , aatloa land claim) thence weat 666 feet; theace aertb akwc a straight Hoe te when , the name weald be latenected by the north Hoe ef Lincoln afreet If extaaded aaaurly la 111 present coarse; thence westerly along aald exutmkm of the north Una ef Lincoln treat to a netnt lot) feet eaat ef the eaat line of Hood atrMt; theace north 100 feet along a line loo feet eaat ef and parallel with the eaat tine of Hood street; thence wset nkmf a Una 100 feet north ef and par- alkd with the north line of Llacola street if extended easterly to. the weat line ef Hood , afreet; thence north along the eaat Una of Hood etreet te place ef beginning, Portland Lumbering ktanafactarlna; Company, 84L80. . , A tract ef land lying between two xinoe n i apeetlyely 50 feet and 100 feet north ef and - parallel with the north line ef Lincoln atreet extended easterly, aad between the eaat Una af Hood etreet and a line 100 feet eaat thereof aad penllel therewith... Aanle and Edward Cole, 80.70. - . - ; - -' A tnct ef laad tying between the north one ' ef Lincoln etreet extended eaaurly and a line 80 feet aorta' thereof and parallel therewith .and between the eaat line ot Hood atreet and ' a line lot) feet east of aad parallel tnenwltu, ' Portland Lumbering Uaaafactarlnc Cootaaay, i -' - A tnct of land bonnded and deeerfbed aa fol lows i Commencing at a aoatt an the left bank ef tlte Willamette rlyer 10 feet snath , ef the aoutheaat corner ef tne pemfjlng-lwoae; 'thence went -100... feet; theace . north " 300 - feat; tbeace eaat to ; the ' weat bank ef Wlllametu rlrar at low Water ' mark; theace up the weat bank af aaM riser , to a point dne east of place ef beginning; ' thence west to place ef beginning. Also a certain right of way lo feet wide extending la a noruwesurty direction from aakt tract to the mat Una ef Hood atreet. City of ferl land. 3.60. A tract ef laad bounded aad described aa fob Iowa: 'Oemeieiielng at the aontbeaat corner ef the Elizabeth Cam there donation land claim; thence weat te the aontbeaat corner ef . Carnthen' Addition to the City ef lerUand aa , laid out by the Mouth I'ortlaad Ileal Unlets ' Associative. ; thence north oa the eaat line at ' aald addition to the aortbeeet oormer of aald nddltlnai Hieo. weat to the eaat line ef . Macadam ntraaaf thence north along the eaat - lane of Macaaaa atreet te lu intersection . with tte aorth Una of Lincoln street If ex. tended easterly i -them-a eaat along aald ex : tens lor) of Llacola 'atreet- to lu Intersect log - with -tba went line wt a tract of land con . reyed by hi. C. Burrell and, wife to the Port ; land Lumbering alanofactorlng Company by deed recorded In book 83. page 110. kVeeord of 1 leads, ktnltaomah Covaty; tbeace aoath to the aoothwest earner of a tract conveyed br the Boath I'ortlaad Bee! BataU Asaoola-'- tloa u the- Portland Lambertng Manafactur. ' rng Compajly by deed- aad recorded kt hook In, page 83, Mecerd ef Bet da. Maltneaeaa - fjooaty ; thenrd eaat te the Bonn west eurim of the Water Vi aria tract, section 8. township 1 sooth, range 1 eaat, Willamette meridian; 1 thence eaat te the wniaanette rlrar at low water roars.; thence eouth along the aucnder Ann Of aald rlrer to place of bef Inning, a a re land except the rtght ef Way of the Portland W Ilia net te Telle y Railway Compaay and 1 a tnct owned by Warwick, Oregoa BaUwa . Marl ration Compaay, 84X0.0O. A tract ef land lying betwsea- the weat tne of the Portland WlliaaietU Valley Hall read Compear a rtght ef way and the Wll- . lamette rlrar aad betsreea the eoath boundary . line ef a tract owned "tly the MaJtaomah TranaT Caetary, seetkm 16, township 1 soul a, ; range 1 eaat; Willamette Meridian, aad the north tine of a tract of land eaat ef the Port- . land Willamette Valley Kallread Oampaay'a right ef way ewnea ny Aauoay nogge ana fcl chard Btnrp, ettnated la aectloa In, town. skip 1 aonth. range 1 east, Wlllaasma Meridian. Marie Arnolds Trustee. 8 l- - A tract af laad lying between two line, re spectively aa iet aaa saw rent aaaui at , and parallel wltk the eeatb line ef a tract f snd owned by tka Multnomah True Factory, eerttna 10. township 1 eoath. range ' 1 eaat, ' Willamette Merldlaa. aad betwsaa the east line ef Mseadam rnad and the waat line' of the r or i tuna at rtiiitmetta vaiieyp Bairmad Compaay a - . ws-. JUiei k ATnnio, BV.-vi A tract ef land beandad gad dearrlbed aa tU Iowa: t'ommeaclng at the Interaeetloa ef the aorth Una of TerwlUlger does tloa land claim with .the weat line tit Macadam mad; thenre annth Am feet; thence weet tod test: wllllger wllllger wllllger wllligur thsstt-e aerth 830 feet) - ' T II ' to ' place ' ef " beflouing. City ' af PortUad, . a-si mi ' A tract V kiad bnaaded and described a fnllowa; ' Com nuae in a at the lauraectlua ot Ahe north Hue ef the Terwllllger duuattua land Claim with be eaat Une ot Macadam rued; I thence eouth 88 drgrhsa east 831 feel, tlieuce south 8Sh degreea weat 1.40 chains? tbeace nurth 80 degmvo weat iXtl feet; theace .north IS4 degreea eaat 1.40 rhalna to place ul bcgluulng, Juaa Klrkley, 8a.l6. , A tract ef fod bounded and described at 'follows;- Com aw sr lug 1U8 feet aouth ot the . uitrrarrtloo of , the eaat llua af Macadam . road with the north line of the TerwIIUgar -donation laud claim! thence aouth M8 degrvea east 81 feet; themw north 37 feet; thrnre eaaterl . to wtaUrly bank of WUIaatette ' rlrer; thence - nortbeaat aloug aald rlrer 178 feet; thence aorU 88 degreea Waal 043 feet; thence aouth 3 degreea 16 mlontea , weat 82.4 featt theace worth 80 degress weal 821 feet) thence auuth luo.6 feet Ui pUce of bttflanliuj, haauMl U. aad Jaaua 0- IXs-raots, 80.63.' A tract of laad beaaded and described aa fot i lows: Commencing IMS feet south ef later, sserioa of eaat line ef Macadam road with north Une of Terwllllger douatiua land elnlm-; thence aouth 88 degreea eaat 831 Cuet; thenoe nurth 27 feet: theuce aouth 80 degreea eaat U weat bank of WlUametU riser at kiw water mark; thence aouthwaat along tka weat bank of aald rtrer 143 feet; thence north 86 do- Seas weat 80S feet; theace aorth JOO.75 feet place at beginning. Char lea P. Baoua " KaUU. Heln of. 610J0. , i A tract of land beanded and deacrlbad aa fol low a.' Commandng at a point la the eaat Una at Macadam road 383.16 feat eoath of the lauraectlua of the east Une ef Macadam , road with the north Una ef Terwllllger o . net loo laad claim; theace aoath along eaat ' Una of Macadam road te the eortbweat corner . of "J. Otierle'e three-acre tract,"' recorded . in Book O. page-263,- Record of JUeada, " Multnemak Conjuy; thence aouth 80 degnea east 10.83 chalna to weat bank ef Wlllametu riser at low-water mark; thence northerly along the weat bank of aald rlrer to the ' gouth line of Charles P. Bacon EataU, Heir' of. Tract, - eectiao, 10. towsshlp 1 south, rsoga 1 eaat, WUlaawtU Meridian: - thence weat along the aoath Una of the sale , C tux lee P. Bacon EaUU. keln of, tract, U ' plaoe of beginning, Multnomah TraaE fae- iury, 21.0o. A -tract ef . land lying between 'the aoath - line ef Multnomah ITuuk raetarf tract, aee . tloa 10, towushlp I aoBXU, range 1 eaat, W1U . ametu Meridian, and a Una 28 teat aouth . thereof, and parallel therewith, and betweea the eaat Une of Macadam road and the weat Une ef the Portland Wlllametu Valley hAllroaa Compeny-a right Of way, Johaa, (0.50. - U A tract ef ladd rrlna- betweea t rsepectlyely 4sU feet aad 88.30 feet euaU ; of aad parallel with the aouth Una af 'Malt uoaiaa Xrunk Factory tract, eecUoa 10, town . ahlp I auuth, range 1 eaat, Willamette Merldlaa, and betweea tka eaat line of the Macadam road and the west Une of the Pert - Und Wlllametu-Valley Railroad Company' t i riant of war. Leuxt Oberla. 80. uo. A tract ef land lying between two tinea re--tpeetleeiy 68.36 fwetand 121.36 feet aouth of aod parallel with tka eoath Une ot Multno mah Trunk raetory tract, soctlon 10, towa. ' akin -1 aoath. range 1 enaf. Willamette Meridian, and bstwssa the east Una ef Mac adam road and the weat line ef Portland A Wlllametu Valley Railroad Coaipany a right ot way. Clara Koberu: 80.80. , A tract af land lyUuf between two ltnee leA apectfeely 12 1. 36 feet and 140J6 feet aoath of and- parallel with the aoath Une of Mult- - aosaah -Trunk factory tract, section 10, towa , ahlp 1 aouth, range 1 eaat, Wlllametu Bier 10 - Ian, and betweea the- eaat tine of Macadam . road and the weat Una of the Portland A Wll- Ismetts Valley Railway Company a right of wsj, ssusnw reiuumn, s-u.w. , . , - A tract of laud lying betweea two llaaa re- epectteely 206.30 feet and 140.26 feat eouth ef aud uarallel with te aouth line ef Mult. Botnah Truug ractor tract, aectioa 10, town aulp 1 aouth, range 1 eaaa, Wlllametu merid ian, and betweea tba eaat line of Macadam - road and the weat Una of Hie Portland Wll ' lamette VaUey Baliway Oompaay'g right of way. Pater liberie, 61-00. - -AU that portloa ef a tract af land lying watt of tne right of way Of the Portland m Wll lametu Valley Railroad - Oompany bonnded and described aa followa: Commencing en the eaat line of Macadam road at the north weat corner of a 2H-acra tract aold to KubUUet al.. MkmUH In, Lnnk XI nan I1 WmwSI nl ; Deeds. Mnltnomab County; thence eoath 88 .d,it 00 38 m tauten, eaat 8.76 chalria; theace aouth au negroes, treat i.u eoaina: tnenq - thence north 13 degTaea 6 mlautea, eaat l.of chalna. to place ef beginning, Jaaiaa Baanett, ' 80.66.- " , , . w A tract of laad bounded and described aa fol j. Iowa: Comuaneing at a point tn the weat Una ' of the right of Wtr-o 'the Portland Wil ' lamette Valley Railroad Company which la - 16 feet north of the tntererctton of the weat . line of aald right of way with the north line 1 of a ene-ncra tract coaeered to Beda Kab- . : ler, recorded la book 83, page 806. Record ef - Deeda, Muunooiah -Ueeiity: tuenoe north 88 6e natl Bxlauiea. weat 168 feet, to Macadam med; theace north along the eaat Una ef . ' Macadam road 63 feet; thanr aouth 88 degreea ' 83 minutes, eaat leO feet, to the weat line of - the aforeeald rkrat of twayr "rhenee aontherly - ajong the aaia rignt ot way u place or he : ginning, Anthony Bogge. and Richard JT, Btorp, - 1 A trsrt of 'land bounded and described aa followa: Commencing at northeast corner of - Terwllllger doss tloa land claim; thenoa aorth . 88 'degreea I 34- mlnoua, weat 14.4 chalna: . theace Abato, 3 degreea 19 mlaaeaa. Weet 1.40 cuatna; , theace aouth 3 degrees, west 8.06 chalna; -thence aouth 8.16 chains; tbeace aouth . 4 degreea. weat X.ll c bains: tbeace aouth ad ; degreea 83 minutes, eaat 8.76 chalna, aa place of beginning; thence north 88 degreea 38 min utes, waat 883 feet, te eaat line ef the tight of - way of the Portland at ' Wlllametu Valley - Railroad Company; thence eoatherly along aald . fight of way 883 feet; theace aonth 88 degrees) 83 m Inn tea, seat 364 feet; thence north 20 de ' grees, east 3.80 chalna; thence aorth 33 de greea, eaat 4.63 chains, to place of beginning, f Anthony Kogge and Richard t. Btorp. 813.48. ' A UacV of land bounded and described aa ' follows: Commencing 216.1 feet north, 13 de gnea 21 mlnatea eaat, of the northwest corner . of the ragan two acre tract, recorded la book . page 3o3, Record ot Deeds. , Multnomsa County; thence eaat 73 degrees. T miaatea - aonth, to west line of right of way ef the Portland A Willamette Valley Railroad Com- - pany) thence north 13 degrees, eaat 80 feet, man or less, to driveway; tbeace north 88 de grees. 86 inmutee weat, along- aald drrreway ' to eaat line of Macadam road; thence aoath 13 degrees, 37 mlnatea weat, U place of begia- nlng, Emma L. Cole.s 81.00. , . ' " A tract of lend bounded aad described aa - followa: Commencing at northwest corner of " the Pagan two-acre tnct, recorded la book O, - page 808, Record of Deeds, Multnomah County; tbeace north 13 degrees, eaat 60 feet: tienes ' aouth 88 degreea 35 miaatea, east 188.8 feet; ' theace eouth IS de grees, weat 60 feet: thence aorth 86 degreea ilZ minutes, weat IS -8 feet, ' to place of beginning. rred Noble, (1.00. A tract of laad bounded ana- described aa , follows; Commencing 60 feet north, 18 de grees 37 rolnutea eaat, aad 713 feet eouth, 88 . degreea 1:1 mlnatea eaat, from northwest cor. - aer of the Eagsa two-a aw tract, recorded to book Ov page tu3. Record ot Deeda, MuHnosnak ; County ; thence south go degreea 13 mlnatea, eaat 117 Jt feet; tlienca north 18 degrees, east 88.8 feet; theace north 73 degreea 7 mlnatea, waat 113.8 feet; thence Booth 10 decrees 18 mlnatea, weat 66.7 feet; thence north .78 e- Jnea 60 mlautea, want 67 feet; -thence aouth 3 degreee 37 minutes, weat 10,9 feet; thence anath 78 degreea 36 minutes, eaat 67.6 feet; theace aouth 10 degrees 13 mlnatea. weat 8841 feet, to place ot beg tea lug, Carrie Klrkley, 81-26. A 'tract ot Mad bounded and deaoibed aa fl- - Iowa: Cemmenciug - 13 drer 37 mlnatea ' eaat 80 foot tram the north wear corner ef the lagan two-acn tract, recorded la hook U, ' page 303. Record of Deeda, Multnomah County: . thence north 13 degreea 27 mlnotas, eaat 60 - feet I t bancs ssath 70 degreea 86 mtoutea, eaat .87.6 feet; thence-aswth 10 degress 16 mln- , u irs. .Mi ,aoA rsei. uwhs , - degnea 1 of ae- I f 13 mlnatea': west 71.2 feet to place ginning, John M ler, 80.30. - i- - A tract ef , land boiaaded and described aa follows: Ommenclng 137.6 feet north af Dorthweat corner of the Psgaa two-aera tract, - recorded tn bonk O, paae 803, Reoord of Deeda, . Multnomak County ;" thence aorth 13 degrees 27 . mumue, -eaat 44.8 fertv thence aouth 7B de . greee 7 mlautea, east 68.4 feet: thence eoath (.-To degreea 16 minutes, weet 40 feet; thence . north 70 degrees 6 oalnutea, weet 66.6 feet. U .Wset of beg tan lag, Uiarfee J, Holawortk, '- a tneit land rexmded ' k'ad deeerlbed aa followa: Ubfnmeeriag I Ml J fret worth, -13 de . grees 3T minutes esst, irons, aortawest corner ex tl us tsro-acra tracts recorded td book O. Kge 803, Record ef Deeds. Mulrnosnah County; race north 1.1 degreea 2T mlnatea. esst 2.T feet; tbeace aonth 70 degreea t minutes, esst ' 66.6 feet: t Denes annth 10 degreee 16 minutes, weet 38.7 feet: thence aorth 78 degreee 60 minutes, west 67 feet, to place ef beginning, Leal a Oberle. 8020. - v A tract ef landf bnaaded aad described aa , follows: Cowl insuring at the northwest . car eer of tile Ooatlanngh tt Clark fnur-ecre tract, , recorded ka bonk t, page 407, Rerotd e Deeds. : Mnltnomab Coooty; taeaee Berth 26 degreea, - eaat 8.07 roams; thence south M decrees 83 - miaatea, weat 7.36 chatna, to the weat bank ef the WUIamette rleer at keat-water mark: ' theace ep the wee hank ef said rrrer A06 chains) tbeace aorth tot degnea 38 mlaatae, . west T.14 chalna, tu plaoe ef begtnalng, Catav errse fagaa, 88.40.- - - i A tract . ef Mad . hraadei aad drotftasd aa ' follows: - Ommencbig et Bortbwest earner ef the Condneugh Clark four-a ere tract, re routed la book P. page 407, Record ef Deeda, , Multnomah Uoaaty; tbeace aoath 34 dagraaa. , west 8.34 rtMloa: tbeace eauth 81 decreea OO mlnatea, east 6.06 r haras; taeaee -north 23 ' degrees, eaat 4.28 eflatns: tbeace north 88 de lit ft'ea bo mmntea, weet 7-14 chatna, te pieceei rr-aesTtnaHta. rjissinaer-ai is..-tiv.ei. - k A tract et lead' bnaaded aad described ee miiosra: tomaseecing a.ea cnsins bouibh as inn. mvm,, " . , . m-. m - - aoaigk A Clark fnur-aen tract, rernrded ta hook r, page: mw4A sen oi, iww, "a" - Cnnniy; thence annib 24 degreee, weet L-l chalna: thence aouth 32 degreea. West .63 enalne; theace eneth 76 degreea )ft mhtatsa, . east 6JIT chalna, te tba west bank ef the , WIJanMtterira(),theo Of aald rlrer - north 28 degreea, eaat 2.46 ' cualua; theuce auriu bO degreea 40 mlautea. weat 6.83 caalaa, la place ef liegliuUng, .Look Eluimeruiaa, . -A tract of laud Wounded and described aa fol lowa: Commencing uurlh 13 degrees 27 mla utea, eaat 1K4.1 lest, from nurth wast corner ef the Pagan two-acre tract, recorded In bwt li. page hud. Record of Deeda, Multnomah County; , thence auuth 70 degreee 7 -minutes, eaat 170.2 fsatt tbeace northwesterly 114.6 feet aujug the weet Hue of the right of way of tba Port land A Wlllametu valley Railroad Company; tu euce north 16 degress l aunuua, west l'li.k . lost; thence aouth 13 degreea 21 mlnatea, weat ,84 leet, to place at beguuiiug, V. A, k'usdkk, ,60.66. A tract of land beanded aad described aa fol lowa: Oomineocing at the southwest eurner of i. the Oeodoough A Clark four acn tract, ra curded In buua P, page 407, Record of Deeds, Multuoniak County, thence auuth 78 degreea 16 ui Mutes, eaat 7.14 euaioa; theeee aertu- 1 degreea 46 mlanua, eaat 100 test: lueaoe north 78 degreea 16 minutes, waat 6.T chains; theace aeutn 33 degreea. weat 103.08 feet, lu . puue ef ueginuDg, recUaad Xroal towpany of r Oregon, tajttK e ,' A tract ef 'land bounded "and described aa tot ' Iowa: Comineackig at the aouthwaat ouruer of i the OoouAouau at Llark tour-sen tract, ra il corded In buu V, page, 487, Kecurd ef Desda, ., Multnomah County; tuence aouth 76 degreea so . minutes, east 7 Ad cuatna, to the WtUeuMtu rlrer; theuce aouth 4 degrees, weat 63.8 feet; tueuia nurth 74 degreea, 30 uimutea weet, to ; east line of Macaoau road; theace aorth 81 doateea 47 mliuilea, eaat 47 feet, aiure or less, to place of beginning, Ch arias Delth, 83-80. -A tract ot land hounuad aud described ae fol lows: Ooastaeuclng at a stake la the east Une of Macadam road 63 llnaa southerly from the aouUiweat corner of the Brick lard tract, aectioa 16, uwnablp 1 aouui. range 1 eaat. Wlllametu merlulau; tbeace aouth 16 degrees, . Jkl minutsa eaat,' parallel with south Une .of . aald Brick Vard tract. 8.16 chalna te weft ' hank of WfUsnietU rlrer at low water mark: ' thence along weat bank Of aald Tlver aouth ' 40 degreea, weat 62 llnka; thence aorth 76 de greee, 80 mlautea west, paraUel wlthtatouth Tine of aakt Brick lard tract, 8 Jet chalna - to the eaat line of Macadam road; thence north i 80 degreea, eaat 64 links, ajoug esst Une of . Mseadam road k place at beginning. John ' KJernaa, flJHJ. '-' a nt imnA Bnonded end dehrrlhed aa fol ' luwai Commenclug at aoutheaat earner of block C, Portland Homeauad; thence eaat to . weat Una of Macadam road; thence Aortharly ' along aald weat Une af Macadam mad to ita tntarssoiusi srh the eaat Uua ef the Old .county rood; thence aoutaerly along east Une J of old county roao w tne vaace'w ua' a I i,wn.. iwm. aa to , ' A tract ef land kouaded and dearrlbed aa fol- ' Iowa: Oomaieaclng at the aouthwaat earner of John Kterwsn tract, recorded la book 38, mm auo. RsivwH of . Dasds. Multnomah , County) theace aoath 80 degreea, weat ISO feet; thenoa sooth 76 degnea 80 minutes, east te west beak ef WUhunetu rleer at tow ' wats maxk: tbeace along the weat bank ef ' aald rreer north 40 degrees, eaat to aouth eaat Corner ef aakt John Kktroaa tract; tuence nurth 76 degress 30 minutes, weat along the ; aouth - Una of aald Joka Klernaa tract U place ef beginning, Hiram Terwllllger, 80.80. . A tract of land bounded and described aa fol lowa: Ceauneaclug la the eaat line ef Macad- ' am road when eame Intersect a tne westerly '- artauka In Its nii eant course the north Une ef the Keller A Wymaa eae-een tract,-, re corded la book O, page 302, Keoord ef Heeds. Maiuxnaah Oouuty; theace along eaat line of ' Macadam road north 21 degreee 30 mmatua. weat 136.4 feet: thence aorth 14 degreea 10 ' Dies, west 104-4 feet; theace aorth 7 degreee 80 oalaaUe, wsst T.6 feet, aa the place et be ginning; thence eaat 7U0.3 feet to weat bank of Willamette rrrer at low water mark; thence Berth along tne weat beak ef aald rlrer 107 feet; thence went 731.78 feet to eaat ltnjof Macadam road; theace aoath T oagrias 80 imit ates, east 168.44 feet, to 'place of beginning, John W. Lasgdon. tU.30. . A tract ot laad sounded aad deacrtbed aa fol sows! (Vifnmsnctns la the eaat Una of Mac adam road where bum la latenected by the Aorth line et the KeUer A Wymaa one-acre ' tnct, recorded la book 0. pafe 303, Record of Deeds, Multnomak County; tkence -aortbsrly ' akwg east line ef Macadam road ta followa: north 31 ougrtea nu minuua, west jus.s im, tbence aorth 14 degrees 10 mlnutea, weat 104.4 : feet; theace north T degnea 80 minutes, west ' 308 feet; thence nana a oegreea e minutes, 'west etr.80 feet aa tba place of beginning; thns east 74IL46 feet to west bank of Wll- , lamette riser at low waur mark; tbence northerly along tba weat bank of aald rleer nax rawli thencB Berth 13 degreea 10 min- im .ut llu.T feat, mere or iesa. to eoath line at Moffett tract, sect km 13, township I Booth, ranga 1 east, WlUametU merldlaa; u. mm m Hm AT said Uorfslt -tract to the east Tloa af Macadam road; tbence , aoath along the east'-line of Macadam road ? to place et Beginning,, erwiuigss bean vant pany 8o.vo. - Vtrser of land boxmded and deacrlbad aa fol- J Iowa: fmaunclna In the eaat line ef htac- adaal road; when aama la Interaected by the ; north line ot Keller wyman one-acre tract. . ssenrrfari in book O. nam 303. Record of Deeda. - Mnluiotnah County; ' thence - northerly along aaat line of Mseadam road aa foUowa: North 21 degreea 30 mlnutea, weat 188.4 feet) tbence aorta 14 oegreea jv nsniaa, wan w.s irv.i tbence aorth 7 degrees 80 maneua, west 178.04 feet aa place ef beginning; thwoca ssst to-west bank of WlUametU rlrar at low water mark; - thence northerly along weet bank of aald rlrer 86.13 feet: thence west to eaat una or mac , adanr-read; theace southerly along aaat line of Macadam road. Booth 3 degreea 9 mlnatea, eaat 80 J feet; tbence aoath 7 degrees 30 mlnutea, eaat 80.06 feet, te place of beginning, . Mary P. Green, 67.TO. . - . A tnct of land bounded aad -deacrlbad aa fol lowa: Cooameaclng at a point In tba aaat line ef hleraaXia road where tame la Intersex: led by aorth Una of Keller A Wyaaaa ooo-ecre tnct, recorded ta -hook O, page 302, Reoord of Deeda, Multnomah County; thence aorth along the. eaat Una of Macadam road as followa: North 21 degress to mlnutea. weat 138.4 feet) theaoe north 14 degrees 10 mlnutea. West 113.34 feet ea the place ef beginning; thence eaat to west bank of WUhxtnetu rlrer at low waur mark; thence northerly along weet bank of aald rlrer- te sooth Una Of Mary P. Green tract, recorded la bosk 234, page 68, Record ' ef Deeds, Multnomah County; theaoe west along aouth line of said tract, to eeat tine of Macadam road; theace eouth along east line ot Macadam road to place ef beg inning, Anna K. Barrett, 83.60. - - ; A tract of laad bounded and deacrtbed aa fot- Iowa: ruraeaclBg' at a point to, seat tine or Macadam road where lame la latenected by the north line- ef the Keller A Wymaa one-sen tnct. recorded la book O, page 803, Record of Deeda, Multnomak Oooaty: tbence ' north 21 degreea 60 miaatea, weat 138.4 feet; thence aortli 14 degreee 10 minutes, weat 113.34 fart 1 thence eeat to weat bank of Wil lamette .rlrer at low water mark; tbence aoufoerly along the west bank of said rlrer -' 3M.4 feet; theace wwat4f)7X4 feet; thenre aorth Xi degreea, weet 26 feet). tbence west 100 feet; -thence north 33 degrees, 'west 135.88 feet, te a place-of beginning. Lino' Pketcher. 833.10. A tract ot land lying between the aouth line of- Boandary etreet and a westerly extension ef earn to Its present course sod a line 131.46 feet southerly from and parallel theraoiih and Between the west line et Macadam, rood and the dlvkrkm line between eectlooa 16 and , 16, trrwnchlii 1 aootb, range t cent, Willam ette meridian, K. W. Blnghaam and laat b. Corbett. $32.40. ,-.''.-A tract ef land tying between two 11 are rs eneetlwaly 1U A4 feet and 443.13 feet aouth . of and parallel with eouth line of Boundary ' atreet and a weaurly extension ot. aama 1" lu present course aad between the westerly -Une ef Macadam road and the dirts loo line be tween aectloua 16 and 15, township 1 eoath, - range 1 eaat, Willamette meridian, John 8). . Bingham, Trustee. 656.00t A tract 'Iffofand lying betweea two tinea re- spec tlrely 41.18 feet end 6V0.68 feet enulh ef and parallel with aouth Una of Boundary atreet aad a westerly extenaion.ot same in lu present course and between the westerly Una ' of Macadam road and the division line be- - tweea sections 16 and 16, township I aouth, , range 1 east. Wlllametu meridian, Clarinua - . rlmlthr 846.00. ' A tract of land lying between two tinea re . epectirely 600.06 feet and 03H.6 feet snntk ef and parallel with the aouth line of Boundary street and a westerly extenakm ef aame la ita present coarse and bet wees the westerly line , of Macadam road and the dlelaloC Hue he ld and IB, township- o' eouth range 1 east, WOli UametU meridian, Anna H. Baraett, 87.30. , ' A tract ef land tying between a Una 028.5 feet nnatk Af snd parallel wltk woutb line ef BMIM1.M, I I I I ana MHlWl srlMMSloai ry thereof la Ita 'present course snd Jka, south ' anundary Una of the TerwlUlger aooataoa - land claim, aad betweea tbe wsst line of rvreen't Addltloa to Portland and the dl 1 tuion Itue between sect lone 16 nnd 15, towa , ahlp 1 aouth. range 1 east. WUlametU merkl- ' tea. Joka W. Langdoa. $.16.70. - . A tract ef Mad hounded and deacrtbed aa fel lows: Commencing at ' a pa bit ta the eeat , line of Macadam road when tbe seme la to ' tersscted by the south line of Keller A Wyman one acre tract, recorded la book -at, page 364. Reoord ef Deeds, Multnomah County; thence aouth 83 degrees, west 23 feet; thence soulh .80 dtgtaet 30 mlnatea, east 100 feet; tbence north 33 degreea, weat 60 feet; thence - north 80 degreee 80 minutes, east 100 fret; , thence aorth 23 degrees, west 60 feat; theace aorth 80 degrees 30 mlautea. weat 100 feet; theace eouth 33 degrees, eeat 25 feet, to place Of beginning. City ef Portland. 60.66. ' A tract of Cud bounded and described aa fol lowa: Com me nclng at A point la tbe -west asak ef Wills metu 1 Her at lew water mark 103.84 feet aortk ef south, Une of Terwllllger " dnasima land e la tan; tbence north PA degrees 3 mlnatea. west ta eeat line of Macadam road; tbence north 13 degress. -wsst 804 feet; thenoe north 17 di erase 4 mlnutea, west 34W.M feet; theace aortk 21 asgrrat 27 mlpnlee. west - 670.64 feet; tbeace eouth 80 degreea 16 mlnatea,- east 100 feet; tbence north II-degreee : 27 Bi Ian tea. west 26 feet; t hence south no de- 18 miauled, eeat 461.8 feet la place of betisnlag. Jnba Halsee Jones Cemnsny, 646.00. a tnct ox UM BtsxBOwn seu oeserioeu bs roe Iowa: rnsMueachig at tM southeast mrner ef the Terwllllawr dwa float farad els Irs: -tkence west 6.26 cnamat tbenee aorth 14 degress 80 mlaatae. east -1.6 rhalna; thence eeet 6.36 rhalna tn weat bank ot Willamette rrrer at low waur mark: thence BMiik 14 decrees 30 mlnatea. wear 1.6 chalna to place of begin-' alng, lutt Oberle. At i j v A tract of Mad bounded tad deter lh ad 86 lol- J ' : , -' , - lowe:" Commeeclng when the aortli Una ef '1'homaa hiepueus doaatloa laud claim Inter sscu tba west bask ef WUlaiaette rlrer at low water mark; thence weat 640 rhalna; thence auuth 13 degrees, east AOS .cbaiusj the at a easurly 6.47 ctialns; Uenee north ,406 chalua to place of beglnuliig, aare and except .2 acre descrlbsd la book 3bd. pegs 73, Record of lie sua, Multuomab, County, Luule Arnold, 80.70. , : . - A tract of laad 'bonnded and dejawthad aa fol lows: ComnaFuclug tt a point 3utt feel south etly from when Ike aouth line ef Terwllllger diaistlon land claim intersects the esst Hue uf Macadam road.' aad tbence eaaurly 1344 feet at right ana lea aa tbs-place of begluulng; tbence southerly SO fsal parallel wltk the easterly line of Macadam ruad; tuence east erly 00 feet to west Hue of right of way of the Portland A Wlllametu Valley Ralu-ead Company; theace northerly 80 feet akwg aald right of way; theace westerly lu place uf be- 5 liming, Jubn Arnold, 61.00. -, tnct of land bounded and described ea fol. Im, . I Vtm ni.n.'t,i, MttltsMl enrser' nf TLoiTla Arnold Uai-t. seetloe 15,. townshin I eouth, range . 1 eaat, wiiuraette msrtuisai . tbence aouth 13 degreea, eaat 3.37 chains; tuenca eeat 8' chains w west bank ef Wil lamette rlrer at low water mark; theace aortk 10 degrees. West 323 chains; tbence weat U place uf bcgluulng, William tad Uualua Uel ger, 84.80. , ,. A tract ef land bounded and described aa fol lowa: Oommeacing at southwest corner of i the William aad Roslna tlrlger tnct, aectioa ' 15, township 1 aouth, range 1 eaat, Wlllam ' one merldlaa; tkence weat 8.06 chalna; thence , smith J4 degreee 30 mlnutea, eaat 1.70 chains; thence eaat U.OO aha Ins; thence north 14 de greee 80 mlautea, west 1.70 chalua, to place 1 ot beginning. . California Powder Works, ( 84.64. ? ,. . .-'A tract of land lying between the weat Una of Macadam rued and the east Hue of blocks 86. 87 and 82, Southern Portland. Oregon, aud between -the southern .bouuUsry of the TerwU Uger doaatloa land claim and the aorth Hue of blocks 23 and 34, Huuthera Portland. Ore- oa, and also north line of Carolina street, R. 1. Tbompsoa. 3106.00. - , , -A tnct of land lying between the weat I tne of Macadam toad and the eaat line et loU 6. 1 7, -8 and 0. block 8, Oreea a Addltloo U : Portland, and between the south Hue of liui ' TerwlUlger dona tloa Und claim and the souls .line of kits 6 and 0, block 5, Greea'a Addition to PUrtlaml. Bchosl District No. 1. aA.ta. : A tract of land lying betweea the west line ot Pulton Park and the dlriaioa Une betweea , sections 16 sad 13, township 1 eouth, range 1 eaat, WlUametU meridian, aad between tne aoata line ot the Rlarln road aad the north line or block 10. ruitua I'afK, gaitua rtrt laud Comoanr. 810.60. A tnct of land lying between tba west Una . of Pulton Park tod tue dlrUlon line between : sect loos 31 aad 33. township 1 south, range 1 esst. Willamette meridian, and betweea the eouth line ot Perth etreet tod the menu line or the atreet en the north aide of block 26, , Pultoa Park, Pulton Park Company, 86.60. A tract of land bonnded and described as fol lows: Oommeacing 10 chains west and A 03 Chalna north. I degreea weat. of nortneeat cor ner of block 1, Pulton I thenoa east 3.60 chalna; tbence aortk 6 degreea, weat 2.1 chains! thence weat aloug aouth line ef Ne vada atreet U a point north 7 degrees, wsst A 10 chains, from place of beginning ; tbence aouth 7 degreea, east 2.10 chains, to place at beginning, Kate H. Bingham, 83.66. . A tract of land bounded and described aa fol lowa: Commencing 10 rbalna weat of north eeat corner of block 1, Pulton : tbence north 1 degrees, west 6.03 chains, to eoath line ol , Ner ads atreet! tlieaoe weat along aoath tine of Nevada street te eaat line of right of war ; of the MetropoUtan Railway Oompany; tbence - southerly along eaat Une of takl right ot way . to aorth line ef block 4ft. Pultoa Park: thence eaat along aorth Una of Pulton Park to plans - or Beginning, u. w. voroett batata, gieua ot, , pao.oo. -A tract nf land bonnded ami described ka fol lowa: . Commencing at southeast corner of block 6. Palion: tuence easterly along aortk ' lute of R I eery tew Cemetery, section 33, town ship 1 eouth, range 1 east, WlUametU mertd iau, to west line of Macadam road; tbeace northerly along weat line ot aald road te northeaat corner ot block 4, Pultoa; tksora Bout her ly- -aJcog the easterly Una of block 4. Pultoa, Ut place ef beginning, George Z. tat - Mary M. Hughes, $1.36. ' A tnct of Isud bounded and described aa fol lows: Commencing 31.80 chalna waat and 0.60 cliatrta north ef auotbeeot corner of Thorn aa Htrohena donation laud claim: tbence north , 70 degrees, west 24 2-8 rotla; tbence north 20 tbence east to eaat Une of Hood atreet; thenre saw 10 imiuwin wort vi m vmxm a. Pulton Park; tbence eoulh TO degieear.eaat-6 rbalna, mors or less, to west Una of Taylor's . Perry road: theace aouth 3 degreee, weet 6.02 : chair tbence north 70 degreea, weat 18 chains, te place ef beginning. Herman Meta- .; ger, art. !.-. e- ' '. A tract of land bounded and described ta fol lows: Commencing at Bortneaet corner lot 8. block 103, Kultua Park; Uienot north 60 feet) tSenea north 40 decreea. eaat B4u feet, to stake 60 feet aouth from aouth line of the Metaaer tract, aectioa 33. tosrnshln 1 aoath. . range 1 east, Wlllametu meridian; tbeaea - enstcrb parallel with aouth line of aald Meta- fer tract to a stake la wsst line of Taylor's erry road: thence southerly to eaat line of block 103, ration Park; thence north 100 feet to northeaat corner et aald bmea lUo: tnenee west 100 feet to place of beginning, Portland ?tsr Comnanr . 8T.70. An Irregular tract of land lying betweea the aouth una or Mock 4, ruiton, ana aa eaateriy extensloa of the aaue in Ita present course and the Weet line et Macadam road, the - nurth line of Hector Campbell donation land -claim, westerly line of Macadam road aad the eaaurly Tine of Tmylor'a Perry road, R1t errtew Cemetery Association, $101.60. . A tract of land lying between the aorth tine ef Hector CatnpneU'e donation land claim and the Booth boandary of the City of Portland aad betweea the west line ef toe WUlamette rrrer at low water mark and tbe weaterly line of Boone' a Perry' road and lay lor" a Perry road, tare end except plot 4, aa shown oa tbe map of Portland, .Oretoo, published by The Title 'Uearauue A Trout Company, Registered. No. 70. Hlrerrlew Cemetery Association. 6374. o. A tract of land bounded nnd described aa fol- ' aortli tine of tract deacribed In book A, pkrej Commencing at the Intersection ot tne Dew, rieeord of Deeds, tiuiinoiuan uounty, wun -esst line of Taylor's Ferry road; thence north ' erly along aaid road 200 -feet; tbence weet 00 feet to eaat line of Macadam road; theace anuth 200 feett. thence eaat to place ef be- ( tan log. Aecatity barings A Trust Com pan. 1.40. . ' " . A tract of land Beanded and described at .fol lows: Com mew big 8o feet fputb and SO feet ; weat of southwest corner ot block 66, Pal ' ton Park; thence eaat 200 feet; tbence aouth .rW feet; tbence west 130 feet; thence south tWO feet; thence west' 130 feet: thence north .3,0 fret to piece of beginning, Byron P. Card well 1AU to, Heirs of. $4.63. ' - A tract of laad bonnded and described ta fnl rlows: Commencing at the Intersection of tbe ' north line of Ueoermsa tract, recorded la book . 61. page 303, Record of Deeds, Maltnomab Coonty, wltk the esst line Af old Taylor Perry ruad; thence north along aald road 300 feet; Tbence east to Wlllametu river: thence follow- Ing the meander In g a of aald river to the aortk llae of Bald Lie ber man tract; tbenee waat to the Place , of , beginning, Usury R. Uupoat, A tract of Und houBded-attk rtearrfhed as fol. lowai Commenting 6 chalna eaat and 16 ;- chalna aouth of nor lb west corner ef northeast Juarter of aectioa 22, township 1 aouth, ranga eaat, Willamette tnertdlea; -rhenee Ast 8 - chalna; theace eouth 6 derreea, west 2.70 .efaslns; tbence west 4 JO ehalna to east line of Macadam Toad; thence nortberly along eaat , line of Macadam road lo place of beginning, 6ecarlty Borings A Trust Company. $U2o. - A tract of land bounded and described as fol lows: j Commencing at northwest earner, of block B, Pulton Park; tbence north 73 feet; ' tbence esst to west bank of WllUmetu rlrer at low water mark : thence along Ike west . bank ef river to northeast earner of block D, Fulton Park; thence weet to place ot .Begin ning. Charles Lleherman, $4.20. . A tract of Und hoaodrd and described te fol lowa? Commencing at aoutAeaat corner M 4. block 1. Pulton; thence eoatherly along' weat line of Taylor's Perry road to t point 16 feet nortberly from nortbeaat corner of block 7. Pulton; tbence northerly along a . line parallel with nortlierlv line of block 7. . Fulton, to Ita tntorarctkiu jwltk tke teutherly llae ef V-,t 6, block 1, Pulton. H. 1. Rvlgel- r man. $0. !..- - - - - , . ' A tract of Und r-nr-Ted aad deserfhed aa rot- : lows: - Commencing 22.16' rhams aorth , and . 13.84 chatna west of southesst corner -of Tbnroaa Bterment doaatloa Und claim; tbence north 70 degreek, east 6.06 chains, to west i hank of Wlllamerre river- st low water mark; ' tlienca along weat bank of said river, north . 40 degrees, eaat 1.40 rhalna: tbence S deseeaa 30 mlnatea. eaat. .66 chain; aortk - Weat 7.11 chains: thenre aouth 4 dearrtet 80 y. mlnutea, 4at 2.R6 chains, to tne-wUca ef be- - glnnlnr, Pranclerw rVhmLU. 8-30 a-' - A tract of Und hnnnded snd described as fot - Iowa: Commencing at three-mlU post In Mae . edsm road: Ibeuce east lo west bank ef Wll ' Umette river at low water markt .tlienca north along the weat bank nf aald river te , . soot beast corner, of Mock M,' Pulton Psrk: thence went almg the aonth line of blorke M aad N, Paltoo Park, te Fftradam road; thenre Booth to pUce ef beginning, Theodore Menial, 4 40. : A tract of land bonudrd lad deei'i Tlwd at fnt- lows: Oieiaieorlng t north 16 4-rrwa. west X03 ctisUs, from soutlwaat, corner 01 Thorn a a ' Hteobena donatloa land claim: -tbence West 8 74 ' ehalna: thence north 83 degreea 30 mUutea. West 2.22 ehalas; tbenee aorth 31 degreea 16 nttnniee, west 10a roslna; tbenee north 4 da gears !M minutes, west .04 chain; thence anrth 8 degreee 30 minutes, weat 2 M chains: tbenee north 21 dewreee, weet 2 chslns; thence north 3k ee grees, west e msrns; tuence norm 43 aVtrne weet 2 36 rhalna; theses , annth degreea. esst 6 ehalna; tiieueu eouta deatees. eeat 4.87 chaise, to plsee of ke- glBnlng, Joserm tad rrauk wener. A tract of Uad bounded aad deacribed ea fej lnwe: Commencing at a point lu tbe esst line of Macadam read where) aame ta later eected ay anuth tine of Thomas Hteobeoe dn. est lea laad claim: Uenee north 8 degreed 80 west 1.78 rbalna; thence north .ta 30 minutes, wsst 1.22 chains: tbenee , esst parallel with tbe eeld donation land ..elahn line 3.74 rlialaa te weat bank of Wll. J lamette rtvee st low wster mark : thence ennth- t erly 16 dagreae. eaat ekwig the wsst sank nf i . a ski. river, 843.38 -fast) tbaace-wast pax alia) with and 130 feet aoath at the annth line af , theJTkomaa lephena donation land claim ta the east line ot Macadam ruad; thence aortk -along1 esst line of Macadam road to the place of Uglnalof, Rudcrkk L. Maclaay, A tract ef land!hounded and deacrined at ' follows: Onmmctclng at aoutbeest corse of kit 30. ' hkx-k 16, Houtnern Portland; thence f west 214 A fset; tlieuce snutb 6 degrees 30 Vatluutea, east to north Una of, Nevada atreet; thence eaat along north line ef Mevada street to west line ot Macadam road; tbence north along weat line of Macadam road to place ef beglBiUng. Joseph Weber. $0.80. . A tract of land bounded and described at followa: Commencing at laterseettos ef west line of Macadam road with aouth Ifne of Ne vada atreet; tlienca west 214.3 feet along aouth Una ef Nevada atreet: tbeace eouth. 6 degreee UO mlnutea; eaat 66.36 feet; thence eaat 314.8 . feet: thence aorth A degreee 30 mlnutea. west . 60.36 fset. to place of eegluulug. Melculur '.taeniae. 31.86. ," - - -A tract ot Und boonded and deacribed at followa: Commencing 13.13 feet north, 6 de areee 30 mlnutea eaat, from aortheaat earner et block I. r'altoa; tbrnce nortberly along U14 west line of Macadam ruad H03JM1 feet; theact weat 214.8 feet; thence aortk 60.08 feet te anuth line of Nevada atreet; tbence waat 37.6J feet; tbence aouth 130 feet; thence Booth 3 Meereea fin situates, east 1M1.6M feet: tbence tier til 80 degnea 41 minutes, ssst 31 1.29 feet. u puce ox beginning, noes, atonss si-o" A trutt of knd hosmted snd described at followa: Commeschig 8.87 chains aortb, 6 de- srees 80 mluatss seat, snd 3.83 chains West Of , northeaat corner ot block 1. Pultooi tuence west 103.43 feet: thence aorth 6 degreea. west to south Une of k'evsda atreet; thence eaat -103.43 feet; theace aouth to place af beginning, 1 karlea II. and Kllaa CkrlsUnaen. 8 36. A tract ef Und bounded and deacribed ta ' followa 1 Commencing at nortbeaat corner of block 1, Pultoa; theace west .10 chalna: tbence . h Aa. . aa sea 1 11 rhslns: thCDCS SSBt 400.72 feet; thence aoath 2 degreee 66 min utes, ssst 241 jut fset: thenre north r 6- SI alulM east iul.zS feet: lb auuth 8 degreee 80 mlnatea, east 12.13 feet,. to place Of beginning, p. Kllnsnrne " a ...... eT land kailuUd Snd described ' tt follows: Commencing at aoutheaat corner ef 1.1 h. arix L'nl,. I'.rk .Kan ce sresft' aUO feet to east lToe of Pint street: thenoa aorth 300 feet to aouth line ef Logan atreet: tbence eaat to northwest corner ef aald block ; tbence eoatherly along weat Una ef said block to place or neginaiug, tuitee rare mum i - S-, a, - I ' 1, A traat of Und bounded and deacribed aa fnllowa: Commencaie at southesst corner of block 67H. Pultoa Psrk; theace west 300 feet! - thence aouth 80 feet; tkence esst 200 test; tbence aorth 80 feet te place of beginning, Buutk Port laad Real Eatate Company. 83.36. ' A .eae. nf laad hnMnded and described St followa: : Commencing at a point 80 feet south and O0 feet weet of northwest corner of block 73. Pulton Park; tbence sooth 2M fset; tbence west IK 10 fset; tbeace Berth 250 feet; tbence eaat 860 feet to place of beginning, Congregs tloo Beth Israel. 810.60. A traot ef land bounded and " dearrlbed at fol tow li Osnajieing SO feet aouth aad SO ' raa, wraal nV aMtLsMt CornST Of block 72. Pulton Park I theses east 750 fet:; tbence am i as laieiwectlos of north Una of Poplar street with west Une of Elglitk aveooe; tkeaco westerly to Eleventh, sveaue: theace north to north line of 8pruce I atreet; tbenee west 2t fset; tbence aorth to a point 60 feet east of e,wnei of bka-k U4. PultOn ' Park thence weat HkO feett theace north 80 fset; tbeace eaat 800 feet: tbeace south M feet to i.m e keelnalne Vincent Cook. 662 .80. ' A tract of land noaoded jnd deacribed : at , fntieaaa- nneamsnAins at northsaat earner ef lot 6. block 103. Pulton Park; tkence aortb OO feet; tbehce aortb 40 degreea. east 303.4 feet, to aouth line of Metager tract, sertlon 22. township t south, nogs 1 esst, Willsm atte meridian; thence aortheatterly paraUel ', wltk waat line of aald Metager tract to south . line ot Hazel ttreet; thenc' west to a point . due, anrth of northwest cooler of Work 103, Pulton Psrk; thence south to northwest cor ' Ber of aald block 103; thence eest 100 feet to place ef beginning, Vincent uw, ei-ou. A tract of land lying between the center Una of aecood atreet If extended south 0 lu pna- ent rourss aud tbe division line betweea ser iLa. si and M'l tenvnahio 1 eoath. naae 1 ' eaat. Willamette meridian, and between a line . uu ra.1 aaniu and narsllel with aeutn line ef blocks 63. 64 and 63, Pultoa Park, and the aorth line of block 03, tbe northeasterly 'and northwesterly lines of block 73, raiion rare, Maury riectsnatein, i.i.. ' A tplaseiilar trsrt of Und lying the south iiaa of. Taylors I'sitv road, tba . weaterlr Una of Beenea Perry rosd -sAd tbe divtaion line between aectkin 21 aud 22, ' townablo 1 south, range I east, WtUamette uaiaiaa rA,iwMtlnn,l Beth Israel. 85.06. A tract of Und lying betweea the aouth Ilea C Savaus. SVSUUS and the - BOUtb UuS " at Boundary atreet extended westerly In. Ita , naal eonree snd between 'the West llae ot Hecond atreet aod tbe dlvUioa line between -eaetuina 16 aud 10. townsnui 1 aeutn, rsnas -, 1 east. Wlllametu Merldlaa, aave end except . tbe iBoermuhle tract below described, ler avlllteaa Ietd rVimtiaflV. gTfl.TO. ' a tract of land bounded and described aa fel- '. Iowa: Commencing ea east tide of HUvln counts road AU34 feet north and 432 feet . aa., eS smith llae af the Tea-Wllllger duBA- tUn Und claim, where tame U Intersected by the division line between eaat H aad west 4 of aald donation Und cUlmj tbence aouth 88 dearees 60 mlnutea eaat 486.8 feet: thence mirth HI dearees 411 mlautea eeat 206.7 feet - theace aorth 68 dejfreee go minutes west to tbe southwesterly- One of the BUvte county , reed; tbence surtbwaat Al degreea, 10 mia atea weet B80.6 feet: tbeace south 8 degrees ' 46 Blnutee west 43.4 leet to place of begin ning. .Gottlieb Indermuble, 88.10. A trAct ef bud beaaded and described at fol lows: Oommeacing at aorth wsst earner ef block 148. Caruthen Addition to toe City of Port Und. aa laid out by tbe aoath Portland Real Rente Association; theaee -south 200 feet tbence West 460 feet; Uence north 200 .test; theace eaat 460 feet to place) of be gin ning. Mrs. B. A. Owena Adair. $63.70. -, A tract of Und bounded aad described ad tot Iowa: Commencing tt northwest earner of block 148, Caruthert' Addltloa to theClty of PiwtUad. ss Uld out br the Booth Port Und Real Eatate AasocUtUio! tbence Weat 80 T-et along tba soatk line of Curry ttreet If i svtasded Weatsrle . In (JU BreaeBt tbence north 820 feet paralUl with tbe west line et Pint ttreet; tbence eaat to the aouth- weat corner of block 130, Centners' Addl tloa to the City of Portland aa Uld out by the Booth PoftUnd Real EaUte . Association; thence south 820 feet to pUce of beginning. '-William M. Gregory, $2.86. A1I the Und need and occupied bf the Ors "goa A CaUfernU Railroad Company tar right ef way. purposes,, except when aald right of way la located fn streets, lying betwesa tbe aortk Use of Kin Ice Corn then' donation Und claim and the southern boundary of the City of Portland snd between itn west bank ot - Wlllemette river at low-water mark and tbe s division II nee between aertiona 4 tad A 6 . and 10, 16 aad 16, 21 and 22, township 1 south, range 1 esst, WlUametU MsridUa. ' Oregon A California Railroad Compaay, ' 672.M0. :-.' All tne noplated land tying between the eouth Une of P. Carutbera' donation Und claim and the Booth line of Elisabeth faruthers' dona- tloa land claim and betweea tbe dlvuloa line ' between sections 0 and 10, township 1 aonth. range I east, WllUmette Merldlsn, aad tbe west line of Pint street, except ten pareek) ef Und owned by Mra. B. A. Owena Adair and William M. -Oragory. Oregon. Railway A 'Navigation Company,. $53fl.OO. r A tract of Und lying between aa easterly rxteoaloa of the north line of Carutbera ttreet tod a line 160 feet north thereof and nar a lie 1 therewith snd between the esst lias of Water etreet end t Use 38 feet east thereof . and parallel thenwlth, , Jer miss W'oelrk. 80.60. V Bight ef way, Oxrgon A California Railway -. Compaay, $641.70. - Total $11,372.43. i 1 , ' THOB. C. DEVLIN, ' ,, ;'' 1 Auditor at the City of Portland. Oregon. . . Date of 6nt pnblitatlon, Pebruary 23. 11 tV - nOPOBALB TOR mx HTDAAXTa. . Proposals will be received by the1 water board of the Citr of Portland. Oregon, until 8 p. at., Friday, Febrnary 24. 106. f'r fnrnlahlng the Water DenarthieBt ot the city, at the a tore house on- Fourth and Market streets,' one ban dred 8re hydrants, according to plana aad sp-et6csttona which may be obtained .at the office of tbe Engineer ot the Water Department. Each proposal must be accompanied by a errrtrted check for $.W) aad - inrlneed in a scaled rare lope addressed to the BBderalgned and marked oa the eatelde, " Propose la for Fire Hydrants." Tke Water Beard reserved tke rigkt to re ject gay ee all nnpcisala. ' 'i ' 1 , By order ef tke Water Board. r -' .... ., , PRANK T." DO DOR. Boperlntendent Water Department. rortUad. Oragon. February 17. 1006, jMlt riUKlSS VIAVASmNt3T0N life!' pV 3 Trains to (he East Dsily-3 Tkreugk Pnllmsu' tUndard end tnnrTat Warp ing cars dally te Omaha, Chicago, Opekanei toniiat aleeplng can dally to. Kaaeaa t lty; through Pulluwa ton rial aleenlof ears (person ally eundactedk weekly to 'Cblcsso. RrellnUg chair cart (aeaU free) to the Eaat sally. - UNION DEPOT. Leaves. Arrivea. CUICAOO-PORTLANI, 8PEC1AU 6:18 8.1 ( K a. ta. Par tbe Esst eta Bant DtUy, - Dally. - , - . tngtoa. . -f 8P0KANB PLTRR. Pur Ksatrrn Washing too. Walla Walla. Lew 6:16 p. BV Dally, 6:00 4. at. latnn. Ooeur d Aleae snd Great : .NorUstaj Daily. . lei ivetn M v n n oa u I Por the East via, UaoMr'.1.. :16a,n. Dally. inrtan. i OolumkU River DlvUien. POR ASTORIA and way1 points, connecting with ttmr. . for - Ilwaro aud Kortk Beach, err. ' lias 84m p. av Dally. Abnut V - Y 8:00 p. m. ; ax. Bunds y. ex, 8snday. Hatnrday. es lo. Ash At. dort I10-.O0 p. "Tamklll River BeutoT POR DAYTON, Oregon City and -Tamktll River polnta, stmra. 4tutk and TrflOt, BL DtUy, - - Dally. Modoc, AahAt. doc. , . (Water permitting. ) rx. Banday, ex. aaaday. awake River RewteT POR LaTWIBTON, and way notntt Rlnarta. . Waak.. Ida. 8:40 a. ax. Dally. About 6:06 P. ax. ' ei'rtdayj- from Bnokane , and Lewiston. eg. Barurua TICKET OPYICK. Third sird Weskliigtoev Tnaw paoBS Mala Til -t. , "'. C. W. ITTNORR. City ticket AgeaC L. CRAIA. Ceaersl Paaaeagsr Agsat. EASTy'a SOUTH Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrlv OVERLAND RXPRR68I trains, for Halem, Ross burs. Asblend.. Peers 8:80 p. 8f. men to. Oxden. Ban Kraa- " '6.8 ciacoe. Stockton. Lee Aa-i gviet, raso, new w leana and tbe Raatv - Mfsrslne train aoo- aerra - st Woedhurn dally ,' except dnnday wltk-" train" for MC Angel.- 8 1 1 ear tea. Rmwnsville. I B f I I - 8:08 p. BV field.. Weadllng andj natron. Albany Bamenger eon necu at wood burn with 4:60 p. n. ;H6t Mt. Angei aaa Oliver top local. CnrvallU psssesgsr. -Rberldaa paaernger. 4:60 p. m eDalty. IIDaily, except Bmday. PertUnd-Orwega Bukurbaa ternon Mat Taaxklll DlvUlea. . ' ' Depot foot of Jefferaon ttreet.': Leave" Portland dally for Oswego 7:86- . .!--12:60, 2:06, 8:2ft, 6:20i 6:2Bv. 7:46. 10:16 p. m. Dally (except 8unday)e 6:30, 6:30, 6:38. 10:26 a. m.; 4:00, 11:30 p. m. Banday nly. 8:10 a. m. . Returning from Oswego, arrive Port bind dalle -8:30 a. an;-1:66. 3:06. 4:86. 6:15. 1:85, 6.M. 11:10 p. m. Dally (except Hundayl 6:23, I S. 6:80, 10:20, 11:46 a. m. Except Monday, 12:3 p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a. m. - Leaves from same depot for Daltaa and User. mediate selntt dairy I except aaaday) 4:0 p. av Arrive Portland 10:30 a. ax, ''..-' The - JndeneDdeaee-Moaniotith ' Motor Una opera tea daily to Meomouib snd Alrlle, con necting wltk Bonthnrn Paelfhj cempany't traoaa at Dallas end ladenendencet Ptnt-cltsa fare from Portland to Bam men to tad Baa rraoclsre $20, bertha $6 aecond-claat tan 813. second-cUsB, bertha $1.60. Ttckett to Eastern polnta and rut opt, alto Japan, China. Honolulu and AnatraUo. City Tiekst Office era-Bar Third aad Weak tngtoa streets. Poena Mala 712. ' C W. fmNQEO. . f?01IA!. City Ticket Agent. Geo. Pass. Aswan. TIME. CARD of TRAINS , Portland r, CNION DEPOT. Departs. Paget Soand Limited, for Taeoma, Seattle, Olympla. South Bead tnd Uray'a, Barber point. - I North Onest Umlted. for Taroarar Seattle, Butte. St. Pant. . Min- leva.. nea polls. Chicago, New York, Boston and point East and Southeast. TwlB-Cltr Et press, for 1:06 p. at. IM A ta. Taeoma. Seattle, Spe-4 ksne. IteleBa, St. Panl, 11:48 a. BJ New York, Beaton 'tnd til polnta Eaat ., tndl noutheast. Paget Sound Kansas Ctty-St. Leu la Special, for Tacnim. Seattle, Spokane, Butte Billion. Denver. Omaha, Kansaal :tOL6.8t. Twivs. City. St. Ixmu tad elir pointa East aaa touu-i -J.'- ; ,, , ' ,. All trslna , dally except on South branch. - ; A. D. fniARLTnM Asalstant Otneral PasseBger Ageat, ' ' 229 Morrison at..' cor. Third, PortUod. Or. Astoria & Cdumbia : , V t River Railroad Co. IOIooT i i tnrf -1 VkOj.", ta IkSr : . XPr ' Leaves. 1 UNION .DEPOT. I AnivseT 1 11 "- - '- .mJj m. n', (jl.-ooa. m. Tmt Mtyg-rtalnler. itlda. ta, Daily. . Dstskanls. Weatnort. DmUl. Clirton. Astoria. War- i rentoa.1,' FlaveL Rib- ( - .' mend. --'Port Stevens. , , - ' Oearhart Park. Seealda. , ' . ,-'' , . Aitorta , tad etafcora, ,v. S... 'Jtm. V:'? .186.' .., t Astoria tearet.,,, - v" ' J. C. MA TO, -' -. 0. f. and P. A Astoria. Or. C A. ftTBWAftT. Cemrseeelal Agent, 88 Aide ttreet. Phone Main arsv .- TtoRaw OfBo 123 TWr M. , rAomO 4M 2TranaoritlrifTtfl , Trtdnm Dally AtO PAST TIME TO BPOKANR. f?r. PAOle. CUT "-, VT M1NNKAPOU9. CHICAGO A. ' -rjat1ttr'tr1 throttrl " ' And Rockp Biountalna. . nlara. ralea, foi tiara, t't ' , L Jea.1, .a.e. IH-0in;vi-i;f: 'J-1