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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
CITT OTICM. ' e. II.TO: nMKMa M of lot ,' Kew i , L. Ollham. $170: eabdtvteloB N of let ewva U l.llbam. ll.TU; aubdlvtetou 'tU 4. Mercbaat Narlooal Bank of Port , I. Truatee. $l.e;rbdlTlalnB P ot lot 4. ' . -cnr National Bask ot Portland. Trae. i i M). BUkK 6, aubdlvlatoa A of lot 1. FMierd C. Prince, $4.a: aubdlrletaa i B -tat I. Richard C. Prince. $4.30; aubdl. nm C at lot I. Joha M. Bbrlgler, $4,301 aer -lalou 1 ot lot I, C W. Letch. $4.30; ' ,vieon of lot 1. Joka Itonnerberg. ,34..:.; aubdlvlaloa K o( lot 1, Aaaa Loulac . )n, $4,T5; mtli 42t feet of , nortk is foot of wtbdlvlaioa H otlot'X .ejutept ' l-recoa X CiUforrila '.Railroad Companr'a ,' neat of war. Richard C. - PrH8 .30; aouth 42 foot ot nortk 33 foot of uMlTUloa U of lot L except oregoa 4b CaUfornla Rail road Cam pan j a right of war. Richard t. Prince. $0.20; north 42 Mi feet of aoath 85 .. foot of aubdlrtaloa H of lot I, Clareeoe M. Dllley. 11.15; north 42S et of ueutb B foot of enhdtvtelua 0 of tot t, iopt Oro gea California Railroad Company'a right ' .it - I'lamro II. Dlller. 3.U5: aoutk " 43 foot of aubdlvteloa U of lot 1. fY W. - Ldcfc. 1.15; aoath 42 foot of Bubdlvh.loB H of tot 1, r. W. liOirk,; norm van foot of aaMlrlato H of tat 1. except Ore . gua Calif ornle Railroad Compaay'a rlrht i of war, Hlcbara C. Iviaoe, $0.S; rnDdlrtaioa , A of lot Z, Ann Flan. $4.T6; eubdlTletan B of lot a, Robert thlll. $4.73: aubdlrlataa C of tat 1. Port Und Truat Itonipauy of Ore ' gwa, $4.Sn; aubdlvteloa l of tat 2. Portland Truat Company of Oregon, 3.H nuhdlTlelon , - If uf tat 2, 8. Machnteln, ft.JM; anlHJloa IF of lot t. B. Murkatrla. 4.80; aubdlfintoa of tat . Ward r, Wotmora, 4.76; aob- dlThHoo H of lot 1. War V. Wotmoro. f4.T8t ohdWlalo. A of lot 9. W.' K. Ilor. 3.Ti( aahdlrlKkM B of lot S, E. II w. $3 ; I aatxllrtatoa t: of 'lot . W. K. llrr. $.( obdiTtaloa D of tat 8, W. K. liar. : all of - asbdlTMon B ( . tat I cut of t tiroo Vollforala Railroad Coa .' rloht of war. W. A. Cttrrlo. (5.311: ' . a of aubdlolaloa V of lot oaat of Orr(oa A California Railroad lompany'a rlirhf f : ' war. W. A. Oarrlr, 4.(a; all of aubdlrlaloa " of lot oaat of flrntoa A California Rail road Vompaar'a rlfht of war.' W. A. Crr.. lui.;; all of avMiTtataa K of tat 8 woat of tlrocon ft California Rallraad Company'a rlht - Sot war, kaio Roatetach, tu.85; aU of aab- dirtaioa O of lot S woat of Orecon fornta Railroad Companr'a right of war. Rata Roawtwh. (u.ft; aubdlvtataa A of lot 4. H. R. UIMm. 4.i: aahdlTlalon 1 of lot 4. U. dllhte UJUt anhdlvlaioo C Of tat 4. tlcorio Arnold. 4.06; oubdlTtatan D of-tat , 4. (Monro Arnold. !; all of anbdlrtataa B of tat 4 want of Orocoa Callf.rala Rali- raad Com poor rl(M of war. Ward 4J. Wat Btoro, tl.75; all of aabdlrUkm K of tat 4 woat at Urocon rallfornla Railroad Uoav tun.', rlsht M wit. Ward C. Wotnwro. - (T.25; all of anbdiTUIon B of lot 4 aaat of ... Orcfoa Callfurala Railroad Oompanj'a riant . of way. C. W. Loire. all of auhdirl ta r of tat 4 ,tftr of Orrroo. a California Railroad Companr'a rlaht of war, (i W. Lolrk, (1.15; all ot aubdlrlataa O of tat 4 - - eioFot Orooa 4k CaUfornla Railroad ttom- panr a right of war. rraoeoe at. Bioreoa, ' 11. T5; all of aubdlrtalon 11 of tat 4 woat of Oroaxm California Rallraad Companr'a right . of war. I'riKH at BUirona. o.lo; all ot . auMlrialnn H of tot 4 oaat of orrgon cnn I'nrnia u I Inw A clnmnanr'a rlaht of 'war. C W. Lett. 0 as. . BlXM K. , north 160 foot . of lot 1. oaat or urogon at lanionua nan Mt nmnMBv'a Haht of -4ar. Martin Winch. ' ni oft- nuth an faot of north 3D0 foot of tat ' I. caat of Orocoa Callforala Railroad Cora- ' panr a right of war. Kla-or B. Colweu. aa.iu; noath 30 foot of lot 1. oaat 01 urogon i an '.- mil ar.iiraad OiniBanr'a rlcht of war Marr A. Clarfco. ti.5; aU of tat 1 went of Oregon Callforala Railroad Companr'a right of way. Laura A. Book, dd.UO: Bubdlrtaioo A of tat 2. i. H. Boror, 14.05 i aubdlTtaloa B ot lot 2, J, H. Boror. 13.75; aubdlrlaloa C " of tat 2. B. C. Joriionaoa, 13.50; anbdl-iataa ' D of tot 1. Rata B. Montgomery. $3.40; aorth - )& foot of anbdirtaioa B ot tat 1 Mary A. ri.rb. ai m- aaoth 4A foot of nabdlrlalon - E of lot 2. Bono A. Young.; nortk 65 .r at auhrtlrtaion V of lot 1. Buaaa M . Oppenhoft. 11.00; aooth ITS foot ot abdirl k ataa V of lot 2. rd V. Boodr. ll.tO; north ''." an foot of woat ISO foot of lot 3, Frod V. Boodr. $.; north CO foot of taat 90 foot . I Unaao M. ODOonhoff. 11.10: Oaat 42M tort of .aooth 00 foot rtt aorth 130 foot , . ot lot . Vt4 K.. Boodr, .v; woat foot of amitk to foot of north 130 foot of lot a. J.h a. Honek. ts.&u; oaat 4SV. foot of aottth 110 foot of tot 3. 8. Aaatln. 34. 30; . woat 13TH toot-of nonth 110 foot of tat 3. T ArM.Jit aiR K- annth 120 foot of tat 4. Laora A Book. 335.05; woat 42H foot of oaat n foot of north 11a fort of lot 4. WlUlara ,M. Bodmaa. 34.; woat 4a foot f oaat 62?4 toot of aorth 110 foot ot lot 4. Barak J. Bodmni. 3430. . . A tract-of land lying botwooa tko nonth - ' lino of Lowoll aronao and a Una 110 fort aoutk k.-r d sarallol thorowltk and botwooa the caat lino. of mat atroot and a Urn 2t : foot woot ot andparallcl with too woat Una of : I rlutt trMf- Ttioniaa BrhnoldVr. S1V.4U. ' FOBTLAWJ HOUWTKAl BUMiK. 7, north 110 Io or kk ' i, ,! i"mi tt-nt lnt 1 (Iraro L. Brouanah. KS.45; aabdlrlaloo A of lot 2. Klla U Wye koop. 35.00:. aubdrrialoa B of tat 2, JClla U W rakonp. 35.00; anadlrlaton C of lot . OUra f . L Warnor. 3r,.00; aiibdltlatan D of K t il 5 1JKT Morwln. 35.00; abdlrl-lon B of lot . . Abb to L. Crorkor. 33.6"; aubdllkio K of ; -Tot ST AbMo 1. Crw-kor. 33 50: aouth 100 foot on fMf ixt anholv-taintr U ot tot 2. ' Jam Col Una. 81.80; oooth 100 foot of ' anb- dlrlaton H of lot 2. Jatnok Coiuna. a-iu( ' v m Om. m mkitlvlBlnn (I Of lot 2. L ' W. Wmkoon. aootb 100 feot-ot oaat " in f i,c anhotTUiloa U of tot 3. 14 W. ' - Wrnkouf, 30.95; north TO foot of anbdlTiatoa n r B f L W. Wrnkonp. l.ftn: nubdlrl- - ' ataa A of lot 3, Goorgo Klgor, 34.S9; aub dlrlaloa B ot tat S. Joha Kaapp. 4.3o: aoh - dlTlakm C of tat 3. Mr.. V. F. Boodr. 34.f anbdlrhrtrar -O-af-Jot. A Tboaaaa Bcbnoiaor, ' 34jir aubdlrlaloa K otTot 3, Aanaf R. foM . man. aa.iu; ouoojiMa r 'Krldnaa, 34.76; aubdlrlataa O of lot 3. Mo II nd K. Moraaa, 34.75; aabdtTlaloa H -of tot , ' 3. Mollnd K. Morgan. 4 .75: -tot 4, Blrnoa Btamauor. iB.85. BLOCK V l;:.iah.a . i bi a:ta ma lnt 2 Oroaoat 4k California . Railroad Company. 3.16.86; let 3. Ooogoa. dt T California Railroad Company, 336.116; aab- dlrlaloa a of tat 4, oorgo H. Krugm-t, - 34.U0; nobdlTtatoo B of lot 4. Mary -4in-' - u on- ntwtlvtatna U of lot 4. Mowtoa ' ; L. Oll'ham. 4.3o; aubuKrlatoa O of tat 4, Carl Blorblnitor, 4..iu; uiiitih a. " V T' ' '" tiarar I'olaon. 34.T8; aubdlrlaloa r of lot 4, tr,b i 75: woot IB foot of aabdlrl. - ataa O of tot 4, Adoh-k Hauaman, 33.H6; aaat 6 fnot of aobdlrMoa ot tot 4, Cyrua M. . Mokay. 30.76; aubdiTlaion H of lot 4. Cyrua M. McKay. 34:75. BLOCK 3. aubdlrtakm A ' of tat 1. Mary B. Johoaon, $4.30; aabdlrlataB . H of tot 1, Mary a. joon-vm. i.oy, 71 m avtxnrwoa v-or n 1, . . ?- .. a-Aliw- niib. LL of aubdlrlaloa C of tot 1 TZ..I. u.l .iii IM aiikoiTtalon I of tat 1, ' B. M. Mlnokaat. 34.30; aabdlTlaloB B of lot ' - 1. Jamoa H. Aaprawall Batata, Helm of, 34. T5; aubdlrtataa ot lot 1, Jamea 8. Aaoen : wall Ratato, Holra of. 34.75; north 137 foot . - Miikia a of lot 1. tiowtoa It. Cllham. 33.461 aoath 42.3 foot of aabdlrtatan O ot ' - Xn lowilik H Hlumana. 81.16: aubdlrlaloa ' iTaY tot 1. Jadlth U. Hlnmaaa. $4.76; aab. . dirtaioa 1 of lot 3. Canrtaw B. JTOPieuMi Troatoa. 32.30; aubdirtalon 3 ot tat 2, I barloa - , R. Tomptatoa. Truatoe, W-30; oabdlrlaloB 3 ' of tat 2. Charter .-R. Templotomi 1'ruatoa. i, ai an. onhaivtaiao 4 of lot X Charlca R. Trm plotoa. Traatoo. 81.80; aabdlrtatoa 3 of lot 3, , tharloa K. Trmptatoas IVaatoo. $2.40; aub ' r. . l u 1 Charlra R. Yrmploton. , Iruatoo. $2.40; anbdlTtalon 7 ot tat 2. tharloa ' a. Tompiatoa, Trnatoc $2.75; aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot--a. Charlca R. Tomplotoa, Truatoa, $T5: auhdlYlatoB 8 of tot 2. Charlca R. Tom r ;..puion. Trnatee. $2,761 aubdlTtaloa 10 at tat ' v 2. Charlra R. TcaialoUMi. fruuteo, $2.75; aab - - dlTlaloa 11 of tot 2. tharloa R. 'Tcmplctua. . Traotoc. 2.7S; aubdlTtaton 12 of tat X Charlca '.A- R. TemDhrton. Traatoe,. $2.40; aubdlrlakm 18 mt lnt !L fharlra R. TrmDloton.. Truat, . -' ' t&tu; aorta 22fe toot vt wcat 80 foot of nortk ? ' Vi of tat a. ttorlruda Mark. $1.6; aoutk 22 loot of aorta oa ice ok ww cw htw vi mi i f n. Junoa earmark. 81.U6: aoutk V t , of lot 3, Mary riarh. 31.0: aouth 22 foot V of wjrtk 8X3 foot of woat My, foot of north . bi ot tot 3. Mra. R. A. Uarrlaoa. 3L15: aoutk fort ofwaith 46 fort of woat 67 trot . of rjwU "-of tot 3. -Mro. R. A. Oarrlaoa. ' . " 31.16; woat 22 feet of oaat 45 foot of , nortk 48. fart or north of lot 3. Bmma . ' .'J. Vaeoun. 80. W. raat 331 foot of-aorli . , 46 foot of aorth H of tot 3, Lcaoro B..Orrg arf. $.: w; oars ao foot of 'woat 123 fort uf ' . aorth 46 fort ot north H of lot 3. LonOra M. :, -; Grory, '31.80; caat 112 foot at aouth 45 . trot of aorth H of tot 8, Lonora 3. trgory, : ' ' 34.M0; tat 4, Oregon California Railroad - ' loot panr. 3:16. hi. BUH'K 10, tat 1. Orraua California .Railroad Company, 335.86; aub dlTl-Mm. A f l4 2. John Aadrow, $:.H5; auh-'.- dlrlrloa B of tat 3, John Andrew, :t.HS; aub - dlrMna 0 of tot 2, Joha Audyow, I.I.Kft; aub- : dlrtakia D of tot 2. Jnba Aadrow, 83.HA; nun- dlTlaloa E aVM 2. Joha Aadrow. $1 no: IM4loa r at tat X J-a Ajidrew 8;lK5; au- ilTl.Wm U of tot 2. Joha Andrew, $:t. Ml; anb , dlTlnlna H ot tat 2, Jeaa-Andrrrr;'' $.1 Mfti auh- . dlrl'ioa 4 of lot 2. John Andrew, $3 NS; tat a. upencer II. Cooper,; woat 42 feet of :K-th 11 feet of lot 4. Arauld Bwler. ' , holt. $4 85: all of oaat K3 feet of lot 4 lying norm or ivregon ar vanirnia naiiroou iqm aaar'a ilrht of war. W. A. Lew hi. $H.UM. A trart of load lying be morn the oaat II o mt iau arrt and a lino 42 feet eoat of aad parallel therewith and between a line 110 foot aoata of ana parallel wnn tne aoath lino of rlamUtoa CTenuo and the north Una of tfraao A CaUfornla "Kalh-aad t.voioanya rigat wii,iao Bteiarr, II Ul a traet af land between -two linen rerpn Heelr 4U foot nnd M6 feet oaat of and parallel mlta the oaat Una of Onto arreet and between n Hoc 110 feet aouth of aad parallel with the aouth Una of Hamilton arcane and Ue north Mao of oregoa Lanrnraia Baiiroaa ' oo-oaaya right of way, W. A. Lew la. fH iLAO IfOMfHTKAB-BtK-K jr WC eaart 4 ' fe-t of wear an wr 01 anna ire icei . , L. a. I rare T. Hlloebrand. 84 tt: all i4 1 4 - a of nrefna A allf"rnt- Nallroad a r"M of war, PnnotiU Inauraoro , 1.. A BtTK 11. tat V Jiieeea . v. -. &tata, Melra at. $J.w5; lot THE. CITT M0TI0B3. ' S. Joaeok A. Btrowbrldga Batate.' Hrira af. 3.15. au; tat 4. Joacpk A. Btruwurldgo KaUta, Helra of, 3.15. u; north 80 f eet of lo 3. Ykomaa Bchnoldor. $4.76; aouih - 30 foot vt north vu teat of tot a. Anton niaeeoiuergrr. 54. la: couth 30 feet ot nortk 12U foot ot tat a. Alexander Klearl, $W.36; woat 06 feet of aoath 110 fort of tot 3, JoacDh M. Nk-kum. 3S.W; aaat MA feat of aouth 110 feet ot tat b, tuiBM Mtetoor, s.U. BLOCK 12, tat, 2. Mackay Relate Conpaay; .6.d0; aaat . 60 feet ot aalxllrlaloa A of tat o. Radio A. Winkle, . 31.ta; oaat 60 feet of auoairiaiua B ot lot 3, Madia A. Wlakle, $1.3U wcat 0 foot 0 ouhdlrUloa A of kit 3. John H.JHan- crey, $2.36; wrat-UO feet of auoaieiaioa af kit 3. Joha It, J-.oer..y, 82.36; aubdlTialoa V of tat 3, ivn-y 11. Blyth.' $4.80; aubdlrlaloa D of lot a, rarer II. luyin,; auouiTiaiou K of lot Hi rerry H. Blytb, $4.76; aubdlrlatoa V of tat 3. IvrcV H.' Blytb. $4.76; aubdlTialoa O af tat 8, rerey U. Blyth, $4.76: aabdlrlalon H of lot 3, rerey H. Blytb. $4.76. BLOt'K J.l. tat 1. William n. e-echelmer. aao.mi; nortk t feet uf lot s. v. r, aeai, ao.w, mi nw fret of aualh 170 feet ot tot 2. C. '. Boa I. 80..16; nortk 42 feet ot eaet 110 feet of aouth ITO foci or tot z, ucorgia a.-iwnr, 84.30: nortk 42 W feet af caat 110 foot ot aouth 137' feet of tat 2. J. I. MamncL; aoaia ao ee 01 rmm a w 2. Tboodoro Braekar and J. Winter ho Idee, $7.4 coat Sk of tat 3. , Charlra B. Ladd, $; oaat of lot 4. char lea B. Ladd, $I7.N0. BLOCK 14. aabdlrlalon A ot W-t 1. William A. Morrow, $4.30; aubdlrlalon B of tat 1. William A. Morrow. 84.3; aubdlrlaloa C ft tat I. Prcatoa W. Gillette, $4.:tu; aab dlTteloa 11 of tat 1. Proatoa W, Ulllotte, $4 301 aubdlrlaloa of tat I, Albert rebren-ba.-b. $4.76; aubdlrlaloa r of Kit 1, Albert reorenuavo. er. itf . - ... .. . w.. John Koparblegl, $4-76; aubdlrlaloa H of tat 1. joon a.opocoirgi, a. 10; 101 m, " . Wltherell, $J6.Ho; caat of lot 3. Mlaa M. V. Lanreaec. $17.80: raat of tot 4. Wlllla (. Clarke, $17. Ml. BUICK 15, tot 1, Thomaa Hcbnetuar. $36.80; . nortk - of tat 3. aoulk of too Oregoa et CaUfaraU Railroad Uobv panr a rignt or way, laman-rooej e m., IIU.T0: all at tat S north and woat of Oregoa California Railroad -Company'a rlgbt . of way, J. Ji. Marley, lo.T; an ai aoum ft of lot 2 except Oregon California Railroad twnpany a rlgnt 01 way, Buiaoa sacanipaaout Ko. 1, I. O. O. V., $8.0; all of aaat of tat 2-except Oregoa as California. Railroad Compaay'a right of way, Joaeph A. Btrow- brldgo, nr., annate, nrira 01, a' ". wm I'ili feet f eoat 83 feet of north Ka) fret of lot 4, Ori Rilaa Banford. $3.30; aaat 42 feet of aorta loo feet of tot a. uin a., saa fned Kalale. Helra of: 33.Su:- caat 40 feet of wcat 100 fret of aouth 100 feat of tat 4, Thomaa R- Weal. 53.ttb; aaat. as feat ox act 40 fiat at wcat 120 teat of aoutk 100 fact kurbiiiaW'm MtiRDlVlBIOH of Part of lot 1 aad 3 at, block A M roruaaa nomojwau BLOCK A. oaat of tat 1, Jofca V, aad WUda . Lank In. 38.80: aaat of tot 2, John V. and WUda a. Lankln, U.5: oaat 46 fact af watn' M tat 3, fauUna Jorgen aea. 33.10; aubdlrlaloa- 1 of tat 2. Kate l. Reeetoua, $2.15; aubdlrlataa-1 af tot 2, Kate 1). Be-aloua, $4.30; uibdlTlatoa 8 ot tot 2, Kate t, - -' - - aa.aut aabdlcuilaa 4 of lot 2. Kate U. Beaakoaa.; aubdlrlaloa 3- of tot 2. Bagano A -Beeetone, $2.05; aubdlrlataa 8 of tat 2. Kugena A. Maaaloaa. $l.oauo. dWIaloa 1 of lot 2. Ruaeuo A. Beaatona; $3.40. HiUTI.AMI HOMUTBAtl BLOCK B. aubdlrl. aton A of tot 1, rtonnero tjounuoa "'"" Truat, Ltd., $3.36; aubdlrlalon B of tat 1, M. J. aad D. Uallagbor. $3.35; aubdlrtataa C af let 1, William H. Walpole, 33.35; aub dlrlaloa 1) ot tat 1, Jacob Miebel, 33.36; aub- dlrlalua H of lot 1, Tnoraaa a. nana, e ""r woat 03 foot at tat 3, Beury Bcanett, $0.76; all af tat 2 axeept wcat 00 feat, William R. . 1, . a Ikl ... uk-ah. Aam aaa3- eu TaWaM Ida ot tat 3,' W. J. Dlltoo.-36.45; caat H of " 8. Joan T. Lankln. $10.30; aootb 37 fret of wvat H at tot 3. Joha D. Kcanady, 34.00; tat 4. Joha 1). Kennedy, $10.40; tat. 3, Joha 1). Kennedy, fi.2D.lo n, aonu i, avauneor, miai uim w i' lot 1. MarrA. rark, tat 2. Laula Zimmerman, 810 .20: tot x IM.. Hillock Rotate. Hdra af. $13.50. rULTON PARK BLOCK 18, tat T. Kulloa Park 1T tCpaul: Kft'-S f K to.: Park Land Company, $o.7o; tat - 4, . rultoa Park Land Company, $0.70; tat 8. PultonPark Land Company, $0.70; tot 3, r' Land Company, $0.70; lot. 10, lulta Park Land Comiuy $0.70. . . ' "fj I' Kultoa Park La ad Company. 30.70; tot 8, -ulU Park Land Company, $0-T0; tat Fultoa Park Land Compauyi 30.70; flot 10, 1-ulton Park Und Company, $o.70( tot 11. 1..1...- i.rfe t..ui rAoioeuV. ao.7u: tat 12. r-ultna Part Uad Compauy, $o.70- BL0:K 35. aoath 6t toi-t of lot 14. A. W. TobU., 0.75; nartk 36 feet of aouth 120 feat of tat 14. Bldney . MltabclL $0.75; nortk 80 feet Of lot 14, OlUiam ana lioeriee n. aiu, i. l, k-nilttMi Park Land Compear, 'un! 1, a, Vlluhath Keeerf- 30.30: lot Ik Ultxaheth Kggert, 3O.00; tat lo, Ktlxabctk Kggert, 30.00; lot Hi KUaabcth Bcgert, 3O.0W; ... it Ell..heth Keacrt. aO.BO. BLOCK 20. Vt 13, Faltoa Park Laud Company. $1.20. BUXJU 33, lot I, J. at. lABtoirg. ev.iv, - Lombard. 80.70; tot . tloorga B. Mclntoah. $0.7; tat lo, . Y. Wheeler. 30.70; tat JL Kliaabetb Kggdrt. $0.70; tot 12, Bltxabetk Eggert, $0.70. BLOCK UB. tot 1. Baipa w. Uurt, $L16; lot 2. Ralph W. lloyt, $0.80; u I U Outblarb- 8l.oor tat 4. Jobn Ule- black; $1.13; tot 3, Joha 'llcblach, $1.10. BLOCK 40, aU of wcat 50 feet ot tat 1 ai-.w-.,k - an r .t William H. Mck'arlaad. ao.,5: caat 30 wcat 100 fret of tat 1, Oregua Building Loea Aaaociaiioa.; nit tmmt r wMt AO feet of tat 1. Ore- oir-BuUdliig at Loan Aaaorlattan, $0.35; caat too feet ot tot 1, Mark J. comatoca,; tat 2, Llrale B. Toung, $0.70; tat 8, Mary Mughaa, $0.70; tot 4, Mary Jfaglica, $0.70; tat 5. Patrick Hughea, $o.7o; lot o, fclm HalL 50.7": tot 7. Parry Jotmebe, 3O.T0; tot 3, Collin C. Olrrln. 3O.T0;. tat 3. Collla C. Olj. via, 3066: tat 10, I. B. Hunt, 80.66; tot 11, 1 IV Konetaka. 80.56: tat 13, B. x. .una i..i an 7in lot 13. H M. Lombard. 3u.70 tat 14. C. J. Decker, $0.70; tot-15, Mary Koont. $0,701 f JiufiJ-'j lot 17. Marr J. Oomatuck. $0.70. - BLOCK 1 i T W U MartaaU. 30.70: lot a. W il uim. L a William. Maekln. k n.iu. kii.Tu: lut 10. William Markla- loan. 'ATueiee, au. i"; "r. 7 huu-K as. lot 1. William Hathaway and ji T- ant 1 x wuiiaw neiaiu.. . ev.ov. f Charlca H. Tkompaoa, xu.ju; Tot a. wiuiaa Hathaway ana C'hariea m. xaompaon, aw.00, w 3L u-llllam Uatbawar aad Charlra U Thompaao. $0.35; tot 4: William Hathaway and charlca H.-ThomuadV ao-OS; tot 5. Will iam UathawayJi and- X'harlva 11. Thompaoa, 30.70: tot 3,-Oktrlna Uanoeo. 3U.TO; 'lot 1, r.rn. Uenaeu. 811.70. BLOCK 46. lot 1, M. B. Carmine, $0.70: lot 2, Maad Bewail, $ti.7o:,tot 3, Clara V. Carmine, $o.70; tot 4, T,. . k U. ' ui a HAwrmrA ft. L.-.U an na, lot k Rdward O. BcwaU. 30.70: ' . . .T . H ....111 Mill. In 11 nka Kit l. ua n. oii"mii, 9v.iv, . , K. CuUlaon, $ 70. BLOCK 47. tot 1, Maria Btorkmau. $0.7o; lot- 2. . Maria R lock man, 30.70; tat 3. Henrietta Pormlctoa, $0.70; tat 4. W. J. Ortmba. $0.55: lot 6, WUllam M. Warren, au.oo; lot a, rriiuam Tianu. 30.70: tat 7. Krad 0. Buffam. $0.70; tat 8. IVed 0. Buffum, $O.TO. HLOCkv lot i ienm U,MUH IU.1U K1I X. KDna air quam. 30.70; tat 3, JukT 1. Coyne, 30.70; tot 4, Alice W. Caawull, 30.70; tot 8, C. J. Decker, 30.70: tat'd, O. J. Docker, 30.70; tat r it j. ivefeer. BO.BO: lot 8. C. J. Decker. $0.70: tot 3, Tbomaa A. Clarka,'$0.70; ; lot 10. Valeric Rogera. $0.70; tot 41. Valeria Rocera, $0.5K tat 11 Veleria Rogera, $0.66; lot 13. Valerie Rogera, 8O.70; lot 14, Tbomaa A. Clarke, 80.TU; lot lo, joomaa a. .irr BllTll: tot 14 Era P. MtneL $0.30; lot 17, Walter 11. rrcatoa, $0.70: lot 13. Henry Mtereaa. 30.70; tat 13, Allca W. BU.TII- lnt 30. Jnlia r. Coyne. $0.70; lot 21, 3. me. Blake. 30.70: tot 22. The TtUe Oaaraa u A Traal niaiaH 80 7(1. RLAX.'K 40. tat L K. a nieel. itlYn: tot 2. Kca P. HteeL 3O.70; tat 3. J. R. Scott, 30.70; tat 4 J. H. I JtU. $'-0; lot 6. Hiram W. Riley, ao.ioi fTfct AT Blr.8. -W. .RIl-y.TOtat 7. Ell. K. I era t aeon. au.iu; m or r . w-n. tv.iv - lot . Bra. B frlee $o.7o; tot 10, A. R araacia.. ac il.. atu r . nievi. ew.iu l-t 1-1 Ke 1. Hleel. 30.70. RIXM'kl Ml. tot - a. I 1 .w a,. . . I . fl u 1 1 1 1 . ' J, eillliam jnaraiuiuea, T" . " !-MacklatiaiB,; lot a, eiiiiuon aaarauiioau, 30. wi; tot 4. alary a. imaey, au.iu; ivi , William If. Daucr. 30.Tn: -tat -. IK C. Ted. ford. 30.70 : tot 7. Juaeph Blmoo, Truafec, ' 'an 7i- lot a. karlfa J. ralllan. 80.70: aM . iinn rl, vaiinia, T- " . e , " ' J. HHf bea. 30. TO: tot it; ratrirk iiugneaj aw.iu; tot I-, mitoa rara tana , lanpiaj, rei.-iv. HIM'.K 61. lot 1. Joaeoh Blmou. Truateo. $)i.w;; tat 2, Joaeph Hlmoa. Truatea. '$1.06. HUH'K 62,. lot 1. Patrick ana Mary ungnea, i.70; tat 2. Patrick and Mary Uugbea, $0.70: tot 3. Ratcerue nrueoermaan. ".: , William Loeer.. $0.70: lot 6. Wllltaur Henry, ao To: lot 8. William Henry. $ lot T, - Jane Ryaa. $0,70; tot 8. Henrietta A. rVp rdeton, 30.70; tat 3. Jleurlctu A. Popplcton, , In III: lut HI. Fulton, Park Land ttomuany, ; $0.70; tot" 11, Lou H. Kpdegraff, 30.7O; tot 13, LiOH Xt. l.'PoeuTaii, C'.fiv. aunn o.v !.. K. R. U Idmliard. 30.60: lot 4. B. II Lamliant. $0.70: tot 7. Anna McQuillan. $11,70; wlO a. a f- 1T17WC. fW. M'i 1W O. '. vfwr. , Xiitii , RIXll K 44. tot 1. B. M. Uimbard aad Fultou Park Land Company, $0.7o; tat 8. B. M. Istmbard aad rultoa. Park Land Company. $o.7o; tat 8. B. M. (.Lombard and ' t'ultoa Park lead Com pa ay. 8"To; lot .!!, u u imheea and Vulton Parh land Onni. pany. $n.7o;.taf 11. B. M. Imhard aad Pal- , ion rara lean 4iwnraj, ev.iv, nn . M. lMibard and 'nlton Park, Land Company Jii.TO. , BIXX'K. "W. Beaool fiBatrict AO. 1 mi. " ttlM'K 08. tat 1. Brron P. Cardwel Rotate. Helra of. $0 10: tat 2.. Byroa V. 4erd ll ICalete. Helra of. 30.78'. lot 3. Brron P ; Cardwell Rotate. Helra of. $0 7 let 4, Hyron P. Cardwell Rotate, Helra af. eo.7": lot , ttwmm P. I'ardwell Kelalo, Helra of. 30.7O: lot a neroe P. Cardwell B.lale. Helra of. v frii.Tii; lot 7. Brron P. tiardwell Ratale, Helra ' or. 8O.70; lnt a, . nrroa i. t arue eu iterate, , Hetra of. 3O.T0; lot . Byroa P. Cardwell r'aerfwell Vate Mrjra af. 3O.701 tot (1 "-.-.- , -i an to. in rmm . 1 . Hrree. P .Cardwell getale. Helra of. $0.70 ' tat It. Brron p. t'aritwall Relate. Hetra hi e. eo Hi lu-tf MS i. I o.l biaItm ailiTIi let J Vrrd BiatTer. to, TO: tat . II. M, Bnh - $" T-t tat 4. H M. Baoh. $0.Tn; lot 3. Alice , Kretner, $A.7i: tat 3. Alice Kreejer, $n.T: ' lot T. Anna Fllia Btarr. 3" 70: tat 8. AmeHa - B, dud M, J. Maraa, 30.70; tot f, IT lee wank OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. CITT V0T1CEB. lie, $0.70; lot 10, William R. rarrla. 30.70; tot 11. Joha Tway. $o.7o; tat 12. Joko Tway, 3O.70. BLOCK 0i . tat 1 ruluia Park Land Company. 3o.; tat -2. rultoa Park Laud Comrauy, o.lo; tat a, Kultoa Park Laud Company, ko.wo; tat 4, ultua l"ark Land Company, aal.uo; tot 5. KulUia Park Laud Company. i.oo. BLOCK t . tot 1, Loul" krleae. $0.1o; lut 2. Loulae k rleae, $0.10; tat 3. Manoa kdtly . BpaaWlioj. $0.70; tat 4, Ckrlat Uauacu. bu-TOi tat 4, Joha M. Meeatak, 80.70; tot , Charlca A. Dueller, $0.10; tan i 1 '.iiapla a. Iiueber. 8O.I0: tat ci. Charlca BW.TU, Un JU, -1M-B TOW PMIM. W- I " - lloratla R. Hulmua, $0.1u; lot. 13. Uoratta 41. Holiuea, $o.JU. BLOCK eu. lot I, dueua , K. v. and Bauie A. wruiaio, ei. m Juaeph k.L. aad Badla, wftakta, $0.70, ; tot 3. Addle I'arrlu. $o.o; tatd. Addle I'anriu. 30.70; Jot 6. Bylrauua C. Armitage, 3u.lo, tat a, Andrew Holmca. e0.7o; tat 7. J;- B. teuruiey, aw.36; tat 3. bletem of the Holy Name of Jeeua aad Mary, $0.10; tat M. I Lw Huugherty. $o.70; lot 10, Juaeph Boat. o lo. hiTjl. Colin C. Olrrln. 30.70; tat 12, Lull t;. Ulrrla. $o.7o; tat 1.1, Bylraaua C. Aruil Ugr, $o.T0: tat 14. Bylrauua C. Armitage,; tot 1. Boutbweet Portland Real Rate. tei .Compani, ao.lai tot 18, woriaero wuiie- lUTeatmeni irue, e"i -- - em Couatlea Incealment Truat, Ltd., $0.10) tat 18. .Nielbrra CouoUea InTaatmcut lruat. Ltd 80.70; tot 1. Juaci ,Bcat..$O.To; tat 30, Andrew J. DygerU Jr. and Br.. $0.70, tat 21. H. L. Mariaall. $o.T0; tat 22, U. L. Martaall. $0.86; tat 23, A. W. Balrd. .7; tat 34. 'Jamea H. Chaaa. $O.T0 tat 25, Maurice N. CuetclK $0 To; lot -2d. bint Nattonal Rank of Portland Oregun, o T0; tat 87, k'nuk M. Warren. $u.J0; tat 23, Iran, AT. Warren. 30. TO BLOCK 1 70, lot 1. Vincent Cook, -30.10; tat .Vtaeent Cooh,8u.lo; lot 3, Vincent Cook; $0.10; tat 4. Vincent Cuok7$0 IOi tat y Karoluand A. Lit $0.70; tat a, WllUam Barnea. $0.70: tat T, 0. W. add Margaret V. AJlea, $0.70; U 8. 0. W. and Mariarot V. Allenv $0.70; tot 0. Barak MlUkalL 30.T0; tot los Maria V atarturd, 3u.?o; tot 11, Vincent Cooit. $0.To; tat li, Vincent Cook. $0.7o. BLOciC Tl. tat . Vin cent Cook. 3O.10; tat 2. Vincent Cook. $0.70; tat 8, Vloeeut Coidt, $0.70; tot 4. Vlurcnt Cook. $0.70; tot 6, red Buragalj. $0.70; tat -8. cd Bgeto,$U7o; tat 1, Beruhard Ine WeatpahL $o t0; tat B, Bernhardlnc. Wcat pabL $o.7o; tat 8. J.. B. xouug. $0.70; tat 10. Jaae Wall. $o.7o; tat ll,Vlnui ; Cook, $0.70; tat 12. Vliicfnt Cook, 30.TO. BLOCK U, tot 1. Vincent Cook. 30.70; tot 2. Vincent Cook, 60. TO; tat 3, Vincent Cook, $0. To; lot 4, Vincent Cook. 3O.70; tat 6. Vlacent Cook. $0.70; tat 3, Vincent Cwk. J?-S. tat T, rrauk and Mary Hackney, $0.70; tat B. Laura lUckney, $o.T0; tat 8, Vlnceot Cook; 80.70; tat 10, Vincent Cook, $0.70; W 11, Vincent Cook. 30.70: tat .1 Vincent Cook. 30.70. BLOCK T3, lot 1, Heery Mcckcn a tela. 81.46; lot 2, llenry r)eckcnateln, $1.45; 'tat 3, Henry 4-liK.keu.teiu, $1.36; lot 4, Henry e-eckaaatela. $1.20; tat 3, Henry r-lorkenatela. $1.00; tot 3, Henry rtockca ateta,; tat T, . Henry Kltkeiaiteln. oT. Utl Mmre Vlackanatelu. 30.40. BLOCK 74. Hoary leckaartcln 33. BLOCK 75. Henry Vlrckoaateln. 33.56. BLOC'K 70. tat 1. Henry rieckenatela, $0.35 tat 2.,Heury vi.kt.i Mu.-Jk: tot 3. Henrr klerkeu- (teln, $0.16; tat 4, Henry rierkrnauln. $0.10. BLOCK 30, lot 1, rultoa uat 30,40;. tot 3, killtoa) Land Company. $0.45. BLOCK' 81, lot 1. Fultoa Land Company, $0.00; tot 2. Fultoa Land Company, $o.l0; L. a viom lu.l runilf. 30.70: lot 4. rultod Laud Company,, $o.lo; tat 6, rulton Laud Company, to tal tat 8, ryitoa Lena Company, $0.60; tat T, Knltoa .Land. Com eane. al7U: lot 8. Fultou Land Company, -r$iklo; kit 8, Kultoa Laud Company, $0.70; lot ju, ruiuiu vwiwwo - -. - - Kultoa. Land Company, $0.7o; tat 12, fultoo 1n romoanr. 3O.70. BLOCK 82. lot 1, rultoa Land Company, fl.lo; tat 2. rultoa Land Company, $1.00; - tat 3. Fulton Laad Company,; lot , ruitoa-uaau uwikw, ,$o.eo; tat 6, rulton Und Company,, $0.44. B1XH.K 33. - Henry riectaiiatciii. $5.16. a. ma a a at f d l..L 3x41 Mi LrvT At. aUIlt ae, l" o, r. ; ;wi 7""T.t . til V. Cook. $u.76; lot 5, V. Cook. $0.70; tot 3, ; V. Cook, $0.70; tot , T, V. Cook. $0.70; Vi Cook.' $0.40 tot' 2i V. Cook. $0.10; tot 8 V. Cookv $0.60; lot 10. V. Cook, 30.70; 7'. . v fZ.t. an Rf.fWK Ml. bit 1. v. Coik.' '30.36;' tat 2. V. Cook, 30.70; lot 8. ' T.. Upok, 30. 10; , Mix a, t. wia, ev.iv, tat ft. V. Cook. $0.70; lot 3. V. Cook. J0.T0! Ul 1 V .iv.b All HAL bit K. V. Cook. 30.T0; tat 8, V. Cook, $0.7o; lot 10, V. Cook,. 80.70; tot 11, vTciX, $b.7o; Jot U V. 'cook, $0.70; lot 18. V, Cook. $0.70: tot 14, V. Cook, $0.10; iot 15, V. Cook. $0.70; tot Id. V. Cook; $0.70; tat IT, V. .Cook, $0.7o; tat 18. V. Ciok, $0.70;' lot-18. V. Cook. 30.70: lot 20, V. Cook, $0.70; lot 11. V, iiLti' anrn:U M V Cook. 30.70: tot 2X 1 V. Cook. $0.70; lot .' y. Cook. $0.70; tat 30. V. COOU, eu-'W;, t. ev.v". juiW ut lor V V Cook 3U.H6: tat 2. V. Cook,; lot A, T. ,1,00m, Ov.iu, ra. V.. caok; $0.70; tat JJ.. V. Cook, $0.7o; w V i ,k an TOt lot T. V. Cook. 30.70: L-lat 10. V. Cook, 30.7o; tat 11, V. Cook, 30 70; -tot 8. V. Cook. 3O.70; tat 0 V. Cook, mj.70; ,lf4e .Uc.vilt. All Ko. BLOCK DM. lot 1. V. Cook, go.70; lot x, r. voua, eo.iu, io a. T . UOOA.' W.IU iv v, tat 6, V. Cook, 30.70; tat , V. Cook. $0.70; tat T. V.'Cook, $O.T0; tat 8, V. Cook. 8O.70; tat B, V. Cook, 30.70: tot 10, V. Cook. 30.70; tat il, V. Cook. 80.70; tot 12, V. Cook. 30.70. BLOCK 03, lot 1. V. Oook.l $0.7o; tat 8. V. Cook. 3O.T0; tat Sv. V. Cook. $O.T0; tat 4.V. UHds. $0. To;. lot 8. V. Cook. $O.T0; tot 37V. Cook. 30.T0; tot T, V. Cook. 30.70; tat 8. V. Cook, 3O.70. BLOCK 100, tat 1, v.-avoa,; era a, t. wv, c'wi V, Cask, $0.70; tot 4. V. Cook, $0.70; tat 8.. V. Cook, 30.70; kit 3, V.Oook, 30.70; tot t. V. Cook$0.70; lot 8, V. Caok, $0.70; tot 3. V. Cook. 30.70; tot 10, V. Cook. lor 11 V. Cook. 3O.T0: tat 12. V. Cook. $0.85. BLOCK 101. tat 1. V. CookJ 1.41VB, J 1.805 1 1.30. -, t X, ; tat 2, v. cook, 31.10; tot a. r. coox. BLOCK. 103, wit J, r. vuou, r.iie V. Cook. $0.70; . lot S. V. Cook to. in, a , v jvwii, an TO; lot a. V. li-vk ' ao.Tn- 'lot 8. V. Cook. 8L.45: lot 7, V. Cook. $1.16: tat 8, V. Cook, "30.80;- tot 3, V. Cook, $0.00; tat 10, V. Cook, 0.00 lot U. V ' Cook., 3J.20; lot 12. V. Cook 80.75. BLOCK 103, tat 1, V. Cook, $0.30 tat a. V. (look. 30.70: tat A V. Cook. 80.70 WAV. Cook. 80.70: tat 6. V. Cook. 30.70; tat 3, Portland CUy Company, $0.70; tat T, Portia ml Clay Company, $0.70; tat 8, . PortUad , Clay - - Company, 30.85. BLOCK 104. tot 1, C. J. Decker, $0.7o; tot 2, C J iwke. ail 7(1: lot 3. Rdwla C. Jon neon. " 80. 70: tot 4. oh3,,I)aneyr. $0.70; , tot '6, V Larld " W. '. Kberlla. $0.70; lor- 8, rultoa Park Land Company. $0.70; - lot T, Fultoa , P.rk lsd (Vimoanr. 30.35: lot 8. Kmma i Marquam, 30.TO; lot 3, D. U. Jackaoa, 30.T0 tat II. W. J. Orambo. 3O.T0; tat 12. W. J, ao TO. In 1 A 1 1 1 a TmA lon. IM 111. iraiHn I'd TBI lallia Urniaailiw. pv, IV pany-- Ltd.. . $0.7U4 lot. 14, AlUauca Trnat Comoanr. OA.. $0.85; tat 15, Rothacblld Una. 30.4O: tot. IB. Rothacblld Bra.. $0.16 tot 17. .X. it. Church, $0.10; let IB. J. M Cknrch. 30.6fi: lot 10. j. M. Church. $0.70 tat 21)7 D. H. Jackaoa, $0.70; tat 21. D. H. J.ckaon 30.70: tat 22. Minnie BlmoB. 30.86 tat 23. Juaeie B. Kirk, 30.70; -tot 34, John (ileblakAt $0.70; tat 25.. Julvij Glcbiah. 30.70; tor 2B Alice ' Mackocuklc. ).70:ot 27. Alice Markriuae, $0.70: tat 2H. . AHce Mae- keuaie, ,4)0.70. , BLOCK 105, aouth B0 feet ot block ion, jtyroa r. oantweii satatr. Hetra at, $2.25; aorth 120 feet of block no, City - Buburbaa . Railway Company, 33.40. BLOCK A. 'lot 1. Ktta WUUama. 3V.06 i lot X Etta Wllliama, $o.30; lot X. lullon " l.rk tad t-omuanr. 30.45 t,.4atcr. Blta 1 Wll llama. $0.30; tat , 3, . Chriatina rieckea. atein. Ail TO: tot . Ckriatlna aApckeaatela $atv. BLOCK B, tat 1, rultoa Park. Land 1 .mtiini . X11 .III: lot rultoa Park Land Company, ' S0.40; tat ' 3, ' rultoa Park Rand Cemiiaajr, $o.40; lot 4, rultoa' Park Land Company, 80.46; lot 5, Pultoa Park' Land Compear, $046; tat .a, rultoa Park Land ' Company, 30.6O; -lpt T, rultoa Park Land Company, $0.66; ; tat 8, rultod Park Land ' Cempaay, $0.65t - lot 8. Kultoa Park I-aud ' Conipauy. $0.00. BLOCK C, tot 1. Fulton Park -Lapd ComBuny 80.40; lot 2, IMItoa park ud-Cuniahyii$0.46; tat SViiKultou park IjioH tympany. Park Land tempany. Park lnd I'tHapaJiy, Park lAnd Company, ' Park Laud- Ouneaey, $0.60 , tat 4.. $0.55; Jot 6, Kultoa Kultoa 0.70; tat 8. Kulloa 0.76; tat T, Kiiltoo $11.00: tat 8. Kultoa rem wnwi'-.ninj,, fv.w, . , ' Park Land Company, 81.O0. BLOCK D, tat U Kultoa Park Land Company, $2.25; tat 2, Knltoa Park Land Coeipany, 30.70; tot 8, Faltoi, ' Park Land Coeneany, ,; fo.Tir; tot 4t . Kultoa l"ark lnd ComiMtny,' $0.7l tat 3. $0.V6-' lot B.-'Fnitoa . Oregoa a: calitorma ataiiroau jcainaoyi an. io, BIAICK K. aorta ) Of n tiaru r inney V 30.30; nortk of lot 8. Clara riuney, fti.B.. aouth of tat 1, Mary L. White. $0.36 aouth C of tat 2. Mary L. White, $0.36 lot nrCnarleo K. Tlnrd.30.90. B1XK K .. tat 1, 3a -ah Curlcy, $n.30; tat 2, 8ara3 Cur Icy. ao. to; lot a, J. n. neon, e"o; mt 1 "Vpetiw Cnrley, 31.00; tat 6, Rothchlld Broa. at l.-iT'lot a Uotbchlld Broa.. 3o.uo: lot 1 Itnthcblld Plena.. 3o.Mil: lot 3. Rothchlld Broa. $0.76; tat . Rothchlld Broa.. 80.30; lot 10, i Rothchlld Broa.. $"70 -BIAM'K U, tot 1, ' r 1 IkWM tn.OR: lot 2. J. Decker. 3i.4n; tat 3, C. J. Decker. $0.80; tat 4. Mary II. i;kermly, $0.73; tat 6. B. L.' Thompaoa, - aoTn- be 4 E. L Tbomneon. 3d Ho: tat 7. K. L. Tuompeoej, au.nti; rot e. A. A. rowera, nil; tat 3. A. t. Power, $o.: lot 10. A. ewera, $0,40: tat 11. P. Li. Marley, $0.80; . tat 12, P. H. Marler. $0.30. BLOCK H, tat 1. F. A. Walpole, $o.60; tat X K. A. Walpole, 3nj0; tot 8. Aaa K. Ml'ia. $1.20 tat 4. Ana RrNiXou. $1.35: tat 6.. Ann R. Nlroa, $1.16; weat 36 feet of tat 8. 1. B., CoUcR. $l.4; weat 03 feet af lot T. J. B. Culk-k. $0 46: rill of tat $ lylag aaat of want 33 feet, Ruth W. Decker. 80.00: all of tat T lying eaet of Wcat- 35 feet, Rath W. Deeher. $0.70; lot ' 8. Moaea A. Share. $1.16; tat 8, Moaea A.; fthare. 31.16; lot 10, A gee Huttenmuuer. $1.05: tat ,.1, , Uabeth H. ( artla, $0.P0; - lot 12. Patrick and Mary Hughea. $il.7"i; tat 13, Patrick and Marr Hughea. $0.30. -BLOCK I, tat 1. Anna R. Mtoa. $0.30; let 2, Anna R. Mxon, $i Tt; tat 3, Anna K. Klioa. $d.Tn; ' tat 4. Anna K. Klxoa. $o.76; tat 6. Anna K. ' Kltnnj tn M: lot a. Harriet Dunham. $o.76; l.tat T. HarrletDunham, $1.85: tat . R. M. limnant. e., ' y ut"" p-iipin, $1.43. Bf-OCK J, tat K Byroa P. Cardwell Katata, Helra Aif, - $0. To; let 3 Rothchlld Broa., 10.30; tat X Roibcklld Broa., o.70; THURSDAY CITT B0TICC8. lot 4. Rothchlld Broa.. 30.T0; lot 5, ,rtaul weat Portland Real Ralate Company, "30; tat 8. Rothchlld Una.. $0.50;, tat 7. Maurice t;uodmau, 3O.70I tat B. Rotbchlld . Bcua., $o.t: tat 3, Kulbrhlld Broa.. $l.4o; tat 10, Kothcfalld Broa.. $1.23: tot II. Rothchlld Broa.. $1.20; tat 12, Rothchlld Broa., $0.65: tat Id, Rmh.-blld Broa.. 3".ao; lot 14, Rothchlld $0.30; tat 16, Rothchlld Broa., $0.66, BLOCK K. tat 1. Rothchlld Broa., $1.20; tafl, Roth chlld Broa.. $o.75 tat 3, Rolbchlld .Brud-. $l.on: tat 4, Rotbchlld Broa.. $1.16i -lot 6, Kothehlld Itroa., $1.15: tat 3, Rotbchlld Broa., $l.u. HCOCK L. Kultoa Park liud Jba pany. $.. BLOCK At, Kulum 1'ark Laod ilouiiiaur. 3.1.25... ri'LTON BLOCK 1.' lot 1, R. . Hlegelraana, 341.70; tot x, H. if icgeimann, eu.ou; i"i e. n. Rlerelmaan,' 30 u; kit 4, C." H. Plggott, 3n.0: lot 6. R. Rlrgelmana. $0.55; tat a, R. Rlegelmaan.; tot 7, R. Rlegelmann, 30.3O; lot 8, R. Rtegalmena.. $0.00. BLOCK 2. Robert Pattoa Ratate, Heln of. XI All HIJVK S. -all of block 8 weat .of Macadam road, Aaruu Walt, 83.40; all ofi blork 3 aaat of Macadam read, m. eientoa E'lMlama, $0.15. BLOt'K 4. Tbe King Katate. 1.03. BLOCK, 3, Tyler ' Woodward, $3.30. LtK-K T. Alexander Meed. $5.35. BLOCK a, tat 1,' II. J. R. Rlegelmann. $O.T0; undi vided of lot 2. M, . Murria, $o.3S; ua dlTlded - of tot 8. -M. U. Morrla. $0.:i6; Iiadlrlded of tat 3, W. R. Morrla, 30.35: uuairiora or hk a, w. n,. nunw, Int 4. Alice Berry Nuaa, $O.T0; tat 5, Alice Berry, una, $0.T0; uudlelded of tat 8. M. U. Mocria. $o.; aadlrlded . of tat T. M. 0. Murria, $o.:5; unillTliled of tat 8. W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlTldcd of tat 7. W. R. , Morrla. $0.35; tat o, II. J, R. Rlegelmann. $0.70. . ' . A tract of land lying between a Una 30 feat aoutk- of and parallel with tbe aouth Una of block 3. Fulton, and the north Una of llock r, -rulton Park, and between e line 30 fact eaat of and parallel wllb tbe oaat Ilea of block 10, Kultoa, and 3 Una 00 feet weaterly from and parallel with tbe weatrrly line of btocka 3 and T. rultoa, except that portion ot aald tract eccualed by tha City A Buburbaa Railway Company'a rlgbt at way, M. U. Morrla and W. R. Morria, $2-36. ' .- . ITLTON BLOCK 18, undirlded of lot 1. M. U. Morrla, f0.;u; unairiuca T " , M. U. Morrla. Bti.30: andirioea or ioi o. M.'U. M. U. M. O. Morrla, $0.35: nndlrlilcd of lot 4 Morrla, $0.36; umllTlHed Morria, 30.36; undlrkled Morrla. $0.35; undlrlded of lut 6, at lot tl, M. tl. i or lot i, M. O. Morrla, $0.36; uodlrded M. O. Morria. $0.35; undlrlded W. R, Morrla, 30.36; undlrlded W. K. Morrla, 80.36; undlrlded W. R. Morrla, $0.36; undlrlded W. R. Morrla, $0.35; uudlrldcd W. R. Morrla, $0.35; undWIded of tot B, of lot 1. t tat 2. of kit 2, of lot 4. of tot 3. of lot 8, w u V4,.. in n: undiTlded U ot kit T, W. R. Morria. . o; undirlded of tat 8, W. R. morrla, , $0.36; BLOCK 1T - tat 1. H. W. ICoroett Batata. Boln of, 30.70; tot H. W. Cor hett Batata, Helra of, $0.70' tat 3, Andrew W. Kreom. $0.70: tot 4. Andrew W. Kraum, .$0.70; tot 8. R. 1. Kreum. $O70; tot 3, R. i. rTCUm, AO- '"I Wit t. l. VIJ-tv. mtmm, Helra of, $0.70; tat 8, LL W. Corbett JiaUte, riui. e an rn B0UTHRRN PORTllAND." 0RR00N RIVRB tot T. P. H. Blytb. 8L25; tat . P. H. Blyth, 0 1. 1 o art , . n. "J e.w, , P, H. Blyth, $1.05; north 23 feet of tat 11. . . .... ... n .. i, i I-... ai on.. 1., in P. 11. niyta.; acuta ai icei w oj , H. C Breeden. 30.55; tat 12. -H. C. Breeden, a. k. L., l 11 ftMML., At 1 0 In 14. 11. c Breeden, $L10; tot 16, B- C. Breeden. 8L25: tat lo.. H. C. Breeden. $1.60; tot 17, H. C' Braedea. 11.80; lot 18, H. C. Breeden, $1.70; tot IB, H. C. Breeden,; tot 20, 11. C. Breeden, $1.85; lot 21, H. C. Breeden, 32.00; tot 22, u. c. Breeaen,; ami IHw I.a of lot 23. H.nnah MaaoB. $1.36; undlrlded J-J ot lot 24. .Hannah Maaon, ki an? endlTldad 2-3 of tat 25. ' Hannah . , ul, Ol a . ls.t "iVI Hannah Maaon. $1.85; undlrlded 1-S of tat 37, xtaanau ataaon, . f i.oo; unuiTiuaw e- of ' tat 28, Hannah Maaon, $1.86; . undi vided 2-3 of tat 2$, Hannah Maaon, $1.26; andlrlded 2-3 of lot 30, Haunah Maaon, tl.2S; undlrlded 2-3 of, lot 31, Hannah , ai !. nnlHTlned 2-3 of tot - 32.. Haanah Maaon, $1.86; undirldedl-S of tat 33, Hannah Maaon, $1.25; undivided 2-8 ot tot 34, Haanah Maaon.- $1.25; undlrlded t-t of lot 36, Hannah Maaon, $L35; ua dlrldrd. 2-3 . of tot 38, , Hannah Maaon, ai.oa; anairiaea - ot - iwi, . Hannah. Maaon, $1.50; andlrlded 2-1 of lot 3B, Hannah Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded 2-8 of tat 33, Hannah' Maaon, $1.35; undlrlded 2-3 of tat 40, Hannah Maaon, $186; undl rlded 2-3 ot tat 41, Hannah Maaon, 3l.3o; wiiTliinl 9-a of tot 42. HABuah Maaun. $1.16: undlrlded 2-8 ot tat 43, Hannah Maaon, $1.10; mull elded 2.8 of lot 44. Hannah Maaon, $1.05; undivided 2-3 of lot 45, Hannah Ma aon, $1.0; undivided 2-3 ot lot 40, Hannah Maaon. 30.35: undivided 2-3 of tat 47, 11 a u- mk Ueiioii.. ZO BO: undivided 1-3 Of lot 23, 4 J. , F, Wataoa, $0.30; undlrlced 1-8 of tot 24, J7F.- Wataon. 30.70; unaivioeo 1-0 01 lot 25. J. K. Wataon, $0.70; undivided 1-3 of tat TaV J.VJ" -Wataoa,- $0.30; undivided 1-3 af lot 27. J. F. Wataon; $0.80; undivided 1-8 of tat 2. J. F. Wataon, $0.80; undlrlded 1-8 of tat 28, 1. K: Wataon,, $0.80; undivided 1-3 of tat 30. 1. r. Wataoa, $0.65: undivided 1-8 of tat 81. J. r. Wataoa, $0.66; undlvldea .1-8 of tat 82, J. K. wataon. .80: undivided 1-3 of lot 83. J. r. Wataon. 00: undivided 1. r lot !U. I. V. Wataon. 1 1.60: uudlvlded 1-3 of lot 6,r K. Wataon,' i; uudlvlded 1-3 of tat S3. J.-Jr. wataoa, 1-$ of tat 37, I. F. Wataon, 1-3 of ' tat 38, 1. T. Wataon, 1-3 of tat 30, J. F. Wataon, 1-3 of lot 40, J. K Wataon, 1-3 of tat 41. J. ft-Waleou, .so: unamoea ,su; unaiviaea 0i undivided 80; undivided j.ou; unaiviaea 1.00;- andivided a.65: undivided a-3 af tat 42, S. F. Wataon, 1-3 of tat 43, . r."Wavn,- 30.60; undtrided 1-3 of tat 44. 0L. K.-WatAfin, 3P.50-, undivided 1-3 of taf 45, J. F. Wataoa. $0.45; undivided 1-3 of tot 46, J. K. Wataon, $0.45; andivided . 1-3 of tot 47. J. K. wauon,,. blah, a 1, undivided 3-3 of lot 1. Hannah Maaon, . an am nndiriiled 1-8 of tar 2-- Hannah Ma. eon, $0.30; undivided 2-3 of tot 8. Hannah . Maaon. $0.20;, andivided 2-2 of tot 4, Hannah ' . . ... . . . , , j . . a In 1 T V , AtaBOU. aV.1V IIHUOluni - w avw . - ' 11-. ,.... All III! undlTldeil 1-B of lot 2. J F. Wataoa,' $0.16; undivided 1-3 of tat J, F. Wataoa, 80.10; undivided 1-3 of. tat 4 J. r. wataon. eo-io. bxaicb. a. .unm- v vided 2-3 of tat 1, Hannah Maaon, 30.4O; .. Mui uiiIhi u-s or lot x. Htuiffl aaaaoac . undivided 2-3 of lot 3. Hannah Maaon-. $0.40; undivided 2-2 of tat 4, Hannah Maaon, ao Ail!, undivided 2-3 at tot 6. UaQnah Ma- ' aoa, $0.40; undivided 2-3 of lot a, Uamtah Maaon. 30.40: undivided 2-3 af tot 7, Hao- '.n.k Uaaon. 30.411: undivided 2-3 of. tat B. Hannah Maaon, $0.40; undivided 2-3 of tot 0. Hannah Maaon. 80.56; .undivided 2-9 of 'tot 10, Hannah Maaon, $0.35; undivided 2-8 or lot 11. Hannah Maaon. (0.30: undivided 2-8 of lot 12, Hannah Manoa, $0.46; uudly -vided . of tot 12. Hannah Maaoa. 80.36 andielded - af . tot 14. Haanah Maaon, . 30.45: undlrlded 3-8 of tot 18, UAaoah Ma aon,. $0.20; undivided 2-3 of tat- 18. Han- . . . ' . -. . ... a, .1 . . a, a, . , 1. m . aan maaon, , qnitiuim -u v. ... . Hannah Maaon, 30.10; undivided 2-3 ot tat - 13. Hknaak Maaoa. .$0.46; aadlrlded 1-3 of tat 1. J. f. Watatm. $0.20; undivided 1-3 of tat 2, J. r. Wataon. $0.20; undlrlded 1-3 of lot a. J. F. Wataon. $0.20: undiviaed 1-3 of Jot 4, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20; undlrlded 1-8 i tot 8, J. F, Wataon, $0.20; nodi Tided 1-8 of tot 3, J. K. Wataoa, fu.iw ' undivided 1-1 ot tat 7, J. F. Wataoa, $0.20 - undivided 1.3, of lot 8. J. F. Wataon. $0.20 undivided 1-3 f tot 3, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30; . undivided 1-8 of tot in. j.. r. wataon, au.cvo: andivided 1-8 af lot II. t. F. Wataon, $0.10 undivided 1-8 ot tot 12, J. F.. Wataoa, i umUvMed 1-8 of tot 13, J. P. Wataoa, Undivided 1-8 of tot 14, J. F. Wataoa, uadlvtded 1-3 of tat in, 1. r. wataoa, i und I Wiled 1-8 of tat lo, J. F. Wataon, $0.20 ' uudlVlded 1-3 of lnt 17. J. Yt Wataoa. $0.10 undivided 1-3 of tat 18. J. F. Wataoa. $0.20. BLOCK, 3, uadlrlded 2-3 of tat 1, Hamwh - Majtuh. $0.46: andlrlded 2-3 of lot 2,Han aab ' Maaon: 30.45: undivided 2-3 of fitt riiaimak Maaon, $0.45; uudlvlded 2-8 of tat 4.' Hannah Maaon, '$0.46; . undivided 2-8 of lot 6. Hannah Maaoa. $0.45; undivided 2-3 lot (I, -Hannah Maaon, $0.46: undivided 2-3 of lot 7, Hannan - Maaon, ao.i; anairiaea 2-3 of iot a, Hannan maaoax; until vided 1-3 af tot 8, Hannah Maaon, $0.66; I uudlvlded 2-3 of let 10, . Manna a Maaon, 841-55: undivided 3-8 of tot 11. Haunah Ma- ana. $0.46: undivided 2-3 of lot 12, Hannah . Maaon, $o.k4fi; undlrlded 2-3 of tat 13. Uau- n. k .Maaon. 30.43: undivided 2-2 Of lot 14. Hannah Maaoa. 30.46; undivided 2-8 of tat 13,' Hannah Maaon, $0.46; undivided 2-8 ot ' tat 1ft, Hannah Maaon. $0.45; undivided 2-3 ot lot 17, Haanah Maaon. $0.46; undivided i 3-3 of lot IS, liannan maaon, uaui vbled 1-8 ot tot 1. J. F. wataon. 30.20; iin divided 1-3 of tat 2. J. P. Wataon.. 30 ' undivided 1-3 of taf 8. J. F. Wataon. 30 20 undivided 1-8 of tat 4. J. F. Wataoa. andivided 1-3 of tat 6. J. F. Wataon. '$o.2o-. nadlvlded 1-8 of tat . J. F. Wereon. 80.20 "undivided 1-3 of kit 7. J. F. Wataoa, $o.2o, ' aadlvtded 1-3 of tat 3, I. F. Wataoa, $0.20 undivided 1-8 of hit 8, J. F. Wataoa, $0.30 - undivided l-.'l Of U 10. 1. F . undlvldedV 1-8 of tat II. J. F. Wataon, $0.2" , uailivlded 1-3 of tat 12,. J. F. Watamv 8f 20 ' andlTtdod 1-3 of tat 13, J. K, Watanu, fo.20 undlrlded 1-3 of tat 14, t. K. Wataoa, 30-2O undivided 1-8 of tat 16. t. F. Wataon, $0.20 unMivliled 1 8 of lot 14. J. -F.- Wataon. 3) 21 . aadt Tided 1-3 of tat 17. J. F. Wataon. 80.i , -.1,-.,..,. t a 1 II J a ta.-. j 1 'M, BIam:K 4, undiTlded 2-3 Of lot 1 Hanaak; undiTlded 2-3 or lot 3, Hannan 1.3ft: andivided 2-3 af tat 6. Hannah i.:ik; undivided' 2- ot tat T. Hannah .:a: undiTlded 9-3 of tat 3. Ha - Maeon. $n.-4)0; until Tided 2-3 af hit 11, Hannah . Maaaoa. fom; nndiTined z-a of tot 13, Manoa Mam. $l..'6: aadlvlned 2-3 nf lot 15, Ha Maaon. $0,364 anillTldetf 3-3 of tat 17. Uanna Maana. $n v; andlrlded 1-3 of tat I, J. K, , Watma. $0.16; andlrlded 1-3 or lot 3, J. Wataoa, $n.Vi anillTldrd 1-3 of tat 6. J. - m'ateoa. 3n. 15: undivided 1-3 of tat T. 4. "Wataoa. $n.l; andiTSded 1-3 of lot 8. J. F. -. Waraea. $.li: undlrlded i,i or lot II, J. l - . a face. 3IVI3; luodlrl.led 1-3 of Int 13, J. F Wataoa, 30.15;-undivided 1-3 ear tat IN , Wala 16: andivided 14 of bit IT. J Wataoa, PORTLAND, Maaoa. f Maaoa. Maaoa, j 15j tat 3, Rear 4 rereoaal EaUU EVEIJIIIp. JT' Mi ------- """'P Company, $0 60; tat 4, Real Parooaal Fatata Ctimpany, $M.50; tot 8, Real A Perauual Ratate Compauy, 30 5O; aouth 1-4 of tat B. Real Pvmoiiel Rauta tompany, $0.16; north 2-3 of lot 8, Hauuah Maaoi, 0.36; tat 10, Hannah Maaoa. $0-a; tat 12, Hannah Maaoa. $o.7o; tat 14, ttanaak Maaqu. $0.70? tot IB. Haunah Maaoa, lot lb, iiaanan auaoo, eu-i". BLOCK 6, undlvldt-d 2-8 at Itot 1, Haanah Maauu, $O.S6; undivided 2-3 of tot 3, Hanaak Maaou, 30.36; undlrlded 2-3 of tot 3, Hannah Maaon, $o.36; undiTlded 2-3 ot tat 7, Uanuak Maaou, bO.36; nadlvlded 2-8 of tat V, Haunah Maaou. ao. i : uudlTldtMl 2-8 of tat 11. Haanah Maaun, $0.36; audlTtded 2-3 of let 13, Haanah I, Maauu, ao.aio; uuaiviuca a-a ik uia it, nmnnH Maaoa, b0.36; undivided 2-8 of tat 17, Hannah Maauu, 30.36; undivided 1-3 of lot 1, J. K. Wataoa, 30.16; uudlvlded 1-S of tat 8, J. K. Wataoa, ao.16; undivided, 1-3 of tat 6, J. . Wataon, ao.16; uudlvlded 1-3 pt tat T. 1. V. Walaou, 30.15; uudlvlded 1-31 af tat 8. J. K. Watauu, $o.l6; undivided 1-8 et tat H. J. K. Watauu, $Oil&; undivided 1-2 vt tat 13, J. K. Watauu, $0.16; undivided 1-3 of tat 16, J. K. YVataoM, 0.15; uudlvlded 1-8 et tat 17. J. F. Watauu, bu.16; tat 2. Rrnatlue Bcboenbechler, $11.70; tot 4, Krnatlne kk-hoenbaichler, $o.70j aoutk y, or jot a. oaa ncnrauuot-uuir, ew.ea Burlh of tat B. 'KrnaaUua Peppel. $0.36; tat b. llannah Maaon, ao.7o; tat 10. Hannah Maauu, $o.6; tat 12. Hannah Maaoa, $o.7o; kit 14, Hannah Maaou, 3O.70; tat Id, Haanah Maaou. 3O.70; lot ,13. Chartaa W. Hlgxlua, $0.70. BIAICK a, undlrlded 2 8 of tot 1 exorpt Oregua California Railroad Com panr'a rlgbt of way, Hannah Maaoa, $0.36; undivided 1-3 of tat 1 except Oregua X Call-: furnla Railroad Company'a right- af way. Real IVreunal Km lata Company, $0.1a; tat 2, W. B. Baker, .$0.70; undivided 2-8 of tat "3. Hannah Maaou, $0,36: uudlvlded 1-8 of let 3, Real Pononal Batata Com ouy, $0.15; tat 4. Hannah Maauu, $0.To; tat il.. Martha M. Crowell, . $0.60; lot- a, Martha M. (Lowell, $0.70; lot B, Amelia Berretb, $0.70; air ut tat X except regJO 4i .California ' Railroad . Cotnpaay'a rlgbt of way. Amelia 1 Bamth. $0.6o; all of lot 8 except Oregoa CaUfornla Railroad Com pany ' right of way, Martha M. Crowell, $061 lut ,10, Martha M. Crowell, $0.86; all of tat 11 except Oregon CaUfornla RaU aoad Company'a right ot way, Martha M. Crowell, $0.60; lot 12, Martha M. Crowell, $0.T0; all of lot 18 except Oregoa Callfor ala Railroad Company'a right at- way, Mar tha - M. , Crowell, $0.50; ' tat 14, Martha M. Crowell, $0.70: Tot 15, John P. Ward, $0.o; lot 18, Joha e. Ward, Jo. 70; tot IT, Joha P. Ward, $0 TO; lot 13. Job a V. Ward, $o.T0. BLOCK T, tot 1. KUxabeth Toong, $o.T0; tat 2, Rllxabeth Touag, $0.70; tat t, KUa abcth Toung, 0.T0; lut 4, Rllaabath Toung, $.70, tot 5, Charity H. Neidormeyar, $0.7u; tat 9, Mary K. Adama, $0.70; tot 7, Delia M. Bchrocder, $0.70; tat B, Mary F. Adama, $0.70; tat , K. A. Livaatov. 30.861 tot 10. Oottfrlcd MCtalar. $0.85; lot ll. Annie C Bcbmocr, $0.70; lot 12, AnoU C. Bchmeer, K.70J tot 13, Joaeph Beat. 0.70;tot Id, nl Meat. 30.TO: lot .15. D. W. Hoelblnc. $o.7o; tat 13, D. W. Uoclblng. $0.70; tat JT, Bophla Wetagtwoer, $o.7o; tat IB, ttoplila -ttn,avtt. no. To; lot a. Gur Bennett. 30.70: weiaeerner. ao.luv bxaiva o, , tut. a, i tot 3, tiny nennett, jox a,iuuy nee nott, $0.7o; tat 6, Percy H. Blyth, $0.70; tat T. Percy H. Blyth. $o.To; lot 3, .Percy H. Blytb, $0.70; tat . Loulae IL Bmlth, $0.70; tat 8. Loulae H. Bmlth, $0.70; lot 10, Har riett B. KUleo, $o.7o; lot 11, Oeorge H. Vaugha, $0.60; kit 12. Oeorge H. Vaugha, ah .-w,. BUMlv I. ML ARwrt Demke. $0.70; lot .' Albert Demka. $0.70; tat 6. Jacob Relack, $o.7o; lot T. Jacob- Belach, $iJ.7oitol a, Jaouu tteiaca, 9uao, iot aw. aacou mm, 30.00; tot 3. Albert Demke, $0.70; tot 4. AiKt ikm iilIu: lot a. C. , K. Oakea. $0.10; tat 8. C. K. Oakea, 3a70; all of tat 11 lying aaat of wcat 28 feet of aald tot, C. . oakea, $0.65; all of lot 12 lying aaat o, . MI xa feet of Mid hlL C K. OaktM. weat 20 feet of lot 11, Oregoa A caUiurnla Railroad Company, $0.16; weat 2B feet of tat 13, Oregon A CalUomla Rall ruad Company, . $0.15. - BLOCK 10, lot.. 1, lnt Manahaw. 'iTuatee. BO. 70: lot 3. Kerry Heuabaw, Truatea, $0.70, tot 5, . Rdward Hughea afctate, Heln of, $o.7u; tat V, iMiward Hughea Katate, Helra af, $0.70; tat 3, Bdward Hughea Batata, Helra af, $0.86; tat 11, Kdward liug&ea Batate, neira oi, aw.o; mi ao, eu-wai-d Huebea RatAta. Heln of. 30.30! tot 3. .loel -W, Crocker. $0.1o; tat 4, Joel W. lleocftor. BO.70: loc a. . tieoraa aauier. au.iu lot a. Olive MeCartv. au.7o: tat to. OUva . McCktty,, $0.86; aU of tot 13 except weat 43 -laeu Aiex aeaaei, fu.eof au i. except weat 43 teet, Ataa Koaael. $0.3o1 woat 42 . teet ot tat 13, Karl Kanaeubach, 30.30; weat 42 feet of tat 14,, Karl, Raa aenbacb. $0.30. BLOCK U. tat 1. Mary a Burt, ' $0.70; tat 3, George K. and H. L. Btepbenauu. 0.7o; tot 6, A. W. Beldlug. $0.70; tat 7, . Henry A. Uelulng. 30.70; tot t, r Tl Beldlug, 0.B6: tat 11. W.,IX Bcldlag, $0.86 lot 13. lienrv A. Beldlnc. 8O.B0; tat 18 , Rmlla C. kety. $uVb5; tat Id, KS&la C. Fety, : An .! lot !L Ri-oMMt P. Duach. 30.70: tat 4. Rraeat P. Ooaca, 30.70: tot 6, M. A. ' aad A. W. Beldlug. 30.10; tot a, H. A. and A. W,. Melding. 0.7o; weat 28 feet of tat lo, twegua Ik ca-Utorala .Railroad Compear, 30.86; aaat, 34 feet ot tat lo, Mva J. Parker,; lot 13. Rva J. Parker. 30.70: tat 14. Vt. 1. Beldlug, aao.15. : BLOCK 12, .tat 1, Joaeph F. Kelly, $0.70; tot 8, Char lea W. urnacncl. $0.70; tot a, ta noanure, fu.iw, mix 1 i A. C. Lobmlre, 0.7o; tot W, If. A. and A. W, Reldlna. 4o.8s : lot 11. Martin Winch. 0.7o tot 13. Mary fV Klnch, 30.7O; tot 14, Mary : K. KlBch, $0j7A; tat 17. Rudolph Becker, ko.76: lot 18 'Rudolph Becker. So.78; tot 3. W. C McMUlaa. $0.70; lot 4, W. C. Mc Millan, ao.lo: tot BJ W.'C. McMUlaa. 80.70: r lot B, W. C. McMUlaa, $0.70; tot 10, Alicia , j. Rate,; wt J3, suaa jarea, o.iu lot 14. Kbaa Jared. 30,70: tot Id. Marr K, , liockT 3O.70. BLOCK 13, uadlrlded of tot 1. ST. K. Braadca, $0.35; undivided ; of tot 1. Helen A. joaeu, 30.3a; lot s, barnea Humphrey,; lot 0, aamea iiumpnrey, $0.70; .Jot T, Jamce Humphrey, f0.7o; tot V, Robert Jarubaoo, 30.36: tot 11. Donga En gelatad, . $o.70; tot 13, Donga Rugelatad, ait 711: lot 16. W. H. Ward. 3o.nO: lot la. W. . Ward, $0.00; lot X Real Panoaal Rotate . Company, $0.70; tat 4, Real A Peraoaal Ba tate uumnaay, fw.iu; aw u,- tt. n. wa-a I .... -A. 1... U WJ tl 1 , ail Tl,' La ,11 f fU.IV, IU1 O, " abl. I, " , uv WT WelnboU. $0.36; tot 12, Albert U Albert- aoa, SO.70; lot i, eooepn uemaniiu, au.iu: lot 17. Michael Bultut. 30.30: tot IB. Mlchae BiUtut. $0.80. BLOCK 14, tat 1, -Fred. 8. Miller, $0.70; lot 8. Richard KbllBger, $0 7o lot a. Joaeoh DeMartlui. 30.70: tat V. WlUlaa V ltnm.ll TeiMteo. wear 2B' Coat -af tat tt. Oreaon A CaUfornla Railroad Company. $o.86;aat 34 feet of tat tt. W. R. Wataon, $u.4b; tat 11, ttophla Walagerbcr, $0.70; tat ' 13, BopMa. W'eiagerlM-r, v ! tot hi. Ueorge ' Klttmaynr, 30.10; tot it, jamea 1 uaraweu, $0.7O; . ta J8, Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; lot 3, Anna H. Kaeaa, $O.T0; tot 4, Aaaa K. KoetMi $0.70; tot 3, Anna R. Kaeaa, $0.70; tat 8. Anna R. Kecne, 3U.70; tot 10, Anna K. Knene. go.HKt. lot 12. Anna R. Koeoe. 80.70: . tat 14, Anna R. Koeoe, 30.70; tat 16, Anna R, Keaoa, 30.701 tat 1, David M. Watkinda, ' A0.7&1 lnt 20. Fred Booaela. '30.75. -BLOCK 16, lit 1, Jamea L. Carawell, $0,701 lot X Jamea L. ; Carawell, $0,707 tat 8, Jamea Ix - CanwelL '$o.70; lot 4, Jamea U CJarawcU. $0.7o; tot 6, .Jamea U Carawall, $0.70; tat , Jamea L. Carawell, $0.70; tat 7, LUllaa . Carawell, $0.70; tot a, 3amea 1. carawell, ao.lor tat 8. Jamea L. CanwelL $0.86: tat - HI, Jamea L. Cera well, $0.86; tat 11," Jamea , L. CanweU. $0.70; tat 12, Jamea L. Carawell, $u.7o; -tat 13, Lllllaa CanweU, $u.7o; aorth , of lot 14, Kate Corny, $0.86: north of tat IB, Kate Curray, $0.38: aouth of tat 14, Ellen McMulty, $0,36: aouU of tat . . .. , hj I ao uji. L, , K U, aj,. r It, CllVlt Htiaulf , T . ev, - I aon, o. To; let IT, Rudolph Becker, $0.uJ lor 13,. HunnipB Beexer, av.vo; lot xa, aata . curray, ao.ati; lot au, aiieu mcneitj, eu.ou, 7 BLOCK Id, tot 1, Joaeph aad R. Weber, $0.70; f tot 1 Jaenh and H. We bar. 30.7O1 tat 8. Jureph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat 4, Joaeph aad K. wener, ao.iu; ail 9, eoaepu in w. wcuer, 30.70, kit 3, Joaeph and K. Weber, $0.70; tat 7. Joaeph aad K. Weber, $0.70; tat B, Joaeph and R. Weber. $.70 tat 8; Joaeph aad B. Weber. $0.86; tat 10, Joaeph aad R. Weber, kit lit, Joaeph and B. - Weber, 30.70; kit 16, r, M- I... ,1, -n.l H 1A atlw tit 7ll : oaeim and a. wooer, au. tu; mi is, mu:aaei 1 Tanr.ler. 80.70: Int 14. Michael Tannler. 3o.7o; tat la, Anna Block $0.46; lot 17, ..Fuiton United Artleana' Building Aaaocnt tlon. $l.ooj 'tat IS, Rrneet Houae,- $1.0$; -tat 18, Aana ' BLOCK 17, tat 1, 0. N. McUotL $0.7 C. N. McLaod, $0.70; tat 3, C. N. 1 30.70; tat 4, C. N. McLaod, $0.70: 1 N. MeLeod, $0.70: tat a, 0. K. BtocK, f !.; lot ai. . joaeun wt-oev, etai. hiam:k 17. me 1. u. n. xxclmmx. ao.111: lot a McLaod. tot , c. McLaod. atfm L1 f I- T Ifel-aed- WI TO' Art a . C."N. Mclicod, $0.70; tat 8. Flora t.- Crit ' tendea, $0.86; tat 10. Flora E. Crittenden, 1 ao.Ml: tat 12. C. 14. MeLeod. $0.70: tat 14. C. la. MeLeod, $0.70; lot 14, C. 14. McLaod. R1.70: tot IB, v. n. mclcoo, ga.7os--iot 11 iannah Maaou. 30,70: tot 13. Hannah aana ' 811.70: tot Id. Hannah Maaon. 30.70: kit 17. I Hannah Maaoa, $0,70; tot 13, M. McNulty, i-3o.N6; tot 21. M. McNalty, , $0.75; tot. 20, fella, and Joha A., Keller, $0 86, tot .22, ' Kllaa and John , A. Beller, vo.w; eot 24, Rllaa - and Joha' A. Keller. -BO.tfr! lot 23. ,' Alphonee Lenoir, 30.T0; tot 35, Alphonae Le ' bolr. Int. To:, lot 2. Alphonee 1 Lenoir. 80. TO: tat 27. Hannah Maana, $O.Toi tot 23, Hannah Maaou. au. fu. niA-. r. 10. tot 1. viara n. llclaeed, $o.T0: tat 3. Clara N, McLaod, , 30.TO; lot 6, The Hlhernlaa 3arlmra Bank. no.711- lot 1 ae tsinei-iMaa aaringa naaa, in To: tat 3. Ludwlc Wllbdm. 80.86: tat II, iedwl ' Wilbelm. $0.70; lot 13. Bolomoa Relaa, 30.70; tot 16, Rolnnioa Belaa, $o.T0 - lot TT. Marr I. Hedeea. 8O.T0: lot 18. Marr I Iledeea. tot ill. Haanah Mama. 80. TO: lot 11. Bairnah Maana, 30.70: tat 25, Hannah Maana, $.To; tot 3B, Haanah Maaoa. 311.70 lot X Marianne raadtHeur, 30.70; lot 4, Ma - line Vandeleur. 30.70: tat 3, - Clan ' Mcleod, $0.70; tat 8, William and Anna Rente . $0.7;' lot 10.' W. F RerraU, Brua tee, 30.IUI; tat 12. W. F. Borre.ll, Trnatee, an TO: tot 14. IS. H. Rnhbhw, $0.70: tat Id. Jamea 3. Joknarnne, ' 30.70: tat 1. Jamea .. B. Jobnatnae. $0.70; tat 30. Mortbetn Cnantlea , Inveetaient Trnat. Ltd., 30.36; kit 22,-Carl ,yU, Andoraoa, 30.70: tat 24, W. A.' and I.IMIe i tC Vlrtrertt, $O.T:' tat 2T, W. A. and- IJllie ' t Vltrere, itai TO; tat 2H. W. A. and Mill C. Virgera. BO TO. PMX'K IB. tot 1, W. r. Bnrrell. Trat-e. $0.70: tat X W. t. Barren, Trnatee. 30. 10; lot 3 w. r. Bnrreii. Trnatee, ' $0.7; tat 4. W. F; Barrel!. Treatee, 30.TO -tat A. Clara If. MeLand. 30.70: tat 3. Wllllan IrledlBder, $0.I0 lot I, ' WiUUm fried' " .lander, $a70; lot 3. , WlUlam Frledlaader, $0.70; tot 8,- William rrtedlaadcr, 80.001 hi 10, WlUlam Friediandar, -$0.86; let II, l'nlted HUtea National lank, 30. 70; tat 12, lotted hlaiea Naifcoaal Kank, $tl.7o; tat 13, Vnitrd Mtatea Nam-ual Kank. 80.70-. tat 14, Culled Btatua National tauk. $o.70; Idt 18, l ulled Blataa Natioual Bank, 3O.70; tat 18, Halted State national Bank, 30.70: mi 11, o. m. and W. M. Cake, $0.70; tat 18, H. M. and W. M. Caka. $0.70; tat 10, Artkor W. Graham, $i.86; tot 20, Hannah Maaoa. $0.8$; tot 22 Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: tot 21. Rrorolt K. Bnlllh, $0l7o lot 23, Johanna Irrlng, g, $0.70; g, $0.70; g, $0 70; lot 24, Llaxle and Cora N. Bcldlni, tat 25, Li-lo aad Cora N. Beldlug, $0.70; tat 2U, Liaaie aad Cora N. Beldlug, $u.7o; tat 27. A. W. . and 11. , A. Beldlag. $0.To; tat 28. A. W. . and H. A. Beldlug, $0.70. BIXH-'K SO, lot 1, W. F, Burrcll. Truatee, 30.70; tat X W. F. Burrlrll. TrUatee, $0.70; lot 8. W. Y. BurreU, Trnatee, $o.7o; tat 4, W. K. Burrell, Truatea. $0.70; tat 5, W. V. RorrelL Truatee. $0.70: tat 3, W. F. Burrell, Fiatea, $0,704 tat 7, W. K. Burrell. Trualee. 70, lot 8, Allca F. McCarlhy $0.70; kit W. F. Burrell. . Traatoe, $0.85; tat 10. Allca P. McCarthy, $; tot 12. AOie r. McCarthy, $0.7o; lot 11, -Rdward W, and Helen M. ' Caaaett, $0.70: kit 13, Kra May (iaaaett. $0.70; tat 14. Jeaule R. B. , Fleck. $0.70; tat 16, Joaala K. B. Kleek. $0.70; lot 10, Jeaalo H. B. rierk. $0.70; lut IT. Jeaale R. B. Kleek. $0.70; tat 18, Jeaale B. 8. Ktack, $0.70; tat 13, Jeaale R. 8. fleck. $0.85; tat 20. Jaaaie R. R. Fleck. 30.8S1. tot 21. Jamea 8. Juunetaae, $0.70 kit . Jamea B. JohBatone, $0.70; tat 26.YMarie R. Huxale, aii-tu; lot ku. Maria K. lluxale. ao.iv; kit a, BeaalBger M Co., Traatoe, $0.70;. tat. 24, Beoahiaee A Co.. Truatee. 6O.T0: tat 21. Bea alBger 4t Co., Truatee, $0-70; tat 23. Beaalngcr at CO.. iruatae, u.u. , bliUciv 21, un a, J. M.-Thompaoa. $0.70; lot 3. J ,M. Tbompaon, 20.70; tot 6, Llaxle. MorrtaoB. 40.70; tut 7, Iieloa D. Near. 30.7U: tat 8. Datoa li. Rear.' $0.86; tot 11, Juhn A Johaatpa aud JamtM Olaea, $0.70; lot 13. John A. aohoatoir aad Jamea Olaea. $0.7"; tot 15, Hlberola Havlngt Bank, 30.70; tot 17; moerula Baviuga Bank, $0.70; tot 19, HlliernU Barluga Bank, $0.86; tot 21. . T. W. Hauuamaa. $0.10: tot 23. Bernard C McCartky, B0.7O-, tot 20, Nellie M. Ward. fo.7o; tat. 27, Charlca P. Llttta, $0.70: tat 2, Herman Bleeg, $o.7o; lut 4, Hcr maa Bleeg, 3O.70L tat B, lieruian Bleeg, $0.70; kit 8, A. ,W7. and H. he Wing. $0.70, tat 10, Kannie A. Curtla. . 80.86: tat 12. Nettle l. Oradoa. $0.70; tat 14, Nettle 0. Uradou, $OJ0; lot lo, Roxaana "Courtney, $0.70; tai 18, William P. Courtney, $0.70; lot 20, Joaala BulUvaa, $0.85: tat 23, IL U Tatum and J. J. Bowen, $0.70; tat 24, Beymour C. Friandly, $0.70; lot .28. W. $'. Burrell, Trua tee, $(1.70; tat 28, Baaala Blmmer, $0.70. SLOCK 22. tat 1, AlUauca Truat Company, td., $0.70; lot X Q. and Loulaa Lachutelr, 30.70; tot 6. Albert Krumrey, $0.70; tot T, Jenala Bower, ' $0.70; lot a, Jennla Rower. aO.86: tot 11. bred X MUler, 80.701 tot 13. ired B. Miller, $0.70; lut 16, Willamette Tribe No. 8. lthnroTed Order ot Red Men, $o.7o;' tot it, Wlllametta Tribe No. U. linnroved Order of Red Men. 30.70: lot 18. Kittle R. Ewmooa. $0.86; tot 31. Mary . ttoxaia, go.Tu; tot m, mary m. xtoxaia. 30.70; Jet 25. Mary K. Uozale, $0.70; tot 21, Uxalo ' Beidina, $0.70; tat 2. Uoorgo , Lach malar. 30.7U: lot 4. Oeorrn lachmoler. 80.70; tot B, Barak K. Bveraoa, 30.70; tat 8, Banh B. KTarvoo, $0.70; tat 10, H. R. Lame,; tat 12. II. R. Lamm. 80.70: tat 14. 11. R. Long. $0.70; tat 13, McKlnley Mitchell. $0.70: tat is, Meiviniey aiitcncii, fu.10; 104 so, w. u. Reldlna. 30.86: tot 22. A. aad A. W. Beldlnc, 30.70; lot 24, Llaxle Beldlug, $0.70; tot 2u, Mary M. Hoxale, $0.70; tat 28, Llxala Belding, OUalVa . MJVgk M eat, A, ,j,-a. s mj mn , $0.70; lot 8, Maud W. Woolfolk,, $0.70; 'tat , 6, Da rid OoodaeU. S0.T0; tat 7. .Clara B. Crane, $0.70; lot 8. Mary B. Hoxale. $0.86; tat 11, Calvary , Pnabyterlaa Church, $0.70; tat 1.1. - Calvary Preabyterlaa Church, $0.70; tat 16, BoaannAh Rlmmermaa, $0.70; tat 17, Buaanaa Zlmmermaa. $0.70; lot io, Buaanna Klmmcrman, $0.86; lot 21, Suaanna Rlmmer man. $0.70: tot 23, Buaanna Zimmerman, 80.70: . tot 26, Snaanna Klmmerman, $0.70; lot 23. Buaanna Rlmmannaa, $0.70: tat X a. U. and Dena Bobler, $0.70; lot 4. O. M. and Deaa Bobler. $0.70; tat 8. Bruno K. Uuntber. 30.70: lot 8. Joaeoh- Klnke. 30.70: tat 10. Ida UwenaBB, $0.85: tot 12. Oeorga Wrleht Pnat Na. 1, u. A.; iot it. . Joha Matthleeen. $0.70; tot 18, 8ofle R. lAorenca. au. iu: lot in. a. w.ioonea. au. 10 tot 30, Maggie W. Little, $0.86; tat 22, Mania R. Joneo and Marr A. Cooler. $0.7o: . tat 24, Michael Mouler, $0.70; tat 27, Wllbel- Biina rani, a.7v: tot zb, vonauaa a on noon, $0.70. BLOCK 34, ' lot 1. Haunah Maaon, 3(1.40: lot 2. Hannah Maaoa. $0.70: tat 3. : Hannah Maaoa. 80.40: lot 4. Hannah Maaon, ' , . , . . T a. a, .. , 1, , . I. .. a I tVIV, 1V. W, IMIIU,, .uma, , a.", . .'1 Hannah Maaoa. 30.70: lot 7. llannah M 3O.60: lot L Haanah Maaoa.-- 80.70: , tot S. ntnaia ataaawa, av.vAia tot. iv, oauuiu nwi-, vAO.85; tot 11, Hannan Maaon, 30.66; tat 12, tiannaa Maaoa,; lot ja, nannaa ataaon, ' $0.65; tot 14, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70;. kit 16, Hannah Maaoa, $0.30; tat 13, Hannah Maaou, BO. to; tot it. Manna maaoa, -; tot . 18. - Hannah Maaun. 30.701 lot IV. . Hannah Maaoa, tali; tot 30, Hannah Maaon, - $11.86; lot 21, .Hannah Maaoa. $0.70; ; tat 22, - llannah Maana. 30.TO: lot 23. Hannah Maaon. $0.7; lot 24, Hannah Maaoa, $0.70; lot 26, Hannah Maaoa. 80.70: lot 2B. Hannah Maaon. $0.70: tat 47, Hannah Maaoa. 80.70: , 28, Hannah Maaon, ' $0.70. BLOCK zn, lot l, atargaret Macaay, fa. an; tot 3, Margaret Mackay, $7 40; tot 8, Margaret i Macaay,; lot a. marganx aiaixay, 87.40 iBUH'K 28. aabdlrlalon 1- of tot A, '.Maggla Muriihy, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 3 of tat - A. Maggie Murpnr, o.7o; aubdlTialoa 8 el , lot A. Delia R, Dale. 80.70: aubdlvtaloa rat tot A. L.- H. aad A. H. Maxwell, $0.70 aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot A. Margaret White. 80.70: t aabdlvlaloa 3 of lot A, Margaret White. . 8O.70; aabdlvlaloa T of lot A, Margaret White, , $0.70; aabdlvlatoa f et tot A, Jennie .Carrie, ' 80.70: aabdlvlaloa V of tot A. Jennie Currle. 30.8S; aabdlvlaloa 10 ot tat A, Jennie Carrie. no-no; eaoaivtaiea Ji ol kk a, Jennie turrie 0.70; eubdlvialoa 12 of tat (A. Oaadef :J, ' RuBUBuur. 30.70: aabdlrialoa -13 af tat- A. Margaret White, $0.70: aubdlvtaloa 14 of tat ' . ilaai ail UVhll. OA tfa. , ... tat A, c. Hanarn. $oie-' aubdlrlataa 18 of tat A. TlULa F. CorneUua. 30.70: auhtUvlaloa . 17 of tat A, Tlllle F. Coraeltua. 30.70; aub ' divUloa IS ot tat A. M. J. Potter, $0.70; . aubdlrtaloa 1 of tat B, Waaler Miller $0.7o; aubdlvtaloa 3 of tat H, Wee ley Miller.' $o. 70; aubdlvUlon 3 of tat B, Julia Marquam, $0.70; ' enbdlvlatoa 4 af tat B. JuUa Marquam. $o.T0; ' aubdlvlalna $ of lot B, Gander J.- Ramming, $0.70; nabdlvlaton $ of tat B. Mary E. Adama, 30. TO; aubdlrlatoa T of lot B. W. F. Burrell, Truatea. 80.70; aubdlvlatan 8 of tat B, W. F. BurreU, Truatea. $0.7f aubdlrlataa 8 of tat B. W. F.-Burrell, Truatee. $0.86; aabdlvlatoa 10 of tot B. W. F. BurreU, Truatee, $0.85; aabdivtatoa 11 of lot B. W. F. Burrell. Trua- e tea. $0.70: aabdlrialoa 13 af tat B. W. F. Button, iTUntrrv f"'-lo; auaoivtaioa is of c lot B, Mary R. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvtaloa , 14 of tat B. Mnry K. Adama, $0.70; aubdlvla , km 16 of tat B, Mary B. Adama. $0.70:, aub i dlviatoa 18 ot tot B, Jamea W. Brandt, WTO; aubdlvlalna IT et tat B, Gander J. Humming, $0.7O; aabdlvlatoa 18 of tot B, W. F. Burrell, Troatae, $U70, BLOCK 2T. tot 1, BUoa H. .' BcbotlborB Batate. Helra- of. $7.40; tat 8, ; KUen H. Bchollborn Ratafa. Heln of, $7.40; . aandlvlataa 1 ot tat A. C M. RueeeU. Trnatee, $0.70; aabdlvlaloa 3 of tat A C, M, Rueorll, Truatee. 3tl.70: aubdlrlaloa 8 of lot A. C. M. -ttoaaeU. Trnatee. $0.70;. aabdlvlaloa 4 of tat ' A i at. auaoeii. 'xvuatee, -au. iu; anoninaion 6 of tat A, C. M. Ruaoell, Trnatee. $o.70; aub . dlrlaloa 3 of lot A, C. M. Ruauell, Truajee, Ei; aabdlvlaloa 7 of lot A, Moy Back Hln, ; aubdlvtaloa 8 of lot a, W. F. Burrell, toe, $0.70; aubdlvtaloa 8 of tot A, Moy Back Hia,. 30.70;- aabdlvlaloa 10 of lot A. W. K. HurrolL Truatee. 8O.70: anbdivlataa 1 .ett B, M. J Daffr, $0.70: aubdlvlntoa 2 of lot K, Hoog thee How, aaro; auhdlrlalna 3 of tat B, W.. II. McEldowoay and J. T. lennavd. 3O.0: anbdlvlalon a. nf tat R. W. . F. Burrell. Truatee, $0.70; aabdlvlatoa 6 of r tat B, w. H. McKioowner ana J. t. Leonard, ( $0.70: aubdlrlaloa 3 of lot B, C. U. RuaaelL $0.70; aubdlvtaloa T of tat B. W. M. Law, 1 $0.70; anbdlvlalon 8 of tat B, Moy Back Hln, $0.70; aabdlvlaloa $ of tat B, W. M. Law, , S0.4O1 eubdlvialoa 10 of lot B. Moy Back Ilia. 80.40. BLOCK 23. -lot 1.- Joaala and - J. M. Belcher. 87.40: Hit 3. Jamea 8. Pol hamua. $7.40; aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat 2. William and Rnnina Oelger, go.BOT aubdlrlalon 3 ec tot -2. William and Rnaina Oelger, 3"i.0; aubdl-- vlalca 3 of tat 2. WUUaa hod Boelna Oelger.' 30.80: aabdlvlaloa 4 af tot 3.-William aint Rnaina Oeleer. 30.80: aabdlrlalon 8 of tat 2. WllUam and Rnaina Oelger, $0.30; AibdlTtatan , a of tot 2. Wlllam aad Itoatna uetger. ao.oti ; nbdtvlalon T of tat X WUllam and Ro1na Oelger. $o.: aabdlvlaloa 8 of tat 2, WiilUm and Roana Oelger, $o.0; aubdlTialoa It of tat 2. - WlUlam and Roalna Uelger. $0.80; Unbdlvlatan 10 of tat t. WUUam aad1 Roalna ' Oelger, $0.80; anbdivlataa 1 of tat 4. Mra. M. a, nunT, e,'-tei, a, w. .a Mra. M. J. Weatner, $0.6o; mhdlrUInn .1 of tat 4, Mn. M. J. Weamer. $0.66; aul-dlriataa 4 of tat 4. Mra, M. 3. W earner, go.7o; anlxll vUloo B of lot 4. Mn. M. J weamer. $.7o: ubdlviataa a UT tot 4.' BraV-rM. J. Weamer, 3U.701 auhdlvto:oa 7 of tat 4. Mra. m. j, ' Weamer; 30.80; anbdlrlatoa $ of tat 4, Mra, M. J. Weamer. 30.301 anbiUrlalna R of tat 4. Mn. M. . Weamer. 3O.70. . BLOCK 23, Int .1 Marearet 11. Ilenhnim .'. XI. IK: tot 2. Mar. caret H. Denholm, 21.10; tot 3. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.10; lot 4. Margarer ll. oe. holm. 81.10: tat 5. Margaret H. Ilenkolm, ,' $1.10; lot 3. Margaret H. Denholm. $1.10: tat T. Margaret H. Denholm, $1.05; tat 3, Mar- Kret H. Ilea norm, $1.00; kit 8, Margaret II. nhelm. $1.00: lot 10, Margar--t H. Dea . koha. gn.KB. BLOCK 30. bnbdlTtetoa Xat tat - A, Rmliy H. aad jamee carraa,; anhdlvuiho 2 of lot A. Frederick Frert. i an lift: anhdlrtli.n 8 t f tat A. Fred-rlrk ; Ragcrt. $n.B5; rabdlr'.atan 4 of M A, Fred erick Ergert. ao.8i; 'mihdirialoa 8 of tat A. trederirk Eggert. $o.80; aehdlrleloa $ of 4 A. W. F. Bnercll, Truatee, $O.T: anh- dlrrfttoa T of lot A. jenxinn m otev-jna, ' $0.76; uhdlTUtoa 1 of tat B, W. F. Burrell, ratoe, l4.HO: undlvOlmv 8 af. tot .B, . W, Harnll. Truatee, 3n.6. - ' ' A tract af land betweea tha kaalh line, of . Vermont alree. aad tba , aortB' . II of anbdlvwlno 7 T ot ' lnt A af btack 3A. aoeiheevi Pnelland. and between the eaal Una of Fetraerrvanta atreef and the weaterly line or tna ,moaiai ana t iiiinm,. o Ceimnaay'a right af amy, Martka M. Crowell. A ire.- af had betweea tha aoath Uaa ot Vtr citt votioxa. mnut atraat ' and tha north Und . auiKilrlalun 2 of lot B. Wock" 80. u '.eru Portland, and katweea the wcat Una ot Connecticut aireat aod tba eaaiarly Una af tna Oreeua and California Railroad Com pany'a n t of way, U K, CruwaU KaUle, , Heira of. All Oil. BOUTHKRN PORTLAND. OBE00M BLOCK 31. tot 1. Bnionxia Relaa, $0.40; tot x, wio moa Relaa, $0.40; tat 3, Bolomoa Relaa. $n.41: .t 4, Bolomoa Relaa. 4OJ0; tat 3. Holomoa Relaa. $0.70; tat 8, B-domoo Belaa. $0.85; tat 7. Bntamuk Halaa, $0.a6; tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa.-, $0.ti, tat 8. Bolomoa Relaa, $; tat 10, . Hntanwo Relay, $0.46; tat 11. Bolomoa Relaa, 0.4o: tot 1.1 Holomon Relaa. 10.4II: tat 18. J.Bukimoa Relaa, $0.00; tat 14, ttalonioa Relaa, -; tot 16, Solomon Relaa, 10.011; air 10, Bolomoa Ri'lea, 4-1.711. BLOCK 82. tat 1, llannah Mamm. $1.75; tat 2. Hannah Maaon, . 8.V00. UUH'K 33. aubdlTl.lon 1 of tat 1. atamea a. neea. ao. 10; anDaiTiainn a 01 eib 1. Jamea B. Reed, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 3 of . . lot 1, Jamea 8. Heed. $0.TO; aubdl-rlajon 4 " of tat 1. Jamea 8. 'Reed, $0.70; aubdlTialoa ' 6 of tat- I,- Jamea 8. ' Read, $0.40j -aubdlrlalon' 3 of tat 1, Anna B. BJokman, ' . 3O.40; auhtUvlalon 7 of lot 1, Anna 8. BJok- ' man, $0.70; aubdlTialoa 8 of tat 1. J. B. l'llklitgton and A. W. Wright, $0.70; auhdl vlalon 6 ot tat 1, J. N. Burt, $0.70; aubdl- . vlabw 10 of tat 1, I. M. Burt, $0.70; auo. dlvlatoB 11, of tat 1, Aana Olaon, $0.73: j ; aubdlviatau 12 of tat 1, J. B. Pllklugton and A. W. $0.75; aubdlvtatan 13 ot tat 1. J. B. Pllklugtoa and A. W. Wright ?arm; aubdlTlaton 14 of tat 1, Joha T. took, .4U.7.V; aulMllTl.lon 16 of tot 1, Joha T. Cook, , 30.75! aubdlrteton 1 ot tat 2. CeUa M. Frier . and Edwin 8. McCllncy, $o.73; auMlviatan 2 of tat 2. CeUa H . Frier and Bdwla 8. r McCllncy, $o.3o: aurNllrlaloa 3 of tat X 11 M-.-4.'rler and Edwin 8, McCllncr. $0.Mi: -aubdlTialoa 4 of lot 2, Cejia M. Krler aud Rdwla 8. McCllncy. $0.80; anbrttvlnlon $ of v 'tat li. CeUa M. Frier' and Rdwla 8.' Mots, Cllncy, $0.80; aubdlTialoa $ of tat 2. CeUa . M. Krhy and Edwla 8. MoCUocy, $0.70: aub- : dlvlalon T of tat 2. CeUa M. Krler and Bdwln 8 Mcllacr. so.70: aubdlvtaiiia 8 of lot 2. - VCella M. Frier and Rdwla 8. MoCUncy. $0.70: . aubdlrlaloa .0 of lot 2, Ciena .M. rrier ana , Edwin 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdl vlalou 10 ot ; lot 2. CeUa M.. Frier and Edwin 8. McCllncy, 30.40; aulHUTUtoa 11 ot lot a. caua ai. 11111 -and Kdwln 8. McCllncy. $0.70; aubdlvlalna ' 13 of tat X CeUa M. Friar and Kdwln 8. McCllncy, $0.70; eubdlvialoa 13 af tat 2, . Cella M. Frier and Kdwln 8. McCllncy.' $0.70: , anbtlivtaloB 14 of tat X CeUa M. Frier and Edwla 8. McCllncy, $0.70; aubdlvlatan 15 of tat CrlU M. Friar aad Kdwln B. Me-. Cllncy, $0.40. I BUJCK 34, aubdlvUlon 1 of . . . I rt V ... V. j A, aMataallariMta, U. ot hit U. K. C. Bronaugh, $0.80; aubdlrlataa 8 of tot 0, B. C. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlrlaloa ,' 4 of tat J, t. C. Bronaugh, B0.35; aubdlTialoa I 6 of tot O. K. 0. Bronaugh, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB' 3 of lot U. K. C. Bronangh, 80.36; aabdlvlaloa . 1 of lot O. K. C. Bronaugh. 30.36; aubdlrlaloa . , 8 of tot ii. S. C. Bronaugh, 80.85; aabdlvlaloa - 0 Of tot W, K. t;, BTOOaUBO. OO OO, .juuniai ; 11 of tot tl, R. 0, Bronaugh, $0.36; aabdlvlaloa ... ..... .1 . . . . aala .1. , .. tul 1 ,1 I. , IB , IX Ol IOt 11, B. V. Ultlliauaal, TW.bu, ' 13 ot tot , B. 0. Brouaugb. $0.36; aubdlvlaloB. 14 ut lot O, K. 0. Broaaugh, $0.46; auudlvUtaB 15 of tot tl, K. C, Bronaugh, 30-.50; aubdlrlaloa Id of tot U, K. a Brouaugb, $0.36; aubdlrlaloa : IT of tat (1, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvtaloa 18 of tat U, R. C Brouaugb, $0.85; aubdlvliiloa 10 of lot O, R. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatan 20 of tat U, K. C. Bronaugh, $0.36; aulidivtaloa 21 at lot O, H. a Bronaugh, $0.36; aubdlvlatott 22 of tat O, K. C. Bronaugb. 80.35; aubdlvlaloB 23 of tat O, K. C. Broaaugh, $0.35; aobdlmjaloa 24 af tat ll, E. 0. Bronaugb, $0.35; aubdlvlaloB k 2A of lot U, K. C. Broaaugh. $0.:i&; aubdlvtaloa ;- 2l of tat O, K. C. Bronatwh. 30.35; aubdlvtaloa . 27 ar tat U, R. V. Bronaugb, $0.35; auhcHvlalod I S f tot w, R.C Brona.iih!; $0.86. BL00K , 34. aabdlvlaloa 1 of tat H..R. O, Bronaugb. $.86: auhdlvKloa 3 of tat H, K 0. Bronaugb, $0.36; aubdlvUlon 3 of tat H, E. C. Bronaugh. , $0.35: aubdlvtaloa 4 of tat H, K. C. Bronaugh, Za. -jr.. I al Ioi H. 8. C. Bronaukb. V KiOJ; aubdlvUlon 3 ot tat H, K..C. Bronaugh, ' 30.86 aubdiTlalea T of tot H, B. C. Broaaugh. 1.. ... . ii m a 11- U i 34AfhnaikiirK. 1 4W'0i IUDU1TIMUU 0 VX aar -ma jr. .w a, o.36; ub.HvWteHi of lot H, K. tj. HtomukJ, fj.36; biirUioa 10 ol tot H, B. C. Btod-oU. ' $0.S6; auiMlivUtoa 13 Of lot a, a. proaaaa - $0.;6; aubdlvtaloa 14 of tot H, B. C.' Broaaugh, 7.. ... - 11 ... M t. S3 til UrMtanalL. . . 30..K1; antiuiviaioa w w m n, v. ;-"----- : ao.;m; auouiviaiiiu 0 ua ' , ; ': 30.35; aabdlvlaloa IT of tot H. K. C. Broaaugh, -, , 80.1; aubdl vial oa 18 of lot H, E. 0. BrooaUKh. $0.86; aubdlvlaloa 19 of tot H, K. C. Broaaugh. - $0.36 aubdlvlatoa 20 of tat H, B. C. Bronaugh, 80.36; aubdiTlaion 21 of tat H. R. C. BroAaugb. 30.35 i aubdlvlaloB 22 of tat H, R. C. Bronaugh, r 80.r3; aubdlvlatoa 23 of tat H, H. C. Brooaugh, ao.36 aubdlvtaloa 24 of tat H, R. C. Broaaugh. ' go.36 aubdlvlatoa 26 of tat H. g. JJ. Bronaugh, 30.35: aubdlrlaloa 28 of tat H. K. C. Bronaugb, ,.. ur.: ...kJl.lflaa 'IT nl o M K I ' WI COlUl U 1 O, $o:3&; aubdlvUtao 28 of tat H. E. C. Bronaugh. Z.. a.t iwi K ..maikailortailMB 1 kf lilt. . JEtfdwtat Eggertr$0.T0; aubdlvlatan f tat AViederick Mgert. $O.T0iaubdl-la ion 8 of A, rreuericA raagcr,. e".""a. -------7---- tat A. edorick Eggert. $0J0; aubdlTialoa 4 ot tat A. Krederick Uggert. $0.70; anbdlTlaloa r. tor A Frederick Eggert. 30.70 aubdl vtaloa 3 of tat A, C M. RoMerfL TTuetee, $0.70; aubdlvlaloB t ot tot Frederick Iggwt. $0.70: aubdl vlalon 8 of Tot vA, WU llam. Labbe, iW.70; aubdlvlaloa of tat A W. WTLogaB, 30.70; aubdlvlaloa 1 10 of tat A. William Labbe. 80.70; 0t- tat A Auguata Arfeld, $0.70; aubdlTialoa " 12 of tot AT" M, RiIarwirTraatect $0,JO bd.vlS-B 18 of tat A, C. M. Ru-acil, Truj- ' tee. $0.78; aubdlvUlon 14 of kt.A, C. M. - RiwaeiL Troatcav $0.70; aabdlrlatoa 1 of tat , ST 7 U. 14? and M. . A. HaraT $0.70; aubaivtalon.-B of totB. Banh A. Browa. ; y $o.7o: aubdlvlaloa 3 of tot JB.f C, M. Rueaell, . o.70 aubdlvlatoa 4 of tat B, Arthur MaUier. 1 $0.70 aubdlrtaloa 6 aftat B,. Moy Back - Hln, $0.70! aubdivUlnu 8 of tat B.C. M. . KuaXeuT Truatea. $0.70; aubdlvlaloB V of tat B, W. F. BurreU. Truatee. $0.70; BortV H it tot I Martha M. Crowell, .34 30. BLOCK 3B, tat 1, KnnkTH. - Urubb, $0.7$: tat 2. , Katta-rlne 't. Trevett, $0.75; tat 8. Margaret II. Deuuolra. 3o.76; lot 4, krargarut H. Wea- boltu. $0.10; kit B. Margaft H. DanhaliB, " $S.76: Vt tl Maxwell N. Hamilton. $0.75;; tot T, Maxwell N, HamlltoB, $0.76;; -lot 0; Margaret H. Denholm. $0.75; tot . -l8rV II. Deuholm, $0.76; lot W, Jamea 4 ."1 $o.75; tat li, Jamea V BelL $0.75. tot-12, M.-Wol-$0J4lot 13, Margare H. Ocnholio, $o.lo; tat 14, Jarno K. Bell, $0.70; tat li, D. B. -McBrldc, $0 5; tot Id, ; Oeorga Btenhouae, 80.O5; tat IT, Oearga BIcb. . houae. $0.76; tat IB, Donald B. MrBrlde, . $S7? tat itt. loald.B. McBride. $0.75; ta 1 5iTDoild B. McBrlde. $0.76: tat 21. d D. Nalra. $0.75; tat 22, Donald B. McBride, $U76 tat 23, Donald B. McBride, $06; tat . 24, C. U. Nalra. $0.78;. tat 28. Itobert Uv- v 1 11 ga tone. $o.76; tot 28, Robert Urlngatime, $0.75; tat 2T, Robert Liv(ngat.ina, $. 10; tat 38. Margaret H. Denbolin. $0.75. BWJt'K 87, 1. - Haanah Maaoa, $31.16. . BIAICK 38, Sarah ,'' X XtmW IliTII 'v " GRKKN'8 AWDri'IOK-LOCKA tat l.'aoh W. langatHX ana wiie, w. - ; wile, 30.70: tat X Joba W. lent don and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $o.i0; lot 3. Juba W. Langdoa aad wife, W. H. Baraett aud wife, $; tat 4, John W. La of don and wife. W? 11. Baraett and wife. $0.80. BLOCK 2. Int 1, Joha W. Langdoa and wUa, W. H. Harnett and wife. Jo.70; tot 3, Joha 1 W. Langdon and wife, W. H. Baraett and wife. 30.10, tot 3, JohB- W. Laacaoa ana. wire, . , . H. Baraett and wife. $0.10;-tot 4, John W. langdoa ana who, w. tx. aiaraan 3U.BU; tat 6, Joha W. Laugdua and wife, W. H. Baraett-and wife. $0.80; tat a, John , W. Langdon and wife. W. H. Barnett and wlfb, $0.10; lot 7, Joha W. Laugdoa and wire. W, H, Baruett and wUo, $0.70; tot 8, Joba iW. Langitan and wife, W. H. Barnett and. Cite; $5.70. BLOCK 2, lot 1, JohB W. -t-Mngdoa tad wife. W. H. Harnett and wife, -r 2o.l0f -tat . 2. . Juba W. Laagdou aa4 wife, -; W. H. Barnett aod wife, $0.i0; tat BaJoba , W. Langdoa aad Wife, W. H. Barnett and ' wife. 311.70; kit d. Henry L. Johuaoa, $0.1vi; tat 6. Jobn W. Lanxdou and wife, w. H. Barnetr- lad. ' Wife, 40.80; tat , Joba tW Langdon and wife, XV.-H. Baraett had aVlfe, ' $0.7o; tat T, Joha W. Langdoa aud wlfaj W.. H. Barnett aad wife, $0.10; tat X? ohh W. langdoa and wlfe.w W. H. Barnett aad wife. ' All. IU. IV a,- lot 1, ,iw. ww. J-inBwa aaw 1 wlfer W. IL Barartt andwlfa, $u.Bu: tot 2, ! John W. Langdon and wire, w. u. aarnetx ' and wife, $0.-16: tat X Joba W. Langdoa and wile. W. H. Barnett and wlfa, $0.06; hit 4, JehB W. Langdoa and wife. W. IL Baraett aad- wife, 30.8n tat 3. Jnhi 1 W. Langdon aad wife, W. H. BarneU and arlfe.; kt 8, - Joba W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Burnett aad wlfa. $0.f0; tat T, Joha - VW. Langdoa aod wlfa. W. , Barnett aod -lfe, $o.7o. BLOCK 5, tat 1, Joba WJ JlAngdon and wire, W. H. Baraett and wife, ao.uo; tat I. Joba W. Langiloa aad wife, W. M. Barnett and wlfa. $0.80; tat X Jobn W.- Iancdoa and wife. W, H. Barnett and wife. ,$0.76; tat 4, Joha W. Laagitan and "' wins W. H. Barnett and wife, $0.l; lot ' 3. John W. Langdoa and wife, W. H. Barnett and wife, $0,011; lut 8, Joha W. Laagttaa and wife, W.'H. Barnett and wife. -$0.84; tat 7. . 1 IV IMarrlaaak A wife. W. . M. Rai-t-AtC and wlfr$0.7o; tot 8, John W. fangdoa aad - wife, W. H. Barnett aad wlfeJ-$0.66; tat tt, Joba W Langdna-and wlfa, VT. li. Baraett aed wife, tot lo. John W. Leagdon 'and tWIfe, W. H. - Barnett aad wlfa,"" - $0.8,'; tat 11, Joba W. - Langdoa and arlfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, 30.86; , lot 12. Joba W. Ltngdoa aud wife, w, H. f Itaenett aad. wife, $0.70;. lot l.L Joha W. Tanrdon Bad wife. W. II. Barnett hnd wife, $Vii: lot 14. John W. Langdoa and wife,: --V. H. Barnelt and wife, $0 00. BLOCK 8. lnt 1. Jobn W. Lanedoa and arlfe, W. H. Barnett and wife, . $0,110; lot 2. Lydla A; . Mllla, $0 70; tat 3. Lydik A. Mllla. $0.7)1; 1 tat-4. John W. Lena don and wife, W. IU - narneTT. nnu wiir langdoa aad w4fn $41.70: lot 8, h , WV H. Barawt at Banterr ana wire, -i. in; et n. ubb w. nbn w. LangitoB aad wife, aad Wife. 30.70: lnt T. Joka W. Langdon aad wife. W. H. Barnett and wife, $o.7(: lot 8. John W. -lngtVm and Wire. vt. 11. narnett ana wire, fii. 10; tot B, - JohniW. Lanrilna and wife. W. II. Barnett and wife, $: 10. John W. Lanrdoa and wife. W. H.. fai-nett and wlfa, $l.8A; tat 11. John w. Laerdnt and wife,, W. H. Barrett and Jtlf"," 7t tat 12. Joha W. lanrdmt and (fe, W". H Barnett and wife, $n.7; tat 11. Jobn W, Lanrdoa and wife, W..1J. Barnett and wife, $0.70; total. John W. Uatduu and wife, TT. M. BarneU aad 1 1 v .,....'