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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
cut noncxM. l tuti of lo . AHUM frut ..toameoy. Ltd., $o.40r weat XI feet ot tut 6, Komund 8. Hill. $1.00; weet 53 fee ot to t 6, Julmuoa R. Hill. $1.00; wnt Irt feet of lot 7. John II. Uwle, $0.40 tM( 25 tort ef tot 8, joto H. Lewie. $.40; twl 75 feet 2: J?' !beiia b. aod w. a. Lewie. , fltOiaaet 78 leet ef lot 8. laabella B. n(i ! A. Iwl. 11.80. BUICK hT lot , 1. ; Clefneni Ceeerr Katate, ' Hrirn of. $1.56; tot 3. Clemena Caeerr K.tate Hrlre of, $l.o; lot 3, An Slimett, $1.80: lot 4. Ana Bin nott. $2.10; lot ft, Ana Slnnott, fl.eo; oaat ,,15 feet of lot 4, drown Can Batata. , . Helra ofr $0.60; weet 23 feet ot lot X Perry G. Baker Katate, Helm of; $1.00. All of BlicK r caruthera' addition to Cmibm1 : nddltlou, except westerly 64.8 feet of the epetherly 6X5 ,,. r. tr j.i, a.To. A tract . pt Una bounded and deecrlbed aa e followe: Commencing at Interxectloo of aaal . Una of Rood atreet wit a aorth Una of Baker treat; tbenee easterly oa aorth Una of Baker rreet 64 5 feet; thence ' northerly paraiial with weet atOa Une ( Mood etreet M.I feet; thence weaterly parallel with Bortk Rne of Dakar atraat ta eeet Una ,of Hood " atraat thence ebuthcrly oa aaat Una of Hood . (traat to begtualiig, Henry Scheelajid Kate I. Hi-Ire of. l,au. ' , . ' CARITHBRo' ADDITION" TO rAEI'THRBS' ADDITION ta the City ot Portland BLOCK J. William Drourh. $12 65. BLOCK K. Maria I. Baker, $15.26. BLOCK L Homfopathle . Hospital and Dlapenaery of Portia ud. $16.0. BLOCK M, Homeopalhte Hnepltal and Die- Eueary of. Portland, $1.1.83. , BIXrCK N. omeopathlc Hoepltel and Dlipennery " af Portland, $13.46. BLOCK 0. Homeopath HoeDltal and IHtnenaar of Portland. $16.06. 6'nn.n . vnqMiqri TB v 1 onnany. $1.00; nadleldrd H of tot X Ibex Block P, undivided u of lot 1. Ibex Land .ana company. i.W unainoen or wi. u, Ihex Land Company, ll.HUj undltrldad Vt ot . M , Ibex Land Company, $1.00: nndlTlded af lot 8, Ibex Land Company. $1.00; -pn-dlrided H af lot 6, Ibex Land Company. $1.00; BDdtTldfd H of lot T. Ibex Land t ompany. $100; andlrided H -af lot 8. Ibex In4 Company, $l.w Aana B. ConaelL $1.1 ', fi.ou; uomtira ar ioi i. 1L 11.00: andlrldeA V, of lot 3. Aana . Coanell. X1.IIO: undletded U af lot . Anna B. l.onnelL 11.00; aoolTl.Ird ft of toV a, pna 0. taaaau, fi.oo; nnaieiaeo ai 101 S. Anna B. Connell. II 00: ttadlelded V. of lot 0. Anna B. Onnnell: $1.(M andlrldea of lot T, Anna B. Conaell, 11.00; andUlded ' IS at B. Aana B. OteaelL 11.00. BLOCK O. lot 1, 1 iar tieib aorui v reel or wt z. mrt V Bell, $0.: eouth 41 feet of lot S, Oerrnax 4 navinxa m laaa noeierx. ai.po; an o arernaa Baetnxa k Loan Boclety. 81.80) lot 4, flermaa harlnaa A Lola Borlaty. 1I.T0; lot 6. tiarmaa . Maelnsa Ioaa 8orletj( $2.00; lot . Uennaa : Baeloas At Loan Horletr, $2.00) aarth faet ot treat SO feet of kit T, tiermaa Carina ' I aa Bortrty, 80.10; aontk "41 feet of lot T. tier man Barlne. Loan Society, $2.00; north reet or eait TO reel ar tot T, 1 lara veil, rH.tO; aaat TO feet of lot 8, Clara Bell, I.4A: weat' Mi feet at lot 8. r.'Guallelmell. " $0.54. BLOCK R, German BaTlna U ' . Bocloty, 818.00. v " A traet at Und Wine between tha mta Una , , ot Meada atreet and the northerly Una ot block 11, Caruthera' nddtfloa to Caratbera' :" addition, aa a Down an the map vt Portland nabllabed hr the Title Onerantea At Troat . . company,' 1909, and between tha weat Una ot Hood atroet and a Una 40 faet eaat of end parallel with the eaat Una of uoraatt treat, A. P. Smith. 82.80. CAnmr.H8' ADDITION TO C A rUITHtPJP ADDITION to the City af Portland BLOCK , S. weat 40 feet of north 88 feet of tkxk ft, ; V Hannah Caahen. I.B0: weat 40 feet at eoath A feet of block J, 0. M. Hey wend. 80.40. . $jjirva A t A arXenAiaia) aa, Aiiwarw, x r. iev am ., Emma Auatln. BLOCK 40, lot 1. R. H. Parker. Sl.KX lot t t. H. Parker, $1.5.1; lot A, B. H. Parker $1.80; lot , R..H. Parker. 12.10:- eaat 4.8 feet of 'lot B. n, b. a. . Parker, $0.10; eaat 4.3 feet of lot 8, K. H Parker. 0.l; aaat 4.2 feet ef lot T, K. H, Parker. $0.10; eaat 4.3 feet of lot 8, K, H, ' Parker. 80.10: waat 26.8 feet of lot C. D. W Campbell. $0.60; waat 2S.8 faet af Booth IT - . feet of lot 8. D. W.. Campbell, 80.10; weat 20 faet af aaat 80.1 feet- of kit fi. John R. and P. I. Mann.' $0.40; weat 2S feet af aaat 20.2 ..ffaAt mf Mittft U. Mf In a Jnha XL inri V I. 1 Mann. 80.20: eaat 20 feet of weat 81.8 feet of lot 5, George NoUnaala,' 80.n0; ' eaat 28 leec or wear 01. a reeic ei aonm ai.o reel 01 lot . Oeorfe N'othnaxJe. 80,10) aaat 20 feet - M eat T 8 feet of lot A, rV W. DeHnff, r '80.481 eaat 28 feet ef weat T. feet af anuth , of lot 8, P. W. DeHnff, $0.20; weat 101 feet of north M ef lot , German. Barln At . t ' Lean Heetety, $1.00: north feet af weat H of eoath 44 of lot 8. German BaTlna- A Loan , Horlety. 8O.U1. weat J01.8 feet of aoiUh Vt of , Mt 1, (erman Mem loan Society,; ' . north 101.8 feet of north H ef lot T, Barab - L. Carnentar.- 81.00: lot 8. Garnua, Marine A Inn Society. $2.00. BLOCK 41. aaat Ta feet ., w eft t, eonn s. iw fainra r lani, oi.ou; weat SB feet af lot 1. W. and M. Beott. S0.8A: , lot 2. Tbomae H. Bmlth. $2.10; lot 3, leek 1 M. rarriaa, xx.10; lot . Mr. Aaaia ovport, . 82.10; lot 8. rerdlnand wandmph, 82.10; lot , n. . j .'and k. i. iFTanee, 88.10: eouth feet of. lot T Lnnha P. Bene. 82.00: north ..... e - LJ.L I r A. True Co.. Ltd., 80,10: -iot 8. Canadlaa Bet .ti.rtlene Loan Tnmt , Ltd.. 82.rO.- BLOCK lot 1 t. M. Matkaek. $2.10;"-Vt t, 1, M. J MaUhek. 8X.M); lot a. Joeeph Pollrki, 1210: ' .. 1 lot dui Joeenh . PollTka. $2.10; lot 8, frank 1 I Pellrkat 12. 10:. let .Frank PollTka. 11 in: lot T. tatherlne Babel, $2.10; lot 8. Catherine Babel, $2.10. BLOCK. 43. lot 1, A. G. Ham- mood, $2.10; lot 2, A. G. Hammond, 82.10; . lot 2, piadanna and Julia U Hammond, 82.10; mt . IMadannn and Jolla L. Hammond, 82.10; ' lot 8, A. O. HaeirnoBd. 8X10; tot 8, -,A. O. , . Hammond. 82.10: eaat feet of lot T. A. G. Hammond. 80.10; eaal M feat of lot 8. A. ii. HammoiitL 80.10: waat 60 feet of lot T. .-. Theodora Benn. $1.00: . weat to tint ot fet . taeooore nean. ai.uu. ' A 4 want of land between blocka -48 and 40, Caruthera' Addition to CVtthera' AddlUoauT . , and- between the north line of Porter atreet na a line lug ivwi rjorca mi nw ana narnuej i tenraiu, a. -. nammana,. ax.40. . ... A tract, ef land between htfx-4a 43 and 40, C'arntbera' AddlUoa ta Caratbera' Addlrlon. t- - and between the annth Una ot Hooker atreet j.v and a Una 100 feet eoath thereof aad parallel '..''" 1 in. larminre rrerra. ee.ev . .CAKI'THKIM' ADDITION TO ritnTnDI the-City of Portland BLOCK . 44, enat 80 faet of weat 100 feet ot lot T. .- . W. D. Bmlth. $1.00! eat ISO feet of weat . ,i't xeec at lot a, w. o. nmlth, fl.00. BLOCK v 44 lot 1. John Bpltaenbercer, $2.10: lot X .-..maw opirfamoenrer,.;'ioi n. -John m. Brener. 8X10: lot 4. (Tarheel i r. . rwk.t. , eon. $2.10; lot 5. neef Pretarhe,' 82.10; tot . 0. Mlcbael Bertnlelt.. 8X10; lot t. , J.' A. Crocker, 8X10 lot 8. 1. Ai Crocker. 82.10. - Bcbonpart, $2.10: tot a, Leo rW. $X1' lot . A, Abaaail B-ftnHon, 8X10: lot A, Abarall . .8. Barton. 8X1H lot T. Aba$all B, Barton, it: L j2. lu; lot 8, AbAttlU B. Barton, $2 10. BLOCK ?i ,".tot . t.1' "i" , wilt, , .- $xiot kit ' X JoVn edlak, $X10; ' mt ' John BedUk, $2.10; lot 4. John Bedltk. $2.10; ; . let 0 John Hedlak. 8X10; lot X JohhSed- . ,. 1 " . i. aeon reniaa, i; lot 8, r Oohn Bedlak. 82.10. Bl.fK-fc; T f u! .of lot 1. Joale Da Tie. 81.OA: toeae u. or w -it' Joete narle, Loj;- north .20.86 feet of ,enat Vh of lot , x,1 J tioi maa'Mlnberc, $0.25; eaat tt - of -' lot 1, Thomax Melnberf . 81.05 ; aeiith ,8. feet at eaat ot lot . Pat ' iJturnr- M ' eUmberti Morxan. 82.1t waat. 85 14 feet of eeat TO a.a. of lot 4, Anna R. Gratke, 80.TO; aeat 8 18 feet 'f lot 4. Cbarlea P. Heywood, $O.T0: went MI-3 feet af tot ,4. Robert and Mary $2.10) lot 8. MeUnu B. Hne. 1210: tot ' Melllaa R Mor$an. $3.10; lot 8, Mellaaa . meritaa, 8X10, block & aaat 100 feet of r . ana naru m. untnna, $X00; weat I feet of lot 1. P. M. Llchtanthaler no. 10) treat 0 feet of tot 2, T. M. Lichteo- thaler. 80.10; eaat MO feel w( of north U of tot X H. C Rnflehart, 81.00; eaat MO feel ?L Tt H tot 2 John Dudley, 81. 00; tot S. iohn Dndley, tllO; tot 4, John Dodley taet JI"! tot f, Oermia Barln Loan Boclety, $210; welt TS faet of tot T, M. B. Ucttten- xnaier, ft. on; weat 73 feet or lot 8. M. I.lchrenthaler. 81.58: eaat 81 feet ef tot f. M. Llcbtentbal $0,881 eaat 81 feet of 01 . e. m. urntenuaier, xo.OTK- BLOCK w. aooTa n m i, Him Welater. 81.0B: or, res i, jtaarew nanaoov L.uri A tract of land lylna between two Unea - rewpectleely 300 feat and 220.8 feet north ef and parallel with tha north Una of Arthnr atreet led between tha weat line of Water . 1 atreet and Una 108 feet weat thereof aad peraiici rnerwwttn, Anorew runaon, no no. ' CAbctitrrm' xnnmoN m rittmitit ADDITION to the City of Port tend BI.OCK 4, tot X . W. Baker. $2.10 lot X Kdward eiennennau,; lot a. Kdward Meadeahall, . '$2.10; lot 8, Richard Martin, $3.10; tot 8, - rmnnaa anin, h4.iti; an , riana Leraen "nw 71 "I m o, nana ,ereen, B I.IIO north H af tot 8. Belinda Dolaa. $1.06 ' A tract af land Irlne netweew m lltua . aneetleely 200 feet and I30.S feet north of - ana parallel with the norih Una of Arthnr ' ntreet and between the eaat line ef - mreer ana n line ion reet eaat .f a i ' parallel! therewith. Belinda Dolan. 80.00. A tract ef land between fwe Unea reaawe. .tleely 230.8 feet and 241 feet north af aad ' parallel with the north Una of ArOiar atreet . and between the weat Una ot Water atreet .. a no a una ion I eel treat thereof "eara lie! therewith. Bntmla Bohad. 10.00. A tract ef land Irlne htai ae tea Hma m aneetleely t $ feet Aad 841 feet north of ana narauei wiia norm una ar Arthnr atreet . ' . and between the eaat Una ef front atreet aad V n una ' inri eeer inereor ana aatnilel tiiere With. Jamea Barman. 80.80. . . . . - . A. tract of rand Irlaa- between two llnaa fa. apectlrely 230.8 feet and 241 feet north of aad " parallel with me norta una of Arthnr atreet ! and between the weat Una a Trent atreet inn tea eaar line of rim atreet. William VUedner. 81.T0. . ... . --viA tract of land tyhil1 bet wean two Unea re. epectlely 20O feet and xaiA feet north of and parallel wim ine norm una at Arthnr .. atreet and between tn weat line of rront - atreet and I he eaat 11 at Pleat atreet. Ore - em Rallwar .varira'ion rompanr. 11 TO. 'CAKCTHrRS' ADDITION TO CABCTHKBB ... ADDITION Ihe City af rortlaedBUM K no lot 1. Bchad. 8X10: tot X Bonhle e .; h.t . e".rie Bchad. ttlO: lot r- 4, k t k 1 lAl' ht a, ii4 taaii tX10, lot 8, P. A. Marouam, $2.10: lot T, I. B. Bradley, $X10; tol 8. II. B. Bradley, $(.10. rjLOCK M, kit 1. William FUetluer,! t10; tot X William f-Uediier, $2.10; hit S, rtlliem Kllcdniii. $1.10; tot 4. WllUaut PlleOV ncr, $; tot 11. WllUam flleduer, ft W; tot 4, William Phvdner, $X10j tot I, Wlillau rlhHlaer. $Xl0; tot 8, William Plledner, $.111. BLOCK X tot 1. Orvgon Railway A Narlt-ation Vohiuany, $X1U; tot X Oregon Railway hailxattoa Comoany, $2 10; tot 8. Uregoa Railway NarlxaUun Company, $X1U) tot 4. Oregon Railway Narlfattoa timiiany, $XrO; tot 8, Orugoo Railway A Nariialton Company, $2.1u tot , ' Oregon Hallway Navigation Company, $2.10; tot T, Oregon Railway A Navigation Company, $2.10; tot 8, Oregon Railway aV Naelgattoa Com- (any, $2.10. BUH K W. tot 1, Albert Wright, 210; tot X Julian H. Harr,.$X10; tot 3, William P. D. Mercer, $2.10; tot 4, Idn B. Mercer, $2.10; tot fl. Byroa V.Aeone, $2.10; 1 eouu. ft oe kk av e, witoi, ei.uo; norm i ef tot , Job a V. Lankln, $1.00; tot T, Lonia Arnold, -fx.tu; mt n, im Arnuin. fa.iu, BLOCK 84, lot 1, Prank Uu Drake. $2.10; tot X aiikUa Drake, $2.10; andlTlded H at tot 8. Kill Nrlaao. $1.00; ondlvlded af lot . Hugh W. ' Neleon, $U; lot 4, Jacob Mvlthauf. $X10; tot 8, Mary Taylor, $2.10; tot . Mary I- Steel, $2.10, weat H.of tot T, Henulaa Hachton, $1.00 1 -waat H of lot 8, Hermlnn Uarhlia, $!.!; eaat U of tot T. Nannie R. Taylor, 1.') eaat U-of tot 8. Nannie R. Tar lor. 81.08. BLOCK 65. tot 1, Brbool Dlatlirt No. 1. $X10; tot 8-biol J IMaUlct No. lt 8X1B; tot 8, School Dlatrlct i No. 1, $2.10; lot 4, Bchool IM-trict No. 1,, m' e, eam umiin a, fj.iv, tot X' B--heol DlatHct No. I, $2.10; tot 7, td-bool Dlatrlct No. ), $2.10; lot 8, Ik-bool Dlatrlct No. 1. 82.10. IIM K 64. lot 1, Hetb I-,Pope. $2.10; tot t. Beth L. Pope, $X10; tor 8, Preeton . W. Gillette, $2. Ill; tot 4. Mqllrh Stanford. 1 $2.10; tot 8. WrtlUm B. Jolly. $2 10; lot 8. William, B. 'oily, $2.10; tot T, Martin Mcbade. $2.10: lot 8. Martin Hcbade. $2.10. KtAH K 67... tot 1.0. P. . H. Mummer, $2.14; north U M lit 1 0.. P. B. Plnmmer. $1.00r nenlh ft of lot X A. Oiilrto. ll.Ooi north 14 at M S, A., vulrfc), 11.00; , ' annth U of lot 8. Hollla HeJlU Alrer. $Xlfli lot 1, atone, $2.10; lot , Ji Aixer. 11.00: wt . 8, Jamea L. John men L. Job oa tone. 2X10: eoath 28 feet of aaat 6.6 feet ot tot . t. Abbte 0. June, $0.10: went 60 feet at eaat 00.0 icn or. mi 1 , Auuie v. auoe. a 1 weat 50 feet of eaat 80.8 feet ot lot 8, Alible O. Jonc. Cl.OO: north 2b feet of eaat a feet of tot T.'O. P. hV Plnmmer. 80.10: eaat .S feet of tot 8. 6. IP. 8. Plununer. 8O.10: weat 60 feet of- lot T. Nannie R. Taylor, $1; - weat 6ft feet Mr tot 8. Nannie K. Taylor, 61.00. BUICK 68. ' lot'l, Buaie C. Poet, Potato, Ilelre af. $2.10; lot X Bnale C. Poet, Batata, Hclra ef. $2.10; tot X Ottelle Bartach, txin: lot 4. Ottelle- Bartach, 8X10; tot 6, bllllp and Julia A. Lawton, $Xlo: tot X ' Mare Akera. 12. 10: waet 2 feet ad lot T. Immannel Baptlet Church, $1.90; weat 82 feet af lot X Tmmanuel Baptlat Church, J8:H0: eaat 44 A feet of lot T. Suala C Poet. . fcatato Helra of. 80.0O; ,eaat 44 y, feet of lot 6. Bnale C. Poet Karate, Hetra of. $0 90. BLOCK baV weat 31.8 feet of north 29 feet nf lot 1. A. P. N'ennert. $0.28: eouth 26 feet of tot 1. A. P. Nennert, $1.08; eaat TA feet r north sn reet or lot 1. M-nrr weinnara. . $0.T6; to 2, John Wldneea, $ilo; lot a, --r.. unnewa, ee.Jv: a a.- a. a. Moare. 8Z.1U: lot B, Jonn coraian. lot f Edward J. Hart. $2.10: weat of tot T. Pannla XL TMedrlch. 81.08: Weat H of tot H Vannie R. Dledrlch.. 61.U5: eaet K of lot T. Lonia Oohn, $1 : eaat of tot 8, Jarala ' Coha, $1.06. BLOCK 80. tot 1.. Jamea Humphrey, 13.10; lot X aaaea nnmnarey, -6XIO4 tot X A, P. Neunnrt. 82.10; tot 4, R. I-ng. $210; eaat 80 feet of tot 6. -, , .. , , c . u . . oe . i. X. Lnala C. Hhomo. $1.75: weat 46.6 feet of hit 6. laabella Bottler, $0.06; weat 46.6 feet of lot X laabella Bottler. $0.66; lot T. Moy Rack Hln. $2.10; lot 6. Moy Back Hln, $2.10. . niorv at In 1 ri.fca-l UoTalwett. Katete Helra of. $2.10: tot X Oerman Barlnxa A loan Boclety. $2.10: north Ho (eel or lot a, ; German Baring aV Ixan Boelety. $1.66: eonth 15 feet of tot X AueuaU Marke. $0.56) tot . . . . .. i .. 1 r, . l., m tar a . ' -1, nuiww- a.TU, .... . v. .... I.-R. Lewla. $X10: tot . W. Af and T. H. 1tn, lot T. wiinam laeneee. o.v. ' lot A. William Iaeneee. IX IO. A tract of l.n hetareen twa Unea reaneea ' tleely 200 feet aad 220.5 faet north at and parallel with tin) north lirie of Arthnr atreet and between the weat line af Flrat atreet and a line 106 feet weat thereof and . parallel raeiewiut. Jamea numporey, ev.w, A traet ot land between two lmen reapactrrely 200 feet and 220.6 feet north at and parallel ' with the north Una of Arthur atreet aad be ,' tween the eaat Una af Beoand ntreet and Una 106 feet eaat thereof and parallel Uiere- . wiia. Moy sacx 111a, A , r i v Mt uu fnwai in. tmvm w pact tee ly 220.5 feet and 241 feet north nf and ' parallel with tha north Una of Arthnr atreet ..end .between the weet Una ef Firet atreet and a linn 106 feet weat of ana. partuel there with, AMa-nata Marka, 80.60. - ' ( 'OmI 49A K lu, ..J OAt - un Mt arul parallel with the north linn ot Arthur atreet and between; the eaat 'line at Second atreet and a Una 106 reet eaat thereof and parallel therewith, W, A. and L B. Lewie. 80.00. .A. traet of lead between twa linen teepee. tleely 220.5 feet nnd 241 feet north ot aad parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atreet ul k.lwu. K . llu XkMnJ ilM! and a Una 100 feat weat thereof aad naxallef inerewim, inaoeua notuer, ev.wu. tract of land between- two-linen ' with. Henry Tlmm. 80.00. A traet ot land between two line reepec , tleely 200 feat aad 220.5 feet north of nod parallel with tha aorta Una of Arthnr atreet and between the weaf Una of Beeond atreet ana a linn I'm lent weei inereor ana paraxial ' therewith. Rttiat Poonleton. 60. SO. . - - - . , A' traet ot land lying between twa Unea re aoectrrely 200 feet and 220.6 feet aorth of and , parallel with tha north Una of Arthur atreet and between the aaat Una of Third atreet : and a line 108 feet eaat thereof and paraiial tnerewitn. anion niecaornerxer. no.mi. CARITHKRS' ADDITION TO CARUTHERft' Auuiiiu.i to rne jLity or rortiano kian;k X tot 1, VdwaVd Brarfr, $110: tot X' Edward Brady. 8X10: tot 8. txrael Mndwad. 8X10: tot 4. laabella Bottler. $2,10; lot 6, Henry Tlmra. $1.05; 1.06; mm, i.iii; aouta or wi a. ceoena 11mm, erta i or lot a. Aana J. Kaenicke, tot T. Edward Brady. $2.10; tot X Clara M. Harding, $2.10. BLOCK OS. lot 1. Edgar Popple ton, $2.10; tot X Rdgar Pop pleton. $X10; tot $, Kdgar Popplrtan, $X10; . eaat to leet or mt 4. ratricx Murran . $1.63: weat an leet tr M 4, George r. Hot tier. $0.ft0: weat V4 ef tot S. J. Henry Wol : trtng. $1.06: went S of tot X J. Henry ' Woltrlng.v $1.06: eaat H ef lot 6. Anton i Blacborierger, tl.Q; eaat U of tot X Anton Rleraeffcertef, 11 On: tot T. Thennhll Bit eter. - $2.10; aouth 40 feet of lot 8. Tbeophll Bllle ter, $1.70; north 10 feet of tot X Anton . Biachofberger. 8O.S6. B1XM K 64. north : at tot 1. Cbarlea P. Hoerher. 81.06; noot A of lot 1, Katie F. Raheeelck. $1.08; tot X Katie r. Rabanelrk, $2.10; nt X Joba P. Caplea. $2.10; tot 4. John f. Caplee, ax.i; weai en zee or tor n, aiiae Kpetetn, - $1.u;'wnat 00 feet of tot 8, Mike Kpateln, x 81. l eaet in reet ei a o. anna m. wol. . trrne.. 60.IS1 eaat 104 feet at tot 6. Anna E. Wol trine. 80.18: tot T. Anna n. Wnltrlna. $2.10: lot X Anna R. Woltrlng, $2.10. BLOCK t. lot I, Aonie m. Murray, tot z, : Addle -B. Marrar. 8X10: tot X Prank H. , Gran. $X10; tot 4. 0. P, B. Tluormer. 82.10; , eaet S3 6-a feet or lot 6. J. n. IX ThnmoaMl. fl.aor wi 1. 50; ei . R. O, nor weet T2 2-8 feet or lot 6. jamea Hhort, 1 mm leet or nontn v. nr lot a Thompaon, 80.80; weat 72 2-8 feet of eoath ef tot 0. Jim re Short. 80.70 north U ef lot 8. Addle B. Mnrrar. II. 08 tot T, Addle B. Murray, $X10; lot 6, Joeeph - x-inx. f-e.iv. i . . - A tract of MM heanded and deecrthed aa gel. lowai Commencing at interaectton ot weal 'linn nf neennri atreet With amth Una at 7 Honker etreet. thence anutberly to north tine of Wnodn atreet, tnenea- weat to eaat una af rlrht of way of Oregon A California Ball war Comnenr. thence northerly along the eaat , line af eatd right af way to Ita teteraectkoa with tna nontn ima or nooxer arreei, rneaca eaat- to hegtnning. C R, Bmlth. rARrTTHCR8r ADDmOH TO CARtTHERS' ADDITION to the City of Portland BI.0CK 1 87. all af tot B lying waat or urecaa California Railroad Company'a right ef- way, Jeremiah. Worlck, 1180; all ot- tot 6- lying . weat or Oregon m vaumrnia naiirnaa tw - eaer'a rleht of War. Jeremlth W or Irk. 81.86 all of tot T Irlne weat of Oregon aTTallforala Railroad Oompeny'a right ef way, Ellaabetb v Bnimgartner. 81.16; ail of lot 8 tying weat ;. of Oregon At California Railroad Compear'! right of way, Ganrtri Banmgartaer, fU.Tn. ' BLOCK 68. eaet 86 feet nf to 1. Jennt Hng Lee. $1.70: eaat 66 feet af north 30 feet ef lot X Jeanla Hug Lee, $0.66: weat -21.5 feet af lot I, Albert K. And Rlale R, Wright. tO.A; weet 21.5 fret of' Berth 20 feet ot tot X Albert B. and Blete R. Wright, $0.16; anuth 00 feet of , tot 2. Melleea K. Hag. 81.28; -twrtb 40 feet of lot X Melhua P.. ITux. 81.70: eonth 10 feet nf eaat 60 feel nf lot 8. Albert R. Wright. 80 20; eaet 80 . feet of tot 4, Albert B.Wrlht. $l.n; aonth 10 ,feet 01 weet 4oe leet er mt H. Men nr. ' Hoe. 1 80.15: weet 46 '4 feet . of tot 4. Mellme R. . Hue. 81.06: all ef tot 6 exeent J the Oregen, California Railroad Campany'a right of way. Melleea R. Hug. $.n6; all of .,' tot 6 except the Oregna California Ralh-nad Company'a nrni or way. mennaa r.. ting. ' 8L!W: eonta 80 feet at tot 6 eeet of Oregen A California Railroad Company a rlrht nf way. Melima K. Hug. $1.00; north 20 feet af tot 6 eaet ot Oregon A I'allforali Ralrrnad Compaay a right nf way. Albert ' R.; and lte R. Wright. 60.T"; all of tot ' a eeet af Ore eon A California Rath-oed Com- eaer'a rtght of war. Albert K- aad Rtole ft. wnxni. fi-eo. ami in w, 10a 1 . miie "Railroad A NarlgaOon Company. $2.10; lot 1 oreena Railroad A ciarlxattna Comnanr, 82. to: lot .. fOreeoa Railroad A Naelaatloa Cnmnanr. ,$2.10; tot 4. Oregon rtallroad A . Natlxatlon A'omtwnr. $110; lot 6. Oregon Rallreed , Mtigation, 1 emnany,; loi a Or eon Raft rne 4 A Ka'leatloH CnmiMnT 4(5 li tot "T. Oregon Rallread A Kertgatton Cnmnanr. 12 In: lot 8. nresna Railroad Nartgalloa (Jempaer. ' 12.16. ' RIOCK TO, weat teat af lot I. Jwepb coha. $0.10 reepee tlrely 22a8 Xeet and 241 faet "'north af and parallel with tha north,. line of Artliur atreet f and beTwaeu the aaat Una at Third atreet and i a Una 100 feat eaet thereof and parallel taare cr t:; daily jpuial. - - ' w aaaaarL. yxsr- ' Bum III . eJ.-n ... j weat 2 feet of -tot 2, Joeeph Coha, $0 10; eaat 104.5 feet of tob I,- Kuan Weber, it. on; eaat W fret -of tot X Rnaa Weber. $2.00; tot X hoea Weber, $2J0; -tot A Hnaa Wrlier, $.Ki; eaat 8 feet or tot 5Toea Webet, $0.10; eaat 3 feet of tot 6, Roaa Weber, $010; weal 82 . tm t eaat 8X6 feet ot let 6. Magdalen! R. Marleoff, In 84; weat 63.6 feet of eaat 86.6 feet of tot 6. Magdaleal R, Marlatoff, 60.86; weat 70 feet of lot 6. Be baatlan and Lydla Matcher. $1.46; weat TO feet of hit 6, Bebaatlaa and Lydla Matcher. $1.46 eaet H of lot T,.Juaeph ('. $1.06; eaat H of tot 8. Joaeph Coko. $1.06: weat ot tot T. Wllhelmlne Muehler, $1.06: weet of tot 8, Wllhelmlne Muehler.. $1.06; north $ feet of block To, I uanowo Owner, $0. 66. HUM'K Tl, weat 81 feet of tot 1. Barata A. Barnea. $o.o; weat 81 feet of tot X Sarah A. Barnea. $0.60: eaat T6.6 feet of tot' 1, Raaa H. Weber, $1.60; eaat T6.8 feet of tot 2. Roaa M. Weber,; eaat 81 faet of tot 8. -iioaa H. Weber, $1 60; Weet 25.6 feet of tot X Patrick Murray, $0.6u; wrat.28.8 feet of tot 4, Patrick Murray, 80.60; eaat 61 feet ot lot 4. Lena Apple, $1.46; eeet 5 feet of tot 6, Patrick Murray,' 80.1V; eaat 8 feet of lot X Patrick Murray, fo.10; weat 46.66 feet of weat 106 feet of tot X Patrick Murray. gl.BU; weak' Bil.S feet of tot 6, (Jraula Tapfer. $2.00; weet 101.6 feet f aouth 4.49 fret of tot 8. Urania Tapfer, ev-ie, wi tj 01 m 1, mary aacooa, ai.uo; "ai w bi m a, mary jbcodb, XI.O0( weat 01 lot T. hire. Mark O' Nell XI OA: -at tif lot 8. Mra. Marh'O'Nell, $ I. lift; eourh CARITHFHi' ADDITION TO CAttirfltKliir ADDITION to the City of Portland BLOWK TO. eaat 8 feet ef north 100 feet of btot-h. Balfour. Gnthrte A) Co., $1.15; weat 60 feet ef eaat B0 feet of north 100 felt of block. oale Trummer. $2 001 went 20 feet ef eaet l a) feet of north 10 feet of block, Uicretla Naet. 80.H0: eat 50 feet of eaet M0 feet of block. Thereaa Plab, $3.65; north 42 feet of .annth t-J feet of eaat M feet of block. Mary jHenemlch. $1.86; went 60 feet at eaet : 1NO free -f anuth 60, feet ef block. Marr Juchemlch. $1.00; eaat T4 feet ot eouth 60 feet ef block. Hattle Jobneoa, $1.60; weat Hr) feet nf eaat 1.10 feet of eouth 60 feet of btock. Victor Geoffrey . 4.6o; weat 61 feet of eaat . 180 feet of north. 60. feet ot aouth 106 feet of block.. Henry H. Melater, $1.00; eeat 00 feet of north a reet of annth inn rt ' of block. Henry H. Meiater. $0.26. BLOCK T, aoutnweat M of Mock. Joaeoh .Hllaon mi Cyma A. Dnlph. $4.26; northweet U of block. Win field T. rltephcna, $4.26: north U of aortheaat W af block. Mollle Rtaafnrd, $2.10 ' , H of aortheaat af block. Bream NtokoL $2.10; north by of enutbeaat H ' of niorx. narraa o. Wallace, 12.10; aonth H jeeatbeaat . H at block, R. I ColdwelJ. A tract ef land" bounded and deecrihed ai louewe: tnmmencing it Interaectton of eouth line of Porter etreet with aha waat Una n Oregon California Railroad Company'a right wax. tnence weei on. 111 reer. tnenea aonth J 00 feet, Ihence eaat 80.25 feet to weat line or uregon at 1 anrornie Bailroad Company $ right ef war. thence north weaterly to begla- nmg, Locretla Naat, 83.20. .1. A tract of land hounded and deecrlbed at foltowa: Commencing at nterueetton of eonth Una of Porter atreet jwlth eaat Una of Ponrth ntreet. thence eaat oa aonth Una af Porter atreet TS.2A feet, t be nee . eonth nt right nngtoa to Porter atreet 100 feet, tbenoa weat 68.02 feat aad parallel with Porter atreet ta aaat Una of Fourth afreet, thence aortliweet JJgJI1?- Thompaon KaUta, Hetra A tract of land bounded and dcectibed aa fnuowa: Commencing at toternectloa of aorth line of W 00,1a etreet aad eaat Una of Ponrth atreet, being 2tK feat aouth and 60.22 feet eaat of aoutliweet aoroar of block 67, Carutbara' Addition to CarotbeiV Addition, thence eaat on aorth Una of 1 Poartb (treat 86.60 feet, thence north 100 .feet at right anglea to Woode atreet. thence weat and Parallel with north Una of .Wood atreet, i2?-" Tr'.,'? rU atraa? OUrer G. Ho Unea. $2.80. A tract of land bouneed and daecrfned; . aa loiaiwe. tnxnem:iii at interaectloa of north Una of Wood, ntreet and went Una of Orrgo.t-A California Railroad Cotnpany'e right af way. thence weat -on north line of Woode atreet 2.T feet, thence north it right anglea ta Woode atreet ta a mint too r.t i, . aorth Una ot Wooaa atreet, thence aaat and parenei wna ioi norm una nr woode atreet 62.14 fee to point an weet line -or Oregon A California ' Railroad CamDeny'a rleht of thence aontbeanterly to beginning, Lou lea M. A traet of land bouaded and deecrihed aa foltowa: Commencing - on aouth line nf Por- ter atreet at tha Interaectloa of Fourth etreet; ; thence want on eouth Una of Porter atreet 7.02 feat ta weet Uaa of old Ponrth atreet extended . aoatherly; tbenee eouth 80 feet '.oa weat Ulna ot old Ponrth atreet extended aoutherlyi thence aaat and parallel with aouth iwtw, nn.F.. ..... Una of Porter atreet . 108.18 feet to Weet v line of fourth atreett thence northweeteriy ita beainalan. Rllen C.Morrranir - 4i on . A traet of land bounded and deecrlbed ' aa foUo wet . Commencing at paint an eaat 'line ot Fourth etreet 110 feet aouth and 64 feet . eaat ef aonthweet oeraer of block 47, Car atbera' addition to Ceretnere addition; Tbenee . went 10a. Ml xeet to weet Una ef old Fourth atreet extended nontberlyt theifre aouth 23 feet on weet. Una of old Fourth atreet ex- . tended; tbepce aaat 11X82 feet to weat ' line af Fourth atreet aa now eatobllabed; thence ErB."rE r!T ? K'.1"""' -u- XBenedeltl Rotate. Helra of. 81.10. A tract af lana, boonded aad deecrlbed aa follower- Comaieoclng nt a point oa weet . line of Fourth atreet, eal6 point being 160 i ieet aouia ana ju no reet aaat of aonthwaat , corner at mock 07, caruthera' addition to taraiaera- aoaiiiou; tnenc west and parallel with aonth Una af Porter atreet ltf.46 feet to weet Una of eld Fourth etreet eitemi4 oontberly: thence north aa aald weat Una of -eld Fourth atreet 26 feet; tbenee eaat 11X82 feet to went line of Fourth atraat; thence : aoutooriy . o aegianug, starry aV UoaahalL A1.2U. - - A tract af land bounded and deecrlbed ai follow : Commencing at Intersection of north- line of Woode atreet and went Una nf Fourth . etreet. aald point being '960 feet aouth and 20.78 feet eaat of eoutbweit comer of btock 67, Caratbera' addition to Caret beta addlttoet thence welt 1.18 feet aa north line of Weada - atreet extended weaterly ta waat Una of old ' Fourth atreet. aootberlr; thence north 100 feet - .an aald weat line of old Fourth atraat; thence - eaat and parallel with aouth Una of Porter .': ntreet 118.40 few to weat linn at Fourth , etreet; thence adutherly to beginning, Cbarlea eenae. ee-uv, - - A. tract of land lying between the north line of, Woode atraat aad the aouth line ot tot - X block 80. Cirutbera' addition to Car. nthera' addition, "aad tha wee'eriy Une nt Hood atreet and- a line 100 feet weaterly . rrom ana parallel tnarawita, VIF at rert l.nn II Ml . . . CARI THfiRS' " ADDItlOIf TO CaIrCTHGRB' Auuiiioi to ue roniana hiaick .81. tot 1, R. L. Ray. 8X00; tot X Ferdinand Onndornh. A1.80: tot' X John Mnlr. 82.00: ' lot 4. Jamea, G. Buntar, $1.66;. tot X John Mnlr,. $1.36: tot X ' Herman Heltkcmper, . $2,116. BLOCK 82, tot 1. Tha German ear , Inga A Loan Society, 62.28: north 61 feet . ef tot 2. Tha German Barluge A Lean Bo elety. 12. On; aonth 2 reet ef tot X FraoR . F. Ollbam, 80. 10: tot 3. Frank P. Ollham, $200; lot 4. Frank F. Ollham. $X00; tot -6, jean.-a. Mtcxei, wi a, nenaatiaa ny male . $1.80; lot T. Ueorge W, Gordon. 81.66; tot 8, The German Baeinga A leian aoctety, ai.uu. xunit no, Mt 1. North era Conntiea Ineeabnent Trent, $1.60; tot X ' Northern Conntiea Iaeeatment Traet, $2.W; tot X Northern Countlei Inraatment Traat, ; $2.40: lot 4, Frank A. Tell, $1.10; lot X , Prank A. Tell. $1.00; tot X Frank A. TeU. , 81.20; lot 7. Mary C. Warren, 12,00; lot 8, u iman.ei' uiimiiv, .wt kk e. varrie B, -AVoo.1, fa.00:tot JO, May D. Ingalla. $2.00; .. north U of fbt 11. Gnat J. and Caeea Olaen, $1.00: aonth H of tot II. Gneuf A. and Carolina Cartoon. $l.00t lot 12. Klla c. Biota, 12.001; tot IX Frank - A. Tell. 02.06. CA RT?THERN ADDITION to the c:ity af Pert- lann. ai lata oat oy tne nontn fort lane seal Rotate Aaaoclatlon BLOCK 100, lot 1. On Railrnad A Narigatton Company, $2.00; lot T Z.- Oregon ruilmaa inarigiuna xmaany, M ns, . n -- : ttitM-4 a. U 1 ' ' Comoanr. $2.00: lot 4. Oregon Railroad A Naeigatloa Company. $2.00; tot 8. Oregna t Ritiroaa at naeigatloa twmpany. ax.oii; kit ' X Oregoa Railroad A Navigation (mpany, '- $2.00; lot T. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Comoanr. $2.00: tot 6. Oraa-on Railrnad A . NarlgaUon- Company, $2.00. BLOCK 101 1 lot 1. Cnlted HUtee HaTtnge gt lean Comoany ar Mlaseeota, $2.nv; Mt X . m. ncntt,; tot .1. Ibex land Coaraanr and Rohert H. - Thompaon. $2.00: tot. 4. Ibex Land Company Bud Koliee t H. Tbnmpeon. $2.00: tot 6. Rrerd Ing ft Farrell. 8X00: tot X J. f. hcott, tiOO; . tot T. J. JS. Beott. 8X001 tot X Cnlted Btatea Harlrra A Loan Company of Mlnneaota. $2.00. BLOCK 10X V't 1. Maate C. Welle. $X00: tot i 9. Mere Franeea Hurler. 8X00: lot X. Mar Praeeea Hurley, x? 00: M l, uraee l- Rroeane-h. t2.H0: tot 6. B. J. ta Franca. $2.00: , tot 6. B. J. La rraoce, 2.oo; unoirldea '1 vt lot T, Tbeg Land Comnenr. $1.00: an drrlded , at tot 7, Anna B. connell. 81.00; ,' lt n. Jae.Jt Iell. 6X00. RI.OCK 10X lot I. Peter and Rlaie Brener. $X0O tot X Peter and Elate Brener, ax.u; tot , uregoa mort--gage Onnrnany, Ltd., $2.00; lot 4, - Lottie . Trapp.$2.o0; tot 6. Mollle Btanrord, $2.00 (U I U..llln llnl XI Ofl! lot 1 Unlll, Btanford, $2.00; tot X Mollle atanford 12.00. BICK lt4."tot.l. Ibex Land . Company, J 'ion; lot X Ibex Land Cnmpaay, X"0: le Ihne mA Oaniu. 12.00: lot 4. Ihe Land Company. $Xo0; eaat 60 feet of tot ..X ihea Ied (Vimnear. 61.00: eaat 80 feet of tot 6. Ibex Land Compear. $1.00; all of ' tot 5 except eaet 60 feet, F, O. Welch, in no; 'all nf kt 6 axceptiaat 60 feet, F. O, Welch, fx lot T. Ihex Lend Company. $246;-tot in. Lund Cnmnanr. 81.06. BLOCK lo. tot 1, Oregnn Railway A Naet ration rwm eeer.; tot 2. Oregon. Railway Narl gattoa Company. $X7t tot X Oregon JUil- - r f a narigaiion loeipan, t&w, cn rtreena Ttallwar A Naelaatloa Compear, $215) lot 6, Oregon Hallwar A Navigation Conv pany. 12 oil: lot . oregnn fiaiiwey er nerige lin Cnmnanr. 12 rai: tot I. orexoa Rellwa A Navigation Compenr. $100; toe-A Oregon Rellwei A Navigation Cempany, BLOCK lOM, lot 1, Wlllla M.r;regory and J. T. Beach. l.m let X William Mlreg. err aad J. V. Beach, $2 0o; W 1( William M. tregury aad i. T, Reach; .$100; . let , tcz:tL::t, i TiitmspAY 0ITT vonczt. William V, Oregofy and . T Reach, $X60; lot 6. William M. Oregory aad I. t. Beach, $1.86: tot X William M. Gregory and J, V. Beech, $1.7i lot T, . William M. Gregory aad J. T. B,-ach. $1.66; tot 8. William Gregory and J. V. Beach. $1.36. BLOCK 107, Oregoa Railway ft . Navigation Company. $ltt.H5. BLOCK 1. tot 1, Tbomaa Buchanan. $X8T lot 2. Tbomaa J. Cottel. Relate Helra of. ,12. 20;' lot 3. Richard B. Colllna. I2.CT.; tot 4. nicoarq a, tomiie, mi.mti sua e, i-uriianu Truat Conipany of Oregon. $X00; hit 6, Port land Truat Company of Oregon, $2.00) weat 83 1-3 feet ef tot T. Leonard fkhad, $0.65; weat 33 1-3 feet of tot ,8, louaro ncnaa. fi.86; l.jlb; 1.,'lX eaat 68 2 3 feet of tot T, John, Lewy, aaat ua $-.1 reet 01 not . .unn wej, BIXKK 100. tot 1. Annla K. New- $X00: north 374 feet af lot 2, Robert Wllllama. $1.60: ta ieet or mi a. Victoria Fleblger, . 6o.5l: north V of tot 8. Victoria Fleblger, $1. Oil; aouth of lot X Prank and Victoria Fleblger. $1.00: tot X William King. $2.00; all of tot 6 exeent Oreeon A California Railroad Comoanr 1 rlxbt et way, William King. 60.60; all of tot except Oregon ft ' California Rallread Cont- paur a rignt ar way. wiuiam, ee.oo; all of -lot 7 except Oregon ft California Rail road Company'a right ef way, William R. King. $1.00; all of tot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Company right of way. William R. King. $1.40. BLOCK 110. lot 1, Henry i. Thompaon. Retain Hetra ef, t2.00 tot X Benrt J. Thompaon. Betate Iclra ef. 63.60: tor S. D. W. Wakefield. $2-0ii: tot 4, Bum a M.-Wgllarer $X0o: tot u, rHqmiu uoi'ipirpa, nn.w, n. v, . ,-. nand tiundorna, $200; tot 7. Ferdinand Gun- oorpn, a.tei: lor n, aeruinama uuiwrie, IX Ou. ! Klix r. 111.' all ef tot 1 except Ore goa ft California Railroad Company'! right nf war.' Charlne C. Hmltb. 81.16: lU af lot ,2 except Oregoa ft California Railroad Conv ' mimU ef -r f-hln r ttnilth. -XO AO- all at mt a. except uregon as i iuihtdii eiaii' hn " rmnniav'i rleht of war. Cbarlea C. Hmllh. 80.7O; all of tot 4 exeent Oregen ft California Railroad Company'a right at way, ittarlna C Umlth XOT6:. all of lot 6 except Oregon ft California Railroad Com pany 1 right or way, t-narien i wna $2.00; all of lot 6 except- Oregoa ft CalW htmim Hallroad Comnanr'a rlrht at war. f'harlna C. Hmltb. 12.00: all ot tot T except Oregoa ft California Railroad Company'a right af way. Cbarlea C. Bmlth. $1.86; ail at tot ? except uregoa gt cetiremia - aMiiroan otnpany'a right of way. Cbarlea C. Hrnlth, $1.66. BLOCK 11X hit 1. Fred Jtettorat, iXOO; lot X Fred Rebnrat, $2.00; lot X Northern Countlea tnreatmcnt Truat. Ltd., $2.00; tot 4. Vera Haynea. $2.00; tot X Vera Haynea, $2.00; tot X Northern Conntiea ln- veatment Truat,, .', tot i. eiea ae hort 12 tw. . tot 1. Fred Rrhnrxt. 12. Oil. BLOCK 11X lot 1. f. "week. Beta to Helra or, $X0O lot X e. nweex. Batata neira ot, a 4 M, K-,w in lul &f In B J Baraeh Km. t ate Helra of, 21.00; aonth 10 feet of tot X M. W. Bmlth. $0.35; lot 4. M. W. Bmlth, $2.00; went 48 feet of lot 6, Herman . H. utelnfnrth MM' eeet 66 feet of tot 6. P. U Wright, f 1.10; tot X J- W. Bweek, F.atate Helra of, 2 00; tot T. J. W. Hweck, RaUte Helra of. $2.00; lot I, Ji W. Bwerk, KataM Helra of. $2.00. BLOCK 114, kt 1, Georan D. Watklna and R. J. Rood, $2.00; tot X Gearga D. WaUlna md K. v. Hooa,; tot X Franklin Drake. 12. OO: lot 4. Ftanklli Mrake. 12.00: want i4 af tot 8. Golnmbia ln- Teatment Company No. X $1.00; weatu 34 of mt a. lonunnia inveetnient losnpeer n . a. $1.60) eaat af tot 6. -Miry Lentx. $1.00; eeet H o fit X Mary Lentx $1.00! m dlrlded 4-6 " of t T.' Hannah Bloom. $1.80; .nrtl.lAeA A.B of lot 8. Hannah Btoom. $1.60: undivided 1-0 of tot T, Mathilda. Jennla, Mary and B. Bloom, $0.35; undivided 1-6 of tot H, Mathilda, Jrnola. Mary md 8. Btoom, 20.86. BLOCK 116, lot 1, Tha Northern Countlaa Inveetment Truat Ltd., $2.Ui: tot X The Northern Conntieu Inreatment Truat, 1.IA 12.00: tot X Khnabeth A. Tbomaa. $2.0A: tot 4, Eliaabet A. Tbomaa, $2.00; went 66 feet of tot 6, laaaa Bwett. $1.16: aaat 40 feet of lot 8. Thereaa" Brown,; aouta of lot X T. K. Rogere, $1.00; north H f tot n. Prea 1 Rlxra aad Btella M. Rigge, $1.00: tot 7. Byron- P. Cardwrll, Batata Helta of, $X0O; tot X Bvron P, Cardwell. Eat aw Hclra nr. fz.ou. mn iv j 10. aui 1, H. and Mary D. Mlddleton, $2.00: tot 1. Ncr Churchman. $2.00; tot 3, Amend w. Reed, F.atate Helra ef, $2.00: lot 4,. Amand W. Reed. Retete Jl'lra of. $2,001 lot 6. Margaret C. Falling. $2.00; lot X Margaret C. Falling. 8X00; k 7, Mary ft. Bulllrant. $2.00: tot 8. Bridge, 'and J, D. Kennedy, Rata to Helra of. X0l. BLOCK T. lot 1. Mary France! Hnrley,' $2.00; tot X George W. fraw, f 2.M0; 'tot X Mary Franeea Hurley. $2.00: tot 4. Mary Franeea 'Hnrley, $XO0; tot 8, Dora Hnranee. 12.00: tot 8. Dor BDraoer. 82.00; tot T. Georee Rlbhecke. $2,111: tot X ..Felix .Flndley. 82.00. BLOCK 118. tot 1. Blteu Murpny, fx.w; 101 a. teocfe " " m? fX.oo; ior n. varrie e-irmicr. e.w, . .George Belkirk. $2.00; eaat H of tot S, Annla Tnl. leenhhnrarnr XI OO' eaat' li ol lit t Atmle M. Jacobberger. $1.00; weaf '4 af tot 8. Catherine Ann Howe, $1.00: . went H of tot X Catherine Ann Howe.. 11.00; eaat u of lot 7. John Ktrkley. $1.00; aaat tat et tot 8. John Kirk Icy. 61.00: waat . V of. tot T. Fred h. Wright. $1.00;. Weat oTlet X -Fred U Wrlgbtv 1.00. BLOCK. 1187-lori. Llaale C Welle, $2.00; tot 2. Llxal C. - L'lle Be Wt. . In B T a hfellnlO ttfldl , lot 4.' J. 8. aTcAlnta. $2.00: lot 8. Bcniamla F, ana rnoeoe 4. job neon,; 101 o, Ilnetanln r. and Pboehe J. Johnaon. 82.001 lot 7, Llnxie C. Wella. $2.00; tot $, Ltaele C. Wella 12.00. BLOCK 120,- tot 1, Ore goa Railroad A Ne VI (ratio Company. $2.00; lot 2, Oregon Railroad -ft Navigation Com. 1 pany, $2.00; lot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navl cation Company. $100; lot 4, Oregon Rail ' road ft Navigation Company.- 62.00: to 6, Oreeen Rallroed ft Navteatlon Comoany. ' $2.00; tot 6, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation . Company. $2.00; lot T. Oregon Railroad ft - Navigation Company. $X0O; Wit X Oregna , itaiiroea m niTifiiiiia vvnv"1 rw -. BI1CK 121c lot 1. Oregon Railroad ft Navt. gallon Combine, $200; tot X Oregon Rail road ft Narigatton Comoany. $2.00: lot 3. Oreeon Railroad A Navientlon Comoanr. $2.00; tot 4. Oregon Railrnad ft Navigation Company, $2.00; tot 6, Oregon Railroad A Navleatloa company. 62.00: tot 6. Oregon ' Railroad ft -Navigation Company. $2.00: tot ' T, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, $2.00; tot . Oregon Railroad ft Naeigatloa company;, iim k va, w , ore- eon Railroad ft Navigation Company, 82 00; lot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Com pany, $2.00; tot X Oregoa Railroad ft Navl gatloa Company, $XO0; tot X Oregon Rail mad ft Navigation. Company. $2.00; lot 6, .Oreeon Railroad ft Navigation Comoanr, , 8X00: let 8. Oreeon Railroad A NaeinatloA (otnpany. $2.00; tot -7. Oregoa Railroad ft '"Navigation Compenr. $2.08: tot 8, Oregen Railroad m Narigatiom tnmpany, - BLOCK 1J3, tot I. Laura M. Uammona, $2.00 . UeJ, O IHM U flaMMM a on. In a ' Praaton W. wlllette, $2.00;.' tot 4,-reetoe . W. Gillette, $XO0; tot 6, Artbnr O.. Church- ley, $2.00; tot x Arthur O. march icy, ax 00; , tot T, Ineeatora' Mortgage Security Company, Ltd., axon; 101 a, n. le xempietoa, fz.ixi, BLOCK 124. lot 1. Caroline Vaatlne. 82.00: tot X Caroline Vaatlne, $2.00; tot X Amanda W. Reed fcai ate. ueira er. titiu; mi . . Amanda W. Reed - Eatate - $2.00: tot 6. CaroMne Vaatlne. $2.60; tot X Caroline Vaatlne. , $2.00; tot AT. - Caroline - Vantlne, $2.00: tot Is, CaroUne Vantlnn. $XO0. BLOCK 126. lot 1. A. J. Gtoey. $2.00; tot 1 A. J. . Gleay, (2.001 north H of lot X Jneeptt Nell- aea, $100; annth H mt 1. u uoinennerg. 11.00: tot .A -Ada and A. R. Fanno. $2.00: tot 6. Oregon Mortgage Company, 12 00; U of tot X Alice L. Bowea. $1.00; th .OO; north U of tot X Charlea Houghton. 81.0O: lot 7, . tf r . mmA Flora C Ueratiach. 82.00: lot 8. Cora 1. and Lillian A. DeLind. $2.00. BLOCK 120, -tot 1, JuUua H. Berger, $2,00; lot X - Ida M. Berger, $2. no; lot' X George 8. and - Minnie LI ring" too. $2 00; lot 4. Martha Hen ' ahaw. $XO0; tot 8 A. In Cpeon, $XO0t tot 6. Fred - 8. Pleree, $2.00:' eeet 6T ' feet of . tot T. German Paving A Loan Hortety. $1.10; eaet BT feet ot tot 8, German Baring ft Loan Boelety.; weat H ieet er lot ?, rt. en nn. . . 1 m . .a 1. m t T DnilUW, v,ev, we a"" . w av a., m . . , . Biiatow. $0.60. BLOCK 127. tot I. William ; R. DrtekelL 2 "0: tot X William R. Drlakel. it-rank and Loulaa R. Rummelin. $2 00: hi a. nilliaei m i'iMrii. yiwr n iiuaia H. Drlakeir.. (o.BO; tot T. Jeaaa H, Rettle . eiler. 85.90' -tot 8. laaae -MJevurta. . 65.60,' aa.AV ,M e ee Vu niee-e 4 IhI. l , pijin.n 1 - " -' - ' . e. ena,e I . Mamtt. 84.T6: weat 36 feetyeir Jot 1. Hgnnek I . I. Hardr. 61.16: weet 23 feet bfTht-X Un- f nab In Hardy. $1.16: north S af eaat T5 feet or tot x mary coiemaa, vx.xo; nnuta H of eeat TS f--t af tot X Rrldeet Kenned r and Jna. Kennedy Batata, Helra ot, $2.36; tot 8. City af Portland, $5.00; lot 4, Cnn ntanea and Fred Tillman. 6A.60; tot 6. Marena Rnedy, 6X 00; aoutn H ot lot n, paran conn. $1.00; north H or mi a, m. t. atona, fi.iai tot 1. FnaHh Preebrterlea Church. $2.00 tot 6, Fourth Preobytertan. Church, $2.00. RiytCK 128. tot 1. Fred Rnegele. $1.00: north 88 feat af tot 2. Leroy J. Bwltalrr, $1.46;-eonth 14 reet or mx g. jona Moir, : $0JI6; north. 42 feet of tot X John Mulr, $1.66; eouth 6 feet ef lot X Marteaaa B Jloyd, $o.30; let 4, Marleaaa R. Boyd. $2. Oil; ait'OX lot a ezcepi wroi a iniiiornia aaii' road Company a right ef way, Nannie M Blare,- $1.36; ill of lot 6 exeeAt Oregon ft California Railroad Compaaya right af way. Nanale M. Btarre. $1.60; eaat tot a, . tiaanan . no-iria,, tinv, ama T r t, ... Ue'ePlhV. XI O,, . to, "i of tot T. Mr. Martin ft. Rlfere, $1.66; weet H at tot 6. , , Mm, Martin A. Rlfen. $1.00.. KUH K 130. 411 of tot 1 except iregoa m caiunrnia Kallroa Companr a right of way. Charlea fardtnell, $; tot X Fred W. Prehn, $X": lot 3, Kittle M. Btark. X00; lot 4. Kittle M. (Hark. $2 00: weet W af tot 8. Alice R. watee. 61.00: weet Va of tot X Alice R, w.i.ter 81.80: eaat A of tot 8. Robert 1J Tin g one, $100; eeet H of tot 4k Rohert Livtngtea, 11 on; eeat of let T, ler a bin Paataff.- 81.00: eaat W of tot larael aad Mary Dantoff. $; weat '4 nf tot T." A. Daly. Trnetee, .Bl.nnj ,wet ii keHHtef, A. Daly, Troatee. $1.06. .RIjOCK hit 1. r. Itvan. 12.m: ell et annth of tot 2 exeent Oregon' ft Califie-nla .Railroad romoeav'a rleht of War. Mleorxe K.- Walden. -jiri.601 all of north ef tot X except ore- , m l CBlirornie Railroad rnmpeay e - ngnt of (If, mill M. Ford, 80-86; U ol lot ' evening, fessuary u C1TT ROTiCXX . e. cee i e except Oregon ft California Railroad Com pear'! right of way.' PhtUp Lawton, $1.6o; aU ot tot 4 except Oregon ft Calif ore la Rait mad UxoiieBT right af way, Philip Lawton. $1.66; eaat 40 feet of tot 6 except Oregua ft California Railroad t'omneay'a right of way, Katelle Bmlth, $1.00; eaet 46 -feet ef eouth 161 feet f kit 6 exeept oregua ft Cali fornia Railroad Company a tight af nay Retella Xmllh, $0.10; weet 61 feet ef tot $ except Oregoa A California Railroad Com pany a right of way, William M. Gregory. l.iai; weat 51 feet of aouth 20 feet of tot 6 except Oregon A California Railroad Com- .nany'a right of -way. William m- Gregory, au.3D; north o reel ot mi o eaerpi ft California Railroad ftomeany a right of way. John H. Mlddleton, $1.10; nil of tot T except .-Ovccoa ft. California ' Railroad. Cum peay'i right of war, John H. Mlddleton. tl.oo; all of tot 8 except Oregon ft California Railroad Companr'a right ot way, Olgn M. Lang. $1.06. KIXICK , 1SX tot 1. Laura Faulkea, $I1.T$: tot 8. Grant Pbegley, U.76; tot X- Alice -J. Plimpton, $11.76) tot 4, Alice t. ' Plimpton. $11.73; tot 6. Anna C. Baroftf $X0O) tot 6. Ida B. Gora, 42.00; tot T,' B F.' Btraua, $2.00; tot 8. R. F. u..-. a n,i . uiiu-k- i:cl i. PraA A. l.ltaT$2 "ii; tot X Fred A. Lltx 43.W; ,tot a, wiuiam laram, ea.w, e, titai! kit A. lint Metbodiat Kplaco- nal Church, Trualee, $IL76; tot 8, Flrat Metbodiat Bplecoual Church, j-rnaiea, ei; L.r T aejl a IJi. Ill IV tot 8. Fred A. Lltx, $11.75. BIAICK 134. lot U .Aualln XI t-.nrfnrwend. 12.0O: tot X Ada 11 lie M. -Vodcrwoort, 82,08; tot X Nency B. Atkltieon Katate, Hclra ol, fxiw; lot e, . niw-j " Aiklnaoa Katatn. . Hclra ef. - $2.00; tot . , Bumner i. Barber. $2.00: tot X Bumner J. u.rhee il nit kt T. William C. ' HatTBar, $2.UQ; tot 8, William C. Ua,'i fru5t BLOCK 186, eaat M a . loT 1. Frank . Bbuck. $1,001 eaet W of tot Xl rank V. bhnik $!.: weat W af tot 1. Vt'UHam I- Olde, $1.; weet W'U,"l 1' tA- ai fa, ma k nf Lit X A, aV-and le Buttner.' $1.00; aouthr V, at tot 8. Dento! W. MoelMllg, fl.OO; mx e. lnie. e, nvr, hi. a-ioai. a Oawiree BtowetL $XU0l) tot X George Htowell, $3.W)i tot 7. Alexandur B. Jlttulle. $Xii tot 8. Atoxendej . Patr tiilJav $X(W. BLOCK 1B6. weet 26 feet ef Toll, Mary J. Kelmea. $0.4o; aaat TO fret ot tot 1. Anna Herrall. $1.66; tot 2, Colla V. Glrrrn, $2.00) tot X W.. Bmlth, . "W-;i lot 4. M. W. Bmlth, $X00; lot- 6. M. -W. Bmlth, $X0U tot X M. w. nmiiai w.vii tot T. Henry Wetnhard. $2.0u; tot X HenrM weiBharti, $xwi. oi-v e- hi,- ' -W. Bmlth. $2.u; tot XM.W. Bmlth. J2.0O;; tot 8. ' M. W Bmlth. $2.00; tot 4. M. w, i- Bmlth, $2.00; tot A. M. W. : bmlth, $X00 i. - u nr umlih X2.0ot lot T. M. W Zli.i: aioo.' k... a VI UT. Kmlth. IX 00. BUKK 136. tot 1. Oregon Railroad A Nevl gatton Oompany, 6X00; tot X Oregon Railroad m navigauoa. wrapau,, -, - eon Railroad A Navigation Oompanr, $2.00; tot 4, Oregoa .Railroad -ft Navigation Com pany, $2.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A Nari gatton Company, $X00t lot JL ?" road ft Navigation Cumpaojf 82.00; tot T. Oregen Railroad A Navigation Oompany, $2.00) le B Oeeenn HallenaA Ac NaVlXBtlOB CoH an nvui itiiM'V i:u. tot , 1. Oregon kallrand ft KavlgaUoa Company,' 8X00) ; tot n . , - n . . 1 a. VavlaallAa (ntlHRV. $2,001 tot X, Oregon Railroad ft Nevlga tton Company, $X00; lot 4. Orafon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $X00; tot 5, Ore- Cnn Railroad ft Navigation Company. ia.oo) ,i a. iira Railroad A NavlxaUoo Company, $2.00; tot T. Oregoa Railroad ft NaTlgattoa Compnny. $X0u; tot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $2.00. biah. n. leu, lot 1 Oreeon Railroad A Navigation Compaux, $2.00; tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $2.00; tot 8, - Oregon Railrnad ft Navigation Company. $X0U; lot 4. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Oompany, $2.00j lot 6. ' Oregon Railroad ft NarlgaUon Company, $2.00; lot 6. Oregon Railrnad ft Navigation Companr, $2.00; tot T. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company, $Xu0; tot 8, . Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa Company, $2,011. Bl.tH K 141, tot 1, Oregon Railroad a, Navt gatloa. Company. $X00; tot X Oregon Rail roaa navigation umpni, e,w, ,v- weeoa Railroad ft Naviaattoa torn pany, $2. no; tot 4, Oregon. Railroad ft Navigattoa iwmnanv. 82.00: tot 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $2.00; lot 6. Oregon Railroad A navigation company, ea.uu; tn i Oreeon Railroad A Navlxatlon Company, X no. Int a . Oeeeon Railroad A Naviaattoa Company. $2.00. BLOCK 142. lot 1, Richard aad Ella- Funk, $2.00; tot X Richard and KUa nana, $2.00; tot 8.. Martha Mary Taylor, $2.00; tot X Martha Mary Taylor, 82.004 tot 8, Fred ..Bpegele, $2.00p tot , Fred Bnaeele. $2.00: let 7. John Muir. $2.00; -tot 8, John Mulr. $2.00. i BLOCK 14X tot 2 Aeauoia fllal lwo. 4 Ms V m 64 t igaam iVmiiaBr. . iil.OO; tot 2. Oregon Railroad . ft -Navigation - T'oninanv. 62.00: -tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigation company, lim; ioi , wregoe ' Railroad ft Navigattoa Company. $2.00) tot i 6, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigattoa- Company, fXOO; lot 6, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation omnenr. 12.00: tot 7. Oregon Railroad A Navigattoa Company, $2,00; tot 6, Oregoa Railroad 'ft Navigation- Cempany,. 82.00. BLOCK 144, weat ex or lot i, reter juiooni, I AO: weat U ef tot 2. Peter Glbonl. 61.00 i tenet H of tot 1. S. M. Smith, $1.00; aaat t H of tot 2, B. M. Bmlth. $1.00; eaat H of Sot X'Jobn Kerruieh. $100; eaat -of tot 4, f Jona ivcrrutaa, at.ou; weet ft wi mt. e, Jobn P.. Hartman, $1.00; went Vbef- lA,. John P. Hartman, fl.w; mt n, mary a. . Mlddleton. $2.00; tot 6, Mary 8. Mlddleton, 82.00; weat V af lot f,' Lenora B. Gregory, ll.oni eaet H of tot 7. Badla A. Wrinkle, $1.00; eaet H of lot , Hadle A. " Wrinkle, $1.00; weet Vb ol tot 8, Abram . Dllley. 11.00. , RIICK 146. -tot 1. Oreaon- Ratlread- ft Navl- - gatloa Company, $2.00; totrx, -Oregon Rail road ft Navlgatloa company, kcw; lot a Oeeeon Railroad A Navhratioa Company, . $2.00; lot 4. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation - Company, $2.0O; Jet 6, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation) Companr, $2.00; lot 6, Oregon ' Railroad ft Navigattoa Company, $2.00) tot T. Oregon Railroad-A"-NavlgaUoB10mpany, $2.00; tot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa company, fX.ou. m.ut n ien. m x, ma. tllda Bandatone, X00; lot X Matilda Baud' BlWaie, fl.W, WU , me, llua naawaw, few, , let 4. Matilda Bandatone. 82.00; tot ft. Ore- Ka Kallroa a Navigation tompany.; : 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, 117 an- lot T. Oreeon Railroad AJ Navlea ' tlon Oompany. $17.66; lot X Oregnn Railroad A Navigattoa company, n.uo. hmhk hi tot 11 Ixmle M. Aanlnwall. flT.eA: tot 2 ' Ha ret, ! V.. Kdlth and Damuel La. CamobelL -r$ll.f;:. lot X Barak V., hdllh and Bamuei U Campbell. $17. on; tot 4, Barab V., Kdlth end Bamarl L. 4'ampbell, $17.85; lot 5. 11 . t. . 'jaompaon .Mtaie, neira oi, e.w; ' tot X H. J. Thombeoa Eatate, Helra of, $2.00; eaat H of tot T. Adam Catlln. $1.00 - eaat U ef tot 8. Adam -Catlln. $1.00: weal V. af lot T. AlllaBce Truet Cempany ef Dun- dee. Scotland, $1.00; weat H or Mt 8. AI T Ha nee Truet Comnnny af Dundee, Boot land, . $1.0t. BLOCK 146, all of eaat S, of tot 1, except Oregon A California Railroad Com- pany a ngnt ot wgy, anraaam uuiey. au.w all of weet 14 of lot 1. exeent Oregon J California Railroad Comnanr'a rlxbt of war, Cyma Culpan. $0.60: all of north H af tot M except Oregon tanrornia Hauroaa com nanr'a rirht of way. Harvey 8. Green. 80.66; . all ot aouth H of lot 2 except Oregoa ft CelM foralA Railroad fomneny e right-: of way, Iawreoce strand, fo.oo; all ei lot a except Oreeoo A California Railroad Comnanr'a right af way, Iewrence Strand. $0.40; all of lot 4 except oregen California Kauroau company a ngna ei way, eu. to, mik .Lawreaca Btraadr 12.00: let 6. ' Lawt R trend. -82.00: anuth 44 of aaat V. ot tot ; 7, Lawrence Btrnnd. $0.60; north H of eaat wot let Ti Harvey n. "reen,; went 60 feet af tot 7, Harvey B. Green, tl.ou; eaat of lot 8. Cyrua Cnlpan, $1.00; eat la of tot X , Abram Mitoyr-$18. i BLOCK 140. tot 1.. John F. Caplea. 82.00; north H of tot 2. John F, Caplea, - il.OO; south of tot X William H. Baylor, $1.00; tot X William H. Baylor. $2.00: tot 4 A. U Mllla. $200; eaat Vt ef tot X Fred ' H. Btreng. $l.eo; eaat H of tot 6. Fred H. Btreag. $1.00; weet H of tot 6,- Chrlatopber Kaufman, $1.00) weat H of tot ; . Chriato- . peer Kautroaa, ai.tar; mt i, mra. ilweaa Adair, $4.65) tot X Mra. B. Onena 1 Adair,- $4.66. BLOCK 160, lot Pre ton W. Gillette. $23.66: tot X hi (Ulletta. 122 66: north 4f feet of. lot F. D. Maubewe. Trnetee. . $1X86; math IOj, feet ef tot X Waller Ktotta. 64 T5: aU nf lot 4 except Oregoa A California Hallroad -i ,.1. m a ' eleht nf . wrmw UVa Ua ftf left $21.1.1; all of tot 8 weat ot Oregoa ft Call- Jorala Railrnad Company'a right of war, ..l Ager, $2.00; all of tot 8 eaet Of Oregon ft California Railroad Company a right ef way. Walter Klett, $110: all of tot 4 weat et oregoa at vaurornia itaureea lompany rleht ef war. Adeline Wild. 80.46: ell t tot T weet of Oregon ft California Railroad Company'! right af way, John B. Wild. $o.S air of tot 7 eaat af Oregoa ft Califor nia Railroad Company'a right ef war, Joae phlne U. Orerend. $1 63:. all at tot 8 eaa of Oreeoa ft California Railroad Company i ' right of way. Jonrphlne . Orerend. $2.26. tkists-w . . ... , - n . 1 1 A v.i ' gal loo Company. 4.56; tot- X th-egon Kall- road naeigatloa company,; mi a Oreeon Railroad ft Navlxatlon Oomnaar , $4 66; tot 4. Oregon- Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $4.66; tot 8. -Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Comnenr., $23.66; tot X Oregon Rallread - A - Navtgenott oompany, gzs.oa; lot- 7. Oregon, Railroad ft Navigation Cora ' nany.62X.5A: tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navl ration Compeer. $23 art. BUN K 13X tot I. Rdward Knew lea. -$4.66; aouth 86 feet ef . tot X Artbnr K. McBreen, $1.60: north n feet of tot-X Joeeph C. Bayer. 8XT6; eoath a feet nf nnrth .17 feet ef tot X Joaeoh - . Bayer. $2.60; north .8 feet ef tot X Arthnr g. Mcnreee. .; aoufa a reet pi lot a -Peter Mobklrk. .81.15: lot 4. PetefJIobklrh tt ruii lot 6. Tha Title Guarantee. A Truet Company, $4,561 lot 8. -The Title Guarantee - A Traet Companr. f l en; -let j, Joaeph t Bayer A Peter liivbklrk $4,36: lot X Joaep C Bayer ft Peter llohkirk. $4.33. Bl.iH lX lot 1. Victor K Htrode. 64 63: tot Kate rmde. $456: tot 3, Fcrdlnaad Jtartcla .4.66; .lot 4. Firdleand Raftehi. $1.56;. kt 6, onrar tnd Icy Hbattn'k. $.3A. tot X Onrar and ljlrv Hhattuck. 14.33: tot T. Frank .aad Mary Harkener.i $163; tot 8. Phillip ; tr-enrrx. $1 ,VV BLOCK 34. tot 1. Rllaabeth A. Theaipaoa, $4.44; tot X fcUlmbrU A. Thump- 'izzs C1TT R0TICIX too, $4.36; lot X Jamea R. Thompaon, $4.35; lot a. eamea- a. 'jBoiupenn, ri.wi, . m m i Hannah C. H tew art. $46j; tot U, Hannah C. Btewnrt. 84.M; tot T, tllaabeth A. 'lbouiae. ft.nn; mt a, iiaauetn A. inomaa. e ttiAM.a. inn, hh j, eoan u. tioiiuian, e-1 " tot 2. liana J. Bcherner, $4 06; tot 8, Blkt C. Babln. 14.5ft; tut 4. KUa C. Babln. $4.66; tot 6, John Muir. $4.66; tot 4,. Anion and Rone Bukowaky, $4.66; tot 7, John Mulr. 4 56: tot a. Wllllaaa M. Ladd. True tee. $4.36. BUICK 160, tot 1, Oregon Railroad A -.Havi-gallon Compaiiy. $4.66; kt X Oregua Rail road ft Navigation Company, $4-66; lot X Oregoa Railroad A . Navigattoa Company, $4.36; lot 4. 'Oregon lUllruad A) Navigatlua Company, $4.66; tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Company, 64.56; tot X Oregon Kallroad ft Navigation Company, $4.66; hit 7, Oregoa Railroad ft Navlgatloa) Company, $1.66; tot 8, Oregoa Railroad A Navigation Companr. 64.66. BLOCK 167, tot 1, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Companr. $466; tot 2. Oregon Railroad ft Company, $4-66; tot X Oregoa Railroad At Navigattoa Company. $4.66; hit 4, Oregon Railroad A Navigation ' Company. $4.66; tot 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company. $4.66; tot X Oregon Railroad A Navlgatloa Company. $4.66; tot 7. Oregon Railroad ft Narlgatlua Companr. $4.56; tot K Oregon Railroad A Navlgatkia comnenr,, oiev a. ijo, ua 1, Oregon Hallroad A Navigattoa Company, $4 66; tot X' Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa lomiieny. $1.66; lot 8. Oregon Railroad A Navlgatkia Company. $466; tot 4. Oregna Railroad ft Navigation Company,. $4,68: hit 6. Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Onupeiiy, $4 66; tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa Company. 64.56; lot T. Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa Cuiupauy.. $IJ0; tot n, Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, ' $46. B1,k;K 160, tot 1,iregon Rallread ft Navl gatloa . Cumpeey. $1.66; tot 2, Oregon Rail road ft Navigation. Company. $ tol X Oregon Kalu-oad ft Navigattoa .Company, $4.kI; tot 4, Oregoa Railroad Navigattoa Company.. $4 66; tot X Oregon Railroad A . Navigation' Company, $4.66; tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigation-Company, 4 S3; hil j' T. Oreena Hallroad A Kavlxatlon- ttottipeny $4.66; tot 8, Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa Company, 84 06- BLOCK 180. tot 1, Albert Jrhrenbarh, $4.36; tot X Albi-rt Tebrcnbath, 4.66; tot 8 Albert Fehreuberh. $4.66; tot Alhert 1-eheenhach. 14.633 lot X Albert Pehreuhach, $4.66; tot X A IbertFehrenbacX Bt.Ai,; hit T. Aiuert FcnrenoaoB, ii w; wt n, Albert Frhreobach, $4.66. UlnX'K 161, .tot 1, Catherine W. Oweua, $4.63; hit X Cath erine W. Oweaa. $4.66; tot X Kk-aa Bherwuud. $4.36) tot-4. Ktona Bberwnod. $4.66 : lot 5, Henry Becke, 64.66) tot X John Ptobuch, H66t tot 7.-' John Ptobnch. $4.68: tot X Kpleonpnl Fund of the - Proteetant Kplecopal Church of the Dloceee of Oregva, Tnuli-o, X4.6&.- BLOCK 182. tot 1. Ferdinand Bartella, I . f.lo; tut rermnaaii oerw-u., r . I a, V"',w . ?", v,"". T ' i, 77! I R. Wood, $4.69; tot 8. Jacob Kamm, $4.66; lot a, 4acoa a. a mm,; tw i, oovaia out . ton, $4.00; tot a, nopnia ouium, BLOCK 103, The Home. 30.40. BLOCK ,104, tot 1. The. Home, $4.66; tot 'X. The Home. 14.60; tot X The Home, $4.60; tot 4, The Home, $4.66) tot 6, Xbe Home, $466; bit X The Dome, 64.56: lot 7. The Home, $4.66: lot X .'he Home. 12U.T0. BLOCK 186. all at Iota 1 and X weat of Oregua ft Call- , forala Railroad Company'a right af way. Joba and Barbara Wild, $3.73; all ot tot 1, lying eeat of Oregoa ft Celtfiwnla Railroad Company'a right ot way, William L. Green, , $2.oo; aH of norih 20 feet of tot X 1yln$ eaat of Oregoa A California Railroad Com pany a right of way, William L. Green, $0.o; - all ot eouth 30 fret ft tot X lflng eaat of Oregoa at California Railroad Company a right et way, 4-vuore .. Gregory. fUS; all , nf X Itlne- weat of Orexoa ft California . Railroad Company'a right at way, Juha and Jlarnara vvild. fi.r; iu n i, lying wwi of Oregon ft California Railroad Company'! right ot way. John and Barbara Wild. fXUO; ' lot X Jrmea N. Fullltove, $4.66; lot 8. Jamea N. Fullltove, $4.66; tot 7, A. F. Keunert, ' $4.66; tot X Ja.-ob Cnger, $4.66. BLOCK 100. jot 1, Rooe kamluaky, 4.65i. tot, XRoae Kamlnaky. $28 4o: lot X J- 0. Hoffman. $2w.4; tot i, William F. Helta, $20.40; tot X- Matthew Reldt, $4.66: tot X Joaeph . Beucr, $4.56; tot 7, Portland Traat Company, '$4.55; tot X N. K... Kile, 4.65. RIXK'K 107, eaat Wot tot 1 t. V. Alneworta, 82.80; eaat " , ot tot 2, J. C. Alneworth. $2.26; weat '44 of tot. 1. Key Churchman, 8X28: wea$ - i .of tot X Ney Churchman, $2.80: all. ef tot 8 except Oregna ft Califor nia Railroad Campany'a right of way. Al liance Truht Company, $4 ; all of tot 4 , exeent Oregon ft California Railroad" Com pany a right of way. Joba A. Bluet, $2.A; all of tot 6 except Oregoa ft California Rall- road Company'! right of way, William J, Lehigh, katate Helra of, $20.o; all ef tot . lying weet of Oregoa ft California Railroad Compaay a right of way, William. J. Lebtgb, .. ,.jueiaie neira ei, mtv.v. mi vi mr w, .."a i eaat of Oregon ft California Railroad Com-1 pany'a right of way. Alliance Treat - Com-1 eat. 60.6o: all ef lot 7. lying weet ot Ore-1 , gon ft California Railroad Company'a right I , of war. William J. Lehigh. KaUU Helra of . I; ail oi lot i. lying eeet oe wiiini i California Railroad Company a right, of way, w. r. wiegana, ii.iii: an ot w a e: Wlegand, $7.10; all of lot 8 except Oregoa ft California Railroad Comjwny'x Tight af wax. W. F. Wlegand. $3.10. BLOCK 108. - tot 1, Preaton W. Gillette, $4.66; tot X William H. Churchill. $466; tot -3, Mellnda E. Morgan, $4.36; lot 4, Mellnda K." Morgan, 64. U; tot 6, McUnda M. Morgan. 84.66; tot " X Mellnda K. Morgaa. 84.66;-lot 7. Preaton W. Gillette, $4.66: lot 8. Preaton W. Gillette, 64.65. BLOCK lo. toTf. D. C. Pelton. $4-66 tot X D. C Pelton. $4.66; lot 8, Catherine - W. Owena, $4.66; tot 4, Catherine W. Owene. $4.86; tot 8. David Btearna, $4.66; tot $, David U . a I 1. a l,M.-nn "CMe 1 pany oi Oregon. $4.65: lot hV Bertland Truet Conipany of Orrgoa, $4.66. BtftcK 170, ha- ainaea t nt i, t lemune- aoa uoix xm ney. 83.4S; andlrlded of lot X Clemtinl and Lydla Kodncy, $3.46; undivided aa of tot 8. Clrmtlne and Lydla Rodney, $3,461 Un divided af tot 4. ClemUne and Lydla Rod- . ney, fd.aa;, onoivioeo Mr ex mt i, lunnii ' R. Morrla. $1.10: nndlrlded U af tot 3, Hao i nah R. Morrla.- $1.10; andlrlded hi af tot X Hanuab R. Morrla. $1.10; undivided . of ' lot X Hannah R. Morrla, $I.lo; tot 6. G W. aad Margaret V. Allen. $4.63; andlrlded af tot X Uementlna and Lydla Rodney, 88.46; nndlrlded ot tot 7, ClemenUne nnd Lydla tVadney. (-46: undivided 4 of tot 6, Clemen tine and Lydla Rodney. $3.45: . nndlrlded- H of tot X Hannah R. Morrla. 11.10; nndlrlded . H of lot 7. Hannah R. Mneria. $1.10: , nn- oivideitt U at tot 1. Hannah K. Morrla. $1.10. . BUHJK. 171. -tot I. Oregon Railroad ft Navl gatloa Company,' '$4.66; lot 2, Oregoa Ratl , road ft Navigation Company, $4.66; lot 8, Oregon Railroad A- Navlgatloa Cempany, 84.66 lot 4, Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation , Company. $4 66; tot k, Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $4.66; hit X Oregon . Kallroad ft Navigation Cempany. $4 -oft; tot : T. Oregoa Railroad. Navigation Company, $4.66; lot X Oregon -Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $4.66. BLOCK 1TX tot 1. Oregoa . Railroad ft- Navigattoa Compaay, $4.66; tot I 2. Oregoa. Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, i $4.66; tot 8. Oregon Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.66; tot 4, Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa Company. $4.65; tot X- Oregon ' Railroad ft Navigattoa Company, $4.(5; tot It xrVnT f Omm Biihmii x NtnniM - 84.86, tot T. Oregon Railroad ft .Navigation tompany.; lot m, tn-egnn Railroad A Narlaatioa Company. 84.65. BLOCK 173. tot 1. Oregon Railroad ft Nartgatioa Company, . $4 66; lof X Oregoa Railroad ft Navigation Company, $4.66; tot 3, Oregon Railroad ft - Navlgatloa Oompany, $4.66; tot 4, Oregon Railroad ft NarlgaUon tympany, $4.66; tot 6. Oregoa, Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. rt.66; lot X Oregon Railroad A Navigation ompany, $4.56; lot T, Oregon Railroad ft : Navlgatloa Company, $4.64; tot X Oregon .Railroad ft Navigation Company,-' $4.66. BLOCK 174, lot 1, Oregoa Railroad ft' Navt- - gatloa Company. 4.56; tot X Oregon Rail--eoad ft Nalgattoa Company, $4.66.-' tot X Oregna Railroad ft Navigation . Company. $4.66; tot 4. Oregoa Railroad ft Navigattoa Compnny, $4.66: tot 6, Oregon .Railroad ft , Navigation Company. $4.55: tot 6, Oregon ' Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $4.56r tot 7, Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company, $4.56; - tot 6. Oregon Railroad A Narigatton . Company, 64.66. BLOCK 17$, tot 1. Oregon Railrnad ft NarlgaUon Company. $4.66; tot X Oreaod Railroad ft Navigattoa Cnmnanr. $4,661. tot 8, Oregon, Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $4,66: tot 4. Oregon Rallnaid A Navigation Compear, - $4.66; tot X - oregoa Kan roe a naviganon rnra- paay, - $4.06: tot X Uregoa Rail road ft e-fmetgathia Company. $4 68; tot k, 7. Oregon Railroad ft NarlgaUon Company, 64.56; tot 8r.xirego Railroad ft Navigation T (ompany, $4.56. BI.Ol K 17X tot 1. C. R. Buell, $1 56; tot X John Mnlr, 84 66; tot X .John Mulr, $4.83; tot 4. Jobn Mulr, $465; : mt p Junn muir. at no; iot a,, jonn Mulr, im7 l., t ..v &j .., . u aa.. . u. m . . ,. ,.,' . r - nyn, e.. n. "I C. ncll. $4.66. BLOCK- 77e tot I; Ida McCabe Teawell. 84.66: tot 2. Ida McCabe Taawcll. .: $4.66; tot X John Mulr, $4.68; lot 4, Jobn I Mulr, 4.ab; lot a. John Mulr. $4.66 ; 1 hit q, jonn mnir,; lot r. Joan Mnlr, I $4 68; tot X George Taxwall, $4 66. BLOCK I ,178, undivided S ef tot r, G. O. Gax mooa. 12 3i; end! tided H af tot 2. G. 0.1 - Gammona. $330; andlrlded ly ef lot X G.I . G. Gammona. $21; undivided 14 of tot. 4. G. tl. ttommone, $X30; undivided. U of .bit X G. G. Gemmone. $2.20; undivided W of tot -A, 0, O. Gammona. 12.30; undivided 14 of ' tot T, U. O. Gnmnmna. $X3o; nedivtded u unf tot 6. G. G, Gemmone, $2.M; nndlvided 4 of tot 1. Jxtnee aad Kdlth OaanmM, $2.80; nndlvided W ef tot 2. Jamea and Kdlth , . -an. ...(.llul U. n I u f - and Edith Uammoee. 1S..V1; nn divided of lot 4, Jamea and Kdlth Gammona. $2.30: nn dlelded H of tot 6, Jamea and Rdlth Gam - mona, $2 ; nndlvided ot tot X Jamea and Rdlth Gammena. -42 ..': oe.iwiiled N of .nt 7. Jamea, a ad Kdlih Gammona, 12 an; I nndlrlded ar tot n. jamea ami roith liarn- ' mone. $2 30. BLOCK 17. tot 1. Hamuel 8. '" Wren8. $4-66; tot 8. J. F. Cae, 84.63; eon Ik . 14- of tot 8. Annie A. Beech. $4.6rt; mirth V, of Ml Annie Rreeh, $4 66: tot 4. Annlr - Breck. $4.33; tot 6, Tbomaa Hehnrtnnr. $4. eft; ' north H ef lot 8, Je-eph Beat. 62..-M: aouth 1.. of tot X V. 8. 'irmt Marouaei. 62.30: lot 7. Tbomaa Be-rX 84.34: tol A. 1 eomaa Rnyd. $4 63. HIH K !. all of tot I lying eeat of Oregoa ft Callforola s--.d C".nay right ef war. lehnown -r. ,i,-;i ell , of tol 1 ly- I t ef -C . j ft Cau.uraii Rafaroad Cumeeov't r'M W.OIIktte, e. .i; en u( of iiiikjii ft Cauroruta Ita rlabt et war. Preeiua W. Ui v1' Hi I . . all L. uria ot hit t lying weat of Oregna Railroad Company a right vt . I reeluH t We W. Gllletfr, xi.X); ail Mate, ef Oreeoa A California Kallroad " a fight vt nay, PrvatoafW, ullletn,, ; tot 6, Pfeeton W. Gillette,; 4 , ' Preaton W. tillb tte, 8X1.66; toe T, I -- ' W. aliletle, $23.66; hit X Ptreton V -u.f -h-tte, $23.66. BIAH'K , ll. tot I. . Douahor, $23.60; bit X C. R. Jtonabue. $ 1 ' tot .3. Praaton W. Ollk-Ue, $J3.36; lot . . ' rrueton W. Gillette. $23.06; tot X Cbaa. t Donahue, $1.60; tot 0, Chae. R. le.iiahu 64. 6o; tot 7. Chae. R. Duaahuv, $4-6n; k ' . Cbaa, - R. . Don a bee. . $.A6. Itl.Oc a. 182. tot .1, Oaa. tl. 8. Wood. $l1.Ioi tot X Cbarlea IL B. Wood. $17.70) tot X Charh-a K. i, Miuoi. $lX.h; tot 4, Cbartoa , K. 8. Wornt, X12U)' tot T. Cbarlea. K. X Wood, $4.36; tot 8. Cbarlea B. V Wood. !$4.66. BLHt K 183, tot 1. Amanda W. lU-i-d hatala, Helra of, $4.63; tot 2. Amauda W. rd Katate. Hclra ef. $1.66t tot X Amanda Kee.1 kjal.le M.l-n of. BlXll tot O. Amanda W. Rord Katalc, Hclra ef. $lXi-V; tot 7, Amanda. W. Reed Katate. Helra of. , $17.70! bt b, 1 Amanda W. Roed tatate. , Ilelre of. $17.70. BLOCK 184, tot 1, I'reatua n. uiiii'tte, ft. no; mt a, i-rveion v . ant-, - lette, . -t.aov Mil 3, l-reewm w. uieo-, ' $3.2o; .liit'X preetoa W. Gillette, $2.46: tot fT Prcatoa W. Ulletta. $3.60; tot 8, I rretun W. Gilli ttt, $4.36. BLOCK 186, tot ,1. I rank ; and Mary Hackney $4.66', ' hit Si. ' Frank and Mary-' llachncy, $4.66; lot U. Frank and Mary Ha. kacy, H UO; lot 0.( Frank . and Mary Hackaey, $3.00: lot 7. Frank lad Mary Hackney, 11.35; tot 8, Frank and Mary llarkuey, $4.66. BLOCK led. . bit I. John Mulr, $4.66) bit X John Mulr, $4 6;. tot 3. ihn Muir.. $3.00; let X John -Mulr, $3.o; 'tot T. John Mulr, $4.66; Jot t 8. John Mulr, $1.58.- BLOCK 167, lot I U :Jobii Mulr. $4 56; tot X John Mulr.' $4.53? hH 3. John Mulr, $3.uo; tot X John Miur, $3.00; tot T, John Mulr, $4.56; tot 8. John Muir, $4.66. . BLOCK 1U. tot 1,' Oregua lecilroad ft Navigation Companr, 84-63) tot, X uregoa Keiiruaa navigation icmpeny, $4.66; tot 8. Oregua Railroad ft Navlgatloa lonipany. $3.Uu; lot . Oregoa Railroad d matigatiun tompany. a.i.uu; mx i. oregnn Railroad A Navigation Company, $4.66 b. Oregon Railroad A Navigation Cempany, 14.66: BLOCK lea. kit 1. Oregoa Railroad . Navleation Comnenr. $4.96-. .tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navigattoa, Companr. 4.66; tot X Oregon Railroad ft Navlgatloa Company. $.1 00; tot 6, Oregoa Kallroad ft Navigation , Company. $3.80; tot 7, Oregoa Railroad A. Navigattoa Company. . 4.66; tot , Oregon Kallroad A Navlgatloa cemoaay, n.o. anue-r iriuini Tvnuiin n. mt ewt. , Un.lT Onno BLOCK A. tot 1, Taomaa-W Jea , . , .n, 1... O mnatn W Jaaklaa ,$1.66; tot X.Ta-ame W. Jenklna,-$4.66) tot e, L iwmaa n . ainainm, w-, mr mt . i W. Jenklna, $8.86; lot X Tnomaa W. Jenklna. $6.06; tot 7, Tbomaa W. Jeuklne. $SJI6: lot X Tbomaa W. Jenklna. 65.60; tot W. Thotnea W. Jenklna, 83. Mi; tot 10. A. D. Wlllaughby. .e..l,r; el J 1, ,1IKMMI . van,an, BleM-'K B, tot 1, Mary Jenklna. $3.80; lot X Julia IS. Clark, $4.36; tot X Ida R. Btokea. kn 3. Tbomaa W. Jenklna. $4.80; tot 6. Tbomaa W, Jenklna, $4.20; tot 7. Joaeph , Charfenater. $:i.MA; tot 8. M. B. 8mltb. 84-10) , tot X M. B. hmltb. $4.25. BLOCK C, tot 1. Nathaa Coy. $2.00; tot X Coy, Homer V. Woodwork. $0.l6; weet 21 feet of tot 2, Homer V. Woodworth. 80.86; eaac 127 feet ef lot 1, Tbomaa Bchaelder. $6.86; -ftat 127 feet of tot X Tbomaa Behneldrr. 8A.M6; tot X inomaa acaneioer,;,: e. -Ibomaa Schneider, $3.66; tot 6, X. T. , Burkhart, 84.66. , ..' A. tract at land lying between twa Unea rVeepectlvely 60 feet and 130 feet neoth ef . ind parallel wth aonth Une of LowaU aVenua and Vrtweliit lwe )lnea yeapartlvely 106 feet and 127 feet weat of and parallel wlOj weat Hue ef Flrat atreet. Tbomaa Schneider. $2-lu. A tract of laud lying between the aeatft Una at Lowell avenue and a Una 60 feat asuta of and parallel therewith and betweett the weat line et Flrat etreet . and n Una 100 feet weet ot Ind. parallel therewith, X. I. Bark hart, $2.66,-. -. - All at lota $ and 7. btock D, Flret-Btreet Tee. racce, City af Portland, Oregon, lying aouth af a Une 80 feat aouth ef aud parallel with tha aouth line of Lowell avenue and weat of a line 127 feet went of end parallel, wlto tne weal uuc o -. , . Woodworth. $X7. . . riRBT 8TKKBT TERRACEB. City of Port , bind, Oregon BLOCK D,, tot Homer V. . VfODUWOTUI, e'-eV, m , e, uwnacn . , , - worth. 68:10: tot 10. -Homer V. Woodworth. $4.40; lot "11, Hornet V. WoodworU. $3.70. KUK'K R, lot 1, Frederick A. Walpole, $2.46; tot 2. Frederick A., woipoie, ax-nij tot 3. Frederick A.. Walpole. $2.80. BLOCK P, tot Frederick A. Walpole, $3.1 ; tot 2. Frederick A. Walpole, $2.80) tot X Frederick A. Warpole, J.1.10: lot ' 4. Fred erick A. Walpole, $4.80; tot 6, Frederick A. We Itwiln 14 AO. I mn on. nn uniiMnin-MJVK " 1." nw th feet i60 trrX f. Thorn, Tbomaa McNamee. IX Wi: north 116 fret af tot 1, l etted Stitee Fidelity ft Guarantee Company, $10.10; north 14 feet of aouth 164 fret ef : loll, A. Gertrude xiid Julia H. Marka. $K.TR; aouth 60 feet of tot 1, Jamea and Kata K. Prteraon. $4.26) eaet 70 fecr of hit-3. " JaiBfh . Colllna, $10.06; north 60 feet of --aondlioo feel of waet 100 feet of -tot 2, '. Ida R. btokea. $4.86; aoutb 50 feet af weat 100 feet of tot X Lmlea M. Foater, $4.63) . north 68 feet of weat in rert -ut mi a, - Mra. R. Wiepraoht. $5.10; tot X Joeophlne Crocker, $24.10. RLOCK 2. tot 1. Rachel I. Bit Aii6.0: lot X Portland Traat Com pear of Oregon. $36.80; tot X Portland Truat company ox iirogon. eea.o; e. i -Dlatrlct Ro. i. X' BLOCK B,-auwi- . altone 1 ef lot 1. WIlUlB T. Netting. " aubdlnjaton 3 of tot 1. Annie NutUeg, aubdinejon- a ax wx x. at. -won, . anhdlvlatoa 4 Of lot 1. 1. Schmidt. anbdlviaton 6 af lot 1. V. K. Btrode. . ... , , n - - w tr - euoaiTiaHHi m oi m i, n. buwm mihriivuioa T of tot 1." Rdear ML aa ale F. Couraea, $6.75; eubdlvtatoe. 8 ef tot JU Kdgxr K. and Annla F. Coaneo, $6.76; aab divlelon 1 of tot X t. Henry Rvhede. $3.00; north H of eabdirieloa 2 ef lot X Caroltaa Rimer. $2.66; aouth V of aubdtrlalon S et tot X Verona Bollinger, 12.56; aubdiriatoa 8 af tot 2. Michael Bullat, $1.44; aabdlvialoa 4 of lot 2, H. B. Noble. 6:1.46; aahdivtaiooi -8 af 'tot X Carolina Rimer, $X3; eatxllvlaloa 8 af Jot X Albert Thompaon, fo.oo; eooai Tleion 7 of tot 2, C. B. Buell. $4-66: auh dlvlaion 8 of tot X Franeea L. Maea. 84.66. MOVERS 81 BDI VISION 8 OF LOT a LOt;it X Portland Hoaieetead BLOChT X aubdU vlalon 1 of lot X Bnaaa G. Butler, kt.75: aabdlvialoa 2 of MTi, Marx AlUtock, AT6; aubdlvtaloB 3 ot tot X Laula Krarttner, S1T5; aabdtvtaloa 4 ef tot X Johu Mier. 3-36; aubdlvtatoa 6 of tot 8. Joeeph Urheack. - $3.36; eubdlvlalon ot tot X Joaeph lr ,. baaek. $3.3.1; eabdlviatoa 7 af to X Joaeph Irbauca, 63Mk euhdlvlatoa 8 af .. lot 3. Jueepb , trhaurf. $3.50; auhdrrlatoa 6 af . tot !C, Loula kruettacr. $X.1; aubaivMloa 10 I POKTlLkND ThoMES'TbD HUBDITTSIOnJ - ft I - . 1 w n.,.. ai ao: auhdivMlem or lot a, inroi r. i.ona. f'-oo. I n .; ..''ie.. n. xun .hiiviafaa V of tot 4. JuUa A. Ulrica, $4-a0; aubr-v. vlalon D of tot 4. imra J. iwiaoo, et.o; Buhdlvlatoa R ot lot 4, Jolia Clrlch. A7i aubdlvlaloa F of tot 4, Jnlin I'b-lch. $4.7 -) - euhdlvlatoa O ef tot 4, feva W. Burtch, 84.73; i aubdiriatoa H of tot X Kea W. Burteh. $4.7. BLOCK 4. aouth 80 feet ef aubdiriatoa A ef tot 1. Cyme K. Hewlett, $0.80; eouth 00 feet -of eubdlvwloe B of tot 1, Crraa B. Hewlett, 2.4ft: north 80 feet of aabdlvlaloo A af tot . Cbarlea W. Cot tell. $0.70; north 80 feet of eubdlvlalon B -of let 1, Charlea W. Oot- - tell. $2.26; -weet-19 feet ot auliditlaloa 0 -mot lot -i, . Cbarlea W. CottelL 80.36; eaat . 100 feet of enbdlrlBloa 0 af tot 1, Mary S. Martha II. $3.86; aoutb 8 feet ot weat 10 faet ef aubdiriatoa O at tot 1. Cyrua R. Howtott. SO.lot aorth 8TH feef, Of weat 10 feet of euhdlvlatoa O ot tot 1 Clarice W. CotteU. $0.10!i oorth 714 feet of eaet 100 feet of , enbdirlatoa D ol tot 1. Mary E. MarahalL $0.70: eouth $8 feet el eaet 10U feet ai BHbrilvlaton D ef lot 1. Wlllinm J, Kelly, - $3.28; enhdlvlaloa K nf tot 1. J. R Jrnhle and H. Mandevllle. $4.30; aubdiriatoa) F et 'tot 1, Frank Brhwarbach. $4.80; -went 80 feet et inhdlrtetoa G of tot I. . Patrick Murray. $1.86; eaat 20cfeet af weat 80 feet ot aubdltleion G of tot KM. Reereet, 80.80) eeet (HI feet ef auhdlvlelen of tot 1, GranTllla C. Raff. 2.46; cart 60 feet of . eubdlvlitoa H et tot 1. Granville C. Ruff. $X46; weat 80 feet of enbdlviaoa H ef - hit 1. John Bennett. $L65) tot 2, Bea rVillne. ,-XI6.00; eubdlviakia. . A ef tot X Bernh . and B. W. Flaher, $2.86 eubdlvtoton R at tot- 3. Barah W. and B. W. Flaher. $X06; - eouth 2o feet of anbdlvtoioa B of tot 3. Harah W. aad B. W. Fleber, LJi aouth . So fret ef - eiibdivlatoa if of tot X Sarah W. and B. W. Fiehcr. $1.36: north 6 fee ef nibdlvlaion R af tot X Alfre.1 F. "eara, Jr., $1130; norlh 6 ' feet af euodtenjton q f tot X Alfred r, oeer. Jr.. $0.30; autvlt. ' vlalon C ef tot X Alfred F. Beara. Jr.. $1.70; anreltviatoa l oMot X Alfred F. Seera. Jr. $l.7: anbdleieto B af tot X Lee lea 8 Praap, $1.70; aoedlvlaliia T ot lot 8. laeert a W. Watra, $1.7n; anfHllvjaton of tot . George W. Veatta. gl.TO; enndltieton n er lot X Joeephlne Krattigr. $170; euhdinei- ' 1 of tot X Joaephine Krattlgee, $l.7ni e e, -drvlton t ot totTft r W. Lelck. 61 Ti a - dltlaton K- of lot, X V.: V. . Lalck. ( 1 aubdlvlaloa 71 eg Tut -8. feearaai.W. W. ' $l.7i; eebdlvieleo- M of tot f. fieorge , Walt 81 to; enMdlvlaton N ef tot 3, 1 n: 4 - R. - Preen, $1.7.f; ubdM-Jon Alfred F. a-ere. Jr.. $f.?0; nnhd'vieloe ' of tot X Alfred F. "eara. Jr.. $1,70; e vlatoa A, of tol 4. Merchant Nr - I ef Portland. $823; eubdiv. Merchant Nltloeal Bank of let' -I. nttivieien C ef tot 4. C, -"enivilTHiioa D of tot 4. C, m,1it!.i..o F. of bit 4, t auhdlvlaiea F bti 4, P ' ,eMlvtalc O of tot 4, 1 eah.llti'ioa H ef tot 4. f ' nihdltt.lne I nf tot 4. ' eiiMtlvilon t ef V t enMltltine K c ' M. I M, ' ,e, $LJ0e - $3. 1 &!? rUVe - 1 it 4--.