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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1905)
, .JA''' '" TH? OREGON DAILY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVEWHO. FEDRUARY tX IZZ3. ' A Jla- , .... Kted at the pestefBc f Pweaaad, Or.. '' far ' irauportattoa tAraegh the Bull es mmm Puc CatacU enplMt rr . 1 11 par hpw, 1 twot; 14 to 30 BMW. ! M u n, a wo, ,, , IB WWW A Vtt - ivuim junmiiiiv xhj-s .- Vrlaitd-Bangaalu Special Advorttelng B"evr, . IBB Hum atraet. Nw lorki Tribune " tag. Chic, . ,: ' s- inKinnorvuRi. Ami VtJOutm. vti nelly Th Dally Tk Dally Th Dally Tk nallr Journal, with Hand. I tinny jrariii, a watmn. Tee Itally Journal, with "nnitaT. I aak.. Tk Dally, aar wash. detlTered, Suadsy weriune eiud4 ,,...,, -v Dally. per'w'eeX, "eeilverad. Buadxy leveled . ,w Terms kg Mail. Tha DsHy Journal, with Sunday, t yh.,.B7.n Tka Dally Journal, I year V"'l era Th Dally joaraal. wltk Bandar, Baeatbs. JJ Tha Daily Joaraal, BMatka f . Th Jailly Journal, wltk. Baxter, rasatha, 1 80 -Tha Daily Journal. S etentbe.t: " Tka Dally JeorwatrwMlrSuaday. 1 BMtB..' . Tka Dally Joaraal. 1 swath ....... Tka Sssdsy Joaraal, 1 year. ,Z Tka Sunday Joaraal. awntba....... v" Tha Bml-Weely JhimL ... i .' Tha Rant-Weekly Joaraal. k IS pages . eech . tana. tUaatrated. ' fell axerket - r j- port. 1 fttr fl.BO Reaslttsaees should ba amd or drafts, postal aotra. ripraaa aro aa aaull .BBBMBits ars ntBk!. U 1 bb4 Xa-t fjar.; f. I. Ibw 111.' rNirtWa. OrB. A70TI0I bbXM TOMOMtOW. I T. WImmo ibb Flmt Bt M a. t. B. to. HaU at araerrlaB. day gasda. tVllam. aarttrawrr. ' k Br Partlast Aortloa Bneaja. SI Ftrat trrt. at t p. m. Rau, of . klwto ( oral tap.. (ina A. Lowlt. aurtloiasrr. . ' Br Gea. Bakrr Ca.t Park m Al Btra. at 1 -a. . al of (rnaral faralaklaaa. Uaa. Hakrr-A aartkii ra. ! ';v : WtXTKXM IPOlt. ' . - Tha -(torn aratrroBa orrr tk BoHh "Brine atataa baa adratx-ro to tba rraloa Bortk af Mob tana. Tba followliiB bl(b wIbob rnirrr4 a trrnar: NorA Hrad. 84 mitaa. auataraat, aad eaitn. SB miHa, aoatbwrat. r Uirht rala kaa onuind la BraatraB Orraaa. Warblnrtoa. nortkara Idaba, axtrriaa aoatbrrB , California, AMarna aaa aoutnrrB now nruoi, 1 aad now baa faUra la aartbrra New llaxtea, ttu, Titvihnaa ud waatara IaaoarlraBlB. Trmprratara r abora aaraul la all aae- tloaa rxrrpt IB Aiiannr aaa a "- Chinook "alada ar blowing la -Mootua - Tk IMleatlona ar for abowaas tonlht Bad rvMav lo wratrra Omtoa and waatara Waab- "' InKU.a. and f. Brwr.llr fair weatbrr la tb aaatara poruona r taaaa auwa aaa is inua. Wadfttoa Carda. f. u. aittfi Co.. ' iBgtoa bldf, ear. Teartb Bad Waahtagtaa ata. . 'v- :'; : . laiti. -. . . ; . r , ;, ' .i ,1 ' UPHCOMr) rrbrn.ry lfl. to Mr. aad alra. J p UnMmh KmA B7ldlr. a bob. ' CMNTON rabraarr M M Mr." aad Mr. E. , K. Cllatna, of r'lrlaDd, a boo. ' alARMH rVbraarr . t Mr. '-and Mra.- B. J. . , Marrb. B20 Crtt atrart. a aaujnior. rwL-lva VmhtrT 14. t llr. aad Mra. I V jMi.lna a Rast Mill atnwt. BMBOB. .. 8ARF,brnrnarr 15. t Mr. aad Mra. Frank KthrL fan) Koartb tnr, daiigbtrr. " a "WHAbLKV rVbruarr. 14 to Mr. and Mr. WllUrd A. WbaUrjr, at Saa Wefo, CaL, s ooxTAOion snEasn. ' i PAHfr-rrBar 21. WlUle' PM, ttl TweB- tlrlh atnwt; dlphtkrrU. - . AGkV rol-roarr HI.- Uoaa, 400 Bentoa atrrrt: rarlrt frrr, BKADKB rrbraarr 21. arl ftaadar, 32 East - Klirbtb atrrrt: trpaotd rrrer. WIN'KI.BBACK FVbraary ll. Kay WlBkwback, . fO Mlamhwlppi trrnur; mre.lrt. r-' . ' 1 1 ' V' Oraatortaai aa Orrcoa City ar 11 a, aaat ttllwood; Bwdara. arloatiae. cm pl.t. ChaajM Adult, tuts; cbUdraa, us. wiura a a. m, t a. a. PorUaad CraaaUoa aatodatla. , Cart 1 ad. Orafoa. -J'- ' - ' . -. To Edward Holmaa CadvrUaW aa.paay. faaaral dtrartora and BBibalBier, 120 Third suaabt PkoBS bOT. " -.,.,-'. .;,:'..'.',' J. P. rialry Roa. faaaral dlrartora aad aaibalBMra, coraar Third and Madlaoa traata. OfBot at coujuy caraaar. .TabtabeaB Mala B. ; x' ffaasrar wrWtba aad est nowara a aaaatellr at koa City aivkoaa. ' Twaaty miad aad law MsrTHwa. PP- evaaatary. Clark 'Bros, tor Sowar. tXAL 1ST ATE TAirntS. VI H. W. Bad If. Glfr to OEork. loU 1 and 9. blork L Cbaa addtttoa I 100 . Barak A. aad J. Cj Dareaport. aaat 1 ' lot in U kt II bbKk a. anb. . dtTiMoa Birrmow addition ...... Klrrrrlaw Cenrtcry uancUtloa U Jobs ' Malr. let 6, aactloa 13, JUtottIcV 'arBMtary : Arlrta Iaiad raanaay to IjMmi Arav- SOS ISO uan, aw . owe: ativm a S: S ...... I. R. aad Bra A. Coodrry tb Oaon P. . . haniNM. tn. a . kiMh a. u T.iw . ' Villa- aanrx V ' 2. R nd Kama Brott a Thoaua Dar - Una. lata aad d. Mack A, UBa'B ' addlUoB . - ' T, M. Word labrriff) to A lor Harold, i lots 17 t an, blork B, Burflld...i.. Title ;oarntr 4c Troat eonpaay to ' nwtsbt Ckeaey, lot . block 11. Wrt - Pladaoat ' Ella L. aad C. H. WorrUiod to J. S. .MilU, 1 mm klu, Tt fmm- s '.' v ; so t.100 1400 - YTS trr's addlttoa block r" Cartrr' addlttoa .' P. B. Pabaay- ta Eavraa H. KpplBC, lot 15. blork . Klraratdr addlttoa SM-a nriuaj aaa wua of orraaiar ani Rstat eompaaj, lots 1 aad 2, block t . tt, Kara Park 1 B.raa t a ma, y 1. Mock Id. MM. . . . . ' '.Htm ta Mary M. Lest, lot 6. blork . 1 - 1 f . bannraara, SO aero of aoatb H of -;. aoatbrast M of Mrtlaa la, township I aoatb. rassa t rat ..- . Tbai llalnarr t Harrr Rahl. lot 22. ( BinrK a, rertBotb villa rsUoaloa., D. lortrrt to Roa Garrlrra. aat H ': lot 11, blork 323. Rk-b' addition.... . Bdrw HoIbi Bd wlfa la Mary bt. Loot, , nortb lot i. block 4, Vtratocs s ad- , diaoni .4,...v., -i .', H. J. Uairrk aad arlfa ta Oror Soadby, .' ' frt of lot D, bVnrfc 1.. Moltaomak . . . . ' TT. C. Mctlrrw and wife to u. H. Stod dard, lots IS and 13, block IX Kara ' fark '. dll Bjallnit A N.wlralinH MMMM ljoo 4TB n ar: i 'larooorr oaaoara, aaat H .of ariflfTtdod at of aartloB IS, . ' tWBklp 1 oatk, rn S at , . All J. Ptyaiptoa aad buabaad t Ethel . P. Abbott, out 2u (rt of lot 14 and ' wrat.JW frt af lot IT, blork 10, Tll- ton' addltloa .... E. W. aad Raima L. Buaii to . hi 400 S.TS0 . . and P. J. Klrbola, lot ft, kkvk SB, ' . Haaayald addltloa Ho. l l.loo aofl t. " ' Z23 .' m' laai cvmpaa to I, . aatl a. om ra. lot X. btork 104. TJalraralty Park. ' ' B. M. Lombard aad wlfa to A. U Htoaa, ' lot. X, B and 4, block IB, Ptlrrlrw... wnm r ,nn AO. , .tr.WW , . , ( CamllB Mrlag to Wrorae C. Workrle, -lot 4. blork I. LinnXn Park aax.. tilO t Ol sr., aad KelMa Taylor to I. H. Read, Ma 18 to ta. bwrk 15, HawlaonM . Ana addltloa r " inn . Sbrrtff t U. U. bntau, lot ST aad SB, . - Rrookdalr ' B tailed Mates Pldrllty Oearaaly rota-'-i Caae ta A. W. Spurrier, Iota L to B, M t, t'krrardale eitaaalna. ........ . 1, a a . .- STOJCBO rESSOTS, , - XrXw-Pebroary tl. Mra. M.ttl Kanr. dwefl. In, rarser Mlanarl aad Maaos treett east, ' si.sos.- . - CttSNMMVT rVhroary tl. W. Oarnfeat. aja .... rhla kfi, Alblna arena netware loclag sad and BlT-r atraeta; coat, $A00. PTrRiMltA-rbwary XI. W. rVtanoa, dwell. Int. Kaot JTnylor, betwera Maat fuai teaatk nd Ra.C riftwilh trti ruat. SS.0m. CI'R.vriKl.n r"rnrnry SI. J. Vnrnflald. rnpalra . to baiMin enraae Twaaty-alslb. and Thar- ma atreuiai eaat Ian. -KrrtIO mer Si. r. W. Kefntd. 'dwelling. Tt'h. near iTiai'ttlt atreetl enal. 11.400. . Cfil RT KT rrbtaarr II, J. R. t oartaer. rr- eaira to boner, r't Eighteenth, brta-ern Raat ltarla attd I'aat Rrent street; roar. it.Vl. CAMI lit 1 l.tktary SI. t. laarpeall, dwU " v .- ;- ' J nam I. wltk Sunday, t )"' Journal. 1 yer v-": ts Journal, wltk Header. me tha. 1TB Journal. B mamtba.... ? a aaontba. I. an t fWtW M&tM9Gt Vrfl BMleS4stBV ssBjrwff Vmm 1B ,(MP VsMmN m II sm f, , .- IS I II I .1 I . vyo;,ii;G - MORE. PUDLICITY State Geologist - Framed . ' Asking Mine Owners to . ; ; Make Reports. ",v; Bill NOTHING COMPULSORY.' IN LAWS PROVISIONS Measure ' Referred to r Mining .Committee - for " Report . Stock Concerns Aimed At ' - 1 Henry C . BeIr, stata seolociBt of Wyoming, framed a, bill wbkrh was pra kenUwi In th boua of ' raprsawRtallVBS of tbat slat and referred to th mining committee for action,, calculated to Rive greater publicity to mine operations. It la .known aa -the yoluntary publicity bill, and haa excited general interrst through trio west. ; Its principal provisions were aer follows: . "The state geologist Is hereby author ised to establish a bureau of sniping sta tistics wherein Information relative to the mineral industry of Wyvmlng may bo filed for reference and distribution aa hereinafter provided. - "Each oorapajiy or person owning or operating any mining or other enter prise concerned in the mineral . Industry of Wyoming, may, at thslr own discre tion, file with the state geologist, upon blanks to bo furnished on application to - the geologist, a sworn statement Kroperly attested by the off) or re of such company or such owner or, operator, giving: ' ..: "The name of the company, owner or operator and-objrrt of same. Postofftoo address of v office . and mine. "Name and addi-eeses of officers of company, owner or operator. . "Liocauon of property aad title. "Description of property, number, of claims, acreage, etc .. ''Number of shares of stock (If Incor porated) and par value. . , "Number of shares of treasury stock. "Number, of sbarea of stock sold to date. . "Amount received from sale of aboys stock. - -Amount expended for development WOrK. . ; ; "Amount'- expended - for- office) perinea, supplies and. machinery. - - Total amount of work done on "prop erty. . ' " " -Extent of workings, slse of vein or ledge, ete.-v" : ':' - "Estimate of ore in sight. . "Estlraat of work proposed for eonf- Mnt year. - -v . ' ' V "Statement of shipments maao,,ana alue of same. ,. -- "Number of men employed and length of time work -was carried on. "Qeneral statement regarding - the property, giving amount, kind and conj dltion of machinery, etc. , ' - - Other resources of ; the company, owner or operator.'": - !", - ; f he filing of this statement or any nart thereof, shall be purely optional with each company.- owner of operator engaged in any . mineral ba sines in Wyoming and each statement so filed shall b la duplicate.- ' . UOW CASUALTY LISTS. . . INDEEP METAL.MINES . Casualties in the- metal mines as a rule are caused by explosives and fall ing rock, more the . latter than the former. As both are causes over which the workman himself largely has con trol. "or at least precaution rests with tha foreman or shift boss, legislation to prevent such la regarded by. many per- sons as useless. Valuable statistics are kept by the operators of the deep mines In the Lake Superior district,' with the result that It is shown the death rate there from violent causes, underground is but S.7 per 1,000 men employed. The death rats has decreased of late years. It ran nearly, as high as i for each 1,000 men one year, but, improvements of .equipment and ' greater caution are saving human life. , In the-lake district it is found that 47 per cent of the total casualties is due to. falling rock in the workings, and about Si per cent to asphyxiation. - Other causes playing a prominent part are falling down shafts. SI per' cent: explosions, if per cent. and skip sad car accidents. If per cent. The disastrous explosions ; in coal mines, and from 'which there la heavy loss, such aa the horror of Alabama re ported the present week.' are " never known to metal mines. ' The low casu alty list in Lake. Superior district would . Indicate that metal mining has only a small -part 'of the risk of coal operation, and. that there . is .relatively little police power required in districts where the former are found. : . ' HENDRYX SUCCEEDS TO ; ALLCOMPANY INTERESTS " (SeocUl Dwpatek to The Joaraal.) - Sumptar. Or Feb, -IS. rTberw- la-full confirmation of the. reported , division of the firm of Oeiser-Hendryx. , Albert Uelser severs his connection - with the' firm, and Is said to contemplate taking charge of an Arizona mine for the Pitta burg people who, bought of him the Bo nanza mine, near bore. H. T. Hendryx will i continue the business of tho de velopment company aa before. ,. This company operated the Gold Paiv Midway, Victor, Platte and Oern proper ties of the eastern Oregon belt. The first four were taken aa prospects, ' A gasoline hoisting plant was erected, on the Qold Pan, and a shaft put down ITS feet. At the Midway an excellent hoisting planl, with depth capacity of 1.&00 feet, -was erected and operated. On the 'Victor a atx-drlll compressor, actuated by gasoline power, was put In commission, and is still running. De velopment on the- Piatt has been by hand methods,' but, a' compressor ,-plant has been contemplated for this 'season. The Gem was taken on a bond. .after it had been , equipped with a 10-stamp mill and hoist, and the vertical shaft was' put down to the (00 by the develop- 7 menf. company and drifts run on lower levels. Mr. Hendryx - states thst It Is his purpose to continue operations as before, i - . rnrnroi . (Special Dtewteb t The Joaraal.) Pearl. Idaho, Feb. 1 HI Henry, the minstrel of national fame, has a min ing property In this esmp on which a good strike has Just been made. Tha . Int. niatoe. between riftreatk sad Sixteenth atrreta; coat; Itflno. Ci:NDKRSU TeeroaryN SI, Bi H. flanderana. dwelllae. MMilsaa arena, betweea Trramat ' and Hark atrreta; coat, 1."T) HiMlRK-rrbraary 31, W. H. A H. A,' Moor. , dwellinr. Everett, Br JevBtBUi nreeti root. Brt.nno. - M'KIKIiKV frbrnarr- tl, sddftloB b dwrlllns. Raat Rtshtb, betweea rIHii( and Beech atrreta; rart. Silk). . - , t SKIXItH rvarn.ryiltl. lMBlnn. repaV o balMlns. Morrkto belwaasi Third Bad taerU ttrerWi. test, f l.JOC, .--,., . : - "''- -j.. gsbup la known aa thd Homestead, and la near Pearl.' Tha vein opened haa a width of IS fset, and is said to carry gopd values. In one direction the Home stead has the Lincoln for a neighbor, and in the other the Friday., both pf ayhlrh an nnvturlnr. . . COMPROMISE FIGURE FOR A WOMAN WAS LOW - (Snecial Dlaoatrk to Tk Joaraal) ' ' .Spokane, Feb. 13. The litigation be- ftween Mrs. Kllaabeth Darling and the Monarch Mining company has. bean eompromised by the company paying to Mrs. Darling $20,000. The property involved is located near Murray, lam, ana was pnnaea to me mining . company by Mrs. Darling. After making her a payment the com pany declined to ,mka anotner when It fell due. claiming that her title was defective. She then entered suit, de manding possession of tho property, and setting up conspiracy charges. It was alleged that the company located the Monarch claim over the Blue Bird for fraudulent purposes. The Monarch company brought suit to ' compel Mrs. Darling to- give It perfect title. The oases, have not been heard in court, and will now be dlamtased. . Mrs. Darling deeds all ber interest in tho property to tho company. The Monarch is one of the oldest mines In tha Coeur d'Alenea. About 1130,000 haa been expended in development' and improvements. Re cently a. concentrator was built - '. , ' '' COEUR D'ALENES ASK ' TO KEEP SCHOOL NEAR (Special Dtopatek to The Toaraal.) ' Wallace, Id, . Fab. IX Tha senti ment of the Coeur d'Alenea, against re moval of . the school of mines - from HOtcow to Hailey, In the southern part of this atate, la more pronounced than ever. Since the proposition was first suggested, the interests of this entire region protested, and will Tress 'the fight to' a finish, if necessary. Hailey. la southeast of Boise, and the mining peo ple of the 'vast Coeur d'Aleno district would have to go Into Washington, then Oregon ' and ' Idaho In order to reach ; the institution, About SO per cent of tho metal production of the stats Is credited to the Coeur d'Alenea, hence the people of . this' region believe that If a mining school ia to serve any useful end. it should -ba kept closely aa possible in touch with the heaviest mining opsratlona. - - .. - ,- BIG PROSPECT GROUP , : TAKEN ON AN OPTION ' ,V f - (Soetlal OUaeteh to The-Joaraal.) r ''-Helena, Mont., Feb. " 2S.-j6hn A. Drake,. of Chicago, has takerf 'up the op tion held by him on a portion of the North 1 Moccasin . properties. Fergus county. This was dont after 4.000 feet of diamond drill- prospecting had d la closed aha nature ofvth deposits. The amount of the bond is . not known, but Is said to be' a largV'flgure. Even with thla addition to his original holdings, Mr. Drake will not have a controlling interest, although hetavlll be an Import ant faetor dn the company. Tho North Moccasin lies between trie Kendall and Barnes-King mines. . which properties have yielded sufficiently to make Fer gus -ha. banner gold producing coaatv of the state. -' . - .' aUTBB TaOtOVOX TUSISSJa. - - V(fpcUI Mapatrk to The Joaraal.) ' " Payette, Idaho, Feb.-SS.- The big tun nel placer proposition at the ox bow of Payette river, is -reported nearly ready for use. Since it was driven through the rock ridge, a distance of 1,400 feet, .the interior haa been reinforced for use ss the permanent water course of tha river;- and a dam isbelng constructed at the ppper portal to force the water from the old channel. - With this, work finished, the river. will -pass .through the tunneL and the management will ar range to wash the .old channel, which Is believed to be rich in nuggets and gold dust. .. .. :. , ''.. . ,..'.' ,. , ' ,. ' ATXJOr WAVJfTS A aVOAS, J (8pelsl D la patch to Th' Joaraal.) .Juneau, .Alaska, Feb. SS. AUln dis trict is agitating construction by the provincial government of a wagon road between that district and Juneau. Dr. Young, member of tho provincial parlia ment for AUln, haa been' k Sited to urga this measure, and there Is hop that It will be carried out ' Canadian . Yukon has been liberal in road building, and it la believed by residents of Atlln that a roc, hla-hwa.v to their . district would decrease cost of freight so- much that the camp would be given Immeasurably greater life.. . :, r!. "--'.'. " 1" ... -. - - " obax. osr rom Mjuonrm. (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal.) ' Spokane, Feb. SS. -A deal is pending for the Mammoth mine In the Pend d'Orellle district Idaho, owned by the Mammoth Silver A Lead Mining A Smelting -company. The property was recently purchased by Spokane men. If the deal Is not completed work will be opened by tho Spokane owners In tho spring. :','. ; .- OXXAT . (Special Dnrpatrb to-The Journal.) Helena, Mont, Feb, 13. The Montana New Mines company, operating the sap phire mines in Fergus county, produced 13 60,000 worth or gems lasx year. ' (Special Dispatch, to The Joaraal.) Chamawa, Or,, Feb. 2J. The position of assistant seamstress at the Che- ma wa Indian school will bo 'vacant after March "1. owifiK to .the resignation of Mrs. Charlotte-H. Cochran who haa re signed in order to be with her husband who Was transferred boms time Blnce to the Hupo Indian school In' Humboldt county, California. Mrs. Cochran will leava for therein a few days. A Cottage Grove man named Harms Is suing his wife for a divorce becatnte hla'wlfs attempts to act out bis name toward him. ' - ' ' CITS B0T1U1S, rEOPOSED' CHAROE OP OR ABE OF XOIXA- DAT AVBJIUB- Notice la kerhr sivea that at the Bjeettn af tba Coancll of the City of Pt ttand. Or., held oa th loth day of Pebraary, 1S0S, the following reaomnna waa awfitmi , Reeorred That the roaarlt 'of tb City ef Portland. Grefoa. deeas It expedient and pnrpoaea t ebans tb (rid r Holla day v nti at tb ranter Una of tjraad arvno from 194 B fa io 1M B faetl At tb center Una of East Teeth street tror 1X4 B feet t las. raet; At ' the- eebtee line ot Eaat Twelfth aft-art froBS l.'A.S feet to lad.f feev and to eetabllah tha trade la Holladay avenn at tb waat Une af Eaat Tenth atreet at 1B faet. and at the eat lln ef Eaat Tenth Street at IMS ft: At rn weal una ei BiwairTB street .St 1311 ft; - - At tne eaat nsa ar near Tweirtn atreet at I3S.S fret beve th ba ef rtty grldc. That tb Aadltnr of tb Cltr of Portland he nd be I hereby directed t (1v notlr mi tb - ma poo, d rbansa and eatabUahmaatt of (rade aa inld br tb charter. , . Ktoinnar ranee asainf tae saor enaBB ef trade star be Sled In writ In with the nnder arnrd wirhn sn day from th date ef th ant BuMlrettoa mt thla notlc. ny rrr t to mncil. THUS. r. PKVI.tM. AadlW f tb City ef Portland. Pari la ad Oreenn. Pit ef Brat aabUettloa, ltbrary It, - mi. . tf. w CUT! BOTIOES. riotous noBOvsaosT or soous . - .-- sTSEXT. ; ( '. Kotlre I hereby stvea thai t th BMotlBg r lao t oanril Of in i nj oi rortiaoti, foa, held oa th 1Mb day af Pebraary, let. tho followloa' raonlutloa waa adVtDted: Raaolred, That the Cooaetl af the City of roriiaaa. firr-oe, arem it eipeateni in purpoar ta Imprera Houker Mreet from tba east It na or Thlvil umm a tha waat terminal Una at Hookar au-aot, la the following SMBaarB- wit: Klrat By gradlag tha trt full width Wltk Ian inieraeetiona to ta proper annsraa. Wacosd By -hriasloc the earfara of fh treat rail width with - fall latarsectlone to arad with aafaain. Tbird By raoatrortias womrrn sioewaia is emrdanra with the City Badnacf ' ' BUBS, periBratlona and atlnutr. roarth My laylas eroaawalka. , Fifth Br oanatriartlna atone .antter. Rlxtb By ontroeUn elevated wondea side walk In anrerdaaea with tha City Kaclaecr pinna, e-erlaralloee and aatimafea. Kald Impro.rmrat ta be made ia (reardane wltb th charter and ordinance of tba City af Portland and tha plana, apeetScatlan and rat lata tea ml th City Knglneee Bird la the f- nc or tae ABdltor or ina city or t-oniaaa oa tb l.ltb day of yebroary. 1SOS. Indoraed: "Cltv BBa-lnara nlaaa and aneetflratloaa for tba ImprovameBt ef Hooker a tract from tb eaat lln of Third atraot to tba west terminal Una of Hooker street a Ad tb rati mate af th work to be eoae sad the probable total IBereor,-' Tb mat ef ld Improvement to B a provided by tb ritr -barter anoa tba property eneclalty sad aa-wllarly beaeSted thereby, and which la berebr declared to all tb lota, parta thereof . and parcel af land iriMT Brtwa th wt terminal iumh . of Hooker street ztcsded north and Math la It ad a lln rIO feet et f nd Dunllel wltb tha) aaat lln af Third afreet nd betweea a lln 100 feet north ef and naraiM -with the aartb Una of Hooker afreet aad a lln 100 feat aoatb ef aad parallel with tb aoatb lln of Hooker trt. and ala parrel af land trine between the north and aoath tine af Hooker Mreet extended westerly la their preaaai eoora and between tha west terminal Una of Hooker street sad a Una KiO fact, Westerly tberafreai aad naxaUal there with. ..".. 1 The EasiBeer's estlmats of th probable total east for the Improvement ef said Hooker street tStl.S30.00. Tka above Impravewamt Is to be cleaned a macadam Improvement and shall h maintained by th city for a period of Sv years, pro vided that tb owner f a majority of tb baaeSted br aald tmprovrment or any pornon tberwr anal l not petinoa tor sew or different Improvement bffora the ex Dl ration of such nerlod. i a piano, peeincsrioo ana eanmataa as xnm City Enainee for the Imnrovemeat f said Hooker a tract ar karebv doDted. Heaoiveo, mat tor Aaaitor tn in tuy ot rnrtiaBd ba and he ,u berebr dieaeua to arv aotir of tb proposed Improve meat mt aaid street provided by the city charter. ttahootrBor ar. mat toe nov stent may be Bled In wrltlna with tb ander- aljrocd within 20 day from tb dele ef the arse peDuretma or tola no tic. y rorr. ot.u uoenrii. , . . ..K THOS. C. DETM!. ' Andltor ef tba City (ef Portland. Portia nd. Orecoo. Eate of Brat pucucauoa Febraary 19, 100&7 ntoronEO iitrovrii-rT 01 vsnri -'' ' TZEBACE. ' - Notice la herebv lwra that aB tba BaaatlBat f th Coancll of tb City of Portland. Orasoa, held oa th 15th day of Pebraary, 1806, tb ttwivwjn roaoiauoa waa aaupiea: Kcaolred, That tb Council of tb City ot Portland. Oreaua. deem It XDdiot and par pose to ImDrov Uela-ht terrace from tb west lln of Lpwnadal tret to th aaat in of block 40, Carter's addition, la the, fol low! ris- maniaar. to-arlt: Plrat By grading th street to th proper grad a ahowa by th stakes aa art by tb City Ent-lnror. ' , V . Second By brlnelng tb arfsc of tb atreet fall width with fall lntcrsectlona to the estab- usned grade with macadam. Third Bv eonatrnetbie sidewalk ' ia Be cordaare with tba City KBglnears plana, pocl BcaUona and estlmatas. . - Poarth iBv cooatrtiotlne rvoaawstks la ae eardanr with tb City aoiner plana, epacl ncatlooa and eatlmatsj. riftb -Bv eAnatrnrUne- oaa a-nttara la ae- coroaac Wltb tb Clt-jcnf laesr'B plans, spcv ncatlona and atlmaa. - - Sixth By eonatroctlag elevated sidewalks la ectaa-imnv wita ine I i it bbeibbw a ram Deelnrattona and aarlntataa. - Seventh Br eoaatmctln Board feee la se- eardane with, the City luiBlnecr'a p la nay spad- acaiioDo ana ssnmatea. .. - . Blxhtb By cooauoctlag woodca curbs as Shown br eatlmataa. , ..... Raid tinpravamea to be made la aerardaBe with the charter and ordlnsnceB of -tb City f Portland and -the nmna. DoeiSeatlon and rati mate of tba City Knflncec 'Bled lt IM ot or or rne Aaaitor or tee viiy oi roruana on th loth day of Pebraary, 1905, Indorsed: "City Ensineer's pfcna snd speetficatloa for the Improvement of Helshts tame frwa th west lln of tavwoadal treet to tb eaat lln Of block 40. carter" addltloa,' sod tae aaa mates of tb work to b does aad tb prob able total oost thereof." I Th coat af aald Imnrotestont t ba ss provided by tba city charter - Bpoa the property eaoctalty and peculiarly beaented by Mid laiprovenient snd which to hereby daehtrad to be a follow: Lota 1. X, t snd tb eaat H of lots T sad 8,' blork 40; all of blork SH lots S snd 4. block as; lot 5, buck SS: all la Carter's addition to the City af Portland; and all that porttea of block lying waat of tAr west Una of Iarwaadala street If extended northerly la Its praaeat esqraa, and aoath ef h lln 100 feet northerly from and parallel witn um ooruieriy line or nensot ' f maa, and lols.l, S aad 8. block S02. la the City of rortiand; aas an mat aoruoa ox iaaa tyins betweea tb earth Une ef block ST and tb aoatb lln -ef blork SS. Cvter' adldtloa to th City ef Portland, end betweea the eaat line of Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly la It prnaent coarse, sad a lln 60 feat weat of aaa parallel witB to west un oi ruxtaenui tree and all that nortloB of a oarer 1 of land lylnc betweea the westerly Una ef Heirhta terrace aad a lln 100 feet west ef and parallel with tb west lla of 'Seventeenth atreet If extended northerly la It print nt rear, and betweea th ooth lln ot block 85. and, tb north line of block 88, Car tar's sddMloa to tb City ef Portland. , . The Enirlneer'a eetlaiat Of the probable total eaat ror tne improvement ex ssia uaicsta ia, me la Sx.B00.U0. The above Improvement 1 to b classed ss s macadam Improvement and aha II be main tained bv tba city ror a nenoa of roar rearm. provided by tb owner of majority of th property beaeSted by aald Improvement or any portion thereof, shall not petittea for B new or different Imnrarament be for . th xplratloa ef rack period. The plana, sperincatMes and eat I ma lea ot tb City Bnslneer for the improvement ef Bald tteurnta terrace are Bereny aoopteo. Beaolved. That the Andlbw of the City ef port la rut n ancl he m harahv dlreetea to hive nolle of tha prupoaad Improvement of said streei .ss province sy tae ciiy ennrrer. - tUBMaafraneea aralnat . tne a nova imprw Baant may b Sled la wrltlas with th aodev- aixned wimin xo oay trom tae est at in ftret pohltrattoa af thla notice. L v. J ; . oy eraer i ta uoancii. - , " . Aodltor ef th City of Portland. Portland. Orecon. Data of Brat aubUcatlon. Pabroary 18, 1S0S. " ' . , , )UsT)ilABTim sTOTTCX. Notice U berebr aivea that on the Mth dv ef Febrnary. 11W0, I took np and ampoontied ax tne uity roan, as pie. ani ruiteenta street. In the cltr of Portland. Oreaon. the fniiowln deecribed animals; Rnrrel mare, white atrip, dowa far, white a both hind feet, both front and right hind feet abod; on brown yearling Jersey heifer - calf; sad anleas th owner, or other Bereon or pararjn having aa Interest therein, ahall claim Boaaeaaloa of the earn. ad pay all poet and enarxe ef the keeplni nd Bdvcvtailnc them, tnsetber with th pound ree on ssia sntmai, ss proviaea By oramaac No. M2S. a mendad. ef aald dty ot Portland, I will oa tb STtk day ef Fabmarr. IBOS. at rh hoar of 10 a. m., -at tha City Poand. at No. Ml Sixteenth, ta said rHy, sen tha shov dVwcrlbed anlmakt at pshUe srttoa to th hlhet bidder, to pay to east snd.ehsrae for taking bp, keeping and sdvertlalag sock snlmals. . . 1 . Dated this xotk gay of renrdsry. 108. r - - F. W. RKID, Poaadmaster. . norosEO DnrovtiriB-T or .axxsifoxi STREET. i . N title ta hereby sivea thst at tba saeatin of tb Coancll of th City of Portia nd. inegan. sold oa ta inta oay f renroary, lwua, the lollowlnt raaoiatloa was a one tea: , Resolved, That th Coearll of th City ef Part la ad, Oresoa, drama It expedient and parpoeea to Improve bald more street from th raat lln ef Williams svena to tb west Un af I'aloe sveaoe In the folknrlne manner tawlt: First By cradlns th atreet full width with fall iBternertian to the Stakes as set ky tha City Restorer. Second of eonatroetlne wendee ddewalka, ' Third By . IsyltoT woodea aiuaanalhs; Fourth By osaatrBctlnc box gattera. . 1 Said ImpreveawBt to he mad la aerwrdanr with., tb charter , aad nrdtnancea of th City f Portland and the plana. aperlScatloa snd brtlmat of the City - Kntlaeer Bled la th fBr f th Aadltor of tba City of Portland oa the 1.1th day of February. IBOS. Indoraed: "City Rnclaear a plans and speelScaUons far tb IrAprovement ot Bardmor -ertwet from th eaat Kite of William arena ta tb waat lln f Csloa seen and th eat I ma tea af th worh i to ba doe sad th probable total cost thereof. i The rest af Bald Improvement to ba states' ss ptiHlO, d hy.thwvlty charter anna the proo ertv.epec1aJ)y and peculiarly be nefl ted thereby rid whir la hereby declared to ha all the bta. parts thereof and parrel ef land lying between s line toft feet north ef d parallel With th north Ha of HkMmnre arrat . a-JIne ttv feet' armtH of aad parallel with mth Us of Skldmor strert Bad torwaeaf - UITI VOTlCrKS. lb eaet Jin ef W 11 11a am svesu sad tha weat Una of Uaioa avanue. .. Ike Raaiaaer' eat 1 mat a of Tha probable total coat far tba ImproTtuMat f said baldaaore street ta a.xv.uo. . Tb plan. paclSctia snd ' estimate at tha ity Kngliaear foe tb Imprtrremeut ef Mid- BKIBttjor street -urn berebr adootrd. Reaolred. Thst th Adltor of th City 'of Portland be and h la hereby directed to gtv antics of th pronoard Impravrment ml aaid atreet aa provioM ay tea city caartee. Hemonalraaraa asalnst the above lmprotaamint may he Bled ta writing with the anderalgaed wunia mi aa 7a irom to eat ef tae arat paa- ncaiioat o, ime none, a t By order ef th ionetl. thos. C: BErtlN. i Aadltoc of ta City ef Portland. 1 Partlaad. Orson. . Date, of arst pub Ilea Uoo, rvorvary in, xwua. . . . , . ASST.SgsTTRT AND . BEASSTSSMMfT FOX TEE IB0T13fXBT OF aCTnTVOatAH STEEIT, BBOADWAT, EAST BTBEXfr BAJT0 ATEBTTE AND SXATXX STRUT. , . Notlr at hereby kivea that the Council ef me my of rortiand, Oresoa, t a meaUsg a ta iota oay of reoruary. iue, oe dared th aaseaaaaeat by the adaptloa at ordl daac No. 14.44. fur th Improvement f Mult nomah street. .Broadway, Kaaf Third street. uraad aveaas- snd Bhsver street. unon esca tot. part ef lot snd parcel of land, which sea apeoiaiiy. and peculiarly be nail ted. to be as ,m tow a, via; Blk leu. lot J. The Orexoa Seal EaUt -eoipn7 liZM bus i lu. io 4. The pregoa Baal BStato Company Blk 110, lot S, Tb Oregoa Basl Estate Company Blk 14. lot1. The Oresoa Baal Ratal Cosiiay Blk IS, hat A, Th Oresoa Heal Katat t-omiiaoy Bik 130. lot 4, Ta Pregoa Baal Estate Company Blk l-nl, lot ft, Th Oregoa Real Estate Company Blk lb, tot 4. Tb Oregoa Baal Estate Cempaay . Blh JA4. tot i. The Oragoa Baal Eauts ' Comoaay 143.14 x . 141 IS 144.87 144.87 141.T8 141.T8 141.TS 141.TS 141.T8 Blk 1AU, lot 4. Tba Oregon Baal Estate tympany Blk ISO. tot f, Th Oresoa Best Estate Com pa ay Blk 2.10, lot 4, K. H. Bobbins.... Eaat Portland 14t.T8 lkd.Sl IS. 48 Blk TB, lot 8, E. C Neufelder. ........ '' out tb. lof , a. u. neareider Prosh S So liar Addltloa ta Eaat Part. 124 SO land Blk 4. tot 0, JsUes Logas Batata. Heirs f . T0.13 188.88 It TO ' 1S.S4 18.04 " 1S.T1 Blk 4. lot B. JbUbb Itogos Estate. Heir Kern 'm AdUtloV "to 'Raat 'pnrtia'iLiu' Blk E, lot 1, Victor Iad Compaey.... oia si, toi a, viriar Lena mmpsayt... . Blk B. lot a. Ruby A. Knott. ...i...... Blk R, tot 4. Baby A Kaott.., ' Central Alblna Big 20, lot 14, J. I. Bcott '4S.S4 Total ........S3.S7S.48 A acatemaat. or afnraaalB maaaitl haa been eatered la tha Docket ef the City lien and la bow doe and navabm at tba office of tha City Treaaurer.' ia lawful - money of IBS united states and ir not nald within SO daya from th data of this notice each proceedlas will be takes for tb ceJIeetloa of tb eame as are provided by the 'charter i tn city si rartuBd. TB apov am em stent will bear Interest iu asya alter . tb- first-- psbUcattoa ef U notice. .-.,. -i THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' I Auditor of tba Cltv at Portland. Portland. I Oreeoa. Date of Plrat Pnhlltloai soraary 4, . .ipup, AJsrsEBXT rox xzTzainosr or-list ' DATIg gTEEIT. Notice le berebr aires that tb aaaoaaateat made by ordinance hi. 14.418, entitled: "As ordinance adopting th. rprt f the viewer la tb matter ef th propoaad open Ins, toying out and establishing of East Dsvls atrsat irom th eaat Un of Keyatond .addltloa to tb I un of cast Twenty-arhtb atreet. auk ns SB sssrssTBeat of tne benefit and daaaaaaa r twoenta and aet forth to aald report," approved January IB. ie, aaa-neea euterea ' asainat to a vera 1 owners of snd aereon latareated In tba laad herein deaeribed as being aaveraUy llabl there- lor, in in uocsn of uty uans, which said aeaeaamenia are maoa sua ana navanio at ta ffle af tb City Treasurer. In Linltad atataa gold and silver cola, and . anlea paid be for March 8. IMS, th ssm will beeome delta. Sent and such proceeding will b taken tor a eollaettoa of the .same a are provided by uaa coarier wc xo taiy ox mrinua, SSMf BUHfl mnx dms ee ronowa, aawit : - - . A parcel of land lying betweea the north , una ot aaat uoocu atraet aad a lln .a feat north thereof and. parrallel abrwlth, and taMweea th aaat Bn . ( Keyeten addltloa, aad tb wast Una ef block 0, Wynkoop villa, and iu ex tern lo soatherly in its preseat coarse, . ssvs sad .except thst- portion ef aald parcel ot land dedicated to the public by dead for atreet . panoses. . Isaiah Back man ...wl. ..' ..,..$ 80.83 wrnaooD vuia , Blk 8, all that porttoe of lot 4 lying jwrta of ta aroeoaea north una of Eaat Davis atraet. CaroUna A.1 Uotahall an nis a, lot a, r rank tin a, JBrner. ....... 43.110 xmb , an wa. ponioa ox atx o ' lyina. , . Mtl .r Itu . , k - -a , Eaat Dsvw troat. Gustavo Krirfceon. . But S,i aU that port lea oMot lying S3.80 north of the north Une f-the ptupamid Esst Davta atraet. TUla Oldham S0.30 82.06 MOO Port- Blk t, lot 8. Ibretht Straebe...,C...... Blk IB, lot B, Eiiaanata K. Wynkoop .i4 Hawthorn' Plrmt Addlttoa to East land ' -,' ': Bik Id. sontk H ef let 13. A J. Bad D. U KJrker Blk IS. aoutk Vh-ef tot 11, A: J. sad D. U Klrkar Blk In, north - ef tot 13, Emma F, Turner , Blk 18, Berth ef lot 11. Emma F. Turner ..,.........,' Blk In. Ibt 10. R. 0. Brook. ... : ,B1 8.50 A80 S.50 17.00 15.00 Blk Is, lot 0. John P. Haarkey. Blk Id, tot A Grace H. Hlmes Blk JO. lot 7. J. M. Dnda.a... 13.00 11.00 Blk 17, lot 1, The Hawthorn Bstate.... Blk 17, tot X, Mlk and Bos Heartck- 13.B1 soa 10 00 nut IT, tot s. Hertbs Janoea.. ......... . Blk 14. tot 4. Muaan S. Hamael 17.00 15.00 13.00 11.00 8.00 T.B0 Blk 17. tot 8, Xrnaat Haamauayar Blk nrVrt S, E. I Hand... till. ta J TadT. " jr., Biev ga ABBotl w gxe-l uriBiJrF. Blk IN, lot 2, Umrf HdbUkrh,,.,.,.,, iK eUiy lot aiv aMtu-r ueiuteniptt. SB to II uad. A tA'-ull. BV a. . I X. h. BOO s arv axru, w wxau rep nm:iM: lumvmr e1 e a Blk IS, tot 8, Wendle Racherbacher Hlk 18, tot S. Wendle Kacbelbacbor..,.. Blk IS. lot T, Prank HHfkemper Rlk 15, tot S, Prank. Heitkemper... Blk 15, tot S. U. H. UelUemper Blk 15. tot 10, G. H. Heitkemperi.. ' 4.50 kOO 3 00 ton S.OQ 4.A0 .U0 Blk" 15, lot II. Henry Swlnt Blk 15. north H f tot 13. Mrs. O. A, Taylor .-. 7.60 4.80 Blk 45. sowth A f tot 13. Frank - R.' Heonett rpi.,..,.,- d Total .....,...'...... .8RT3.S4 ' THOS. C. DBVT.I9I, ' T Andltor of th Cltv of PnrtlaiiaL PnrtlhBd. Orer. Date ef First Pnbli cation reoruaxy tb, ivud. AsemwimrT rox KCTntioy; or zast Katie is hereby, elves that the amies t msd by ordinance No. 14.418. eatltled: An ordinance adopting th report of the viewer In toe matter ef the pmpoeed epenlng, widen ing, hiving oat and establishing of East Twen tieth street from tb oath lln- of Dlvhnan atraet to tae sorts line of Clinton atreet. - mak ing aa amesemont of th benefit a snd da ma yea ivtx, ass Bean a tend asalnst tb MVeral owners of and peraon interested In the land harala deaeribed a being ear really Usbl there for, la the Docket of City Ltons, which ssld smessmeats are made, due sad Buyable at tba office of the City Treaaurer,. la United States Cid sad stiver com, snd anlees paid befor arch 8. 1S0A. th Mat will Become delln eoeat snd sack prcceedlngs wUI he taken for th collect to of the same as ar provided by th charter of tb City ef Portland, Bald litui cuts neing ss xoiiows,. to-wit: i Iabo Addition ta tha Cltv mt PVwtlaadJ. ttut l, an tnat portion of lot I lylss weat ot the propoied weat Une of Eaaf Twentla ith street, Joseph Cere- stain . 78.00 ma -aiox a, uH.iw pewtanaa So on Hlk Rlk 1, lot 4, Lovens Semenaa.f.. 81.80 31.60 85.00 1, lot B, laweaae Seatenaa . ma x. at.,, umrmwwo oeiarnas Blk 1, sit thst portion mt lot.T lyioc weat ef th proponed weat Une- of -Bast Twentieth atreet. Lorewxo Beat enaa 78.00 Blk 8. all thst porttoa of lot 3 lyls , west or tna e iipuat u wosf lln ot laat Twentieth atreet, Charlotte Iobo - 78.00 55.00 81.50 81.50 88.00 Blk 3, lot S, Cbarton lee be ' Blk I. tot 4. f barlot t Iabo B Si 3, tot A, Emily Poster. ........... ' Blk t Ml, Emily Doswr Blk S. sll thst portion of . tot 7 lying weat. of the proposed west Una of Raat Twentieth atreet Orae A. , I-esb i ,... - 78.00 Meadnwtoad . lk 1, tot 1. (lularnp T Rendettl..- . HO.'OO Rlk 1, tot 3, Jobs C. A Ina war tk - Rlk 1. tot 7, D. P. Jeaepnaoa en.Oii Rlk 1, tot 8, D. P. Joaephaoa., . lio.iaj Blk 3, tot I, D..F. Jnaephaaa., Blk 3. tot 3. D. Fl Joacnbaoa. .. an no Rlk 3. tot 7. From Anderao. , , an no Blk 3, tot A Emma Aaeersaa...n... ., liooo Total i 81.MS.08 TTIOS. C. DEVLIN. AOdltOr Off th rlfV Off Pnetlea.1 . PrwtlaneV -Oreeott, Data s( First rabUokitoa Fwhnury Xi, IV. J - Cll I VOTICXg.' ASSYSSJfXJeTJ rtorosiD AMmmxxg rox xwxotx- mxrt or rxosrr street (ruxj Notice Is hereby sivea that the Auditor of vtty ox rwciand ass prepsrea a pre pud lumaiM fur tb lmnrovsisent of Froat street from a feet south ut th aoutk liu af t-as atraet to ion eet Berth of the north u f leu at root, and haa aaoertaiued what I deenie a luat apportlaument of raat of tb lis prvmat la accord. era with to special aad peculiar beaefita derived by each parcel ef laad and tot as Dart thereof within the aaaneanirn dtatrlct. and has spportleaed tb coat for aaid ImproveoMnt la tb nxoants eat opposite each Parcel of land snd tot or part thereof as Its aiiar of such propoaad asaeaament .Any objection to th apuortioument af coat for aald Imitrovemaat must b mad la writ Ins to th Umiih-II and filed with tb Auditor, Within 15 dara from tha data of tha first nub. jllratloo of thla notice, and aald ohlectloua will a aasre and oetorulned By the tount-ll before the paaaace pf th ordiueace amaalpg the cost ot hi. improvement. at . WETLAND UUKK JOS. tot 1, Henry Weln hard. 82.00: lot X. llearv Walnhard. 8X.t tot 8. Henry Wetuhsrd, 83.00; tot 4, Henry WHnhard. - 83.00; lot 8, Hrnry Welnhard, : Wt-Jm: tot a. Uearv Welnhard. M.0U; kit T Henry Welnhard. ti-OO: tot H, Heary Weln hard, SXOU, BLOCK iOS. SmIU Wataoa Iron Wurka, $. 13. BLOCK loT, tot 1, rlmlth A Wataoa Irea Wot ha, I2.0U; lot 3, Smith m Wataoa Iron Works, 3X01); lot S, Smltk A Wataoa Iroa Works, IXtw; tot 4, Smith A Wataoa lrea Worka, Z.U! bt 5, Hmllk ' A tateoa lroa Works,' 8XM0; tot S, Smith . A Wataoa troa Worka, fiuo; tot t, Smltk a wataoe lroa . A Wsteoa lrou tot 1, Oregon Com .ComDsay. 8x,00: ' Ba tai. Lt 4. Oresoa Con Prank Hornstrtim. 83.00: north M 'tot S. Bopbls HsU, 11.00; aoath U lot S, John Heiaacber. 81. oo: tot 7. K. William. 8.ou tot S, H. WUUams, 83.00. BLOCK 121, north iw feet of lot l. Husie m. rarker. au.xn Berth 30 feet of weat 30 feet of tot 3. Sesle'M. Parker, -30. 16: eaat SO feet of west " 4 feet -ef tot I, Beetle Uordoa. Bii.tu; eaat ' SO feat of west 40 feet of lot 3. Bookie : uoreou.,' eaat OU fret or lot 1, A. Baatnsardner. St. 15: aorth IB feat of esa SO feat ef tot X. -A. Baumsardnar.- 80.46: , aoath 1 foot of north 30 feet ef eaat 00 feet a a Li . . ruk. ao to. . , e, Ma,v ,-, wr " mui w . of lot X,' Marl Dak,' Sl.lOi lot 8. Marl vase. so. so; lot s, Jacob Mayer, aaiot lot e, Jseoe Mayer, 81. HO; armtb SO feet of tot ' 7. Jacob Mayer, 31.); north 30 feet ef west so reet of lot ii Henry n. Mcuinn. sn.oo weat MO feet ef tot 8, Henry B. MeUInn II. 00: north SO feet of seat 20 feet of tot 7. - Karl M. Parker. 80.15: east 30 feet of lot 8, Mud M. Parker, So. 40. BIiOCK 123. tot X, M. Sale. . 82.00; tot X, Joaepb Simon. ; l-rastes, S2.0; tot 8. Jobs Clayton. gXUO tot . hsvibss a Loss aocietv. ll. uu. A trlaasular tract of lead lying "betweea the oataeriy un or lot . biocb ixz, roruxna. in aorta line ot diocb io. ta rut a era auat ttoa to Portlaad. sod a Una 100 feet west 'of sad parallel with the wast Use ef First street. Jobb Clavtoa. B0.10. A tract st laad lylnc betweea th Southerly lln of lot 8, btork 123, Portland, sad tk northerly line of block 10, Caratbor'- sddltlon . to Portland, had betweea tba aaat Una ef second atreet and a Una loo taat aaat of and parallel therewith. Savings A .laaa Society of Baa rraaclac, gi-ue, .- PORTratND BLOCK 123, lot 8. Ssvings A Lea a Bociaty of Baa BTSnciaea, sxuu; ut a, Bavutss , A Loaa noclaty of baa Francisco, 82.tA; tot 7, Hosarell B. Iawan. 82.0U: lot A BosweU B. Laaiao, 82.00. BLOCK 1ZL lot 1, John a. iwviiB. fa-uv; lot a, ona A. uevua, sx.uu; ; e-v o, yam, , a. aarwat nKm;, fw, .tot 4.. Ueorge H. Umaee, 82.00;. tot 6, Kate ttrfloeraoo. z.uu; lot a, orvia and Btsnrsret a. Buo. sxuu: lot t. orvia aeuos. sxisj: lot dk Ida M. Olesy, 82.00. BLOCK 138, tot 1, Ijtcf A. Dodd Estate, Heirs of, 83.00; lot - tatcv A.J Dodd Katat. , Heira of. 11IU: tot A (kwreH. Cbsac. 34.00; lot 4, Course H. Chancai 82.00; tot SStepbea Meade ka tat. Heira of. sxoo: south o feet of lot a. 8tpbea Meade Katate, Heirs of. 31.80; aorth lo feet of tot A C C. .Newcastle, 30.40; weat 0 feet of lot 7, C. C Newcastle, Bl.Btl; west M feet of lot A 0. 0. Newcastle,31.0; east ii feet oi ax f, vacy a. um xsstai. Heirs of, ao.10; cast 10 feet of lot B, Lucy A. Dodd Eatsta. Hairs of, 30.10. BLOCK loY, La l i..,iu a i." 1 - , 'i tn. .joaettBiaa A. n. water ma a. sxuu: lot a. Abra ham B. Burger. 82.00; tot A Joseph Day; s.uu; Mt b, TDOnms ppiumsn, sx.uu; ot , k. L. Bay, f2-U0; aoutk 18 2-8 fact ef tot 7, K. L, Hay. J0.n0; aorth 311-3 feat of lot 7, U v . . W I . , Q . 1... u l at Z w, 'p . w, . aatttj at. ArbuckK 32.00. BLOCK I'M, ail of weat ,J00 feat ef Mock except north Ou leet, Ar wgufaeBU Tttartowi' SX.SO.'-aU of east 100 feet of btork except north 60 fset - Josephine BalUvaa, 32.15; norU 30 feet of west 100 feet of Block. Hstti uoidsmttn. aouts 90 feet of serth do feet of west 1X feet Of block, Llaaie A. lUcbards, 81. Ou; .north 50 feet ot eaat 100 feet of block, Oacar Mlhaos, 12.00. BLOCK 130, tot 1, Pater 1. , Mann, BX.0O; lot 2, f rater 1. hi ana, f2.00 tot 3. Vater J.-hUnn. 1.7; lot. Marj , . nwwiiwiii Mwtn iwt in, fv.iv, aw. tf, Mary Hoblnaoa Eatstc. Heirs st 81.38: tot S. : John W. snd Helen Mse Cm-ran. 82.00: lot r-7, Peter J, -Mann. 82.00; tot A Pater V. mann, sx.w. tujuviL ' teu, tot l, a. L. Mendaaball Estate, Heirs of, 82.00; lot 2, lamia P. toe rain lutata. Heir of, 32.00; lot A lamia P. - Cbaaxia Ewtato. Heira of. -82.00: tot 4, Louie w. Chemia Estate, Heirs of, B2.0UT lot a, Bentoa KUien, 82.U0; tot , H. MT Borahaai. 8200; lot 7, J. M. WattJ, S Wh. ThraA SI J Ag Waits Xaf r hs IT 111. T"'wvl "VI w op sea-, w oivwa, P. w. giaewst s wj. lot 1, Qatrrve H. lUj, 3.00; lot a, Ulrluel SmtOUi lot 4, Umem & Jokmtum. 12.00; L.S AT sk Rg gfteh. J su b.iii. a ti -.x. ABVVB, Wt Ve ABB. OIABI lB II A tSSRW BBt OS13B8BB BatoSaeV. aoath 4S feet of tot S. O. M. Smith Bad I Bene A Belli, fl.SO; north 2 feet af tots. stary rrsnce Hurley, au.iv; outa mm feet of tot 1. Mary rraaoes Hurley.' 81.45: north 14 -feet f lot 7. Anni H. Htrklns, 80.00; ox a, asnis si, J xsarsins. es-ou, CARUTHERB' ADDITION TO PORTLAND- BLOCK J. tot 1, Thomas Oulnaaa, 82.10; lot z, j nomas uoineaa, x.iu; tot 9, doba Camp bell, 32.10; Jot 4, John Campbell, 12.10: tot 6, WUUam Drraxek, 52.10; tot 8, William Itll.nt S-J IO, tnf V ' Xi-e W IXTIIe .'I 1 . k . tot 8. Mary K. Wlbioa, 82.10, - BLOCht X tot 1, Kalsma River Boom Company, 82.10; aorth x i I ot an sr t-narjoa rt aitor, x.iai- aoata of at a. w.' rnuerton. si. on: sot a. a la ma River Boom Comnanr, 82.10: tot A 1-bomaa Mann, 32 10; tot 5, Thoaxas Mann. 82. io: tot S. Thomas Mann. 82. lo: lot. Thoaus Mann, 82.10; tot S, Kalsma Blver Boom Company, 82.10. BIXKK 8, lot 1, Bodney UUeaa Eatate, Heira of, 82.10; lot 3, Hodney tiltsaa Estate, Heirs of, 52.10: lot a. Modney Ullsaa Relate. Heirs ef. 8210: tot 4, Eetber benofahy, 8X10; tot 8, Albert nuner, s. iv; - tot a, x trainuuss LXHtet, rxio; lot 7, Collets it. rxecr, 32.10; tot 8, toilets M. Fraaer. F2.I0. BLOCK 4. let 1. tuna- ir ret nee, ps.ivr tot z, t nxries I. r Btrmvyg, . sv, , is AJUt'st'-i g, 8210; lot 4, Job lAtrkel et sL, 82.10; lot o B. Wlstar Mnrrb), 82.10: tot . William A Onttnoes, 82.10;' tot 7. Sarah J. Stanaberry. 82.10; tot , Tbsma tislnean. 33.10. BUK'K fsrker, 82. io; lot . deBa Lnckel et SI, 0, east 100 feet I tot 1, Marls Baker, 32.00; west d.6 feet of tot 1. WUUam PUedner. Su.lU: west .S feet of lot 3, William' PUed ner, 8O.10; west A3 feet ef lot 8, WiUlsm FUedner. 80.10; esst 100 feet of tot 2, J. W. Baker, 82.00; esst loo-fest mt lot 8, Parry ti. Hater Estate, Heir of, 82.00; tot 4, William FUedner, 82 lo; lot 5, William Pllrd- Br, 82.10; lot , William FUedner, 32.10 lot 7. WUUam FUedner. 32.10:. tot a. Wllllan FUedner. 32.10. UIXICK 0, bit '1, Jobs Perry, IX lo; hit 3. Drlhln Wharaa, SXlti . e ex .1 1 s. a 1 J m an k a a xstri 1 ti , wo. K wywrrm ntjarn ibjau, eydt. if. sni, , vr 111 ratal Plledner, 3X10; lot 6, WiUlsm FUedner, 82.10; lot e, cnarir mtsce, 32.10; wt 7, i,yui rx, -xayior, ea.iv; to. o, uyoxa n. Taylor, 12.10. BLOCK 7, lot 1. Clara Gold stein, 5x10: tot x, Alice r. Taylor, sx. 10 west tnu faet of tot a, Peter Tsytor, So. 60 caai au xerx 01 id a, trrina w, l-rait, Sl.ov: lot 4. Peter Tsytor, 3X10: exit 84 fset of tot a, ntae.xsyior,; sst eWj feet of lot . Peter Tar tot, 80.10; weat 1D0 feet rof tot 5,' Cenadlaa A American Morfxag A -Treat Campa dyr -Ltd., 82.00; weat luo feet J. W. Hlckiuuv 8X10, r io. a airrati x. a .rater, xxuu: lot a. A tract e - wm wramr. - aaa a scribed se-fobdw: Commencing st point In the test Un of Second street, aald point betas 80 fast south ef tb toteraecttoa ei tb aou lb Une of Rbermaa atraet with tb aaat Une of Second atreet; these Math along the Mat Une ef Seroad street "to a point 100 feet asath ef the snath Un ef 8 barm a atreet; tbearu eaat 71.71 feet along a Un 1U0 feet eoath of sdd parallel with tb aoutk lln of Sherman' Mreet; thence north 22.1 leet along a Una 71.71 feet eaat f and parallel with tha eaat Un ef Second atreet: bene north 84 degrees SS minutes west 15.8 faet: throe weat S feet stoag B Un 88 faet oath f and parallel with tba aoath Un of Sherman street; thence north 18 feet along a Un 83.01 feet east ef snd parallel with tb eaat Use of Second street; th as o west atong s tins 50 feat aoath of aad parallel with the eolith lln of 8 her man atraet to tb piece of beflnatng, J. W. Hickman. l.x A tract . of land bounded sod deacrrhed follow: Ccnmenetng st tb northweat ear sec of lot 1, blork 7. Caratkwr's addltloa ta Portland; three aoath longv tb weal line of tot T and 3, block 7, C. rather' sddlttos to Portlaad,' to a polst loo feet south of Booth lias ef g banana street; thence weat 34.31 feet along a lln 100 faet anal a f aad parallel with the aoath lln of Seer mas afreet: these Berth 33.1 fset elonar ' lln 71. 71 feet 'eeet el Bad -paraUet- wltb tb eaat line of Reread street; tbenc north 84 derree 38 'mlsute weat 15.5 feet; these weat 8 feet along a lln 88 feet eoath of snd parallel with" lb aoatb Uaa of ber ma a street; tbeue north along a line 83.01 toet east ef and parallel with the aaat line af Second atreet ta It lalereeetloa with tb oath tin ef Bbermsa street; theoea aaat along tk aarjth Un of Sberm atreet t pier f begtanlng. Witter- S. Harford. 81.85. CARtTTHEIW ADDITIOX TO PORTLAND P-. ' vJ0" t ft. oflot X. Loo". P Beuo, V ; lot A Oreaon Comnanr. .i , . 't-rTJ .' Fy K 8, lot I, Botlnerr.Haaa Ratat. Heirs ef. 1210; tot 3. Rodney lillasB Katate, Heirs ef. 3-10; tot 8, Rodney lllraaa Retste, Heirs et. 5X10; tot 4. Lula May Cnttel. 8XIO; onth S ef lot 8,- laln Mar (rtttel. 8106; north V, of tot 8. Cb.rlea W. Cottel, II l: tot . Rodaey vlUwa katate, Heirs of, 84.10; .'. , 1 I A t. ."' - ' , CTTT SfOtTOM. tot T, Rodney CMssa Estate,, Hew of. 32.10; . , lot 8. kodney (JUaaa Katate. I Heira otVlXIO. u t P, h t I, Barak J. Htanatierry, fxiu; hit 8, Sarah J. Htanaberry. SXtof lot 3. Sarah J.- Htansberry, 3XIO; lot 4. Sarah J. StanabBrry, 32.I0; tot 5, Sarah J. Stuneberry. 1X10: tot . Harsh J. Hraaalterry. i.l; tot 7. Sarah J. Stanaberry. 1X10;.- kit -0, Sarah J. Ptaaaberry, 8XI0. BUK'K 10. tot 1,' Mary K. Duffy. 3X10; tot X K. J. Hyland, (2.1; tot 8 Mary L. Tlllon. 3XIO; tot 4. Msrtla Hchstle, 12.10; lot 5, Charles hirrhnrr sd i1.'"." .Hb"-"0. 2.1i lot 0, Juhn hmery, ' l-t'o; lot 7. J.- M. Waleh, 3Xri tot a, i?"Tj.UeJ0r"tB A Troat Companyi 3X10. BUKh 11. tot 1, Oeors ud Sarah (torn , bert. 8XI0J tot X JoaepS Shauk. 3X10S eet 7T feet, of lot 3. Martha A. t ooled , 81.56; weat 20.3 feet of lot A, Haskell Brown, 30.56; J-eet 20.6 foot mt lot 4. Haskell Brown, 311.65; eaat 77 feet f lot dl Tred Neubauer, I.5S; weat OS ft (, tot 8. Alfred J. 'armor , 81.80; raat SB feet of weat 100 feet of lot B, lawn Bemler, 80.86; aaat 3.8 feet of tot 8, Haakell Brows, 80.10; eaat 3.5 feet of lot 8, HaakeU Brown. 30. 10: waat 10 1 feet : of tot , alary AuBkatJ Saavaln. IX 00; lot 7. Joaepb P. Nelderawyer, 32.10: tot S. Ott Kothcblld. 8X10. BIXXK IX tot I. x-irj' Al,eo"1,..210' ,u ef tot 2. . Adnlph Uolsnn, gl.tA; south X ef lot 2, 1V',1 Normsu, 31.05; lot , Mary. L. Thiirlow. 82.10: tot 4. Henrietta, 8XI0; tot 5, Anthony F. Cerroll. 2.10: tot Anthony F. Carroll; 3Xlo; . tot 7, Jobs tTmrrrv 32.10; lot-Si Jobs - Emery, IX lit. BUM.'K 1. west 8.6 feet ef tat 1. William "Hallla, o.l5 esst 23.5 feet of west 43 feet er an. 1, iotis r. Beao, bo.od; eaat Bd.S 4.1.6 feet of tot X UoMI Barell, 0.l; am- oa itwi i Boatn a I eel ox lot 3, Bim.a Catbolle Archbishop of the Dtoecae ; of Oregoa, 80.70; west 44 feat f tot T Koataa CatboUe Archbishop ef the Bloc re of.orrsoa, gO-bO: north 40 feat of cast 02.8 feet of lot 1. William Ballla. Bl.SO: north 36 fet of t 3. feet of lot X Lou la P. rjcno, eu.oo; ea.i oj.o rest ef south in feet ef lot X Roman Catbolle Archbishop f tb ldocrss f Oregoa, 0.6; tot 4, Homair Catto ollc Archbishop ef ths Dines of Oregon, 3X10; tot X atomaa Catholic Archbishop at lit Dtoee of Oragoe, 8X10; tot e, ltomaa . ( athollo Archblabop of the Dtocea of Oregun. 8X10; lot f, Bomea Catbolle .Archblabop of th DMwe ef Oregoa, 8X10; west 8.4 feet of east 32 feet of south 11 feet of tot X Uoma Catholic Archblabop of the Dtocea 'of Oregoa, 80.10; west 74.8 feet ef south 11 feet of lot X Booxan Catbolle Archblabop, of tb Dtoc of Oragoa, 80.25; eaat 32.VS feet ef tot X WUUam Ballla, 80.46; west 82.54 feet of aorta in) feet ef tot X Jrnnls - Belcher, 31 . BLOCK 14, tot 1. Prstt Whitcomb, 82.10; tot X Pratt Wbitcomb, - 3X lo; lot X Pratt Whitcomb, 8X10: tot 4, laaac Haaim, 32.10; aoutk H of lot 6, WiU lsm U. Urenf.ll. 81.06: eaat 3S.8 fact ef north H of tot 8, Wllltam H. Cronfell. Bo. 26; west 80 feet et aorth ft ef tot 6, Stephen PridosBX. 80.78; tot X Anthony P. Carndl. 3X10: tot 7. Aathoay FTcsrroll. - 8X10; tot x Ella U Woodward, 8X10; BLOCK - 15, tot X George La n( ford, 8X10; tot X fleorge Lansford, fXlO; tot X Parker P. Morey, X1; tot 4, Darby O'Tuole, 8X10; tot 5, Thomsslns P. Bcott, 1 8X10; tot X TboamslBr P. bcott, 8X10; lot 7. Ifsad U. Hudsoa, 8X10; lot 8. Maad a. Hadsos, 8X10. 'BLOCK IX tot 1, Hsrrtot M. Btosssa, 3X10; tot X Harriet M. Btsmsa, 8X10: tot X Joha B. Lata, 8X10; lot X M. V. Prstt, SXlo: tot 8, Wllley k Allen, 8X10; south U of tot X Wllley B. Alien. il.OO; aorth 3 f lot X Moress Bard. 81.05; eaatto of lot 1, t nanes 1 r-rtr. 31.00: aaat of lot 8, Charles U Parker, 3 1. 06; wast H ef lot' x, Btisor u. Hare. 31.00; west H ef tot b. Elinor 0. Hare. II.06. BLOCK 17. tot 1. Msry D. It. Barabart, 8X10; tot X alary D. L. Banihsxt, 8X10; edst 100 eet of tot X Cbartos L. Parker, 8X00; west XS3 feet of outh 14 of tot X alsry X. Arbeckle, 80.10; west 8.63 feet ef aorth, eg tot X Benson - B. Arbuckle, 30,10; eaet: 100 feet of lot 4. WlUlam B. Puffer. 8X00: weat a. 62 feet of - lot X Msry R. Smith, 80.10; tot lv Mary SU , axniia. .iu; soata l si Mary a. , Arnuccie, st.uo; aorth 44 ef tot X aa, aiena. vi.w, t .tot 7. John J. sad Annie ... awaito, attv, o, aw., oat. n ta PabJe. 8XI0.. BLiOCK IX lot 1. Uersxas bav ins A Loaa Society. 3X10: lot X Beth- 1 Pops. 82.10; tot X Charles B. Parker, 8X10; tot X Charles E, Parker, 8X10; west 80 feet of lot 6, Bshfanl T. Hlasda, 11.00; eaat 54.8 . feet ot tot X Joaa Rarbey, 31. IO; 1st. X Bea SbLaJ II aaA - O0 S . - 1 At XA ' a Ia. i-l Tw , . 1 . h 3771 sAXlja,, x r MSI AX IS aBato IV) - WBBXA f SJX --, - 8 a John . Oeors Seed, 81.06; south 3 feet oi weat Vi of lot X Joha George Bead. 30-lo; ' north 48 feet of west to of tot X Mary Seed. 80.86; eaat H ef tot 7, William H. and Fred erick J. Joyce, 31.05; out H ef tot X Will iam H. and Frederick J. Joyce, 81.05. BLOCK ,, tot J, Frederick D. Matthews. 83.10: tot X rYederlck D. Matthews, X10; tot X Rdssr Poppletoa. 8X10; lot 4, Edgar Poppletoa, 8X10; tot X Mrsnto Varwlg, 1X10; aonth 83 1-3 feet ef tot X CarlsrJaa Keller, 81-36; north IS 2-3 feet of tot X Dsatel and Cath - ertn A. Kclrr, 80.70; tot 7, Daniel aad i atbf . rrlne A. Kelly. 8X10:-tot S, Graham (Ttaes, Katst Hvtra of, 8X1X BLOCK SO, tot 1, Peter I. Mann. 8X10; tot X Ore ham las, Eatata Heirs ef, 82-10; tot X Ursbaxa Olaaa, Jtatat Heirs of, 82 to; tot X James J. Al lard. X10; lot X Ella D. Beach raat. 3X1; tot X-W. C. Harmar, 8X10; tot 7, Joaa W. Curran. 8X10: tot S. Pa tar J. Maaa. 3X10 CARl'THP.R'S ADDITION TO CARl'THKB'g AOIUTION TO Tns t. ITT OF fOKTLA NO- BLOCK A all et north 44 feet ef tot 1, ex. eept west 33 fret, Sarah J. McKluichv.Sl.B0: snotk 4 feet 01 east 00 test Of lot 1, Al Fosdlek. 80. 16: west 33 feet of tot 1. t Inert N. Furniture bUnofacturlsg Company, 80.45; west 22 feet of tot X oresoa narntture Maauree- Weat 33 feet. Albert ti. Fosdlek. 81.6: all of aorth A of tot- X except west IS feet. Cbsrlea E. HaU, 31.20; aU ef aoath, H af tot S except west 14 feet, Nettle A S. Sea Um, 81-30; west 18 feet ef tot X O. Cordaao, ,8o.m; .aU of north to. of tot 4 except west -B1J8 feet, F. R. 111. 30.80; soath 85 ft .of kit X O. Cordaao, 80.8O: west 01.13 feet of north to of tot 4. O. Cordanov 31-06; weat So faet vf tot 5, Dtmlnlt-k LagrsaX 81.80; west 80 feet af tot X Margaret Coasrov. 31.80:. east 10 feet mt tot 5. O. Cordans, -fo. 16; rest 10 feat of tot X O. Oordano,; mt 7. tiregoa s-oruipxr aiaaafactaring Cnaipany. 8X00; tot X (h-egoa Furnltar Man afactarlag Company, SX0O. BLOCK. B, aorth 22 feet 7 tot x, F. w7Wstklna. 30.80j sooth JH feet of tot 1. Ltssle Appleatoee, 81.16; tot X Julias and Carolina Walter, 3X00; north V, of tot -X Port Und Troat Company of Oreann, 3100; aoutk of tot X X Hoc, feld, fLOO: tot 4, WiUlsm H. Courtney, 8X00; aaat H of tot 6. Jan B. Johnstone,- 81.00; west of lot 5. Charles A. Walter, Sl.OOr tot X Perry G. Baker. Estate Heirs of, 8X00; west H t( tot 7, Thomas P. Campbell. 81.00; west H ( tot 7, Thomas P. Campbell. 81 eaat V, of tot T, Jacob Stalder, 31.00; toi James P. Devies. 8X00; lot X tt. Marx, 81 lot 10, 8tepbea Meade. Bstats Hairs ef, 31 t X. 1.36;. 1 ha,' tot U, - Perry . U. Baker. Re tat He'lrs 'of.'' 810; -tot 12, Perry O. Bdker, Katat Heirs ''of. 81.80. BltOCK C. tot .1. Perry U. Raker. Estate Heirs of. 8X00; tot 27 Perry tl. Baker, Kstste t, SX00: tot X William Waarner, ,. 82 00; tot X WUUam Waacber, 8X00; tot 5. P.llco Wella, 3X00; eoath to of tot X Archl ed klchardaon. (1.00; Berth 4 ef tot X X Ousllelemelll, Esute Heira ef. 81.00; aoath 20 feet of lot 7, J. A. Psraatt, .81.16; north 20 feet f tot 7. Emm and . Jennie Rafts. BO.St); tot X-Enuaa aad Jermla Kafka, 8X00. BliOCK D, weat H-of tot I. - A...W. Cheaev. 81.00:. west 44 ef tot X A. ' W.' Cheney, 31.00; eaat to of tot 1, Heritable f Heeenty m Mortgage I eve intent unmpsny, ) Ot A - t; -.r ina Ueelt-KtA " - - - A Mortgsga Tnvestuvnt Company, 81,00; tot 8. Emily J. rVbwelder, IXO0; tot 4. Emily 1. Hchnelde. 82.001 lot X Nichols Rebanaa. XO; tot X PMUp Mw, 8X00; lot 7, Bums, v. nutier, z.w; iov o, tnwpa Vina, sx-uu. BItOCK B. undlTldodi H of tot 1, Loadoa A Rsa Fraadaro Bank. 81.00; ubdlvrded to -et tot X. Loaaoa a aaa STanemc nans, ai.on; undivided of tot 1, Dundee Mortgage Trust lBvestmeat Corn pa ay, Ltd., 81.00; an ' divided H of tot X Dundee Mortsag A Treat Inveatment Company, Ltd., 310; tot X Carl Abendroth, 82.00; tot 4, Cerl Atondrath, 8X00; weat- H of tot 8, William H. Baylor, ii.eo; east H of tot 5. Fanny Barry, 81.00; tot X Fanny Barry, 3X001 snath to of tot 7, Psnny Barry, 81.00: north H of tot 7, Jamas Barry. 11.00; tot X Jaaaee Barry, IXoo. . BIXJCK F, lot 1, J. C Lackat. 30.70: tot X J. C, LOcker, 80.70; lot X J. C. Locket, 8ft,t-j lot 4, J. C Luckel, 80.01); tot 5, J. C. Uaeket, 80.00) tot X J. C Locket, . 80.80; lot 7 J. C. Lockel, 80.001 Tot X JT C. LBcket, 80.05; tot S. J. C. Luckel, 80.80; tot 10, jT c. luckel, 80.00; tot 11. J. C. Leckel, 80.80; tot IX J. C. Luckel, 80.80; tot IX" J- C- Luckel. 80.70; tot 14, J. C. Luckel. 80.70; tot IX J. O. luckel, 80.70; lot IX J. C. Luckel, 80.70; lot 17. Augrjata Marks, 80.80; ot IX Aogusta Marks, 80.00; lot 1. Angnsts Msrks, 80.00; lot 30, Au goat Marks. 80.00; tot tl. Jobs B. Elegler. io.SO; undivided V4 ef tot 33, William Moo ts (. 30.86; undivided H ef tot 2ft, WUUam Mitntsg. 80.36; andlvlded to ef tot 24, William Moatag. eo; aad I tided H et lot 36. William Moatag, fo.30; aadlvMed -to of tot 32, Henry Cleave,. 80.86; undivided to of tot its, Henry Cleave, S0.26; andrrlded to of tot 24, Henry Ctosvs, ,80.25; andlvlded H of tot 36. Hency Cleave. BLOCK fl, tot 1, lea belle B. aed W. A. Lewi, 81.85; tot X laabell B. and W. A, Lewis, il.66; eaet 60 feat of west 63 feet of tot X MstUd A.-Bker, 31.00; eet 68 feet ef weat 1.1 feet of tot 4. MstlldB A. Baker. 3I.: ell f tot S Meept west M feet. Ralmnnd B. Hill, n.S6; ) of tot except weat 0.1 reet, semaad Hill. 80 21; ..divided H weal 8 feet of west AO feet ef tot X Irtdoa AV Beaj Prsndsce rtaant, Rank. Ltd.. So. 10: andrHded V ef. itee. 1 Raa I S of Teel Of west no if Of mt 4, Landna rranetare MM, lAm; SO. 10; andlvlded r weat at. F -i at treat . rest AO feet of lot nnanv: ra. iaia,. ,X Tmab, Pomnany; Ltd., 0.10;- andlvlded to of wer feet f mi ba r $ioo7 BtcK isjui. i!ni,ia i uinT LT," s? risi. iDaay. 82.Wi lot 6. iTjiT. - I in tWr.'r 5. of tot 4. Alllsnea Trat Cnmsany. fed . 80.10; andlvlded H f eaat 47 feet mt lot X London A Haa Pranrtorn Rank, Ltd go n aadlrldrd t. af east 47 feet of tot 8. London A Ben Fraocct , Rank., . 8O.40-. a, dlvlttod W of eaat 47 feet ef tot i AIMsac Trust Compyr UX, 30.4O5 BaThtod ,' , ' "' ; ','-' I. t- - "aV