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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
-I ..., ik:-:. !! f- - v '"V Public Tea Room v v ; Second Floor.-" ' Auspicpt Portland Y: W. C. A. ;;;;VlSNU' . C Wednesday February 22. ' Tea -v Coffee Chocolate." t,t.:!;WiIk-in 'Bottle; , Chicken Soap '; -' Fruit Salad-; . : Ft dFcto Ora ; Sanidwkhea , Hot Rusk Bread and Butter , , . iea cakes '.j'. PHENOMENAL ' OPENING SALR -, AND. EXHIBIT or NEW . 1905 Silks d Dress Stuffs Continued: A Congress of Fashion . Fancies of ' the World Fifth Street Annex Salons First Floor. .;'J: EXTRA SPECIALS FOR ;:HE.'.WEEK-y.';;; ' Two Grand Extra Special for our Grand Opening of Nw Silk. . Nw Suiting Bilk In 'full assortment . of rood - color; neat atrip and chocks alao neat fancy weavee; ' regular He valuea; peclal. yd. 67) New Suiting Silks, spiendtjl wearing quality, all new styles and colors; .regular tl-tO value; speclaL par yard ........ ........... ...Ta A few helpful mcntlona of the new line of silk with lode denoting: the price ranee. 1 ' -. New Meussellne - Taffetas, at per' yard ..$1.00 $1.25 91.60 Naw Chiffon Taffeta. at, per yard.-.. .....wJfrf i.OO $1.25 91.50 New Peau de Cyme, at,' per yard... ...............91.00 aad 91.25 New Chanreable Peao da . Cygne, at ; per yard....... 91.OO and $1.25 New Chameleon Chiffon - Taffeta, at Pr yard.... 91,00 91.25 91.50 New Mousselln Faille, at per yard.. f.v.v . -915 and 91.50 Naw Bond Taffeta, at par yard 91.00 New Bond Bultlara, at per yard... .......i ..$1.25 New Kajah Poncaa, wanatna. at yard v .....91.25 New Burllngham " Potiae. genuine,' . yard .fc..,,.,.. ......p92.00 New Embroidered . Pong,' at ' per yard v,. .i. M New .Plain v Imported Pongee, all wldtho and prloea; new Bult 811k 1 In every new color and deatgn. at .the yard..-. 85 fl.OO 91.25 9x.T5 92.00 T wo Great Special ' dpeiiingr Values I in tc,cw Dress , Goods 4J-lnch Imported -Frenoh Volte, crlap.' - wiry ' f Ihlah In cream, btaek and all the new atreet oolora; ouf grand value ' at fl.M - per : yard;, apecial Introductory priov yard . ...T9 14-lneh' All-Wool Tailor.' Buitlnga, In 1 Illuminated neat - etrlpee and checks; all color combination In - tha aaaortment; our grand 11.60 per yard value; apaclal Introductory J- price, per yard ............fl.OO iDomestic ; and Wash Goods """TIN-THbl FEBH ti ART BALES. "t . riR8T;FliOOR -. "3,V: 'c LtNEN ., CRASHES. i. Splendid Quality AH Pur. , Linen Craah -Tawellnga. II Inchea-wide, plain or fancy border; beat poaaibla ' valuea at the yard... .... lOiriaHand 15a BLEACHED.. BHSETINQ AT ITHe.' Heavy Bleached Sbeetmg, full width; . our regular lie value; apaclal, at : yard ........ v..........irta) I. PILLOW CASINO . FOR lto. Plllew Caalng, 45 Inch wide, 'actra, weight fend nlea. ttmooth 'flnlah; our regular Ho. value: apeclaJ. at i tha yard .. ....... ..10f : ' PRESSER SCARFS FOR Tto, . Fancy Drawn Work Dreaaer Scarf a. double .row of work; alao ltxIO I Inchea;' our tto 'value; apoelal. at each ...r.... ....704 NaWWJUARES-Roe Fancy Drawn' Work Linen Square; alae -taxSt . Inchea; our 40 value; apoclaLAat each. . . j". .. . ,' . .SOe), tINEN SCARFS FOR' ttvfe ; Fancy.-Irawn .Work '. Linen IScarfa, with atnglofow of work: alia ltx our, ta value; apaclal, at eaoh' lTTfttVn ' I a, ...... .B04) "DRESSER SCARFS FOR 40c, Plain Hematitehed Dreaaor Scarf a, aiaa ltxto Inchea; our . toe value; -apaclal. , at each ......40f , 1 5EW "AND BEAUTIFUL WASH ; " Fabrics. . , r French Dlmltlea of very fine juallty; . pretty dealgna In light and dark r eolorlnga; prices, the yard A .V. . . ..........' 12H and-154 Venetian Voile In checked- and . VatHped effects; priced at the yard ......... .......axar Dotted Swlaa Xulls, aaaay dainty pat terns; specnvl value, 'at the yard ...... . . . r ... r. . , . . iH4 Jarquard Zephyra ' for ' Bklrt . and Behool Dreeaea, ' tn plain ahd f Ig ' urad effects; priced at the yrd .....J .:......12tt Silk Spot Chiffon, la iaU the naweat .. coloring;- apeelal.. at the yd.25e) Naw Draaa and Aaron Olhghama, Par caleaand Galataaapiioea. tb yardi .? :. , f . ........ j 4 to ir GREAT EXTRA SPECIAL IN WAJ3M .b : yiirda - of Fine French' Flnlah Batlata la light dark and medium coloring, with pretty dealgna In dot, email ', figure, 1' tcrotl and floral -of facta; all are good value Vat lto: special . for on ; work at ! , the yard .....r......r-.r.i...l0f : s. Tfci iiali Shop f LmoroDt : Qiore t5fA iy Msbinitca Sts. ' A fLaSw..'- 1' . .1 ' ' 'MM i Portland's ; Largest Foremost Xtire, Lowest Frices--first While we legitimate opportunity 'and sfecure niahy important price ; i cbncxssibiis tivvm pecialtK Storcf; organization, 1 l yet no priceVoittd Jempt us to accept any but the vei highest newest styles of : ; merchandisdV Op for mbney saving are plentiful at out store. ew styles" !and iroods that Woc&oi tad children ere roost ' in need just how rc bang oneredjfbr balance of the week at.xnuch below regular price. Scholarship :;;';:.::';Vote "i'vv' RESCLT OF VOTE AT 10 a, m. TO- -'',v.."."L;v: ' .'DAT: -':' ' v ' T ; V ? ":" , Reginald Carter bellboy, Tha : Norton 4......'............. f.Tlt Arthur Taylor. JK. and A. Bbo- " " greti .y. f ... . . T.ltt Ha Hughe,' Knlghta Shoe, Co. .ltl Ouy DePue, Portland Del t very - " co.,....?. . , . ,un Chaa.-Adler. Woodard' CUrke..'a.HI Bather' Carlson, . Maaon At Ehr- ' man . . . . .... ...-.... S.13d. Fred Harphy, Waatern. El ec trio , Co.-,fW . . . . . ..... , . . . . Lttt RaTph Holman, Ladd TUton'a ' ., bank .......' L7tt P, H. Batten, Wadham at Kerr - Broe. ...... ..1. LTO! Raymond Smith, Columbia, Ico " ' Co...'.. L4tt as.m Scattering , v.,.,.., 1,471 Total ...... vM.111 Notion and Small ? Wares j V ar -at,-.- FIRST FLOOR , Tha Importance little thing la exemplified tn the amall .boy defini tion of, apon8iblllty, when point ing out the Important dutlea devolv ing upon tho last two Tore and aft" tronaer-buttoDB that are, left for tha suspenders to tie to.? .' -- Thla notion atora la an Illustrated textbook on tha importance of little thing. Tour - the .opoortunltloa to buy to advantage,' Ours the duty to see .that the article you get are the' beat of their several aorta at tha prioaa asked. Needles that don't break with fair oaag. Elaatic with 'Ufa" to It Thread that la of - proper strength, ate, '. Bargain a-plenty . to INK to- t Carter'a Beat Black Ink, reg. tc; ' special botoe . .......... I ....... Z4 0' PURSES ISO-. ' "5.''" -I Chamol Leather Coin Purs, with tne Ida pocket, reg. val. ttc; apectal. eacn ..... 10' PURSEiS o V(!."-!. ' '.:' . Coin puraea. In aaaorted leathers, rag.. lto apaclal, each.., ...... 64 lto. KODAK ALBUMS ttc Deckle Edge Kodak- Album, alae Tilt; reg. vaL 4c; apaclal, ea.20 14 PHOTO ALBUMS to Stamp Photo Albums, with burnt leather covers, reg. 14o; - apaclal. - each ......... .....i...... 8 lto SHIRTWAIST BETS 7c Gilt and Oxld Shtrtwalat Seta, t . buttona-la 'eti reg. vat ltc; ape claJ. eet? "74 Ste CHAMOIS 8KIN lto : Large Blxe Chamois Skn. reg. val. tic; apodal, - each 10 ite POWDE31 PUFFS 7o " 1 ' 'Swanadown Powder Puff, reg. vat. T ltc; apoelal. each r... .74 lto NAIL BRUSH e ' Combination Hand Scrub Brush and ,.NallBruh, reg. vat ISc special, each - , ... . .... 04 t fa? HAIR BRUSH tto ; Black Brletle Hair Brush, medium Ise, reg. vat ttc; special, an. .20a to PENCILS to l : Chil4ren'a Fancy ' Pre Lead Pen cils, all oolora, reg. vaL te; .pe clai. each , ............34) lto jOLUE to' ."' " " " ; , ' i ila Page Liquid FUK Olue, reg. vaL 10c; apaclal. botU.5 tto SILK ELASTIC tOc '.: Fancy Ruffle Sgk Elaatlo, black or . color. reg. vat lto; apeelal , yard ...............201 Ste DRESS SHTBLD8 0c White Detachable Shirtwaist Dreaa Shields, alaa No. 4, reg.. vaL sac; peclai, pair 20a) DRESS SHIELDS 14c AND lie . Fluted Rubber Dreaa Shlelda, whit nainsook covering, also No. 1, reg. vl. Jc; apodal, air .'. ;14 Slse No- J. reg. val Ste;. apeelal Pf TARASOAPMO CAKE i Glycerine Tar Soap, for .balk and Shampoo; spec tat oak ...... ...4e) lOo CASTILE SOAP tv ' ' '-":-v..." Largof 81s Bquar Caka Imported - White Castile Soap, reg. vaL lc - special, oak .'........ .51 TOILET PAPER FIXTURES tc ." Our lto Toilet Paper Fixture; ape elal, each .................i,..34f 1 Trtt.-.r f l ran ant.T ' TWO ROLUI FOR to " ' Toilet Paper in t-gram roils, reg. . vaL 4c; special, 1 rolls for. v... 54) lto CC.AR-U--ON BKTS To , .Collar Button Seta, 4 battona. In aet - back, front a d 1 - alee vea,. reg. val. .lto; spedat aet ...j:..,.v..T tto CUFF LlfrKS ' - ' Cuff Links. In gilt or oxlda metal, reg. vat 15c; epedal, palr....lot 1 r A PAIR OF MAGNETIC VALUES IN Knitweat -Aisles J FIRST FLOOR ' ' -,. . WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR " AND . , ' HOSIER Tt , , At Extra Special Valuaa for Thar J.J.. - v '- a'T- Jto VmBRODE" UNDERdAR- , L :' , 1 MENTS tto. , Women' "Merode -Knit Underwear, white, lightweight Meriao. hlah neck, long and .short .eleetea. low neo. no aieeveavr kao and 'ankle r( tto each; apaclal, sack ......594 Women' Fin' Black ' ' Lisle Ho. wnn -prenuy emnroiqerea -'noot? , Imported and. ust in; . t6o valuea I ,.forr pair 89) I OMMMMMM t MM IMMMlIM v, 7 , r . l " n. r'- ..... i High-Class Millinery $h49 Slaughtered f LAST SALE OF THB CKslSON ANDTB0B MOST aTTNS A- T w flOXAL" AND IMPORTANT MTL-LINERT BVXNT OF ALL. . iiitfw srw a b . ru-oi wiu at' tnmrrkrm a ihm rTTTBTB OV THR PRESENT MILLINERY STOCKS 1 A CHQANTIO, "SWEEPTNO , MASSACRE 6F VALUES IN STAPLE 8TTLE8 AND HATS f SUITED FOR EARLY. SPRtNtf WEAR. . POSmVELT THB GREATEST MILLINERY VALUES EVER Z OFFERED IN PORTLAND ' FOR A THREE-DAY SALE ONLY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY! , .... All Ready-to-Wear Hats at Mer ciless Sacrifice to Close - 'COST AND VALUES LOST BIOHT - OF ! i V (f Prettily trimmed Turbans and French Sailor, splendidly made and In all tha newest coloring, embracing brown, castor, navy and black, amartly trimmed with gold buckle. raUl and velvet rib k.M t . The nrodnet of leadlna? dealcnera oomo from our. own splendid workroom REOULAR. AND ' tt.7t VALUES. Cboiea for three daya Only, . for draatlc cioelng..... ...... Every . Trimmed Hat in the House Must Go - 52c FOR HATS WORTH UP TO 9M ZSZ " chooalng. embracing velvets, oamelahalf. felt and feather Turbana. handaomely and elaborately . tHmmod In Uteat f facta an nowaat -I materials, fancy broaata, pom--111, KkMn imm mtwI nlnmea. to. In color to match anv Vown. and every vain from tl.v"tO ll.oirincluda.T t ktlia redleuloualy X out-of-proport!on price :. ' ;; "j'".t TAKE YOUR CMOIOLOK.......... I A? Sale Withra of Millfoery Selling m the WeSt: Second Floor Annex Salons - $1 49 EXTRA SALESI-ADIES AND WRAPPERS ON HAND Women's Dainty Nec andBelt Bargains Firt Floort WOMEN'S 76o SILK STjOCKS lie. A large aaaortment of Stock In Silk Peau de Bole, Velvet Linen and oth - , er material. In plain color and ' daintily trimmed In different ahade. ; reg. val. l5o. 60c, 0o and 7&c; ape- 1. jcialaach. ,..;.......... .jlO) .:. : . too stocks sic 1 - ," Aaaorted. Peau da Soiot'Stoeka, for bow and four-la-hand tlee. In plain col- ore. piped In, dainty contrasting ' shade, regular Mo-value; apeelal,' ' each .... ...2T " tl.2i BELTS SSo EACH. A large aortmnt of Belt, in allk, aattn. braid effects and peau de sole, v in black, w hit, Persian, black nd " .-gold, white and gold, regular value 1' tto. lie 1c and $1.21: apeelal. each . f ............... . . 25 Annex Wardrobe Shops " A CENTER .OF INTEREST THIS , WEEK, . : SECOND FLOOR. ;." ": ,' Baby. Mlaa and Matron may-"-, a t 1 beat fill their went bora. , -T : . "S UNDERMV8LINS ' -Wi OMEN! DRESSES AND JACKETS FOR THE TOTS 1 Form a tople of talk today. Moat women hare found It profitable practice to buy tha dainty under muslin and wearable for the little one baby to mlaa In February every year, taking advantage of eevtng Ilk these: - . ' , 't ' ' CHILDREN'S ' f 1.7 1 DRE8SBS : " 1 . Children' reaaea. In Mother Hubbard style, whit nalnsoofc., with embroidery on aklrta, ' ageet rnontha to t year, regular value $L7I; , 4 peelat each ..... ........ ft.i 1 INFANTS' tto AND. 4tc KNTT JACKETS tTc Infants' Knit Jacket, of Shetland floes material. all white or whit with bin- or pink trimming, regular tto and 45c; apeclai, each.......r...27 LADIES' .,12.00 CHEMISE , ' "' Ladle' Bklrt Chemise, made of fine quality nalnaook, yoke trimmed with tucks and lac Insertion, lac edge around neck and sleeve, ribbon red- '. Ing and drawn ribbon.) regular $2.00: apeelal. each ....... .. . .t)l Ji9 -IDTXStUt'CORSET-COVERS ILSt. A Fine line of Ladlee Corset -Covers, French tyle,f trimmed with lac and lac Insertion, with ribbon bonding and drawn ribbon, regular value 11.75: special, each ... 1.2 ill liii New Suits and Jaunty Jackets V ; GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR Quiet elegant Suit tor women of refined and dressy proclivities nothing flashy , about 'em nothing but the price mark to tell (f q f y mm sf . yon they're only Just moderately priced... 4) IOoUI7XO JJ)J Btannlng Suit, made of covert loth; the coat 27 Inch In length.' tight fitting, T with fancy stitched aeame. . lg-o'-mutton sleerea and Inlaid taffeta collar ' aklrta made' walklag length in plaited effect. The auita, the awetleot ; Covert-' Jackets,Vmad In tight-fitting style." with atltched strap aeama of ana material taffeU silk lined leg-o'-mutton alcove, with turnback cuff and ' , at rap trlmminga from ahdnlder to cuff. Very handsome, now -jumI a.wl l.k 11 . 1 i . 1 't JB m '- m. . priced from........ ...Aft....... . ::r $20.00 to $25.00 EXTRA SPECIALS FOR ' THE WEEK WtrMEN-S 121.00 AND ' ttt.tO BPRINO " .. ' SUIT8 .: - v.. Handaomely Tailored Suit, adapted for aprlng wear.i1' The ault ar of splendid work maBehlp.jln atreet "or-wlklng tylea.r1a , material Jef mohair, etamlne and chariots, ' -l4o- spring walsht. -JLrang of color m.l - bracing nvla; blacks, browns and neat pretty, fancy checked pa tt erne; best ttf.00 . and t2l.(0 value. C 1 y ( C Special for. ............... V.ip 1 yr: w CHILDREN'S SPRINO . COATS HALF PRICB. ', , In spring weighty plain atyle. Materials ar etamlne, broad- tnt h viaatikj .uiiinra an awell inverts. ' Cboo from red, blue, rrars. tana and areartffancy mixture; vies to snij a TJ DDlrC Included. All at ,. . , .j. 4 " " aUaT ptlmC , 1 WOMEN'S :H0CSB' WRAPPERS- 11.00 ,TM.UD FOR ,'e' ;i Storeful of tha prettlef Wrappers In town. a. 'full lino" of dainty eelorlag. Spring Style, flannelette and neat percales, attmctlv and eomfortabl. Dark and light shades not sedate Just quiet and pretty. Fusd aa sweetly you plea with Iseea and embroidered.''. Some with tiny rufflea that trim 'deep cellar and deeper raffle. There Isn't another such gathering of taste ful boose wrappers In Portland. Workaday dress that's right; valuea In tha offering aa good aa -tho regular 12.00- gredee. r- wnu uiey iaai..... ...... .............. ........ A Great February Reduction Sale ! OF HOUSEFURNISHINOS and homefittinos on third and fourth : :;. .,'.''-.':..-' FLOORS. ' , t .. "' i, . i NOW IS THE TIME FOR HOME FURNISHINO. ' . ' t Seldom. . Indeed, do auch alee of merchandise so closely allied and ao'lmpor. tant In 1h mo nay -saving feature aa the are com at tha same tlm. Tho appeal of lower prtcee la especially strong to young peopl contem plating housekeeping, for It 1 probably aafa to say that the fittings and famishing for the home. Including the dtnlng-room and kitchen needs, may be bought here thla week (even allowing for the few things' that would poaalbly bo bought at regular price) for one quarter leaa than usual. Here a re Carpets and Ruga for your floors: Curtains and Draperlea for window and doors; pic tures for the walla: China Dinner Ware. Cut Glass,. Toilet Set. Fancy Chin and Biio-a-Brao all of the most 'desirable and up-to-date character at very large 'savings; In sach line many thtnga at a third under -value, and some thing at half price. And settled housekeepers, who invariably need something -from each of thee departments for aprlng, will find It moat profitable to buy now. Rousing Reductions in the Crystal Grotto . , THIRD FLOOR. '. . -i-.' . ' A GREAT SPECIAL SALE OF LIB BET CUT GLAKSf BRONZES. ROTAL DRESDEN AND ART GOODS. ';'.. :. : LIBBET CUT QLAS.S. ' - Of which wa are sols agent in Portland. ; Sugar and Creamer, our IS.50 vaL ; Special, pair Berry Bowls, our 17.25 vaL; special at each... Berry Bowl, our 210.00 vaL: apeelal at each ... Water Bottle, our IS.50 vaL; special at each... Water Tumblers, our IT.2J val.; special at aet of 0. n 1 ' HANDSOME BRONZES. "Elegance," our tlt.00 value; special, each ..$12.00 "Coquette, " our 114.10 value; apect each ...f9.)5 rOraee," our $11.00 value: speclaL each $12.00 Torgeron," our $14.75 value; - special each ...,...$9.80 0Uit" our ' tlt.00 value: special, each-...- ....flO.TS "Lever du Jour," our 124.00 - vain: special, oach... .....$ lLOO "L'lnstrvetion." our , tlt.00 value; special, each ......910.00 ROTAL DRESDEN WARE ..." Vase, ' ' - - Our $14.00 v).; special st es. 222.75 Our $11.00 vaL; apoelal aCea. 11.75 Our $10.00 vaL; special at aa. flS.OO Our $20.60 vaL; apeelal at . S16.50 Our $22.80 vaL; special at aa. f 18.0O i- . Our $K.S0 vsl.: special at aa, S24I.OO Our $iU0ial.; special at ea. $28.00 . . ROTAL - TEPLTTZ VASES. . Our $12.25 vaL; special at. ee... S9. 80 Our t t.28 val.; special at ea.. .86.60 Our $11.00 vaL; apeelal at ea. $10.40 Our t t.2t val.; special at ,. .8T.40 Our t 0.00 vaL; apeelal at ea,..T.20 Our $1150 val.; apeelal at ea.. .$6.90 BRONZE ELECTROLIERS. s l-light -"Diana." reg. 7 2t.00 . T "' , vaLi pclal at . ..$1 7.35 Vlctorioua," one-light with allk shad, our $24,80 vaL: special at ..-817.35 t-llght Electrolier, our $2440 , vaL; apaclal at ."...-........$16.00 COPPER TANKARDS. . , Antique Copper Tankards, reg. $7.15 vaL; special at each.. $5.85 Antique Copper Tankards, reg. $t.$t vaL; special at ach.. $7.88 ' TABLE MIRRORS. . ''"i ' " Frame Of Antlqu Brass. Jr Oar $5.60 vaL; special at, each $4.39 . f .JTABLB MIRRORS. ' , ' Frame Rich Qold-Plated. ."' Our $7.2$ vaL; apaclal at each $5.80 Our $5.60 vaL; special at aaeh $4.39 Our $4.25 vaL; special at each $3.40 THE BPRINO EXPOSITION OF BABYGOARTS In the newest 1001 patterns ar ready and on display in-tha-spaclouo Fourth Floor hall. Prices the lowest on the coast for equal qualities. f2.44 $2.65 S2.9S $3.6. $4.4 $4. $4.S Ir.2 . CURTAINS ' THE ORSAT FOURTH-FLOOR SALES Curtains a pleasing feature:' Beauty and bargain vie for tha attention of homefitters In the great Homeflttmg Shopa on tho Fourth Floor. Bead first of a - , . . SALE OF ... ' ' '. ,-' ODD PAIRS OF ARABIAN CURTAINS Corded ' Arabians, cable net very strong, durable curtain, to inchea wide, t yards long, only ons and two pair tots- Reg. $1.7 val.; speclaL pair... Reg. $4.00 val.-c apeelal. pair... Reg. $4.60 vaL; special, pair... Reg, $5.00 vaL; special, pair... Reg. $0.00 vaL; speclaL pair... Reg. $0.75 val.; special, pair... Reg. $7.00 vaL; asocial, pair... Reg. $7.60 val.; apeclai, pair... Reg, $$.00 vaL: apoctai. pair,.. RegTO.OOLr-spoctat patavrrf 5. $ Reg. $10.60 vaL; speclaL pair..$4Le4 . " .NEW MADRAS' CURTAINS.' i A handsome line of New Madras Curtains,-in cross strip, beautiful color combination, mercerised and pink allk stripe, 00 distinct style in tho ehoos- Reg. 12.2$ val.; special, pair Reg. 12 75 vaL; apeelal, pair Reg. $2.25 vaL; special, pair Reg. $3.60 vaL; special, pair Reg. $4.00 vaL; apeelal. pair Reg. $4.60 val.; special, patrv,. $3,179 Reg. $5.00 vaL; speclaL pair Reg. $(.00 vaL; apeelal, pair Reg. $7.60 vat; special, pn Reg. $8.60 VaL: special, pair. .. $3.7 ( CARPET AND RUGS NEW ARRIVALS' JUST OPENED. Just arrived. now lln of Carpets, Ruga, Tapeatriea, Borlapa, SllkoUnna. Satlnes, Denims, Table Cover. Coueh Cover, Portiere and Lac Curtains, In Brussels and Renalssanc effect. New Brusawl. Irish Point Batten berg. Corded Arabian Point Arab and Cluay. A MA6nIFICENT SHOWING . -i ' of '" blSTINOUISHED NEW ARRIVALS IN. RARE 'OLD ORIENTAL RUGS. Selected by an expert from tb choie t-oHoet1on ever made in the- far away orient gems fit for heirloom. bat price surprisingly low, . , i ...81.75 .$2.10 .. .82.50 ...f 2.6i .$.io r..,$3.C i f.-.$4.T r. .6.C c4 Great Sale of Corset : Cover-Embroideries f ' . FIRST FLOOR. . , THld MOST SENSATIONAL SELLING OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE r Embroideries ever attempted in the citti . 'flewy-f . ' . . A fortunat purchase at away- . of embroiderlea found on- aa ua- porter who was "long" on the good and "short" of cash. Wa f Uled his ' "cash" .want and; he turned over . nearly, twice the embrolderte to us :. In f exchange . that w oould (hv same amount of Uncle Sam' gold. As is our custom, we share good for tune with, the store's natron vnd turn ovr th bargain t you Thursday "this wsy. Th greatest embroidery valuea Portland ever knew! Cambric. Nainsook and Swisses all spick, span and new aa the morning. Beautirui. dainty pattern In tho blind or open English embroidery now so popular. BUrtllngly reduced -(-'j. -r--.. ... . .j ... .;.,-.:-,. .. . .. - . . v' r 40o Embroidarle for,1 th yard. ..................... ..v.l-.254 r1' .. . SOa Ktnhroiderle for:-Mi vard.' .................. ... . .ST'.et - lto to ttit Embroldeiie forthe yard. ..... 4, .t. ..484 ' Sturdy, Stylish WONDERFULLY iPRICE-REDUCED J, fxrr. nnvjkT rint-WAT" RTTOW - ITfiRB 'SIXTH STREET: ANNEX FIRST FLOOjt.-J-SHOES-STOUTi YET 8TTLI8H Ay, that ea It. And tha rest, of course. At far less tnan you'll expect to pay ror suen goo new snoe, sonn (st Splendid styles, and every pair toll- ta op expert ahoemaklng. In th popular plain and patent leathers. .- . " . ' ... ." - f . - WOMEN'S $J.$0 SHOES FOR $$.$4 Women's Drees Bhoe. In new spring , atylea. medium dr tee. flexible soles, .ratTier high heel, patent ii wt -' UuO top., regular $$.10 value; apeclai t-the pr.. ... s. .' WOMEN'S t$A0 SHOES FOR lt4-Th shoe" ar th s s" with heavy sole and. vlcl kid uppora. Blucher cut' and, m... ' splendid for street wr. Our $15 value; special at the pair.... Mena $110 SHOES TOR $1.12 Men'a 8hoem two rho either In black or tan, Btocher rut Roaela of bo-c' 1 Pet tc r-"''nfy heel and full Bceteh outi - th L- regular li t value; rzc-i