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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
. r- , THE OREGON DAILY JOtTRNAIa. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY ZVJZllll"3, . FDUHUATIY 3, UZj J C.iEEIl UAY, HAVE CCURTED DEATD Cteps In . Front of train Near Eugeria and la Instantly ; ; COTTAGE GROVE MAN r : . . SUES FOR SEPARATION Allege Cruel iTreatment-Hop . Market Show Advance in . 'I1' 7J'".iS-:; Late Sales. '"t (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Eugene, reh. tt. A Greek, laborsr : named. (Paps. ws killed by a 8outh ' ern Paciflo paJeenger train near C res- well yesterdsy afternoon. -'He wu em ployed as a Motion hand on tha rail road, and aa tb northbound passenger ' train approached the- place where tba .section bands Vera at work. Papas ; atepped lit front of tha locomoUve, and was knocked off tha. trsc. - Me wss dead whan hi companions reached him. ,. Coroner Dar, of Bugene, concluded that an loosest waa unnecessary. . It fa thought that the Greek atepped .In front of the train with suicidal W tent. ' . ' ?. v''' t He was aed about II rears. ' f V - . SifMW toaae , , a. John H. Harms, a promfoent cltlsen wf Cottage Grove, has Instituted a dl- voroe suit against bis wire, Bsran Louisa, Harms, on the ground of cruel and inhuman treatment. insy were married October 15. lt. and have a family of aereral grown children. Harms alleges that by various acu of cruelty and harsh, treatment .on - the part of his wife, recited at length. In ' bis complaint, he has been compelled to leave his own house and reside else-, - where. ' . . ' Bsttst ' Ms fog Bopa. ; . " Mrs. Edith B. Linton, a weU known grower of hops in Lane county, y eater- Say sold to Isaac ratcus Hons, or - T aroma, through their - local 'agent, William P. Cheshire. Jr. eO bales of ' I0 hops at ts. cents a pound, for Soma time past quotations have been two or 'three cents below this figure, and this sal shows aa upward ten dency of the market. There are several large . growers of hops in this vicinity ' who have not yet sold their llOt crop. ' i : rrightinit a arorglsr Away. ,' Last night an attempt - was ' made to rob the residence of Richard Mount In fhls city. A burglar waa In the act Of entering through an open window .when .he was frightened away by Miss . Grsoe Meant, who a that moment - ; terad the room to retire. -r-The young womaa screamed and the man beat a asty retreat. -. WISHKAH RIVER IS- ; - r :. DECLARED NAVIGABLE ;; . -'-- ' . - (gpedal DUpateh to- the Journal.) 1 Aberdeen, Wash., FsKjtVA decision bss been 'rendered In the United States ouit a, appeals declaring, the Wlskah riven te be navigable. This Is a-re-- vernal -of, a decision given by Judge , Hanford eTTacoma In the United States rourt S short time ago. . The doelsion Tln one that meet with hearty approval. and provides for an open river with a asaags of -10 feet, which- must be . maintained. It also says that .the raf ts must be constructed of a certain slse. So as not to obstruct the traffic of the rivet.' To the farmers -'depending on Aberdeen for their market, this verdict - is good news, as heretofore they have been hindered in the bringing of their produce to market, with the humorous . small boats or., accumulated matter In h river. " ," , - ' If, SOTS 9M BAVAan. tSpedal Dispatch to ne'JoaraaL) ', Aberdeen, Wuh, Feb. II. Suit has been brought against James Stewart, f the drays Harbor Electric - Light Power company, by the American Mill . company for damage to a team, which - Wss killed by a live wire some tlms ago, - in the sum of 06.T James Stewart Is . made a party because of the slleged '' claim that sn engine of his broke the 'wires while being conveyed to High land Home, end that he left the -wire . in that condition. The other members of the firm wereY fmpltcatM on the ,; ground that they contributed aegllgence. Stewart offered to make good the dam ' sge In the sum of f 100, but ths' other ; ' members failed to see , their responsl ; bUity in ths matter. . , 'i A Dollar 'v- ;'-r V'-' - s worm rree To Any ' I sak aa 4malt e reference eeeorlty. -Ibera is JrMblsg to risk eothtog to pranli setlilag to nay. either sew er later. - Any Raea. aaaue eafferne wke Am set ksew sty remedy siay save a rail dollar's worth tree to try. --. f wtlUafly make fhls liberal effw beraoie I know that Dr. Mnea'a Kheaautle Bemedy awy e relied saoa HLWAYS to brlag the atatoat re- '. lief tkat BMdleUM eaa. Yeaie hefere f dl- ' rerareeY thla reawdy, I . Kheaastlaau get Bae stadtod the aatart er tlsp la realty Crystallized PoisOnl Ttmr bawd Is always fell ef Botnn-4h i,L lene yao -eat sad drlak aad braatbe Into roar - f sratesi. It U the psrpoae e( the blood to ebaor iead carry eff tola very mime. - Aad the- kld . eeya.. which ere the blond Sltere, ara, eipertrd , to eleaaee the blood and aeed It tort Urearh ' the eyvteai eWa, te gather aMre potova, which tbry, la turn, will ellnlaate.- Hat emnetlsies the ktdarye till, And softie- , ' tlam. tmea eosie eaaae, the bleed seta . . - ' ' mn ran mt polaoe that they eanant abm-b It alL . Thla le the atart of Rhaeowtlpai. The aoteoa ' y- aeeamalatea and rryntalllaea. The eryetaia lank iie Btue sraioa ei Near er ei ana White aaad. The blood rerrtfe form aad they Isereeee etae. Tkea, waea It eaa carry thea no looser. It deposits thea to s Joiatoa a. baos eay . where. " - . , - l The twlea is year le the doll hrhe Is year erat-ea s rny 4r thee er 4b eetward alawa -i- ef the soeree eryatela. And the twlated Urona and anepeekahl ancaleh ef the sufferer who v ' ; haa -allowed hb) eyatptema to an sobeedrd aad ;- aeeetendrd foe year ttei ar th meesees ef . v wbet rBbrematleai. aesleetod. eaa do. aMaei laptwlM hiahim ! bm. ",-ealte. avat or all Iheae are the reealta ef taraaMtlc aetoaa ts the blood. -I- t Plalaly, the flret Uta to do 4a to mewre the ,.,'t' H Bat thla la enooelu The FORMA- TION ef the eulean saat be etopprd, so that r. eater SMy have a ehaaee to diaanlee aad llml - aete the eryatala whirs bave already tnraMd." , I aleae thla hi eoss there eaa he se care ae i raim. - ... I aeerrhed the wbl earth far e feMaHIr tmr h mm I imm nienthl that I er any phraMaa coald (! aale Is prraerlblng eoarthln( that eve eeald esast ea set saly eeeaetoeaUy bat -. piier ease ae aasiitiisai eared atBf le Mris.0. sal at forty thdaaaad drat atorea. JllUUU OUIlCUIIldllLlitlllcUV DEFERRED DIVIDEND - LIFE POLICIES LEGAL Life tlnsurartce Companies Win - . a Big Victory , in the Wis consin Supreme Court . , .-'-.f ,' v:-...; (Special DiapatOh to Tbt JoursaL) Madison. WUL. Feb., 1, J0l. The f7ae uy uf cquiiaoie Aiie AMUf ance. society on behalf of the foreign In suraaca companies doing business In the stats of Wisconsin, has resulted In a alrnal victory throuah tha decision hancted down 'by the supreme 'court of wisoonsm tooay. reversing; tne neoision of the Dana county circuit court, in favor of Commissioner Host. Ths ques tion involved the construction of, sec tion 151 of the revised statutes, the .commissioner maintaining that the word "may"-as used In the statute bs con strued '.as mandatory and that tha In stance of deferred dividend policies was prohibited by ths statute as thus con strued. I The supreme court holds that the stat ute la permissive; that the Equitable has not violated the law la Issuing de ferred dividend policies, and that the latter form of policy, which constitutes . mi . . i . i . A. .11 the Insurance written, is valid and not In conflict with any provision of law. This.' marks the end tof one of the most Interesting and. lnteortant eases In life Insurance for many years. Ths case was presented on behalf of the society by J. Q. Flanders, E. T, Watson and Bain bridge Colby of Alexander Colby, counsel for the society In New Tort The commissioner of insurance was presented - by the attorney-general of Wisconsin. .'.-.';. --.-i ' BAKER MINING MAN MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING (Special Diapatca to TW Jearaal.) Baker City, Or Feb. 11. M. C Koes- tsr, a well known mining man, who has charge of tha Buckeye group, near North powder, for several years. Is missing from his home In thla city and fears are expressed by his friends that he has either met with foul plsy or wandered out Into the bills and perished. He Is a man of remarkably punctual habits and ' when he left his home Monday morning said nothing to his wife of going anywhere. She -waited until Tuesday noon before notifying any of his friends and since then they have been scouring the country for him. Tuesday, night a posse was organised and. this, morning left In different di rections In search of htm. . SALEM SALOONS MUST NOT OPEN. ON SUNDAY (Special IHapaUh to The JearsaL) x ' Salem, Dr., Feb. 11 Salem Is to be closed town on Sunday hereafter, so far aa tha saloons ara concerned, the city council, at a meeting held last even ing. . ltsvlng passed the ordinance pro viding for the regulating of the saloons which hss been pending for the past several 'months. The strongest feature of the new ordinance tp the clause re quiring the forfeiture of a saloon li cense for ths violation of any of Its provisions. -- - .The office of city attorney having been created at a previous meeting, the eounoll last evening appointed Ulaire M. Inroan, ef the law firm of Turner ln man, to fill the ornce for the -next year. The .salary was fixed at 1(00 per an aum. v 4 - T..; , -( OHIO MAN ARRESTED - BY UMATILLA SHERIFF '' ' (Special Dlspatrb to The Josmat') f Pendleton, Or., Feb. S2.-IiOUls LSuer wss- srrested at Milton yesterday . by Sheriff Taylor of Umatilla county and brought her and placed In the county jaiL Lauer is wanted at Delaware, onto, for obtaining money under false pre tenses. He was a cattlebuyer and Is alleged to have got away with lt.000 of his firm's money. : He left there oa February t and was caught at the home of bis brother, near Milton. When taken he admitted his Identity, but declared be intended to return the money. He asserts he turned 11,000 of the amount over to his brother and that ha lost $1,000. Tha- authorities at Delaware, Ohio, were- wired of Lauefs capture. - ,.. . '. ' ' Olf VXXXBZTXOsT. - eBaaaeaassaBBBai ' (SpMal DWpatch to 1e Jearaal.) VnuhnM ' mb. tl. DL. HI-Walssnt. a collector for the "Leerla and Clark fair, la In this county gathering a carload of minerals to place, in the exhibition spsoe allotted it. ' ALWATS rr the ravatee- of ftheanatlss) are eTerywhere, and seaulae relief la rare. . I epeet twenty yean liLiaperlmentlns hetorel fklt uileaed that 1 had a eertala noiedy for thla dread dlaeaae e rewwdy which woe Id sot eniy rUea eat the. potaos, bat en whkfe weald atop its format loa. - . - "1 Certain Relief TK. ojiiiipiit ! ' la a wdhderfal ehemleal f -lfeand In Oerwaay Wkea I foeod thla ehemlral I -know that I mom stake r Haesaaatie ear that would be prarth"lly eertala. But eves thes, before I nude aa nnoaniant hefora I waa willing to pat my aaaM a It I Bade wmre Ihea 2.000 teat '. . Aad sty failaras were bat t per rent. - Thla Genua ehemlral la net the only laare dlent -I ae Is Pr. Kheop' BheaSMtle Cerebut lr Bade the remedy poaalble nude poaalhle aa arhleTemeat which, I doubt aoCeould kt bees Bud la no ether way. . . That eheatleal waa very expeealve. The dety, ton, wae hlah. ifn all It eoat ne 4.00 par pennd. Bat whet! S4-.M pre peead foe a SEAL remedy for the wnrM'a- SMt painful dlaeaael for RRAL relief tresi ths greateat torture haoiaa beltuja knewt . I don't aieaa that nr. Shoop'i Ttbmmatift rMre eaa tarn bnay Jnlata Into Seah aaam that l impnanlbl. Bat It will drlT from th blood the noieoo that eaaaea pals aad welJn. and thea that la the end of the pala aad awelt- Ins the ead of the eofferlae Ab fed ef Bhee lauani. idii la wny i eaa error to biii thta Uheral effer h to-why-1 eas afford to apend th FIB ST So line that Rbeametl eat ferersi the world eeer, stay tears ef sty raSMdy. Simply Write Me, The offer Is epea to I a try ass 'A ai f a ha. who haa net tried my remedy. .Vat yos mast write MB fur. the tree dollar parkas order. I will end re, -aa erdrr ea year dnicsiet whlrh he will aerrpt a (larty aa he woo Id aerent a dollar. - He will aaad res feast hla abelrei a aiandar alsrd peekase and he will arad th bill te m. There ar so eoedtttone ne re eiilrrtnente. All 4hat I aak'-yo re d ta te write writ today. - I will: aeed yna sty honk oa Bbrasjatlasi beside. , la free. , It wlU eriy jam le aeoerTDa yeT ,ur. "hoop, Bes.O ST2, lUclas, Wis. Rheumatic Sufferer ALBANV TO HOLD 7 ; DIC IHITIATIOH Monster 'Membership Campaign to Close" With Four Hun :'vt: 'dred Candidates. I PORTLAND SYNDICATE TO BUILD NEW RESORT Many improvements - Cohtem- plated by New Company at Yaquina Bay Town. 7 V ' ; : - (Special Dtapatch to The Joorast) Albany, Or.. Feb. II. Neyt Saturday evening the big membership campaign Of the Woodmen of the World In the dis trict embraced in tne counties of Ma rlon, iJine, Linn, Benton and Clackamas win be brought to a close with a mon ster Initiation, when 400 candidates will be Initiated. Into the-order after a par tade through the city with fireworks ana oiner spectacular accompaniments. The campaign has now been running nearly three - months and in that time more Mian '00 applications have been received In the district, and' these men will be Initiated here ' on ' Saturday night. .- . -. , i - ri Kxcursion trains' will be run from all directions, bringing ' the members and their friends here,, seven bands 'have been secured tor the occasion, and after the street parade and the fireworks four halls will be used for the initiation of elassea. Degree teams from Portland, Salem, Corvallls and Albany, will con duct ths work. Following tha Initiations leading members of . ths order will de liver sddresses pronouncing eulogies on the.Jate Head Consul F. A. Falkenburg, who waa well known to many of. -the members throughout this atatd. -. - ' . Mew Mesort fo aTswport, ' . From Tab ulna bar comes the reDort that - the company Of Portland people who recently purchased, the steamer line on. the - bay haa secured the fine w mansion built by the late Dr. Bailey at Newport and will add 100 rooms .with bath rooms, billiard, rooms, a ball room and all modern conveniences, and trans form the place into a fine resort hotel of the first class. The company pro poses to mske Newport one of the best resorts on ths coast and tha fine man sion, costing originally 115,000, -will at a further expense of $25,000 be trans formed Into one of the finest hotels- In the state. The-company has already purchased all tha lands near 'tha mansion and the wharves In front of the place and will place) a new steamer on the bey. An electrlo railroad from Toledo, It miles up the bay, to the Newport hotel will also be constructed, the right of way for which having already been secured.- ,.(' '. . -.,' The plan of the company contemplates making the place an attractive one for the whole year, so that tha house can be kept open at all seasons. Work on the Improvements Is to be undertaken at and- finished In the next three months before the summer season opens. GOOD ORE WAS f 0UND - T IM UUITC DC AD IRIMC , lis inn a. uunu ivuitu ' " ffwaclal DISDateh to The looraaLI - . Vancouver, B. C. Fab. 12. The rfioat notsbls news of -the .past week '-from RoSsland la tha 'report 'of the .finding of a new ore shoot In the White Bear. It was found in an upraise, making from ths 1,000 to the 700V- foot level. The ere Is high-grade. nd 10; carloads have been extracted. It Is thought tha shoot Is extensive, and will go- Into ground that -has not yet been explored. The total shipments from Rosaland for ths paat week were 0.1 la-tons, while the total for the year to data was tons.: . .VHc NEW LUMBER COMPANY FORMED IN LA GRANDE (Spedat Dtapatch to Ae Journal.) . - I Grande, Or- Feb. f 2. An organ isation haa been perfected In La O rands and the incorporation papers have been prepared whereby W.-.H. Rohnenoamp, William Ericsson and William Ormond will run a lumbering establishment near this city capitalised at I2S.OO0, known as tha National? Lumber company. V This oompan will Operate a sawmU in Ladd cam to n. a few- miles out from ths city, with sTcp&cltyef. 10.000 feet dally and -will run -a-planer In La Grande, where the product of the mill will be hauled, dressed and marketed both : wholesale snd retail. This com pany haa arranged for a large body of timber near by that will take years to work .up. . . I .. -...' IS AFTER BOYS WHO : r v SMOKE CIGARETTES 8peetol Dispatch to The Josrsal.) . Hood River. Or.. Feb. 11 "I will 1ve ti apiece for the first five boys con victed of smoking on the streets . of .Hood River, the money to go to the In former?" remarked Alderman C. T. sariy at 'a meeting of the city council last night,. - -. . - . 7. . There was up for discussion an ordi nance making it -a, city offense to sell .mlnonr-touftCTOr 'or boya under age ta: make nse of the weed la public or on the strecls of the elty. , Councilman Early was pposed-4o- tha proposed -ordinance, believing the stste law covered the matter sufficiently. Other members believed conviction wonld be easier Un der a city law. The ordinance failed te PU- S - : v' - - ' WHITE SWORN AS JUDGE ' I WILL dUITtpOLITICS rgpaeial Mapatch te Th Joarset) iT J Baker City, Feb, 12, The news of the sppolntment of Samuel . White ss judge of the new judicial district which makes Baker county a separata pert of ths circuit system sent most of rfce members of the bar to Ms. White with their congratulations. Judge White ssld todsy that with the assumption of the position on the bench participation In active : politics would cease so iar-as n is concerned, juags ICakln held his IsatT session of court in this county yesterday and this morning Judge White was sworn In. cxoia. - - -r' (BpaeUl Dbtpatrh to Ths Joarnal ) -Dallas, Of..; Feb. t.2t. Most oil - the lumbering mills neatv Dallas and Falls City havs.shut down v for 'the present time. The Coast' Range , at Falls jCJty hss closed down on sccounc of. Its rqill burning soms time sgo. The offidlala ssy that It will be but a itiort tim until the construction of k' new tnlll will be started Brysa Lucas of Falls City havs shut down. K. J. Knapp, the Oak sawmill of Dallas havaabut down for - the present The Johnson - Lum bering company of Dallas, Is stUl con- tlnulng work. mm tin has uigii PRICES Many ' Facts of Neyada Boom : Urhirh i Tali Tk.: - riiu. . vv.iivit , t, v i iiwii t -wail Story , of Condition. ' TOO MANY HAVE CONE ' ; THERE WITHOUT MONEY Spring Prbmisei Stamped Exceeding. Anything. Yet ' Experienced There.' i Rj G. Preston. . foi'mairl tnlnln In Grant county, thla state. 'but now en rout to Mt Baker dlatrtct. Washington. stated that Tonopab and Geldf isld, Nov were enjoying ail . ths elements - of a mining boom yet- Mr, Prsston bad been In the camps for soma time, and said the man continued uns bated, with prospects of spring bringing a- worse stampede. There was soms suffering, yet not as much aa had been painted. But for rea sonably mild winter Weather Mr. Pres ton believed the oampa would have be come famous death' holes; for throngs of people had gone in with little prepar ation to combat. the .rigors, of a desert LBefore he departed from Goldfleld a compilation waa made of general condi tions, average prices - prevailing and wagea paid, which he ssld would give a fair Insight into conditions existing In tha new place: . , . , Altitude of Goldfleld. 1.(00 feet; mean wtntar weather, 40 degrees Fahrenheit above aero; half of. the population In tents, nusiness oiocas aa a ruie rrame, telephone and telegraph lines connected with out Ids world. raMroad fare- from Reno' to Tdappah $17. SO. stage fare from Tonopah'to eoldfield 2( mllss) t. auto mobile" fara the same distance ft. time on stage from Tonopaa to Goldfleld five hours, by automoblls two boars, express charges from San Francisco tovTonopah ft per 100, from Reno to Tonopah 17.(0, hauling . by mule team of general mer chandise and lumber, Tonopah to Gold field, tao a- ton. Prices are high, as tha following show: Ton of bsy $5. lumber seven cents a foot, kindling wood til a cord, kerosene to cents a gallon, camp stools 7i cents each, kitchen chairs 11.60, small kitchen stoves fit to 40, fur nished rooms fl.tO a day, coffee 0 cents a pound, sugar 10 cents a pound, three loavea of bread for tt cents. . Wages seem high, but are balanced by prices paid for living, and In gen era are aa follows. Miners 14 to S4.S0 a day, laborers 14, porters 14, restaurant cooks f. clerks 4, printers I4.aU. sten ographers t0 to tilt a month, painters IS a day. carpenters it. There are five banks la Goldfleld. and . clearances $110,000 to tlOO.uOO a day, and . Individual . deposits run . to 11,000.000. The population of Goldfleld Is optimistically placed at $.000. but Mr. Preston ssysthst ha did not be lieve it Was much . more than half of that.' - - '. - It Is ' no place for a man without money, ha ssid. While the wage scale was spperently high, large numbers of men were willing to work at almost any thing, to gst something to eat to sus tain themselves nntll they were able tn aonae location or get a better yuo. .- - . .. t . - -,.-. FREELANDC0. WANTS A"T V " NEW LEACHING PLANT - (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) t Salem, Or., Feb. 12. The 'Freeland Consolidated Mining company, with headquarters in this city. Is making preparations to develop its properties In the Bantlam district. It Is the inten tion to begin work st once and Install a leaching plant in time to operate thts season. F. H. ColPltts, , who' has been in Colorado for a year making a study of leaching plants, has recently become in terested with the company; and is direct ing work. The company owns 10 claims pn Gold creek, a tributary of the Little North Fork of the oantiam. about It miles from Gates, on the Corvallls dt Eastern railroad. There ta considerable ore in sight In the, mine workings, BODIE MINE ORE HAS : NO PROFIT IN MILLING (Special Dtapatch to Th Journal.) ""-Spokane, Wash.1 Feb. 21. The Bodlt mine at Republic. Wash, has been com pelled to close snd trouble 'faces ths company. C M. -Fassett, in a circular letter sent out to stockholders of the company, says: -On-November-2J, 1104, In a letter to the - stockholders,- the;.. statement was msds thst enough ore had been blocked out to keep the mill-running at least efgbt-fnonths. Up to that tlms we hsd not broken into the ore body near the north' end of drift No. t, where some high-grade- or was exposed. When , we commenced sloping here the good ors wss taken out In a few days, the bulk of the ore being of too low grads to pay expenses.- - Ths mine superln- So ma)ijr(Teople f i la-f h-1 ..- V--i UUUU LJ - a - . air ,..' M 1 1 UUUV"7 I i V J liru Uwith Pneumontefi0Jfiis Is due to the fact that tie Bronchial Tubes and Lungs are left weakened ,;.and unable to resist disease.',;" vC-'-;.:V;h:?-:r V-.'- ' "-VJ?"A "': A ?not only cures la Gripp Coughs, and prevents wui no- dc suscepiiDie some unknown preparation that may contain some harmful drug when FOLEY'S HONE Y AND e ' SSBBUi sk asuh a" a m j ' i ak costs you no more and is sate and sure. - Contains no opiates.. , l'' "tf fJ ffj ptff V W fJa jrtars HwUell left mr ttntn POLET ? HONEYTtar wh?ch i rn77ommm:dUw fiats Th, SoC kottlag eeotaia tw aad a.blf tbavM aa gtaca aa tha 1 LAUE-DAVIS m-. -v -i :" &OTXS ASZSUB WSBITE. CL0VEC1 And then packed In airtight, germ proof cartons. We have Installed ' sutlons and White" pover Butter Is distributed to'tha retailers from agencies in eeauie ana uiorisv - - - - -, , - Ths cream la placed In a machine specially constructed for PsstenrixlnsT purposes and brought ' to a ' ' , ' -temperature of from 160 to -J0O degrees. This destroys 411 germs. Passing through a separator that re- : moves all foreign substances, always found In ordinary cream. It then flowe over plpea fllled with 4oe water " that reduces the temperature to 4 degrees. Erven-the water used for washing; the butter Is PMUurlsed. "t - . .Every precaution is used to Insure the best and healthiest butter that it Is possible to produoa. , . . , Ask your grocer for White Clover Butter. Accept no substitute. - t ... " 't:'-: T. BV TOWN SEND COMPANT. Portland. Oregon. -' V ;. . : . . -..Jobbers exclusively la Batter, CbseM kadV Egga. : ,'; ' i; tendent was then Instructed to take oat and send to the mill the best- or that he could find anywhere in the mine. The a-rads continually decreased until. after running two or three weeks; at a loss. It was decided to shut down tne mine. This occurred December 24,-1104. Ths final cleanup. amounted ta tt.7tt.i3, making1 a total production In alx months while mill was running or $14. $I.i0. The debts amount to $11, $26. There is not. enough money now in the - treasury to' take care of Interest payments this month. Unless, tha debts can be taken care of the property win undoubtedly be put into the hands of a receiver and the assets of tha company wiped out." . ' . TURNER REPORTED JO HAVE SOLD FEDERAL (BpaeUl Dispatch to Tke.Jearnsl) Spokane, Wash.. Feb. J3. Ex-Sens tor George Turner Is credited with,' having sold his block of Federal mining stock for more than $70,000 during the pres ent boom' , He received stock f or his servioes in forming tba Federal pora blsation. , . t - - ..... -., He U also credited with getting t25, 000 cash for a commission on thst deal The proceeds of bis stock. If tha re port is correct, would bring hla commis sion snd retainer up to nearly 1 100,000; He la at present In tha east, where be will appear before the federal supreme court of the United States aa an attor ney for the Federal Interests In the 8kookura case. - Judge Turner made a fortune through the sale of the La Rol mine, at Ross land. B. C to the Whltaker Wright In terests of -London. This deal , cleared about $$00.000 for him. - , . AMERICANS DO HEAVY- - WORK IN B.C. PLACERS - " 1 ;- , . (BpeeUl tHasateh to Th JesrasL) Vancouver, B. C-"Feb. 11 A mining deal has been completed -at Revelstoke, B. C- whereby ' the . American Mining company of Indiana acquires the leases and hydrsulle plant on French creek from W. Cowan, t The American com pany, which will commence work oa the property. Immediately, haa a valuable placer group In tha new possessions. With .-this new concern at Revelstoke this season there will be four American, mining companies . operating- - placer I Ifaaes In the Big Bend gold fields. int uuquesne - mming .company oi who hare apparently recovered from an attack of La ro me aeveiopment or serious luntr troubles. Do xcldo r.:::.::3 qy davis drug Company and . i . v .""."i. - r:"!r. ,-:...': ..' ',T;'.t , iioajin -v Osuut ruioi scumtist, xm IS MADE FROM . .-v , r ',;t --j " -:. Pasteurized Cream kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkAkkkkkkkkkt Attractive UTAnM VAM It... mm., m.a Ml L 1ut.lit.H .4 1A, ( 4 at their place, of buslneag, ttt First WUI rent to gentlemen: "Elegant front room in prlvata family, 'rent I 2 -reasonable, 170 Fourteenth street.' raw bob( every uma. wouian 1 Sensible 4ffer:Wanted-Glrl or woman for light housework; 'ant ! thst will appreciate good home more than high wages: oorortunity to " g .m.nii. , ma n uniumunui - ;! '. Ton don't know how easy Jt; is . The Journal's classified:- columns If . get wind of the deal you would make, it's very, simple. , The rs-e, 11 words for It cents. .. . , . ,' If yon need a girl for housework ness use a Journal "Want Ad.- It's procure help) If you've , aver tried tnttsburg ts reorganlslns and will Com mence operations soon on Smith -creek. The Revelstoke eV McCullough 1 Creek Hydraullo Mining company, the stock of which Is owned principally by Duluth people, has everything ready ta com mence this season's work. - The Mar shall-Shelling . company - of Buffalo, which ,ls operating tha "channel .leases on French creek, haa a large force) of men at work.-and reports from the camp are encouraging.. , ;-. MAMM0TH FURNACE IS' BEING BUILT AT BUTTE , (Special t-japateh -to The Jearaal.) ' ' Butte, Mont. Fab. 21. At the Washoe smelfer in Anaconda there la- being con structed the. largest copper furnace of Its kind In the wort - Its total capacity for it hours will be l.00 tons. Including 'all of the charge except the coke. Ta build the big furnace- Jt baa been neces sary to Join two of the ordinary fur naces together. The work Is progress Ins; under tha direction of General Man ager P. -Hnthewson. Assistant Msnsger Hamilton Sod the superintendent of tha blast - department, S. Qormelly. This furnace will be one of the big attrac tions for visitors at this famous- plant when In operation. 5., -j.. -, Pneumonia, but strengthens- the Luiigrsb they C. VACHER,"i87 O(ood -St. Chteito, wyKMf Vlfe "ka4 rtry Cripp., snd ft left her wW a yWy. bad cou,h. She iJ aaMlI alga W tk a tM bottTss almost woodard, clarke a tw. , COMPANY. LIBOsUlTOBT 5 - , . . Pasteurising machinery at our nine our headquarters la Portland and "Want Ads i m US In B AMaJl-. M-k ' - - A I OKA - .lt -. - - ' T - street. 7 . V 1 ' . -' Ton wonld naturally . prefer a pri- ' J youi -1 .... . , , , , i- . . . - , rnf - r niniiiiiin ZZVLff eran.eai " jeanSJS. "P. to sal your reel estate through HJ you'd rathe not- led toot: rrelKMbor ' I use-a Journal "rnrraber and letter:" M or a man to assist yon In your bust- -fi tha ddlekest and the best way to you'll knowT, r v- - J VTVjVVVT NORTH FAIRVIEW HAS -J NEW LIST OF OFFICERS ; ; .- , . - -CSpeclal Dtapatch to The JoursaL) 7 Eugene, Or, Feb, 12. The North Fairvlew Mining company, composed of Bugena. Cottage Drove and Albany men. and operating in the Bohemia district, held itm .niiml x.-tl-,. .... .1.1,1 -l-v- ' -- " - , w w u f . 1. r . i anowing oiucers were chosen: oeorgb W. McQueen," president; Alt - Walker, -- first vice-president; George Hlleman, second vloe-presldent: Darwin Brlataw, treasurer, and Herbert Leigh, secretary. The directors are: Herbert Leigh. Alf Walker, George W. McQueen and Oeora-a 4111 emaa.. ;- - , ... . The company owna a large group of claims and - severs! thousand dollar worth;' of development work haa been dons' on the property. It is probsbls thst a -stamp mill will be placed on tha mine, wtthla a year or so. .-...-.- Rsduced pates to California. ' Ths . Southern Paclfla eompany has placed on sals round trip tickets ta Los Angeles st tha rata of tit. limit tt days.- This affords' aa excellent oppor tunity ta visit tha many beautiful win ter resort of southern California at 'a moderate cost. GriDO are stricken nottake chances with '-. ':'i i- als timea aa aaack. l-JUU r-,'1 v 1" ',i -;': . r- r-.TT-: If- t ft: i.