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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
Tlli DAILY ' JOUTJJAL, FOIVTLAIID, AVSDIISSDAY ' .EVENING', FESIU7ARY3, 1SC3 , 7 SI-.. ! - f0ni ai:;csA I Columbia. ,t . , Kmplra 1-jrrlc. fcur I.rand ...........r.,.. baker. .."The Lady of L.rone' . . . "N'ortnern ligliU ."Beyond tha Korklra" .1..., ...... Vaaoerllla .7 ., VattdxTllla ..; ? Vaadevllle .. The Zloii German Presbyterian church , of Portland .was organised yesterday ; evening with SI charter members,', un der the authority of the Portland Pres bytery. The. meeting was conduj-ted by ". Rev. W. 8. Holt, Rev. W. C. Lube. ; Rev, Andrew Montgomery and Rev. IS. M. (harp, and after Ita purpose was : announced, ' the - roll waa called, andf - i those who responded clasped hands In va circle and took the visual obligation f to abide by. the- laws or Presbyterlan ism. Officers were- alerted as follows: '.' Elder, Jacob Wlemer; deacona, Ludwlg Werner, Peter Lawrs, Isldov Ron 111; trustees, J. J. iWlsmer, Melchoir'Kehrll. '" David Kuradll; treasurer. C. E. Wleraer. The pastor, is Rev. August W, Keln- narev .... ; . , . - . ' : ' The program glvan at the monthly Patton home tea yesterday waa very en tertaining and was heard by large number or guests. These teas are given ' for the entertainment of the old women . of the home, and are social features, of their lives, and many outsiders take an . i interest In them. " Yesterday Mrs. VA. . IXJy and Mrs. C. F. Overbaugh were the ' receiving hostesses, and in the dining room,', which waa daintily decorated in ' pink. Mrs.. John W. Mlnto and Mrs. Park , A. Rees served tea. Mlia Mabel Names . and Mlas Josephine Wetklne gave read ' Ings, Miss Jennie Lewis and Miss Irene Stokes vocal selections. Miss Watklna . and Mrs. Ross a piano duet, and Miss Bessie Ken yon Instrumental music Union avenue bridge over Sullivan's ' ' gulch has . been reopened for traffic after having been closed for nesrly a . year. .Repairs to. the roadway over tne - structure have been made by the city which will make It safe for about two , years. The Portland Consolidated rail way has shown its confidence , in the " strength of the bridge by laying a aeo--- end track sad sending its heavy cars ', over K. - The reopening of the bridge is a great convenience to the publio - In that neighborhood. Since the bridge , has been closed It has been necessary ) for vehicles and fire apparatus to go - aa far as Bast Twelfth street before - they could rossTthe gulch, ....... Many of the city's ministers and the congregation ot Grace Methodist church ? were present at the church last night to welcome their new paator. Rev. Dr. Clar ence True Wilson, who has lust arrived from Newark. N. J. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher gave a brief talk in behalf of the. ministry of the. city, and J. K. "out welcomed him In behalf of the church. ' Dr. Wilson responded to this cordial wel- come with assurancea of his kind feel ings and his intention to do good work ' here. Professor Wilder "-orchestra and - the choir of the church gave music cjur .. Ing the evening.. - -Refreshments were , provided by the members of the Ladies' -v Aid soclsty. - The Central W. C T. urfa preparing . for its part In the Lewis and Clark fair. At. the meeting ' -yesterday Mrs. Sarah Peek. Mrs. Barclay and Mrs. M. J. Jan- : ' ney were appointed to confer with the management concerning tne w. c.-t. u. headquarters st the fair. The union met , at- the home of the president, Mrs. Jan T. n'fT. ' on Clay street." and was conducted , by Mrs. Barclay1. - Mrs. Strode, who re cently arrived from Ohio, was received . into membership.; ' 'J ,a , "'Interest snd audleine are ''increasing , at the special evangelistic services at the Firs Christlsn church, corner Park" and Columbia streets. The aer ' mon thought receives serious attention. Tonight Mr. Muckley will speak - on The Faith That Makes a Christian," ' illustrated by chart. Song service-be-.gins st 7.:J0 o'clock.. There will be special wunlo each evening under dtrec- 1IUU V ; JUIO nan" On March IS civil service examina tions will be held for positions In the Panama service, "as folows: Foreman of , diamond drill bortng-r foreman of wash boring. " steam shovel engineer, steam shovel crane man. steam ahovel -'fireman and . steam shovel .-head pit man. Candidates should call on -Z. A. Leigh, postoff ice, Pprtlsnd. '-A chimney ISO feet high, with an In side diameter of IS feet,' wlir be built by the Contracting' Engineering com pany of Portland and Taeoma. at the new plant of the Portland General Elee- trie company St the foot of Twenty third street. .- - ' St Dsvld's Day, March 1, will be ob- served -at St. David's Protestant Kpls " copal church. George, B. Van- Waters '"" rector, by a special service In which all .the. vested choirs of Episcopal Churches In Portland - wttl - assist, and ' several . i : ...-'-. V,.'- J . ,, .''; ;' ' '.' ' , ,v ' ' special stress on ' - ' '-: - '; - - ' - . . liouse produce tHe highest class fpritttmgdpne m this coiintrv:.. r- ti 11 Hfi fPQ Z v First and Oak StreebvMain 16 c olefgymen will be present Frederick W. Goodrich, organist And choir leader at St. David's,' will have charge of th singing. Invitations sent to all members of the Episcopal church la the city through their rectors, Mr. Good rich Is arranging for the production of the operetta. "Puss In - Boots" by the boys of his rested choir on Marcn and 7,. In the pariah house, which Is the building formerly used as the church. Great reductions, la Scotch Kippered Herring. SOo tin. tins ft.ia. Tou never bought them before, at this price. We know how to buy them right; you get the benefit. Convenient to 4sve la the pantry. Ready, at a -moment's notice Their quality la aasured or -we wouldn' sell them. Another shipment of those iia special oranges at SOo dosen, or IS box all sweet and Juicy. Good, or we. wouldn t sell them. ; Y. Dresser aV Ce. Portland's greatest grocery, Seventh and Waehlngton, East . Fifteenth and Broadway. ... . ,.. .(-;. ' " - The entertainment to be given at Parsons' hall on Friday evening promises to be an assured success socially and financially. The ladlea in charge havo secured Mrs. Mary Gloss Whitney, whose guperb voice has been heard only once so far In Portland. Jn addition,' Dr. Will iam M. Campbell will give a solo. The cast for "Box and Cox" will, be Robert McCrscken aa "Box." George Eastman aa -"Cox, and Louis Bruce as "Mrs. Bouncer." The entertainment, will, be followed , by dancing. 1 Admission, 'SO cents., . - . :;'.:.;' - '':'-' : In rewponse to; a request from ' the Portland chamber of commerce that the transport Buford be outfitted at Portland when Shs cornea here to take troops from 7ancoucer to the Philip pines, (Senator . Fulton wired front Waahington that arrangements had al ready been made for her. to dp so at Ban Jrrancisco, wnere tne government nas stores lor inai punrase. , j - The trustees' of Portland lodge No. Hi B. P. O. E., wUl receive bida for leases upon the basement, first and second floor of their new bullying now under construction on the corner of Sev enth and Stark streets, sltber as s wholo or in pert. Address all communications to "Board of Trustees," tit Washing ton street, rooms 4 and' ft. . Nathan Hart was. convicted of afaon yesterday In I trial before Judge Bears. He was aecused of setting fire to a lodging house st SVa Third street. owned by Joseph Simon. ' Information has been received from Walla Walla that Hart- served a sentence of three years in the Washington penitentiary for a similar crime. ; . Bernl's Witch Hasel Cream is especi ally adapted for chapped .hands, face, lips and cracked, rough 'and irriulted condition of skin caused by cold .wind and rain. As aa elegant toilet luxury It has no equal. 2S cents a bottle, tt Albert Bernl, the druggist. Second and Washington, y . , , , , ., . , , At Calvary - Presbyterian . chnrch Eleventh -and Clay streets, a" parents' rally -. will . be ' held February it under the auspicei'of the Home Training as sociation. Among the speakers-will be Governor Chamberlain, Rev. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. Woods IHutchinson - and others. ; " " , - Judge Frsser granted a non-suit yes terday In the case of Adolph Schaffer against Karl Koster, master of the German ship Anna, . for alleged defamation of character. - Schaffer sued for SJ.OOO damages, but the -court thought the evidence insufficient, .and mrew me case out tu coun. , sit Id reported from Falrvlew that a party of engineers, supposed to be In the employ of -the Oregon Water Power Ik Railway company, is at. .work In that vicinity, ..seeking the best route from Falrvlew to Trout dale. ' Lines have been run from Fahrview to Cedarvllle. n ' Th Home Training association . will hold, a meeting at S o'clock , tomorrow afternoon at theTfoung Women's Chris tian association rooms. Prof. 8. . R. Johnston, of tne Portland academy, will apeak on the subject "How . to . Culti vate Concentration." j ' Elegant new steamer Nome City -sails direct San Francisco cabin, $12; steer- sget-" 8;. Los Angeles,, cabin, $!l.6; steerage, lis. Meats and berths In eluded. Thursday,-February U., C. H. Thompson, agent 1I Third street X. Slnce the chamber of commerce ' has taken possession of its new quarters in the chamber of commesce building, the board -f trade has arranged to occupy tne quarters in tne omce or Nash at Monroe, at 110 Second street I , . Decker's moving pictures, with the new wmoninipu. riinrr , ooviaiea. Comic, Instructive, exciting. T. M. O. A- Saturday, February 15, g-p. m. Ad mission 15 cents. Matinee, S p. m., ad mission it cents. , . ; , - -' Elegant new steamer Nome City sail's direct San , Francisco. Friday, 6 p. m. Cabin. II It. steerage, $, Los Angeles, S"'r'. - -.- -- ' :1M ' W- - . Co Another Day Has Passed : without you carrying out that good ; resolution of putting aside part of ; ' your ; weekjy1 .earnings. Don't let It go too long' or calamity may. overtake you without having the means to tide it over. ."Be" wise : today; ''tis madness ' to. defer.". Put a nest egg in this bank and It may batch a fortune, y-. . Oregon Savings Bank ' SIXTH AND MORRISON 8t8M J v " . Portland, Oregon. . - ; . J cabin. IU.50; steerage, f IS. Meals and berths included. C H. Thompson, agent, lit Third street r - Vlavl Hygienic Home Treatment for the permanent cure of all female trou blea Lady phyaician In charge, con sultation and examination free. Office hours, a. m. to p. m.; SS Lewis bldg. An Interest can be had in one of. the best paying propositions in the country without costing you one cent Investi gate this at once. Address "A Money Maker," Journal B. at S. Cough and Croup Syrup Simple ajid effective. Best children's medicine. Specifle for all .chest colds and croup. For ssie by Knight Drug Co. , . ' mmmmmm l J - Free Illustrated lecture. Wednesday night February 22, Western Academy of Music, Second and Morrison. . Dr. Williams, noted, brain cilturlst B. . sV 8. Cough and Croup flyrup-o Sure cure for croup and bronchial colds. Keep on hand for emergencies. For gala by Knight Drug Co. 'j C. D. Woods of Saginaw, Mich., Is negotiating with business men at St Johns with a view to establishing a bank there, '. ..'.-, :, S. H. Gruber, lawyer, 17 Commercial blk., win give prompt, efficient service. Try a meal without meat It the Vege tarian cafe, 106 Sixth -street ,.1 . . Dr. Chas. W. Barr, dentist, SIT Dekum, -; Aak-your grocer for Goiden Cheddar. Paul Cilmore. Tbe sale of seats began thla SMrnlng for' Paul nilsHira.'s easii(esient at tbe Marenaia Oraad theatre in "Tbe Mumfay sod tbe HsBsuug Mrri whlh nrMMi HTl .hU. mA Hatorday nlvhta, with apertal price siatlnea HatHTday. The play Is ene that appeals strongly to tne reminin niaa. amt-tnererore it is eer taut that tbe women will patronise it liberally. wiii to be plaead la tbe 'small Mat el eieeptkmially good dramatic performascea te be presented .before Americas aadlencea tbls sea. a. It was a auftrns Is London asd New Tnrk two years ago, all tbrongaoet. tbla eoantry last aeaaos. ase Is sow being presented, by Mr. , till more for the laat time la America. .. There Is novelty la tbe plot keenness -la tbe lines, and tt baa a atorr-whlee, one Ilka to. dlaeoas and eonalder' afterward on account at tha rleversosi wltb. which tbe author has presented It. "The Lady of Lyons." Bnlwer Ittnn's famoas masterpiece, the well remembered "Tbe Lady of Lyons," la receiving a enlendld rertval at tbe aanda or tbe CoramMa tors eompany. Kaca aneceaaiTa play at tbu popnlac theatre adds ts. Its blgb standard and to tbe army of patrons who would-ratber mien any other attraction than fall to see tbe weekly offering of Portland s rant-its stork eompany Tbe anlendld rend It km this week' of "The Lady of Lyons" baa proved no exception to tbe rale. Wrlttes Is tbe psreat of blank Verne by ene of tbe sreatoet of Anshi-Ralen author., it baa sever railea t ar.w pig anoirnren since iia ant' praaentatioa bm than so years ago. r . " "Old Heideloerg '', , Thla play will receive Ita Initial prod action at tbe Columbia theatre Monday afternoon. Feb ruary M. Weeks bavo been spent la bolldlng maaelve fanrintre and srttlnga and painting new scenery for tbls great 'Man Held play. which will eclipse- everything glved et tbe Columbia tbla seaaoa. Regnlar patrone of the Colombia bare become need to m-odnrtlnns of sreat magnltade and beaaty. not when the k . . . . . . .... . ii.i . . 1 mriain mmrnmm wm in, mm mr o wm nrraw here" tbev will feel that. this la tbe. most beaotlfal play they Kan aver ace 4, fa Portland at popniar prices. , . t, A prandt-Baume FarewelL pUm jw lwi Buiplieeatd thla week I If not It will pay yon to mate a vimi lo-mia nopnlnr. playhouse asd see tbe favorite Brandt- Banme company in tne stg scenic prnancuon. tbe thrilling military play, "Northern. Ughta." Aa a nlar It telle an Inter. tins atory of the early Indian eotbreaka when Cnater made hla famona atand Is tbe Little Big Horn country. Over ftO people -are need Is.' "Northern Light." as soldiers. Indiana ana ecoeia. in la inn farewell week of thla popalar eompany. aa they lean for Seattle after tbe performance Hatur day sight .. . tit!-' Good Bill at Grand, w'-r" - - . , At tbe Grand there Is ertotlnned Interest In the eaeellent bill of this week, the large audi ence of laat evening attesting permanent en- tboslaent Is tbe varied numbers, rrom Jess t. Hemy's operatic efforts to tbe hlgh-claae acrobatic wonder of Queen and Boaa, there la no flagging of attention. A Hnmor to held especially etroog, altboogh tbe bill for tbe week coo tains fests wulrk nut commnsd tbe pobUe. -r'Attrction at th Sur. l... - Tbe great attraction at tbe Star theatre tbla la Barteu tbe wonder nil apaia-ow dancer. Bin work In marvelous and keeps the-f audience breatbleaa from atart t anlsb. Other oe the program are lb three Vottena. acrobats; Beaiy and rnre, aaeicn icam; tiawiey ana Vae. eoaaedlana; Rllrane, tbe gnst abadnw. grapber. and Arthur iackaon, tbe fllsatrateC song linger, ssd tbe pro)ertoao pa. w Baker's Good Acts. T lukae tseatra tkla Week kaa srltbeat I innbt 'ene of tha beet vaudeville ahmra ever aeea la IhirtlanS. Tfce act of tke faar Groha la well wertk aeelng. Tka ntker sets attracting tleetton kre ' these of rreeaaaa and Olnrke, Penny and Ware, Bolmea, and Houses ss4 Pstreeella SeaTllle. t Beyond the Rockies." - . - TSe attracttnn tkla areek at tha Urrle Jheatri tka aenaalloaak steiodrsaM, "Beyond the Roekles." - Tke srenentatlea of tkla favneita br tke I.rrte Stnea emnpoay In ' ereellnKly ver, sad tke eaainear kaa ww w lanrels. ) ' Mi: inc i hca i ncd. 7 j -! f Paul Cilmore. ... i ' ... . , wisfjied (Keck Pawned mootm. Allen bowls' Beat Brand, . J . . . . ' ; - - CARGO CPTC3ACC0 TOU IDE FAR f AST .'..; ' . '.-..... ... .... iA- Steamer Arabia Will Take Larg est Shipment That Ever Went From Portland. EIGHTEEN HUNDRED TONS lOPSMOKE FOR ORIENT Possibly Many More Hogsheads Will Be Here in Time to : " Catch Steamer. ' :i One hundred oars of leaf tobacco are en route from Virginia for shipment to the orient on the stteamahipt Arabia, which la due to reach herd on MarcA IS from Hongkong and way porta,- Thla la tha biggest consignment of tobaoeo ever sent from the Pacltlo coast to the far .east, weight 1,800 tons. - . . .. It-1 possible that J60 mora hogg. heads, of two tons each, will be added to the ahlpment Bpace for that amount was engaged on 'the steamer a few days ago. . Laat night another . wire came from the Portland A Asiatic company's eastern agent that he .wanted reaerva- .tlons made on the Arabia for SOO hogs heads of the weed. Whether that In cludes the 260 ' hogsheads previously mentioned la not definitely known by the local officials of the line, who , will ask for further particulars on tha sub ject. . In the event that tha first order Is- a separate one the shipment of the weed will total 1.U0 hogsheads or S,S0 tons, almost half a cargo.. The Arabia will sail e the outward trip on March SO. The balance of her cargo will be made up of flour, cotton and machinery. ' The Nlcomedla arrived at Astoria yes terday and will probably get to sea this afternoon. Before she proceeds many mllea from tha coast It la likely thst she; will meet the Numantla of the same line, due here on Saturday. All of her apace for the outward trip has been en gaged. .Tha major portion of her cargo will consist of 44.000 barrels of floiTr. She wUl also take out 1.600 bales of cotton and other producta - from the southern and eastern states. If all goes well tbo fftynantla will sail on March t. , COAST TRADE. BETTER. Semarkable laoreaaa to fTsigk aad ' Passenger Trafflo Vortk aad oath. - Liocal officials of tha San Franciaco It Portland Bteamahlp eompany received confirmation from the head office yes terday that the. company had purchased the steamer St. Paul, one -of- tha finest craft on the coast. The vessel belonged to the Alaska Commercial company, and until recently ran between tbe Bay city and ports in the far . north. It la very probable that, she wilt soon be placed la commission between - Portland and the California metropolis, aa aha "waa bought for that purpose. Just when she win make her initial trip 'his" not yet been determined. With the SC. Paul-the eompany win have threa large craft operating from thla port, the others being the Columbia and the Oregon. The latter Ig under ) 1 charter and may not be kept on the run regulsrly unless business warrants 1C Both steamers are having good patron age, and by tbe, opening of spring the trade down the coast is expected to be much better. -It is believed the fair will have the ' effect ot trebling the traffic -4 . . Many steamers that never called here oeiore are maaing r-oriiana tneir norm ern terminus. Including tbe St. Paul the fleet la 'composed of the Columbia, the Oregon, Roanoke, Homer, F. A. Kllburn, Aurella, Redondo,' Northland and laqua. A few years ago the Columbia, and Elder constituted almost the entire fleet. and frequently did not go out loaded ta capacity. Notwithstanding the big num ber now on the route pearly every one takes out a falr-slsed cargo and a big passenger list. . Steamship men say thst tbe passenger traffic has Increased to a surprising degree. Counting SO to each boat, a fair estimate, they take S00 peo ple north and south every week. DUTY ON DOGS." lrank -flomiag Waata Mia Back Beoaagoj - ' . Xia Aataaml Died. Frank H. Fleming, teller in tha Mer chants'. National bank, la mourning- tha loss of a valuable bull pup which" he imported from Vancouver.. B. C. a short time ago at considerable expense. He paid a duty of $10 oa the dog, and1 14 hours later the animal died. Those In tereated are asklpg If Fleming can re cover tha import tax; - Aocordina to cus tom house officials tha law on tbe sub ject , provides 'that . If ..yie dog comes from '-blooded stock and the American Kennel society sees fit to give him a certificate of registry -the amount of the duty shall be refunded to- tha owner. It la said that those who knew the animal In Canada can prove that he of high pedigree and had he lived would have been entitled to registration. When this proof Is established to tbe, entire satisfaction of Uncle Sam's local repre sentatives the 110 duty will be refunded to.' Mr. Fleming. But no common doc Is exempt from taxatlo: STARTS FOR THE DALLES:- Sernlato XaWTea wtk roll Cargo aad - Heavy; a eager Xdst, . .-' Loaded to her full capacity wltb gen eral freight thf steamer Regulator left thla morning for Tha Dalles- She la tha first boat to leave for points on the up per CfdDumbhr-fOF tbe peat week, andta that 'time a big .amount of freight ac cumulated at tha dock. It will probably be a couple of weeka before all of It haa been carried to Ita destination. Sixty people 4ook passage on the steamer, the Isrgnst number she haa carried 'since last fall. The Regulator wil make a special trip to -ine usues oa aundsy. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. During the greater part of yesterday tha steamec. Ijeontv-ot- tha- I-a Center Transportation company's, fleet, was atuck on a aaad bar In the' Lewis river. Late In the afternoon aha ' waa floated by a high tide. . s I An .office, has beerv i opened t m Washington, street by .the t North Pa- clflo Steamship company, owners of the Roanoke, now plying between Portland and Los Angeles. -. ' , , -. In tow of tha lighthouse tender Heather, the Columbia river lightship will leave for the sea tomorrow, and will take up her. station off tha mouth of tha soon as It I possibln for her to be taken across tha bar. - . Steamer Qlenola left this morning with a barge of gravel fop biort Stevtns. Schooner Mshuknnav has jcom Dieted her cargo at the Portland mtlf and will sajl tomorrow for Sen Pedro. -' ' . In tow of the Queen . the schooner Halcyon wlU reach, Portland, tonight or EXPOSITION StOREG ' ; For Rent ' v :. opposite the entrance j to Fair Grounds. B. HL LOMSARD H.LK0SLE ' , " vApply at' :V... 312 COMMERCIAL BLOCK UNNECESSARY HIT FOR NETTOR ECILOP . - ; . - , . . . .- - .1 -. ' . - "-x Chiet and Dtectivea Search for Man With Queer Name and Much Wealth. UNABATED ZEAL MARKS . THEIR WARM PURSUIT Suggestion That Cognomen Be Read Backward Has Sulphur ous Effect on Department. - Nettor Ecllop waa said to be the name of the man mlaalng from his home at Lenta, for whom "the police thoroughly searched the city laat night." 4 Nettor Ecllop was aald to have had ll.SSO In his vest pocket when ha dis appeared, so the "efforts of the police have been unabatlng." Scenting .the pos sibility . of a compromise. Joe Day walked excitedly . down town two or three times, swora to himself, and weut Into the- north and to notify those who Itvs there and serve him In the capacity of "stool pigeons" of tbe missing riches. Early., yesterday -morning Chief Hunt waa notified of the disappearance of Nettor Ecllop. - At the -same time he learned of the largo sum of money, It waa said that.. Nettor Ecllop left his home near- Leftts to come to Portland for the purpose of -raising a mortgage of(S1.360 from his borne. . The snortgage waa held by tbe Portland Trust com pnwy. The chief caUed into -bis office hla best men, those of his sleuths clever In . the art of tracing - criminals and cleverer in the artof taking compro mises! when, lima &r money sre lnvutveA.1 Of course Joa Day waa the first esJIedn for long ago he demonstrated bla pre t rated hla Bra - eminence as a "compromise mu. The affair waa discussed from every standpoint Some thought the was on a 'drunk, and If found could easUy be made to disgorge, and when he got sober would never know where hla money had gone. -:' A decision was finally reached to give tbe story out for nubllcaUon in a morn ing paper. Consequently persons who reside at Lents learned today that Net tor Ecllop, a well known young farmer of that place, had disappeared. Efforts to locate him were useless. - This afternoon a patrolman fearfully suggested to tha chief that ha speU -the name of Nettor Ecllop backward, 'He did ao. and aald things, f Joe Day and outer ateutns were toia tne iscta. . "Oh fadge," said Joe. when ha de ciphered tha missing man's name. - . r$l00 Worth of Hat." "8tnce our introduction of. tha "Rob erts IS. 00 hat some four years ago, wa have made quality tha first and profit th second consideration In "oufl highly successful campaign for popular ity with Portland menfolk." remarked J. R. Baker, hat manager for tha Salem Woolen Mill store,- whose opening an nouncement appears on another' pegs. "Our policy la, to keep tha stock ab solutely free from "dead ones', and our patrons have coma . to know - that we never hand them a gold Jr1ck In tha way or a year oia or season old style. Tne complete .110! lines are now in and displayed, aad-.we are glad to an nounce tha formal nopenlng - today, sta there is no article of men's wear that la needed ao early as the spring hat. . "Styles. and coldrs? Why. say. -in an mv axcerience I have never seen-1 them J s varied.-especially tn soft nata which are prime favorites with the young-sr set ' Hdwever,. brown a- are It' and tha latest fad Is a fancy figured silk -band to match." '' -. J .'' . early tomorrow morning. She win load lumber for Ban Francisco. Lighthouse tender Ifanganlta arrfVed Isst night from Astoria and moored at the Couch street-dock.. On the return trio she will - tsks out a numbed of buoys which will be stationed, at vart oua points on the river.. . MARINE NOTES.- Astoria. Feb. JI. Condition of the bar at S a. m.. obscured; wind southeast; weather cloudy. : ..;..,'"''' No ahipplng moving. - .Astoria. Feb. tl. A rrlved down dur ing the night, steamers Aurella and Roanoke. ' - . Arrived down at p. ' m.,r barken tine J. L. Evlston. .- -,-' iert up at s p. m., scnooner waicyea Arrived down at S p. m., German steamer Nicomedla.-t . Sailed at 11:S s. m.. steamer for San Pedro. J ' Sailed at 1:4S p. m stamjner Oregon for San Francisco, San Francisco. Feb. II. Sailed at 1:110 p. m., steamer F. A. Kllburn .for Port land and coast ports , r. et. neiens, or., Fen. zz. -asea m. Schooner Halcyon. ' , Astoria. Or.. Feb. 'IS. Arrived Steamer Cascade, from San Franciaco; ' TAaOl CAMvBS. - The Noma ;CHyt Soutt Bay-and the utirinan nni ari, aire ueing suppiiea wllh cargo today. All other craft are Idle on account of Washington's birth day. Tha Noma will, be .ready to all tomorrow night and will carry lumber to San-Pedro and stop at 8a Francisco If she has s'ny passengers for that port The Carl will complete her lumber cargo tomorrow and will probably' leave the following day for a oriont. GOLD DRICK VICTO SrajlCTSCCEIi t"' ' ''.' - ..j- . ' '-" -'-r i William Vance of Albany, Real- )ing He Has Been Robbed. Becomes III. ' j - HUMILIATING EXPOSURE 4 BY THE CITY DETECTIVES Efforts to Get Rich Quickly Re , 1 suiting tn Loss of Wealth , v::. '-i f and Health.'".' -T-'. '.'.' Last Wednesday . William Vance, a prominent cltisen of Albany, was swin dled out of - tl.OOO by. tha venerable "gold brick" game.. Ha met two stran gers, listened to their, talk, believed -be hsd found .. a bonansa In ' an 'Aiiaona mine,, paid S,000 for, tha "sample" and, discovering . tha deception, became se riously lit k I The two "confidence men" appeared In Albany last Wednesday. ' One repre sented himself to be. very old.' very Il literate, but very honest HT could neither read nor write.- He waa seeking a son td whom be intended to deed a valuable mine which ha had discovered la Arlsona. He told of tha mine in a I casual way that aroused tha cupidity of Vance. .,''.-' Finally tha rich man of . Albany wanted an interest in tha great bonansa. Nothing could deter him. Hla daugh ter's efforts, the .advice of friends, tba seeming reluctance of tha stranger to part with even a smsil portion of his holdings, had ao effect Ha must not lose tha opportunity, so he made oat a check for $5,000. The check was paid at tha Ladd 4k Bush bank at Salem. It required two days for Mr. Yanea to realise that he had been made tha victim of a game that haa dona serriee for swindlers-for centuries. i He cams to Portland, hoping that ha might In borne way recover even a portion of hla money. . The humiliation ot such absurd credulity aa he had shown and Ita eon sequences drove him to distraction. In an hour of -frensled Irresponsibility he sought the efforts of a detective. Chance led him to Joa Day. To the ofHeer he told hla story and asked lor assistance In locating the criminals. - - Vance told no one elaa. not even tbo chief of poca. The story of tbe swin dle was given eat for publication an ample Up to the swindle to make their escape. There have been no arrests.' Mr. Vance is critically .ill at the home of .hla son-in-law. W. 9. Peacock. Sit Eleventh street Dr. Darling, who is at tending him. fears that the shock may result in serious complications. . j 1 GUGLIELMO FACES FALL WITH GREAT CALMNESS -'"--'- ' ' - ?; 1 1 Frank Guglielmo, facing the gallows for the murder of hla sweetheart, Freda Garaclo, baa been surprisingly calm, and gives ths Jsiler no trouble. Preparations were made to guard against -violent acta and an attempt to destroy .himself when he was appraised of hla fate, but he endured the ordeal In a manner to Indi cate that he was prepared for the news. to- "aave for a rehearing, and if tbla be 1 not granted na win ne mwnunma tm not granted then takes at . executed. once to Balem te . be - Colds Oaoae Sore LtxaHve gnaw Qelntam. the world wide Cnld nna (rip remeoy, nnwrv too rmwmr mn aw tha fall nnne and look .for tbe slgsatare ef E iw. amva. nc' Bargain Sale Was a Hummer. A rush f many feet esclted whis pers, hurrying cash boys and Paul Strain's "great -half. price sale had opened. It waa scaroely S o'clock Mon day morning when the walk In front of the store gave evidence that something unususl was going to happen. Police men, with an air of importance, took their placee outside and within the store. Hurrying mem with an eye to a bargain, edged their way to the locked doors. For ever an hour they waited, aad then Just aa the convenient clock Screes the street struck nine, tne door was thrown open. In a second the tired looks from long - waiting had disappeared and given way to one of expectancy. For over gn hour the throng kept crowding ... ia - th rfmra woe closed and signs bearing "Doors closed one hour on account of crowd bung up. At 11 o'clock the doors were opened again, and - at IS cloaed for another hour, and thus was done, sit dsy. It was undoubtedly one of the greatest gales Portland haa ever seen.- The sale ia a forced money-raising sale, and will continue throughout the week, Every thing at half price. j' , , ; A.' F. White, a prominent lumberman of Cosmopolls, WaalL, la registered at the ,. peruana - 11 rr Frederick W. Burbidge, a mine op erator' of tbe northwest, with head quarters at Spokane, is a guest at the Portlsnd. A. B. Clark, a business msn of Bell- tnghamr-Wash.. la at the Portland . 3. T. McNaugbt In charge of - the Hermlston Irrigation enterprise In eastern Oregon. Is at the . Portlsnd. W. H. Hume, a lumberman of As torla. la at the Portland.' T"- U. P. McOulra.' an erstwhile' Port- lander, now of Seattle, la a guest at the Imperial. Ed Kiddle, a resident bf Island City, Grand Ronde valley, is at the Imperial. Dr. J. P. Tamleste. of. HUlsboirQ, Is registered at the Perkins. Walter Fernald. the Baker City bank er and capitalist Is In tbe city', for a couple of days, -and? is registered at tbe Perklnev . n- .... t . Mr. . and- Mrs. Reginald -Da Por, of Toledo, . Ore., are guests at the , Per kins. .1 ... .-J-.--.. Df. S. C. Mark, of Walla Walla, la at the Belvedere. ' Fred Warren, of Greenhorn, Ore., is at -the Belvedere. Wliat'n lha aeprat Af hinnr vlmram healthT Simply keeping the bowels, the strnnschv the liver aiikldneye strong snd active, uuraocg uiood mttera doea It. t BAUER THEATRE Talrd asd TasiMII nta. Ranting rtooo. Mgra .. lArgeat vanoeTine hmm in smanas, . . -vaautIVI o.un m ' .HTlOIUIl SIAVILLAV i - .-. FEJIOTAin) WAJtO. ymiEatag ab CLAtgg. .-. r. . BOLME AMD HOLM Eg. .. -v -- BAAMAaa WTLLIAMS. ' , ' . I 1. W. WOOD. . I - ' - THS BIOOAAFaC -idwliarioa toe, rerksntaneea al'S SO, T:J0 asd :IS s. si. 1 - t '-- . BLASiaa Bkoe. ; .coKcskT ivgay irian. tdS-aM VSUW1)& " . l" doVou WANT vc:ik? TlMniSeeTfcfft. "H2LP WANTED' COLUMNS Architects snd ; v Builders Know ; ' and yon should know that the Black Dianxmd Pit and Shingle Co't printed sningie is notooijthe best . bet is the most agagQjyfag shingle in the market. Tbey are fire proof, noii proof, nsoia- ture-protjf aad iooajl no mora ed oa the roof. oosi no Tbey are absolutely painted all thus doing away with the onatgbtly. anpalnted ere vices caused by abrtnk- we also ao roor paimmg, ooan shingle and metal roo: fa. Teavphona tog prices. .-. .'j .. Offlee .1 427 MAIN STREET, EAST . FaTOaTS awOTT Gregbri'o Expooition , TM 9SSOBZBX0 XLsff SUNSET MAGAZINE" : : iNttm her'. 3 has a finely OtastraSed agtJale wvrk by eatsrteiBiBa; SoId'byAIINtisieilcrs AHUIlMMTli ejsjaaaatalaaaafj. , COLUMBIA THEATRE! A. H. BALtARD. tsaaaa ssd Manages. . ; raartaestb ssd Washisgtoa Ms. Rrery sight this week wtta SHttase aVrawaayaj Ia splendid revl-eal ef Lard trttoa"s ' - J ... ana eUasie. , Thn I ortir t I vans" Bvesng. ............ iv.OT.S0e, SBe, See. lSe atatlneo SSe. Sse. 10a - Downtown box office aB day. SST Mmupat, Phooe MaU 110. Xvostag st tbaatra. Kext weak, starting toataj snnaea, grand - . av-ooactlos of Richard MaanflaU'a a. Mn as iisa-aavy ay ruts THXAIRX Friday and gatnrdsy Nlgkts. reb, M-SS, ISOR, operiai aiacinee nainroaj. ' HB. TAVL SUJIOaM IH ' The Vssuay ssd the Ksamaiaw Bird." Breslng prlrta Panrnotte. tl.M; paroeeTIg eirrle 1; baleony. Tfte aad 50e; gallery, SBe and .w; bnaen aad feaas, $10. Matinee nrlwo Lower flunr. SI snd Tbe entire balcony, KOr; rallerr. jne aad 15a. . ' ,v ssaia nuw BKianu. . , EMPIRE THEATRE Ki aseare year seats ey none Mala 1IT. . . Crowded both Uaaa yasteaday.-- TONIOHT Ant" kU. THIS1 WRRX, -RHQUtaR MATIN Eg BATCRDAT. . - rarewall week. Braadt-ltanaM OnajsaarM the - - ' 111 .-1 : nsoBTnaur xiqxtu. i Prh-.e All Balloeas, lOe. 16a, 3&0. vKlgata, lite. 2Se. aso, 0w . THE LYIC THEATRE . leveatll and alder Streets. i - Ttrery aftersnea and evening, '', THR fcRW 1.TRIC STOCK COMPAXT. Ia tbe senasdoaal swlodraws. , Beyond the Rockies r gpaeialtlea aatwees seta ' ' Perform. aeea at S:S0. T: and :1S fx aa. t aaal nrtco or adaaestoa. is eenta. G BAN) p ''J yr--- Waaklngton a Mrthday. Wrdnanday, Innllaaana, bnea Mil. SHASTT-IOWR TI0. I. , -A ecxia AP F" .".m Lotm - yo rr. . rtAjf st. i jr. CKARUa ASD T - :- air gv - - m iiiii.,.ri AdailaatnnV w. aay Hat luri ae seat f ' XaTafXHSR ATTRAOTIOBSI aGTAR THBATr rrttand-a raahln'e T.--!!e- V ; v .- ! A i tt- S a Se In any aeaf). -... i a Cseilsaeaa laadeTi-, S.W Is !- .. i. ea taa grsat Ssiilsanlsl J I the aklar to saad ens, staay aara arttelaa, aosae good ghsrt toTlsa, slaver vsswa and iaass sstiag ssisooDaay. Tiguiuaa' 'T ' " . -7 7 . ;