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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
THE OREGON - DAILyT JOURNALS rCrTLAND')DVlSCDAY ITTZzHuQ, . FEBRUARY 2, 1SC3 4 i EXPLOSION HINDERS n Mil INQUIRY Damages' Material . Used ' C . Analyzing -Mrs. Walker ' .. Hoch'a Stomach. . r in ENOUGH SAVECvT-O 1 ' COMPLETE EXAMINATION -V .Much, Married -. German Accused of Murder Repudiates Con ' ;;r fession to Marriages. , . '.-,.- (Mml ifwUI Service.) ' ' " :T Chicago, Feb. , S2j By the explosion ; f retort la the laboratory of Pfrof. "Walter Haines, Tuesday, much -of -the mats rial used In .making' an lanalyaia ''I if the itnnuh nf WilkHwHorlL the Ute wife off Jbhann Hech, Uie al- ' '. leged bigamist. ' wa destroyed. - Prof. ,.; Halaea narrowly escaped death, bis hair . ' 'i being burned .eS.kU head, and recelv. " ' In other palnfu) injuries. : He -, an . Bounced .today that enough of the atom' ach remains to complete the elaborate ' analysis necessary to determine - tho " cause of the woman' death, and the 'prosecuting attorney will continue bs attempt to ax the mutter charge against V 'HOCh. '-" i ' -v.- .. " V' , ' ' ' Hoch baa repudiated his late eonfes- ,slon raid by Police Commissioner . Bhlppy before the coroner's Jury. . He - - ; .- "I never aald that I married eleven . -ejomen. I aimed a atatement' to the - ; effect that I had not committed murder. a,nl that.l was an Innocent ail. B RlDE mourned as dead FOUND ILL IN HOSPITAL "'. ' (Joarnal pedal w rice.) ,'.-...'.- Detroit.. "eb 22.-Beliving . his young . XJmuM among the victim of the Iroquois disaster, Johnson Richard of this city .; mourned her sincerely. ,. The young couple were married. In December, 101. . but relatives caused j.them to . separata, ''and the wife left to make her own .way. .Richards regard for bis bride never v ' .. diminished and be always kept with him ' her photograph.- Oa reading her name la the list of dead at the theatre holo .ceuiat. he wrote friends in Chicago, wbo confirmed the deeth.of his girl wife. , (' Responding to a telephone call three . L "week ago he went to Orace hospital. I 'There be found his wife seriously 111. 1 The meeting between the couple was touching. Richards since baa been In .constant attendance at the. patlenfs i . . bedside and the reconciliation . 1 com , plots. ..,.."..'.'.., . '; . .- ;; j. v;.;. - WORE CLOSELY JOINED -v Vn r THAN SIAMESttWINS ' - ' " ' UearaalgpeeUl Service,) Richmond, Vs., Feb.' 31. Effort have proved, vain -to keep - alive the twins borft a few day ago who. were duplt V cats f the Blames pair, Vwhoee, fame - Spread over id . wona, i ne panica, ;' whlnh ware born' In a Well 'known fam ily id J the 'eastern portlort of the city. : were even more closely . connected than the Siamese." Thay bad separate heads. legs, arms, but tbe bodies were so nearly ' Joined that they formed practically one body. During their short lives they were examined by many physicians, who Mid that sslmllar ease bad never come under medical observation., . I .-1 senator Mitchell asks FOR AN EARLY TRIAL - Jearaal Special serrlae.)' ' . - ' Washington. Feb, It. -Senator Mitch- .jr ell objects to District Attorney Heneys t plan-tto' postpone , the land traurt trials until June. He sutes that he. : was ' .promised aa early., trial and wishes speedy vindication. t -. .. ( ? f Henry C Robertson has resumed ,hl " ' duties aa private secretary to . Senator ,. ; MltchelL It is reported that ' Max " Pracht secured his appointment by gtv- tng a tip to the secret service men that Y Mitchell-had sent Tanner aa Important ' letter by Roberta ;l"1' '' ' SURGEONS OPERATE m: .1 i ;j ; HARPfR FOR CANCER '. Woeraal Rpeelel serrUe.) . ' ' Chicago, i Feb. 3 J. Dr. McBurney of New Tork arrived at 10 o'clock this morning to operate on Dr. .William T. Harper, president of the Chicago-university, who is suffering from cancer. ' ' Several -distingulahed Chicago surgeon i will assist.. Tb operation will- be per i " formed at 1 o'clock this afternoon at "T-the Presbiterian. hospital. - somna . saurwm V (peeUI llpetcb to TVt JoortuH ' Roseburg, : Feb.- J?. Max Wrtes,- a ; brewer and Ice manufacturer of this place, was arretted yesterday on the ' complaint of Chlef of Police Jarvis, . charged with r selling liquor'' last Sun day. It I. .alleged thita kg of beer was Dlof to pix- tramps. Baking Ppwder wliic ' , ;the.opd more;dige wholesome. This peculiarity r of Royal has been no'ted;by physicians, arid jngljf endorsee and ' recom- ;; mend -it. : . , SOYAi MMN fOWfia CO, MW VOSae , T. " -1 ' ." I.' X r, WASHINGTON ELKS FORM STATE LODGE Body "Will Constitute Nucleus of subordinate Grand Lodge ' "J.;, -''' ' on Qoastl 'J TACOMA IS CHOSEN ASi ' NEXT PLACE OF MEETING Officers for Coming k'Yea Are SelecteckTrom Thirteen f; Different Cities . (Special TtMpatrh'.te T JoereaL) ' ' Seattle, Wash- Feb.. 22. Represfnta- tlvea of thirteen filka lodges of this atate assembled In the Seattle theatre yesterday afternoon knd perfected a state organisation, the. first on the Pa-. cine coast, which sjrlll constitute the nucleus of a subordinate grand lodge when the national organisation acknowl edges its function, i. J. Alexander of Seattle. 3. Howard Watson of Otympla were 'chosen, temporary chairman and aecratarv. - r -1 -- Rev. W. D. Simend'a of Seattle de livered the Invocation, and Mayor Bal linger of Seattle the address of we I come. - Lieutenant-Governor Coon of Port Townsend made th reply. The committee on credentials reported the delegate present entitled to seats, and th committee on by-law reported, and the constltation wa adopted without change. t Election of officer was aa follows: C. O. Batea, Tacoma, president; William H. KlrkmanWalla Walla, first , Tic president; N. El Nusum, Spokane, sec ond vtce-preeldent; Charlee O. ' Coonk Port Townsend.' third vice-president: J. Howard- Watson, Olynrpla. secretary; Dr. Charles F. 'Eagle, Ballard, treas urer; Rev. Andre Bard, Walla Walla, chaplain; John J. Sexton, Vancouver, sergeant-et-arma. . The following trustees (were named: Seattle, Dan E. Mulllraaf Tacoma, A. B. Turner; Spoken, A. W. Salsbury; Walla Walla, Mark N. McLean; Port Townsend, H. M. Ben net; Port Angeles, W, F. Delabarre; Aberdeen, Harry E. Martin: Ballard. Dr. P. W. Stuart; Ev. erett, W, W. Black; North Taklma, E. J.'Jaegger; Olympla, O. C.-Wlnstanley; Vancouver, J. A. Padea; Belllngham. Rowland Oanwell. Tacoma wa (elected aa th next place of meeting, February SI and tV 10. Th secreUry wa Instructed to have 1.000 copies of th proceeding prepared for distribution. This afternoon a plug-hat parade took place on tbe principal streets. A spe cial matinee at the Grand theatre this afternoon and a banquet at th Wash ington tonight close the meeting. . ii i i '. RAILROADERS WANT NO GOVERNMENT CONTROL '', ''' .' r V ' , sBjBBasasaaesaaasaasBWs. . ' ' (Jtoeraal BpeeUl ierrke.) '' Chicago. Feb. - tl. A ' movement 1 on foot In several large railway center to obtain a monster-petition, signed by th rank and me of railway employee, pro-teatlna- asalnsttth government control of, railroad rates. 1 1t 1 Said to be the purpose 40 send Hcn Petition to Con gress in the hope hat It will Influence leSialatloa. . - -' 1 . Railway employes generally are said to be lafreld -th coram Is Iqn ' control of rates wiU be followed by a general reduction In ' railroad waAeaU Some la bor organlsatlona are a to be espe cially apprehensive that reductions will follow the passage tl ina.. tnreaienea rat"-legilaUoik-- . . . It will be remembered that James X Hill and otber railroad owner pubtlely stated .that wag reduetlpos would be one of tha first and moit natural re- sulU of taking away th control -or rata from th railroad. y. BLEEDING TO DEATH v FROM PUNCH ON NOSE '; ' (leenal Special ServVe.) '. Salinaa. Feb. M. Peter Villa, an em ploy of the Southern Paclfle railroad, la bleeding to death at Paclflo Orove aa tha result of s auarrel over the Juat neaa of tbe assassination of Grand Duke Sergio. Robert Boyne . struck Villa on th nose fracturing. the bone eaua- Ing a hemorrhage, which physician are unable to top. i WANT LOBBYISTS BARRED FROM COLORADO CAPITOL -(Joaraal Special SM-rlee.r ' "'' Denver, Feb. tl The Building Trade council has Issued a' communication to Gov. Alva Adams, asking him to -exclude from the canitol lobbyists, who are en deavoring to influence the members of the legislature to decide the 'gubernator ial contest In favor of x-Governor Pea- body. .. . ", 1 1 'I ""I 1 11 " " ' "'(. tsTOXOTSS AT SAJT rmAJTOISOO. . ileoraat SparlaL Servlee.) San Francisco, Feb. J J. The federal grand Jury has returned Indictment against Harry Miller. Frank E. Klncart and William H. Boren. charging them with Subornation of perjury in acquiring government land. ! - -.-i x i. JOHN H. FOLEY, HEAD CONSUL OF ViCODMEN .... '! , 111 ' 1 ' Los -Angeles Man, Well Known Here, Chosen to Succeed ..' Mr. FaJkenburg. ' Denver, CoL, Feb.. f I. Head Advlaer JohoTH. Foley of Lo Angele baa been promoted to the head consulship of the Woodmen of the World to flu the unex pired term of late Consul F. A, False burg., until the head council in -April choose a head consul. Mi.1 Foley 'I well known In Portland circle of the Woodmen of the World. t'ntll ' hi recent appointment he- was bead adviser, of the Paclflo Jurisdiction with, headquarters at Lo Angelea. lie was born In St. Louis, January IS, 1172. He has hela prominent positions with tb order and Is en of th best knows fraternal men of the coast. The term to which he has bees elect ed empire In Apr a At that time th position will be ' filled permanently. There I a salary of l.00 a year at tached, to the place. , and It I believed that ther will be several, aspirants for it . u There ar nln state In the Juriadle tlon. each of which will likely have a candidate for the la said that th likely permanent successor to Mr. Falkenburg has not permitted the use of hi nam In that ooanectioa up to this time. , 1 - "TEDDY" IS AN LL'O. ... Continued from Pag One) j (California of Washington' farewell address. Senator Perkins of California forgot that be wa to read Washington' fare well address to the senate today and kept that body waiting -for SO minutes. When hi absence wa discovered he was telephoned for and arrived much out of breath,- but performed hi as signed duty. : ,: nr fabis. ' - (Journal Ipedsl ferric.) - ' '. Paris. Feb. It Today, for the first time, Washington' birthday wa cele brated In Paris by Frenchmen, enthus iastic admirer of th first president of the United States. At a banquet this evening, in celebration of tbe'anntver- ry, M. Frederic Passy presided - and speeches were made for the speedy re turn of peace and the establishment of a parliament of. nation and tbe feder ation of the world. - XOUBAT A OOXASOsV - (Speelsl Dispatch to The JearaaL) ' . Forest Grove. Or. "Feb. II. The an nual faculty concert was given ' In Brighton chapel laat evening. ' Th far ulty of the 1 conservatory of muslo are Mrs. Pauline Millar-Chapman, -messo soprano; Mis Una Llnehan, soprano; Miss . Wilms Waggener, pianist; . Miss Irene Cadwell, pianist, and Professor F. T. -Chapman, violinist. . Washington's birthday will be ob served tonight, when Rev. Mr. Allen of Cumberland Preabyterian church- of Portland will address the Students In XU OUD (Jeeraal Special flerrlee.l ' - Boston. Mass.; Feb.- tl. Reunions of army veterans, patriotic meetings . and other f events were Included In the ob servance today of Washington' birth day In this' city.. The holiday was quit generally observed la 11 the larger cltlea of New England. , ' THIS MONTH HOLDS . h i FIRE ALARM RECORD Ther hav been more fire alarm this month than daring; th name length' of time In the history of the city. Tbe fir department has responded to 34 calls, of which St were general, tl tele phone and t atill alarms. , . Th highest record Tor any one monta heretofore ha been IS alarm, which wa registered for March. 1904. The alarms average about , one day for most of the months. .February 11 the fire department re sponded to II alarms which are as many ar frequently turned in during whol month. - . Th fires hav nearly all been amall biases', caused by sparks falling on tit moa on roof of houses. Th most dis astrous fir wss the one which burned the residence of O. W. Kennedy. 7S Clackamas street, where . the loss wa estimated at I MOO. ' GAS, NOT GASOLINE, SEEMS TO RUN THIS CAR No foundation ,.can be discovered for a report that a gasoline car la -to be run between St. Johns and Portland by the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company. Railroad operativee say It would be im possible under present conditions.. .The track between the Portland switch yard and thei mills on the Willamette river below St Johns la used exclusively for Industrial purposes and these uses pre elude the operating of a suburban serv ice, even, should th company desire to adopt such, a plan. , It 1 aald th run ning of a- oar from th St. Johns mill to th east Portland depot, then acme th steel bridge, and Into th switch yards. - where It would have to be witched to the Fourth street line, would require a .much longer time than 1 now necessary by the street car route, m - - ... . 1 - GOESTO JAIL RATHER' THAN SIT-WITH NEGRO .: ., I : ' . (Joarnal Special Service.) . thUlas.- Tex, Feb. 22 United State Judge Humphrey of Durant, I. T has sent a whit man, Ed gel Davis, a prom inent cattlei raiser, of Nlda, to jail for contempt of court for refusing to aerre on the federal grand Jury with a negro. Dart declared that he had eonactentiou scruple against serving with a negro. and that he would stand the penalty. Judge Humphrey then. ordered him to After being placed la a cell Davla aald, "X do not knowcwbat Judge Humphrey will -do,, but I am ready to pay a fine, stay In Jail or go to tbe penitentiary be fore I alt: with a negro juryman, . - FAVORABLE REPORT ON JUDICIAL DIVISION 4aauHrtnn Bores 1 f The Joernet) ' ' Washington,' Feb. II The senate Judiciary committee-today reported fa vorably the bill which has passed the house to divide Washington inte two Judicial districts, Th bill. s. re ported, contain a number of minor amendments to the house bill. 1 Wash ington senators flpeot to' iseeure 'Its passage by th senate at this session. 1 -).' " ' 1 . mr - irm" ay. 1 m 1 ' - . A sraw BaTxjnfc- LAfiD FRAUD TRIALS MAY CEGIi'l 1(1 Mil At That 1 Time Cases Can Pro ceed to Determination With but : Interruption.' . . APRIL WILL BE DEVOTED ' TO GRAND JURY HEARING Browneli, Hamacker and Moor Cive Bonds for Appearance --When. Wanted. J- As to tb time when the- land fraud eases will come up for trial, or rather when they will commence before Judge Bellinger, there lg much discussion and speculation. The fact that the couit will have to move In May seems to In sure that the hearings will begin In June. Judge Bellinger stated this morn ing thst he had been informed that tbe iv building at - the noetof f ice would be ready by th middle of May. The government office in th old Snail HelUbu-Woodard building must be va cated by the first of June. , Mr. Heney will be very busy with the grand jury In the early part of April.- perhap for a good portion of th month. Conaidarlng alL and th fact that th court 1 averse to- commencing the heating at a time when a eerlous break will have to be made for the pur pose or moving, it is generally conceded that June will be the time for opening the big event. . Unless extraordinary pressure Is brought to bear by Senator Mitchell or ether of th accused to ex pedite his hearing, that month will doubtless mark the first of the trials. State Senator George C Brownell. J. W. Hamacker and Rufug'S. Moor fur nished bond yesterday afternoon, th usual amount of $i.00 for each of th Indicted In tha land fraud 'cases being required of them. Moat of those In- 4letd hav furnished bond. Only a few war allowed to go on their owa recog nisance. AINSWOSTII WILL ACT on port corrosion Has Decided to Accept Position : , Made by Retirement of . Captain Spencer, v ' 1. C. Alnaworth: who wa elected by the atate legislature to supersede Cspt. is. w. "spencer as a member of tbe Fort of Portland commlaaion, baa decided to accept Jhe position, and will qualtfyi ror the omce at the next regular jneet lng of th body. Aa thbr will be only one chance in tbe personnel of the board. It la not thought there will be any radical de parture from the policy heretofore fol lowed, - The officers, C. F. Bwlgert, president: C F. Adams, treasurer, and O. B. Thomaa. - vice-president, were elected- Sor a-terra of one year from last June.. -.. About the only jontm who could be benefited by a change in officer would be- thoae expecting, favor - from ' th commission, la the way of positions st the drydock and on the vessels operated by the port. Some people on the water' front wanted th legislature to die place several- of th member of tb commission with thl object, la view, A Nati'nrir Inetitntlnn President Roosevelt.-TnJhIa message opening congress. In December, pointed out that thej business; of Insurance had attained national proportions', and his words will be remembered by those who read and examine the annual statement for . th year 104 of the Prudential Life Insurance company. J This company wrote and issued dur ing . 194 over f 31t.000.00 of - pald-for life .Insurance, Increasing the number of policies in force to nearly six millions,-- and bringing the amount of in surance Jn farce te a sum exceeding on billion dollara. ' 1. , - Thl eompafiy. whose agendo extend to every state K.tbe Union, is a truly national institution. --tiot only in slse, but in the position which It occupies as the trustee for the funds of the mil lions In all parts of the country, thus furnishing the means of making pro vision for the futur for themselves and their dependents, - 1 - That this v trust -1 ' welt placed I shown by the fact that th comnanv ha accumulated asaeta of over .. 000,000,. and -a surplus exceeding 111. ,000.000, the llabllltiea being 171,000.000. une very . interesting item of the atatement Is th amount paid to It policyholder. Over 111.000,000 were paid to policyholder during 1104. The company ha paid to policyholders te date a tptal of over 111,000.000. It I certainly Impossible to estimate, th amount of good which th distribution of tb is vast sum of money has accom plished for the American people who have been Its recipients. . s : ; The company will furnish anv Infor. matlon concerning It policies to thou wno write to- the Home Office, at New". ark, N. J. . u . -1. ...... TRAPPISTS ARE KILLED BY BURSTING MILLSTONE - " 1 - '. -t -.. . i. Journal gperlal gerrlee.t ' -r1'-.' Montreal, Feb. 22. The bursting of a millstone in the flour mill at the Trapplst monastery at Oka resulted la th death of Brother Maria and Brother Abel. Ap assistant wa badly Injured. Too late to cure a cold after ronsum tlon has fastened Its deadly ario on lungs. Take Dr. Wood's Norway Pin Bjrrup wnue ret mere is lime. 1500 PIANOS FAOXAJtO amrorairaT' OilU &VBWZ0 KAXXLTO 1500 PIANOS f;c;,i cut cest ;. ' l.ll lit! ." , . . .' . ' '."" '' Forces That i(Vork for Civic Bet ; terment Will ; Take Active : Part in Norninations. a i MUNICIPAL LEAGUE OUTLINES ITS POUCY A Candidate ' .for Mayor Must Plainly Announce Policy of -Enforcement of Law; i- la order to eur th support of th Municipal league and affUuKtng foroe for tbe jof f ice ot mayor, . the nominee must pledge himself to earry out a pol- acy of enforcement of the law,- This decision waa reached' laat night when tbe executive, committee of the league met at the .office of R. Llvlagctoa fur th regular monthly confers oca t' Con trary 'to an erroneous Impression., that ha been produced in some quarter, th league will aot remain quiescent until the political partiea have nominated their candidates, and then decide which one shall receive Its support Th Inten tion la to tab aa active part In the se lection of candidates,' and If possible a that no man receives a nomination wha does not cordially Indorse the law-en forcement policy and who does not In tend to throw himself Into the work of civic reform with ardor .and sincerity. . "The league doea aot proposed tO Mow the regular organisation to. nam any men they choose, and than come la and make selection, which msy possibly amount to choosing between twe evil," said Miller . Murdoch, attorney for the league. . - s,. V ' "The primary-nomination law. If ap plied! aa we expect it will be, enable th member of th league to take part la the nomination of candidate aa mem ber ef their political parties, and also to put up a candidate of their own If it be apparent that la no' other way may good Candida tea be secured. - The league is non-partisan, ana it policy I to absolutely disregard polit ical distinctions in selecting candidates for local offices. - Democrats snd Ref publicans belong to the league, and they araof0ne JBlnd in Jnalpttng upon non partisanship la local elections. 1 "Let no one think that tbe league i going to wait until other hav nomi nated candidates. The league will take a head In it and a that men are named who are worthy of tbe support of those wbo are working for elvlo betterment" LEW1ST0N TO HAVE r ROAD TO PORTLAND Oireebn Railroad & Navigation Company Will Extend . 1 From Pomeroy Th Oregon Railroad Vfc Navlgatloa company will build a road Into Lewis ton by extending, its branch from Pom eroy, Wash, tq Vlneland ' or Clarkaton on the snake river, juat' aoroaa from Lew is ton. ewlston people have been looking for m connection with Portland snd ths east for a long time that would cut off the circuitous route via Moscow, Idaho, Pullman and-Colfax, Washvand aa pleased with present prospects. The plans of ths, eompsny are revealed m supplementary article of Incorpora tion of the Washington Railway com pany. an'Oregon Railroad Navigation company' auxiliary, which have been filed here. The projected line to Lew Iston contemplstes a Junction with an other) road ; to be built 'up tbe Clear- watew river from Lewlaton to Orange vllle to Mount . Hope. The road waa urveyed in connection - with: the Una projected up th. Grand Ronde ' river, Th plana- aa Outlined . also Include a road up the south or middle fork of th Clearwater river . to c th Montana line. ,. .... . - - -. Th proposed road up the Snake river from Rlparla baa been looked upon a a certainty for years, but the queatlon ha always been. Would the .Northern Paclflo or th Oregon Railroad ft Navlga tloa company build It, and on which aide of the river? Last year two big parties of high official of th Oregon Railroad ft Navigation company and three similar part tea 01 tne isorinem rinno apeni ctiJU-rLl SIv..; tZct and Pr;..dentHowWa-hlngton'. birthday. They exited ant Elliott of tha Northern Pacific even drove across ths country from' Lewla ton to Qrangvill. LAW IN A NUTSHELL (Continued from Page One.) no conflict between the charter and -the direct nominations law, and the re-reg istration of voters will provide the legal means whereby the new law may be mad to apply to the coming pity elec tion. The county clerk has declared hla Intention to proceed with re-regitratloa and It i believed .thlV-thla . remove what would have been an almost Insur mountable obstacle had be refused to do ... I ... .. ,- County Clerk F. 8. FlldI-proced- Ing with preparations - for re-regiatra-tlon of all votr- In- order to comply with th provision of th direct primary nomination law. He ha a ordered 10 book Instead of alxY a heretofore and Ul employ . II deputies to make tb registrations., The old Quarters ef Assessor Blgler, opposite the sheriff office tfn th first floor, will he -uaed. County Treasurer Lawls has not yet -made arrangement to remove from th city hall to th court bouse, ao that the old aaaeisme-pffic will be available for tb registration 1 ' Fiefeiiad eek Oaaaed woods. Allen ft Lewis' Beet Brand. - - ' i MANUFACTURERS' i' ' PROFIT-SHARING SALE OF 1500 PIANOS ...... ,......, , "., -. : - ; . V i - ;.'. v 1: f 1 - -.. . Remember the manufacturer e joio us in sharinj tHe fit In order, to dispose of 1,500 " pianotv This is the greatest proposition ever offered here, snd cireS-yoa chance to save . ; from $100 to $150 on plana ' If yoa need's piano yon cannot afford to let this opportunity pass. Qui to Ind investigate it and you will be convinced. Out-of-town partiea will find T something to their interest by writing us For particulars. Our easy payment Vn spplies ; to sll snd is popular Allen Gilbert v VZ - - CORNERlSlXTH (Vcodard, Clcrlie t Co. - CANADIAN MONEY' iv or ELASTIC HOSIERY AHD BELTS .1- 'v - zs a mnoi tit. ' We bow have the onlyJoom aad e pert weaver In the-Northwest, and are making 'all of our good from accurate measurements, to fit each ease, consequently year aa as a per-' feet fit. Call or writs for blanks. All - orders , filled within 14 hours. J-, Pilot ......... ,....3Sd V Home . r7TW..TJ,r;3T Olympic. ........... 534 Delta .,,'.73f ' Klondike ...... . 8T : Aseptio ........ ui.Vil Perlwlnkl 1.27 ; v-t iSijit: ; chsse. " i -4.10 f, 5.83 f .K3 8 8.49 8.98 j r is- rw inr o7 OZAX ATTatAOTZOirS TOM TMXM Eastman's Velox Peveioper, reg. 25c; . special. . 15d Eastmaa'a 80II0 Toner, reg. lie; special t ,...,...,..... -15? Sliding Tripod, reg. ILO0; pe--- clal . . . , . .. .V.............50 Bring your Kodak Finishing to ua. pert workmen, under our own Distributing agents for the Celebrate , aend for Book on Microbes. , , V,., ikinvttisaat imiiii fn. Roawl Snrlaea Mineral' Wa tea . J Free delivery arj f th elty, PrccrjtlostiUed, for. tnd deliv ' ered prompUy. u ,.J. .t:. . Fourth od Washington - fv ; PATRIOTS ON ROCK PILE BALK AT WORK Prisoners Would Show Lover for ; Country's Father by Re- - meipjng Idle. saeven" petty criminal, comprising th - city rockpile gang, felt much ag grieved this morning because they Were sent out to work on the anniversary of to enjoy a. day of Idleness. The sum mon to work came aa a great ahpek, '.'Say, youse feller don't ' mean to say w has to git in and work up a sweat on Wash'a'ton' birthday, doea you?" queried a tough looking customer who appeared .to be the leader of tbe gang. .-...,--;..-(... "That' Just what we do," wi th emphatlo response of Detectlv Hellyer. . "Th man' thirst for Information was quenched, and he looked disgusted. HI resentment waa 4 shared by his com panioha. ' . : ... . "dot a lot of , respctTor tb father of bl country ' around here, I see," sneered one of themv - ; - Llnhonof of -the day there waa'no eeslon of .th police or Justice courts. A street railway conductor and his wife, who ar having trouble with some body over a sewing machine, tried hard t locate Deputy 1 City Attorney Fits gerald,. but Mr.. Fltsgerald bad cast th cares of office to the. winds. - PBAT2C or : it m. ALuax, . i Henry E.' Albert, Wells-Fargd ICxpress company, died at 10 o'clock this morning at his home, 1M North Fifteenth street. -He had been 111 for vara! month.' v. .--: iCoMlwOwajDarOrte7ln 3 lew with the people. L . - Ra AND MOKRKOif '. ' . " TASEIt AT FACS VAtUE -. - SATS ats sconrt . t. . -: VMM aUff. .y - . . "Ever-Ready Razor . Use H for 10 dava: If not nerfantlv .aattsfactory, return It to ua and vour money will be refunded. A Rator and. ''i24 Blades' fnr 55 TJso -your blades untllduU; then re turn them to us, with 60 cents for each dosen, and get new blades. xuiuMinr arrocx or WUl be found at our store. We have recently received a carload of paper, I J from which we are making the Xbl- i lowing very low prices: v Dos. . Okayed , , . t....i...3T Basaar ......... ,,.43 Purlun,'. , ...... .48 Nero . . ,.........29 Our Fair ..63 Four Hundred ....-T3 Woodlark ...8T- Mount Hood . . ...8 Orient .....81. 23 Satin ....81.33; . Perfection ..-..'. SI. 83 CaaUeton .......f 1.87 27 4.95 5.63 6.53 6.93 9.8T 9. SlO.37 aia.srr 913.87 ' auagM '' ' .). ,.. Sea,- ' Hoyt's ........... .85 8.8.OO Pond o Ext. f l.ft - 413.00 P. P.- f v r.-. . rrrr. 35 -T - A.P.W, 20c pkg. 93.00 A. P. v . ,:--'.'r.-:,-v '.(.' Per roll ........... .SOS ' Four roll and hanger ....$1.00 - for Bargains in . .: Photographic Goods . Negative Drying Racks, .'reg-' ' 2Sc; apeclal .............. ,.104 British Journal ef Photogra- .. Pby reg. 60c; special.. . .... .354 American Journal of Phot ogre' , j)hy, rg. T5c; special. ,554 Developing and . printing done vby ex- ' TolletPaper supervision. tT; Radam-. Microbe ' Killer.: -XT- Call or" Dr. B. E. WRIGHT Th Sltf 1 Dentist , that re lieves alt pain In dental . operations. May Waabiagtoa v. THIEF. KNEW WHERE r : : - JEWELRY WAS KEPT Mia. M.- Laflerof 2H4 Morrison treat mourns the loss of 149 in casli and a diamond aad emerald ring valued at 110 aa th result of the visit paid her house by a burglar yesterday af ternoon. Tne ponce were notified of th theft, -and Detectives Day, and. Welner. are woraing on tne case. - The police are satisfied that the bur glary wa committed by. some one famil- ar with, th house nd the habit of its mistress. - Th riqg ana money were contained in a small 'box In a cabinet. Tb .door of the cabinet. was unlocked, as waa ihe cover of the box. Nothing else In' the bouse wa disturbed. : It appears that th thief wot only; knew where the money and ring were kent. but wher th key to the cabinet and the box were to b obtained. . emncss nr atrni-a uu. -: . Revival services hay ' been held In Ruth halL-i Savior, street, between Twenty-first- and Twenty-second, every, eveninc since ' Sunday, A- different messenger for theLapeaker addressee, ths audience earn evening. . ana interest is. rpreaiing in the servloes, which begin promptly at I' o'clock. They are conducted by Rev, H. J. Holsapfeirpaator. - 1500 PIANOS A XJTTIJB BOWaT A3T9 , ACHiI01fTat- . azcuatn on.! . 'PMCES: tiT6 ' . $190 $3 IS ' V $26B , $2Aw 1500 PIANOS r s .v