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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
CnZCOri DAILY JOltofAL. . PORTLAND.: WEDNESDAY. EVENING, FEBRUARY" 22, f 1005 I 0 :J aiov v Antrim. . J.-P. riRKOIKHKI UQN PAINTEB. Eatraace SidH We-nio"ton. our. lax. mk. a - Anitas . . . . -v nwv A I ea. 4 TBRUNH. ABMBTRONw CO.. Blgns. KnK i . iisx. ruvam nag uwi. cor. tea inl Coach sol. TXABxTZB-ABT) HATLIBO. : OR BOON TKANSrEB CO.. 184 Mortk Sixth. post special delivery, n. mom was , '.-.- lugtoa at Pkane Mala Beg... T town avmr. iiLr Coma, break. MB, 81 nor anon tb. Lawrence Bros.1 Towel Supply TTPEWaUTSBS. TC8T TTPfWRITBB j BRADQUABTajBaH ao Btark Street. - ., Ws rent repair, e.11. exebeage typewriter. aui euppuee for au macaiaee, t:' Standard mscblnea $2 tod ap to S108, : ' V Torn wast a stenographer or typtatl have Mat of good iiiDUautt. , Pbea Black 3871. i . BLICKRNBDERrEB . rrnahinr. Boat A Main 1870. typewriters: aoppllaa sad moss. 9 Btark at Pkene TIOtCTf. " 1. A. II n maker and renatrer; all SB Buaesll blag-, fuarta and : work Brat elsas. , Morrison. MORGAN WALLPAFBB CO.. 1B4-1M ' at., art. TamklU a ad ThW, Portland. aTWABCXaX.. . pOXTLAXD TXTTBT COnTTAsT Or OXXOQB'. , a -. ate, wi xiujlw bt.' - t . The Oldest Traat Osmpnay la Osegoa, ' CAPITAL, 8800,800, i . Wa eeadnct general banking koala. W receive savings depoalte. Wa leeoe time eee. ttficates and certificates ef depuelt payable anna M dars' alL SO dan' sail er an celt wltk latereat at t. SWj a ad 4 par aaat per en num. roeoerttvely. Call or aaad far aw onou OI UJiVIAMUVaii BEN J, t. Cfinr.H ....PraaloB Tf. L. PITTOCK ,.,r......Tlea-Praald( B. LER PAOET. n . . v-. ui.i.M.w.....niM aanraiaiy 0V90V , BAB ntAVOXSOO BABX. ZJknTXQ, Ghaakat' af ' .Jlmt Offlca. BB Old Broad Btraat. - ' Tkla kank traoaacta a avnanl ttaakix. ii If ' , fettara af eradlt aaallabl tor travalM mA , -. . tba mrrliaia af Darckaadlaa la tJtr af tkf r wnrHiiiMv ta inrviai anq oororarie axekaeBai v. ' v .. iatww aMMi Yll "'i. "wtw iwnaaiia. - i; '. W. A. MACBAB. VUkaaW. BjtBCHAjm' KATtOWAt BAVX. Vll ! POBTLABB. OXXOOVT J. PBANK WATSON., Praaldaal S- is 12" "'....r.VieKSrSIt ,i R. W. HO YT. Oaahlar GBOROR W- WOTT Aaalafaat Canalar Traaaaeki a OaiMral Bikin Bviiaaaa. Draft aad Ittrra nf CrMIt taaMd AraiUbl iw aii rarra or rna wnrtn. .' Callartlona a BpactaJtr. 'Gold Daat Bovcbt. CECVBITT BATTKOB TBTTBT COMB AST. O BBS MmUi St.. Br44aB4. Or. Tauaatta a Oanara Baakla Tttalaaaa. i . . . -SATTBOS DABTkmr Istaraat Alln1 an Tlraa and nnf.nn Ttenaalta. Arta aa Tmtaa for Barataa.!. : Draft lad Lrttrra at Oadit ATallibU In AD Pirta of tba World, i I A.- IBWIB ,. Plrwt yiro-taaliVnt - A Jw1' .."!..' .....Beoa4 Tla-Prnrtnnt n. - 'V. JUBITB. . BOPTM WEST COB. THTkB ABD OAK BTS. "I 11 aiaaaaaai a waaarai aaaiaaaaaaajaaar fmirrfi itfn " :nabln tn All Otlna nf Mm tTnttwt Btakw ,, v. . "r" nT a-vaa; aaa uaaiia. r tnorr.tCTIOn KADI OB r ATrtBABT.V Tnv JrloVnt......,....w..J. C. AINBWORTn Vtra-Praaldaat..... W. B. ATWH V Caahlar...-.......; B. XT. BrHMBrTl! ; A touaa Caahlar w . . . . i .. . A. M. WklOBT LAW) TttTOB." BABXXBB. , Xaakllaka4 in 1MS.V . A Oaaaral Baakina Cnllactlana aiada at all rolota on faanrabla . tv-hmk. ariivr vi itthu lanm vTBllaaa IS f aturopw mi mi wint m ipr 1'miaaj Btaraa. Rlfbt Rxrkantn and TvlaaTapbin TraaaiVra w?m aa rw ith. waaarnnaa. (-Diraa. St. . Utmla,, Panrar. Onaka. Bn Praoelaea aA ' klontanaiand FHtlk Cnlambia. A Kknjt aold o tmdnn. Barla, BarMn, Fraakfarfc Bong oe. . Tokobama, kfaalla aaa , rT BATIOWAt BAWX - , ... -. T . Or BOBTXABD. OBXOOB. i Dcalcoatad DnMaltnrr and KlaaaeUI aVaaat af PMlilrBt.............V 1....A. t MTT . Caahlar W. KBWKTRff , Aaatataat Caahlar ...r.V W. C. AtTORl Brrond Aailatant Caabnr... .B, P. BTRVByB ;- iitcra oc itwii ipui annua la . Baraaa 4 and tka Raatarn Btataa. . ' Wckt RTchantn and TalraranM Traaafm . an Id on Naw York. Batoa. Cklravn. St. lonta. I. I U iimni, oar. r rnviHO faa 5 Brindnal pnlnt la f lfitrthwaat Blaht and tint bilk, rwi In arnna an M ; on Loo Aon. Pnrl. P-rlln. FriBkfnrt nn-tha. j main, noap p.ona. lovnaama. . i ananbaara t ffrnii"ni, Brwn-.iiri, o. ; t tai aaiu al ' m Knrirn. Ifonnrnla. OoUaatlaia) Kada aa TaaarakU Tama. BBlkkTk BBOB. A CKBIBTtBBBB. r IVl ism rint Btraat. rartlaad, fr-. Offtf om-Vdaa Tawaataawta In' Tfi1i-1paJ kal r. . mamaaa aiyaaa. . wna ar wu. .rMORTaACIiCoAfJi5." On Bnrtland Baal Batata at lawaat Bataa. Tltlaa latnrad. Abttraeki rarnjakod. . . . XIXLB OUABAHTEB TBUBT CO. JLoota . Ckaaikar af Oammaraa. - COMMISSION BILL WILL PASS HOUSE FRIDAY " . ''(Jouraal Bpaelal Sarrlca.) . ' Olympla. Wash.. Feb. The rail 1 way rommlaslon .bin will, be passed by . the boas Friday. Both houses ar ad' 7 Tjourned tcxlny on aocount of -Washing' ..." ton's birthday.. . . , .' , '. - ,1 BflKmors'-ttll aulhm lilna; t). flgfa , ; ' commlaalonar to aatiibllsh a, fish hatch ,. err on tits cast torkl of tba Lwls rlr . was jHissed. f . ; f ' ' - Joseph A. Oabrl, stato librarian, baa realgned totaks eltoct March 1. J. iX. Mitt of Port Townsend will probably I'D his .successor. - - The state capltol eomrntsslon held Its , ' flnal mestlns; In this city, and paid oft ",."4hB contractors and took the structure - jolt the hands of the builders. . - EtECTRIC LINE FROM :-l TSPOKANE TO PALOUSE (-. r Spokane, Feb. 12. It baa been def : Inttely announced that the Brokane A , i Inland Railway company will build the . - mouse electric line. The only ques tions now unsettled , In connection with .the: enterprise are started to be the V exact location 6f Ita route. Its terminus In the Pslodse country,1,' and hoi" far ' . Into . the Palouse- It will . extend this rer. - ' i 1 - Attorney Mendenhall esterdey fUed . notice of Increase of the capital 'stock , ef the Spokane Southern Traction coro , ; pany from. to $2,000.000. f'WdMEN IN CABOOSE OF fj J WRECKED FREIGHT TRAIN ...' i . (Jearaal Bpaelal aWW.) " s , Mlsanuls, Mont, Feb. i:. -feast-bound Twin Cities exprmis on the Northern Pa ' . clflo railroad crashed Into the rest of an I J east bound- freight st plains : and - several - were injured, "-Conductor Sny der's rlAjht, leg was broknn, Brakrmaa ,: ! Murray was Internally Injured and Mrs. f-' "; MlrlBrt OJlbert anJ May Wrtirht of v ' Mlsaoula, who, ware rtdlnx In the' ca it; beoxe (if the freight, alao sustained i rttnis injuries J , . . - :.. i;ra.rBALL' EXCITES CAPITAL Great Preparation 1 Made for ; Function VVhlch All Wash 1 ington Lookt Forward To.' ; V y 1 11 m ' .... :, SMALL BODIES" OF TROOPS : ' IS RUt,E FOR THE PARADE Amusing Blunders Made in Past Fetes Are Not Likely to A.'-;';Bt Repeated. l7 (WaaUaftaei Boreas af Tk Jeans,, '. . -'Washlna-ton, Feb. 12. The inauru ra tion la truly to come Off. Hew every body does hope the weather will be good! . The memory of the last lnaugu ration day la still fresh and green. At t- a. m. the chief ef the weather bureau sent.a special messenger to the White House .to aaeure President MoKlnley that, the day of his second Inauguration as president of the Uted SUtae would be as 'fair as the sun ever abone upon. Before noon the rain, anew and cold were so terrible -that no one who could re main under shelter ventured out of doors. Nobody who saw it can forget the experience of that crack regiment from, Cantojv O., the. president's own bodyguard, tn its green and gold uni forms, as It stood lined up about the entrance to the cavpltol, plumes droop ing,, wet to the skin, heads down, munch ing sandwlcbss and In kindly sympathy sharing alternate bites o eold bread with, lt shivering, wondering horses. . . For Xiuaagnral SalL " To return to our mutton all the members of the lmuigural committee to be going ahead with earnest efforts to profit by the experience of past year.' The controversy about where to nave the ball seemed -like so much i tad time to the old Waahlngtonlan, who knows that the pension office la a sort of Hobeon's choice. It is the only available place, and the only place ugly enough la trie stsrt not to ne damaged by anything that Is done to it. Imagine turning a norae or oecoratora into tne beautlfur library of congress, or the Cor coran art gallery! - Oeneral Craffee s practical suggestion that the bodies of troops shall be small and varied promises a great cbarm to the procession, and" la especially ap preciated by those who remember the year the Pennsylvania National Guard arrived thousanda strong. The beholder of the parade gaxed at the Initials "S. u. P.," took a nap, and woke up still to see "N. a. P." ' Further, the musical di rector says be la going to try to see that every band does not playHall to the Chief as it passes the president. , ' - ' ' VosatbtUtiea TTnllmlked. No theme -Is so full of interest Just now to the strangers within the gates and to the old resident in official and social life as the ball. The possibilities are unlimited. - Gen. John M. -Wilson Is painting roseate visions, and that may tend to lure people to the fete" who er- dinarijywould disdain such medley gat h erlnga. U hfatorynso-f epeatBelfrtJKlf "r' IDtnr unioweru atctn may on vaiwicu. Recalling all that happened at the laat Inaugural ball mafcea one feel like going south until the trouble la over, And the ball before that, and the ball before that. and backward Into the limit of the. old eat habitat. Is to tell of such dreary lot of happenings that It vies wita tne best snorts of Lura jean UDtey. At the first McKlnley inauguration Mr. and Mrs. Hobart were utterly for xotten. no carriage was sent for them. and the grand marcn was aoout to xorrn when some one suggested thet the vice president was not present. Then there waa a great scramble, and after an in terminable delay (big remarkable error was ngnteof . ' ; ralBfal 1wxQb. The painful details of the second -Mo Klnley ball are. fresh tn every mind. Some, hitch t occurred Then about ' the presidential carriage, end the vehicle, instead ef getting the light of way, was caught In-the maelstrom and the main actors came near, to being absent en tirely. The delay and anxiety were too much for Mra. McKlnley. who was over fatigued already by the excitement at tending the ceremonies at the capltol. and she had a nervous collapse while seated in the gallery looking on At the grand march. No more dismal failure la on record tn the social annals ef the capital than this same McKlnley ball. Everybody waa dispirited, and had it not been for the tact and Quick action of the vice-prealdent's wife, Mrs. Roose- t . ' -., .e am IamamI v.n, , 1 A have gone out of the balL - ' Mra Roosevelt and Mra Falrbsnks spent several days of last week in New Tork attending to the gowns they are to wear on the great, occasion. Mrs. Roosevelt is not an advocate of extrava- gance Id. .dressing. and-Mrs. Fairbanks,: although at ail times a weu-groomeo. woman, does not spend a large Bum OB her costumes. - ''.. One feature of the Inauguration will TOOK A STRAW VOTE, Interesting .experiment, tn a Beetaarant. - An adverMatna aarent. renresentlna B prominent New York mnpraslne. while on a reeent weetern. trlp,.waa dining one evening In a Plttenurg restaurant. While' waiting foVha order he glanced over his nswepapet) ahd noticed the ad vertisement of a well-known dyspepsia nrecaration. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets. Aa he himself Wss a regular user Of ithe tablets, ne began- speculating as to now many or tne otner traveling men In the dlnrng-room were also friends of Uia popular remeay lor inaiarenuonr. . He aavs: I counted twenty-three men at thel tables and Hn the hotel office I took the trouble to interview them and waa Burprlsed to learn that nine of tbe twenty-three merle a practice of taking one or two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets after each meal. One of them told me he had Buffered so much from "stomach trouble that at one time be had been obliged to quit the road. 'tot alnce using Stuart's Dyapep. sla Tsblets had been entirely free from Indigestion, bat he continued their use, especially while traveling, on account of Irregularity In meats and because like all traveling men he was often obliged tn eat what he could get and not always what he wanted., , . Another, who. locked tha rilctttr-n atf health, said he sever ate a meal without taking a Stuart Table; afterward, be cause he could est wlit he pleased and when he pleased wlthoBVfear of a Bleep, leojf night or any other-trouble. -. -.Still -another used .them because) he wee sub)eot to gas jf wtomacb, causing pre enure oh' heart anVlQungn. shortness of brestht and distress In chest which he no longwr experienced since using the tablets regularly. . ' - i Another rlalmerl .that Rluirfa fira. pop I a Tablets eras 'the only safe rem edy he tied eve, found for. sour stoat- rh and aridity. He haul formerlv uaorl common aoda to relieve the trouble, but the tablets were much .better and safer to use. f . ' - 'j ,J - . After smoklnr. drlnktna nr nthee arv. ceases which weaken the digestive or. sans, nothing restores: the stomach to 8 healthy, wholeaome condition an aftectn. all v aa Ptuart's Tablets. j Rtusrt n Dvapennla 'TaMeta ervntkln the natural digestive, pepsin, olaataa, whlrh everv we-ik stomach lacka, aa well as nux. bvdrsstin and yejlota par. uia. ana can ne asieiy reueoven es a radtcsl cure for" every form at poor di gestion. Bord, by druggista everywhere. ' CITY VBTICU, . rrcjOET j nrJxoTXKTjri i or' ' nooxxi Notloa li nrabf alvcN that st the inaaOtig Of tba CVmdcU at tba tltjr af Portland, Ore gon, aa me jaia aif ac reoruerj, vmm, tba follawtna- raaolntioa wee adootad: ItaaolTad, Tbit tba Cooacll ef tba City ef Portland. -Orrsoa. doama It eTBrdleat and f orgo. n tn laiprora Boakrr street from tae aaat la nf Tblrd itrwl to Urn, wrat tarailaal Una af Hooker Street, ila tba tallowing aauaar, ta wif i - ; Plret By cradlag tha straet fall wldtk wltk fell latrraartloaa to toe proprr aahfrad.' , BecMud Br krlaalna . tba eorface . of the atreet full . wliilh wltk' full lntereeettoas to gradn with .aaaeadna. . i Tklrd B cnnatractlss wuudra cldawtjka' la aeeoraaar -wltk Oi Cltr , Bagleaar's puaa, aprrtBratlona sad aatlmatea. . , f rnurcs By ujrins eroaawana. . lint 7 enaairurtlag atone rnrirr.. , MlMtk fir eoaatreetlns llmUd waodea aid. wl la arxerrtance wltk tk City Kaglnaar's ptana. aprdoretlaaa) and eatiaaaeS. - Bald ImaroarnMBt to k Bade 1b areardanre nrhk tka roartrr aad nrdlaaarea at tba City af Pari lead and) the plane, epeclacetlona end aattniatM of th City Bagtnwv Bird la tba ef- Br or tae ABditor or tba llr or- roruasa on tho IMh day of Kebruary. 1006. ladarfml: "tty inaiaaer's plana sad asaeiavattoea tor to ImpraraBirnt of Hookar atreat Ireal tba.'eaat Una af Third afreet to tka waat tanninel Una af Booker etraet sad the eetinalse at tbe wurk to se dose, aad tbe scekabte total euSt Tbe east ef said IsDrovesieer to be asi as provided ky tka city rkartar anon the property , specially, aad neeellarly benaBted tbarekr. ' aad whlrk la herabr daelsred' to be all to Iota, part thereof and pareala ef lead IrtBg katweea tka weat ' torwlBal Una of Hookar street estoaded aorth and aaatk la Ita praeant eoerae aad S Use luO fret eaat of and parallel . wltk the east Une of - Third, atrwt aad between a Una 100 feet north. ef end parallel wltk tbe aertk Uo of Hooker atraot and a line 100 feet Booth of and parallel with tbe eoetk line ef Hooker atreot. aad alao a parrel af land lytac katwaea tka aertk and aoatk lloaa of eeknr street osteoses westerly la tbelr preaeat eanraa aad keeweea tke want tarailnal Una of Hooker street and a ' Una inn fact westerly Uxrafroat and peraUel tkara- wltk. , V- . Tbe BaiiBeer's eatlnaits of the probable total eest for tba hoproraMaBJ of said Hookar street Tka above inpeaveBMrst Is to no em aw a aa a isoadaoi lmDroveat aad shall be auhitalaed ky tke dty for a period of flee years, pro vided that tke owner ef a majority of tke .party keneBted by Said UnproreBeeC or aay portion tkereof ekall not pr tit ton for a B.W or dlfferank Inprovsment before the ex pi ration ef snek period. f- Tbe pUne. apeHnoatloas and eetlBMtas ef tbe City Knslaeer tor tka lmnroaaat Bt aald Hooker street are kereby edoptrd. . Braoreed. That tka ABditor of tke . City ef Port la ad be and be Is hereby directed to. glee entire of tke proposed ImproveBtoBt ef said Street aa provided by tke dty charter. BtasionevaBeee agaiaat ina , Boore inoprwra rat aaar be Bled Is wrltlas with tke ondnr- alimed within. 30 Bars from the data ef the Brat pabltcatloa af tkla aotiee. . T eroet el tne tenni. . - r .1 THOB. C. DBTLIl. ' ' i Abdltar ef tke City of Portland. Portland. Oreaxin. Data af Brat subUeatloa rebraary 18. laok. - BBOrOBAXS FOB FIXX BTSBAVT. . -Proooaala will be received ky the water hoard of tbe City of Portlaad. Orryon, nnttl S p. ., maay, reoroary a, lsue, ror . lornianing tne Water DeoartmeBt of tba ettr. at tbe stors- Joeae ea poortk and Market atreets, one knn rrd Bra kydranta, secardlBg to plana and anedBratlona whlrk Bur be obtained at tbe, of Br at tba Bnaiaeer ef tbe Water' Department. Each nropoaal saeat be areomnanieii by a eertifted ebeek . for BOO and lscloaed la a sealed envelope addreaaed to tba anderaigned and aurked ea the eatside, "Propoaal tor lire Hrdranta. ... , Tke Water Board navnas the right' to e Jeet Say- or ell propnaala. ay eraer et tne water rwiera. 1 T. . PRANK T.-DODGB. , ' BDnerlnteBdent Watee- Part land. Oraaon, rebraary IT. lSOft. , FOUBTlaTABTXX'l BOTICX. Nottre'la berebr aivea tkat on tke 1th day of Pebraary. 180S, I took np and era poo ad rd , th- fl.v Bjan , Xa aai BlKt-nth abwt t in the city of Portlsnd. Oregon, tb followint described animals! Borrrl mare, white atrip down face, wklte on both bind feet, both front and right, hind feet nod oie .browa yrarUng alt; and aolraa the owoer. or ntbr-r banns an lntereat therein. hall claim nm.ia.lon of the and nar all enat and ckarsee ef tbe keeping aad adverttalng them, togetbw with tke pound roes ea said animal, aa proriore oy oratnanre Ne. Mi2S. aa amended, af aald dty or Pnrtlanii. will on the 27tk day of rebraary. at the boar of 10 a. m., at tha City Ponad. at No. Ml RlxteeBth. In said dty. sell tbe above deaerlhed animals St pnblle auction to tbe highest Mdder, . te pay tba seats sad charge for taking an, : keeping sad sdvartlslng sack "Dated tkla SOU day et Pebraary. IOCS. - . W, BBID, Poandmaater. be the number of distinguished guests who will -ylsit the Rooseveits and the Fairbanks. " It Is ' now recalled with amusement that, when the present executive-arrived in Waahlngton to take the oath aa vioe-oreeldent. together with his distinguished wife, he brought all of his children. Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt were entertained at the home of Com. mander and Mrs. Cowles. - Their home could not hold the others .with any de gree of comfort- . " , XkUaUreav Famed Oat, . Then came the humorous suggestion from various of the president's friends to take one. two or three or the cbll dren. according to .their hospitable In clination and the capacity. of their homes.. Mra. tlter offered ber mansion to accommodate all the children. Mrs. Lowndes took care of the two smaller children. Mra. Richard Wayne Parker had Kermit and Bthel. and only Miss Alice and Theodore, - Jr. A were allowed to remain in the Cowles mansion. They were pensioned off light after the, oere- monlea. . . i '- Miss Alice went to the 'bait and spent the night with her- cousin at Senator Kean's. . Tha renovation or tne wnits House makes it poaalble for the preal dent to entertain some of his Immediate relatives, but hundreds of collateral Rooseveits have already bespoken) ac commodations at the large hotels. . ' . Every member of the 'Immediate fam Hy of Senator.. Falrbanka expecte to be bore for the inauguration, including tne great-grandchild of whom Mr. Fairbanks Is so proud, the little daughter of his eldest aon. Charlea Warren Fairbanks, Jr., who made her appearnnca Just be fore Christmas- - . The three schoolboy sons, Frederick Richard and Robert, and Mrav Tlmmonn, the only, daughter., will oome to Wawti Ington week In advance Of the, great day. . - j WEST ROSEBURG WANTS V r - TO REMAIN ALONE emasnwaniBasanawannnnaanw A ' " ' ' ' (Special IH. patch to jW7eennU.Vh 1.4j . - af Roseburg. Feb, II. The residents of West Roseburg. which by - tha new charter granted this place - would soon be in this city s corporation, nave riiea a petition before the county court ask. Ing that they De allowed to-rorm a separate corporation. Tba cltlxens In that locality have most of their busi ness and work in the present city limits., every- move to place them In the corporate limits of Roseburg has been - fought- op.-, account ...of ...higher taxes.' i . - - . rot xxam snorrs xav . - (Joarnal Bpaelal Bervica.) ' : !- Waahlngton. Feb. II. On behalf of the Continental Securities company of Massachusetts Jamsa Hamilton Lewis hss filed a. petition ln the supreme court asking Intervention in tha case of Harrtraan versus Hill relative to" the distribution of the stock of the Northern Securities company on behalf of his client who- renreeenls tftO.OoV-worth of Stack.- ' , - . ), : atXAVliAVS MUaUJTOVaV , v- (Bpedal DUpatrk to-,Ti)f JoBTBat) - . kood . River.; Or.. Feb.- lI.-i-Bea vera nave oeen aeetroying iruijb. treev i'i m pensoeed chance , Bad eat.k orchards along the bank Of Hood rtverLgranea aa provided ky the charter. These little animate havapeceme norae.r oua Of late." and their woririe' very no ticeable along the river bank. Just above the-city. , . ,1 . . .! Wheat" was shipped last week ' front WeBton to Baltimore, ' CITY XOTICXAV FlOFOBXB latFBOTXBTKBT ' Of B0XT . .. , , . j. . ... TBBBACX. I M.tiea la hereby gimt tkat at the neatlng ef the Connctl of the City of Portlaad, Oregou. nm te ipb eay or raseaaxy, avuo, tl41owlne raanlutljM mmm mAnntmA - " - Haaoired, That tke goaadl of 'tba City ef i-oruaan, ureaoa, orema it azpedient aaa pur Poaea to Improra HolgkU Urrar from tba weat line of LowBadal strert to tha eaat una Of bleak 40. Carter's Sddltlee, la toe lot lewlu aanur, tn.wl! ' .. . yirat By gradlag tke street to the proner grade aa abewa by the stakes 'ss sex by Ike Beeond By brlntiBf tke SBrfaee ef tb atreet fall width with fuU lBtanecUans to tbe eaUb- " graqe wita maeanam. -ri Third Hy eaaatrnrang sidewalks ' la mraaaoe wltk the City Xoglseee's acatiooa sad eetlnutoi. . Fourta Br aunatrnrtlna rmrllkt In aa- eordanee with, tbe Uty A nginaw a elans, specV Bcatlons and, aatlmatra.y - Flftk Br eonatractlBg atone gsttere. In ae- coroaace wit a inn-city caguieer a plana, apeci Bcatloas and eetteaatra. Bltth By .eonauaetlsg elevated sidewalks la seeordaBra wltk tke City, Buglaeer'e plaas. aprrtacatlooa' and Mt lm.LM. . t .. Beveklk B ronatruotlna award ranee la ae- enrdaBee. wltk toe dty KBattnaer's Plana, speca: BeattoDa'and eetlBMta. 7 ugktb By eonatractlag SBOWB br sethnatae. - Bald lasprovemeat to be mad la aeeerdane Wltk the okarlar aad ordtnanaM of Uia CltT ef lortlaad and tbe plana, apaeiaratlons aad eefimates et tbe City Bnciarer- Bled la tke ofBea of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portlaud en tb nth day ef Febrnary. 19". lodoanad: "City KBglBar plans aad apeelneettena tor the lnmroveantat of Height terror from the wast Una of Lownedahi atreet to tbe east Una of block 40. Carter's addition, and tke eatl autaa of tke work to ba dona aad tka Brob- aow tacai eoet tnareot." Tbe eoat et aald Improve awn r to ke si ss provided by the city charter apoa tbe moiiaitj anaetanv anal nemuarlv...nennte aald- unarovr-BMBt and which b bereby doclarrd to oe ea louewa: ixta l, 3 a aaa tne eaei i v, mnm I a an a, oiora w, au w qaoi-ft i , loto t and 4. block 86; lot B. block 80: all la Carter'a addition to tha Cltv of Portlaad aqd all that portlok of block B lying weet of tke went Una of bmrnedale atreet If exteedrd northerly In its pra.rat . eonrae, and i aouth ef a line 100 feet aortkerly from aad parallel with tbe northerly Una ef Helghta tmace; aad lots i. S and S. blork 80S. la tke City of Portland; aad all that portion af land lying between the aorth line ef blork ST end the oath line of block ML Carter's edldtloa .to the City of Portland, and brtwrea tke eaat line of Beventaeatk atreet if eztended northerly la Ha praeent coarse, aad a Use 00 feet waat of ana parallel wita ui woai una at Buataaniu atreet aad aU that portloa of a parrel of land lying bet a aaa the weeterly line ef Height trrrses aad a tine 100 (art weet et aad pareUrl with the weet Has ef BreeBteenth atreet It extended northerly la Its praeent roarer, and betwaaa tha aoatk line of block . and tba Bnrtk una or kiock 88. carter'a aeaiuoa te tne uty er roruaaa. Tke BoriBaer'a eetimste or tae prooante total aat for the 1 mora re man t at said Helahts ter ror, hi x.aoo.eo. Tke' a nova improvemeet is te no naaaaa as s maeadam unprovemeBt and abaU be main tained by tbe city foe a period of four years, provided by the owners et s majority of the property benefited by eald improvement or aay portloa thereof, .kali not petltloo for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of anch aetiod. --- - The pinna, spadfleattoas and aatlmataa of the City Boftneer for the Improvement of Said ueignts tar rap. ar aereny aaopieo. Beoolved. Thet tbe Asdltae of tbe City ef Portlaad be aad be la hereby directed to give Botlee ef the proposed improvement of- said street es provided by the dty charter. BeBvnnatraneea asaloet tbe anove Imprwen. ment ' mar ba Bled In writing wltk the noder- elgned wtthla an daya from the date et the Brat pabllearJoa ef thla notice. ny orerr exa.tnjnni. Li,- - Tnnt r - ' Andltnr nf tha Cltv af Portland. 'Portland. Oreeoa. Data of Brat Dubllcatloa. Pebraary 18, 1106. rxoroaxD fiBTBOVXltZBT OF BUDBjOBX ... - ITBEXT. ' Hetlee la hereby aivea that at tbs meetlnt ef the CoeacU of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, held oa tbe 15th day of Kebrnary, 1806, the foltowlag roaolntloB waa adopted: Beeoleed, That tbe Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, deems it expedient and porpeees tn Improve Bkldmore atreet from tke eaat Uo of WilUams aveaoorto tba waat line ef-t'nloa neenaa In the tallowing snsnnee tn-wlti. Plrat By grading tbe trert fall wldtk with fall iateraectlons te tb etakee as set by the C4tg ,-Bnglneer. Second By eonatrurtlsg wooden stdewalka, ! - Third By laying wooden ereaawalka: , Poortb By eonatrertlng box guttata. ' Bald Improve ment to be made la accordance with tbe charter aad ordinances of tbe City Of Portland and tbe plana, apedBcationa and aatlmataa of the City Kngtseer Bled la the office of tb Auditor of tbe City of Portland en the 1.1th day of- rebraary. lOnft. indorsed: "City Bnrtneer'a plana and apeci Ben done for the Improvement of Bkldmore atreet from" the eaat Una of Wllllamn avermo to the weet. line nf Ualoa avenue and the eat I mate of tha work, to be dob and tbs probable total eoat thereof." ' Tke eoat of ssld Improvement to be asseaaed aa provided by the dty charter upon the prop erty apedallr and peculiarly benefited thereby and which ia hereby declared to be all tha lota, porta thereof and parcels of land lying between a line 100 feet north of and Barallol with tke north Use of Skidmark atreet and-1 a Une 100 feet aontn or ana parallel wltk tbe south line ef Skldnmre street and between tke eaat Una of. Williams avenae and tbe wert Une of Came avenae. - -The Bnsineer'e eetlmate of the probable total eoat for the tmprevement ot said Bkldmore street to SB.3B0.O0. Tke plana, apecUVatlona and estimates of the City Kngloeer tor tbe Improvement et said Bkldmore atreet are hereby adopted. Beeolved. That the Auditor of the City of Portlaad be aad ke la kereby directed to give Botlca ef tke pro Board Improvement of aald street ss provided of TO eity raarter. . MinoBatraBcea asninax toe aoorn improvement mar be Bled la writing ' with the anderalsned within SO dare from tbe data ef the Brat aub- uratiaa ox uie woxjco. . . , By order ef tb Council. " - , THOS. . PBTLtlf. " - - Andltor ef tbe City of Portland. - Portlaad, Oregon. Date et Brat publication. renrnary ia,, twuo. . BSBXBBimrT FOB raTTBOvTafXxTC 0T XABT - - . aTOBBBISX BTBBXT. Notice- Is kereby aivea tkat tbe Convcfl nf tks Cltr 'of Portland. Orecon, at a. meet. ing keld oa tbe lfttb day of february, lkOS, declared tne aeeeaemeni ny orainancs ne. 14. 448. ' for the Improvement of Eaat Burnalde atreet from 80 feet west of tbe west line of SastJThlrd atreet to the eeat Hoe of tirand aveaae. In "the manner providedT by ordinance Ko. 14,224, upoa earn jot, part or jot and nareei of land. Which are snedallv and na rnll.rlr benefited, to be aa follow, via: lliBl runiiAju-o .una ui . to. n, jt-ooerx . A. Prondfoot, lot 8, Robert A. Proud' foot 1707. BLOCK TB. lot 4. Edwin II, Vlnrel. 870.71: lot 8, Bdwln H. Vlrgei. - sakou; tot a, jona d. aiuer, si.ks; mt a. Dan 1. naiaraey ana r. a. jaetacnan, BLOCK) 1UT, lot 4, Jonepk Biirkhnrdt. 8T3.8U; k.t 8, Joaepb Barkhardt, S18.51; lot 8. io- aenb Barkhardt, 8IS.7T: lot 8. Joaech Bark -bardt Soll.31. BLOCK 118, tot 4. Lrdla aad t'lenieatlna Bodney snd Racket W. Mnr- Lrla. Slt-xjiik-t II. H. liewball,, 111.41. HLOvn no. Jot T. acar n. tieinta, fiv.oZ lot 8. Oarer K. Helnta. 170 7. BLOCK -TT, lot 1, Jaa 0. Bncksias, $-5 2: let S, Jane . Buck man. 121.88; lot T, Winds and Klma Buck man, $21. M; lot 8,' Wlllda aad Blma Packman. SM9.XH block ion. lot J. o. B. VlaHii Imtat., Hrira of, 874.89 ; lot g, Delia A. Doad S1S.81; lot T. BcMwood Latxl A Lm prove ment uampany, giain: kt 8, Mary Kllen Maraball. S-M 0T. BUM K 117. lot 1. D. Kara, 814.38; lot 3. rdwla H. Vlrgei, - SI 1.41. Bight of way Portland Cnmnlldated Railway Company, 408 3. Total, Sl.4w8.b8. A at. te ment ot arnreaam aaaeeament - kaa ea entered la the , Docket ef , City Uena. and ts now doe. and parable St. the ofAoe ef the. City rer ia law fa I money v of tne t'nlted Btate. and if not paid within 80 darn from tbe data er tkla notice anck Broreedlnse will be takes for tke , eolbtetkin ot tbe him aa ,ave provided by the charter of tbe City ef "Tort land. Tho above aaa p.. ment will bear 1 lntereat IA dart after the Bret Pabllcalloa et thie Bailee, - , - I .THUS. -C. DSVL.1. ' - A editor et the City, of Portland. Portland. . Oregon. Pebraary ) JT. IBOS. FBOPOBXa CJLABOX 07 BBADX OF B0IXA- -i iui atviuiua. '-Untie Is berehv aivea that at tke meetlmr of tbe Coancll of fhe City ef portlaad. Or., held on the 18th dey of Pehrnary. lkUB, tke Xulkrwlng reeolatlen wae adopted: - . T - IleontveoVTliat tke Council or the I Cltv of Portland. Cregotr. deeaaa If ex-peri lent and pnrponea to ekanse the grade er Holla day ava. ana at the ranter line of Orand areaa--treat 134.8 feet te 124.8 feet! ,( At tbe center line of Bast Tan Ik saTanA-Crna 14 8 feat to 138.4 feeti r ", At the center une or net Twemk atreet from 1SA.S feet to 188.8 feet, snd to eatabllnk tha.sratte In Hollada avenna at tka weat Una of Eaat Tenth atreet at 1.13 feet, and at the eest tins or kt -icqta eireex ar m. n reet; At the weet line kf Mat Twelfth atreet st ISSS reet; At the eeat Une ef Kant Twelfth atreet at 134.8 feet abeve the bka of -elty gradea. That the Auditor ot the City of Portlaad be and be Is hereby 810010 to-give untie of. sad eatakUakanmt et kji eiBeee. Bemnwatranee agalnat tke above ehaage ef 1 Inat tka abavw ehaage ef grade aat ke Bled la writing with the nnder-TTNe. krned wltkln pi daya from the date ef tke Brat paollcStlon of Oil. notice. - . .. ay eraer jot is, 1 enncii, , a T." Till ". PBVf.lJI. ' Andltor of tb City of ptwtUnd. 4 Parttasd. Or-r-n. JJatt et Brat eublLcatlcB. Panrusry 18, lpuB. crrT BOTicxa. AIIXSKMXBT FOB BXWTB .'. ATIXuTL zx xxuvsj Notice la kareby, ' glvaa that Ue Coaacll ax in Liiy of roetiaue, urejiiD, ai a n Ing held -oa tbe 18th dap ot ynruary,.lyi6, declared- the aaaeaameat by ordluauce Mu, lt.44. for tbe eanatrnetlan ot a newer la M.llnda axeaua rfrom the aecoad bead la ala ltnda l aremia te Jlohaaoa atreet aawer at Twenty Bfth street In tbe manaer prvvidrd by ordinance Mo. it.kVT, upon aarbjvl. part ef tot aad paruel ot lead, wklcb are specially aad peculiarly baiwAwU. to -be aa luUewa, A parcel ef lend bonnood' sid ; described ss follomai Beglnaiag at Iroe plpe.oa a Une . illrullug the eaat and weat halvee of the Aaioa N King eouatloB bud claim la aacUoo 82 aad M- tn towaaklp 1 north, raaga I aaai. Wlll.jn.tta, aad dlaunt 2U8.T feat x aoatk of Ue Iron plue oa the aorth end of aald ' dlrlaloa Use: thence nurth tai degreea w) - mlnutan waat Ua.8 feet U! B atakai tbe no - eoatk B mluatea weet ItU feet - to a point the urn aouih ns Aeareen 4U mlMlva eaal ' aad paralM with ton. aorth line of tae tre Bereta Oearriued 1.T leet to a autoi a . went line ot MeUada avaaoe; uinw an. 1U term B ailnuta. weat tradtut Um waat line af ateUnda avaaaa BM,u8 foat la a stake at paint of curb; thence on curb to light - with tbe radlua of au foot .-(as CAl feat to a ataka from wklck at polot of curb peara . eoatk 81 degrees 4 mlnutaa waat ao-73 Meet dlatant; tbeuce W-arlug MeUsda avenae fcorU lu A. ,ii . u Ml TU fnet to S Stake; tkence north 8B degreas do alatus wet U.M feet to Iron pipe at pines, - slnalax, r. at. Warraa, Jr.. SUB HA. t' . Kaat luO feet ef a parcel of land bounded and . deecrlbed aa follow! : Commencing nt nn Iron pipe oa a Una dlvldiag aaat aaa ww balvaa of tb Aaioa ti. king donatloa land claim la sections aa snd 8. U towiuuin . m,t, e.n.. I r WlUamrtU merilii.u. dlatant eat.T feet aoatk of the Ires i pipe st the north end ot said dlrlaloa line: tbeuce north 8k) degree' 40 tnl.ata .lB-0' to an Iron pipe; theuco aoatk 88 negree. , 40 bUduub eaat B01-.7B feet to a solat to tke went Une ot klellnda a.anue; tbence.eoutfc 18 degraae M minute eaat tredag west aloe . Une et Meltnda eveaus 1U641 feet its a point; thence north tw degrees u r minute ' V. Kfflngar, aM.U. - . , ' ' n , A. of land now waat 1 1 J. rent to dibob v. w.n , i A-rL.wmi iVimmaadiut at Iron pipe on the Une dividing eaat and wt kalveTef the Amoa N. king BooaUoa kind claim in o.Hon (8 and 88 la nawnahlp 1 north, range 1 aaai, vtuuaaitio -4 d.,.., Ir.r v ru, mh at tbe lrea pipe at the north end ot aald dtvkuoa Une: thenee north Ke degreea 40 mlnutea weet W feet to aa troa pipe; ibeBca aoatk Sabnua went 44.81 feet to aa troa pipe en nortA Une of aveaae; thence anatk fb degreea 83 luotiO . tr.ein tho north Una ot aald aveaue S48.S feet to a a Iron pipe: thence north lk de- - grace 8 mlnatea west tracing waat Una et aald ivenne feet to aa iro PUie; thenee north k8 d-greea 40 mlnatea weat4l8. f art to plnce of kagtnnlng, Mary Ottt Wight S!-. ' A p? Und 'boanttod and drlted a. follow.:' Commencing at the Istaraertloa of . .ohoaoo street with the sestet Ui of hortb Tweaty-Ufth atreet; tbeaee 1 degree XT mm nJel weit skmg cantor line ef flftk atreet W.T4 feet: tkence nortk i 88 grves 4k mlnutea weet T8 .8 JfMhenen aowh U egreea 14 "inutej byenodar wtot 1 feet; thence nortk M .eegraee JJ weat 1U..4T feet to a point ana placf , of be. - ginning; thence nortk M oegreea 4 nilnota. weat IM.ktt feet; tbeaee eetith IB eegreee Smlnnun east 14S.T8 -et: thence aorlS M degree. II mlneu second, eaat fSjt tO pleXOa OK Pell8adJ, em, ' A parcel of lead bounded ,BB " iv.. . ihmmnrlM It a stone St the lntrraectloa Of center "oe f Jobnaos l street .i.- iio of North . Twentyaf lftl. " theea north 1 degree 27 mloutea weat tracing center line e' klorthaaty. -. . 7. , tn ataka: thence nortk ta deareaa 40 mlnnes weat trncing eeatoe Une of MeUnda sveane TSJ feet to .8 aiaae. ' thence aoatk 88 degrees 18. mloates 80 eoe ona west 8T.C1 feet te an troa pipe la mUiWert side ot MeUnd. sveWa. ssj pise, of beginning; thenee tr acini aald aonthwaet aide of MeUnda avaaBe aorta oo wxrw. w - . ,au it reet to, an Iron pipe; Sen wuth 81 degree. IS hyoutee SO aeopada weat Of feet to, an iron pipe on eentelde MeUnda svesoe? tlienc oato4 1 Begj 8 mlnatea eaat tracing said eaat 1 de Sl rtlnda aveaae 1X1.04 feet P?1",00 tZZETS en a carve to the right with the - feet 83.T4 feet to a polBt from whk.-b point B8 degrees IS minute 80 aeeonda aaat 3.U Iron nine at place of beginning. tr!. 2.1!0" vzlz: A parcel ot Und bounded snd described ss followa: Commencing at n l? aectlnn eenter line of Johjwon .treat with eent-r Mno ot 'North - TweBty-flttb atreet ZZlfl Wlante. weat tracing cen ter Una North Twenty-fifth -atreet 10 feet to B Stake; thence north BO rr - utea weat tracing ceni-r TIZTZ -, - , . . ...... tnanen aouth 68 degree. 15 ruinates 80 arconda to aa Iron pipe to sonthweet side MeUnda avenoj . aaa bealoninr; thence aoulh.Mt degreea IB min Second, weat 305,3;foet to a po thence MOUieaieriy ima - to a point where tbk earn woo Id be Inter aectedy the center line of Mellnda avenae ' If extended eoatbeaatetly IB Ita preaentenBrae to a Dolut 100 feet aoatheaalerly from tbe soatherly line et Mellnda svobu; xnonc north BS degrees '? J? iSSSi,." Tr'e.rrlr'7rfeet eg- B P.rc.1 U.d botmded sad deecrlbed ea followii: Beginning TilO.T feet eoath ot Bortbeeat corner of Ma llnda King donatloa Und claim; thence t IT T feet : thenr, nortk 68 degrees 11 minute, eaat 318.3 feet; thence north 81 opeee 48 mlnatea weet 89,5 feet; thence aorth T8do green SB minute weat 303.8 feet; thence 40RKS f-et; tbeaee east 104.8 feet . k....Rin. aav.' and except that portloa of said Barrel of land now .seed for treat Krpoaea.. King Batata. 8J4.00. . - -. aTweaterlr 100 feet fof a pSreel-ef-Und bounded and deecrlbed aa followar Begln .. u,iki comer of Lovejor atreet and Twenty fifth i Atreet V, Inence aonth 88 degree. 8 mlnatea weat 4313 feet: fl-nce aotnl48 feet; thence eaatM.1T feet: ibence aonth IB degree 8 mlnatea eaat B4.4 feet; tkence sootk 88 degreea 40 mlnutea eaat 448.18 feet to beglenlug; nave and except thet por tion ef said parcel of Isb-Vbow aaed tor atreet Mrnaeee and a portloa of aald Barrel of land lying between the northerly llne.or Heiinoa .venue and a line IOO feet sort berly tfcere Z ...1 e.iiel therewith and between the weeterly line of Tw.ntr-flfth .treet and -a Use IOO reet vnirnj '""T... !. e-- a Mel therewith. King Betate. 14T..18. All ef a parcel of tand lying eoutbeaaterty e.r a Una 1'JO feet Bortbweaterly from and lal Wltk ISO MriflWPurru mrm v, n, r- nda avenae. boanded ana oerioeo, aa toi- , . - umImiIh, at tne nortneaax rorner of Mellnda King donation land claim; tbenre weet 30B..T reel, tnencn -"-"" "" ' thence eaat 2.T feet; thence Bortk T feet to place of bednnlng. Annie T. Parkkonat Aatatement of nfnreaald . saariwineBt has oatered is ine i-.--.-v o. "r . and Is now due and payanie x in eincv of the City Tree ror In lawfol money of the United Btate, and If not paid wlthla SO Have from the date of thla notice .urn proeeedlne-wlll-k-1' for the collection of the eame a. are provided by. tbe charter Th. above antonwrnent will bear lntereat 10 days sfter -. the rt pablleatloa-ot thla bwucw. . TTIOS. C. DEVLI!f. ! -', Y - Andltor of the City ot Portlaad. -' " Portland. Oregon. rebraary IT. lOun.- ASSX8SKXBT FOB- BXWXB, IB EAST AXDEB . f BTBXXT. Mntlce 'la berehy given -that the ("Vionrtl of the City ef Portland.' Oregon, at a meeting held an the lth day ot rebraary, lOiift, doctored- tbe aaaaaament .by. ordinance o. . If .t.'iO, foe tbe eonatrnctlon of asewer In K.t Alder atreet from T5 feet) weat of Beat . ThlrtT-flfth atreet to the eewer In Beat Thirty-fourth treet. In the manner provided by, ordlnl)c' No. 14.328. npon. each lot. part of lot ahd parcel of land,r wblck are .neclallv and pecul iarly benefited, to he it tpl Iowa. vljj. u,-v-w uiiiKftl.nt'K 8. lot 8. Andrew Ifeiann. SI8.0S; lot B. Andrew Keleavr. IHl; lot Z.i 1 Andrew NeieoB. bimjik rutin, n, en 1, W. MMoehle, llvl; bit 10r W M. ,0,1,,,, jTi.; tot. 11? W, M. MoebhK-liTotal, A sts'trntent "of kforeeald .. meal lu been entered la tbe Docket ef City Llene. and la bow due and payable at the afar af the City Treaaarer . In lawful mosey of the l.'nlted Stale, ana ir not pain wkbib 80 dare from the Salt of thl sotic - nack penceedlnsa will be token for tbe collect 10a ef the eame a are'' provided by .the charter of the City of Portland. 1 B. aOOVf .11. 11 . wra, , 1- , imimr 10 daya,' after the. Brat pabllcalloa of this. notice. . ,"" . V- i.. 7 nil. V. ircr !..-, Andltor of the Hty ot Portland... Portland. Orognev TdwBary IT. ItXxJi, J. ' ;...( - : f ABsxuimrr roB , acrwxx bobvxt - -( -; t ' . avanua.. 1. Borle la . kereby given that, tke Coandl of tke City .of Portland, OreeonJ at a meatlug keld oa tne jnta nay ex eeprreirxvuuu, ee- clared tke seaeaareent hy orrllnanre No, IA,- 440, foe tba eonatractimi et a aawer la Bt aeg avenn from no feel norm, af tba nortk tin ef rremnnr atreek to fhe eVe la Beark treet. In tke meaner provided ky ardlaaaco t 14,.t2S. nnoa eerti joti o. 14..T2S, nnoa eerh lot,: pan . reel of land, wklrk are. - sp.rlally - sad peculiarly benefited, to he sa followa. six: Al-HINA HoXr.XTKAD BLOCK tn. lot X JhH JlMe .IA On, In. ' ' Ink. , mm .1. Ml lot 8. John own), f1t.n0; M Bt Joha Oeorre, t BUH.'K ll lot II. Oeorge Blum,' I Xa.40 bet -3w Ngrtkera Coaatlea lavastment if 1 CTTT OTIfak.' inaWl'aaeO.ewanask. kj en, B - . X Trent, Limited, 833.40; lot IS. Henry Miller. Sit. 40; luaja. Joka MlUer, lie. 40, Total. , A atatement ' ef stereo Id anaeaameat has beea entered In the Docket ef City Urea, aad I bow due aad payable at the jatAce of the City Treaaarer la lawful , mosey of the Called. Butea, -and If not na wlthla 3o daya from the date of Uia sstle amk proceeding will be taken for the collection of Ik eame-aeere provided by tk -charter of tb lityiiof .HMiland. ' V ' " Tha I abovev aaaaaament will bear atareat 10 days . sfter the Brat public Uoa ,Vf this notice. ,1 . , . - TH08. c. dbvuh. ; ' Anditur of the -City of- portlaad. t Portland., Oregon. Pebaasry IT. 1008. ; 'J i " AJrS8irT-T0B ntTBOTImXBt Of FiBX - nun, . - .'..-. . Notice la kereby given that- tbe Council ef the City of Portland. Oregon, nt a meeting held oa tbe 15th day ot .trarr. lie 16, de clared tba saaraament hy erdiaanca No. 14,-44T,- for tho Improvement of I'lue a tract from the weat line er rnoat atreet to the east line et Hliih atreet. la tbe manaer neovlded by ordinance No. ,13. WH, uiou oath lot. part of lot aad parcel, of laad, which are apndally sad pecallarlr benefited, to ha aa followa. via: i'OHTLAN'U BLOCK 3T, lot 4, Jaoub Kama, .SAoT.lS; aouth u of lot S. 'Jacob Kamm, fM.22: aorUt H of lot 8, Uenrleua B , Marr r. railing and Emily if. table, u.xi; lot . B, Henrietta K. Mary P. railing aad Kmlly v. i-auu. jut. u, .aeon n.uiiu, ao.u, , BLOCK 38, lot . Havings Lota Society of Baa Pranelaeo. 86iaiT: let 8. . Barings'' A . IT Society of Baa Praaclaco, 874.U0; iut B, - m, leuu Mm II -II. v., ve.-M, ei ', W. k. Ladd Batata. Ilelra of. 84r 4n. BLOCK -' 81. kt 4. Jamas B. liaaeltlno. S 7f ; lot 8. Jamea K. HaaelUoe. 5Zn3; nurth H of lot A W.' J. Hawklna. 3X7.ol; aouth I of lot , Daalcl Marx, 127.87: lot 5. Bill k M. tiraat. 8380.34. . BLOCK .44, lot a, H. Tkompaun, 8551.48: lot 8, Bobert U. Tbompaon. 73.o3; lot S. Bobert H. Tuomp aon. (7t41; - kit 8, Bobert H. Thomuaou, . SMT oK ' BLOt ht 87, kt 4. MarakaU Wall lUrdware Company,; aouik of lot 8, MarakaU Well. Hardware Company. S36.BM; -oartk H et lot , M. 8. Burrell IDatate. Heir ef, 8JB.BT; all of tkat portloa of northerly 44 ot lot 8 urine atk ot n Una aaulrdletaat betwoea the aoutkorly Una pt Ankany . etreet ana ue nartneriy line or rine atreet, M.. B. Barren fcatate. Heir of. 813.88; aouth 14 et lot B. MarakaU Welle Rardwure Company. 830.18; lot 5. MarahaU Welle kUrd- 1, ware Company. 8518.13. BLOCK es. eaat to feet of southerly H of block 88, Bernard Aibera, 8:103.37; .weat 1SU feet ot southerly 3 of : block 88, Percy It Blyth, SV13.8L hUH jkk. aoatk Vk of lot t Jamea W. Cook. : f .oa: aoroh H or tot 1, a. a. nrtgnam, 843S.88: aoatk U of lot X William B. Bobart- aon. 838.31: norto A of kt X B. J. Ia Vrance, 38-81 ) aouth . fet of weat H af lot.T, Mary, Ana Lambert. SU.SS: north 48.8 feat et weat H of Iut I, James W. Cook, 838.88; aaat U of. lot T, Jamea W. Cook, '. 8-MI.IU; aouth H of al l, James W. Cook, ,; aorta H of jot s, j, .h. nrignam, S484.T0. BLOCK 211 undivided 14 nf Tot 1. Clara Pecbbelmer. 888.03; andlvlded A of lot - X Clara rechbeimar, 88.18; undivided k ef kit 1, W. B. raebhelmer. 808.03; aadlvlded-Jk . ot lot , W. B. k'eehhelmor, 80-10; nndlvlded H of lot X EllBabeth KIcbeBgreeB. 80.18: 1 divided H ef lot 1. Bltaabvtk Klchengreae, , 808.03; nndlvlded 4 of lot 3. Alien at. Etcken- green, 88.18; nndlvlded H of lot 1, AUce at. HicBenareen. atvt.w.i : nnaivuaea tn 01 101 X John W. Whaley Haute, Uetrs of. X'aJ.TH; unuivtoeuj ac lot i. joan w . wpniev tate. Heir of. Z75.7; lot T, Uavld p. Tkompaoa Keute, Helra ef, SeO.lO; lot a, Lloyd Brook r. EsUte, llelrs'of. 888.18; lot 8, BLOCK 80. lot 1 Jobs J. and Aanla L. Kahie,; toi a, ons 4. ana-.annn. u. ranie, ewi, 1, unii, v,. w, irr i , a t ir, Helra of. 884.38; lot B. Beary W. Corbett Haute, Helra ef. 8378.81. BLOCK 45. lot 1, Jobs luernaa, snzi.eB: lot 8, Joha aiernaa, 74.50: lot T. John Klernan. 873.93: . lot 8. John Klernan, 8B1T.40. BLOCK 88, lot 1, Henry -Wdnhard Katate. Helra of S508.B1 ; lot X Henrv Wetnk.rd Haute. Helra of. 87X83; lot I, n.nry Welobard BaUt. Heirs of. T1.75: lot 8,' Henry. Walnhard Batato, Heirs ef, S80X8S. BUM.K 80. eaat 80 feet ot lot t MoeeS tried ICUta, Helra ef, S430.1S; east 80 feet of lot. X Leo Fried and Dells V. Daaklum. S5T.34: nndlvlded 44 ot weet feet of lot 1. K. K. Haaeltlne Katate, Helra of, 853.77; nndlvlded Vk ef west 30 feet nt lot X, K. K. Haaeltlne Estate, Helra ef, J7.16; nndlvlded Vk- of wast 30f feet of lot . J. Ambrose Haaeltlne. 853.77: nndlvlded H of weet 30 feet of lot 3, J. Ambrose Haael tlne.' ST.18; andlvlded H nt east 30 feet of lot T. I.- Ambrose Haaeltlne, BT.IT; andlvlded J4BtAaat.30 feet , of lot 8..J. Ambroae Haaeltlne, 853.81; nndlvlded V, of neat 2b fact of lot T, K. K. Haaeltlne Esute, Helra of, 87.17: -andlvlded V4 of eest 30 feet ot lot 8. K. K. Haaeltlne EaUto, Heir et, S&3.B0; weat M feat of lot T. RoeweU. B. Lanun. and B. W. MoaUgns, 57.4n; wast 80 feet of lot X Alfred L. ana t naries k. awaojaaat, 8431.38. Total. S13.d4B.0S. A statement ef aforesaid assessment bat catered la tne Dorset ef city Uena. and la V sad payable at the office ef the 11 ry Treaarer In lawful money of tha I'nlted Btsteo. snd If not paid within 8 dayavroa tba data of this nolle anck hmceedlns will oe tax en ror tae collection 'of the .nam aa are provided by tha ckartar of tke nty ot roruano. The anove aaseaamenx win near - interest 10 dart after tb. Brat ibUeatloa el this notice. '.v- - f Ttlinx. v. Ultuni . Andltor of the City nt Portland. Portland. Oregon, Proruary IT. ' 180B. Tha Only Double-Tfgck Missouri River ThelIcBpjSllandr MrnosT luxunouB train in tne woria. I)raoino--mnm steeninp? cars, dinino- car, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Leva than threo daya Portland, to Chicago. ThrtiughTrialris toChkago are opetsted daAy via the Oregon R. R. NavrCc V P. R. R. and Cbirsro ft North-Wesiem Ry. f Chicago from Portlan.l and poigu in Oregon and Eastern Washuigton, ", Daily excursion in Fallmin toarlet : sleeping car Iroot fort lead through .. to Chicago wjihout change, at B.mtTCMIB. ; ; aVO. BABKBB, Ca 1 Art. Psc. CaaM, " ' Cea.c.l Agent. 'I caN..w. gv. , c.N.-w. By. 1 eif Markei Street, ' rrl Tale gtrsat, BAa Baaisttsco. Cat. 1 roaiuwo. Oaa. ' . .ill3 f , 1 1 1 -o VX 'J1 Chicago HAUIMORX t OHIO R. R. ' jKLLi TRAIN vTA'VVAJsHIJSOTOW If 0 I ar - v , c I 1 y- - i BJBnnnwa.wBJw ' ' . ' I I XAiLBOAB rorrf " t ..V ' ;',..' eUtoUltlONRlCIllC. 3 Trains to the Et Dally i3 , Tkreagh Pnthaaa atandard and bnxrfart sleeve"'- ' Ing cars, dally to Omaha. C'hlragn, Boeksnei- . toariat sleeping ears dally, to- Kaaaas Cltyi through Pullmas tourist aleenlng ear (person- ally eondoeted) weekly ta Shco. Recllalng. ' chair rare (aaata fro) tto-tne East dally. r- UNION DEPOT. Arriv CHICAdO-PORTLAND - BPECIL. w . Poe the Eaat via Boat lugtoa. ' AMS a." ax. 8 35 a. an, Daily, DaUy. BPOKANB PLTKB. Pae Kaetera Waahleasl ton. Walla WaUa. Lew I 8:15 p. m. BB 8, 88 ' Dally. , mion,. inn; a aieaeiunuy. ana urrst, : noruwn Point. .:. ATLANTIC BXPRHtsJ ror tb Enat via Hunt lnston. 8:1K B. m. T:!S a. I Bally. Dally. . OoiximVIa Xlvar ttvwiba. FOR ASTORIA and wa: points, Conner tin, will 8rOOp.m. Dailv. lAbnat stow, for llwnce and North Bench, sir. Bss- ex. 8mdiy. 8:08 a. m. nauii ay. - aam. asn-at. oocg. lojtat p. ss. TamklU Biver BeuU. FOB DATTON. Oregon -ml City and Yamhill Blver T" a. at. Eilnk, stmrs. Bath and Dally. -odoc. Ash -at dock. eg, Sbxaday. T:30p,xa, Dully. ex. Bonday. s w?r permitting, j . Sanaa Biver Bent. FOB LBWIBTON. Ida., sad wajr polau from Blparla, Weak., smrn. Spokane and Lewtaron. About 8:00 a, at. cypridSyV S:4f)a. am. Dally. . ex. Ba tarda TICKET 0FFICX. Third and paoae Mala TLX e -7T,rN0BR--.C,,T 'TVtai- AaHSxi? h. CBAiq, Oaneral PsaaeBgor Agwstv if east SOUTH UNION DEPOT. Ardvaa. 0VKBLAND tralna, for Baleaa. Bas burg, Ashland, Sacra mento. Ox den. Baa Ptsbh t:ap, ax. TB elara,. Btecktoe, lass Aa-i gelcs, Bl Faao, New Or-I leans aad too aaat. Moraine: train 1 aorta at WoodbarB dally except Bonday S:80s. as, wttb traia for ML Angel, . Bllvertea 84B.flk. Brownavule. 8 p r I a g field, WeadUag aa Natron. ' Albany Pamenarer eoe- 4.-00 P. Bfc eT:S8 a. sa. 4:fl0 p. m. neeu st Woodbara wink 10-.10 a. si Mt. Angel and Sllver-l ton meal. , CorvalUs paatoagar. Bberldan passenger. '18 BOO. oa. 8:25 a. m. eriaiiy. 1 1 Dally,-except Sunday. Pertlajto-Osweg BokurWn nWrvise aad TamklU - - Dlviaioa, , Depot 'foot of .Jeffersna street - i - Leave Portland- dally for Oswego T:30 a. m, ! 13-50. 3:05. 8:35. 8:30, .0:31.' T art , 10.10 p. sal Dally (except Bandsy), WtaD. 8.38. 10-i4 a. 'at-; :0u, 110 p. as. Bonday only. 80 1 . iv at. - - 1 . . , KetnTBing from Oswego, arrive Portlsnd d.'y 8:30 . m. 1:86. 8:05. 4:88. 8:15, T:.15. Bit. r 11:10 p. ib. Dally (except Bandar) 8:20. T io. . 8:30. Jo 30. 11:45 a. m. Except laWay. 134d . p. m. Sunday only, 100 a. Bv av- -.. , j Leaves from seme depot for Dullae snd Inter mediate points dally (except Sunday) 4:00 p. ax. Arrive Portlaad 10:30 a. m. ' Tke InoVDeedenco-bloamaaitk Motor Line operate daily to -Monmouth aad AlrUe, een nectlng wltk Southern PaeiBe compaay traxka at Dellaa and Independence. v fare from Portland to Bacrament sad Ban grandees 820. berth. 85; siwwd llaa L tars 81. neoond-cUaa bertha IX. 50. TlckaU to Eastern points and Biirupa. alee Japan. China. Honolulu and AaatraBa. t'lty ncaet innea tui u. -1 nira nna wean ing ton streets.- Phone Mala T1X , C W. BTTNOBB... ; ft. B. COMAN. City TVket Agent. weo. t-naa. Arm. HME CARD TRAINS; Portland t UNION DEPOT. Daparto. Paget Bound Limited. ror . Taeema, Baaxtie, Olvmola. Mouth Bene 8J0s,nv and . Oray'a Barber points.- North Coast United, for Tacoma. Beattle. Butt. 8t Past. Mla-k pe. pons, cnicago, new Tork, Boston snd aetata Bast and Southeast Twlo-Cltr Kiprsaa. for S.OB Tfa-B,aB.. Tscom. Beattle. Boo- kss. Helena, HiTPaul. MlBBaapolls Cwleagn, New York. Boston aad all polnta Bant - aad UjeSfbajJ Bootkeaat. Paget Bound . Kaaesel Cltyt. Loalp Ppecl.l, foe Taeoma, . Beattle, linokane. Butt Bllllnrs. Deavrr. Omaha, . Kansas City, Bt. LeaU aad all: 8:30 a. Sk T0 p. as. polnta Cast and Seoth-I east. All trains daily except on Snath branch. " ' A. D. CHABLTON. WAaaiatoBt Oeaeral Piaseaaee Agent Morrlsna at. one. Third, Portlaad. Or.-, Astoria & Columbia :X River; Rijroiad fo. ; Leaves,' JPNION DEPOT. Arives. a. Bl Dally ' Fof Vargera, fUfnler it-lAa.ii; Dally. ... 1, . w set port, Clifton, Astmin. War-J rentoa,. riavel. Ham. mood. rnet Oearkart Park. Baaalde, Astoria - aad 1 T:AOB, m. Dally. A atari Kxpraaa. f -1 ; 1 w-t- , 1. Cl kiAVn. . . ;J f. and r. A., A. tarts. Oe. C. A "TEW A ItT. rommerdal Ageat 348 Aider atreet. - phone Main One, Ttoket Oflxee M taM W eawa. TrnaBOOntlriwntaBl I., kwsa Trgklnai DcUly if ' 3 ':.lFAOT TIMD tO BPOKANt BT. TkVU P" "TTl - atlWWEAU CHO . i ay1lgnt trfi Through t fC"- ' " ' ahd Rocky Mountains. ;i"pw 1 , oiarn, swtea. fuidawa, eti. - 1 .jwi dreea ... XL f . r r - J- " e- , ,r. ... .f t C.,,3 C IB 8t.isjjlstl:i;i;.' FBeaa BwB -, . , . ., ....... . (j "V - . ,; : " ' - 1