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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1905)
7- THE . OREGON jpAILY JOURNAi; frOIT&AND, .VWCDMSSgAYV'cVSII.'S FZRUAHY 2, Journal VantAtl Rates tVTCS AWT OLAMITKJATIOW exteeo , Bi'na Wanted"" Mll Tllll, ca.s paa uxx. owtm i irra t n words pox u ' ilTtrATIOW WABTTD ' Uirtlirt either Mai v Female. Inserted aaa tian free. Bally w,faAny. WTJtXLT XATB--T taeertteaaf bMtaAtoa; t a vavsiAB pen- lies OWTHX.Y XATY (tooleding all BoaJay iMQtj n cibts iumiii mmVi. ADTTBTISZimTI Beet U m -eerael ImImm f fie hy X 'lock r week toyt ultrt e'eleek Sataraay eeea. te to ww stMiilctla, . l b. v. mmait SOTS ar Jeeraal "want a it w . t sflrt retsa .will WdeUvered to Th JserssU sf. " Bs without rfrth ye. Bee year call ke e phaae Vtotoim Vatoa, ' atoia MT. , . ; ., TO INVESTORS We offer 100x125 feet1 at the corner of 7th and Couch Sts., one block from Postoffice and one block from Custom House business corner that will i increase rapidly in value. , rcmAD TRUST CCSPiOT OF OREGON V Third. street. nnrou xrmcx. " rnl.Tit Km Rakm ave.' North. Pea. SO, ' luu6. Mr. Mary Healy, gd 48 years, S months, beloved wife of Thomas Healy aad mother of Jamee. Elisabeth. Kdward. A lira and Ellva. all of tbla dtr. Tba haml will take place Thnraday. Feb. jo, at : a. av, frnm realdeaee; tbraea to Ht. rraaela'' -barra. t:lr Tenth and Eaat Oak eta., at t a. b where raqoieai raaaa will be offered far tba rapeee of bey aoaL iBtaraMBt Bt. - bjdry'a renaetary. VOTIOIb BHRRIPPa PALE Notice la hereby aieea that by virtue or a mortfire oa toe neanser l.i rle, aiade by T. B. Taylor to Mary Taylor, dared Deopnaber a. 1904. aad recorded 1b the effir of tb United State collector of cae toma for tb district of Willamette, Port of Port lend, oa a14 date. ' la Liber "O" of Mertyaa-e. aad Condi t lone of aald mor tiara bavlny beea broken and there I Bow do - ft3S.6T. Now. therefore by virtue of author ity to me duly ylrea by aald aaoriraaee. I will exprwe for sale at public a action and -ell a the k If baa bidder for caak. on. Aatnr. day. the BKth day of Fabraary. 1BB, at tba knar ef : o'clock a. m. of aald day. at tb font of Colombia street, la the city of Portland, county of Multneaah. stste of Oregon, aald steamer LI sale, aofathcr with all her apparel aad appurtenances. T. M. WORD. Rberift ef MaltnaaMh Oouaty. Oreaoa. - Tleted at Portland, Orefoa, . February 14. -i , - TnS annual aieetlnt; of tb stock holders ef tb . lit Baker Mining company for the election " rat a board of director for the enaalnc year and the transaction of sny other bnslueee . : pro pee to aald avretlng will be held at Its ' - office, corner Fourth and Oak ata., Portland, THf aa March 13, at 4 p. at. A ' RENRT BAH!. Preaideat. Portlaad, Pek. 11. 11X16. XMT AJTO POUBIX aaaaajuaalaanw TOTJ caa aaor readily - flsd a Vet artvi thraayh Tb Journal' duel fled eoromaa tbaa . aay tfce way. la case yea Bod anything. . , a Ban t and advertia for th - fare alaUnlag aa yoar ewa. LOHT A Scotch colli dog - named "Scott." - sable aad wait; license TR2. Inforasatioa : leading to rotatory of dog wiu b rewarded. " u. As Monoa, vtu aaac ana. ex., Ilrrru-Laat Hatarday night, abont 11 p. m., . .. "D" car Una, between city ball and at orris i at. lAioinaa. a, discs ratnen ieatber boa: reward, rboa . i Beott 33T. FOrKD ladles' wheeL aa Beat Twelfth St.. ran a nana at 1W Kaat Twelfth north. - Under thai classification- sdeertlarmeata will be Inaerted aa time "IB rests for 21 word." A rains Me premium will be givaa with each ., Daily ar . Bonday. . iarn EW W teack tb barber trad fa the short est possible time at small expenee aad gusrante peal t Ions; . write for catalogue. , Moeer ByaUm caUeg. , Baa Franciaco. WANTED A girl e woman for lixht bonse , work r-one1 wb will sppreclsta good bom s more than high wage; opportunity ta tody ' music. Pboaa rnloa B44. , . . , WB want d experienced ami for running sash .,' auklng aucklnery. Beaalda Sprue Lambs , Co.. Beaaida. Or. . .. . WANTED Maa to reprvanT loan aompaay; call i" to iz a. ., room II, Labbe blag, ZZ7H Waablagtoa at. KB VABTTATTatALB. WASTRD Clrl for geaerar boo se work; must be willing and good cook, capable of earning J'a Pt amtk; small family. Call asomlngt no kearaey at, WHfTEpi-Higk school or baslm s Porlegt girt w oo sm niiieii em n in exchana fie- roast audi beard. Anawa I lTv care Journal. WANTED Girl. Id to IB year of aga. ta put u ap -edy, parkageav. Call at B a. av. 4U ' Mark at. C. E. BaeU. WANTED Boom . aad hoard fn and .. a year-eld boy central location. -!-H. a, car JooraaL . Addreea WANTRD Girl for general Apply All Montanmoi y St.. betwcea B aad 11:90 a. at. WAJCTED lrl to bake rs miles. Call at at a. at. r. E. Baell. ftn Stark at XXXP WAJfTl-JIALS 0B FZMAXJL .. . W ANTED Two yonng ae ' t 9 1 per veeek for a eosi ladiea to nav braakfast f ' prtvilec. 461 Wort Park St. STTtTATTOarS WAaTTXS FZaTALX. For the be mat of rboa who deatr position. advertiareieate will be kiaerted under this b-sdina on tlnW abaniutely free of cost. Ad- oitioaai jneeriixjcia in cent rar SI WANTED Bosttina a hoaaekeeper for rooming- noose; esnertenra ana can giv good refer a, I, car joaraal. . -WANTPn Poet tie a bosBe pot fop widower or. bocaeior.i Appty u JO. care JoaraaL Cf)nrW"t wnmaB waabj work by th day, rboa. ! !. WABTED TO BOOMS Ta an porta ef the dty, faxatoatd. Aonly Kn Ooadnourh bldg. , AaPOBITION ACCOM M0DATI0N ' BTJBBaff. Uaaar etreettoa af the- tawto aad Chnrk fair VOt afgyaaT , f '' ; faMto Baa. -' WArrrn-if At xstatb, v. WAN TED Ta bay ar rent furalseed faraw. esumiiea w , par ewaraaa, sttuatiobs . -. , Pur the kmlt af those arke deetVe posltlone, advertisements will b Inserted ander toll krsdlng om time bec.lutely free of coat. Ad ditional laaartioaa "1ft canto (or 21 words. ' KNOrNEKB, wltk first -clas llocose led good reference, wants stesdy lob; all-aroaad mae : la aaiall electric Ugbt plant. Oscar Ullder ' brtndt, general delivery, city,;. 4 . -. WANTED Situation b -thorsuahlr . botal manager; responsible sad eober; city or roan try ; percentage or- salary; two It reflulred. Address J- 11, It MAN of baslaeaa ability deetrea poaltlom In whoVraale at retail bauearwbera ability aad falthfulneaa will He appreciate. : Aogreaa i la, Joaxaal. - ' , A RELIABLK bmb woald Ilka., pnellloa aa caaramr. eollrllor, or do any una i rw line; good refereacM. ' Addreea 1 , Journal. WORK of aay kind by yoang Bun with beet ol refrraBcaa: expecjrnoeo la rxwi tnice work. Q. A. Bldcrly, (eoeral deUrery. cHr- YOt'NO man will do any klnef-of work for reaaonable wayea. Addreee B. W. Morphy, ' WlBrbeater bouae, cor. Third and Burnelde. MIDII.K-APED Gerataa wan, aleady and aobe would like ob la reataaraat or hotel kltrhea at waahlny dlabea. Addreea I II. JooraaL , , BITI'ATION . Wanted aa rarprntar ob fair yrnaBda or eleewbere) reference fornlahed. Addreea Ollrer Bailiff. Oaweco, Or. KXPRBIRNCKD yonay men . w!hre eaiploy Bient ae roHector or aa clerk: well arqaaiatad " wlU dty. H lA,Cara JoaraaU ' A TOl'KO nan. SO yearn of aaa, wlabea to Irera.. the . beker trade; wage a ob)ert. t. la, ear joaraak -h 4 WANTKD By yoany bub of hnelnea aay kind of Inatd work. A.. 3V Kaat m ability,' at tat at. palntlny; Eaat Oak. A PIROT-CLAKI painter WUaea-boat ret-elaa woramaa. Addreea C, S4S t31 CABH to any en who will let. to od Jobjnuta what yon bar to K 4.: Jonrnal. sttTLOTatzn Aezxoin. JOHN AMDEBJWN VradlnaTtan-Anerlean nloeeaeat Of ace: real estate: rootalaaT Bt and baslaeaa cbaacra aw specialty. 270 Ban aid at. r-hoa Mala AMd, - iriyio' coast emploxmknt aoknct BemoVed to 42W- horU BecoooV SU fhoa Bed l&l. BAMSBM'S CMPLOTMEMT omca. run atn. M W aftaMaMvl 9ta PImm Mala UM. AXPINB RMPUTMKNT BT'BRAU Help far. nlshed free. Call IBS, rirat aC. a dbob Mate 11T. ' . PIONRRR SMPLOTMRNT OO. Lehnr coatrao- tarn; kelp fro to emptoyers, ais BKLP wanted aad eapnlled. male or female. R. a. DBAKR. KSH Waahlnytoa at. Clay STfB, bomithino bona t . ',' -at tb PORTLAND ADCTIOrT XOOlfS. - til First at. Pboa .Mala MBS. . Becaae tkey pay tb klfboet' prloa to caak -t Urn aay kiad of rural tara. : WAMTRO Mora spraylnc and wbltawasklna; tb aaly taaolia eamnraeaed air . apraylng antnt en the ooast. M. 0. Moryaa Co J4 Mllwaakl ct Pboa Boat BUT. . - VI BIT1LD new or fix yoar old home vary rea sonable: good city reference. Call or writ H. Want, Kew Western hotel. 133 Gliaaa. WAN'TTn Becondoaed hoonehoM good, tookt, anything yoa don't want; nigneat Prosaer. BOB Fourth. Pboa Mala 6301. SHORT ORDER PRINTING HOITlB Ryder A Rnaaaii. Meouaa aaa waanugioa ata. WAKTRTI Wei'oild-hsnd. - aiedtom-alaad, Job prtntlog press; cheap (or cash. M., Qllmaa hotel. WAJTTISV-BXBTB. LADT aoUritora wanted; splendid inducements bt partira; a, n par. aay. Andreas JooraaL. BTZ 6llcttora; good aalary or eommleslo to rlgkt parties. Booal XX, Labbe bldg. Port. ' land. Or. - . MB BXBT-Jirrtr TJTB lOOaTB." ITRNIirHED housekeeping - and atagi rooms by tb week or or monta; gaa, oata aaa pboa. ziim lava at. SZT THIRD BT. larg front room, fnrnlsbsd lor light honsekeeplcg; also Bleeping reams; rent ressooapie. . m - IBB SIXTH ST. Wall fuialshiid hoosekeeptsg apartowata; ugna zroat rooms; a targe saw . saeat roems. . rilBNIBHRD housekeeping and flngla rooms; bath and pane; gooa socaooa. 8S Serenta. CL.trT0N. SMH First at., as. Ooaaabia Baits I.SB par weea aad arp. ,-'"V.:-' booms AJTO board. TOD NO men, ff yon want to board aad room In a permanent and first-class boose, where rate ere exceedingly low, and will remain th o aext summer aa they are now, call at th Aster House, 3B1 Beveatk t- corner e al.ilUeo- Tel. kf sin. d231. ... -r , TT1P1 LINDKLL-vNew fanjly hotel. Market at- net. In ire aaa r oonn; steam oeax. eeecxrie light, pnrcelala baths: elegant entalde rooms with flrst-clsaa board; two people, fst-tfiO- go anont. FOB KXT XATB. MODEBN. four-room flat, yard and be e meat. f 1. 444 Hodney are., cor. Tillamook. . B-ROOM furnished flat for light rMaaeksjepIng, f IB per Bineta, aa nasx see-, norm. ' rOB BrBT OFFTCB BOOK. 0FFICB, BOOhU.. laouire cigar star S40- First si. - ion BErt stobx 8TOBRRO0M ta baclnee center, oa beat street tn city; rent . reasooabla. -voaitaa . 4 Xft. JonrnsL - TOR BEBT JABJfB. PA RM for rent I l. i si. Madlaoa Real ButaU i o. , wn mania TX3A0BAL. THE beet ace'dent 'aollcr- the "Aanleerearr liegacy, - wriuea oniy on ae rreierreo ae rident Insurance Compaap--f New - Tork. Tnoata P. Thorn Coo. general agent. 1 BIT Chamber of Commerce. Pboaa Mala TS4. t WANT tb keqaalntaare of a middle -eyed lady (boat to au year. Wlta about f l.rwo to !.. money to etart a bualneoa aad have a good home after marriage. Inquire p 17, care Joaraal. MANLT vigor restored by: Dr. Clint. ,.I.S Am h,i Ill's . Globule. On month's trestmeut SB: watha, BR; sent securely waled by autt Ageato, Weodnrd. Clerke A Co.. Portland. Or. THB '"Mitriaroniar Beglater, prSce 10c, de scribes many reetoeate op fsregoa who seek mngentol lire com nan Ion. Interstate tatrn. duclug Bortoty,. Boa 107V.' Portland. e- EAPTi'RN aentleman.' M. stranger, rood look ing and healthy, weaid Ilk to meet healthy, i good looking lady: object Biatrlasony. AO- dree I. l, joaraal. WANTED misim ss gentlemen m, good ap pearance:, would like to meet lady with some capital: obMrt, partner. a a ureas ri io. "THE-ROOK ' NATTBB." Tloo af Lira. Story of a Slave." Nan;" eatakigaa free. a. Bcstmass, z-c rxrax ss. BKNTACBANT and coffee boas open day aad ; nignt, bz rirat at. a. vreennarg. Furnish labor, help. Bay or week, I WAX TE Vt The aeanatnfance" of a ladr -n to 40 years of age. with th view of aut. . nmony; a wieowor or on. at an. joaraal. CODBr preaertntioaa ar more ui s tely and reaseaahly tiled at Bysaei' pbarmscy, 227 Morrlsen sr., per. First Bad aoeoaa atat PriFTTT eeJuntry girl, see net te. age pn. ha in.onrk, will, inherit touch- more . wish to merry. 1 srris, iui wtura, Lsinei. rHRBB ' TE ARBS. 1M ARBANBAW beef all books yoa seer sw. ZD. Jeaaa' Book Btoaa, vt euoor at, . Free With Vant Ads RALSTON :: HEALTH ! C R I S P ' A Toasted Food Ready to Serve ' A package of Ralston Health Food with . every paid Want Ad,, Daily or Sunday. This is ah Acme Mills' product Sells for ' , 15c or two for 25c at any grocer. ' - This offer is made simply ta still more widely introduce the wonderful results ac f complished by useful ."want a da," . An ; . enumeration of their many daily duties ' - and performances would entail great ' , space. You know how' it , is when you ; want to rent a room or. house, when voir, wan to buy something; unusual, -when you've lost something why, you imme- ' diately look at the "wnt ads.'? , Thou sands of people! read them every day you.: can talk to them at the rate of . v 21 Words for 15c BXBT TDBBIBiULP BOOBtS. Tinder this claealncatlo ndTertlesmenta will be Inaerted one tlnw "IS rent for XI word,'' A valuable premium will be (lTsa wlta aca ad., . Dally or- auoday. ' TBI GARLAND C21 WaahlBytoa at., batweea 1Mb and SMh ata. A. permanent Dew and mooera apartment kouae. rnralahed roe ma ahoala and aa suite. Vnrnaee, electric llrhta, pnoa. larga bay window la eai-h rooat. Rata BemtnsX .. CNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT Hotel Blehloea Kuropoaa piaa; elegant rarniaoea room, single and aa euite; steam heat, bath, flae cafe aad. bar ta connection; a aloe, aaled hornlike place; uraaatenta eollctted. D. B. BURNS. Prop... THB -DEXTEB, 124 Twelfth, corner Washing ton, entirely aewiy rorniaaeo rooma oc mi DEXTKR -ANNEX Bow ready for oorupaacy. Pboa Ureea b. ELEGANT outside room, stesm heat, norealala -be tba. Prat-class board; two psopls 4U, aw, SnO' month. LlnaeU - hotel. Market, bet. Third and Foarth. MABQDAM BOII8B. 143V Sixth at. Rooma a nit or single; nouaeaeeping . rooms; gas stores, path aad etoctrt light; traaaUBt eolleMed.--. . . - ' '. : e-f: : KIOBLT farBMbed room for an or two. with or without kltehea: wlta private faauiy; weat aide. waUlog distance. - 481 Market St. TUB EARLB, Ztll TrllKU. tVX, I A Z LA IV. FURNISHED BOOMS, TRANSIENT. FOR RBNT Elegant front room; prlvata fam ily; rent reasonable; gentle men oniy, . ziv Foarteeath at. - . FOR BENT Elegant front room; private fam ily; rent resaooable; gmtiemca eaiy. xiv Fourteenth St. ' . CALIFORNIA Lodrlnrs: brick bldr.l for tranaienta zae ana up. si norta xaira. NICELT furnished rooma, ll.SB per week snd up. zii nrta. netween mam ana ataqyoa. CHBAPBflT aad beat located rooma tn Portland, fl vreeg no. uumaa. rust aaa Aiaer at. FOB RENT 1 comfortable furnished Knqaire at 41 North Fifth at., cor. Coach, THB GRAND. 46 H North- Third at.: Bieutouf oiag. ; gentlemen amiy. pt-av per NBWLT ftrralsbed, qniet. tranalrat rmma, 14 Foarta at. raoni ua aaaa.- .. NTCR front room, large, light aad convenient. aaa rittn et. i FOB SITT-FiBsTB FARMS .. ... . ";' 160' acre, an level, rich bottom land.- Oregon City. Bak improved read all way eat? good buildings, orchard, running water; (28 per aere. 1ST acre choice land. TS acre river bottom lend, loo acree cultivated, boas, nara, chard., near Newbera. Or.: (40 ner sere. IIS seres, 11 acre cultivated, .60 aere of which la eholee bottom land and B acre beaverdam. running stream . of water, S bousnr, large barns, all good. B acre I orchard, af- B. R.. station, convenient Wood bum. Silver too and Mount Angel; a very choice farm; Bn.1 per cre. 1.100-acee eastern Oreena Stock farm, sll well fenced, good bonding, orchard, running water, 40 acree bottom land, 30 acre , la alfalfa. Irrigated, 1 mile to good town ea "railroad, reran stock, all tana implements. 173 acre. 1M acre highly cultivated, well fenced aad cross-fenced; Bne large boaae, barn, family orchard watered by well, eprlng and etresms, lead corner to station oa electric road; rronta on Bne level drive road, B milee eeet or mrtiand; ana at ' choicest farms of Multnomah eona. It acrea alee land, eaat aide, near Port landrehsap at (w)0. 10 'acree, all choice land, . ao gravel, all fenced. T5 sere cnltirsted: new. mod. kouae, S rooma, concrete basement, hall, pan try, closets, bath, pnrchea, fine . aew barn, rustle and painted. 10 eawa. S calves. S ho. 1 team wagon, hack, cream separator. all farming Implement, 40 ton hey. 460 hnehels pots lues. etc.. 10 mile from Pt land, on a Bne level road all way out. lt mile from electric car; a very cheap farm, jrtne fruit farm la California." trad .for ureeoa pcoperty. , - . o acres, psrt enlttvated, 4 -room hnnae, bare, outbuildings, orchard, running water, convenient to Columbia river; a cheap place. 1775. . AO sere good land, all fenced, SB seres TOIllTUire, wu botw-, vmxm e vrvusra. a team, S wagon. 1 hack. 1 mower, 1 hay rake. B harrows. 1 cultivator. Ji plow, sll email tool. 10 head cattle, ltt mile to boat landing. Price for all. (1300. uo acre good land, all feared, ST acre enltlvated. 12 acrea nearly read to nmw house, barn, orchard, hop house, living water, 2.nist cord good wood: oa good road, con venient to Both liver and rail traaanortatloa, 15 milea from Portland. 33.600. . B acre, all cultivated, oa car Una; will divide; sell oa eesy terms. , Four acree. l acre In atrswberrie. 1 a tn treo.-fmlt. ehlckea-vard. alee, mnrti is, 6-room house, convenient to a-ceut ear line. BUS,. HENKLH BAKBR.. AbingtoB bldg.. Port line. Or. rTK. i "Bllfb"RN A SHPJT.TOIT; - Condon. Oregon. . Have ' large and small wheat sale. Informstloa cheerfully giv spondence solicited; bargain f for 1. A. Bbeltoa, eonaty ssseanor. Investor. 121 ACRES near Meek shore, Clscksmas aawatyt . SB acrea jrnltlvated and In grsln;-aew hoejae and fair , oathalldlnga. (3,600, Dtmlck , A IHmlck. Oregon City, Or t -. , ... DO yoa went to sell yoar farm! -List It with as;-we hsre nnyera. ' at "hl.R J5AHKH. ,.''' tit- lUiMty bldg., Portland. Or. ' . v FOB BXBT BOTTBES. IP yon aa fsretrioaght yoa will start honee hunting before (be 1st; eeldnm aay choice left thee. We go ant and make It ear busi ness to get deefrsble honaco only, -end et neesent hsve a verv extensive aad rood Hat, .and on not resort, to listing aay old aback of bonse we caa pick ap. an easy way le a Boose int. roiiewieg .ie a par h,l Hal. a-vonm. bath! "Fast Or sat;, ... 50 6-room, bath; Ksst .Ash 4., on -4-roorn. nam,' isortn litir ... a-room, modern; KssT 1An a-room, modern; iirand are... 6-room, modern; Tib -at, ...... 0-eooru, modern; Orsnt ,at.-. ... 6-ronm, Biodern; Ilollldsy ave, . a-room. modern: Ksst 17th at. JS.00 23.00 22.60 2A.II0 S.l- Win no.on . a -room, mod era; ,MHI st....,... i. nn.nn- . 10-room, nmdera; Harrlsoa ......4. orr4 office hours, 10-4. pie cs snot answer la. - auinc aver pnone. ., . 5 H. K. KOWABO. . ' .' , INS-I0I First HtreeL '. " 1 ONPf hone. B34 iralea aa aad oa at BT East 1th jwrth: hot aew. Address g peyB. H. irur. '.ni 11 an i.r miiim. .it . ": :' """'tTura.a ay - 'i iX' ':'- . -.,:,' rc RAiSiO a.- BTbTBXSS ckabcxs. RoohnNO Borsa headquarters. ' ' TArT CO. 1B5-B Ahtngtoa Block. - , ' Pboo Mala 1M, We make a SPECIALTY OP ROOMING HOISF.S. and ktva mane of th M08T DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for aale. Oood Iocs t tone are going faaL Not ear partial lis below of both large and small one. If theae doa't suit yoa. call la. - tl . BOOMN. BRICK THB TBRT BEST LO CATION la the city; two-year leeaa; - rent ONLY fltS per month. This house Is . POSITIVELY ' clearing now , ; above all ' expenses fSBO par month. Price, 98,000;. part cask. BOOMS New furniture, steal,' beat, hot and cold water la ail rooms; maklnc blf money. ,U00, it BOOMS Moat legantly furnished apaitineul nous la tea city; now clearing aooai 'JJ0 per month; rent only (IBB; Man. Caa be had now for (4.100. , , U .BfrOMS New. moPera betiding, aewiy fay. . rUDe. swell iocs t too. srvry room taaea; . rent oalv $125, i year' lea.. A pick- '. ap for 43,60V. v ' BOOMS-e-Beat lecatioa la dty for ' blgh clsss tranaleat or steady ..roomers; rent f 100, clearing good money . now and : during. th fair yoa caa make all th -money yoa wanL Price (3,300. IB BOOMS flood location, wall fm si shed. cheap rent. lease. Thla la surely g V good bay at (l.ftOO. . . -- t . 12 BOOMS Tory finely fnrnlahed; swell lo carton; very reasonable; good income. , Thi la exclualva: For particular call. BOOMS Furniture all good: Iocs tioa very u eeatral; lent right, , Price S0O. SALOON Best loeatloa In the dty: cheap rent snd long lesse, son. maanng gooa money; ' five alee living rooma and with fnraltnre. - - Ooee for (8, AMI, .... tSENERAL MERCHANDIRB STORE Oood country town, doing a nice tnsiams; : slcknes the cans for MUlng. . Thla I " worth looklns np. ; r.- WE TAB MAKE TERMS ON ANY OP THB Annvn. ALL TTTLCT OPARANTEFD. BUYERS PROTECTED AS, WELL AS SELLERS. .. . ersi waf id m-auus ouuobi. ALSO 30 XO 40...-: ...... . ... , -r .---f. seaaasaaamaa) ' - t 1 '.'" '-1' ' - TAFT O0. " 133-S-o-B AMbCtoa Black ' - loetwi Third BV BrsINESS rRANCKB ' nlendld llverv businee la - valley eawa, Oraeer business with eood trad Ik valley town: an schools, rhnrchra. etc: ea account af. change f climate for hearth Will aelL Oeneral store : in leeuia emn- li grewlng county sent town la eeet a Oregoa; might take km . good vallay prooerty la ev change. . : r. etw win aay a ico payimi eus hs emnHl ehAle loeatloa. KawtnlU. all in first -class running order, and doing a good haalneae. In county sett towa la Willamette valley; a snap at a-t-ww. - .... Grocery nnelness, nice aad cieaa atoca. weu rated, good trade, hot most sell et aaerlnca. HKNKLB m BAKER. 317 Abiagtoa bldg . YtrnisnM chances, 'r tl.OOO PARTY with thla amount to Join m WHS my f.1,uw la e, iwnwen fc . in. exposition grounds; I will give yoa borne real estate a collateral and H Interest la ttbe profit. Anaisse a. i. eowroai.- . rain f.Aims IB-OREGON. ' . Fertfie oH par water, Asllghtfol ctlmats; land of airsirs. apple aaa ciovev. rar rail Inform stioB addreea the Columbia Souther Irrigation Co., IW wecceeter oioeg. rauaaa. HAVB yoa a boslnes to aclll If so, ee aa w have koyers. . ' v .... HKNKLB A BAKER. -" ' 'tlT Ablngtoa bldg., PortUnt'Or." '" THB MADISON BBAL' BSTATH COMPANY rjiaa Improved farms, city snd aubarbaa prop- h wrty and looglng nooses; anyumg yoa want. arrj Mkdiaoa at, Front 101. FOB SALBB60O A first -clans barber (boa. established B rear: good, steady, nice trade. ea years; Scandinavian Reel Estate and Employ ment Co.. BTtt. Banana t. -1 ' J POR BALkl First -clsss rretanrant; good lor. tloa; does largeat jmsmiisssi in city, ror rur - tber partlealare aadrraa Bog So. . Balena, or. WANTED Name f peraemj ' who - want ' to leern real estate business: I can help yea eueeeeo. n, w. iraver. zaa wasnmgtoa at. FIRST-TLASN saloon,, doing good nn si ocas: ae . for yourself; beet loeatloa la, city. Call 47 North Sixth st, 1 GOOD banineoa mea with capital to Invest ta nig paying Investment; a boaaua. - Alexander, IM Morrieoa at. WANTED Soher and Indaatrlone 1a with (ISO rash for legitimate peal! Aagwer J lu, journal., TEAM and wagna; good renins ; make to (10 day; will eU separata. I IB,. Jaara FOR SALE CHRAPe-Oond paring rsUraat, witn lease, .inquire nweirsi sx. HOtTSB FOB BKBT FUBB1TUBB FOB SAXB FI'BNITUBB -rooTs boose In 1 location, west side, aew and finely furnished, pnrnelala bath, hot and 00 id water, gas. . electric light and furnace, roe me larm and -well arranged, large attic.' bark yard, aad porch, za wnrta i split -wood included; - owner enmnelled to sell; VSTR If taken Im mediately; (300 cash aad .beJance t)e. SOB iwviiie COOD furniture of .nine-room bones for ml cheap: ' rent (M. If taken, bef ore the loth . of Marc. m a or is si r.ona.rinta st. . (SMI Bt'TS a 10-rnom boarding hone. If take .. at one; good localism; rent (36. laqnlre t ax main sx. ... PARTY leave koas ynd faraltare for aal. P41 weeono T. . - FOB SAXB K0BSXS ABO OABBIAOKB. A SrRPtT rarrtag of the beet mil, s good .new, eaa be bonght for third at wba t It costs aew. Joha Scboger, 1X1 Seventeenth BAND IS STRUMAS TB,' CHAS. B. TORK IB CO.., 10414 First Ren h-era, platen: Tork A Son a 4 DeGur Inatrnmeat. ASPKALI PAYTJIB.' THB Trinidad AaphsK Paving Oa. of Portland. utace ana worceetor bib. . : CB0CXXBY ABO SLAfSWAAX. WHOLESALB crockery and pieaawara. PraaL . Basel 4 Ca.. lot to 10B FUta, ter. Stark gi. -i 'I t ,V""N r .J,a ca '. : p FOB SAIE-BYiT. XSTATB. Under thla cMsatflratioa, dvrtlemnta wlll be Inaerted eae time "lo eaat lor zi woraa. ' A valuabk, premium will be d Dslly or Sunday. glvsa with each BOUSES-. .; . . 6- room mortage, paatry and bath, nara, fruits, berrisa, at North Alblna sUtloa (1.U60. ., ' a-room, new, modern bona, ror. lot, on Improved ,t., beet part of Sunnymde (2.60(1. 7 -room, aiodera house, all ta prim condi tion, on Eaat Anheay sU, near Twcaty-loarth --J3.0OO. , T-room, modern hoaae. fnrmce, electric tights, concrete walla and walka, Ane lawa and eh rubbery. In Alblna: 3 Boa lot; front -on car lias (4.000. " . 8-roam. modern, new. an-to-dato Bom ta North Portland (S.600. a-room house, goad order, oar Belmont, west at Sc res teen th St. (2,000. - Fine,, large, modern bona, alee lot, fruits and berries, oa Sunnyalde car line; will Pell at a bargain to aettle aa estate. . , B-reom Aous. modern, Bret-claa vrorkmaa shlp, all la good order; S choice, alghtiy Vote la fruits aad berrtea; goot, car service; snap at (2,100. 6-room, modera. up-to-date house la Bol lsday's addition 2.i0. T-room. modera houaa. Esst Alder.'. Bear Twelfth t. (3,000. - 1 vnw. Bmn i. rrri .im ie.. e.i , w m , (18 per month; will exchange for a small aabarbpa home. HENKLB m BAKBB. . . i SIT Ablngtoa bldg., Portland. Or. FOR SALE (2.000 Bosldeoc lot, BOxlflO, Northrop st. between 24th ana ZbtB, faring south. We will sdvance money to build. i . PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, . . ; I - -t - 10B Third SL , t ; BABGAINR la Upper Alblna 3 modera 6-room bouse, bath, tie n try. aiga lee ouxiiaj. rear. sidewalk 1 (l.a; (200 dowa, (16 montart Have ethse good hanrslna. , r, Diihnlg, aiftm Morrlaea st-, room 8. WB PttliNISH money to bay or build a home; zy, per cent-interest; most liberal provision. CH and Investigate. UNITED STATES INSTALLMENT REALTY COMPANY. -.A ell Commercial Block. FOR BALEr-Bl.Ono and (1.100 Two Iota at N. E. earner 2d and wrover. w wiu ao vaare mosey to trilld. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY.- vr - 10S Third SL CHOICB fractional tot In Stephens st,. bet. Eleventh and Twelfth. (350; will bnlld boas to suit purchaser, oa Inatallmeata If de- W. L. -Morgan, 072 McKay bldg. FOB - SALE (Boo Choice Iota at IPth aad X. Everett, graded atreets, elds walk laid, sewer, dty wster; easy terms. ...r PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, ' ' 0B Third St. A OOOII saloon building la tba center ef best mining, towa la Oregoa for aale or exchange for Portland property; splendid opportunity for saloon man. tan lin Vt intra st. FOR SALBVf cttoaa at Wens tehee. Waah., ultabm for ahoep rsnca aad trait, cheep. Aodrese for pertlealan, W. 0. Bdtteraly, CindaaatL Ohio. V... . - FOR SALE 100 aera first -class timber In Pacific county . . mile from, tide , wster. Addeeo K, Johneon. 1263 Franklin a., astoria." rOR SALS 1 Bacra. (336: boose and S acrea. SA60: saav ferass: ana svent, tint boos sooth Gate croasing ea O. W. P. alecrrlc line, lUe V fare. .-,...; . - , GOOD Investment, corner tot and well located oa car line, rented for (26 per mouth. Price (3.600. Apply Joha Bala. 324 Stark St. land snd water datera; rented bow for (6T per month, j. Lenoigaa, is Bbermaa at. A BARGAIN 3 corner and 3 Inside Iota. Lower Alblna eery phrhtly; streets, sewer and aide- walks. Call ewaar, Phoaa Mala 2777. I NEW Aroarm hoes and inoxino-foot lot, 670 1. tU Praecntt at,: this la a beautiful Wood Is wa er Yeraoa'car. NEW A-room hoove. Urge base me1 bstb, ass. lot 60x123, ea Beat OUaaa aL. . (2.160. . Una. 825 1.KIW A-room boa, near. car line, for ssle ao payment down, (20 per month. Call room 60S, 84 Blxtb eL - . FOR - BALK Six-room - block from U car. cjolr 313 Mason st. ' cottsr. fn kit, 1 (l,40t part-cash. - In- mi aAI.xt en aere. B milee from Vancouver! BOB fruit tree, aew house. , 627 . Boaelawa nnmi and lot. barn, frnft luse. "-Ok tract. (POO; walking diateaca. I 18. JoaraaL B-ROOM pons, 3 kit 100x100; price (1,800. Isoulr but - xsx aixia at.. . -norio. FOR SALR Ororery etor. at S.1B Union ava north; good location.,- Call around. ' WOtL aUUJ--inSOXtlACT0TfB. trader- thai rlasatficatloa ddvertlarmeata will h.4nserted on tlm "IB rent for 31 words." A valnshle premium will be given with each ad., - Dally er Baauay. BILLIARD AND POOL table Bar feat er far 'asle oa esse paymenta. ' . TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKll COLLKNDEB CO.. - 40 Third SL. Portland. , . .4 POOL TABLB, FOB SALAV Brunswlek-Balks with sued, counters, etc. Apply 68 First L . 5 aad SECOND-HAND bead amelc. 1 picture machine. films song slides, ao Tonrny bldg.. See. . aad Tsylur. .Call noon or evening. Mala 6730. WB print yonf name aa an calling cards, proper else ana myie, zne;- zno nosine earos, 1. i Browa A Rchmale, C2B First, Pertland. Or. POft SALB Rlock of Attschshle Bslr-Bearing tin company eveca, casap.- Aooreas box Bo, vaaeoaver- rr sen. . 180 CORPS Be Br wood ea nenk "river at Hnlbrook lot ssl or tesde. yzl Marrtsea L Rsiatoa. , - . ' FOB . SALB Orsla. elcvatnr. renacity 4S.000 basnet, at. n . Williamson. Bella, Or. r FOB SALr -ine-blsck eocker. spsniel.-ploe months old. 3H8 Hasealo, ara lrrfcbee. GOOD general fstklty cow.- giving milk. Call .' t boon or evening at 4.13 East Market at. MUST sell -S.O0O nolldlnr. brick ii. it sacrifice. Phone Weat 1TM for term. POX sVIBT kCBCTXIXXOTJB. FOR RENT A larg aampls wa or hall, top . Bear, Apply gleratef maa. ttottesxABh Was. f BIB9B, HART'S Mennteln Boiler Birds for a lei tb birds ar tb very beat; fbr era all-guod gingers; ' the price 1 reaeuosbl. Mr, B. M. rrlta, SO tiraad ave. . - '. g 1 T - ... 1 BLAXX BOOB atABTPACrVBERB. HOWE, DAVIS A K1LHAM. 100 111 Beeoad St. Blank book manufacturers; igsuU,for Jono .' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; papsr-ralinB. bookbinding. BICTCXE SXALZBS. COLUMBIA. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. 1 8PORT1NU GOODS. BXPKUT RI0PAIR1NU. F. P. KERNAN. BOB THIRD ST. BETWEEN TAYLOR A'D BALkloN. COAL ABD WOOD. ORBAT WESTERN COAL ca. 441 Hoyt, ear. Klevaath Producer and miner ef washed lump aad but suotlees boas oasis; lamp (a, But (5. -delivered v. I tbla 1 mil ef iard; - Vatisf actios guaranteed. Pane Mala MB. . WESTERN FEED A F0EL CO.. cor. Front aad . Hoyt street, dealer la domeaU pad Itsam coal, hlscksmlth eaal, hareual aad oak. Phoa Mala 1013. . STAR COAL CO Dealers in foreign snd do mrstle coahi: we have the beat Wyoming cos). 'Offlca 333 Stark. Phone Msla IBIS. ALBINA ifJBL CO. Denier la rovdwood,' coal . and green snd dry slshjvood. IL B. aad Al blna are., 3 blocks east of ferry. Bast 6T4. BUPERT FUEL CO. The beat dry wood la . towa. Doa't forget to phone Eaat 14u5. 366 Bast Eighth sL. cor. Madias. C R. VKTJN. Brat-elks Wood na coal: fSr 33 Alblna a vs., nesr ferry. Dry slahweod. STBRL BRIDGE FUEL CO., deslera la coal, eord wood aad dry slsb wood. Phone Eaat 434. COLUMBIA Wood Coal Yard. RsatlBtghtb , W, S..V " I - nwie, ev. u.u. ei 0BRG0N FUEL CO. all kind of coal aad. weed. S44 Morrison. Pboae Mala 38. , KIRK HOOVER. BIS Water at. wood aad caaL Pboa Mala 4BB8. CAXPXXTXXS ABS BnTLDEBS. . A. I. AUTHORS and H. BU WOOD, carpenters and nuilders; repairing, and fobbing! etor and fnc ax tores ul(. , paop avu uiiumua. Pboae Clay 1S6L . t t , 11 11 1 BOFF A TYSRN, building and remsdeHng; (tor fixtures a pecUlty. . . 392 First L rkoa Cloy 824. lr 1 ' 1 II' ij . 'J L:''- WES. ' KBICKSON'S RRSTAUBANT Merchant' ranch 11 a. m. to 13 p. m. I ander aew management O. B. EVANS, prop. Second and Burnelde. THB Orncyj 30 Washing toe C Pheee Mala TT1. Pickett m Igaeaaa. ex 1 1 t. . 1 1 ' ' 11 ll, 'i., m.,1 :r jr. CrnAOIXT SWXIT. ' LOOK OUT FOB FIRE! PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. ' D. D. WOOD. Re, phoa Shirt B86l Leave orders at Avery A Co. hsrrtViro elmay. 83 Third at., phone Main 1873. - j -'" J xB-o 1 VI B8BERO-OUNBT CI0AB CO. ... LHtrlbatoraTef . . ;'ri-... .'."-' , -,(;. PIKl CI0AR8. ' ' P0ot1al1p4 ClTParowlw - CLjUXTOTABT ABD PALinST. - MADAMB JOHNSTON ClslrvoTsrt, palmist. erd reader i nn facta rellaM and im portant en all affalra af reel life. Us dings aoe. en Beveata at,, pear tier, CXBUUIT C0BTBACT0BS. CHAS. B. CABTEB A CO.. f formerly Carter A EUli cement contractor. 074 Tsagan. raeae Esst 1876, All work gaaraoteed. CAXXL&SX AJtS HACK COMTAHTtS. THB UNITErt CARBIAOB CO. 1 Carriages, tally -no rig anu carry -an.. i-'i xupvenu at., cor. Morrlkoa. Phone Msla 322. ,. . TOBTJIIBBIOB MIXCLABTS. BVRRDINO A PABBELL. prodBce aad eommts. aloa mercbaBta, 140 Front at., raruaaa, vr. Phone rMala ITS. - T " DBXSSatAKTXfi. KRISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College: pet. terns cat to maeaare. Allsky hall oD. Bn Morriaoa St. ' --c " . MRS. McKIBBEN, artistla Baking. 601 Morn soa St. CP-TO-DATR dreaamaktng: mtisfsctioa guar anteed, 686 Kearney st, . . DRESSMAKINO Btrlctly ap to date; Is test osalgns. 4SB Clay at STXIBB ABD CIABTJIO)." PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING A DYEING Works ; prsctlcsl hatter la connect lor; feather boa aad plumes cleaned aad curled be aa ex pert. 311 Foarth. Phone Clay T04. 1 CLOTHES cleaned and prism d (1 per month. Unions Tslloriag Co.. B4T Waabtngtoa St. B. W, TTRVKR, professional dyer and eleaaer. (08 Jefferaoa at. Pboa Mala SU1S. D0 ABU H0XBX HOSPITAL. DR. a B. BROWN. B. V. A, D. 0- M Dog, bone hospital. 803 Waah., PhoBM Clay 1676, B. Xaat 3636.. DB. S..J. CABNBT. D. T. S.. veterinary ar geoa,' removed ta 238 Gliaaa aL, bet. Fourth and Fifth st. - rOXKST BZSIKYX SCRIP. i FOREST BESEBYB SCRIP FOR SALE A e . proved, aareatrlcted, ready for Immediate aae; ' lowest prices. B. P. A V. B. Riley,' BOB - Chsmber of Commerce. - fnxKiTURx tAcrroxixs. 0RFX3ON Fnrnltur Manufsctiuing Company Manufafiarera f faralture fur the trade. PorUsndOr. ' -. FTRNTTURB manefaeraring ed special rdara. L Bovenaky' faraltare factory, 3T0 Front at. XXXCTBIOAI. W0RXB. PACIFIO KLKCTRIO CO. Engineer. con. trsctors, repairers, electric wiring sod sup . Pile. 84 First, cor. Stark. 1'boo Msin now. n. n. 1111, ssgr.'. r NORTH WEST XLBCTBICAL ENGINEEItINO Company, 308 Stark St., Portland. 0, K. for ' vrythlng la the lectrlcal Bp,, . I'heee Mala ItA , TTBAKCIAL. : ANDREW- L. CHEZFM. - ST " WsahlMtoa Bldg.. Portland. - Does General Law Bnsliies. Flnanclsl gent for Union Central Life Insurance Com nany, cinclnaatl, nhlo, ror Oregoa. Loan nn Improved Ksrms Throaghnnt Slate. Invest Private- Money -Safely. Ten Year' Active Bxper lanesji- I -bone Mala 1080. CHANCB for Idle .money Income bearing proo erty psylng net 8 per rent on (42.nno eaa be had for (:2.Knn. Ixk hot 6nd. cltv, 1 1 FTXB A0T81 BOYNTON warm-air furnace ssvs fneL J. C. nsysr ruraac --vomusuy, ua accena . St. ' Ms1n 481. 1 . 1 - - BX0CSXS. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeesl grocers, mas. factarer snd eommlmtoa assrebsnta, . Foarta aad Oak ata. ALLEN A LEWIS, vommlasloa add jnuduoc nsev cbaet. Froat snd Dsvl sts., Portland. Or. B0IXLS. HOTEL Prod le to. Peadletea, Of. P. W. Walte . mgr. . . -- - HOTEL Portland, aterlca piss; (3, (A per Aay, HOTEL St. George,'. Peadletoa; hading kotoL IBLVBDBBBi Europe plsa; 4th ssd Alder sts. i aniMAB JLAIB BOLLS. J. J, BORO. msnfr. hnmaa hair rolla. 42 B. th. : Pboa Kaat 3811. mere. a Morrle t. SWTTClTtS POX SALE. SWITCHKS mide. mmhliig bonght er msde ta er df ' 84 K. Twelfth sL Phuua Bast 110. StOKXT TO LOABv li es s l,.i s-r . iaim m. . . ' Aay aalartod mtky. wsg saraer. aaa get ' ea hi bete, wiuout mortgage B OO Ropey to a . or M.06 eg (S 00 Vepay t a ( 0.M or (K US or (1 .00 iny to a ( 4.00 or. (3.00 ar (1 a-onn. r mom, wave. sia atckay Biog. 1IVK per. cent money; we build yoa a home -or If an yoa money ea year property, monthly Myawats; luvestlgate: open natnrday even ngs. Room ln-17 Ubbe bldg.. 3-7 W Was Ingtoa t. ft. a. a IL 1 , . . MONEY TO LOAN ea real, psceooal aad coi. Uternl security; Speciil attaatloa to chattel ' hwrtgsae; note bought. 0. - W Palit, B04-A Fntoa bldg.. B4 tilth at. . .. . , BIQHLY resuectsfil place where ladles aad gents ea borrow money en dlamona and 'Jewelry.. -Collateral Loan Bank.. SuO Waaa ington L Phone Black fL V ' hSER the .Dann-Lawrence Cc, real sststs and nnancisi agent; money to loan oa mortgage aecurltlee it low ratee la Buma from (600 to . (10.000. IH First st. ....... MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamster, to., without security: easy pay meats ; larg est easiness In 40 principal ejus. Tolmas. S3 Akloctoa bldg. , .. CHATTEL - lun in monnt ranging from 326 to (3 000; roomlng-hnuss apecislty. Mew Era Loaa A Trust Co., SOS Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY TO- LOAN tn large or small cmoaat . n good aecnrltyi lowest rates. William Q. Beck. SOT Falling bldg. 1 1 LOANS at lowest r(ea oa farnltnre, plane: . sny sscnrlry note purchsaed. Baatera Loaa efflos, 446 Sbertock Tbldg. : MONEY TO LOAN on Improved dty property, . In sums tn suit, Psrriau., Watkla A Co.. , 250 Alder t.. . . i; ' ' THK CREHTKNT IA1AN COMPANY Salary loans, from three to six months; eoaflqeatial. - 21T Orcttoulaa. . . ,- . ' .. . - ' ' MONF.Y TO IX) AN on Cl.Htnms eonaty land. . EF. aad P. B, Riley, BOB Chamber ef Com. POBTLA1KD.PEAL RSTATB LOANS. 8 AND S , -, . " T -T I M. a tlM u e. t-.M 1U. rmav 1 . . ve.iiun v.u. MONEY to loan. Vr cent. Northrop A kins. iu-aii 'twaaiecrlsl block.--"-. '. TO LOAN I00 to (3.600 by Chsrlee BlrataL aeva inirq St., room a. 1 ., -. . MONEY to loan (10.000 at S per eeat ea dty. properxy. zia atarg av. , . MONEY TO LOAN Apoly to Robert A. kuDer. wm . ommerciai niock. - XBSTTXAHCX.' ISAAC I . WHITE, are laaaraaea. SOB Dskam IAS. Mrl. WOOD, employers' HsblHty and ta. aivuiuai acciaenv surety oonos et au Pboa 4T. 803 M-Kay bldg. H. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Fir tnaamaea. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregoa Pboae Clay 628. FIRB INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy A C., 331 Sherlock bldg. Phone Main ISoa. SELF-PLAYING HAN OS Cecilia a eelf-play. lag plaao pronounced the beet by lee ding iDunicisns; also x.eciusn pisno peaj Wills Masto Hoaae, 860 AUtor at. SECOND-HAND musical Inxtrameato ef all kind at lowest prices, cash or iaatauxseata. Flaher Maal Co.. 100 Third L MR. AND MRS. TI: A. WBBBBR. mnK nstsi 11 n, guitar Ins tract to. Main zosa. 171 w. park. atASBAOX. ' WANTED Apprentice, Americsn Beauty Par. lors, -now out Aioer, scaip ana tace mssasgs. , FRENCH ladles give bath and auaaag treat- ment. ZOR Firtb at. Phone slain eiuo. - MAOBino HXAlnia. PROf,- Hv- T CUelMl.XBV- Nashville. Mount Scott eae line, bed habit. Phone Uuloa 16CL Ltata, Or. , si; .PoatefOc MRS. U H. HART uccesaf.lly treat all dm. esses; . method taught. "New Thought reading-room. Sll Tooroy bldg. Main 4173. , OvXXALLS, BOBS OF THB ROAD ATBBALLS aad rcbaa le' clothing; anion mad. - Jieaatadtet Bran, . BieBafaeturar, Portland, Or. PIAB6 TTm8. GBOROB ANDERSONS-Rzpert plana toner aad reneirui. Headquarters risher hum ux, Phone Bed P83. - - " ' pxxss ourraoA MA KB M0NEYI UBB PRESS CLIPPTNGSI Ring ap Black 11 aad era a axonta's sorvlos, covering svery towa la any at all oeaet states: dally aissssmi service : sdrsac re ports on nil eantract work, Portland efsea 100 Second rt, , pLArnra. EASTERN PLAT1NU CO.. - 248)4 Alder Gold. silver, ' copper, alckel aad brass . pis ting. Jewelry work' gpeclalty. Pboae Mala 3SM. THB ORE00N PLATING WORKS, 481 Wash ington st. Pboaa 3676. PoUshing. plaUs; sd bicqnerisg. PLUMBERS. NBDVIDECK A WATK1NDS, plumbing aad gaa fitting. SSI Third atreeL Pbon hUla-Blua. : DONNBRRBRG ' A RADEMACBBR, sal tery plamber 84 Foarth st. Peck FOX A CO.. mnltary plumbers. 331 Second bet. Main and Salmon.- Oregoa Phoa Mala 3001. ' PXTBTTBO. BUSHONO A CO. Front aad Stark ata, prin. Ing,- Htnogrephlag, btonh booh aad faea applle; work dene on time: most complete printing office la the west. Msla 10 i. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, priottne. llthogrsrblng. blank book. Pboae aula IT. " 308 Aider t. - , PA1BTS, OIL ABD BLABS. F. E. BEACH A CO. Pioneer Paxkt Co., esitlng , tb heat thing mad la palnth and general building msterisla: window -a-la SB and glasinB glsHaai a specially. 133 Ftrst sL Pboae Mala 1834. BASMUS'RN A CO. Jobber, paint, oil, glass. sssh snd ten. Second aaa 1 Taylor. BTTBBXR STAMPS. Mala Tin; rabbcr Minis, see Is, stsnrlla. rare, trsd cbeckat send for cstslos-ss. "5T xoomrB. fc AtCe eV m. TIN ROOFINO, gnrtcrlrr. rerelrink and general Jobbing, i. Loan. 11J gerrereaa sx. aorx. PORTLAND CORDAGB CO. Oomev Foorteeath ; and Northmp sts.. Portland. Or. SBOWOASXaf AJTB FIXTTJXIS, SHOWCASES nf evsry decr1ptloa bank, bar and store fiitares made to order. The Lath . Manufacturing Co... . Portland. . SATES.-' . asa-aaeaak-eXeBeexaaaW 3-INCH' thlck wall, aot fireproof; repair gen erslly: exchanged safes, bargain In these; t Cantoa steel eel Hag; Dtebold work. Inelodlag - -slls; Investigate. J. B. Dsvtsi SS Third PL 1: SX0BAOX ABB TXABSFXl. BAFK8, pis sos and femttere moved, packed ready tor shipping; and shinned: all work gnara Bleed; lanre. S-etory. brick, firs prsnf nvarebonse for etong. Office 133 First t C. M. OLfEN.. Paoae Mat 64T. - C. 0. ClCK. f6re 88 First at., between Stark and Oak err,: phone 804; plsnog and fnrnttave moved and niched for shipping; rnmmodtee l flre-proef. brick warehouse. ; Froat aad riF eta. - 1 .- -v v -I' SToraor ete..te ef In one pew bntldlng. , 374 Wster st. Slfler MllUng A Cemaroanoa enrnpsay-. . s. . - TmxEm. r I TIATK choice piee nf timber land to souther Oygoa for t, eae p. A A JoaraaL 'f J TOR noiWKTEADR. timber claim, and aerlS apply to iWB CemmrlaJ block. , , "I 1 1 r, "Be He.