The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 22, 1905, Image 11

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Da' DISCS' v
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III ' llal l1
IILL.. .LI1L 111
. ; i 7 -
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"u ' : " i
tka a nti
Entered at tha hhMIm of aVaWlsao Ac.
fur traaerurtatloa Ureugk tke Ball m Maist
fUn sr single reples: Tar m t, 10 te 1
if Mitr, 1 cot; l ia W gags, i seals) St
44. pages, I etota. .... . 77 , .
VreeteaS-Bangaaaln Speetal Aduertlslag ipMi
J "JIT etreet, w York Tribune Mild
; tag ticage.-- i
mnuiTioi SATO.
by Oat. ..' V
J5l ft!!' i""!. tth Sunday, i year., .r g
-'ft J!"' J""!, with asnosj, aseatne. IT
Tb Ds 1 1 V'Jnnma 1 a .... IN
15 Dallr JooraaL meetbe
TV at It, it., t i i.. m. .
Pail Jearaal, with Sssds'r. I ssaefb. l.SS
i Pllr Joaraal, a monthe.;., 1-JJ
I Dalle Il a..rj 1 eak . U
, .Tbe Belle Jonrm.1 . C . I Loth
'." lieSj' .. uuUrA, Buadsy
laa teaur, ''irk,'',nii.'''Bmii'f
7 exeegted 4
; - - V'TrSa by
But by HaA, '.
urlta Sunday. 1 yeer.,'.W.0B
1 yt v J2
wttk Sued, t BMiba. ITS
T ntty Jramrt,
Tb Journal.
Thus s"ss Mm -
1? !"T Jeurnel, Btontk.... X-t
Tha Dally Joaraal. wit tmttf, I assets. l.BO
gatly Jomaai! t aioetbs ....... l-
Tha Pally Journal, with Stmoay, 1 eaoott,. .
IS " '". Ijnaath..... .
. Tp Sunday Joarnalf T 7Mfn..u .. I-JS
Iha tiuaaay Jaamal.' aVnantha-.TTSvvi'. -W
Th. Cami-WaaUy JaafmaT '
Tha flanl-Waakly -JoaraaJ.' ta It faa .
a- taaa, IllaatntaaV. tall Mrkai n.
part, 1. yar fl.M
k'ttlttaara ahaald ha audo hvrfto. aoat.1
at, t lanaa anlcn tnll aaomta ara
' caaptahM la aa4 hnkiHiin atanM.
"r-a,a mill
lartlaa," Qnraw.
A80TX0V m TOKOaUtOir. ,
' Br J. T. WlhMa. 1M Wra ' atrrat. at t
tm. Mala' at foarral beoaraeld taralahlaca
ha ael t aa Mock. i. T. Wikwa, ana.
tioriaar. -
r Part la d4 AvHm kXnaM. til fbat atraot,
at 10 a. aa. gat f (u kl4a at Ivraitara.
(ia A. Lwtt, aorttaarrr.
By Oa. Bakor Ca.. Park aa4 A WW tifta.
at 10 a. a. Bala M laarral faraUhiaf. Gaa.
Makrr V Ca., aarttaaai ra.
Tha anrth Partflr atona raaHaara ctatral off
.the aorikwaat roaat al Waaklnctoa. It haa
ratiaaal hlfk wtnaa and (lira it n, aa4 taa
aral ralaa la Otf ana Waablawtaa waat a(
tka Caarada nanDtaina. At tba moath at tha
.(Mnmbla rlarr tk wlad .attalaad a aalortty
af 04 atllro aa haw fraaa tba aaathaaat. whlla
at tha ratraara ta th a trait at Jnaa 4a fara
a piaillar aaladty frara tha aaath la rraartad.
, Tha atana waralnca ardarad at all aaaporta
la tha dlatrlrt Wadnraday aaormiac want coa
tlaard thla Bnralag at t:W a. a.
. Tha ladlratlaaa ara far raatlnaad aaaattlad
wratbar with rala'la tha aarth Pacific atatva
. Thwraday, rierpt la aaathrra ldaha, whan fait
.watbaMrlU llkaly rontln -. .. y ,
Waddloa Carda. . O. "rtMi a Ca..' WaaV
lataa hldu aar. r aarth aad Wahlatoa ata.
aa Biaaua Cltr aar Haa. laaaa
aMIwaadl vodara.' artraUftr. aaaplata. Aanjoa
Aaaita, ajB rairaraa. w. naitara a a. aa.
ta 9. m. Partlaad Craantlo aainiUttaa.
(hJttlaad, Oragaa, .
-' A Bdward Ilalaaaa CuaartaktaaT wpaay,
foaaral dwaetart mad Mabalaara. BM Thlra
tract. Phoaa aOT.
I. F. rtalaf Baa. fnnartl dlractora aad
rmhalmara, eoraar Third aad htadlaaa atrtata.
Vfflea at ceuaty eorainr. Talrpaoa hula
- raaaitl wraatha aad cat dawora a aaaalalty
at Baaa City Orcanhoaoa. Twaaty aaaaad aad,
: Bast Marrlaaa, ap. eaaaatory.
V.. inniiifcriTP
' ' AliuUIilLlHd
rotartet' i-.????.?! . .c. .. . I'atsie as
Bostnss Orftce.... .................. .ktsla -SOS
. ' r;, ; - ; - ;
J Municipal Leagiit Is Determined
That thr City kaw Shall
v ''' 8e Enforced.
. w matter attention
Belief General That the Body
4 Will Declare the Enactment
Valid Next Month.
' Thd ManlclpaJ )eana and other foreao
that caused tha adoption of tha" ordi
nance prohibiting- boxes In aaloona and
roatauranta where liquori ara aold, hara
not relaxed their vlailanca In eeelnf
that tha caa' la proaepted atrongly to
tha eoorta. '
Two caaea 'ara now bfore the ra
pram court oa appeal from tha circuit
court In whjeh tha aaloon and reatau
rant ownera' ara-atrlvlna; to defeat-tha
anforcamaiU ot tha ordinance In Port
land. Taatcrdajr, when tha caao waa ar
irued la Salem, tha Municipal leayu f
Portland had John Bajroe praaent to
aaalat In presenting tha argumenta of
the, aupportera of the ordinance. ,
Councilman H. R. Albeo also attended
Jha. hearing. Ha haa followed tha pro
ceduro aa tha ordinance haa been carried
through tha council and the . local
courts, and haa watched It carefully to
e that no effort la spared - to eecnro
Ita eeubllshmetit aa a valid law with
the, auction of the highest tribunal Ja
the state. .... " . .
Yesterday, when the case waa up for
at hearing. John P. Cavanaagh, chief
tlrputr cltjr attocpey, represented the
aulYportars rof (ne ordinance, and.' wiade
an argument that la aaid by members
ef'ttie Municipal league to har been
amble, and that Is -exiracted lo con
vince the supreme coart of the validity
Of the ordinance. M. U Pipes' hd, Johd
r." Logan argued for the objectors
A decision la, looked for in about
1 month, and the members of the Munici
pal league are hopeful that it will be
ta aupport ot 'tha ordinance. -. .
;.:,1 ;- troaac nM-wvn.
r "- Weather bureau report state that the
wind la to miles an hoar at North Head.
- and storm warning are ' atili up' all
along the . ooaat north fit Marshfleld.
' The Columbia rtTer bar ta obscured, and
' the probabilities) are that no vessels will
be able to put to sea. for a. day or two.
The Indleatlona ara that the storm will
continue tomorrow. The maximum ve
locity of the wind ' last ' night waa 4
. mllea.' Tha river la still rising at the
rata of about a .foot a day . . k
- : ' i Another battered 120 gold piece haa
boerr found that la believed to have
; bef n -paaaed by efie of the Tebanon
i bank robbers. It waa idepoalted, by the
'J lAafthde, crasmrry In -the t'nlted
: States National bank. 'aJtd by Jt turned
r-Over to-hortff Word. ..Kvldence ta be-"7-1
Anm ollected 'beerlng oa the Lebanon
aa,T-whlch la growing stronger every
. dayt . , " ' y - .
'i taJd head l an rrxema nf-the ncalp
t very severe snmW linra, but It ran be
;icurd. Ioan'a OlnAutent, ojuick and rr
C manent In Ita roauUa. At. any drug
7 ,atora,,IO caaU.- : . -V
'--i ' ' ...
Eg Hop Raiaers Around Aurora
Awaiting an Advance Says'
V Henry Snyder.
Poultry Is Active and Unchanged
-Dressed Veal Down-
: ; Dressed Hogs Firm, j ;
Fraat Btreat. Tab. 22. The principal features
of tba FertUad whnlreala aiarkata tadty ara;
Beaaa eotrd klhv aad Braa.
Kiraa taerh e with large, receipts. "
Poultry la srtlra v aaobaaf ad. . .
. Bona amall daaaaad far floor. , . , ,
. Irop la real with hoary receipt 1 - -, ,
Drcaaed hoes are grawv. ' ' '-
, Hop grewora are asala holdlof. , I
Onloa aaarket raarliea higher. ' ,
Warai waalher will help hah receipts. "
, Foar ears Callfarala pradare la. : it r
' Craaawry hatter leaks, higher. . 1 .
i ---'aa "T ' C Is- Jtv,
' map wrowars Are Balaiag AgW .
There la. a .ehaaga 'la tha tosf of the hep
taarart. Tha grawara ap the valley are agala
holdJos oaaaa ef them aakliaj lav- for.rbolee,
while ethera are geiag b wait antll the market
reerbes aoe. . Keary Bayder, publisher af the
Aerera Bnrealla, whs waa ' la the city today,
aayai "The hop grewera la the vtrlalty of
Aarard are gelag to hold for aa adcaoea la
an coa. Boom af tbea are pnlox ta wait nntfl
the Barkrt gees hark to SOr a . peaad. bat
ethera aew alralty their lataatloa of aclllag
whea tha aaarket reached toe tor eha'ee stock,
la the A Brora dlatrlet there are amre bona
hoi a held tha a la aay ether ataee, aa thla
la the baaaer growlag aeetloa." Dealera la
thla eity aay that they are n cable to get arders
erea St Bgerea anoted aader thf preaeat Bar
hat. Osa large dealer received aa. order yaov
tarday for haps at Set. hat Bade aa effort
to eeeare the storks, as be said the growers
woald sot cell, aad ha did aot care ta aa
tagoalaa their lataroeta. .,. ;
" Xn Teach Twaaty Coats. "
The ssarket for froch raach ega Is tower
again today. May aalra' helag made at-goe
per doer a. . Late yeatarday cfternooa oae of
the dealera who haadlea Callfarala agya cold
hla reaaialag ataeka at lc. whlla aaother
aaerehaat sold aoaaa fraah Oregoaa at .
hecaaae he thaaght the market ..woald eaaily
yo- to that Bgnra today. The reeelpta eonttnae
very beary. If the preaeat downward or
meat eoanaaae cold ataraga -operstloas will
begta aioch earUre thla year tha a la aeeal,
There will he a very beary deaaaad for rag
during the Lewie aad Clark fair, aad dealer
ara preparing their eappllee aeeordlagly. Leat
aeaaea egsa were pat la cold storage arooad ISc
roaltry Is Active Sat Vaaaugog.
The poultry market la active, hot prices are
anehaaged. The reeelpta today ware ulte
Hheral, hat deaaaad was greater aad sll arrl.
vale were said at the top. - The mppllas of
taaae greae are toe heavy aad storks are aeean
.dieting. There to a Bcoderate deacaad for tame
aa well aa wild dwrke areand preaeat Bgaraa.
ni demand for turkeys to fan- for the dreaaed
tockar hut lira birds are a trifle slow.
Borne tmaU Samaad far TUm.
Qnlte a aeaaber of laoolrtrc foe Ooar were
received today from the middle west, hot the
ealee were very amall. Borne eemple eera are
being aeat eat lato that aeetloa to enable the
trade there ta try the Oresoa product. The
wheat market to dull oa aeraaat of the dosing
a( the eaatera exchanges teday.
Drop ia Teal Vitfe Heavy SVaeeipta.
Rccelota ef veal were liberal along the a Irani
Today and niora BKXlcrite weather eaaacd a
alight rut la tha prtceo.. aw euioaau aoac
are arrirlag, -hut the demaad la fuljx ap ta
Us supply at preaeat ruling vslaea... .. ,
. . ..Oatoa alarket Aeaohaa Higher. i- '
The- on ton market to aew very arm. Today
dealers were offering aa high as 3.50 at roan
try ahlpplag polata. The eotaida markets re
port a'rery Ira tone, with prices, held ap te
the high polata. The . jobbing , price shows ne
changes today....;
Varmat Weather WlU Help lias Beoaipta.
A roatlaaasee of the preaeat warm ape II
with good ralaa will do maea to help tha re.
clpta of both as I neon aad emelt from - th
Columbia river; Both of three lines have ahowa
aa extreme aearclty of late. : , .-
r"- fAvamory Batter Leaks Higher.'
. hwa to a Brmer teae te th creamery batter
aaerket. , Reeelpta ronttnoe andee tb dentoad
end dealera are talking ef advanctag prices
during th next few days.. A few smsll ahla
mcntt'of coaatry . store batter are being r.
eelved. Demaad la exoclleat at goad valaes. ,
- Ftoaty ef ywdaea ta lUrhots.
1 Two ear8 ef celery, and eauUftewer arrived
todavWnaa the soath; also two car ot mixed
rear at b. JTh markets are sow well annplled
With arena greene of all kinds.. Bweet potatoes
are firmer, as I celery. The eraage market
la California to reported better for fancy a tec a.
Today'a whotoaal oaotaUosa, as rerlaed. arc
aa follow) , .
Oraic,' JTear aad lead.
UrFKAT Ctnb and red, B7S8c; btucatam,
Bzc; vcller, see.
BABXBX-reed. IM.B0; rottod. 24.00; hrew-
lnCflPN Whole. tMM; cracked. (35.80 par
tofj, ..,... -' t
RTB 1 68 per ewt. '
OATBrrodaoara prieaa We. 1 white, fxs.OO;
TrtorB Keetera Oregea -r- Patoata, e.B;
stralthu. ga.Wi valley. fJ0: grahasa, Ua,
U 9: ina. 4 4; rye. ' S.(0; halea. $Xt.
MIIXBTrKKB Braa, .00 per toe mid
dlings. (x.00 shorta. country, gt.u0i ebep,
glS.OO, .; A .
HAT Trod Beers' price Timothy, WllltBrette
valley, faacy, 1 14.00) lg.OOJ; ardlaery.. lAOcl
Id. Oft! eaatera Oregoa, flt.onwld.00; mixed,
tt.06IS.(; clovar, ll.00d12.Mr , grala.
gu.oosix.ou; . eaeai. eii.weaTia.uu.
utter, Eggs aad faultry.
BT7TTKR FAT Bweet. glet aoar.. fg. '
- BrTTKct -r- City ereaaMry. best. 32V,e;
eeoad grade. XT He: outside faaey. gne; erdl
aary. tlWci CaHforala. ; store, ldCJlae. ,
KOOH No. 1 fresh Ore son, Hue.
CHKK8B Kew fall cream, -twla, llej
Toueg Americsi lH! eaatera,1 l&e)lHe)
Cbeddar. lie.
POULTRT Chickens, mixed, lilajlgue per
lb; hea. UHeisc per U: mooters, old, 12V
per tb; young, lite pee rh; broilers. ITHe per In;
fryers, IHc per lb: ducks. gH.0vrl0o0 aer dnc;
peece. SttOr per lb; tnrkeya, 17918 par , lb I
dressed, 4mj2JV,e pre lb.-"-, .
WILD OA MB Teal. II. TS; wldeeoa. 10g
alUraV tSoO) eaavaaaacfc, as.sotja.00.
BofreuV Wvsvl saeBBcl TltAut,
r.H0rB Ooatracta,' lang, lki7et 1804 erop,
a4c for choice;. le for firm aad asedltrme.
WOOL Contract 100S el In. Uiac! valley,
enaree to medium, ta411TaB,.lialae east
era Oregon, 16c. , r
MOHAIR NomlnefT xdgjmc.
, gHKH'KIN8 gaesrtog. loeMOcj abort Weal,
tottmc; SMdlum wool, fctj0c; toafe waat,
0cgl.00 each. , 1
TA1XOW trUs,per To, dOBej Ka. aad
ThitAS SaBPT de per to; buying price. -:
BIDE Dry hidea, ito. 1. Jg ba aad up,
llHo pee lb; dry kip. So. 1, g te i lbs,
14c; dry calf. No. 1. aader t lbs. lx ISc! dry
salted hldra, steers, sound, go lbs or over, tWtt
He; fio to BO Iba. StjKHc; aader go jb. and
cow, ntjts He; tars and bulla, aaand, gftTr;
kip, la to 90 Iba, Be;, aoand. 10 t 14 Iba, j
He; calf, sound, under 10 Iba. HOItc: greea
tanaalted). 1 per lh Iras; eulle, r per lb Ireal
horsa bines . cited, each., Sl.Xtai.Tn; dry,
each. 1.00dl.0; eolt hides, each. aR)aOe
goat skins, aommoa, each. l04glAe. Angora;
wwco..(SM- r;
- POTATO wa Biet Oragaa. aoeltl.OO; bap.
era, T5lsr: second grade, gOe par sack; buy
lag pries, eOt be; rweeta, beat, ll.AucJI o;
ereted, tl.SB; new California. PHae aer lb. .
ONIOND ga.TBetX.00; barer' prlcas, aoaatry,
1X.X5; garlic, oerlu pee la. "
rBESH rRClTS Apples, extra fsaey, . faaev Oregaa, fl.O per boa;
ebeaa jnradea, TIW as aesr eraacras,
navel ft.JBI.S paf -Us; aeedlinga, glB
pee box; tangertaea, 1.T pee . bos Ja
eresgee. gOwdA per box; haaaaaa. ge par lb)
leaMoa. choice. s2.t- ned box; raacr. ga j j
pee box: Itmea. btesieaa. Ofte par 100) ptao
sesaaa, ersahsrrtsc. aastara, U.W gar
VcWBTABLKB Taralaa.'gl.o per aaefct asr.
rata, gl.Oo nee sac; beers, gt.xo pee see;
Oreeea redlabes, ISe pee doa; eebbaga. Oretrsa.
I TS ewt: CaliraratB, l.x; lettuce, hothoaae
ii ar.4tl.TK eeatei greea pipaw. Tc aer R ehlU
aepprr. ISe rse mt eeierr, saayma per doa;
natoea. t stlforela, l(io4i21; parsatpa. TVei
: e( plant. I2e pee lh; etrlae heeaa, lit;
iligower, gl.TS4t2.00 pee eeate: batter baaaa.
get puaroklaa. le re rbt horsercdlsa Tda pt
Ibi spreata. Tc arttcaebea. 1.00dtl xk per doai
peee, ine per Tht eueambera,. Caleferato hat-
booas, ft .Tn 0"; eem-osoaa. 4.VI ana. . . i
DBTKD yBriTBAeplea.- evaporated. Tf
see lb; arieota. H1Te par lW; seeks. A,
par B mm; paaehaa. gdJlB par lh paara, i-iw
4 Today la Waahtng-ton'a birth-
4 day. It Is a legal holiday, and
d aU tha Dnancial and other mare
4 keta are cloaed with. tb. esrap-
4 Uon of those In Portland. The
d grlri and stocks taarketav and tn
d fact all the mgrkeu will be open
d tomorrow. .
- ' . ;'-. " 1' .. ;
per m; prunes, Italian. H44Ve. par. Tb
Trench, IHr4 Par tot Callforsla black.
tvS'te per lb; Calltornla white, per lb;
plum, pitted. per tb: data, goloaa. g
pa lb; lard. ll-BO per IS-lb has. ,
gnOAB gaefc koala Cubs. ga.aO; aowdered.
ao.ioi I mil graaaiatea, -ud; dry graaataiao,
to. 06; beet graoalated. .S6; extra- JO,
K.U; go Idea C.. 41.40; bbla. luej U hole, Be
boxes, hue dvaj aa aack hula, lea Sua ewt
for cash, II days;, aupla, 14ukiC par ta.
BONKT 14 H Inc. ' -.
CorrgB facssa bra ode. gig.. ' '
HALT Hoe bess, 2s, ai. 4a, Oa, Mm. 1.W;
table, dairy, aoa, ill.OO; 100,' tlu.TB; laa
orted UrerpeoL Os, glT.OO; lota. $1AM
4a. gld 00; extra Baa. bbla. ha. as. aa, 10a.
Haocto.soi haik, ao U. . gs-oucg-oo; aaexa,
g ALT Coarse Half frosid. - 100a. per" sea.
PT.oo: 60s, per tea. gT Bo: Lirerpeol lump rock,
la.60 per tea; ho-lb reck, gT.Ov; 100. d.To.
(Above prices sppty to nates of less tha gar
lota. Car lata st special pries subject to
gurtuatloa.! . .
OBAIN BJOB CclcetU. !. eO per 100.
RICE Imperial Japes, No. 1. dike: Ne, a. 4c;
Kew. Orlaaaa, head, AAJsa, f Hi
Creole, sc. . !
. BBAN8 Small white, 4c; large white, tH:
pbik, 3H'; hayou, Umaa, atexlcaa
NUTI-Peeuat. TUet lumhaa. Bit Per tbt
raw, eeio as lb: roasted. : coeoaaate.
cotrBOe pae doa; walast. 14 4)1 Be per lb) pine
nam. lOtglSHe per lb; hickory aats. 10 per tot
elieetauta. eaatera, IstDMe per lb; Braatl aura,
le par lb; filbert. , uofde pre lb; faacy
peaaae, MdJIB per tot almoads, MOla per lb.
, Patots, Coal Oils. St. j,
BOPB Pare htaalla, )4ei atandard, Ufe
leal. 1044c : letto bread BaseL : '
COAL OIL hri ar Astral Caaox, Bid per
gal; water wklte. lroa bbla. UH. pa gal)
wooden. iTe per gal; headlight 17tf-deg, enaas
tea per gal; Iran bbla, MHe par gal,
LIaSCBD OIL Pare raw la bbla. Me per gal,
eaaee gl par gal; geaaiaa kettle boiled, ease
Stfe par gal, bbla la per gal; ground cake,
ear lot tUS.OO ps too, loco the car lota tiW.vP
'"oasoLITTb ag-aag. eaass BBs per gsl,' tree
hbls Bde per gel; slave, eases BtHe per gal.
iron Doic ice per gal.
t BKNBINcV-gVdeg.
hbla. 18Heper gaL
IBe per g tooa
gbe par gal weeded
bbla, ale per gal, lroa hols, TP per gal, 10-lb
cue him ase
I LEAD Too lots. TH par B MsMb
per lb; less lots ae per lb.
MAILS Preaaat haa at tlBB. ..
tots. T
. WlsH
BUsta. Flah aad giailslm
PRC8H MEATS Froat etre Beef, atasra.
4tt He per lb; pork, block, -TgpM per lh;
packers. Tt per lb: bulla, BHe per lb:
cows. SOS He per lb) saattaa. wethar Bad
lassos. 7c; ewes, ge; veal, extra, gHODC par
lb; ordinary. SrUe per lb. 4 - '
RAMA. BAOO!. BTC. Poriland naek (toeall
bama. 10 to 14 Iba, 1H per lh) 14 ha Id lbs.
izfcd per lb; ia to xo las. ixu pee m; oactage.
Be par lb; brock fast bacoa, litgige per lb;
ptrnto. 'BHo per lb; regular abort eleara, an
amoked, 014 per lh; cmoked, 10H per lb; dear
back, aanamked, e per lb; aaaoked. le
par lb; Vetou butts. 10 to IS lbs. uaeaaoked. he
per lb; amoked. a per lb; clear bellws, -aa.
smoked. 11 per lb) aaaeked. IBs per lb.
LOCAL LA.KD Ret tic leaf, 10s. lOHe per
lb; ha, lOHe per lb; sO-lb tins. 10H per lb;
team raaderad, 10. g4e per lb; aa, SVh pa
tb; tubs. e4e per th; hoc. e per Tb.
.. CANNED BALMON ColambU river 1-lb tslsm,
tl.SS; t-lh tails, llttO; fancy l ib lata, ga.00;
H-lb fancy tats, il.go; fancy 14b era la. ga.T6:
Alaaka tall, plak, aotSMei red, $1M; seminal
ae. tall, ga.00.
FISH Rock cod, Te par Th: Bounders, te per
Th; halibut. Be per lb; crabs, 1.7A per ana;
striped baaa, 104) lHe per lb; eataeh, Te per
lb salmon, Columbia river. Chinook. iavc;
ateelheada. 10 per lb; frosea aUveraidaa; T
pee lb; bcrrlng 6e per lh: eokrc, go par Th;
ahrimpa.'lOe per lb; shad, dim is, per lb;
nee lb: black cad. de Dec Tb: Oolamota
r to:
aaelt, de per lb; aUrer (rsjelt, ft ae
lobsters, 13 He; fraah paatckorsl. ge po
erawflch, 20c per aoa; flouaoars, he pa
r to;
r lb;
mrgeea. Te per in.
Of STEBB Bboalwtter bay, per gal
per each. g4.00 set: Otympta,' par eack,
CLAalS Hard abell, per hex. gXOOj
Clam, gl.00 par has.- -- - ...
' Porttoad Talon Btockysrua. reb. 21 The bog
market retalna Ha former good eu-ength. but
the high pricee hare atarted a awvemegt -from
the east In this direction. A yard official
aaya: "Tell ehlbpera to took 0t. Tog know
what happened to Oregos potato growers when
they held their storka back and Colorado snipped
her potatoes to the coast. v-Tttia may be re
peated la hogs. Iook out." The receipts to
day: ia hoes and T01 sheep.
Official ruling prices today" for II restock:
1, Hoars Best eaatera Oregon. gd.W; tight
blocker aad Chin fata.. 16.00435.79; stock era
ld feeders, $4,504(5.00. -i
rattle Best eaatera Oregaa steer. gt.OOel
tab; light snd aiedlum steers, fn.lW)3 7ft;
cows, t3.00dt3.2ff;, medium cows, t2.hOAAa.Tft;
old and light eows stocksr and feeder,
f3.0o2Jtn; bulla. tL60,2.00.
riheep Beat faacy sheep.- e4.XO4.B0; ewes,
ti-OO. - ... .. y..
Charged With Forgirtg Railroad
' Ticket, Requisition Papers' 1
Are Granted for Him. '1
' Tha fight sgalnat . ticket brokers
waged by the railroads of tha country
haa caused the coming of a ..detective
and a repreaontailve of the railroads
from Bt. Louis to Portland and the issu
ance of requisition papers wherewith to
take H. O. Caapary to St. Louis on a
charge of forging a railway ticket- Caa
pary, who haa been In d;b. county Jail
since laat Friday, at the Inertaricd) of the
BU Lpula officer, at first waived requl
slttorr papers, but, on tha advice of
friends, altered hla decision and de-
Tnadded that proper authority be secured
before he would go to or JUiOUis. ,
Caapary is a member of the West era
Real Eatate .company. Spa Waahlngton
street, his partner being H. A. Teatard.
The latter whd went to at, LoOla volun
tarily, "Is wanted oa the name charge as
(hit lodged against Caapary-'
i"I have no fear of the outcome of the
prosecution."' - aald -Caapary today. -Vat
I have already beuxtefe-the rallwaya In
four oaaea In St Louis tn which I waa
arrested for contempt of court. Laat
aummer th railways obtained an In
junction against th aale of expnejltlcn
excursion' tickets by the brokers. As
soon as this injunction was secured, my
partner and I aold our brokaracg bus!
nee and aold aa mors tickets. , ; . v
.nAjMariaw tom TTJroaTjrso. : j
i Calalrretto Vlncenao, who waa . with
Joe JFloretello when the ' latter com
muted "buicide to avoid arrest' for the
murder ef Amelia, glrlanni, la p" aaoel by
th officers with a vengeance, that prom
ises hla early capture.. Vlncenao was
a-member- of, the Italian army;' and a
photograph cX-hinx In bla uniform bag
been obtained "By bepaty Sheriff Cor
dano, who ia fallowing clewe'that ar
expocted to lead to hla arrest, If found,
he will be charged with being sn-ae-eeaaory
after 'the fact of th murder,
la aasjatln riorebello la hiding from
the offleere. ' Vlncenao Taaaao, who waa
treated several day axo by Deputy
Cords no, laheid In th county Jail and
will anawer t. the same charge, v. "-'
ui-i-x i i . i 1 1 , lj l lj la
(udllacl t -
Painkiller SZZ
, fssssjatael ts p9fmitrOA
M" left ajB-Stwai dwey
Crop of Oregon Reaches1 Six
' Thousand Five Hundred Cars
J. ;. for Last Season. "
Hit Prices Earlier. In Season
V Stop Outside ; Sales r v
- Par.r.ia,BJna 45.113
cmflWItpV g J W WW -UtaPUaTI
potato statistics or OSCOOtf.
-l"- i . ' - . Cat.
Crop ; ......a.. .....V. .e.(V0
Hold to outside 6I0
Home oaaaumptioa ..................,..
L'naold, east aide. ...... S00
Unsold, west aide 4in
t ssold, eaatera Oregoa......,...,.,...,. a0
Laeaid, cattard ...'..........,- SOU
According to the ' government agurea Oregoa
last year raised Aani.Mg buabala ot potatoes,
which means pnu.-tlruUy g.WiO ears. ' ot thla
amount avt mora than ene-grth wa graded
aa fancy, whll th remalodor tuaged from
poor to cool os. '
The 1904-6 iisais haa beea a very goad ana
for tha potato gtowei at Oregon, notwtth
ataadlag the fact that the price eg petaiees
at tha percent time to aot very Jalsa.
The season opened with potatoes toning In
this market around 10 aad (U.TB per 100
pounds. At this agare tx-nr waa a ahrpptag
demaad at all en aecouat ot the very law
prtceo rullag la. the aaarkets 4a ether ata tec
Oregoa growers ware, for Instance, cut eat
ef the Arlaena aad Texas markets oa aceouut
of the very .le valaes ruling la Culicadc and
the cbesper; gradee of Csllforala river stork
kept th OrVnoa potato aalee ceaflaed ta their
aome territory
Along ia the sere part af Bavambee the prices
In this atarket
ad declined eutliriaatiy te
allow the dec lor to purchase stacks est I
try at about TOe per KM pound, and
all ehlDmsels were made at that time.
Laat year the price of potatoes opened at about
He. ' and farmer war quit willing se aell
at that price oa aecouat ef the large erap la
this atate. The reverse wsa the esse thla sea
son, and gteaets were loath se de aay h salaam
aader the dollar mark. .
Laat aeeaoa there waa a gaaeral shortag
la th potato crop all through the eoautii wit
the possible exception of the states ef Oregoa
and Washlngtoa. Thla made It panel bis with
soma alight anaatpuleUna for tba dealers ta
boost the pries ap to about tl.go toward the
ead .of the aessoa, Bvea tbea so roe of the
dealer were not satisfied aad held over their
stocks .antll th totter part af the araaoa, wait,
lug for tbe market ta touch the Be mark. This
It nevar did. end meet ef the iialira tost money
during tbe yeer aa a result.
Thla year tbe erop ef puts tons tbreeghant
tha Wilted States wsa very heavy, the yield
being s32.KW.SO0 be .US la. or, la fact, tbe tore-
In the history af tb country, la lm tb
prod actio
of Dstatoea ia the Catted Btati
amounted to a4T.12T.HOl bushel.
At ' the nreeent UOe ahere to oulte a snod
daauUMl for the fancier gradea ef Oregoa Bur
banks, hut dealers, are enable to offer the
art t
asaee ay the growers to eutaiue mer
betne to tow so admit
er taem puyin
man wie ana me ser loo
etrlctly selected varieties.
Investigate These
tSOOO For a I very handsome, strictly
modem nine-room residence in
' ' ' one of th awelleat waat side
, localitlea, cloe im - .
SenWOWFor a very beautiful lS-acre
. country place. Fine eight-room
'residence, beautiful; new barns
, - - stut fUtior hnlldlngs ... One PlUg
.station. It milea out; to fare..
faaOQi' Very beautiful new aeren-room
house. Modern . convenlenoee.
t'orner lot. .Centrally Joca ted in
' . j Suanyalde. '. A beawtiful home
and a big anapv. v- - -15B0
Very - beautiful new - five-room
cottage. Concrete basement,
. modern conveniences, full lot In
-;. Highland. . ' I
f TOO Neat four-room cottage, good
. barn, with i ground contalninit
about 4 aerna. Choice fruit.
Kfght blocks station. Clsckamas.
TomH Vera rta tn Barratms VatU
.. Teaj Sew
149 rzmaTT BTTmnT.
S iCnOlc quar
o modern
rot La gee. near
K. litn. and
I iwinp vur tium own ivr lum
C H. KORELU til Washington at
On ' th
of ttt
V nil
sised 60x100. improved bualnaaa lot oa
Fourth st root, two blocks from Morrii
eon st, now rented at 1170 per month:
aay terma. "T "
C H. KORELU 251 Waahlngton at
For tit down and t9 jier tron th. Choice
lots tldo, t down and tl a month, tlec-"
trie ears, to Tare, l V '
sstnaTT oar
sos VAAxm tut.
Fnoaa afaim SIB.
r- 4 "
$1375 Takes It f
. Nice lr,t 17 H
1100 feet on
Keovrney, near
zxa et.f--Morj
Hill districts
haw soldi six of theae lota during last
fear weeks, and only two plecea left, so
now la your ohanc to got a fine horns
alte In finest reeWewce pari of city for
comparatively little money; , Terms
cash. ' ' f '
. CE KORELU 1S1 Washington at -
324x 1C3
Near I4th and Kearney
sto., choice location: all
street improvements are
made. '. Price tl.ttt, half
C H. KORELU HI Washington st .'
EGGS 2 Dozen 35c
Ranch eggs, I dosV asass..;...' .4Sd
Chlrkena . . . . .e-.4F.a..a. .ltd
Creamery butter .......... .Pto aad See
Beat creamery butter ...v..0o and f.ta
Ramovatod butter .......... 45c and too
Eggs, per dosan , , . .240 and to
Heat augar-eured bsuaa .ltd
Picnic-hama . .....''.......'0d
Preakfast bacon ..Ito ana ltd
Cheeee . ... 10e Ami 11S
iwlss cbsaa .,....!. .VU
tSe tea for,-per podnd r.t.i ..... Id
Java-Mocha coffee .j, ....... . . ,10a
Arbuckls's Lion coffee. . p on rid for ltd
Only $3SC3
i'riw a-u. w. iao.
choir loratlraft.
near tCeArney - ailil
2 4 lb: earv term.
2S1 "W ashlngtoa at., .
DPAAA I. h b
SKI-'Ill irAnvAAItt
..SSI llril Urllll tw
4HUUUV IS 111 &U1U
,. I. ' ' I - ' V, 1 '
.. Portlsnd't best' residence
my undivided attention, legislature having adjourned.
( Reader, do yourself a kindness, also bestow a last- '
; ing blessme drryour (imily ty calling at once on -.
W. M. Killingsworth tt his central Walnut Park of- '
1 ice; take Upper Atbina cars;. office hours 9 a.' tn.
to 13:30 p. st.; from a to 4 p. m. at my suburban of-,
' fice, room 303 Chamber of Commerce building. I
. . most earnestly desire to whisper to you few im
' portant facts why Walnut Park homer titet Bt price's
nsmed ate by far the chesrWatand best bargains ever
offered in the city Portland, also to show you
' number of elegant ana commodious homes now be
ing built in Walnut Park no shanties can ever be
built in this sightly, healthy and souj-mspinng Wal
. nut Park tract W, M. KUlingsworth, 303 Chamber
of Conunerce. ;-"-y -
-t. .. 1 ' 1 '- - -
N. B- If you cannot Ml, send for WALNUT PARK
' folder, a real a tern-winder' of boiled-down facta on Ore.
gon. No llbrary la re-ally complete without a WAI-
;NUT PARK Map. Tours for the asking f re gift
1 wm pay ths poatags. , . , . ,
',.;.:-v, '-'7 ' 7'7- -
Price $1250 Each
For sale on lastallments .
'7: $lc6 dowo and $15 per
montlv V:'
,! 'Vli
Convenient to street cars.
A chance for m home in.4
the direction of the city's
Knrwth. Apply to s '
514 Chamber of Commerce
The Title Guarantee
& Trust Co.
uorv vt.. near lmiiinr mi., dviisv
ve., near
St.. KOxlOO
Improved'-and paid; terms, part casfc
balance on tune. ia. in.;
v S375
Two lota In North Irvinrton. N. W.
Bkidjaore and K. 14th ata.'; terms, half
cash, balanpe on time. (.a. io.;
. S1200 ' ' '
Peninsula Station, t, lota. lOOxltS feet,
and house t rooms, bath, bgaenient.
UW Darn, t.yjt eve.
. - f800 . . '
Hendricks ave., bet. Shaver and Fall
ing ata., 100x100 feet, facing; eaaW (A.
108.) - - ,
Woodlawn; lot . fcoxlOO feet. f min
utes' walk from oar. (A. S07.K
V-.....- .-. 81200,
Piedmont Park. tOxlOS feet and house
7 rooms; terma can be arrangoo. ia.
SOS.) : , . . -..
Schuyler at, bet Itth and 20th, SOxlOt
feet and houae t rooms, grate, furnace
and all modern conveniences. (H. l.t.j
WlUlame ave.. beU Hancock- and Broad
way. MxlOO feet and cottage t rooms,
grata, furnace, barn. (H. lt3..
: 92100
8. W. cor. Broadway and E. Itth, 100s
100 feet. (H. Ito.) ; f--.
. . 91500
Jarrabea at, few minutes' walk froni,
steel bridge, lot 60x100 feet: fires, yiew
of river aod harbor. (H. 11.) - -f-i
. 93000
N. E. cor. E. Main and E. ttth ats., x
100 feet and new houae t rooms, bath,
full basement, atreeta Improved;" two
blocks to. car line. (8.4X41.)
91200 5
SunnysMe Addition, lot 45x100 feet and
gooo a-room cottage, iuh raeeinoni.
nice lawn, fruit; terms, half cash, bal
ancs oa Urns.. (9. 117.)
,-:.,- 91000
R.SOth and E. Llnooln sts.
lot EOxtl
feet and new house of 4
tit.) ; ' .
rooms, (a.
. - ftOU
Paradtae Springs, lot 41x113 feet aad
hard-finished house 4 rooms. (S.tlS.
, 7 91850 ' -
unnyside. cor. B. Taylor and E. ttth
ata., lot and cottage t rooms, bath, gaa,
electric light, nice lawn and flowers.
(8. 114.)
7.,.:-- .' - $1700
Sutinyalde, Hawthorns ave., bet. E. ttth
and K. t7th ata.. lot and new cottage i
rooms; terms, t00 caao, balaacs 1 or 1
years. (S. 211.) 1 ....
93300 -7,:
S.' W. cor. Taggart and" E. ttn7stS.
(Brooklyn car lloe). lot 60x100 feet 'and
elegant modem houae 7 room a, bath,
baement. brick -foundation, electrio
light, speaking tubes, good bam; terms
canbe arranged, (E. P. 144.) t .
-' ' .- 9450 vV'"
E. Pine and- E. 17th star Una lot 60s
100 feet,' one block K. 4.bkeSy car line.
(E. P. Itt.) , .
M7 ; 91000 ,
N. E. car. E. Pine and E. ttth sts., loot
100 feet) terras, half cash., (p. P. 14a.)
E. Davla, near K.- Itth at,-60x10 feet
and new houae t rdoma, and barn. K.
. 1 92G50 '
E. ISth 'stt nearr Belmont Stxior feet
and 1 houses, rented -for til a month.
(E. P. 140.) m m ' v? - ,
t .h : ' -82500 . . 7 . ' .
Rlclimond 41141 Ellsworth st). lOOg
100 feet and charming cot tag 6- rooms,
bath, fornare, concrete basement, "atone
foundation, wired for r lectric; photo and
key at offlca. (E. P.ltl.)
r ' ; '
V sVSaTTtsAOTS ITTBaTTBanil). .-
.' :. . ' TITXJBB IBBUBVaTA. . ' ; . .
. - ...
The , Title Guarantee
& Trust Co;
' S sad T Caamaey st
. . .rVvsAa Oregeaw
Jrooerty will now rtceiVe
Ovvii a
Don't Pay Rent
iWhea You Can Buy
a Lot SOxtQO Feet
7 " for " ;:. .
$150 a Lot
810 Down ;
and 55 a Month
trust ca
6 and 7 Chtmber of Conmterc
au . .. a. -a. ssu,sv.
",l,"" "
Ksanpi fkoaa eeei13&.)
t asuea of fins land. It mllea frtora
. v. Portland ; SO acres In cultivation,
10 acrea more , .easily cleared!
i woexl hulMlnaa. orchard, ffna
spring; railroad station on farm.'
Ul trade lor city, property.
11 mllea from Fortlandi moat
bf It In fine atate of cultivation;
houae and barn, large orchard
fruit dryer: a fin place; on good
gravel roao. -
bb IB acrea In cultivation. . tor
chard, 4-room houae, good barn,
1 horaea. wagon, plows, 1 Jeraey
cowa. - ti.zuv.
IT mllea from Portland: all
good lano; gooa puiiaings. run'
chlnery; ail goes at 136.00 per
acre; re it. gtatioa, store, scnool
ana cnurcoes near oy. . , -
rtavs iaoeme ptvpatty, wlif pay 20 per
rent on the Investment; takea
only tt.600 to handle l(j must be
eoja. ' anvcsjiiaaiv iuib.
Huvs new 6-room cottage, mod'
era. Itth Street one blocltront-1
- . oar; terma to aait.
fUe let, Itth and E. Belmont tl.tOO.
rtas H oek, ttth and Hawthorne
. .11,600.
We baVe lots near fair grounds, very
ebesn. Call and aee us. - :
S1P0O -Buys 6-room house on ear-line.
weal 01 ml TaVDor; easy terma
tltOO , Buy houae and 70x100-footi-lot
on Ninth and Powell; easy terma.
$1000 Buya nice cottage. JOOxllt feet
, of ground, nice little barn and
plenty or iniJt, on rtawtnorne
. car line; vary easy terma. - .
inno Piu s good. 4-room house and
barn, Kaat Itth and Flanders;
. easy terras.. . .
CHarleson EL mith
aVocxa S10 AJlaky BJdf, lhowS Vswt SSI.
modern T-
room h oases
and fine quar
ter diock near
Sth and
Lovejoyi steady rent-producer and gUt-
edgS property.
d H. KORELt 1S1 Waahlngton si
Real Estate Chances
fSBO l-ronra boose and lot 100x100, m
car line,-cloeMi in;. 1 150 down, bat
ance on.
.monthly payments.
ZrOTS In Wear: Portland Helghta at tit
each; must be aold.
wr. lia aetlrt . "haa i. -
"8ee us r-
. gaming tneae.'
A sTZn BlOifa on Ibarra bee avenue for
-i sale at a Bargain.
aV ITgw modern S-room house af Ana
2. bel, on eaay terms, '
swTsr-srw nAOM AJTD
We bare some choice residence lots
In taesa aaaitiona oa easy terma. -
1STH rtrat .TtTsM, Bootm T.
powtmiw. HOPEunt tt ca.
- (Eatabllshed lttt) " ,
oiaMm or
; . . - : SMcaaT 4V tttwcmd 1-laws. '
jV.' '' Afembers Chicago
aavAnr, rav
iCTisxexs. cartoaT, stocks
'"r-N; '
'V - . 11 Third Street McKay
T"i'--wi o av bTt.--t.t ctygeBtxrrrr
C0BUBUOTi1rfarktg by Pr1ve tjulrk Bar-1"-
, .nutocv, baaJtera, a&A ti 1 A-Ates (Mat
7771:7) 7
fr c7-"
Tir. W. Mnt-fi.ri T.etvl -
grar S Jf . VT Wrmm 4hafra
We treat Sneee .ut Heteete Lnqa mmA
ehrsele eisaaa's of am: alee bioed. stosaawS,
seart. Brer, kidney and tarsal trsublee. w
rare SVPHIIXIS (ultUoot aeioarrl te stay '
eered forevsr. In SO to SO der. W reuaev
STRICTCKIC. wltbout operstiua af Bala, la S
We'atea era Ids, tke resalt ef aelf-ebuaa. '
immediately. We ea rsatare th ssissl stce
as aian andar..SO br awaaa af local traa.
a peculiar ta eursslTea. '
We Cure Qonorrboca In a Wed.1
Th ueetera ef ttila Inatttata ara alt resulae'
paduatea. kav had aiany rears' (imrsieaae, '.
asva been ksowa la Portland for 15 year,
bar a rsputatioe U awlatela aad wilt Barter. -
use ae cue daises esrtala cur caa aa t-
. W guarantee" ta ear la every ease we aader-.
take or rbarge a fee. Ooaahitatloa free. Let
ters eoBfldentlal. . lnatruetlT BOOa. t'OS stAJi .
Balled free) la plain wrapper.
If yea eanaot call at o(r,k write tne auaa
ttoa bUnk. lioms treataieal sveccaafuj. .
Of See boar 0 te S and T ta S. Buaaar sad
' boUoara, 10 ta 12.
9b hadlag epeelallsts ta tb SitSpsac, .
v. ifc . tsUkUsSd 1SSB. j ,
Dr. W.Noiion Davis &
Tea Bey aTetet. B. X. Oar. Tktrd aad Was Bsa. -
We sell stacks of Wall Paper, ss well
sa barrels of GDpBB WEATHER
PROOF PAINT, the kind with a guar
antee In every package. Tba Paint Is
ao superior one baa to try It to know lis
worta, v a.; v
piarnmtora, 1SB Beooad St.'' Teleplwas,
SOackSBTaV " .
POm IsVUT aTT 7', ' -
A. A. CHTTTtCH CO...... 11 Taylor St
CAR8TEN8 BROS. Montavllla
J. B. M'DONALD...64Va Willlama ave.
, wi snXi . axx.
Diamond,-Atutovltat Rosytn,
New Castle. Washed Nut,
leJacumith :
Tan Wtmgbt aad rroxapt Xealrreaw. .
Main 1425.
I , la the rkbeat rrsin, rWit aad stetk nrrliala
. UMwarM. Thisian.iescmelBdtcaaal
cast of irriratiorV. Dard direct rVem Seat
Oreeon. . WPHTC TO-DAY." BOOK-LET essl
MAP FAEC Orjchutai IrrigstVai aad rwrCsaw. ,
vtrsua) I . DsaBlgSlfnruuaatural
rk t bla I dlssbaraaa.laSamwatlcaa,
iiiiiaii . r - rrnaaueae se
ara.- st aacesa waaak
saMSos. uJ oa j
ItMSIURBwii. gaalari
ts; 1 SaawSeaj
ar seat aa statu
I by essesss. 1 1 Mid, S
J St SB. selseetleeSS Ts.
' sr wt Olecular asa cut
Board of Tra
Board of Trade,
Building. Portia
rasas, S
Man a-
res aar.
W Ism t . eH. wwreJ-'l
1 I
v it . -v. 7l;; -y: 7 -- ?
,' i f e-.-. j 1 T' . 7 ' " " : V ' ' : '.