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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
v. 7 , ..1 t::2 onzecu daily, journal", roirrLAirp. Tuesday evenino, February ei. lVlM?:KEIS Thousands of Cases 4 of Eggs Arriving Daily 'and Market Is Weaker and LOwer Poultry' Still Shows Great Scarcity. . ... J , ; ; . t Ii - , r ' t Bnirri at tks aostofOce of Pnrtuao. w ireneportattoa Uuwik tfce SuOlB M PoiUn for atkal. bv C 19 te IS. ' Bor i Sage paper. 1 cent: It to 90 pagan, i easts; M v wa pegss, a casta. Otoe. ,....'.... v,...iuii w t(TJ"J4-Bml Special ASvet .-' . MN treat. Maw Xotki- ASvertlelng Airelw-y . . ; . srBBcsrrribw bates. JJa Jy Joaraal. wttk Snnday, 1 yar.'..T M Jke "I,T 'earns!.! veer... " SSS 1 iJ "" Journal,, wltk Sunday. Seyetbs. S.TS 2J D"' Joornal. motUM.wr.i J The Joamal, with Sunday, S swathe. 1 The Dally Journal, moruba 1 15 J!"" 'ouraal. with Sunday. 1 month.. . a flaliy, par waak,, delivered. ImW . ... aclno'eg ....... ...v.l osS'1 ,fff., .10 T: . Tan-he a Matt. '.f ' Jke flatly Journal, wtth SnwUT. I !...?" ' !? "' Journal, 1 year......... : Tbe Dalle Xm.ul 4L a,.,.., a mnatbs. Jha Defry Journal. month. -f J- Tbe Daily Joornal. wtth Sanaa, th- J ?2 '.' Tba Pally Joa.n.1. S .nonthe7, I " 2Ja Pally Joaraal. with Sunday, 1 Booth... .SS The Rally Joornal. 1 ntli.'...., t . " 3rl "?Jaiy Joaraal. 1 year. .............. f-00 Tha Sunday Joaraal. nmntbn.... ......... LOO . . : Tha Setni-Wsekly Jssinal eek ii lUastrated. tall Barket r "ort. 1 yaar fl.M Haantuaeaa abnnld ba aiada by dratta. acanii kataa. aiBTM ardcn aad anall aaaaaata ara .. accapUbla la I aad aat P""a ataropa. - TKI JOUkJIAL. ) P. O. Boa 11. partlaBd. Oroyoau AUOTIOaT laXU T0H0U0W. By 1. T. WlbvV IM rirct Mraat. at 10 a m. Bia at fsraltura, atorea, ate , . Wllaon. aartloaMT. wurim mzpoiT. .A aaroad dlatarbaiwa aaa Bada Ita aptvrar- amw aff tha Waablnctaa eoaati It la aaoTinf ' . alowly lolaad. . Htorm warnlnca wara ordcrad yaatarday -aurnooa -froai Cnaa bay aorta to . tha mlt of Vara, and axtrndad thai aoraln ta all Kuavt aaaad aaa BriiiDaaaai aay aea . porta. Tha llao to North Htad la dowa: , jrapnrta wara raeajTad 'fnMa tbara thla aMrnlnc, iviaral ralna haya acrarrad la tba north Pactflc atataa, .and alao la tba aaat roK and 'jLtlabtla atataa. ralr waatbar prrraUa In tba In Car lor af tha' pnltad Btataa. Tha tampara turra amrywharc- la tba aorthani diatrtcta ara anova normal. la. .laa . aoouoraj ataua it m anolaa laaa uraal. , . . - ( . i - Tha Indleatinna arc for rain la fhla diatrtrt Wodnraday, with blfh aoathwrat wtnda akmc im roaat ana oa taa uuaaa aanfanw watera I waatara waanuajian. Vaddlaf Oarda. . . Batlth a Oa.. Waak. ' la-taa kldt. aor. rearm aaa waanucta ata. aniTXB. BOWMAN Trbraary IS. to Mr. and Mr. J. L. Bowman, twi Tillamook atraat. a danabtrr. tOBlNSOV rebruary 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Joaala HAMnaon.- f Portland, a dancbtcr. - eORDON-t'abraary 18, to Mr. and Mra. Loaia Oordon, 2ns Bakar atreaU k aoa. . BERRT Pahrnary 1(1. to Mr. and Mra. Artbar I'll. Barry, Ml BaJnUam a tract, a bob. , SATHI. - :tONWCnCiabniary in 1 Pattr JTlrnoIaa -j Mannar, aead 86 daya. 13nTBaat Foortron A Foortanth atraat, M.i raaaa BienioaTiua. fivUl at Mt Tartar caawtarr. JACKSON JFabraaar IT, Bllaabatb Jarkaaa, asd S3 yeara. at GoMamith .botal; o ' Mxamoola. - RarlaL at Lena tir ernartary. ; TuKHCK Fabruary 18, Bopbla Loalaa Tnarek, aaad 29 yaara. at tiood BamarlUa hoaaltal: caoaa. lataatlnal aaralyala. Borlal at Graaa- wood er-matary. BASTINGS lary U. ' Bartlll 'Haatlnm, acad Ik yaara. 313 ftftk atrart; raaaa, grip f and plrariay. Burial at loan Kir craMtary. HKMKWORTH Fabrnary IT. Mary B.,Mnwr worn, aaro no yaara, aaB.naiiwooa ami vanaral aavtloaiaU. Bunv a, aaai If Kl 0 K -stehaaary , JO, - Mary - "Jflaon. Vlnraafa boapiul; rao. . Bngbtfa - Itnrlar at Ijwm n, mwhW . V- at St nS Takraaay 18, Joka-Ttaba. a cad yaara. , , 4A RaaarU atraat: eaiaaa, aarroma at atomach. nana ii ak vaivary tCnnrari , ToyiKIM( hnirr it. Lo, M. Tomsklna. ' acrd 4S yaara, 4S04 I'nJoa ayanoa, N. : raaa. rancor at braaat. . Burial ot Loaa fir I.BD1NGHAM rabraary 1, Bartha P. tdln , ham, TTl Eaat Twenty-flrat atrartr caoaa, aDonlaxy. Burial at lawo- Pir aamatary. - BAkUKTT robroarr 1, Thomaa W. Barrett atad SS yaara, 21S North TwvtrUath atraat; . caoaa, ananaaonla, Barlal at itHat liaa. peai ' atary, t BOROAJf arbraaryj 1. WlUIam ft. Bordaa, arrd 7f yaara, ITS North Saraatacath atraat; aaaaa. aaart fkUara. Barlal at Birarrlew " crmatary. i -. - BOHI.Kil Fabraair IS, Clyda rVlr,. ajrad I yaara, at North Pacific aanltariaa can maatnrdltla. Burial at Looa Fir camatary, HKPPNBK Tabroary la, Hanry Bappaar, arad : 74 yaara, at uappnar, ur. ; raaaa, araanua. Borlal rial at Beta laraal rvaaatarr. HA YK8 rbroarr IS, Martha aa Hi -laraa. - aad Sd yaara. is -uraad aaaaaa; caaaa. aaiawaary , tvrawcnloala. tery.,-... Burtai at MU (Calvary. 4, ' Ciaiaatai lam aa Oraana City ear Baa. aaat -Sallwood; aaodara. arlaatiae, ananalato. Chaqraa Adnlta, U; ektldraa, Wattara a. aa. to f p. am. PorUaad Craawtlna aaBaHatlaa. PajtlaaaV Orafaa.. . . ....... ' Tba Edward Halmaa Cadartaklac laaaial dlraetora aai or. . J. P. Ptotay Boa, faaaral dlraetora aad i mhalaaara, aoraar Third and Madlaoa atraata, OfSca at caaatf etwanar. Talaphooa Mala ... atba aad eat Saaan a apadalty SSS Morrlataa'Straaki KBWrTT rakraary to. J." D. Hewitt, dwalW at Maaa Clrr Qriananaaa. Twasrj . a a. ' . oi ii ' " 'Vr' Broa. for Sowara. . Int. Multnomah between Twenty eacoad aad , ' Twanty-third atraata; caat. 12.000. ' Cl.INR Pebraary an. t. U 4'ttna, aiMltlna V " . dwaUlnc. coraer Caerelaad aad ralllna atraata; . -anet, tC0. CI.IHAN Pebraary 10. R. L. OUaan, ranalra ta , ' rarc-atory brlrh bulldtne, eoraaf rtret aad 'V' -Aah atraat; coat, 4ao. ' BBNBT . Fanrnary JO. , B. P. " fteoey, eatraye, rarnar Ninth and Bkayer atraata; mat, SeiiO. CKAHAll-Prhrnary , 4ariea (rrabam. a ' dltlon ta frame bnlldln,,-rorrr Thill aaa il f aad Tweaty-thlrd lakraeu; 'coat. S2S0. '''''i t'"ffam xbtatb laUBinau. r' .MO. C. Morrla and wife to R. Blarard. ' . - V 11, block 14, Waodlawa,.... Sq ' Albert H. Orlarbdw and wife to A. B. . . . Cartar. SO acraa anatbwaat , .eertloa. -16. townahln S north, ranae S wmtl. .. - iS. A.. Oaratene to H. F. CantaBd, lot a. blork 1. MoataTtiia....f i Jaaala lUiamtyre and kaehend to A. HaroM.' Iota 21 and 3Sv block IM. Cnl- U00 , earalty Park 1 ,. A. Stone aad wlf W. Byera, lotd 1 , T-lS fnrhailTa, blort S, Falrrlrw Jrwla R. Smith and wife to D. S. Smith. ' aoathaaet 44 af eontbeaet at aeclloa T, tawnahlp 1 nnrtb, raaaa S eaat.... . Xtertrle Iari company to Oanrpa W. ' aaonufctte S, aad 10, block M, Porta- .Baarlff to' Wl'l'liani lit UddViot' Vl "anoth . 4T.M feet lot IS, klack IX ProrbaUl a ddltioa SO X40 ISO 00 1.3B0 f sBeaBarw vay cswaanawj, wiiy-K ry, V rant-ma1 BwlllB)n, HI. block S. Johaann'f addition; eoath H lot V klork 4, dtp- : 11,110 1 'Kmma L Cmxton aad fcaenaad to X. V . Ixina, kt IS, black SK, Aabln.. 1S00 f . ICcnrre W. Brawn te R. B. Koatar, lot , T- S4, block 4 Arlcta rark Nav S. -1 A. B. tarter to M. M. lat' 3 acraa , ', aaathwaat i of aactloa la,,towaehtp S ' aorta, ranee S wrat i- . 1 W. U Barino and wife to I. f. Me "4 . i . nartky,- kMa $ and 4, block IS. Porta. , i aatl i SO Stnt R. Btoatd aad wife to FI. Rub I. lot V . - SS, block A, Torta mouth VIIU tltra- . : atoa Balm at at. . ta Oreeoa Water r A Balrwajr fknananr. atria, is ' - faet wMa, ranalnf eaat and west imm -1 let S, bmck S, Ml. Scott Park aoMMIo , 40 llda M. Job nana and buahand to 11. i I). , Wood, lot , bkVk til, Oeocb addition,' 1800 . D. P. Oeffry aad wife to P. M. Roaa and wife, lot IX block X2. Central Albiaa.. 1000 'Title Ooarantea A Traat company to B. Delano, !nta 1, SIS larlaalra, II 2 r -.. tnclnalee, block t, Baaeweud, aad axher . ' ' Warrra W. liraen to V, 'ij Otaaa.' awitb"' . U lot I, Mnc 1S4, city.1. " 1 AdHle 8. MrUIUen and Mnaband te ! ' .j Kreaka. Iota S aad 4. block a. MrWiL. ' laa a aiMUUaa 1700 JTfaitat aVMtaa4aj aw S. Jelfreaa.'Wr , , 1DLP Receipts Continue Too Heavy and Stocks Are Piling Up ; v j y Along the Street, . : VARIOUS PRIpES RULE ; " IN LOCAL MARKET TODAY Hides Are Higher-Chickens Ad -vajiced Hops Very Dull ; v ;: and flour Firrner. VV V: ' Trent Street. FeS; 21. Tha nrinrlpal fcatares or tna Portland wboleeala Barketa today are: , nidea Srmar and ua. , Mean qantad at aa adranea, : , Dreaaad Hoea Srnmr and np. Ireeaad. veal la Terjr arttre. . Hop market la duller than erar. v , , . No lmproTeearat In Sah raoalpta, . . J Tone In tntter mora active. Wheat la dull and vnchancad.) ' A aether miller adraaera Boor. : 1 - Fancy aotatora remain flrai. Joeblnf price. of ontoea klchar.' Ktn watlnna to tumble. w i ,.J A. o, There aeema to be a ceaelaa af tba heary receipt a af era fa thla market, aad all oyer Prdkt atraet tha atocka ara piling ap at a Tory lively rate. . There la bat little baylns by the retail trade and tbe .-faeSe of the market la weaker with pricea raacUf all the way from 20e t Zit a desea, with aalea at all three Keaa. Art tteotad at aa Adeaaoa. Tba rarelpta of rbtrkene remain at the low water mark and demand .la better. Arrieala at the amment ara- not a qnartr of what the demand Juatiriee, and today there waa another adraara'la the pricea. . Tbera la aa noticeable demand for tame teeee, bat tnqnlrtaa for tame dacka are fair. Some tarkeya eontiaoe to oome to maraet ana are picked np at tup ealuea. Dreaaad Boas Firmer aad Klchar. BeceiDta of dreaaad bnaw emtlnno Car afci af the demand and erlcee ua toucblne the hire placaa-aa advance belna q noted In the oaarart tnia nwrninp. xne loaa la dreeaed real la very firm aad ail arrlrala are picked ap at aw . , .. Bap Market la TJaHer- Thaa Bear. Nathln but dallaeea la abowa in the hnk market Deelera are wary aad are making bat little attempto to buy. Brea tboae la tbo mar. ket ara acarad, aa they are afraid that present erdera will be cancelled. According to a late adrlca from the eaat Una la ml baa juet ehlpned beck, 10,000 bales of Aaaericaa hopa to the eaat aa they aay that the market la aeerloaded there. Whether thla la aaa of tha many trleka ox toe nrewera to erpreae the market cannot be told nntll later, bat this trick baa been Played aereral tlmee- beforetl whea tba market waa niga. . ' . t , Be luiaieiamaiit bftUk Baeerpta. Tbera waa no lmnroTement la tha recalnta ef salmon from tba Colombia today, aad the trade contlaaaa to be Jed from tha fronts stocks. A few cblneoks ara nomine . la. bnt they ara being held Srmar at lSVte pec pound. With the exception ef a few flab caaabt br the glllneta tba receipts hare disappeared from the saeett markeet. ' Frlcaa the aama. ':. " Tone la Bates Hers Aetrea. The tooe of the- batter market to batter tkaa for many a month. Dseplta the eery beery arrivals ef California creamery atock the batter avrket here baa aa active tone, and tbera la a demand for everything that cornea at too vkmes. Country stare batter la coming In email. ota, not LB era la a arare acnes demand, i Aaotbar MLUer Advaaeea TWA ' BtUl another miller haa aome to the front aad recorded aa advance" of 10e per barrel la tha quotations of flour. This action was Justi fied aome time ago, aay the millers, oo, account or roe scarcity of good milling wheat and the aiga pricea . recorded. Binee the downward tread of the eastern wheat pricea thla market haa Deea. dou aaa inomiriaa are not now ' . abklag "Prios ef Daioaa Elgaar. Tba onion market kisatrnck 'the Se mark as far aa tba 4obbtng price la concerned: the dealers' today aueted beet antooa st S3.TSttS.00. The baying prion la unchanged. Paney pautaea are la oemsna at ancnaneeo, rauiee. laosy s waoaeaaat anotauoaa. as follows: ee. ..iL.r ea. : naui-iin iai na, oiaaomrs dihhimii : - . SAaut'ews,, ruuae, .ovireW las. COBJ Wbela, i 3AM. erscked, l tasjO - pat ton. - - ji , ' i.' . . ' ' BTS-i.He per rwr. - OATS Producers' pricea Ko. 1 wklta. SS.00i grsf. :.--. -- . -- FLOUnVKsetera Oregon - Patents, BASS: straights. S3. 14: valley. $4 10: graham, Us, 4.0: le $ 451 rye, B. o.80: balea, t3.s. MIIX4TTJPFS Bran. lS.OO nrr torn M. dllnra, SSS.OCf, ssorta,- country. S3S.00; ropJ H A T Producers price Timothy. WITH matte valley, fancy, f14.00au.00; ordinary. tlS.0Oe) 14.00: eaetera Oragoa, S1S.00elld.00! mixed. flAOOOiS.oO; clover, jtl.one1Z0O; grmla. tU.OOtiliOO; ' cheat. tll.OOC 11.00. r " r? Battori Ires aad real try, v Bl'Tl t.fL PAT Sweet. Sic: asor. aa. " ' . - BCTtKat City ereaBMsry, beat. SSHe; second grade, TfTUc; ontalde fancy, la. asry, 17 (c; Oalifornla. SOr; store.- ItaiOe. KCrOfl Now 1 frsak Oregaa, Su22c; ast CHKKSB Kew Pntl ' cream,-' tirla. ISe: Totuis America. ltVnc: aaatara. , lsattsu.." Cbeddar. J&a. . . ' TOUWKT-THccaa, aitiea. UQiBUe par lb; bens, 1314c per lb; moat era, old.. 12c per Ih; young. l.1e per mj brnllera, ITHc per lhl tryera, l&c per lb; ducks, ts.oueio.0o per dns: SreSTb "18 WILD (IAMB Teal, II 78; wldraon, 100: mallard, SS.M; aanvasbacka, l4.Sua.0u, .... .. Hopa, - Waal aad Kites. . WnPS Contracts. 10S. 1aii-. lane UHt'Mie tat ckolca; S4c for fir ma and mndloma! WOOL Contracts 1000 dip. llrtlSc; vallev. coarse to medium, 104) I7e; flue, HQ lgc: aaat ara Oregon, le. MORAIR Nominal. W2Sc. . ' SHEEPSKINS Shearing, loetlOe; abort wool. u130c) aeadium wool. SOvgauc; long wooL SwctiSl OO sack. . .. " TALLOW prima, par n. 4Boc; Nov 1 aad eaae. Sk3He. J CHITTlM BArtB-Me per rk buying price. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. la n- . -V lSurlSa per n-. Mrr kip, No. J. -5 ta . lhs! 14c; dry celf.TrTO. Dndcr S lbs. lsria. r. salted kldaa, steers, aonnd, e)bw over Slant tr 60 to SO lbs, StfNc: a Oder or) tba 7 art! eowa, He; stare aad bulla, aaaad, i7r kip, IS to SO lbs, Bc soond. 10 te 14 lbs ata SVc; cslf, aoaod. under 10 I ha. SHfillc: greea jmwaiira r, 1 pwr id mi, calm, ic ner lb leak; niu . aauau, Mra, ei.imeil.TB;' dry. tl.Ooel.VH colt hldea. each, aistouw. goet skins, eomnsoa, each, 10u l&c: Aagora. wiia wool en, eaca, - . rrana- aae. vegetnMea.. : POT A TO Ml Beat Oregon. SOOtl.00; . tay. liie- arlce. atMtSc: rwecta. bni IikJii. era led. 1.05; new Csliforala. SklJc per lb. ' uriu.n Kinu-vw: vurers- pricea, aonntrv SS.SS; garlic. Paiioe per lb. wjuutry, PKESH FRUITS Aonlee. 'aatro e.. tl.M fsacy Oreeoa, fl.00 par hail cfcesa graded. 75c pee bos; oranges. nsvei. fi.2pvTz.2n par oov; eeeoilngs. SI AO aer baa: itsncarlaaa. tl.TS aee . koai . x.. ersegee. tntiln per boa: bansnssL be per It. : lanvuna, aboire. $.1 SK per box; faery. . H.TS par bet: limes, atexleaa. One per loo; pioo tgplaa, ISSBi traaberrlea, aastera, 111.00 per vausn abl-ko Tsrnina. gi.tsj per sera oar. O, block 10, tAd addltioa. , '. H. Ooltra'sed wits' to 1 nTHloO feft, beglnnlag 140 feat 1. teraertlotl Eeat Stark and Beet Ttanalrth t ana William I. t'mtoej and wife to M. Alia. , , hnrr. mte end a, ante an, tartar s Bbwiff ta A. Harold, Ws 4 a A, biook g. at. -ahor. and other pmpei-ty.,... , Portland tone Ply Cemetery company to ' - . i . a., amies, ax au, nca an. Lose; sir ' , r met err , . . . ,. m Port la ad Toilet Soap eonrpany to C. W. 1 , nay. wts a. to, si and a, block 17. College flare I,(ta5 Oct year tnaaranea end atsrrcactd fa real estate-frnaa The Title Onaraatee Traat soaa aaa, Chambat,a ""--"y r-ll-llsei. III EGG TIARKET TODAY'S PRICES IN . THE, WHEAT MARKET f - ii i ii . f 4l Chicago "............tUltiv e! New Tork twrrr-l.n4 - 4f Milwavukctu,-.. l.ltVks 4j 'Sao Krancraco......... 1.47 ' fit. Lqula ............. 1.15a : 4 Kansas Cltjr.. ..... , 1.04 4 Minneapolis . l.UTak d Liuluth , l.ltttt m tsi'L Per cental." rota. $1.00 W aacfct beeni. f 1 1S per sack; Oregna radishes, 16e par dns cabbage, Oragua, St. 75 cwt: California, 01. SS; let t ara. hothouse, l.arai.7S rrale greea peppers. 7c per lb: chill Peppers, lac rer lb; reh-rv HOtH par dos; tomatoca, California, 10Uul.25; parsnips, 7brJ .tb-r egg plsnt. ti,c per lb; string beans, tile; cauliflower, Sl.7fife2.00 per erstol butter beans, Sc pumpkins, la par lb; horseradish TO So .par lb; sprouts, 7c ; artichokes. Sl.00ai.SS par Ooaj peaa,. 10c 'per lb; cucumbers, California hot house. St.75 doe. 1 1 DRIED PBIJITB Appleel eraporated. 7ffc per lb; apricota. SMariac par lb sacks, t per lb lees; pasckee, eloJISe per lb; pears. par lb; prunes. luilan, iQ4V9 per lb; rrencb. SV.IU4Ue nar ibl CaUforaU black. 866m per lb (. California whlu, e par lb; piuma.- pmea, pes in; a a tee, goioea, ae per lb; tarda, fl.SO per IB-lb boa. . '! Oroosriaa, . Beta,' Baa, 7 ' STTRASJtach hull Pnha Ba SOl aaaadarad. fruit grsaauitcd, Oa.061 dr graaalated. So. 06; beet grauulsted, 13.86; extra 0, o.k6; eolden C, S0.46; bbm, lor; U bbla. JBc; boars, boo advance ea sack bsala. less SM cwt lor raaa, 10 asys; maple, 14 a 10C pec an. HONKT 14HvJ15c, . COIPKE farksce breads. I18.SS. - SALT flao HmW a. ba. lorn. II OTk toble, dairy. Sua. $U.U6t -oas, I10.S; Im ported Uvarpooir1 Ooa,.- t7.00; lOua, 110.50) Was. 110.00; extra iuai ubls. as. aa. as. 10s, S4.60i5.oO; bulk, 4ba. SAOO4MI.O0: sacka. vtai. SALT (tearaa ntilC InAa Me ana. $7.00; 50s, par toe. $7.50; UverpooTramn rock, $10.50 per toa; 5u-U rock, 7.0o; 100a, $0.75. t Above prices Apply to aalea of lass than car lots. Car lot at special pricea subject te auctnatioas.l " OHAIN BAGS Calcutta, $S.Ttt.X per 100. KlCkV Imperial Japan, No. 1, 4c; No. t, 4c: New Orleans, head. AWlaorL Ad lax. Sfeel Creole. 4c ' : f BKANS Small white, 4c: large white, SVe luk, svicj barua, S)4ci limaa, be; atexleaa reds, 0c. WOTS Peknata. TUei lumbos. Slaa ner lb: raw,, letlioc per lb; roasted, ; eocoaants, 86e0c per due; wa Inula. l4Q15e per lb; pine Bute, lOtjJJHc per lb; hickory noU. 10s per lb; chestnuts, eastern, lSQldc per lb: BrssU nuts, 15e par lb; filberts, 15O10C per lb; faacy pecans, ItaiSe par lb; aliuouds, lSQUa par lb. Palate, CoeJ, Oils. Xts. , BOPB Pure Manila," 14ei atoadard, 12s; leal, lotac; la tie -brand Mlaal, Sfce. .. COAL OIL Pearl or Antral Cases, tie ner del; water whlu. Iron bbla, 150 pat gal; woodea. 17c ner sal: aaadlia-ht. 170-dcar. aaaaa 23c per gsl; Iron obis, lde per gsL, - LIn'HEKD OIL Pure raw in bbla, 50c par gal, cases Ola per gel; genuine kettle boiled, cases 3c per gal, buls ose par gal; ground cake, car lota $tfMW per ton,, leas, tkaa car lota $JW.pv par kin. . taasoLlWa, SO deg, cases gas per gal. trea bbla Mc per gsl; a tore, eases Mfta par sal. srun ddis ice per gal. BENZINE da-deg, bbla. JNUe ocr saL. SB per sai kroa TURPENTINE la eases. SSr par gaU woodea bbla. ale IM aL lm hhia. Tftu nar aaL luvlh case lots S4e per gsL . wuJTl LEA D Ton lets, TUe par Ibl sOO-w lots, 7c per, lb; leas lots Se per lb, WltUi NAILoWreseot base at SXSO. . ' Maavta, Pish sad Ptsnalsas PRKSH MBATH rronk stiLas Hcof. 4tt5Vic per lb; pork, brack, ftps per . lb; lb; aad lb; packers, 7ae per lb; bulls, 8 Wo P cows, ssjsvss par lb; muttoay were lambs. 7c: ewse. Or: veal, extra. Se eruioarT, nc per in. hams, BACON, ETC. Portland tee, (tocal) kama, 10 to 14 lta, 1214a per lb; 14 to 10 lbs. sma, iu to is we, 124S per lb; 14 to IS lbs, 2ic per lb; 18 to So lum, llt par lb;-cottage, e per lb; breakfast bacon, 12ejl0c par lb; Icnle, SHC per lb; regular short clears, ua. Se i plcnk looked, Sc per lb; amofced. 10)4 per lb; clear backs, ansmoked, Sc per lb; smoked. 10s per lo; Union butts, 10 to IS lbs. saamoksd. Se ! w pvr iv, thw oaiiiaa, aaa smoked, lie per lb; smoked. ISe per lb. LOCAL- LAUD Kettle leaf. lua. lolAe mm lb; As, 10e par-lb; 50-lb tins. lOMe per Tb stesm toaderad. .10a. SHe per lb; aa, jf par w; tubs. 8e par lb; SOe. 0e par lb. uAaeu BAmun uoiumma river l-ik tails, $1.85; l ib uTla, $2.50; fancy l ib data. $2.00; hbtt uaia, a 1..1 ; iancy a-in ovaja, aiasas isus, pina, aowwuc; reo, fLnv; Ss, tall, (ZOO. 1 riBrl rl Hack cod. Te ner lb: Bounders. tb; halibut, Sc per lb; crabs) $1.26 D striped baas, 10al2V,c per ltyi cat nab, Te par lb; sslmoa, Columbia river, eh I nook. lSc; steelbesds,. lOe per lb; froaea aUveraldes, 7c per lb: herring be par Ibl eolea, Se per lb; Baanmna. wr pea 10: onao. ojnaoca. 1 oar 10: parch. So .per ibl. shad roe, per lb; shad. sc per ner lbt black cod. ac nar Ik: Oomaibia river snieu, oc per u; euver amen, ae per" lb; tresa mscaerei. Be par lb; ' dos: Soaadera. Se nae Iht i -ut . . a . m j . laareo - - rc pe lb. ! - v' ""i 1 oSSTKBS Sboalwater bey.' per gal. S2.SH1 sack. 44.00 net: Olrmnto. nar aack. SS.Sa. jtAajao aara eaeu. - aes - box.- a. laam, $2.00 per box. TONE IN CATTLE AND HOGS REMAINS GOOD Portland TTnlon tnekyarda. Pab. SI. Tha toae la both bogs and cattle remains very atrong. but sheep are quirt. Na changes la nricea. The reeelnle Imlar 1H5 hoaa. 7a cattle,-and S37 sheep. ornetai ruuag prices tnasy ror livestock: "Hoes Best eastnra Orecoa. $8.50: llaht bkxrkera and Chios fats, $3.004b.T; stockars and feeders. $4,6045.00. tattle Bask eeetora Oratraa steers. $4 or)f A26; Hgbt -and medium ateera, $3.ftota.75; cows. $a.0oe3.2ft: aedium eowa. k2.50i2.T5: old end Ilgbt cows, A'l o: stockara and feeders. aai. uvea.. .ro , ouiia. ev.ouaja.v1. Sheep Beat fane sharp, $4.2504.60; ewes, $4.00. . . .. .. -. , . . 0BIOAGO BOOS BTXAOT. Chlcsgo, Pab. C laiveetork receipts: ' Hoga Cattle - Sbeea Cblcaga . ..0,0110 .6i0 IH.000 Ksnaas City, ...... .16.000 T.KOO IO.00O Omaha 14,000 0,500 S.5O0 Uoga ancned steady with 11,000 left over. Receipts a yesr aro were 40,000. Haling prices: Mixed. $4-7orAAu: good. $4.0oeA00; rough, S4.n&4JHl: light, $4.00W4.$S. . , - cattis ntasny. . bhsap Stroag. MaBwOaaMBB. V FOUR TO SIX POINTS IS RISE IN COTTON . (Parnished by Over berk, Starr A Cooks Co.) New Yirk, Pen. 21.-Oottos futures were etasdv today. The market closed 4 to 0 polsta klgber. ... r . . , . . . , Today s arnctai cottna' market: -i " Open. Mich. Low. OW. Pabraarx a e a. , 75Tt50 March M T6T T47 TTMt! AprU ... . ... - ... . 452i54- May 7M I T40 f.VluSI June .. e a a e a ' iKHlt July t- ' 7te TTO i 7 " TMlM August 7 Il 700 nVpo-raber 1 . .. .,. .W- . .. 4T57tM , TfWdtdl octnner - . 1 ov. ,u too t;rt4 7iriwi Nnvemner . w . a ... ... December . 4 . .. . T04 ...''.. ,76T .Bxr tobx corn- kabjot.' " New York. Peb. 21. Coffee; futurea aloaed 10 to 15 polnta lower. - Today a otrH'isi cnirae narsei: r. , -v . Bid. Ask.t 1 BM. .ttSsk, avbreary -.$ . $M 7SAaraat -,,.$7.s I7..1S Marrh ..... din April 0 SA Msy T June T OS . iirnepiemow T.av T S 5S" iHrtnner , 0T'.Hovrmriar tdi December T.50 7 . ?mt 70 T.7 7 5ft T.dft T.70 July .....V T.1S 00 i Bstr Terk Oaab Oaf fee. RewVork. Pea. 91 4eb coffee: No. T Rio. SfcCi Ke. 4 Santos. Mte. . . Vtw Terk-Leadoa Sugar. ' 7 'Raw Tork. Peb. -Slr-Befined sngara aw ensnged: raws Arm: ceetrlfngsk Or; London beet. 4 lower for Pahruarv sad March at 11a $d lor bath, Market steady. " ' a SRAMTBXn SBAIB EXPORT. r.. --.e - rhleago, PeK SQ. dstyaet's aVtakJVd grsla Wheat Rest if Rock lee. oWreaae ct TTS.nnn boa he la; pjimoa and afloat, Ineeeaae of 700,000 but he kit -tntal ee. ir ajw nf TS.end beabela. - 1 ora--per rasae at itei.iwa eeanata, . Oats Dsctsasc af Snu,0W Aaaaela.' TEffiSEECOAL LEADS PROCESSION Axovancea. rour Dollars' and a a a aw- -a . t Quarter on Active Trad- 4 , : " r ing Today. industrial ust shows, v ;a very heavy advance Union t Pacific -a Tower Strength In the Rail ist of , uxnere ronow.i T ' V ' BTOCbT ADVANCES. "' 1 ' ' Amalgamated ..$1.29 . I Illinois Central. .$1. IB AtehbMa 1.00 Louis. A Naak.. .12 do preferred. . .12KIMrtronolitsn .... ; .48 ii "agar ......... . KO Mrs. Central.;.. . Smelter .aft fcsty, com 1.124 do Dreferred.. t oo Car A Ponndry, .12 Rrooklya Tran.. l. Bait. A Ohio... 1'iTU. Norfolk HIHKIiri IB,. 1.50 t ... " rm , . , it. a. ur a in , .fwaraiio raei. .70 St.. Paul ,121, Chi. N. W... .as Erie. aeeond..M Loo , N. Y. Central .75, Ontario Wael, ..60' Pannsyrvaaia .1. . t'Sa M. .75 , .do Sret. ....... .20 i Resdlna S .71. Pressed Siecl 75 Km. Steel, cam, 1 .TTH do preferred . .. S.50 . Southern By...-.T-.JWU jenneasss coaL 4.25 -Rubber, com...- .50 Wis. Can., nfd. 1.25 Mnuth.l Pac, com .K7V4 Union Pac, mm S.I2Vi do ocrferred.V. .50 Steel; com.:.... l.ii 00 pretorrea... .ov STOCK IX1SR8. Canadian Pac. r .S7H!MankstUa ..... .874 Padfto. Mail.... .S7H1 (Pwratshad by Ovarbeck. Starr' A Cooke Co., ftew Tork, Pab. 11. There was greet activity la the stock market todsy. the sales ap to ths noon knur amounting to STS.SOO absres. Ths Industrials ware the leaders and a arnaatlonsl rise wss reenrued in Tennessee coal. The mar ket opened at 82 an1 toe laat ssla wss made at aaa,, a rloe of $4.2A from the dosing of yesterday. . All the steel stocks were ectlve. Among the rails ("rilon Pacific mm moo senrad a big advance. Wlwrmala Central preferred waa active fad made t net gala of $1.25. The s snows today, were few and comparatively small. . . ' "r - .. Today's official stock market: v IIII.J ' BBSCBIPTI0H. Anaconda Mining ' Co.. Amal. Conoer Co Atchisod, com.,..,.... W'4 iwte do nreferred Amer, Car A P earn.. r BrvBlfllria JTa American Ice do preferred.. American Sugar, com. . American Smalt, com.. do pre f erred ;ri . Baltimore A ohw com do preferred Broekfyn Raotd Transit a 40 145 BOW 11K KM Canadian Pacific, com.. in inirago Alton, com, Chicago A G. W., com. Chi.. MIL A St. Paul. Chicago A X. W., com. Chlcaao Terminal By.., Chesapeake A Ohio.... Colo. Fuel A Iron, mom Colorado Southern, com 24 I2W 1.5 62H no gd preferred...... do 1st Dreferred:.'..." Delaware dt Hndson. .'. Den. A Rio Grande, com. 00 preierreo.,...,.. Brie, com SS 45 H4 45 oo Zd preferred... il i do let preferred.-. IlHnota Central Louis. A Nsskville..., Met. Trsetton ('..... MsnkstUa Klrvsted.. Mex. Central Hallway 1M 4. 158 1 LIS i:VhloX 121 121. 120UI 1 113 172b 172 172 2.1 Minn., St. P. A Sta, M. 14H lfl 105H Kailk aiiasouri Fscinc... 1"T Mo., Kan. A Tax., com. Si la ak 00 SIM, S4Vk 00 nrererrea Baw York Central...... Norfolk A Wrat., com.. do preferred. .,..,4.., North American......... N. Y., Ont. A Waatera.. Pennsylvania Railway.. People's- O., L. A C. Ce. Pressed S. Car, com.,. do preferred -. Pae. Mell Steamship O. Beading, com. . . . do 2d preferred. ...... da let preferred. ...... Ben. iron A Steel, com. do preferred. . Berk Island, -com...... do nreferred 1S7 3 IM S4U i: 107 h l:wt!40 4 fSoatnern Ry.. rxSa..... do nreferred . ......... Southern Pacific........ do erefrrrea. ...... St. Louie A S. com. do preferred Texas A Pacific .... Tennessee Coal A Irea.. Tol., S. Ia. A W., com,. do preferred. Cnroa Psclfic, com do preferred. .... m a. . C 8. Lratker, com I3.'eiis3 lOIIKH ijv,i vi- do nreferned D. S. Rubber, earn,.... do preferred .......a. U, 8. SteeL, com....... do breferred . . ...... ... Wheel. A L. Brie. 2d,. Wiaconeia (Jen.,, eom.a. do preferred. .... . ,. Western I n ton Tel Wabash, com... do preferred Money, 2 1 pee cent, Total galea for day. 1.TB6.T00 .share. " , sab TsVAjtciboo xnmra itocka. .. . "' ! " Sea leranelsea. Pen. n.f filial minlnr alos- lag, loeeaoon aaaaion RIA Bid. ....$ .2S .id Rullloa Belcber- Con. CaL-Ys.. fsvsge . .is ,. I.SS - T ?I Potosl B1nlri'Ccjn. .. . . .st Ophir ........ isledoala . .... Yellow Jacket... .30 Rxebequer SO ': Hale A Norcroes. ..12 Mexican ....... l.KK tton. Mercar.... ..ST . T0M0PAH STOCRS. Adsms IS Moots ss ...... IftTtt Columbia Mt.. ,A Hen iop........ . Rearne .IS Hsndatorm OS Belmont 1.16 Nevada 1.1 Tea. Kxteaalea.. 4.7V . Hold Mountala,; .IS North Star.. Midway ........ 1.20 Gold Anchor .CO Ooldflrid ....r,tT-f. Mohawk . .1 Jim Butler..... AT Juan be l Jumbo Extea... .32 MrKamars ..... .Si Ray O' Brian.. - .OS Kendall M . BTW TOBX BTXXABT. Raw Tork. Pen. 21 Dow. Jonea'eTco.' eav: Amcrtcaa storks la laendoa are firm. Consols re very stantis la fosdoa at a forther "advance of 81 8. Traffic alliance between Intarborougb sad Kew. Turk. Weatcbcater A Hoe ton. . Ke laa portsnoe attached to threatened Mttgattou by Continental Becartttee eomneny aralnat Northers Securitlee. Western trsf flc msnsgera ' report huslaaaa depraeaed by extreme rold weather. London eery bnllisb oa tnlteu Stsas Steel sod Hoot hern Partite, (food deaMndfor Atchlaoa In the loaa crowd. 1'nAumatlc Tool will reaume dividends April I. New lose of SIM.inw.ouo for Resets expected la Paris la March. Tweaty eight mads far the . seroed week of February show an evarige gross decrease of AOS per cent. Oenerat trend ef the market te toward harder sales. fMsrsdo Son t berg rarnlngn for the seo end week of Penresry show aa Increaae of AX2ia. Twelve Industrials advanced .71 per teat; 20 active rails advanced ,2k per eeat. ,. . SAB PBABCISOO LOCAL STOCKS. . Saa PraacwPrkv . (aartl Stocks loalng l:SO a. m.; . . - - r ' ' -4 Bid. Aak. t OOTrm ineia n aier.. .. Sprlag Valley Water , Saa Praeels. Oaa Blectrtc. a... 4:14 44Vt 1714- 8k .... MS .... .... 43 14 Mutual Kkwtrle ..; nawnuaa nwar ww-aa...... llonokes Sugar ........ff:.. as so 14 ti SlH Hiit'-blaaon Sugar JJk . .. Mekswell Sugsf 'OTl'SS Oaoasee Sngsr ....f.. I,. ..aain.Bi... . . . . V5T Psanhsa Horse M , 4'4 Alaska PscStb' M sr. raUforala Wine smiristkaa. 71 14 Oceania Steamaklp S ' S PsAIle Butas Televbona.; .108 4 11014 'vnfTtln sin itmsm Cleerlnsa .,..-$" 4 Ulaacea .....,..a..,.......M AtSAlg f,IAY WHEAT GAINS HALF CENT TODAY Big Operators In Absolute Con trol of Prices in Chi- '' : ' cago.'' '", : : ; JULY AMD SEPTEMBER i'- THREE E.CHTHS HIGHER Opening Was Lower - and Early Trading Show Loss Re- a ? covery Later. . ' . . - j ,. . j . vJu..'.V- i ' ( -: ' c. TODAT'S WHEAT MARKET. Open Clnae ' . Cloao - -. Osin Tiuta , 1'tAmw' Una ' TJtmm Msj.i,.,V.i;.$i.im4 $i.nn4A$l.mHA $ .oowj July, ..l.oife Lni l.oi.R .ooV .U2 y .wa .ik: ; .00 rVrtlaWd by Over beck. Starr A Cooke Co.) , H,,u, . . i . i no o waa a iwiioa la the wbrat market today aad all options are ah e wins a rise. Mav oriened at II isu and cloaed at $l.llk asked, a rlae of c. while September aad July each recorded su sdrance ef Sc after a lower opening.. The advance in tha onenlna todae waa aor due to any change la the situation, but to fact that .the Mr rune wanted It to so up. The visible supply report of Bradatreet a. abowing a big decrease, wss a good kelp to .the market. . ' i . . . , Yelume af Trade tmalL Lncaa A lirraa aav: Thai narlre walla nL Ing nervous st this time, showed a quieting uowu. -ine volume or nusinaae is aecidmiiy small ae compered witk laat week'a aaealona. Slatlstlrsl news la all besriah. Northwest hews was decidedly discouraging. larger receipts and expectations of liberal afferlaga from the country cauerd weekaeas In the Mlnneopolla maraet. All tainga eonaldared. the local mar ket Aaa not act at all badly. The sctton seems te reflect support by tha strong tntarrats. The trade eontlnaee very much at eea regardlag tea wnavuiaie psuras ox prices. Cera Retires Ara-TMaappetatlag. In corn the action ef the market wss dls- appniatlng sad tba fact that U did not respond to the liberal decreaee la tba vlalbla wea die ct.araglng An the bulls. Receipts see larger owing to batter railroad euesmu nice Una. Wa see bo immeuiata. proapect ei aetteraksat la thla msrket. J- r v .. Oats -sad Pnkvisioaa Blew. . V f Tba oats msrket for the nrearnt la Hkelv1 ta continue In Its ruL - Tkrra ara abaolaul so feeturee. la nrnvisions tba action of the market m slow aad eeamo to bold eat only little pcvtnv lae for aa Immediate Improvement. Today a erricisi markets : , . . WHEAT. J Hlgk. , UrwJ Close. . Opes. . 1.011, Msy., $ i.ia f Line, gi.ia July., Sept.. l.l'. .S214 COB.N. FeK.a.a ...... May .4S4 July. .. ...! .47 Sept..... ' .47(4 May'."." Jul v.. .SI ,.11 Sept. Ju V mess' pork. Peb. ' . ..... May.... 1S.TT - urn July...M iaS0 12.DT 12.80 USD, Pfca e e e e a e May..... SSft July.;... T.W atep'tsa an 4 e w. - : - S.TT IM T.tlft. IM v t.os AST , AST T.15 B SHORT 'BIBS, ' IrVfe. i a'e, MsV...e M s.a AS S.ST as .. $. AST t ASS DECEMBER WHEAT IN - ' DEMAND: MAY DULL (Pamished by Oveebeck, Starr A Cooke Co.) Saa Pranrtaeo, Feb.. 21.-B. P. Button A Co. say: December wheat wsa sgsla la demand, and allhouxh there were numarona afters la the market tbey found Plenty of buyers. There was nothing doing In tbe Msy. Barley waa quiet with a few sales at yester day o pricea. Thla- la due to tbe feet tbst al though tha crop conditions ara good, s change mar seme at tbe st unexpected mon eud than would follow a repetition of the previous rear. Tke eeah altuatlea for both wheat aad barley le nsnstiy unchanged. -Aoaay s eitKisi a. as. market ' WHBAT. Open. High. May.... S1.47i $1.4744 low. $1474 1.37)4 Close. ' 147i l.STk 1.1B iMcember.... .S7 1.27S , SSSI.S1, May. LIS l.lil LIS leeamber.... ,SSK .SS14 SB 14 . rnncAoo cash whxax. Ckleagn, Peb. 21. Cask wheat: '7- . ........ , au "TiS ' Ro, a. red . '.f: ........ .... .'sV-si " $....' No. A red J.. 1.14 I. IS Now X hard '.. 1 IS ' i la No ,'3, hard u 1.10 - .g Kb.'l northern ...... .2S Ko-Jt jMrtkara l.u uttxpooc .rat majucxt. UvenoeL Peb. 11, d. sad dowa: ) 4117, 4Hvl, ,da onwi. . unwn;T Msj.. Cora March. d, sd dowa. OUnaga SraJa Oar lata, " Cblcsge, Feb. 21. Orals car lota: f Cara UrafU V. , nuu Wheat ................. 21 .. f M v so Cora a ...'.S14 ' Sis .. Osu 1SB- 51 208 , B0ST0B , 00PPXB STOOXB. Boston, Peb. SI. Official - RIA I copper clsaa Adventure ....$ T.uo Old' Dominion. . J1U. $27.a7V Atlaatle 1T.M lOareols S.1.50 W.0 Calumet SkO.OO Centennial .... 21.00 fsrrat .. ifhoanlg , IQnlncy .. IHants Pa. ... S50 ..aos.uo ... 1 2B ... -xty, .m u a ... 4250 ...llS.OO Oopper kssre T1.75 Orsnby 5.25 Oreeua Copper. 2S.s2mHhannoa Maes. ........ lASTVklTrlnlty .... Michigan 14 B2UU tak ..... Mohawk 53.00 I Wolverine Bingham' iU.OO I , ... , . , .j, s Bsrtkera Securities. New Tork. Feb. 21.-Torb anotatlona: Rortbrra tWuritlea. felgh 12H. low ldlMa, last ssie ini vs. 11,000 sheraa. 3 Jii44JiaiV: total gales, t ILLINOIS MINERS MEET : 'IN. STATE CONVENTIOiy (Journal Special Scrvlee.) , ' Bprtngfleld, 111.. Feb. Sl.Tbs Illinois dlvlrlon of the United Mlneworkwra of America mat Id delegate convention In this dtp this morning gt 10 o'clock. ; An aggregate meraberehlp of about (O.tOO arc represented bp several hundred Slo gates. Tbera Is nothing of special im portance to com before tha meeting, but there ara numeroua matters demanding Attention. The sessions arc likely to laat several days, aa offloors are to be elected and various reports tobc beard And accepted. . t The contraeta with the opera tori of tha atata. which bold Rood for another year, remove tha poaelbllltT of trouble oveS wage or conditions of labor. 'Tbe Zelgler controvrrsy s tba only matter of vital concern to eons up for consid eration And action... - . The annual report of fVecretarvTrens- qrert-Ryan ahowa that tha organisation lg In good shApa througbout lusaola. and haa aocornpllahad much In tha laat 12 months. .Iht' outlook-. 1 gtatad rtn be mora peaceful than It haa been for wme timet. 'Financially .ths organisation ig In hotter condition than It aver haa been before. The xpenaeei are laaa than they bar treem ror eeveral yaara, and fearer miners are unemployed thaa Is ordinar ily, pa r ' aa ti it aaa e ae ,, e-er-a -eaj ew ,4T .4I4 .MA .4T(4 .41 ,T,A ,' .SStirt .SOV .3111 A .H . .30 B atm : JH ... . 118S M H.TT . -.12 S2 life ? Cii4 111-, a Itl '1a '. ' A'-:.,'. ; :,rj,"J ,innai a innrn i i.umy uitrL I Will have no terror -; for you if1 your coal, bin is filled with v GOOD CLEAN vox Am w 8zx4. Why dap . money for tha kind tlvst causae trouble ' and vaxstioa. whan pott ara certain aura of antia faction bp plato lag pour order barat . . . Rotk Springs Coal o. i I ,'ft B. SATIS, aVBTAOmaWT , ' the best and prettiest also, largest number .of-, pretty' .Rouses around Portland, Modern Houses -4 FROM $800 to $1250 Installment plan or big dis count for cash. See owner. TOENASH, in the white house at Nashville, station on the Mt Scott car line. Phone ' Main .'Union 1861. PVROGRAPHY Oar class In all applications of ths art convenea each Tuesday and Thurs day afternoon from I to 4 o'clock. , MULTNOMAH INSTITUTE '' , .. . SS BtattB StTvwt, 1 Phono Had ITS. Portland. Or. CREE LAND IN OREGON f is the rkbest grsin, fruit tai wacfc ssctioa in tha world. Thousands of acres of land at acres! cost Of Irrigation.::, Deed direct from Stat, Oregon. WHITS TO-O AY. BOOKLET and MAP FRKC, DcKhutcsIrrifitiori ami Power Can. fasv,iio-llsMclU7BuuuUn(,Peftlaatl,0 SALOON BOX CASE IN SUPREME COURT Constitutionality .of the Prohi bition , of the Side Room i ArguSd Today at Salem. . (Special Dispatch te. Tbe Journal.) - Salem. Or Feb. Jl.---Ths eases ' of Harry Sandys st ah, appellants, against Oeorgo H. Williams, mayor of Portland. snd others, respondents," snd Theodore Kruae, apfvallant, . against Ooorga ti. Williams, mayor, and other, on appeal from tho circuit court of Multnomah county, are being argued before tha su premo court-thla afternoon. Theae ara tha celebrated Portland "box cases," and as tho two suita Involved ara practically tha name Issued, they - wars considered together by tha circuit court, and wlH probably bo disposed of In liko manner by tho supreme court - The only Question or interest involved is whether tho authorities of the city of Portland can by ordinance prohibit ths owners or saloons ana restaurants in tho city from selling liquor to be ao- livered .or uaed In any side room, back room or other apartment -In the aama or an adjoining building, or tho main tenance of alcoves, booths or boxes lit connection with or In any manner re lated to tbalr places of business. ; CABINET FOR STANDARD . r : OIL COMPANY'S CLAIM (Journal Special Service.) Washington. Feb. II. Reprcsontativs Campbell of Kansas called on tho sec retary of tho Interior today and re quested him to fully Investigate the blanket lease of TOt.OOS acres of ths best oil snd gas Isnds in ths Onage In dian reservation to tha Standard oil company, alleging that ths lease wss obtained by fraud. Tho subject was discussed st A cabinet meeting today. Secretary Hitchcock St. the cloao of tha meeting aaid that tho view of ths ad ministration 1" that parties owning the lease had certain ..vested rights with Which It .would bo unjust" for tbe gov ernment to Interfere. T0tj LATB TO OLAS-iW. UST-.a- Scotch eollle dog. esble aad white: intiirainas n-aoraw fv ie."n - oe ' m reretve re ward. H U Mierten, 4S1 East Twaatlatb at., X. : . . - 1 . tr aonm dxj, (established lSts.) OXXBS. ' Members CBIeA'-s cmAzsr. pa-OTt-rrri, Its Third etre-t, 1", . rm i a t r , v r-'- ia-A 4. . - NASHVILLE WSSAT Alt BTOtTXn atssss 4. Orattsul rioa. . OaUt AfBATm ' OS OOBBISOB, Dr. W. Norton Davli. ... 1 .' M- . 74L'l T-. IN A WEEK 'We fLeat ;M.. 'f - chreale -d'aeaawa ef eti: alao blood, stesasch. heart, liver, klitney and; tkreat tmuMee. Wa, curs STPM1LLIS merearrj ta star nrlI'"'' la W to SO iaya. We remove STRICTLBIC. wlthoat eperstjua or pala. U IS We- stop gralna, the reenlt ef eelf-ebuee. lmmafllaieiv. j w . M. tw. .i. . ef any mas anaar So by eaeaaa af amal treat- saaat inwuitsr ta onraelvaa.. ... . WcXure Qonon'boea la a Week Tbe doctors af "thi lastftata are all regales graduates, ksvs had many years' experience, keve been known to Fort la ad for 16 years, have a reps tat Ion tnmsln,uia and will aaoer. Jaksno caac nnlessl. certsla care caa Is if- . We gasrantea to cars lav every ease we aaAer' take oe charge no fee. t'onslutatina free. tt-. tera confldentlal. Instmetlve BOOK P0B MA.1 . asallad free la Plata wrapper. - If yea cannot call at. e'See, write tar Una :ank. , Ussss treatmeat Of See t to S aad T ta S. Holidays. . 10 to IX y The laaslag enaeisllsta la ths Wmtkasat : BsUkUsked '18b. v r. DntNoilonDavi5i&). Taa Bop HeUl, B. Z. Cer. Tklri aai Pine Ua, POBTLABD, 0BSO0B. C. OEE WO ; Th arsat Chlosss Doctor ' ' la called ' causa bis wonderful eurea ara ao waal known throuchoat the United Ata tea, snd because ao naeap peoole ara thankful to htm for aaving their llvao front OPERATIONS ' Ho treats any and all dlaonaaa with powerful Chinese . herbs, roots.' bad barks and vegetablea II aSSHll tnl ! .,...,.1 aai. known to mauioal seloneo In thle coun try, and through the use of thaooliartn.. laaa revoedlee. This famous doctor k no wa tha action of over 0 dlftorant rernodlea that ho has auceaaafully uaed In different glseasea. Ha guranteea to euro eaUrrk. aatlima. lung troubUA rhaurnatlorn. were Touunesa. atom men. iitvt, . . tmmtm MtiVia arw afl nrlvato dlaoaaaex Hnndreda of testimonials. C bargee moderate Can and sea rtin. . COMBTJIiTATTOaT fkl. k .. . a ... ..I... aar.1 ... en blank and clrcuUr, artcloao atamp. Ad- THE I QEE WO CHINESE ? MEDICINE CO. ' 1BJ Alder street.' Portland, 'Or. StAlr wap of 2&1V4 Alder streot leads to of flco. - Mention thla paper. en. gu:::i's . , " IMPROVED LIVER FILLS ONLY OMSPOR ADOSS . OUSBMKADAOHB - by remoTlng tba eaoae . CUltS ILIOWBN KB ' ' ; by Aiding digestion , HIT PILL ON EARTH SOXJ IT1U BnUPMSISTB. OAST M AH. OJf uaurr os raica. aae. rma box SKMtMAMS FOB fRBS SAMSLS BOX DR. B0SANK0 C0 PHIUkOCLBMIA. rVL. U. . A. WEINHAIID'S; Citlfrery .. taargaat aaat Morn Oosaplst Browory ta tho WortAwasV . Bottled Beer i Specialty ( TIUMIII Vs. ,TS. r. ,'',"' Ofllos 13tk sad amraalAs Btraeaa. PORTLAND, OREOOK,-. 1 ' i-t; : V-ie J, lsslre aVlWltkt I -well kUrVtt wiUm SAT ay nti F-nard of Tr " r t. r -w j - ? ( rN Even AT i , TA naW l I Tba new Vaal a. da. a. V iV. r ,Sia,asS 4torfea.Vat- - "'""'tSaaasr "" " Iteere- .aaeelvtka " ' TT I . S-4. M vnKsr .' t -a a mmr. b -ant swans for Vl g - a tl'aaar. ! Ilateae M I f i t a sad " -a t V -SaVAa, . , . (-' n. i A..1