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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
. - . ' .,4 ' .. . . 'i v ..... . : . :l U-t ... THE" OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. POUTLAND, ' TUESDAY EVEr:i::o. tedruary i. 1 - . .ctiampion'-'i Wrestler V Seems in v. Earnest Regarding Hi De ::.?slt tire to Be a Boxer. FITZ MAY BE MATCHED r v ; . WITH WILLE AT 'FRISCO Gotham's Fight Fans Gossip on . Prospect of Coming Nel- aon-Corbett Bout. ' ' ; Nfw Tork, Feb. 21. No man really . looking tor fight these day need have ur r of setting mil he wahta of It, and 'of quality to suit Here'a' Frank , Qoteh, for Instance. .' Not satisfied with winning premier honors on the mat. he ha a an idea or, at least he says ha baa, ' -r-ot trying to wrest Jim Jeffries laurels from him,.' .Of course. If Gotch ares in ' earnest, and could sbow ths champion ." that a." mtch between the twowould draw enough to par training expenses, -' Jeff would undertake to show him in 1 .. mlnates that, what, he did -not know ' about - the fighting game would fill a . library. And here cornea -thr! lor Torn' Sharkey. with a keen nose for what looks like easy money to furnish the wrestling : man an opportunity to convince the pub- He which pays thai he can da business with the big fellow. Bbarkey offers to meet Ooto when, where and' how he wants and If he can take Tom's meas ure there msy be something doing with . Jeff. . Gotoh may went some of the sailor's game, but it la a question. There Is no doubt as to bis ability to stand up before the champion long enough to make It interesting. Much Interest is felt here In the fight elated for next week between Toung Corbet! and Battling Nelson. The oplii in Is that the return match will not be so. easy for the hard-hitting Dane as was . the first. Corbet t no longer undereatl- ' mates bis adversary, and is working . harder than he ever has worked since ne tumbled Terry- McOovern from the championship. . . . Boxing' la Brew York. ' While the New Tork legislature has not and probably will not pass law le galising boxing In this - city, regular ' bouts are held here constantly and the courts have held they are within the law. There are half a doscn or more athletlor . clubs which bold regular bouts, at which, however, only members are present and' for which tickets cannot be purchased. The bouts are limited round affaire, with no decisions, and . the contestants are . generally youngsters with ling reputa tions to make, though this Is not always the case.. Nevertheless, there hsve been . some as pretty bouts ss a lover of clean sport could want .to see. . .. ..... ... v mi aaa iffct, Alex Oreggatns,' manager of the fean Francisco Athletic club, hss opened ne gotlatlona with John Wille. the Chl ' csgo heavyweight., and .Bob. Fltsstm mons for a fa-round fight to be held on the coast some time In starch. Wllle's msnsger received a telegram from Greg V gains ssklng If Wllle was willing to '-X-lmaka the match, and was Immediately f? Informed . that the,. Chlcagotnah would f ' fight and allow Fits to dictate hlfrterms. ' It M doubtful If Fits will consent to v; fight Wills . in 'Frisco in March, as the . theatrical show witn wntcn ne is -pisy-, ing m booked up until the first week in June. Fits has already declared that he will not fight before June or July at the earliest. 1 'V ' ' "' i" 1 " ' Itmay be-inat- thhr declaration of . Fltxalmmons not 1o fight until ls the atrical.1 season is ovei Is responsible for the bombardment or challenges to wnicn : the old man haa been subjected recently, all of which, by the way, insist on a fight right swsy. -, KULFORD WINS FIRST GAME FROM ZELUR Opening Contest in Multnomah Club's Pool Tournament ' - : Is Well Played: V; . . The opening contest In. the pool tour nament which was Inaugurated at the Multnomah Club Isat evening with a ' aingle contest Instead of doubles as ' scheduled. It has been decided to. play only one gems each night for a few days, and the match between George McMtllsn and H. Pj Holmes scheduled tot last evening wss ' postponed ' until 'Thursday evening. i In the contest lest -evening M. fl. Mul ford defeated C W. Zellar, the billiard champion. In a well contested match by the 'score of l to it. ' Each succeeded la running the balla dwa upon a safe brak- ' -1 ' - D. I Banks will meet F. C. Ford in the contest tonight. v ,. - ' - ' v ; ATaTUTXOS AT USXFaTlTOMOa. . ' - '(Joonut gpedal serrle.) - - Independence, Or., Feb. 21. The boys organised sn athletic club here a "few - days sgo snd have rented the building formerly occupied ss a hardware store , by J. F. O DonnelL' The building la a large on. They played a game of bas : ketball there pn Saturday night with the Rlrkreall team. The boys at Independ ' ence won . by-a, small margin of J ;: points. ". It is modeled after fashion' .... -r. . ... ...,,,.,- in it is superior; a variety of styles enables you to select " f , a hat that will fit your features. Why not call? .They - N 51 are the stanVJard which others imitate, ,: '-'' ROBIN f t Iotel "Perkins tBldg. , HARD TASK FOR ; : TRACK UMGER Prospects for a Good Team at State 'Varsity fAref Discourag-- j Ing to Manager. : SCHOLARSHIP OF MEN' " CAUSE OF DIFFICULTY Trjere Is Plenty of Available Ma terial but Studies Will Pre-i-vent Their Participating. . . t- ( (Joeraat Spatial Service.) . lnlverslty- of Oregon. Eugene, Or., Feb. tL Not very encouraging are the prospects' that confront Manager W. I Whittlesey for a .successful track team for the coming season.' There Is no lack of good material but the difficulty Is with the scholarship of some, of the men. ' The fsculty Is very stringent with the athletes and enforces the rule -to the letter that a grade of C or 10. must be maintained by the student in order lo be able Jo take part la athletlca or be come a member of any athletlo team. Since the preparatory work has been dis continued at ths university and the re quirements for entrance have been put upon the same ' level -with - the large t universities of the country the class work la also mors difficult thsn It was before and mors time Is required for studies so that art athlete-is hard pressed to makea good mark and glvs his atten tion to -athletics, ' As It looks now, Fentand, a distance man, Moores, sprinter, and Kuykendall. splinter, are out -of the running as well aa some others of less prominence. This will' very materially weaken the team. Until Trainer Hay ward arrives . from Berkeley the men will be trained under Captain Hugg, who Is already exercising some of the men In the weights and max Ing preparations for cross country runs. Manager Whittlesey said today that an effort was being - made to revive the state championship day that was former ly held at Salem and at which all the colleges of the state were represented and where the stats championship was decided. ' This plsn would receive favor able support here "If the financial "itart of it was safe, as the state championship would never then be in doubt after a sea son. Oregon's schedule this season pro vides for meets with Corvsllls, Willam ette university, Paciflo univeraltyJJnt verslty of Washington and a proabMtlve meet with the University of .California if their team la sent north. . MOTOR BOAT SHOW OPENS IN HEW YORK Novel and Instructive Exhibition ' Is Inaugurated at Madison -' rJ: " 7" Square Garden. " , ' (Joareal BpeHat gMTlee.l ' r New Tork, Feb.' tl. The motor boat and anortsmaa'a show, which onunMl 'in Madison Square garden today. Is one ef tha most Interesting and Instructive shqws ever seen In this country. It contains all of the .most prominent -features of the former sportsman's shows and in addition It Includes ths first big exhibition or motor bosts ever held in America. A large artificial lake In the center of tha blx amohltheatre haa been constructed for the display of the motor craft. It is the largest lake ever seen under cover1' containing, more thsn half a million gallons or water.. All tne lat est speed creations for use on tha w' ter are shown. Including the litis models of the leading boat and engine manu facturers of this country. and Europe. Races and other contests' are to be a leading feature of: tha week's p no gram. Though visitors were admitted today, the exhibition will not 'be formally opened until thla evening, when the oc casion will be made brilliant by ths pres ence of Rear Admiral Coghlan. Rear Admiral George W. Melville and a num ber of other prominent naval officers and experts In marine construction. . MEN'S HANDICAP AT f WAVERLY TOMORROW On tomorrow afternoon. Washington's Birthday, the Waverly Oolf club will hold a men's handicap competition, which event will be participated in by a large number of the local golfers, which will keep the links busy all day. . Providing the entries can be secured. tha club . will . hold a, mlxrd foursomes competition during, the afternoon. -i Tomorrow la on of the great days at ths links and there will be a large at tendance, at the games, . i . n i , m . -i JTOCDTT IPOObTbTOB SAXLS, . (Jaarsal Bpeetal SerTire t New Tork."-reb.'.21.-'-Jockey Wlnnls O'Connor sailed todsy for France, .where he la under contract to ride for Count de Pourtallea during -ths .coming season. His retaining fee Is said to be in the neighborhood of f 10,000, There are a number of other owners land trainers, however, who ere said to be anxious to secure second ca 11 on the little American )nf key's services on-the other aide, so that with d fair break in luck O'Cbnnor'a Income, during the season. In France should be close, to 150.000. ( , Let Us Pointy. Out to You a Few Reasons . Why You Should Wear Our . , . '. -Robson $3e00Hat latest modelr: The' euality r : 289 Washington Street. LCCAL FANS AID DENEflT Portland Admirers of' Jim Mo- rr; i Donald . 'Assist Their ; Sick Friend. V; ; CONTRIBUTIONS GIVEN : ; IN LIVELY FASHION Portland Team. Is Soon to Start ; for Training 'Quarters at Bakersfield. . The monster benefit that Is to bt tendered Umpire Jim McDonald at San Francisco tomorrow will be attended by one of the largest crowds ever at a benefit contest In Ban Francisco. 7 - ' Several ( good ' friends of McDonald have takjn the matter In hand, and have donee- great ' deal . toward .pro moting the-affair. The Ban Francisco papers .bavd taken up the matter and are. boosting the game as much as possible. - . - '. i . :' Jim, McDonald, -the maw xor wnom this game Is to be played,, la known from ona snd of the coast to ths other for his! honesty and integrity, which has won for him a -host' of friends, ; who, now that he is practically down and but, have rallied to his aid and are endeavor ing to render htm every asslstanck In their power. "' McDonald lie's at bis home In "Baa Francisco a "verye'ek 'man, and - the funds secured by this game may help secure the benefit of certain medical attention -of which he Is at present denied. .".. 1 Here In Portland tha many friends of the' honest official responded to ! the call with a will, and In a very short time all tha tickets received here were readily disposed of, and several fans contributed -.without accepting the tlcksts. : - . J"", . Among ths local fans who took up ths matter of assisting - In ths McDonald benefit-were Peter Q rant Harry How land. Sammy Vlgneux. H. O. -"Doe" Brown. Jack Grant, Eddie Dayey, Lew Mahaf fey, . Larry McKenna, Tommy Burns. A. ' P. Caylor, - Al Brown, of Schlllerst Erve Beck, Walter McCreedle, Buck , Keith, . Tom McGulre. "Slata" Davis, Jerry Powers, Jack Coffey, Jack Finn. Sam Beary, Olivet and many others. -. .... . ( About two hours sfter the bunch of tickets were received by Peter , Grant they were sold out, which shows bow pnpulsr the veteran umpire Is la this city. - : . .-. o :. '- . Fleased Witk Appointment ef bavta, i l The appointment of ""Slats' Davis to a position on President Bert's Staff of umpires is pleasing to- the local faaa, who can testify aafto -the ex-Mormon's ability as an .indicator handlsr. '- "Slste" made a hit with the local fane by the way he hustled the game, and the distinct manner of announcing decisions. His calling of balls snd strikes' can be heard and understood by 'any one In ths park, and Is not given In the jumbled up -msnner of some of the of f lolala who have worked hsre.-" t .. . President Lucaa, of the Pacific Na tional league, and John J. McCloskey both spesk In the highest terms of Davls'.sbmty as an umpire.' and In the cass of MoCloskey It might be men tioned that Davis, in nls- capacity as umpire,, had occastoa. to put "Honest John" out of the game and sometimes put of the grounds quits often, during the psst season. , 7 , . . Ipenoer Zs Caused, - , Harry ' Spencer, the youngster who played with Portland last season, and was to have been given a further trial by Manager McCreedle, haa been turned loose by ths local and thereby bangs a is is. Some few weeks ago tBe local 'man ager sent Spencer a 'contract which called for a ratM over the salary paid the youngster last . season. ' and. ! this probably had ths effect of causing Harry to think that Portland really needed htnv for', ht sent the contract back. - requesting double thet rslse offered, and also desiring several other specifications -plseed In tha contract relative to his being paid In full, should hs become sick, and railway fare to and from his homs and other demands. After reading Spencer's numerous re quests Msnsger McCreedle sent him his release, and stated that Portland did pot need htm nohow, which will be a great surprise to Speneer. Ths local msnsger states that ne ' thinks young Jimmy Gleason will prove a better man in every capacity. - ' To Start Tot BakanflaUL i On ' Next Monday or -Tuesday ell. of the Portland players will start for the training qusrters. - van Buren, Gleaaon, St, Vraln, , McCreedle " and probably kssick. who Is in Bait Lake at present, will lesve from here. Ats and- French will lesvs Hot .Springs on Saturday and will arrive at Bakersfield -about the same time ss does the local contingent. Bert Jones will leave Golden, 'Colo., on Monday, and Larry Bohlafley will leave Canton, Ohio, on Sunday. - - - 1 Jay Hughes will Join McCreedle In San Francisco and - go with him to Bakersfield. r Cetes, and Gmpatrtck will leave Kansas City sbout the first of March, jonn MCLan win stsrt from Bt. Louis about the earns time. "Man ager McCreedle haa ordered Jack Doyle to, be In Bakersfield by March (, when Portland Is scheduled to plsy sn" exhibi tion game with the Bakersfield team. . 'Householder Is in IO Angeles, snd will probably be the first local player to report. Garvin wtll leave New Tork about- the middle ,af-next week, ' and Runkle . will - start from - Mlnneapolla about the same time; In tsaae McCreedle- secures Charlie Swindells from St Louis hs Will not bring Thlery out- - In about two weeks all the clubs Wlt be- Irt sctivf training st their various Quarters. . u,; , ; BANKER'S TEAM -DEFEATS COLD LEAFS Well-Played ' Contests Won' by "r Steady Work on the , Alleys, l:- .' 1. .r: - i-.j. r : : The Bankers and Gold Leafs both did themselves proud in their mstch game Isst evening. The Bankers rolled over the 100 mark-In their first and second gsraes. and won both. " Ths Gold Leafs won the third, and to show the Bankers thst they could bowl log -they came through with the wood score of 5, which Is good bowling for any team. Captain Capen of ths Bsnkera bad ths high average, v Ml.- Case, also of the Bankera, was right close to Mm, witn jao 1-1. Csptsln Gatllard of ths Oold Leafs wss third, with the good average of 11 S-S. All three men rolled very steady games. Case had the high single I gams, 323. 1 Cass deserves special credit for hs-has been absent from match kames for some time, I ' The 2-gam tournament ip qualify for ths Portland all-star team opens st I p. m. this evening, wbea five games will be rolled. It should prove Very Interesting, as ths best bowlers .la Port land are entered. . - 1 - ' -, i Thursday, February tl. will be ladles' day. The upstairs alleys will be re served free of charge for ths ladles from 1 to o'clock. Tha. lady making the highest score during the artsrnoon will receive a prise. . - ' The scores of last evening's match were: : Bankers ankers ' -y (II . (t) (I) Ave., . t2!. 17 20l-r-001-2 In-. 1SV 1 . 164 131-1 Csee Ball! Armitag .1(4 im , in 1 Jonee , .. , .'ICS Capen - 201 140 1 214 14201 . . Totals . .......Ill 1,1 ita ; (2) ,!Wl Gold Leafs 1 (IVMD Ave., Rows 4.14 ) l0-44 11 i-I Hlnnekamp ., ...202 . 124 ,lt lTi F. Clesset It' 202 lt 176 2-1 Siebels . , .....! 1T 17J 1T Oslllsrd , ; .! 30 214 14 2-t ' ToUls ; . . . .844 . 251 ' 260 1 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Ky;: t AT THE RACE TRACKS 7oarsal Special Servtee.) . Ban Francisco, Feb. 2U The wise ones plsyed In good luck - yesterday when two of their heavily played choices won slly. Hunynarys 1 ' , ' Three furlongs Mooropus won.- Iron Watson second. 8t Francis third; time, :28H. . . . ' .'- ,- '. ttlx fortengs Greenock won. Hipponax second, port, Wayne third; time, 1:11k. seven furlongs urenore won, ugni or Day second. Lily Goldlng third;- Urns, 1:224.: .' -'. - - - 1 Mile and 10 : yards Prod table won. Glenarvon second. Play Ball third; time. l:Sl. -.... - . ,f ..... - Mils' and a alxtenth Erne won, Bar ney Dreyfus second, Budd Wada third; time,' 1:82.. x. L - Rlv fuplnnva Jndve vnn Kaetop see ond, Rowena third; time. -1:12. ! - 1 Los Angeles. Feb. 21. Testecday's re sults at Ascot park were aa followa: Three and a half furlongs Ala Rus sell won, Rosario second, j Annis third; time. 0:4214. , - Blx furlongs Firs Ball won. Confes sor second, Ralph Reese, third; time, 1:14. - ' One mils Synner Simon won. Ore haa second.' Del 'Coronado third; time, 1:42. Seven furlongs Fustian won, Keflll worlh second. Reqnltsr third; time, l:2H,..,..,... .. . - - Mile and a sixteenth Tryon " won. Bronse Wing second. Golden Light third; time. 1:42. . - Mile and 70 yards Golden Ivy won. Straggler second, Varro third; Urns, ' ');."-' .-: A ' Mat Bprlaga." ''V!, ' Hot Springs, Ark,, Feb.' 21. yeatar daya racing resnlts: - - - . - Three and a half furlongs America II "won. Sioiyoa second. Asurs third; time. 0:47 4-1. Six furlongs Mlmon won. Shady Lad second. Our Llllle third; time. 1;24-S. . One mile Crucal worn Bilver.Skin sec ond, Fra POlpo third: time. 1:B1-S, One - mile Cornwall won. ' Black Cat second. Klngrsine third; time, 1:10. Blx furlongs Ike won, WUlle Collier second. Little Wallis third; - time, 1:22-2. r-. '' Ona mile Electric won, Leone second, Nannon third; time. 1:47 I-. , - v" At Qissoaa Orty Track. New Orleans, Feb. 21. Yesterday's re sult at the Crescent City track: - Five and a half furlongs Diplomat won. Old - Hal second, . Lady Mercury third; time, 1:12 4-2. - ' Six furlongs Queen Rosa ' won, Pre sentiment second. Fallona third; time, 1:1. , -.. . - :u, - - k' Four .furlongs Verdant won, Filatory second, Jim McQlnnls third; time, 0:22. ' One 'tnlle Careless .won. PhU 1nch second. Judge Himes third; time, 1:47 1-2.' -;- t i' ' ' Mfle and TO yards Decoration won. Canyon second, Lapobn third; - time, l:Hll ; - Five furlongs Halcyon Days ' wen. Queen Esther second, Monamour-thlfd; time, i:0T. . -, : ' ' ' " . 4OOD ITOarr 0 T2T.lsta2IOO- , (Joaraal Spell Rcrrin.) -I Kalamasoo. Mich., Fsb. It Martin Duffy and Dlok Fitspstrlck are to fur nish the wlndup at tonight's show of ths Kalamasoo Athletlo club. The Interest In the bout has been increased by the fsct that the two - are unusually well matched. Recently they fought -'It-round draw at Bt Louis.- ' - HALF MILLION ACRES : ARE LEADED FOR SHEEP (Speeial Dtopetch te Th Jeanul.) , .Butte, Mont. Feb. II. Call later Maokay, prominent Utah sheepmen, have leased 200,000 seres 'of -railroad land between Leroy and Green River, In the Red desert. Wyoming, of the Union Paciflo Railway company. Tha agreement Is for one year and can be renewed if desired. This gives Calllnter Mackay control of the alternate gov eminent sections. -.-They will have at their disposal 1,200.000 acres tf excel lent winter erasing land, which will furnlah pasture for upward of 200,000 sheep. - ' ---1 Wyoming sheepmen have always tried to 'keep out .the wandering bands of Vtah and Idaho flockmssters. out under the ' new leass . Menara Callia'ter A Mackay can enter their sheep at will, if they have first complied with tne Wyo ming -quarantine -regulations, t , SEXAGENARIAN HIRES . : """TEAMSANIT DISAPPEARS (gpecisl tMapatrk le The Jearsal.) - Seattle,- Wash., ..Feb. 21. Sheriffs of four counties are looking for a sexsge- narian, who Is charged with hiring liv ery teams, taking them out and failing to return with them. The same de scription answers ths Old man who haa turned this trick at Spokane. Ellens burg, Everett and Ballard. . In every Instance ths rigs have- been. disposed of to ranchers fct from $7 to 2128. Sheriff Smith of King" county ,1a sending" out descriptions to sll parta f tha stats and Oregon asking officers to be on ths lookout for Jhe thief.- y REVOLVER SHOTS' END ' MESSENGER-BOYS' STRIKE . : . ,. t -- (Bpeelal Dwpafaw t The JouraaU ' Seattle, Wash:, Feb. 21. The strike t tha City Messenger company. In which half a dosen boys quit over a petty grievance with the manager, cul minated yesterday 'In a shooting affray. ueorge tenner, i a 1 (-year-old boy. who refused to qrfU work, started out to deliver soms packages with a wagon. Ha hadonly gone a block from the of- Sos When' the strikers gathered about Im snd attempted te , take his rig awsy .irom nim. rteuner . drew. a 22 callhre revolver Mod fired at the boys and the Victory was won,' KEV LC32I.;3 ROAD Runsf ront' .Mill City tnd Will ,CTap Hn , Timber Belt in .v--Cascade Mountains. LINN COUNTY PIONEER -f v ' EXPIRES AT ALBANY Rice Released on Bail Pythian District Convention Meets J " at CorVallis. ", kU-''-- (BpeeUI spateh te The Jearsal.) Albany, Or.. Feb. 11 The construc tion of tha new logging railroad for the Curtlss Lumber company, at Mill City,, east of hero on the Corvallls de Esstern, Is now under way and will be finished before spring cornea. A largo force . of railroad laborers. Japanese, Italians and Greeks passed through here yesterday on their way to Mill City to begin work on the road grade. Ths road will ran from Mill City, on tha north fork of the But lam' river.. In' a southeasterly direction into;' the -mountains and tap ana of tha .finest belts of timber In the Cascade- mountains. Tha road will be of atandard gauge, and will rah through a tract of country that When cleared off will make ths- vary best of fanning land. . Fiona sg Fassas Away. George W. Toung, a pioneer of ISM, and a resident of Linn county sines that time, died at his home In this, elty yes terday after an illness of several years, aged Tl years and' 4 months. He wsa born in Richland county, Ohio, and came across the plains from Illinois by ox team In, 112. locating on a donation land claim near 'Albany. In 1222 hs moved to tha city, where ha haa alnoa resided. For years ha followed bridge building and carpentering, and amassed quite a fortune? A Hs was a member Of the Odd Fellows, In which order ha held maay positions of honor and trust . He leaves a widow and ona daughter, Mrs. Mallnda Cleland of this city. Tha funeral la being held this afternoon un der, tha auspices of the local Odd Fellows organisations. . Cecil Rloe, tha young man held - hers for stealing a small dynamo from the gasoline launch of Z. H. Rudd last De cember, was yesterday afternoon re leased on ball, his uncle. Dr. Lamber son of Lebanon, putting up tha required 2200. Dr. Lamberson Is ths man whose chltUm bark, stored In his barnv was used by tha bank robbers a abort time ago ha sniotherlng the sound of tha ex plosions when tha safe la the Lebanon bank was being cracked. ' - . :. ..; ; pythlas District Oaxemtloa, , , The district convention of tha Knights of Pythias will' be held In Co nr ail la tomorrow afternoon and evening, . for the district embracing tha 00 unties of Linn. Benton. Polk and Marlon. A large crowd Is expected there on that oocaalon, and ' especially Interesting will be , the drills - of tha degree teams from - tha several lodges In the district Grand Chancellor L. M. Curl of thla city, ac companied by a large crowd of the members and the team from here, will be In attendance, and the Albany team Is expected by the the local members to carry off ths first prise at tne drlll- Ojmasm sTsthsr. '' ,1- Under ths-auspices ofr Albany col lege Professor M. E. Robinson of Chi cago will present In this city early. In March tha sacred opera, "Queen Esther," by local talent The first rehearsal for tha production will be held thla evening, and tha outlook for the work Is already very promising for many of tha best singers In she city have already signi fied their ' Intention of participating. Tha proceeds will be for tha benefit of ths college. .- v .. BUTTE MAN MENTIONED TO SUCCEED FALKENBURG - 8prial StsseUa te Tse-Joarnat) 1 Xtutta. ' Mont.. fiVtv t1.-.Tha Mtltnr nf rBenator W. A. CI ark' a Botts Miner A. B. Keith Is mentioned for the place of F, A. Falksnburg. lata head consul Pa cific lurisdlctlon Woodmen of ths World, the vacancy caused by tha letter's death to be filled by tha head1 camp session at Los Angeles next April. Mr. Keith is president of tha Montanet Auxiliary Fraternal congress. vHs was formerly editor of tha Paciflo -Woodman, tha of-" flcial organ of tha Woodmen of the World.rand occupied several Important official positions In thst order, having been made a life member of the head cams session. Mr. Keith has been prominent In tha work of - tha fra- ternala for many years. . MONTANA AGREES UPON ' RAILWAY COMMISSION LAW - "- (gpeeial Dispatch to The Jssraal.) . ' Helena, Mont, Feb. 21. The Repub licans In caucus have agreed , upon a railroad commission law patterned after the Minnesota law and-mamed M. L Davidson and Nata Godfrey aa commis sioners. .''Ths Democrats will name a third commissioner today. , ; , , - 1 ! ' apeeiel Dtspsteh e The Jesraal.) Independence, Or,, Feb. 21. The new sawmill at -Independence, which Douty and Simpson Bros, established, did Its first work Monday, sawing enough to see that the .machinery was in. .proper shape. The plant will cut from 22.000 to 20.000 feet of lumber dally. Fred J. Oberer has his new sawmill In opera tion cutting hard wood. He cuts about 2.000 feet dally. There wilt be quite a building boom here thla summer, soms 12 or 12 houses sre now under contract and proposals are out for a number of othersv,.. ' : .. ; ' A Voaraateed Oars lot STOsa. "r ItehlBf. bltn bWdlns ar vretraolaa pitae, fear Srncflat. will refund smsey If Ptse Olsv est falls te cere yea la 0 te 12 aays. 20a, . .- OZTT MA Xttt OOhlFJJTWk, . (Soerial Dapatch ts The JearnaL) ' Baker City, Or.. Feb. 21.-Tha hand- soms new city hsll which' haa been five months longer In building than the con tractors agreed was tendered to the elty council last night In a finished state., - ' ' A Coaching fttory -Is the saving from death of ths baby 61 rl of Geo. A. Byler, Cumberland. ML !e writes: "At ths s-e it 11 months, our little girl was In declining health, with aerloua Throat Trouble, and two phynlrtaas gave her up.. We were al most In deapslr, .when ws resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs snd Colds. Tha first bottle gave relief: after taking four bottles she waa cured, and la now In perfect heslth." Never falls relieve sod core a rough or eold. .At Red Cross Pharmacy. Sixth snd" Oak streets, on the wsy to the poetnnVe. SOo and 21.00 guaranteed- Trial hstUa tea, -SEnapiiEid Sale.-: ' Sale rI,1, L' CaVkjd Co-ie tfow Oa- .l.nocsefceepsrs ..:-,., -Early,, Great African lr.rtln'o Tea Co. (Oct 100 Stores Help U to Hcb Voa ; ; Ttl Was-- rt, 1 Tlr-t 9U TorV-mti Aeorta, n Csnmarolal Stl Oregon C, h,iai4 stoeeti aisgema, eO kiaat IiM aasi. --, , . signs, r 2c; sale Ohaa. 2J. .;!-'.. . v;-. .-. : ; Refrcctionist h ' M ' : FIT your EYES and; 1 ' jM) U FIT your NOSE. It costs you m gvr -nothii , go and see! ; v ; ; 129 Ttli Sta Is the Place f ? mti uJ Cut Y our Paint DiUs in Half By buying from 'us, '.Our reedy-mlxed paints will look better,, wear better, wear longer and savs you money In tha long run. Ws sell brushes, varnishes oil. shenaca, putty-and averytMns else that goes with. paints. Information and advice, too but that's free. . . . ; r--i't-' Fisher, Thorseh Co. FBOITT Ajn afOmJUSOaT ST2t j, Bpeclkt ratee mads to families and bath establishment In tha hotel. . Pin your' faith to ut. W will equip you for commercial 'ca reer knd post you well oa the latest methods and systems of : business. A course throtfgh our v ; college ' is a short cut to sue- ' ' cess. Write for particulars. , ; , This talk sbout ssvtng from 2100 to 2200 on s piano, and the expense soms dealers Incur In advising tha publlo of It Yoo, Ca n Cay Your V U - Piano From Ut teat . All Unnecessary Expenses Besides having ths largest assortment of high-grade pianos In the city to select from, we challenge - comparison of prices quality of goods considered ana invua ' im cioee inspection -v uv purcnasmg puoiio. Scale BrosTPicb Co. PORTLAND, OREGONT" OPEN DAY AND NIQHf J -.. . . ... Thill Over 2T2 and I7 Xorrisoa BU 0 ft, Fark. , rcrTh!Vee!tOly " Bilk-Lined Ladles' Slippscs, convenient, to wear around the house, regular price. 26e and -(0c; spsolal, "pair . . ,, ,.t:3lT4 Men's Cloth-Lined " Slippers.' Just tha thing for. an evening at home or to slip on with a bath robe, regular prion 26c; . - - - ; special, pair- ,..,.,, ,Vi..l0s Ladles Japanese Slippers or Sandals, all de- pretty ones, too, sell : regularly - for price, pair........:. 1ft Remember, too,' wa are the : largest fcurlo. Dealers In the elty, and have on hand all ths latest, and newest goods..' . -. - - -The Western Importing Co. 122-170 Fifth Street, Opp. Old Poetdffice. - Toang. Waa. jraa. K. 2Caa, CfsaCllarf. . . ( : K.k V. lEe Poriland a " :" ;M American Plan ; -i f;, 1 Per Day ahd Upward aTXAJDQVAJinM TOM "-" TOV2USTS 'V AM9 OOXJCUOXAJb TBATaUJUt , . single gentlemen.- A morfem Turkish ' H. C. BOWERS. Manager. O r e g o n'a Ekpositioii ; ' X.' i MAGAZINE f;Nu m b erU.' ' 3 hag. m aaely fllnartntted acttela ea the great rrstmnlal jart . tha' thing te send eaa,- Many. news artlelsa, soma good abort stories, clever vena and later- . satins; miscellany. Tlgorons . work by sntertalnrng writers. Sold by All Newsdealers ' "vOO'St AS.WELCOMt AO Wt'Vt ' : t woftos to wo vou r fT ME88R8. F. W.'OALTKS ,JM DOOM PA MY , FIRST AND OAK- ''.".."'" :-' "ANNOUNCa - . THAT TNKIR CSTABLI8HMENT ' FOR THE PRODUCTION. ; :J. oj HfCrf-cLAss ,.-f-f;; v-' " . PRINTING ' ' ' IS OPEN, DAILY, T THE' INSPECTION OF BUYERS OF THAT COMMODITY '. $' -'. z::.i K FILES -jm o ne nrasa BMMart and atmam ttaktaaf " If'r.JNosanao'sS'lle awmoyl ,rgir-.trayT uty- .ifi.Wr SUWSET SaaB?"" .t: 71 v;7- f I.