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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
7 f , . ... zizz: cr: :.; djly jctjt.::al, tc7La::d, tutiday- FZ2RUARY. $1, i::x t 1 j.- "I 7 n w t Public V v Second Floor. Auspices Portland Y.' W. CY A.-- .-v'-:;; menu-;v;:;";; 'Wednesday, .February 22f- Te Cpffc -Chocolate : v . .I.-Vv" Milk iq. Battles: f , Vegetable Soup " ' , : ' :T ; ' .Chicken Salad, Boston Brown Bread . Tongue Sandwiches V y '"-'?v- Bread and Butter." ;-M,r. V; -Tea. Cakes ': :'?', r Women's' 50c Vests 83c .; ; . . , , first floor, U rv, .Women's' Whit Cotton VmM, blah- sack ,and Ion sleeves, nkle-rength tight to match,-re. ...val. too; apeotal, ucb ..334 ' . v-. :, ' Y "i;;A:'25c Castile Soap lSc-nii ',i-;'V'"'" FIRST fXiOOR.' WhlUr daatlte Soap. Urn 1-Ib bar, rr. t vat 6c; pecial, bar .13 50c Fancy Ribbons 2c Yard.' ' FHtST rioox.. Fancy Ribbon " In Paralan, Dradn. atrlpaa and doU. t to C In. in width, , rcc. val, tfio, 40o and 60c; apoctal, . yard . . . ...... . ..Z5 v ; Men's 75c Black Satine; ? .. . Shirts 49 . " , 'rifaarS BKOP FIRST FLOOR' . VM SIXTH STREET ANNEX" . A' lino of IfanV Blaclc Batino Sbirta, with wbito dota, our beat 7(o apeclal, aacb . . .....fi49 Umbrella Stands. 49c y , "V THIRD FLOOR. ,.' Japamiad and HlVhlr peooratod Um brella Stands; apeclal, each.... A94 10 to 11a.m. Women's $7JJ0- "House Wrap- '. nera and Kimonoa 11.58 ' "L'... SECDND.FLOOR. .'. Trapper and Xlmonoa, flannel, elder . down and flannelettee, in aed,. blue, : white and pink oolorina and Jer - alan-deslsna, reg. vai $TJ0: ape ' ( clal, each .......w..,.,....C.S8 . ' ! :i -4 V"" ; - Children's 55c Gowns 25c r BABT-TO - M1SB STORE SECOND hCbUdpen'a Oewwar-blahopr atyle, trimmed 'around neck and aleeye : with cambric ruffle, ataea from I to 14 year, reg. vai. s; apeclal, : each . ....... ftd ' 50c Japanese Silks. 41c. Yard FIFTH STREET- ANNEX FIRST : .-FIOOR.. ...- . , . . New Corded Japanese Waah Sllka. In ' neat checks and atrlpea, all colore . in the aaaortment, rea. iOo vaL; ape- ' clal, 10 to 11 a. ik, per yard. .41 Women's $2.25 Uppers, $1.55 SIXTH J. STREET ANNEX FIRST. : FLOOR., v''' Women's 'Black One-Btrap Slipper,' " black braided vamp, hand turned. ng. TaL tt.Sh; apeclal. for one hour only, pair ...... .........U.flS Women's $8.00 Turbans $119 MILXilNERT -'SALONS- SECOND Z FLOOR ANNEX. f f v 811k Tnrbana, for ladlea-and mlasea,' knife pUlted, C harlot t ' Corday atylee.-lit black sUk. trimmed la ailk and ribbon bowa-nd. Jet ornament, , reg. yaA..t.00pecial. eaeh..92.18 11 to 12 a. m. , : $4.00 rCouch Corers $2.85 , ; x :; FOURTH FLOOR '. . Coach Cohere,' ortenUl deelgn. flfured - all arotmd, r. y1 14.00; apeclal, ' each .... S2.95 - .f -. ' Boys' 50c Negligee Shirts 25c ; FIRST FLOOR MEN'S SHOP; ' T SIXTH STREET ANNEX Boya Soft Neglige Shirts, in light and dark patterna, our r. !. KOc; apeclal, to cloee, each ....... .25 $2.00 (lunch' Cloths $1.13 1 ' ART' SHOP-SECOND FLOOR. Lunch Cloth, in ' Japanese " drawn - work, else tOxtO ' inches, re. vaL tLOO; apeclal, each .t...t.Sl.l3 Children's 25c linderwaista 17c FIRST FLOOR. " v Children' While Merode" Knit Fn- - derwalsta, our res. al; special, ' each .. . t 174 .'.-." v ; Cluny Medallions Hall Price. V - - - FIRST FLOOR. 1 t :ReJ Cluny Lace Medallions, tn cream and white - - j . . A. 4to raLs'apeoiat each 254 R.7ftc apeclal. ea-h......a8e LRe. Ita ral.; apeclal. each .494 -r. Qaality At all times use a great -Shop V7W f. fi4 JA I 18 ; wonder when "Special Sales" are adyertised that our buildings fill so quickly with eager buy ers. vW fairly, hold it aggressively and wear our honors modestly. That's our everyday position. But tomorrowrrrlook at the safe, sure economies that center here; syr runded by the jnatchless barg Sdles" Used to be that "Bargain Sales" were shunned by carftil folkTrbecause bargains were oft-scourings: from regular stocks. Today our great ftrade mpvments' interest eyenthe most particular people a .w affgrekation of urimatchable values in tomorrow's convention. '-.-i iA-;" ATrioof All- 0f Day Bargains ' IN DOMESTIC AISLES FIRST FLOOR, 15c Pillow Cases 10c 1.J00 Pllloe Caaea, heavy quality, made of nice round heetlna. 'reau lar ytlue lto; special, each..; 104 V; Danish Cloth 12c Yard' - 1,000 yarda Danish Cloth, half wool. the best fabric on the market, all ' oolors, 21 Inches wide; apeclal, - i yard .v .r....,......ia4 ,,v4iF;".--.'y-,r-.v'-, U5c . Dress Percales 10c V Best Quality Dres ; Pei-cefe2,Mfb,U medium and dark eolortnaa, an' im- ' manse tin 'of patterna to aelect from,' regular vlue 15c; , ; pecial.. yard ...104 to I m. Trimming Medallions Half ; ; rncarv.'; FIRST FLOOR. - V Whit Fiber Medalliona. reg. rat 40o and- SOci spajdal baU - . , price 204 AM 54 X.r. 50c Shopping Big '32c - ; 8ECOND FLOOR ANNEX"; ' Lars Slse Twine Shopping Bags, ex. Vrs. quality, reg. YaU 60c; apeclaU each .. . a.. ... .. .324 A 25c Shoe Paste 14c . v . .-... t( ; f FIRBT FLOOR. !J. . i' ' '. Liquid- Shoe Polish, gtvea brilliant ' polish' without rubbing, reg. vsl. I&c; special, bottle , ......... i. .,144 . 7c Writing Tablets', 4c ; V 1-..V FIRST FLOOR. U ' : ' -V ' ; Ink Tablet, white, smooth finish, not.. . or pocket else, ruled, reg. vaL 1c; ' apeclal, each . t.ft. ....... ...44 : Wpmen's $4.00 Shawls $2.00 ' .. SECOND FLOOR ANNEX ,'.:' Circular ' Shawl -mad of Shetland floes. Mack only, values from f 1.00 to $4.00; special, one hour only, 504 to f 2.0O Veach HALF ' PRJCE. i . . 10c Oarment Fasteners 5c doz. y: " .' FIRST LOORV v Beat , Quality Ball and Socket Gar ment Fasteners, laree also, - black and white, regular value 10c; special, dosen 4 - Jardineres One Half Price "TH1110 FLOOR. -; Special line handeom jardlnlerea.' well glased and flnlahed innlde' end out.; no aeoonda. - all nrat-claaa " good, reaular value (So to $3.00; special HALF PRICE. . . ' ' i " w ' '' ' - - 'i : -- u- f ;v - . Children's $L50 Shoes 79c FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET !. ANNEX ' ' , . ;. Children's Shoes, slse 1 to black . Ideal kid Blucher, red glace kid laoa, velvet tip, all line aboea, reau lar value to $1.0; pecial, pair .....r94 Women's $1.25 Silk Golf - -: ; '' r 5 Gloves 69c : '4-1" ' FIRST FLOOR. ' ,. ' . .' UKbtwelaht Knitted Silk Oolf Olove for aprlng wear, eome with doubt . celluloid clasp, others In plain wrist effects, tn Uns. blacks -and gray, all plain coloring, regular 11.00 - and-$1.11 value; apeclal for on lto2p.m. sour vniy, pei ..-. the center: of gravitation for every commodity for person , "Congress : Store" where, styled and variety are best and Jaunty' Jackets I Gome Knocking at Our '..',. : ''. -- MAW .WOMEN'S $25 AND $28.50 SPRING SUITS Jl Wf'iA Handsomely, tailored Suit adapted for spring .wear. These.uits X are of splendid workmanship, H rials of mohair; etamine and cheviots, in spring weights. A range of colors embracing navies, blacks, browns and neat, pretty, fancy o checked patterns;1 best $25 and $28.50 values: Spe- "7 AP : : cuj forV . ;v ... . ... .... . . . .... . ; pl VO CHILDREN'S PRING CCLrVTS HALF PRICE. T In spring weights, plain tailored, box styles. Materials are eta mines, broadcloth, flannel X frofn reds, blues, grays, tans to $17.50 are included. All . WOMEN'S JHOUSE WRAPPERS $2.00 .VALUES FOR 79c. , i b - '..' - " -'I J'' ' A storeful of the prettiest Wrappers, in town, a full linetof -dainty ' coloring Spring styles,-flannelettes and neat percales, attract- r ive and comfortable. Dark and tight shadesv-not edate jusi ' (tniet and pretty.' Fussed as and embroidered. Some with tiny ruffles that trim deep collars , yt and deeper jjfijes. "There isn't another, such gathering of vUst-, j ' ful house wrappers in Portland. - Workaday dress that's right ; V . I , - ... 1 1 ' . J .1 I - - ski An 1.. .. - t vai u eg in ine oucruig 3 guuu While they last. ..... juvery rrain inow -Grand Salons And arrivals createta charming impression ''right from X the jump" we're glad to take .'em in. ; Quiet, elegant Suits for X women of refined and dressy proclivities nothing flashy about X 'em nothing-but the-price mark to tell you ' they're only just pf..., ...I Stunning Suits, made of covert length, - tight fitting, -with fancy - sleeves and inlaid taffeta collar plaited effects. , These suits, the swellest -ox their kind, are pneed, X . .....$18.00 to $25.00 Covert Jackets, made in tight, fitting style, with stitched strap X seams of same material taffeta silk lined leg-oj-mutton, sleeves, X with turnback" cuffs and strap trimmings from shoulder to cuffs. Extra Specials for the Week in street or walking styles, ittimate- suitings .and rwell coverts. .. Choose and smart faney rrjixtures ; values HALF PRICE V4 sweetly as you please-; with laces s uic regular .w graura.' , wllie ..... . , . . V. V;-. I'-.V. VC ; Doors from Second Floor. $18.00 to $25.00 1 cloth; the coat, 27 inches in t stitched seams, leg-o'-mutton ,T skirts made walking lengths in x jjtxii- Salons Second Floor - ' BSSW wA I AS ... . .. ; .' -- ' , , rvi. . .The1 Quaiily .1- . 'Shop wear or housed prices; fairest, rib VER.T SPECIAL VALUES IN THE 5 FIRST FLOOR SIXTH ST, ANNEX Splendid news for you. Mr. Man, if you're one .-of those fellow who . baa found out the benefit of trading at this "Different" Mans Store. . Men's 85c Nightshirts 59c - Men'a Fin Quality Muslin Night n'a Dhlii Shirts, felled seedhs, f uU length, ' best workmanship, reg. val. tie; spe- ch 504 . Men's 20c SOX lOc ll en'a Fin Gauge Seamlea Black Cot" , ton Sox, reg. vat1 2 to: ;.speclal, Plr... ....... f, .......... 104 Men's 75c Underwear 25c Broken ' line Men's Underwear, In .-ribbed balbrlaaan, cotton fleece, me dium merino and ribbed cotton, reg. val. Toe; special, to close, each 254 Men's $1.50 Gloves $1.00 Men'a Fine Quality ''bresa Kid Gloves, cable stitched. In tmna and browns, .' best fl.&O vaL; special. pair..$1.00 -Men's $1.00 Underwear 50b Men's ' Derby Ribbed Balbrlggan t'n derwear, ahlrta and drawers of a celebrated make, famous for fit arid r, in a medium brown a had a, reg. vsi. $1.00; apeclal, to cloee. cloee, ee 504 -4- pm. $1.00 BUck Taffetas 76c Yard - FIFTH - STREET- ANNEX FIRST -FLOOR. Regular 11.00 per yard Black Taffeta, 11 inchea wide, the best 11.00 value . In Portland ;speolsJ, 3 to 3 p. m., per yard .lt.Ai. 764 $8.50 Amazon Plumes $2.19 MILLINER T ' SALONS t-. SECOND FLOOR ANNEX " ll-lneh Amaaon Ostrich Plume. . curie oacsa, navy, caaior, macs, and white, regular value 30.S0: .special, each ,r;. ....... ...$2.10 - 50c Sidecombs 32c . V FIRST . FLOOR, v ' Beet Quality Smooth Finish Shell SMe Combs, plain, regular ' Value ; toe; special, pair 324 ,' 15c Embroideries 8c Yard FIRST FLOOR. -. A nne line of Cambric and Swiss Em broidery, 8. 4 and 8-Inch widths. . reaular- valuea lo to lie; apeclal, 'yard 84 $2.00 Curtains $1.45 Pair. i FOURTH FLOOR, Raffled Net Curtaina. 48 inchea wide over . all. . T-lnch' ruffle,. 3.lnch lac ' Insertion and IH-lnch - lac edge, r-ulr valu 83.00;, special, - -t..f 1.43 Shoo 2 to 3 TEMBR0sDRlE5M Scholarship Vote STANDING "6 CONTESTS ' ATt r.. r-w M. TOD AT, , . ' - Salary Raising Trairung' The I. jC S ' trelna nannla h for. better; positions and alaris. c It enables those Already at ' work .to qualify for advancement; helps misplaced or dlasatianed people to ehange their occupation without, lose of aalara; and ' . prepare beginners for good positions In, their - chosen profeselona. r. . - - t , v -t ti.i . All this Is done by. mail la spare time. '. ..The I. C 8. atudent oan'keep rts-ht on working andV learning while we train him for better work and larger earnings. -. Arthur Taylor.' M. ft AShogren, ,'J9t Reginald i Carter, bellboy VTh' - Norton ..... k. ............. (,310 Mae Hughes. Knight Shoe Co.. Mi Guy De Pue, Portland Delivery cmpany .... ........... ., 1,875 Oarlea .AdlerVWoodard-Clark. I,11S Fred Murphy, Western Electrlo company ,................. 1,15 Esther Carlson, Mason-Ehrman, .1,7(0 Ralph Holmes, Ladd A TUton a up) ' - Bank l,7il P. H. Battln. Wadham A Kerr Bros. ...., 1,705 Raymond Smith,. Columbia Ice .company ;. ....... ....... 1,803 Scattering , . , 7. J Total. .30,731 p.m. Handsome Bedspreads, SUght- . ly Mussed or Soiled. . IN DOME8TIC AISLE FIRST ;.';; ,.-,.,, . FLOOR. . The Hurly-burly of . clearance;' some uaed in window displays; a run through the tub will bring back all their freehnes their worth 1 un impaired.' . . All at great reduction. Only S in th lot . . For ainal bed, regular value 78c; apeclal. each . .,. .......... ...504 For bed. regular value 11.00; special, ech .. T04 Full als bed. regular vain 81-10; apeclal. each ............. .1.05 Marseilles Spread for. full also bed. reaular value 13.00; apeclal. , . each Same for .full also bed, regular value 13.80; special, each... $2.45 . Women's $1.50 Suitings $LC3 ' . .' Yardr1-; '-.'T- FIFTH 'STREET' ANNEX FIRST .. . ; - . FLOOR.'.. . l , Regular 11.80 value 44-lnch All. Wool Tailor Suiting, In newest styles and colorings; special. 3 to ", 4 p. m.. per yard........... $1.08 ' 3-4uart Sue Granite , Kettlel7c . . - third floor. Our beat I -quart Granite Iron Kettle, other h erase advertla "era "apeclal at 3o"l our prlce.each... J. ...1T4 ;v Women's 50c Hose -29c . i i " FIRST FLOOR. Women's Black Lac Lisle Hose, as sorted patterna, regular, value 5 Ac; ; special, pair .204 ' ' ,. "J1 f . ' ' .. ..' . . Women'f. $8JS0 Tailored Waists, $1.98 . Women's Watttsl velvet .French flan . nel, eanvaa cJoth and 'Scotch flan nel In 'blue, prown, black, red and mixed materials, -nicely tailored, regular value 83.80; Special, v'. each . ...-i... ... ......... ai&8 4 to 5 p. m. fainr" Bust Forms From 2 "Fairy" Bust Forms From 21c i - ' to $2.19 - - SECOND FLOOR .-ANNEX Tally Bust Forma In all si and forma, - made of ribbons, lac frills and nettin.- Juat the thing for light shirt waist and summer wear. Regular 3 So valuer apeclal, each. 214 Regular 65 and 85o value; special, each .534 Reaular 31-38 value; special, ' each i .....'.084 Beaular 81.30 and 3L8 value; - apeeiat' each $1.10 Regular $3.60 value; special, - - each .$2.10 Bunch of $2.50 Ostrich ;' ..." 'Tips 98c V'r . MltLINERT SALONS SECOND - -F FLOOR ANNEX Prlnoe Albert 8-Inch Tlpa, three in a - bunch, colors Jilande of white, navy, v royal blue and castor, regular value $3.80; special, each 984 Press "TrinSrnings Half-price ' T: ; First floor- .' Fin Garnitures for drees' trim mines In cream, such4 are used for yokes, - points and revere, some -hand made of silk, valuea to 38.00; special HALF PRICE. - ... . - , ' 75c Lace Collars 25c .' FfRST flooK. " : .' r Assorted Collars In" straight1" around t and ' atol effects and . assorted de 'signs, regular valu tic and'IOc: . apeclal. each .254 -; I": Women's C2.M House -. ' , r - : . is ttxTH : STtr- Very Tirr- T " t 3 to 4 t, ,. 'x i- ' I '- " ' r ; y -