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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
't::j- crcc:i daiiM joutjtai; ' rcr:rL.::D. tu1::d'ay; EvsrjiNO, fssruary: 21, idcj. , i afcaaanann aa-w 1 to:;;j topics 1 Columbia .."Narthera laybts" Beiead the IU. kl" . i-yric . k.krr Star ., Ofuxt ., Vaadevllle ,. VsBdevftke ,' Contrary to the view held by com - tnerclal - organisations of the Paclflo ;, northwest, the Jobbere aaaoclatloa of ' Sacramento has declared Itaelf opposed - to the Cooper-Quarlea bill, and la . In favor of leaving tha rata-maklftpaM in tha hand of the - railroader It de clarf tha1 tranaconUnental - lines hava aided paclflo ooaat . jobbers In maln- talnlng tha tarmlnal ratea enjoyed ' by , tham, and la oppoaed to any change that would throw the. question on a mileage baa la, aa wodld. It believes. Inevitably reeult sbojild tha making of ratea from Chicago to the Paclflo coast bo placed ' la tha hand 'of a commission. ' ' , . ha antartainmant to ba given Friday evenine- In Paraona' hall for the Trinity ' Organ fund pro ml sea tobe on of ant uaualntereat Tha actorf Messrs. Bob '." McCracken and'Oeorge ' Eaatmap. .and Mlaa Bruce, who are to present ' tha , farce, "Box and Cos" are rehearsing . diligently, .and tha playlet will ba ex ceedlngly- funny. A, nolo by Dr.' Camp- ball and a apaelalty by lllsa Dodeoa t also will prove interesting featurea of tha program, which with -dancing fol- , lowing win complete a generous one sur ' The First rteabyterlan church an. Ik. mnmIiUI ' UllUltAHIlh county by Its attorney, W. W. Cotton, In tha auit Instituted to collect taxea claimed to be due, and seta forth that 1 '(600 waa paid by tha church on May 1 - v, a,w . as wwaaawa, as a.-wav-v in' the county clerk'a office, who-rep-resented that he had authority, to make eucb a aettlement and who appropriated 1 the money to his own uses. Expiration of tha countv'a claim by the statute of limitations la one of the defenaea aet ' forth In the an ewer. " , ; - Answering a cvnpiiini pr nuiiiniuwn Co.. to collect a out zor ones, ana other building materials, a. it. xsieratn . ana JS. werame maxe tne allegation , MHttlnvhaM I a tha IMnt fnr a . brick trust that la In restraint of trade. " : ft-la alleged that Kreba Brot., L B Kerb and othera foiVned an association to orevent competition and that Mot tlngham In accepting the agency for the ' association knew that ha waa acting aa "the representative ofta truat 'On thla ' The women of Mlspah - enurcn will give a uoioniai social iw morrow evening ai me enurcn in unr .; of Washington's birthday, with the fol lowing program: - Solo. ' 13 tar-Spang! d V Banner," Miss Dlsbrow; reading, Miss Welch: baritone aolo,'Dr. Keeaer; 'reed- T . ine. Mlsa Juston: - trio, Mlaa Juston, Mlsa Dlsbrow, Dr. Keeaer; reading, Mlsa Ponlon; solo; Mlaa Juaton; reading, Miaa ' Tt7ih, "Inurlm." auflianrn. Tne nomi Veaa (of the evening .will wear Colonial TAaii.. .nfMkmMita will he aarveJ. '. Justice Baton Of he eaat aide will ' move hia court front Grand avenue and Kaat- Morrison street to me sreynu '' building at the corner of Union avenue waahinrton arraec tu new -location Will be aa convenient as ' the - old. with the additional advantage of . a fireproof vault in the building that a iaal tir tha Cltixena' bank. It la claimed also, that the hew eaat - hide aoetal atation will po jocaiea on -U'nipn avenue. - i r - I. . Sn areaf haa the demand grown for J' Areron fir lumber In eastern markets ' k. MiimaHa haa made a ite rate la carlota from Portland to pointa where the vaat foraata are now nearly : exhausted. The . Oregon Railroad Navigation company announcea a rate ". ' of 40 centa a hundred to St. Paul. Mlnne . apolla. Superior and Duluth. the lumber in IBRnUM. TLinwM.IU m-- K to be routed via epoxane ana tne viw . Northern. - . ' v -i - Jamea Treveraa, who la aald to hava aiaalated In laying the first atone for tha rreat ausnenslon bridge between Brook -lvn and New York, died at hie home Tnaar thla elt. yaaterday morning. i Trevefao took -keen pride In displaying papera from . tha master mechanio in char re of the bridge. Funeral aerv - tree will be held at St. Mlchael'a church at o'clock tomorrow morning. Inter ment. wilt-be m Mount Calvary came- ' . Oscar O. Benson, a pioneer, died at Kama . KEt PArtBmmith itMliL VeK- ruary IS, at the age of 65 yeara. He i came from Mlaaourl In and -settled near Pendleton.- umauiia- county. in - . . t-M U.HI. M TKa- or Uranlte. urant county, ana nva rwn ' ago he moved to Portland. He - waa widely known In eastern Oregon, where he waa Interested In minea. A wire ana i r - ala-chlldre'n aurvlve him-. ; - County Clerk Flelda and tne county commissioners hava drawn the petit Jury , . Hat for. KatV and found It neceaaary to inorease tne numoer irvni euv iv.avw on account of the new law that createa . a term for every month In the year, ex- . ccDtlna July and August . The Jury will be expected to attend court " only the .: firat two weeks ,or tne montniy term, . ao tnat DUSiness men jriii am mora wur ing in the, luture to aerve aa jurors. ' ".Those Intereated In organising a tier man Preabvterlan church In Portland will meet purauant to the call of tha Rev. W. C. Laube, temporary moderator. at the mission home of the Third Prea- ': byterlan church, Eaat Twenty eighth . and Gllsan atreeta. tonight. The aerv ' r Icea of the newly organised church will PROFITABLE EDUCATION Every aublect taught tn the Holmee Bualneaa College- hak- a "money - esrnlng value, and the ' courses of Instruction promote the . highest interests of young men and women. . PaVAOTIOAX BOO! aao OBTaUJrsv -tovox rmwrnmrnn. rBAOTZOaJb "" OAaOVXaVTZrSJ f 8n4 '"for catalogue. the handsome new COIIJS ICT (CllKf Y.M.CA.tyj. FkoMtfahiSU be held there -until a building ean be erected. Rev. August W. Relnhard, for four yeara pastor of the German Pres byterian church of Denver, will be the paator. Dr. "Holt of the Portland Pree- bytery wiu organise toe enure ni v At the Flrat Chrlatlaa church, corner Park and Columbia atreeta, a aplendld Monday night audience took deep Inter eat In their apectal evangeliatlo aerv- loea. - In the aerlea of addresses cn faGod'a Part and Man'a Part ln Salva tion," Rev. Mr. Muckley la setting forth the plsn of sal Tat ton. abowlng its ape ctal adaptability to man'a nature. -To- ptght the subject- is "The Hearer, ana How He Should Hear,' Illustrated by chart. Song eervlee begina at 7:1 o'clock, and there la special mualojit each aervlce.,., " .f.J ': , J The Led lea Civic Improvement league of BU Johna haa opened a campaign against cow a paaturtng In the atreeta and front yerdjp of the town. Such a measure waa preaanica iu am city wuu- oll aome time ago, but nothing waa done about It. The appeal.. will ba made directly to the people thla time. ' At a meeting ,-rf the- league thla axternoen the matter' waa discussed. Mrs. Belle Smith, the new president. Is one of the keadera tn tha movement Unt Balllngton Booth, called the Little Mother." will apeak at ' the White Temple next Friday, and the an nouncement haa atlared up much Inter eat, The -meettoga will take place at S and p. in. The mlniatera of all the churchea are expected to attend and will be aeated ton the piatrorm, . tee . . . . . m . I .JmIhImI' Will DO emrfN r uh.wM sa centa for reserved aesta. Tha even. ina aublect- Wl; be "Alter, rnaon whatr . ' : J : .'i ... - The police were Informed last night by Manria of Mra. Mary McAllister, re ported last Sunday aa miaalng. that she i. atavlna with them at 741 Lovejoy at eaat Failure to let her relatlvee know of her whereabouta caused a brother to come to Portland to try to locate 'her. . Foul 'play waa feared, aa ahe had conalderable money and several valuable artlclea of Jewelry to bar pos session. C ., V- . ; 'Tha Anna of the American Revolution in iva a inokir at the rooma of the Unlveralty club In the Falling building tomorrow evening m celebration 0 nr..htMi'i birthday. ' The addreaa on "Waahlngton" will be delivered by Jamea F. Kwlng of the Portland Acad emy, and Harrison Ol PUtt will read a paper on "The Influence of Connecticut In the .critical rnw i tory." . .-.' f r:- pha lattar nan of thla week Aaalat- ... vbHara ruatrict Attorney W. w. n.ntra win aak - to have the aeveral r-hinaaa eaaaa nendlhg before the com- misaloaera fixed for final bearing. Sev eral are up The nrat. involving s, Chinese woman, will be heard Wednes day. Thla waa more urgent expedited, but all the othera will be aet thla week, and taken up quickly aa they can oe reecowu. . rr avanlna aC the Third Pres byterian church. Eaat Thirteenth and pine atreetBi appropriaw " be held In celebration ef Washington s birthday, t An addreaa win oe o"""i by Thomak N. strong on w v.... ahlp." Dr. W. 8. Holt wUl apeak on "..iiam in Oregon."' Mualo will be furulahed by the boys' braaa band ,of the First Preabytenan cnurcu. r : The Piedmont preobyterian church ha a naator. ana a nanioi wi congregmttqn la called xor a Thuraoay erenina. "M-"- " Dekum, Hendricka avenue, for the pur pose -of calling one. .The church waa IT" Mniwi bv the Portland PMihiiinr ana an. u. aa. . been temporary Ipaator. ,y.t '.i;-;. n-i.. ii.hia Hedaina Com Cure, sold . Rami, the druggist. Second. ' . ,,, - . V. a . MP ana waaningion, wur ""'-, - when every otner ww" .n. i - a trial will prove thla assertion. and alao convince yon that Bernl'e-rdrug tore la .the. piece to "- X" ' t..' Woodmen of tire World wUl hold a union memorial service at S o clock gunday afternoon at Taylor Street Methodist church tor F. A. FsJkenburg. head consul, who haa recently dlocL Rev, F. Burgette Short will preach the aer mon. .... -.i'.-v ' ' -'A ; realdenta ef the state of New Tor living In Portland are requeated to meet FrMay evening in m. " room on the third floor of the city hall. Entrance to the buUdlng onv the Fifth atreet aide. ... . ! ; new ateamer Nome City aatla direct San Franclsco-Msabta. lit; ateer- aga, ft; Horn Angeiee, caoin, steerage, lis. asoais ami eluded. Thuraday. February 13. C. H. Thompson. agen. 111 Third, atreet. . vmfaiMf ' Eatoa'a dancing - achool. Claaaea Monday and Thuraday evening at Arion hall. Bealnnera .taken at any ai aaalatant teachers. . Prl vaUlKnth took It on gold huntlng irlpa to leaaona dauy at nau. opeciaiwra iutu. Phone Weat lot!. - ; - - s; Modern' tufmon of life reaulU . In many - nervoua aiBturoancea. iu u C. C, Tonlo. C. CutX Tonlo cufea 111 ef- feeu or too atrenirou. neaa and. pleasure. . For. aaia by Knight Drugrcompany. . .-. - sv ," n A a -fiuah and Croup Syrup pre- venta eolda. developing Into bronchitis and pneumonia. Btopa all eolda prompt ly, For Bale py avnignc arug ri'LJl mask ball Thursday evening. Vahruarv IS. at Woodwards dancing academy, urkhardfa hall.r SU prises will be awaraeo. a - : . - ' ejaBBaaaaaawaat - . Bernl'e Witch Haael Cream for the akin and complexion. iSe a bottle, of Albert Bernl, tne aruggiat, oeum aim Waahlngton.. - ? We clean an preea your elothea and ehtne your ahoeatfor tt.00 per month. Unique tailoring Co. 147 Waahlngton. Mala !. . ': - " V . aBBSawasawSsa ' Aik your ffrootr for Oolda ClwddAf- STORM WARNINGS ARE ? " : UP ALONG THE COAST . : . 1 ' .:,. ... , There la another big blow off the Ore mmt and Washington coasts. At an aarlv hour thia morning' the wind raarhad a maximum velocity ot II mllee at North Head; at 10 o'clock It bad fall to t miles. . J v Storm warnlnga were - orderedT dlaV played yesterday evening from Cook Bay to Juan de Fuoa at rait and thla morning they were extended to all Puget Bound and Belling ham Bay aeaporta. - The Co lumbia liver -bar la rough and the weather too thick outside to permit of any extended obeervatlona being taken. Consequently 1t la not known . whether anv veaaela are near the river or not. - The precipitation at Portland during tha paat 14 houra measures A of an Inch. The Indlcatrana are tnat it win continue to rain In this diatrtct tomorrow. From I o'clock Monday morning to the name hour today the Willamette roae one half a foot now etandlng at Ave feet above the low water mark. - . a Oare a Oeld ra. One Bay, Taks tattttv Browa Malas Tabtata. AI ararctet rtfaad tea awaey U It rat la at rwa. I a AT. Orave Malgaatare aa eaek kaa ate X . . - - . ' ... , . .. OTorii BOOTHS ROOMS For, Rent-fe-opposite the entrance to Fair Grounds. B. II LCriSAXD H.LKCSLE Apply t.;.'; :' 312 COUMEROAL BLOCK WLOCK RIFLE JADE GCOD WIS : Joshua ' McDaniel Followed'.the : Trail, of Rsd "Slayers of , Marcus Whitman. WILL GIVE WEAPON TO - HISTORICAiSOCIETY Pioneer Who Helped Make' His tory in Oregon Country Talks ! y of Olden Times. . , . Joahua 'McDaniel. who la nearly yaarafM. and baa lived on a farm 80 In Polk county. 1 yeara, la in Portland to day on bualneaa. Be bought a flintlock rifle from a man In Buck county. Mo., In 144. end brought It to Oregon, and hla bualneaa la to turn the firearm' ever to the Hlatorlcal eoclety, together with an ancieit powder horn, ahot pouch and scabbard. - . "If a a better shooter than ever, since I got a fellow up on Salt creek to change It to a percussion locx,- no aaia prouaiy. Joshua McDaniel la a type of the vig orous Oregon pioneer. - whose- physical vla-or. It " la claimed, exceeds' that of Dloneers in any other state in the union. Hla face la scarcely wrinkled, hla frame la erect Dreaaed In a new xereey auit and brown overcoat and a pair of kfp hoots, ha did not look a day over (I) years. Although hla locks are long and hoary, be possesses wonderful phyatcal ability. ' . -I don't want to take up your time. Judge, V he aald, diffidently, ehaking hajidarUrlth Judge Webster, "but I'm in town, 'and before I go out I want to aee about aome . county warrants., x . nava got about f 10,000 In them, and I've heard lory are avlue -v v "Tea." replied the Judge, .'they wilt ail be eel within , a few weeka; the county of Multnomah la going to get out f debt" V "Ifa all right -Judge you needn't be in a hurry on my account", the pioneer reanonded. ' ',.1 . - K' : He haa not been without rewards for hla long yeara of toll on the polk county farm, and haa a comfortable fortune tied up in Portland property, bealdea the homestead acres from which it was produced by hla knotted nanaa. -I have a partner my wife and we aim to keep thla money Invested, where It -will give ua sometnjng to uve. on whan si aet Old." he aald. . Joanna McDaniel waa born In Cum iwrtami rountv. Ky. He waa the aecond man to volunteer In the uayuae inaian war. At that time he waa working for Dr. Whitman near Walla Walla, where the doctor waa killed In a maaaa ere. Howe came or a iau" w ' Indiana near The Dailea, ana tnai nignt he and another boy paddled 80 ml lea up the' Columbia river, from . the Cas cades to The- Dalles, to carry a packet to Captain Byneraon and Major Magoun. He carried the old flintlock through the -. war. It waa hla trusted com panion In the wllderneaBi and to the gold campa or twinima. ana wiw uia ITallfnrnla. "I have shot Indiana, bear, cata mounta. buffalo and. email game with that sun. be aaia. - . NEW ENGLANDERS TO t - . HELP THE FAIR ALONG . - . .' ;1 ' At the Portland hotel laat night for mer residents of New England organ ised a New England society. There waa a large attendance, and the -new aoclety nroDneeeo accomplish a great deal in behalf oft Portland and the Lewla and Clark fair. ' V .. officers were, elected aa followe: V. Kd wards, president: H. H. Newhall. vice-president; Mrs, M. M. Whltehouse, unuh' Oenrre 1 H. Lncaa. treasurer. A board of truateea, ' conelntlng ef one member from eacn oi tne imbw .ngiana atatea. waa authorised to arrange- for a place of meeting and prepare by-laws and a constitution for the organisation. a rerlatratlon book will be found I the office of Dr. D. H. Rand, 601 Dekum building. Third and Waehlngtoirstreeta, and former New Englanderg are request -a laava helr namek and former real. deacea there.- Another meeting will be held Monday evening., : Fief erred Stock Oaaaed tteeeU. ' Alien Lewla' Beat Brand. Thompson ft1? itilnmnfl nuiuaiaiii Window Screen . Agents wanted to sell exclus ive rights in territory, or to sell this screen W.J.COOK At Muck Hardware Company. Second and Morrlaoa atreeta, Portland,, orj EG ; ' . I . 1 IT ;;c;.miuait8j:3c;i. , DETECTIVE F0,1CE Has Had a Good Deal of Expe- rienc In Finding Things . , ; Out, She Says. ; WOULD DO ASTWEL AS r : i ANY pF PRESENT STAFF ntlmates ThatHunt's Vidocqs . Are of Rather Low Or-". " der of Holmes. A woman wante a lob on the detective force of Portland's police department. Today Chief Hunt received a letter from am nnvfiiM, huv. .nwv. I hava had a good deal of experience ir) finding thinga out, though I have never been employed or received pay for services aa 'a. professional detective. -But T believe I could eaaliy do tne city a great deal of good in that way. There waa that woman Mrs. . Dunne,-wb waa undoubtedly Implicated with her husband and ethers In the Lebanon bank and other robberlea. I believe I could have got from her much evidence that other detectlvee win rail to get. - - "It strikes me that a woman detective would be of greet value to you In your present dilemma. Tou are apparently unable to s capture the erooke that in fest the city, now: accoraing to my line of reasoning which, by the - way la not deductive I argue that every one of thoaa crooka la directly Intereated In aome woman. The woman knows ill about them, and If aome one could get close to the Women and win their con fidences a great deal might be aecom pushed toward ridding the city of tha gangs which are aoing aoout aa tuey nlaaae.- . . . "I wish you would give thla matter your Immediate consideration. - Take . it up with the police commission, if you haven't authority to appoint me your self. I would be perfectly satisfied with tha aalarv that ia nald the regular Staff nf eltv detectives. It isn't much, but they seem to be doing very weu unaer AT THE THEATRES. - J j "Quo.Vidu" Tonight Taa last BerformaBee of "Qua Vidl" will be mm i ha Columbia toalatat. waea a lars aodlenea will praseat te witness the elosiug f tbis (rand, spectacular Brodocttoa. It raa 11 last week to Dinuu; airae Dasuaea., aoa varyoae wbe saw the play has sees load la bis Braise. Tha enthusiasm aad extraordinary aemaad for arata ted Manager Ballard to repeat the play. 7 BecmnMK tomorrow snernnDB i am m Lyons" wUl he resumed. This revival or Lore tyttas'B faBMBS Bauterplera eaaaot fall to be tjt witk n,M of sleasara by anndreds ot theatre-aoeiB' of the paat feneraiioni ?ae two aneBlna perrarBMBeas Buaoay oeucnwa an haadreds ot refaiar Batroos. . , '"Beyond the Rockiee." - I 4 .tark nnMir la -maklac sood." verr week tbekt plays and work trow la favor with Ua lovere ot ojJ. eleaa eaaiedy drama. Tkia. a,ak taatr aradBFUoa f "iieyowi -uis Boekiea' u a clever piaes. oi wors.- amrr a, flttad to taa narx. ana nuav.un beat ef It. Tbornas H. Clarke Is Been la tna role of Nat Webber, the wrongfully sccuaed hero; AlBert Weh play, tha aaadaomefaBibler- vilUla; Jama Morten " '.T"' fomaBce ef tba rala ef adre Lovetaoddy, aad Robert Athoa capa fhej-vjlmaa for kUartoas raa as Hallelnjah Bill." the Salvation Army naa. Ella Wtlaoa U seen ss Trias, the true- hearted awantata lass. Wlthoet doabt Beyoad the Borkles" IS the eleverest piece of work by this compasy. The De Laeeya, catver siBsera ana nam ketweea acta. Thomas W. Bay IB iiinairaieo onta sad the vlUarope la aew morlns ple tnna add to tba attraetlvcBeas ef the perforav sbcb. i.."'. ' ,t: ' , The Grand Theatre. Yesterday's Broaraai st the Oread tbeatr .. M-nna af saw thlBsa from tba svartnra to tba BwvlDg pictBre. aad It gave entire satis faetloa to lante aedlencam. Jeaa St. Remr eaptnred the bobsb by bar Bnianea renaiuona of eperatle Belecttoaa. Joe Demlna has a new BwaokaTVAv aaa nia paroai wo t-'K waraaeat aad eleaa. Uoulee brotliera provided a rial thrill by tbetr darlag pbyaleal feata. Qaee. aad Bo. la fall dreaa. do aorobstkr daanng ef tha blabest order. CharKw and Mas Barrla hava sa aci iaa Imaginable; Harris baa a vow aoa a msseHip that la aa apra tavtutloa to lanahter. Mr. Boaaer sings "Toe Wevar apoke Uke That to u. nefora." the beat Illustrated anna yet offered, and the moving pletares ars awrs thaa ordlaartiy gooa. , - Baker's Great Bill. j Kvery aet at the Baker this week is eom- BMBdable. Poaaibly the one wormy ex piacv at the top hi that ef the Hoffmsaa, la a cycle whirl seeae that l s aovelty. Patronella D'Ar vllle pkiys the violin sod received several ea rons'tse fnnr grcfnl Grohs are ehlldrea who do wonderful contortion feata; Unlaws sad Hot mra In "His rvai nn-an-1 m aklt: J. w. 'weae stags ise -im j Wltb pletarea; Balmeaa aad Boocrtt are clever lmperaooaton.-stng aod- eaara wWr He- Noyer and Ward are clever sketch artists; the blo SrtU Tioowaew pictareaT' Taking It all la all the Baker baa a elever lVat abow that ahonld be sera by every lover of vsadevllle. "' Adyince Sale Tomorrow. . Tomorrow awning at 10 e'ebwk the advenes sale of seats will ooea lor ncm tw. i iiiimnee. wha enmns to tne Mar- anam Grand theatre Best Friday aad JfBrday . . . . . i , I - .... - anM.V. nights, Wlta a-apm.. v . ia Joha Pnw'l finna aaereaa. "The Mommy I'd Hnmmbat Bird." la this rral' siKCfssfsl play lilmore made s big hit ell last seaana. Bvery lebararter ia a type ssd s ef Its type. . The sitbor af thla .-harming eom edy romaaea tranarrlbed from Ufa, Sad M raavlt bis people Uve. "!. Northern Lights Matinee. gwlftwlBd. rsactar I.fNfliherB Joha 1 .a, . . what eaaratma eaa on wiui iaa Americas ladlaa. and as played by Bdgar SaBme this wak at the Rmpuw theatre every raar aetarlstle ef the Boble red an a ai eartfally deolrted by Portland's anpamr leadtag ana. Nan t.lrhta" la bis seeale prodaetloa. with ever 60 people ased aa aoMlers. IsdlaBS and aenats. A apertal matinee will ba glvea U) morrow waahlogtoa's blrtadayri alas regular autlaee aataroay. - " i ' Bristling with Good Points. "Tne' program at the Star tbeatr. this week knul n attraet all dlareralng tbeatre-goers. Bartel at Berhani UM featara, aad hla darning ana tains a snmbe ef aereatrle faata whira . lanahter. aad llawley Bd Vaaa, Hebrew eomedlaaa. aad tha three Vnlteaa, acro bat., ars vevy elever. Mlvasa appears la shadow .M.rM and la addittoa atava a aamber at laatramenta. Arthar iaekaaa. tba slag. rr of lllaetrated aeaga, baa a fall, rick barium Matinee at the Columbia.;. .' : favd Lyrtoa'S baastlral atarp af Inve. "Tba Idv ef Lrona. i," will aa givea a eneriai waaa- Iiwtoa'a btrtbdar aiatlaee at the laeanra toaawraw aftaraooe. Beata are alUag rapidly aad ahoald be ecare atOBca. t csynro sxox. y ; ' (Joaraal SpeeUI Barvlce.l London, Feb. gl. Henry Irving. Mm world-famous tragedian. Is seriously 111 at Wolverhampton. . - n - A LewU- Best Brand. DEEP WATER f.IAKES P3TII SAITO Vast Improvement Noted at Co lumbia River Bai Since Qon ; struction of the Jettyt ; ; ' AFTER STORMS WATERS , VERY QUICKLY SUBSIDE Great Blow of Saturdajr and Sun day Caused Little if Any De- lay to Shipping. (V ' -.-".' - The Columbia river bar has undergone a change for the better during the paat year.- It haa been observed lately that the bar. becomea smooth very shortly after a heavy storm haa swept the coast; A year ago almost a week paaaed be fore the water became aufflclently calm to permit veaaela to cross. . Now they are seldom held up for, mora thaa a day or two. - - . , . ' , Thla matter waa forcibly Impressed on the minds of the shippers In the last few.daya. Saturday night and Sunday one of the blggeat- etorma ot the season raged on the mouth,-or. tne river, it waa e atrong that FtO feet of - the trestle work built for the government Jetty waa waahed away.- Notwithstand ing iia seventy, ateamera ana sailing veaaela croaaed the bar the following day, the-M-mlle blow leaving no aurg Ing water behind aa a reminder of - Ita VlBlt ' , j -' 1 Thoae who have been taking an In terest In the matter. explain the change by stating that It la entirely due to the Increased depth of water. The last gov ernment survey ahowed a depth of 14 feet at the low water stage, an increase of three feet over- the. figures of the preceding season. . With more water cm the bar It more quickly becomes calm after a big storm. The Jetty la given credit for bringing about a deeper chan nel in that locality. With the extension of the Jetty to tne point which the government haa In view the shippers belief there win oe no further trouble caused by the Colum bia fiver bar. It will contain ao much water after the completion of the work that the atorma will have little more effect upon it than the sea several mllea distant from tha mouth .of the river. After having been convinced that the Jetty haa. already done an Inestimable amount of good It la hoped by thoae who follow the shipping bualneaa that no further delaya will be experienced Inl pushing the Jetty out into the sea the desired sjilatance. NO LONGER PAY. Santng Teas sis Kave Beam Foot XavesV maata U Vast Tew Teaxu. - In the past two or three years sailing vessels bsve been poor dividend pro ducers. The -prttlah bark. Bllbernorn haa been lying In San Francisco harbor alnoe January II. 1802, one montn more than' three years, and In all that time her owners have been unable-to get a charter for her nothing had come in. hut the exbenae of keeping the craft In good repair and a crew to look after her continues.- A Several Portland men have lnteresta In sailing atalpa. and they say they are no longer a profitable investment. Bieam era are largely doing the work in which the - square-rigger formerly had a monopoly. The ' day may not be ' far distant when the cargo-carrier which haa to depend upon wind to drive her along will have to retire from the sea. The British bark -tjonaor - naa aiao been lying Idle in San . Francisco har bor since February. 27, lstOJ. alx days leas than three years. She .is .small the else that the exporters usually want but for some reason no one cares to charter 'her. The American bark Manga Revea baa been Idle at the asms port alnce July II, 10. Six sailing v ea sels, suitable for grain loading, have been out of commission at the Bay City alnca 1101. They are the British bark Buteshire, British ship Slllsland, Brit-i Ish -ship ' isuphroskne, ' jsntisn snip HydersaJbad. . American . ship JohnA, Briggs and British ship Ky nance. Many ahtpa " have recently ten tne California metropolta In search of car goes - elaewitere. The most ' of these were Frenchmen, the owners of which, will receive a bounty from the French government for every ' mile they tra verse. Owners ot craft not receiving a subsidy . cannot afford to follow their example.. :,';. -V RIVER OPEN. ' " " am the Tpper OolomWa. The management of the Regulator line has decided to place the steamer Regu lator in commlaalon tomorrow 1 between Portland and The.pallea. On account of Ice and low water the ateamer had been tied up for the past week. In order tc get back on her old schedule the boat will .also make a trip to The Dalles on Sunday. Tba Dailea. City of the. same line will resume service the early part of next month. - '. . j Those who have been on the upper Columbia during the past week say the river waa at a lower stage than they ever knew It to be. jit Is declared, that one could easily see (the bottom at- the rapids on thla aide of the Cascade locks. at which point the river la unusually narrow. ' The recent rains, however, have had the effect of materially Increaalng the depth of the Hver, and It la believed It Is now at sood boating stage, j Y f. rich cargo. : . sTioomedi Sails Withy . Most TaMable Cargo Thaa ret Savft Tals JPort. Draw lng II feet of Water and laden with one of the most -valuable cargoes that ever left- this port, the oriental liner Nlcomedla weighed anchor thla morning at 1 o'clock and departed for the sea. She will probably cross the bar early tomorrow morning. The Numaatla of the same line ia due -to reach the mouth of the river from'-Hongkong and way ports on Saturday. She Bailed from Yokohama on March . and usually makes a If daya'. passage. Shells bringing a full cargoand all of her apace has been engaged for the outward trip. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. ' With 00 tons of freight. 460 tons In wheat, the steamer Roanoke left thla morning for Loe Angelea and way -porta. She also earned 10 paaaengera. Captains warda and Fuller went Astoria thla morning to Inspect the gaso line schooner Delia. - -- - The schooner John F. Miller left for San Franclaco thla morning with a cargo Of lathe" f . In tow of the Ocklahama. the schoon era Irene and Virginia reached port thle morning. .The veaaela made remarkably quick paaaagea from nan FTanelarnt The Irene, will load lumber at tha In- man-Poulswn mill for tha return trip. and tha-Vlrglnla wUl be fitted out at thanatai v rr;i a C AM0NG .TUE LITTLE GJAN jU Perh4psVyou have'a second-hand T J.. k. . f mtn aaa av 10 ramus soma vj..'- ... . -. I ... n,.i,.v njvilr nnrfer. -Wanted Lota of furnutheii room ads In thla W 'ous parte of the-'city. Have you found your Ideal suite yet? , It won't T take long 4f you've noi py iwmi ui All eyes are centered -oa , The Journal -Real atate- bargaina Rave you noticed the exceptkmai Hat of lota and housca offered for aaia in Its columna? It's worth some ot your time to read them If you intend to buy or build J .x : ; ', ' . ? v''-' ' ', i i' : -;.v It Ian' t often tnat you can rent such a dealrable flat as thla ad desctioes: -Three-furnished-room flat . for light housekeeping, l( a month. - CaU at Eaat Blxth. street. - , ' . ., ; -r- . 1 Store managers have a cleartng.out sale twice and sometimes threa times a year. Did you ever think to do Uia same way with your house hold elfectst The Journal will help you get cash for them. H Remem ber the rev woiua ia , j V M v v v vV J h i 1 IP YOU v NEEDHXLP USE A JOURNAL WANT AJ. , North Paclflo mlH with a atmllar cargo. i v.. k raeeivad here that the British hlp Lyderhorn. ,87 tons, has been chartered to load lumber on the aound for the weat eoaai America at 10a. uoyu s """, T view says she is coming to Portland, but a recent telegram from the aound differently. The Lyderhorn U out "days from Hamburg with a gen eral cargo.' rr. " ,'". al- ' om Annua . dauw ' ivs . fc " Franclaco yesterday anem-n w.w. 640.000 feet of lumber. . The F. A- K w . ikaaiii line will leave tha n rnt In, tnei land -today. ' omr . i, . .M o.. . ir. amer ureaon amuou . Francisco this morning with a fy" ewgo of general freight, ronyiuur The Schooner, O. W. Watson, 'now at a ni. been chartered to . m.t n. in. inn in im. load lumber at Portland for a California MARINE NOTES. 1 Astoria. Feb.- tL Arrived down at t and left for the bar at:s a. ""'r ae rteaa-on for San Francisco. Arrived down at daytlgh tt earner I aq na. San -Francisco, Feb. ti. SaUed at ll:t0 a. m. Steamer Columbia for Port- '"l'..-. Vek i flailed at - It m. Steamer Redondo for San Franclaco and coaat porta. ' . . ' J Ban Franclaco. Feb. 11. Arrived- Schooner John A. Campbell from. As- e,H a , I.1 -'."..nii a.... van. it Condition of tha bar at I a. m., rough! wind southeast; weath er rainy. :: : ';,;:J ' ' DBTDOCK WOaV ' ' lAcal eontractora have been asked to - figure on -the work ot cieamna painting the hull of tAe barkenUne Koko Head, about-due from Honolulu. The schooner 8. T. Alexanuer will also be drydocked In order to have her hull cleaned and pamieu imnjiwj arrival from San Pedro. Sue la ex S.vaH tn nut in an appearance any day. The Koko-Head is under -charter to the Paclflo j Export Wimoer company curry a cargo of lumber to the orient She Is owned by Hind, Rolpu Co. of pan Francisco. . ,JI a 1 1 " ' LITTLE BOY DESERTED BY CRUEL PARENTS Jerome TollyaJcrOnce More Ukely to Become Ward of the People. , A eaaa of haarUeaa desertion Of a I- year-old lad engaged the attention of Judge .Webster this morning. Appar ently, the parents do not intend to care for the child Jsgaln. Jerome Toll- yard Is his name. lIIliaiJBner. u not -appear afTdlahow why the boy should not bitfjudgeL a publlo ward, be will be given Into the custody of the Boys and Girls' Aid society, ; - The caae waa orougnt to " Bier's attention when supenntenaent Gardner of the Boys and Girls' Aid so ciety appeared be fare the court and asked to be autnonsea to a. hi et ttta hnv. . Tha parents have disappeared. The father is a bartender, the mother a variety actress. Jerome waa, taken by them to Mr4 Finney, who Uvea at Ful inn and arranranenta made to bay for hla board. Mra-Finney never received anv . nar for her trouble, and. having a la raa family, was compelled to ap peal to the officials. Once before the boy was taken to the Boys and Girts Aid society, and the parents took him away with them. . . . - TWO FIRES IN ONE V V , STORE BURN FlrOUR ..Conalderable damage 'was done to the store, fixtures7 and stock of A-tPerentt, a fruit and vea-r table dealer, enama-ed la hualneaui at Fourth and Salmon atreeta. at l:l o'clock this morning, by a fire which originated In the kitchen-of aa adjoining restaurant. The Are department raa pond ad to ah alarm turned In front box 11. and the flames were quickly extinguished by kaM No. i. Captain Kerrigan, Two hours later the roof of the structure caught lira and a telephone alarm waa sent In. The eeeonu nre, oua to a smouldering beam bursting Into flame, waa extinguished without much dam age. - ! ' The approximate amount ef dames In I15S. It is believed t.e r. engi- ivs C- roll - top aleak that you would Ilka V- tea. man- aft 41 BmiwA . li -- .. . atlacellaneOua. . : evenrng'e" paper4 Wiled In varU a ina-os htumb m iuw 4 our COLUMBIA THEATRE A. H. BAIXABD. Uaaaa sad Mssagar. v-. yaartaaaUi . and Wasblagtoa BU. . ' Kvefy alght this week (exeent toaight), witf -aaiuaeea wraaaaoay aaa aataroay, OOXUaOtZA STOCK OOatFAJfT. la SDkaadld ravrral af Xor . Ittoa'a taatoat" . ' ; .' ave elaaaie, ... The Lady of Lyons" teat perfarsaaes taught at the graad laOglaaaV Quo Yidr? ' Bvenlag. ....:...oO. SBe, ana. 16 Ma tLnaa ... ... ... . ... .2&e. Ua. 10a DewBtewa box efftee an day. tTt Mondeaa lata xi u. BTvaaiag at uaaaa. EMPI r- vurivnr nL ihlaike. by Mala UT. Onwded both ttmea veaterday. TttWIOHT ANI AlA, TH IS WHt, B FECIAL, MATIN MB WErtNBSUAX, (Waahlngton's birthday.) 1UO RRGLXAB MATIN m Bavj yCILDAI, farawall week. Braadt-Bai . In the nnwerfnl military piay, - MaTomTaTrnjr uom" Prlcea All matlaesa. 10c Ue. lBe- inc. me. 86c, bOe. . V THE LYRIC THEATRE . evaath aad Alder atrasta. ' Bvery af teraooa aad evaalBg, ," TBB NBW LTRIO STOCK OOaLPAKX, la the atnaaOoaai swlodrexea. , -i ' Beyond the Rockies ; ' Bpeetsltles Between acta ' manees at :. T-.SO aad 9M p. a, L'saal prtee af adttrtaitoa, 10 eaata. - fiPAMIg weak af bary f Waahlagtoa's barmday, wedtiesday swilliiasaa. a aiuro mu. tBAWTT-TOWB TBIO. . ni Loxnz bkothxxi. u jo nouna. . -. rKAjf st. Jarr. ; Tir AB ZDMA KtBlPI. ALT BOnTEk. . .-,.-..'' ' TXX SaAaOIBCOrB. Admlaatoa to any seat, iocs box seat. SSa. IBTJCZIISX . ATTXACnOBS! ; STAR THEATRE Portland's Fanblonable TindevlBe -flnnae. ' BABTEU -TKB UPSIDE-DO Wg SABCIJU - XAV7XR AMD VASS. , ; i : i MOMB. 8ILVAB0. ABTHTJX JACKSOB. -ZSIBOB'a raOJSCTOaCOFX.. , -r iOe to any seat; reserved box-aesta,, See, OoBtlBnoaa vaadavllle. XM to 10:10 p. m. DAKER THEATRE third aad Tamhlll eta. Kaatlag rioad. aign Largeat Vandevtlle Uoaae In Aaiarlca. . -s a OKACEFuX 0R0H8 4 ; raTHOVELLA IKAVUXg. ,t PEHOT AVS WAAD. rkEZM A AMD CIAkKX. t . w aOLMES AVD HOLME. , . . BAAMAAP WTT.I.IAka.. f . . . J. W. WOOD. TEX BIOOaAPaT. ' " Adnlasloa 10c. PerfuraMacea at 1:30. aad :15 p. B. , suunaa bbos. r oo if ci ai ivibt jnaaT- vaMN BCRNSTDB. CTDIPICN tVrlil P v ... : UttUKAlllMi AU Alt Mrs. Mary rjaJey Suffers Stroke -In rh'iirrk anil Dastth ' -" ' ; Follow: ..;'' While decorating tha altar for - last Sunday's services at the Dominican; church, cornet of Clackamas and union i avenuea, a duty ahe had performed fori six yeara. Mra. Mary Haley was stricken j -with paralysis of the brain. She died1 without regaining - consclousneaa. it waa the day of her 7th anniversary, of f her marriage to Thonaas Haley In Port-; Sher waa O yeara of age, a native of California, and came to Portland when , she waa five yeara old; here, ahe grew to, womanhoad receiving her education in convent., - - . She leaves a mother, a husband and , flva children Kllaabeth, Alice. Ella, ; Jamea and Kdward Haley, and a brother. Thomas Lynlff. who keeps the Hotel Driftwood at Long Beach. At her late home, I0 Colon avenue, all the inembers of her family, are new , t il . . . th. fii.jtr.1 w, will be held Thursday momlngi wltbi services at f:46 O'clock tn St. Francis church. , '' ' ' : H ji LEND L5 YOUR EYEd CN CEtlALP Of YClJaw EYEft Some lime wnen you halve n - usual trouble with yours, of ' have hid usual trouble lonx epough. Remember, we are accustomed to getting at tie oause of eye trouble, aa well as eyeglass- trouble. , 293 nor I 1,. 7 V i;. ,1