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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
t:: ctzz:i daiiCy jouni?AL. rcr.TLArry tutspAy evsiinq', February i n. STATE CF AriAQcuY CEGS TO Li ALLO wiD TOCnOT7ii IIERSELF RXiS: luSTEAD i, 1; ' CF.STATE-.FAW Ual U I Maasaeret Occuring'on All Sides, Woman Appears - oh' Burnside " Street Bridat Midnight t j With SufcHSe Intentions.-" Proposal , That a Four-Days' -' OiL Welfe Ar Ablaza and V y Traiht Destroyed.- . MANY KILLED IN FIGHT 4J- Melting; . Be Held In v -' -Salem.' ;.''' a - r ' ' 'v PRINCESS METTERNICH CELEBRATED ' TRIES TO FOLLOW HAT. MEETINQ TOMORROWjTO JN STREETS OF BAKU INTO THE WILLAMETTE ' DECIDE THE MATTER J. ; S . . Ifl THE CAUCASUS UULCO f?tfj ' '! t ; v. . -, . y i. , Czarovitch' of Russia Seriously .i: III While Palace Is Under -.'.. "Martial Law. ' (Journal Special Berries.) ' tendon, Fab. il. The, "Exchange Tele graph has a 8U Petersburg dispatch' re porting that a state ' of snatchy exists In the Caucasus. Massacres are oc curring oa air aldea. vOil wells are a blase, trains have been destroyed and river navigation is stopped. Tbs peace-" able element la In a state. of terror. The authorities are Inefficient to cope with th revolt-. ; V , f,'..-! Plapatches from .Baku stata that In a street fight between' Mussuhpen aud Armenians on Sunday IS were killed and wounded. . - The fighting was resumed yesterday. Reinforcements 1iav been summoned, and the rioters lar being subdued 'today. . A dispatch from Berlin states that the Lokal, Anaelger'- report that the czarovltch - of Russia Is 111 and that several physicians have been summoned to Taarakoa Selo. Owing to the numerous threatening letters received at the palace, special precautions nave been taken to prevent j traga ' on the Imperial family, and Tasrskoe Belo has been placed under martial law.' The workmen of the Putlloff company have chosen as their delegates to the Joint commission. Instituted by the em peror to Investigate labor disturbances, the strikers now In Jail forth affair of January I J. Including Inosemtaeff, vice president of Qapon's organisation. r- - -The peaaants of two , communities In the province of Deroneach In southwest Rueaia, have taken 'the unprecedented step of telegraphing directly to the caar praying for relief from the burdens- or rents and taxation. . : ..f , FEAR AN ATTACK. maislans Throwing TTp Barthwork at - . '.' Tiunsa Biver. ...'-; , 5 -o (Joarnal Boeelal Service.) . Toklo, Feb1. 21. Oyama reports that a small fore of Infantry ' was attacked by the Japaneae at Fang 'Shan yesterday. The Russians"' shelled . Eapatai Sunday with heavy guns. .Anticipating an attack on Vladivostok, the Russian are throwing up- entrench ments on the northern bank of the Tu en river. , v-'. ;- .' 0 ASOB. '(looraal Special Service.) ," 1 St ' Petersburg, Feb.- XI.' Zemsky ' Sobor will b convoked. on April J, Is the' report that, has -spread through the capital. .,'' Official confirmation Is, how '' ever, lacking, and It la stated, the caar :; hs not yet detiJtly made .trp'hla stBd on the. aubject. , ; NEW MINERAL FOUND " r " IN CEYLON'S INTERIOR V-' (Jearaal Special Service.) V - . -London, reb. 11. A new mineral val ued at $150 per hundredweight, has been tlscovered In Ceylon. Th fact Is' re arded In the report on the results of the "thineral aurvey In the Island, Just ' issued, which' states that a - sample , supposed to bw uraplnlta, or pltch '; -blende, proves on complete analysis to ''be a hew mineral, which Is Is-proposed to name "thorlanlte." ' Its principal eon 1 stltuent is oxide of thorium, f which ' ItTontalns per cent, an amount ;' ' far ' higher than that of any mineral known hitherto. Thorla, which la'used :' In -the. manufacture of Incandescent gs ' mantles, is scarce, ' and la at present chiefly-extracted from- th - monastic sanda of Brasil. -Thorlanite. adds the re- port. Is also radioactive, and a footnote to the report states, on the authority of ' Sir William Ramsay, that radium la present In- the mineral. nd that It fur nishes considerable quanUties of be- . Hum. r'f . r-- . - .. ei-BB HwMMawaM 1 SM00T INVESTIGATION 4 i p : WILL BE CONTINUED J - (Joaraal Special Same.) ' - ' Washington, Feb. Jl. The Smoot case will not b decided at this , session of congress but will be continued Into the next session before ! final action' will be taken. The committee has found It-Impossible to make a report before , March 4. and even should report be made' there would be little opportunity of con- a stderlns; It on account of the Swayn Impeachment proceedings. - ; '. The committee on privilege and elec tions will visit Utah during -the coming summer, where a seaalon will probably be held. -' , . ' . WOUNDED LOVE WANTS- -: i A GREENBACK, PLASTER ' Jessie Ia Ooldi wants $10,000 of Wil liam Ooldi. She told th circuit court - today that Ooldi promised to .marry - her and jthen broke - his- promise and ? married another. ( V June 11. K04, In Chicago, Ooldi began his professions of undying love, saya . Miss OoldlA's petition. He went to St IjOuIs on business, says th petition, and - from that ctty sent affectionate letters ' and telegrama Then, In September, - 104, he came ito - Portland and married . another woman; Make hair UgM aaA tUTy. Stop ttohtaJT lataatly. . CiOING-l G-Q1NG!! GQNEUI, SarpleM Wll bbv Zy -XarytaM WJH NEWtfttO'S! ' ' Ta DOffT ELAKX YOUH lOulCAt Many laalM wart the- sknn t tan. Ileal HImiiii ta HMka a If Mtrae tlon. iff (fttr r Umt baiMl aad attract Irian aapa41d bf the ! nal W -ma I raaaral f aUsktly lml aalr ihattAxrM a sarad. If roar arirrar eaald talk It weals el. ad with nm to "aeva lr Slsra,LNi lead NV.tUMM.ts rifKlIE C0..1cpL I. VfrWt Mck.. fw a tsfjate Refuses to Give Name, and v8ays She Will Take Her ; ; . UI9 Very ' Soon.' ' v' ' ' After throwing her hat into the -Willamette river from the Burhald street bridge, about 11 o'clock last night -a woman., who gav the nam of Kate Williams, tried to follow it Bh was prevented J' from ending her life ' by Prank Henneaaf, . the bridge superin tendent, and others and sent to polio neadQuartera. - Though the pollc have ascertained that the woman lives af Albany. Or., aha nrmiy reiuaea 10 give ner true name, She la about Zl years old. Sh was re leased from the city prison .this morn ing oa- cash, ball deposited' by Emll Bpranger, who conducts a saloon ' at Sixth and Couch streets. - -. Befor the arrival of the pollc the woman, who was slightly under th In fluence of- liquor, . pleaded with the bridge men to be permitted to carry her design of suicide Into execution, saying sh wss "tired of th Me." .. - At pollc headquarters th would-be suicide was facetious one minute and lachrymose tb . next. She Informed Captain Bailey that her nam was "Happy Hooligan.' - , MAJORITY OF G0LC0NDA STOCK CHANGES HANDS '. (Special Wipateb to The JoornaL) f'l 'Pendleton, Or, Feb. 21. It-yeJ terday afternoon a ' majority or tne shares . of . the Golconda Consolidated Mine 'company, largely held In this i .. MiMkHMl kv'n ' E Knrlon and' his associates. Mr. Norton gets control ana pas aiso proviaeq ior inn Indebtedness of 'th company, which ag- . Particulars of the deal hare not been made public. jur. - isorion aiaira io an operating ' fund of about 140,000 would be provided soon by. means of which th mine would b unwatered. development resumed and . the mill lianeu. t. . .. . Negotiations taave been pending for a ilWJWIl. . , w - . One project provided for Issuing bonds sufficient to meet an ODiigauona ana 10 give th .operating fund required. Tills n -, iMiMi - nut Me. Korton and hie associates, by purchasing control in the company, get tne management, ana th producers of theastrn Oregon district. ' : . I' WATER CASE DECIDED ' : V ? BY JUDGE BELLINGER H In th matter of th petition of the PaelflclJTWtock company, of; Harney county, to have W. D. Hanley reatralned from iXUlnt mor than i given amount of th water of SUvies river. Judge Belllnxer this - morning . .decided that Hanley had violated only a. portion of the decree rendered some time ago-, Th court decreed several months ago that Hanley ahould be permitted to re tain th dams be then had and the Irrl ratine ditch system. - A new dam erected by him was a violation of the order, but this had been abated. new channel for the river, which Hanley had cut across, a neck of land, was alao held to be a violation, and he was ordered to peHmlt tb water to run Its original course., - . ," .', M'MINNVILLE BOYS' -GLEE CLUB TO APPEAR (Special Tntpat Jomnat)- McMlnnvllle. Feb. ' H.Th McUlnn- vine College Olee club will mak Its first appearance a,t th opera-house her tonlKht in the cantata of "Th Qraaa- hopper."- Th proceeds of th entartalp- ment win go. toward paying tne snare of th coileae debt aasumed by th-gl club last fall If tb horn ntertaia ment la successful, th club will giV entertainments at several ' of. the smal town In this vicinity. After the pro- anun tonight- Mra Potter, -principal of th conservatory department,' will give a banquet to the club. Its guests and th faculty at th college.' - " . ftrn at sr , (Rpadal" rilapatch . te Tbe Joanul.) '. ' McMlnnvllle, Ot.J Feb. '. Jl. WUUam Johnson died at th horn of bis -parents In this city yesterday. ' He had suffered from consumption for some months. .Mr. Johnson was'iS years of ace. a son of one of th most promi nent families In McMlnnvllle, and war very popular among his associate,- He was formerly a atudent at HU1 Mili tary academy, where Ji took a very prominent place In student affairs. The funeral, was held this afternoon at 3 O'clock. "' . ' . .. ; A910BA3.Tr. XX7XBTS ' (Jooraal Special sarrlcel) : ' ' Brussels, FtbC Jl. Practically all th marltlm nation of m world ar rep resented at a diplomatlo conference of admiralty expert a begun her today.' Th chief object of th conference Is to for mulate a treaty among th marltlm na tion on th subject of collisions and salvage-. Th United Stat Is represented at th conference by former Supreme Court Justlc W. W. Goodrich of New York. ' ,;.'.'.'" save tW Tee. Late far Xarstelse. MEtlPICIDE ft ea k saw wltk giunas's Wsrs ! wfclea ktn tse sierBe aa easaas aau. krtttla wt la f toil aaa-. alas aassrarf la faltlnt aalr. DaHa a Sana aad taa katr-s aataral hum aad aaaaaaare will ratara. Mai mass raaalta. aa eaqabNte kalr Plan of Those In Favor of It Is to . Havs Racing in Sep- . (Bpaelal Ptapatch to Tke Jonrnal.) - " Salem, Or., Feb. II. Th dut board of agrlcultur Is considering the mat ter of holding a four days' -race meet at the r state' fair grounds this fall In view of the fact that th fair has been abolished for this year. President W. H.' Downing haa issued. a call for a meeting to be held tomorrow evening at -which time he axpecta to hear from th merchants of this city with refer ence to lending financial aid toward the project ; i . ' 1 All - arrangement for the races had been made by th board befor It be came known that aa attempt would be made to have the legialature abolish th fair. In' fact, th race bad been . ad vertised, together with ' some of the entries and stables entered for th meet. The meeting tomorrow evening will be held, f or th purpose of ascertaining th wishes of, the Salem business) men In the matter. Jf th meet la held it will continue four days beginning prob- bably on September 11. ', . . - -, ': Oomxt Dismisses 'Oases. ... The suprem court has dismissed th case of Albert Lll ten thai et al, respond ents vs.- Mike Kepptnger t al, ap pellants,' without costs upon stipulation. Th court ha also denied' the motions for rehearings In th following ease H. Woilenberg, administrator, respond ent, vs. J. F. Rose, sppellsnt; Frank D. Bauer vs. John Bull, and A. T, Lewis vs First National Bank of. Fort land. : -. . ". ' . ' i. - - atradltUni Fa pars. . Governor Chamberlain yesterday Is sued two requisitions upon th governor of Nebraska for. the extradition of fugitive from Juatlcs in this stata and who are in th cuatody of Nebraska officers. On is for th extradition of J. H. Slattery. who Is wanted In Mai heur county for hors stealing, and the other-for the extradition of Tom Moss, who is "wanted for forgery committed in Pendleton. Sheriff T. D. Taylor of Umatilla county Is commissioned state agent to tax cnarge or ana return Moaa to the state, and Sheriff James K. Lawrence and Deputy District Attorney !.- M. Norwood of Malheur eountr as suai aimii in tne caaa 01 oiattery. TO EXTEND RAILWAY UP SUMPTER VALLEY Assurancs Given That Work Will v-'v; Be Rushed the Coming J (Special' Dispatch ta 1W Jearaal. ) 'Baker' City. Or., Feb. Jt Th" t nouncement is made that the Sumpter vauey railroad win- d extended on from its present terminus at Tipton to Aus tin's ranch during -the 'coming summer. Chief Engineer Wast, who was her from Hood River yesterday, said th rails for th road are now stored in a warehouse in Chicago, and wduld remain ther un til they aro wanted in th spring. In th meantime, if a rat can be secured that will justify it, the 'company will procure mor rail and prepare to ex tend farther toward the John Day val ley, where It was the Intention to get this seaadn" whea work ceased, with the approach of last winter.- '' . The road runs ti mile from, this city at presenv and tb--extension - to Aus tin will mak It about 19 mile longer.-- STRIKES HEAD IN FALL LOSING HER EYESIGHT M.New Tork. Feb. 1L Miss Clara L. atUnyon,' teacher In th Franklin street school, at RahWay, ,N. Jn lost her eye sight oy a rail tn-tb schoolroom Fri day, when her head struck th door cas ing. She -la . still blind. Miss Runyon wss opening the door When flier foot slipped and sh fall, striking her head on tne aoor casing. . '1 cannot see, bring me some water." ah screamed. Later sh said: , 1 struck my riant temple on th door sill, a sharp pain shot through my head. and then I noticed my sight was gone." Everything still remains dark, but to night she could distinguish light when placed before her. - It Is doubtful If sh will, ever regain her sight. The shock of th fall undoubtedly affected- the nerves of her eyes. ... . 1. - ... 1 k COMMISSIONERS' BILL IS PRESENTED TO HOUSE ' S ' (Journal Ipeetal Berries. 1 . Olympla, Wash., Feb. Zl. Th house committee today presented a rallroid eofnjnlaalon bill.- Which, it is claimed, will paas th lower, branch. The bill 1 drawn along the ilne of th Hepburn bill aa a guide. A section was added giving th shippers, -consign, con signor or other persons Interested th same right of appeal or writ f review that Is given railroad companies. The measur prwvtda that th com-H mission shall ascertain th amount of money expended In the construction and equipment of every railway In Washing ton, the amount or salarle paid to both railroad and express company employes. snd autnortse tne employment or sworn snperts to Inspect and assist -the com mission In Its Investigation. Street rallwmye are exempted from th operation of th act. Th bill will probably appear as a senate substitute W". ... : : "i - .- - . . ONE MAN KILLED AND " ' ANOTHER BADLY HURT .: -1 - .: ., '(UpecUl IHapatrh ta The JoaraaL) : Vancouver; B C. Feb.- 11. ' Whll working Id th. Vancouver Power com pany's tunnel at Lake Beautiful yes terday,' a fiat ear driven by an electric locomottv . upon which eeveral em ployes wer riding,, jumped .th track. Jam . Ferguson, a machinist, wis thrown under th locomotive and In stantly killed. Another, employe, Fred Mclntyr.' was crashed by th csr against th tunnel' wall and ertously Injured, bet will recover. . Th other men escaped uninjured. " The csr was 4,0 feet In from th tunnel mouth and running slowj. " Made of thcVciy best sateen, Z sateen' ruffles and dust ruffle ; all all sizes, REGULAR PRICE $2.50 II I.. i.. I 1 . t . v'! Don't You Think You Had Better Get One? You knovf when WE advertise a bargain it is a bargaia .Have a look at them-in our small east window.' The Store Where Your Credit Is Good :.'.! - JUDGE S. A. iOWELL SPEAKS AT EUGENE Makes .Strong Pies; for High i Civic Standard ' Before University Students. FALLING TREE KIUS K; K LANE COUNTY FARMER Divorce Proceedings Bring to , Light , Short Honeymoon Blue Mountain' Exhibit. ' (Special ttlapatch to Tha.' JoaraaL) Eusen. Or Feb. 21. Be f pre tb stu dents at tb Btat unlrerslty this i morn ins; Judge Stephen A. Lowell of Pen dleton spok from th them "Bula Ma lore," th nam given - by - th African natlTa to Henry M. Stanley. It la Jh slngls inscription on th casket of the famous - explorer, - and signifies . "the rock." -.- r'-- - -. - . From tha sentiment thus presented th speaker draw th lessons touching th surmounting of thos difficulties which confront erery career. . r . " Th young people wer told that the demand of modern life wer three to be master of some oh thing, for this Is aa ag of specialties; to possess cour ageous optimism, for th world always bows to faith; to maintain lorty mmus, beoaus th- rao - needs leaders In thought mor than leaders In arms. , Th speaker applied the last sentiment to th conditions now existent, and made a strong plea for a higher civic stand ard. He appealed to th students to take part In tb political Ufa of the country, and maintained that It was a duty Just, as manifest as for a man to attend to th affairs of his own horn. He conTyd th Idea, that to neglect one's parr in civil affairs deserves se ver censure, and that such neglct by th better element of th dtlsenry la the causa of all th trouble .that afflict th body politic - ' - i' v "ir ta not great soldiers tnaf are now needed," said Judge Lowell, "but men who will lead In thought, who will lead us to higher levels of civic attainment and-no man may neglect his part in pott- tic and not b guilty or serious omis sions that will b charged against hlra on th led gar of eternity. When the popl Insist on civic purity, w win bar civlo purity, and not until then." -. Man f Xajartoa. , .; ; A. at. Chrlatensen. a farmer, aged SI years, was struck on th bead by a fall ing tre Saturday- afternoon about t o'clock and died from th injuries seven hour later. Th accident happened on his -farm, five miles west of Eugene. Th tre In falling struck a smallertre, breaking It off near th ground. Th smaller tre struck Chrtstsnsen on th head, fracturing hia skull and causing concussion1 of ths brain. He leave a widow and thre sons. Th funeral was held at th tanlsh church, west of Eu gene, this forenoon, i i - - -1 -Tjum Oaaaf n BtsUV. Testerday morning Sheriff Fred Flak opened th 1104 La county tax rolls for collection. ' At th opening . hour long tin of taxpayers waa In halting at tha door of. the sherlnTa office, and all day long th sheriff and bis flv dep utles wer kept on the Jump, the rush continuing today. . J. M. Stafford, a well- WEDNESDAY, Between MM OUT AVfidaUe Preparalionfof Aaf- slmllating ttKroodandBefjufcr- lugittSbBMasanujuoB: Promofes DigestioaCheerful ness and nestXoatains neither Opium .Morphine nor Mineral Ivot Narcotic. , A perfect Remedy forCraKtJpv uon, aour 3 iiruiacn, u utrmoea Worms onvulskns,Feverish rvas and Loss or Suoep. , TSiinia Si'gnalur of ... y Gsfzzz y NEW YORK. known farmer residing In' th Mohawk valley, waa the first to pay hi taxes. This make ' th seventh consecutive year In which he ha been th first to ' tutw the Asylum. : . - Nelson , Byrjbn, a carpenter, m1 II years. and residing at Fait Creek, was taken to th stata Insane asylum at Sa lem yesterday afternoon. Th probable cause'of his insanity waa a blow on th bead about ten yea ra ago. From that time on hi mind began to fallv.. r " A Skort leiayasMh . - ' ' Mrs. M. A. TJieadmond ha snd . tier husband.- J. J.. Deadmond. In th Lan county circuit court for divorce, on th ground of , desertion. They wer mar ried In Lane county, January la. 404. Mrs. Desdrnond saya that on February It, 1104. her husband, without causa or provocation, deserted her. . -. Bin Br Bfiaiag Bxailrtt. ' T. H. Wevant. who haa charge of the work pf collecting, th Oregnn mlatng txhlbit for th LfFi and Clark, expo- ' " i 4 l il ,. - 'I KXACT COPT OF fienginTand .--J ) . -e. ,. '-" v.. '.j . I m For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoli Have Use FaSaBW ittt0 Uf rui uvci Always Bough! Bears the - yj i Si gnature SAw, ThirtyYeafs mm altlon, ha been in Eugene the past two days, conferring with local mining men la regard to tb "exhibit from th Blue Rivr district A big shipment of ores was made from her about three month ago, but sine then very littl has been don to gather th full carload of ore promised from Blue River- However, th committee la charge' of the work will at once' take actlv step toward completing th exhibit from th district.- - -v. .- .. , 1 r tfouo ia Th public is aroused to a knowledg of th . euratlv merits of that great medicinal tonic, Kin-trio Bitters, far sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary H. Walters, of 8t Clarl Ave.. Colum bus. O.. writes: "For several months I waa given- up to die. Iwtiad fevr nd au my nervaa wer Wfecked; I. ciild not sleep, and my stomach waa so Waak from useless doctors' drugs that I CJould not eat. Soon after berlnnlng to Uk F.lectric Bitters J obtained relief and In a ehnrt time I-wa entirely pril." Guaranteed at Red Croaa I'harmary. plxth and Oak streets, on th way to tb bostofflc. Trie c. . 4:-V r- 1 . mm CO. 390 Washington Street ; Raven Nut CoaV dellvared, at ton .5.TB Ravan Lump CoaL dellverad. at ( ' ; Pr ton ...S8.KS Ronton Lump Coal,' delivered, at per ton ..I7.00 Australian Coal, delivered, at per ton ....BT.av9 Carbon Hill CoaL delivered, at , par ton ...ST.B9 Rock Spring Coat dellvarad. at Per ton w .... .BSO Screened Coal Full Weights. 7 VULCAN COAL CO. OFFICE PHONE MAIN I77t. No. til BURNS IDE STRSXT. - Headqoarters for Elastiq Stockino .and ..,-,- Trusses LAUE-DAVIC DRUQ CO. ' TWrd cad Vaxhia Eta. r- f- -"- r . 1 : ' I - T . '- " 1 a.'. yy 7 V. -4l '1 I :