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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
1 ' TIIZ3 OT.Z gonDailV jouknai; pomxAiiD, Tuesday, evening-, kebkuaby 21. iscs. CHELAN HAS: DIG COPPER $qT X Mattmg- Pl&nt ;.' Delivered and Short Railway Completed' ; . - From Lake Shore." t .':i- , - , . .f. PORTLAND MEN HAVE AN ADJOINING PROPERTY Deposit Developed to Depth of Six . Hundred - Feet. by s !i Shaft Workings. N ; , -H.-' Q. 8 til well,' who haa bun ' In charge of work at the Orand View prop- . erty, on Lake Chelan, Chelan - county. 1 Wash., la In the dty with apecliBens of ' nlgh-grade copper ore mined there, and on a bualneaa raiagym connected with ... brgatiisatlon of a company for- more , eztenalye 1 work The Grand View ad' joina tne Holden copper group, on ', which a ahaft haa been aunk 00 feet. and a,' large -amount of prospect work prosecuted on the surface, The name v contact proved, on the Holden la had in i the Bar View elaima, and while there .. . la not marked afmUarilr of orea taken from shallow Bay View workings to ., the rock from the depths of the Holden, Mr. Btllwell says no doubt exists that ' the properties are .on the same contact. : as the granite footwall and porphyry dike system on the hanging are Menu cat in both- place. . .v. v With Mr. Btllwell am associated aome prominent people of Portland In - the Grand View enterprise, which la a eloa : corporation, .with no atock on the tnar- ket Deep adit will be driven on the contact, which plan of development-ia ' given remarkable f acilitlea through - a deep erosion; between the Orand View and Holden. '. Br driving on the vein from lower levels, foot for foot mar be . gained for a considerable distance. At ,' one point there-la a precipice It to 10 feet high,' and the strike of the vein -' through this la visible for a long dta ', tance. There la a general width of SO to It feet of vein matter In the aurface V work Prosecuted, and the deep eupllerl oua a'taln of all aurface rock Indicate the richest of -copper that-haa be leached. Quickly as .depth la gained, the mineral content of the rock increase rapidly. , Several samples brought to - the city were rich in carbonates, and - one assayed by the Montana metallurgy ' leal worka had an abundance of native . metal. Siliceous - replacement of the ; wall rocks; with the copper lmprgna tlon in it various forms, u inaioaiea by the asm pie exhibited. . On the Holden the 800-f out shaft and drifts at each 100 level have opened a .. copper shoot, which attains a maximum : width of t feet. Chunks or or weigu- Ing several hundredweight have been ' taken out of these workings, which ,., had the appearance of nearly solid min- -. eraL and assayed hlgn in tne ra metai. .. The management completed a lt-mll , Trail 11ns to. the. property this year, and v N has put one locomotive on tne trace. . The armda in the ran of It miles from the shor of .Lake Chelan I steep, and ' ' :-- more recently the management has been locating numerous claim in the deep '' -caifyon adjacent to the Orand View, ' 7 where adits giving S.000 to S.000 feet tenth mar- be driven, and or delivered ' from tunnels- within seven miles of the . lake shore, to reach wnlctt were ts an - easy grade. Mr. Btllwell aays he be .' lievea the Holden company wlU build a rail line up this ravine later, and do .. ,) work through adits lor many yean. 'J- A matt (melting plant has been de ' ilvered by the Holden at the lake shore, f and is to be erected this year.- Other i plan have been completed for thorough equipment, as the extent of the eoppor deposit is beyond hopes- based upon early work. Mr. Btllwell says that h - thinks the Holden will D heavy pro- .; aucer i soon. . , ,.r ,.. jr . MORMON BASII, LODE v ; r MINES ARE EQUIPPING (Sneetal DisDsU t The loumeJ.) ' Malheur, Or., Feb. L The coneantra- 1.: 4or for th Daisy Milling plant have ar- .V rived, and are nearly Installed. The work of this property win moon revive . ''that section of Mormon basin. - At the .Uncle Samf development I -; ateady,'th.ahaft having reached a depth of IS feet.7. At It feet the work passed " -Into the main vein, which -showed up -"lirelLalthouh no drifting was done lo - nrnva It bevond the sides of the shaft. .T t There 1 an unconfirmed report In cir culation here that - th . Black. Eagle ' t company will prosecute more exhaust- ' ; tv development this summer. The big . porvkyry dike oh which this group is loeaV bas been pitted with shallow ' ' -eha-fta and open cuts, some going to a deDth of If to 10 feet. .The tunnel driven ; at the level of the mUl has a length of about 200 feet, giving 0 to 70 feet depth. The general urf ao work has ,' been prosecuted to determine, th av ' 'erage-values of free gold carried In the v iwirnhtrv. and it i understood tO bt I . the purpose of the owners to. press this -, further the present year. ;.. 11 ' V BRITANNIA PLANT TO OPEN EARLY IN SPRING .. ' , ' (Special Dispateh te The' Joanal . . Vancouver. B.- C, Feb. llComple- tlon of the Britannia Copper company ... power .Plant on Britannia creex, ana ' other equipment of the big property; to . near at hand. The water for generating ; : power wilt be giyen a drop of 1,100 feet Electricity Is tojbe used In all part of the- equipment, .from the 10 concentrate ing table to the tramway. The aerial tram Jut completed has "a length of II,- T0o0 feet, fend will connect the. main work- 4 Ing with th mill. Th managemant believe -that early prlng will find th ;1 entire plant operating. The rain la near WORTHY A TRIAL Lsk your grocer for a can arid be convinced that there is nothing better of purer at any1 pnee. 20C::3:7Dc::.:3 Balun S . ..... I ffpoudor " l3.-...:.t.:.-.:;.: Vancouver. nd i Just being developed. The magnitude of the deposit give as surance that th Britannia will becom an important . producer In th near fu ture. . ' . Whll"vln this ciy recently Gravemor John O. BradyVof -Alaaka, asked Ed C Morse of the Montana ' metallurgical. worn, to nave an ey out to th ar rangement of th mineral exhibit of tlutt territory at the exposition. Hr.'Horsn worked in the mill of Alaska for sev eral years, and gained the friendship of Ui;. governor. The, Portland man nude an '-'elaborate - picture - allegorical of Alaska, the thought being a beautiful lady standing with a magnet and offering a toast to th clustered resource pecu liar to th north country. This was exe cuted In burnt work on a great board of Alaaka whit cedar, and finished in style. The picture was exhibited bJ9t. Louis and attracted general attention, and will b shown In Portland with th other ex hibits of the northern territory.. An of. fer of several hundred dollars has been mad for the picture, but Mr. Mors donated It to Alaaka a a nermanent i. hlblt. and no term of sal, would be thought as-or th territorial officials. 'I- 101011 roa loraroBti i - (BpecUt Diapatdk to- Th JeorsaLV . - Spokane. -Wean.: Feb.' -.11. Tha r la her-Miller Leasing company - ha a four-horse team nailing ore from th Luclle Dreyfus mine. Republic, to th railway aiding for transportation to tb North port smelter. The Minnehaha Copper-Oold Mining company ia devel oping and accumulating ore. Tb lead. tng stockholders of the latter company at said to be organising a separate cor poration In the east for the purpos of extending th big tunnel. from tb foot of th hill to croaa-eut the Minnehaha and other veins. It was driven about ISO feet Into th hill by th Minnehaha company, under., contract about two year ago, and will have about 160 feet further to go before striking th Mis-nahaha-.vsln, . ,-',.....,,:.,,- OTOV. Antonio Olyntho. Braxlllan commis sioner to th Louisiana purchase exposi tion; recently spent considerable time. by order of hi government, in Wash ington, where he haa been Investigating the organisation and work of the division of hydrology ot the United States geo logical survey. Th underground water resources of Brazil, which are as yet al most entirely undeveloped, are said to be Immense. It Is the wish of th' Bra zilian, government ' to encourage their development, and to thi end It 1 pro posed to organls a division of hydrology similar to that maintained by th United States geological survey. The investi gation ' and - development - of artesian waters Is of particular Interest to th orasiiiana, .i . . k 1 ... V. MUkWX or TUWMMl OP.; ''; ' Th United State sunram aourt ba decided that a tunnel company which opena a vain or body of mineral In an unpatented claim baa right prior to the locator of th claim. ' If th tunnel com pany discovers tb or before the locator of the lode get hi patent or discovers th or, th mineral right go with th tunnel right. Th decision waa ren dered la the case of the Crend and Crip ple Creek Mining and Milling oompany vs. th Uinta Tunnel, Mining and Trans portation - company of Colorado. - Tb suit waa first started In HIT. ' It appealed to the United States district oourt In Denver and front there to the United State court , of appelaat8 Loul and Anally to th BUI .tts uprem court. -' hu rom acoazro: (ipselal Dispatch The leoraaL) - Granite, Or., Feb. IL-r-Theire la pros pect that a concentrating plant -Will be installed on the Buffalo-Monitor prop erty, of xthla camp, - next aummer. N. Berkley, whs ha a bond on the group, has written that he will prosaeut de velopment on No. 1 and 1 vein persist ently until spring, when he hopes to have a reserve warranting the plant. There 1 considerable or lnlght In th upper workings, to mill which a lesJh has been ought several time by . mining men. and Mr. Berkley will Increase th reserve with: all poselbl dispatch that he msv commence milling tbla season. , . (Special Dispatch te Tke formal.) i Spokan. Wash..! Feb. I. Over 104 men hav been 'employed raraoxing Ice from the Canyon creek flume of the Federal, Mining V Smelting company that th Standard mill ralarht.. resume operations. At . the lewar and of tit flume in some place to had formed to a depth ot two feet Tb manage ment brought down over. 100 men from the company' Mac mines in a special train and placed them at work cutting out the obstruction, snd the mill, was able to start again. Tb Federal com pany, has bean forced several times this winter to. do - th mm at Wal lac. -.. ; .- . ,.. . ' V; . , .. ., . . Brrxmasxr 1 (Bpeetal Diapateh to-The )o Spokane, Waah.. Feb. Il Th Hecla Mining company of Wallace. Idaho, ha declared dividend No. to of 1 cent a share, amounting to" 110.000, which waa disbursed yeaterday. This 1 th reg ular monthly dividend and bring th total paid dp to 1110,000. . . . (,. FINED FOR DISTURBING SERVICES AT CHURCH "(Special Dtspateh M Th Joaranl.) Forest Grove, or. Feb. tl. For dis turbing the services at the First M. B. church Sunday night a prominent young Inan and woman were thi morning ar rested 'upon complaints' .sworn to by th church authorities and take before Recorder King, who fined them 10 and coats,, which amounted tn all to Ill.tO. Th young woman 1 a tudenr at tb university and th affair-has caused no small amount of comment, which is pre dicted will result In sending th girl horn to her parents? She Immediately paid her fin erfd was released, but the boy haa not yet met the obligation Im posed by th court. - . It was only a few 'week ago that tx young men of tbla city war arrested on the same charge and heavily fined. but upon being nnent to-pay, the rlnee were remanded to jail to serve: out their tannic, .- ...-.' . ' . .' CANADA TAKES CHARGE - JDF IMPERIAL DEFENSES , ,-n ' - - - UI Dtspate to The JoernaL) 1 Vancouver. B. C Feb. t II Official word received here says that an under. standing, baa been reached between the Canadian -"-and - imperial government whereby on July 1 the dominion govern ment assumes -th cost of maintenance and full control of the imperial de fense and work at Halifax and Kaqul- malt. The admlnlstrstioa of both sta tion will be handed aver toth mili tia department at Ottawa. u This decision Involves an nnier out lay of 11,000.009. which will bring Can ada' 'total defena ' expenditure - to tt.000.000.. . Caoada-will replace th present Imperial force with Canadian officer and men. ... ' - . -. - AXtAMMAt WIIMI XXXXBXT .1 oiTT aoTion. raorofxo zxrKorararx or txaxxT. . Kotlce I Imta slvea that af the' raeettna ef th ruuncll of the Tlty ot Portias. Ore , held on the lkrk day ef Poeenaiy, liXJB. the follow-In raioluUoa waa' adnoted: 'v Kewtlred. That the Coonrll of the City ef pnrpoeea te lniiroT Ueoker Street from ttie eeet line or Third street to the wret terailnar line ofHaukaf .street, la the tollowlng siaaaer, te- riret By sradlo the street fall width wluVt full - IntmeetloM to the nruoer suDarade. Seeond Br brtneiaa the surface of the etreet full width with lull . intersection te grade with auwadiBi. ' ' i Third By eonatrtirtlM wondea aldwalxe ta sreordasce with the City Kngjneer' plans, prdllreUona sad estimates, .. 'onrin By Urine ereaewalka, " . Fifth Fy eonatriM-tlng atone setter. i Hlitb By eonetracUns elevated woodee alde wilki In aerodance with the. City luulBeer plans, anertlh-atloaa aad aaroaatea. i " Raid improreaieat te be juade."t aeeordaaee with the charter and or-dlaaw-ee ef the City ef Portland aDd the plane, epertncatiotia and rettraate ef the City Eaglneee Klrd tn the of tee ef th Aadttor.ef the City ' Portland on the 13Uh-,der ef February. IXKI. -indorsed: "City KnsTneer's plana and aperiAratloea for the lmDrovemtit ef . Uooker street frost the east Use of -Third atreet to the west teraalnel line ef Bonker atreet and the estlmatee of the work tn be done tad the probable total eost thereof; ........ - The eoat of said Inprorenwat to be sssissi I as provided - by the elty rharter epos the property , epeelally and peculiarly . braeSted thereby, aad whlek la hereby deelared te be all the Iota, parte thereof and parcel .ef land trine between the west terminal llae ef Booker etreet extended north and sooth la tts preavut eouree and line WO feet eaet ef and parallel 'With the eaat line of -Third atreet and between a One 100 feet north ef aad parallel with the' north line of Hooker atreet and e' line 100 feet eeuth of aad parallel with the. south line ef Hooker etreet, .and alas a parrel of land lyin between the north end south Usee ef Hooker atreet extended westerly la their preaeat eenrae aad betwaea the west termlaal line ef Honker street and a Has 100 feet westerly therefrom aad parallel there with..' . .- ! The Eneiaeer's retina te of the probable total eost for the Imprerenient ot said Uooker Street le fi.aso.oo, , , . - , The eboee Impreveraent la tn be classed aa'a macadam .Improve agent and shall be malatalaed by the elty for a period et Ore yeara pro vided that the owners ef a auierlty ef the property benefited by aald Improvement or any portion thereof ahall. not petltlea tot a sew or different I mpro lament before the ex Dfv or miinvnt imn prrato ot each pari. Th plana, peetteati fltyi Kaxineer for ti erted. it Ions aad rati nates ef the tha aaanroeement af aald Hooter street ire hereby adopted. Resolved, That the Auditor of the City ef Portland be aad be la hereby directed to five notice ef the aeoensed Improvement ef said atreet aa provided by .the elty charter. iUiaoastxaDeee txalnat the sbove . Improve Bleat may be pled la writing with the uoder aixned within 30 dare from the date ef the Bret publication et this notice. ' By order of th Council. . - THOS. C rBVtI!l, " ' Auditor ef the City ef Portland. - Portland, Op-cob. Date of Irst publics tloa February 18. 1905. , : . FBorotAU fob rax HYSaUurra. t Proposals will be received by the water beard ef the City ef Portland, Oreroa, until t p. an , Friday, February 24. 108, for ramiahla the Water Deportment of the elty. at the itore boaae ea Fourth snd Market streets, one hun dred Ore hydrants, according te plana and sprrlOeatlona which may be obtained at the Ofaee ot the Enstneee of the Water Department. Each proposal moat be accompanied by a eer tided cheek for 1500 - aad Inclosed in a sealed envelope oddrceaed to the underatrned aad marked oa the outside, "Proposal for Fir Bydranta." ' The Water Hoard rearrvae the right te re ject shy or ell propnaals. , By order ef the Water Board. , , - FBANK T. DOTKJB. BnMintendcnt Water Department. PortUnd. Oresoa, February IT, 10. -' TnrXlaABZBa V0TIOZ. NfW Is hereby si en that on the lMh day ef rrbrnary. 1KO0. I look n aad empoanded St the City Pound, at No. 2Bi 8Utrenth atnwt. la the city of Portland, Orecon. the folhnrlaf deeertbed aalnula: Borrel mare, white stripe down face, white en both Bind fret, both front aad rlfbt hind feet shod; one brown yearliss li'iwy heifer. -ealf; and nnlras the ewner. or othet pereon - er persona bariac SB iatereat therein, shall claim poMMaloe of the earae, and pay aU east sad eharcr ef the keeplnt nd adTertletn them, tosetner with the pound tm m I . M Ti4tiAA K IWIlUIIM ,sMTW. hnaB. a amended, ef salfl elty ot Fnrtland. 1 1 will ea the 7tt day ef rearaary. 10OB, at a, hnae er in . m.. nt tne Lite roana. ai No. 281 SUtecnth.U said rity, sell the abnve deerined animaia at pnoue euctra 10 ine hlsheet Mdder, te pay the coats and eharwes for taxing ap, aeepinr ana saTerusug .suce aainiau. Dated this lom any or renraary, iwn. kid, poani rnuygtax. POBTtAVB TBTToTrOOltAJrT 01 01X00. J a Be. 10 THIBO ST, ATrlQjAeet Trust Oempawy ia Oragea, CAPITAL, 000,000, Ws enaduct a general banking bnstBaea. We reeailva savings deposits. W tlncstes snd certiorates ef deposit payable unon, 10 daya' ecu, SO days' call er 00 dare' call? with Interval et 114. H aad d per cent per annum, reeoectlveU. Call or and for ear nook of nXTTITBATIOB, BBNJ. t. rfttTFN Preelaest H. L. PrrrOCK yiee-fralnVnt B. LIB PAOBT, Beeretary JV O. OOLTRA ....Aaatstaet Beeretary 0BD0B- FmAHCIBOO LIBIT EO. BABX. Chamber t Oommere Bntldlag, ' TUrt aad , , , Han -omeu, . : rVead Offle. M Old Breed Bweet, TMdee, This bank tranaaete a general banking bast. neee. saekes Him. fltaeounta Mile ssd rssuee letters of credit available for travelers and for the purchaae of merchendlee In any elty ef the world. Desw In fore Urn snd domestic exchange. Interest paid evi all time deneafta. - W. A. tdACBAB. Manager. MEB0BABTB' VATI0BAL BABX. , . POBTLABD, 0BX0OB. J. FB A WK WATSON.. Praetdeut R. L. PT'ltnAJC ....Tlc-Prcldewt R. W. HOTT ..M..... Cesbler 0 to BOB W VTT...,..i...Aaehiawt Caahisf Traaeaoa Beseiml Banking Bualneaa, Drafts snd letters of Ceettt 1mnn AvallaMe ta An Parte of the World. . Collections a Bpeeial(y. Gold Duet SKOTrBTTT ATTBOI A TBtrtT OOsTPABT. , M KeeHcea St.. Perwaad. Or. Traasacts a Sonera Baakfnv Bueiassa, . SATTBOS DEPABTMEBT. tntereat Allowed on Time and Pavings Da posits. Acta aa Trnatre for Evtetee, bra ft and Letters ef Credit Available tn AO - Parte ef the World. . P. ATI A MS v ..Pruetdeat L. A, LrTWtB .Fleet Ice-Pveetdenti A. L. Kif.'JI. . ........ ..Second Ire-Preeldent R. O. tUBITS ......Secretary UWITID STATTB WATT0WAT, BArTBL , fT PCHTI WT OPVOOW. BOBTSWBBT COB. TBJP.9 ABS OAK tTS. . Ttasaaeta a Senernl Reeking Bnslaeea, . ntUtTB IWCKD. Available tn Art cities of the rfnired States . . aad Beirope, Boa Kong and Manila. . nnit rrnoBi busz ob fatobari Tntw President ..........J. C AINKWORTrl Vlee-Preaideet...,...... ...W. B. ATKB Cesbler .R. W. grmtnrn. Amlatatt Csabler A. If. WRIGHT LADD TTXTOB, BABXZBS. (latabllshed la It.) . Traeaaet Oanarei Basking Bueiaess, ColleeUnne made at an points ee favorable terma. Letters of credit waned avellah'e le Europe tnd nil points In the Tutted States. Bight Exchange and Telegraphic Tranefevs sold a New Tork. Wasblnrtoa. Chlcege, Bt Louis. Denver. Omaha. Ban Francisco aad Monte na and ftrttlah Colombia. ,. Exchange sold oa London. Parte, Bar tin. Frankfort, Bong Bong, Tokebame, Manila aad Honolulu. . riXIT BATI0BAL BABat. ; r T OF POBTLABD. OBZOOlt. . ; Designs ted Denneltorv end lnauelal Ages ef the United States. Preeldeat.r.':. ........ I.innr.n .A.- Tj. VTTS Ceahler... .' W. NgWKIRa; Aaalataai reenier.. ....w. u, Airnttn Baentid AmUtant Cashier B. F. PTKFFN Letter ef Credit lenwd Available la atureee see) Tne Ikaatem nfarew. Biait Rretiange anj Tvlerraoeteu Tyawr-i a sold en rlew Vork. 'Pton, rhlcaco,4t. Lenta, Bt. Pant, vimana. nan rrsnnaaai ea the srtncipnl pelnta la -Worth weet. Sight and time Mlhi dm we In seme te anil en LondM Paris. Bwlfa. , Frank for-o. fa. Mala. Hong- neeg. r-.xeesiuaroa. ineea Chrlatlanla. Sfoekholei. It Prterabura. cow, Forlcti. novmrmu. .- - j, : ' pellentleae Bade1 ea Ta vera Vie Terma. ' M)BTS BBOS. CrTaMfTTKSnf. 1IJH First Street. Jrtlaad, Nw. . Offer Ont-FJea Teeeetsaeete ta LnMpal est ' - Bailraad Bonds. Writ er Cell. M O RTOAGG COAISfi. , 0 Fertland Beat Batata et Leweet Bavaa. -. Titles laeured. Aketraets Fumiaka,,- SIT LB ODABABTEB TKUT OO.v ,. ., Beam i, (Thsmheg at Cm , . - . . ....if. CTTT sTOTIGU, novofES rJtnoTxmrr or mzxoart - " ; TXXsAOZ. . . 1 Notice Is feerahy Itt Wtt at the BMetlBg ef Lka CoaecU of tlw dty of Pbrtlaad. Oreavu. beld ea tne lftth day at '.bmu, lSuo, ta; fellowlns raanlutloa Was adopted; ' baolTl, lli.t the Uxiorl) bf the dty ef rorUaDd, Orrtoa, aVoms It expedient and par- Vox to lmoroTa Uriwhtm tmnm front Uie rt line of iownedale atrert to tne east no ef tock, 1. Uarear aodlUee, la . the tol kln BuoiMr, to-wit: se enowa by. the .avtakaa' as aet by te City Kurlnrcr. . Second By brlsi-lng the sorfse ef the afreet full width with full Tintmrcllons to th aatah llahed trade with macsdasb Third By eonstrurtlus sldewslks la se eardaaee with the City Kaflacer' plana, sped Iratlona and eatlmatee. ,; '. Fourth By.ruiaerucdngeroaawalka- la ae eordaaee with the Cltyi Kiajlneer's plana, sped ratiooa aad eetlmatea, , ; Fifth -By eonstructlag atoae gutter 1 ac cordance .With, the City lCsflMer's alane, sped Orations snd esttmaUa. Sixth By ennatrarUjur elevated aldewalka n aceordaece with the City Buxtneer' plana, .speetneatloaa- and eatlmatas. Hevanth By construct Ids guard fence la ac cordance with the City sUiejaeer'a plana, sped ratlona and estimates. Blshih By eonetructing woodr ; euwba , a sbowa by eatlmatas.. Held , Improvement te be made ta aeeordaaee with , the charter aad eedlnsnees of the City of Vortlaad and the plane, eueriacationd snd ettmstee ef the City Bnaineer tied I the ofOce of the Auditor of the City ot Portland oa the lftth day of February, IftOJl, indorsed: "City Engineer's, plane snd spec I Best Ions' foe the Iraprueemeat ef Helshts terrace from the west line ef Xjtwnodale etreet te the east line ef block 40. tartar a addition, and the esti mate of the work to be ooe aad ths prob able total cost thereof." The enat of said 1mpmvswnt to be sssaseed aa provided - br : the city charter upon the property kpeciallf and peculiarly benefited by said Improvement and which la hereby declared to be aa fouews: Lots 1. 1, t and the eaat H of lots T and . block AO; aU of block 87: lota and 4. block Sfii bt B, block arl; all la Carter'a addltloa tn the City ef Portland: and all that portloa ef block I lying wee ef the west line of laMraadale atreet' if extended northerly In Its present eouree, end eon la. of a line 100 feet northerly' from and parallel with the northerly line of Uelshte terreoe; aad tots t B and 0. block SrO, la the City of l"orrUod; aad all that, portloa of land lying between the north line ef block ST and the aoatk Una ef block 3d, Carter'a adjdtloa to the .City of Portland, and between the eaat Hue of Beveeteeuth street if extended northerly m Ita per sent coarse, snd s line 60 feet weet of sad parallel With the west line ef Sixteenth atreet and all that portloa of a parcel of land lying, between the- westerly line ef Helahta terrace rfnd s line 100 feet weet of aad parallel with the west, llae ef ' Seventeenth etreet if extended northerly In Its present eouree. and between the couth Heel ef block . and the north line of block Sa, Carter's addltloa to the City ef Portland. The Engineer's eatlmate ef the prehahle total eoat far the Improvement et said Heights, ter race is t3.000.00e The above Impreveraent. I te be elassed s a macadam improvement and rshiH he main tained by the city for a period of four yeere, provided by the owners of a majority at the property beneAted by esld improvement er ssy portion thereof, ahall sot petition for a new or different Improvement before the explratio ef such Period. ' . The plana, apeci oca none aaa esTimsiee or the City Engineer for the Improvement of said Heights terrace are hereby adopted. Revolved. That th Aadltnr of the City ef Portland be snd he Is hereby directed to give ettce ef the proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the city charter. Reasons trances armlnat the above Improve ment mar be filed la writing with th under signed within 80 days from the date et the sret publication ef this notice. . By order ot th Council. 1 THOS. 0. DBVTiW. ' Auditor ef the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon, Date ef first publication, February 19, 100B. j .. a. fbobobxd nanomtm or aoasitoxi ITKXIT. ' . . Notice ts hereby given that at the meeting ef the Council ot the City of Portland. Oregon, held on the 10th day or February, JP00, the following resolution was sdopted! Resolved, That the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, dee ma It expedient and parpoeea te Improve 8k Id more street from the eaat line ef Williams avenue to the went line ef I'nloo avenue In the following manner to-wlt: nret ny gracing tne atreet run wiaia with full Intersections ' to th takes aa aet by the City Engineer. ' AVoone By constructing wooden sidewslka,' . inira nr Laying wooaen eroeewaiaa; Fourth Br cnnatrnctlng box gutters. nald lmprovemeai to ne maoe in aceoraanee with the dherter and ordlnancea of tne jPlty of Portland and" the plane, spreiAestions ,and eatlmatea of the City Engineer died Is the office ef the Auditor of tine City of fnrtland on the -18th day of February. taOA. fcdoraed: "City Engineer's plena end speetflcetlone fof the jmprovetueni or Daiamore. street iron me east line ef Williams avenue to the west line of Union avenue and th eetlmatee of the work te ba done ad tb probable total eaet tnereor." ... . The coat of aald Imnravrmrnt to he aasrea aa urovlded br the elty charter upon the Droo- erty epeciaiiy ena peculiarly oenenieu tnereny and which la hereby declared to be all the lota, part thereof and parcels of land lying between a line MA feet north ef and narallel with the north line of Hkldmore street end line 100 feet south et snd nsraUel with the sooth line ef Skldmore street snd betwaea the eaat line of Williams arcane and the went line of TTulon avenue. - The Bugineer'a estimate ot the probable total eoat for the Improvement . ef said Bkldaor street is te.tOO.OO. , ' The plana, a pacifications and estimate et the dtr Engineer for the Iranrovemeut of said Skldmore street are hereby adopted. Resolved. That toe auditor er rite, city er Portland be and be la hereby directed te give notice of the proposed improvement ef ssld street aa provided by th city charter; - jteraoaecranree sgainsi ine snove improvement may be fued la writing with the undersigned within SO dare from ths date ef th Brut pub llcetlea et this notice. - By erosr et tse uouncu. - ; , . - - THOS. C. DBTWTf, ." - ' Auditor of the City et Portland. Portland. Oregon. Date- ef first publication. February It. 100. ' tSITsoTflBT FOB IBTPBOTZsTEBT Ot XAST , BTJBBSTDB BTBEET. KhHm ta bevehv aiven that the tVmnetl of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meet ing held oa the lftth day ef February, land, declared the assessment by ordinance No, 14, 448, for the Improvement of East Buruside street from 0 feet weet ef the west line of Best Third street to tne eeat line er urand venue, la the manner provided by ordinance No. 14,234, upon each Jot, part of lot and parcel -ot land, which are specially gsd p rnilarlv benefited, to be as follows, via: . - EAST PORTLAND1 BLOCK 87. 4at 8. Robert A. Praodfoot, 0IB..1Z; lot , Robert A. Proud foot, OTO.HT. BLOCK TO, lot 4, Edwin H. Vlrgel fTO.TI; lot . Edwin H. VlrgeU ao.09: Vt . John B. Miller, tided; lot 5, Pan J. Malarkey aad P. B. Metsrhan, 7 tlx BLOt;K 1UT. lot 4. Joeenh Burkhardt. tT3.u; rot . Joseph Burkhardt, I1X.01; lot . Jo seph Burkhardt, m.T7: lot o, Joseph Burk hardt. BLOCK 110, lot 4. Lydla aad Clementina Rodney snd Rachel W. Mor rla. sle.fl; lot 8, H. H. Newhall, fuel. BLOCK d. lot T, Oscar B. Helms. flB.SS; tt a, Oscar E. Helnts. ITU.0T. BLOCK TT, t I. Jane O. Bnrlnnen. V9i lot S, Jane . Bockmaa. 121. M: lot T, W 1 1 Ida and Rlma Pock man, 21.S; lot R. Wlllds end Elms Puck man, tm.Sa. BLOCK KM. lot 1, O. B. . Flmple Estate. Ilelra of. T ; lot 1 DeUe . A. Doad 1 18.01; lot T, Bellweod Ind Improvement Company, 14. 10; lot s, Mary Ellen Marahall. 06H.OT. BLtM'K 117, lot t. t. t. Kara. tl4.a0: lot X Kdwln H. Vlrgel. , 011.41. Right of way Portland Coneolldated Kailwar Coinpany, S 4 !.. Total. I.4US.62. A statement of aforeseld' aaaeeament has been entered In the Docket ot City Liens, snd Is sow due end parable at the office ef the City Treasurer in lawful moaey of th United Btatre, and If not paid within ao days from the date of this notice oneb nroreedlne-e will be taken for the eollertloa ef the same aa are provided by the charter ef the City ef Portland. - The above aaeeeament will, .-near Interest HI dare after the i Arst nabliratloa of tbla aotJce. - " . --I .. THOS. C OEVCI.V, Aadlto ot the City of Pnrtlaad. ; Portland. Orvgna, braary IT. Ian. PROPOSES CKAMOB OT OBADB OF HOLLA- SAT AVAVBUK, r Notice- fa hereby given that at the Be-etlne ef the Cooncll et the tttr of Portland. Or held du the VMh day of February, 100&, the following resolution wae a atonies : ' Iteeervnb That - the Coearfl . of the : City ef Port la nd. Oregon, deem It eipedlent eed purposes to change the grade ef Hot la day sve. tree st the eestee line of tiraad avenue from 11M. feet ro IM.a feet: At the center llae ef Bast Tent ft street from LM feet to ins. 4 feet: At the center line of Best Twelfth street from l:l fret tu 1M.S feet, and to eetsbllah the grade In Holladay avenne at the weet line of Eeet Tenth etreet st 111 feet, snd at the et line of Esat Tenth .street st 11T feet; A. k. M line eC n.l Te'elrlU. eee. et iA.a feet?. - . . I . At the eeet llse'ef Bait Twelfth street at ltd feet above the hee ef city irrsdca. That the Andlfhr ef the Cltr of rnrtlend be d he le hereby directed te glee notice of the primod change ssd eetahuahmeat 'ef eradee aa provided by the charter. - Remonstrance egsinst the above change df grade mar be filed ia writing with the under lie ore wtfhln n nays from the date el th first huhlleatVm of this notice. . ... By order ef the t oenell. , . V IHIffl. I .-, ' Andltflr ef the City, ef Portland.' Port laid. Oregon, Date et Brat auhlioatie. February la, lootv : , till I BOTXCIB. ASAESSXZBX ,T0B. SXrtB. W- BvLXTBTA 1 : . ,.' i . ATXBTJX. , .; ' .Neaea Is hereby given that ne, council ef the City ef Portland. Oreguu, st sjeet. Ing Ifcoldj v toe loth day ot rorrv. luu6J declared the asseaemeut .by ordinance N.; I4,44d, for the eouauutrtion et a aewer to, Mellada avenae frua the second bend luMe- Twvutr llfU street, In the umsbcT prorlded br ordinence No. U.Xit, upon each, kit, part ot lot and, parcel et land,, which are special! and necHdarly ; he u 11 led. le b a touows, vis: A parcel of land bounded snd -described s foilonrs: . Beginning et iron pipe, ea a Una dividing the eeat aad West halves of the Amos K King donation hud claim la aeetleas 3a and Sa tu tewuanlp t north, range t eeat, Willamette merkLaev and dlatant -T feet '. south ef the true -pipe OS the Burl esd ef saU ' dlvlaloa llnsi akauuHT 'north Mt degrece 40 mluotee wees, 1H4.A feet tu a atske; thenos south aXfalnutoe wret le feef to s pulut: theuee south e uAgreee 4t mlsstee , eaet snd parallel with the north Use ef the tract , herein described XU1.T feet to Point oa the weet Hue of MeUuda avenue; thruc aorta 1 degreee miautea weet tracing the weet line of MeUada avenue HO.M feet te staks st point of curb; tbeace ea curb to rl(bt with the radius of Ml feet tor faet te etak. from whk-h at -petat of curb pea ra souU tl degreee v mlustre weet e-T3 feet distent; theace leaving MeUada aveaue aort 1 degrees mlsutes Waal wi.JO feet to a take; thence north degrees 40 Baluutua . wret U.K eet to Iron pipe et place f be ginning. '. M. Vt'smm. Jr.. OoS.Kfi. . Beat li W feet ef s parcel of lend bounded tod dveerlbed ss folloerai t'omiaeaclug at aa . Iron pipe oa a Una dividing eaat and west ha Iras of the Amoe N. king eooatloe (end claim la overtone at and so In wwnablp I north, rsnee 1' eaat, Willamette merldtsa, distant 46T.I feet neutk of the ire pipe al the north end ef aald dlvleloa line; thence porta st ocgrven ev auiaaw " - . - -tn- aa rroo pipe; thence south eTvee 4 Bilnotia eaat 401.T feet le potat lu ths , mi Hue oi nieiiBHn - - 1 detrees H minutes, eeet tracing wast aloe line ef Mellnda avenuei 1U6.BI feet ea a polatl thence north oo degreee eu mluutee West llx.eS fret te place vt heguuuug. at. 1'. Bf finger. oU.3e. 1 ... Eaat loo feet ot a parcel ef rand bounded and described aa fofiowai Commencing et aa Iron pipe ee the line dividing east sad wvet halves ef the Amua N. king dooe'?e land claim In sections XI snd M la townehip 1 north, range 1 eeet, Willamette merldUa. and dlatant 46T T tret asuth of the troa pipe at the north end of aald dlvlaloa line; nortn M drgrves 40 aalnutra weet si. feet to aa iron pip. 1 thence south 44.01 feet to aa lr.-. pipe ea north ". avkaue; tbeace south To degreee ad mtnutea eeet tracing tka north line e( aald avenue IUI feet te aa Iron pipe: thence north lg 6m grera S minutes weet tracing west Unej of jisld avenue W oo feet te sa Iroa pine; thence aorta It. degreee 40 minutes west 1 llta feet to pUM St ea'JMary Ottta WlghL.o. . A psreel oiland bounded end describe sa follows: - Commenclnf s ths intecssctloj ef ' Johnson street with the eeater lUet af. North . 4wBty.tfth atreet! thence 1 dcaTee utes west along center Uue of North Twenty fifth street 1P.T4 feet: thence Geea 4 mlnutea weet fa . feet ; thence south degrees 16 ".Inutea 1W sU ereat feet; thence north P degree 41 adnutes west luy.47 feet to a point aaa pNee of be ginning; thence north b derreea "laatca went Wad feet: tr-e aouthlOdegreee - S minutes eaat 13. lit feet; theawe nr th degrees It mlsntea 00 .eecoBde to place et beglanlng, C . KUkpatrlck, , Aarcel of Und bounded aad deecribed" aa ' follovra: commencing at a ?. J Intersection of center hue of Jhneoa sweet with the center line of Nwth enty flf U. street; thence nrta I ewpee ST west tracing center line of Twenty . fifth aUeen.T4 feet to a atske; thence nor tb M degreee 40 miautea weet tracing canter llae of MeUnds sveoue -T3.8 ,tsel to iheace south '6 degrees 1ft minutes W-eee-ooda west STjSI leet to su Iroa 'pa ouThweat side ot MeUnds svenuj -ill ptos of beginning; thence tracluf .d aouthwejt side of Mellnda aveone-north 50 degrees 40 I nr re. n an Iron pips oa eeat aiot Mellnda avenne; tuenee south IV degreee -Sululet esat tr'sclos asld et avenue 12:CU4 feet to point oe carve: thence !n curti to thi irlgtt with the radlue at . feet 3S.T4 feet to a point from which point if e-irve keinT north 1. degrees 13 1 mlnutea iaar at 14 feet dlaUnt: tbeued leering Me- , S2? thrrTnorS esat 1S.V feet to en iron plpet theace norui M degrees 10 minutes Wl eeconde eaat ZlO al feet to an iron pipe at place of beginning. ATarce, SSSSA .-brt follows: - leemrnciM . - ,H,h MK-tlou. center Una of .ohnenB etreet .with,,uo,)!,de -nee writ traJrtrenter IU McUndsvenw .ta.. feet to s stake; thence sou thO dcirreee 16 ruinates 0 seeoods to sa tren pipe to nouth-eat slMllsd. ' S'roJTl'Z?. woJIdoe'Sntw! ecty theater Jin. of MeUnd. avue Ifcded aoirtheestefly In Ita present eonrae to i potot 100 feet eouthsasterly front the southerly line of Mellnda aveaeej, thence nnrlh trf degrees t'rw"J, 1 2.l feet to a pollt eaee soherly to v pUuVef hegHrnlsg, Slaters f Xharity of ThaTlelrl7"W ' of a Parcel had bonded an dewrrlbed ss ..' T-KI.T' feet sonth ot Bortbesat earner of, Me IT. ft feet: thence north 08 degrees. H mlnutea eeet -JIS.I feet: thence north 01 aegreea l ntlnntee west OO-ft feet: thence north TJ do. greea W mlnutea weet feet: thence out. feet; thence t lM-tfeet to begUinlng. ssve ssd except that portion of iid parcel of land now used lor street - rmrpoeee. King Kette. W4.&IL- a-r.-.a Tbereaterlr lotv feet et a parcel of land bounded ssd deecribed es follows: Bln nTng M eouthweat comer ef Leveoy etreet -. and Twenty fifth street; thevjce south A degrees 1 1 minutes weet 4IH.S feet; thence eVnSrV feet- thewc. -st hS.1T feet: thence south IV degree H mine tee eeat t feet; thence anuthddegreee 40 minutes seat feetto beainnleg; ssve snd except that por ' tlon of aald parcel ef hud now need for etreet Snrwosew sndttporrlow of ssld parrel of lead l?lnntw tnl northerly lloe rf Mellnda - area oe and a line 10 feet northerly tbece sveau unu a therewith aad between ibe welTerly line ef Twtty-flfth atreet and line IrtO feet westerly thetjfrem aad Bar- -Jllel therewith. King Kta te 1 "J All ef parcel of land lying southeasterly f a line' 100 feet northwesterly) from snd nrallel with the northwesterly line ef Me EdT awnueT hounded end delbed sa fol- lows: Beginning st the ivwtheaat rorner ifMellnda King donation la claim: .thence west 3fl.T feet: thence sooth -20. T feet; t'enVa et jm.T feet; thence Krth 20-T feet to piece of beginning, Aanle T. Parkbunt, Tl.&. Total. HfWt. . . ' A BtatvtnivM.. Of ftlUPrvnWslIt i una. .... W- -red ta the. Docket ef City, and M now wmm mm f-'"'; It the City Treamrer In fT",!,?.' ,h. rlted Bute-, snd ff jot pH jaithls nmceedlngs will be 'fc"h .k. uMh for nivldsHl by tb charter of the City ef rl.nd. m , ,., , IA dara after the rst -pabHcatlo et this notice- , i Je,i z.1" nwirtiw . Aanitnr et the City et Portland. Portland. Oregon. February IT. IVOft. Asrstxzirs fob szwxx nr east aldeb STBXZT, w.Me. laV hereby t gives that .-the- Council of the Clt ef PortlaadJ Oregoa. -at .a meeting held on "be Ifith dsystif February. 100ft. d- raared the aaeeeament ay eeninene. IK. mnatrnetloa of a aewer Is F.aat Alder street from 75 feet weet of Kaat Thirty fifth Street i to . tne eewer in nam i.inr;... tlaret. In the manner provided by ordinance No. lv.TEV. uprm eecn ioi. pan vi io ano i. i tanrf. which are aneclallr sad secul- (arlr benefited, to be ae follows. vlY '" 111 N N V Hi lK BLOC K S. lot Andrew Kebwn. BIS Oft; PI W, anmrv mew. ,iw, e ia AndnW Kehne. ! . HUM K f, lot T, W M Meebia, HieO, lot 1D. W .ti. lloehle. tia.4LlPt 11? W. M. Moehls. !14a . TuUl, fill. a. ''; A statement af aforesaid aaeeeament ' haa entaee In the Docket - bt City Llene. ..... le. nnnr dne and' carable st the office ' of the Cttf Treasurer In lawful money et I the t'nlted Butee, and If not paid within ) i davs from the dale ef tale notice avwh prnreedlage will be taken for the celleettoa . If ihe eamef ea are provided by ' the charter I of th ity ef Pie-tland. j Tae above asanaament win ' r interent 10 day after the first pubHcaUoa ' of this Mll S t rii. THOS. C. DEVLl!. Asitttof of the City ef Port kind. Portland. Oregon, February IT. lens. AASISSaTTJIT fob sxwxs a lODBST ' BvEBUB. ' j Notice la hereby i give a that th Council ef the City ef Portland. Oregon, at a meeting . held on the-lftth day ef February. 1tni6, do dared the asaiaa it by ordleeneeeNoe- 14.y 40, for the eenstrvrtrnn et a aewrr la iterii. ney avenlte from lH feet fiaVlb ef Ine north line of Fcentnet atreet to the sewee In Bench ret. I" thc.maaner peevtde . hye-erdlnence " rie.i 14.XM. ujwia eecn lor. part or end parrel oC'ian.f. which arc specially V esd peculiarly benefited, te be ea fnllowe. eft: AIJIINA HOMFSTFAD BIHTt n. lot It John (leerge, le no; lot e. Joan uenege,. sin on; let II. John tienege, 81ft.An; lot , J.ain Oeorge. 815 OA. RIOCK Ifi. lot II. George Blum. 823. so; lot 12, Ksrthera Ceeatlee lareataMai i art voTicu. r - Trust, limited. tzt.eO; kit li Hrury Mincri SI 4U; ket 14, euaa Millar, Zi.4U. - Xutaii - fiM.eo, . - A atateaaeat ef aforesaid aaareamrSt hat heea catered la the iMckrt e( City Liens, end, la now due' aad pajablo -at the efsce ef the City Treesurer In lawful meeer of tb United Slates, and If not.-paid wlthla 8u dara from .the dale ot tbla notice each proreedlnga wilt be taken for the oulleettoe ef the samd ss see provided by the charle of the City ; vt Portland. The above asaceaaiesl wilt seer Iatereat 10 day after the fixet 4uullcatWu - et thlf aotic. I THOS. C. DBVUIf. ' . , Aadltor ef the City et Portlaad. . rwriuinavi uregue, rebruary n, isuo. h ABEXSSalXBT FOB IKyBOTKaTXBT'Oy TTBt -: -, 1 stkxxt. , , Notice is hereby given that the' Ceaaeil el the City ' of pertland. ITvgoe. at saef tteg held oa the lftth day ef tahraarr. lsuu, d rlarvd the easresskeot by erdluasre No. 14.1 44?, foe the : Imprevasaeaf at Pine street from the west Una ef Front etreet to the eeet use et Sixth street. In the aaanne oroelded bf erdlnaaoe ho. 13.04. upon auk lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which sre specially an peculiarly bvaefiled, to he aa lolloera,t vis: . itiKTLAXIe MIArt'K.fe7, wt 4. Jaaua,lKama eOuflfii south 4.ot tut A- JacuO Kemsa. ftJ.l; north 14 of'lot S, ftenrietu B., Mary .V railing sad Bmlly 7. Cable. M.-Or lut , Henrartte K., Marr F. Falling nnd timlly . V. table. TX.T4: lut ft. Jaeub Kamm. ft.vat.XL BUH K. Sn, k- 4, Havings Lena Kererty of . Baa Fruncleco, tftia.IT; lut A Savlnga lui Society of nee Frsarlsre, T4 ou; m , W ii ., J a.... n... . ... ttMA Au. I... a . b. ie rum kw. ,e,ra e. , - e. W. S. Leud Eaute, Hrlre of, 4M.4M.' BLOCK .11, lot 4, Jamea K. Usselttne. ftlhe T; lu A - Jasiee ILf Haaelttne, aa&wi; mirth S of hH . W J. Hawhlna. tillJrO; south H ot lot , lienlcl Marx, lot ft, Edith M. (irant. .tt0.iM.. RUK'K 44, lut e, Robert H. Thompairfi, t&ol.44; lot S, Robert H. .- InompaiHi. 7e.M; lot A Robert H. Thomp .. mm. TL4I: Wt .O.r-Bbert H. Tbdmuaon. .'KkT OM. BLOCK T, kit 4. Marahall Wells " lurdwsre Company. jfHU.Td; south H of kit - ft, Marahall Wells Har.lwar. Ct mpasy, tft.DH; north W of lot ft. M. a. Barrel I Ketata, Heirs of, (36 W; sll of thst pvitloa st northerly H et kit lying aoath of a Haa equl-dleuat ' between the southerly Haa et Aakeay etreet end the northerly llae cf fine, street, M. a. Burrell aetata. Heirs ef. 01H.HH; south H ill M t Marahall Wells Hardware Company, aa. Ik; lot ft. Marshall Welle Hard- . ware Company? (All. IS. BLOCK t, eaet 10 fset of southerly ef bluck JJ8, Bernard Alurra,. ; west 10V leet ot souioeriy H of block a. Percy H. BlyU, ftuiX.IL . BLOfK kn, aoulh of lot 1, Jaew W. Cook, 7a.4; north Ve of let 1. J. K Brlgham. ftiae.arl: south ii of lot A William B. Buhert- sun. ftj.:il: north tl. of -lot 1L B. i. Ls France.; south. 0.S feet ef west : ef lot T, alary Ana Lambert, fu.3: BortfL eu.ft feet ef weet H of lot I, James W. Cues. I.lo.iet; aa.t ef lot T. Jemea W. Cook, fMLZt; south Ik ef lot ft. Jamea W. Cook, 178.40: north V4 ef lot 8. J. R. Brtgham, ft-liM.Tu. HLOCK SO nndlvMed U ef lut 1. . Clara Fechhelmer. sa.HH: undivided 4 of lot St. Clara Fechhelmer, fto.18; undivided of kit 1..W. B. Fechhelmer, 808.03; undivided ot Hit t. W. B. Fechhelmer, 8 ll undivided n ef lot A Elisabeth Elchengreen, 8U.18; ua- aiviaea H er lot 1, fcussoem mcnesgrveu, 808.113; undirtded of kit 2, Artec he hacben Breen. undivided Aa of lot L Alice It. Elchengreen. to8.03; undivided H of lot A John W. Whslry Ksute, Heirs of, 830-T8; undivided H of kd 1, John W, Whaler Ee- caie, jicirs or. 'uio.ib; mo t,. Liavio r. : Thompson Eat ate. Urirs ef, V.10; Jot A . Llord Brookes Estate Heirs ef. ftoO.10; lot A . BIXIC'K 80. lot L Job i. snd Annls L. Fshle. :ltM.a: lot 8, John J. and Anule L. Pahte, SA8.u3: lot T. Henrv W. Corbett Batata. Heirs of. IM.H; lot B, Henry W. Corbett . - Kaute. nelrs ef. .17.1. . nurUK D, lot i, John Klernan. 8121.02: lot A John Klernaa. . 874AO: lot T, John Klernaa, 078.02; lot A Jona xtternan. miah n, eu. m l, '-Henry Welnhsrd Estate. Heirs ot 1500.01; lot 2. Henrr Wrlnhard Betste. Heirs of. 172.83: tut T. Henry ' Weinhard Katate. Heirs of. 8TJ.T3:' lot A Henry Weiahard Katate. - Helra of. 8602.33. BLOCK OB. eaat 80 feet ef lot 1, Mossa Fried Katate, Heirs ot, 430.1; esst 80 fret of lot A Lee Fried aad Delia F. Dusklum, KiT.24; undivided At of weet 20 . fret of. lot 1, B. K. Haaeltlnc Estats, Hairs of, fi3.T7; undivided y, of weet 2D feet at lot 2, E. KXHaaeltlae Batata. Hrlre of. tT.18; undlvtdea. W of west 20 feet ef lot 1, J. Ambrose Haaeltiae. J53.TT: uadlvlded V, ot weet 20 fret of lot 1 U Ambroee Hasel- -tlne. tT.lfi; undivided H at esat 20 feet of kit T. 1. Ambroee Haarltlne, 87. IT; undivided V, of east 2rs.feet ot lot 8, I. Ambrose . Ifaaeltlne, 853 1; undivided H of east 2il feet of lot T,J K. K. Haeeltlne EaUte. Helra of, 8T.1T; anrlivldcd ft of east 20 feet of lot 8, K. K. Haeeltlne Eatate, Helra of, 833.00; weet HO feet of kit T. Rnewell B. Lameou. aad K. W Montague. t&T.40; west 80 feet ef lot ft. Alfred u mil t'narie u neaqusat. ' 8431. 20. total, fie.oeo.en. - A etatemeut of aforesaid eases ment been catered la the Docket of City Liens, snd Is now dne snd psyshle st the office ef the City ' Trehsarer in lawful ' money of the 1'nlted ftatea, and If aet paid wlthra 30. days mm ue eate er inui notice cue proceedings will ba taken fur the collect loe ef the, same aa arerovided by Ike charter of thai lily of vertiano. . The above assessment Will bear Interest 10 days after the nrst pub Ilea Uoa of this . ' TH08.' C.' DITUIt, - Aadltor of the City of Port Is sd. - Portland. Oregon. February 17. 1006.- Double-Track sUQwsy trttweea tba ; Missouri River The Chicajro-PortlaDd Special, th most luxurious trairv jn the world. Dm wine-room sleepinw cars, dining calf, buffet smoking and library car (barber and bath). Less than Wires days Portland to Qiicaga Two ThroughTrolns to (Jhtctra. are operated dally vt th Oregoa K. R. A Nav. Co, f f. R. R. aad Chicaro ft Nonh-Weatern Ry. n Chicago from Portlaad aad points lo Oregoa and Eastern Washington. . Delly excartioni in Pullman tourist eieepiogcarsfrom Portlsnd tbrouglp . to Chicago wilhoul change. B.B.KITCH1S. A.O. BARKBB. Gesl Aft. Pae. Coeat, . Ceaeral Agest, C. a k..w. Pv. ' c. a s.-wTlie, Market street. . rrj Third fitreet. Sea Fbamcuko, cat," roaiuuta, Oa. BALTLMORX t OHIO K. R. i-XXdV TRAIN.S VTAVVASlLNOTCPt II . , . s.a vai -, ail xet 3-VV Chicago f , I i i i i BAIXX0A v t and union Ricinc aW-Traias (o the East Daily 3 ' Thrsugb Pnllmaa -si'indsrd. snd toorfat steep. r ins earn aeiiy to omeiia, t mcsge. apaaaae tourist sleeping cere dally te . Kansas CltriC thresgh Pullman tooriat sleeping ears (perena. ally conducted I weekly to Chicago. Recllalag . chair cars tsesto treak te the East dally. LNIOM DEPOT. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPECIAL. -Par the Beat via Hnst In toe. :18 . 1 Dally. 8 Xs. m. Dally. ... SPOKANE Fit KB.' For f.a.tere Washing ka. Walla Walla. Lew :1ft p, Dally. . S:" Daily. , latoB. Uueur d'Alene and Great . Northern pmnra. ATLANTIC) EXPRKA For the East via Hsat ' . Ington. 8:18 a. as. Dally. T:1S rteeHy...- Ceiumeia Bivar DIvutsT FOR ASTORIA aad way points, connecting with stmr. fiw llweeo ' and 8e a. m. Dallr., Abodt V ft. 00 a.m.: ex. Annday. North Beech, err. Has- Haturday. ex. Sunday; ssio, Aan-at. liouxi p. "amaliTllver Bouts. FOR DAYTON, Oregon Clt 7 aad Yamhill River Points, stmre. Bath audi VtOO.. . T:8p,sj. Dally. Daily. aonne. aaa -at. Sock. . (Water permitting.) ex. ftusday ea. Sunday. Sank Bivar BeuUt FOB I.xrWIItTON.'Tjhr About ft OOp at. Dally. 8:40 A Be. and- wsy points . frem Dslly. Hiparta, waah., amra. Bpoksne and Lewtaton. Ba tarda ex. rridsy.. TICKET. OFFICB. Third snd Washlagtoa, . Tsls . . . phone Mala T1A - . e 5i?T,BTJ,'0,R' " Ticket Agent.. ' A. L. CRAIO, General Paaaengvr AseaL EASTvia SOOTH UNION DEPOT. Arrives. OVERLAND aTXPBBBW trslna. for Baleaa. Baa a burg. Aahlaad. 8aera-l 8:80. v man to, Ogden. Kan rree-j clsea. Block ton. Loe Aan 1:29 a.W gelee. El Paso, New Or-J leans ana tne Met. Morning trele i nerte . st Woodbernl dally ; except Sunday 8 0. m. with train Tor - Mt. Angel. - Bllverte. n p, sv Brownsville. Hiftlf flelA WeadUag andl Natron. Albany jiamenger etm necta at Wood bora with 4:00 p. m. : f -. " T SOa. m. 4:00 p. m. 10:10 a, i Mt. Angel- aad surer ton local. . - " Corvallt passenger. t Bheridsa paeeenger. i!B:S0a.'m. 8:29 a. m. ertany. IIDally. except Buaday. VerUaaeVOswag SeVurhaa ftervlee aad Tamklll Diviare. ' Depot- font of Jefterena street. Leave Portland dally for Oewego TjSfi a. at -12:ft0. 2:0ft. 8:2ft. :20, :2. T:4S.TD:10 p. m. Daily (except Bunday), 6:110, 0:30. 8:33. 10:28 a, m.; 4:00, llUW p. m. ounday oaly, 0:00 m. . . -j . p . ) Returning from Oeweg. arrive Portland dally 8:80 a. m.; l:fift. 8:06. 4:8. 0:1. 1:M, :ft. 11:10 p. m. Daily (except Bundsy) 0:2ft, T:, 0:30. 10:20. 11:4ft s. m. Except Moadey. U:8 p. m. Sunday only, 10:00 a: m. , Leaves from seme depot for Dellaa and later, mediate points dslly (except 8an4a) 4:00 a, sa. Arrive Portlsod 10:20 s. m. ,. . - The Indenendance-Mosmoath 'ltotlW Line opera tee dally to Monmouth aad A trite, eew neetlng wita eouraern rscinu cnaapasiy e even at Dallas aad Independence. ' ntian fare from Pertland te Satrameato and Ban Frsncinre 820.'' bertha ; snoad-elaa fare ftlo. secoad-claaa aertne s.nv. ' Tickets to Ksetera points snd rnxretav alas Japan, China. Honolulu and .Australia. 1 city ncaet ntnce corona- -i nirp new wane Ington streets. Pboa Mala T1A C. W. BTINOEB. Wi B. C0MAN. fjity Ticaer Agesv. - . wn. rm. aro, TIME CARD or, TRAINS Portland t UNION DEPOT. Paget Sound LtarJted. for Tacema, Seattle. Olrmnla. Booth- Bend and tiny Barber points. North Coast Limited, foe Tacoma. Seattle. Botte. St. Psul. MIs- nea polls, Chicago, Bew York. Bnetoe snd SulnU Bsat sad aoeineest. TwIs-tMtr Ex in iss Taesssa. Seattle, Bpe-1 kane. Helena, Bt. real, Mlnaeennlla Cblcaaro. New Tork, Bostoa snd sll poinu Bast' aad Boutheset.- Puget Beand Ksnsas Clty-rtt. Louis Bperlsl. for Tuonan, ttesttle, Bpoksne. Butts Billings. Denver. Omaha. Kaneae city. Bt. Louis and all pointa East snd ftooth east. I All train dally , except na South branch. - A. D. CHARLTON, Amlstant Oeeeral Psaaengee Ageaf, 225 Morrlsoa sc. cor. Third. Pert la sd. Or. Astoria & Columbia River RailroadXo. Leaves. I'NION DEPOT. ' I: on a. i Dally. ' For Mayrsrs, Rainier. (Tatakanie, . Wastnort. Clifton, Aitert a. War 11'1a.aa, . Deny. '. , - reuton, KlareLj Ham- md. - Fort Ptevene. U.arhart Park. Beaelde, Astort sad saaahora. . . Expres daUf. -Astoria Bxpreaa. ."' Ar-?.-i. op. at. T P- Bh Deity J. C. MA TO, P. and P. A.. Aetorle, Or. C. A. BTCWABT. Commercial Ageut. 248 Aide - street. Phoee Main end. - Ttoket Offle AM Tkizw Bt, '. rfcomS'SS .TrSnTOnttnf.tail eesa, . en.;, TroBlrn. 0lly. . PAST TIME TO BPOKANB. rt. FAlTtv DfJlfTm M1NNKAPOI.1 9. CHICAGO 1 ALX. POiftTA LAei j . "T tilig1 tri thnniglt ,the C " nd Becky pioowteian. r-e i 1 uiere, rstee, lumeia, ;-, . tre ,. rt. T' r J-v a- i 0 C? ' l dBn J Je Departs. At l lies. 'fJ- '.' - , '" t xa a. ia,a i - . ." ' 840. st. TS.ftB, .' - -l :- -. .-. U:ttn,m. imi.m. ' ' ' -,. 1 ' - ,.'v' . ' f. 1:80 a. a. B. ai. . i - .' f. '