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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1905)
3' .;! THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. "PORTLAND, TUESDAY eVeIs'IIIC. FZSRUARY Sl5 1SC3. 3 j1 jit. t Journal " '-f : "Want Ad" Rates TnrnEB ant ctwtxtcattox "SltuatloB Wiiud"-Mala or Female, . ' CENTS FEB UNA. , CobbUs- T ;i wards to the Um. -j ".. v, SXWtVBZB It "aa II WORDS It) U . CAN 18, BetAing ten. .... . ' - - - tTTTJATIOW i W1ITH llwtlHWrti j, either Mai sr-Fsmsls. mb ana - tune free. Daily Buaday.. f m Saaday torn) J CENTS far Um HorraiT XAniMiaio an 8de : ) f turn .par um ix annus... , ADVzBTnxvnra bh to to loarnai . . tMlMM effiee by I a'eloek week S days 18 e'oleek Saturday v : unapt" seeur alaseiSoatanv, ' , - Juts. , w A. D. T. KISSENOEB B0T8 Bra , Jeumei "weat ad." . agent. Give . m "psar ad. at efSes ran aad N '. will to delivered ta The Journal af. tot without further cost U yam, Uee ' nw omll has at pkoaa Weetora Tbsmv E-n. t.: .... HowMany Times Hare yon as Id ta ywTef-- . ' ; If I Jut bad little faadjr money !H -- And why hareo't real v 1 Saving le good Oeal of -erhshit. to to Sure bat tt ta am easy habit ta acquire. . And it la tb eafeat prer'sio that can to . made (or futara steak. , . - . ., - 'tax ' OLDEST TEtJST , COMPANY CT ; .. j ; - 1 ,t OEIOwN." ',( '-.y' J ; (CAPITAL, $300,000) Para 8 per cent Interest oa savings hiwiM ana boar Intrreet-bearlng certificate of dr. poalt tkat par from I ta 4 t cent Internet aad csa to drawn at any ttatt by (iTtBg a frrtala aamtor af aara' antlca.i Wrlta todaj far aur book at, ' HXtrtTBAT10.MI' -V-.-'V PORTLAND TRUt-COMPANY OF OREGON Prratdaat H. L. flTTiH'Ki.. , H. UIK PAOCT... ' J. O. UOLTKA Vlca-llvalilrut ifcrriarj ..AasUtaat Secrcutr rVBEBAl BOTTd. HKAI.YwAt M lalna aaa. Nortk. Vb. 1. IMA. Mta. Umrj Hralr. acini 4B rra. S amtka, tokirra irlfr f Thoaiaa Haaly. and . - amtluT of Jamea. Kllaatoth. JMward, A lira ' and Elk-B, all of thla dir. Tha .fnavral will Ukw nlan Tkaradar. Kb, :a, at :4S - a. from mtdrarr; tboaoa to Mt. Francta' . akarrk, Klmalk and Baat Oak ata.. at t a. b.. arlirr irqnlrai aiaaa will to arierad for tka rapoap of tor aouL latarawat kL ' Itarjr'a ccawterr. ' HKALY rakraarr an. !!, ury Hlr. aavd 40 raara and S nnaOia, wlf of Tkomaa Uraly. BKMhrr af Jaowa. Rllaabatk, ICitward. Allof and Rllan Halj. and atatrr af Tkoma Lrnlft. WlUlaa and Nora HmaUrr. Faaeral nntlra Tatar. ' BOTICB. : SHKRIr-m BALK-'Nottra la torakr tiaa tkat . br Tlrrna of a owrtfaira aa tka atftaawr Lla arte, mada br I. I. Taylor to Mary Taylor, datrd Uacamber G,' 19". and racardrd la tka , af flea af tha t'nltrd Btatra eollrrtor of raa- toana for tha district of WlUamrtta, Port af - Portland, oa aald data, ta Librr "O" of . - Mortaafra. and roaditlona of aald taortaaaa : harltir krra broken aad tkara la - aow doa Now. tkarafora. br atrtM of aatbor-"- Ita to mm dulr glaaa br aald Btartaaaaa, I o-lll axmaa fur aalr- at PaMte aartion aad - aril to tkr klxbrat biddrr for eaab. oa Batar . rtar. tk sntk dar of broarr. ions, at ta. ' noor or dmo oriork a. at. or aald oar. at tlm foot af Colnmbla atrrot. In tha rlty. of ' rortland, roontr of Mnirnoaiab. atata of uraann, aaM atramar Kiroa. torn bar Wltb - all tor apparel and appartraanrca.- . T. M. WOBD. niarlff of MnKnonak Cokutr. Oracoa. . Tatrd atVPartlaad, Oroa,-;Kaomarj 14 . - : IroBT ABO rorBB. ' TOO aaa mora raadtly find a loat artlrla tbroBik Tka Joaraal'a elaaalflcd eolaana tha a v any ottor war. Ja raaa yoa dnd aaytklwc. to Bonaat and admtlaa far tka a Waal ka ;" fara claUalac aa roar awa. - - roCNO Ladtra wkaaL oa Baat Twelfth at., anrtb: raa to foaad at lua Xaat Twrlftk at. aorta. radar thla elaaalBeatlna adaartlarBMBbi will to laarrtrd aaa ttraa ,-15 rrau for 21 warda." A Taloablo aramlam art II to lra with aaek ad.. Daily ar Baaday. ' . r : ', MBB We track tka barker trada la tka storr aat paaatbto tlaaa at email azpaaaa aad traaraataa poaltiona; write for caUlefBa. , Motor Bratem coUaye. " Baa" rraarlaea. , , ' MAN of kaalnaaa ablJIty daalrraf poettloa la wkolraale ar retail kooae where ability and raitkfDlaeaa will to appreciated. Addreaa ' J IB, ioaraai. ...... RRUABLiB an wovM like a pmltloa anllettor. or do nr kind nt rnat. ; vood ref erewrea.rddreaar 2 20f Jottrnal. Wit want 4 eioerieoced men for ranalnv aaafc. raaaiae Bwcueery. Beaalda Bpraca Lni ; CO.. weaelde, or. , . . WANTED Maa to renreaent loaa . Jo to IS a. room IT, Labi waahinstoa at. ( BTRADT work for Bandy mn.f Enquire Bailiff Keller, eoort kooae. WANTED g treat aaw to rat wood. Wlll iama a. .... v BTTP WABTEDTXklAIjr. ' WAKTKili wM for rrneral hoaaework: moat - be wllllBe and aoed rook.-eaoehle of m..,!.. ' 125 per moth; small family. Call aaoralnaa 7V0 krarary at. . ,, WAXTTn A rood alrl for rkaattor and Mining f row wor - m a email prrraie poaraina; aoaae. Apply X1 Heien lb at., coraer of Madlaua. - WANTPD Boom and Board for- mother and A ycarld boy: eeatral loeatlOB. Addreaa H. ear Joaraai. nimiietl); rail f WANTrr JO giria f,v ceorral housework, at KrajidinsTisa Real Eatate aad -BaipsaynMBt . tw., tlO B&raalde af. , - ' : ' . ,; -1 - h t, WAffTltrv-fllrl for yeneral konavwork. Apply klontaomery atyiietweea 9 Bad 11 a. m. WAJITRD Olrte MkeaBdlea. Call at - at e. m. fc. R. Hiiell. 4 tsrk at. BITOATTQBB W ABTO ftBAtf. Par the Benett of tboee who ocslre pneltlooe, aelrerthvewals will be Ineertad aader tbla . keadtna one time atootatrlyt free of east. Ad elMooel Inaertioaa "Ik reals lor Bl wards." T . aa. aa an i. . in, 1 k WAXTKD By 1 rrteada from the east, one ; to eake ekarge of raomlna; konae, the ether . aa warklnt kooarkeeoer re f err aces: no ., trliera. Apply tka TrayaMBd. Ji Third at., room la. "BITl"ATIOB wanted Tmng lady "puaacaslna y- (Hisinaae aMIIty dealrea posltloa; la exnerf. . eared tabarnt wark. alee famlUar with office work I 14. care Journal. . , :'ptWITIO- aa irat'-rlaaa peatrr enok or Boed . .t . aU-ara4 rank. r hotel ar raataaraBi, Mrs. , Manraartta Beat. ArleU, Or. - ; - WAKTRn-.PaaltJoaaa knaataipe for wldewar or toeoelor. Apply C XO, care Joaraai. 1. KXPRIIIKNrrn lady 'wlahea to- take chars of raoejIaaT kooae. H. 12, Jaaraai. . r GREEK STEAMER EPIROS ; v IS SEIZED BY TURKS . , . (iaaraal B pacta! Uyr. ' !. ! Pw rt tald. Tab. 81. The Oreck ateainer r.plroa ha a hey a eelaerl by Turkish Mler at Yam bo. All on board haw. arrived hart la iut of UrraUon. aTTVAnOBB WABTBTe-aidLl. Par the beaelt of tboee wka desire pnettkme. (dTerfleemeata will to I turned . ander tbla kradlag one time atoolately free af cost. A riltlona) -Inaertioaa "16 ornta for SI words. ENRIN'BRB, with ftrat-rlaaa Urenaa aad good eefereore, waata ateedy m all-anaiad man la s'malf electric light plant. . Oaear lllldrf- ; trandt, grime I drUrrry, v . 1 Bl'TfHKrl Ks eared young maa In market and alaugkter bouse work wish re employment: raa rr Al referenrea aa to ability . and , rkararter. Apply O 4. care Journal. WANTETl PoaltloB of any kind by honest young man. flak market or grocery preferred ; elty reference; will take most anytlUrta. Addrest H. If, cant Jouraat, '. r" ' YOVN4I run, SS years of are. w I shea indoor pas it lea la elty; aome eiperlewee In office work; rlty re fere area. . P. U O., 1003 Haw' thorae- are. -- . v BXPBKlR.'ftD youag maa w la bee emnkiy. wltk rlty. Address Bog II 19, earo Journal. Minpi.K AOKU tlerama maa. ateedy and aoher. would like Jon In restaurant or hotel (itehea at' mashing dishes. - Adilreae 1 IT. Joaraai. BBPRRIRNOKD youag man wlshea employ. ment aa collect or or aa rlerk i well acquainted wltk rlty. II 19. Care Joernel. A YOUNd man. SO rears of Bra, arlakee to learn tke heker 'tredei wagea no object. Addreaa J. 1:1, cere Joaraai. - : BAKER Reeond kind oa ' bread and rake, wante position: city .or couatry. . Wrlgaad, a aoutht a'eurth at - . WANTBO 'Work br competent mechanical ,. draftsman; larenUoos, drreloped. Answer Joaraai. .T: ' WANTED Posltloa aa Inside ealeemaa by yauag . maa; refers oeea glren. 122V L'Bloa are.. 3(7. ' ' WANTKD By a yonng man of hnelneae ability, any kind of Inside work. B... Bio Kaat Oak at. A Prarr-CLAM painter wlshea boat palatlng; rat-rlaas workman. Addreaa C. S6 Beat Oak. WABTXJto-TO BXB-Z. BOOMS la alt parts af tha dry, fatahikid. Apply San Ooodaopgk bMg. 1 BXP081X10N ACCOMMOOATIOlf BUKBAU. "rjadar1 dlrortfcpwef tka imt aad Clark Palf - , oorporatjoa. t 1, Phone Mala at. WANTED 1 ar S unfnrnlsned rooms, maa and wife, north of Waehincum, eaat af Miteentk at.; reasonable, permanent. J. IS, Joaraai. WABTtr-BXAt BSTATB. WAVTKI) Ta buy ar rent furnished fa ran. Addreaa O IB, rare Journal. 1 iMTLOTimrr aoxboixb. JORT4 ANDERSON BraBdlaa1aB-AaMrleaa Baa ployment OfBre; real eatate; roaming houses and baalaeaa ehaaeea ear specialty. 170 Bura atda at. Pbopa Mala SOoS. . PAClriC COAST EMPLOVMRXT AGK.VCT Bemoeed to 12 KorUt Beonad at. . Pkoaa Bed 181. , - . .. HANSEN'S BMPLOTMBNT OrriCaV . ' POB MEN. S4 M. Bacoad at. Pboas Mala AXPtKB BMPLOTMKNT BI'RBAO Help far slaked free. Call IBS Fire at., or pkoae 1B1T. . i -. i . PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eoe tree- tors; help tree to employ era. gis HELP wanted and eappHed. aisle ar female. B. 0. DBABB. Sedtt Waahlagtoa at. Clay 44k. WAjrTaJe-aTWTELLA BIOBB. . tOMarrHlrlO 00190 ' ' t1 " .',' at tba- "v ' PORTLAND ATJCTION ROOMB. , 111 Plrat at. Pbooa Mala 60M. Beeauae-nbey pay tha bhtbeat pries la aaah for any k'nd af feral tore. , WA.TEO"To eorraapond with partlee wlaklog a fine homestead reiioqnisnment; gooa tim ber, good water, fine notjthhorbood; easts ra Oregos. Addreaa P. O. Bos So, Injfur, or. WANTED Mora eprayla and wkitawaahlag) the only gaaollna coaipreeeed -eilr- apraylna eotfit on tka ooast. M. O. It or raa A Caw 4 Mllwauklk ct Pkoaa Bast BUI. . WB BUILD aew or fls your old borne eery ree. aoaable: good dty referenrea. Call or wrlta H. Wahl, New Westers botrl. S33 Ollsas. WANTED Seeoodbsnd hoaaekold goads, too to. anything yoa don t want; Bigneet prloa. auo lHna,.rsMS main eeua. WANTED Boom - and board for Bsetber and B-yrex-old boy; eeatral location. Addreaa II Srf care Journal. SHORT ORDER PRINTING HOOSB Ryder Huaaell. Heooaa aaa rvasDingtoa an. rbone WANTED Heeood-haml. - Btedinm-etaed, Joh C latins praea;. cfcaa for cask. M., Ollmes tel. ... - .. .i - . ,',. j, WANTED At once. IS aarke of early roee pt totors. Call ar addreaa 110S Colon are.. N. WANTED A second-hand rot I -top desk st 44 Kecona atreer: in gooa oraer. LADY eoUcttore wanted; splendid Ini ta rtgkt parties; S4 to SO per -day. 1. If, Journal. . , ' Addreaa SIX aoUrtfonrT food salary nr cofsmteslon to right partlra. Boom 23, Labbs bldg, Port- ' land. Or. , ' TOE BXBT HOUSXEXXPrXg BOOKS. 11.73 PER WEEK Large. cleaa. rorambed Boasekeeplss rooata. laandry and bath. 184 Stormaa at.. Bear Froot. - Pt'RNlnHED boaaekeeplna and single by the week or by month 1 gea, bath asd phone. 871 H Third at. SW: SIXTH-ST. Well famished .housekeeping . apartments; Hfbt front rooms; S large base. ITRNIHRED bonaekeenlng and sfngle rooms; bath and phone; good lueatlou. 380 Be ran lb. Pl'BNISHEO bonaekeeplng mama, lower floor; also alngw room. - S3i Eugene at.. Beat Z3U6. CLIPT0N. BMH Puwt St.. car. Columbia Bo! tea B1.23 per week aad .UP. - - BOOKS ABS BOABJH TOUNO men. If yoa want ta board and room In a permanent and first -class konse, where rates are eieeedlnaly low, and will remain tha same nest summer aa they art aaw, call ' at the Aster Mouse. 351 Iteewnkk. at-, corner of Madtaon. Tel. Mala S231. TTIB LINOKLL New family hotel. Market at., bet. Third and Ponrtk: eteam Beat, electric light, porcelain baths: elegant en t aide rooma wiiir -11 a Tireifciaae ooarui two peoput. Baa-sou. tut ' - - - ' rOB BUTT PLATS. MODERN, four-mom flat, yard sod basement, lift. 444 Rodney are., ear. Tillamook. S-RK)w furnlabed flat for Jlgkt bonaefceeplngi SIB per moatk. a) Bast are.', north. FOB EBBT HOUSES. ONE bouas.- SS4 t'nlon res..' and oae at ST East iHth aorth; both new. Addreaa or sea M. H. X'arter, Peninsular at a Horn elty. ' 1 1 torn BXBT OfTlCB BOOK. OFPICR BOOM Plrat st. Inquire cigar star Seot BOB BEBT 8T0BB. STPBEROOIT to' busli neater, en- heat street ble. Addreaa J . IB, la ' rllyfi rrai Joarnel. -' BOB BEST TABUS. PARM for rent or sale. . Madlsoa Beat Batata Co.. Madlsoa at.' ' . POR REHT-A larre eempW-raom ar halt to, , Soor. Apply. Barrator awa. Oeodaeagk bids. FfeVithVantAds RAIitSTON HEALTH , C R I P , ' aama-saasaimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-mmmmms l ;; . . 1 J" ' -" 1 ," "' "' ' "' t A Toiistei Foofi Retdy to Serye f A package of Ralston Health Food with every paid Want Ad., Daily or Sunday. This is an Acme Mills product ; Sells for . 15c or two for 25c at any 'grocer.: , This offer is made simply to still more1 'widely introduce the wonderful results ac-' , complished by useful ' "ant ads." An .enumeration of their many daily duties . and, performances - would entail great ; space. . You know how it is when you want to rent a room of-house, want to buy. something, unusual, when i you've lost something why, you irrjmel . diately look at the want ads." Thou sands of people read them every day you can talk to them at the rate of ; 21 Words for BOB BXBT TTBBlSBXll ' BOOKS. ' Cnder that rlssalSestion ailTerttarmeBta will be Inserted one time "In ree la for 81 worda." A ealnabw premium will Be, glrea wltk sack ad.. Dally or Huaday. 1 . TBB GARLAND S31 Washington st, between lath sad Both ata. A permanent sew and modem aparrmeut konse. famished rooma single sad ea salts. Piwsaee, electric lights, pkoaa. large bay windows la each raom. Bataa aoralnal. t'NDER MEW MANAGEMENT Hotel Rick 1 11 eu . Europeaa plan; elegant fnrnlahed rooma, alngls and aa suits; ateem beat, bath. Bee cafe and bar In eooneetkm; a alee, aulet, homelike Blaea: transients solicited. - " D. B. BUBNS, a. TBB DEXTER, 124 Twelfth, corner Waahlne . ton. entirely-newly faralsbed rooms of THE . DKXTKR ANNEX sow ready for aecapaacy. I'toaa Ureea 4M. ELEOANT outside rooma, steam beat Borealala baths, Srat-claae board; two people Sea, too, " . month. LladeU aotaL Market, tot, ' Third and fourth. MARQUAM BOUSR, 14oVt Slitk aL sulte or single: kouaekaeptng r stores, tola aad eleeuio Ugfctai solicited. ' - maaai gas traaataats XLKOANTLT furnished room, central, gas, phoae. bath: suitable for either one sr. two; etrlctly prlrats and flrst-clam,. Pboaa mala BOOT. - THB EA RLE, )1H TWrttD. COR. TAYLOR. " PCRNIBBED BOOMS. TRANSIENT. POR BENT Elegant front room: priests fam ily; rent reaaoaabla; geatlemea poly. 270 Pourteantk st. . CAUrORNIA Lodglnrs; orlrk bMg. t rooms for traaaieBU SSe and an. t3 Mortk Third. Pl'RNI8HED room, SOS Kearney street, corner Nineteenth; gas, phone, ste. I'bone ataia low.. CHEAPEST aad beat located rooma la Portland. $1 week as. Ollmaa. PUst and Alder era. mR firST--t ramfortahla faro Is bed .Blnqqire st st worta ruts as..-ewr uwoi. t TBB OBAND. 4St North Third aUl Srenroof bldg.; gentle men only. 1JW per week. Nsiwjt.y rornlsbed. emlet.- free BM .Peurtb at. Pbaal Bad SSSSL NEATLY furnished front room 1a priest fam-4 lly. Sll Marahau at, i NICE front room. Urge, light Bad eonrenlent Sea Plftk st. T0WXL SDPPLT. CLEAM TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, eoe a. 1 par month. Laarreaee, rjroa.- lowu auppiy rourxn BM vubib. riwywe B0TTSB BOB BXBT T0BB1TUBB BOB BAXt agao BUYS a 10-room board) oar bouse. If takes at once; gooa sdobuow, m eov jwwm. at 834 Mala St. PARTY lee ree houee aad faraltars for sal. 641 Second St. BOB SA1X MISrilXABBOTrS.- Cnder this e la sal Sea fton adrertlaemenU urlll to Inserted oae time "15 enU for 81 worda." A valuable premium will to glrea with each aa., imiiy or Bunasy. . - 1 GOOD Bseond-liaad band mnsle, 1 combination ntetnee marhlne Bfin feet SlmS BOOB Slide. SiiS Toamy bldg, IV tend and Taylor. Call aooa ar arming. Phone Mala STSU. BILLIARD AND POOL tcr-Ks far raa ar tat ssle ob eaay payments. TUB BBUNSWICK-BALBB COLLENDEB CO, 4 Third at.. Portissd. print. TARI.E. ltB SALE Bru os wick-Balk e wltk cues and ... atSBd, counters, etc. - ' . Apply bS Prst st. SECOND-HAND toad frmaJc, 1 picture machine, fllma sons slides, IK Tourny bldg.. Second ,and Taylor. Call noon or arming. Main otso. FOR SALE Block of Attachable Ball-Rearing Hah ComrauyasncB, caeap. - a.ouiiaa bos oau, 'Vaaeoaeer, Wash. ion CORDS flna tr wood sa bank rleer at Holbrook for sal or trad. 381 Morrlsoa at. BahWoa. , - - rOR SALB Orala eleratoe. capacity V 4.1,000 bo she la. K, n. wiiiumaoa, nalla, vr. BOB SALB line black corker spaniel. Bine months old. SHS Hassan., near Lsrrsbee. GOOD general family flaw, string milk. Call at noon or ersnlng at 433 Bast Market st. mtrt sen B.ono building, brick, at sscrlBes. Phone West ITSd for terms. P0B BALI HORSES ABS CARRIAGES. - A SURREY carriers of the beat sieke, as good sa new, raa be bought for a third of what - tt casta new. John Seboger, 11 Seventeenth. PES SOB AL. THE best a eel dent policy, the "Annlearsary Legacy, 'wrtttea only by the Preferred Ac cident losers ore Company of New York. Thomas p. Thomson. , general sgeat. SIT Chamber of Com meres.' Psoas Mala TS4. .. MANLY rigor restored be Dr. Roberta Net Glebnlea. Ose aaootb'a treat meat. fSl I montBs, Ma: eent, asruurr sea lea hy man. ' Agents, Woodard, C larks A Co.. PartlaBd. Or. TBB "Mstrlmonlal Reals tee," prfre loe, de ecrthea many residents of Oregon who seek congenial life companions. Interstate Intro ducing taaetety, eto iui. rartisaa. I RAeTEftN gentlemsa.- fCV stranger, rood look , Ing snd keeltky.' would tike to meet healthy, good looking ledy; ot)ect matrimony. Ad 'drese I. I, JournaL .. .i. WASTID Business gentlemsa B4, good aa. neerence wouia use to arret lany witB some eapuai: "niect, psnaer. Adaress H IS, re Journal. i.. . TUB BOOK OP NATTER. "Book of Ufe." "Mabel Orar.' "Story of.a Slaee "Nsae; - raUlognes free. A. Brbmele. tm Plrat at. BESTAVBANT end (nffea. bonae npea day asd night. S34 Plrat st, S. Oreenbarg. proa. w qrn i. a iiimr, esip, osy m wees, rr four pt i a. rtneions are more seiaislely ; . reeeeneniy aiira sf . a am t a rnarmaey, 1 Morruus St.. bet. Pint sad Seeoed ata. PRETTY eoentrr girl, brunette, age fo. has 1 tin onn, will Inherit winch mere, wtebes to i marry. Curran, 1843 B'abaak. Chicago. "THREE TEARS N AUKANSAW" beam aB - books eeaj eeer saw. S&e. Jenes' Book Store, 891 Aider St. -.,!..'.,' ..' ,".f i":r.-: , 0 - s. when you-i 15c BTsnrxss CHAjroxs. BOOkUNO HOIRH HEADQUABTEBB. TArT A CO. 12S-S Ablagtoa Block. - Pboaa Mala 164. We make SPECIALTY OP ROOMINO HOl'BReV and bare many of tka MOST lk H1KAHI.R LOCATION that are for sale. Good mrarlooa Are gulag fast. Note our partial nai -netow t Brna large ana hub ones. If (toss don't Belt yoa. call I. SB BOOMS Swan toralshlngs, BXTBA CHEAP UUVT - - J .ut I L'llV U L'WT In. twa la the city, elearlng sbore. all ex. - , , penaee U0 per month. Prloe (18,500. - 43 BOOMS. BRICK THE YERY BEST LO CATION' la the elty, two-yean lease; ' rent ONLY HAS per month. ' This - house Is , POSITIVELY cleerlug now a bore all axpenare $300 per .amata. Prlcse SS,SO0r. Bartcash. . , SS BOOMS New furniture, ateem beat, hot , and cold water In all rooma; good lease; . ' making Ms money. f,0UO. 85 BOOMS Most elegantly fnrnlahed apartment boose la the city; now clearing a boat $300 per month; rent only S13a; lease, -e--'.-Ca be. kgd aow tor 84.100. , ., SS BOOMS Steam beet: newly faratsked and remodeled; I years' lease; rent only " - . . SIM)., par moath. Price S3.SO0. 24 BOOMS Terr ctote toraMoa. new boejse. new furniture, furnae heat, Tbla Is one f the neatest and eleaneat bosses. . . on the market; rant only f 18B . S8.T&0. i . .... tt BOOMS Raw, modern building, newly for. Blehed, awe II lorattoa. every room tskra; rent only 1125. S years' lease. A pick- ' ,Q0sT 0anpasOB 80 BOOMS Best location ' In' dtp for' high class transient or steady roomers: rent " '' 8100, clearing good tmoaey aow- snd ' during the fa I yon raa make all the ey. yeu want, racs sau. . Id BOOMS flood location, wen furnished. cheap rent, leeae. 4 This la . surely a sood bay st S1.BO0.. H BOOMS Yery finely furnlabed:' swen Io cation: ta rle: sea income, This Is exclusive. Pur partlcalera call. BOOMS Parafture all good: Incerkm rary central; rant ngsc . met saow. : SALOON P-et location In the dtp; rheap rent and long lease, and making goor money; .: . fire nice n ring rooms and wiut ruraitur. ; UOSB lor Se,20. . GENERAL ' MERCHANDISE BTOBB flood eountry itown. doing a nle buelneaa; rdrkness-tto aoas for selling. Thla Is .. . nmrth looklsg up. UMBRELLA STORE Doing a flna baslneea cheap rent: will aell at inrolce. This Is a gll'-edged protiosltloo.. . JEWELRY STORE Beat location aa Washing ton St.; extra cbeap rent; S yesre' leseec ' will sell sll or U Interest or win sail lease. Call 'or- further particular. WB CAB MAXB TEEMS OX ANT OP THE ALL TTTLEB flrABANTEPTt. BrVl rxas PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. WB WANT U ALSO SO TO 40.. . TO 18-BOOM HOrjSES TAPT CO. "3a 3 o-8 AblnrtoR Block. I0h4 Third St. ' ST. LOT-IS BBOKERAOB CO, " ROOM S03. S4 SIXTH ST. ' For Sale Reertsnrant. near entrance to . fair lease paid Bp to Jas. 1; at a great bargain. ... ou linn IS nroaerage i o., , , V -. Boom 803. 84 Sixth st, Far Ssle If yoa want a snap take this room ing -bonee. a , rooms, well furnlsked. down town location; full of good paying roomers; . MOO Ukea It. . , St Louis Brokerkge Co.. ; Room 803, 84 Sixth at. ; HOTEL MEN. HERB YOtT ABB. ' Far Sale 80-room hotel, within 4 blocks of depot, splendidly located for transient trade; ' newly famtabed, large spscfous dining-room. This Is s grand opportunity st s llrlng price. . St. Ixmls Brokerage Co.. " Room- 803, S4 Sixth at. For SaU Roomlns-hooae. 28 rooma. nicety fnr- - alehed, full -of good roomers; cheap rent, good lease. Aa exceptional nargatn. St. Tioula Brokerage Co.. : :-r'" Boom 303. 84 Sixth at. If yoa wgnt totbuy a bnalnrsg of any kind rail v ana see us. ,.. we nare many une pargaina, , - St. lioula Brokerage s Co., - Boom 303, 84 Slxtk sfcv BT'SINRrlS CHANCES. 83.000 PARTY with this amount to Join me wltk my 83.000 In me eonceeaVim at the exposition ground: I will lre you home reel eatate aa collateral snd H Interest In th profits. Acarrea tt. is. Joaraai. . PREB LANDS IB ORBOON. Fertn Boll, pore Water, delightful eTImate;-! lend of airaira. snpirs a no ciorer. roe run ' Information Address the Colnmbla Southern Irrlgettoa Co.. 830 Woresster block. Port la ad. 8300 FIRST-CLASS cleaning end dyeing estab lishment: Sne baslneea location: store and 8 rooms; rent (30; lease S yesxs; "owner In other bnaines re aeon - Tor selling, call si Fourth THE MADISON REAL ESTATE COMPANY baa Im peered farms, city end suburbs pron- . erty and waging Boaere; enytning yoa want, orrl Madlsoa at. Front lfll. FOB SALE 8500 A first -class barber shop, . established 8 years; good, ateedy. nice trade. ' ScsndlnaTias Real EstBt and ' Employment Co., ma mirnaia sc. . v w ! - FOB SALE Ftrat-elssa reataurant: good lore ,tlon; does largest hnalneaa In rlty. For fur. tker particular sddrees Box "S, Salem. Or. BESTAl'BANTt best bnalneae: cheap. If takes now; lease; rent s-u; gooa tors t km I Bret - rlese reeeon for eelllni Addres J a, Joumel WANTED Ksmee of persons wko want learn real setste business: I ran kelp yoa H. w. Tnrrer. 233 Washington st. 18-ROOM ronmlng-bnnee, worth 81.500. sell for 8A0O If taken ot once r If short en rash wkst kaee yea to trade! Phone Scott S4N. GOOD, exaeiii arcd men with espltal can hers eharg of- big Bering enterprise; a -boaansa. ' Address a, imi Morrlsoa ct. ... -A GOOD buelneaa man with esoltsl toflneeet'ta , big paying tneeetatent; a bonaasa. B-lexander, m Moerlaon at. - , TEAM and wagnat good business; nukes 84 ta eiO oayi will sell separnt. I IB, Journal. FOB SALB CHEAP Oond paying ree ta urea t. wltk lease. I a quire aa first st ' BAKERY for rale: good loesHos;" bkrgsla m a, rare joarnel. FlrUrT-ot.ASS aaloor. doing good baafness; see far tviUMcit. il Mortk Bxik at. V BOB ill BUT, ESTATE. Under thla elaeeioeatlon adrertlermente will to Inaerted one time "15 cents tor 31 words.' A ealoabl premium will, to give with sack ad.. Daily -or Sunday. 8ELLWOOD REAL ESTATE O. H. Wallberg. f.tU Umatilla are.', will offer tor 'sale- Sin) - lota In this beautiful suburb for rseb ar in etallnienta; prk-ee from 830 to S4W; a ma several houses or lots from 8Vm to 83,000. 4-ROOM bonee snd f lots. 8U00. ThU la t bargain. I' bone Scott 1-UI3., BARGAINS In Upper Alblna 3 modern 6-room house, bath, pantry, high lot 40x100, fence, aldewalk; I1.2&0; $300 down, $15,' month. Hare other good bargain. P. Dubois, 206 ft MorruoB st, room A- - 8200 doarn S-rooai house, Rodney seenud. lnO down 6-roora bouse. Highland park. 3 HO down ' 4 mora .house, Highland Park. -' ' WU1 build wkat ,rou want, eeay payaMata. 7 813 Commercial Bldg. Main 1M0. CHOICE frsrttonsl lot In Stephens St., tot Elerenth snd Twelfth. 8350; will build bouse to salt purchaser, oa Installments If de alred. W. L. Morgan. 678 McKay bldgea. . A GOOD ealoaa kulldlng la the center af beet mining towa ta Oregoa for sale ar axebsng for Portland property; splendid opportunity tor aslooa man. Call 107-4 Third st- - ,. FOR SALB T sertloas at Weaatrbes, Wash., suitable for sheen ranch sad trait, cheap. - Address far nartlcalara, W, C. Hattenlay, - Clncfnaatl. Ohio, FOR BALE 140 acres flrst-daes timber la Pacific eoanty. 4 mile from tide water. . Addreeai BV JofaDOos, . USS FrsakUa are., aatorla. FOR SALE 8 acres, houee sad S acres, SnSO; essy terms; sea agent, first houee ssntb ' Gets crossing ea O. W. P.- alserrlo Uaa, 10s tsre. . - - SOOD InseataMut. earner lot and aoaae. well I loceted on car fine, rented for S2S per moatk. Pric 82.800. Apply Jobs Bala. 224 Stark st 83.000 BUYS three A room booses, furniture, . land and era tor cistern; rented now for 83T per month. J. Landlgan, 184 Bhermsa st A BARGAIN S enrner snd 8 tnalde 'mm.'Lcrwer : Alblna; eery slgbtlyi.atreets, sewer and alde- . walks, -csu owner, rnoue mala Jin. 2 LOTS, eark 80x100, eloaa to car. wltk lumber -for B-room houee. Ano; 825 essb. be lane monthly. Address I 13, care Journal. ISO ACRES good' land. V, mile from lower Colnmbla rleer, for SftflO rash: worth 81,800. For psrticniars, ad areas a is, J our nai. 8550 8-BOOM bona and ffixloo-foat lot; tora, rhtrkea house, T . bearing . fruit trees, -'la- - quire . at 1 Bast Ninth stj north. . . BARGAIN 8-room bonae. lot 60x100. at Sell- wood; -city water in bouse: price 8300, terms. m. J. ueteer, auo Morrison ax, j . NEW 8-room hones "snd lOOxIOO-foot lot, 670 . Present t st. I this la a oeauuiui aoms, . Take . woooiswa or veraon car. , - - .i ii NEW 6-roont krass. large room, basement, . bath. gea. lot 50x123. aa -car Una. 821 Beat GUsaB st, 82.150. A NEW Sfoom kouae. near cor tins, for ssle n payment down, gai per men in. uau '003. 84 Sixth ex. FOR SALE Six-room cotuga, furl lot. two - blocks- from li eer,-1,400; pert cask. In quire 813 Maaoa at - FOR SALB 20 aerea. S miles from Vancouver: 800 fruit trass, : aew kojss. (2T Boselawa sea. - - - -. REAL estate bargain and- fir Insurance. Northrop A Xing, 210. Sll Commercial bik. nnrm and Int. bam. fmlt tl fee. suod deed. sbatract 8000; walking distance; I 18. JournaL 8-BOOM 'bonee, S tots 100x100; prlr $1.801 Inquire 93T Hast BlxtB St. Berth. BOB SALE FABKB. ' ' BinoRN shEltok, '' Condon. Oregon. Hare ' eale. large and email wheat ranches for Information cheerfully rt aoondenee enllrlted pergaina lut or InTastom, ' J. A. Sheltou, county ai FOR RENT or sale. 43 acres rich land H mils from this. city; ix seres in orcosra. prunes, -neare and lafe-keerdng - smiles, new bam. - house snd stable: also 4 seres snd bonae Is thla eltr. enod nouttxy ranch, rent 815 ner f-mnnth. Apply to S M. Beard,. Vsarearer, Wash. . ...... ... 12 ACREfti near Mark snore. Clsrkamas county; -- 38 aeree cnltleated and I" grain; new bouse and fair outbuilding. - 13,500. Irtmlck . A Wmick. Oregoa City, or.. ' THB MADISON REAL EftTATB COMPANY baa Improved farms, eity and snbarhaa prop. erty inn lodging aooars; aayiaui; yoa. woqt. anz xaotaon. -1 ASPHALT PATIB0.- THB Trlrdaad Asphatt Pa rlne Co. af Portland. OfSes 8S0 -Woreeeter blk. BICYCLE DEALERS. COLUMBIA, TRIBUNP AND- CrtESCBJfT. sporting noons, expert repairino. . f. p. rbenan. 209 - third 8. 5' ' Between taylor and salmon. BIBDB. BART'B Mountain Roller Birds for eale; these birds are tke eery best; they ere sll guod singers; ine price is reaaonaaia. Mrs. a. M. - Ftita. SO -Grand see. BLABX BOOK BLUrTTFACrnrBIBB. HOWB?DAvf 8 BILHAM lop-nt aitZTrntl 11 la a snog mannraiTUiwieT tarente for Jones Improved Loses Leaf bookbinding. ledgers; Dsper-raltng, BAND IBSTBu-MIBTS. CHAS. K. YORK A CO., 104H Ftrat Rerwh-era, pleters; York A Sons sad DeGur Inatrumeats. 0ABPBXTXBS ABO BUILD CAS. A. J. AUTHORS 11 R. A WOOD, sarpeaters and builder) repairing aad jnbbtag; ators . snd OfBre gxerrrea built Shop 80S Colnmbla. -! Pkoae Clay I85L fK "iorr A TTSEN. building and remodeling; ators Sxtwee a apedeUy. Clay 824"3 if- Brsx sw 0AFXS. k RICK SON S RESTAURANT Merebset htack II a. a. telJ p. m. ; ander new Baasagesssnt O. B. EVANS, prop. Stoned aad Bursals, THB Orr-Ifl "rlfi Wstoliartos it Faota BUla jii. ricssti a rig as sag. .- r GREAT WESTERN COAL CO.. 441 Hart. ear. Bloecatb Predueer sad miners of washed lump sad sat suotlees house aoaM; tamp 84, ant SO, deUeered n I tbla 1 mile el yards; eatiafsctroa gusraateed. Pknaa Mala 4)48. v WESTERN PERO A F0EL CO.. cor. Front aad Hoyt etreet. desler Is domeetle aad. steam coal, blacksmith smarL atoreaal aad asks. Pkoaa Mais, 1018. STAB COAL CO Dealer In foreign asd do- mastts cwb); w hare the -beet Wyoming aoL Of So X Stark. Pkoae -Main 1818. ALBINA FUEL CO Deolera la aiadwsod. seal snd greea and dry sUharood. B. B- sad AW bloa are., blocks eaat of ferry. Eaat 814. RUPERT FUEL CO. Tke best dry wood la town. Don't forget ta panne Baat Si East Elabtk at., cor. Madleoa. ' d C R. YELIN. flrst-rlsse -Wood ami eoel-lce 88 Alblna are.. Beer .ferry.1 Dry sUbwood. STEEL BRIDOB FURL CO.. dealer la coal, cord wood aad dry slab wood. Pboaa Bsst 484. COLUMBIA -Wood A Coal Yard. Bast Eighth and Haarthorne. Pboaa Bast SOST. , 0BE0ON FUEL CO s sll kinds of aoal aad Wood. Pkoaa Meta aB. .. ' KIBK HOOTER 818 Water St. wood sad anal, Phoae Meln 4AaSL aasc , - i . i 1 i i . OBTjnrxr BWIBP, J. LOOK OUT FOR FIRE! - PRACTICAL CHIMNEY SWBEP. " D. D. WOOD. Roe. phone Scott Sand. tsMT orders at A rary A Co. hardware store, 88 Third St. pkoae Mala I Tlx. y i! i e-e. i i. , r - CI0AB8 AB T0BA0OO. ESBERO-ODN8T C1GAB CO. . DUtolbutors of '" " . V: run cto abb. -' "-" - ' ' l . r - ' , ' .'. Portland. ' Oreeroe. CXAIBY0TABT ABD PALMIST. MADAMB JOHNSTON CUlreorsnt aalmlat . sard reader: I glee facta reliable asd tm. ' portoBt oa all affairs af real Ufa. Beading toe. SS Seeeatb at., bear Oak. CXKXBT 00BTKACT01 CHAS. H. CARTES A CO., (formerly Cartae A Kill! cement contractor, or lasgari. Bast 1878. AU work guarasteed. CABBXA0X XBD HACK COKPAXTXS. THB UNITED, CABBIAGB CO. Carriage, lauy-no nga ana earry-iis. ioo awrisia at., cor. Morrison. Phone MelBpSX. oostxrssioB wckoKjm. BYBBDINO FAB BELL, peeduos snd sommts Bloa assrcksnU, 140 Freat at. Portia ad. Or. Pboaa Mala ITS. CB0CXXXT ABO BLA88WAXX WHOLESALB arockerr and slaw a sew are. Praet, Hegel A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark st, SBZSSKAXIBS. KEISTEB'B Ladles Tllksailg rnlllisa" aat- . terns cat ta meeear.- Allaky ball 400. 883 Momma ' at ... . i . MBS. McEIBBKV. ertlatle dress aad doak making. 661 M orrlaoa et UP-TO-DATE dreaamaklagt satis faction guar ' snteed.. 585 Kearney st - DRESSMAKING Strictly p to date! Mteet design. 488 Cmy at - - . STzzva ajts cxxabtbb. PORTLAND STEAM' CLEANING DTBIN0 Works; praetleal batter la eosneetioe; feather ind plumes cleaned sad curled by aa ex- PBrt. Hi Fourth. Phone Clay T04. " CLOTHES eimned and pr'seed 81 per month. J . unique xauorias Wh aai w aaningaoa sa. B. W. TURNER, professions! dyer snd emaaer. SOS Jefferson et. Pkoaa Mala 2018. COB AJTD H0B8B B0SPTPAL. DR. O. B. BROWN, D. IS S . D. & M Dog, bone hoep'.tal. SOS Wash. : Fbooss Clay 157a, B. East 8535. ' DR. 8. t. CARNEY. D. . B.. eetarlnary ear. grcB,- reenored ta BBS 0 ilea a St. tot, Feegtk . A wek ee ... X, F0BX8T BZ8XBYB SCBIP. FOREST BESEBYB SCRIP FOB SALB As- proved, unrestricted, reedy for lmmedlst ledlats bee; aOtt aewesc price. K. r, a r. - At allay, Chsmber f Commerce - - P-JBBITT-BB VACTOBIZS. 0BBGON Ftrrnlture : Msnafactarlng Company Maanfsetarera af faraitars far-Aa trad. Purtlaad, Or. FUBNtTURB maunfsernrlng and special order. . Ia Basanaky's faraltars factory. 870 Front st EXXCTBICAt W0BXAV PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, ooa tractors, repairers, electric wiring snd sup plies. 84 First, eoe. Stark, Pkoaa 'Mala 30. B. H. Tate. mgr. NORTHWEST - ELECTRICAL BNOINEBBINO Company, BUB sum St., PortUsd. O. K. . everythln Mala 1881 la tka electric 1 Use. . Paoee IXBABCXAL. ANDREW L. CHKZFM, JT Weeklngtoa Bldg..- I-ortlaadV - . Doe General Law Buelneaa. Financial , sgeat for Union Central Life Insurance Com pany, Clnetnnatl, Ohio, for Oregon. Loans oa s lmprovea rirrns inrougonux etste. loveat Private Money Safely. Te Years' Active Experience. Phi Main iumu. - CHANCB for Idle money Income hearing pri erty paying net s per cent on B42.000 bad for t-'l2.500. Lock box 60n. city. nniBACxs. BOYNT0N waravslr fume res ears fuel. J, C. Bayer Furnace Company, 2j8 Becoad at Kkln 481. OBOCSBB. WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale law grooers, mans meeebsata. FoorU racrarera aad e and Oek st. ALLEN A LEWIS, commission and produce aaee chanta. Freat Bad Davis ata., Portland. Or. HOTELS. HOTEL PaadMton, Predletoo, Of. F. W. Walts, Mgr. - . .... - ... f.. HOTEL Portland. America a plan; At, S3 per day. HOTEL St. Georgev Ptsdletoe;'. leading keteC BELYEDERE; Europeaa plaa; 4tb aad Alder sta, T HTntAB BTB BOLLS. J. J. BOR0, mshfr. boms hair roll. 428 B. nth. - Phoae Baat 2211. Store. IMd Morrtaea et S wTTCHXS JOB BALB. SWITCHES made, eomblnga bought or made to order. 04 R. Twelfth et Phon Eaat 1T1& XBB0BABCX, ISAAC U WHITS, Bra Insaraaca. 806 Sea-am IAS. Mcl.- WOOD, 'employer liability and la- dividual accident anraty toads, et all kladsj - Pkoaa 47. SuS M-Say bldg. . - 71 H. P. BABTBLS COMPANY Sirs Insurance. 448 Sherlock bldg. .-Oregoa Pkoae Clay 638. FIRS INSURANCE J. P. Kennedy Cau B21 Sherlock kldg. Pkoaa Mala lABd. MTJBICA1. SELF-PLAYING HANOS Oedllea self-play. . log pianos peonoonred tks beat Jy Jeadins " miwldans; sis Ceclllaa plane peayera. B. it. Wills Musis Houee, BM Aider st SECOND-HAND sonaAeal InsUsisents of sll klads st lowest prices, eseh or laatajlmaata. Fkiher Muetc Oe 1B0 Third et . . MR, AND MRS. H. A. WERBER. bcnj-i, maerto. na. gutter Inatmetlon. Main Jowl. ITS W. Park. 0TXBAIXS. BOSS OP THB B0AD OYEBALLS and te- ekiniieg:i,alo made. Neasudter aw., BuiBfactiu-Ta, . rartlsad. Or. ,. , TBB Itll loam evt Aay salaried .ya- wan-earaer, at get aa bw bote, wltueut mortgage Btouin. t Month, wrees. a Bis xs ar 84 as ar 8s Ml a 8 8.05 or 81.88 ar 81.85 aa 3 4.00 or 8J.UO ar il.08 month. u Month. Week. n uu Hepay ta ift.OO -Klar to , -,. . - 310 McKay-bids. liVtC-per cent money) we build yoa a home or li.aa you niourr oa your property, monthly ' . Myumnta; lreetlgate; open Saturday erenj. l"a, . Unoni lu-IT labto bulg xa4i Waah. . -logtoa l. ... . 1 -. MONEY TO LOAN aa real, personal aad est. lateral aeeaiity; perls I attention to ekattel aX7iV": "T? boogbt. O. W, Paliat T" '"'s uiogv aa aixta ex. tunHLX reepeeUble place where Indies ssd goats raa borrow amuey eu diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Leea Bank, fcott Waafc. Tlogtoa at. Pkoae BUc Tl. . . SER the Dana Lawrence Co., real aetata aad BiMBrtal agents; money to loaa oa morkgags MONEY ADVANCED salaried people.' tea meter. ' wlthoat saenrtty: eaey aaymaats: larg- eat biietneas In 40 principal cttlsa. Tolraas. S3 Ablngtoa bMg. ' CHATTEL loans la amounts (ranging -Tram FtS tii $8 000; roamlna-honaaa a apeelalty. New . Era Loaa A Treat Co.. 208 Ablagtoa bids. MONEY TO pOAH la Urge ar email e mount goodaeeurltyj. lowest lata. WllUam 0. ' Bet I.; SOT Palling bldg. . ' 1 LOANS at lowest rates oa furaltrtre. pianesf , , anr eecunty sores purenassa. eftlc. 448 Sherlock bldg. - MONEY TO LOAN ea Impmeed rlty property. In an ma te suit Parries, Watkina A Cav ' . xou . Aider st - THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary Waimi, from three to sis mouths; ounDdentlaL -21T Oregonlaa. MONEY TO IIAN on Ctavkamas county Isnds.' K B. F. snd r. B. BUey, 808 Chamber af Qoav- aaarea. . , i PORTLAND REAL KSTATB LOANS. B AND 8 per cent Wa. Denbolm. S25 Falling bids. TO LOAN 8100 to 82.600 by Charles Hlretei. . tH Third St., room A M0NBY to loan 810.008 at par eaat a elty property. .878 Stark St, MONEY TO LOAN Apply to Robert A. Miner, nod Commerelsl block. ' '. KABbAwB. WANTED Apprentice. Anwrlcan Beaat Pare Mrs. now 881 Alder. Scalp sad face massage. ' PBENCH ladle sir balks and maaeare treat ment. SOS Plftk at. Phoae Mela 6138. KA0VXTI0 BTXAIXBO. PB0F. H. T. CUMMINS,' msgaeU keeder, Naakvllle. Mount Scott car Una, cures all bad as bits. .Pkoaa tnioa . l&til. Postofae : Lauts, Or. 4 MRS. L. H. HABT snceeaafally traata iU dw '. eaaea: - method taught ''New Thmurkt' raa ding-room. 811 Tourny bids. Mat 4173. y PIAB0 TUBXX0. GEO BOB ANDERSON Expert plane toner and repalrmaa. Hradqaartors Flaber Musla Co. ' Phone BedV-862. w i i 3g iii acBgsanaB PXXSS CLIPHBOB. MAKB M0NEYI USB PBESS CUPPINGS! Blag ap Black It and order a month's aet-rlc. .rovertng every 'town la any or all eoeet . eta tea; dally amtngasatlusi advsaea re : ports aa all eootxae an 108 Second st rk. . Pertiaad afBes PLATIX. EASTERN PkATiNU CO, S48W Alder Gold, liver, eopper, alckel f and Brass plating. . Jewelry work Specialty Phone Mato'2834. THB OBBOON PLATING WORKS. 401 Wash ington at Paead 2678.: Potohlhg, plating ' ssd Ucquerlng. - nncini. NEDVIDECK WATKINDhV abunbinf akd gaa fitttng. 301 Third atreet - Pboaa JAalw 81UO. DONNEBBBRO A BAOEMACHBR. sasttaref plumbers a vnortk sr., trata FOX A CO., eanitary plumber. 231 Second bet. Mala and Balmoa. Oregoa Phone Mela Soot, BR1XTIE0, BCSH0NO CO. Front aad Stork sta- prlnt Ing, Htkograpbing. blank books aad ofaca supplies; work dons oa time: most eomplsts printing efore la the west afsia 10A , ANDERSON DUNIWAY COMPANY, nrlattai ft. Hthograncing, blank book. Pkoaa Mala 1' sua Aider at, PAXMTS, OH. ABB GLASS. P. B. BBACH A CO Pioneer Paint Oa., eel nag the beat things mud In paints and general building materials: wlndow-claa and glastaa a apeelalty. 188 First st Phone Mala US. BASMTJSSEN A CO. Jobber, paints, oil, glaaa, aaah and doon. Second and Taylor. . aUBBXE S-fAKPB. M - 1 M . u w wm rt r m a k u . . v wj i n wm i vrunj0. w Rnir pww Mala TlO; rubber etaams, seals, stencils, bag gage, trsde checks: send for estologaa. BCrOTTB, TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and lobbing. J. Lee II. 113 Jefferson at. B0PX, PORTLAND OORDAGB "CO. and Northern) ate.. Portland Or. SHOWCASES ABO -rXXOTBlS. SHOWCASES of-avry Ideaerlptloai bask asd a tore fixture madW The Laths tw-a Manufacturing Co.. Portland. SAFES. 8-INCH thick walla, not fireproof; repair gen erally; exchanged aafea, bargains In the: Canton steel celling; Dlebold work. Incrodlag )alls; Inveetlgate. , J. E. Devfcj, SB Third at STOXAwI AND tntABSTXS. SAFES, nlsaoa and farnttara naoved, parked reedy tor Bhlpptng and shlppe-J: all work gas ran teed; Urge. 8-etory. brick, flre-peoot wsrebooa ft storage. OfSce 12S First at, 0. M. OLSEN. Fhoaa Mala 847. a O. PICK, of re 88 First St. tot wee Start and Oak sta. ; phons ota; pianos ssd furniture moved and parked for shipping I commodious Are-proof, prick wertkoue. spent aad Clay sts. . STORAOR spsea to let to (inrTrir issrittyina. I 874 Water at Big lor Miwinf a t-oasnilaalna eompa uy J. SIGsf BAJBTIBCk J. P. EIRNGIRRRL.-BIGN PAINTER. Entrasc 21 Vi Waahlngton, cor. lst pp a tain. PHONE HOUB 17V0, -rr ' YERLINR. ARMSTRONG- CO.. Sign, eeenle sr. . flat. Phone Red 087. or. 4tn sad Couch ata. TIKBIB, I HAVE OMr piece of Umber land la eoathera Oregoa for sals ckaap. A 6, JournaL w. FOR HOMIfJ-TEADS. timber claim lad ecrrp - a rteala Aek tml lmrraavwlel Kaskaslr TBABSFXB ABD HAUJJBO. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 Nartb Sixth. Pkoaa Mala SB. Heavy naming aaa storage. POST SPECIAL DELITEBY. . SOOn, Ingron st Phone htaln IMS. TYPBWBITXBB. TOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUABTEBB . Z30 Start Street - W root, repair, cell, exehsnga typewTltar, All supplies for sll maeblae. " Standard machines $35 sod Bp ta Slot, . . Da yoa want etenngrapher er typist I . . We Save Met of good armneaabv - t, . Pboaa Black 281. . ' .f BMCKENSDkRFEB t . so wrtteis : snppHa and a Hoss, as mars st Phone YI0LIBS. J. A. WSCO. violin maker and repairer; all work ant class. 86 Resaetl bldg. Fourth gad ' " Morrlaoa.. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. .14-18 st, tot . TfarahUi sad Taylor, PonUad. U1' '- -V e --'f,