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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1905)
HTLAIID, MONDAY EVSIJINO, PE3RUABY 0, llTCX "I : : - V J- '." I. II . I ) , .1 II I I I , , I. I I. I . i i tT.F, , , ' I .'."tatared at tb pastafaa Parti Or fr traBeportaUea lUilk the U M Miit fur abasia mlai rr aa 1 1 ' fi lP, 1 att U to M rases. Kainrwi Wnama...,,...., ...... . 'Z rosso astsstuxxs axTMarortATirfc f 0 N.M.. itxt, nTw Tort! TrtkeaeBalld' r- Tmwn y n 3J ttallf Jaaraal, with Saadsy. 1 ' 3J ounl, 1 rear TJ Dally Joarnal, with sender, e fall Joernal, moath Tb Joornal, wlta Snoday, 2? 5ly loanul, moatb Tb Daily Jmiroal. wtta Sunday. 1 .. Tb flail I. , MXtmmmmA T M . 6.00 ith "iaeiiKM ...Trj;..TT7..rn. .vr; an. Fv -1 1 . . i a - .... . Far wan, eeiaieiBU,, pww.. , septd .77.. ....... .a.. 4 "Taii hy KaiL Tba pall JontWl, with Saw!, t raw.-fT M Tb Dally Journal. 1 rar "" Ithm r 1 1 i aZ- a - m mm.!.. I Tl - - .warm, wim hiuji w Tb Dally Journal, noatba Tba Dally laainat, S mentba l-JJ Tha Dally loaraal, wtthr aantUy, 1 a-oati... . Tha Dally Joaro.l. J mth......' ... : Tlli RniiHia T 1 S.00 a naaaaii aaninitMi--" j r: Xbf .Saadfty Jaantai. BxnUta.. ........... 1 -; . iaami-Waaklf Jaaraal. " , lTba rBrt-Waakl JooraaL 8 to IS pafga . ;; aah laaaa. Ulastrataa. fan awkat r port. 1 yaarJT. .MM ' Rcailtttvoeaa abnaM ba ami by ftrafts. paatal . aotaa, arprma arttara and avail aaJoaaU ara aocaptabla U I aad S-ent poataja. yjggj,, O. Bon 'HI, PorttaaaV, Orwoa. .' - By J. T. WlbBB. 180 firat mtmit, at 10 a. a.. ) a( ladtaa' Ulaa -ra J a ' ajrilana. MMr-tiranMaar. ? ,.: By Oaorga Bakar Ca.." Parti ad AMer atrarta. at 10 a. a. Bala of furnlahlao af prlrata realctraea. OaarfO , Bakaa Co., ai By Port land' A actio ' Bosnia, at faiTtrat att-Mt, at 10 a.' an. Hal ef fVla of raaV- rimt. ana A. unrn, aaflioDoar. - tBTONOHAlf At "W lato raalaVfa. TT1 Baat Twanty-nrat atract. rabraary 1, 1006. Boahta P. Lrdlng-ham, wif af E. J- LaKUiqibaBE, f aavd. T4 yrara. 0 awmtha 4 4aya. fa sera I will taka ptae Wxtoralar, rabraary U. at ' a. m.. from F a. Donnlnr'a raapcL, il 'Kat AMar atroct. rrioada lavltad. . Ttia atnrm aonoanead Batarday arOT4 to ba af aaaaaaJ- aaaacity. Tha wire ar ttowa to . Tatooah laland aad Ktiraka. aad ao foporta bar bora raraivod (na thaaa aUtlea tbla annralaa.- . A, auxlmaai wlu4 valodty of TX biUm- from tka aoutboaat otx.un laat al(bt at Nortk Hoad. aad M aiita from tba aoute vaat at Tafmma. ' . Tb falafaU. wblla ant baavy, bal Itoaa r i aral la tha aorta Pacific atataa. Tb trm nrratara ham rlaoa dVctdadly In oaatara Waab- - Intton and aoatsara IcUbo, and tallaa la aoata mim Ortnoo. , , . (nd ralna bay faflaa la tha rolf autaa, aad anaar ta -faortod I tb aaWdla AUaatke atataa; elaeirfaara caarrally fair traatbar pra .valla. . . Tha indication ara for aeeaataaa! rata- la waatara Orrran and aacatfra Waahlntoa to alcbt and Tunday. and for rata folio wad by fair woatnav Tucaday In aastrra Orana aaat arm' Waaklo(toa and Idaho. It wtll b aolar la wtrn Oraaoa and aaataia WaahlaatMi tnnlitbt. and Tnaaday tbe tempera rora will fall la rajrtnra . Orrfoo. aatra Waahlatlon aad Idaao. . . . f ; MABJttABi ueam. -. .: C Wlarr. S3; Btrlla Wcodhas. Clifford B. Horoana, SO; Aodray Anna Wal " totv 23. -- . ' - John Alfred Prtcraoa. J1 : Hilda Ptwon." W. f.TT. . Darllnf. 40; Bllaabatk A. Berwick. W rtawold.''Mr W(llAMikr,X. Oar) Aortat Aadaraoo. "d0; pallia Aadwaaa, .llwtV.'Been.'sl: Cynthia J. ' fttra. 80. romnrl Brat. 27; May C. JO- ' ,i . Ilnbarth Hunaca, XI; Mart Johnaon, 10. . Adam Pfaaalnc. 3Sk EaU MUlor, 19. - - . - , a ,.i ' --' "' Waddlna? Card.' JK. . "wdth (V. WaaV latoa bid., cor. taarth aad Wattactaa, at. SIXTHS. . WODTBT Pebmary IB. to Mr. aad Mr. a. not Wodtbr. TWO Nlrolal arena, a daughter. " nT..PATRIfK-brBry 18. to Mr. and Mm. Jaate FUtpatrlck, 001 MaryUnd arm, a . CNItATH rrhroary 18. to" Mr. and Mn. Ed Unrath. 10TT Mabel afreet, a aoo. ' - FARKGH Pehrnary 14. to Mr. t and Mr. Oeorf - !. ParkerrRlO Sell wood atreet, a daoahter. CHANTT-rfeb. 15. to Mr. and Mra. Brink lay Tuncy. : Mala atreet, a dauabtee. ' r RINK February Id, to Mr. and Mra. Albert W. Prink. 80 Raat Stark atreet. a ana.--TtiRNBR Pebraary IT, to Mr. and Mra. Ber aard 'Tboaiaa Taraer,- BOO Waltaker atract, a ATTHaTWtr P'ebraary 1J. to Mr. and Mr. Arthur B. Matthew, trnleerrity Park, a pea, . .r? 7".:. oQHTAOIOTrB PlaXalX. :s THORNBURO r"ebraary 18. Babyf Tbornbarf, 411 Blareath atreet; aearlrt .feTof. ; j " ""'";':;"" ATH. ' t'u; . WltTTNS-ebraary - 17. Frederick '" Cbarlea . WeelM, 93 MUalaatppI areoaa; cauae, .pnaa - tooala. Burial at Lona Fir cemetery. , .... f ' Crenatortnia on rtoa City ear BB. seat ' Sellwoodi BMtdara, actanUfle. asasplet. Cbarf aa Adalta, (SO; cblldrea, 830. TMtara a. at. to 0 p. in. Portland Craaaatloa aadatta. . Portland, Qradotv. -, - t Tb Edward Bolmaa t! ndarta k ln eoaapaay, ' faaeral director aad aaibalisara. , 830 lair . atTaat. - Pboo 001. ' ' --r .. ..,, v i m i J. P. Flnley Boa. foaeral director aad etnhalmere, cor err Third and Madlaoa atraata. Of Oca at onnty eorooar. Talepbaoa Mala 8. - ' Paaaral wreath aad est Bower apaelalty at oo City ereeaboaie. Twaaty toeoad aad '4aat Morrlao. opp. eamatary. ... v '-. . .'( ' ' . TO.nnro ntxm. . j; BBTBR Pabrua ry 18, Jalla We Beyr. tetie. ' ment booae. BUtb. between Mill and Market itreefa; enat, $3.8(10. --.- . - MKRGBS Pebrnary 18, B. ' B. Merfe. dwell. - loa. corner Kearney and Leeejoy treU enat, 83,000. - . ' ! MBRQES -rabraary 18, R. K. Verfra. dwell. 18. UrreJnV, betweea Twenty-ant and Twea. ty-aecoiid atraeU; coat, 83,000. s1 MBROBS Febraary 1, B. B. Very a, dwell. . Inf. Lorejoy. between Twenty-Ant and Twea--- ty-eecoBd trerta; coat, 83,000. ( , MKROBft Tehrnary 18. B. B.' Merpea, dwelllnk, Vm)t7. between Twenty-flnt aad Twenty. -,fennl atrecta; raat, 83.0OO. , v BUTTrTIM rebrtiarp -18, O. t,. ' Hatrhla, dwellln, Thnrmaa, between Twenty-algkt , ' and Twenty-ninth atreet: mat. 82.0O0. 0IKBIrH February IX. John Oleblacb, repair . e eotrace, 'earner Sixth aad Line! atreet; . , mat, 8rtO0. . I WRENt R Pahrnarr 18. W. JLawrea, rot- Ufk Curbett, aaaj Flower atret; east, BO. 7"u V 'AL'' EITATX TXAJTBTXIB. . s C. H. Blachaoa ht aL to M. M. . lot 11. aaat V kt B, -block 11, ferto- - .month ..i. -too Annie H. Hill and hnaband to A. H. Haaaoa aad wife, lot a. btock S, Will- ' laaaa Aeeaoe addltioa 1,100 . Kdna B. Baiyht to M. Ooadmaa, lot T, block 1, Hlfhland place SO teeonla A. Leeoard to A. P. FJIIe, Ml. ' . block 3. Cbiiateaaen' addltioa 400 . T. H. Marlay and wile to 8. Bcott. Weat ? H lot I. aorlbweat H block T. city... -t, .."1 Pacific Plate Treat Company to Baaaet . i li4 ' Company,, atria So feet aid. . thmaab oaiheaat of nfltbet t ef ' yjectloa 18, tmfaahlp 1 earth, mjun 1 : Henry B. Daerti and irlf to'p. MetaVkaa fl aL. enndry Iota la Paeaitea. ....... - . J J. H. Roeedafaard and wife to U A. ' . , leeoard, lot 8, black I. Cbrlateaaea'a ' ' " addltloB .'-, 400 A. 8. r,mq ad wife -to L.- A. Ieoorit. eaet H let 4, block IS, WtHlaam Are. .. . -. Be addlno ...i i'.......,f..i, X1W O. M. 8ml Ih and wife to C. W. Wll . kaialihy, Jrt8 aad ..block t. Daaaa ' addition ....... .....v... I, TOO i.. w. unney ei at. in av t. nicneuol Kit It, bloc Id. Capita taiMlttoa. Ildward Jaeaee. nardlan, to' 0. H. (ill. a hert.- VH 8. block 81, rarpr' addition At eltjr; Int-1. t and 8ft, block 1, addlttoar tM "Albert Field and wire to R. Kbyarr. Z lot i. block 4. Unrein nrk '..-- OS rtaok c Ma tenet t aaa wit u A, . PREDICTED RISE v in SALT OCCURS Market Is Firmer With Fme Bales 10 Cents Up Coarse Is . u'y ': :'; 50 Cents Higher. " Vl'V '.S- . i '-Ji :y..- SOME SALES OF HOPS ' ' ARE MADE AT DECLINE Eess Again Lower With ' Larger Receipts Poultry Holds'. , Close to the Top. ' - " ' , ' -riant Street, Feb. 80. Tb. prtnctyal fea ture ef tb rtUad wboieaal market today are: , r - .. ... . . - Bait aurkt la bis her. . Hop are down; aoatraeta flraaar..-' Kp(a tambla with larae reoalpta. . ,i - Povliry boida (tiff t to nrlcM. i - ., Funla la aalaua market anreUered.-,.-Wool la daU-bat aackaaced. .. - t. - , .Fancy noutoee aad onlona firm.''- , v OalUornia batter eelle at top, Beeeeed aeata firm .and actlra. -V- : -'" Wbaat, dull; floar -aacaaajred. ' ' '; : W Barley market aalalaf auaafth. v'v. ''' ,.: Ul Bark Xa Hicaar. ' r Th aalt market 1 hl(ber today. Thla araoa waa excloalrely predicted by Tb Journal durtneT the Pt Week. Mannfactnrera of aalt bare determined to pat a atop to tha tntteat a profit aad a aaaaral adraaea la ealaaa ta Ukely, Today etenaaa la . the ell .market conalat of 'aa adraae af lOe ta floe aait in aaiea aad a tiee af He pw In fa Mpa Ara Dewa aad. Ceatnata rhnaar. TaJaaa la tb bo market- recaleed aaother aoek lata Batarday afternoon and today th market la tower tor epot atock. - Barey A Metaler oa Batardky aftornaoa pouht 100 batoa of ebolc from Woac Htm at Hnboard at 4 Per paoad.' Tb ller waa offered S0c far thaaa aam bop earn time nav. bat iwfaaed to aeU. Mr. Metxlar aaya: ,"I thonabt that, th aop market and reeched th bottom about a Weak am. bat It norma that I waa aaietakaa At that time I looked lor a aeaeral aUffenlu af eatafl frm the SSo mark, bat my opinio Mem to be a trifle pre-rtofm. When tb Bar. bet dow reech tha bottom 1 boiler that It will aarama a better ton aad the 1 look for aa advance. Juat. when that eeeat will happen 1 mack of a myatery." Tbera (, bowerer. af batter feellna la eaartraeto- bara aad deehv wha war wilUn to eel I their romlnf crop a weak ace bare bow withdraws from tba mar. ' Xaatomi Xepa SaU aad - Of th eaatera hap aurket a of tha Saw York Predator a' Price Carre nay: MA dull aad dra-gnf market ha char- aeierwa ta Bop trade, w hew of offarlna from tbe of prime hop at 85e there, wlth at flndlnt any taker. la New York atate thee la pbaotntely ao bostaeaa and th market la at a atandatlll. Dealer an mot ta need af aay Ut hop aad than (or are dot maklns hay offer tar Berth la. 8om af tha bolder f load atock -ara anziooa. to anloajd and are affarln brewwa atate hop at SOe aad' PacUca a low aa 87c. Contract for 180S yrowth are beta offered la large oaantitiea by Part 0c dealers to brewer at 80c. Reports from Ga maay: ana Aaama ladle u that la both eoaa trie tb reealt ef tb- crap was placed at toatora Iran, la toaaequaiita ef the amoant of atack left la dealer' aad prower' hand beta a inlee- to eearyoen. . prlcee hare da- ' Uncd about 10 mark a. Th Bnglleh market l reported sa dull. - with no inaulrlas from -Slit Tkmkla inta tdnmr ' Baaaipta. ' ' Tb downward USeenent la tb erf market eanaot be e topped no til the market reaches tb eery bottom, aad today tb tbIum are lower with tb market quoted eery weak. Re ceipt are still eery Urn aad atock are ac- eajruuiuac very laat. Boom dealers weep .of farlac B8s today aa tow as X3e a doaea. ' Pealtry Kolds Btlff af-Tep. PyteM. Ftrmneaa ta tb pealtry market la eoatlaaed la all line with. tka exceptloa of tarn feeaa. The demaedj-for tame docks 1 not sny toe firm. HccUpta Mtk cblckaaa. ar eary email with the demand excellent. - Th few turkeys bow aa news ar nanus at (ooa price. . . - VaaUaa la Batmaa la Varalimd. --i Tb famine la tha supplies of fresh Oo hi ro bin rlrar aabnoa la yet anreUered and th trad Is eo polled nearly altotether with tbe froeea product. There Is also a gradual tight a nine- of price and teelhead are quoted le a poaad up. . Under th aew law tbe aprlnf epew eraaoa -on th Oolumbla la extended to March 15, Tb aammer aeaaoa epena April 18, J oat on aaoatb' later, and. run- until Sep tember 10, Accord! as to tb flab men thla 1 net time eaongh for the paUmrleaT af ere for tha'Tartoa hatcheries apd a ehortnre in rap pitas I apala predicted. ta California flahlny for salmon 1 suspended 80 hoars out off ech week to enable tbe hatcher-ae to eecere aup plle and this plaa Is said to work eery good. Baaadca th weekly cleelnf oa the Bacraamto rlrer California ha a fall cloeing f So dare. In all th Callferala ealmaa araaon. 1 cloeed TT days each, year as agralaxt 47 days la tbis state. '.. - , . ...... ... ,., . .. .. " ' - ' Vsal ' la Dull , tut' Vaahaagad. , Dnring tha poet few day there baa. bee but little doing la the wool market. The east- era anyara who parchand arh.larg Iota a aaort urn ar bow eat market, temporarily at teaat. Of th wool aaarket a late dispatch from Boatoa ys: A fee tore of th Boa ton wool market I th aotlcaabl red actio ta tb Mock of domestic wool. . Oa 811 daatrable wool tb market la tlU eary firm. Thera ar aa marked ehana-as la price, boererer, a great deal ef In tercet being cen tered la f ore! re wools, tbe receipts of which are tncreaalng. ThM wool Is steady. - Territory grade are la email supply. Polled wools an quiet but firm.1' -j .- Vhaat Is Sail aad. Floor Taahaed. - An accoant ef tb maaipalattod af th Cblcagn wheat au.-ket tter to ojnt bow eery much doing la the local market. - -Soma Inqulrlr eontlaoe to-, teat" Prom :-th east, but the price offored ' ar still, to low to admit of any baalneea. The barley market I firmer oa account of 8 bettor demand from California point.--.- i - r - v"-. .-t- -T Today's woolesal qaotatlona, aa reriaed, ara as follow: . J- - - . . .- ... j Srala.' Floar and Teed. ' ' I V WBKAT Tlnb aad red. STfiSBci MoMteia. 0; Teller, 8c. ........... BAKLJti reeo, -w; roued, (24.00! brew- COBWltols, " e.80! . - I2S.50V pet TP-t.e6 per' cwt. '-. "V ' 1 ' ' ' ' OATS ProdocenT price No, 1 wblta. 828.00: firr----. " "ai' . . . rwua- aaaiern ureae rat ear , lMcCulhta.1 cre 'etloa tft,' tewnafelp " 1 anulb. range 8 eeet..... i.., - ana tatnlaa Btoofc berry aod haabaad to I. M. Crook, 2 acre beginning at noatk. , . Vratt corner Of Felix Ollbart' 10-r ' ' tract oa . K. Wlttea D. U C George C. Holt to J. H. Olbeon. lot SI, block U Portamoath Till e tenet on 63 May B, 8lgert to U. A. Roberta and ' . wire, lot 8, block 4, enbcUrlito p, - M. rtto's tkjeiM. ' IN T. H.-Corhrea at l. t B. F. Medlar, lot X, block 87, J me Johns addltioa - to at. John 1,800 Tbomaa Murphy t l. ta . F. Logan. CT. tM aooar feet, beginning et north.. eeet corner ef Campbell B-4r tract a ar ai rt . c J. t: Bcatt and wif to T. ' W Vlk'aV ot - , -' 1 ; 8,300 . 1.000 t TBO : loo - a, Dice-a v. pkw, p aw,,J.f Z. H. Ftttolkttoa and . wife ta M. O'Brien, let .1. block 89, AIMna.. Amend W. Reed to A. I. Pklbbe, smith 80 feet of block 8, Blackkitoa' eddl- ttoa Mary H. Couch to J. B. Buraham. wet M lot 8. block 3P0. Ceocb addltioa.,.' ta. U Royal to l H. Tarpley, Iota ft aad 8A, blorh 15. Oolleg place...;.... Tbe Land Company of Ore goo to M. ra. ton. let ft. block 18. City View perk... r w ' 1800 ?J30 It. X. La'ham aod wife in B. 8lm-Ulr, X-tet f. btock W. Mount Tabor villa .. .. Sam to earn, anuth -To fret of lot 4, blorg 1V mount laonr eiiiaj mta 8 and 8. block 18, MnuBt Tahor villa... Ariera leiad rxmpany to H. Miapp et l., . trnste lot 8, block 8.. Ariel (park K. a .t. : Kate Puna and kuabend to B. X. Crostoa. lot 13, 8MC8 o. AIMna Oct poor Inauranea and aartacta ta real aetata from tha Title Ooa ra ate Trost aaam paay. Cham bar af Com memo baUdtas. , etralgbm, 8S.TPI; Tallay. $4 10; graham. Vs. 4.0Ui " l4 ; rye, 80. 85.00 balaaT 18.14. Mli4iTUF' Braa. , 8I8.0U per toe: mid dling, 823.00i shorts, souUir,.-J3t.wt oaaa, $.8.00. . , ' 1. : HAT Fredsears" prlce-Ttaaaltiy. WtneaMiMa Talky. fancy, 14.0O4ildM: or., nery, ,i....i 14.00; eaatera Oregon,- 815.01. eld-OO; tolaed, 818.8OeJlS.O0; clorar, $11 00-tll.ooj (tola, $U.OOD1100i cheat, (11.000100, , etattar. Iro aad Foaltry. ., .' UrTTFR FAT Sweet. 81c; soar. 8. T BUTTBia City creamery, best, tttte; aecead grade, STMo outald fancy, 8nc; artv ary. STHd CaUforala, hoc: ator. U91c - kCKio No. 1 freah Otgoa, OQZXi aaaa arn. 31t28a. '-- . - v r . ' CHRKtlB Wow Fntl ereem. twin. 15e; Toang America. 18Mt aastora, Ulai Cheddar. 18e. - , , Poi'LTRr Cfclekaa. mliad. IV nee 1H: ben, UWe per lb; raoatora, aid. 18 per lb; yauag. JaWaJlSo par lb: bcoCara, 1TH par tbl fryere. 16 Bar lb; ducks, 88.04 In. oo 8oe, aea ip nl turkey, 1741 lite ner lb: drened. 2urT2IVM rr lb. Vfl.n IllMt Teal. 81.75: wldeetm. BaLAa- mallard. .); caansbacks, 844a.0u. , - fXapa,. wl aad Rldaa, J HOPS Coatraets, l0fi. 1817et 1804 croa, MtfaAc (or choice; 34e far flrma and ibbiIbh WOOIe-ContrBets 1P08 cUp. 13lci Taller, eoarae to medluia. 164J1T; ana. llOlic; eaat ara Oregon.. 18c, MOHAIB-New. . ' BHKltFgKIN- Bbeerlng. l(Mt80c; abort wool, totj.ioc; Bwdloa wool, POOoocj leaf wool, OrMfl.OO aacb. , , . 1 TAlXOW-PrtoMk, par lb. 40Sc; Ka. t aad V n 1 1 1 1 at Mn er n vvajingT pnca, HIDEIt-Dry. hldea, go. 1. 18 lb Tod ISttlfiH per lb; dry kip, Na. to 18 Tbe, salted bulla and atag. 1-8 la tba dry fllat; aaltd hldaa, steers, (oaad. SO lbs ar arar, SVte; 50 to 80 lbs. Sei under 80 Rm . and eowa, 748 8rj-ua aad bulla. adbDd.r8c- kip, u to po'lbaTsHe; sound, 10 to 14 iba. 8e: oalf. ouod. ander 10 lip. 8U; asiaa (unealtad) 1 per lb leea) rnlta, is par lb leas; tvoraa blde salted, each. 8U2S1.76; dry each. 1.04el.AO; eolt hide, each. IBttoOej goat akin, aammoa. eech, 10t)15e Aagora, wlU wwl aaoh, 20c tit 1.00, W FiaJto arf Tasatoalaa. ' POTATO fai fleet Oregon. 80O81.0O; era, 76SOc; aecond grade, 80c per nek BP- bi- lng price. 0t75cj rweats, beat, SiJttOl.dO; SaJkOaS crated. 81. 85; aew California, 868 par lb. ONIONS 83.78: bayen' arlen, aaaatrp, 3.86; garlic. 810s per lb. , . . ' FUEBH FBUITB Applaa, rtr fhacy, 81.50 fancy Oregoa, 81.00 per hoi; cheap grades, T5e per box; arang, aL fU25tlz8 peg Wr aeadllaga, 81.58 par box; taroterloea, $1.TB per box; Jim L aWkAaC. Ian. u K . m. f" awrn, mmm. war ymr 11., o.eo pea ma, taary, . ao.? par box; Una apple. X85 Maxlcaa. 86 per 100; naakaiilia, aastsra. sol. aVlPTABLBS Taralpa, 11.00 per sack ar- rats, par saea; li b par aaoki eabbaga. Oresoa. oregoa raomtiOT, ue .7S cwt; Caitfo .8501.75 onto; CMlfoenla, 1.85; lettoce, aothoaee, mate; graaa prim ara. Te par lb: ahlli peppera. 15c rar ; eefcwe. 55J5e peg do: lotnatoee, VBalxoraia,; veraaupa, iocg 81.: esa nlant. 12 par lb; a trine beans. 18c: cauliflower, 11.7541240 par crate: batter bee no. Be; pampers, lo per n: jwiinii Ttxn per tb; aproau, 7e artlebok. S140O1.S8 per do; peaa, 10epr lb; saoambsrs. Caltfarala hot boose. 81.T8 do. DK7KD PBCITS Anplea, ranorated. TO per lb; apricot. Bitxl8e par lb; aarka, W per id fteea; peaoiaa. segue per in; paai KH; pranea. ItalUa, -. f44tt nch. 8Wtf4Ae nee tb: CaUforala Ibt black. 50dH per lb; California white, - par lb; pro ma. pitted, per lb; dates, asloaa, 8 per lb; faro. 81.60 per 15-lh box. eraoaria, aTato, atto. - . PrCAR Sack beats Co ba. 8S.80; powdered. 88.18; frail (raaulatad, 88-06; dry grannie ted, td.05; beet granalatcd, 855; extra 0, 85.55; goldea C, 80.45; bbls, 10c; W bbla, Ine; boxen, 50 adranc en Back beale, leaa 8B wt for nab. IB day; maple, 14010 per lb. -RONICT 14Htgl5e. - -.y-.- ' f y COFFEB Package brand. 815-88. . SALT f'laa Rale, aa, 8a, 4. ta, 10a. 81.80; table, dairy, ' 6a, 411.00; 100s, 110.75; Im ported LlTerpool, 50a, $17.00; 180. 818.90; TOM, $18.00; extrs fine. bbla. 8. to. 8a. 10. 84.B0OS.50; balk, 830 lbs, $4.000040; sacks. 50. antjlMe. 8 ALT Coerae Half rroend. 100. per toa. 87.00 ; 50a, per ton. $7.50; IJTerpool lamp rock, $18.60 per tonl 60-lb rock. 87.00: 100. $8.75. (Abor price apply to aalea -of leaa tbaa aar loto. ' Car lota at . special price (abject to aacruattona.1 - - GRAIN BA08 Calcutta, 88.76 ttd. 68 188. RICKV-Imiwrtal Japan, No. 1, dlLe; Ma. 1 4e New Orleaaa AaadC7tMna;.ldJax,$Vk; Creole. 4e. B CANS Small white, 4c; large white. "f4t ei large White. SHt Uums. 5c;Jfelcaa piea, ac; nayoo, iht UWa, ae;;j reda. Or. ' t - NUTS PesBut. TUe: tnmbo. 8V4 ner lht Hw, paioe' per lb: roaated. 1 eoeoaaata. wutwc per ooe; waianta, 1401B per id; pin ate, per id; niexory nuts, iuc par io; rbeatauta, eastern, 1501c per lb; Bra all auto. 16o pa lb; filbert a, 160l6e per lb; fancy 1010 far lb; UmoodsJ-OlO par IB, raiau, fal oils, Et. ROPB lnr ainlla lac- ataiulaed. llttel Slaal. lQhc; Iatl brand Steal, 8. COAL OIL Pearl or Aetral Caea, XI per gal; water white, Iroa bbla, la He - par gal; wooden, 17e per gal; baadllght, 170-deg, uc Pr ,ra odw, ibh- per gab LIK8RED OIL Pun raw ia bbla, Me Mr caee 81 per gal: genuine kettl boiled, a BV 83c per gall bbla Me per' gal; ground cat a, rar lota 839.00 par ton, lea than car lota $30.00 per ton. OASOLIJtt 8-dcg. essss I3e per gal. bbls 88c per gal; to, eaaaa 34 ft 4 per iron onia I re per gal, BBNB1KB 83-drg. bbla, 18Hc per gaL TtJRPKNTE in r bbla, 81 per gal. Iron bbia, T8 pea gaL 10-lb nee lota 84c per gaL WBITB LEAO-Toa lots. TK tor lb; 600-ab lot. 71te per lb; leee loto 8e per tb. . V,1a.l NAILS Preeeot beee at $2.80. Meata. Fish and FrerLeloaa. FRESH MKATS Fnat atreet Beef, eteer. 406 per. b: pork, block. 78J7V per lb; pevker, Ii7ie per lb; bulla, 3Ve par lb; easn. SQafe par lb; ara (ton. weoan sad lamb, 7c; ewe, dc; seal, extra, $, per lb; rdlnry, BHc per Ih. -V . BAMS, BACON, BTC!. Portland pack f local) ham. 1 to 14 lb. 13144 per lb; 14 to 14 Ilia, 121e per lb; 18 to 30 Iba. 13Ke per lb; sottog, 8o sag lb; break fa at becoa, lStjlSe per lb; plcnle. 8H per lb; regular (abort clear, an amoked, Be per lb; smoked, 10 per lb; Clear back, aosmoked, 8c par lb; amoked, 10 per lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 lha, anamoked, 8 per lb; amoked. Be per lb; clear bellie, aw amoked, lie per lb; amoked. 18 par lb. LOCAL . LARD Kettle leaf, 10a. 10Ve per lb; 6a, 101, per lb; no-lb Una, 1014 per Vbt ateam nndered, 10a, 8e per lb; 6a, 8Wi Pr lb; tune. Vc per lb; 50c. 8 per lb. . CANNED SALMON ColumbU rlrer 1-lb tall, 81.85; nb ulla, 83.60; -fancy 1-lb Sets. $3.60; U-lb fancy Beta. $1.35: fancy 1-lb oralaj $1.73: Alaaka tall, pink, 85i80e; red, $1.50: Bomioal 3a, tall. $3.00. . FISH Reck cod. Te par lb; flounders, 5e par lb; hallbot. 6c per lb; .era ha, $1.35 par do; atriped beea,- 1031tH per lb; ntflah, Te per lb! aalmou, Columbia rlrer. Chinook.' 13Hc: ateelbeada, 10 per lb; froaea allreraldeav 7 per lb; herring 6c per lb: sole, 0 per lb: hrlmp. 10c per lb; ahad. dreeaed, par lb; perch. 6? per lb; ahad roe, par lb; abed. 8e per lb; block rod, 6e per lb; Columbia rlrer smelt, 8c per lb; allrer aaaalt. 5 per lb; lohatera. 124c; fresh maAereL Se per lb; crawSeh' 3ud per doa; Bouadan, 5 pef ,U( ttnryeon, Te per lb. t 0VHTERS 8bnlwter bay, per gal, 8135; par eack $4.00 net: OlympU, per aack, $5.35. CLAMS Hard shell, per box, $3.00; raas tlams, $1.00 per box. . COTTON NINETEEN TO ' TWENTY POINTS DOWN Ne Tork. PVh. IP to 3n point off. 1 , Today's official- 30. Cot toe fa tore Hoeed aottoa market: - Open. High, Low. ' Cloae. ,.. T.1f Febraarp March ............ April May 4 JllIM .. 771 , 771 - 763 7MrM 74tttr&l 74eia;48 751 4l 53 T544J55 75 T74 T47 .,7od T7 VT5B ,. 788 '778' ': 74 .. .... 778 7.W 774 7M ;. 778 J2 TOO July AUgllt -...a...... September ..-..-. Oi'tober Noeemner ....,.. December ...a... 7!WIB 741083 TWN&1 ,-cBT 773 . 768 TWOl Lleerpoel Cotton Market. : I.rrerpool, Feb. Jn. Cotton future cloeed SB changed to 8 polata tower. ;, , . V inrsr tosx cotto uxaxxt, ' New TorkT'peb. 20. Uoffe future eloaed 6 to 15 point off. v .. Tartar a official eoffe Burkrt: ' Bid. Aak.l . . ' BM. Februarp ..$ 7 , $ 80'Auruet .,...$7 40 Ast. : $7.45 7 56 T " marefe . . . . aw aiwiiw-wmoeii .mi April fl Sa ..'iKtnoer ... i.wi May June July 7.M T.IOINoeenrhef T eft .-. T 30 : 7.30 7 go iweember . . 7.75 T. T.a& Jaaaary. 08 T.DO 7 55 " Toniga Coffea Market. " 7 Rambarg, Feb. 30. Coffee future naehd td point up.. Rerclpto, 8.000 toss; maxkat rafartad attack Caua o4U. Alias dk Lwl' Baat Brarid. . t BL we) 36o per gal. ifM aW.'SSc aarlcaL' waooea CBILKO FEELIfiC . 0n 'COAKGE TODAY New York Stock Market Very Active and ' Most of the , : Uttl HlgTW.7.-);S', ONTARIO A WESTERN t v , HAS THE LARGEST CAIN Pacific Rails, Amalgamated Cop , " . - Per and Steel Issues T ", .,u:.o:v'..Uad.'-y.;c BTOCK ADFAMfm Amalgams tod .LSTH Colorado ruaL$ .50 Aicauaea ....... Bl. "an ,.n 1.Z5 do preerred 1.00 kL A N. W.. J0 Barer ... .78 K'aBsdlaa Pe.M .35 Smelter ........ .87 do preferred.- JTk Car Foaadry... J7t4 ureat Waet. , .. .25 1IL Central. Jft ijoei. a ,ki Max. Central.... ,25 N. T. Central.!..- .ad Brooklyn T..... .13Vk miaa. racirie. .as Ont. a. Weet.., 3.76 Fnad Steel... .1ZU Soother Pa.n 1.00 Unloa P., com.. I TS da prefrred. L60 1 PaeJfla Mall..... .75 Soathara By.. .87 H Teaa. Coel. 1.18V, Btnl, na.... 1.25 da pnferrad.. 40 stork Loan. Manhattan $ .(BltlKaty, rem.. It L A I. W.. .to Mtropntaa - da prfa. . Jtb Jitoek la a .4 .. Loo iWwttoaaaWKa' aa - - - ' M. afW r m laims.araj ''to Patt VWP. f New York. Feb. 20. The stock market was raryjurtiT teoay, u aaiee to imam sawnatlag to 176,800 saana. Heat af tha list la ad ranced. V r ' Tbe principal rlaee ar sbowa by Amalga mated Copper. Atehlsoa. Ontario A Western, th Pacific. Teaamaaa Coal. SL Paul and U steel lsaoaa. Today's afOclal iteek market; ' Xnacoad Mining Co. AmaL Copper Co..... Atehlsoa. common.. do prefu red Am. Car Fsoadry, da preferred........ Am. Sugar, eemmou. Asa. ; Smelt., common do pnfarrad ........ Ba I tlltmr A Ohio, eo .a. dtt IlaflafrPaWaa! . . . . a . 14414 HPT 104 ltrookrra Rapid Tnaatt) 1 anenian ranne. eom. Chicago k Alton,; coml 41 ao pieteiiaa C. a. W eom men ChL MIL It. Paul C. 4. M. W-. nan iTilcago Terminal Ry. Chennnk A Obi.. BOajj Colo. Fuel A Iron, com Colo, Southern,, common do eeeoad preferred. . do- first preferred . .. . Delaware A Hadaaa. . . Delaware. Lark. A W. I. R. G.r comaaoa... do pnfetrvd .to Mfoad pwfgnydw. lo flnt tkrfjfvr'sau Illlnel Central IiOuIstIII KaahTlU. Met. Traction q....,. M anhattaa Kleratrd . . . . Mexican Central By... Missouri Paddc....,-.. M. - K. 4V Tn, ooamaem. . 40 TffrTetll taaaa New- York Central STH 431 87 U r 7P-U IBTZ 11 Norfolk A Wear era, eom rvorrn abrhw 1 N. T.. Ont. vTeetora 1034 64t Prnmrylranla By..... p. a. u c n... Print 8 Steel Car, eg do preferred Pacific Mall S. P. Co. 1S Keedjng. lean -da, aecoad 01 ' do lint preferred. Bea, Iron A Steel, do prefat red ....- Kocg lanna. do preferred Bsfitheiu Ry.. do preferred Boutben Paci8e.... dO MapawlaPBtll St. L. AS. F.. 3d pfd. 00 nreavprrn St. UAH. W.. da pret amd .... Trxa A Paelflc Tennessee Coal A Iron Toledo, St. L. & W el an pmerrea. TJotoa Pclc. de nrerarre. . V. B. I Leather, do preferred. . 0. B. Rubber, do preferred . . U. 8. Steel On., IfQ pTpfQITM a WbeeL A Lake Brie, el do eeeoad preferred . do first preferred. . . , WlaeMHUn Central, esa do preferred W. t). Telegraph...... a 24 U 63 aj 4AM. 40$ Wabash do praforred. . . . . Americas Ice......... do pnfrnd. ....... . " z Kx-dfrtdead.. 1 VI Mr ceotT . a Bx-dleldead t per cent. .... 1 Total nkm for day, 1.60O.800 sbarss. , sax raAvoaoo imrnro bTOgxb. Baa Franclaco, Feb. 30. Official Ine. foraaooa ataslon: mining doa. . ' Bid. a, BI4. .4 .81 .. .71 ' .33 -,. .60 ltuIHoa .-.....$ .81 Baeaga, Relcher 16 Potoai ..... Con. CaL-Ta.... 3.00 1 t'nlea Con.... Ophlr .......... 7.00 7.llow Jeebet, Caledonia ...... '.Oo Mexlcaa 100 Cos. Marear.... .87 1.3B TONOPAH STOCKS. A da ma .18 Montana .... Red Top..... Rearrre ..... Oolumbla. Mta, OoldHeld Mohawk ....... ' Jumbo - . . . ..... Jumbo Kxtoa.M MeNamara . ... Ray O Brlea.... .63 .77A .OOA .ta .na . M .06 .88 -.13 - ,.o. - 1 3tf Belmont . . . Ton. Kxtemdoa . ." Htold Mouataln. .IT ' .TB 1.2Z V4 North Star.... Midway Aesaan -w-BT ' ' ."I- VaMRfJX C0FPZR STOCK. V .. .n .m Bostoo," Tab. 3D. Official, eoppar dosing 7 . 1 Rid-1 . Rl Bid. Adieatora e.,1 fi Atlantic .....rlt.i a- ,iar OH I Parrot ....... fo Phoenix ....... XJSt , BlBghaa 83.60 Copper Rang. 7.00 : Oeaen Coonor. T1.00 Qulacy ...110 f- Rhod Island... 3.00 -Santa N,. $.25 Khanno ...... T.12H Centennial .... 18.73"' Celumet ......800 00 Man. ' 13TS Michigan 14.83 Mohawk ...... 64.75 Old DoailatoB.. 37.75 I Trinity ..!... lO.Wfc ( tab .......... 83.36 Victoria ........ 5.3Vi Wolrerl 117.00 11 Boyal...... 35.37H ... t BAAT ruWTJO0 LOCAL BTOCK. Baa FraBctsaa, Pew. 80. OfflcUl cloelag local StBeaa 0i B..38.4. .. V 1 t .: BI4 .. A ah. Contra Coats Wate. .............. 44 44Uj Spring Valley Water.... 87 v A hfatul Klectrle 13 '1S. Sen murte 0) Jk Blectrtc...... 5.Hi rilaat Powder .M..........lrrl4 7 85 . Hawaiian Sugar .................. M41 - 87 llonokea Bugar .....m......., .314 ... 33 17 KlUoe Sugar .................... .4' Onomn Sugar ............,....a., .... Paaahaa-Sugar .......... 34 Alaska Pack an 83 85 poKTXJurn lux tTATTMirr. nnrlngs Balaacaa 1.. ..,..$8PT.T48.83 j.......... U8.84L58 Okiaag aTrala Car Let. Chleaga, Faa. 3ftv-rarala car torn: Can Orad tet Wheat .. . . 13- rr-" 14 Cora 3-V 1 .. am Data 1148 38 w 144 ' . tlriipiat wheat XagtMrt, '." ' -UrerTMaL Feb. 30 Cloee-. Wleat, . May, to imi lit ap; Jslr. ttd. fed p. kJ-MV 4 SC W Pi March, 4 Uikd, eomama. eommoa , 1 tumamnl Exclusively Predicted Advance In Salt by Th Journal Occur Today Egsr Tumble With . Much Heavier Supplies- Hops Are Pown. ARKOOR VS. GATES i 3 ih wiiIat urn Big Packer Feels . Sure, of (His "Ability to Deliver All Wheat 7 : i Sold Short by Him.' WALL STREET CLIQUE ' ' 7 f CONTROLS SITUATION Cap Between May and July Be ing CrJoseoV-Former Loses y . s . .. a Half Cent. . " . TODAY'S WHEAT MARK IT. f Opea.'- Cloee .Today . Today Chrna I sat. Today may..., . imu $1.1H4A$1.IB$ .! I'BepU..... M ..!, l.oi"B ;w J3 .m .00 (Fnrnlahed by Orerbeek. Btnrr 4k Cook Co.) Chicago. Fab. 30. The wbeat market Co tlnnn lie too af tba past neeral deys sad today's closing prlraa show a decline from thoaa af BaturdST. Oas of th toatures of tbe market U tha doling Qt th gap la prim between tba May sad tb Jnlr aDUoa. Th fact that tb May Baa been to high conatderlng th prln ef July mined stony to go abort af aaa'aad meg an the other. In th pit at th present time ara-tw stroas Intemts. ' Armoar on oa aid I bear. lng th market and eme to be ear of hi ground, oa tip other hand Oato with th wau atreet cmpm la playing with in market nluea. and whenerer the arlce aon to a cer tain point It hi' ImmediaUly.dropped, sd ta to : Anamr Feels Bafe. Anwar Is a searing his crowd that ha win har all tb pecaeeary wbeat to delleer apoa th contract he Baa sold abort, aad bis e twunter with Cortahy In 18K8 and kia act -to with Leiter In Htm. when h came oat Tie- sorinun,. are wen reaiamoana ny toe owaing pabfla. It la far thla reason that tha general pnnus m seeping mucn oa ue ooraine The May option opeaed thla emmlng at 81-18, a Sarlln 01 s rrnn tna etneing ar aaraaraay. At aa - time during tb emtoa waa than ararh etrangth ahowa and the aaarket eloaed at $1.18. a drop la ralee ef Vve tram th preTfaai elnlwg.-" At the) end af the ai aalus today both Jly aad awptombw wag e toarar taaa aararaay. -t lana A Brran. tha anmlnent brokers, ny of th wheat ettnatloai: "Trade haa reached the mysterious atage. The popular belief la that wheat ebon Id be adrsncsd by the Mi iBtereata ajirite BMtarlally. To aa tbe gaaaral pecalatlr attaation la anrbanged. Tbe eom, mending Intereet has prneed Its ability ta aontrol tba art nation at will." . Tedsy s afflclal merkeu: WHBAT. ' Mleh. . law. ' Cloee. MaW..VTy' B 1.18. i 1.18 $1JXA floiy. .. 1.01 1.01 IIB ISrpt.. . .B3 .8 8i -eom CORN. Ft"bV. lint . . .,- . a - ee May..,.. :. .48 .'. .,,' .48 July... .47 , -4T .411 8epU .47 -.47 -r .47 i .48' ,:.4a .48 , .30 OATS. J?-, .80 .80 .80 Ml Hen .30 0 - atsaa ruaa. z May..... 13.80 13.80 . . 13.78 180 July... 13.80 B : 13.80 13.87 188 .' : la an. . yeb...... .....7 ..... it' T? i May..M, ami . " , , a-m .. . July... 7.01 Sept. . . . . . .. , 1.03 7.00 7.00 T.13 6 45 : 8.83 SHORT BIBS. MT...M 6.83 Jaly..... C86, AO 8.86 $.88 , A atom. Feb. 30. Prlaeary receipts; Today Tear Age . . . fueo. noeu. Wheat .TB.0O8 Holiday Corn 417,000 Holiday Hhlnmeet war: Woeat ,.........-.-...i..314.n00 Holiday Corn J5iWM Holiday Clearaaen today: Want nt floor, 7J.0O0 tomhelei con, 39O.00Q tombabi, ta, 18,000 BAK rmAJOIBOO OKADI HAAKKT. Ben Fraactoeo, Feb. S0.-i-ll:30 A. m. grain auraeti --v. ":-''''" WHBAT. ' ' 4- Open. - High. ' liWw.f Clan. Mer.....' ...8l .HU S1.4N $1.47 $1.47 Pecembar...... l.i !. 1.37 1.37 . BAlitr. , - -Ma.... 1.10 1.10 Ll 1.18 December.. . 481 Mi .88 " .88 . . 'I B 8 I I 18 I : wOKLlVf OKATS aUUPMJUITB. Cktoaea. Fan. 30. World's grain shipments This Week Lt Wwb Laat Year Buk. Bueh. Burn. Want ....... 10.311. 000 8.8K8.000 S.774.0no Oon 4.563.000 3.407,000 ' 8,808,000 . Aanartnaa rala Tialbto. ' Chicago, Feb. . SO. Amarteaa grala Vlsfbls "PP1" - ltoennlW Wheat J.... ......a40.otw OOIB 4ia844P48t444M4S4 etaaaa J, WUB,p"IO 0U .. ....303,000 HOGS AND CATTLE RULE STEADY TODAY rVlffTaWira tJOHIO PXCaaW7eKrU5, FPw. 8W fr.pU lm Cftttla n-i sbtp w-r trifle aior IllBPTm IVUeVJ. BUgg SB8PV mmm m -., bU sbw-tp art fu; to qnlt-t. Th rclpt .. A Wnm 91Q torn 8 4 mnA fJTA altMSk WWin J . IIV aruaiB, mr -inw mm m awew vawa pre -Official ruling prLna today: . Hoge Beet eastern Oregon.' $8.00;- light Blockers and China fata, 0 00415.75 i stockei saa leeoara. a.ovao.w. ' Cattle Beet eastern Oregoa stoera, $4,004) 4.35; light sad median) steers, 83.50z:i.7: rowa, $8.00413.35; medium cows, $3.503.75; old snd tight cows. $3.00; afockars hod feeders. 8Z.WUZJCD; ouiia. i.ouvw. Hh nap Beat faacy abeep, $C2S040; awes. Chlcaen.' Feb. 30. l.leeatock reeelatst i Hags. Cattle. - , Sheep. ( re 6.U 81.000 ' 35.000 Kanaaa Cty. 10.000 10.000 - 10.000 Omaha 8.000 4.4O0 . 14.000 Hogs spaaed Steady Be lowar, with B.0UU, . , Cettle Week, 10 lowr. ,,-.. . f-J -1 " td7' ' '" WORLD'S FLEETEST SHIlM SAILS MAIDEN VOYAGE . . i !. :" (Joaml SpeeUl Berrlca. .. ' Naw Tork. Fetw Jdj-r-A dispatch from London says that Vha nem Canard Una steamship Caronla sailed "frm tJTerpool today on har maiden Toyaa ta this dtp. Th coming of tha Cafonla la awaited hard with much Intereet aa aba la At. glBnadj to ba tha fastest ataamshlp la tha trana-Atlanths aerrloa. In sis also tha Caronla acta a aw record, be Ins th largeat paaaengar Teasel seer cjn struetad In England. " . . " . . . Tfha Cunard company iu oonatnietlng a slater ship to tha Caronla which wtll b fitted with turWn englnaa. The turbine bat and lh. Caronla. will "'en able tha company to judge of tha merits ef the two y stems of propulsion tur bine and reciprocating engtnee prior to going on with tb two huge steamship being deelgned to being propelled by turbines. (Special JCMapatrh to Th3odraal.1 Roaebarg. Or rb, 18. On March 1 - th poatofflo In thla city will he mored Into- tb Parka building, where A new set of fixture ,contalnJaf $80 lock box) kA been provided, l.-. 11 . 1 . ,' lviaKC a tar t i fi ' 7 If you want- to b indtrpendent and own your home, that a I i j will rapport you in time of feed, get a ; y,i-.y-- y, ! .7 :' Before you will know' t IA..'itf: ' A ' ' --r- lviontavuia 5-Acre.Traet erty. 1 will be self-eupporting from the. start. . .These tracts fare the finest strawberry and fruit lands in the state. You ; can raise all you need, in your idle houra. nd rsweH your -. income from the surplus. y "7, " '.. ;;':'''--. :'V: ': .. T. .... j '. .' i if',-; . -.' .-, StIIiwc vtelany Good Points 7 - These tracts are atMontavilla Station, on the-O R. .3: N. R. R. and close to car line. - ' Schools are conreriient ' " ' . . . Eleration is high and healthfuL . -The price ii reasonable. f r r They will support you. " ' A ' . . : The country is the place lof children. - ' V This property is the railroad center, for 10,000 people. - Tmcis, 1 250 f $100 Down and $15 B.ffit01BARE? T " " 514 1 CHAMBER T OP COMMERCE. Ask Yoiir . Neighbor If she deals at Fellows, and if so, yright there' you -will learn more than-we could tell you in a column of advertising space. People who deal her never mind saying so; in fact, they're glad to have it known. A few specials: - 7 pounds Beet Baa tern Rolled Oats. '7:-'-' ::i .7!304-r--;-':-7;: ' : 19 pound Good Broken Rice. -. Gallon Choice Table Syrup brine pIL y.:'-V;: ; 75 ! ;y- . Gallon Par Rock Candy Syrup. ".;::':; lot t-lb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. ..-'IS , V7-: , t cans Standard Tomatoes. " . 20f ' ' Can-Baker's or Ghlrardelirs Cocoa. . . t 25 -; "'''v.'-Vvy ' Two J-n. cans Pork snd Besns. "" " " 91.00 F IT pound Dry Granulated 8ugar, VJ 354 ! :.; Pound can Golden Gat Baking Powder. Fellows Grocery Co. PhoM SUIb UN 91 WMla(toa St. , svastroras oaxu. .;-, 7 (SpeHal tMtpstch te The lewnaL) Hood Rlrer, Of r Feb. SO. At Trout laake. In western Klickitat county. Wash., a wildcat . entered the yard of Mra. Weburg one dBrilast arack. Hear ing her I-year-old child (cream, Mra, Weburf ruahed out of the houae Juat in time to aav th little airl from an attack by .the savage cat, ' (Special Dtepatck te Hie Journal) Wasco, Or, Feh. to. R A. Webber, a merchant of Waero, who was operated on for cancer of th stomach 'in Port land last Saturday, 1 reported better today. T 9 sowjmro, tonmra oo, - .' (EaUbliahed iflt.) ' i tlUT AJTD rrOOa OaOPSL ovBRBac!cTARr d c:: Mmbni Chlcara Hoard of Tre". ' - ' amAjar, pmorxnon, crrr3. rrrr j ) r : L 111 Third Street. McKay r.r --, 1 .. -Wm BO A UTZ'-ZZI I C i ?4rete by PrtTe 4 r - I. kanseta. BiU . . ' t . 1 " ; i . i j ,'-.: : 0 , you. will own,a; referable propf a Hlpnth Buys One, Dr. W Norton Davis IN A WEEK Wa treat saeeaasfajly sfl art est. mroaW. " . . a blmmi keart, HTee, kidney an threat treaties, ar STPHIUJ8 fwltkoot snmjl ta enreei rorerer, In In to 40 We I STRieruiUE, .wltboat etmratlaa ar pais. ar. i- v W 4fl .Ink ka, mm al umM. (Mtllately. w aa l aetata tb eaaaal ef aar maa aailar io be - ar aaaaJ i ? .a eat peeallar to eaiaeliaa. ... We Care Qooorrboea la a Week; i Tka ooetsia ef thla laatltate ere all tejralsr rsdaste. ke had maar ran1 erawlian. kar keea ssmra la Pert lead far J& years. Sara a repatatloa ta aaalatala an will ssSir ,", ulw aartala ewe a h f ferted. ' ( .. ' Wa rnerantee ta nt la eeary na w aser taka or eharr wo fee. OnacloUtloa free. Let-." ten evidential Instnctte BOOK TQm KmS , mailed free In plala arrapp4. v., . t . . . If yoe eaanot call at efSca. writ tnr B, Uoa bUak. . Home treatamat BBunsssful. Office htm te's aad T ta 8. Suadayi sad haUdaya. 10 ta U. . "The faadlat pelaltt la ttia Krtkllist. ", . . BstaalMmd UN. . Tea ey Ketal, .". Oar. Third aad fnm'mt, . . : rosTLAvs, oaxttos, COAL, wa nu iu rw Diamond, Anstraan. Rosyin, New Castle. Washed Not, v- Elacumith. ' PaU Welfht aad Prompt Mlw. JCIISO COAL CO. Promt amd Kearaey Sta. 7 Main 1425. cs. iv;::lc7's il4lliihyinfcesaf yeatMWi e - , wa TeaUaloe; for omr T - t, ItSuouas -e ei. -4. av"- - f ue. all r- m-4 - 1 eWd, mm fc . mr r r-e -" u .i.ft.i -i t f"e. A " L