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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1905)
V -J: tnz crr ::j r:-rLy jcurn ',: tcztlvd. Monday ; evcmno. :fcsruary Om::?, Public Tea Room r Save on Your QrETj Using yvr."A--,C''4BlQcicLt--. - -y ';V ; ' line th appearance of the Block Light, lea ' than two yeara ago. a practical revolution has t;Ukm place la lighting th homo. tor, of floe. ' 1. factory end - every place whsr illumination 1 ' rejlred. Ore 1.000.000 Block Lights have been 'old within the past mr. U t thsm upon the" r-.beolute guarantee that th Block Burnar will, produoa a, much mora brilliant a(ut baauttful lih . . vltk laaa coacumptlon of than any othgs : . mathod. Oldi. Wortmaa Klag. solo aent for , Portland Tor the famoua lights. Thin Floor. : V Second Haor , WI.- V ACBIJcW'-, PORTLAND, T. jifelc. -X - Menu for Tuesday, Feb. 2V1S05 , TEA. COFFEE.' CHOCOLATE. ' MILK SERVED IN-' BOTTLES. . r BEAN SOUP. SHRIMP SALAD, . HOT ROLLS. . HAM, 8ANDWICIJES. - , BREAD ' AND BUTTER. " ' '.''V ": ' ' i TEA CAKES. v i-v.-yW1 v'.U., .i , J ", "' ' " ' ' W ..,. . ". r H ", , i wi . ,f rr ,l I, HI , I I'll' I' Mil III 35 III IWIIII ... ',1 I' ,1m II IIL.I i -7 ' ; " ReaHv With the INeWQO RESOLUTE LEADERSHIP DEliANDS iTHAT ALL? OP THE GOODS OP A SEASON BE SOLD DURING THAT "SEASON. MERCANTILE SUCCESS DEPENDS ON SELLING .SO NEARLY OUT WHILE PROFIT IS POSSIBLE. THAT-THE BUSINESS ISNT HURT BY THE LOSS IN THE WINDUP. THE VALUES STATED ARE THE FAIR PRICES OUR PRICES IN THE EARLIER SEASON WE WONT GET BACKTIIE DOLLARS WE SPENT-OR ANYWHERE NEAR. IT ON MUCH. THAT IS OFFERED THIS WEEK. BUT WE'VE HAD A PHENOMENAL YEAR, AND THIS XOSS ISNT A DROP IN THE ' BUCKET. 7 M --.-:Jr.y V.;-.-'-:-- ,, : .y:;. y- :.' v:.,r '.y.-r ... V. - ; vv' r-.i----; . - ''y v,.' -.. APPAREL WOMEN'S ENTIRELY NSW AND EXCLUSIVE GRAND SALONS OF DRESS . I . r - - ,,;- 'it-. '- , '.. -i : 1 . Tha Tirmt and VoramfMt Weat of ' ' v lurahajl Field' Oiat Chi- j , ;y "tXrtVr f. oato Eatabllhmnt. : fCrf,-'- - ;. SECOND F.MXB, . "Th Fa ah Ion CanUrtof tha Waiters . . lanaeat World." ' , -' W annoonoa for tomorrow an un- .. naoallr 'attract It diaplay of TAILOR MADE SUITS ' 'VlN -ADVANCE STYLES - ' THAT ARE EXCLD8IVB' ',tf . maaufatored eapaclally for thli,. r Mlectad malarial foreign and American good. Wo fully guana taa quality, workmanship and . oor- ' ractn ef deatgn. Mad after th ot recent model of Victor Drank. -Bear. Paqnin. Bar Mayer, A. Mot ng. Francla, H. BoHriel. H. Lin r soya, and other notabl French cre , iters. To know that what w show postttrely th Uteat U source ef tnflnlt atlsfactioo at all time, and ' 00 Monday- inornlag w shall experi ence this atlf action In th hlgheet ' decree. Monday morning at I o'clock the ew spring stocks - of Spring Suits and ' Jacketa will be opened. ' These suiU have been mad under th . - Miss J Bernard, who has been for tha past six -weeks In New Tork ' City, and who purposely delayed their production until th very last moment that each garment might bar the latest touches demanded by Dan Fashion. Th latest tips that Paris, Berlin, London and i New Tork have to ahra you'll se her Monday, at prtoas much toss than tha worth the smart, fashionable, trim and trig creations repre sent. 'Th cvllaeUoa is In itself fin and ititereetlng. as It Is au thofltatlve as to style. Laadershlp haa not centered at th OLDS. WORTMAN KINO store by chanoe It has bean won throagk tha U beat set lc correot garmeats at rair price a. - xa garrosaia or "ultra-dress form a -class by. theraeeUea. Monday and th week's ii -mmm i Ka aurt and . handaoBM tallorad Street Suits f'- ' t' and launtr Costa In the esploitatloa of which w hold a commanding position. We are style-porreyora. with th economy that foUowa our modern methode of mr chandlalng. In addition to th attraction of faced by th opwlnga-of th nw gannenU, w ap pend tha following . f , . u . .. . . ... 1 L C. School Scholarship Wfi: Voting ;;Gbntestiy;if I . , TANDmO OF CONTESTANTS AT 1 A..M,'TODAT. ' . After today only tha name of th It leading doatretanta will be published, x oeptlng a toterraia, when the full list will be ubHbeL as today. ( ? . V Maaugbaa, atNIoaT SHOE Ca ..... 1' . .V. ....... . V. 4 N ' y, Arthur Taylor, X. A. 8HOOREN. .-..w.. .... .Stt - v Raglnald Carter. BELLBOT THE NORTON. ........ J 4 Ouy da Pua, PORTLAND DELIVERT CO. ' tf . ai . Charias Adlar. WOODARD, CLARKE g CO.. till. - Ralph Holmes, LADD TILTON'a BANK. ........... .171 . P. H.-Battbv WADHAM8 KERR BROS.i..-...............l1T0S v. . ,' Fred afnrphy. WBSTEKN ELECTRIC. CO...'...... ........ .KTe' Raymond Smith, COLUMBIA ICE CO f ........... ..lit! .' EstlMr Carlson, MA8QN.. EHRMAN ft CO... ..... U 1ST . ;r .'".. Janet Clark,' MEIER as FRANK CO,.. ...1.. ...... ............ Ill' ' ' ' E. & Malta. METER FRANK CO.. ...'Ill .v Isabslla McCurry. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. ............ Ill y .-CL W. Coot, SOUTHERN PACIFIC SHOPS ....... ... .Ill v. Charles Johnson, PHOENIX IRON WORKS. ...... 137 ; ; William Sbeban. O. R. Ac N. CO...,,,... ..... 433 t - Ida Harklnrlder. MEIER A FRANK CO..'.... ,417 ... A. Hayner, ICE MACHINE MANUFACTURINO CO............ 401 v - Joseph Bishop, U. 8. LAUNDRY CO. ............ IIS A. B. Chaaa, PINKERTON DETECTIVE FORCE.... ........... 171 . ' Char lea PotndexUr, RICH CIGAR CO .. .: 161 IV. V W. C Cooper, PORTLAND FURNITURE MFG. CO... ......... 101 - . Mr. Tootney, LTPMAN. WOLFE CO 13 - ' U F. HALBT, M. BKuL-EH St CO.. 41 Ms. MoRae, LIPMAN, WOLFE At CO.... Burt Harlow, CITY FIREMAN .......... Nell Younger. O. M. CO. ........ j .,.'., Fred Glfford. ASSISTANT CITY ELECTRICIAN.,. ..:totat votes I.;.U...i.ii,;'.r,..:.;.,.io.iii - M 4tavaj vir Extra Specials Ibr' thfe Week : - WOMEN'S III Or AND ltl.ll SPRINO SUITS I1T.II Handsomely Tailored Sulta.; adapted for v sprlnc wear. Thee sulu as of splendid workmanship. In street or walking styles la matert-i-; als at Mohair. EUmln and Cheyiou In spring weights. A range ot eolois bracing, naytesj, ; blatki browps and aeat, mty fancy checked patterns., BasV IJI-MjiZtMur aptai ) for . '. ... ..'..., ,..., ...i. ................ . . '., . t n 91T.V CHTODRErr SPRING COATS HALF PRICE In spring weights, plain Ullored. box style. .Ma terials'sra Ktamlnss; Bmadtdoth, Flannel Suitings and swell Coverts. Choose from reds, blues, gray, tan nd amgrf taner mixtures. . Valaes to, I1T.II r.-lncluleJ all at half prloa, . i wnucN-i HOUSF3 WRAPPERS VALUES; FOB II CENTS A stors full of th praOiaat 1' Wrappers In town, a full Una of dainty coloring, sprint styles, flannelette ana. neat percajee, lanneM end comfortanle. Darts and llgHt shade it sedate Met u let and pretty. Fussad 1 iWay as you plesiia with Twms and embroidered. Some with tiny ruffle that trim deep IlA7rr ' . Tt..M imi another ueh a? a-atherlnn- of tasteful house wrappers in vol im 1 muu mct. ...... .. . . "" : . , . .w - . a... Portland. Workaday arasa-uat s nsnt, ; values m n. w Z. I grades; whU thy last.,. . Stubfs T ? i ' Phenomenal Opening Sale and Exhibit of New 1905 Silks and A CONORE8S OF FASHION FANCIES OF THE WORLD FIFTH STREET .-ANNEX BAtONS Si- 1 .-. f, '-v..- ... .FIRST floor... . .,. " In-tha cosy and walMlgntad Ann Salons which ara entirely drrotd" to th ahowlng, and selling of. drees, fabrics.. tUks and suiting, wa present, th coming week, a continuation of tha most elaborate exhibition Port land ever saw. Thousands of yards' are represented; not an approved weave or coloring; la missing. It is a' grand, and brilliant ajrsemblsge, that begins In lbs window display and nsa Its termini In th annex aaleroms. - . WE. ARB - ABSOLUTELY ' MASTERS rOF THE SILK StTUATIQN and have been for yearn We dlsplsy larger anaort stents, better variety, superior quality ettid our price ara lowest . - In association with this opening eshlhit the values ara unusual and without precedent. (Ia fact,-nany,of:thm ax less than nd-of -season prices. , . ;.v. l. v :. " v" . " v . '' 'y yy iN'baBaSi goods wb:e3ccbi',-'v: '::,y:;:-::'"r'-.. ..y;. ' 'Handsome Suitings in- fetching effects- that set tha pace for tailored dress this season. " ' Pattern If th word "Patterns" can b nied where all Is . studied confusion design patterns run tha gamut f mixed effects. We itlleve .. . - . .. V THE , BEST ASSORTMENT . UtTHB CITY ; IS HERB. ' make comparisons In No western store makes an actual aha wlngi . Ton, yourselves, can Portland. - ;- '.' " - ; - 1 Some of the goods ara domestic make bat following' closely th" lessons taught by tha Im ported good a, and superior to equal-priced Imported good of equal width. Both domeetla and Imported ar her for choosing. :... ; ' ' '' Patterns that would erstwhile bava baan thought "loud" In tha extreme are now th extreme of style.. All th good styles ar her on has but t choose the goods at the price deatrsd. We can't ten which would- strike yonr fancy, but take these random selections we've mad for mention here, and you'll understand why people com to this stor at all times for biggest vaiye. v v.; r-yy,y -v. v v,-. -.;, y n'.':v - Extra bpecials tor tfte Week : ; -New Moasaallna Faille at, - ' per yard ..$1.25 and SI. SO New Bond Taffeta at, per yard ,S1.00 New Bend Suitings at, per yard. $1.25 New Rajah Pongee, genuine, at, yard. . .SI New Burllngham Pong, genuine, yard. $3.00 .New Embroidered Pongee at, per yard. .0LJtS New Plaln Imported Pongee, all . widths and prtoea; new Suit. 8ilk la every new aolor 'and deaign at, the -' ' a yard... 85 fl.OO S1.2S 1.T5 fS.OO TWO GREAT SPECIAL OPENING VALUES IN THE NEW DRIBS GOODS. 4 1-tnch Imported French Voile, crisp, wiry finish In cream, black ana all tha hew street . ''colors! one arand value at 11.00 nev vnrd: ' ' Two Grand Etra Specials for our Stand '' Opening! of New Silks. ,. . j . New Suiting Silk in fall assortment of good . colors; - nest stripe and ' check' also neat, fancy weaves; regutar-llo values; ' special, yard ....'... .v; ...t ,i;...aTa "v New Suiting Bilks, splendid wearing 1 quality, y all new styles end colors; regular. 11.11 ', values; special, per yard..,............Tw 1 "A few helpful mentions of h new Una of silks, with lndsx denoting th price rang. ... ' New Moussellns Taffetas at. . per yard. fl.OO flB 1.50 TNew Chiffon Taffeta at , - -per yard ..... .fl.OO 91.25 fl.50 New Pau da Cygn at - . per yard..... r.. fl.OO and f 1.25 v New Changeable Peas de Cygn tt ' 1 . per ysrdwt fl.OO and fl.25 . New Chameleon Oilffon TaffeUfht. ' per yard..:.........f 1UM fl.25 f!4M special Introductory prloa, yard. V 14-Inch All-Wool Tailor Suitings.' Id llluml-a . natad neat atrip and checks; ail color combinations In She assortment T our grand ;t . .11.10 per value; 'spoetal Introductery Price, Pr yard ...... r....... ......fl.OO Real Values Millinery in - -T SECOND-FLOOR ANNEX SALONS. ' . . f v i Booaus an OLDS, WORTMAN 4k KING hat la considered th smart est thing in millinery by fashionable Portland, many who ar not our . customer may have an Idea that we must be higher-priced, which Is not so. It Is quit natural that those who ar not acquainted with thia ' department should tnsaglna that our hats would cost more, bananas thsy ; ar handsomer and really worth It A few minutes' Inspection Is all that la necessary to con vino every on that our prioas ara th lowest for the quality of materials used. . - -i We usa In our hats only th best materials end wbea yoq oompar vthWm with hats of as good quality yon will find aor prices the mast rossonsbl. Among th 8ew cresflons that have already been approved by ast ern sty I authorities la th Tommy Atkins" Hat a fetching Croatian la red that reminds you ef tHa Jaunty English soldiery of Tommy At kins hlaeelf." All th new baia for-apring ara running to th smaller ahap. -Among tbl week's special value are: r - l.0l TO 11.11 TRIMMED HATS FOR L Hats neatly trimmed In fancy feat nor, orsa Vifnente, ribbons, flower, desirable foe youag and old, n wf th greatest bargains af tW - season, vnlues from M te !M0; specie 1, each, . . v. f 1.99 11.10 I;nTRIMMET VELVET SHAPBH FOR ll CENTS A small IWianf Untrlrsmed Broad- , Brimmed Velvet Shape. In royal blue, black and brown. All they require I a bunch of flowers, breasts or pompons. Regular value tf.eO; special, each ........,.'.....984) TURBANS II II AND 11.10 New Black Horsehair Turbane, m combination ef chiffon and . braids, with bow of velvet ribbon snd fancy ornaments; each j . f XBO AJT f3.B0 'V ' .-. '-, . . Annex Wardrobe Shops rA CENTER OF INTEREST THIS WEEK - ' t SECOND FLOOR. L: Baby, Miss and Matron may "iy-X; -y bast flU their wanU ' base. . WpMIN UNWEBJXSLIN DRESSES AND JACKETS FOR THE TOTS -Form a top lb of talk today. - Moat womtn have found It a pralltabl practice to bay ' th dainty undermualina and wearable for tha Itttl ana baby to salss In February vary year, taking advantage of savlags like the: CHILDREN'S IL7I DRESSES ILII. Children' Dressis. In Mother Hubbard styles, whlta nainaook, with embroidery .around yoks. . tucks and embroidery on - sklrta, agea (. months ta I years, regular ralua IL7II ipeclal, aach..j,.,.,..f 1.19 -INFANTS' 15oXNT 4 So KNIT JACKETS . , II CENTS. -Inf eats' Ks)H Jackets, of Shetland floss ma-' -. teriala, all whlta or whlta with blue or pink trimmings, regular value lie and lie; special, ach ...27t . .. - . LADIES' 11.00 CHEMISE 11.11. T-.'. '-. Ladles' Bklrt Cbamlas, mad of fine quality nainsook, yoks trimmed, with y tncks and' laea InaaHion. lace edse around neck and aleavas ribbon ' ' v beading-and drawn ribbon, recular 13-00; special, each. ...... ...'-i..sf 1.59 . . -. ... LADIES! ILTI C0R8ET-COVER8 ILJI. . t -A fine Una of Laoiaa Coreet -Covers. French style, trimmed with laos and . - Im Inaertton, with ribbon beading and drawn ribbon, regular value ' ' ' L7l; special, each ., fl.29 Rf . irHxr Sfxrli qV. Rfi ripe VVAJk V W WONDERFULLY IN THE GREAT "FAIR. WAT" SHOE STORE SIXTH STREET ANNEX. J'lrrt .,, Floor; - . r'-",.'.- SHOESf-4?TOUT. YET STYLISH Aye, that expresses it - And th rest of oourssJ At far leas than you'll expect to pay for such good now shoes, spring Vats. - Splendid styles,' and every pair tells a tale of expert" hoe making. In th popular plain and patent leathers. Shoo- bargains for sit tbs folks a horn from th tiny, toddling tot up to grandpa. Specially smart ity1eafor dressy man and women. A hint of prices and how reduced. We are now showing shoes, In tha advanced spring styles. New lines arriv ing dally, t ' y ' . .;,-.,,, WOMEN'S 13.10 SHOES FOR $114 Woman's Dress Shoes, in new '., spring styles, medium dress to, flexible soles rather high heels, -eaten kid with dull tons. res. It. vaLl specisl at tha pair. .. .92.84 WOMEN'S 13.60 sflOES FOR 12.14 These shoes are tha earns asabove., with, heavy soles and vlei kid tinners. Bluchsr cut and military heela. SDlendld for street wekr. our II.M value; speelel at the pair. . . . . ....... , .. . . ... J. ....f 2.84 MErrS 11.10 BHOKS FvJR fz.12 Men s anoea in two enooe spring styles, eitnen in oiacx or . tan. Blucbsr out Russia or box-calf uppers and newest Pota toss, military hsels and full k " Scotch outaidk extension edsa. one of tha best shoes ssade. regular 11.1 value; special at tha pslr i . . . . 92.82 Domestic and Wash Goods Iric the February Sales First Floor. Matchless vslues, the largest stock In the city for selection, greatest variety, finest finish and moat dependable qualities, Thafs a part of what thia ators takes pleasure in, offering Its natrona thia week In the wanted everyday fabrics embraced under the head c of '"Domestics" and the eharmlnalv beautiful new waah stuffs. Jost a little word of white good an. Immense stock lies spread out here, ready for. our patrons' choosing for making up Into tha dainty new spring and summer -dresses.'1 and ytt know, without our telling you.-that whlta la going to be good this summer. It's 1n the very air you, sea n in the laces, th Swisses, U en-overa. And these ara th rig tit wnw gooaa. "i v.-. y "' .Jri . 4 ' ' '' -i.. 'i .' Women's DaintW&iiUers . ; ; .. ' BARGAINS OF THE RARA-AVTS TYPE. ' t ' Thia week's values should draw lovers at the fetching and beautiful. In dreee from1 alt Portland and her aarroundinga. An OLDS, WORTMAN KINO aal amounts to something, we've wen leadership fairly la tha woman' toggery line It la on of our greatest hobbles, and We ride It hard. These little touches ar essential to elegsao In dress and to comfort W know good values, too and wa give good ones proof t . y .-;-, ' . , T-: IN THE WOMEN'S FTTRNISHlNO SHOPS. " -: "! ..... .. -x . .-.' - W 4t ' Floor. . . 1 .y " :'y; ' " 1 y LACE COLLARS 1 LACE BANDS ; 'i : ',.' -i LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AND EMBROIDERIES. ' L7I LACE COLLARS FOR 91 CENTS Venlse Laea CoUars, It Inches wide, ' In cream only, venr Brett and much worn, regular 11.75 values I Dedal at - each .. 984) LACE BANDS FOR II CENTS Vealss Laos Bands. In cream and white and 3 inchea In width; special at tha yard ....10d LtNEN "HANDKERCHIEFS A full Una of Pur gher Linen Handker chiefs, oolaunderad. with tt-lnch hams and hand -embroidered Initials, our " regular 30a vol seer special (six IS a box) at tbs box.,,. ...904 EMBROIDERIES A vary complete line of Embroideries, for eorsot covera. in Swiss. Nainaook and Cambric In both dainty and elaborate . - ' patterns; prioas at. th yard 354 50t 954 T5 TO 9X50 NOTIONS AND, SMALL WARES ' ;;" "' ' FIRST FLOOR : ''I " - f ' ; '' ' The importance of little things la exemplified In tha small bey's definition of "responsibility" when pointing out tha Important duties devolving upon- tha last twa fore and aft" tre user-but tons that are left for th suspenders (o "tie to." Th! notion stor is an Illustrated text-book on th Importance of tittle things. Yours tha opportunities to buy to advantage. Ours th duty to sea that the ar ticle you get are the beat of their eeveral aorta at tha prices asked. ' Needles that don't break with fair usage. Elastic with 'lift" t It Thread that la of proper strength, ate, Bargains a-plenty ' lo IJK le V :' ' . Carter's Beat Black Ink. .reg. lei special, bottle .....8f lie PURSES llo , Chamois Lsatbar Cain Puraa. with I , inside pocket, rev vaL lie; special, . each .v........154 )le PURSES to - fL. y - , Coin Purses. In aaeortad leathers. , . rear. lie; apeclai, each.... 5a) - lie KODAK ALBUMS llo . Deckle Edge Kodak Albums, sis ; 7x10; rg. vat 40c; apaclaL as. 294 14q PHOTO ALBUMS lo " Stamp Photo Albums, with burnt . ' leather 0OTer,,-,reg. lie; special, each . . . . 84) lie SHIRTWAISTSEtS . Gilt and Oxide ehlrtwalat Seta, I buttona to set reg. vai. lie; spe cial, e ,.,...74 tic CHAMOIS SKIN lie . Large Sis Chamota Skin, rag. val s tlct speolal, each ,.,...,194 10c POWDER PUFFS Tc g waned own Powder Paffa. teg. vat ltd apeclai, each ...T4r ' lie NAIL BRUSH lo . - ; - . Combination Hand Bcrub Brasb and iNatl Brush, reg. VaL lie; aiteclal. isacti.... i....94 HAIR BRUSH 10c - Black Bristle Hair Brush, medium ' Ms, re, val. I&e) special, each fOa) Ic PENCILS .v . -X'hlldren's Fancy PrSas Lssd Pen . ells, all colors, res, ?aL to; special. s each . ; . . Z4 10c GLUE lo . 7 ' - r ' : Le page Liquid Fish Glue, rait. al. Iter special, bottle ...... ..I. ..5 3Sc SILK ELASTIC Me "- Fancy Raffle SUk Elastic, black , or colors, rag. - val. lie; special. . - ysrd -. . 1 . ........... 20g) lie DRESS SHIELDS too White- Detaohabla Shirtwaist Dress Shields, alas No. 4, reg. vat llo; special, patr ....... SO DRESS SHIELDS 14o AND lie ' Fluted Robber Dreaa Shields, white . bainaook oovering. slse No. reg. : val. too; special, pair ....... 14d ' Slse No, I. res. vsL, llo; apeclai. . '-pair ..1... ' TAR SOAP C CAKE - , ' Glyeerlaa Tar Soap, for bath, and " Shampoo; special, oake., v.. . k44 ' 10c CASTILE SOAP lo Large-Slse Square Cake Imported Whits Castll Soap. reg. vai. lOe; special, cake ....... .I ....... ..5 ' ( TOILET PAPER FIXTURES lo . , Our 10c Toilet Paper Fixtures; spe- y cisl. each .3 4o TOILET PAPER ROLLS TWO ROLLS FOR lo ------ , .Toilet Paper In l-grsm rolls, vsL 4c. special, t rolls for St) 10o COLLAR BUTTON SETS 76 " Collar Button Seta, 4 buttons la set, Vbaek. front'and t Steev, reav vat 10; special, eet T4 tie CrF LINKriOo - - ' f Cuff IJnka, In tlt ar ox Ids metal. res. aj.-lc apaclaL palr...,10 LINEN CRASHES. - ' Splendid quality all pure Linen Crash Towel -. Ing. II Inchea wide, plain or fancy border. Best posslbls values at. tha t -. yard. .........ft... .104.. ZV4 tB4 ' BLEACHED SHEETING AT - 17e, Heavy Bleached Sheeting, full wtdth. Oar regn lar Jlc value; special at yard. ........ lT'4) ' PILLOW CASINO FOR lie. '. Pillow Csslng. 41 inches wide, extra weight and .nice,, smooth finish. ' Our regular llo value: apeclai at tha yard 10 DRESSER SCARFS FOR 70c, Fancy Drawn Work Dresssr Scarfs, doubts row , Of work; slse 11x10 Inches. Our lie value; . special at each .k..t ......... J. ...4. 704 - LINEN SQUARES FOR' lie. Fancy Drawn Work Linen Squares; Bias 10x10 Inches. Our 40o value; special I . . at each ,R04 i - LINEN SCARFS FOR .10c -Fancy Prawn -Work Linen Scarfs, with single , row bf work; alga Jtxlo. Our lie value; special at each M...V..... ........... ..60 , ' DRESSE' SCARFS FOR 4C Plain Hematltehed Dreeser Scarfs, s)se" llxll Inches. Our 10c value; special -at sach ..........40 NEW AND BEAUTIFUL' WASH FABRICS, French Dimities of very fins' quality; pretty designs in light and dark colorings; prices. the ysrd...., ia'4 snd IK Venetian Voiles In checked and striped effects. Priced st the yard...... ...,..'..22 Dotted Swiss Mulls many dainty , patterns; special value at the yard. .......... .12't Jaoquard Zephry for skirt and school dresses, In pis) a and figured offsets; priced at th yard ......v., ...... '......... 12', ilk Spot Chiffon. -In all the new t eolertngi . speolal at tha yard 23 New Dreaa and Apron Glnghama, Percale and Galataas; prices, the yard,, . . . .T to 15 GREAT EXTRA SPECIAL IN WASH GOODS.' 1000 yards of Fin French Finish Batiste In light dark and medium colorings, with - pretty designs In dots, small figures, scroll ' and floral effects; all are good values st .. lie; special for pa week at th yard. .10 AGreat Eelar of Houaefurnishinga and Homefittinsa v 5 cm Third and Fourth Floora l-i:, "; ; C V ' v NOW IS THE TIME FOR HOME - FURNISHING, ' . . Seldom, Indeed, do such salsa ef marehandla so doaely allied and so Important in tha money- feature as these are come at tha asms time. The appeal . of -lower prices la' especially saving strong to young- people contemplating housekeeping-, for ttrls probably aafs to Bay . that tha fittings and furnishings for- the home, including' th dining-room snd kitchen needs, may be bought bare this week (even allowing for tha few things that would possibly be bought at regu lar price) for oaa quarter laaa than usual. Hare are carpet and ruga for your floora; curtains and draperies for windows aad doors; pictures for ths oralis; china dinnerwaro, cut glass, toilet seta, fancy china and brio-ebrao aft of tha mast desirable and up-to-date character at very large savings; in each line many things at a third under value aad soma things at half price. And settled housekeepers, who Invariably need something- from from each of these departments tor aprta-, will find It moat profitable to buy now. ; - . , , Rousing Reductions in the Crystal ',. : Grotto1 Third Floor .5 It; M pedal, pair. .......... .f4.S9 40m1v,jJ at aach.......,. 5.80 l(fi itgZr: ataach...,... ............ ,,...95.50 ignoCl"' A GREAT SPECIAL'SALB ' '.'-V -: OF LTBBEY CUT GLASS. 1 ' : '''." '. ; BRONZES, ROYAL DRESDEN. v. . AND ART GOODS, . ' LIBBE.T CUT GLASS. ',. ,. -.. (Of which w ar eol agents in Portland.) -. - f ; Sugar and Creamer, our value; special, pair. ...................... .f 4.39 Berry Bow la, our 7.ll value; apeclai Berry Bowla, our 111.00 value: special Water Bottles, our IS.I0 value) specisl Water, Tumblers, our 17.31 value; special at sst of slx.......,..,.....,.fa.80 HANDSOME BRONZES. , ,. Tlegane,". pur ltll.10 value; : special, each ....f 12.00 "Coquette," our i 114.10 value; r special, ' each . . .......... .f 9.85 . race." our I1A00 value; special, each. .....f 12.00 , Torgeron." our 114.71 . value: .. 89.80 - v r -'aii.OO "value; ' special, each .Oelllet oui- spscial, each ............... "Lver ju Jour," our 134.00 vaL; special, aeon ............... VInstrucUon," our 111.00 vsL: special, eaci ...... ....... ROYAL I flO.TS fl8.0O 80.00 f WARE. ' 1 DRESDEN , ... ,- . VASES. . Our 111.00 value; special st. each. ...f 22.T5 Oor 111.00 value; special at sach... .8 11. T5 ' Our-11 1.00 vaJus: special st each. . ,f 15.00 Our 30.I0 value; special at each. .. .916, SO Our I2X.II value; apeclai at eech...,f 18.00 'i ' - - .. - PLATES, i ,. ' . Our 111.10 value; apeclai at eaoh....826.00 .Our 115.00 value t special at, ch....f 28.00 i R O Y A L T E P L Z T Z " V A 8 E S. '.. .Our I11.3J vahi; special at each. 89.SO Our I,li2. value; apeclai at each.... . .96.00 - Our tll.ll value; special at each. .. .9i0.40 . Our I 1 11 value: special at each.... .8T.40 Oor I 1.00 value; apeclai at each.,.... T.20 Our tll.M value; special at sach. f 6.9 O, BRONZE ELECTROLIERS. l-lbjht fDUna," reg. 121.00 value; specisl at f 17.35 "Victorieuse," one-light with aUk . Shade, our 114.00 vai.j apeclai at. .flf 5 . might ElaetroUar, our 134.00 value; special at ....,...... flf.OO " ,t COPPER TANKARDS. ' Antteo Copper Tankards, rag. IT. 3 1 . vaLl aneelal at aahe....... Antique Copper Tankard leg. till .. vaLl special at sack. ....... . ' y; table "-'- (-. .. . t - runns of Antique Brass. . ' Our fill value; special at each...... TABLE MIRRORS. v " Slrh. nnM.Platad. Our 17.31 value; speotal at each... ....t Vfi fur ttla value; speeial at each ' " Our 14.1 valae; special at aaak f5.fS '..1.8T.S8 MIRRORS. . ' 84JI9 I . CURTAINS w i-.t THE GREAT FOURTH FLOOR SALES.- CURTAINS A PLEASING FEATURE Beauty and bargains, vie. for the sttsntion ef homefltters In the great homef Ittlng shops on ths Fourth Floor. Read first of s SALE OF . ODD PAIRS OF ARABIAN CURTAINS. Corded Arabians, cable net very, strong," durable curtains, f 0 Inchea wide, yards Jong, only on and two pair. lots. . ' Regulsr 11.71 value; special, pair...... 9240 Regular 14.00. value; special, pair. .. ...92. OS Regulsr 14.10 value; specisl, pair $2.05 Regular 11.00 value; apeclai. pair, .... .93.30 Regular 11.00 value; special, pair.... . 93.85 Regular 11.71 value; special, pair 8-1.45 Regular 17.00 value; specisl, psir...,, ,f4.65 Regular ITA0 value; aperlal, pair...,..f4.85 Regular 11.00 value; special, pair. .,,..95.25 Regular 11.00 value; special, pair.,.,.. 95.85 , Regular 110.10 value: special pair. .... ,f 6,85 NEW MADRAS CURTAINS. A handsome line of new Madras Curtain la cross Stripe, beautiful color combination, mercerised snd plna silk stripes,. 10 distinct . styles In the choosing. ' . .- . Regular 11.31 value; special, pair, if 1.T5 Regulsr 11.71 value; specisl, pair. 92.10 ' Regular 11.38 value; specUrt, palr,.....92.50 .Regular 1. to. value; specisl, -pair. ...'..92.65 'Regular 14.00 value; specisl, pair 93.19 ' Regular I4.t0 value: specisl. pair.',,.. .3.50 Regular 11.00 value; special, pair 83.85 Reular 14.00 value; spaelst pair. ....$4. 75 Regulsr IT.I0 vslue; specisl. pair. ..',,.$6.00 Regular 11.10 value; apodal, pair..... -86.75 - CARPETS AND RUGS ; NEW ARRIVALS JUST OPENED. '''.- v Juat arrived a new line of Carpets. Ruga, Tapestries. Burlsps. Silkolbiee. Satlaes, Denlma, Table Covers. Couch Covera, portieres and lAce Curtains In Brussels and Reeelssaaee affects. New Brussels, Irish Point - Batten. ' berg. Corded Arabian Point. Arab Snd Cluny. A magnificent showing of " distinguished pewWrrivals In rare old ORIENTAL RUUIV adected by an expert from the choicest col lections ever medet In the faraway orient, tlema fit for heirlooms, bat prices surprtslagly low. SPRING DADY GO-CARTS rst 1101 patterns sre r the spacloas Four -lowest en th - 'y THE . In ths netr 1elsy in J - :e the Exposition or