The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1905, Image 6

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    the Oregon dailyournal. PORTiJiNi'Morn)AYTcvz::; :ai TzrnqARy 3. 1:::
-f iw---- w - VrrrArrr
V -' tryii .Cdcpo ?cr;;z? ufhti'.-.'
Om ef ooi ttfZ$ Rmw lZlml$ ia Two Use
,.v" JVt. - ' x -;'
Investigation Committer Recom
? Cr mends Their . Expulsion ,v
; v'. V' From Legislature."
'' .-."l ,'v' ' ' ;TTi" , ' I4: '' " '
' Tar Hatafal rjAQ
; or Artitwiai WO
Remarkable Amount of Curiosity
Abraham Bachtold Struck Down
Ta S. Baldwin Anxious to Give
Supreme Court Affirms Lower
; -x Court Helens That Trial
V. Shown in Movement of
r - a Plain Citizen. ': '
at His Cabin Door and v
"V t i Almost Killed. y
Exhibition of Airship. CaJ-,
7 v .i .fornia Arrow, i -)
J- , ..:':v:;-.;
.',.'.'"',' '.. ' .-. , k.-
. :;' -; . ; ' 1 - a. ;.
Took Monfly'TFroVnLoan Asso-
Belief General That He Desires
Ruffians Rob Him, Loot His Hut
Union Pacific, Will Spend Large
James G. Lee ; of .Washington
' Oounty Gets Another Chancr
"", -to Escape.';,' ' '
.Sum of Money in Giving
. ' v Publicity. , ;
'.'v'- Cfation to Present a Fav-
; . orable Report.
to Discuss Recent Polit- .
' ; i real Mishaps. 4
and Then Make Their
' r-' ' Escape. -'X. :U
; " Uooraal Special Barrlm.). ;
" Bacraraento, ' Feb. IS. The '.oat
, boodllng Investigation committee report'
ed this . mornlni : and finds Senators
French. Emmona. Wright .- and Bunker
guilty of accepting bribe aa charged.
tM recom meada their expulsion forth.
It also finds that the San Francisco
Examiner ana la ted la preparing; for the
i investigation of the Continental Build
'lag A Loan association which resulted
t. ' In the - briber?' scandal, and exonerated
Ueutenant-Oorernor Anderson from the
. icbanre of knowingly selecting- a commit
tee alleged to be "packed" for the pur-
oee of "holding up" the Building
wuuaa aiaaociaiion. . . .
-. Emmona was- the only one of the cruar
rtet present when the senate was called
to .order. Immediately upon convening
. pthr chairman of the investigating com
. itnlttee handed In the report, which was
Kread by the aecretary1 The finding of
- I the committee is that the appointment
Hit the senate committee on commissions
land retrenchment and the placing of
LKmmonaV French. Bunkers and Wright
ft hereon, came about in due course of
ithe senate "organisation, and without
I ulterior motive, and that the Ban Fran
. hclaoo Examiner had no part in the c re
lation pf th .Institution of saM xsom
tmittea. or the appointment of said sen
. Mtors toereoa, ;
, J.L is declared that no agreement .
, fl sted whereby Bunkers was to . receive
im municipal appointment or other pre
rXerment if he would do. his - utmost
. I against "the ' Continental association:
I That ; ths San Fraaclsco i Examiner,
'through tts representatives, actively as
i slated the committee In preparing for
. ' the Investigation of affairs of the Con
tinental . by advising with Senator
French. ' 1 '''.
' Then follows the finding. Emmons,
.French, Bunkers and Wright accepted
3 each from Joseph 8. Jordan upon
it be understanding that they would fa
Ivor and protect thai interests of the
Phoenix at Renters Building aV Loan
' association, which was about to be In-
.. : vestlgatod by the committee on . re
trenchment.. In conclusion, the committee recom
nUnded that Emmons." Bunkers, 'French
. and Wright be expelled from the sen-
. ata "Consideration of the report - is
made special order for Thursday mora-
., 'in- . .. s
-, " In the superior court this morning the
(district attorney began a reply to the
.demurrer filed, by Wright and Bunk
ers, and argued that acceptance' of the
'money was a erlma, Irrespective of the
' possibility that the recipients were vot
ing on a measure, tor vpicumjjr.
. paid money.,.- , . . , t.t , r. .
' The 'Bijou theatre, on Sixth street, Je-
tween Alder ' and Washington streets,
' - haa aueenmbed ' to ' the Inevitable and
. closed lta,doors. It wag one of the pio
' neer dime vaudeville houses of the
.town. : and for . a time paid tts owner.
Tyred T. .Merrill, In good, bard coin,
i But with the opening of several other
maU houses! the Bijou began, to lose
', money. A final effort was made to keep
" jit up, as the home of a dime stock com
jpany. This venture did not pay, and
.the lionse closed Saturday night. The
.fixtures, including the seenery. will be
'shipped to Eugene to furnish a dime
' bouso there. . , . ' .."--.
VV (Spectat Dtajpstck te The Jeuraatji "" "
" Helena. Mont, Feb. 10. Mra. Angelina
w potts. wife of Genl B. F. Potts, died
.,, here, from a complication of diseases.
tShe was a native of Ohio, born la 1I4C
General Potts wag appointed governor of
. Montana tn 187 bf President Orant and
laerved IS years. He died In Helena II
Uears ago.'. ; . , " ) ..
m Offer M
4 TO Mve Tee a Fall Dollar's Wertk of Ky
, Sisnay Tnm to Try Wlthent Oart er Pa.
. pattt -er Premise' to Pay. '--'
f eeeM ant Bike thai effer e full ootlar's
weeta free If ailne were aa eroiaary kldoey
r-awer. It la not. It treats not UMTklanert
thaiMlaa, bat the arrrea- that eeatrol then.
Th eanae t kidney trnaMe 11m AIWaYH la
' Itheae aerrea. The eoly way to rare kMner
ttmMe le hr treastlmitBg and vlUllslas
ana rretortnc theM kldoer oer.M. ,.Tht hi
aetljr what ar reaied'
tUxnp'a' haatora,
Blake thla affM
tle owe. Tberefoe I eaa aiaka thai effar
f-wuh the rert.ln kanwledce that ererr kMaey
ffw w) makf Uila trial will be helped.
whea I ear "nerraa." 1 Hn nt mi
a, 1 l
.r Kidney Sufferers
Mreinarr aerrea of (aellna?. tbnerht, artloa. I
, Hneaa the aatomatle nertea, whlrk sight ' and
; .. anaMiaee and aaarea, eeetrel aad artaate
T . 1 and nperate ererr vlul prareaa ef life. Jheea
v - u iare the Beater Bema. The kldnrra are their
. tetaraa. T ailad raaaat rnotrol them. Tear
i , will rmnftot aw.y meat. Yet whea thef. are
:xwtsss x:.t wh-tbmt ,o
' I haaa written a book en the Kldnrra whir
j ' . I1T he aeot whea w Vrtte. - Thla book e
plain, ful If and elehrly how th-ae tiay, tender
.' ." "Inalde" aerrea rnhtasl not ooly the kldaera
. .feat eaeh af the ether vital ergana. i
'". , I hare Bade my offer that traan4 to. Br
, rrawdr Bar know. It si not Intended for or
. 'even to thoae who hare aaed air reavdr. nr
ae4 fanner endear. Bet to thuee who
lhare net heard, er hearing. Bay hare delared
- r nowai-u, i-aav-winpir write aao eaa. ' I
will aend roe ,aa erdar fne whleti ramr drnc.
. . rlat will hand yon a rail dollar battle end
, he will aead the MUto . - There are ao eao-
' mtiooa ne , reqmreBeata BBply write . bm
? ' i-,-. t r :
jf . . - - - -
' Per a rre order foe Bank I aa Irpeaa1a.
' , - fall -dollar battle rVnok t aa the Heart. -
, rna aaaat addreaa Dr. Bonk oa the Kldaera.
. Boa . r Booh 4 fee WoBea.
' kaelaa. Wla. etata Book far Mea.
whlrk heak yon want. Book aa Kbmaatlea.
'. VI II eaaee kre afree rereg br elngle' bottle.
. Far sale at forty thoeaaad drag itorea. -
Dr. Shooo's
y Does Editor Harvey W. Bcott, ,ot the
Oregonlan, aspire, to an advisory poel
tlon with the federal Administration tn
regard to Oregon patronage and politi
cal alfalrsT is a question propounded
among the politicians today. Is be an
ticipating senatorial ambitions, execut
ing s neat coup' in this hour of dire
political distress, making himself solid
with the president,, or giving finish
Ing stroke to the enemy now . down.
Mitchell T More than ourioslty prompts
the Inquiry..- It is urgent in. the ootetie
of Mitchell workers, , is . -
r The Questions are prompted by Mr.
Soott'a departure:' for Waablnrton Fri
day. From editorial cares be tore him
self away and hied him to the national
capital. The trip is looked on as
significant No patent duty or need
warrants the Journey, and the1 bllasard
swept east can hardly be said to Invite
travel for health. After carefully can
vassing the situation politicians - reach
but one conclusion: The editor must
hope to profit by the wreck which re
cent indictments have wrought in Ore-
It Is generally "conceded' that the Bcott
interests had a decided penchant for ad
journment of the - legislature . to a
specific date, when opportunity would be
afforded for election of a successor to
Senator Mitchell. should the . federal
government hopelessly entangle him la
crime.' It has also tees noted, that the
friends of Mr. Scott have movingly de
plored the political situation of .the
Istate, grieving over tho fact that thero
vua whv aueau sa e, w wwi vivViig
great burden at Washington. . Other evi
dence has cropped out showing an es
pecially keen Interest in the- senatorial
situation, and -Ml seemed to hinge on
the aaaumptlon that Senator Mitchell
was. lost, and which further was colored
by a hope and desire ' that ' the senior
Oregon editor would fill the senior
senator's shoes.. .
Until the Washington trio, politicians
not in sympathy with Editor Scott were
passive, seeming to think that" when the
swelling bud of editorial amfcitftpn blos
somed It would be blighted by a popu
lar frost But this apparent effort to
get close to the ear of the president Is a
-mors aggressive move, and the Mitchell
following and Republicans who are hew
ing on senatorial timber are slightly
alarmed. Senator Fulton's standing is a
matter of speculation. DU early cham
pionship of Indicted colleagues was re
garded from the viewpoint of friendship,
but. possibly inclining toward antagon
ism of the government 'which Is behind
the grand-Jury investigations , tn Port
land. , BLnce. this early ' position was
taken the winds have blown hot. and cold,
with, every aaeuranco 1 for the aeaator's
prestige at- one. moment and apparent
eclipse the next, .mis aeiicate situation
of the sole remaining pillar of the Mitch
ell forces In the halls of oongrees would
not be improved by the proximity of the
Oregonlan editor, who yearned tor the
toga that fell to Fulton. ..-
Until Mr. Scott baa reached bis des
tination and the purport of bis mission
develops through his work, remnants of
the shattered local Republican ring will
rest uneasily.. . : ,
Raged All Yesterday and List
. . Night Off Columbia -
d -' RWer, , ;
v One of the worst. storms of the sea
son raged all day yesterday and last
night off the mouth of .the Columbia
river, and the wind reached a velocity
of It miles an hour at North Head. No
reports have been received from Tatoosh
or Eureka today, as the wires are down.
Bo far aa known no other damage was
done, although the schooner Virginia
had a narrow escape while crossing the
bar yesterday. She was carried toward
the North Bplt and nad not tne oar tug
gone, to Jier assistance she would hare
gone on the sands. 'The) storm Is now
practically . over, the wind vat North
Head having fallen to a 20-mlle an houi
gJi. : ' i ' ,--' ','
Since the rains started a few days
ago. the river has risen S.S feet at Port
land, and Is now standing at - feet
ibove the low water mark. This in
formation appeared oa,-tbe weather map
this morning. District Forecaster Beals
says ; ite , intenda to publish the river
readinga every morning from this date
forward, aa he believes it will prove In
teresting to the shippers and steamboat
mea "
Reports' from Astoria are to tho ef
fect that the Jetty was damaged some
by the storm. The1 extent could not be
learned as the wires to the month of
the river are down. . . ','
Governor Oeorge E. Chamberlain,' C
H. Preecett.. Walter M. Cook, A. H. Wil
lett Walter A. Oosa, Samuel P. tock
wood, W. K.' Scott H. M. Van Deurs,
R. W. 'TVHbor an4 R. L. Babln today in
oorporated the Irvtngton Improvement
association, which has aa Its objects -the
building, of a club house at Irvington.
The new club win be composed of the
Incorporators and a number of Other
prominent citizens who reside in Irving
ton addition. ' It begins with 110,00 cap
ital. . - . . , ( --
A handsome club bouse will be bnllt
and athletic grounds maintained. The
club wilt have the usual social features
and also wUr-oarry on work Indicated by
Its title and expend constant effort for
the Improvements of a elrlc nature In
that portion of the elty In which the
members live. ' '
. i 1 1 , i i i 'li; ; 1 ' . . . y-
. ' (Jearsal peeial arvie.)'' ' ,
' Washington, Feb,'. 10. Representative
(smpbelt of Kansas, the suthor of the
house resolution . to . Investigate the
Standard Oil company.! had arlong talk
with the president this mornsig. This
afternoon the president had a' consul ta
tloflwtth Mr. Garfield in reference to
the government's method of proceeding
Abraham Bachtold, a fruit peddler,
lies dangerously wounded at his lonely
cabin near Oatman station on the Wood'
stock car line, as the result of a murder
ous assault i by highwaymen at 10:30
o'clock last Saturday night ' He re
mained unconscious, or nearly sot from
the time of the attack until neon today,
and it Is feared he may not survive the
terrific beating he received..
Bachtold spent last Saturday tn town.
as usual, peddling his wares. . At the
eloae of the day's business, he went to
the Standard stables and left his horse
and wagom - He then, took supper In a
Japanese restaurant on Third street and
after that visited a barber shop in the
same neighborhood. At I o'clock be
started home. . ,
Bachtold occupies a cabin which Is
about 160 feet distant from the nearest
house. It -is a tumble-down affair and
the hlngeless door is opened or closed by
being lifted bodily from the aperture.
Bachtold walked from the car to his but
and was In the act of removing the door
when struck from .behind with . some
blunt Instrument The assailants evi
dently rained blows on the victim's bead
and then rifled his pockets. They se
cured 110 In silver, a& gold -piece and a
check for tts. .. i
They then searched the cabin, taming
wry article in' the room unside down
and bunting in every ooneeivablo place
for. money which Sacntold. according to
a neignoornooa rumor, was supposed to
. . .
have oonceeled. Finally, the thugs made
tneir escape, leaving their victim insen
slbls on the ground. .' i
Bachtold lay unconscious and exposed
all Saturday night and all day Sunday
and until noon today, except for a brief
spell et semi-conselouaness, during
which .he walked into the cabin. At
noon- today- he made an outcry so long
and ' vigorous that - neighbors were
aroused. Harrying to the cabin 'they
found a gruesome spectacle. On his
rough couch lay Bachtold. a mass of
blood, -,..-.
His olothtng, the floor of the room
and the outside door were spattered
with gore. - There were four eanlns-
wounds In his head, one ear each tem
ple, one on top of bla head and- one
at the base of the brain.
The neighbors sent to police headauar-,
ters at once. Sergeant Slover was de
tailed on the case, and after hla arrival
Detective Hartman and Assistant City
physician Blocum were sent for.
To the sergeant Bachtold related all
be could remember, . He does hoflf know
who struck -him down. , and did not see
them. .He thought at first that the aide
of the cabin had cavearHn. He remem
bers where he was lust before--aolnar
.home, .and It is the theory of the police
that tie was followed by soma person or
persons who saw him In one of the
places he -visited. -' . . .
The neighborhood--gavs Bachtold the
title of .Cray Charley," because of cer
tain queer actions. He Is supposed to
be ths ownejr of valuable property In San
Francisco and to have had a stormy
past '" ' . : ' r
It la not ' known whether Bachtold
wounds are likely to be fatal. .' His con
dition la, however, vary dangerous, -
1 a ,, - i .
".";.r " i a ;.
. (Journal Special Barrioa.) ,
Cheyenne, Wyo Feb. - 20. In the
Cody divorce case this morning Banker
McArthut, of North Platte, testified that
at the banquet at North Platte in 1103,
Cody called fof coffoe, but the chef gave
him. whisky Instead, which made him
dreadfully sick. -Thla was ona of the
occasions orr which Cody alleged that
his wife gave him poison.
Witnesses for the defense today tes
tified that Mrs. Cody never used pro
fane or vulgar language, . never drank
or kept liquor about the place, waa kind
and indulgent with Cody and members
of her family, and always treated
Cody's guests with consideration.
" (Joaraal Special Serried ' ,
Kakiaaa City. Feb."1 10. Repreajua-
tlvo Lyons of Kansas City will intro
duce In the Missouri legislature a bill
declalng pipe lines common carriers
and fixing a maximum frleght rate.
Senator Clark Introduced the same bill
in the-sons to. ' , V; j
(iiafsal Special Barrtea.t , "
Washington. Feb.. ao.- Ths senate
committee o'nMndian affairs today de
cided to Insert (in the Indian appropria
tion bill a clause prohibiting the.use of
Indian funds to support any sectarian
or denominational school. . . . . r .
tJeuraal Bpadal Serrlea.) ''." A
- Washington. Feb.. to. It Is stated on
good authority that Alice Roosevelt
will accompany Secretary Taft and
party on a tour of inspection of. the
Prtltpplnes. starting July 1.
If a good prtscrlp'
Horn it rm 1 1 0
coughs and eoldt
i Alfred Darlow. general manager of the
advertising dcDarlment of the Karri man
railroad lines, arrived in Portland this
morning for the purpose of conferring
witn Director of Concessions Wakefield
and Frank L Merrick' of tho publicity
bureau on the best means of advertising
the exposition. As the result of their
conference Mr. Darlow haa decided, to
issue m Lewis and Clark union 'Pacific
folder, fully describing the fair, its pur
poses and attractions. The first edition
will be. 100.000 copies, to be followed by
g second edition of 10,000. If warranted.
"The Union Pacific will leave nothing
undone to advertise Portland.'' saya Mr.
Darlow. "We have Instituted a system
which will advertise the event in practically-alt'
of ths, big American news
papers, and now. we are going to reach
the people In another, way. The folder
is a greater medium than is generally
supposed. Ours will be beautifully Illus
trated in colors and full of readable
matter'" ,..., r."'
"Before I leave Portland it Is my In
tention to go over the grounds with Mr,
Wakefield and Mr. Merrick, and obtain
new material for advertising purposes."
It is said that tho Union Pacific will
expend something like 1 10,000 Jn Its
advertising department , In connection
wius.uie exposfuon. . ,
A- Would- now aa Atrahh).
T. 8. Baldwin, the airship man, wants
to coma to Portland With his "California
Arrow," , of which so . much has been
heard recently. He has written Secre
tary Reed to this, effect, saying he has
fully demonstrated that he. can make
26 mllea aa ,beur in hla machine, and
in one hour can give a good exhibition
and return to the place of starting. The
offlciala have not as yet talked finances
with Baldwin, but are extremely hope
ful of adding him and his invention to
the list of attractions. In his letter,
Baldwin says recent developments make
It clear to his mind that there win be
only- one dirigible balloon available for
lOOt hie own but he would prefer that
there were several, for the purpose of
eontests. : i .
'Personally." h writes. Tan anxious
to come, and would like to see others
tried out" :'. i. 'i. .
Baldwin writes a amnnlamantal latter'
to tho concessions department, asking la
regard to the captive, balloon concession. !
He owns a gas-generating plant, which
be would bring to furnish gas for all
competitors. : AS the' lack of gas has
been, a serious detriment heretofore,
peclally at St. Louis, the officials are
incunea to regard the , calif ornlan's
proposition with favor. ,
Gov. John H. Mickey of. Nebraska.
writing in reply to- the -exnositton'a ta
rnation to designate a date as Nebraska
day; elates that as yet the state legis
lature has taken no action regarding
Nebraska's participation, but bs haa no
UVUUI Jfc win bu ew PUVH. ' i,
A copy of a very handaoms poster haa
reached Secretary Reed from Thomas
Hardee, who Is to boom the fair during
the inauguration at Washington, It is
done In several colors, and Is very at
tractive in design.' Over J.000 of the
cards will be put out In Washington be
fore March 4,
' - President Goods has been ' Informed
that, in response to his reauest. A. M.
...... W . I . 1 1 , . '
Cleland, general passenger agent of the
Northern Pacific, has. taken up the mat
ter of securing additional railroad con
cessions' from the eastern lines. The
main effort wilt be to have tho lines
east of Chicago adopt a uniform rate
of one fare for, the -round trip to Chi
cago, In connection ' with the -rate -announced
from Chicago to the coast, Tho
basing rate at present contemplated Is
10 per cent Of double the one-way rate
to Chicago, which Is considered 'too
high. If the lines cannot be Induced to
make the one-fare rate throughout the
fair period, an effort will be made to
secure the concession'' for special days.
'. Advertised In Fac 7apaa. .
, Another praiseworthy example of the
manner in which the Lewis and dark
exposition Is advertised cams to head
quarters this morning in a letter from
Harry OuUlxson, who was formerly a
deputy in the circuit court here, and
who is now the Armour company's rep
resentative In the orient '"
: Mr. OuUlxson was visiting Japan re
cently.. While there, he says, he picked
up a native paper. The only English
words In it were "Lewis and Clark" and
accompanying , the article, which' he af
terward learned was a press. bureau's
eulogy, was a big old-fashioned ..wood
cut of the. fair. ..'..
- In spite of the' rules put Into effect re
cently to keep out labor agitators, a
number of walking delegates have been
among the - employes at the exposition
grounds, endeavoring to rouse them to
a strike. That such -efforts will, have
any effect the fair offlciala do not be
lieve. The .movement has resulted .thus
far In a call for a mass f meeting at
Eagle's hall tomorrow ereoLOg. tmt there
Is not much prospect of a large attend
ance. The officials express the belief
that the agitation will die there.
- President Jefferson Myers of the Ore
son -state commission was called to
Sclo, In southern Oregon, last . evening,
on account of tho Illness o his father-
Tot aU maoutrk Boom for Sis aVe
' markeble Indian Burpla At Pals.
, ' (Speem Dispatch te The,Iaareal.)
Chemawa. Or Feb. 10. On account
Of the extensive exhibit being sent to
Portland by the superintendents and In
dian agents. Superintendent Chaloraf t
finds the space allotted him In tho gov
ernment building totally Inadequate for
the needs of Installing the display. -and
he left on the early morning train for
Portland to confer with the fair 'man
agement to see if some arrangement
could not be made Jto . secure additional
space. - . .
The best part of the 8t Louts exhibit
has already been shipped, and this Itself
will' mors than fill the space allowed.
It was hoped to make a special - dis
play of Indian basketry, but this' will
have to-be -abandoned, as -well as many
other special features unices some- ar
rangement can be ' made -such as Is de-
slrsd.-' ... w." -. rf . , ,
(fenrsal Spaeial gerrlee.l : ' -'
' Indianapolis;- ind.j Feb. 10 Fire fast
night destroyed eight buildings, among
which were three hotels, .in. the whole
sale district, causing a loss of f 1,K00.
000. v One uremaa was hurt by falling
wallr - ; ... .'
' ' .. u 1 '" -' ' : v
i."- ... ,.. .;.": .
i ' (SpecUl iMspateb to The JooraaL)
Salem. Or.. Feb. 10. The supreme
court' today rendered a decision affirm
ing that of the lower court in' the case
of the state vs. Frank Ougllelmo. the
Italian who murdered Freda Oaraclo in
Portland, June 14. 1004. The decision
is rendered on . the point' whether, the
deputy district attorney had tho right
to sign the diet riot, attorney's name to
a criminal information. The supreme
court rules that by prosecuting the case
District Attorney Manning ratified me
action of his deputy. Ougllelmo has SO
days to file a petition for a rehearing.
The ' following-, opinions . Were also
handed down: ; ''.,''
State of Oregon, respondent vs. James
O. Lee, appellant'. Appeal from Wash
ington county.- . T. - A.- McBride ' Judge,
Reversed and a - new trial ordered.
Opinion by Justice Bean. , The defendant
waa tried and convicted of stealing a
calf from one Dennis. The lower court
admitted testimony tending to show
that Leo ' had committed other 'crimes.
which the supreme (fpurt holds erroneous.
Mrs. Dunne Held on Larceny
Charge Until Evidence Is ;, 1
Wanted. , i
Mrs. bunna, wife of ESI Dunne, one
of the gang of cracksmen who operated
successfully in this city ' and who are
said to have looted the Lebanon bank,
was taken before Justice - Reed ' this
morning on .a charge of laroeny. The
case was continued until this afternoon.
She is accused of-having-stolen a
clock and other articles from -the furni
ture store of H. B. Kdwards. The
charge was made In order to detain her
in Portland, so that ber testimony may
bo secured In the cases against the
gang of bank robbers.
Mrs. Dunne was arrested in - com
pany with her- husband - and J. C
Crossly and H. D. Hendxyx, and taken
with them to Albany, where Dunne and
Crossly were held under 14,000 bonds
each on' a charge of' robbing the Leb
anon bank of v. $S,400; - They were
brought to : Portland and placed In-tne
Jail - here. , Hendry x and Mrs. Dunne
were. .held as witnesses under 1100
bonds each.- Hendryx, who is the
father of Mrs. Dunne, Was released on
Saturday. ' ". ' --
v J. , F. Klngsley, supposed to be the
leader of the gang-in numerous bank
robberies, . has eluded the officers and
with, his wife disappeared. He is
thought to have gone to Canada.
Ed Dorland, suspected of being In
the gang, has eluded the officers. He
Is about IS years of age and was with
the others constantly for (early a year,
and was seen at their; Second street
rendesvous, 'near Clay. ; ', ,
- .. j
t Th; dispute- over the guardianship, of
Lorents Herman - Helner, from which
M. M. Bloch '. resigned and -1 to which
Fred Bickel was- appointed, ended -this
morning when Charles J. Schnabel ap
peared before . County Judge . Webster
and protested against the Investment
of Reiner's $1,100 in county . warrants.
Schnabel appeared as attorney , f or
Bickel. ..'Judge Webster refused to or
der any change In the manner of dis
posing of the funds, and then made
this statement: ,
"Helner's money waa Invested by Mr.
Bloch on my order. It will remain as
now placed. Such" an investment was
safe and guaranteed the safe keeping
ef the money of .Helner and I, propose
to see that it is not 'has died in any
manner, to Jeopardise, his interests. 'Mr.
Bloch's acts while be . was guardian
were all in agreement with my Ideas.
The court Is' guardian of the old man
and proposes to remain hla gjiardlan." .
.. i (Jeoraal gpe9at Berviee.) ; '
- Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 90. Representa
tive Campbell this afternoon introduced
a maximum freight rate bill, cutting
the tariff from la to 20 per cent - The
railroads, fearing ' drastlo - legislation,
had previously secured the Introduction
of a bill providing for a 10 per cent
reduction. -
' -CUBBO Y 'l '
I awiswis er ntrlM tela. VWo aMdlrsted,
eattaepne; gkiakealll. Wnt.l. fc?H, to kill
1 -Vai 1 I V
"eat toe akla, asd Sklahealth Tab
leta. kfie te empel aamor senas, all draft-lets'.
Harfla Soar for the Complexion,
fee stmplee. Msekfeeada, redeesa, martaeae. ekaf
lag, ckap(rin, tnash tianoe. Nnlhlog will giro
eorh a speedy eerr. BBc. I rat-s. UV.
. Bnd ic, pnetare fnr Pre gaaaplea sad
beliefs te PHMJO nT CO.. Jtewark. W. .
1 Rar's HalrheaUth pealttrelr rarra aaadreif,
featoree aray kalr. apd rmara tne. tklrk hair.
Ltrsa SOe. kwdlag dragglaU'.
weosus, nun W co, rnin
aad Wsssiiajrtsaii--
''. ' .t r ' "'" ':'J:
-: f ? rnmplsts . '
' WJth jSc Intamatvw BnaUl
Walabach kigh easdla newer
Gold Mw!al tha hUheit honor-awardeti
to Welsbacn at . th
i ,
r'.'.iSlX ERAHPS
lateaalve Walabach,...,.....
Vases WtlaAatk
catrlao y
Welsh acH
- ' ..... ..-.
Me. isr Orlg gal J Vetosaca, ao.
, We. eat Ma lol.te Wslsbach. tie.
-.Me, e Cap
Ke. s leep
V. Beware of Worthleu
VoTIClj I Jfjstislif esaeot
' UCMUIKB Wtlabach Liahta MmA .:
Maatlee la tkair arlsiaal sealed baaaa. ee which
weiaoaca ana tae aaieas ef uoautr
pmaetJea aaaiaat Imll allaaia dirr
Velabaeh 'aftner. fiUaii....a W I mii-.
lead toed, will be east yea b prepaTd eapreaT"
Genuine : Welibach Goods .
':'';' FOR SALE BT '
- c ; antl ALL
YO?.lAf.WITIir,:ONEY ;
Mrs. McCalittsr Comes to Port
land and After Two Days
... le.ji.' a-' ' . a..'.. . v '
raaes rrom visw. .
Detectives are completely baffled In
their efforts to, unravel ,the - mustery
surrounding the disappearance of Mrs,
Mary M. McCaUStee, who came, 40 Port
land, a week ago from Newburg, Ore
soft Two days after, her arrival '-she
disappeared, and effort to find- trace
of her have been futile, ' '
To assist in- finding her; ' lames' Mo
Quire, a brother, came to tho crfy, and
he has declared the search, will con
tluue until the woman is found. He is
at the Burnsldo apartment house. Sec
ond and Burnslde streets, and lives on
the government island near Vaneourer.
Mrs. McCsiister, on .her - arrival, se
cured accommodations at tho Metrop
olis hotel, HQ First street, and re
mained there two days; then the disap
peared. She . had 1300 'In money and
Jewelry valued at 1160 when she 'Iras
seen last. - She Is about 60 years of
age, has dark hair and dark completion
and ia of medium height. ' 4
People at the hotel declare -she' mads
no statements regarding he depart tire
and are at a loss to understand IV.' Her
brother and detectives who are . work
ing on ths case insist that her 'disap
pearance was not voluntary. .. -(
' Manager Oeorge L. Baker, is to - re
assume the management of the Columbia
theatre at the end of next May, when
A. H. Ballard's lease expires, and tot the
six weeks following the opening of the
Iewts and Clark fair it Is considered
likely that Ralph Stuart wll be here
under Baker's management as a stock
star. During that time he will try out
several new. plays, ona of. which ha will
later take on the road. . ' . .
Mr. Baker Is not making any-official
announcement of his plans, but the
above report Is credited among theatri
cal men. -and Is corroborated by New
Tork reports given out by Stuart, which
state that the actor will receive a guar
antee of $1,000 for the six weeks, ,
T. Daniel; rrawley, another cast actor,
has been selected td act as treasurer for
the monster benefit toi be given to Jo
seph Holland which :ls !to taka nlace at
the Metropolitan -opera house la New
York4n March. Ma Frawler is consid
ering an offer to star under the direc
tion of a prominent New Tork manager
in new play by'an Engllsn autBor. He
denies that he has ever considered, any
proposition to . star j under Oliver , Mo
rosoo's management.
'. - ( 'l i' 1 . a ;; .
E. R. Led d, clerk at the) Imperial ho
tel, and A. Jan sen, driver of the 'bus for
that house, suffered painful injuries, at
o'clock last evening by a collision be
tween the big vehicle and car 100 en the
depot. Una-. The accident occurred at
Sixth and Ol lean streets', neither., ythe
motor-man nor the driver was able' te
stop soon enough after sighting each
other.--- ' ,- -
There were four passengers, Including
Mr. Ladd, In the bus. They state that
the car was running st an unusual rate
of speed). which the motormA denies.
The driver waa thrown from the high
seat, but' escaped with a bruised arm.
Mr. Ladd waa in the rear of the 'bus and
his shaking up will keen him from 'duty
for- two or three days! NOhef of the
other passengers were hurt.
,1 . ... .
.. f; (earnel RveHat geyrtes.) ''
Los Angelea, Feb. 10.. Judge WelbOrn.
ef the federal district court. 4as dented
the Injunction eeked for by the Santa
re to restrain ita striking bollermakera
from attempting to kep, men from work
In tho eompany'e ah on In San Bernar
dino. The Judge held 'that the federal
oourt ' had . ao Jurladlotlon.
I- ' :
Copk4 'A'.--
WebUch j
WMM hick
St. . Louii Exposition.
ll" mil ' ' J , J
w-eleksck,...;.... nje.
Imitations I -'
a'palr the "; L-wk
ta iK. . raw ''
a tk
Fifth sod Yamhill Stretts.
' This j 1- p- 31 , 'f. ;
-OtMtiast, racking Congfas that nJ -.''
fonf boad'acho, your throat and luliga ;
org and Inflamed, that rob -yoa of. 'j
tloep until your tysterajjocomea to run ; .. .
down that 70a are in grave danger of
rand by FeJey'a Honey and Twv :
I,'", j . ' , , 1,-v ', ;
toothet and healg tho Inflamed alt pat
sagaaaUaya tha feverish conditions,'
atop the cough and pfavents terioaa . .;
reaulta from 'ajeold.'-r.: 'j , ';-''-.
fclets i::r.EY raraj
b ths only prominent cough medicioo
oa ths market that does not contain J " ',
opiates Or harmful drugs of any kind
and on thla account is safest for children. . ' j
It la unexcelled for Croup and Whoop "
ing Cough and will truiokly cure tha - ,
racking cough which follows meaalea
tad leaves ao many children- with weak '
Innga aaieat properly treated. -.. :- r
Remember 1 the , nitne Foley'e
Honey and Tar and refuse sabsti
rates that coat yotl the eame aa the
geuolne. p not take chancee with .
tome unknown preparation. . n"','- ' ,. 1 '
' C. V6ger, 711 Maple St.; Champlags, ; '
SI.,' write: '. !'I waa troubled with a Zs
hacking cough for a year and I thought
I had consumption, t tried a great many
remedies and I, was under the care -ef '
phyalciana for several month. I uied T
one bottle of Fotey!a Honey and Tan -,:
It cured me,' and I have aot beta trou- C
bUd ainca." .;. ? "V - " j' ' -
Three Iaea-25c( 50c, $lt0P. V ; ' ',
The 59 cent aiae costal as two and
one-half times aa much at the small site
and the (1.00 bottle almost six timet'
aa much.
t:io rjc::::rii u :
tarns Pavia Drag Oeeapaay aad Weodaid.
, Clarke a Oe. it ';
vtua I" uaa ntf ei re, aasaiarai;
at lattamv I dlaekarsaeJaBaaaaMUaaew
Bww4 XI , trrilajUoea or alo.rall.aa
I waarMn" ef aaeeei aeMBkraaae. ,;
! ':"'J"'''V ralaaaja, aad eee astrk. :
TaluaDlt "O seat ee aetaaaaaa.
,KDSUTI,I J Saw ay fsgiata,
. 1 rr am. ania wraavar.
I Vt aaeraaa. aeaaaM, lot,
J SI M. art Btilal.7t.
'r otxiaiae aaat aa aaaasV"
I b the rkhaat rain, fruit Ut4 Hock arc doe n
"vtlte worW. rTkaaaanaa of acrr oflmaatacfaal "
eeat ef Irrlntion, Deed direct from iltat ef
MAP FUEL. Dear. hate. IrHpnoa and Pewet CemV