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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1905)
I . , 1 t::3 cnzc c:i daily joueiial," postlamd, Monday evening JG. FEE! UUAItY 3. v. I? ft- : 'J ! a , I f"Vi . 'irefe. I ;.iOa Tw jj Virtua Ctud Marouzs Grind...;,, Kjniir. ........ .atlas Oil Coeoart uiunm..,,.., ..... Grand .v.,. "tar ..I....,, Baker "Oh Vadta" Boad the Borktn" ....VWKMTI1M ... VaueaTIlM ...Venda.lIU - , u, r "' Herbert' Ths . Galilean . was auiig 'lut night at the ' iriret Congregational , , church by a .'chorus choir under the s leadership- of W. H. Boyer. 'A quartet consisting of 1 lira, Roae Blocb-Bauer, ; ,4re. W.-As -T. Bushong. W. H. Boyer and W. A. Montgomery, led ,the singing, ' ; and If ia Leonora Fisher i played the , overbore and the organ accompaniment!. Rev. 8. M. Kreeland of 'Seattle, who rill., tbe pulpit in the abas nee of the ' pastor. Rev. E. ll House, D. IX. preached . Ja the morning, and while the cantala i . was sung In the evening raad the narra tives, pr. and Mrs. Houae go tosouth t' ,. em California for a vacation of several - wee.,-. ; . , Thar should be no more Interesting : news in the paper today' to- tha house- wife than this item. It serves to call tha attention "lot The, Journal's women . readers to the fact that tha "Union . , Laundry ts doing family -washing for . cents par pound.. Think of it articles ".; washed, and delivered ready-, for k '', ironing for- cents jper pound.. Flat : pieces ironea . wttnoui , extra 'cnaxge. 1 . . This should Indeed, prove welcome news to tha tired' woman who das the house and tha Children to look after and who : both must keep her extremely busy. . Call 1 up Main 111 and have a -driver -call. ,1 ; Uplon Laundry, t Second- and' Columbia - streets. ' ' Members Of tha Swiss colonyof this ; city have organised a Swiss Aid society. It will ba a social and . charitable 1 or ganlsatlon. Its roost Important object , .'. the-aaalstanoa af needy countrymen. It :, baa . been decided to participate in GeV man day at the exposition and Charles Blrcher, Peter Roth and Charles Urfer .'-were appointed to Join a general com , mittee of arrangements of tha different German aocietlea -of Portland. Tha ' d v rectors of the society are: Charles Blr cher, president; O. Schersingar, vice- president; A. C Bigger, secretary: . Vullleumler, treasurer; A. Blschofbarger. , . Koto, and Charles vrfeiy trustees. - The entertainment to ba given at Par-, .. sons ball on next Friday evening; Feb- , ruary Ji, for Use Trinity organ fund. ; :( promises to ba a very amusing and sue ' cessful affair. The evening's entertala : meat will consist of a short program, a . notable feature of which will be tha well . known amateur comedians. Messrs. Rob . ert MeCracken and Oeorga Eastman, in the famous farce, "Box and Cox." Miss , : Bruce will also appear, and Dr. Campbell will sing. " The ladles who have tha man- agement are working bard to make the ''- evening a successful one, and hope for " ' a' large attendance. Dancing will follow and complete tb evenlnrs pleasure. An effort Is 'being made xo establish ' state and county headquarters of the '' k W. C. T. Vi- In Portland, which wilt re- . ' quire the united action-, of tha local ' - unions In tha state. Mrs. Lucia F. Ad f dlton, suta: president, and Mrs. Edith Whltealdea. county, president, are lead- - 'tng the movement, and predict suooesa. : It Is desired to have the headquarters opened at aq early date, as tha o; - tlon- expects to have much work to- do during the Lewis add Clark exposition. -, .r, The National W. C. T. U. booth at the '-, fafr will contain tha dlaplsy now onv'ita way to this, city from St. Louts. '" Henry Heppner, after whom .the town - ' 6f Heppner, Morrow county, waa named. waa burled yesterday from Holman's un dertaking parlor. Rev. Stephen Br wise, D. D., ' officiated and the body was In terred in Beth Israel eemetery.1 Pall- oearers were v. a. km, -waiter' Bar tholomew, K. L. Fraeland. Charles Gold stone. W. Harris, a J. Werthelmer, John '., vurrma and i Lacnman..-,- f.- ; ,xf? . The trustees Of : Portland lodge ' No. ."1 14. R P. O-'E.. will receive bids for 1 leases upon the basement, first and see end floor, of their, new building now . under construction on the corner of Sev - enth snd Stark streets, either as a whole . r in part. Address all oommanieatlona to -Board or Trustees,- m.ft washing ton street, rooms and i. r !.. 1 Prescriptions and drug orders Intrust , r eeVfa tha cars of Albert Berni. tha drug . .' gist. Second and Washington streets, can always ba .depended on : as having - re- oelved the utmost care and attention in ' ver datalL Nil dlnnnolnlirhBt tin f, 1 1 .dlsaatlafactlon when you take your drug wants to him. ' Oregon bred animals are preferred by tha men who buy horses for ihe gov ernment. Charlea Clancy" will purchase J.000 la Oregon; this spring, - He has . looked over the state of Washington, and failed to find there any considerable num- , ber or the better' class of horses he re '. -.j quires or government uses. 'fr. . "i. Cspt S. J. Smith of Vancouver bar racks, who will soon leave for tha- Phil , ipplnes. dellwreaT an addreas yesterday . ,. afternoon at th T. M. C a: gymnaalum rt on 'Christian Warfare." A program waa ' rendered byi the Stalwart quartet of Ba lem, and Coulter's orchestra. ' .l f . At the morgue still unidentified Is - tha body of -the young man who -devised "a horrible :, hood In. which to eomtntt .; aulcide by Inhaling gas fumes at Man- hatun court, lilts Stark street, Batur :, day sight. ; . j. ,vt" -i,tv-" ; ' " ' While George" K. Himes." curator of the Oregon Jllatorical ocIety, .waa on a . . recmt visit to southern Oregon In tha I Didn't Know; I could buy such a fine stone fori, "so little money. "That's what we bear every day from people who -''corns to-us on tho recommenda- tlon of their friends to purchase ' diamonds. ' Everybody knows tbs 'price has been advancing stead- ' Ilyi at tbs.sams. time we are still abls ' to ' surprise . sur customers 'With'-the, exceptional values we 1 are giving."--- ,. - .-, f.laybe You Are thinking of buying a diamond for yourself, your girl, your ale rter, wife or daughter. If so, ws want yon to call..'. Ton . needn't buy unless you want to, ., - , ..x JAEGER BROS. - jswsxns.-' QFTiotalrs. SM rtorrisom aW Was Flft. GAV2X7.0S UrBTO - c:::isteh to a patient Dr. ' Carrttt' Dsath Follows Closslyon Nssfected Symp .' "toms of Pneumonia. Vv, In order to. minister to the needi of a, patient, Dr. Thomas- W. Barrett Ig nored - tha symptoms of pneumonia which-'threatened him. and made a trip to 'the east side. Pneumonia, hastily, developed and caused his death at 4 .3 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at ills home, Jl North .Twentieth street. r- ' " j Dr. Barrett waa born In this ettyf9u1y it, 1171, and was widely known and bad innumerable frlenda here. He grad uated from, the high school, after which be attended ' Santa Clara ' college, Cali fornia. Thence he' went to the Phys icians and i Surgeons' college of Colum bia. University. New York, where ba re ceived his medics! degree. -' ,In-1l he began tha practice of med icine In this city and' took 4a prominent position In his profession. He was a member of tha ordes of Elks and un married. ... r .'-' . ' - Funeral services will be held tomor row morning at o'clock at St. Mary's cathedral. Fourteenth and Davla streets. Services at the grave will be private. Interest of the society, . he discovered two women who were his schoolmates In Illinois In 1860 and. 1851, and who came across tha plains Oh 'the same train with him f In 1ISS. - Mr. Kernes had not seen them sines that memora ble journey. The women are Mrs. Mary Looney and Mrs. Wltberite. of Jeffer son. Mr. Himes' ' secured Information for . HO biographical sketches, of . pio neers, a large number of whom are still alive., He also ' discovered some valu able documentary material t ' , (; -iRv net-mission of tha ma von- D. -H. Hendea, one -of tna oldest photographers on the coast, will give a short addreas at the . city ' hall. February t. at t o'clock In the afternoon, on tha "Old Sua Picture, Knowrwiaa the Daguerreo type.''' Those interested In such sub- lectg are Invited to" be present. '' - En trance In to. the hulldlng wUL be open on At Fifth and Morrison streets , this morning - John .-'Conway, a bicyclist. dashed into the team of H- Stelslnsjll ler. A rib) was shattered and be sur fared other painful Injuries' which, how ever, are .not 'thought to be serious. Stelslnmlller " and hla . team ware'uoln- jured. , : . . t;;:V i ClUsens of Center addition and Monta- villa are working to open Villa avenue from Wlberg lane to Montavllla. The avenue la now occupied by the Monta vllla branch or the Portland Consolidated railway, : and leads through a . rapidly growing residence district. ;. , k - Vhe'. Ladles Guild of the Chapel of the 'Transfiguration, will give' a tea, at tha house? of Mrs. Charlea F. Foster, 111 ' Burnslda street, on - Wednesday, February St. from I to f p. m. They will be pleased to see all their friends. 'Elegant 'new steamer Nome City aalla direct San Francla:o cabin, $13;- steer age.. ,um Aniuei,., cabin, . 11.0; steerage, '115. Meala and berths : in cluded.. ..Thursday, February IJ. C H. Thompson, agent, 1)1 Third stseet.- . :. VIavl Hygienic Home' 'Treatment for the permanent cure of all 'female trou bles. Lady-physician in charge, cdn aultation 'and examination free. Office hours, a. ro. to p. m.J 21 Lewis bldg. "Vira. the Prince of Magic." Is to be tha TLfth number on the T. M. C A. BUr Course . Monday,- February 27. ; Admis sion, 10 cents., . t , t,'.. Dedication' of tha .new Baby home has .been postponed to March 1, owing to delay in completing the Interior arrangd- ments, ....a , : . v--,. .; v .:J . Restlessness bf mind and body Is dua to a general nerve weakness. . C C C. Tonio will cure It. For sale by-jtnlgbt Steamer Aurella. for Ban' Pedrd di rect,' sella Tueaday, February 11,' 10 a. m.: T4.jMt.l-; vy. . ; C. C. C' Tonlo restores health to ex hausted body and"tmtnd. - For sale by Knight Drug Co.- ' -; - . 8. H. Oruber. lawyer? C17 Commercial bit; wU) give prompt, efffclent service. ' Ask your -grocer (or Ool den Cheddar. W;, BtAZatXiT rBBSOsTAK. Jem re- F. SlhOttD. TnltM Statea-'map. shWT for th . southeastern district of Alaska, with headquarters at Juneau, la registered at the Portland; with his wife snd daughter.' ' . - ; t W. L Webs and his mother, i of Han Francisco, both' prominent society peo ple of the Bay City, are guests at tho Portland. ' - - - . - ., John ruOswelL-a merchant of Med- ford, reacfied the city, thin morning and la etaytng at the Portland. ' Mrs. C: B. Hopkins, ' of Spokane, ar- pompanled by her two daughters,- Is at the Portland. ". f- ' H. Clay Levy snd Yamtly. of Cascade Lock. Is at the Portland.- Mr. Levy Is a merchant or the neighboring city. h C C Strohr, prominent In the traffic department of the Harrimaa lines. Is at tbe Portland. Senator V. C Carter, of Albany, who raced A. L. Mills closely for tho speaker ship pf the hpuae, ta at the Imperial witn nis wire. . . - . . c ? j W. O. Owens, of Spokane, Is registered at the Perktna. - ...... I A card from At h. Devera to the Lewis' and Clark corporation states that he and Ma family are enjoying the slants at Genoa, with Mente -Carlo and Nice next : Dr., Thomas W. Barrett,' la line oa their tour. . : .. a , EJSMSlTIOrj ! piOOTHtJ ' ROOMS. For. Rcnt--' ' - opposite the entrance to Fair Grrounds. aw . B, IL LC"3AaD H L NOLE -".. ..'.,-..;?.,. ' ', ' ;.v ' ! 312 COMMERCIAL BLOCK : : LAND TRANSFERRED WHILE YOU WAIT 7' Provisions of Torrens,Jt Law , Adopted by the Legislature Explained by Author. ftViRTFM RIlftriFSTIVE OP'' PLAIN BUSINESS METHODS ' '4 It Has Proved of Much Benefit i , Wherever It Has Been - , . . in Operation : It is expected that many tracts ef land : will be . registered under the amended- Torrens land transfer law adopted at the session of the legislature Just closed. A law that was on the stat ute books for It years was amended by pasalng a bill drafted by B- G Wright of Portland to correct glaring errors that had lessened tha value of the original act. The. Oregon law -now conforms to the Illinois statute, under which millions of dollara worth of property has been registered.. . -. "I believe that when people understand last what the Torrens law la." said Mr. Wright last night, "it will , be, adopted generally. By its provisions, one may institute proceedings In the circuit court to clear the title of a tract of land, ob tain a certiacale which is registered as proof of ownership, and thereafter sell the land as quickly fas he could sell a barrel of flour. I can think of no better way to Illustrate the difference -between the old method of obtaining an expensive abstract and tha Torrens phut of secur ing a certificate, than to compare them thus: . V ; - :l .." ."A man goea to a merchant for his MIL-.The .bookkeeper consults all the books, from the beginning of the tranaao- ttbns that have been, carried on .between the store and the customer, ana makVe out a statement In which appears every separate Item. Presume the transactions nave gone on ror et years, . , '.. - "Awkward aad TTasetiafaetory. -The customer would regard such a method of doing business as clumsy and unsatisfactory. . ., i "But the abstract company gets up a set of books that correspond to the led. ger la the office of tbe man who (conducts hlk business properly, and from which a balance of an account may be taken in Ave minutes. The awkward method, da the bid manner of transferring land, the abstractor's method corresponds to the keeping of balances In a ledger. . If tbe abstractor's method Is good for a prl vats concern, why not for the etateT r "I have letters from officers In Illinois and Manitoba.. where the Torrens law is operative, ' who testify to tho . growing popularity or the system. t ':'' '. Mow to egiste nils. . "The method of registering title to a lot Is very simple. ; The owner first pre pares iia application which describes the property, gives his name and- address; what liens or Incumbrances stand against It, the names of' any persona claiming any interest in it. and any other In for matlon he has. about tho land. This Is verified under oath the same as a com plain t and any number of contiguous pwn rvv anu, iu iua vsaie coeiuy ownea by the"' same person In the, same right, or having the same chain of title and Belonging to ino same person may do in cluded in one application., thua reducing the expense. The application la filed in court and then - referred to a competent person, to examine the title- and report and a summons Is 'Issued directed to ail persons msntloned In the application atid to all whom it may cSncern. which sum mons s served personally on those la tha state and advertised aa to all others. "If any contest la made, the court hears and' disposes of the case In the same manner aa an - ordinary anlt to quiet title; otherwise a default entry Is made, and the title la ordered to be reg istered by a regular decree, made on the examiners report. - Certificate Issmsa. fThereefUr, the land la duly regis tered and a certlncate or title I sued to the ewnerj showing bis title and any Incumbrance; and when-k he .sells or mortgagea this certificate must be pre sented and a new one Issued showtnn tha changes In the title. ,' . "Nothing afffrcui the land except what la shown on the register and It Is neces sary to look But In this ens place, for If a Judgment Is obtained. It must be regis tered against. tha particular piece of land. All mortgages ana aeeas see msae jum ss they' are now, and. when-received. are registered and then filed away, so that' there Is always an opportunity to Inspect signatures. The register merely shows a memorandum of the Instrument and It la not copied anywhere, thus re ducinar the number of records.- A du plicate certificate of title of the one on Is Issued to the owner and be must give hla receipt for It, thus pre serving his genuine signature on file. An Indemnity fund a created by the payment of one-tenth 'of one per cent of the vslue of the land to the registrar. and this money Is Invested In bonds by tbe county treasurer under direction of the court. ' If any person suffers by the misfeasance or .omlealon or mistake of the registrar or examiner, he has re course for damages .aaalnet Oils fund. There are many provisions td carry out the details of the la but this la a brief statement of 'its method, perbapa sufficient for those who' have not under stood it" ,',.! Diphtheria relieved th twenty minutes. Ahnoet mlraculnsa. Ir. Thotnaa' ciec- C3 AH jES direct - FfiC:i LOS AKCELES ', , : .. :. SteanW Roanoke in Fnirt-Carry-ing Tfade Betwseh Portland gjid Soirtharn California. NINE HUNDRED TONS , ' -. ON HER NEXT VOYAGE From This City Distribution Will , Be Made to Points1 North '(.and 'West.?v . : JTuit will ba the principal freight carried from Los Angeles to Portland by ; tbe steamer Koanoke; she arrived yesterday from San Pedro ' and way ports. On the next trip she will bring too- tons, equivalent V II -carloads, of orangea from- southern California. From here the fruit will be shipped to the sound. Spokane, Helena. Butte and many other points In the Rocky mounts tn country. It la the first time that oranges have been brought by steamer direct from southern California. - The owners of the Roanoke say that they are more than satisfied with tha patronage given and promised their line. which has ' been in operation teas man two-months. On thla last trip tbe steamer carried 4S0 tons, of general merchandise and 1 -paaaengera. Ar rangements have been made for carrying wheat to Los Angeles, which Is also a departure. Tomorrow morning at o'clock the steamer, will sail with 00 tons of wheat, which will be" discharged at Ban" Pedro, only SO, miles distant from tha southern California metropolis. The grain Is for milling there aad will not be exported. . Harry Toung has been appointed local agent for the -line.. Tha Roanoke la scheduled to sail from Portland for tha south every 14 days. She will call at Coos Bay, Eureka and San Pranclsoo. The steamer will sail from Colombia dock No, l.- '- . . -fry .". NOME CITY ARRIVES Converted Zato a teaaa Big- rxstght oayaotttr. ' . Converted from a : steamer into a steam schooner, the Nome City arrived last night from San Pranclsoo. When here before aha had space for tho ac commodation of (00 paaaengera; now she will carry but It. Tbe alterations, to give ber freight room, were -made at Ballard, Was h'., snd a couple of "weeks ago aha went from there to San Pran ciaoo with a small shipment of lumber and other freight. It is the Intention of tbe California ss Oregon .Coast Steam ship company, the owners, to keep her employed In tbe lumber trade. She la now loading at tha Inman-Poulsen , mill, and it la thought -aba will take' out feet Her first trip win be mads to 8an FeaTo. '. She will carry passengers,' and will Stop at San Fran cisco if any wish to disembark, at that port, . '.' ..-;' ;i; LOWER CHARTERS. 7 slaay Xrlseagaged Tramp Steamers Win - "t. ; Foxoa setgk TSstss Dowa. -ljHlgh-drar rates make It Impossible for exporters to charted steamers td load' for Vladivostok, and as a result It Is believed thkt a big fleet of tramp steamers will soon be offering to carry cargo to Japan and China, It la said that the competition among them, will force freight rates much lower than those on the regular liners. The Brit lah steamahlp Ellerle, which" was char tered on Saturday, was secured at a rate of 4.7t a ton.' ti cents leas than the tariff charged by the companies op erating regular freighters. It is claimed that the Stanley-Dollar, char tered at the same time,) was secured at 4.a- a -ton. - - -',' . . I 'MACHINERY FOR JAPAN. wrewth'of Staaaf actoriea There Wm TCh ' erease Wmeit Coast Coxamarea. ' Becaiaa- of ; delay In placing a big shipment . of machinery aboard, the steamship Nlcomedla will not aail for the orient before . tomorrow morning. Loading this part of her cargo haa been unusually alow. In the shipment are 2,00 pieces ranging In weight from Z00 pounds to seven tons.- Officials of the Una say it will be the btiast consign 'ment of machinery efer taken out of thla port It will be used for fitting but roller mills and other Industrial plants In course' of construction , In the various porta In the far east When , these plants are In operation shippers say -there will not he so much flour sent from the Pacific "coast, to Jhe orient as there has oeea in me pasta in' stead of the finished product they expect to see a growing demand for. wheat and other cereals. It is explained that the consumers will effecj a big saving by WIS. - . - i Those who have been, keeping In touch with affairs in Japan say there has been -TOINiaHT! M arquam Grand. . 1 hcatre TONIQHT, FEB. 20 : At Sil stJlock CONCERT Bltssttsm Oee-aV. Baker. ' The followlnr artists will partici pate: ... . - . '.;,.,- - - fr Mary AdaU Case. K.Ooatratte Bnasmary ttlosa Waitaey. , .Bopraae Miliars O. lUewasaala ....... aarttoas Semes SUearde Baia ........... gpeaiaa Ooaeert Tlollaist Bdgar S. Cejes.,....Aseexapaaust Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mrs. Walter. Reed. Mrs, Whitney I Boise, Mrs. 'James Laldlaw, Mies Henrietta Failing, Mrs C K. B. Wood, Mrt. i, WaHf r - J. Burns, Mrs. Rlqhard Koehler. Mrs. Preston C Smfth. - aTOTaT iai PBICBS. ' Kritlre lower ttnnf" ......... , 0 Balcony, firfttH rows . . . ...'.i-.-1.01 Hslconyj second ,t i rows .... .V. .73 Bslnony. Isat rows .....!.... .ft Oallery . ilSc and ,Xi , ; rtixf and Txgf all-Sold. . Cirrlagijs csn be ordered for 19:29 '"yfapecful csr will leave Oregon nty st I p. m. anT return after-iha concert ' 4 -- lJ . ' f : r : Adell Case OCDC DC 0 W1: 0 n a Th Us 69-7 -73tliinl:; Street, Dot. pek and Pine VJ 0 Until fortherUtotikei SeVen dollars and a half win take choice of several hundred-sH-wool or union worsted $12, $15 and $18 tailor-made suits. -This sale offers ranprece dented iirrains. - Values such as will not be seen in this city sgam for years. It's the Chicago wind up sale of heavy and medium weight mid-summer styles of suits, that were bought by us at 60 per cent of value. r Seven :v. i- -i ' These Suits U O r ' . " . l , . M : .-( 'f We can fit you as there are all Sizes from 34 to 44 bust in men's special shapes, but not all sixes in every lot.; QC3( n a remarkable change in the Industrial aitnaiinn thare since the war with. Rus sia was declared. Manufacturing plants of all descriptiop are being erected-in every city of consequence. As sooa as these are Started, it is sain uai many raw products grown In. this country will be- In big demand, and commerce from the Paclfio , coast ports will - be built up to- vast proportions. Floor and lumber comprise about the only commodities now exported. . ALONG THE WATBRFRONT. Starting this morning the steamer Mascot of the Kamm line Will run regu larlv between Portland and points on the Lewis river. Until- there Is a higher stage of water, however, she wllVcnly a-o to the forks of the latter stream. ThejnMarine- Engineers association's smoker Saturday night was largely at tended. Tha pastime of the evening consisted of music, card playing: and bil llarda. Refreshments were sewed. V Steamer Leona-arrived at 10 o'cMck from the Iewl-f river with a big cargo" of freisht and a full passenger list " ' R. Barnes, deputy collector of "cus toms, signed, a crew this morning for the barkentine J. U Hviston, lumber laden for tbe orient, which will sail. to morrow. .-'' v '' : - With a. full cargo of wheat flour and miscellaneous freight the steamer Ore gon will sail tonight for, the Bay City. ; MARINE NOTES 4 Astoria,; Feb. 10. Arrived at" and left up at ;10 a. m.. steamer south Bay, from Saa- lfTanclajco, , , Amvea down ik in., nnuncr xw dondo. . ' - ' f Left as it I i. m.' schooners Irene and Virginls. San Pranclsco. Fro. inpiaiied last Bight steamer Cascade.' for. Portland. Astoria. Feb. II. Arrived SI i:w ana left up at 0:40 a. m.. steamer Nome City, from ,Ssn Tfranciece. . J Arrived at and Irt u- at i:wt-s. f teaaser Roanoke, from Ban Francisco ana coast pons. . v Balled at ijs. m..'staamer Homer, for Coos bay am Eureka., - Arrived at 10 a. m.. schooner Irene. from fvn Frsnelsco. Arrived st 10:01 a. ra.. bchooaer Vir ginia, frrtm San Francisco".. Saa Francisco. Feb. it. Arrived at I a. m.. steamer Prerrtlas. from Portland. Sailed. Feb. It. schooner Andy Ma- hony. for Portland. ' Astoria, Feb, 0. Condition of the bar at I a. sv, rough; wind. south) weather, cloudy.- ..'.', WAjrrs to sroxui MTTrjro. K. F.. Collier, .representing McKay S Co., an Importing firm of Kobe. Japan, la here to Inquire into the facilities for Storing msttlng sanl froan Japan to this jtnrt and subeequenlly shipped to in terior points is tbe United States. ..';. .. ' ' :. I . (' A " s ALL, DAY Store b tha lMliila of the Dollars aiid bon't half tell their true worth. Consist of 12, Double and single breasted sack and cutaway de signs, in pure all-wool, domestics'' and Imported Scotch tweeds, cheviots, cassunere, choice union . fancy and all-wool clay, worsted. The materials are ' all of standard and high class manufacture, in -cvtt' 50 separate anil distinct colors and styles of pattern, black, gray, stripes, plaids, overahots, ? check and neat mixtures. Crouse A Brandagee, Cahn, Wam- ; pold ft Co. and Kohn Bobs, are the wholesale tailors that produced these suits. They were made to re;' - tail at $12, $18 and a lion's share at $18. ; They-are unquestionably the grandest bargains we have ever ' offered. ' But The Chicago can always be depend ed upon to give the greatest values on the coast. to Tm PArrmY roa ... ' A regular picnic for pants buyers 'from, in form-fitting and peg top ; $4.50 valuefe t: ' HIS even 1 fag'iWent r'ffo Ad Paget ' re full of natr usual Interest. Have yon reed . theci ? . -U ) Through the Portland At Asiatic Steam ship company he will make arrange1' ments for sectfrlng all the" warehouse space that his firm require.' The mat ting .brought by the freighters of the line is discharged st the Montgomery doA. which haa apace for the accommo. datlon. of , about 200,000 rolls of tha- gooda. ' ' ........... U FAST TBXr. Fsnned by a' strong southwest, wind, the schooner Irene reached the mouth of tha rlter yesterday, after a passage of three days from Ban Francisco, It usually takes, the fsst packets about that long to xomplete the trip. The schoner . Virginia arrived-at tbe same time after a run of met days. Both vessels srs on tha ..way to Portia sd. where they will receive lumber cargoes for the return trip. ,.,". x-r. ni Bzaaona - Mrs. M. J. Jaaney. president of Cen tral -W,, C. T. V., baa returned and ex tends a cordial- Invitation to all white ribbon era to attend the regular meeting of the Central anion at her residence, : Clay street. on'Tueedsy st I P-.m. rAr:-a bios. ? i ,'r.".-;':' ; "'. DC Elock . " Half ?15 and regular, also stout and tall " T-r '"" 1 ; -:"-,'' ; over 500 pairs to choose shapes, taOorHmade, t&50 to ;'..r..: 0 jonr satesDstdsQar aassajgsBBssssi TB. . COLUMBIA THEATRE A. H. SAIXABD, Lassae aad urn' Wsak of sxsepmsMl variety asd tstaress Sesrif . , alght. excest Mnaday aad Twwday. with la sptaadld revtvsl ef lard iettoa's MThe Lady of Lyons assay aad Teesday eaty. by sperad sea tbe grass feflxiaa spartscie. : Qiio Vadls? m'. fav. xa. ma, ii ..JH Ua. Uoi riles aS say, KzT Moartseaa sluailisi s . thsatia. Dmtm boa ernes sS Mala 11A. En'PlnL THEATRE Imi ysar Sasts by rheae Mala 1TI.' Crnvdad both tliMS fWvA. -i-TOWIOirr AND AIX. THIsaTSBJdr, apaUAi BtATTOBa wbdnbrdax. . AXSO BBOCUAA MATINBa tATlTSDAt. V rarewvn war. Brvmn-IUBne ttNsxeay . .. m tbe iwewnil aaint.rr play, -r omnrjaur uairs." 'r' r-rina All axtiaeaa, 10e.Uc.2B. Miahov, 15e. Ve. ate. sue. - - ' THE LYRIC THEATRE . :.. ..Stvaath asd AMer tweets. -; BVnr sftoeaeoe aed eeaulag. -THB NEW LYRIC ffTpfX COMPAJTT. --. la tss seseattoaar SKlaaraaM. , , '. .. Beyond the Rockies rV ' BperUttlK bet wees srts. ' ,t Perfamarea at 1:30. T: aaS 0:10 s, ta, i - tsaal rto ef aSBilaslea. 10 erais. ' GQAND Wak ef rasrasiy ts. waahlBstoa'a Mrthear. ' a rnf . mn. . msWTY-TOWs rTHO. v r i . uoirw aJis tosa. . , . . e - YBX lOVtt aaOTMASs. , 4. jog rcms. . '.. rrtajf ot. .',:.-'-- CBASUS AMD rnA giatn. , . -ALT BONSEB. , , . , TM SkAllDIBCOrS, - '."i a say Ml, li sat. - nnmru attkactxovoi STAR THEATRE. -RtWvpA.'?.- . ' tain vOLTtsa. . BtATT JlSO lCt SAWXtT "0 AsaV yovi. 4 fuo a rn r ZSIsus a 6 3FS. lo t anr Mt; i-we tMM, I floethMoes allta. ' t HI.. a. s. Third aM y " ' ' Xas- trie uii Al any arug Biers, A" -'..... '' H'