The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1905, Image 3

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t:::; orc3:i daily joutjjal'. rcray.iiD. mokday evemWo, fsbary go, iss&
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" Eastern Oregon Hoars no Other
Highbinders Arm and Announce
Land Swindlers, Habeas Corpus
OAC-E ll CillilATdl
' ; ' for Bench in New Judlc-
'v,. . v lai District.; ; ; i
v , a. Battle for an' Early "
Morning Hour. .
; tradition for Trial. .
Voiced -Caucus Opinionof 6ena
'. ; tor Mitchell Juet Before .
' " Second Indictment. " ;V
: ' '. Washington dispatches Indicate, thai
' ! tha bin creatine two' federal judicial dU
, ! trlcta In Oregon la likely to be enacted.
' ' 'The. first proposition, that the "present
'dlatrlct be merely divided, giving, the
present officers two terme In dttferent
1 parts of the state, la not 'favored ,by
those seeking to create - the district.
, Mitchell's measure put through- the sen
.:. rate provides- for two,- distinct dlstrlcla.
J and 'this ia what la being championed in
the house by tha proxlea of tha Oregon
. f representatives. ,. -w'
i Who will be the Judge, If the measure
',.' f becomes a Itwf -."Sesator John I Rand
'' ' j of BCkeK county." Ja a common answer
i .'ln eastern' Oregon. Thla candidacy re
I calls an Interesting episode of the lata
' legislative session. After tha flretjln--,'
diet men thad been - returned against
, I Senator Mitchell, there was a strong sen
.' tlment in certain circles of the leglala
. ' ' (tore to vote confidence. Senator Hand.
. 'as the friend of Senator Mitchell, was
. Haotlve In thla work. A caucus was held,
.' i and Senator Rand waa ehoaen to express
.his views, which were adopted" br both
houses. "-. s ;,.' -r - '
' It haa been rumored for some time
thai Senator Mitchell would nrge State
Senator Rand a selection for the' new
Judgeship, ' If It were created, and . the
fact that the latter la one of the keenest
lawyera of eastern Oregon, with ox
ceptionally strong political following,
' seemed to Insure him the place.' II he
; 'engineered the vote of confidence, be
U 1 -; showed that he appreciated tha work of
this friend, and waa not among tha lint
. of those who were deserttnsr in the tiro
. vc novo. r' . ,-
A - 11-passenger gasoline antpraoblle.
' .built by A.. si. Gill Co., of this city,
for the Deschutes Irrigation dc Power
company, haa been given a trial trip
- , about the city and baa proved a auooeaa.
'. ' rThe machine gave a beautiful per-
' formanee, -and we regard it aa entirely
' ' successfuL" aald R. F. Guerin. secre
tary end treasurer of tha Irrigation com'
. . panyi "It haa returned to he shop td
be upholstered, .and will De completed la
. about a week." -
The. Deschutes company haa been
... doing extensive Immigration -work, and
; four or five excursion parties of home
seekers from 'the middle west are now
:. government land that the company haa
. placed under water in the Deschutes
river valley, near Bend. -
: It Is said that there is no longer any
- probability that tha Columbia Southern
' iaUwayarlU be extended, even to Cross
'TCeys; -the northern terminus of the Des-""TV-chubrav.
company's aiuoenobije road. It
- . is reported that other parties have made
' surveys for a railroad to run on a water
grade from Celllo up tha Deschutes river
" to Willow creek, cross tne jjeacnutea
' there and tap tha autom6bUe road, which
from that point would be converted into
'- a steam railroad to Bend, sucn a rau
road would. It la said, command tha en-
'-. tire freight aituation in central uregon,
t owing to Ita easy grade and almost dl
. - rapt route to a nolnt on tha Columbia
; rive?; AWhera by tha completion of the
-portage road it wouia secure ine com-
petitlv rate to Portland resulting from
X water. transportation. ' "' .(-.'.''
Council- Holds Regular Semi-
-., Monthly Meeting to Consider
" !: Matters of Importance.
(Special Dlspetck ts Tbe JoereaL) .
'Vancouver. Wash.. Feb SO. The regu
lar semi-monthly-meeting of the city
council will take Rlaoe In ' the offlce of tile
city clerk this evening. Action wUl
probably be taken on several matters of
more or leaa Importance, and it la ex
pected that definite action will be taken
In regard to regulating tha opening and
' closing of tha saloons of tha city. Tho
- Improvement of several city streets may
also be passed upon. . . -.! - - . . '
,.'.. (Jearaa! Bpeelsl Berries.)- -- - f'
' Kansas City, Feb. 10. Harry Morton,
aged 14. rather than let his father ' who
ia a bricklayer and five sisters on Union
''street in San Francisco, know- that be
waa accused of larceny, wanted to plead
guilty today and go, to tho penitentiary.
. The judge sent him to Jail for a week to
think the natter over, promising to re
lease him if he would get money and a
ticket from bis home. - . ,
not lOIUall
V (SpecUl Disestck tn-TKe Jaarattf ,'
Hood River, Or., Feb. JO. Flva hun
dred dollars net ia the. Income" O. D.
. Woodworta reports front, tl 11-year-old
Tellow Newtowa apple trees. This does
. not Include his second grade -and' cull
. apples. Wood worth's farm la tVo miles
southwest of this city, - He is now clear
. ing ground on which td plant 1.000 t al-
lojt Newtown apple trees this spring.
T ' ' Ts iTSBt tha Orto. "t -'.'"
- Isstlve Bfeeae Qalelne, tke werM WMe CftU
see wis raMy, resnves tbe a
' the rail biom ssd laek foe signs
Call fnr
tare et K. W.
I Orore. , Zor.
'(SpeH.l Dapatch to Tke Jormt
i Oregon City, Or.v-Febi 10. Mrs. Laura
EL Hunt died yesterday at Oakland, Or,
aged 'OS, of asthma com pi tested with
acute grip,' She was born In New Tork
. state. She leaves a husband, JosepH R.
Hunt, and -seven children, Doctors TM
- W. and R. E. Hunt. Charles 8. Hunt at
. Oakland, A. S. Hunt -Mrs. L, J, Bushy,
Mrs. Davit Courtney and Mls .Cora
' Hunt of .-.Willamette Tha body '.waa
shipped hers today and waa Interred
" this sftexnoon In , Mountain , ,Vlew
-.'cemetery. " ' f -v-
Whst's the secret af happy, vigorous
V health? Simply keeping, the howelm. the
KtnmecH. the liver and kidneys strong
sad active. Burdock. Blood Bitters does
'- it. . : . - , -. ; ,.
Lee Meon, Victim of. Imported
v Pistol Men, ,
the City Jail.'-,
From a. ward In St Vincent's hospital,
Lew Moon, tha bold young Celestial who
dared to cast covetous ayes on the slave-
erlrl of Chee Fow, and waa wounded as a
result was removed to a cell in the city
Jail yesterday. He will be held on a
charge of assault with intent to kill..
., Lee waa- closely guarded while at the
hospital.. Access to his ward was given
to none except those who bore a etrange-
Jy marked slip of green paper. . On the
slip.-was printed the official sanction of
Lee Moon a tong for the bearer to visit
the wounded Celestial. It was Signed by
tha president of the. tong. Nurses and
attendants at the, hospital Were given
strict instructions 10 permit no one mi
visit ram who did not bear a permit.
i It was feared that one of tho opposing
tongrhen might take advantage of his
confinement and in tbe guise of a friend
ly visitor commit another assault on tha
wounded Chinaman. Many. called, but
only a few were admitted.
4trlngent measure were adopted by
police uaptain isauey aany tnia morn'
tng to prevent ah outbreak of tha men.
Through. - information ' given' by a
friendly Chinese, who is not -a member
of either' of .the warring tongs. It was
learned that plans bad been, made by
oaa faction to attack members Of tha
other at 0:10 o clock thla morning. -
Pine street " between Third ' and
Fourth, had been selected as tha battle
field, according to the Informant-. At
that place- a number of tongmen sta
tioned .themselves to attack their ene
mies) aa they emerged from a lodging
house.'- y 1- ' ' '
Officers - Courtenay, ' Hirsch. Wilson.
Hoealey, Rohson and Price went to tbe
scene- and dispersed the warriors; and
remained untU I o'clock lb la morning.
Extra . officers ' will be stationed - In
Chinatown until : peaoa . has been re
stored. - . i ;'. ,
Whenever Issue Is Ready for New
High School ft Can Be
vs-; Disposed of. '
Present Accommodations ' Are
Too Small 'and Will ' Be r
" Wholly Inadequate, I
As soon as "plans and- specifications
for the proposed east aide high school J
prepared . by Arcnitect Tnomas
Jones tha board of school directors may
let tha contracts. They may be ready
by tha next meeting of the- board, in
which ease bids may be asked for the
construction of the building. . .
It' is desired by interested taxpayers.
and particularly east side residents,
that the erection of-the high school be
hastened. If the- buUdtng is not finished-
by ' next -September they realise
that all the students who desire to at
tend high school -will not be able to- do
for . lack of aocommodattona. One
man has stated that there will be at
least tip more students next fall than
can .be. eared for at the present high
school building.- . - .. ,
"If the board lets the contract imme
diately," said a prominent eaat aide res
ident, "and the work la hastened
through the summer, at least flva or six
rooms of the new high school can be
made ready for occupancy by the mid
dle Xf next 8epember. - -The members
of the - school board cannot fall to - see
the necessity of haatenlng this matter."
It ia expected that at the next meet
ing . the . question of location of the
high school will be definitely settled. It
Is understood that the members, of the
board, with one "exception, favor the
vacant block adjoining the .Hawthorne
school , at Thirteenth and Washington
streets,' which belongs to the district.
Almost without exception the east aid
residents . are. in favor - of thla site.
They will be present In large numbers
at tha board meeting to urge - their
claims. ji ..... ;";-
Preparations are now being made for
the issue of . bonds. It Is desired that
the state land board take aa many of
them as ' possible. Richard - Williams
and J. V. Beachk members of tha Jtaance
committee , of tha board of school di
rectors. . will confer with Governor
Chamberlain . and ask him to use. his
Influence to get the board to purchase
the entire Issue. Providing only a part
is taken by : the state, the remainder
will be disposed of to tha public. Many
Portland capitalists have signified, their
intention to bid. for tbe bonds, and In
quiries have been received from eastern
capitalist by telegraph.
(gpetla! Dispatch to Tee lemli
Salem. jOr., Feb. 10. Martin Theodore
Rlnemam ' one of Saletn s leading mer-t
chanta, died at his boms in. this oity at
10:10 o'clock, yesterday momma.. The
cause of his Ueath was ' tuberculosis.
from which he had been a sufferer since
August of last year, .He waa bora In
Foatorla. O.. and jit the time of hia
death waa aged 47. years and months.
tin 1180 he waa married to Miss Car.
rte Parkesbraw at Hlrksvllle,' a. after
which, he removed to Wisconsin, and In
January, lilt, came to Salem. In
March or .the same year hi gaged in
the grocery business snd since then bad
built up a. large. 'trade. In jits na
erected a residence which ranks among
tne nnesi in mis city, tit also owned
the brick block In which his business
I located. ,i . '
'Besides a widow, Mr. Rlneman leaves
four children Mrs. L. K. Hooker of
Denver, Chester-W., Frank 8. and -Miss
Qraee - Rlneman. He, also leaves two
sisters and a half brother, who reside
In -Ohio... P - -t-,
The funeral will be hrtd at MO o'clock
tomorrow 'afternoon .and" the body will
be laid to rest In the at View ceme
. ....... l- ' : t
Prosecutor Thinks That He Has
Conviction in Store for the I
- Oregon Delegation. ,
(Jooraal Special Service.) .."...1 .
Washington. Feb. SO. United States
district . Attorney Heney of Oregon to
day appeared before tha United States
supreme court to argua tha ; Benson -
Hyde land fraud case against' tha writ
of habeas corpus applied for by the Call
fornla land swindlers, who are seeking
to avoid extradition to Washington, -
Mr. Heney arrived In Washington yes
terday and spent the) day with Secretary
Hltchcoak. The arguments - In , tha su
preme' court will probably occupy three
days. - when. Mr. .Heney, will return to
San Francisco where he will remain un
til April 1. when he will arrrve in Port
land to resume Investigation of tha land
frauda. ' , . - .''-
In an Interview with Mr. Heney today
ha atatad: . , ' : . - . - .
"Tbe government has a very strong
ease against Senator Mitchell and Rep
resentatives Williamson and. Hermann,
Ws have conclusive evidence sgslnsr all
three. Mr. Williamson is aa deep in the
frauds as any of them and Is badly en
tangled in eastern Oregon, to. which sec
tion his operations have been confined.
"Mr. Hermann was tha shrewdest and
moat cunning of them all and has clever
ly covered his tracks so that It has been
most difficult to .obtain evidence against
him. . Mitchell's ease Is the most con-'
splcnoas of them all and tha evidence
against htm the moat damaging.
. "Mitchell's Secretary, Henry Robert
eon, has been placed In a falsa light ac
cused of betraying his employer. This
is not tha case. Ha had either to' per
jure himself or make confessions which
would bo damaging to Senator Mitchell,
and .ha did. the- only thing possible for
an honeat man told the truth." -
Mr. Heney has been summoned to call
on the president before leaving Wash
- (Special- Dispatch to The loaraaL)
McMlnnvUla, . Or.. Feb. 20 The D.
D.'a, a secret organization, of -tbe col
lege students at this place, held a ban
quet Saturday night. A literary pro
gram was grven at tha college and about
10:30 o'clock -the boys and their guests
started for White's restaurant, where
supper was to be served. Just outside
tbe college they were met by a crowd
of students,' but were not molested until
the north approach, of tbe ' bridge In
front was reached. Here the opposing
party threw up a barricade of bridge
timbers and attempted - to atop - tha
D. D.'a A fight ensued, in which tha
banqueting- party was decidedly Victo
rious, v.' No one " waa badly - hurt, bat
several have black eyes. -J, - t '
Before attacking tbe D. D.'s a' crowd
Of students filed Into the- restaurant ' to
pass themselves off as members, of the
society and secure tne supper, a time
ly telephone message end - a "scout
foiled their plot' ' ' '-
Tha toastmaster for the evening was
Prof. A. CWJavia. .
(Special Dispatch te Tke loeraal) ' s
Pendleton Or., Feb. 10 This after
noon a meeting or tha stockholders of
thai Pendleton Railroad eV Coal com
pany was held In tbe office f Carter
Raley. Articles -of Incorporation were
filed . last Thursday rwlth the ' secre
tary of state. : ' - '
The object for which the corporation
Is formed Is to construct a railroad from
thi place to the coal flelda southeast of
Heppner. The road la to go by waji of
Heppner and a branch will also be ex
tended from Pilot hock to ugian, in tne
southern end of this county.
The Incorporators are C A. Rhea, C
K. Redfleld. C. H. Carter and C. J.
Smith.. Other men supposed to be In
terested In the enterprise are J. H. Ha
ley, oebrge Connor, J. W. Morrow. D. A.
Herrtn. T. C. Taylor and Roy Raley.
The capital stock of the 'company is
13.000,000. The people behind tbe
movement to build the road aire , the
same who control the undeveloped coal
field lying In the southeastern corner
Of -Morrow county. Surveys wilt be
made for the road In tne early spring. :
';-'.' - ... -
' (Jearasl Special Bervtce.)
St ' Petersburg, Feb. SO. While the
Cossacks paraded tha streets, .especially
t Nevsky Prospekt -in the neighbor
hood of Kaaan cathedral, tbe usual dis
tricts for student demonstrations today.
a great meeting of atudents and pro
fessors of tne ut, retersourg univer
sity assembled to discuss the question
of Joining the strike, - .
The - auditorium or ine university
was sacked. Student orators denounced
thO eoursa of the government declaring
that ita promises were no longer of
avail and that tha - government must
grant freedom of speech, of eenaclenee,
of the press and the convocation of a
national assembly. They also demanded
the ending of the war.
The professors . were- unable to . sup
press the rising feelings At sa over
flow meeting tne revolutionary spirit
ran riot the students even giorirymg
m the murder of Berglus.- Tne meeting
took a recess 'at t o'clock, the students
singing the "Marseillaise" and carrying
red flags. '
ftfcUS MIT 'EM SAYS- ? .
No more .wilt the "Little German
Bund" play "Die Wacht Am Rhine" and
other German melodies, as tho city offi
cials have decided that an ordinance haa
been violated by the maslciana from tbe
Fatherland.. - - - . "
Thla morning Deputy City Attorney
Fltsgerald Issued a warrant for Paul
Strain, a Third street clothier, who for
some time past has- hired the "Little
German Band" for advertising purposes.
The musicians rode about in a Isrge
wagon,' there Ides of which were covered
with glaring advertisements. - -
Saturday the band played -fn front of
rival's place ' of baslnesa, snd this
morning he - msna a . complaint "The
ordinance prohibits the. naeiof wagons
of certain else for advertising purpose
It Is alleged that Strain's wagoer la
larger than tha. ordinance perm Its.'
- ; : v, t : . One-of
-v 5
'.'yf. '
V ' - Exquisite; models made by tbe same
Edison's : Rotary
Adapted to printing of circular let-
term. Every copy as plain as orig
inal typewriting. Speed a) copies
- per minute. An Office boy can op
. Orate It. Send for catalogue and
Jtrloa list... . . . .
J JQlhani Stationery" C&
, i Fainting Company i- "
MS Washington St, VorOaad, 0.
Payson's Indelible Ink . "
Prevents the Abovti. ' 1
: VNew Stock Jost .Received I
Use With an Ordinary Pen,
- - iti
J. K. GILL CO. i
Bookselleri and
- ' Stationers v
Great Things at Little Prices
Qua Vdir Tonight.
One Vadla" will be . sera asala at tbe
Cotasdrfa UMatre toaisbt asd tomorrow itlght.
These sre Ue last peiteraiaaeea of thla M
spMtaealar plax. whk-h kaa erowdwl tae Co
lumbia to the doers. The popular esun4 baa
eaased Masasef Ballasd te Seelde (Ire tbe
pradaetlea tor Ueae - twe eMra alcais, - sad
ererrbodr will tmw hare aa epeartaMt to
wltseei the season's, greatest reltgloes spectacle.
Special MgtinetiWedneaday.
Weioeadar aftsraooo. Waablsa-toa's btrtbdar,
there will be a bsertal awtlsee et Lard Lrttoe'
kraatlfnl bM Srama.' "The tadr '-of Lnai,"
Seats, are aew-ilUBt sad tbe deannd Ml-
eates uac a erewoee waamm wm wunew ise
sertarsuwee ef tbl. the sust eharsung awtiaee
play trer wrtttea. . i
Tbe adraee sale ef seats win epea sent
Wedntadar saorntaa at 10 e'cleck tar the clever
rrnas actor. Pan I Gthaore. wbo eoaaea to tbe
Marqeaai Oraed tboatre neat rrldar aae"Batai
da aigbts, with a apeehil pries awtlbee galar
dar. 'Nethlac prores tbe rlshtneaa ef s plar bet
Ibi reception T tbe sablle." r laal Oll
siore. "Tbe soblle banws what It waats better
Una staaasera asUiaoa. Me peMIe wants
The Misa; aad tbe liasimlng Ktrd," wld-b
I gsre Uet seaaav-eed-dltbnaib Jalee Murtr.
mj T bad alrradr -arranced tor 4a
snFCraonr, be waa enlrb te a tbe tread et
tbe senile's atiad, aad ao tfebr- bp ana . I asj
eraln apeeartag iaV tbe role ef ktard "Jacb'
Lealer." ..." ' i 1 " .
. ' ' " ' ih " ' " '
Another Cregt Bill gt Baker! p -
. . . .
' Mauser Keattas aaaaeeeea asolher great bill
at tbe Baker lata week. Tke tnplloera are the
fter (raeefitt Jtnh. wbo .are rnsafed at tb
Tarseet : aalarr errr paid b ear raeiterllle
bnnaa la Pnrtlaed: I He great rtnllalnt. Patre
selie D'ArUia, wltboat as aejual as the staeter
T a. . 'mm
t .
Portland's .Greatest Bool Store
Lost or Stolen?
, f I-
the strong
rtrongc, amaction,
- ' of Misses' Dresses for Spring, fopnd in our-1 Juvenile
our Swagger Youths' Clothing. No
to produce these garments at twice
. -
The New England
; We are out of tha hrrh rent district and for that reason are enabled
to quote exceptionally low prices.
Child's Booker, neat and strongly
s Baxra sreroaer Worklnr Bairta,
'a Xeekwear, in all tha leading
ew'bijf 11 OA e e e e e e e e e a s s . e a a ee e e a. eeeteett 25 '
Xates Xai TTadsi'sssj, manufacturers' aaaptaeV ; a a big reduction of
BO per cent - ! . . .'. i
y CUlaresVa loslsr reduced SO Per
A sir Uxe ef Mam's Trqnssrs 1.00 and np. . i .', ."rr . V .
ay wry "a v-nins, , cua, i in ana uiasswaro ana .
3- nave It marked at prloes that are .their own argument - , -
J The Nevv England
.1 ... mvmim
Ladies Forming
New Instruments Arrive for Inspection.
Fine 'new Pianos at a sniarante3p aa.T
ing of from tit to 1160; weekly pay
menU of tl.2S. tl.C0, 11 and !.5 if
desired; pianos delivered immediately
upon, joining; no delays; no extras; no
red tape; that'a what the new EILKR8
Co-ope ratlye Clubs mean to tha buyers
oi pienoa. The announcement of the
formation bf the KILKRS Piano Clubs
two weeks' ago created little less 'than
a sensation, .. Shrewd business men and
wnmeu have investigated the plan and
hare been ao enthusisstic over it that
not . only are they Joining themselves,
but they are insisting upon friends and
neighbors doing ths same, - '
rom early morning., until closing
lima tne enure rorce oi tne Cillers piano
House has been kept busy explaining
the plan, showing tha Instruments and
taking orders. s '
with every Instrument brand new
and accompanied by an unconditional
guarantee. tha enormous stoek gives an
unparalleled ' chance for selection at
these anheard-q little payments and at
prices never equaled- In the retail way.
and only to be obtained by a few of tbe
largeat Jobbing concerns in ths United
States. . . . - ' ;
now It Is Done.
The underlying principle of this Piano
Club la simply the application of whole
sale meinoaa to tne retail aepanmeot.
You know that we can sell a dealer a
hundred pla noa . each for lesa money
than we can- sell a stnarle Instrument.
By -Joining one of our six clubs you are
placed In exactly the same position and
enjoy the same advantages possessed by
tne largest retail aeaiers. inn is au
there la to it. i . .
Jhe Very finest Pianos
N' Included r
Do not imagine because the payments
sre so very small.' ana-becswee the
prices are so astonishingly- low, that tha
nanoa sre not or tne very mgnesi or.
er. Kvery Instrument Included in this
club scheme Is brand-new and every in
strument is fully ano unconditionally
warranted, both an to quality and also
as to price. '"Money, back" if not satis
fied appllesr to every instrument high
priced or. low-priced, that ever leaves
our house. . . . . -
Genuine brand-new Weber and Check
ering Pianos are Included In these clubs;
new scale Kimballa. Chicago's brorld
renowned srt planor beautiful Les
ter. Phlladelnhla'a beet make: fichu
manna. Weser Bros., 8 lory dt Clark, Ho-
bart at. uaoie; ine eupero naseiton
Bros.' as reliable and half as old as the
United states, ana almost aa rar-rameo
-all of these and many others whose
names are also household words..-sre
offered In this magnificent Club aala.
ef lb vkille: rtesoy , aad Ward, acrobatic
trams aad daloty eosbrette: r'rremao aad
Clark, wbo talk aad eins pleaalnd; Holaea
and llnlBMe- Is as eatlrrlf sew act: Baraard
Wlfllaaw. i Ibe funny ,maa: J. W. Wood will
alas a sew soas, acrosinanied by- beantlral
enlnrrd plrtarea; tbe btasrapb will abew aeveral
aallra of tbe vary'lateat smut pieraraa, . i-
elude tke Baker la - foar Hat Mhis, week sad
ee a good.ebow. -v.,
j - x New Bill ,tt th Sur.
AH tkJ acts ea' Jhe ew bin wbleb apwd
at tbe Star tbealro tkla aftemooa are tne
Unera. Tbe bill, la haded by Miller, tbe great
rnee klaf . Tkd three Volteae hew aaiaalog
atreaanb la tbetr araMMtle wark. while tbe
eoaaedlaea). Meaty aedi rVtee, keep lAe andlear
laae-hlns with ibrir ewaiat aatira.- trwtej sad
Vaea appnr hi a farce, eatltled "Tbe Jew
and tbe Orasa." gllraaa. tbe great shadow,
grspber, baa bees Msacd. wklle Arthar Jack
ana, -tbe llloatrated anaa aiaser. aad tbe ere-
Jrrtoaeopa ,ad tbe bill. -.
. -5 --
LyTic'g Opening EilL
Tbe pssatar I.rrle atark eameaay win een-
- avoae iae- aweaiea, a tst
thi, Great Clojhing Hons,
exclusive men tailors wbo
dressmaker in Portland could
what we ask in fact,, we
Department Store
One THirig
Look at the following for example: '
made .;i..."...w.. .lStt
In all colors , ... ...SO
shapes, tackav 4-ia-hands. bows. eto
cent ', . - . - '
Department Store
A.y... . . '
Co-Operative Cfubs Have
The Prices and Payments
CLufe-au" consists of 157 pianos that
on resuiany in ins oia retail way tor
from 1.00 to 1300. The club payments
on thee will be tS down and 1.2 per
week. . And - these pianos bur com
Party agrees to supply at from tl7 to
CLUB "B" Pianos (i33 in ell) rang
ing in prices from 17 to 376. will oe
sold for from I18 to tilt, with depos-
iu) oi ai.av ana i.u per weea.
CLUB "C" Embraune IQ1 of the
erage highest-grade pianos - that are
found in tbe greatest number of homea
and sell in the segumr way for from
$350 to t4S4. To club members they
will go at prices running from IJ4T to
till, according to the exact grade and
make,- and will bo seat out on deposits
of 1 11.60 down aad payments of tl
CLUB TT contains lit of tha most
costly American upright pianos made.
Pianos cased in - elaborately finished,
beautifully hand -carved mahoavuiiea.
Kngliab oaks and walnuts. They are
piano- inu onii xnv irora size to 4n,
and which club membera will secure on
the co-operative plan for from 131) up.
Payments will be from ?X to tii down
ana per weea.
-The costliest grands and
UDrlrhta In snecial stvlea.
ail or them
regularly priced at over $550, are In
Club, K. There will be 141 members in
Club K, and thrjr will effect an average
aavlng f $147 on each piano. .Pay
ments are t2S to tit cash and $1 to $S
weekly. ?
CLUB "V" In this club . will be
found numerous odd pianos, manufac
turers' samples, . discontinued '04 cata
logue stylea of Chlckerings. Weber.
Kimballa. - fUelnwaye, Krakauers,
Crowns: also Instruments of numerous
different makes that have been received
by us in part payment for newr Chlck
erings and Webera and Kimballa! and for
Pianola . Pianos. - Not a slnaie- one of
Club F pianos, however, shows sny elan
of u an ire. There will be only 10$ mem
bers,, and Payments are $1Q down and
117- aMOlSIV. . V.
..Join at Once
Ton cannot afford to mlan this rjffer
Jou cannot afford to delay It, even for a
ay.- The sooner you call the surer you
are "Of finding Instruments to please you
In every, particular. Kvery body wants
a piano: every home should have one.
The question Is always, "When shall we
Set Itr Our answer Is. "THBT1MK 18
OW," end that will be TOUR answer
when you. see these pianos snd the
prices at which we haver marked them
for this great co-operative sale. Re
member the name and the mimber
Kllers Piano House. 351 Washington
streetrorner Park. Portland, On Large
tores also Ban Francisco, Stockton and
Oakland. CaL; Spokane and Seattle,
Wash.; Boise ana tewiston, idano.
-. -.r- .- ; r-J
eal waatera eeojedy' drama, la foar arts. Is
blrh smrh aew aceaery-wlll be eaed;i tbe
at Ire enaapaay-wnt appear la tb eaat. "He
road tbe Roeklee" baa a .very airoeg. plot.
Tbe aeese ia laid la a ainlag cmn la weatera
Ooloreita. nobby Jltaoa la tne western mdire
wbo eoea things. Mha Wllsoa will aosear la
tbe leading role aa Trias, s greed wratrra rlrl
wiu wratrra bablts sad daab. Mr. Ray will
alec Illustrated aeeca: a daahlag aoabretta
will Bake aaerry aad tbe vltaacose will anew
aew awrlng plrtarea bet weea acta sub lag
the show a .eaaUaaooa oaa.
-- --- - - Erapir Matinee. ;
A sterlet sietlnee will be gteea ee ,W Mere
da r Waablaatoa'r birthday 'at taw Caiplrr
mi atie by tbe Braadt-Raaaaa eoeanaay et the
big srwtaetlea of "Nortbrra I.I ah la." Orrf
so people are sard le this eteelkpt sUUury
ttp Ajro momjurj.
Otperlal rHapatrti te The -Joajrwat) .
Harrison, Idaho. Feb. fJ. T. J.TViates
waa held up near his home here Satur
day alsht by' two masked men and
robbed of 432. No clew-'
' . ; v , '
fa the ; -
Section. v
'"-'! ' '' - .
. t :' -
txr:rt - :
vv iu uavc aiu Ayatut j ;
for you if your, coal - :
. bin . fa .fiUed with . V
Wintry Blasts
Why - pay money, for tha kind ' that -causes
trouble and vexation.-wbew .yoax
are oertaln sura of satisfaction by plao
ing your order heret
am. satis, oiato
We sell sta.-ks of WsTl Paper, aa wall
SS barrels of OU)HR WEATHKri
PROOK PATNT. the kind With ( guar
antee in every package. the paint l
so superior ene has to try It te kouw lis
worth. ... . .
Oistrismteca, nr
"".I T". '
' .j- r: - r
A. A. f'fi'C'1 ' . .
f'Afi 4 -
1, m 1....4A.W...I