The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Chief cf Police Hunt Has Lot of
, Amateurs, Searching for
' ' ' iiClever Criminals.
No Arrests Have Been Made, But
, ." Police Have Description of
I the Articfes Stolen.-
, During the last few days Chief of
" ... Police Hunt added a number of men
V . to hia detective department. Patrol
men nave been assigned to plain clothea
duty. By .thla method. It waa figured,
.- the reign of crime In the city would
T speedily be end Ml. A cog slipped some-
V: where, aa three more berglarles Were re;
. Dorted at ooltae headauarter laat nlsht.
' - Donnerberger Radema.cher.7 plum-
, : bere, enraged 1n business 'st Kourtn
1 street, reported that all the lead. pipe
to be used in plumbing operation? at
Dover and Vaughn-streeta waa. atolen
s-. yeeterday evening. The pip waa worljk
about !!.- ' :
The night watchman at the Standard
box factory informed he police - thaH
. two men In a aklff atole a log from the
company' boom Saturday night. It ia
- believed thla-explains- the Ion of
- Jarre Bumbff of Jog In the laat few
' - weeks. The men rowed down river.
For ths third time tn a month the
- store of J. A. Milton, it ill Ollaan
street, was broken Into laat night Tools
. were stolen, along with other article,
the Brat "time.'LaJrnrgnt tne tnieve
secured three saws, a square and a few
v other inatruments used by carpenter.
Word waa received from E. B. Woods,
city marshal at The Dalles, by the po
lice yesterday, that a man arrested
there on a-charge of burglary bad mado
'Ms escape. His description waa given
v and the police were-eekecTtS try to lo
cate him, ' aa 1 the authorities at TIM
; .'Dalles are reasonably certain the fugi
tive la in Ihls city. Mia name Is. not
known, even to Chief ef Folic Woods.
'Considerable dlasatlsfactlon exists In
the department over the manner In
' which, the chief has selected the "plain
clothea men." Instead of ., assigning
men to detective duty who have been
. on beat for some time, know the city
thoroughly and are' famtllar with the
habits and devices of criminals, he has
bestowed his- -favor- en recent acc ra
tions to the fore. j
' Of course, no arrest a wer made in
, connection with the crime mentioned
la the foregoing. v. ... ' 1-'. . j
Will' Formally Demand That Pa
. .IJrole Breakers Be Sent .
Back. v
Wah(hgt6n. U. C, reb:2. tt'i f
practically certain that If Russia dees
not volunteer to send back to thla eoan-
try the three- omcer of - the Russian
cruiser' Lena, " who broke the t parole
: ' they bad been given by the United
State government, by leaving San
. ' Frslclsco and going back to Bt Peters
burg, the United States government
. will make a formal and strongly worded
request that the- men be returned.
: i Not only Is the United States gov-
eminent responsible to Japan to a cer
' tain extent for beeping the crew of tha
Lena within- the United States, but the
departure, of the thr officers eonstM
tutes such a breacn or international
- honor that Russia, In addition to being
-" asked to retarn the parole-breaker,
will probably receive a hint that sb
hould otherwise make amende.
- The Statement that St ' Petersburg
' did not know that the men ' had been
given a parol ts dismissed as absurd.
' The government officials said emphat.
' ically that the officers and men of the
Lena had been given a parole In accord
' ance with th order Issued by President
'Roosevelt, and fled when permitted to
visit San Franctoccv' 1
r.' t .
t 7.;.
Sflhool eansus mtrshala '-.will begin
counting public school pupllk In th
. county February IS. As soon aa their
work Is finished, m report of th p-
' proximate aumber of school pupils In
each district win be sent to R. F. Rob-
: inaon. county superintendent, as a .basis
of calculation. -.. ' . -.
- The final report will be held tn each
'district until after tha annual school
meeting, at which time It will bi sub-
milled to tha board of school directors
and all correctlona mads, After the
meeting 4 he original report will be filed
and a duplicate Beat te the county su
perintendent. Tha basis of appropria
tion cannot a .cnangea untu arter tha
' annual school meetinga - :. -"I ' ,1 I
, i -
Rev. H. Wys Jones of Buffalo, N.
- iexan special meetings at Calvary Pap
, 'tlst church: -at the corner of Eaat
Eighth and Grant streets, yesterday.
Large congregations greeted him at
" both services. At. the morning service
Z1 he spok bn "True Evangelism"; In the
evening tha address was or) the subject,
"God's Plan for a Revival," Mr. Jones
will hold ' two services esch day this
' wvek. one at ?:30 p. in., th other at
.. 7:3 p. m. ' r ' -
? 15 OO 1
natm s .
, . - BAJuras -
150 0r
Pi an os
, sTsnsTf
rxswxn . i...
.'. euu . y
: XAKOVAjr : '
XUUW10 ' "
Youthful Patrolmen Rig Up as
; College Boys Jo Seize
r ; Law-Breakers.
aarasl Hptettl gtrvlre.)
Nw York. Feb. 10. An unusual ex
pedient waa resorted to by" th police at
an early, hour this morning in an en
deavor to apprehend law breakers. . A
crowd of youthful policemen new on the
fore, rigged up as "college boy" and
started out. '..All wore" sweater, broad
brimmed,, slouch hat with gay band,
and each carried a new broom. They
had been aupplled with alleged fra
ternity pins, borrowed . from a Sixth
avenue . pawnbroker. .
Thegang made for Seventh avenue.
As they rounded tha-aorner they sang
'Boo la Boola
and marched arm in arm
down the middle -of th street, , "Old
Nasaau," "Pair HarvardJK "Far 'Above
Cayuga Water," 'For God.forCoua'try
and for Tale" all rent th early morning
air.-. .-- . (: . '- ' ,
Aa th bunch turned Into Twenty-
ninth street and headed eaat. they struck
up "Here to Good, Old Tale, Drink Her
Down.'.' - ' 4
An unsuspecting person .opened the
door of her. house and cried, "Oh, look at
the college boyev
Th gang turned, right and shouted,
"Zip, Blng, Rah as they went through
th door. Th. house waa raided from
top to bottom and nin person takes
to tha police station. i .
. fTh Mary ' Adell Case concert will
take place at th Marquam Grand thea
tre thl evening. Bealdea alia Case, th
1111 . - i :
- rCary AdeQ Case.
young contralto, the parttolpanta will
include Rosamary aioss Whitney, so
prano, who will mako her first public
appearance have; Millard O. Lowna
dale, baritone, , whose voice has not
been 'heard tn public, for tt long time;
Benor Rloardo, Hpanlah violinist, and
Edgar E. Coursen and Mrs. Harry K.
Brown,' accompaniata -'r, -
-'Th pnagvain will be notable, for va
riety, ranging . from ' Verdl'a greateat
arias to the dalntieat of Nevln a eyclea.
Mr, Lownadal will sing on of bla own
onga. . r- .',
(Journal Bnvt.l bnlnl -
Chicago. Feb. JO, Giving th A di
rect to Thoma Lawaon. Jama H. Eck
els, president of th Commercial Na
tional bank, today denied Lawaon's
charge in th March Issue of Everybody a
Magasine. that he (Eckels), while con
troller, of th currency -under Cleveland,
threw a $100,000,000 bond Issue to th
Morgan MoCall syndic te. . ",, . v
' (npeeiat Plapateh W The Joorasl.)
. Bunnyslde, Wash.. Feb. SO. On ac
count of protracted 111 health Mrs. A. L,
Randall bung herself In a barn her yes
terday. She wss found dead by her son
and daughter, who had returned from a
trip to town for a physician. The family
had lived her only a' short time. ..Her
husband 1 in 'Seattle. . -'
. " ' i
'' (Jearaal gpeeial Service.) . ' '
Butler. Mo., Feb. 20. Th trial of
Charles Kratx, th flt Louis Alderman,
accused of accepting a $80,000 bribe.
was begun before Judge Denton th.t
mnralng. The Jury will probably b-ae-
lected thla afternoon.
(Joamal Spwrfsl SerTlee.) .
Osalnlng, N. T Fb: 2. Frank 'Ro
mero, who killed Jack Pinto, a fellow
Itallaxt, ,ln Brooklyn, and Adolph Keo
nix. a young German, - who strangled
Mra Emma Kauffman la their apart
menta In New Tork, were electrocuted
In Sing Sing thla morning.
At Manufa Prices
-Have you investigated this great proposition? - If tiot you certainly want to. It, costs',
"nothing to -investigate, in fact, it is the proper thing to do. .'We ire sure if you. will look
into thisjnattei yem will find our prof it-sharingjproposition will save you rriore than -you
cquld ever hope for ahdouCeasjr paymenf plan applies to "alL Outside of city customers
are requested to write us for particulars.' A one-cent postal may bring you Information"'
worth $150. ;; Try it and see. . No cheap, unknown land untried pianos in the lot all of an
established reputation and fully guaranteed.'' - r' '. - -'" ? '"r""r,"?';. ''."-
f r' '''4 -y - 1 . ,-t ?. , t. ;
Rev. C M. Smyths Say'rThwy
Are Not Close to the :
. ; . People. ?
"Trained Choirs Sing Anthems
for Cash and Nobody Can
Understand jcWord.'!
tRevr-C. M. Smyth. whraUr a
pastor. of th' Mississippi Avenue Con-
gregaiknial church to, go to workon a
railroad! la' severs la bis criticism of
tha churches, especially th larger ones.
He says they are not accomplishing th
Work for which they war Intended and
are getting farther and farther ' away
from tha altruistic Idea. . S
"How -many of th members, of these
big churches on th west aid with their
high salaried pastors and, choirs wer
present when SO 1 friendless girls wer
turned out of th Paris ho us and taken
to Jallf asked he..
"Was there ona present from th W.
C I. V. or from any of' these church
organisations to say a kindly word or
give "assistance to these poor unfor
tunates? No. there waa not one. t
. "The chnrche are not practical, and
do not reach the bumble. It takes llio,
000 a year to run . tba churches on tb
west side. There are om big chuechea.
and many of them have trained choirs
which sing anthems for, cash, and-no
man can understand a single word they
The small churches an the east aid
are being absorbed by these big
churches. Th members car ao much
for show that they fall In their duty
toward the fallen. Why do not these
big churches vote a portion of th 110.
000 they use every yesr to help unfor
tunate girls, such as wer arrested la
the Paris house th other night? How
much real good might be don If money
was used In this wsy."
He bald he had recently heard a noted
evangelist preach, and that from all
points of view what he said waa pur
rubbish; but It waa what pleased tn
people. He ventured to say that a
church should be a sacred place, and
not a house in which to grva cheap vau
deville performances to raise money,
$1,270 PAID PANAMA""
Members Cot Paid for .Directors'
Meetings and Dividends
Also. v '
(ievmmi Special Ssrvln.)
Waahlngton. Feb. 20. A total of $l,2Tt
haa been paid by th Panama railroad aa
fee to member of the canal commission
for their attendance at meetings of the
executive committee of th board of
directors, according to ' th statement
submitted to th house commute on
commerce by Vice-president . Crake thla
morning. .
-Admiral Walker, chairman of ' th
commission, and Commtasloner Grunsk y,
attended 24 meetings of th board of di
rectors, receiving $2 foryeach meeting.
Commissioner Persona attended seven
meetings snd received $12$.
. Drake aubmltted a atatament ahawlna
one dtvfdend declared by the company
since tn election to tn board of mem
ber of the commission. . It. waa tor t
per cent and checks ware mailed to mem-
toers bf the commission . aa follows:
Walker $150, Interest on 4 sharea. s. To
Burr, Davla, Hecker, Harrod, Parsons
and - Drunsky, , check for $$ . on ,on
bar each. :. -
j ' . '. .. -
The Portland Women's union, by Fred
V. Holman. attorney,' today filed a de
murrer to the contest of the will of the
lets Amends W, Reed. The demurrer Is
on the ground thst the petition for a con
test does not state facts" sufficient to
-constitute a cause of action or antitllng
ine petitioners to tne raiier prayed for
in th petition.
Th Portland Women' union, whlcA
tnalntalna'a boaMIng-hous for girl ai
Fifteenth, and Flanders streets, waa
given $1,000 In th will of Mrs, Reed,
snd the heirs have filed notice of .con
teat, alleging that Mrs. Reed was a resi
dent of Pasadena; Cal.. and that the will
was not filed In accordance with Cali
fornia's statutes nor drawn In compli
ance with the Taw of that state. . ? -,-
Demurrers of like nature were filed
by the Boys' and Girl Aid society snd
the Old Ladies' home, beneflclarlea under
the will. Martin Winch, executor of th
will, also filed hi anawer to tha contest
denying the material allegation by th
contesting belra
- ' Joaraal Special Service.') -
Washington, ' Feb.! 20. The supreme
court has decided la favor of Alfred O.
Vanderbllt in his suit to recover $426,
000 paid the government under protest In
satisfaction of a war-tas assessment on
the estate of the late Cornellua Vander
bllt. - -!--.. . ... ,
f ' ,
"But surely. Henpeck knows some
thing about bringing up a family. -
"Not much.- .His wife msde him put In
most of his time bringing up the coal." .
i . .. . . -
Mrs. Michell, Who Saw Lewis
- and Clark and Their Expe-
. .'dition. Passes Away ;
Saw First White Men Fishing in;
Diwatr : mnA , AtantimrA vi
Seaside Camp. , :
" (Ssactal tnapeteh to The Jearaal.
Seaside, Or, Feb. 20 Mrs. Michell.
the laat of the Clatsop tribe of Indians.
famous for having known Lewis and
Clark on their expedition a century ago,
died at her horae' n
r here. -Saturday
the advanced age
of general debility s
of 107 years. . - ,
Mr. Michell remembered being taken
when a little girl bv per mother 1o the
rivers now. known aa Lewis and Clark
on a fishing trip. There she saw the
strange white men. In their camp. Later
on aba saw these same white men on
the beach at Seaside, where they were
making salt by taking their canoe at
low tide and fastening them to the
rocks. - When the tide came In the boats
were filled with salt water, which -was
afterwards, boiled to obtain' the salt .
Mrs. Mlcneil waa twice married. Her
first husband waa a Clatsop Indian. To
them-were-born two vhlldren. both of
which died young. At the time of thla
marriage she lived at what ia now Fort
Stevens.' Soon after this. she moved te
within a few miles of Seaside, and some
year later to the place One mile north
of the town, which has since been her
nome. 1 - - i
. In 1S6S she wa married to a Trench
man named Michell with whom aha
lived until HI death, three year ago.
Hia grave is within a stone's throw
of -the house wheacln he died, and hi
wife was today laid to rest by bin aide.
Cigarette-Smoking Boy Made to
Exercise in the Municipal
r '? "Court. ; . '. -;.
Police Judge Hogue has atabllshed a
court of pbyalcal culture In the munici
pal building. The. first student Is Fred
Wolf, who was given an Initial leeaon
this morning and will be further coached
tomorrow. The system employed isv or
Iginal with Judge Hogue. It la said by.
moss raininar wun aucn mailers to be
a cross between the Delsart and one
made famous by Lewis, "the trangler."
Weltr5() ia aged 1 years, waa ar
rested at Frits' saloon by Patrolman
Orlff Roberta and charged with smoking
cigarettes. The lad alouched into the
police court, with his chin resting on his
chest snd his arms hanging listlessly at
his eld. He told the court that he tor
tended going to work at noon, and was
"passing the time away" 'Until that hour
arrived. '
' "Stand up straight!" . ordered Judge
Morue. "Straight I aay! Throw back
your shoulders! ; Throw them back
aon i Try io piac your eoiiar-oone out
of Joint. That's right; now look tne in
tb era" '
After delivering a lecture on the vice
of cigarette-smoking snd loafing sbout
saloons, the court told the boy to keep
nis enouiders naca ana nia need erect.
"Tou eaa't do that and smoke ciaar-
ettea, he said. ' "I never knew sa bey
that could ao botn at tne name. time.
Cut cigarettes out; If you must smoke,
use a pipe or cigars-
Tomorrow Wolf will appear In court
with his rather. Hia parent will be ad
vised to keep closer supervision Over the
actions of the boyt, . - ..v ..
"And I'm going. to walch to see how
you walk into thatourtroom tomorrow:
waa tea parting shot of Judg .Hogu. (
150 0;
a-' '
.V '
KBornuni A
xm rom - -
I0WT. '' .
rr. . ' .
rr. at esroa
15 OO
I Mrs. MichclL- ' v j
CHitlAH lAfiDS
Serrate Would Confirm Rights of
Pasture on Umatilla
Appropriation . of Million and '
; Half Dollars to Buy CoU
' .,: .villa Lands.' Y
' (WasalBgtaa Bar ef The Jearaal.) '
.Waahlngton, D. C Feb. 20. Th sen
ate Indian affairs committee today re
ported the house Indian ' appropriation
bill with amendments added,'' among
them a provision directing that patent
be Issued to peraona on the' Umatilla
reservation 'Who submit proofs that the
lands purchased , by them ar suitable
for graalng only. ". - ;
Another provision directs the pay
ment -ot $100 each to Individual mem
ber of .th Clatsop. Tillamook. Lower
Chinook and Kathlamet Indiana. .
A provision to carry into effect -an
agreement between the Indiana ten the
uiituw l iHmuvn . nu mm uhiiw
Statea for th cession of 1,100,004 acrea
of Und. and $1,400,000 Is set aside to
pay for the land so ceded.. ''
A provision appropiiatlig $8JT,00 to
carry out the agreement tor the pur
chase of the Klamath agency lands.
Continued from Pag One.)
prosecution never before equaled tn the
biatory of Russia. These men must be
found tt Russian autocracy la -to n
maintained, and there 1 strong sus
picion that the. areb-eonaplratora ar
men of the highest position. If not of
th highest nobility of the empire.
Alarming report . com from th
country districts. Peasants In the south
of Russia are In open revolt and bands
ef them are burning and pillaging. From
many provinces; comes news of a gen
eral uprising among tha (hitherto loyal
peasantry. .-! r ' .
Ooasistory Bxoommamioaae SMest
Berries Agent Wamt
(Jeers!11 Special Barries.)
Rome, Feb. SO. The -force of Rus
sian secret agenta.ln Italy haa been aug
mented for th purpose-of searching
for Father Oapon. Who Is expected , to
reach Rome today .with a number, of
Russian students. I . -
A St Petersburg dispatch statea that
the conaiatory today officially announced
that Father Oapon, whoa whereebeuta
la. t "preaenf unknown to the Russian
nmrii in. mi bmii unrrocaea. , L v
,"v rxoxTzaci conTunrss.
. (learaal Special Service.) . "
Tokio. Feb. Ss.Oyama faporta that
the Russians yesterday moved a division
from In front of th Japanese center to
in, front of the Wt "and advanced .from
Ta mountain. Several cblumna moved
It mllea westward to Han ChU Tat Tau.
Russlana continued to shell portions of
the Japan line Saturday without ef'
feet. - .
BsooaT rmr. -
(Joornal Speelal Berrtea.) ' ' ..-i
Copenhagen. Feb. -20. Four , Russian
battleships, three - cruisers . and five
transports, presumably tha third: Baltic
squadron, which left Llbau lsat week.
are anchored near Langeaatnia morn
in.' .
.The squadron m now steaming north
ward through the Great Beit escorted
bv Danish torpedo-boats. Whila pass
ing through the Baltic sea, German Iron
clads escorted the fleet
-fi tfeeroal' Special 'Serviea.) '' '
r ToaioT Feb. JO. It la reported here
that St Japanese captured at Hel Kou
Tal were together paraded through the
streets of Mukden, It Is said the Jap
anese government Is making an official
Inquiry into the matter with a view of
making a protest.
rmdosarnT surras.
fjcmrmt Specltf -Saul.
Petersburg, Feb. SO. Emperor
Nicholas has received from Ambassador
McCormlck a messsge ' of condolence
from President Roosevelt which contains
a strong expression of abhorrence of
Friday' ortme.
T.T.Ta"Si. OAarTTTStaD.
.1 .. . I ' I "l"-
', (Jeernal SpeHal Serrlea.) .
-.-Tokio,. Feb. JO. The Japanese have
captured the British collier Powderham,
bound from Barry to Vladivostok.
. (Sparial Dispatch The Joormsl.) - -
La Orand. Or., Feb. SO. A Sunday
school Institute Is being conducted In La
Grande by Mrs. James Edmunds of Port
land. The convention la being attended
toy members of alt churches la this
vicinity, and Sunday school workers are
much interested. .;..,.-,,....-,-...
1 The Brewer foM905. ,
Aeeordlng to Frank D. Smith, hat nu
ager at Bn Selling', th 105 hat atylea
will not .ahow ao many extreme a napes
or perhapa better known aa freak ah apes,
but will make the beat showing of styles
ever exhibited to the public "Hat mak
ers." said Mr. Smith, "via with one an
other thl-season In hatbulldrng.- as It
war. ' Th Brewer --has' th better of
competition In many Important particu
lars. Wa are ahowina not onlv tha areet-
est number of 'shapes In stiff and soft
hata, but hav all tb color, such' as
tans, light browns, with contrast trim
mings and trimmings te match."
A beautiful half tace color advertise
ment ia yeeterday's Journal announced
the Brewer'a spring opening; - . - -i, -
Behind the St feet of plate-glass ef th
Morrison street window la shown the
moot complete display of Brewer hats
ever made In this city. A distinct fea
ture is made of th Brewer hat, although
th firm carrle other standard makca.
The Brewer Is carried, exclusively by Ben
Selling, and Is widely advertised aa the
beat IS hat In the world. The Arm la to
bo congratulated, that at each recurring
season something original Is shown, not
only In ths design of. the opening an
nouncement, but in. th window display
aa wlL - '" - r
.Vt ... , , J. .
- -' Preferred Bteca Ceased - - -AJln
Lewis Bast BraAdV ,
Voodard, Clcriie g Co:
mcr-ey taken at
face value. . '.,
Free delivery, -to
any part of
the city.. ' v
Prescriptions ;.
called for and -delivered
A Carload
Cut, Prices
by buying jrour
years supply at
the fdlowtog -v ,
prices: y:-
., .1
' WOSJLM. . Dosen,
OKATED ........ 37)
BAZAAR ........ 43a
PURITAN ....... 48)
OUR FAIR....... G&4
40 .vr. TS
WOODLARK ..... 87
MT. HOOD....... 8M
ORIENT ....i... .S1.2S
SATIN il.33
CA8TLETON ....fl.ST 913.87
A. P. W.. 304 per roll, 4 rolia and
banger for 91.00.
uonl sojlbi
- - wAhNy Beady t V.'
A Razor and 24 Blades for $3
TJa your blade until- dull, then
wtta (0 etnti for each dosen. and
; . ' . ... '-I 1 ri 1
Distributing agents for the ele
"" torted l' '""',-. r"
i Radam's fit cfofie"
: -t; ?- Kilter f:
; Bend for Book,' on Microbes.
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
:: ' Fourth and Washington Sts:'-:.
.-.!" ' , - - .. '
Anniversary of Catholic Prelate
V Is Quietly Observed inj
i ' Philadelphia. ;
' l ' (looraal fjaselal Ssrviea.)
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. SO. Archbtohop
Ryan entered bla seventy-fifth year today,-
In accordance with the exprcased
wish 'of the archbishop there was no
public demonstration; but all day long
congratulation In person or by mast
senger delugbd th beloved head of the
Pennsylvania diocese,
Few persons outside - of those In
clerical circles, are awar of Archbishop
Ryan's age, as he la hale and hearty and
has not a gray hair tn bis head. He w
born In ltSl near. Thurles Tipparary
county, Ireland, and attended , a private
school at Dublin until 14 year old. H
then entered Carlow college, where ha
received hi ecclesiastical training and
waa ordained aub-deaoon. In 1SSS he
left Ireland for America and became
connected with the 'archdiocese 'of St.
Lou la. At the age of 11 he waa ap
pointed pro frees or of English literature-
at the Carondolet Mo. seminary ana
ordained deacon - with the privilege of
preaching In tha St. Louis cathedral.
On September 8, IMS, he waa or
dained prleat and made aaalatant pastor
of the cathedral, which position ha
fUled until 1164, when he became Ita
rector.: In. 1440 be waa transferred to
the - Annunciation - church, Bt. . Louis,
where he remained for IS years, acting
alao during the Civil war as chaplain
of a military . hospital and prison. He
was consecrated coadjutor bishop of St.
Louis In 1I7S, and while visiting Rome
In ISM waa riven the honorary title ef
Archbishop ef Salemlne, by Pope Lee
XIIL On June 1 1184, Archbishop Ryan
waa removed from St,,Jouls to Phils.
delphla as successor ef the lU,Arch-i
blshon Wood - "
The archbishop enjoy alMldlhlth
and spirits, and continues to give his
personal attention to all tha details of
his high office. He Is an 'early riser.
The first duty of th day la th cele
bration of mas., which usually takes
place la the HtUe chapel adjoining the
cathedral. The first few hours are set
aside for he reception of priests and
pastors. -Two hours following this are
accorded to . general visitors.: Dinner
aa a rule la served at 1 o'clock. ! If tha
weather hi Tine In ' the afternoon th
prelat generally takes a ' long walk,
A spell of lllneaa haa presented -thli
recreation thi winter, but' with the re
turn of spring ths archbishop hopes to
resume hi habit of many years' tand-
Ing, ' . ' -
Althoegh a' great orator. Archbishop
Ryan haa put very few of bla thoughts
- v . u '
' PAOSCAdTBSL Dosn. Caaa,
PILOT ....... i.,. 33 ; 9 . 9.89
HOME) ........... 5 37a) 9 9.07
OLTMPIC ...... 63f I 4.10
DELTA . .--i.. 79 ;? 9 5.93
SXONDDXX MM 97) 9 6.53
ASEPTIC ...-..91.a3 9 8.49
PSaUWINBXB ...91J7 .3 8,98
... 854 . 9 9.00
POND'S X2CT... 91.95 913.00
P, P. P.... 35)"
A. P. W, SOo p kg.. 92.00
1 W have the only loom and ex-
pert weaver In the north west, and
are now making all of our Klaatla
Hosiery, Beits, etc. We guarantee
perfect fit. No more1 long wait
for good. Leave your order today
and get tha goods tomorrow. v
So not forget our
' mcntv:
We - have the
moat complete
stock In the city.
Bole- agents for
Luytie's ; Cele-
brtd Homt-
opathlo Reme
dies. '
return them to us
get aew bladeav.
. Northwest Agent for , ii -
Bosweil Springs
yfiMneral Water f
Nature's remedy for Rheumatism.
Constipation, Catarrh, etc. .'a
North Pacific S. S. Co.
Steamship Roanoke
S,90 TOSS.
Sails f of Cobe Bay," I Sureka,' Baa
Francisco and Los Angeles.' Tuesday,
February SI, 4 a. m.,' from Columbia,
DocV Na 1. ' ' . ... t ;:.
Ticket ohice. 250 Alder St
In book form. . There la one, however, a -reproduction
. of , a lecture on "What
Catholics Do Not Believe." - This .wss
delivered in , St. Louis many yeara ag
and haa had a large sals In this country
and Europe. i .- ,.- -.- , . v.
. (Speelal Dlspatck te Tse Jearaal.)
Spokane, Wash., Feb. SO. The pollca
department here received word from
Rltavill this morning that th saloon .
of Angel Bros, at that place was entered
about 4 o'clock thla morning and the
safe blown 6 pen. - Th robbers got away .
with between 4S00 and 4300 cash and
securities In the form of not to th
value of about 400. -
lorn : was cicBnoa vui ox ail
valuablea, including a gold watch and
other Jewelry. There 1 no clue to th '
Identity ef the robber, nor la It known
at present how many were Involved In
the; robbery. .- r " i ': ; N - , ;Yf
' 14 v ''., 11 1 " '-:''
'J' (Jearaal Speelal Service.) "' '
' Baltimore, Md., Feb. . JO. A canary
that talk I attracting attention of thi3
ornithologists of this city. - Miss May
Somers is the owner of the remarkable
bird and had little trouble 10 teaching It
to enunciate as distinctly 'aa an -edu- ' '
eated parrot. The canary's voeabularly
is limited, but it snow a disposition to .
learn ; to aay other things besides!
"Pretty bird." "Such beauty" "Pretty
beaaty," its present repertoire) These.
he pipes snd chirps with a soquettlstt
turn-vf his pretty head. j.
- v ; .
(Jearaal Bpsrlal Serrlea.)
Wheeling, Va.. Feb. St. A boiler ex
ploded in th Providence mine, near St.
ClaJreiVIUe. T thl morning and. two ar
dead and alx badly-Injured. The dead
are Frank Miller and Ell Mlnty.