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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1905)
r mm mim FGLICY CUM Secretary Wilton PromlMS Every ;.. ";-Convenience ' Consistent , With Preservation. . PINCHOT TO RECOMMEND T NEEDED MODIFICATIONS Until He Has Time for This Old r : Rules Will Be in Force ;r and Effect. V i i Mining men - have bees 'anxious to Ik now what rules and regulations, would Igovern use of Unbar oa forest reserves . lundar -tha forest eervloa bureau of th ; lagrlaultural. department, to which rv Iserve affair have tmi transfsrrsd. Tha tanoounoed policy of giving tha public tthe greateeVposalbls uaa conalatant With ;. Ipi-eservavtloo elf "th -timber reaoareea, la regarded aa quit encouraging, and whan .' (rules ara promulgated, it la expected ' that mining man will hava aa free naa of : Itlmbar for developing ; and operating r properties aa at the present Una. By ; Ithr praaent ?fres uaa" provision. It has ' Men the sua torn of the Interior depart onsnt to grant most mining concerns of -rims seotlon ' unrastrloted DrlvHese. . 'hlaf Qifford Plnchot has been asked by - f8eertarxAfAgrlculture Wilson to sug- i igest and recommend any changes In the : irules deemed necessary' to more eonveni- 'ant use,, sad all users of timber on re - 'serves expect that the red-taps channel ; through- which applications would hava . ' Ito go now if complying strictly with me law,- w w oe eiiminatea. At the tlms the Blue Mountain reserve .withdrawal was made, mining men took , I the rules and regulations and showed th ispectaLi agenta sent by the Interior do- . jpartmeht that the routine would be fatal . 10 mining in non instances wnere lira - .ber ' needs were urgent. A modification 'was promised than, and are expected ss sooa aa Mr. Flnchot reaches the work. ' Until a revision is. made, it is tha pur- .' pose tnat the present rules shall remain in force. The general outline of Score , tary Wilson's policy Is given in a circu lar Issued at tho tlms the Teoerves were ' transferred to his department, as fol- . lows:.. . . ,5 - "la themanilBlstalon of the foret ' reserves It - must be clearly borne in - mind that all land Is Jo be devoted to Us most productive' uss for the- perma nent good of the whole people and not : ,' -lor the temporary benefit of Individuate or companies. ' All the resources of f or ; ; est reserves are for use, and this us ;muat be brought about in a thoroughly prompt and businesslike manner, .undt-r , such restrictions only aa will Insure the . permanence or these resources. Tha vi , .tat Importancs of forest reserves to the 'great industries of the western states 7 will be largely Increased In the near fu- ' ture by the continued steady advance . ln settlement and development. . The permanence of the resources of the re v serves Is therefore indlspcnaable to eon- tinned prosperity, and the policy of this department for their protection and use will invariably, be guided' by this- fact, always bearing in mind that the- con ' servatlve use of these resources In no "".'.way .- conflicts with , their permanent . rvalue, you wiu see to It that the water, .. wood, and forage of the reserves are conserved and, wisely Used for the bene- "VBfc of the horaebullder first of ail: upon " whora depends the best permanent" use of lands and resources silks, ' ' i t - . "The continued prosperity of the sgrl- cultural, lumbering, mining and -livestock - interests la directly dependent upon a permanent and accessible supply of .water, wood and forage, as well ss upon the present and future use of these re . sources under businesslike' regulations i enforced with promptness, effectiveness ana common sense, in the management . of each reserve, local 'questions - will be decided upon looal grounds; the dominant uiauairy wm pe conaiaerea 1 nrst, out ' with as little restriction- to minor ' In dustries as . may be. possible; sudden changes In Industrial conditions will be , avoided by gradual adjustment ' after .due notice? and where conflicting .Inter- ;-eats must be reconciled,- the question wiu always oe aeciaea iron uie stand- point of the greatest good of the great Vest number in the long run. "These general principles will govern : in the protection and use of the water supply. In the disposal of timber and . wood, In. the use of range, and In all ' other matters connected with the man ' agement of tiler Deserves. -, They caa be suocessfnlly. applied only when the ad ministration of each reserve is left very ,;!largely In the hands of the local officers, , I under the eye of thoroughly trained and -I competent inspectors.'' , CANADIAN PACIFIC COM TO FOSTER A SMELTER ' (Special Dispatcb to The Joans.) ' ; . Victoria. B. c. (Pah.. XC-mnialtinn ,f the Esquimau A Nsnatmo railway' J the Canadian Pacific railroad will, it Is reported, oej . attended by , activity In railway- construction on Vancouver island. The new -owners have in con templation extension bf the system to the west coast Further, the Canadian -. Pacific railroad Intends to fully develop (in- mineral resources or ins coast, -i 4 . The Canadian Pacific railroad, profit .. Ing by its-experience In the Kootenays, - la anxious to provide smelting facilities . tot the weat coast.'' Trie company will ) In conseqaenc interewi capital in the - erection, of a smelter for- the proper itlos situated In that sistrlcf .: -'. The Veward will be in ' the freight - trade developed.; In ' they Kootenays the - ' company has made gvod profits In car .'rylng low T grade ores to the smelters. '; : The same is expected to result -on the - '. west coast of Vancouver Island, where many low-grade properties . are .being developed.. These mines, whlls sarry lng too-low values for profitable shlp ' ment to Tacoma or other smelters far ' removed from the base of operations, -i are believed to offer good returns If smelter were located near. - JTABER fraction suit - ife SENSATION OFLWEEK ' (SpeHat IHspatrb la The lonul)' ' " Sempter, Or.. Feb. SO. There has . I been -much speculation over the Taber Fraction suit begun by the Gelser-Hen-idry Investment company against the Columbia Gold Mining company, for ' ores alleged to have been stoped from,' . . the Ooo level of the Fraction and for " : which tha management of the Columbia ' 1 has never rendered , an aseountlng. .1 Manager Hendryx and Manager Ball- lie have been close 'personal friends for -. - i L Fecsilas XMssippeaiaaua, W7i Runyan, of Buttayllla, 6.,' Hid , inn peckllar disappearance t his paln .' frfl nymbt0,n" nt indljreatlon arid bllloua i neae toTr. Klnsai New Life Pills. He . !sT:,' TThey are a swfert remedjl. Tor i dlxslnasft, sour stomach, headache con H atlriatlon. etc." . Guaranteed at Red C-rw-a 1 "r. eixti -i Or strea, v ca Ve to ths postoue. a rive aa Tin: years, and Vhef arrangement permitting tne miners to snter the fraction from the 70S level of the Columbia wss strong evidence 'of this relation. That this relation should be ruptured now to the extent of tiling a suit has caused surprise everywhere.. ' i No offlclat statement' can be had as to the amount in vol vea. In the papers Iliad. the'Fraction owners sstlmate th ore milled at, and ask for 150. 00 damages. ., None of the ore milled has bean brought to the surf ace, ''aave at tne collar oi tne Columbia shaf t; which Is ons of ths most exclusive prop erties of ths west, and little or nothing baa ever been known aa to ths amount of rock taken out In this manner. An accounting of this product, baaed upon mill figures and evidence of miners an gaged in the work, la whit the Fraction owners demand. - , . . ' , The Taber fraction has Men ens of tho Interesting propertlea of the camp. Its length, t:i feet on the Big Cracker lode, was never explored until ths lat ter part of ltd. At that tlms the 'Oelser Hendryx Investment company took a bond on It, and continued the shallow; ahart. At about la feet depth a streak of manmlously rich ors earns in on tho hanging . wall of ths big lode. This widened to 14 to 1 inches at 7 feet. ' and' remarkable ahipments . were made from 16 workings. The man' agement sunk but to to feet, when, ar rangements were made, to enter ths fraction from the Columbia workings. This work has brought on ths lltiga tioa. . The Eureka claim of the H. At K. group, adjoining ' the Fraction on the north. 'has revealed rrcn shipping ore right up to the end-line of ths FraoH tlon. and Manager Wyatt has handled a largo tonnage from this section of his ground. 'He has opened the shoot down to the level of the collar of his ahart, which is about 600 feet below the crop ptngs of the Fraction. ' Manager. Balllle of the Columbia say he la ready to render an accounting, from which it appears that ths point of difference Is the amount of money realised from Fraction ores. - ALASKA'S ROAD LAWS - NOT ALL AGREEABLE ' (Special Dispatch te The JoaraaL) Juneau, Alaska, Feb. 10. All mining interests of Alaska are not a unity In regard to the road bill enacted by con gress. Which provides ' thst - license money collected putslde of Incorporated towns shall be set sside as a aeparale fund to be expended In the proportions of TO per cent for . wagon roads and trails. 2& ver cent fo schools and S per cent for the care of insans persons, of ths territory. rThe commission, which shall . consist of three officers of ths army, ons aa engineer officer, and all to be appointed by the president, causes local Interests to regard it yet aa a rule by the military, with no local rep resentation. 'Another feature noted, by those who have studied the law Is that the money, to bs raiaad by license will very largely be expended in districts remote from where It la raised. The enect or mis can be felt by comparison with sondlV tlons tn the United States. If ths .peo ple of. Oregon were asked to contribute the money necessary to build roads In Montana or Wyoming, "the case would be analogous. Naturally ths people of the populous centers. which - pay-the licenses, feel that they should be per mitted to uss 'the money for roads of their own ' districts, while the money needed for general road work in remote sections should bo raised by a univer sal tax. Yet mining lntereata-are not disposed to complain early. They are willing to let the law go Into effect and make a demonstration of can accomplish. - -' The benevolent road laws and policies of Canadian Tukon have been largely patterned after in framing the law go ing Into effect in American Alaska. The royalty from rich -Klondike mines wss used In constructing roads -Into new and more remote districts, and tha mining population of tha Klondike did not com plain materially. .-..-.- .-'.... '! MIDWAY AT. T0N0PAH ' ; HAS MARVELOUS ORE (Special Msseteh te The tarsal.) ' ' TonoDab. Nev Feb. 20. There has been constant improvement In the Mid way pike, which was exported recently. When the delft first entered this ore on ths Hi level. ' and the high-grade Silver was .opened, a bunch was sus pected, but tho drift prosecuted proves It to be more extensive and many sscks are being taken front the headings. Some of this ore Is so rich that the native stiver is clearly visible in the rock. -TwooaMoads hava been sent out. which run gbtnrt saw a ton. ana is believed by the management that sort ing would give a carload f tl.00arock. A large order has been placed for saoka,. which will enable the management to ship a larger quantity of ors than has been sent r. ' : JCha strike proves the Montana-Teno-pah - fUy (00 feet-beyond ths line of . I . . . 1 - M . - . . ., ... ., . ., mJi uie preaen arii.fc mi vuntut Indicates that tha - McDonald ledge, which la dearly opened in the Midway, will be a wonderful producer. EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE - IS SHOCKING MISTAKE .(gpedal rXapatch te Tha JoerotL) ' Helena. Mont. Feb. to. Senator Bourne has received the following tele gram from D. A. Bmith of Hinsdale, who has preferred sensational charges against Hathorn; Investigation snows I nave mans a serious mistake in filing a complaint against Fred H. Hathorn.- Have made written statement exonerating him 'com pletely." j, - Hathorn is named as juogs in a dui that passed ths house creating a new Judicial . district at Billings. Smith swore to a warrant charging Hathorn with mbesnlsmsnt. .x . ' 1 ' MAUI MJTTTTAIi ' t'seetal: Dispatch to Tea feearaet.t ' Dallas. Or.. Feb. 10 Rev. J. E. Sny der, the Presbyterian evangallat. Is hold ing revival meetings In ths Dallas. chovebsgt There haa t been.' the. largest crowds' and more personam converted than la any former revival .meeting in ths his tory oi jjiibbv . -1 Bev, Mr. Snyder conducted services Sunday night in the Evangelist church. Hs was assisted by President ' Lam of Albany collage. '. - sro rjAXAsn 'to nvrr. '. (Special rnaaateh ta The learaeLI ... Vlneiand, Wash - Feb. to. It was at first feared that the! fruit eroo In this section hall been, materially Injured by the recent? cold weather. However, it la now claimed that the damage -.will amount to little or nothing, hat dam age was dons will be confined tOmthe vert early jratietiea of cherries. . -., ,i m botx jutae no: rorii Dlssatdi e Tha JooraaLi .." ,rTroy, Idaho, Feb. John SAnderaon. ons of the stock holders of the Big Rar tiumber eoenpany, had both lege brrken whlls superintending ths rolling of some logs Thursday Anderson was , caught between a Mg leg and a turn p. . Ue la about years of age. onzcon daily jouenai; postland. ; Monday 01 T I VOTTCXS. runin wrftOVxuxxT or. sooxxt ' sruT.: -; . Nntiea la herebv stveit' that at the amttna f- LM Ooeaetl of th Cltjr of Parilsnd. On- tea, Deis ee- ue lnu ear ar reanucy, iwsj. tiM fviWwlas ratoluiton wis adopts. , . BeaulTad, Tkst the Couacll ef U 1 City at rorcisM, ursjcoa, aeema it reeaieac an parpeeas to ImproT Hooter etreet from the ut line eff Taira straei v UM M lermiui uoe of Hooker aueat. IS the toUowing meaner, ta-wit:- ... - - 1 rirrt By pritw the street fall width with ran istenecuans to UM proper sancTsoe. Seseae B hrUisins the sarfaee of tha street full widtk i wlta f full iateraectloaa . to gnda with ntnuka. -, Taire-By eaiuMractlas' waedea sidewalks la aerordaare with Um Cltr kDSlaaer'a Plana. sprcinmtiaas saa estimates. ,x j rixirta By lirui erawwauta ' Fiftb-Br aoeetrurMna stoee nttera. ' fllxta Bt coneti-DcUae eievated woodea aida- WaUs la eraordaare with the City Kaglaear'a alana. SDeeiaeaUoai sad eatnaaaes. Held iatproTeneet ' ae aiaae la aeeardaaea with the charter asd ardlBaaeva ef tha dtr W -TdtUmaA and the Blase. SDerlSeatiuaa a OS names or uaa T.ity caciaaer sieo in ue oi ses of tha Auditor of the City at Portland ok tne 13th aay er Ftornerj. lvoa, taoarseil: "tit Bnslneer's Dtans sad aDeeiormtlaas for the ImprovsDMnt of Booker atreet froai the east like ef Third atreet to the west terauaar Una ef Hooker street and ' tha eatlontee of the work ta be aoa aaa the probable total cast uaeroot. The coat of aald laaroreBapat to so aaa a arovMed . br the dty eharter aeoet- the property epeetaUy aad aeealisrly beaeftted tberebr. ' aad wbleh la honor eerlared to he all the Iota, psru thereof sod parcels et- laad lrlng betweea the - wast torauaal Ilao of ooker street esteeaed aorth aad aoath fa Ita preaent mm saa a llae luo rM east ef aad parallel with-the east Una at Third street and between a Uaa 100 foet..iMrth ef aad oeranel with the- north tin of Hooker atreet and a line 100 feat aoath of and parallel with. oi avain lino Of rwoaer airen. saa aas s sareet of land 6-lns hetowoa the north and aoaoa llaea of Booker atreet eatendod woatarly in their-preoeat eaaraa and betweea tho west teamlnal llae of Hooker atreet and a Una 1 feet waatarly tberetraai and paraual tbexa- wlth. ... . The gaaiaaer'a ostlaiate ef tha crobable total east for the laproveaieat ef aald Hooker street hjjl.gan.eo. The above laiprovesMat la to be elaaaed ae a Btaeadaai laaproresieat aad shall be maintained br the eity for a period of ave rears, pro vided that the owner of a "majorltr ef the propertr beneflted by aald bnproremeat or any portion thereof shall not prtlltoa for a bow or different iamroveaaaat before tha ex piration of each period. The plena, apertieatiena and estimate of the City BneiDeer (or the Improvement of said Booker street ar hereby adopted. - K-eoiTea, -raat the Aositor or rae city or Portland he aad he la herebr dlreeted to sire notlea - of the vropoaed loiprovement- of Said Street aa provided br tha city charter. . Beajooatraneee agalnet the abore Impreee ment may be Sled la writing with the nader itaad within SO dara from the data ef tha Brat pabUeatioa ef thle aotio. , ' ay oroer oi tao vaaneii. - -. THOS. C. DBVXn. ' Aaditor ef the City of Portland. . Pertlend. Oreeon. Date of Brat nabllfatlaei Pebrnsry IS. 1000. ymoposAxg foe rrmz aTinLurrt. oaoaala will be received bv tha water board of tha City of Portland. lOreaon, until t a, m.. maay, renroary z. jwio, ror rurniaaing tae Water Denartmeat of the cltr. at the store- bouae on roarth aad Market streets, one hun dred fire hjdranta, according to plana and apeciaratioaa which mar be obtained at the office of th BneTiaeer at th Water Department. Kaeh proposal meat be accompanied by a certified . check for tBOO and Inclosed la a aealed envelope addressed to,. the aaderaiirned sad marked oa the oatatda, "Pro bob 1 for fir Hydrants." ' , Tb water Boars nana rae tha tight te re- lart aay or all aroooeali rViiroS"" J '' ' ' ay arose oi ue water FRANK T. DODOB. BBPerTlirendVnf Water TVpartmentT Portasd. Oreson. rehraary IT, 1M06. A ' MThrDafAtTIJt'B V0TI0B. - " Notice Is Herehv sivea that aa the 1Mb dav of Pebrnsry. 10OS, I took up snd empouaded st th Cltr Pound, at No. Ml Sixteenth street, la the city of Portland. Oregon,. the following described saimsls: Barrel mare, white stripe down face, white oa both hind feet, both front sad right hlad feetahod; one brown resrling Jrrerv heifer calf: aad - so (tea th owner, or other person or persons having an Interest therein, shall claim pussinejloo of tb asm, and pay all cost and charges of the keeping snd sdrertlatng them, together with the poena rees en ssia animal, as prortoea ny-oratnunce No. Ml. ss amended, of aald cltr of Portland. I will on the 27 th day of Kebruary, 1906. st tn noor or jo a. m.r at, itne uitr poena, at No. SRI Sixteenth, la aaldT dry. aell tha above deerrlhed animal at Dablle snctkm to tho highest nldderivfeo par th costs snd charges nir casing up, seeping ana aarerasnig seca animals. - a Jmtsd this joth day of Fehraary. iao5. : ' ' V. W. It BID. Pnondmssrer. -rniAcrfAL. oxtuutd ntnrr oomtavt er obzoox. Be. 100 TaUKS BT. ' The Oldest Treat Company u Otagsa. ; OATIXAL, 000.00. yti eandnet a general banking boaineoa. Wt feeejv aavtaga aenoslta. Wi Issm tlass cer tificates snd certifies ts "of deposit payable apoa 10 dare call. SO days can or 00 daye' calL with Interest at ti. SH aad 4 per Kt annum, resnccttrclr. fall or sand for oar nk of . rLLUSTBATIOBS. BENJ. I. mHRN.. ..;.Pree1oent H. L. PTTTOTK ............... . .Tlca-Preelrleiit B. LBB PAOET Beers tary J. O. OOL.TRA ....Assistant Boeretsry OBDOV IVUI rBAWCXSOO BAJTK. IDtlTXD, . . 1 W af Oommsree BnOding. tark BtiaoU. Tliri aad fTead Ofnea, BS Old Broad Street. fBde. -This beak transacts a renersl hasklse tesai. aeaa, makes loans. dlMoants , Mils aad leane letters of credit avsllabl tor . tr velars sad for th parehas of merchsndlse la aay city ef th word Deal la foreign sod domestic exohasg. latarest pais en an rime ec posits. . .- w. a. stcua stsnagar. SUCHABTS' BAnOWAt BAIT, III ruaxijiu, ua-atMJa. - 1. raVAlVK WATSON Protocol K. ii. pi'Rhsbi. ............... .vice-Preldt B W. HOYT. Cashier H0TT. Assistant Cashier a General Bseklne Bnalnaaa OKOROB W. Drafts aad Letters of Credit lseed Avallabh) to An parte or tn wotm. CbtVetJoml a gpoetetty. Oold DustBooght SixnnuTT sATTwoo TBtm coarrAjrr. - M sforrreen St.. Pert I aad. Or. Traaaacia aonerai Bankin Basis. SAVTBGS DEPABTTHirr. - btarost Allowed on Time and Serlnee Pel gait. . -Acta ss Trustee fee Bststes. Drafts aad itter of Crsdit a Tellable Is An PertaVnf Ike. WaelA. L f: -ATVAWS ...Preeldeet Is, A. IBWIS Prrst iee-President A. U .-lt.'-a Secesd TlcPreeldent B. S. JUBITS.... u BTTZD BTATTB WATTOWAt, BAWV . OT POBTI wr, OBWnow. BOBTttWTST 0OK. TSTBD ATO OAS BTt. PRAPTS IBSCRD. I Avatlabh t AU Cltlea ef the Hnlted ttataa aad Bajroao, Boas Kaag sad lfaafla. rXlT tXCTlOBS KADS OB raTOSABT TTBhTS Brealdentt ...J. C. AINSWORTTI Vice-l-rseldent ..kjW. B. ATKIt Cashier .......B.- W. BrRMRKB Aealataat Cashier...., ..A. hf. . WBIOBt ADD ft TTXTOB, BABKKXS. (Xsiahllehed fat 1BS. Tisismits a O as si si Baaktae CellesUons made at all point oa faenrabet wwtm. . Letter ef credit Issued srsllshu e Borop Bad all points In th United State, stent Bxebance - and Tslesranhlc TJVansfeea rnM sa New York. Waahlertea. Chicago. Bt. Loom. Veneer. Y" e-a rrsBciso sag Monuaa snd Britiah CelamM. , gxchsngaaold on tVmdon. Pari. Bar 11 a, grankfort, Boeg Xoag, Tokohssm. Manila sad TJU1T . BATIOWAt,' BA1TK OF POBTXABD. OtXSO. - ' fcaalO. r'un'lte;4. " rVesldent... in..i..ij.l t, ttTtJM nieri,.,... . naweiKs; itsa Caahler .....W. G. ALVonn eceaSAsaletant Csshler.... .B. f. BTBVBNB Uttsrsr ef Credit issued Available a gbrop ad rh Beetern Btste. . Mght gvebsnge saa Ts leers pel Trseafiii nld on New Tork. Broa. St. Loei., St. Paal, timsns. is" rcsecisxo ana th srtnelpal anpits Is fhe N net h west. Slftit and tlm Mil drawn In anm ts antt oa Los one.. Parlst peril. Prank fnrt-ea-th. Mafa. Hoag' Bong. Tokohama. Cnoenharr, Chrlatlaala. gtockholm, "St. Petarsharg. Jso. ; BnticS.- IKeiemr. ' Collect lea Had ea cornel Terms. ' MOBBIS BB0. CHBIaTTXlEB. VW "tlaad. f., r Sh aBBBaasasaaeams. Kefttil""!-! OTMt wnw w imu MORTOAQB LOAIVS 0s Portlaad Baal Batata at Lewart Bat. ' THls laawred. AeehnssVJ rarslahsd. SiTIJI OAJlAsTTBg TBUST . 00. r. . Beahi Chameer ef Cams-ass. 'V.-TrV cm VOTICXB. ' e ew ay"- norotxD ZaorKorxircgT or bboits) TZBBACB. .Notice Is hereby sIt-b that at tha meet Ins of the 13DaBeU ef the Cltjr ef PortbiBd. Orveiia, beta ea th. 15th finf vt rebranrf . 1SU6. the leilowliuT resolution was adopted: KaoilTd, lhat the Coescil ef the City of Portland. Oregon, dunes) It expedient aad por- rw u un urove nrisnu terrace rront ue west . Use of . Lawnadal street to th sat llae ef Mock 4, t artar adlUavJn Ut foV owlns.manaer, to-wln ,'' v . Plra-Br trading the street to the atoper Srade as abens k the stakes aa set bj Loa titr Encurer. - v r- Heooed By hrlndng the eerfere of the atreet mil width with Sail Interaecuena to the aslabr mraoe- witn BisreaaBL Tklrd H eonahrnrtina- sidewalk la ao eordascai'wlth tb City KngtBeer's plans, apeel ratlona and estimates. IVwrtbBy eonetraetlner Mumaslhr,ls' ae enrdanve with the Citj JCagineer'a plans, ipacl cations snd estimates -. , ' nrtb Br eoeatrartlng Stone ewtfera la ae- eordaoCwllh the Ctr kaaleaar'a elan, aneel. luScatlona and eatlmatr. . Hlith By enoatrorUng elevated eldewilka la wordanee ' with the' CKi Knalneer'a . Diana. aprrtarattone and eetlmatea. aeveoth--Bv eonatracUna' snanf feaee la ae- eordaac with .the City Kuglneer'a plana, sped- sceiioov. ana ssnmstes: Blshth Be eonatruettne nrnoden aaeWB Br asttaistes.e , sals laiproeemeat to be made la aceordanee with the rharter and ordloaneen of the titr ef Portland and the plana, speclBcstlons aud eettmatee of the, City Rntiaeiv filed in the efSce of tha Auditor of the City of Portland on the 15th da of rebruary, 100ft. indnrard: Gltr Bnalnaer'a alsns snd sneelflratlona for tho improvement of Ilelshts terrace from the west line -of Lowexlale street ta the eeat line of block 0, , Carter' -addition, snd the eetl matea of the work to b dona aad tb prob abie'.total coat thereof." . - The cost of said Improvement te be saseened aa prsTtded by the eity charter aeon the f and 4. block 86: lot 5. block ae: ell la Carter' addition tn the Cltr of Portland: and all that portion of block Z lying west of th weat una of Iraraorial street If extenoce aartherly la Ita present etmrse, and aoath ef a Una ,100 feet northerly from aad parallel Bits, the northerly uM f Heights terrace; and lots 1, and S. block 32. In the City of Portland; aad all that portloa of lane lying betweea tho north line of block ST aad the snath line ef blork US, Carter's sdldtioa to tha City of Portland, aad between tbe-eaat line af seventeenth atreet If extended northerly In Its present coarse, and a line M feet weat of and aaralml- with th west line of Blsteeath street and all that portloa of a parcel ef land lying nrwen ue weaierij line or rteigni terrae sad a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with tha weat line af Seventeenth street If extended northerly in Its preaent eonrs. and betweea tha sooth Una of block no, aad-th north line of block la. Carter's oddltloa to" th Cltr af Portland. - The BnaiBeer's estimate of the arobahl total east for the Improve maBt of said Hnighta ter race la $1. (100.110. t Tha a bur Improvement la te he elaaaed as a macadam Improvement and shall be maln talned br tho- dty for period ef fear year, provlded'hy the owners of a majority of the property beaeSted br aald Improvemeat or aay portloa thereof, shall not petition for a new or different improvement be for th expiration ef such period. Toe pan, suetintaooaa ana ssnmsis er th City Koglneor for th unprorement of mid Heights terrace arc hereby adopted.' Resolved. That' the Auditor of th City of Portland be and he la hereby directed te give aetlc of th pro poet d Improeoinent of aald atreet aa provided br the dty charter. Komna trance against tha sbov Improve ment mar be tiled la writing with the ander algned within Bo ian from th date of th first publication af this notice, - aj oroer si u uHmcu. -THOS. C., " " Andltnr ef tha City of Portland.' Bmt1aJI IWI. Af iMt MhllMlUa rehraary iM, 1SOS. : noroazD XMwxovntzBT or bxtsicou BTBEZT. Notice la hereby siren 'that at th meetlns af tha Council of tha City of Portland. Oregon, held oa tn iota aay at rvornary, ivuo, ui following resolution wss adopted: Keaolreo. lost ua ouncu er ue t.Tty or Portland. Oregon, deems It expedlenr and ""?!!" . ,.TOTl Iro '"L proBertr specially ana pemuariy. nenentea er aid Improvement and which la hereby declared to be ae foUowa: lxts 1, 3. 3 and the east Mi of lots ' I and S. block oft: nil of block 17 : ota "i. "s er wiinsn- """' "Z!n:ZZ2 f.. on.K Si: dceree 48 mlhhtea of rnloo sreaoe In th following manner to-wlt rmt By grading ita street roll wldta with fall lateraectlona t W stake as set by the City Bnglneer. necona---By eonstraciing woeoea ainewams. . Third By laying wooden u oases lit a.; Fourth Ar eonatrnctlna box sntter.' Bald ImprovenMnt to be made In accordance with the charter, aad ordinance of the City of Portland and the plana, apeclfiratlooa end eetlmatea of the City . Engineer Sled In the oface ef the Aaditor er the Cltr of Portland on the ISth day of February. 1 00ft, indorsed: ' "CTl yejngtneer' a plans and specificatlona for the JnwRrrameat -ftkldmore atreet - from, the eeat line of Wllllama irmm to, the eweaf line of Cnloa aveaa. and - thf estimate of th work to be dona sad tha arobsbet - total dbat thereof." The cost of said Ira pro re meet to be -assessed aa provided by the city charter upon the prop sety specially snd peculiarly benefited thereby and which 1 hereby declared ta he all the lots, pasta thereof and parcels of land -lying between a line inn feet north af and parallel with the north 1 line of BUdtnor atreet and a Una . 100 feet annth of and parallel with th aoath line of 8k Id more street snd between th east Una' of Wllllama a re we and the west line of TJnJon tvenue. The Knai seer's eetlmat ef th probable total east for the Impravemest of aald 8k Id more street to .0.0u. Tha plans, spsrlnratlons naa estimates or the Cltr B Dai Deer for tb inrsrorement af said Raid more street are hereby sdnpted. Beselved. last in Aanitnr or ue t-liy or Portland he and he ht hereby directed to give entire ef the proposed improvement ef said street ss provided by the city charter. . Kemoastrsnrje gainaK ue anov impulse mem may be fileO ts writing with the aaderalgaed within 30 day from th dale at the first pub- Ucatlon of this notice. . .-- sr: . - By order of tb Council.' ' - ; , thos. c. nicvi,nf, Aaditor of th City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. Pat of Brat publication, rebruary Is, lOuo. ASSTSgBTa'T FOB IMrBOTBatrjrr eOF BAST susaauia axsvajsf. Notice hi hereby gives that the Council af th City f Portland, Oregon, at a . meet ing held oa tha loth day af rehraary. loud, declared the assessment by ordlnanc No. 14.. 44S, for the Improvement of hast Bui-aside atreet front 00 feet weat of th west line of Bast Third street to th eaat tin of tirand avenue. In th manner provided by ordinance No. 14.234, apoa each .lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are Specially sad pa raltsrly benefited, ts be as follow, vis: BAST POBTUANIV BLOObi-af.. lot S. Robert A. Proudfoot, ie.!B; totS.Ttooert A. Proud foot. 70 T. BLOCK T, lot 4, Kdwin II. Vlrgel, t0.T2; lot , Kdwia H. Vlrget, ,' t2O 50; lot 0. John B. Miller, I10.M; ,,t ft. an J. Malarkey and P. 8. Meterhan, 78.IW. BLOCK 107, lot 4. Joseph Burkhardt. f 73.80; lot a, Joseph Burkbsrdt, I1R.61: lot . Jo--aeph BHrkhsrdt, S1H.TT: lot 0, Joseph Burk bsrdt, 840.31. BIAICK 110, lot 4. Lydla ' aad Oementlna Rodney and Rachel W. afnr rla. 814.M; lot tiH. H. Newhall," f 11.41. BLOCK ad, lot T. Oscar B. HaLnta. (10.32; ,inl 8, Oscar B?Helnts, 70 ST. BI1CK TT. - lot 1. Jane 0. Buckmaa, W.20: lot 8, Jan i O. Backman. $71.88; lot T, Wind and Elm . Beck man, lit.; lot 8. Wlllda and Klma Barkman. fMO.SO. BLOCK 101. lot 1, G. B. rim pie Bstste. Heirs af, lot 2, tie Us A. Mead 818.01; lot T. Hellwond Lead A Imprawewsrnt Company, fld.10: lot 8, Msry Ellsa Marshall. 000.07. BI-OCK 117, ht 1, 1). Kern, 8I4JA: lot 1 Rdwla H. Vlrgel, ill.41. Itlght of way Portland Consolidated stairway Company, 8406.03. Total. 81.411.0. A' statemeat of aforesaid saaii lament has bees entered tn the Docket of City Liens, snd la now duo aad pars!) I t tb of Ore of tne City Tree surer In, lawfnl moaey ef tha Called Bute, sod If not paid wlttrin 00 dy from the date ef this nolle soeh neoreedlnsn will he taken for the - collect loa of th nam are prorlded by the charter ef. th City ef Portland. , - Tha above assessment win near latereev. 10 day after, tha Brat public tlon ef this ac-Uce, v - THO. C. DBYUW, Asdltoe sf the City of PortlsBd. . Portland. Orewoa. February IT, 1000. FBOPOBXD OKABOB Or OBADI OF KOXXa- I DAT ATKBtrX. 'KoMce I hereby gives thst st the Bteetwg ef the Council of the City ef Portland. Or., held on tb lAth day f Pebraary, lOuO, tha follow log rasoiutioa wss aoopieat Reenered That th Onaadl of th City f Portland, Ore, deems It expedient snd pnrpnses ta rnang tn graoe or noimnay sv sec at the canter Una et Oread aveaa from 124.8 feat ta 124.3 feet: At th renter Ha f Bast Tenth atreet frail 134.8 feet to 183.4 Oast; At tb renter line of Bast 'Twelfth atreet from IM S feet to 1.10.3 feet, and to eataMhia ths grade la Holladay avenue at th west line of Bast Ttnth afreet at 1S3 feat, and at tha eeat lis af East Teath street st IBI feet: At the weat llae ef Beat Twelfth street at Its. J feet; . t . . . At the east Una af Bast Twelfth street at 136 8 feet sbov the base of eity grade. . That th Asdltar ef the City- of Portland be and b hereby directed to glee notice of th ptopamd eh aaa snd eeUnUahment af grade ss provided by the charter. BesBonstrasee against tha above change at grade mar he flhvt In writing with the ander signed wirbie 30 day from th date ef the nrst aubllcatlon af thla notice. , . - . By ardea ef the Cneaell. ' , , ' , THOS. C. PBTMK. i , . lead, ui pi'si. rtbrasry IS, luufi. Data of Brat pubUcaUoa, evening. February art xoTxcxg. - '1 . AJUUSXXa'T . FOE I twig WMILttDA .-. Artwn.-, "Notice la " hereby glees that the Coanetl of the City ef Portland. Oregon, st a ! Ing held on the 1Mb dsy ef February, luoi, declared the sasneaoMuit by i. ord Insure Ms. l.44d. fur tha cousirurtloa - of s sewer Is Mellnds sreau from tha aseood bend In '.tie. Unas' arena ta Johnson atreet aewrritat Ta-esty-firth street, lu the manner prurtdrd by ordluasoe ho. 14,'eT, upon .each lot. 'part of lot and .parcel of laud, which sre, t--llly sad pecuuarly beos filed, ' (uliuna, ls: , A parcel of land bounded and described follows; Beginning at Iron pipe ea a Una ? dividing the eaat and weat halve af th Auua N Klug donatio lead claim in eectlous - !CI and tl In lowuehlp 1 aorth, rsnge 1 ast, WUUmett merltLan, snd distant 1SJ8.T feet seaih ef tho Iron pipe oa the aorth end ef aald division Una; theac north' IW degrees 40 ; aduuia weat IM.S feet te a. stake; thenc south 0 mluutea weat 14V feet ta point; , thenc south hS degree 4U mlaatea cut and imrallel with the north Una of tha tract r herein described B01.TO feet ta a point oa tha ..west line of Melloda areaue; thenc north 111 degreea mluutea weat tracing the west ' lln ot Mellnd areaue xeet to a stake st point of curb; theace oa curb to right ' With 4b rsdlas ot DO feet tor 42.1 feet to , stake from which st point af curb bears ' sooth 31 degrees 4 mlautes wast 38. Tl (vet distant: thenc lea lug hleliada aveaue noun lu degrees a minutes west SM.TO feet t s .', stake; thence aorth t degreea 40 oilnutv west AX.W eet to Iron pip st plac mt fee- giutuns, r. at. warrss., jr., un.. ' Bast loll fart of a parcel of land bounded n deacrlbed ss folloes: Cpmmeaclng at - aa Iron pip on a Una dividing east and weat .halve of tb Amu h. h.lug dooatloa laad - claim In secUoos 1KI snd ax la townsnip j north nun l asst. Willamette meridian. distant 4fif.t feet south of th iroa pip : at th north end ef ssid dlrlsma line; thenc - north tm degree 40 mlnatea wet ell feet to aa Iron pipe: thence south SO degree !' 40 Bilnttus east t.TI feet to a point la th wast Hue of Mellodai arenas ' ueitee south 10 degree 8 mlsate -sst tracing west aide . Uaa af hfellada avenue HaVOli fet to a nolut: thenoa north W degreea- 4t- mlnatea wast l'2.hd feet te place; ot .aglnaU, ,. U feiH Idll . t Bast luu 'feet of a parcel-of Uad hb ended and described as follows: Commencing st sn Iron pip oa tha Use dividing east and ..i. th. Assne N. hllna donatloa land claim In sev Hons 2 snd 831 In towuahlp 1 north, range 1 eaat, vtiiiameiio aad diets nt 4&T.T feet aoath of the Iron pipe at th north end -of aald division Use: thence north 80 degree 40 minutes weat OH. feel to aa Iron pipe; thenc south minutes weet st 61 feet to aa iron pip on north Jin of . avenue; thence aoath Th degreea W minute eaat trsclug the north line of said a venae tta.S feet to as Iron pipe; thenc north 10 de. - grees S minutes west tracing west lln of said avenue 04.05 feet to aa Iroa pipe; eorlb S degreea all minutes weat 1 Iliad .uUs of brglnulng. hlary Ottla Wight, T.a0. A parcel of Und Inunded snd described ss follows: Commeadsg st ths iaferaectioa of Johasoa street with the center lloe of North , Twenty-lifts atreet; thence 1 degree Dice west along center Use ef North Twetity flfth street 10.74 feet: t be nee north ad de. Ogreea 40 mlnatea weat TS. feet; uioaca souis sea 40 mlnatea wast TS.8 feet: thenc souta ii, grees 15 minutes 00 seconds west SH .l rt; thenc aorth OS degree 40 mlnuto st 180.4T feet to a point as a plsoi i of be ,ni.. ihnn north 50 degrees 4S minutes OS IM feet est west 164.1m feet: thenc south 10 degree S mlnuw eaat 148.T8 feet; h.BB norti 6 degrees 16 mtnnte 00 Becap3aa- eaat Ml feet toT f heainniog.. cTlt. . Klrkpstrlcs, A3parcel of land bounded aad described ss , follows: tommenclug at a stoee a .th 1 loteraectloa ef center asof Johnson stoet with the center Una of North Twaaty-f ttu atreoti. thenc north 1 d-fe ?'B weet tracing center lln of North Twenty fifth atreet T0 T4 feet trfa auke; theaca aorth Od degrees 40 mlaaies west tracing ceter line of hfellnda avenu. TS.I feet to a stake thence- south 6h degrees 16 mlnatea sec onds weet 27.C1 feet to aa Iroa pip la southwest slds of llnda-aveasm aaa plaes sf beginning; thenc tr.cU.g said southweet -aide of ktelinds avenue north a degree -as . mlBUtea weat J00.4T feet to sn Iroo pipe: wAce sooth BJ degrees 15 m'natea 00 seeond. west 0T feet to as Iron pip on es.t side Mellnds sveoue; thence south 10 degree minute 'east tracing ssld cut Una ilellnda r,eu?TM.04 feet fc point, mi ev.: thence ca a curve io ua ns v- , . i?V7 . . ,.,lnt from which point oTcnrre bears north 10 degreea SO. mloute rl-. t..t -dTauatr thenc leaving eaat 1S.S feet to sa Iron plpei theace north 5d degreea IB mioutea L-r" ,"r--' feet to ss iron ptpe x owoe "-a - . , . s..n.M.ln mt a ataoa ht Inter- l"'..Zr-nt .ir Johnson street with ; cenVeT line -'orth .Jwjylth atreet , north 1 degrea 77 minute west tracing cen ter line North - to a auke; thence north 00 degree 40 mue Ses wrU tx.dwe.nter line JJe "nda avhaae T.i.8 feet to a stake; thenc south 08 degrees rninVt- 80 second, to sa iroa pipe to " aonthwest side Mcilada avenue aaa rise, or beginning; ' theoco eouth 88 degree .10 min utes 30 eecoods weat 300 .21 et to a point; SbiocT ethee.t-rly akmg aatrsight line to a pomt where th aama would b Intor iected br th renter line of Mellnds svenof If extended southeasterly in its present course to a Mot 100 feet southoasterly from th. soatberlr lln. of Mellnd. .venae; thane north W degrees 15 minute 30 seconds tut STi 21 feet to a point; thane northerly to pu of berTnnlr Btotora et Charity of TbaesltSly 7?" t ot a psreel of land bounded sni deacrlbed ss follows: Beginning "jn.T fret sooth ot northeast corner of Me llnds Sing donation land claim: thenee eaat 17.5 feet: thence north 08 degreea 12 ajtaates rest 318.3 feet: thenee aorth 31 degrees 48 Inmates west 30.5 feet; thenc north "de grees 80 minute west 30J.0 feet, thence oath 2O8.80 feet; theace s.t 104.8 feet to beginning, ssva snd xcept thst portloa if said parcel of land now yard tor street purposes. King Bstste, :i4.o6. ' Ke westerly 100 feet ef a parcel af mad bcnded ad described ss follows: Begin ning t southwest earner of Lorejoy street Jlj" Twenty fifth street; thenc south 88 degree 8 mlnntea west 481.3 feet; thenc SSThlta 1 feet; thenc. eeat 03. IT feet: thenc. - sooth 10 degree 8 minute esst 84.4 feet: thence sooth M degrees '40 mlnatea esst 44A15 fe?T. beginning; r and-except thst por tion of ssld psrcei of Ue4 bow seed tor street - pnrpaaea sod portion of "Id parcel of snd ylnibctween tree northerly line of Mellnds avenaa and a Une 100 feet northerly there from and parallel therewith and between n. westerly Hn of Twnty flfth street snd i line ItW feet westerly tberefrnrn and par allel therewith. KlnS,'- MJ-. . ,T All af a .parcel ot land lying southeasterly f s llreri'KJ feet northwesterly from and neraUel with .tb -northwesterly line of Me- vene7 hoonded snd defined ss fol. Vmvs- Beginning st the northeast cornet ofMcHnda King donation land clslm: tkenc rest BTvfeet)--thence snath 3tVT feat; thence esst 5st.T feet: thence aorth 208.T feet to pUrTof -eeinnlng.,ABflla T. Paraharst, 8l.0i. Total. fl!3.85. - - . A sUtement of aforesaid asseaamea ! hse been entered In the .Docket of City Liens. Ino 1. BoeT nM snd peysWe st lha office of th City Treasurer In lawful money of ?ne TnUed States, and If-t paid with I. lo dara from tha dale of thla aotlc imch eenceedlnsa will be taken for the collect loa cToTalme ire provided by to. charut ef te .r. of wtisoo. 10 day after the first publication ol this aoUca. ; . -na c. dbtlih: Aaditor of tha City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. Frhrnsry IT. 1005. AJszssatzrr tob szwim tm bait axdzb ..... BTKXXT. ' - . -' siti ! hsrebv alven that tb Council of tb City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on tb 18th day at Fehcary 10US de elared the .ssessraent by ordinanca No. 14.450. for th construction af a eewer la Keat Alder street fntm 75 feet west of Kast Thirty-flf k street to . ino sewer -. -- atreet In the manner provided by ordinance No. ' 14.2S. noon each mt, part of lot and parcel of land, which are anerUII and pecul iarly henrflted, to he SB follows, via; ' Bl'VNl SUNBLOCK 8. lot 3. Andrew Nelson. 81 nO: rt t Andrew Nehvai, Oia.OA; lot 12. Andrew Nelaoa, fld.05. - BIXM K 0, lot T. ,-wVm" Moehle, 3ll0; W 10. W, VI. Mnehle. tit in; lot 11. W. M. Moebla, l2-40.. Total. Bill HS. -A sUtesneat of .foresaid assess maat III been entered In Uie I"'' of tity XJens, snd is now dn and parable at th effiee ef th City Treasurer In.- lawful money at th United BUtes. sad If not. pot -within Sn gay rreoi the date of thla notice stick aroeeedlags win be tshen tor the collect loa of the esme ss sre provided by the charter ef the City ef Portlsad. . v " , The Shove Bseessilii ni win evr iniervwi 10 elsra after the first public Una ef - thla "UC THOS. - C. DBTXIW, - 'AanisBr ot ' the City et portfcad, Portland, Oregon. February IT. Inns. , Aurnnmrr TOB 3XWXB Vt .BftDBTt ATIB-tjx. . Hferlcs Is hereby given thst th Council of tb City of Portland. Ore ens. at a meeting beta os tne tote aay er renruory. jwo, oe rlsred the assessnwnt by -ordinance . Jto. 14.. 4te, for ' th -enuatrnetlnB af sewer la Rod aey a venae from 10 feet-anrth af tha north Una at Kremost. atreet, to the sewer la Beech street. In th manner peovtded by rdlanee Mo, tt.m. aoos) each lot. part et lot and weet . ef land, which are sneelelly - snd peculiarly henested, Io be sa follow, vis: ALB IN A- nourHTKAD BTSirK tn, lot S John Ueerg.; mt a. -jonn oeorge, fin no; mt a. jean iieecge,; mt a, Jnn ueorge, "rge, f Stem. 1 uneat'l - given. HUM K in. let ll. Rearea .Blem ' 'to. -1505. ; ; : ;;:' . . " . -Trust, limited, fZi.tu:. let 1. Henry Miller, iA.i. wt. 14, .Wuba Miller, i.oC 'ivuU . . A l a lessen! of sforesald saaessnwst baa been ealered. In, th Docket of City liens, snd I now due, and payable st the tifnre ef the tity 'Treasurer la lawful money of tha tnlted States, and It not paid wtthis SU dsy from the date et this suites sura proceedings will ha taken fin-. the eullectloa of the asm- kre provided by tn char tat ef th tity f Portland. 'The' abut aaaeaamriit will besr Interest 10 days attar the, Erst publication a this - "'" THOg. C. DBVUN, ' Aaditor of the City et Portland. Portland. ' Oregoav rebruary IT. lBuft. AMZUkTZXT tOK TaVBOTUOIT Or Tm - BTXZZT. . ' . Kotlce ts herehygivea that the Council ef the City of Portland, Oregoa, at- a meeting held on the 1Mb day of rebruary, IDtiO, de clared the assessment by ordluaac No. It. 447, tor, th Improvement of line street from th west lln of front street to the esst line af Sixth -street, la tb masses - provided try ordinance No, 1.1,1MB, anon each lot. part ft on ana parrel or laoo. wntca are speewny one peculiarly benefited. Io be- ss fol Iowa, vis:-itKlLNle-BUIlK 27, lot 4. Jscoh Ksmm, e-en.ia; sou in 4 ot ail a, saeoe n.a r.ASi BIN-U ' rslllng an. B.,.M-y r. Falllns .ad Ifinlly n, Henrietta a... .Mar F. Cable. (72.74: lot &. Jaeob Kima. tSW.21. .. BLOCK X, lot 4. Havings A Lues Society of . Saa rraBClsco. 5I8.17; lot , savings 41 ' Loan society of ban I'rancteco, tT4.uort 0. -. W. S. La (Id Bstste, Heirs of, 8-48; lot 5. ' W. 8. Lsdd Bstste. Heirs of. 4N4s. BLOCK T SI', hit 4, James K. Hsaeltlne. tum.n; mt 8. Jaaiaa K, - Jlsseltloe, IA2.K2; north H .of lot . W. J. llawhtn. t2T.H;oath H of lot 0, lmalel Mars, 7.M7 ; - lot 0. Bdlth M. Grant, 8J00.24, BLtM'K 44. lot 4, Kobert 11. Tbomnaon, 8501.48; lot 8, Robert H. lbomiaioa. ;a-oi; lot d. Hubert H. Themp- - stn, 171.41: lot ft. Kobert H. Thomnaon. 8oA7.0H. BLOCK ST. lot 4. MershaU Well . Hardware. Company. trxul.TOI euotk of lot 8. Marshall Weil Hardwar Company. .I6 Bel; Borah H ' VH , M. S. BurreU alstste. Hslr of, 830.07: ail of that portion of northerly W of lot 0. lying Booth of a Uaa equl -distant between the aoutherly lln of Ankeay atreet and the northerly Un ot Pin atreet, M. 8. BurreU. hatate. Heirs of. 313.SJI; aovth t of lot e, Marshall WeUa Hardwar. Company. 330.(3;. let 0. Marshall Walla Hard ware Compaay. 8AI3.I3. BLOCK On. oast . 6o feet ot soutberly 14 of blork SH, Bernard Albera, 340Z27; west 150 feet of aoutherly H of block 04. Percy II. Blyth, 301X21. hUHHt 24, aoath H of 1st I, Jamea WVCook, , 372.04: north H of lot 1. J. K. Brlgham. 843fi.8A: south W of lot 3. William B. Kyoert aoa. 330.31! north -V, of lot-2. 8. J, La I ra nee. 344.8) r sooth 0.0 feat of West m of mt T, Mary Aaa Lambert. 80.30: aorth 4W.5 feet of west 4. of lot I, Jamea W. Cook,; east or rot T, Jamea w. Ion a. 11.22; south 172.40: ms-th et lot James W. Oook, 172.40: wa-th Vs of lot 8, J. B. Brighsm. 434.70. BLOC OCK 2H. undivided W ef lot 1. Clara rechhelmcr, OdS KI; undivided M of lot 3. Clsrs Fechbeimer. 80.18; undivided et - lot I. W. KL-hhelmer. 3oS.03; undivided of lot t, W. B. Ferhbelmer. 80.10; undivided ' : H af lot 3. JCllBsbeth F.tcbengrasn. 0U.18: divided U af lot 1. KllsabeU fcicbengreea.1 eOB-Wt; s n dl video Wot mt a, Alloa at. Kichen- Kcen. 80. IV; undivided, M, of lot L Alice . Blrhengreen, 808.03; undivided 1 of lot 2. John W. Wbaley Katate, Uelra of. S.Th; an divided Vi ot lot 1. Joha W. Whaler Ba Ute. Heirs of. 276.T5; kit T. David P. Tbotnneaa Katate, Heirs of, 00.i: lot a, . LloydBrnokea Katate, Heirs of. 800.10; lot 8, BLOCK , lot 1, Joha J. and Annie U- Fable, 8-i04.2n; lot 2. Jobs J. snd Annie L. Fa bin, 8A2.U3; lot T. Henry W. Oerbett Ksute, ' Heirs ef. 354.38; lot 8, Henry W. Corbet t haute. Heirs of. 3370.01. BLOCK 45. lot 1, . John Klernan, 8n21.83; lot 3. Joha Klernaa. 874.50: lot T, John Klernan. 373.03; lot a, John Klernan. 8017.40. BLOCK 0a. lot It ' Henry . Welnbard Batata. Heirs et $500.01; lot 8. Henry Welnbard Haute, .Heirs of, 872.H.1: lor 7. Henry W.lnbard Batate, Heirs of. 8T1.T5; lot 8, Henry Welnbard Batate. - Heirs of. 8503.83. BLOCK 00. east SO feet of lot 1, Moses tled BsUte. Heirs of. 3430.10; east 80 feet nftot 2. Leo rrled and Delia P. Dusklum. AT24; endlvtded V of wast 30 feet of lot I. M. K. Usseltln- hatate. Heirs of, $o2.TT; aadivided H of west 30 feet of lot 2, K. K. Haseltlne KaUts.x. Heirs of. 37.14; nsdlvldes H ot west 30 feet of lot 1. J. Ambrose Haseltlne. 853.TT: nndlvided of weet 30 feet of lot 3, J. Ambrose Hssel tlne. 37.15; undivided H of esst 3U feet ef lot T. J. Ambrose Haseltlne. $7.17; andlvlded 14 of east 20 feet of let 8, J. Ambrose Haseltlne, SM.Ot; nndlvided tt of east 20 feet ' ot lot T. K. K. Haseltlne Batate, Heirs of. ST.1T: ondlvlded H of east 20 feet of lot 8. I, K. Hsaeltlne Bstste. Heirs of, $53.80; weat SO feet of lot T, Roawell B. Lsmeon, and H. W. Mnfatagne. $57.40; west HO feet - of Jot 3. Alfred L. end Charles L. Btsqueat, " 4431.267 ToUl. 8I64.BL , . A statement- of aforessItT ssseasmest bss nera entered in- the Docket-of City Liens, snd Is now due snd payable at the office of the City Treasurer In lawful money ef the L'sltrd states, ana ir not paid within 80 days from the date .of this notice such araeeedtna-s will be taken for the collection of the same as are provided by th charter of the titr of Portland. . Tha above asneasmeni win near - interest 10 day after tb. first publication et this notice. TBOB. C. DBVLI!. - Auditor of Ihe City of - Portland. Portland. . Oregon, rehraary IT. 1006. : 1!w Only Double-Track Railway beiweca tbe Missouri River The ChicaPortland Special, the most ' luxurious train in the world. Drawine-roora sleeping cars, dining car, buffet smoking ana library car (barber and bath). Less than three days Portland to Chicago. - . Two r . "t - ThroughTrains ttr Chicago sre operated dally via the Oregon K . R. A Nav. Co., V. F. R. R. and CMcago North-West.rn Rr. t Chicago from Portland snd point Ja Oregoa aog Eaaiers Washlngtbs. Tr--- . Daily excaraions in Pullman toarist j slcepinf cars irora Portland through Io Chicago witboat change. B.B.BITCH1B. ' s.e. Itttlt; Csai Aet. rae. Ceaet, Cessral Ageat, C. AN.-W. Sv. C. M..w7B, itj Msrbet mreet, teji Tbltd steeet. ' aaa PaAMCiaco, csu roarutas, oas. trr- . i Il l I Jel Chicago . - i flnFfinn 'MSnoirrtL-t o-l litim wvid UHiorcPACinc irTraia to the East1 Daily -3. Tbraagh Pullmaa st.sdsrd and tourist sleep ing cars dally ta Omaha, t Chicago, Spoksues tnarlst aleenlng ears daily t Kanssa City; - uiejuss i-uiimaa loarvss saw ping ears IB llr coadaetedl weekly to Chlcaao. RecllBlaa chair car Iseste freg) to the Cast dally. UNION DEPOT. Leave. - ' .WJ. .71 . 0 :15 a. a. 8:25 S. BL' for th Bast via Beat. Dally. . . Dally. ingmov SPOKANB rt.TBB, Foe rasters Washing toe. Walla Walla. Lew 8 :15 p. BV Dally. no a. m. Is loa. Coeai 4'Alear Dsiljr, . ssd f raat Horthernl aetata." ATLANTfVl BXPRItKS, Par tha Raat via Haat lam on. 3:10 p. m. Dally. - T:7B a. 1 Dally. -Wlambla tvrttvailoa. POR A8TOBIA aad way! potato, eoaoactlng wlfb staar. for llwaeo and 8 00 a. as. Dailr. Abeat ' ex. Aanday. Harardsy.-. 3:00 a. m. North Beach, -str. Bas- iu:ta p. aa. TsmhlU Blvar Beats. FOR DAYTON, Oregon City gad Y.mbin River polnm, stmrs. Bath aad T :00 a.m. Dally. T OO a. sa. Dally, e ,. monoc. Asa-et. nock. (Water permitting. as. Bsaday. Snake Klver ksate. FOB Lgwig-roN. Ida., and way' polnu from About : 3:00 pJ'tL Dally. 8:40 a. sh. Daily. Hi nana, wash.. Spokane and Leaiatea. B tares :. Prloay.. nCKrnTICE. Third sad Waahlsgtoa. Tata- . pboa Mala T13. ' . k W. STtBOkR, City Tlehat Agent.' A. te CBAIO. Oenersl Paaaaager lint east SOUTH laav UX10N DEPOT. 0VKBLAND KXPBBBBl tralaa, for Balem, Boae-I bora. Ashlaad. Bsers- 3 JO p. as. BBeata. Oede. Saa an- T JB a. I elsro. Stockton, Loa An- gelea, 171 Paso, New ut leans snd the Ksst, Mornios train con. sect. st WoodbarnJ dally except Sunday 3 .80 a. Ss. with trata Tor Mt. Ansel. Stlvertea. 3r00a.ak. Brownavllie. B D r I a a- f laid. Waadoag and) Asrron. Albany passenger con nects st Woodhurn with 4ip. m. T:80 a. m. J4:50 p. m. no:iO a. m hit. Ansel ana Sliver, toe local. Corvalll passenger. Bherldaa psasenger. liS'.BOp. a. 8:20 a. m. Dully. IIDully, except Sunday. ' . Partlaa. Orweg BuVurhea sarriea aad TsauIU Diviaiea. Depot " foot of. Jefferana street. ' Leave Portland dally for Oswego T:00 a. a.; ti an ft 2ft. h:1M..a:. T:4A. 10:10 B. m. Daily iexeept Monday) 8:00. 0::t0. 8:38. 10.28 a. mT;4'.0O, 11:30 p. , am. . Sunday only. 0:00 Katamiog from Oswego, arrive Portia ad dally 3:30 a. m.; 1:M. 3:00. 4:35. 0:18, T .ift. 0:55. 11:10 n. m. j Dairy (exeept Sunday I 0 :26. T ZV, 0:30, 10:30. 11:40 s, m. Bxeept Moaday. 12:24 a. m. Sanday only, 10:00 a. m.- ' Leaves from asma depot for Dallas aad inter mediate points dally Iexeept BoBdayl 4:00 a. a. Arrive JVwtland 10:20 .. m, , . . Th IsdepeBdesre-MoBBioara-- Motor Lisa operate dally to . Mob month 4 Air He, ' con necting with Sou there Pacts company's track, at Dallas and lade pe ode ace. First -cism fars from Portland to Sa era ment and San Fraaelsrs 320. berth 35: seoood-elaes (are 318. seconds-lass berths 33.60. Tirketa ta Ksst era aolBta and - Bui use, a lea Japan, Chins, Honolulu and Australia. Lily -iiesex ' irrnce uie bib ibhv aaw wbbbv Ingtoe street. ' Phone Mais T12. , C. W, STINOBR. Vt- B. COMAX. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Pas. Agent, " wwweBwew.a...,w-. TIME CARD OF. I-'..:;. TRAINS Portlands CNIOlt DBPOT.- DtrPeaTtS. Puget-Aoand Limited. I for Ta corns. Seattle. I Olrmpla. Mouth Bend J0S.8X. :4I p. Sb ssd - uray s tl arbor I aalnta. jvottb .vmbsi smirea.i for Ta corns. Seattle.! Butt. .Bt. Paul. Nla-4 Be Dolls. Chlcaso. Newl 8:00 p. l raMa.av -Tork, Beaton snd aotBtsj Twln-aty Kxprsss. for! Tacoma. Seattle, Boo-T sane, Helena, St." Paul. ? ."York" mniSrS H'aA sll point.' Esst sad Southeast. Paget Bnaod Kansas nty-8t. Loaia- Special, for Taoomn. Seattle. RwitiM WUtttm RtlllnM Denver. Omaha. Kensaal 3:S0 a. Sa. T.-09P. ! City. tr. Loaia and allH points Bast sad Boath eaat. All tralaa dally except 'on South brasca. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pessenger Agent. 238 Morrhmn St., cor. Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia " . River Railroad Co. Leaves. t'MOJt DEPOT. Artive. 4:00 4. Dauy.1 For Ma ygera. Rainier. Cistskaala. Wsstport. rut too. Astoria. War- 11:10 a. I Dslly. . renton, ' Vlavei. . Ttaav ssoad. Port SSaoa. Gearhart Park, Seaald. Astoria sad Beaener. . topraad ooBr. ; Astoria Erprwas. I TttOg, i 40 a. at. Dslly. J. C. MA TO. O. P. aad P. A., AstorU. Or. C. A. STEW A ST. (BiBJee.l Ageat, Itt.Aldsl atreet. livae Main and. Ttekse, OSUe XBB aTBJsw 8V tf s-B, Trriamoontlrtajntstl eea.. Tratlng Dally r. FAST TIME TO ?POrtANT3. BT, fATU pVUTTU.' 'ai.Jh'NKArOUa, ClilO'VJ aVe. AXX. t-OlXTal t-Ar. Daylight trip through tha C v and fvocay jnoonteins. t " hi ara, rales. tvsuwsV ea, . dress . . . a. i " r le e--4 J.. - - - ' (ii. Arajvaa, ) 323.4Q; Mt li. Mvtara Caaatla. u '-" 'v.- ... ' ' " ' " '. ': 1 A-