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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1905)
,17 .1". ,i THE OREGON DAILY" JOURNAL. PORTLAND,' MONDAY tVENIIIQ, FEBRUARY 20 13. . l.e A. "Want Ad" Rates tnreci art otAasmoATnw ' situation TuX" Mais w Faaaali. ' CEJITS KB UKB, -Oeoaking i ' we to th Use. . KrWTTBEX It aa tl WORDS FOB U ' CUIS. Bathing- lees. WAJTTKD 'kimtlMMitl - either Ma er ruultj inserted aa : Daily at taaday. " tlaa fre. ' WTEKT-Y RATE T buartlenejbMlsdrng . T so taaday km) tt CTS pa line per xrh. -. .. ' BTOaTTBXT BATE flselnalng all fcraday immm1lpiMTt Pe Um mBth, ADYEETItiattKTS BBS t to Josraal k . b law 4o by. I 'look wMk days ui Vy It 'look fetors Biaa ;, ' lag to mm riaaBiloalioa -. ' . KEasnOEB" BOYS r Ika yssr sd. M eft wm nl tt will be delreersd to Tb (mil' ef to wttaont farther oet to yea. XI m , yew call mm er ! wtm vaton, kaia WT. r .-- . -V'," AaTTXXTTSED uet akxwxxs to or trcAixn-ro waxy AS. For - month ending Ttbntrj it. A 80S. 41 S3. BL IT. P HI. S. Ol. SB.-: ' ' B at, 00. -O tel. 8, . 18. D 84. 453, 2 B IS. ft. Q M. IIS. K : 88. . S 84. SB. - T 4.1. a, 40. 43. TOO. it an .... o4, C V 40. 82. XT. HIV W 25, L, L SB, BUB, J 1L ' - K 84. ). IT. Li .. 24. (1. TOO, 10, T, SOU. If ft. bos, KW. O MM, 40. 4li 434. Y 88, SB. k a Ml .ill. T a. 8 a. M-C , A 1. R B M. Manafertnrof. Lnb- rnniL boticx. (MHTT-il thla city. a Febroary-IB, lot, at the family rtdeae. Sift North Twentieth atrert. Dr. Thooiu Wtlllala Barrvtt, aar4 S3 frnm. 41 Bwntka, daj Ktmwal TnM i day, Frbrearr XI, IBuft. at a. at., f ram tM ratbcdraC cotbm? 'PlrtMDtk and Carta i .atrmta. Krtewla raaawrtfaUr tarrttml to at ", trod. . FVaai omit (lowara. arTli.-a at ta era prlTata. '- ' ' vonos. " B FOE Birr-a SALE WorJc i hrrrbf tm that kr TlrriMt ( a mMrtfaa m ta aUamrr Lra ,i aW, ajadt br T. B. Tarter to Utrj Ttykw. - 4Bt lwmfcr , 19U4. aa4 rmr4c4 la Ik moo o( tb Cnltvd Bratx ollrrtar ( cua ' tnaaa for tho diauirt ( WlUamrtta, Port f - i'artlaod. sa aaM oarta, la Llbtr "O" of Mortsacta. aa4 mBdltloaa of aald aaortvaira . . karlna; ka) brnkn aad tbra la aow dn , S3B.bT. Now. tBvrpfora, br Tlrta of aotkor-0.-1(17 to aw 4dJt kr aald nwrtcafM. I f J lirill zpoM for aakr at public a action and - all to tbr klcboat MddW for caah. oa Batur. aar. ta atltk oar of rebraafT, l, at law ' . koar of :! o clork a. ai. f aald day, at tka foot of Columbia atreot, la ta city of V PortUad. coast? of IfaHaoaaak. atat of Araava, aald atraaaer Uaai. togctlMr wttk lil Aar apparal aad aapartraanrca. T. at. WOBa Rbarlff of Ifattaamak Ooaoty. Oraoa. Tatr4 at PortUad, OrakoB, Okraarr 14, ' 1SOS. X.0BT AJTD fVUBB, ' . lOU caa . aaor nadllr Bad loot artteto . taroaak Til Joornal'a elaaalftad eoltunaa tkaa aajr otbw war. la em roa dad aartklag, , ka koawot and ifaftkr far ta aw an k for clabataa; aa jaw ara. BTRATSn Air oM bora, color dark aorrrl. I kaa wbJU apot oa aide of nnao, la woarlnc -fcaltor; rrd fnr loformatlon- that win - v.: lead to taomrf.- W. G. Kama. aVmat Takor., . . rorNTUdiea vkaaL .aa Baat Twalftk at. ' aortki raa b foaod t 103 Boat Twalfts ax., aortb. . , . . i LOOT Tall of broara fox bna. . Kladlr rtara ' to Jnornal: nitabl reward. .- TJader rhij rlaaatflcatloB adavrtlaMncBta will bo laarrtrd oa tlaM "1ft raota for XI worda." " A valuable "pramlun wilt pa aire a wltb aek aV Iail r Baaday.. MEN Wa teack ta Tartar trad ta tke abort cat aoaalbia tlaa at email xpenaa aad Eiaraate poaltloBa; arrlta for- eatalooa. oler Xratoai aotlaia. Baa lraaeiaaa. WANTBD-laah and dnoranker; mnet bar ezper leaicad;, (He refereacaa and laat plae am kTed; atate wage. Addreaa anawara to Q. 4. ear JavraaL - WANTTD Bor factory toreaian, dUI and ardawa; rood waoa.'-r Uimi Burttaa, Sotv Morrlaoa . .Wl want 4 etpotlenaad for rvaalaa aaab- buibi BMCBJoerf, , Co., Beuida, Or. Beaatda Bprae Lamoar WAWTTtD Btaaai aaar to cat vaed.. Hd WUI- lami aoa. WANTKT Cki for general kotmework; moet he wUUna and good cook, capable of caratac 25 mmt awatb; amaU Umllr. Call awraicta i - TB0 Kearney at, . .. , . WANTED Bxparleaeed Barkera aad Bart I a ; , apply "tar Laundry Co., Ink a To. -aad r mt Ankeny'at. STTtrATIOaf 4inTP aiaT.B. ,B?f6rMEBK, with ftrat-rlaaa llfowpa and food ; reference, wanta ateady yi; all-araaod ma a tn all electrle light plaat. Oacar Hllder. ,. brand t, geaeral oVHrery, city. . . , WANTXn pnalttna af any kind by biaiaat yoanc naa aiaraer or arrwery nrererrea; city reference: will take moat aaytalna;. M. IT. tar Joaraat . taina;. Addreaa - TOtnta , : 2S year af axel wiagea Indoor aualitoa la rtty: mat experienc in office ' work; Hty refereana. P. U-f., lUttS Uaw taora . - f , , i IWATfTltn To dletrlboto ctrealara, aamplea. etc., . far exklblrtva daring Lewla and Clark fain , Addreaa Dwtrlbatar, roato X Oraabaai. , TfMINq'man wanta work aaerwtaaa and in laca In exchange for board aad room eaa d to beat at referenda K a. care Joaraak MPKIllSNrTJl yoang Biaa wtahea employ .1 r veat aa collector ar clerk; well acquainted - with city. ; Addreaa Has H It. car ioaraal. ' ' ' ' . t xfIIIl.aVA0eD'Oerxaa tnaa. rteady- and eober. . woaM lika y la reatanraat or kotel kllrbea ." at waahlng dleheau Addreaa "1 IT. Journal. . JUPKBIKMCRD ynng Kaa .wlahea employ 1 aaeata c '. with eily. aeat aa eullrctor ar clerk : well acqoalaUd at IB, (at joaraaLr rilTKT Pnalrto by yoang aaarried ana ex-a-rleoced la bontkeeolnc aad ofBce wark. , Addreaa B 7, ear JoaraaL I R Second kand oa broad .and rake, tf oneltkoo; rtty ar aoaatryr Walgaad, kVmik Poartk at. , wenrt Jt2 BDUI :- pOSfnoX by collector: AI referenrea front ' laat employer: well acquainted In" city. B " ' II. rare Joaraal. WANTKn Work by competent BMcbaalral fV. draftamaa; inyeatteaa or re toped. Aaawar JoaraaL t. . WANTED Pnalitoa aa Inaid a alee ana a by yoaag an icae girea, , un baaaa ara XT. W AJTTTB TO BXaTT. BOOMK ta all aarta af tka Apply t2 floodonogb bMg. , . KXrOBlTlON ACCOMkluUAri0!r BIJBBA0. ..' - Cadar dtrwrttoa of rhe'fXria aad Clark rate Onrparatloa. . ' -J- "pboaaIala tMB. ' ' wimiv-im irita.v'- W a WTnaTV bay or rent furalaBtd (arata. aVlBTiai w la, aara jaitola ITTATlOlIt WAJTTXll-lratAl-. ' rar tha bMelt of tkeaa wko dealra poattlaaa. drertiaaaeaU will a laaerted Bde tbla keodiaa on lima aftanlately free of opat. - dvd dltaaaJ Inaertkiaai , "1 eaata tpt XI x worda." WANTRO By 1 frbwda froaa tka eaat. one to tak charge of rooaring booee. the. other ,a working heaankoepar; refarencea; n , u-mara. Apply tha Traratoad, 1V Tkir la WflXeW, Peaaaylraalan, BT. waata works anod rook, aiakaa crappl doe; prefer place aa nouaeaoepar ana cooa for aiea. ikooreai lloueekecpar, J.J.0. Uraat'a, Bkaiaiaa aaaaty, WANTKD By two aatera frlenda. one aa working koajaraeepar, tka other to toko charge of rwoiiag -hooae; reforeaee; aa trlf lora. . KayaMiat. SVa Third at., rooai 14. SITUATION' wanted Voong lady bueineee ahllltr dealraa nnaliloa: ng iperl of fir. emed la barat work. ato familiar with ' work. I. 14, ran Journal. . roMlTlON aa Brattle aa paatry con " or good all-round rook, hold or roataaraat, I art, ' Marguerite Keat. Arleta. Or. ...... WOMAN waata work aa rhambermald or light V bonaeamrk; can furnleb. good ref pcaocea. Pauoe tmatl 1MX . YOl'NO lady atenngtapber wonld Ilka extra werk In office fur abtwt two week a. I tone "Mm MT. - a WANTEI Poalttna aa hoaaektvper for widower ar barbeinr. Apply V XO, earn Journal. EXPKIilKNrieD lady wlahea 'to take energ . of rooming booaex ' H. IX, Joaraal. WOMAN wanta work ny day. Pkon Main 11.12. a, i ii .-; TauTxjn xaxxax. JOHN ANDKRSON Bcaadlnaytaa-ABierteaa (a. i .uin-e: roai eaiara; rooauna; anaieea I and bailmaa ehaacea our epecla Ity. XTO Borae , aloe at. Phone Mala PAOiriC COAST EMPUIYMBNT AOKNCT .. He mured to 12 North Soeoad at. Phoa . Red .181 HANSBN'B EMPLOYMENT OiTICl rOB MEN. . Xd N. Baeoad at. Pboaa Mala IBM. AXP1NB EMPLOYMENT UPRbUD Help taw arabad frao. Cell Ul Ftrmt BC. or phoat Mala 1UT. f - . ... PIONEEB EMPLOYMENT CO.- eoatrae- ton; help froa to aaptoyora. Xlt M HELP wanted aad awpplled, Biafct ee fiaaale. B. O. BRAKE. XUBH Vaeblnxton at. Clay 44ft. WAJaTTO-ftCaUXAllIOtrB, .-. ' B0METH1NO TXIXa , ' i 1 , at tha : P0BTLAS A0CTIOI BOOMS. Ml ruai .1. Pboaa Mala MM. Beoana they pay tb blgbeat prlea la aak , tor aajr auaa ax nuai WANTET Men apraylaa and whltowaahlag; the aaly gaaolln . eomuraaiaa air luraaiad air apraylng . outfit an tha aoaat. M. M. O. Morgaa Cel. SIS Mllwaakl it. Phoa Eaat XdlT, WB Bl'ILD are Xty reff tl Wee ten fix year old home eery ree- . avuMbir: gooa referracea. (all or wnta tera hotel, S3X Gllaaa. H. Wakl. New WANTED i gerond-hand booaehoM gooda, took, anything yoa don't want! blgkeet ' price. prooarrT fourth. Pkoa Main 4301. WANTED Room and board for mother aad -year-old boy; central location. - H S, car JoaraaL ' " IHORT ORDBB PBINTINO BOfJBB Ryder 4 Kuaaell.' neoesd and Waablagtoa ata, Pkon Ctay loflSV -. ' . WANTED Heeond-baad. Bwdlaavalaad, yob trlntlng preea; eheae tor caah. M., ailmaa otel. - WAjrnivaEBTB,' BIX eollcltora; food aalary er cotnmlnakm tor riant naruea. awom so, aawoa anig, - ran' land. Or. ' . - . rom BtaTt gooiiciif rruig Booarx. ll.TS PER WEEK Large.' clean, rarntohed koMakaaptng rooaaa. leuadryiaad bath. 14 Bnoraaaa at., w rfaat-T. r ... riTBKIHHED hoaaakaaplog aad alngle rooma by tb weex or ay Bwata, gaa. Data ana 27114 laira at. St SIXTH ST. Well furn Inked koaankoeplBg anartmeaa; light fraat roohiai 8 large baaa ment roooia. . aa .1 rTRNIflHKD kouaekeetitng aad alngl roacna; bath and pkoae; good location. SWU Bovrath. CLrFTON, XMH ruat at. cac. QBlumbla BBltot 42.25 per week and Bp. T0B BJJTT XTTEJITBHia bookb. THE. GARLAND tSt Waehlagtoa at., betweea 19th . aad 2Dth ata. A permaaeat new aad medera apartment hnaaa. Parnlabed . rooma alngl and ea aolto. Furnace, electric light, pbon. large bay wlndowa in each room. Rata aomlaaL ' UNDER NEW MANAOEMRNT Hotel Rlcblllea . Eoropaaa plaa; olegant - fttrnlahed noma, . alngl and ea eultet a lea or beat, bath, an cafe and bar- la eonnectloa; a nice, quiet, - hoowllae placet traaatenta aollclted. . : D. B. BURNS. Prop. ; THB DEXTim, 1X4 Twelfth, eornef Waahlng ton, entirely newly farnlahed rooana of THB '- DEXTbR ANNEX aow road far ocewpaacy. Pboaa tiraoB 484. ELEOANT oatalda rooma, ateam heat, porealala hatha. xM-olaaa board: two naopl AO moath. LUdall hotel. Market. bet. Third aad reaarta. MABQ0AM noma, 14St4 Sixth at.' alto or. eingie; aoaaeaaeping I atorea. bath aad ahMtrh) light; aollcttad. - , ELKOANTI,Y f mu tailed men. central, gaa, phone, bath; Mailable for r liber on er two; ' atiictly, prlraU aad flrat-cbua. I' bona aula ' BOOT. .. . - - - 'VI PARLOR ealte with board for man and wire In prlntr family; weald not object' to' on child: good table. 4a Breeath at. THE BARLE, X01H TrTTBn. COR. TAYTIR. rCRNIBHED ROOMS. TRANSIENT. CALIFORNIA Lodging: bide.: - for tranalenta XSe and an. 431 North Third. CHEAPEST aad beat located roooia la Poetlead, $1 week ap. Oilman, mat and AMer ata. THE GBAJXn. 4AH North Third at. t treproof bldg.s gewth'maa only. uu par woox. NEWLY farxdaked; aoiet, traoalant i roorta at. rana nea no. BOOMS AJTD BOXES, vnt'NOi aeea. If ton want to board aad moot . la k permanent and fleet -ciaee hooae, where ' rata are exceedingly low. and will remain tha aaaae next cummer they are bow. cau at the Axtar flooee.. 251 Seventh at., eoraar of Madlann. Tel. Mala wu. TH B LIKDKLL New family hotel. Market at. net. Third arid Pewrtk; ateam beat, electric . light, poreelala bathe! elegant untold rooma with flrat-claaa board fot month. f two, people. t4a-t6U- BET room, beat beard, electrle light, gaa, ateam beat, purcelaln--bathe, at tb Llndell hotel. Market ell15 he. Tklrd , aad Ivarth. ' Exceedingly low fata. ' , FOB BXETllBf UBETSJIED BOOaTB. rnfnrwlaned reoeaa; 'bo ehlldrew. d47 Weidle. FO B IET yXATg. MOPERN. fnoroom flat, yard and bane 15. 444 Rodney are., cor. Tillamook. leaf. roB bxjtt Borax. ONE howe. 324 I'aloa are., and en at 4T Eaat Nth north: both new. Addreaa or ae M. H. Carter. Penlneular afhtlon. etty. - ' - MODERN, new. team bow ea Eaat Eighth at., aear Tillamook at. Inquire . ugieaby Yonng. mamber of tmmmerce. - x. i' 1 i -I ' i i xasneBS FOB BEET OfTTCX BOOM. orrirs boom. rirat at. laqBlr t figar (tor X40H FOB BEET aatTTXlJlEEOTJa. FOR BENT A Innm Mmpto-rana or kalL to i' tnee. Apery eeeeater awa. Oo-idnonah Mdg. l- T0W1L SUPPLY. CL4 TOWELS DAILY Omb, break, ana, II par BMHtajb .Lawreeea pres.' Toeel applji C, I earth aad Coach. " rhoa 4X4. ... J- FfcOTthwKds .til R ALSTON HEALTH C R IS A Toasted I Food Retdy to Serve TH A package of Ralston Health Food .with j every paid Want Ad Daily or Sunday."; ' This is an Acme Milb product t Sells for : 18c or two for 25c at any grocer. . This offer is made simply to sriU more widely introduce the wonderful results ac complished by useful "want ads." : An enumeration, of their many daily duties and y performances would entail -. great space. You know how it is when you want to rent a room or house, when you ' want to buy ; something 'unusual, ' when you've lost 'something- why, youiimme-" ; diately look t the "wapt , ads." Thou-' sands of people read them every cjay you . 'can talk to them at. the rate of aizxxx: BCUO FOB BEET FUBJ1TUBE FOB IALX P1TRMTTBB of a-room bobm la vary beat location, went aide, aew aad naeiy rumianeo, ."poreelala bath, hot and cold water,' gaa electrle light pad furnace, rooma. largd aad ' well arranged, large attic, bark yard and porch, 425 worth af apllt wood Incladed; earner compelled to aril; e)STS If takes Im mediately; t300 caah and balance Um. 369 Twlfth aL SS0 BUYS a 10-room boarding hooae, If takea at once; gooa location; rant a. to. tnojaira at 3X4 Mala at. FOB. S4TY anBCXXLAJfEOTTS. GOOD aaoond-band band moaie. 1 combine tloa Eictnre machine goo fee alow oag alldee. ltd Toarny bldg, Wee and and Taylor. Call boob or ereolng. Phoa Mala D730. BILI.IARD AND POOL table get rent a for ale en' eaay paymaabj. THB BRUNSWICK-RALKR OOLUDTDETE CO, 4 Third at.. PortUad. v POOL TABLE. FOR BALE Braaawlck-Balhe with cmea gad Uad, eoBatera. etc. Apply 6S rrat at. ' . roULTRYMRN If yoa win nee my remedy your poultry will ale-are a free mm uce. Recipe tl.OO. Ueo, Weber, Aahtaad, Oregon. WE print year name oa DO calling cerde, aropuy aiae aao B17 le. sac; xuu nomueae eeraa, pa. Brown m Bchmal. 220 Pint, Portland, Or. PINB Bwla ball aplf, ooe moath old; a km one n-yeer-old cow, gooa muxer. inqnar vm Eaat Twenty -eerenLh aad Yamhill ata. POR SALE Block of Attachable Ball Bearing rlnb DompaayatecB, onaap. aoareea Jex S04, Vaacoaeer. Wan. , 140 CORDS an Br wand en bank rteer at Homrpak tor aaie or traoa. ,czi Morrmoa at.. Balatoa. , POR SALE Grata e tera tor. capacity 4C.0OO bubal. B. M. WlUlamaoa, Welkt, Or. MT7ST ell 8.000 batldlng. brick, at eacrlflce. Phetwi Sy eat ltn for term. j FOB SALE HORSES ABB bAEJUAOES. A BURRBY rarriage of the beat wake, ae good --aa aew, 'eaa be bought for a third of what It one la new. John rJchoger. in FOR RALE l.ino-lb mare, perfectly Bound aad 1- FOB SY f tWxTB, ' FABME FOE . SALE AND . EXCHANQB. 80 acrea 40 cleared, booee and kera; nmnrng tream or water: clone to acnooi; go aiuea from Portland. A anan at BotlO. 170 acre Bottom land: no lnnltlratlon: part aandy eon: ouuaing eonuag fz.aun: o nerea la orchard; la the heart of tb Willamette eallee: afl.OOO. - 40 acrea 15 la caltleatloo; reet la timber; good hooae and bam; lft milea tram towa and onlr 20 milea from Portland: 41.400. 400 acrea Moatly la culUratloa; nil bottom land; hooae and barn; near Albany; aad It la a hie anan ht gift Bee acre. 295 acrea 240 lore I; 140 In eultlearloa: 24 , acrea la good orchard; hone aad bam, other - nniininn: uiir mo. H.uw. 40 cattle, ea koga. inn gnata. - nor bib. g Dew vi gone, new binder aad mower, plowa, etc.: 50 acrea fall grain; 40 ail lra from PortUad; t.000. - Theae are luat a few. . W hare baadreda of farmx for aale' and trade, aad gaoatly located la tha-Willamette TaJley. und a co.. 1MH Fearth tt. ' Phrme Bed 8336. BIHORN BHELT0N. , Condea. Oregon. Ran large and email wheat ranch) for : nale. Information . cheerfully rlrea; cmie- vpondence aellclted; bargaina for Urreetora, J. A. BheltoB, county aaecaaor. 123 ACERB aear Mackahorg: Clackxmaa cevnty; - M acrea -cultlrated and In grain; new booee and fair oatballdlnga. I3.&0U, Dlmlck .A - tuub Hi.. ntw rw V ma MADISON tr REAL - ESTATfl COMPANY be Improved farm, city aad en barbae prop erty ana waging awoai'a, anyiniag yoa wont. : 802 Madlaon. FARMS FOR DAUS from to ha 140 acrea. Per farther nerticaiara aooreaa j. w. Howry, Currl MTllle. Or. TO XXCHAjrOB. WANT to eicbange. a fall pald-ap grbolarnhlp In I. V. n. tor inennaxor. prooaer ana egg. - i.AArmm 1 lit MM Jmtm) ' n-ATRB tract 1 Telle north of Vancaarer will exchange fnr Portland -property. Inquire 288 Lerrabee at. rxxsoEAi, '.' ' THB beat accident policy, the "Aanlreraarp Legacy," written only by the Preferred Ac cident Inaarene Company of Mew - York. . Thome P. Thornton, general agent, lil Chamber of Commerce. Pboaa Mala T34. WANT the aeqnalaUnce, of a mlddnvaged lady aboat 4ft to 60 year. .w)h-aboat f l.MK) to 42.OU0. money to atart a biulnea and ban a good bom after marriage. laqulra 17, cere Joaraal. MANLY rigor rwjtored he Dr. - nVAerto Nero Olohnle. One montk' treatment. : t meotba, xn; Beat aero rely aemiea ay mail. Agenta, Woodard. Clarke A Co., Pertbind. Or. THE "Matrimonial Reenter." or Ire lOe. - mrlhee many reeldenl of Oregon who neek congenial life comnanlona. . Interstate iDtro- - daring Boctety. Box 1T. Fortlend. : EASTERN gent1 M. arranger, rood look Inn and bee I thy would Ilk to meet kealthy , good looking lady: object matrl r: object matrimony, ad dreea j. j. Mornai. ' ' .. 1 ' ' if". WANTED Bnalncaa gentleman ga. gad ap pearance, would like t meet lady-wub aorne capital: onject, pnTrner. aeoreaa At jo. care, jeornai. -..;.,..-.. WANTED The acquaintance of a lady from go to 40 year or age. wiia tna new or mat- rimeny; a widower of 44. ' B. Xd, JewrnaL "TUB Book OP NgTrjBR." "Book of Life. ' "Mabel Or." "Storr of a Blere," Naear" ntaiogaaa rre a. Beaanie, xz nrat at. BRRTACRaNT and Coffee boaee ope day aad nirkt. 424 rmt ec ureennnrg. ar larblah labor.- help, day ar week, i free. Lyohr line are awe aeearately and aaoaably i'led at EyVae! orrtnoa bet. nrat aa Pharmacy. X3T nno aeoann ata. : - PRWTTT wrnntry girl, tomtrtto. ,ag' 90,-aaa 110.000, will Inherit winch mar, wuthea to merry, rnrrnn. 1242 WaMah, rhlcego. "THREE YBARS IN ARKANSAW" banto- H .book yea ever gtw. Xftg, JuaeB' Book Store, 1 S :! f -'vaiajaSrurieHa trr Birszarxas chaxcts. . BOOMLNO HOIISB UBADgUAUTEBS. TAFX A CO, 12B-d AMngtoa Block. . Pboaa Mala lodL W maka g ' SPECIALTY OF ROOM1NO H01BE8, and bar many of the Moot DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that, ar fur. aale. Moa locatJooa an going faa mom oar partial m oeiow of sola . large ana If thee doa't twit yoa. call la. 49 BOOBTSSwen farnlahlan. EXTRA CHEAP nn.-i r ana gooa lcah. hist aera tion In the city,' clearing aboee all ex - peoaee tduw per aaoulh. Price ia.500. 44 BOOMS Beat part of Morrlaoa at! eery cnenp rent aaa gooa. umg icee. it yoa went good tra oaten t hoaae and BKmey maker, don't fall to ace tola. prtee'i : f or thla weak -only. 4,0uu, part caah. ,: it BOOMS. BRICK THB VERY BEST L0 , CATION la the city; two-year leeee; rent ONLY tlDS per - month. .Thla . bonne to POSITIVELY clearing-- bow , . aboee all axpenae t3S0 per, month. - Price, ta.o00; part caah. - n 40 BOOMS New brick, modern la e-rery way; . farntahlnga yery good; . all hair mat . traeeea. for a quick aale .we bare -rex. dared the price to 4-1, 47a. .. . BOOMS New furniture, teem heet. hot and cold water la all rooma; good lean; ' aiaklag big money. 14,000. . - , , - - tS BOOMS Mont elegantly finUbed apartment . boo la tb city; new clearing about . S20O per meath; rent only 4125; leeee., Caa be had now for HUH L BOOMS Steam beat: newly farnlahed and . remodeled; t year' leaae; rent ' "only 1130 per month. . prlc $3,600. 24 BOOMS Yery choice location: new boaee. new furniture, furnace heat. Thla - ta ' -ooe of the aeatoat nnd c lea neat booee on the market: rent only f 126; ; leeee. , S.T80. . , ,.- - V, ,. . BOOMS New. mofern bnlldlng, newly for B Mked. awell lacatloa. eery room taken; - rent only 12fl, 1 year' leaa. ,-.A pick t,fp for 42,608. . . ,.-s BOOMS AH extra large.' npleeMId toeatloa: all Axmineter and Mo net enrpeta; goad hard furniture; cheap rent; preeent owner ' kaa had the houae for t feare. A gllt- ' , edga - bay -.for IX. 600. - - .. .. . rw t0 BOOMS Beat location la for , high claaa tranaleot or , ateadr roomer; rent . 41(10. clearing .good .moaer, aow and . ' daring the fair yoa no maka all tha .. - aaoaey yoa waat. Price 11.200. ',- , 18 KICK tare rooma, 8 block, from Portland - . hotel ; bath, gaa aad eery well fvrniehed. - For a quick mla w bar reduced tha , prlc to l,20v. , . It 'BOOMS Good location. Iweil Niulehed l t cheap rant, leaae. ... Ton 14 purely a - good bay at tlJQO- .; It ' BOOMS Vary finely fnmlahed: awen lo cation; - eery reeaonahle ; good rncomn. .- Thla la exciaalre. For parUcabwt calL t BOOMS 'Pai nltnre tll grnd: ViMtToa Tory t - central;, rent ngni. . rnc atao, . SALOON Beat locatloa In the Hty: cheap rent , . and long leaae, and ana a lug geon money; -r-i'M Bice lldng rooma and arlth furnltxr. ; Goto for 83JMI. , v , . ( GENERAL MEBCHANOIBE STORE Good coo a try town, doing a nice boetneee: leknem the canae for (elllng. Thla la ; erorth hwklBC .bp. - . r. ..--. ,; UMBBETJA STORR Doing a fin boarnean: cheap rent; will nail t Invoice. Thfct 1 a gll-dgd aavpoaltlOB. - . JEWELRY STORE BeaTloratton oa Wuhlng . . ton at. : extra cheap rent; 2. yer' leaae! . will aell all er . Internet or will Mil ' leaae.. . Call for farther pertlculara. . WE CAU MAKE TERMS Os 'aJTY. OF THB ARnva . ALL T7TLES OrARANTEEfl. BrTERS PkUrTECTKD AJt. WKLL AJ) hr,l.l.:tut. WB WANT 10 TO 15-ROOM ;. H0V8BB; ALSO 30 TO 40. r , - ', .. -:. ( tapt a co. '' '.:. . ' . '- - 122-8-6-4 ANngton Block. , s . ' . I04U Third St. B00MTN0 HOCSEtV BOOMINO . HOCSEt S AR alaekv .and kind. " ' 4 rooma, elegant, flat. 800 T room, ewell fumltur. . a 400 10 roome, aa Waahlng ton afreet, furnace heat ;.. 10 rooma, near Port land hotel: a anap.,.1 8.V1 SO room, an la good condition 41. Boo We nae at lenat 109 - cboece hnrgalna la rooming hooae. : Com and are a..; . . . . ' , ' . ' (p.xpiWltlnB A f ' - . " ; - lflonceeetonfl.' ': , FOB SALE KeaI Eatale - -j, . of mi kind.' r - - 1 ", I Rooming lloaaea. ". S vBnalnea (aaca. -' Aaieilnn Brokerage Co.. XT, Waxhlagton bldg., 4th and Waahlngtea. Bf-KINRSS CHANCES. 3. 000 PARTY with thla amount to tola m with my 88.000 la my enaceealoa at the xpoalttoa gronnrta; I will glee yoa hoi 5 eat ate aa collateral ana 'profit. Addreaa H. 14, latereat la . L -e- ' OTTO CROCKETT. BW Wnhlngtoo at. Phone Clay InBS. neadonarten for the beat farma near Port land: awe boonee and lota.- rooming koone. rrncery a tore. It will pa yoa to call aad FOR SALEOen. ap-bxlate atock merchan dlae. In lie towa: good location, tne trade; need capital and Intend of aelllng all would prefer pa.-tnnr wttk 84.000 to gT.O'iO. Addree pa Kreratt at. rnuoe iront anx. -. - PREB LANDS III OHKftOK. I Pertfl Mil, pnr water, dellrhtfnl -ctlmate; land of alfalfa, apple and doree.- Par fall Informatwa addn aa tb Columbia Una there Irrlgatloa Co., 639 Worceete block. Portland. t20nilnR5TLANB, cleaning and dyHng eetab llahment; 4ne boelnea location t atare and X ronena; reet 8X0; lea X yenra;' owner In other baataee reeaoe for aelllng. Call 81 r earth. FOR 8ALR PlretUn reatanranf ; good loea. tton: doe mrgeet bueiiwee la ally. Pnr fnr- , loer particular, aaoreaa hoc nn, paiem, or. WANTED Kamea of penooa 'who want to I at tub? bralneee: I can kelp yoa R. W. .Tracer, 238 Waahlngtoa at. POR SALE CHEAP Onod paying -reetaornnt. with lenae. ' Inquire ex) rirkt at, , BAKERY fr mh: good Ineatlew; a bargala. oare eovaaA, . : . Lrap a co., - M Fearth at ; t'- Phone Red KEM. BTIbTBZBS CHAJfCXS. CHANCE for aaloon men A good aalooa bnlld lng In thrtrlag mining towa, centrally located, to exchange for Portland property , or bnal ncaa. cau iu7ft Third GOOD, experleoced man with canttal can bar chart of big paring enterprla;4 Addreaa A, 184 Morrlaea at. - TEAM and .wdgon; good bualnaaa ; makea $4 to flO day; wlU Mil arparate. 1 . JoaraaL FIRST-CLASS Minna, doing good fur yourself. 47 North Sixth i FOB ttTE 1Y4T, ZXTATB. i-c-; ., '. .' , H0ME8EKKEB8. V; - - A 4-mom, modern boo with lot, at 8ua ayalde i.r. 1.250 4-eoom. medera, t Vanoyalde, . ckma to car line it...... 81.400 ft-ruem, medera booae, doe- lu a aaap. . .41.1IU0 S-room, modcrs booee, etegat, t'nreeralty- para- .'. i... xgao a T-coora. modern boamt. Mat aide, cluee In; 8300 caah: a nap $1,800 A 10-room, modern kouaa, cIom la; a good .oy- ........T7TV.......1 .83.000 '. Eaay term oa all the a bar ipaclal bargain. Ttibj ta only a 'few of oar many bargatna, ' ' W hare reeldenee and . bualneea lota la Portland aad Im auburba. und a co. 184 Fourth ai: Phoa Red 8386. NASHVILLB The beat and prettieet: alao the largest aumbpr of pretty homen around Port- . land: modern home from t00 to $1.2M; lnatallment pbut 'or big dlaeennt - for caah. .- Be- owner. Joe Naak, la the white , he nee at Naahrllle atatloa, on the ML Bcatt car .line. Phoaa UaloB 160L SELLWOOD REAL ESTATE O. H. Wallberg. e2 L'matllla are., will offer for aale ) lota la thla beautiful auburb for caah or ln ' atallmenta; price from- 860 to -$40oT Had , peeernl koama or, lata from 8.VHI to 82,000. 4-RO0M boom aad T lota. SSoO. Thla la a bargain. . Pbone oott 14U3. FOR SALE 4-room hooae,. lota art to fruit and berrlee, fronta on caa line, glOO; X - Inta aad email auuae block - from car line, " $-x0; grocery attire, cor. Weet tee and Mont - villa car line, $1,400. Addreaa Cantweil a Co., Writ are.. North Mount Tabor. CHOICE fractional lot in BtopheM - at., bet Klereoth and Twelfth, S.0; will nalld hooae to auu Durcacron luataumejita . n aired. WT L. Morgaa. 573' McKay, bldg. A GOOD aaloon building In the center offbeat . mining town la Oregon for aale or exchange for Portland property; aplendid opportunity for Mkmn mas. Call lOTVi Third at. e POR BALE T eertioa at Weoatrtiee. WMh.f Mltabl far aheep ranch and fruit cheap. Addreaa for particalara, W. C Hattonwy. Cincinnati, Ohio.. - V- ' . ' . VI FOR tALR4-t0 acre trat-laaa timber la , Paclnc county. 4 - mile from tide water. . Addreaa K. Job neon, 1253 rrankUg are., aatorla. '.---- FOR SALE S acree. 8326: boom and 0 acrea, - 8MO; eaay term; see agent ft rat bonne aeatk Hlere croeelug oa O. W. P. elecfrl Una, 10 fan.- , t GOOD Inreatment corner lot and boa, well located on car line, rented for 83ft per month. Price 82.500. Apply John Bala. 224 Stark at 88.000 BCYS three 8-room houae. . furniture, land nnd water rlatern; rented now tor 857 per moath. J. Laadlgaa. 184 Sherman at A BARGAIN 2 corner and 8 Inside kntat Lower .- Alhlna; eery sightly; at recta, sewer and Bt4e walka. Call - owner, Pboaa Mala 2T7T t IiOTS. each ROxloo, clnee to car, wttk ramner t for . A-room hone. 84O0; 8250 caeh, balance - monthly. Addreaa I 13, care Joaraal. IkVW VKOOM hooen a4id XAxlOO-foot lot; barn, cklrkea . hooae, T bearing frill t trees. In '. quire at 810 East Ninth St., Berth. NEW .room hceee ami lororioo-font lot BTO ; Preacott at.: this Is a beautiful bom. Take . Woodlawa or .Vernon car. NEW B-mom hoaae. large rooma. basement. bath, - aaa, lot nl23. ea -ear Um. 82ft ' East Cllaan at' $2,160. A BAROATNdeoom. . 'Vnod--condition: high - Phone I'aloa 2707. bsrd-flirlshed cot tare, and healthy. 8750. TRACTS t, 8, aad T, Pernwoad, containing a boot to acres, for tlT.500. Apply & Twelfth at ' .'j FOR SALbWXO acrea, S milea from Ysnreareer; 800 trait tree, new boose. 677,,JioMbiw TB .' T ' REAL entot bargain - and flrb - Nortbrap King, 210. 211 Comnaerctol blk, HOTTKB and lot, barn.- fnrM tree, good deed, s be tract, $000: waUtiuydlatane. 18. JoaraaL 8-ROOM bona, X kits 100x100; prlc $1,800. Inqntre .03T Baat Blrthr-et., north. - . 8800, BUYS A GOOD HOME. v Inkulre kfra. Brandon, at Woodlawa.' - AtTHAXT FATTEO. THE Trinidad Aspnart Paring Oa, af Portland. -Offlee 464 Woraeator blk. BICYCLE bEAXEEft. e4re fYHiTTMRf A. TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. bportino noons, expert rkpairino. P. P. KEENAN. 208 THIRD ST. '"BETWEEN TAYLOR ASD SALMON. BIBSS, HART'S Mountain Roller Bird tor Ml: thee -T birds -an th eery beat; they an all good . alngera: the prlc hi reaaoaable. Mrs. a. M. -ftifx, 80 Orxnd are. BLAJTK BOOB X AJnTTAOTTTEIBS. BOWE, DAY18 a KILHAM. 108-111 Beeood at. Blank book Wisnafactarere: igenr foe -J one , Improeed Looia Laat tedgxn; paprr-cnllng, -bnokhlndlng. ' - ' BAITS laSTBUMEKTt. CHAS. R. Y0RE CO., 104'4 Pint Repalreea, plafera: York A Bon and DeOure tMlrnment. CAXPXKTXXS AAD BOrLDXXJ. k. J. AUTHORS Bna H. B. WOOD, earpeaten and nnlldVta; 'resnlrlng and pibhlng: stee ' and efnee II it urea balit Shop X08 CelumbU. Pbon Clay ltol. . . . HOPE a TYtRV) bnlldrng and remodellag; aton - atnree a pgelltr, 8V8 Plr St Phone uajr , COAX AXO WQ0B. GREAT WEBTERN.COAL CO. BmeaathProoXMer aad; sal lump and ant aootleew boom 441 Hayt, or kera f araabed eoaki; mm ad, mile of yards: Bat 85. deurered wlthU 1 Botlafactloa gaarantoed. Phoa Mala 848. WESTERN PEED a F0EL CO, cor. front and ..-Iloyt street dealers Is aemeetle and at earn blachamith ooal, - cbareo! aaa ansa. 'Pbon mala 1018. STAR COAL CO-Dealers In. roreiga and do. meatto oaiai; ai baee the beet Wyoming cook (Hoc 232 BUrk. . Phone Mala lais. ALBINA POEL OO. Itoalen la enrdweod. coal and green and dry hiaharoad. ' R. B. aad AV ' blna ia.,' 8 block eaat of ferry. Eaat 8T4. RUPERT PUEL CO. The beat dry wood la town. Doa't forget to phone East ItgB. .X64 Eaa Eighth at, cor. 0. B. YEUN. trat-clam wood and emit, efflc rtt AJhlaa are, aear ferry. - Dry aUbwood. STERL BRIDGE P1TKL 00, dealer ta coal, card weed aad dry (lab wood. Phoo Eaat 484. COLUMBIA Wood a Coal Yard. Rait Eighth aad HawthorM. - Phoae But XAST. OREGON POEL CO. I all kind nf anal aad wood. rnon htaia KIRK HOOTER, kit Water at, weod god eoaL . a-none mam nam, - j CAPES. t k-. BRICK BON'S RESTAURANT Merchant's tone 11a. m. to IX B. ha.: ander aew maaacoment u. m. aiAjio. prep. Baeoag aaa THE OFFICE U Waahlng to at Mate Tit. ticaeri Vlgaeeax. eBTjarxT rwzxv. LOOM OUT POR FIRE! " -PRACTICAL CHIMNEY BWEEP. . n n vnon . u .knu a. 1 Lear ardors at -Aeery ik Co. kardwar eton. ' 88 Third at. phone Main 1STB. , : T" CIOAXJ aVB TOXACOO. : E8BER0-GUNST CI0AR CO. '. ; DUtrlboton .of ' rA 4 ' - FT1CB CI0ABS. - ' f"i - fBrQav rwi!'. CLAXXTOTAJfT JUTD FAXJOXT. . l ' MADAMB JOHNSTON Clalrerrraet. pelmtet. card reader: I gin facto reliable aad Im , portent en all affairs of reel lit. Beading Sue. 48 Seveath at. Bear Oak. CXMYJTT COBTTBaCTfiBS, CHAS. H. CARTER CO, fformerly Carter a B.111; cemant ennmrtara, via Targart. , pi Eaat )sT. AU work guarantee. CAXJUAGX JUTS BACK .0AjrrXB, THE-TNITED CARRLAGJI CCvt Carriages. eiiy-o nge ana rerry-aiia. jiio .aevrvnio t,,eor. Morrieoa. - Phone Main 222. OTaTjnSRIOaT XUXCBABTB," BYERDINO a FARRELL, nrodnce aad muk- aton mrchBto, 10 rroat at, rortiaad, ur, ipkoa Mala ITS.. av I-, , , r .i-y - n - ' ' CB0CXXBT ABU GISSWAXX, ", " WHOLESALE rockry sad riamwar.. PraaL Hegele m oa.. 100 to tog nrtb. cor. Btara a. sb: KKISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring Ooltege; pat- terna eat to Bkeseare. . AUaky hail 400, , JW Morrlaoa t -. 1 - MBS. MeKIBBEN. artiette dram ad, cloak- aaa King, r 401 Marnaea at CP-TO-DATE dree making; aatisfaetlo gnar- anteea. oaa sonroey . r DRESSMAKING Strictly mp to . date! la teat arm ,ia; at. . , - sykxko axro clzahieo. PORTI.AND STEAM CLEANING DYEING Works; practical batter ta connect loe: feetser bona aaa plumn cleaned aad cnrWd br aa ax part til Foarth. Phone CUy f04-, , CLOTHEB cleaned and preaaad 81 per kanatB. Unlqoe Tailoring- Co., 84T washlagtom n. ' H. W. .TTkNER, prefeantooal drar and C Masse. 80S 7efferaoa at. Pnon Msla SB1S. ' XKa ajtd Hoxxx Boatrrax. DR. C. B. BROWN. D. Bvr D. fj. M-Doa. hospital, axis Wash. Phooa Clay 167. B. Bast X&So.-.- . - - - '.(...-- , DR. S. J . J. CARNEY. D. V. B. ! eetortnnrT ar. 1, remored to S80 GUtoa at, bet FoarU nnk - v - , area, nd Flftk eta. FOREST BXaVEBTBSCBn. FOREST BESERYB SCRIP FOR BALE Aa. peorrd, anreatrlcted, rea led, ready for Ix Immedlate aae; B. . ttlhjy. bub mweet prieaa. a. r. Chamber of Commerce. B. F. a. F. FTTaJfTTTrRE FACTO XTZa. OREGON rural tur MsaafactBrlng Compaay vanniacturera ex lurnllur ior in - traoa. Portlaad. Oft . . , - FVRNITDRB mauafactwrlng and aoedal L- Ksrenexya rumltur factory, bt mot at. IXICTBICAX .WOBKS. PACIPIO EIJCCTRIC ' rgloeera. , coo- tractors, repairers,, electric wiring aad sop pllea. 84 Pint. cor. Stark. -.- Pboaa Mala 6. R. n. Tate, mgr. , 4ORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINES R1X0 Company, gay gurx St., PartJAod. u. K. for ererytblna .1 th alectrtotl line. Phee Msla 18M8.- ' - - (- - XTBABOXtX, ANDREW L. CHE7FM, - r a 1 ' XT Waahlngtoa BMg, Portlaad. ' Doe General Law Bualaeea. Finacdnl agent for Union Central Life Inaarane 0m- Kny, Cincinnati. Ohi. fnr Oregoa. Loana oa inroeed Perm Thronghoot Stat. Inreau Prlrate Mower Safely.-- Ten Tears' Act! Experience. Phone Main ajOBO, FTTBBACES, BOYNTON srsrm-alr furneee sere feel. . C Bayer Farnaca compaay, -am Becon . at Mala 481.' ..... 1 oBocxxa. WADHAMS a CO, wholeejl graeort, maaa - factarars aad commlmloa merchaata. - Faartk and Oak ata. . ALLEN w LEWIS, ennrmlasloa aad prodoce aee r ront aad iarla ats, - portlaad, or. HOTEL Pendletoa, Pendlstoo. Or. F. W. Waito, mgr. ; . - HOTEL Portlaad. Amrtra pla) 88, 86 par day. HOTEL Bt Oeorgn, PandletoB; leading -boteL BELYEDERE; BoropMB pMa; 4rh and Alder ata, HTTMAB XUIB BOLLS, J. I.1 BORG. manfr. bman hair rolbt. 424 B. th. Phoa Kaat X211. Store, nse Morrlaoa at t WITCHES" FOB SALE. " ;rc SWITCHES made, combing, bought or mad to order, let u. Twelfth at, t'tton Bast iliu. IBttBJiBCX. ISAAC U WHITE, Bra lMaraaoe. . $00 Desks JAR. Met. WOOD, employers' liability sad ta- leisaal aecidenr enrety onnas af ail sine. Pkoa 4T. 808 hf-Kay Bldg. v B. P., BABTELS COMPANY-Pkr liwaiawe. 448 ,'Rberloek btdgv - OngoB Pboaa Clay 64B. FIRB fNBTjRANCR . P. Kennedy a C.. XXI Sherlock Mdg. - Pbon Main ISM. '-' ' - I' aLUtAOX. WANTED Apprenllen. America a Beanty Par- lore, now mi Alder. alp and face maauge. FRENCH ladlen glee ha ha and sasaeage treat- nient. ma riftk at. Pbon Main tw. OYZEAIXS. BOSS OP THE ROAD OVERALL aad BieehaB- kra' clothing; anion made, riautadtar Or., tvaaafactsrers, Portiaad, 0a . , . ' M0BIT TO L0AB. . THB STAR LOAN CO. Any Mlarwd, wa-e-earner, eaa get M ot, wliaoat Bortgnga ,4 - k-mtfc. Month. Week. "8 0 L., . m oa anna ee Msg ax M l-4.0Oa, nay to u 4 -4. 48, or tiaft ee jl U ,i.4t awnagv. -to a t 4.00 r IX 00 af ftl.oo X10 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ea net. personal and col lateral skcoflty; special atteattoa to chattel mortgae: t nte bought. 0. W. Pallat 804- Pentoa bldg, 44 Sixth kt. HIOHLr reaoectahle place where ledlee aad Et caa hnrroer sooney oa diamond and elry. Collateral Loa Bank. tr Wart--loo t Phee Black Pi. kf Donn-Uwreaee Co.. net eVtato aad gnanctal agent; aaoaey to bu oa mortgage rI',,.',i 10 ".. "tee la auea from A30O to tlO-QOO. Pint ' . ... MONEY ADYA'NCED eaUrted people, teamsters. etc, without secartty; may parawBta; larg ' El 49 Principal titl. Tula a. XSh'AblactaB bldg.; . aI47II. " 'aenta ranging from $2 to 85.000; roomln4ioaaa a apectalty. , New Bra Lace a Trust Co, 804 A bin tax bldg. MONEY TO LOAN In laree aa aaaall eaaaaiara f 1" tocarity; low eat rates, WtUlam Q. LOANS at lowest rates ea farntrure. piano; Mcority aote porch mf. Kaatara Leas of Ac. 448 Khar lock bldg. ... MONEY TO LOAN a Imneoeed city nrooerty. . In um to rait rarrlah, .WatklM a Co.,' MONEY TO LOA en CTa-kama ceenty UsaaT B. P. aad P. B. Btley. 408 Chamber at Coat. PORTLAND- REAL' PET ATE LOANS. S AND 8 . Pee at Wm. Daholm, X2B Falling bldg. TO LOAN 8100 to $2,600 by CharlM HlrateL ,88H Third at,- mom . . MONEY to loon 810 000 at S pay cent a Htf property. X7X Stork at . r . .: ,; MONEY TO LOAN Apply to Robert a. Mllkr. " Commercial block. . "j Brmcar y r bELFFLAYIJIO i 1ANOS Cdllaa alt-play lug pianos proBoanced the beet by 1m ding! mnalclioe; also Cecilia a plaa paayara, 8 u. WI1M MoaleBooM. 350 Aider t - SECOND-HAND mantcnl tnatrameeU af all - kind at low price, cask er luataUmenta. . Fmner Meal Co, 180 Third t MR. AND MRS. n. A. WEBBER. bcnK mead. lin. guitar I Detraction. Mala 2D8S. 1T8 W. Park. 1 - 1 1 iiiea MAOxxno .BXaXiaa. PROP. H. T. CUMMINS, magneU healer, Naahrllle, Mount Bentt rar llna, cane all 1 bed bablta.7 phoae Valor, 168L PostofScs Lrats, Or. . -,,'. , MRS. U,JT HART eocceeafolly tnata an dle. - Maa; ' method taught 'Nw Tboeghl" rea diag -room, til Toarny bldg. Msla 41TS. - Ftavo TTntrxo. GEO RGB ANDERSON Export plan tuner aad repairmaa. tieaagaartera risae mbsm u. I'aooe Red 042. . . - ' PRESS CLTPPniOS. MAKE MONEYI I'BB PRESS CLIPPINGS! Blag bp Black 11 aad order a swath' eorrlce. Mreriag erery towa Us any ee all eoeat eta tea: dally waaaiugsr aerylce: sdrancs re port n all oe tract work." Portlaad efac 10 Second at' FtatTJaw.-' ' ' -lr- - .ee,eeiM EASTERN PLATING go, 240M Alder Gold, llrer, copper, nickel and beam plating, Jewelry work apectalty'. - Pboaa Male XU4. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS. 41 WaehV Ingtoa at. Pboaa ZuTs. . roiaklag, plauag and laequerlBg. ncitBxxj. plaaU) fitting. 301 Third atreet. Phone Mala aUub. DONNERBERG - a RADEMACHER. - MnltaryH piambera roartk or. Pots paoaos. FOX B CO, Mnltary piambera. E81 Secoad bet. mats a aa Baimoa. iiregna rnoM main awi. ranrrnio.- BT8HON0 a CO. Front and, Stark at., print Jng. litkograpklfig. btank book aad f8c MppUes; work don o time: moat complete . prlnUDg afon la tha, west Alain lot ANOKRBON a DI'NIWAY COMPANY, pfiatise. ntnograneing. Blank Boots, rnon Ata is it BOS Alder' at " , '' -r- 1 razBTS. on, bbb olaxi. - B. BEAOH a CO. Pioneer Paint Co, Minag th baat tklnga mad la paints aad general building aMtsilale; window-glam sed glaalag a specialty. 135 Pint at Pbon Mala 1384. . BA Bates KM a CO Jobber, paints. fL am. anah aad etoora, Baeoad aad ' Taylor. BTBBKB BTABPS. m e, ace.a.w wAnvo . a.a . i.a a.; ruhber dampa. Mala, steadM, bag gag; trade checks; Mod for catalogs. aoorrii a. TIN ROOFING, gurtcrtnr, repairing and geaeral ooooiag. 4. LMH. Ill aafferaoa 1 BOTE. PORTLAND CORDAGE CO Comer Fi and Horthrup ata. Portland. Or. SHOWCASES ABO FTXTTXExw tHOWCASES nf aeery doacrlpflos; benk, bar aad aton fit tares made to order. Tb La tke Maoafacturlng C Portland. sarzs. . Om 1. 8-INCH thick walla, ant fireproof; repair gen erally; exc tanged aa rea, nargeina in llieee; Canton ateel celling; Trlebnld work.' Including lalla; Inreatigate. J. Bv- Darja, 44 Third at. '"49 1 ST0BA0B AK7 TRAXSXaJt SAFES, piano and farnltan axered, packed reedy for ahlriplog and shlpne,!; . 11 work gnarated; large. 8-etory. brick. gr-proof warebooae fori a tors g. Ofnce 128 First at C. M. OLEENi Phone Mala 84T. .. a O. PICK, office (M pint st between Stark snd oak ere. 1 pnon two; piano end mralreee morad snd packed for shipping; commodious gre-proof, brick - wankouee. - Fraat 44 Clay ata. - : bTORAOE enec tn let In oar ajww reilldlng. 87 water at. Slgler Milling na ti company. SISV VAIBTXBO. J. P. E1RNGIEBEL. SIGN PAINTER. BstraBca tUH Waahlngtnn, cor. 1st sp sUIra, - t FHOHi uuuu Aiwa. YERLINR. ARMSTRONG CO, Sign, sceale'hr. ttet Pbon Iteg 807, cor. 4th aad Conch ats. TTJfEXB. ' I HATE choice piece of timber land Is oathera yregoa for mw amp. a b, doBrsei. FOR H0M EciTE A DS. timber claim and, ecrlp apply to 5i immerciai diock. kh" TBAXtTXB AXTD BATrUVO. nVBEGON TRANSFER CO.. 134 Jfortk Sixth, rnOOO main we. iwarj awnsr. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. He, BH Wask- ingtna at. t-nene main era. TTTXWXnXXt, YOST. TYPEWRITER nEADQDARTERI X.W stars street, t - '--v Wk.nnt repair. Mil. eicbengei typewriters. All eeppiir mu aieniiiHW Krandard machine $75 and op to tlOA, D sow want rtenogrnpher 4r typist I , W bare Hat of good appllcaslA, - -f PboM Black 2871. LICKENSDERPKR tTnarrtteret . enpVillc and repelrlee. JtoM At nvwavoo stars st nua Main 14T0 .. , - . f . YioLnrt, 1. A. w MCO. Tlolls maker and rep leer; all :. Fearth tad wor Bret lsa. ga nusaeil aidg. norrtsna. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., t4-a PL. bat XamhlU tad Taylor.- PsrtlagnL v.- ; v .V- '7 ; u 1 ft 7--