The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 22

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II ii 4 ill i
Hbjp Art Higher, fn ; .PortSarid
Than In Any cf the Eastern
Mark et-att!: firmer and Up
Onion Market le ...Very Strong
and Prices Are' Looking Toward
the Three-Cent Mark, v
Market - Assumes a' Stronger
; ; ; Ton e and Prices Are ; Coin g
., Rapidly to the Tfp. '
Fancy Potatoes .Are Wasted-
Easterners Still Want Wheat 1
Flour Firmer.
Front Street, Feb. "IA p. '. Tl;',prraei
v : pal features of Itv Portland wholesale msrketa
. daring th past vnk were: ' -,. :
Onion market moving upward. J,': t i,;t' r,
- : Fancy potatoes are wasted. .'"'.''";.
Kstra rauil rwtlmM (or.lmt.' S;', .
, . , knur market gaislog la strength. , ; '..
, F-ggstumhls with large receipts. ,
, Poultry gsiea .with a erarclty. .' :
; California invades batter market.' '
Halt ia firmer, with rising tendency.',
- Uriaacd ml and hog higher. : ' 1
. 4'hees supplies under tbe demand. : -;' .
j. Dealer huylng hefi contracts. ...
,' n'OaJea atarkst Itevfc Upward. '""V
Notbieg near aaama likely to stop tba Oregon
enaoe msrket from going to tba higher arret.
- Tba prteaa during tba week steadied up eoa-
Iderebly ami sums alight advaaeas were shown.
The market baa mnr reached such a figure
that dealers era no looser eurlsg to buy aolaaa
. they bar. order to fill, and area, la tbl eaaa
f-omilderable difficulty la encountered. For
over a moatb anr tba Auatralia outou baa bat
bit boa-ahoo In tbla market, but Its dare of
power to flic btea too rfiowm.ata a boat, aaded,
for thta aeaaea at leajrt." Late adrlrea from
AaatralU aboar tbat a Urea ar entef tbe
J exported ro of oulom la Aoatralla baa failed
to materia 11 a and tbat laataad of tbla year
l-elnc a :ravoM bre&ker 1 tba prodaetloa Hoe
tbere. there til be a decided abortaxe. and bad
. tbe dealers act aold stocks. t tbs California
market bjreoa tract aaearal moatba .are If la
r oot likely i- tbat Aaatralla would hare any
nnloaa to sell, fhirloa tba week adrlrea re
reteed in. tbb) rttr from Aoatralla Jit a ted .that
' tbe flood la tbe Hunter river diatriet bad
m beea erea more dlsaatroua than bad first bees
anticipated -and tbat a bslf crop la very likely.
Tba Hanter rleer district . la tbe banner oaloa
aeetioa of Aoatralla. , Aoatralla la sow offeiinc
oiibma for Marcb-Aprll-aiay delivery at S41.2S
per toa. whirb aoald make the stocks coat la
the mast market with duty, frelithrnrad. tnsor-.
aaea added. 173 per toa. or practically 13. 2S
per ,W poanda, i.-oaat pplats."TAt tbla flrar.
' : (rrecoa farmer are wllllnff to sell, so tba Aos-
' trails market -Cuts ao coaslderaUoa with them
-Stall,..'. --. . 1.-.- . I
.i raaoy Petataes , Are , Wsatad..'',.;-';.
Then waa as excellent demaad for fancy po
tatoes this week sad tbe burial price at eoon-
. try point, reamloed st H)K&e par 100 ponads.
rJerenl can of Ooloraao stock . were sold la
'this territory, bat none la this city. Buyer,
did sot cars to parchaae ordinary grades of ,
potstora d urine tba week, as all oataide mar
kets sra Hied to tba brim with them.. Late la
, the week there were emo eaoulriea) for fancy
potatoes from Ariaoaa, . watch coea to show
. ' that tbe peopisv there hare not forgotteav the
lante of - Oreiroa- Burhanaa despite ths fact
tbat'Oreeley cau be laid dowa there at a mach
hies ajratv. .,.,;... . ...,- , . .:,.
r : . . Tbers was a oaatlaasaes . e( tba vtatera
demand for wheat during tba past week, but
lew oales wcr. reported, as the .easterners'
prleea were a trifle too 'low lor tba local grata
i .. men to aecept. There la a better demand from
California polata. Caoiea No.. ' 1 sradea of
wheat are sow getting very aeeras. and prices
are iiactaating beulr- - .iT
.'-",:-; V 'aUiaa Are Seed for -Wheat. -
Tba beginning of tba rains baa bad a good
Tfsct-npo tba wheat crop, an tbe cold wes
ther of tte past few weeks had dried the
" groaad . sad did other damage.. Brosaibairs
trade newa of Lleerpsoi la a reseat Maas gives
tbe foi lowing report of tbe crop, of various
eons trim:
, ITnlted Klndoo Tb weather of 'tba" past
: -fweek has beea ' rather mild for the time of
year, but still there bare beea ao aotieeably
" high trmperatoree to bring oa axgetatloa an-F-
duly faat, and as regards'. oar wheat crop.
. report continues M mention very favoraber
coodltlon; indeed, so weU do tbe fields leek
. tbat there aeem hardly room for slagla eom
, plaint, i Tbe lack of rata Is the one ansatw
. factory feature of tba sltaatloa. Hitherto this
. . has had o aafaeorabte Imluenna on the rrana,
, aad la any case it le sot likely to hart wheat,
bat for tba asko of other crops aad U restock,
'It hub) Imped tbat .a good fan of rain
will com aoon. although naturally farmers will
not waat a pro4oaged spell of wet weather, with
sll their spring seeding ta frost of them. Of
JIHal v returns of farmer.' deliveries still
.... show ths Quantities to be tba aaMlleat at sny
recast year at tbe same time, ant, oa tba
v other' hand, the uric this sesaoa 'keeps well
ahead, aad now staad at 30 fld per S0
: poands. , . ," , ,
. Bnaala AO report agree la Bering that the
country haa a good covering of saow. Odessa
rvporta a rather better trade, snd storks there
sud st Mleolsleff hsva Increased moderately.
' 1 baas Increases, however; -are very likely to bo
cvunterbslaoeed by , dtcraaaa at Mororoaalak
and Orimeaa porta. -t .-:...
. jaoamaalaad Bnljrarta Very cold weather
; crop, bare beea well protected. Very libera?
quantities were eblpned test week, and return.
received from Bnlxarlaa port show that fair
Btorka sre-otlH held tbere. - -
Aastrm-Hougsry Reports coatlaae to ssy
that aoane dsmacs la feared from tbe recent
.. severs frosts, which found the crops with only
a light eovrrlng of snow. e .
. Argeatins Complaint of a poor harvest Is
the northern diatrlcte eoattnse to be made,
sad aoane advices ars very pessimistic.' Home
well posted people eetlmsie tbat this year 'a
wheat ssrplos will fall abort sf Isat ' year's
by per cent, while flax seed will be fio
per cent short. Bach deficits are. of coarse.
- oerioBS, for art' per reat. leas wheat mesne
s rouadly 16.WiO.uao bnaheis. It may be well to
meatioa. however, that- tba great larnsss ia
tha acreage this year occurs in Buenos Ayres,
. tbat is' tbe province that bss had tbe best
r . ksrrestr-and had llao by far the naoat land
.. tuider crop, v ' ..if 1 - - '
rrugaay Kxcellent reporta of tbl crop
- reach ao via Boeaos Ayres. ' The wheat harvest
iu ssld to be far la excess of anything yet
, recorded la the blatory of the republic, snd
tbe awailty llkewwf aeraaa to be very aatlafar
. tory. . ' v
. Asrtralla The more wa get to know of thla
- crow the mora certain It beaumes tbst - It
turned aht very disappointingly in Victoria and
, New Hoot ' steai but Mouth Aoatralla fared
better tha a the others. The- lowest estimate
sf eurfihta we have aeea waa a little over
14l.0uii.iaJ0 lmebf-ai. snd some good authorities
are only looking, for lM.iMio.OOO baabehi to 22.-v-
. .bjebeie, of , which about " 8.000.000
baebebt will be wanted for ex-Europeea coua-
trtes. ' Tieee qnaatlea look very asoall when
we reaoeaiber tbat la 1004 shipments to Karoos
alone totaled 32.0MO.OUO busbela, aad besides
this some bsahela were sost to ci-
Kuroneaa' eouatrles. ' ' . .
India Latest reports - bavr ' mentioned' some
violent atorma . aad torrential rains. fW far
aa we M learn It at not spurebeaded that
aav serioas as mage has as yet beea done.
bat a eontinaaare of such weather would not
.. fall to have disastrous result, for tbe atsnulng
. crops. - Hhlpmrnts continue oa a large .ecah.
and It now looks as If on seassa will fab-ly
tread oa -tbe herla of aaother. ' r : , .
rraare Chsssresbls weather, with alter sate
' frosta and thaws eaasea esntinaed fears of
crop asmsge. go far, however, ther hsva beea
no aeiinuu romplslats, sad peopl think or hope
-that' little or an daaaag haa pat bees dnoe.
tinaatry amrketa hare costlnueO to rale firm,
. . bat dulL , - ' , ....
Hair The latest offV-l.l halletla gives a
fsrarshle sorasat of ths wheat crop aad of agri
cuirarai eofMlltieas geaerally.
M,Min rirld wcrk hss beea checked by wla-
- trv weather, bat erop eoadlthma generally are
mof-lfffered shout normal. ,
Heigism and llollsndTha weather Is rhsnge
able. froaU . f4hmiag thaws .to ajnick aaeeea-
aaM Ahw In this eooatrs theee bee been
or trusts sua .rnsws. whlca has
gtrea rise to rear, of ere) damage, but there
are tw definite sompatlal ' of Injury. Tbe
aafaverable eena) weather reused tbe marketa
to move Is favne of holders. , - ,
Tleur Market Is Tory . Firm.-' . '
The bvul floar market gslaed maHi strength
durtssT the week 'ioa aernnat sf tha eaeteva
drmand for fhmr aad tha higher aricss ruling
la 'the . wheat market there.' Rom, of t he
oat of towa millers advanced their prices lue
a barrel, bat thla did not bort the "market -st
II. The trad took the advance as well tbat H
I quite likely that there will be general Id
vaace la prices the- coming week. . Xb toaa of
the oriental markets was dull this week sud
bat small bsslutjia, staa, reported by . lor!
firms. .. "' ''
fcggs Tamhte W1U Lsrgs Usealpto.
' Receipts of eggs tba past week were cnor
meua and ,'pricea made srversl dvcJInes. , The
a r lira la came ,1a aa fast that tbe Jobbers did
hot know wbera to' hot the eggs. Tba retell
trade had beea anticipating a geaeral, decline
la values and bas beea-buying rrom sajKi is
mouth la order to help 'be decline along.
At several period, of the week the msrket
dropped a uddcBly that qaotattoas svarywbere
were ont of . Has. No help could be secured
frrtar -tha outside msrket,. price are dowa
all snog the coast,.,,... ..
- t . Vaaltry 43ia With Souaity. ..
ThereJ was a general acaretty of poultry dur
ing tae' psst week and prices ars showing a
material sdvanee over tha flgorea of Isat week.
Ths supplies of chickens sll through tbs week
wcr only about bslf of wbst the demand called
for. snd this kept tho. toaa booming and ad
vance la price war easy to make. IHirisg
the week thrra were fair receipts of turkey,
hut tha demand was food and tna Brlee ruled.
Tbs supplies of wild birds .were asoall and
tbe msrket Is firmer but unchanged. Tame
geessr and .ducks ram la a boat ss f sst as tbe
demand lusviaed and no manges wer antra jb
quota Uoa-t.. t "
- Oaliferaia lavadad Butter tUrhst.
; Butter la plentiful and cheap in tha California
markets, whUe it la scares In- Oregon. This
reused tbs California cresaasrymra to sead their
surplus stocks .-hers aad 'credit he sires them,
the stocks tbry seat were not so-rsnk aa former
ahlpments. . Jn fsct. some of tbe batter srss
aa good as any. snd readily -brought tba same
orices as outatds state brsada. One Ban Kras-
rimro firm.' Nvs A- Kisses, ha had so much
basiness that : it has determined - to settht
hers. Ordinary grades of ereaatery batter were
not over plentiful during the Week snd too
prtcm rated. Tbera w a heavy demaad for
Mintrr stnes huuar from .the south, ss well
as from local points, during tha oast tow days,
SOU VVICW U-JIUW"- . ' , .
alt rimsr With' rIUg Teadeocy.
Ths salt market Is firmer and tha prices leak
higher. Ia fact, tha toaa bas become ao atroug
that tha Jobbers -are now freely predicting aa
adr.saa la value at ss early date. .
There la nothing of Ibtereat ia tn augar mar
ks!. ' Tbe aaatorn msrket ranges from weskaesa
to strength every other day. Value tbera ra
mala about tha asma aa tba previous weekT
-:. .Bnswi'Taat aad Hog' Higher. -'"
la sll, Uses of dressed meats. the past .wee
hss beea a good one. Tbs receipts la sll lines
were fair, bar tha. demand waa- extra' large
and top- prices - wee easily .abtalaed for all
shipments. A few aa I prorata of beef arrived
and found -a ready call at ruling v.loes. Both
veal and bogs were firmer and higher, in
receipts wer sot up to the demand. .
. ,' Sesisrs' Buying, Hop Oeatmsts.
Now that tha spring season Is setting In.
there-will soon be something ' doing In . tbe
bop market. Already there are soma Inquiries
being received, bat -few a a lea have resulted
as yet. The weather la still to cold la the
east to admit of general baying, but aa the
season advances ' heavy orders ar .expected.
Tha entire market remains about the bum
the previous fork. t " ..--. .-,
The wholesale quotstlons which rated at the
rloaa of .tba-week are: -,j
' ' ' ' Srala,1 navT aad ' Faad. " - . !' '
WBKAT Chtb aad red. S7aS8c: blueatom.
P2c: valley, We, . ,
BARLKYT teed. 23.50; rolled, (24.00; brew-
!C0Wbte.'M.oV per
Itirj Sl-oo per cwj. - . u - , -1 ' I
PATor'runjucers pnoeo ne. i waits, axs.w;
trslghts. $3.75: vsltey.. 4.105 graham, Ua,
4 .00: Ms. 4.r rye, fiOs.. $5.00; bales. 2-tS.
MIUBTUFKwBrsa. (18.00 per tons mid
dlings, VS-00; shorts, country. 23.00; chop,
B1H.UU. K - - ' i ", - -
HAT Prodncer price Timothy. Willamette
valley, tcy. l4.0Cei.OO; ordinary.' 13.0oa
ts.uOr oaatera .Oresou. , S15.OOHrtla.00: mlaed.
1ll2.0OerlS.00; clover. vll.0$12.00j rain,
lll.OO) 12.00; cheat. $U.0OJl00.,.. ,,.
Dattor, lfa aad-- Foaltry. ' c-J
. i ItrTTFR FAT aweet. 3ie: . aour, r
' BI'TTEal Clly i -eresmery, bsst. ,-89He;
sscoad grade, 27He! outside-fancy. 80c: oJl-
pary, 7Ve,- cailtoral, gTMttouci ators, J
era. f24c: California, a4tf25c. " .. .
CHKKSfc New mil cream, twin. 15;
Toang America. lKc;, .sstrrn...16ei5),o;
Cheddar, lhe. - ,
POI'I.TBIT Chickens. mixed. per lb:
heas. 13e per lb; rooster., old. lae .per lb;
ywug. J2H13 per lb: broilers, ny,t
1O.0O per das: gees. 8ftc per lb; turkeys. ITU
We per Jb: dressed. 20W22H. per1 t . .
WlLtf-'ttAhllt Tesl, 1.TS; widgeon. $3.00;
mallard, &; casTaabacka. I4.ftoaa.oo.
- Hops, Wool aad Rides. - '
Ttnpn Tontracrs. toflo.. jeeiiTei lvi
ftr23 for choice; 2424,e for. Sra,.. 1
medluma. - -jitt '"
w f M 1 1 . xm era ru clip. - izd ise?
coarse to medium,! ISQIT; aaa, 1 7(2 lac; tt'.
era uregoo, iw. -
. MOHAIR New. re. -,
BllKBraKINf-besrlt!. lOeiSOef abort woot
Sntl.toc: medium wooL SOOSOci Ions vnoT
JOrl.0 each.
TiliLow-rnaa, per in, asioe; Ha, J and
grease. ttt.
CHITTlki BARK to per lb baying prlra."
HIDES Dry hides. No, I. 1 lbs and an.
JfKjUm per lb: dry kip. No. Li to It lbs.
lc; dry calf. No. 1, under lbs, le: dry
salted bolls aad sura. 1-1 less than s, ni.
sslted bides, steer, soond. Nina over, SHe!
50 to 0 lbs. 8c: under 60 lbs and cows, f U
c; stags and bulla, sound, ac; kip. 15 to
0 lbs. 8Hc; sound, 10 to 14 lbs. Oe; calf,
soand, aader 10 lbs, -Ac J gresa (nnssltedl l
per lb teas; cull, le per 16 less: horss hides,
sited, each, 1.25l.T1i; dry each. Il.00ejl.a0:
colt hides, each; 25SOc; gnat skins, common,
sch,-. KHjlSc; Angors. arilh wool oa, aaea.
Trait ' aad TsgstsuU. ' .V'-
P0TAT"0P Best -Oregoa, BOOf 1.60r tmy
s. recrSOc: second grsde. SOe oar saehv
Ins nrlce. flWtToc: rweets, best tLAussi an-
crated. 1.63; new Csllfornls, 2Sje per lb. ,
uiiiu.s--!: osyers .. prices, . country.
$2.35: garlic. 10e per lb. .-'V'
FRESU FRDITfl Apples, extra fancy.
tl.60 fancy Oregoa, $1.00 per box!
ebeaa grades . 14c pee (box; oraages,
aavsl. '1.26X15 per "box; aeedUngs. 51.60
per box; tangerlaea, tl.T6 -" per box: Jap
oranges, dOerOSc per bos; bananas, &e per. b;
Irmona. cholca. 5.115 per box ; -ancy, 5S.7J
per box; llntes, Mexlesn,-O&e per 100; pine
apples, SUB; cranberries, eastern, $11.00 . par
VOL . .
VEOrTABLM Turnips. $1.00 per asekt car
ts. 51.00 ner sack: beets. 41. xA -uer-as.
regoa radlsbee. 15c per dos; cabbage, Oregoa.
si. in cwi; vsiirurius, i.d. mttnes, aotnoose,
$1.2501.75 crate; green pepper. 7e per lb; chili
pepper. 15c per lb; ceterv 55zuBe per do;
torn a toe, Csllfornls. $2,O0e2.23: parsnips, T6r
51. 25; rag plant. I2t4c per lb: string beans, lac-
csuiiOower. 5l.75tt2.0rt per crate; butter beans.
we; pumpkins, le per in; aorsersilish TvjHc per
lb; sproota, 7c) artlchskea. gl.00gfl.2b per do;
pea, luc Per lb; cucumbers, California hvt
bonee. $1.71 do. .
DKtRD FRfflTB Apple. - evaporated. 7V
per lb; 46rlcots."-5Htrl3e per lb; sack. He
per lb teas; peaches. fl 12c per lh pears.
per R; prunes Italian. 3H4He per lb;
French. ll44uVe -Ber- lh: California
Bt'v per lb; California white, per lh;
pinma,. pitted, per lb; date, golden, de
par lb; farda, $1.50 par 16 1b bos.
' " ' ." . Oiaaaiiaa, Hats, .. Zto. ,
KI'OAR Herb hanlslnha SS SO- naavd . !
E.15; fmit grsaulated. 50 08; dry granulated.
.05; beet granulated. $5.56; eitrs C,
-55; golden C. $6.46; bhls. ide; H bbls, SSe;
boxes, hue sdvaac aa sack basis, . less 26 swt
w .casa, , ia oaya; maple, 14SJ1UC per Ik. -HONKT
l4M.15e, . ' -
OOVFEB Pscksgs brsnds. $15.5,
SALT rise Bales, 2s. 5s, 4a. 6a. 10. $1.50;
table, dairy, , bus,. $11.00; 100, 110.16; Im
ported. Liverpool. 60s, $17.00: lOiic, 415 50;
Z24S. $14.00: extra na. kSb a Sa Ita Ma.
$4.50lA5ei balk. $ao lbs, 54.oe4jO.OO; sacks,
a. Oofisao. . 1. .
; HALT doarse Half ground. 100a. per ton,
55 50; 50a, per too. $7.00; Liverpool lump rock.
5100 per toa; 6u-lb rock. W.0; lOOs, 5S.36.
, jl Above pries spply to ealca of less tbsa car
! Car teu t special pr teas sub Jeet t
lucrnstlons.l .', -
. ORAIit BAOHCalcutts. $5.7Sed.O0 per 100.
i KICK Imperial Japan, No. I, 4e; No. t. to;
New Orlesim,ltaadr.6yee; . Adjux. He;
treoie. 4c " ,.
BBAM Bmsll' while. 4cs terga white. HI
plsk, ci Uyoa, 8Vir Llmas, , 5c; Mules
reds. e.
NUTB Psaants. Jte; jumbo. 6Hc per lb;
rw. OvJlOe pee-far roasted. ; eocoaaats.
hexOOc per dea; walnat. 144tHe per lb; pin
sun, l04I2He per lh: blckory nets, 10c per ib;
rheataau. e asters. 154lc per Ibt Brsall aula.
15e par Ib: filberts. . lnealae oer lb: faacv
svcaoaMtJlfle per lb; aimuada 131 l&C par lh.
ralato, Oaal Oils, ZU. ' .
KOPPPare Manila. 14c; standard. 12e;
issl. 10.c: latle araad Blssl,.04s. t '
0JFI,; Oft Pearl or Astrsl 4 sses, 214 tet
sal: water white. Iroa lhls. 15Me per gsl:
wosdea. 17 per gsl: headlight. 170-dg. caavs
c per asi; iroa M, 10vC Per gsl.
MNXKII) fHI-pwe-raw la bbbi. bOs
k per gsl,
led. eases
esse aie per gsl; geaal
J e gal. OUl U.
(re aad aaht.
" ' '
ear kit $29.00 per. toa, tea than cat lota $30.
per: -t oa. . . . t 1 ., '
UABOUNkKM-dec. , esses S2c nerg1. Il
bbte 28c per gsl; stove, cases 24Vfc per gsl,
iron bbls Me Bee saL- : ? - j
BE.VZINB ea-deg. tcaaea 25 per gsl. . iroa
hbl. lttcper gsL 1 - 1
TURFKNT1NE In esses 8Sc par gaL wooden
ooia, bio pes gsl, iroa obis, ju per gst, aw-to
esse lots 844 per gsl.
. WUITK LRAD Toa lots. 7e par lbs 500-lh
lots. 7c Pef lb; less lots 8c per lb. t
WIBK NAIL8 I'resisT base at $160. "
KsatociFiah aad lra riahia - '
FRR8H BtRATB Front street Beef, steers.
4g6Me per Ib; pork, block. 7tj7We per lb;
pscherg; 7ti7tke par Ib; bulls, 2V.0 per lb;
cows. SJ3Me per lb; mutton, wetner and
lsmbs, 7c; ewe, de; veal, extra. S par lh;
ordinary, 8He per Ib.
HAMfl. BACON, atTQ. Portland asck (local)
hams. 10 ts 14 lbs, 124 per lb; 14 to Id lb.
ite per lb; 1. to 20 lbs. t2e per re; cottar.,
5 per 1b; break faat bacoa, 2J16e per lb;
picnic, 8H per lb; regular short clear, aa.
mokod, per If; emoked, 10t4cer lb; clear
hark., ansmoked. 9c- per Ib; smoked. 10c
per lh; Union butts. 10 to 18 Jhs. . unamoked. se
per lb: kmoked, Oe per lb; clear bellies,- aa
smoked. lie per. lh; smoked. 12c per lb.
LOCAL IaARD--Kettle leaf, 10. 10 Mi per
Ibt 6. 1054c par lb; 50-lh tins, 1014c per lb;
team Kndered, 10s, 9r per lb; 6s, BW par
lb; tuba. 6 per Ib; 60c, 6c per Ib.
CANNED 8AI.MON Columbia river 1-lb talis.
S.K5; 2-lb tails. $2.50; fancy 1-lb flats, $2.00;
-lb fancy tin, $1.25; fancy 1-lb ovale, $2.75:
aska tails, pink, BSiJsOc; red. $1.60; nominal
2s, tail, $2.00 7
F18H Rock rod. Te per lb; floonderl. 6c par
lb; halibut. 6c per lb; ersbs, $1.25 per dos:
striped bass, 10yilH per lb: catfish, 7e per
lb; salmon, Columbia river. Chinook.. 12Hc;
ateelbeada, te per Ib; ' f rosea allveraides, 7e
per lb; bxrrlng M per lb: soles, , ue , per lb
shrimp. 10c per Ib; sbad. dressed, per lb;
perch, f: per lb; shad roe, per Ib; sbad.
fee perlb: black cod. de par tbl Colnmbia river
smelt, 5c per. Ib; allver amelt, 6e per lb;
teostera, J2He; . fresh mackerel, 5c per ' lb;
crawOsb. ' 20c per dos: sea oders. 6s ner lh:
sturgeon. 7c per. lb.
uirteii Mhoaiwater nay, per gal. xz.zn;
per sack. $4.00 net: Olympl. par ssck. $6.25.
CLAM 8 Hard shell, ner horn. ' 82.00: raaur
clams, $2.00 par box.
(Fnrslabed by Orrberk, Ktarr 4V Cooks Co.)
.New York. Feb. 1. Dick . Bros, sar The
stock msrk.t bad a great desl of irregularity
today, but sgaln atresgta wsa dlsplsyed by
the merger storks., narttcularlr In linloa Pa-
rifle and Northera Kecurltles. Ths former's
5-point advance wss senestkmal. ' Northers
Bncurltlenl edvancedl ito sbont 11. When these
sbicks were. ajtakMg ..Aheir apart, however,
other Stock. eVen-Bouthern Pacinc. showed re
actlonarr tendency and closed rather sluggish.
Tbe bank statement was not a unfavorable as
expected, sltbough It wss not a good one.
Anotaer arnastionsi aavance was acoreo py
Federal Rteel, common. The National Lead aad
Steels were sis strong.
- Logsa dj Bryan ssy: ' Interrot centered ea
tirelv In Itnloa Parlflc. which advanced 53. This.
coupled with the point advance hi Great North
ern, prererrea, lenaa to ue rumor et an eeriy
settlement of the Northern Hecarttlea cane.
Onselp Is persistent thst ths dividend oa llatea
PariBe will be sdrahced next year to a'd per
eent basis. In view' of the fact that tha con
vertible bond holders have only antll Msy,
latsv to exehancw their bond for common
stocks, lesde to the opinion tba nothing will
be dona on the dlvdend lacress aatll that. time.
Todsy's msrket bss beea setlva and mora uni
form than recently. - The bank etatement com
ing better tbaa expected caused some snort
covering. Tbe general undertone continues te
reflect' vast underlying strength. Tbs set Ion
of the msrket seems to still warrant the belief
that atock are a purchase oa recessions.
1 Bo. ton. Feb. ' 14. Official copper close;
Bid. , . Bid. '
Adventure ...$ 5.75 Michlgaa ..,.$ 14.52
Arcadian ..... 11.25 Mnnawk , 64.00
Arnold ........ .50 Old Domlnlea. 20.50
Atlantic IT.OnA Osceola ...... pl.nO
Bingham ..... .12.75. Parrot ....... 2B.00-
Calumet ..... . Phoenix . '1
Oesteaulal A imnts r ..... 2.00
Copper Range . iQntncy ....... 107.00
Daly West.... , 17.75 ' IHInnno,' ...4., 7..
flreea Copper. 2S.0OA ITrlnlly It..
Msaa .....x.il7.12v'olverln .... 110.00 A
I'alne. Weoher A Co. ssy; The market today
tor onagers wss better all around, (toed Jadgea
predict aa acflrs copper msrket within tbe
next two weeks, and we advl tba purrs ass sf
the good coppers. . .... f . . , ; .. .
. ,' VrW TOKK BANK STATXimrT. ' 5 .
Kew" Tork," FebT 15 Bant ttotrmeat lor four
''V-g.v ';; 'rwrw.,
Rmn. '. J. t l..T2.Hno
Beseeve. - teas I', a. ,, , , B74,nno
Loans ...'.. .....,.......i...'l... fl.04
Hpecte , .i. ........ - 1 ai7.2on
lgal. -....(-. .-,.., .'.i .... .v.. .... .. ' 2 1 4""
rteenslt . . . .-. -, , , . . ,-. i, 10. 41 . 4O0
Cirealalloa-..., ............ ....r,.... - 17e,00
Market Acts as if Securities Mat
ter Will Soon Be Brought i
'. to a Close.
- ' ! '
Culmination of ' Cold ' Export
Movement Came This Week
, -Good Advances.
1 " '
C.r t, Fean...$ .ITCHIBslt. Ohio
Brook Iva L
C. A S. W 60
Los Is. A Nash. ,.25
Mev. .Central .. ' .12
Ksty, com ....... Tlli
North Amarkaa-' .25
Oss .'. '.124
Rep. Bteel ...... . 12
Ijeatheri eem -. Jtt
Leather,' pfd ... .1214
Krle. 2d pfd....
Metropolitan ...
Missouri Paelac. '
M. T. Central .,
Pennsylvania .,
Reading, com...
Tessa-ex Psclnc
Tennessee Coal.
KuDber, pfd
Atrhlaon. com.. 8 .2KIHmelter .
,....,. .82
Psc. ,12V,
Bait. A Ohio . .ii7itnslUn
(Irest West .... .75 n
hess. A Ohio.. .12
t. Panl , .75 '
Erie, com . ..... ,12H
K.ty. pfd ..... 1 .12
Paclfle Mail .... .50
8. P., com .... .02
Colo. Fuel ..... .12
Manhattan .... .25
Oat. West..." .25
Bock 'Is., com.. - .12
St. U A 8. Wp .12
H. r.. pta ..... .ou
Hunner. com a.iz
..... 3.12
.... .12
1'. P..
. .50
Steel, pfd
V. P., pfd..
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire to Theournsl)
New York, Feb. 18. Th Buropean atnek
markat seems to hsva recovered this morning
from tbe shock Inflicted yesterday through tbe
aasaastnatioa af the Urand Duka Berglua, aad
at any rat fairly cheerful tendencies wera
reported ta tha early cable advice aa pre
vailing ther. . Ia tha Londoa atock market tbe
mora active American railroad barea wer
howa at fractional advances abosw parity with
New York closing Bgures or yesterday. - Tha
Lsadoa quotation, were followed ap by pur
rhase for foreign .account in th New York
tack market aggregating bout 28.000 .hares.
Largely 1a consequence of these circumstance
the local atock market opened firm and fairly
active, sllhoiath a anmber of stacks from tha
snrset of business showed rather ex cent ion si
week sees... 4aia. In point war Oonsolidatedj
Oss, feaaayivsnla. sna Heaaing.
Psoilo If or wog.
As ws th eae yesterday, Coloa Paclfle i
era, preferred. . .bowed exceptional aad decided
trength aad rarb market dealings la Northern
Becurlttea attained a - new high record. Tha
whole atock market, how.icr, with th course
sf tho morning developed aoasewhst ructions ry
tesdenrlce, which were com mo I y accounted
for by tbe prospects that tbs bank tstemeat
would make a weak shewing. .
, CulmlnatMa af Oeld KxpsrU.
Tba culmlnatloa s( th gold export am vs meat
which has beea la progress off and- oa el see
Isat October, and which bas reealted la a heavy
depletion of bank reserve, at a seaaoa -when
recaperatlna la aanally la order, earn' this
week. Th essaatloe of th oat-go to Parte
wsa followed aalckly ay a drop Iw tha opea
msrket, discounts to 1 there, which preceded
a gala in tha gold holdings, la tha bank of
Fraac of 65.000,000 franca In eonaeqoenc of
tbs arrival of tho last heavy ahipmeat from
Mew- Xork. - "..." 5.--- ' ''- .- v
Vw (umrart raefal VmM. "
' Kith. Lne it V. have hrongbt ont the new
Mlaaonrt Psciflc railroad . loan af $25,000,000.
Th bond era described ss tha 40-yer, 4-per
eat gold teaa of 1006, with Merest , psy able
oa March aad September 1; and are duu, March
I,- 1045. They ars a direct obligation of th
railroad company- secured by th plecare of
espltsl stock of tha Ht, lale, Iroa Moaatala
Snathera Kallroed eevsessyr -ssaal . at - par
to .the per amouat of tha benda Issued aad
outstanding. ' Th osnhers, - however, sold a
large nert of this loss aad offer ib remaining
bonds for subscript to at 05 0 Friday, February
24. .. ".'.'.: ...... 1 ...
The hank atsteateal tone waa
Tho surplus.
decreased 6l.a.12,5iw snd
tuads at 80LCa. . XU.
1 il."
compares with 527,500.000 rear If sad $8.'
041.078 two year ago, - --
Tha offlcial gtocfc xaarket: '.. "".' . : " ';
Aasconda Mining Co....
Amsl. Copper Oo...r.
1 preferrsd.
Am. far A Foand., com.
am. pager, com...,
Am. Smelt..- com....
144 '
do preferred . . . .
Am. Ice, com... ...... ..-
do preferrsd....".....,
Baltimore A-Ohlo, om..
8tA 88
ao pretevrea
Brooklya Kspld Transit
Canadisa PsciOc. com.,
Chi. A tit. West., com.
Chi., Mil. A St. Paul...
Chi. It North., com
Chi. Terminal Rv..
2:t4 ' t -.
Chesapeak A Ohio. . .
50J 50
Colo, Fuel A Iron, com'
Com. Booth., com
do Zd preferred
' do 1st preferred.....
Pel.wsrs A HudSoa...,
D. 4 . G, pfd.
awie, 'com .....f ....
do 2d preferred..;....
- do 1st preferred.....
Illinois Central.
Louisville A NaabvUl..
Metro. Traction Co.....
Manhartaa Elevated...,
Mexicaa Central By...
M . St. P. A Sta. at....
Missouri ' Tsc
hi.. K. A T...oai. ..
pPs,irrlul .T". Tr a." ,
New York Central......
Norfolk A Western, com.
North -American.......
N. Y..-.OM.' Wort....,
Pennarlvanl Re
P. Q.-L. A C. Cu,.V.,ll07
IT is at a nteei car, com..
do preferred
Pacific Mall Steam. Co..
Reading, com....;.,....
'do 1st-preferred...,. .
Ren. Iron A Steel, om.
. do preferred
Rock Island, com...,..,
Sonthera Hy., com...,
do preferred .........
Sonthera I'sclflc.......
do preferred .,
St. U A R. F., 3d pfd.
St. U A 8. W., pfd...
Texas A Pacific ,
Tenn. Coal A Iroa ,
T.. Stt L, A W., coca..-
do preferred.,......
Union Psdfle, com... .,
do preferred
V. 8. Leather, com...
do preferred
Q. S. Rubber, com..,.
, do preferred..........
TJ. 8. Stael Co., 00m..
do preferred..,....,.
Wisconsin Central, com
idhL preferred. . .......
Wee teen Union Tel....
Wabash, com.... . of, ,
do preferred.
Total sales for day, '828.100 shares.
' VKW YOU BfflTJtAT. - 1
londoa reports advance la - Bteel plats.. Ad'
vsncs sxneeted In 'Steel bars. Vauin
1st pre" activity largely transferred from stark
to wheat. Chances are stIU against New Haven
strike. Katy earned t.Oft per rent oa tha pre
ferred for tha first half of tbe fiscal year.
Nineteen mad for December .bow aa average
net increase of 1161 par eent, and fee aig
months 11.08 per rest. Forty . roads for the
first week sf Febraary a how a gross. Increase
ot 2 per cent. Braadstreet' aay th weather
had depressed trad and Interfered with various
kinds of industry. Dan'e ears th taterruptloa
to tba- movement of freight baa affected sasso-
fsetoriag to eons extent. Th bank test oa
currency movement 54.otCT.fl0Q. - . Ths hanks
rained from snb-trsaaury sine Friday $A04,01IO.
Twelve Industrials advanced 88 per cent aad
10 aetirs railroad dseressed 1 per cent.
Saa Fr.nrlsco, Feb. 18. Local atock cloaing
0;30 8.. m.1 , . - . .
' V Bid. Ask.
rnntr Costs Water. ....... 44 . 4.1
Soring Valley Water , &T'4 m
Paclfle Lighting) 57 88
8 Francisco Ufa A Bteetric.
, .1-1 ...a,.,-....
Ilawsllsa SuggrK..
Honokea Sncsr
Mskswell Sngsr .........
Otwunea Surer
80 '
... tl
... 88 ,
p asanas Sura
AUiki Packers'
California Fralt Caa
New York. Feb. 18. Sngsr t Refined, an
changed' , raws, flraser; muaro, " 4 7-lde; mo
lsseas.. 4 S-lOuMlaft. lymdoB beet. firm r Feb.
roarf bp 2d UUltd, March VP d to las fAd.
San Tranclsco Sells Large Sup
, plies of Oats, Darley and Hay
t, ' , to the Russians, r 'n
Butter Stocks Clean Up Better
Eggs Too Petntifur Weak
V . nri .nrkryrrihrr '': '
..-wmm w "nmas as
8padal Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Journal)
Baa Francisco, Feb. llO-Inwhest ther wer
aa apaeulatlva estes today.' blay closed st
11.4814 per cental bid and tl.4 asked. For
December 1.2H was bid. The ton of the
markat - was easier. Ia tha sample msrket,
which was very dull, prices were . without . any
qwtaoie caaaga... . : -.
May Bails Higaar.' i 't t;.'
Vfay 5 barter closed - lMe v per . cental
higher - thus oa rrldsy and... December
waa - unchanged. - Boot . barley was . t
changed em? quits iteady. Ths British steamer
Wlnkbora. which was cleared foe Vladivo
stok, via Cobkix, B. C ia to ratara from tha
latter part. Bba took from hers 40.000 cents le
of barley; SO.SHg bales sf hay aad l.MS eenUla
or oats, an or which may aa tarowa oaea
an this msrket. Osts and hay remained a
previously . quotrd, tns former : peing steaay
ad the latter weak, f Oora was held? higher.
Rye coatlnaed torn. Lsrre whits aad lima
he as were further advanced. ' There were 2,-
927 barrel, of aour ahloned today, including
I.onr to Usatral America. Tbs narcex wa
wltboat any reported changes. . . 1 ;
Hadarato Vrait' Deauad. '
There wsa a roodersre demaad for aeaasnabto
fruits at prsvionaly quoted prices, with oranges
loading, ua Moods V aa suction win oa sew
aad ..tha offerings are (expected to ba quite
liberal. Fancy Bpitaenbarg and Newton .Plppla
apples were la rather limited quantity.' hot
other varieties were abundant aad generally
weak. ' Mexican lima were nearly cleared
ap. -Beadles grap .fruit. waa 'Swa.VvJ..' ,- ,
Thrra wars right arrivals of potatoes , ind
only a vary small quantity of onions, ppolcs
petatoea were well sustained la price sad
Ine onions were firm, most of ths othsr vege
table wars la light supply and especially good
quality. Asparagus went at oG5oe par pound.
' Battor Bsttor Olaaasd Wp. " . " .
. Butter .wa - batter cleaned up, but there
was so qootaUblo advsaca la price. Thar waa
aoma effort ia- tbs direct km of higher price
hot It waa not aafftcieatly pronounced to make
any change. Tba receipts wera expected to be
ample for all requirements, though In tha. cans
at some bouses tbera may be. aa usually hap
nena. aa occasional sbortaxs af certain branos.
Tha .quoted prices repressat snly sales from.
rat hands. ,. ;-.,..' :. t v.-.-;:.. J
(Tie ebeesa blva - war- ganaralty ' pretty
wsl thinned aat aad hlghsr prices wera asked,
though om doubt w.s expressed ss to th sd
vhjsblllty af a higher market at thU time.
- Zgs naattfal aad Waak. Vl.. ,
Egg continued vary plentiful aad weak at
nrsvlooa nnoUtloto.--Tho csrload or- hottee,
previously mestioaed ss having beea made ap
for tba eaat. was secured lh most part at 244)
2&e per pound, few cases, ts All ap, beiof
takea atv20cr -' " ' ; ..
Very little poultry arrived aad tha market was
geaerally la (nod shapa. There wag ao quotabl
cimafea ta gam; .-. V. . .-. '--, $,., , '. (
Market Here a FulK Cent .Over
Those Ruling In Omaha and
Cattle Tone Rrrner With a Rise
. in Value Sheep DoVn , '
a Quarter of a Cent. , , ?
., .;v - k',5-
- rortlaad t'nloa Stockrards, Feb. 1A 8 p. nj.
There - veers many chsngea la tha toaa of
tha livestock msrketa - daring the past week.
Th - hog market has , bees, nothing short of
sensstioaalthe price flaring the week Showing
sn advance of 60c. At the present valuea th
Portland stock ' msrket ts ever a vest higher
than any of tha markets la th aast aad meat
men aay tbat there la now ao reason why
people of tot locality should no , asad their
shipment to Portlaad Instead of. to Kan
City nnd ' Omaha, especially whea tha price
that rule here are materially higher tbaa
tho ebwwher. Th cold weather which
thla region baa experienced thrttpaat week
or ad hs checked th Uveatorr 'receipt to
a wonderful extent. ,. . -.- -
' Cart Is Markat a Quarter. Higher. "
' With the receipts quite a bit snort of th
demand now ruling the cattle markat la la
very good shape and prices . tbla week are 25c
higher tbaa during th previous period. . Now
tbst tba weather has aaoderstsd tha receipts of
csttle will very likely show a large Increaas.
Tba entire receipts of cattle ia thla market dur
ing th pt wek aasoaated to but 262 bead.
Sheep Sail and lawar. "n',"7
Although the receipt of a beep Were not a
largo during the past week as they wera
durlaf th pre vl one six' days. ,.th market
ruled dull and featureless most of ths ttm
and price were cut In order" to' Infuse om
II f Into th market. Values .thla week ars
26c lower than teat week. -
Th reeelrta show: -,.''.': - ";" ..
..' - - . v Thla . T-aet
fV . . . ',,'-:;: , Week Week
Hogs ar) . too
Csttle ...... 2t2 1H0
Sheep l.atn i ATM
Official rnllnk prlcea at th eteea . of the
week weret ..;
Hnga r Beat eastern Oregon. $8.50: light
blocker and -hlna f.ts, $5.0O5.75; stock m
aad feeder.. 54. 60475.00. . ,
.Cattle Rest eastern Oregoa steers, $4.00)
4.25; light and medlam aveara, 5.1.50W.VT5;
met, f.'l.0OX.26 medlsm cows, $2.6ofX76;
old and light cows, 83.00; etockers aad feeders,
$A00j2.28; bulls. $1.60412.00.
Sheep Bast fancy, .beep, $4.2504.50; awes,
H00.. .. ' " .',;
m . . w , ii . i - .. . .
'.. CSIOAwO HOtW 10WXB. -v 7
Chiesgn, Feb. - IA -Livestock receipts: '
,! .-I . . Hogs. .; Cattle. Sheep.
Oalcaga .............. 24,ono ' aoo aooo
Kansas City 6.ISM . l.rss) : 600
Omaha 1A000 v .mo .a. 4.000
Hog ope sea o lower, nnimg price: liood.
84tv(4.87; rough, 54.704.86; light, $4.8
l':: ' ; . '." '- ' '
I srtie eJrenny. . .
ShV Stasdj. v- ' '. .
'I - "
' New York, Feb. 18. Iteaiend 'sterling, 487,80
f 487 70; CO day', 4r2l.404A4S5.o0,. , .-
t' T ' ' Urm Trk Oak Cat foe. -
New York, Fob. IA Cash coffea: No. 7
Bio, 8. "
afemaara umcago noara oi iraae. ,
' omAXJr, nfmnoarm, oottobt. btockb ajtd bOsTM. ;.
. ' " 10 Third Street, McKay Building?. PorUand. Or.
' H ; WB SO A sTTBIOTXT .OOsaWBaTIO aTTarnrSaW.' ' -
Continuon M.rkatg by Trirat Wire. ' Quick Bervte. REFERENCES lvl4 a..
. -, TUvvc, backers, Ao4 .UeUtW gtatta NaUooa) 4nk ot PorUAa4. . .
m 1:1 pi:m
uiimi. 111 '.vvniiivsv
Big Interest Brings Prices Back
From Low Point With ' 1
iCi .C Much Ease. '.'
May Off tf Half iuaJuly "an
' ' - Fiirhth rAntintAmKar
, v ssse snap s s w -wwaaea wwas ssssfBff 5 Ssv 8
i;lyLo- Most. '
.... ,v Open., Close t'lo . Lea
' -r Todsy. Todsy. Frl. k Today.
May........,.$l.lK 1.1A $1.1 $,00
eoly....i.,.,. 1.01 .1.01B 1.01 B ,0O
Bept ........ . , .8214 .82 ...Ki . .00
i (rurniahed or Overteck. Starr A Ceoka Co.) ;
' vmsfo. eeo. M.-jogsB m xtryaa ssr : -v
MlnuespoUs wheat stock decreased
mmhala for tha week aad rvoorts s vsnr nud
rssh demaad tor No. 1 and No. 2 northers.
Primary rocelpt are about 150.008 basbaia iroa
tbaa a year aao. -Tho low oolnt of ths dsr'a
st-salon came after tho opening, tha market
rallying ea.Uy and ruled atubnora and flrus
through th tba aessloa. Tba prla
clnal bolder of Wheat have again demonstrated
their ability to control the situation. Th
speealatlv line are atlU ctesely draws. Whllo
tha market te srtlrs aad at times extreme If
tervous, th attuatioa to- us looks unchanged.
,' ..-' - ' Oara Trad atettar. , - ' '
Tha eora msrket showed better form la trad
ing, though tha trail wsa but modsrnto snd
without special algnlflcaaca. Th wes ther map
through the west and a possibility ot rain;
which would" of Itself withdraw shipment..
Thla fact was respooslhla for th somewhat
Improved aad steadier toaa. Wail .Ua ex.
irons sdvanee la today's seas Ioa waa not held.:
th msrket showed a better form. Wa still
feel tha cash demand, must lm Drove to bring
sboat aad sustain bettor prices. . .
: Oats Itarhot te a Bat, '- '
Tha lasxawvemant In th. ears market hsd ao
effect oa oats. Selling bss beea si together
by cash hansea la a smsll war with bavtoa br
scattered commission peopl. Thla . market
earns to hava gotten back Into Its 'Old rnt.
W feel aa lmnrovement In tha cash situation
vlU do much to awaken Ufa la thla pit. .& '. ,
. Cash Ttamaad Poor.
In provisions tha anocalat'lva (ituatlea la still
unchanged. Packer continaa to report a de
cidedly disappointing - csab situation. - Tho
stock, are accumulating .with holding coming
to maset. in liberal number. -
Todays official markets : '...'
WHEAT. " ' , M. ;.'JI ;
- ' Open.'
Tw. ' Close.
. l.IV
.18 $ 1.18 $ 1.184
.in .1.011 1.017
$ 1.184 9 i.iuB
to, ir aiJu
." 7V , . TV.
2"A .WIA
': i V , COB).' J'.
...... . '.
..".47 47 J "
:. .47' .47
I -"OATSi ' '
: .4SN
' ', .4A
.40 ,
July. v...
Btba44l .' . I
May.,... , .30. .81
Jury..., .0S r.v,X i
Sept..,,.. JO . .20 -
. ..i.'..; jrlUESS FOBS.
Feb..... ...... ...... . .
' lAeTiM - '
i 12.82A.
Mar..... 1AM
12.KS- 12.S2
12.85 .. .JZAA
July.,,. U.02-
8.80 ,'
T.2 .
. T.15A 1
' 82A
. A87A- -'
Fe6 .....
. 852
Chicago. Feb. 11 Cash wheat Be lower
le ap. .-.
Todsr s anxeiai marxet: , . -
. - , ... . , . .. :,. V Hilt.
1 10
No. i red .............. ...$1.22
no. a red.-. ....... ...... ........
No. A hard. .......
No, A hsrd. .............
No. 1 northern
No. 2 northern.,......
Kdk. aprlng.... ....
1.17 .
nAJrcosoo etunr Mauucxr.
Saa FrancsKo,: Feb. IA Today' ofOdal mar
ket: " j! 'V'.- ..... ', ; l''.,'i
.. .';'. .'. ' ; WHEAT. ' V"
' Z.'LJX-' Open, ' High, tasr. Close, -.
May ....... .$1.4AA$ , A ...... ft.48A
IMcsmner ... x-xok, i. l.ash - a.asfk
... I.XXVA X.l 1.2'1
... .80 -.80 h,.SV
xjrleBs'ooi. ttxunr xabxr. " :
IJrerpool. -b. 38. 0l Wheat" htorrh,
7a d. d lower May. as lld, d hrwer;
July, OS lld, d lower.
(torn March, 4a liid..1,d lower; May, 4a
ld, d tower.
7Fundibed"s!yyeroeck. Btarr Cook Co t
New York, Feb.. In. T. A. Mclntyr A Co.
say : Ws would not ba surprised to see a
continuance of steadiness with aoma Improve,
seat in prion for a time at least, aa tbera
are now nearly aa many balls ss bear and
the movement of the crop,, tbe a trength of for.
eign msrketa and the technical position, are
fsvorabl . ta. such s movement. -Today'
official eotthn market:
, Wen. uigB.. ixm, , nam. ......
Starch ...tJ.. a-.785
April - f ....... re. .
Mag ,! 758
,788 ..782 , 7MtHd
; ... i 7kiio"
74 7S5 . 77f
June 7.M 70S1.TM
July 78 770 . 7M
August 70S 774 7R
September .......... 708 774, 705
October 788 TTT ' 788
November ........... . .' .- ..-.''
December.,... ,773 777 774,
78 '470
l ivn
i (.mr tv
77478 '
New York. Feb. 18. Coffe future dosed
S to 10 point higher.
. Today' of 8cll. coffee market! ',:
. '. Md. Art. I r'Bld. Ask.,
March ..:.:.$6.S $7.0ol September '..$7.05 $7.70
April 7.10 T.lhiOctober .... 7.75 7.80
May .,..-... 7 20 t.25 November ., T.88 ' T OO
June ..;j.. 7.80 T.40 December .. 7.00 7 05
July ...... T.n 7. Jaasary, uo. 7.00 8.00
7.65 T.OOt
- I Hh WHhu I MAHXh I
1. . as- v. . .innMlta
Mif Option, '
... l.llb a
..... 1.0 , 4
..... l.lta s
4 Bt,Loul8 ..-.....
d ; Kansas City.......
' MlnnestDolla ......
4 Uuluth ...........
i.i4ib;4 4
d : 8an Francisco. .V.
d Nww-York,.
..... 1.4b 4.
... LIT v 4
v., , .-
d . Per conUL ' . '
- ..c, - ; '.
(Estsbllahad ltf A)x'. r 7"
4. gyroud lloo. -
or oostacnoa.
" f"