The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1905, SECTION TWO, Image 16

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OTPO .11 ' All JnMll MMMt rlAW
of 8 tod dart may not hav been
' . Ui lut- In fact. th old man
confided to friendly Inqulraraw
Tnai)? of jrbom he found In PortUnjdhT
Jl)t lf hl( Jjealth was no wqrM than at
i nrnt,i'ht would -appear sain" naxt
, awsaaon. Not In "Tho. Bonnie Brier
filiate' t ,ta true; nor neoeaaarllr under
; tha direction of Itlrka LnBbeUa. It la
i ltiora likely that -ha.wUI so In for Mr.
etoddart'a Intaroata xcluoiTelr, and ra
- irl ona of tha old tlmera, with ohancca
strongly In favor of "Saints and Bin
i Ara." If thUvoomas about how aplan
: dldly history will hava rapeatad itaalf. -
t,': It was on tha last night of the engag
' wsnt which was tha beat performance.
, by the way, of tha- three that I secured
. permission from Mr. Btoddart's Jovial
Ml well versed manager,' "Bob" B rower,
to go back on tha stege and talk to the
r last of the grand old men of tha pro
eslon. -1, found him . In the dressing
Twoni, ah I rl leas and aweltarlng, , In the
simosphere of a Turkish bath establish
" ment. ' With 'rare ' patience be was
'- atanding for"' It, mopping his forehead
. - slowly but regularly Ills glaaeea ware
adjusted Just aa they are In that scene
4 ever the philosopher's book In the 8oot
v tlah idyl which' he has made famous,
'and on his dressing table -was- a well
. Apgered copy of James II. Stoddart't
; -Keoollectloha of a PUyer." The old
'man was reading passsgea In his ocdleo-
-; tfcMi of historical . anecdotes which had
try Col John M. MoCracken
Mhj tmmA .K 2. lyutb
? . . '-of this city, who owned -the book, and
' rtan whom Veteran Btoddart has no
V. more ardent ..admirer.' ; ' -;
nfou'win.pardort tha bat"-he smiled
JtfleasftMly "Ajjd'Jse suffer IV I Ug-
T gested last Plfht that the" room was- a
r trine, chilly. Tonight they have It hotter
h- mfcinaXefiotis. .Mdidtvra
nt complain ; .
'."ied about thetopia nearest his heart----
the Dook 'and the marked paragraphs
.. .'hlch hla old friend, the colonel, . iuul
s found of most liitereat.'.i .;
m' "Every tlme'I open this volame,Ve
Went on, It takes my mind back aver
'two score -years, and I see tha familiar
faces of that day, so many of them gooe
aow from the eartn-f orever," v- v . .
: f Here-would be a fine place to Insert
, -'that -a tear ' came Into -the veteran's
,4y when he, referred to by-gose-days,
. only notalng-of the kind happened, iln-
stead, ha smiled, and - looked fully tl
'. -years young aa ha , asked about "dear
. ; Rose Kytinge,", whom he had heard was
In Portland, and chatted on about
, 'iyJChailes '" Tborne, Dion Bouclcault and
other notables of that day-.and age.
I Finally, I aak'ed Mr. Btoddart If ha had
, any final mesaagev In view of his an-
- aouneed retirement,' to give the public
, He drew me carefully aside and whls-
pered, ' patronlxlngly: -(V .
fMy boy,, that report has' bean pat
; ut for commercial purposes. V am an
; old 'man, but it la by no means a cer-
' i tainty that this will be my last season
') en the stage. I am not sure that I will
. ever come westward again, but If my
v : health Is -mm good as It Is at present,
I will be before the public next season.
' u personally, I am willing to end my pro
. ' -, v i essional dsys In 1 the 'Bonnie Brier
7 Bosh for Iilove it, but' I have an idea
. ;"' that Jf all goes well I will make a last
- , Appearance in one of the old-time stand
- . ard plays, probably. 'Sa)nts and Blnnera.'
t -v" At any rate, I am not going to study a
',",, new part. Re rivals" again that coo
'i Ildential whisper that denoted the small
' streak , of commercialism la dear i old
. 8(,oddart ;revtvala, you know, are quite
. popular, nowadays, and I should enjoy
playing; tha - old" clergyman,' Jacob
, . Fletcher, once mora. , Or, possibly. The
v long , Btrike' would go better,.' What
'think "your i . .- . ". ... v
; I. -thought naught, as to a choice be
" . tween tha two, but used 'all tha ad
; Jectlves at any command in aa effort to
-SJore the veteran that should he make
a tour In one of the almost forgotten
'''stage classics,' he wohld find the public
banging out of the windows, awaiting
. hla: arrival - -,
, By this time Mr. Btoddart was thor
oughly immersed' in the long ago. When
asked -question -about -"old Charles
" - -'.Thome.' he replied quickly; "Oh, I
. s . dldnt knpw the old lrehtlemsn. I knew
v : Charley very well, but npt his father."
: - -it vaa the younger Thome of whom
'I spoke. from me. . "
"A . fine aetorl In the days of the
i r -jl'nlon Square company he was our lead--
"ing man. Thome, by the way, was tne
' ' very first actor la America to adopt the
. repressed style- of acting. From time
' Immemorial, heroes, -Ttllalns and aH
' ranted around the stage la a melo-
f , : dramatic manner which "would today'
., make them appear as positively rldlca
" 7 lous. The revolution begsn at the time
" we were Xo produce Dion Boulcault'i
. drams, ,1ed Astray. Boulcault him
self name over from England to rehearse
-. It. ' Thorae, wbO was playing Rudolph
T'haodoce. , began to read his lines after
-the customary fashion and Bouclcault
'exploded.-I thought .the author would
- die In a fit right then and there. . He
.' diamine ed tba rehearsal and put In the
.nex:. It -hours unVeachlng Thome In the
-- rid method and giving him the new. Toe
"V .'--"best of It waa that Thorns 4reoga!sod
- 'hla InaUmctor's knowledge as - para
- , mount, and tr snerward he played his
" , rolea naturally. The tlnest 'actors of the
' dsy patterned tae-quiet. effective style,
'bat only new la K becoming universally
.', . acknowledged aa true art. Mrs. Flake
. . nne of the ideal exempllflera of real
acting In thla country ao4leny small
. :war I nave tried to cultivate It." '
- Mr Klnall way! Tbh fmni'StAddart.
" I had not thought It Boaalble that aach
modesty existed on tha stage, tha nat
gral homo of conceit.
The extent to wjilcb Mr. Btoddart hsj
"tried to. cultivate if la hla small way
is a source of delight-to those .who
witness his playing.-. Every move and
utterance made by. htm , Is exquisitely
natural and consequently of tremendous
effectiveness. He It perhsps tha most
realistic actor now before the public.
In the scene where be drives Flora from
the cottage In "The Bonnie Brier Bush"
he almost brings an audience to its feet
with a protest against hla cruelty, and
the . next moment, when" he remorse
fully fixes the light in the window to
guide her home, the house is weeping
with him. The tears are no "longer for
the glrL In a flsah Btoddart has tramv.
f erred the ermDathy to Laehlan Camp-L .Maude Aoams. wnose annual earnings
KIT-. -? .JImPS. nMaTtrouVhoutraa a theatrical. star exceed tha salary
the remainder of tha play.
This Vrill be a oulet week at the Mar-
quam. Except- for two eveuts-tfoth of
awaiting the concert tomorrow-night la
honor or miss Mary auu v,eee. m
contralto,' to whoea asslsUnca Manager
George L. Baker haa brought the voices
of Mrs. Rosemary Glosa Whitney, as yet
anhcard in Portland, and MUlard O.
Lownsdaia. On Friday Paul GUmoro be
gins a two nlght'a engagement In "The
Mummy and the Humming Bird."
Business- last week. whUe it was not
ths worst of tha season, waa not what
tha managers called eaceptionally good.
I n . I a I- nA 1ama In Ih anathv
it apathy It Is, that baa set In. Froia
Ban Francisco, Seattle; Uoa,Anelea and.
In' fact, thronghont, the. west,' f pot .o
Broad way -itself . the report'UT tha same
5 bualnes only fair; AT very poor.- This
being a well known fact, the reports
sent. lo. the dramatlo weeklies are re n
dered absurd.' ' A cae In point The
Mirror" a correspondent at Ban Ptancisco
recorded tha "excellent" business of EX1
na Wallace Hopper' doling her stay there,
when, as a matter of fact, Mrs. Hopper
began har engagement to a house about
half filled and the sudtence disilDlahd
la also with each succeeding perform-
A good Indication of the situation In
tha east la tha number of forme stars
who;: are going-tote- vaudevlUe. - Bldle
Foy and Peter F. Dally are lata recruits,
while Amelia Bingham haa found shelter
in a stock company. .
Tha Columbia family- will remain la
a serlaua mood for one week longer, pre
senting Bui war's "Lady Of Lyons," In
stead of "Old Heidelberg." in securing
Which the management met with unex
pected difficulty.- Mr. . Ballard was not
alone in his disappointment. Manager
Hart of the Brandt-Baume organisation,
which haa opened so auspiciously at the
Empire, waa unable to get "The Climb
ers' hare in time for production and, the
military drama. "Northern Lights," waa
substituted early in tha week. "? - .
Not with standlsg. good performances
of splendid plays may be expected at
both houses. RACE WHJTNKT.
Blaneha Walsh, has scored a decided
hit la Clyde Fitch's play, Ths Woman
In tha Caaev"
Charles Dal ton. who la remembered
as Baperaua in "The Blgn of the Cross,"
Is leading man with Nance ONelL
. Fay Templetoa Is to alng "Lady Holy
rood1' In tha "New Tork- revival of
"Florodora." Tha revival Is made, by
the way. to fulfill a clause in Ihs con
tract for tha American Mghta, which
provides that It shall be played a cer
tain number of weeks each season.
, it is said that tha revolving stage,
now balled as a great theatrical ad
vance, haa been known for ages in
Japan." - ' ' .''. ' j' ' ' ' '
Joseph Holland baa been stricken by
Illness and will be the object of a bene
fit n March. He will never be able to
act again. . '" " '
We may yet see Edward Terry. - In
stead of returning to England he "will
tour under the management of Llebler
kCft ' - ' -: .-''
Three years ago Henry M. Blossom,
jr.. was a newspaper reporter at lit per
week. -He la now drawing royalties
from - "Checkers" ; and- . Tba - Yankee
Conaul" - amounting to- about $1.000
weekly. ': . 1
Fred C Whitney will make a pro
duction of a new comedy called The
School . of Husbands." - Grace ; FUklna
wilt be starred In it ' f i
Maude Adams has played Babble In
The Little Minister for - the ' 1.00th
time, -and it - Is-still -running at the
Empire, New Torn. .
Tim Murphy's plsy,' Two Men and
a Girl" la damned by faint praise from
the critics, i
Julia - Dean, - with the "Neill Stock
company, is to be E. J. Morgan's lead
ing woman la "A Gentleman From
Indiana." .- .'; - -"
' Following hla ' wife. Anna Hold,
Floretis Zlegfeld" nas withdrawn from
the Weber Moslo hall and Is busy pre
paring the resurrection of "Papa's Wife"
for tha partsienne. t
Ralph Stuart haa Just closed his en
gagement in "By Right of BworxT at
the Fourteenth street theatre, . New
Tork." The Mirror says ha Is ; "going
to Portland to engage a atock company
with which . to .try. out several new
plays." but whether this means Port
land. Me., or this city Is not stated,
i As originally written, Heraly Mary
. ' PEOPLE. 6 "
Ann," in which Eleanor Robsoa appears,
had a sad ending. Israel fSangwlll waa
asked to change H. and .did so. Even
so. great a writer aa Ibsen altered the
concluding scene of his play. "A Doll's
House." when a Oerman actress
quested him to do so. pointing out to
him that her public, at least, preferred
to leave tha theatre in- amlles rather
than 'tears.
of the president of tha- United States,
Is evidently preparing for a comfortable
life when her stage activity is ended.
Last week In New York aba purchased
the residence adjoining-net-home on
remodel both houses so they will Ja
mads Into one handsome residence. Tha
combined property is worth . over, 1109,
000. - The deeds for the property were
recorded in the actress' legal . name.
Maude A. Klskadden. v . ,
dy of Lyon
.: Beginning with' - tha matinee this
afternoon the: Columbia Stock company
will produce the grand - old romantlo
!V,aam,rn rc yna.
will eMM m m mmw . ,Mnl Unnitl w mwiA
will run all week,, except Monday and
Tuesday evenings, 'When "Quo-- Vadts"
will be the bill. There hss been such
Ttargedemand; for
Vadla" that the management is forced
to , extend the run of this spectacular
play for tha two evenings, Monday and
Tuesday. Ths Lady of Lyons" ' will
be given at tha special matinee Wednea-dav-Fabmary
II, Wsahlngton's birth
day. . . - '
' Tha revival of famous old plays itss
become a matter of common occurrence
tha last : few years . among tha . best
known actors and netreae-in-Ajnarls4
Among the famoue stars to revive Tha
Lsuly or Lyons" may be mentioned E.
H. Southern and Julia Marlow, Kyrle
Benew and Mary Mannerlng.
The Columbia theatre prodticUons rS'
second to those of no stock houses in
the United States. It is a safe assump
tion that the production of The Lady
of Lyons" will ba a rara theatrical
treat; it should be attended by" every
true lover of that which is highest and
best both aa a atags production and a
Biu U4 s. j i.3 1
Tbe story of The Lady of Lyons"
briefly told is as follows:
- Paulina Deachappellea, tha daughter
of a rich' merchant of Lyon is secretly
loved by Claude MelnoUe, tha son of a
(Continued from Fags Fifteen.)
tha guests i of honor at an afternoon
reception given in Balem last week by
Mrs. - Claud Oatch. Tba guests, ' be
sides a number of out of town people,
were tha members of tha Fortnightly
Euchre dub, - ' , - i.
.' "; '.-1-'".''
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson of Tbe
Dalles were entertained by. Portland
friends last week while on their honey
moon. They were married last Tuesday
at tha United Brethren church In The
Dalles, The bride waa Miss Ethel
Poole. '. . . ,j ..
..' " "w ' '.-. '' '-
The dinner and evening at cards to be
glvep at Parson's hall next Wednesday
by Dr. and Mrs. Henry. W. Cos, in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tuttle. will bo ona
of ths leading events of this week.
" -' "
Miss Marlon Plummer of this city
was one of the assistants at an elabor
ate reception in Salem Tuesdsy, given
by Mrs. -Claud Oatch in honor of a
number of legislative guests. - - r
The offlcers hop given at HIU Mill
tary academy Friday evening was one
of the most -beautiful of their balls.
The walla and oeling of the armory
hall were covered with flags of various
nations and varloua ships, creating a
gay scene. ' Evergreens screened off
tha orchestra and made-, pretty spots
hers and there la the room. Beautiful
gowna and full dress uniforms added
to the color of tha picture. There were
four supper dances, and delicious re
freshment a were served in tha dlnlng
reora downstairs. Punch - was- served
throughout the evening In one of the
study noma Parsons' orchestra played
tta beet and7 Introduced a number of
new sirs. Harry J. Lincoln's "Zenith"
caught tha ear. Other alra that prom
ise to become very popular are: "Gal
lant Hearts,- "St. Louis Tickle," "Pop
ples," a catchy Japanese air,-- "A Ba'
Ma" and Tha College .Widow ."
-( : "' ' -
-' The tAmdamy club, which is composed
of a number of Portland Academy boys,
will give Its second dance next Baturdsy
evening. This Is ona of tha favorits
dubs of tha psung peopl aad Portland
. V mm
1 ML
IllUiirtt 1Tar rf
. 1 a -l . Wef i ji Ml tS e. "ai m m,u . . j
gardener. ' Misled ' by pride; and in
fluenced by her ambitious mother, who
seeks to have ' her daughter marry-a
man of title, Paulina has refused- many
offers of marriage, and refused them in
gained the enmity and hatred of her
lovers, r - ,. , : .f",. .-.:.
- Two of these rejected suitors. Bean-
saht and Glavis, devise a plot by which
tH8 mVnmra son persenatea an Italian
I . . ...
prfnee, and" In thla guise, woos. wins and
weds tbe beautiful and haughty Pauline.
After ,- tha marriage Clauds takes his
bride to the humble cottage of - his
mother and there Jae cheat, is exposed :
ha leaves hla new-made bride and Joins
tha army of - Italy under an assumed
name,: and as was the: cans .with many
brave men who followed the fortunes
of Napoleon, soon sttalned wealth, rank
and fame. Returning to Lyons. he"fTnds
that tha parents of Paulina hava met
with reverses, and their daughter about
to seek a divorce and marrv Reanaant.
ehaloves-Claudarand in this sctloa
Is only following . the dictates of her
parents. nowerer, ui . enas nappiiy.
Cathrtne Countiss will be the PauUns,
Howard Gould. Claude Melnotte; Donald
Bowles. , Beausant; William DUla, CoL
Damaa; George - Bloomqueat, : Glavis;
Lauretta Allen, Madame Deschappelles;
Blanche Douglas, the Widow Melnotte,
and the' other characters will be en
trusted! to capable hands. Frank King
Will furnish new scenery,- and tha play
will be produced under tba "personal
dlrectlotr of William Bernard,
. .. Paul Cflmorc :
Last season Pau) Grtraore made a pro
nounced Recess in Tha Mummy and
Academy, St Helen's hall aad HOI Mili
tary Academy are always well repre
sented. The patronesses are Mrs. Helen
Ladd-corbett. Mrs. zera Snow and Mra.
Richard Koahler. .. t . .
---- - -r- ' ' "'
Division No. S of tha Ancient Order
of Jlibarnlana " gave a very sucoeewful
dance and entertainment last night at
tnalr ball. -About 100 people were la
attendance. The order. Is planning; two
elaborate celeb rations, on March 4 and
March 17. - . , . .
Tba Ancient and Accepted Order of
Scottish Rite Masons will give another
of their elaborate balls at their temple,
Morrison and Lownsdaia streets, , next
Thursday. These are among the moot
delightful da noes of .tha winter season.
- .- - -
: Woodward's Dancing academy '-wilt
give Its monthly social dance at Bork
hardrs haUU on the east aide, axt
Thursday night. Bvsrest's , orchestra
wia phjr. ' ;r-. ' ' .- -'
'-' it'
Company C, Third infantry, O. N. G,
will giva another of Hs series of dances
Wednesday night at tha Armory, In
com mem oration of Washington's birth
day.. 1 , " ; . ,- -'" t 'u' ''
'' - '' A '
Tomorrow algbt Miss Jeffrey will give
another of her popular social danoea.
Those are quits largely attended by some
of tha young people. ,. L. ' -- -
- ' 1
Tha CataoUo Order of Foresters baa
Issued Invitations -for a dance In its
ball Monday evening. . w
Tuosday night tha Knights of Coram-
bus will give a dancs at Parsons' ball,
' -' " '
Ths Nsrclssus slab of Portsmouth will
give a dancs Tuesday evening.
Tha Federation of -.Women's Clubs
will hold a social convention la the
Selltag-Hlrsch building Saturday, after
noon; at 1:10 o'clock, to which the mem
bers and their friends In ths city are
iavltad. Following la ths general pro
gram for tha ' evening: ' Vocaj solo,
Tha Nitrhttafals-Song," Mtna Bee lie
Louise Fin ley! lecture, Henry E. Dosch,
director-general Lewis and Clark axpo
altlon... subject, 'Modern Expositions";
paper. .-"The CHy ... Beautiful." Mrs.
Henry B Jones; solo, . Concitthas
(8tahlfsohmldt and The Tears at ths
Spring", Beach), Miss Bessie Louisa
-i-f ,-.ilf V ,' -'. ,
-: '-'Ullr'HUw. J ' ' J
HE rtUMMY bjiv
the Humming Bird.; This season hs la
scoring a positive triumph in tha same
play. - till more Is a unique figure on
the American atage. Ha combines- tbe
qualities so essential to a popular favor
magnetism, artistic ftneaae. both in per
ception and in execution, a magnificent,
sweetly modulated voice, and that manly
Quality which Is so potential an. attrac
tion tor women. ,
InT"ThMitmmy"-SJd the- Humming
Bird , Mr. Qlunore has a vehlcls calcu
lated to show off all these good qualities
to the pest possible advantage, , lord
Lumley. the dear "Mummy" of the play,
la such a lovable .character, thatj even
a lees capable artist would bo admired in
the part. Sweet, gentle, roving, lovable
such U "Jack." What a foU the "Hum
nlnv Rlnf" la tnm Ik. oUnmniw . WTh.
. Dow.r th- Italian oraan erlnder
becomes iatEe kands of "Lord Lumley
How penitent Lady Lumley grows, when
she becomes cognisant of the real; -Worth
of her husband, and how aha despises
the- Sinister - spirit of "tneam genius
of the play. But why recount the many
attractive features of .The Mummy and
the Humming BIrd." - Go and sea the
plax. and Paul Gtlmore at tbe Marouam
Grand next Friday night and Saturday
mstines- and night. - The advance sals
of seats will open next Wednesday tnorn
ing at 10 o'clock. . '.-.,...,:,..-
' . '. . .-'',-"' '' (
Cfectorc at the Marorara Grand.
- Creator and his band wfn be aa early
attraction at the Marquam Grand. Those
who have heard the Italian before have
come to regard him aa a. srlsard of
musio. He secures from hla body of
warm-blooded Italian artists such ef
fects of vital, glowing music that one of
Flnley; talk, "Child Culture," Miss X.
K. Mathews; refreshments; social hour,
Tha next of the Pat ton, noma teas will
be given Tuesday afternoon. A good
musical and literary . program will be
offered. . Following are soma of the
numbers: Vocal soto, ' Miss Jennie
Lewis; piano solo. Miss Bessie Ken yon;
vocal solo. Miss Irene Stokes; recitation,
Miss Josephine Watktna; instrumental
dueC Miss Watklns and Mra. Rosa. On
tha reception oommlttes are Mrs, S. C
Daly and Mrs. C. F. Ovwrbaugb. ' Mrs
John W. Mlnto and Mra. Park A. Reea
will aerva tea.
'- ' - ' "
The -naxt meeting of the Woman's
club, February 14. will be, in ebarga of
ths homo department.- Dr. Mae Card-
well will read a paper on the garbage
question and Mrs. D. . M. Wktson on
Tha Progress of Domes Ua Science in
Bcbeols and -CoUeges.: Miss ' Ethel
Lytla will sins; a solo. ; ' ' .-
- Bumner Belier Corps No. n gave a
surprise, on their member, Mrs. DeWttt
Miller, at the. .homo of her son, B, . S.
Miller,- oa Eogseje street, last Friday
evening. Many were present and the
evening passed : pleasantly. Refresh
ments wire -served late jn Jha evening.
''- -k- - '
' Tha Junior guild of St. TaTattbawa
church. First and Carwtbers streets, will
give aa entertainment at tha guild hall,
Friday evening. February 14, at o'clock,
under tbe direction of Mrs, J. P. So per
and Mrs.- Burk price, who win ba .as
sisted by good talent - ' .
' .-.''
- Tha Toung Lad lee' sodality of ' St
Lawrence will give a whist social on
Tuesday evening sCl o'clock and cordi
ally invite their friends to bo present. -
-' w - - -'-Royal
circle.' Women of .Woodcraft,
will giva a dance at Its hall, la ths Ab-
ington building, tl Front street, Thurs
day evening, February IS. k ,
Central will meet wttn tha
president. Mrs. J. M. Jaaney, 111 Clay
street, at 1 o'clock next Tuesdsy after
noon. . . A t - j.
; U it .
Tha Men's leagwa of tha First Fras-
bytsrtan church wul , entertain
Tueaday svenlag. .
- Invitations hava been reoeiven' from
Mr. aad Mm Horsct a. Blcksm to thai
bis concerts can never be forgotten. To
hear tha band play great operatic selec
tions - under hla sensational baton la
worth a long Journey.. , : . .
Since hla last aDDeerance In this city
Creatore has had New' York and other
metropolitan, cities at 'hla feat . His
band is said to be oven greater than be
fore, and there never hss been a tuna
When Its musio was not thrilling. ',
. wpncle Tom'
' Stetson's "Uncle Tom's' Cabin" com
pany will be seen at the Marquam
shortly,. Thla should be a welcome an
nouncement to patrons of that popular
filayhouse ss well ss to tha general pub
lo that loves this charming old drama;
It Is a well known fact .that the Stet
son company is one of the best that baa
ever presented this great play, and thla
season will but Sdd to. Its popularity
with young and old. for it is even bet
ter than .what -it haa been, if such a
thing could be possible to so good a
company,-"- - t.7r...fw- .-
-ortlrirXitht!atr Empire
'.-Tha great military play of-the north
west, enUUed "Northern Lights," will1
be. the attraction offered-by tha Brandt-
Baume stock company at the Empire
theatre for ona week, beginning wttn to
days matinee, and a- special matinee
Washington's birthday and tha fare well
matinee Saturday. . ,? .' ,
- "Northern Lights win require over
SO people, and tha scenic equipment will
be a feature, making 'this offering tba
grandest military production ever wit'
neased in? Portland by a stock company.
Louise Brandt and Edgar Bamne will
be featured tn the, lend Ing roles, a
tha supporting company under tha stags
direction Is acknowledged to-be par
ticularly strong." The play Is full of
action, tha scenes are laid! -in Montana
around . a ' military post : during ths
Indian uprisings and a band of Indians
wedding ' of ' their dsagbtar Hassl to
Joseph . Austin , Owanhouse. Wedoesday
evening, March L at tha Church of tha
Redeemer, Pendletoa, Or. A reception
will follow In tha parlors Sf Hotel Bick
ers. - Mlsa Bickers hi a beautiful and
charming girl : who Is known to many
Portland friends among; 1 whom . aho
studied music last rear.
....... ..: .-i-, A-
Ik W, Darling of Condon, Or and
Miss Fatsabatb Adallna Sedgwick, ef Al
bany, are to be mail led today at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Pease, ltOl East
Oak street, Mount Tabor, .-
-Mlsa Cells Rosenthal " and Abram
Kauffman will be married thla morning
by Rev r. Abrahamson at tha residence
of Miss Granlchi Elovsnth and Columbia
streets. . i
Mr. and Mra, J. Edward Werleln an
nounce tha engagement of Miss Grace
Adella Bloodgood to Ray Da Vera Morse.
"Hie r marriage will take place Tuesday
even tag, March -I.- .-.
' it it .';'. v ' '
Tha wedding of Mlsa Evelyn New
man, daughter of Mrs. Anna Newman,
to Julius L. Lomsson will take place
at Fresno, Cal,. Wsctnesday, February si.
Ron. and Mrs. B. O. ' -Potter, ' of
Eugene, were guests In tba elty last
week. ' ' ' ' - - r-
Miss Ada Allen, of Eugene, U tba
guest of friends In Portland,
Mrs. Arthur D. Marshall and her lit
tle daughter, of Twenty-third and Ra
leigh streets, bars gone to Baa Fran
el soo on a" month's vtalC " -
L Mrs. Charles & ' Andrew left last
week for a prolonged stay in Baa Fran
cisco with friends aad relatives, ,.
. Mlsa Carrie Paine, a leadar of tbe
younger social set sT Eugene, la the
guest of city, friends.
Robert Rounires, the popular reader
and. Impersonator of ths University of
Oregon GJoa --club thla - season, spent
Sunday at noma In Portland ' with hla
parents. ' -
Dr. and Mrs. E. L. House, of tha First
Congregational church, spent Sunday tn
Eugene vtaitfog friends. Dr. House has
been "ill with nervous trouble.' but 'Is
Improving. Mrs. House "recently re
turned from an extended visit with her
parents In Boston.
Prof. F. O.' Toung, of the University
of" Oregon, was ta Portland ban week
si . ' '
W U . . .
and a foil company of United States
regulars are much In evidence. : :
"Northern Lights" is a drama of lvw
and adventure with strong emotions and
thrilling situations, BAd tha managemenrTH
is sparing nothing to make' thla pro- ; '
duct ton 'surpass ail previous- aft ortr" in ;
tha line of military plays, ' .. - , ' '
"Northern LighU" win begin with a .
matinee today and run ona solid week.
With a special Washington's birthday
matinee and' Saturday matinee. Beats "'
are on sale at tha Empire theatre box '
pfficav: ;:.-,.-,.-. 5 v,,.y. -
r-,,-, Vry.- w'V
K-'- ,Tht Grand Theatre. : " j'
' Tha' bill for this week at the Grand'
will be a complete congress of novelties, '
not 'a single act on tha program having '
hewn seen Uilhe city of Portland be- '
fore. Among ths features w(U be.tha
Shanty Town trio in comedy legmanla,
in. which they Introduce novel wonders
of a very original, character; Qneea and -
Ross favor tba Grand' with quaint com- J.
ody;.ha. Louie Brothers furnish thrm-
on the Roman-rings; Miss Jean St
Remy the- operatic prima donna, will
offer as her share of the entertainment .
an "Italian Walts," by Muller, and "Oh. .
Dry These Tears," by KJege;. Char las -andTdna
Harris wfll present a hum or- .
oua aklt, which promises - to be- very '
amusing. "Alf Bonner, the song IQus
' trator, will ' sing "Ton Newts "Spoke -Like
That to Mo Before," . nnd . tha .
grandlsoopa will exhibit' a series of the -latest
Edison Story Cima , Today the
performance will be continuous from S
tO 11 P. ni.-rV'-'k' : A'"' -lif-";'';-'
! ' b.i BUlnt jkar
.A Tia&erM bin , of extraordinsry '
'merit begins tomorrow at tha ' Star '
theatre . when : the - new programu '
started with such 'an excellent head-'
liner as Miller, tha great rope kins. His
feats vary from difficult lassoing to '
twisting hla' lariat in a hooplike mase.
Tha Three Voltena are equilibrists and
acrobats who (fisguiso their strengta by
appearing in evening garb. Beaty and -Price
are -comedy sketch artists who
possess originality and a priceless one
act farce. Hawley and Vass appear tn
a merry skit. The Jew and tha Groom."' .
Sllvano Is an entertainer billed as a
musical shadowgrapher. whoso specialty
is making his1 facile fingers- form fan- -tastic
figures. Arthur Jackson will sing
pictured ballads, while tbe record-breaking
bill will close with Imported films v
on the projectoscopa. .. y , , ,
on business connected With the Lewis
and Clark fair. ' j. - -.
Miss Nellie MuldooiC'of 1141 Minne
sota avenue, has returned homo from a '
three months' , visit, in SeatUe. . ',
Mrs. James "Hoffman of Eugene u
the guest of Mrs. L. 8. Logan.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mack have been
visiting Mrs. Mack's sister, Mrs. Will
iam Warner of Balem.- -
Mr. and Mrs. Fay of thla eltv-wara
Albany visitors last. weak. ' - ",
' Miss Julia Wilson baa returned from
a visit with tba Misses Maya In The '
Mrs. L. & Logan has returned from .
an sxtended Visit In Eugene and is ac
companied by Mrs. C. lm Wlntsr, ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson ' Myers 'were
guests last wsek at tha home of Mrs.
Bsrsoj ones or. Baiem.
John Ditchburn of this eltv sum. .
few days in Albany last week."
Mrs. Earl Waterman of Spokane ar
rived - Monday ' from - The Dalles. Sba
retarned tba last 'of the week to visit
in The Dalles again before her . return
home. ' , ',-' , t '
Alex "week vtsttect .Albany tha first
6f ths week.' - .-
Miss Vslesca Llebe ' of The ' Dalles
Attended the' .Meusdorffer-Burckhardt
nuptials last week. - .v ,
Miss Esther Cox ' Is visiting Miss
t to.kha, " '
mvwm, . T V V V, V-V. ' i
Mrs., A. B. Wright and her kittle;
dSughur left Tuesdsy . to visit Mrs."
Wright's sister, Mrs, Charles Twiaeham. '
In Tha Dalles. : .
Mra W. D. Fentoa Is tha guest of
Mrs. C. B. Wotverton of Salem.
Mlsa 'Anna Parmenter' la visiting In "
Balem With her parents. .Mr. and Mra.
C M, Parmenter, .. .. ' . , , y,
Mrs. 1. W. . Condon . and ' Mrs. Oflla
JCrier of.TbDaUes spent tba week In '
the eitv. . . - .-
Col. -J. A, Waddle was In Albany tha
first 'of the week.
Mr., and MrsJ T.' H. .WsUbav of Cor- ',
vsllls spent Son flay in ths city with
their -daughter, Mrs' E;- C Cp minings. '
of Portland. , , -, . . -.
Miss Eva Felix of Albany was a Port
land visitor throoirh the week." ---'
Mr. aad Mra, Ed Ren fro aad ielr
little son have returned from .-Rose-1
burg-visit, i- - i--- .,.-
Mrs. Liarben Mfltnr a expected down '
from Eugene to attend tha Mary Adell
Case coneert tomorrow. .
Mrs: Allen Whltcomb f Seattle, who
Is visiting Mrs. Oeorgs Egbert, of SOO
Macadam street, waa very ill last week.
8 he is Improving and win soon ba able
to receive her friends. i
' '' -' ' -r. '; ;y- j ''' . - r-. 1 V '.' ;
" 1 ' ,'!':''.;"":' '"': ' -- V- ' '
.. V -a.