Tins , oregoh daily; jourj:AL, rczrrLAiiD. rr.:. PARTLY RELIEVED ! If) ' -: ) it JJingham'a Measura. Exempting T' ; Non-Production Companies, Passed the:Senate.izr . . -A, '. . '- .. v' f -':T .f 1 assurance governor rui ! ; W1LITHOT YETO THE BILL k j i. y i : :A i ITT I I a vj .' 1 " -Miners Joyful : Over This Result, -r But Witt Organize to Fur- t. ".' t ' tkap Prmtt Infustrv. . ' - .'Last evening' Representative t H. , . Gingham' telephoned the president, at the Oregon Miners' association that bla measure, -house trill No. 1, had peased ' 'the senate and' would beooma a' law. ,Th assurance Is baaed on the fact that , ... tlovernor Chamberlain vl unaecatood to - -r on-producthr J mlnln companies from " ' ...aiUVmM- -fcvvtiTv ' 'pleased -with the result of wrha -Balem. Owing to the active oppoattion eptcuoua among which wan Senator R. JV Booth.' mining .men began to fear !that they - would be burdened., for ' an other two reara with the Eddy law In full force and effect' The aggressive ' avr-lr jIau In ih hfllUA hv RjinniHIltA lives Bingham and ' ' Smith and the . championship of Dr. Co;ln the senate, . triumphed, and assurance la . n6w had '" . that the mining company-which 'has jisthiog-feet the privilege of expending . .-2. tnoney-wjll-riot pe.PHrgtnea wita a ear. Iteration tax. " VJThe' first two ''sections of. the bill as originally Introduced ojr Representative ; Bingham In the house, cover the rfcope or ui nanpwo, ana -enow toil a t-uruimnx. pmww irminwnt 9 aov - ' . yrlrilege.. T heae sections read; "Every corporation formed or organ- t .ui ti nA . anil tiiiranafit Ia fliA few Af 2- the state of Oregon, whether now exist ing or - hereafter created for the pur pose of engaging In the business - of mininr tot any or ino precious meiais and whose business it shall be" to en-i gaga In such business only, shall, dur ing the month of June of, each year .and on or before July, of teach year, . ' furnish to the secretary of state, upon blanks to be supplied by hlra-fof-that purpose, a correct statement sworn to , by one of Ha officers, before some of-j A fleer authorised . to admlnlstet ' ' oaths, 'netting forth in detail the name of the corporation, the location of Its principal "1 ttTT, MOW VA- AA tH. IWOM mil . , tary and treasurer- thereof. with , the . postofflce address of each, the date of . Joe annual election of officers and di- - rectors of such corporation, the amount :.t -: Vif- the authorised - nanltnl - stork. - the , jnftmber of shares and par value of each "share, the amount of the capital stock -subscribed, the amount of the capital . atocx issued, tne ainount or the capital. stock paid up, the! amount of Ita proper- .ties within thin - state and where the same Is locatedTi also - stating In gen eral terms the amount of. work done thereon and Improvement made ther- 'ttn alnne the time ef flllna tha la at m. 'nuai iruui L. uid ill ins amount and the value or annual . jvmpwt 'prwnw va w uiiuca ox ,acp m f jWlimAHIIA. 1KBB AAJIUMf A AAIMA -A - .rember SI of the year preceding, and trawsaettag -jr -other- business, ex cept that of 'locating, prospecting, de . ,teloplng or operating mines for precious : metals: end. .any such minlnsr eomora- ;tlon whose annual output or products lahall not exceed In value the sum of ; ll.eoo, shall thereupon be exempt from , the payment of the annual license fee ' a a now provided by' law, but In lieu thereof shall pay an annual license fee of tlO; provided, that no such corpora . tkm ahall he reoulreal ta mmke aunh autement If It shall Bla the statement and pay the annual license fee required j' by 'An act- to provide for the licensing . f domestic corporations and foreign cornoratlons. loint stock eomnanlea and ' associations. ' ete approved February ,. If. Itoa, or herealter required by law.' . :! ."On or before July It of 'each year the secretary of state shall file with the atata treasurer a statement Ahnwn the amount of license fee due, as ascer- -teined-trt-rthe- foregoing -manner, from different corporations hereinbefore V referred to. ; Within SO days thereafter - every-aucn -corporation snair "Tay,orl ' . AenM to be nsld. ia hA mfmt v the license' fee hereinbefore mentioned. ing to render such statement, or to : emend tne aame when required to do so ,( oy the secretary of aute. In the case tne aame shall be Incomplete, Irregular, ,. - or unaatlafactory. or to pay ' auch ,7 Sa Tf 3 .'.- . I. ' -. ' HMIM UI IIir.il Vi The'OiqStdre ;. v. . 9-71-73 Iltrrd Strest V : Between Oak V ,i . and Pine - iwiiaMiiii ;'-" ' -" '.ir'' I r-'-s . '.. . it i r i.- highest class J -C..' .1. J MA.'nrMneA4, Ult.M n-MAttae. Hn Caai4 , V-vi nAtrar riatfat rlientTrtf- o n tr nr Amieia tit' ' niake. Your trade is a corner stone of our future success and we hope to secure it, arid promise to - retain it by . . . . .r . i . . A r ii ' 5 xit ' 1 .'.1.1. a, A TVTT CAtm VATf HiTiri'KT'O'V. r':-'-:: 5 A , always giving you enure sausiacuon m. every-arucic .uuugui onv- ivy .xyxwxijx.- . ,r; i THINK IT OVER. Spmething Yott Cm Sec in Any Res 1 taorant of -Cafe. '.. ' X physician puts the ouery: Have you never noticed in any large restau rant at lunch or dinner time the large : number of hearty, vigorous old men at the tables; -men whose ages run from t to 80 years: many of them bald and II perhaps gray, but none of .them fee ble or senile? - Perhaps the spectacle Is an common as to hsve escaped your obaerffation or comment, but nevertheless It Is sn ob ject lesson which means something. - If1 you will notice what, these -hearty old fellows are eating you will observe - that they are not munching bran crack ; era i nor gingerly picking their way . through a menu card of new fangled - health foods; e the contrary, they1 aeem le prefer a Juicy roast of beef, pron- , rly turned loin of mutton, and even the deadly broiled lobster is not altogether Ignored. r .The point of ill thla ia that a rigorous old age depends upon good digestion and plenty Of wholesome food, and -not-upon dieting ano an endeavor-to live upon bran crackera. - i There la a certain class of food cranks who seem to believe that meat, coffee, and many other good things are rank eolsona, but these cadaverous, sick I y lenking Individuals are a walking eoo demnatlon of their. own theories. . The matter tn a nutshell la that If thfl stomach secretes the net oral digestive - )ulnea In sufficient quantities any whole some food will be promptly digested; If the stomach does not do ao. and certain foods cause distress, one or two of Stu art's Dyspepsia Tablets after each meal will remove all difficulty, because thev supply lust what every weak stomach rlacka, pepsin, hydro-chloric acid,-diastase and nux. Htuart s Dyspepsia Tablets do not 'Set upon the bowels, and In fact are not frt-tiy a medicine, as they act almost entirely upon the fond eaten, digesting It thoroughly, snd thus gives a much needed rest end giving an appetite for the, next me. . . Of neonle-whe travel nine out of ttm nae Stuart's Dywneosla Tablets, knowing inera to De perrecriy sere 10 use nt any time and also having found put by ex rrience that they are a safeguard eewlast Indigestion -tn any form, and eetlnr. as they have to, at all hour and ell kinds or rftM. tne traveling . pnblt) - rr years have pinned their faith, ta KttiAi-t'a Tablet a .. . I .- All drugs-lets sell them at cents for fnll-aised paekaees. and ear drurriat from Maine to California. If ills nptnioa ) were aaked. will, say that Bthart'a Dys tteoatAf Tablets Is the moat ponnlar and vwcevaful remedy, for any stomach troie ua. .... . a ' These Suits Consist of S 15.00 and $18.00 ''..'..'-'''.,. ,'; i' f.-; r, Double and single breast ed sack- arid cutaway de signs, in pure all-wool, domestics - and imported Scotch tweeds, cheviots, imerech6ice union r fancy, and all-wool clay rsted.-The materials are all .. of standard and high class manufacture-in over 50 separate and distinct colors and styles of pattern, black, gray, stripes, plaids, oversbots, check and neat mixtures. Crouse ft Brandegee, Cahn, Warn pold & Co. and Kohn Pros, are the wholesale tailors that pro duced these suits. - They were made 'to retail at $12, $15 and a lion's share it $18. They are unquestionably the grandest bargains we have ever offered. But The Chicago can always be depended upon to give the greatest values on the coast. We can fit you as tHere-are all sixes from 34 to 44 bust jn regular, also stout and tall "men's special shapes,' but nojll, sizes in. every lot A, A- A;. ; ;:v.A'AvA,. A-A'A. -A'A.-AA-- To the - - A- fir coh, TanW " ' jbbwV Lit.:. At.:: Choice of about '."-...;.."" - A 200f pairs, :in".all-: wool ano union worsted," 3tj'to.44 waist broken lots,' worth to $3.50 AAA -A-'.- .". ' : Pantry.-fpj - wal - M m aW as mm w- A:AA:--;:;v'A''-:-K ,A regular - picnic f dr. pacts buyers ; over . 500 .pairs to choose' from, in peg top shapes, tailor-made, $3.50 ' - "sea aV . ' ' If to lou values, I 1 AananV"MaV ', . f , Gives you choice of over 600 pairs of ' extra Equality tailor4-made Pants, in the most desir able of merchant tailor styles; splendid $5 to $3 values. ;. ip',, MB A"--'.'. '. c" ' " ) $4r$450r05faildAC6: , '-r. Suits in hkm& reefer, Hor Wfc M iplain dou blej)reasted stylq; tains more than aicore of stylei in sizes froin 2 to Ut bat not complete maillots ?Thc Chfltircn's , ; -:m" " " - . ' '''S ' Dcpcitmc.it; Contains f some - gtaiad price advantages in odd Knee Panta,': Caps, Shirtwaists, Underwear and all the other . fit tings that boys require. license fee, for more than JO, days after the times above rpeclfled, or any-cor poration, loint stock company, or asso- tlatlon doing business In this state contrary to thla act, ahall be liable to a ftn6f li-t- be recovered, together! with any licensures due. by an action at law In th name or the state, to do inatltuted by any..4istiict attorney of the state at request of the secretary of aute. The annual license fee required by this act ahall be paid in advance for th flacftt-year beginning uly 1 of each year, and-1 In case of new corporations formed during the fiscal year, the first year's fees - shall -be - proportionate to such fraction of year.? .' 1 Some of th " 'argument advanced against exempting non-productive min ing properties were that such concerns were in no respect different from other business' enterprises that had not yet reached the producing -stage. Senator Booth cited lumber milling plants, and said many of them bad not paid the peat year, yet they were taxed by the corporation law and also the county aaaeaaor. Some members of the legislature- held to the argument that the real mining Interest did not oppose the corporation law, but that wildcat -pro-' moter did. Mining men. persisted that an. unproved prospect could not be likened f,o other property which had a definite, 'measurable' value. - Such a property might be worth nothing after many thousand dollars had been ex pended opening It. and" certainly; there was no human Intelligence-that could peer Into-' the ground and say positively what would tteideveloped In the wiy of commercial . mineral. A sawmill or other business Institution occupied a different position, for It had assets In sight. . which might be ujed In other locations. The crosscuts, ' shafts and arlfts of prospect "could be moved. -" With such arguments aa these, and th further one, that no other state of the great west tiurdena Ita non-produc tive mining enterprises aa Oregon has, mining Interest passed the bill In .the senate with a good majority." Members of the Oregon Miners' as sociation have championed thla measure of relief as th beat that could be bad at the present time, hut officers have expressed the determined purpose of following op the campaign persistently until the give mining the aame chances and opportunities la thla atate that It enjoys In other weatern-mineral dis tricts. Th association will be more thoroughly organised. that It can flgur in th next election a, and win proceed along more definite and posU tlv line of action. - WHITE SWAN TROUBLE SEEMS NEVER TO DOWN , ; (ftaertal. Piapatea Is The Jearaatt .... Baiter mty. Or.. Feb. 17. Th trouble of the White, Swan Mine Co., Ltd, -In not appear to have ended1 with the entire elimination' of Balllet, - if ataUmentt made her by the new president of the company, C. 1L Xing -of Wabaeh. Im'.. are verffled. Mr. King and d Bear of lajc Mill. iewa,-rrlved In Baker W- nesday-from San anetece, where they had attended the annual meeting, and both, became members of the new dlreo- torat. Thy ald tbay came hare -tot Investigate the affair of the mine since I C H. Stuller had been made manager. 1 They are not satisfied with the condi tion of th finances. It ia reported that sine th reorganisation aomethlng like (lu.uoo.naa been received from various sources and the expenditure have about consumed that num. without any work having been don at th property. Tu those with whom they bave " been In consul tatlonthey have also stated there are several damage suits and attach ments pending which they do not con sider Mr. Stuller ha , taken- proptr car of. ,. ..-.. It is jregarded a possibility that a change In management will be mad while these .officers are 4ere. In the fneanthne- Manager ' Stuller la having supplies sent to the mine, and say that a little preliminary work, will be don this spring In getting ready for extensive operation early next July. II claim to have full authority to go ahead with the work planned, that there are no dif ference of which he ha, any knowledge within the preaent directorate, and that all funds-are aasUy .'and-readUy ao- counted for. -1 ' . . .. . KELU-T0 PUT: LARGE , r EQUIPMENT ON 1 X L (Special Dtapatrk e The JoaraaL) . : Greenhorn. Or, Feb. 17. Developments on the lower level of the 1XL continue tolmnrovet The eaat drift, whiclu en tered a good body of ore recently, is In stll better rock,-and Manager Kelly's opinion that - thla work ia cutting at depth the rich khoot opened above aeem to be fully confirmed. When exploration "id l E',' Aid Thompson utomatic . an - Window Screen A rr m , 1"5sin wanted to sell exclus ive rights In territory or to sell this screen . W. J. COOK - j. At Murk Hardware Company. Second V and .Morrison street, rortiand, ., Or. on tbl level baa proved th shoot. It 1 the purpose of th management -to sus oend -work- undararound . f or . 4 . period, owing to the light pumping capacity of th sinking plant. Th now or water heavy, and. Manager Kelly realises .that ha will have to put in larger pumpa. - Tbl need ha developed tit targer nlana of th comoanr.. . The preaent own ers state that they Intend organising th ccpnpany with ,M much -larger de velopment fund. Installing a large sink Ing plant and opening trie ft X L it greatj depth. This 1 to avolcT gutting the upper working of the higher grade rock In the course or oeveiopmeoi, wnicn would be necesaary If th mine were made-to pay Its own way.-By Equipping for -heavy-work, and getting In abap to handle ail or opened, the management! think ' there would be much greater profit to th owner. Manager Kelly will co east soon, where be will spend some time In. conference with hi aaaoclal. and then organise th new company con templated. - j -r- GRANITE HILL' STRIKERS; ; A IMPROVES AT DEPTH - " (Bpacial IHapatrh to The Jewast ji Grant Fua.Or, reb..a7. Orahlt Hil continues th sensation of th dla trlct. The rich ereJmined on'th Jft Uvel lm the east ' drift Is the beet av- erage ook Tound'tn-thla camp -for a long time, and may ; prove . of vn greater Importance, as the shoot ' con tinues and 1 aatlafactorily established to be the Jhmho or body, which , was mined in the old adit workings. . . . The drift is. more than i0 feet fHm the shaft, giving In excess of 400 feet of vertical oepm, anu jusi suw reel aepin under the' old hdit. Th vein 1 excep tionally strong, having a width of.ven to ten feet, and the quart filling is massive and highly mineralised. , INDIAN MEDICINE MAN ' " EXPECTED TO RECOVER Hfl4al IHapatefc to the learaaL) " Victoria. B. C4 feo. 17-rWantnbo, the Indian upcted of witchcraft, who waa shot through th body a week ago near Port Simpson, will likely recover. Particular now ' received are - to the affect that Wantobo, ,. who ha . been regarded a practicer -of-witchcraft. waa out in a canoe when two men In another boat began firing about a half mil away. , Four ehota did not take effect, toot th fifth pasaed through hi body Just above th kidney, tearing th intestine. - . An operation was performed at Port Easlngtoa which I - now thought wllj prov successful. - - - . ' Orandest display of fine-scenery evef een Portland at th cofner of Third and Alder street a On exhibition from In th morning till ftt night r ;ajuVaa';a, a;--aa ;.Av.;a. HARRIMAN OFFICIALS -i MAKING TOUR OF LINES ' (Special Dlspeteh to The JomaL) fVlfajT. Wfh. g.K 1 7 t c stohr aaalsunt trafflo director of all the Jlar riman lines, is making a tour of Wash ington, . Oregon and Idaho In - his pri vate car. aecomnanlad by R. B. Millar, general freight agent of th O. K. Ss N. Co.; D. W. Campbell, division superin tendent, with headquarter at Tekoa, and Clyde 8. H ana wait, assistant to Mr. Miller. Mr. Stohr Moently resigned bl position of general traffic manager of the Chicago tt Northwestern system. ' "We ar anticipating aa immense travel from th mlddl .weat to th Lewis, and Qark axpoaltlon.", said! Mr. etolrr. .,- .- v : i-. v-.".- . ' Gnral Freight - Agent Miller, ' con cerning th report that southeastern Washington was' discriminated against In the matter ofwheat and flour rate to - eastern - points, - said: - It 1 - true that rate vary In -different aeotkms of th state, bat I am sure that we can explain this difference la a manner to satisfy very one and it la our Inten tion to make ' this - explanation: W hav reduced the - rate on immigration movables, tn carload lot. IS l- per cent. This I equivalent to a reduction of HO per car.' Thla departure la taken with a view to encouraging lmmigra- ' sura ran. aai,'Ar r" I tlon, and It will be -effeotive through th months. of .Tebruary.., March and AprtL- - .... ...r.,a t .-La Oranda Or, Feh-IT-Elevea out of th ti Union oounty teacher who , hav Just taken the exathtnatkm . for state and county papera failed to pass: There 1 no -show for any of them to e eur school until after next August. . when they will be examined The is passing will be given school at almost . any time, aa there seem to be a eon- . sunt demand for teacbera la Union county. ).- !. 1905 AN isj O UN C EME NT. NEW MODELS of ' the famous - A A' and-- -.A. .'A. ::;!A v i .Bicycles hare-.arriTed. The Strongest,. Lightest, Fastest All up-to-date features; ' Our line is complete. .. Prices $18 to $0. Large stockf of tires and supplies t ;.of all kinds. Repainnfj. , AUTOSUPPLY DEPARTMENT . ;V"are how cairyintfT AA:,Aa very ! large? line of A''iVA Hires; vmPSikaRNSi : : f PLUGS, COATS' In f 9 'iveverything if or the . auto driver v "."TliofeJKitfro nf ' f The most satisfactory automobile .oils, on the market. ' All grades carried. Athletic Goods.. Cutlery: This branch olj oor business embraces a fine i assortment POCKET 'AArA KNIVES 7 A..i RAZORS REACH BASE , BALL GOODS DOG COLLARS . KEYS Write for catalogue WHOLCflALC AND RETAIL, - - i' i- WRIGHT flew Home In the Fehtoa Block ; V f f, , 66 SIXTH STREET , 0. ..r; ... :X'-A.A: " - ' I, :- A't:' , - !r-V'W. n 1 a : ,. ,1