The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 17, 1905, Image 1

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1 1
VOL. III. i NO. 39.
pmliSaspecitrt Bank
Rtiber. Scfd to Be
i'Trcia Bandit
xecognizes Him by Picture Pub
lished in The Journal, and
Inform Sheriff Suspect
"J, Held Up Train.-
I bln ,th lAbaaoa, buik robber, baa
katt Meatlltad by, bta pctur-printed ln
rha Journal aa ona of tha blcbwaraaan
Who bald up . tba Oregon Railroad aV
jvarlgatloa conSpuir'a . tratn 'Saturday
IfMinc . January ,11. '..near Suillran a
kufch on tbaaat alda. : ...
I JObn -Mwll,- PuHmaa porter, wbo
Ka .on 4 tna . Jrala, fraa ,: reading - TS
ioamai . containing , ua atory or tba
aptor of tba baadlta, and. aa ha" aaw
a partralta of Xhinna and. Croaaly, ba
ixcUhned: . dz ..:....';
-TbatsianDunnawaa .on., of , tba
nen who beld. up our train.",. '
The Information waa. given to Sharif f
Word and tb tartar waa brought, to
q a aaurt. -Jxanaa yetr(iay and aob
acted to elae qaeatlontng. - Imin waa
n Albany at the. t)m, Jiaviog vaa
aken there for preliminary haarlnx.
hehea tha potter waa not brought ba
for him for further tdentlBcation. ',
However,- ha atated that ha could not
be, ralataken, and that ha- waa poaltive
nat uuttpa waa- one ir the nnr -that
roboetf tba paaaengera on the O. R. A
N. :trln.. .- v '
Iaewla- wt - Mt-eir-hla-reamlar-rnn
Lhla- niornlng and ? will ae . Dunn aa
Boon -ar be haav returned. t
Dunne waa aeen on Second atreet
(walking aouth about SO mtnutaa after
kha train waa held p, , going toward
hla bona la 07 Second atreet. So -tmr
ka la known, no other erldence' haa been
Ifound to connect the Lebanon' auaoecta
jwHh theJ O. R. K holdup.
Thla afternoon-' Dunne'a houaa waa
hgain aearched and. a number of metal
working toola were found, aa well aa a
Iqnanttty of cut glass. Jewelry.- fine
touraee and other artlelaa that are re.
Jtalned aa erldence. '
X C. Croaaly. and 11 Dunne.- tba tb-
lanon bank robbera, were held to the
grand Jury yesterday 1n Albany tn bands
I Of H.0 each.. H. D. Hendry x,' father
of Mrs. Dunn,' and Mr a. Dunne were
held aa wltneaeee, and required to give
1100 bonds each. The four were brought
to - Portland - thla - mornlna'bjr . Sheriff
Word and Deputies Moreland and Dpw
aey, and placed In the county JaiL.
Dltohburn Watt, Portland lawyera.
eonducted the drfenae before tba city
recorder lnAlbany. .tThe courtroom in
the county courthouse waa uaed for the
preliminary bearing. Many Albany aco
l pie were present at the trial.
Just enough evidence .waa - heard to
warrant holding tba. prlaonere... They
were Identified . by -two-men who -aaw
them In. Albany Just before the robbery.
A bartender . played "coon can" wtth
them on. Monday, and-a-watthman aaw
them thaco the same day which preceded
the night of the robbery. - It, ia also
claimed that they were In and-near Al
bany and Lebanon for two or. three daya
before th bank was entered.. . "
A brakeman on the Albany-Lebanon
branch. of the Southern. Pacific waa .an
tmnortaat wltneaa.. He found a pistol
near tbaerack a ahort. distance out from
Lebanont- which . had been .dropped by
Croaaly a'she and hla cotnpanlona were
hurrying, from the scene of the robbery.
Thla pistol fitted Into an empty scab
bard which was foond in. the possession
of. Crossly when he waa. arrested;-the
acabbard waa worn and marked In a
mhnner to prere that the platol bad been
carrled'tn it -'. ..
The eaahler of th Lebanon, bank- told
th court that 16,100 waa tba amount
of money taken. It consisted of 1140
I In currency, tiTS In silver and M.SH In-
gqta. . Beverai oi tne . goiu pieces, ap
parently marked by th ezploaton of tho
robbera' charge of . powder, were pro
duced In-court. .
At the heaiing sharp verbal encoun
ter took place between th atata at
torney arid Sheriff Word, and th de
fendant' counsel. - ' , ;
Kaa BoaaA Ore ay Aibaai
City ateowder.
- (gperfal Diapstrk to Tee IootmU "
A Than y, Feb. 17. Th ' nrellmmarr
hearing of .the four Portland persona on
tn cnarga or burglarising th bank at
Lebanon on th morning of February (,
was held In th court at 1 "o'clock yes
terday afternoon before City Recorder
J. 8. Van Winkle. Th courthouse waa
crowded to the doors anaVetandrng room
was at a, -premium. The testimony
renewed that both Dunn, and Croseiar
Jisisi nrrnviia. iiaia Pt"!! Ill imm
city firwmiT the robbery of th bunk.
jiCOTtlnued on Pag Two,).
... . . - . - . ii,, I . . . mj. it i ... i i i i i ii -i p ii i i i i in
MMl llUM m fmmr? - ,7 . Two Bomb Throws in . Cafr. Hurl
...... w.,. , ......... . : . . , r M Si' II . ' f , ' )MI 7
I ,M. V M. Bill .rr In1.- 1 - It vt ' li'.N .--J N " if i- . w
WW yiiw .
XV '
- - .
Three LetteriT Written . iri. .1 867
Reach" People. Addressed;
; W;'".t-!r This Week. kfz:
krrive in
Though Long After Writers
' ' 1 Have Passed Away. .', , . :
' (Jearaal Specla,8ervle.) M ,
flan rranciacor Ib. IT. On May SI,
1107.". at Turner ipr Olema, Marion
eounty.-wrote a letter to H. . Wilson,
and among other , thing -asked a" loan
of 100. On Monday, February IS. 1105,
H. H. . Wilson, seaman on the United
Stales steamer Penaaeola. waa horrified
on getting hla mall to find no reV
mlttanc. but Instead Turner' request
for a. loan. When he found that the
date was back In 1117.' WUaon took
the letter to th maatar-at-arm who re
turned It to tbe poatoff ice officials.
- But Poatmaiiter Flak already had two
more old letter that he had no ' ex
planatloh- for. ' both , (written . In 1107.
Both were addressed to Wilson of Wil
son Evans, gun manufacturers of San
Franolaco, ona from William Beck of
Portland, Or and th other from New
Tork.- - o,i - .
Examination showed that all three
letter were In old Well Fargo ponw
exprena envelopes, both th New, York
and Portland envelope were stamped
with th express company's canoeler.
Th Olerna latter had- only the regular
poet off to stamp on It dated Febru.
ary 11, ltOS.- . -.. '
Th theory of the postal officer 1
that the letter were loet In a mall bag
at th express office and found recently
during th overhauling consequent upon
th removal .or part ' or the office te
New Tork. .After being. 17 yeara In. tb
mall tb letUrs were still In good con
dition. .... . ; 1 -
'WYlliam O. Beck, who' residesat 411
Taylor street, wa In th gun -business
.(Continued u Pag TbTf.)
1111 t
I A "'A-:-.(:''.",-.KV. - .
Ill - f
IT1" '
Grand Duke SrgyiaUncle?of .the-; Cxgr,. Ataasiiinated in
' r I ytt . f-v-Vv''
; I - . i ,vr; ' r'j" :
i". t . , i...v..,e- " . ... . .' i i J 1'.
The Kremlin at Moscow, .Reported Damaged by Dynamite.
, mn Journal. Staff Cemaooedeat.) '
Salem.' Or Feb; It- The Jayne bill,
which .waa. Xormulated by the liquor In
terest with an intent to practlilty
repeal the local optjon law, was laid tn
Ita grave at 11:15 OTrork thl"raornla
and t th force that were working for
it passage are now -chanting a requiem.
Th vote on an indefinite postponement
wss .If to 11. . -
Prior to the bill receiving Ita quietus
Incidents crowded upon one another with
a rapidity creating the- utmost nervous
tension. The final - was marked by
dramatic effect,'' - '' '. ''
For; th iflrat time during th legta-
latlve session the- senate chamber . rang
with- applause during 'a debet. , Kvl
deno of the approbation of tha audi
tors crowding the chamber cam at the
conclualon vf the speech -of - Piero
igalnst th bill, . In. which ha mada an
appeal ; for . honeaty. morsjlty ,.nd de
cency. ' . - - - ' - , ;J
i When the bill wa taken up on a
special order Smith moved that the
dbat-b limited to five tnlnatee eaoh.
The. motion prevailed. Then cam -an
incident whiSi Injected an element of
excitement, increasing until tn dramatic
IcUaaax wM reached.-. s j - .
t.'t; 1 1 f t y 4 1
f 1 I ' v-' -, II,' 1,1
- Moscow Today. ,
' "Mr. , President,", asserted Booth.i. 1
wish to draw attention to th fact tbaf
th Jayn but waa sent to tb Judiciary
committee last bight but not ordered
printed. 'Tb report 'of th education
committee waa scot, to th printer. Tet
thla morning tho Jayne bill aa amended
In the committee ia on -our- desk and
the bill of the education committee Is
not to-b aeen. It looks to m as If
aomethlng waa wrong. Such methods
aa thla deserve a sever rebuke. They
are likely to prove a boomerang."
Th chair said be could net understand
why th Jsyn blUvaa not ordered
printed while th educalfon. commute
blU had been eent to the printer by a
clerk and- the printer had promised to
have It ready thla morning. No member
of tho machtn had a word to say rela
tive to Booth'a charge, : - '
Hand moved tbat .the Jayne bOI b
made a pcial order at S o'clock this
afternoon., Th motion loet on a vtya
voce vote,' Plerc Interposing a vigorous
objection. . Tb alleged purpose of th
Jayn bill as amended In tbe committee
waa axplalned by Malarkey. - He declared
th Idea, was to treat everybody fairly.
Ma. got , into a wordy . wnyigl with
.j - Continued" on Pag. Three.)
17, ,. 1805 --FOURTEEN PACE
redly Under Royal
man Killed
' - Moscow,- Feb. 17 Grand iSulce Sergiua ynh assassinated at 3 o'clock this afternoon while
' driving from the historical museunfin the' direction of Kremlin palace. He was opposite the !
lawcourts wherrthe bomb eacploded ,and .the grand duke, the horses and carriage were all blown' "
; to pieces.' S::':'.':.. r--V ' ;- ''y. -' "--.v'.'-
; Grand Duke Sergiua left the museum, where he had been In consultation with several goy-.
' ernment officials, and was being rapidly driven toward Kremlin palace when he encountered-. a ! "
I crowd of latudents."' Two of them were sein to leave the others and, running toward the carriage,'
o hurl a bomb, whkh struck directly'under, the carriage exploding instantly. ';1rC!""
o i At; about &e same dme an explosion occurred at Kremlin palace partially wrecking 'one of
! thewjngs of that ancient structure. Both the assassination and the blowing up (of the palace
J 1 'are aippnaT" the work of nihilists.- -Z-z:. ; .! ' - jrrrrtrf'. ': '.
(JeernU SelsrServle.)(
Moscow, Feb. 17. Thv Grand JOuk
Bergluai nn'cl of th caar, until reoentl
governor-general of.. Moscow. : waa aa
iiitt this afternoon by-a bomb.
His -death 1 thought to be th first of a
mrimm nf ssaaaainations. of- membar -of
ihegraad ducalL party marked for do-
atructlon on aocoum ox .-iouut ow
day." '''; '.;; '.,' "s
Thla afternoon Sergiua left th Krenv
tin in a mrriaae'and drove, to the mu
eum of hlatory. where J engaged In a
conference with his subordinate. About
I o'clock h Started to return home. A
the carrlaxe paaed-th law-court, a
cab which had-been, standing there for
some stm. and ' which , contained . two
men. drov . In behind bl carriage.
When nosr the Nichols gat of th
Kremlin, the cab driver, l at a signal,
whipped up hi horse -nUl the . cab
wa alongside th royal carriage, v
- -- xnk 9aV sjir BInrt. V
'A th cab paused th carriage on of
the two men within waa seen to lean out
of th cab window and hurl a bomb with
all fores possible at th grand duke.
The bomb atruck dlrecUy underneath
an' carrlas and there wa a loud
explosion, blowing1 th vehicle and tbje
two hone to pieces, killing and horri
bly mutilating tb grand duk and hla
coachman."1'" '".".'n, ..,-..r ... i.
Ha rlau were th bomb throwers teat
not only was Sergiua killed but his as
uiin( wara wounded, oo of them seii-
.ii.i. The ldenutv of the aaaaaalna
la not anown, the police having hurried
them off for aurgicat anenuuu ana
fiiainv tn rive out any Information,
The grand duk was HUrally torn to
shred a. Ills limb were severed, flesh
hung to the bone In trlp andb buy
ing fragments or a corps mr
resemblance to, the "aplendld figure of
th tyrant of M oacow. ., t , ,
: Btadaat Vadec Aat..l.
"Th explosion waa witnessed by
large number of person, most of whom
war atudenta and many of them have
been arrested (or supposed connection
with th affair. At a sound of tb ex
plosion - troop wer. rushed from the
Kremlin and soldiers and polio gath
ered . up th mutilated bodies. Tb
horses wer literally blown into frag
ment and no trace of th carriage re
main. V' - " ' '
Th cab In which the assassins rode
waa wrecked, th driver also badly In
jured, and th hors killed.
Striker Cry "Berotatloa," ..
Th wildest stories are current about
the affair and excitement - ia intenae.
Crowd of strikers parade th streets.
Measure Appropriating Sum for
Extension Short Just, & .
!,;.;' '. ; One Vote.-: .V..V
(Tram k Joanml Staff CaRessaadeat.)
ealenv-br, .Feb. 17jh bill ap
propriating 119.000 for an ekleoslon of
,tb porta gb road wa defeated in . th
houM'thl morning. It lacked Juat on
vote, the roll call ahowlng I ayes, 27
noes and three absent. Th opposition
to th bill wa led by Cornell. Newell
and Mile, whll McLeod and Smith of
Josephine advocated It. Th vot wa
aa follows:
Ayaa-ningbam, Blakley. - Bra m hall,
Burge.Burna of Clatsop, Burn of
Coo and Curry, Chamberlain, Cole,
Cooper, - Crang; Dobbin, - Donnelly,
Edwards. Hudson. Jackson, Jayne, Kay,
KlUlngeworth. Kuney, Laws, McLeod,
Mulr, Shook, Sits. Sonnemann. Smith of
Josephine, Btetner, Vonder Hellen and
Welch.. " - - - . - . ... ... ,'. j
Noes Bailey. ' Barnes, ' Caldwell. Cal
vert, Capron. (barter. Cavendar, Colwell,
Cornell, VswaSa, Flint, argharo. CI ray,
Orlffln, Henderson, Hermann, Holcoub,
Huntley. Jagger, Llnthlcum. Mayger,
Meara, Mile. Munkers, Newell. Rich' .
Settlemler, Vawter, West and Mills.
V,. Absent Caxtar, GrUXla and Urat ,
l - Jpurriaf Spe cial ' Service.)
- .
erring "Down with- tb caar" and shout
Ing for rovblutlon.. 1
Apparently no -one . sympathises with
th victim who waa detested to th ut
most by the great mass of people, whom
he had rigorouafy persecuted throughout
his reign a ajbvernor general. ... . -
Tb Kremlin near there the assassi
nation occurred' Is In a district enclosed
hv erxlla havlna five sates. Within the
wall are the aevaral building .of th
palace th aeruU building, the arsenal,
th treasury, tbe barracks and -several
churches. Nicholas gate is in th norm
ast entrance and lead to the great
nubile place known aa th "Red Square.
- The assassination of Sergius declare
revolutionary leadera.' marks -the-aban-
donment of th protests bjr public gatn
erlngs recently held throughout Russia,
and th return to th bomb ss th only
method Whereby protest will be heeded
er- reformTaccompllshed by4h" removal
of those powerful rcUonarle wno bar
eteod In tb way of pvuiari government
The mob ha learned the lesson that It
ia nowerlrss acalnst the bullet of the
troops, and that peaceable demonstration
lead but to wholesale slaughter, hence
ha gone back to the old method hoping
thereby to secur relief. ,
Oaar STot Aimed at.
It I' also stated that th caar himself
haa not yet been marked for alaugbter,
for he la regarded s- weakling. Ignnr.
ant to a great extent of the happenings
In hla own land, and It 1 bald that wer
It not for the,. Influence of the grand
ducal cabal, favorable action looking to
t the granting popular demand woald
long ago have been taken, 'f - - -
Stadsnt in SUajned,
' Student are generally held responsi
ble for today' eventa. for Sergiua haa
been the especial oppressor of students,
seeming to take delight in breaking up
their, meeting, -flogging them publicly,
establishing ' censorship among them,
and placing all oollegaa tinder espionage
and police rule. They wer .forbidden
public assembly," and popular -demonstration
waa i punished by transporta
tion to Siberia.
Sergius'. persecution of Socialist and
Jew waa hardly less harsh than" his
treatment ef student, and th moat
revolting and cruel punishments wer
meted out to all -supposed guilty, of
entertaining sentiment conflicting with
those of the ' reactionaries. He ably
seconded th late Von Plehv -In hla. ef
fort to' auppres th growth of Social
istlo Idea. " -
. Bspeclally wa Sergtu hatsd for, hi
fanatical religious persecutions " He
recognlmed but- on church, th Ortho
dox, and all supposed guilty, of other
Independent Operators Ask State
, Aid to Put an End to Mur- 1
'- derous Competition. . ,
' : - ' i " .v."
. - .t.'-- -' ". ' i '
"(Jaeraal Speelal larvtea.) . - I
, Muncle,. Ind Feb. 17.' Independent
ell operators in tbe Indiana field met
her today and asked th state to eld
them In their fight against Standard OIL
Rockefeller, they aay, 1 securing con
trol of the new Muncle oil field and
f reeslng out ' th Independent oil-well
owner by excessive pip line ehargea
The legislature la requested to pas tb
anti-trust bllf now before It. . -
rtaraaa Aocmrrn jiAu
' ' (Joeraal Sperlal Servtea.)
Tnpeka, Kan., Feb, 17. Oovernor
Hoch today signed the- bill for tab
I is h Ing a state oil refinery,
... a
oas a.
- . (Jearaal KpocUl Barvtea.)
- Bedford. Ind.. Feb. 17. Judge Wilson
carted the grand' Jury to meet next 1'in
t, .-m-i tna alleged eont
r 'owning concerr'- t
a a hrftr,
Circulation V in "7 " r
OfThJourna! I III 1
i Yesterday Va I Vf I
Circulation '.
Deadly MissilDi-
worship were labeled heretic, and gen
rally forced to leave th country. . r
r .Wotkma Iavtaa; Snaoaa. -" r',
"Workmen who' have recently returned,
to work are again leaving their place.
and great excitement reign through- .
Out U lty.- It i feared that rioting
will break out again under cover of ; ,
darkneaa. There. is a atrong criminals,
element In Moaoow. Who ae. in: the
preaent 'oonfualon a chanc to . renew
their depredation and mob of rough
are marching through 'the street, whll .
all public. bulldlnga and fac
tories are being hastily doubled, and '
th streets tonight resemble a military
Lcamp. . - '.':.. .. t -
', The grand duchess, whorwas beloved
by the' people, waa recently warned not -to
accompany her husband, th Orand. '
Duke, Sergius, in hla trip .about th
elty. and to remain within th palace,
thus indicating that ther was a plot ,
on foot to kiU hlm.X
. When Informed of th tragedy tho , '
grand duchess rushed to tho seen of '.
the murder without her hat ' or cloakv -
ahrteklng wildly. , ,. , . . -
Th remain of the grand duk hav
been taken to Ntcholaa palace, where
Chancellor Voronln, chief of th aov-
emor-general' department, haa taken '
charge of them. ' . , t '
Voronln atated In an Interview: ."Tho :
aaaaaslnatlnnia..iindoiihtadly. tba. work
or th terrorists. I do not think tho
student or workmen guilty of . thla
atrocious crime. - The grand duk haa .
been uniformly. favorable- to th work
men's organisations duing his 14 Tears;
aa governor general and waa highly es- '
teemed by them. Hla hlghneaa fre
quently urged the government to make
liberal impropriations for -th ameliora
tion of th people' condition. He waa,
however, etam ia his dealing with revo
lutionists and anarchists and It is at tha '
door of the latter that the sbocklnr
ciim must b laid." ,v
So terrible are th effects of th ex- '
plosion tbat Sergio s' head and llmba "
wer orn from his body, The driver'
of th grand duke's carrlag waa picked'
up fatally Injured and died later In th
hospital. -vr ' - ; : ?
The people picked up piece of th
carrlag and Sergiua' clothe aa memen
toes .of the occasion. - - - - - ,.
On of tb murderer when taken Into .
custody remarked, "I don't care. Iv -
don my Job." ' . .
X later report state that th assas-
alna wer in a alelgh. . The fore or th -
explosion broke all th windows" In rne "
law court and the report wa heard out
side th city. - Within a few minute an -
(Continued on Page Two.)
He VWaa About Seventy-Four
Years Old and Was Prominent
.'. in Business Worftf. ;
Henry Heppner of Heppoer, Or., on
ef th oldest and moat conspicuous resi
dent of th etate. died last night at
hospitals according- to word which
reached' hla frlenda In thla city. It
bad not been In th beat of health for
aome time, but until a few day ago hi
condition wa not, regarded a aarioua.
.Mr. Heppner waa about 74 year old
and by shrewd ' buainess method
amassed a large fortune. He practically
owned th town of Heppner and la In
teracted In a number of prominent Ore-,
gon enterpriaea.
Henry Heppner. was founder of th
town 'of Hei.pner. HI body will he
brought to r-ertiand &.trdar momLi
where funeral rvk- v 1 te h;-.l Bun-'
day. -